#like probably the end of June it’ll be DONE that’s wild
bigjimbopickens · 11 months
1 year ago I made WereJim, the thing I’ll probably forever be known for and was supposed to be just an overly elaborate shitpost I put too much time and money into.
Happy birthday(?) WereJim fursuit :3
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What do the symbols mean? It’s the timeline of him. Starting with the fights on Reddit, the furry convention that was swatted, just random things I put there, the Pride March I attended as him in 35°C heat and the fire.
Wild how it’s been a year, doesn’t feel like it’s been that long. Not gonna lie, in December last year I considered destroying him because of the stress he brought. But I’m glad I didn’t because, as weird as this sounds, he’s really important to me and to other people it seems.
I’ve worn him to many events. Vancoufur 2023, Kelowna Pride, my mom’s company Easter party, our makeshift Comicon after Kelowna Comicon was cancelled and a furry bowling night. Each time he’s only brought joy. I still remember a few encounters where people recognized him. Makes me :)
I’ve also improved him a lot over time. Here is a timeline:
September - October 2022. Took a while because I got Covid halfway through.
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The first completed head selfie, October 22, 2022
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The photoshoot my mom did of me, October 27, 2022.
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December 2022, his glasses broke so I made new ones. I also made him into a rug temporarily. Me and my grandma also made him a better cardigan.
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March 2023. I went to Vancoufur. His paws now have claws.
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June 2023. I went to Kelowna Pride. I took someone’s suggestion with the shirt.
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August 2023, new glasses and almost became one of my only possessions.
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October 2023. New eyes and LEDs.
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That the end for now. Idk if I can add onto him any further. Besides, I’m still working on another for a different youtuber/streamer with an animal character. Idk when it’ll be done at this point but y’all will see it when it is :3
I’m also thinking about just committing to a Jim Pickens cosplay. I already have his fursona.
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of-muppets-and-men · 4 years
Sweet Jesus... I am still alive and finally back with another chapter. Apologies once again for failing to post it here and for taking so long. 
Link here if you’d prefer AO3.
June 17th.
It had been a day like any other for Ichigo.
He was just a boy then, living his best life alongside his father, newborn sisters and his beloved mother. There was no worry, no cause for distress; just bliss. How could anything be wrong with his mother by his side? Unfortunately for the Kurosaki family, fate was not so kind as to leave them be.
One moment and life was never the same.
Even now, as a grown man, as a father, Masaki’s absence still ate away at his soul. So once again, Ichigo in front of his mother’s headstone, lamenting alone in the rain. He paid no mind to the rain beat against his umbrella or the moist fabric of his pants against his legs. Ever since he and Orihime wed, he’d make the walk to the graveyard on his own. It felt troublesome to ask his son to pay respects to a grandmother he’d never known and Orihime somehow made coming here a worse affair than it already was… So he asked her to stop.
Not that it mattered to him; he liked it better this way. A more personal touch rather than the exuberant parade his father kept on with. It was just him and her. And so he lit the incense, joining his hands in prayer.
“Hey Mom… Been another mundane year but I hope you’re doing okay. Kazui’s getting big, I wish you could’ve met him…”
The young man shut his eyes, sighing deep and heavy in the gentle yet steady wisps of rain. Eyes still closed, Ichigo’s right and slipped down the face of the grave. He traced his fingers across the damp pillar of stone, feeling every dip in the engraving when something drew his attention away. A slight chill went down his spine as he sensed the faint spiritual pressure.
Ichigo knew the signature well: A Hollow.
His days as a substitute Shinigami may have been over but that didn’t stop Hollows from roaming around Karakura. Or keep his natural-born abilities from sensing them mucking around. Ichigo felt every muscle in his body tense up, screaming at him to don Zangetsu once more. With a clenched fist, He decided it was time to return home. After all, it was no longer his place to interfere; a path long behind him now.
“Sorry, Mom. I’ll swing back around when I have the chance.” Ichigo said mournfully. He started the fair walk back to the clinic, body still in turmoil.
C’mon, it’ll only take a minute.
Coward, you’ve faced down GODS. What’s one little hollow?
His mind beckoned him to act. To make good on the vow he’d made to her all those years ago. But he resisted, persistent as his subconscious was. Although their pleas did beg the question. Who was assigned to defend Karakura from Hollows now? It certainly wasn’t he knew, otherwise they’d never leave him alone. Ichigo pretended not to care before his mind travelled elsewhere. Or more specifically, to one person in particular.
How was she? Was she a captain by now? Did she marry that idiot, Renji? So many questions he wanted an answer to.
It had been so long since they’d last spoken. 9 years? No, probably closer to 10 now… Not since that night after the war ended. A night that was easily one of the best of his entire life. But… it was as equally bittersweet. So many things he’d wished he’d said to her then. How different things would be if he hadn’t been paralyzed by indecision. If he’d damned all the laws of the Soul Society to let her hear those three little words.
Ichigo let his arm drop to his side, letting the rain soak the rest of him, “I am a coward…”
And so he walked home, leaving his umbrella behind. The cold drops of water streamed down his sullen face and seeped everywhere else. Ichigo had long thought the rain had disappeared, but like all the relief in his life, it was only for a few fleeting moments.
Suì-Fēng kept her stance firm, eyes and ears sharp; waiting for even the slightest notion of her enemy. Sand and dirt crunched beneath her sandals as she felt a bead of sweat across her brow. The commander of the punishment force focused on every shifting shadow like a mantis hunting for prey.
“Where are you?” She whispered with an almost jovial hum.
As she uttered the last syllable, she heard the faintest shift in the stones. From above? Good strategy, the lieutenant’s mind mused.
The Shinigami barely had time to think as her foe lunged forward with blinding speed, thrusting their blade with determined vigor. Side-stepping the tip, Suì-Fēng flipped the assailant onto the floor then scrambled for a chokehold. Arms taut around her foe’s neck, Suì-Fēng couldn’t help but gloat.
“You’re gonna have to try harder than that if you wanna beat me, Katsumi.”
A confident chuckle passed Suì-Fēng’s lips as her Captain’s adopted daughter scowled in defeat. But as Suì-Fēng loosened her grip, Katsumi’s silhouette faded into nothing, only leaving behind a single golden ribbon.
Gray eyes shifted to the adjacent hill, just inside her blind spot. A roaring bolt of lightning surged toward the captain, caught entirely off guard. It was only Yoruichi’s reflexes that managed to get her out of the spell’s way; Suì-Fēng had the singed uniform and hair to match her luck. A Flash step later and the captain and lieutenant were clear of the blast. Its fearsome might shook the ground beneath her, sending dirt and sand asunder into the air.
“Good grief, that much damage with no incantation?” Suì-Fēng scowled, her pride undoubtedly tarnished and by a child no less.
A scoff laced with envy. In the lieutenant’s youth, such mastery and skill were demanded of her; to bring honour not only to her house but to the name Shihouin as well. And to ultimately be out done, prodigy or no, was an unforgivable grievance; at least in her mind. Suì-Fēng moped on the floor of the training hall while she watched her beloved Yoruichi call for Katsumi.
“Katsumi! That’s enough for today!” she called out, her voice faintly echoing, “Bring it in!”
In a moment’s notice, the jovial little girl appeared before her elder shinigami. Arms taut behind her back, Katsumi bobbed up and down out of sheer excitement, eagerly awaiting her mother’s praise.
“How did I do?”
“You performed magnificently, sweetheart. A solid plan with beautiful execution. Not to mention your use of Utsusemi and a high level kido spell such as Raikoho. Even some Captains have trouble utilizing those techniques.”
“Well, I did learn from the best.” Katsumi proudly announced.
Yoruichi ruffled a loving hand through her hair, “I think it’s more than that but thank you darling. Suì-Fēng? Anything you wish to add?”
Her Lieutenant sat silently for a moment, bowing her head a touch.
“Nothing, My Lady. Katsumi performed… exemplary.” The lieutenant gritted, swallowing a bit of her pride, “But don’t let this get to your head, kid…”
“That a challenge?” The girl smirked.
Suì-Fēng’s mood switched instantly back into the same annoyed grouch she always. Her eyebrows became so furrowed, Katsumi thought they might pop off her face. The younger soul kept her grin, trying desperately not to giggle; teasing Suì-Fēng being a trait Yoruichi more or less approved of.
“THAT DOES IT! My lady, would you mind if we went another round?” the petite woman hissed.
“Suì-Fēng… We have an Officer’s meeting to attend.” Yoruichi breathed, clearly exhausted by her lieutenant’s temper.
Before Suì-Fēng could retort, Katsumi beat her to the punch, “C’mon, Mom. One quick spar?”
A deep, audible sigh left the Captain’s mouth, “Ughh… Fine. Just one. Take your positions.”
The lieutenant and apprentice stood and faced one another; Suì-Fēng more than ready to showcase the full power of an officer. Yoruichi would act as their referee, hand raised in waiting.
“Begin.” as she chopped her hand.
The two clashed into a heated fistfight, each feinting and striking with lethal efficiency. Suì-Fēng poured her all into every blow in an attempt to finish this battle quickly. But try as she might, Katsumi kept up, parrying every jab and checking every kick she threw. Growing more frustrated by the second, Suì-Fēng’s blows grew more wild. How can this child possibly keep up with me? Her mind vehemently screamed. Meanwhile, Yoruichi witnessed her lieutenant’s anguish in full. If only she could tell Suì-Fēng who this girl was...
Katsumi on the other hand kept her composure, waiting, watching for an opportunity. And it would most surely come. In her fury, Suì-Fēng’s guard had become sloppy, letting Katsumi slip a spinning kick up and through it. Pegging her chin. It was enough to stun the lieutenant, allowing the young girl to sweep her off her feet.
“Enough! The winner is Katsumi.” Yoruichi announced.
In a show of sportsmanship, Katsumi offered a hand to her downed opponent, only for Suì-Fēng to knock it aside. Breaths heavy, the lieutenant shakily rose to her feet. She assumed her fighting stance again, urging Katsumi to continue.
“Again…” was all she could say. How had she progressed so much in a year?
Before Katsumi could speak or act, Yoruichi stepped in front of her, shielding her daughter from view. And her lieutenant’s stubbornness quickly turned to acquiesce. Suì-Fēng’s captain stared down upon her, eyes cold and daunting as if a member of Central 46 itself.
“Suì-Fēng. Enough. You have nothing to prove to me so let’s end this before you embarrass yourself further.” Her beloved captain reprimanded, arms crossed.
Avoiding her gaze and keeping her head low, Suì-Fēng relented, “Yes, My Lady…”
Knowing full well she couldn’t fully explain the depths of Katsumi’s heritage nor exploit Rukia’s secrets, Yoruichi sought to dismiss herself and Katsumi. Though it did sting, having to watch a dear friend go through such a pressing mental ordeal. So in an act of sympathy, the captain walked over to her defeated subordinate, placing a hand on her shoulder.
“I need to take my daughter home and prepare for this afternoon’s meeting. Can I trust you to do the same?”
“Yes, Lady Yoruichi.” Suì-Fēng spoke, dutiful and precise.
Keeping her voice hushed so Katsumi wouldn’t hear, Yoruichi whispered into her lieutenant’s ear, “Don’t feel ashamed, My daughter is… Unique. One day I hope you’ll know what I mean.”
Now, more puzzled than depressed, Suì-Fēng looked up at her Captain. Her grey eyes begged for some level of clarity, but found none as amber looked back. It was a look she’d grown to know and hate. Equal parts wise and misleading. Suì-Fēng picked herself in a huff, while Yoruichi ushered for Katsumi to follow. The poor girl had patiently waited for her elders to conclude their business and was more than ready to return home. Katsumi practically pranced behind her mother, a gleeful hum on her lips.
Though her cheery demeanor didn’t last. Suì-Fēng wouldn’t meet her gaze as she passed by, out of shame or remaining slivers of pride, Katsumi could not tell. It was confusing; she wanted to feel proud of her victory but the way Suì-Fēng looked soured any attempt. The girl stopped briefly, fingers fiddling nervously as she said the only thing she could think to say.
Suì-Fēng looked back up as Katsumi ran after her mother then vanishing out of the cave altogether. Now alone with her thoughts, the lieutenant bitterly scoffed.
“You have nothing to be sorry for, kid…” fully aware no one could hear her.
It took practically no time at all for Yoruichi and Katsumi to reach the Shihouin Manor. The past year of these training lessons had been a strange blessing in disguise for the Commander of the Punishment Force. Helping Katsumi grow was inadvertently helping her keep up to par too. Yoruichi felt strong, perhaps even stronger than she had been against the Wandenreich. No sense of falling out of grace as she had over a century beforehand.
But aside from her own personal growth, she couldn’t help thinking about Katsumi’s. The jovial little girl holding onto her shoulders, that she watched grow since her birth, might very well become one of the strongest Shinigami in the history of the Soul Society. As Katsumi resumed humming, Yoruichi deliberated on how she stacked up to the foremost powerhouses of the Seireitei.
Zaraki and her father were monsters in their own right, but immense as their power was, it lacked any sort of refinement. Refinement Yoruichi had diligently instilled in her student. Katsumi’s reiatsu reserves likely match that of Captain Unohana herself. And while her Tōgetsu may not be a match to Ryujin Jakka or Kyoka Suigetsu, Katsumi’s creativity may yet change that still. But the scariest part was how fast she was progressing. A 10 year old girl had already outclassed the entire Shino academy, mastering Shunpo techniques, Hakuda and Zanjutsu that even took time for Yoruichi to learn. And it was only a matter of time until she learned Shunko… and Bankai.
But that train of thought would have to wait until, at least until after the meeting.
Landing in the courtyard, Yoruichi kneeled down to let Katsumi off before going inside. Apparently, her daughter had energy to spare, bolting off into the foyer with no trouble at all. Where she would bump into another member of her house.
“UNCLE YUSHIRO!” Yoruichi heard Katsumi scream, followed by a loud crash.
The Lady of the Manor rushed inside to investigate the ruckus, only to find Katsumi prancing around a half conscious Yushiro.
“Sister! You’Re BacK!” her little brother managed to say, “HoW diD tHe traINInG gO?”
“Wonderfully, Little brother.” Yoruichi chuckled, “Our little Katsumi will be a Shinigami in no time.”
“tHAT’s gREAT!!”
“Say, Yushiro? Do you mind keeping her company while I attend this Captain’s meeting? I’d rather not have Shinji make comments about me being tardy.”
Unable to speak anymore thanks to the knee to the head courtesy of his niece, but was able to give a thumbs up. Much to his dismay and Katsumi’s delight. So while their retainers iced Yushiro’s head and cleaned up yet another broken vase, Yoruichi went to her room to switch into her more formal Captain’s attire. The baggy sleeves of her Shihakusho and Haori always bothered her, hence why she wore them so little. And already dreading the likely boring proceedings ahead of her, she made her way to the front door.
Yoruichi stood by the foyer, hands tucked in her sleeves as she called out, “Katsumi! I’m leaving now!”
The voice started off faint but then materialized along Katsumi, who Flash Stepped into view. Without a second to spare, Katsumi leaped into her mother’s open arms, embracing her as tightly as her arms would allow.
“I’ll be home soon, Okay? Don’t burn the house.” Yoruichi joked lovingly.
“No promises.”
“Love you.”
“Love you, too.”
One tender kiss to the cheek later and Yoruichi was off, while Katsumi disappeared back into the Manor.
*** Yoruichi soared above the Seireitei, feeling the wind and crisp air flow through uniform. The Shinigami very nearly forgot how beautiful the afternoons were here, particularly from such a vantage point. But alas, she drew her gaze towards the first division barracks; her destination.
The flash goddess nimbly landed upon one of the railings, much to the shock of one Renji Abarai; the shock of her arrival almost made him spill his tea. With a second to catch his breath, he watched as Yoruichi coyly leaned against the very same railing.
“Hey, Renji. Rukia around?”
“Do you always have to appear out of nowhere? And yes, she’s already inside.” Renji griped.
“Lovely. C’mon, before she starts complaining.”
The lieutenant of squad 6 lazily followed his old friend inside, but not before rolling his eyes at her disregard for protocol. Even though she’d been reinstated as Captain of Squad 2 and had been for a decade now, Yoruichi still felt alien walking through the old halls of the first division. As did Renji; it was rare for lieutenants to accompany their captains to such meetings, let alone now, given meetings barely happened at all. The pair walked in silence, until Renji piped up with a pressing question of his.
“Do you know what this meeting is for?” Renji suddenly asked.
“Well, One thing is the exoneration of Kisuke and his reinstatement if that succeeds but I’m not aware of anything else.” Yoruichi explained.
“Is that right? Think they’ll give him back his position as Captain?”
“I don’t know… It’s possible but I don’t see Kurotsuchi taking that lying down.”
A shiver ran down both their spines; Mayuri was more than capable of making cockroaches uncomfortable. He was a genius, no doubt about it, but… the lines he’s willing to cross for his own ends. The otherwise emotionally inept Renji saw Yoruichi’s shoulders tense with the mention of Kisuke. A sharp exhale through his nose prompted the Lady to prod for an answer.
“What are you snorting about?”
“It’s nothing. Just never seen you flustered about anything before. But to think it would about Kisuke of all people.” Renji leered, very much enjoying being on the opposite end of teasing.
Although a quick jab to his ribs changed his tune just as quickly.
“His banishment was unjust. I’m thankful that others are beginning to see that now…” Yoruichi explained, failing to conceal a smile on the edge of her lips.
The pair made their way through the winding corridors to the Main Hall, avoiding the gawking of unranked Squad members. Renji, still rubbing his side, was glad to see Yoruichi in such high spirits, given the cruel and often unforgiving nature of the Soul Society.
They reached the entryway to hear the resonant chatter of the other Officers. Most were accounted for; Squads One through Eleven were present, though Rukia was noticeably missing from the roster. Odd, Yoruichi thought to herself but whatever. Yoruichi took her place amongst the rows, beside Byakuya and Toshiro. It was then Head-Captain Kyoraku appeared before the rest of his cohorts, lax as he always was.
“Thank you all for gathering here in such a timely fashion,” Shunsui began, “I’m sure most of the Captains here are aware of the reason for this meeting: the exoneration of one Kisuke Urahara. But before that matter, It’s my honor to introduce the new Captain of Squad 13:  Rukia Kuchiki.”
The room filled with officers erupted in shock and surprise as Rukia entered the room, though not yet in an official Haori. Yoruichi and Renji stared at one another in disbelief; somehow she neglected to tell them either of them her ploy.
“Now today is not her official promotion, but as witnessed by myself, Captain Kuchiki and Captain Kotetsu, Rukia has completed the Captain’s Proficiency Test. So a big round of applause to our dear Rukia.”
Isane did not meet Yoruichi’s piercing stare, nor did Rukia. Rukia only mouthed a single word to her confidant and husband.
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katefiction · 4 years
Cora, Chapter 3: Highland Fling
by katefiction (Maria) / 2013
Annie could always see right through me. I was completely transparent around her. From the moment we’d met at her Californian beach house, where my father was visiting her father, an old boarding school friend, she’d been able to suss me out.
As a nine year old, I was a stubborn and spoilt product of two parents who no longer communicated. I was also an arch manipulator. Standing in Annie’s large, marble covered kitchen, I decided that I didn’t want to leave yet as Dad had planned.
‘But Daddy, I feel sick, and the car will make me feel sicker’, I said weakly, nuzzling my face into his stomach.
‘Cora, sweetie, we have to go, we have other people we have to visit too’, he stroked my hair the way he always did when I was ill.
‘But what if I be sick in the car? Please can we stay here, please please please?’. I fluttered my long dark eyelashes at him, widening my eyes like saucers.
Dad sighed, ‘ok, alright, if you’re not feeling well, I suppose we’ll have to stay’.
I bounded up the stairs with Annie, pleased at my latest Oscar-winning performance.
As soon as we got into her room, she rounded on me, ‘I know you were lying!’, she said with the voice of someone way past her nine years.
My face turned puce, ‘no I wasn’t!’
‘It’s ok’, she shrugged, ‘it means we can hang out more!’ She lifted her hand to the air, a gesture I wasn’t used to doing back home.
I mimicked her and she slapped my hand with force, ‘good one!’
From that moment, I could hide nothing from Annie. We became the best of friends and the keepers of each other’s’ deepest secrets. Which is why, sitting on the floor in one of the many bedrooms of Dunrobin Castle as she curls my hair, I watch her face react in the mirror as I tell her the trouble I’ve found myself in.
‘YOU DID WHAT?!’ she exclaims.
‘Oh Annie, don’t make a big deal out of it, please!’
‘You dark horse!’, she says excitedly. ‘Does Nicholas know you’ve invited Ben?’
‘Yes’, I say, my stomach churning.
I had texted Nicholas to ask him if it was ok, and attempted to convince him to say no. Unfortunately for me, he was too nice for that, texting me back, ‘the more the merrier!’
As for Ben, I had sent him the details as well as the offer to bring a friend, secretly hoping he didn’t bring another girl. Not that I was one to talk.
‘So which one do you want in your panties by the end of the night?’, Annie continues.
I scowl at her in the reflection, ‘shut up’. This is gonna be a long night.
Make-up and hair done, Annie and I climb into our tartan dresses. Annie’s, as short as can be, is dark green and black, complimenting her fiery red hair, with a netted underskirt to give it more volume.
In contrast, I’m in the grey and red tones of the Balmoral Tartan, draped around my body and falling almost to the floor, with a slit up the side so I can dance.
Nicholas had given us a room to get ready in, and as we leave the confines of its deep stone walls, the humming sound of chattering voices rises from the ground floor as guests begin to arrive. My stomach churns again uncomfortably.
As if she can hear my thoughts, Annie gives my hand a quick squeeze as we descend the staircase, ‘chill, it’ll be fine’.
Nicholas greets me from the bottom of the stairs; his arms open wide, clad in a bright blue kilt. ‘You both look wonderful!’
‘Thank you Nick’, I glance around the foyer at the arriving guests. No sign of him.
‘Shall we?’, he loops out his arm for me to take and we walk to the main hall together, leaving Annie to find some friends.
As we enter the main hall, all mahogany flooring and wainscoting, with low lighting and decorated with the Sutherland tartan, we are greeted with the rousing sound of bagpipes and the smell of a delicious roast cooking in the kitchens.
‘Wow’, is all I can muster at the sights, sounds and smells around me.
‘Whisky?’ Nicholas says, pushing a glass into my hand as if by magic. I’ve never really liked whisky, but take it anyway. ‘Ah, there’s my brother, you must meet him’.
Nicholas leads me through the crowd, where a tall, well turned out man with a matching kilt stands eying us suspiciously. He is most definitely Nicholas’s brother. Next to him, is a petite blonde woman, who I recognise immediately by her pursed lips and tiny features – Lady Louisa Devonshire.
‘Jonathan, Louisa, meet Cora’, Nicholas says proudly.
‘Nice to meet you’, Jonathan and I say to each other.
‘Cora and I go way back’, Louisa says in a high pitched, overly-friendly tone. ‘We went to boarding school together.’
She smiles at me, her lips pursing together once more. It is a smile that anyone else would take on face value. But I knew better. Louisa and I had despised each other at boarding school. By all accounts, she always had acted like more of a spoilt little princess than I ever did.
‘So are you two an item?’, I ask.
Jonathan places a stiff arm around Louisa’s shoulders, ‘we are indeed, and looks like my brother’s done quite well for himself too’
The two brothers glare at each other, a silent tension between them. Nicholas is clearly not impressed by his brother’s comment, but chooses not to say anything in retort.
Instead, the topic changes to something lighter, and the three of them merrily discuss their last group holiday in Greece. I’m sure Nicholas doesn’t intend to make me feel like a spare part, but as they recall wild nights in Santorini, I’m left standing and nodding along, praying that the dancing will begin soon.
As Jonathan begins another story, making Louisa screech a fake laugh, I feel my phone buzz in my clutch bag. Ordinarily, I would ignore it, but under the circumstances, I’m grateful for the distraction.
A message pops up onto the screen.
‘Try not to look quite so bored’
Ben. My heart jumps. I spin around, trying to catch sight of him; he must be watching me from somewhere.
Another message comes through. ‘What are you all talking about?’
I write back quickly, my fingers fumbling over the keys. ‘Come over here and you’ll find out’
‘It’s much more fun watching you from here – nice dress by the way’
I smile to myself, then realise he can probably see my grinning like an idiot.
Just as I’m about to reply, the music stops suddenly, replaced by a booming voice from a microphone.
‘Ladies and gentleman, we will now begin with the first dance, please find a partner for the Quarrie’s Jig’
‘It’s tradition that I dance with my mother first’, Jonathan says to a sulking Louisa. ‘Nicholas will dance with you though’
Nicholas looks furious for a second.
‘It’s fine Nick, you go ahead’, I say, probably a little too enthusiastically.
‘Yeah Nick, it’s fine’, Jonathan says with a hint of childish teasing.
After promises that we’ll catch up with each other, I attempt to find a partner, scanning the room for someone who isn’t already half cut. 
‘Any chance you could show me how this is done?’ a voice comes, close to my ear.
I swivel around to see him standing there, decked out in the full gear. A read kilt and navy blue doublet jacket, a sporran and socks to his knees.
I let out an uncontrolled laugh, ‘you have made an effort, haven’t you?’
‘I try’, he smirks.
The mass of people around us begin to stand into place, a line of men facing a line of women, travelling the length of the hall. Ben and I follow suit, squeezing into a place at the far end of the line.
The instructor for the night patiently explains the steps of the jig – which I and many others here already know – a few setting steps, followed by some travelling steps and the highland step, where the man and woman interlock arms and swing around to the opposite side.
I glance over to Ben as the instructor explains, a look of complete bewilderment on his face. I stifle a giggle and he catches my eye.
‘What the fuck?’ he mouths, making it ever harder to stop my laugh.
The music begins in earnest, and the instructor yells along the steps for the first round, ‘AND SETTING STEP, SETTING STEP…’
My legs move instinctively to the sound of the tin fiddle, tin whistles and drums. Opposite me, in the middle of the line of men, Nicholas is doing the same, guiding an embarrassed looking Lousia effortlessly.
Ben however looks like Bambi on ice, his legs flailing in every direction, his head directed down the line of men, trying to mimic them.
I grab Ben’s arm and swing him over to my side.
‘Oh shit’, I hear him say.
‘Concentrate this time!’ I shout over the music as we begin the same moves.
‘I’m trying!’, he shouts back, his legs still doing their own thing again.
We begin again, this time faster, as Ben jumps around the floorboards, showing none of the grace he does on court. He is so uncontrolled, so unafraid to look stupid, the opposite of the man I met that June day. The opposite of me. I continue in my vain attempt to keep him going in the right direction, but as I take his arm for the highland step, he swings me backwards, sending us hurtling away from the group.
‘Sorry!’, he laughs, grabbing my waist to stop me from toppling to the ground.
‘That whisky’s gone to your head’, I say, my stomach aching from laughter.
‘I think it’s the outfit, I’m in character’
‘What character?!’, I say, straightening up my dress.
‘Braveheart? I bet Braveheart couldn’t dance either’
I shake my head, ‘you’re an idiot’
With that, he takes me by the hand and drags me back into the dance.
After ten minutes of relentless jigging, and just at the point Ben had finally got the hang of it, we’re granted a short rest. The group breaks apart, all heading to one of the drinks tables that are scattered around the room.
‘I thought you were supposed to be fit’, I tease, my ears still ringing.
‘I’ll have to tell Rob to add that to my training regime’, he pants, bending over momentarily to catch his breath.
‘Do you want to go outside for some fresh air?’, I ask. I know I shouldn’t, that I’m playing with fire. But I want to be alone with him.
‘Sure’, he smiles, like he’s thinking the same thing.
‘Ben isn’t it?’ Nicholas’ voice comes from nowhere, as he glides in between us. ‘I’m Nicholas. Great to meet you’
He sticks out his hand and Ben takes it, shaking it firmly. ‘Cora here has a little thing for tennis’, he puts his arm around me, and I see Ben’s jaw clench.
‘I think it might be a bit more than that…’ Ben looks at me, and I can’t help but look away. Please don’t make a scene.
‘You here with someone Ben?’, I don’t know if I’m imagining it, but I sense some of Nicholas’ charm disappear from his voice.
‘Just a friend’, he gestures over to his friend, who is currently occupied in the corner with three girls.
‘So how do you and Cora know each other?’, Nicholas asks.
I butt in before Ben can speak, ‘like I told you, we met at Wimbledon and I might be getting involved in Ben’s Trust’
‘Always nice to make new friends’, Nicholas says, his hand curling around my waist.  ‘Especially someone as great as Cora’
‘She’s quite something’, Ben says in return.
‘Hopefully we can catch up later, but I must insist that I have this next dance’, Nicholas says to me.
‘Of course’, I say, sounding much too much like Lousia. ‘I’ll see you later?’
‘I’ll see you later, Cora’, Ben nods.
His expression is impenetrable. But I really hope he means it.
The dance with Nicholas is much smoother. He doesn’t put a foot out of place, his legs swinging high into the air like a gazelle. Strong and calm, just like him.
As we dance across the hall, swopping partners as we travel down the line, I watch Nicholas, charming to every lady opposite him, polite and goodness personified. My father would love him, the country would love him. He would be kind to me, treat me well, and probably never make me angry. Of that I was sure.
Sitting at the edge of the room, Ben is being fawned over by a tipsy lady in her 50’s. He laughs along kindly, his legs dangerously open enough that I can almost see what’s under his kilt. It’s just lust, Cora. Lust will get you nowhere.
As the music ends, I’m back I’m Nicholas’ safe hands. ‘I’m sure my last partner was trying to grope my bum!’, I joke, pointing out the pensioner I’d just danced with.
‘I wouldn’t say that too loudly, someone might get offended’, he gives me a serious look.
He face softens, ‘not to worry, they’re old family friends that’s all, you’ll learn’, he squeezes his palm around my waist again.
I’ll learn? Did I really want to learn?
Was lust all that bad anyway?
My thoughts are interrupted by Jonathan’s voice sweeping through the hall over the microphone. He stands proudly in front of the grand fireplace, a moose head set on the Sutherland shield, is attached to the wall above him.
‘Ladies and gentlemen, Lassies and Laddies’, the room laughs, but I don’t. ‘Thank you for joining us tonight. I know you’re probably expecting my father to do the speech as usual, but I’ve taken the reigns just for tonight’
Louisa is front and centre, hanging on his every word.
‘As you know, as the eldest of the Egerton brothers, I will one day inherit this beautiful castle and the title of Duke of Sutherland’
I look to Nicholas, whose face is like stone.
‘And every duke needs a duchess’
I roll my eyes. How romantic.
Instinctively, I look over to Louisa, whose bright blue eyes widen excitedly. Jonathan puts down the microphone and heads towards her, pulling a box from his sporran. He bends onto one knee and presents her with an enormous diamond, sparkling under the chandelier.
‘Louisa. Will you do me the honour of becoming my wife?’
Louisa jumps up and down like a child and shrieks a ‘yes’. Only the dogs can hear you now.
The room erupts into cheers, friends and family crowding around the couple to congratulate them. I clap politely from the side. Next to me, Nicholas hasn’t moved. His eyes betray nothing, but there is a certain coldness I’ve never seen before.
‘Aren’t you going to congratulate your brother?’
‘Yes, I suppose I should’, he says distantly, looking pained as he pushes through the crowd to pat Jonathan on the back without a smile passing his lips.
I see a life ahead of me, one where I’m the lucky girl receiving the diamond. My family and friends congratulating me on my future life with Nicholas. A life where I’d never have to worry about a thing. But it would be a life where I can’t make jokes about old perverts, one where my partner’s hand around my waist doesn’t send tingles of pleasure up my spine. Like that night.
Pulling Nicholas away from the dinner table was difficult. The meal was more like a feast and the Duke of Sutherland has taken his finest wines from the cellar to celebrate the engagement. I had avoided eye contact with Ben, thinking that even looking at him would be a further betrayal to Nicholas. Eventually, I’d managed to convince him to join me in the drawing room. The same room he’d asked me on our first date in.
‘Nick, I need to talk to you’, I start, shutting the door.
‘I can’t believe Father got out Tuscan, he said that would be for a special occasion’, he ignores me.
‘It is a special occasion, isn’t it?’
‘Not special enough to use the Tuscan’
I have a feeling this may turn into a full on rant if I don’t stop it soon. ‘It’s just a wine, there’ll be more’
‘I suppose…you always know what to say, don’t you?’, I touches my arm gently.
I pull away deliberately. ‘Look Nick, I really like you…I mean, I think you’re lovely and everything…’
‘But I think we’re better off as friends’, I say it quickly, hoping it doesn’t come off as too harsh.
‘I thought we were getting along’, he suddenly looks so child-like.
‘We were, we are! I just don’t think it’s quite right, I’m sorry, I really am’, I’m not lying, if things were different, maybe Nicholas and  I would work.
‘I can’t say I’m not disappointed’
‘I’m sorry to do this to you on such a happy night, I just didn’t want to lead you on’
‘Fair enough’, he says dismissively.
‘Still friends?’, I say, careful not to overdo it.
‘Course’, he forces a smile for me, but as soon as I leave the room, I feel it drop behind me.
I scuttle through the castle feeling guilty and excited in equal measure. Part of me is disgusted at myself that I’ve broken it off with one (very lovely) guy to find another. I force myself to bring out the Annie in me.
He was never your boyfriend.
I bump into her as I hurry towards the hall.
‘Where are you going in such a hurry?’, she asks, clearly suspicious.
‘Nothing. I mean nowhere’, I blush.
‘Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do’, she winks and wonders off.
Arriving back in the hall, I see Ben enjoying after dinner drinks with his middle-aged admirer, her hand on his knee.
I stride up to them, tidying my hair in the process.
‘Sorry to interrupt’, I grin.
The woman scowls at me before recognising my face. ‘Not at all your majesty!’
 ‘It’s Your Royal Highness’, Ben teases.
‘No no no, just Cora, please’, I say at the look of horror of the woman’s face. ‘May I steal him away for a moment?’
‘Oh I suppose’, she chuckles.
But Ben is already half way out of his seat. ‘Shall we go get that air, your majesty?’
We stroll outdoors onto the large grounds of the castle, where small groups and couples are dotted around in the shadows.
 ‘Is your boyfriend ok with you being alone with me?’, Ben asks as we find somewhere private behind a large oak tree.
‘He’s not my boyfriend, we’re just friends…’, I say, suddenly incredibly nervous.
‘Then why did you want to speak to me?’
I’m puzzled, ‘what do you mean?’
‘I’d assumed you’d asked for a moment with me to tell me to stay away from you, I thought your boyfriend might’ve had a word’
‘I told you he’s not my boyfriend, we’ve been on one date and now it’s over’, I say impatiently, ‘and I just wanted to tell you that’
‘Because?’ he lifts his eyebrow.
Shit. Have I got this all wrong?. Does he really not see it?
‘Because…well I…’
He leans back against the tree, ‘is it that hard to say you like me?’
Heat flushes from my toes to the top of my head, ‘you haven’t said it either!’
He leans forward, getting closer to my face, ‘Cora, do you really think I came all the way to Scotland for the dancing?’
I feel a glow ignite in my chest.
‘If you’re not interested, I can always fall back on my lady friend back in there’, he says, trying to lighten the mood.
‘I am interested’, I’m surprised at my own honesty. He must be rubbing off on me.
‘Do I need to worry about competition from your friend?’
He’s paranoid about Nicholas, of course he is. I’m practically jumping from one date to another. ‘I know what I must look like, but if I had met you a few weeks earlier, I don’t think Nicholas and I would have ever happened’
‘Shit happens’, he says simply.
‘So you don’t think I’m a total whore?’
He laughs, ‘no’
‘Good. Because you should know that I’m not gonna sleep with you tonight or anytime soon, in fact. I will make you wait, and you’ll probably get really frustrated because I won’t put out, but I need to trust someone first. And I can be really stubborn, I don’t like to be told I’m wrong…’
What am I doing? Am I trying to put him off before we’ve even started.
‘…I’m a bit of a spoilt brat too, and then there’s the whole thing with my family, I know you hate the spotlight…’
‘Cora, hold on…’, Ben holds his hands up like he’s trying to stop a runaway train hurtling before him. ‘Can we just get to know each other first?!’
He’s right of course, but the wary princess inside me needs to let him know what he’s getting himself into.
‘I do have a question though’, he says with a glint in his eye.
‘Go on…’
‘Am I still allowed to kiss you, because you seemed to enjoy it last time’
I whack him on the arm with my clutch, ‘shut up… yes you are, just maybe not here, it’s not fair on Nicholas’
He pulls me towards him, both hands around my waist, a fizz runs through my body. We swop places so I’m hidden from view, my back pushed against the oak tree as Ben caresses my waist and hair gently, trying his best not to touch my lips with his. He bends and leaves small kisses on my cheek.
I pull away to stop it going any further, running my hands over the buttons on his jacket. ‘There was someone you should be worried about actually; he might be a threat to you…’
‘Oh yeah?’
‘There’s an old man in there that was groping my bum during the dancing’
‘Dirty old perv’, he laughs, ‘you do attract some odd people, don’t you Cora?’
God, I love how he says my name.
‘So it seems’, I tilt my head at him.
As we stand and talk, his hands trying not to touch me, (but failing now and again), the feel of his lips still on my cheek, and his wood and honey smell rousing my senses, I can’t think of anywhere I’d rather be. My surroundings fall away, and it’s just him and me, with the promise to get to know each other, the sound of stirring Scottish music just audible in the distance.  
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jadeile-writes · 4 years
Fanfic Progress Update 70
Greetings, my loyal followers~ It’s Saturday, so let’s do a progress update. Stay tuned to the end of this post for a spoiler-y glimpse into the next chapter of Adventure gone Mini AND the next Radiohusk drabble I’ll post sometime next week!
Current WIPs:
Adventure gone Mini
Fandom: Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild / The Minish Cap
Summary: Sidon is given his very own Sheikah Slate, the first replica Purah has managed to make, and sets out to travel with Link with the intention of registering warp points for convenient travel in the future. However, when a malfunction shrinks them down to the size of bugs, and they meet little people called the Minish, they have to change their plans from “fun adventuring” to “getting out of this mess”. Not that those two have to exclude one another. Link/Sidon.
Progress: Chapter 40 is the current latest chapter and was posted on 17th of June. Chapter 41 is 1/3rd written and the scheduled posting date is 15th of July.
I post a new chapter every three weeks on Wednesdays. These updates always include a sneak-peek for the next chapter, slowly getting longer over the three weeks waiting period.
That month of the year
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel
Progress: I’m shelving this one indefinitely. It’s obviously not working out right now, so I’m better off writing something else and hopefully coming back to this at a later point in time.
Experiment in Romance
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel
Summary (temporary): Husk’s afterlife takes an odd turn when a drunk Alastor knocks on his door and has no intention of going to his own room for the night. It only gets weirder from there, leaving Husk with a most unexpected arrangement with the Radio Demon. Either it’ll be the best decision in his afterlife, or he’s simply out to break his own damn heart dealing with the fickle asshole. Radiohusk.
Progress: Chapters 1 and 2 are done, though I will need to check them out to see if they’re still good to go, as it’s been a while. Chapter 3 has been started, but the same applies. I’m tentatively bringing this one up here now that I’m dropping That Month, but we shall see if this becomes the project I’ll work on next or not.
Hah! Our afterlife is the most hilarious bushwa, dearest
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel
Summary: This is not a stand-alone story! This is a oneshot/drabble collection in the universe of “Shit, the Radio Demon is a part of my afterlife”. Read the main story before bothering with this one.
I decided to give my readers a chance to throw Radiohusk prompts at me, and had the Afterlife-verse as an option to set the stories in. Everyone liked that, so this fic is now a thing. Enjoy the extra mischief from these two dorks!
Progress: Chapter 20 is the current latest chapter and was posted on 26th of June. Chapter 21 hasn’t been started, but the scheduled posting date is 3rd of July. A sneak-peek will be posted on Thursday.
I have 16 prompts left.
This fic receives a new chapter every Friday.
Secret drabbles and ficlets!
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel
Summary: I’ve occasionally written completely random drabbles and shared them with a bunch of friends without posting them on AO3 or here. I’d like to rectify that and start posting them here at random for everyone to read. I won’t be posting them on AO3 because I don’t want to, so keeping an eye on this blog is even more rewarding than before for a while.
Progress: I have one drabble at the moment and I shall post it next week. I also have a few nearly finished ones that I’ll probably get done sooner or later, but since I don’t know when that happens I shall remove this thing from the list next week, unless the drabbles get done in time for this to stay relevant.
Here’s a bonus secret: I have a couple of things I won’t be posting here, because I don’t want them reblogged around - one that is unfinished and not likely to be finished at all (and which I would post on AO3 if I did finish it) and one that is slightly risque (by my very very ace standards, lol). I’ll eventually post them on the Radiohusk Discord server, if you want to see them. Asking me via DM might also work.
Other WIPs I’m not currently working on but intend to get back to someday:
PoE Drabbles (Pillars of Eternity)
DC Drabbles (Justice League)
Diaphanous Relations (Forgotten Realms, R.A. Salvatore’s books)
That month of the year (Hazbin Hotel)
That’s it for the WIPs! Here are the promised sneak-peeks into Adventure gone Mini and the random Hazbin drabble (Note: the text may end up slightly different in the fic itself due to more editing happening before publishing). Enjoy!
"I give you my tentative blessing to explore the shrine when you return, mister hero", Festari of the Abbey said once the children had been extracted from Link’s person and sent away. Again. This time Link wasn't actually expecting them to be truly gone; he liked to believe he learned from his mistakes most of the time. "However, we will have to have a serious talk about your conduct and carried weaponry when that time comes. I will not allow the shrine to be destroyed because of an unneeded exploration by a hero who isn't doing this for a grander purpose than curiosity. Are those a acceptable terms for you?"
Random drabble
"I told you to leave me the fuck alone if you're not going to buy something", Husk growled, and leaned backwards to avoid Angel Dust's grabby hands. "Oh come on! I'm not even reaching for your ass, I just want to touch your ears", Angel Dust said, and wiggled his perfectly plucked eyebrows. "I'll even let you touch this in return."
That’s it this time. See you next Saturday!
AO3    FFnet    Purple Crayon    Ko-fi     Radiohusk Discord
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fluidityandgiggles · 4 years
Dalton Big Bang day 1 - The Canadian Girlfriend Experience
Writing Masterpost, AO3 Link
Notes: So... y’all. Dalton fam. Hear me out.
I understand that y'all are gonna be mad at me for staying up until (four? five?) five in the morning to post this, but I'm something like 90% sure I'd forget to post it in the morning (afternoon), and I have to write tomorrow's fic anyway, so... here's an extra early fluffy mess. Hope y'all like it.
I had to write this one... I really really had to. Han's girlfriend is a big deal to me. I hope you understand it.
(And for the uninitiated in pathfinder - the rank system is wild, feats are taken every two levels or so, Logan’s character is basically invincible, defeated only by Dwight’s monk and the absolute insanity that creating a monk in pathfinder can end up being.)
"I really have to go to sleep," the familiar (by now) high-pitched voice said through the headphones, stifling a yawn. "My drama class is moving props to the auditorium tomorrow for our exam and my mom would be mad at me if I don’t go to sleep in the next thirty minutes."
"So go to sleep, Lils. I won’t be mad at you."
"Okay! I’ll text you in the morning! Love you, bye!"
"Good night."
Han finally let himself snort a bit after his girlfriend hung up, watching as she disconnects from the game a few moments later. He did say he’ll only play Starcraft today so long as Leah is available, and now that she’s offline…
He just closed the game and went back to working on his Pathfinder session prep.
Han met Leah at the San Diego Comic-Con last summer. On day one, she approached him because she thought the Westwoods’ Bat family cosplay was really cool. On day two, he approached her because her Arwen cosplay was flawless. By day three they’d already ditched the con to have a not-date lunch at In-N-Out, found out they’re in the same guild in World of Warcraft, Han found out Leah has a voice acting channel on youtube, they exchanged phone numbers, and by day four they may have not spent the whole day together but they certainly went on a date-date at the end of the day.
They’ve been rather inseparable for the following three weeks, but by then Han had to face the reality of it all. Leah’s phone number was weird to him from the start, sure, and he was willing to pass off her accent as a speech quirk, but it wasn’t until those three weeks ended that it finally sunk in that she’s not American. And like most good things, her visit too has to come to an end.
Maintaining a relationship online just… didn’t feel the same.
1 Unread Message
‘Merril: Can I suggest an idea for Mishka’s character arc?? You can say no, I just had an idea is all!’
Caterpillar: I’m all ears
"While this mess of a… bargain is happening," Logan called as Merril and Reed tried to catch their breaths from laughing. "Can Dwight and I get to the diplomatic debate?"
"Sure," Han sighed, watching his party quickly derail the session. "But let’s take a break first."
The first to disappear at the sound of "let’s take a break" was Lucy, who ran to the bathroom, accidentally knocking off Logan’s dice tower in the process. Merril got the brownies out and on the table, everyone pulled their phones out…
Han could take a couple moments to look at the pictures Leah sent him earlier. According to her, they were not yet done with lighting cues, and she was going crazy, but seeing her in her period piece of a costume and leg brace prop made him feel excited for her, somewhat.
Caterpillar: wish I could been there to see it 
Jabba the Hutt: Oh no! Don’t say that! Jabba the Hutt: I’ll send you the filmed version when I get it, but it’ll probably be really bad anyway.
Caterpillar: im sure it cant be that bad 
Jabba the Hutt: Han, it’s a high school production of the Glass Menagerie. Jabba the Hutt: My class is also doing the play version of Spring Awakening. Jabba the Hutt: It *can* and *will* be that bad. Jabba the Hutt: Trust me. 
"Han?" Merril called before he could answer that one. "Hansel, are you listening?"
"No, I wasn’t. What was it?" He grabbed a brownie, leaving his phone aside for a second.
"Wizards of the Coast announced a new edition of D&D," she said again, smiling gently. "Do you think you’d want to try it?"
"I’m already one step ahead of you there. I’m going to playtest it when it— excuse me…"
Jabba the Hutt: WE FINALLY FUCKING FINISHED THIS Jabba the Hutt: I’ve never been happier to say I’m getting offstage, I need someone to punch me!
Caterpillar: dont you mean pinch?
Jabba the Hutt: I meant what I said and I said what I meant.
Han tuned back in time to hear Logan say "I just really don’t want to have to mess with the power system again", which resulted in Dwight throwing a bag of chips at his head.
"Fourth edition has a very special place in my heart, Wright. Don’t talk shit about it around me."
"Yeah, why all the hate for the power system?" Lucy frowned (when did she get back from the bathroom?). "It’s not all that different to how feats work. Would you complain about getting a new feat every odd level once we switch systems?"
"Not going to happen, Lucy."
"Aw man, but I wanted to play Vampire the Masquerade next!"
"And we already said Merril is going to run it," Han reminded her, checking his phone one last time. "But we’re not switching our current game to another system. Not gonna happen."
There was a quiet "hell yeah" from Merril as Han’s phone buzzed with a new message, but before he could even read it, it was snatched by Lucy.
"Wha… who are you talking to, Han?" She laughed a bit, scrolling up, and then her eyes went wide open. "Well… damn."
"Don’t act like you’re surprised, that’s my girlfriend. You met her before."
The silence in the room was so tense, Han swore he could hear a pin drop. 
"...a girlfriend?" Dwight was the first to ask, raising a brow. "Since when?"
"You know, I honestly thought she would’ve forgotten all about you after two weeks…"
"Since a few months ago," Han told Dwight, taking his phone back. "Can we continue, please?"
"No! It’s interesting!" Merril joined in, resting her chin on her hand as she got closer, pushing some papers a bit. "How did you meet? Where is she from? Can we meet her?"
"We met at Comic-Con and no, you can’t meet her. She’s… not from here."
"...is she Canadian?" Logan raised a brow too, starting to laugh.
"Oh yeah, Han’s Canadian girlfriend."
"She’s not— let’s start to fucking play, this session isn’t going to end itself."
By the end of the session, Han couldn’t say he’d be surprised if the whole school found out by tomorrow. And if anyone (namely the twins) made fun of him for his "Canadian girlfriend"... so be it. 
"Is this Canadian girlfriend of yours coming to prom?" Julian’s tired voice came through the phone, sounding like he was about to pass out. He just arrived at school earlier today, already tired from the flight, and immediately got coddled by Logan.
"She’s not Canadian, Julian. You’re the twenty-fifth person I’ve told this already."
"So where is she from? Would you please tell just one person?"
With a quick glance at the security footage, to make sure Logan wasn’t listening, Han whispered "her name is Leah, I met her at Comic-Con in San Diego last year, she’s from Israel and no, I doubt she can come to prom. She has her own prom to attend."
"...okay, so this Israeli girlfriend of yours. Got it."
"Thank you."
"Are you sure you want to keep her a secret…?" He clicked his tongue. His laugh sounded a bit rougher than usual. "You know how things can end up. You of all people."
"I… I’m just not sure I’m ready for… dude. Is Logan drooling on your shoulder…?"
"Give him a break, Westwood. He’s adjusting to his new pills."
"I asked about the drooling."
"He does that sometimes. I just let him be."
"...why is everyone so interested in my girlfriend? Is it really any different from David and Katherine?"
"I don’t know how to break it down to you, Westwood, but you’re not exactly the type anyone would expect to even have a girlfriend."
A shift in the camera footage made Han cuss silently, covering his microphone.
"...she said she’ll be here for graduation. Hers is in late June, but she finishes school in May."
"Yeah. May. When prom is."
"Do you want to talk to her yourself?" He could hear Julian snort. "I’m not kidding. I’ll give you Leah’s phone number and you’ll convince her yourself. I can’t."
"Because that totally won’t be crazy."
"Just fucking ask her, you absolute nerd!"
"Can you stop ordering me around? This isn’t Hollywood. This is my girlfriend we’re talking about."
"Can you at least send me a picture of her? So I’ll know she’s real?"
"...fuck you, Larson."
Han sent him a picture anyway. A picture of the two of them that Lucy insisted to take while they were in San Diego. They coordinated somehow, Han with his LOTR shirt and Leah with her whole Arwen cosplay. It was the happiest day he could possibly remember.
And then, a snort through the phone.
"...so you’re Leah Appelbaum’s mysterious Maryland boyfriend? Huh. Didn’t know you lived in Maryland."
"...you know Leah?"
"We had auditions in the same building two years ago and she approached me because she’s a fan of Something Damaged. She insisted on keeping in touch. How did you meet her?"
"At Comic-Con… please be gentle about this, Julian."
"Okay! I just… wow. I know where you live now. Sweet."
"Don’t you dare try to blackmail me with that information, Larson."
"I won’t. There’s nothing to worry about."
"...you know what?" Han sighed as the last session before prom was about to close off. "Roll sense motive."
The clatter of dice hitting each other and everyone cussing filled the room, quickly picking up their dice and looking.
"How’s you get a five, Lucy?"
"I’m a barbarian, what do you think—"
Dwight practically glared at Logan. "What the fuck, dude?"
"I play a half-elf cleric, Dwight," Logan answered, straight-faced. "Plus two to wisdom straight away, rolled extremely well, I have a plus five modifier to wisdom and the alertness feat. I took a single rank in sense motive every time we leveled up and now I have ten ranks. On the tenth rank in sense motive or perception, you get a bonus four to the skill instead of the usual two. Thus, ten plus four plus five equals nineteen, plus the fifteen that I rolled. That’s thirty-four. Do I sense motive?"
"...everyone who rolled above a fifteen, and that definitely includes Flint—" Han could see Logan smiling smugly. "Everyone who rolled above a fifteen can see that this woman is telling the truth. Anyone who rolled a twenty or above, Flint, can also sense that—"
There was a knock at the door. There was never a knock at the door. But now there was. And as Reed got up to open the door, Han silently hoped it wouldn’t be anyone who shouldn’t be there—
"And this is your boyfriend’s room," Julian’s voice came through as Reed’s jaw dropped. "Thank you for picking Julian Larson to be your tour guide, we hope you enjoyed the trip."
"Very! Oh, hello!" The girl at the door waved at Reed, who waved back. The whole party waved back. "Am I interrupting anything?"
"No, those nerds are just playing dungeons and dragons. You have nothing to worry about." Reed finally returned to his seat as Julian kissed the girl’s cheek, chuckling at the shock. "Logan, I’ll be expecting you to pick me up at six. I want my pre-prom sushi."
"I promised you I will, Princess, don’t panic."
"Okay, just making sure."
As Julian left, the girl went to sit on Han’s futon and look at everyone. Long brown hair, half of it bleached; dark eyes behind a pair of green plastic-framed glasses; a bit on the heavier side, like Han himself, and wearing a floral summer dress and a pair of short leggings. Her face was flushed red, her lipstick a dark blue, and her nails painted black that just started to chip.
Han missed her so much.
"So… hi." She waved around again, a bit confused. "What’s up…?"
"Who’s this?" Dwight was the first to speak.
"My girlfriend," Han replied, sounding rather insistent. "We were just about to finish our session, Lils. Can you wait?"
"Mmhm! Absolutely! I’ll be so quiet, you’ll forget I’m even here!"
Nobody forgot she was there. Merril kept looking over to her, Reed and Dwight seemed skeptical as ever, and the only person who was normal about it was Lucy. But it wasn’t news for Lucy, she’s met Leah before after all. All the while Leah sat there, chuckling at the game and waiting patiently for Han to finish, which he did twenty minutes later. Dwight practically ran out, followed by Logan who needed to pick his own boyfriend up for dinner, but…
"So where are you from in Canada?" Merril asked first, making Leah smile. 
"I’m… not Canadian. Did Han tell you I’m Canadian?"
"Where’s your lipstick from?" Reed asked next.
"Umm… it’s, it’s from NARS, I picked it up on the way here, I forgot to pack my own makeup and—"
"Is Han taking you to prom?"
Han choked on his water at that. "I can’t leave my room for prom, Merril. Health risks."
"You can have an indoors prom."
"We planned on watching Battlestar Galactica and ordering takeout," Leah admitted. "But… an indoors prom would be nice. I’m not going to mine anyway. My class is writing this… really offensive skit about one of the math teachers and I don’t want to be a part of it."
"What’s your prom even like…?" Reed squinted, sitting back down. "That you do skits."
"It’s… not really a prom. Israel doesn’t really have the promenade culture, it’s just like a showcase the whole class does for family and friends before graduation… I’ve never liked this practice, you know, I think it’s just…"
As Leah rambled on, Han took his time to clear the table and silently hope Merril and Reed leave soon. Those two have prom dates after all. And neither are a Canadian girlfriend.
10 notes · View notes
froggy-n-tired · 4 years
“Mr. and Mr. Refreshing”
Part of the HQ rarepair bang put on by @hqrarepairbang​ !
I had the pleasure of working with @starlity​! their art is super duper cute and fits the story so well here it is!
If you want to read it on ao3, you can find it here !
Fandom: Haikyuu
Paring: Nishinoya x Sugawara
Rating: general audiences 
Warnings: There a teensy bit of swearing I think? And a couple kisses :]
Length: 5.8k
Notes: Suga is in college and Noya is a senior is highschool, but they were dating in highschool dw
Summary: Finally given a day off from college and volleyball, Sugawara takes the much-needed chance to tidy up his dorm. The problem is, it was also the perfect chance to talk to Nishinoya, his boyfriend. Their schedules rarely matched up, but Suga really wanted to clean up his living space. Unfortunately, cleaning takes a while when you're reminded of your high school days with everything you pick up.
“Okay babe, I’ll be sure to call you once I’m done,” The silver-haired man said, phone pressed to his ear with his shoulder as he pushed his bedroom door open. He set down the bin he brought in on his bed, sighing with relief as the weight of the cleaning supplies he brought was out of his arms. The guy on the other end of the phone made a joke, instantly making Sugawara laugh. “Ah, no. It’ll only take an hour, I swear.” He looked over his mess of a dorm again and frowned. “Maybe two.” 
Sugawara sat on his bed next to the cleaning supplies. “Alright babe, I will. It won’t be that long I promise! I love you too, okay? I’ll call you later. Bye, Noya.” He smiled softly, wishing that he didn’t have to spend the afternoon away from his boyfriend. It always was a struggle trying to hang up with him, and usually he didn’t mind staying on the phone for extra time. He really did need to clean his dorm, though- it was beyond a mess. College had begun to blind him from the state of the room, since whenever he was in there he was too focused on his studies or sleeping. It didn’t help that he didn’t have many reasons to clean it anyways, since he didn’t throw parties there or have friends over much. So over time things piled up and he never got around to tidying, which is why he was devoting this Sunday to it.
In Koushi’s opinion, cleaning wasn’t hard- or at least, picking things up was easy enough. No, it wasn’t the picking things up part that was hard, it was putting them away. Whenever you pick up one thing, it brings an onslaught of memories and emotions that make it impossible to part with the thing. So you set it aside and tell yourself that you’ll find a home for it later. This process continues until you have nothing left to pick up and have an infinite amount of piles. At that point you realize you’re exactly where you started. Sugawara was no stranger to this process. 
He figured it would be easiest to start with the obvious waste: cans of soda, various wrappers, papers from his classes he finished with long ago (the papers, not the classes), unfinished food that his roommate probably left; the typical garbage. It was thrown away in no time, which only ended up making his dorm look a little better. 
Suga looked at his phone which was resting on his bed, almost buried in his blankets. Noya’s probably missing him right now, hoping for him to finish early and call him. It was rare for both of them to not have classes, but for neither of them to have volleyball either? The opportunity was golden, and Suga felt bad that he had to deny his boyfriend his time. A flash of inspiration went off in his head and gave him an idea: the faster he cleaned, the quicker he could call Nishinoya. 
With newfound motivation, Sugawara brushed his bangs out of his eyes and got to work. 
The next step for him was sorting through the clothes he had on the floor. Not all of it was necessarily too dirty to wear, and some of it might even be his roommate's, so it seemed like an obvious choice. Besides, who could get sentimental about a shirt? Most of his were plain white anyways.
His theory proved to be true as he threw the clothing into piles- piles made everything easier in the end, and what he needs most is efficiency- most of the items he picked up belonged to his roommate, and what was his appeared to be fine. Some of the shirts he used for practice could use a wash, but some of them were still folded, perfectly fine save for a bit of dust. There was just one last t-shirt, stashed under the dorm bed. He grabbed it, and-
As soon as he saw the kanji, he remembered where it was from. 
-one year earlier, mid-june-
“What do you mean you don’t like it? I think they're- oh, Suga-san!” As soon as Sugawara walked into the club room, Nishinoya’s attention turned away from the scowling Tsukkishima and onto him. Almost all of the team was in the room aside from the third years, who had just gotten out of a meeting about their final year at school. Nishinoya was rummaging through a large cardboard box, sifting through what looked like white cloths until he found the right one. 
“What’s in there?” Just after Suga asked, Nishinoya jumped over the usual clutter of the club room, landing in front of Suga. He unraveled the cloth to show that it was actually a t-shirt, white save for the phrase ‘live like a beast’ written on it in a wild font. 
“My favorite t-shirt store was having a sale, so I got them for the whole team!” He threw the shirt into Suga’s arms, grinning with excitement. “Aren’t I the best?”
Suga looked at the rest of the team, who also held similar shirts. They all seemed to have different phrases though, judging by the few who were actually wearing them. The shirt itself was kind of weird, but it was a nice enough gesture, so Suga put on a smile. “Thank you, Noya.”
The boy didn’t move, resting his hands on his hips, his face painted with his typical smirk. Eventually, he said, “Aren’t you gonna put it on? I’d love to see one of my seniors wearing my gift for them!”
Oh, right. How could Suga have been so rude? He slipped the shirt over his arms and head, surprised at how comfortable it was. 
“Perfect!” Nishinoya yelled. “Y’know, you look kind of ruggedly handsome in that, Suga-senpai. All the guys’ll look up to you as a cool, wild, handsome guy.” He put his hand on Suga’s shoulder in assurance. Suga couldn’t help but blush at the compliment, feeling his ears redden. He didn’t usually get called handsome, especially not by his teammates, so it was different than usual to hear it from Noya like that.
“Ah, well thank you Noya.” He bashfully replied. Noya said something back and smiled, but Sugawara couldn’t hear it. He was too busy fixated on his rapidly beating heart and reddened ears to notice anything else.
That was when he realized he might have feelings for his underclassman.
-one week later, late-june-
It was a hot summer practice, and everyone was protesting while Daichi explained that while all the running may be painful now, it would pay off later when they stood on the court as a winner. Suga chuckled, watching the underclassmen groan at Daichi’s argument. These kinds of grueling summer practices were normal for the team, and although he didn’t want to run again either, he knew better than to defy the team captain. 
“Let’s just get it over with.” Tsukkishima commented sharply, wiping sweat off his forehead. 
Daichi beamed. “Exactly! So, Tsukkishima, would you like to be the first to start up the hill?”
“Thanks, but that won’t be happening.” The blond scoffed. He looked around at the team and crossed his arms. “Hey, aren’t we missing a shortie?” 
That question annoyed Hinata, who jumped and yelled, “I’m right here! Jeez, can’t you see me?”  His jumping made it almost impossible not to see him, even Tsukkishima grumbling something along the lines of ‘I wasn’t talking about you’ in response. 
“No, he’s right.” Asahi trembled, sounding almost zombie-like with his dead tone. Everyone looked at him, shocked to see his face was just as morbid as he sounded. He returned to normal after seeing everyone’s terrified faces. “Ah, sorry! I meant to say.. Nishanoya’s missing.”
Suga looked around. Nishinoya always went to practice, so he was sure he would be there- but there was no sight of him within the team. It seemed like everyone had the same thought as him and looked around at the same time, trying to spot the energetic libero. 
Coincidentally, it was at that moment that the gym door slammed open, revealing Nishinoya who sprinted to catch up with the group. He was sweaty from running yet his smile shone as bright as ever. When he reached the team, Suga realized why he was late.
“Haha, sorry for showing up late, everyone! The t-shirt printing place was really backed up by some tennis team, but I got out of there as fast as I could!” He gestured to the shirt he was wearing, one identical to the one Suga received no less than a week before. “I wanted to look handsome like Koushi-kun so I got a t-shirt that matches his! Aren’t I handsome now?” The way he said the words so casually as if he didn’t set Suga’s heart on fire- Suga couldn’t help but blush.
Hinata was the one to respond first. “Ah, you look so cool, Noya-senpai!”
“Thanks!” Noya beamed, doing different poses to further show off the shirt. Suga could only smile, his head too full of thoughts to let him do anything else. He had so many questions. Did he make his attraction too obvious? Was Nishinoya just making fun of him? … Or could he feel the same?
Before long, Daichi interrupted. “I’m glad to see you here, Noya. But since you’re late, you’ll have to do three extra laps up the hill. Everyone, let’s go!” 
The team proceeded to groan in anguish. 
As the memories came back, Suga found himself wanting to answer his past self’s questions. He knew how long he spent wondering if he was crazy for thinking that Nishinoya had similar feelings, and he wished he could’ve known sooner. Still, he looked back on those summer days with a smile. There was something though about the flutters he got in his heart every time he thought about Nishinoya that he wouldn’t give up. Thinking about his boyfriend reminded him of his goal- to actually clean his room.
There was a pile of miscellaneous items stacked on a chair by Koushi’s bed, which began to feel out of place the more he cleaned, making it the perfect target. As he moved the many things off the chair, he found things he forgot he even had. Letters from his parents, vouchers that expired months ago, even a book he borrowed from the library when he first started at his school. 
Before he could finish removing everything from the pile, Suga heard a chime from his phone. Normally he wasn’t the type to instantly check notifications, especially when he was in the middle of an important task, but something in him made him get up off the floor and search through his sheets for his phone. When he found it and entered in his passcode, he saw that the text was from none other than his boyfriend himself. He didn’t hesitate to open the message.
From: 💕Noya💕
Hey r u almost done?? I miss you already 😝
Oops wrong emoji 😩
^ thats me missin u btw
Suga smiled. Of course he would text already. He couldn’t completely blame Noya though; he wanted to talk to him just as much, if not more. The least he could do was respond.
Ah, so sorry! I’ll be done soon. 
Please don’t get too lonely without me 😊
With the text sent, Suga returned to the chair. It was definitely improved upon, but there was still much work to be done. He started sorting through the objects again, not even noticing the progress he was making until there was only one thing left- a water bottle.
And that water bottle brought him back in time again once he recognized the logo printed on it.
-About one year earlier, late July-
After so much hard work and fine-tuning of skills, the training camp was finally over. Although Suga himself didn’t play much in matches, he still worked hard to train, and just standing on the bench during games made him adrenaline spike. The practices were more grueling than ever, and somehow Suga always worked up a sweat even when he wasn’t training. With all the emotional issues too, the week of the training camp felt like an eternity. He was glad for it to be over. 
“Hey Suga-san, wanna come practice with us?” The invitation came from Tanaka, who was standing behind where Suga stood. Suga turned to face him and saw Asahi and Noya standing just behind Tanaka, both looking more energized than usual despite all the matches they played in. Tanaka grinned, probably expecting him to accept the offer.  
Even though he was exhausted, something inside Koushi told him to go with them, telling himself that he could work hard to perfect one of his skills- any of them- then he could have a chance to play in the inter-high matches. So he mustered up all his strength and put on a smile. “Of course!”
Tanaka pumped his fist in the air and yelled, “Alright alright!” He quickly put his hands in the edge of his waistband to keep up his delinquent rep, and as stupid as he looked Suga was glad to see him acting normal after everything the week had brought upon them.
“We might want to find a court before they all get taken, just saying.” Suga suggested, looking at the crowd of players leaving the gym as a result of all the team’s finishing their matches. After he said that, he felt a hand on his shoulder- which upon a quick glance he figured out belonged to Nishinoya. 
“He’s right you know.” he said. “You all should listen to Suga-san more often!” 
If the sensation of Noya’s touch and cute words weren’t already enough to send Koushi’s heart into a crescendo, what Tanaka said next surely was: “Ah, Noya, you listen to him all the time, dontcha?” And just as quickly as he put his hand on Suga’s shoulder, it was gone again, now being used to slap Tanaka’s face. Him and Noya went at each other like restless puppies, grabbing at each other’s collars and pulling each other’s ears. The fight didn’t go on for long though, as Asahi was quick to pull them apart. 
“Guys can you stop fighting please? We’d better hurry up like Suga said.” 
The two rowdy boys bowed and grumbled their apologies before the four of them went in search of an empty gym. It seemed like they were already too late, but there was one gym at the furthest end of the building that was empty. 
“This gym belongs to Karasuno!” Nishinoya and Tanaka yelled in synchronization as they tossed their belongings on the floor. Both Asahi and Suga chuckled at their cheer while setting their own things down. 
Suga turned to Asahi. “Are you gonna work on your Ace spike?” 
“I want to,” Asahi replied before looking at the second years. “Can we please start now?” Although his request was asked softly, it still managed to hype the second years up even more as they ran over to the third years instantly. 
“Ooh ooh, can I do my cool jump-set thing?” Nishinoya beamed. Koushi wanted to see his set up close himself after seeing it used in the matches, which reminded himself that it was a good idea to join the mini-practice.
“You might be better than me soon, Noya.” Suga chuckled, only half-joking although the junior laughed anyways. 
“You’re such a jokester! There’s no way I could get better than you at setting even if I practiced for hours on end.” 
Cue Suga blushing. 
“Hey, let’s get to it already!! I wanna hit!” Tanaka yelled from the other side of the net, clearly itching to spike. Asahi looked at him then turned back to Suga. 
“Why don’t we do two groups? One setter and one spiker on each side, then we can switch-” Before the other senior could finish his proposition, Suga burst out in laughter. Both Asahi and Noya looked confused at the sudden outburst while Suga tried to calm himself in order to elaborate.
“Ah, Asahi-san, how bold of you to assume I’m setting. I wanna hit today, too.” 
Tanaka grinned at his change of position. “All right! Then let’s get into a line an’ get to it!”
-one hour later-
As the night began to cool, the four boys ended their training sore and exhausted after so much spiking and setting. Asahi left first, yawning as he walked out of the gym half-asleep. Tanaka followed a few minutes later, saying that he was sick of hitting his spikes so perfectly, which left Suga and Noya on their own. Ulike normal, Noya was in a sour mood, sulking as he picked up the volleyballs that littered the court. Suga tried to start a conversation to cheer him up.
“Your sets were really cool today, Noya. I meant it when I said-”
“I’m sorry about what Tanaka said earlier.” Nishinoya bluntly stated.
Suga tried to think back to figure out what he meant. Nothing came to mind. “What did he say? Are you alright?” 
“Oh so you forgot already. Don’t worry, I’m totally fine.” He laughed in relief. Suga didn’t buy it though, since Noya never acted that way.
“If you need to talk to me, you can, y’know.” 
Nishinoya stood in thought for a minute, and Suga swore he had never seen the libero so still before. It was almost like he was too busy thinking to do anything else. Suga didn’t have time to truly take in his peaceful form before Noya snapped out of his trance and took ahold of Suga’s wrist. He brought the confused setter into the mini storage closet located in the back of the gym, clearing his throat once they were both in the closet. 
“Suga- no, Koushi- I’m sorry I’ve been acting weird these past couple weeks.. It’s just hard keeping a secret, y’know?” Nishinoya had a whole different tone to him than he did before, vulnerable as he spoke of his secret. Suga couldn’t do anything but listen. Noya continued. “I know it’s gonna come outta nowhere, but I really want to tell you.”
Koushi’s heart was racing, and he was glad the closet was dark enough to mask his blush. Something about the intimate situation set his heart on fire. “You can tell me.” He whispered.
“I..” He stepped closer to Koushi. “I really like you. More than I like volleyball, or our school’s uniform, or even more than soda-flavored popsicles. That’s how you know I’m serious.” His giggle at the end made Koushi realize that this was what he had wanted for weeks, and for the first time since Noya grabbed his arm he knew exactly how to respond.
“That’s how I feel too. All this time I thought I was crazy for thinking that you might feel the same, but… I’m glad.” He smiled and exhaled, feeling all his doubt melt off his shoulders. 
Noya took Koushi’s hand in his own. “Can I..?”
“What? Kiss me?”
“Of course.”
And in that moment, when their lips met, Koushi felt truly happy. All his insecurities about his attraction, or the fact that he was graduating soon left his mind completely, now his only thoughts were of how electrifying it felt to finally be able to kiss Nishinoya Yuu. However, as Shakespeare said, ‘parting is such sweet sorrow’ and the same was true as Noya pulled away silently.
“Does this mean we’re..” Suga started to ask.
“I don’t- I dunno. But I really gotta go, Ryu’ll be worried if I stay too long.” 
And just like that, with Nishinoya dashing out of the closet, the best moments of Suga’s life ended. He stood in the dark for a moment, lingering in the shock-like feeling that resided in his core. He so badly wanted to chase after his junior, to kiss him again, to hear him say that he loved him while the feeling was still fresh in his mind, but he didn’t move until he couldn’t hear Noya’s footsteps anymore. 
He decided to leave soon after. He picked up the last of his things and prepared to turn off the gym lights when he saw a neon orange water bottle sitting by the wall. He didn’t want to leave it there, since that would be littering, so he went over to pick it up. The bottle was mostly-empty, but the water inside was still cool so he quickly figured out it was Noya’s. He put the bottle in his bag and left for the room where the team was sleeping.
As he held the bottle in his hand and he remembered that night, he too remembered the next day when he tried to return the bottle, but Nishinoya refused and let him keep it. He never used it, but still took it with him to college thinking he might get use out of it there. Guess it never saw anything but this chair, huh? He thought, putting the bottle down to continue with his task.
Putting away all the things from the chair pile was a breeze. Most of it was either garbage or recyclable anyways, and the rest was relocated immediately. He looked at his side of the dorm with pride since everything one would see upon entering was organized. The last thing he wanted to do was organize his bedside table drawers. He never really looked in them, just threw stuff in or went through it if he was looking for something. But since he already had the time to go through it, he thought he might as well take the opportunity to clean that as well.
When he opened the drawer he was instantly reminded of all the junk he stashed in there. Pencils, old batteries, sticky notes he wrote to himself but forgot to throw away, he couldn’t even see all of it. This drawer was the last thing keeping him from his lover though, so he was determined to finish the task. The pencils went in the stationary cup he kept on his desk, the batteries and sticky notes thrown out, there were only a few things left that he could see. He tried to pull the drawer out more but there was something stopping him- something was stuck.
One tug of the stuck item was enough to knock it out of place and into Koushi’s hand. Before he even saw it he had a feeling he recognized the silicone, and when he pulled his hand out of the drawer his guess was confirmed. It was the bracelet from his first date.
-months earlier, mid-August- 
“Next please.” The woman working the ticket booth said as the previous park-goers
entered through the gates. Nishinoya nudged Suga then they stepped up to the booth.
“Ah, sorry. Two one-day passes please.” Suga said, bowing for not realizing it was their turn. 
The lady looked at the two of them briefly. “One adult pass and one child pass then?” And before Nishinoya could unleash his rage, Suga quickly stepped in.
“No, ma’am. Two adult passes.” 
“Alright sir, sorry for the mistake. Two adult passes.. that’ll be 16 thousand yen.” The woman put the numbers into her computer as she waited for the money. Suga passed the appropriate amount to her, then she printed the receipt and in return gave the two boys a silicone bracelet that validated their passes. Once they had their bracelets on, they went through the gates and into the park.
“I’m so excited, I’ve never been here before!” Nishinoya raved once they were past the gates. “This is one hell of a first date, huh?”
“Haha, it sure is.” Suag replied, wiping the sweat from his brow. The late summer heat beamed onto everything, already making Sugawara fatigued- although he couldn’t tell if his hands turning clammy was because of the heat or because his nerves felt like they were exploding. He took the map out of his shorts pocket and looked at it. “What should we do first?” 
“This place is known for that ride called ‘Poseidon's Revenge’ right? Let’s go on that!” Noya stood beside Suga as he looked over the map. Suga saw ‘Poseidon's Revenge’ and just from the little picture on the map he could tell it was right up Noya’s alley. However, he wasn’t sure if that was the first thing he wanted to experience at the park.
“Are you sure? Shouldn’t we work our way up to the more scary ones?” 
Nishinoya laughed, making Suga’s heart flutter. “It’ll be fine! Ryu told me all about it, and he said we should go on it together.”
“Well, if Tanaka says we should, then what are we waiting for?” 
“Exactly! C’mon!” 
And just like that, Nishinoya started running in the direction of the ride, leaving Suga to chase after him. 
-roughly an hour later-
After endless minutes of waiting in line, Suga and Noya were finally strapped into the ride and were preparing to take off. Even more than when he first saw the ride, Suga’s nerves were skyrocketing. He was never a fan of fast rides, especially not ones of such high speed and height as the one he was currently on. His boyfriend could sense that he was nervous, and held his hand to try and soothe him. 
“Hey,” he shouted although the ride was so loud he wasn’t sure if Suga could hear him,” this’ll be fun okay? And after it’s over we can kiss with our adrenaline surging. I won’t let go, just letting you know!”
Just half a moment after he finished his speech the ride jetted into action, sending the pair (as well as everyone else on the ride) zooming through the course at a speed barely imaginable. As the ride dipped swiftly near the ground, both boys could hear screaming, though neither could tell which one of them it came from. Several loops left both of them feeling weightless, and it was over just as soon as it started. The ride came to a stop, and just as Nishinoya predicted, Suga felt his adrenaline reaching a peak. 
When the restraints lifted and freed the couple, Nishinoya instantly jumped out of the ride, the stars in his eyes shining with excitement. Suga followed, but when he stepped onto the platform his knees buckled and he collapsed. Noya let out a hand when he noticed, but before Suga could fully get back to his feet he snuck a brief kiss onto his lips.
“That was awesome, right?” Noya asked once Suga regained his senses.
“What, that kiss or the ride?” Suga joked in response, styling his hair with his fingers. “Because both were good.”
They went back to the ground, still buzzing from the ride. Nishinoya took the map and looked it over a second time. “So now what’re we going on?”
-a few hours later-
As the day turned into evening and the sun started to set, Suga was exhausted. The day was packed with dozens of rides, games and treats from every food stand within the park and so much walking that he didn’t think he would ever need to run laps before practice again. He wasn’t the only one who was tired, as Nishinoya also had less energy than normal. There was an announcement a few minutes before saying the park would be closing soon, but the couple wanted to spend every last minute of their first date together. They were sitting on a bench by the park entrance, with their arms wrapped around the other’s shoulder.
“What was your favorite part of today?” Suga asked, taking a bit of the ice cream he had in his free hand.
“I can’t choose.” Nishinoya replied somewhat sleepily. He was resting his head on Suga’s shoulder, his eyes fluttering closed every so often. 
Suga chuckled. “Me either. Honestly, I just liked spending time with you.”
“Aww, quit being sentimental!”
“How could I? I love you too much.”
“I love you too.”
While the memory might have been cloudy before, he recalled that day in perfect vividness as he held the bracelet in his hand. He thought it was funny, how just a small ring of silicone could contain such wonderful memories. He pulled the bracelet over his hand and smiled. Just thinking about the wonderful moments he got to spend with Nishinoya made his heart beat faster. He couldn’t wait to talk to him again. 
Wait, he realized, I can talk to him now. The dorm’s all clean!
He leapt onto his best and scrambled for his phone with the speed of a lovestruck idiot, almost shouting for joy when he found it. No sooner did he turn it on to find that Noya had messaged him more after he last texted back. 
From: 💕Noya💕
Yo!! Ik ur still busy but I got lonely again :,(
But i got inspired and did a lil bit of cleaning myself
didnt get very far tho, i got so many flashbacks i couldnt get anything done
But look what i found!!!
>attached: goodbyeselfie.png
When Suga opened the file, the last thing he expected to see was the selfie he hardly remembered taking. Seeing himself and the other third years in their graduation outfits almost brought tears to his eyes, and he looked like he was about to cry in the photo as well. Despite the abundance of misty-eyed seniors in the picture, Noya still smiled pridefully at the bottom, part of his chin cut off since he wanted to fit the third years in fully. Everything about the photo made his heart ache, remembering his last day at Karasuno.
- a few months earlier, late-march-
The third years left the ceremony with more emotions than they could ever name, a mixture of relief, sadness, stress and joy filling their thoughts. Of course, they were all proud of their achievements in high school but they never could’ve prepared for the bittersweet day that graduation was. Even Kiyoko matched the mood in the air between them. They all wanted to cry, but held it in as they joined their teammates for one last group goodbye. 
Many of their teammates were failing to hold back their emotions, especially the second years who had known them the longest. Suga wanted to laugh as Tanaka contorted his face to pretend he wasn’t crying. The first years, too, were emotional- Hinata for example was sobbing and wiping the snot from his nose with his sleeve.
“I’m gonna miss you guys so much!” Hinata bawled when the third years reached the group. 
Suga chuckled at his level of emotion. “You’ll see us again. We’ll come to practices to make sure you guys are all behaving and stuff, right Daichi?” 
“Of course!” Daichi yelled in response. He was the closest of all of them to breaking down, and seeing his underclassmen so choked up didn’t make it any easier. 
“Who knows, I might accidentally show up ready to run laps next week.” Asahi admitted. 
“We’ll make sure to make you proud, senpais.” Kageyama promised, a light in his eyes that was rare to see outside of matches. Suga smiled, knowing even Kageyama was going to miss them. 
“Hey, can I take a picture with you four?” Nishinoya asked cheerfully, holding up a polaroid-style camera. Somehow, despite his tendency to be over-emotional at any given time, he was perfectly held together now. None of the third years could deny him, and got together as they had for photos for parents before. 
“Please don’t make me look too tall.” Asahi pleaded as Nishinoya set his camera up. 
“Don’t worry Asahi-san, it’ll turn out great! Now come on, everyone smile!”
Maybe it was Nishinoya’s enthusiasm, maybe it was their feelings catching up with them, maybe it was smiling in front of the team for the last time as highschoolers, but the second the camera flashed the four third years finally released their tears. Something just felt so right about spending their last moments at Karasuno with the team they loved that they couldn’t help but tear up. Seeing the third years start to cry made the rest of the team follow. 
- a couple hours later-
“I’ll text you every single day, I promise.” 
“Yuu-chan, that’s a little unnecessary..”
“Oh, is Yuu-chan my new nickname? I love it!”
“Sorry, just a slip of the tongue. I can call you that if you want though.”
“I don’t care what you call me, as long as you don’t forget me once you get to college.”
“I won’t forget you, Noya.”
“I promise.”
After the graduation ceremony, Noya took the chance to walk Suga home, wanting to say goodbye on his own. It was mostly quiet between them, with only occasional conversations. They both had so much they wanted to say, but didn’t know what else to say but make promises. 
Soon enough they were standing outside of Suga’s house. 
“It looks like we’re here.” Suga stated, staring at the house that he couldn’t bear to enter. He knew that once he walked into his home, his high school life would be officially over. At least he had his boyfriend by his side to ease the sentimentality he felt. 
“Yeah.” Nishinoya replied. “Kiss before you go?”
“Of course” Suga laughed. Then, as requested, he bent down to pull Noya into a kiss. This kiss was different than any they had before, as if they were telling each other all their feelings without any words. Not much later, Suga pulled away to go home, he felt like his life was complete. It was a perfect goodbye. 
It was hard not to tear up after seeing the photo again. Even though in reality it was only a couple months ago for him, it still felt like an eternity since that night when Nishinoya walked him home. He wished that he could go back to those moments and spend one more day as a highschooler, one who didn’t have to schedule when he could talk to his boyfriend. Then he realized that he had the perfect opportunity to call him now, and he had better call him soon while there was still light in the day. 
When he pressed the call button, he hoped he wouldn’t have to wait long for Noya to pick up, since he didn’t want to spend any more time waiting if he didn’t have to. Luckily, he didn’t have to wait long.
“Finally! You have no idea how awful it’s been waiting allll day to talk to you.”
“You too, Yuu-chan. I saw that picture you sent me by the way. It was nice going back to that moment- although I’ve a lot of that today..”
“Really? Tell me all about it, and everything else that’s happened to you since we last called. Oh, and you wouldn’t believe what’s been going on at Karasuno these days!”
“I’m so glad we finally get to do this.”
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eeveedel · 5 years
okayyyyy :) 
This is literally the most wild drabble I’ve ever written, I loved this idea and then on Twitter I got some food kink requests so here we are. 
Please be advised his fic contains adult content intended for 18+ audiences, as well as chubby/fat kink and sexual feeding. If that at all makes you uncomfortable or is triggering to you please don’t read. If you’re interested, then enjoy some unedited stupid boys, rushed and messy sex, and a dumb ending xo 
Pool parties were Louis’s favorite part of summer.
Aside from the chance it gave him to survive the summer heat wave by mooching off his much richer friend’s pool, parties like this also gave him an excuse to wear his dumbest swimsuits, like the palm-leaf covered Speedo he had chosen today. He loved nothing more than doing sloppy, half-remembered flips off the diving board and draping himself over one of Liam and Zayn’s stupid novelty pool floaties while he let the sun deepen his tan, all while letting as much of his body as possible be shown off in his tin swimwear.
Most of all, he liked doing all that while feeling his alpha’s gaze on him.
Louis shifted on the hot pink inflatable pool chair he had planted himself on, and looked at the side of the pool.
Harry had laid down in one of the poolside loungers, bone dry and drinking a beer while he watched Louis in the pool.
He looked fucking delicious. He always did, but something about the sight of Louis’s alpha in an old swimsuit, his round, soft belly flopping a little over the waistband, made him feel hot all over.
Louis should be used to his boyfriend’s body enough to not almost get a stiffy in public over it, and yet here they were. He had first met Harry over a year and a half ago, when Harry had spilled his rum and Cherry Coke all over Louis’s new white shirt at Niall’s annual Christmas party. Louis had cursed him out thoroughly before actually looking up and immediately going quiet at the gaze of a tall, warm-looking alpha in front of me. An alpha who also was sporting a sizable beer gut belly under a very old looking t-shirt, which made Louis’s chest warm up for some reason.
After gazing at his alpha for a few more moments, Louis rolled off the floatie and into the water. He swam over to the nearest pool ladder so he could climb out, and then once he was out of the pool he promptly flopped down on the lounge chair with Harry. Immediately, put his arms around the alpha’s middle and his chin on Harry’s shoulder, giving his round cheek a kiss.
“Hi, alpha,” Louis giggled, throwing a leg over Harry’s lap. Harry smiled at him, his sunglasses dipping down his nose so he could give Louis a full, bright green glance.
“Hey, baby,” he said, skimming his fingers over Louis’s dripping wet skin, “You want a towel?”
“No, I think I’ll air dry,” Louis said, “Mind if I stay here?”
Harry kissed the side of Louis’s head and squeezed his hip.
“Not at all.”
Louis smiled and snuggled into Harry’s shoulder, absentmindedly rubbing his hand over his alpha’s sun-warmed skin.
Zayn and Niall had taken up the loungers next to Harry’s own chair, both of them looking half-asleep and at least a little burned. A minute later, Liam emerged from the sliding glass door at the back of his grossly huge house to hand Zayn a beer and give the omega a kiss. Then he sat down on the last free lounger, lifting up a glass of clear liquid and lime rinds to his lips.
“Liam,” Niall said, “Is that tequila? At two in the afternoon?[if !supportLineBreakNewLine][endif]
Liam shrugged and nodded.
“Yup,” Liam said, “I’m cutting out glutton for the summer. No beer.”
“Fine, but tequila? Straight ass tequila?” Niall argued.
“It’s better than you think!”
Niall grunted at that, sliding his sunglasses up to rest in his sun-bleached hair.
“Whatever. You’re always on some weird fucking health kick. Last year you ate that weird cold salad out of a Ziploc bag all of June.”
“It’s called farro, and it did wonders to my bum, I’ll have you know.”
Liam took another sip of his tequila, and then smiled at all of them.
“You know, I’m thinking of do P90X again, too,” he announced, “I’m trying to start a little club to do it in the afternoons, make it easier.”
“P90X?” Niall repeated, “The fuck is this, 2009?”
“Fuck off, it’s still effective,” Liam scoffed.
“Well, count me out,” Niall said.
“Yeah, babe, you know I’m not doing that,” Zayn added, making Liam sigh.
“God, whatever,” he turned to Harry, pointing at him with his beer bottle, “Styles? You in?”
“No thanks,” Harry shrugged.
“Oh, come on,” Liam laughed, “No offense man, but you could use it more than any of us. You really let yourself go since uni.”
Harry snorted, taking another swig of his beer.
“I’m alright right now, thanks,” Harry said, and squeezed Louis’s hip, “Besides, Louis’s not really into six packs, are you baby?”
Louis blushed, and prodded Harry with an elbow.
So maybe Harry was right. Louis had seen pictures of Harry when he was in university, when he probably weighed less than Louis.; knew exactly what Liam was referring to when he said Harry had let himself go a little bit. Harry had once told him that he reckoned he had gained about 40 pounds in beer, take out, and office job laziness since then, but he never seemed upset by that. And while Louis could appreciate pictures of Harry’s old physique, it didn’t hold a candle for him compared to what his boyfriend looked like now.
But just because he had a kink for his boyfriend being chubby didn’t mean their entire friend group needed it spelled out for them.
“Shut up,” he grumbled.
Harry chuckled, and drained his bottle.  
“Speaking of six packs,” he said, “Louis, baby, can you go get me another beer?”
“Isn’t that like your fourth today?” Niall said, “How are you drinking more than me and you’re not even buzzed?”
Harry patted the side of his belly with a smirk.
“Higher alcohol tolerance,” he said, “Guess it comes with letting yourself go.”
Louis flushed again, and then peeled himself away from Harry’s side, giving him a kiss on the cheek.
“I’ll go grab that beer for you, babe,” Louis said. He got to his feet, looking at everyone else, “You guys need anything?”
“I need you not to cream yourself on my patio,” Zayn jutted in.
“Fuck you,” Louis snapped, and then grabbed the handle of the sliding glass door.
“Hey, Liam, remember when you ate six bananas a day for a month in uni and ended up in the hospital with B12 deficiency?” Niall asked from behind him, which made Liam scoff angrily and then begin ranting about something he had read in a fitness journal that month.
Louis glanced behind him, and was just able to catch Harry looking at him over his shoulder. The alpha gave him a wink, a grin spreading on his face to make a dimple form in one of his padded cheeks.
Louis swallowed thickly and went inside.
They got home late, after the boys had talked them into a few more beers and kicking a football around Liam and Zayn’s backyard. By the end, Louis was bone tired, and he nearly had to drag himself through the front door of his own house, his ass still squeezed into his wet Speedo and his arms held down by several containers of leftovers.
He flicked on the kitchen light, Harry close behind him as he opened the fridge to put the leftovers inside.
“That was fun,” Louis said, looking over at his boyfriend.
“It was,” Harry sighed, slumping against the wall. His hands found their way to his stomach, and he rubbed it in slow, gentle circles, “M’fucking stuffed, though.”
He patted his middle, and it sounded firm and hollow. Louis just looked at him, trying to keep his breath normal. Harry was staring at him in the same firm way he had been looking at Louis swimming in the pool. He looked gorgeous, with his long hair tied up and his skin healthy and glowing from the sun. He was wearing the shirt he had put on once they were done at the pool; a yellow Hawaiian shirt covered in green and pink palm leaves. The bottom two buttons were tight against his middle, a bit of his tan skin showing through where the fabric didn’t quite cover him.
“Oh,” Louis said, “Uh – had a bit too much, huh?”
“Oh, yeah,” Harry grinned, “Can’t tell what was the mistake, that third burger or all that potato salad you brought me.”
He patted his belly again, and Louis turned away. He tried to ignore how his traitor of a cock was already chubbing up.
“Don’t do that.”
“Don’t do what?” Harry arched an eyebrow.
“Don’t talk about how full you are.”
“What, I am?” Harry said. He sighed fully, and his belly pushed out. He stroked his hand up the line of buttons that ran down his front. “Hope I don’t pop one of these, I think this shirt.”
“Harry, shut your fucking mouth, I need to take a shower,” Louis snapped, his face already turning red. He snapped the fridge closed and tried to walk past, but Harry grabbed his wrist.
“Do you?”
“Yes, I have chlorine in my hair, it’ll be so dry in the morning if I don’t condition it,” Louis said, “That’s basic science.”
It made Harry laugh, and he let go of Louis’s wrist.
“M’kay, baby,” Harry chuckled, “I’ll be in our room when you’re all done.”
Louis nearly jogged away, slipping into their room and then into their en-suite. He took off his shorts and t-shirt, tossing his Speedo into the sink to soak. He was already half-hard and he cursed weakly as he turned the shower on.
Fucking fuck his beautiful, thick alpha. Fucking fuck his own kink. Fuck all of it. He just needed a shower.
He scrubbed his body and hair down quickly, avoiding his dick entirely. He felt wetness between his cheeks that certainly did not come from the showerhead, and he whimpered as he finished up. Quickly, the water was shut off, and Louis almost tripped getting out of the shower. He wrapped his slender waist in a towel and tried to dab at his soaking hair with a washcloth. When it was no longer dripping all over his shoulders, he shook his head hard, trying to clear his thoughts, before he stepped into the bedroom.
Any thoughts of clearing his thoughts were vanquished when he came into the bedroom.
Harry was there, as promised, sitting up in their California king in just in his black briefs, his full beer belly spilling into his lap and his love handles curving over the briefs’ elastic. He was scrolling through his phone, but he looked up and tossed the device away when Louis walked in. Harry grinned and stretched an arm over his head, showing tattoos that had long faded and stretched out with his arm’s growing width.
“Louis,” Harry said, “Perfect timing.”
“Is it,” Louis said weakly.
“Yeah,” Harry said, and then, the treacherous fucking bastard stuck a thumb into his belly button and grabbed the bottom half of his belly with his other four fingers and shook himself, making his stomach jiggle, “Was just thinking I’m not as full as I was a few minutes ago.”
Louis felt his fingers weaken their grip on the towel and it fell down onto the floor, leaving him naked.
“Oh, yeah?” he asked.
“Mm hm,” Harry hummed, “Think I could go for some dessert. Could you get me something?”
Oh, this bitch. This fucking bitch.
“Sure thing,” Louis agreed, his neck warming, “How about some of those brownies Niall made?”
“That sounds great,” Harry agreed.
“Well,” Louis said, his throat feeling tight, “Let me just go grab that.”  
He nearly sprinted out of the room and into the kitchen. Once he was there, his mind was already racing. He grabbed the Tupperware full of the brownies, which were already caramel covered and iced with little frosting flowers. They were probably enough on his own, but he just tucked the container under one arm and kept exploring the fridge.
Harry wanted to play dirty, get Louis riled up and then decide that tonight was a good time for a feeding and a fucking, which he knew made Louis lose his mind. So Louis was going to do better than some leftover brownies.
After rummaging for a bit, Louis picked up a canister of whipped cream, a bottle of chocolate syrup, and the half-gallon of milk they had their fridge. He shut the fridge door with his knee, and managed to carry his haul back to their room.
Once he was back, Harry watched him with interest, and Louis deposited all the food on the bed before he climbed up himself. He sat with his legs bracketing Harry’s legs, the alpha’s warm stomach touching his own.
“Here are your brownies, gorgeous,” he said, picking up the Tupperware and cracking up open. He picked one off the top, holding it out, “Open up.”
Harry opened his mouth, and Louis gently fed him the dessert, his mouth growing drier at how Harry ate without losing eye contact with Louis.
When Harry had the last bite in his mouth, Louis pulled his hand away and licked at his fingers.
“How is it?” the omega asked.
“Mm,” Harry hummed, and then spoke with his mouth still full, “I think it could use something extra.”
“Well, you’re in luck.”
Louis grabbed the whipped cream from his side, holding it up for Harry to see. He shook up the cold canister, and then tipped it upside down, angling it towards Harry’s face.
“You want some, baby?” he asked, his hand already pressed on the nozzle.
“You know I do, honey.”
Harry opened his mouth and Louis nodded, then put the nozzle on Harry’s tongue and pressed. He pressed until the alpha’s mouth was overflowing with whipped cream. Then he brought his mouth down, lapping up some of the cream from Harry’s mouth and then kissing the alpha’s sugar-covered mouth. Harry moaned as he kissed Louis back, his hands reaching back to grab at Louis’s bum. Louis bounced a bit, his ass shaking Harry’s hands.
Louis pulled away after a few moments, and then smiled again.
“Were those brownies chocolate-y enough, alpha?” Louis asked.
“Could be a little more,” Harry said, “Niall skimped on the cocoa powder, I think.”
“That bastard,” Louis laughed, “I would never do that to you.”
He reached for the chocolate sauce then, opening it up and then tipping it into Harry’s mouth. A little spilled over Harry’s lips and chin as Louis squeezed it along Harry’s tongue. Louis quickly closed the bottle and swooped in, licking the sugary sweetness off of Harry. Harry groaned again, his hands squeezing harder at Louis’s bum. The omega gasped against his lips, and he reached down, holding onto Harry’s belly and jiggling it a little.
Harry’s moan turned into a weak growl, but Louis just pulled away from the kiss and smiled at his alpha, grabbing the half gallon of milk.
“Something to wash that down, alpha?” he asked.
Harry watched him with careful eyes, his gaze flashing.
“Sure,” he said.
He opened his mouth again, and Louis tipped the carton to his lips, a little inevitably spilling on his chin and his chest.
“Oops,” Louis giggled when it spilled, “Clumsy me.”
He screwed the milk carton shut, and then went to work, licking the milk off Harry’s chin and then down on his soft chest. He held onto his boyfriend’s love handles while he did, and Harry just groaned above him.
Louis was just getting to licking at one of Harry’s dark, wide nipples when the alpha grabbed the omega by his hair and yanked his head up.
Louis squeaked in surprise, his eyes going a bit wide as he looked up at Harry’s dark eyes. Harry smiled at him, the expression a bit too soft for his eyes, and then he adjusted his hips and grabbed at his own crotch.
“You want some dessert now too, baby?”
Louis snorted.
“You are a horrible, evil alpha,” Louis said, “Of course I do.”
Harry grinned, then pulled his hard cock out of his briefs, giving it a few unneeded tugs. His fingers then went to grab at Louis’s bum, pulling his cheeks apart and slipping his fingers inside. He fingered Louis quickly and messily, making the omega whine loudly as he did so. Then Harry was lifting him up roughly and planting him down on his cock.
Louis yelped, and then started bouncing, burying his face in Harry’s shoulder as he did. He smelled like rich, spiced wood mixed with the scent of sugar that had come from their dessert, and Louis whimpered at the smell, licking Harry’s shoulder. He kept his hips bouncing, and Harry held a hand on his bum, giving him a squeeze as he moved.
“Such a good omega,” Harry said, “Takes such good care of me. Keeps me well fed and everything.”
Louis whined, nipping at Harry’s skin. He wanted his mouth filled somehow.
Harry’s hips bucked, and Louis yelped as he felt the alpha’s cock jab harder into him. He felt Harry’s big, powerful body move under him, his belly shaking and heaving as he moved. Harry was grunting, the sounds deep and labored by the food in his belly. It only made Louis whine higher in his throat, and he brought his hands up, clawing his blunt nails on Harry’s furry chest. He pulled his mouth off Harry’s shoulder, his jaw a bit sore and his mouth dry as he spoke.
“M’so glad you’re my alpha,” he said, “Glad I don’t have an alpha like Liam. Just want an alpha I can feed and spoil all I want.”
Harry chuckled at that, kissing Louis sweetly despite still pounding into him hard. When he pulled away he slapped his own belly, the sound loud and sharp, and Louis almost cried. He felt more slick pour out of him, and he bit his lip.
“You spoil me so good, sweetheart,” Harry said, his voice deep and nearly a growl. He bucked his hips up, and Louis yelped again, “You want my knot?”
“Yes,” Louis hiccupped, “Oh, god, please.”
“Yeah, I know what you need,” Harry said, still fucking into Louis, “You like a big alpha with a big knot, huh?”
“H – Harry,” Louis gasped, and then squeaked weakly as Harry moaned under him, and he felt a knot start to expand himself him. His thin body shook, and he felt himself coming, a mess all over Harry’s bloated stomach.
Harry held and kissed him as Louis sat tied on his knot, and Louis just hung onto him, scenting himself against Harry’s neck and whining. Harry kissed his neck gently, calling him a good boy and a good omega, and Louis clung to Harry tightly, feeling his own release dry between them.
When Harry’s knot was deflated Louis climbed off his alpha with shaky legs, clearing the bed of Harry’s late-night snacks.
“Leave those,” Harry said when Louis started to get off the bed with it.
“The milk needs to go in the fridge, asshole,” Louis mumbled, but still struggled to waddle out of the room with his shaky legs and sore ass. He put the food away as quickly as he could, and then he was right back in his room, his body cuddling up next to Harry. The alpha rubbed them both down with a washcloth, and then wrapped a thick arm around Louis, giving him a kiss on the top of the head.
“Thanks for my snack, baby,” he said, and Louis giggled. He reached his hand up, rubbing over the tight skin of Harry’s belly, and it made the alpha moan in appreciation.
“God, I still wonder where the fuck you came from,” Harry said, “How did I get so lucky with you?”
Louis shrugged, snuggling deeper in Harry’s soft side.
“M’lucky,” he mumbled, and he meant it. Here, next to his big, soft alpha, he felt safe and at home, pretty satiated and content.
And he would be ready to give Harry whatever he wanted in the morning, whether it was breakfast or something more.
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britesparc · 4 years
Weekend Top Ten #437
Top Ten Predictions for the Xbox Games Showcase
So I wasn’t going to do this. I had my “Games Month” in June; that was supposed to be me getting it out of my system whilst the various publishers and platform holders held their Not-E3 video livestreams. That was supposed to take the place of my usual semi-serious lists of E3 predictions; a variety of more generalised run-downs of Stuff To Do With Videogames rather than me saying “A New Perfect Dark” ten times.
But then Microsoft’s “Showcase” event turned out to be the back-end of July, the videos and livestreams kept on pouring in, and I found myself ever devouring more salacious rumours of what games were upcoming, especially for the Xbox Series X. I have even found myself reading – shudder – Reddit.
I know.
Anyway, from being a simple thought experiment of “I wonder what games will be out when the Series X launches?” through to me imagining a blow-by-blow runthrough of the July 23rd event, I guess you could say that I am excited despite my better judgement. I think my problem with videogaming as a hobby is that I retain my fanboy enthusiasm from when I was a ten-year-old eagerly awaiting the next issue of The One Amiga, frantically swapping all eleven disks of Monkey Island 2, but I’m a grown-ass man with a mortgage and two kids and I just don’t have the time. I love reading websites like Eurogamer, and going on forums and checking out Twitter threads and all that, devouring news and titbits about all manner of gaming ephemera, and I often think when do these people have the time?!
Now look, I know hobbies, if you commit to them, can be expensive in terms of money and time. I have friends who collect Transformers toys, and let me tell you, that shit ain’t cheap. But daisy-chaining triple-A RPGs together feels like a lifetime commitment. I’m still playing Mass Effect Andromeda and Titanfall 2. I’ve just started Breath of the Wild and I’m waiting to kick off The Witcher III once I complete something else. I operate about two to three years behind the curve, and with work and kids and other commitments I struggle to find space for the oodles of games I do have, especially because most of the time I just end up on Civilization VI again. And yet…
The lure of the new still excites me. I really want to play all those Sony games on a Sony console that I don’t even own. I’m fascinated by the divergent next-gen philosophies of the big three platform holders. I can’t wait to see what the games I already own will look like embiggened on a 4K TV thanks to a suitable next-gen console. And so I keep consuming this stuff, keep wanting to try the latest thing, keep wanting to be part of the narrative. I’m still excited.
Therefore I’ve decided, against my better judgement, to offer up a prediction list like I usually do at E3 time. This one is just focussed on the upcoming Xbox Showcase on July 23rd. I doubt I’ll do one for the two remaining big showcases in August – I believe both Sony and Microsoft are doing one apiece, where we might finally hear prices of these damn things – because I think by the end of the month all the big game news might finally be out there. Aside from guessing how far off £500 both machines land, I think we’ve probably heard all the major announcements. Maybe I’m wrong! I’m wrong quite a lot! But that’s part of the fun.
So here we go: ten things that probably aren’t going to be announced next Thursday!
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Halo Infinite opens the show – and is playable: we know that Halo Infinite will debut some campaign gameplay. As more-or-less a known quantity (even if we don’t know exactly what it’ll look like or how it’ll play), kicking things off with Xbox’s biggest star makes sense and won’t deflate any surprises. What I think might happen, though, is the announcement of some kind of multiplayer demo or closed beta, maybe only for Game Pass subscribers or something. They’ve done it before with Halo, so it’d be nice to get a chance to play one of the year’s biggest games early.  
Hellblade 2 in-engine trailer: Senua’s Saga looks amazing so far, with a phenomenal launch trailer that displayed vast landscapes, intense detail, and some truly awesome facial animation. There’s a lot of speculation that, whilst the trailer was apparently in-engine and running in realtime, it was a fancy cut-scene with “hero assets”. I might have missed a memo somewhere, but I don’t think Hellblade 2 has been confirmed as a “launch window” title; as such, I think it will end up a Series X exclusive (as in, not appearing on Xbox One) and be out Christmas 2021. As such we won’t see a considerable gameplay chunk as with Halo, but we will see some proper in-engine footage – not a cutscene – running on Series X hardware.
Fable IV is out next year: is it an open secret at this point that Playground Games is making a Fable game? I guess maybe they’re not. Maybe there’s not even a new Fable at all. But I think there is, and I think Playground are making it, and I think we’ll see it next week. I guess it probably won’t be coming too soon; maybe Christmas 2021? So I think there’ll be a launch trailer of some kind – hopefully a Hellblade-style in-engine one rather than a rendered movie – but it’ll be a pretty big to-do to close out the show (unless there’s some other surprise “…and one more thing”).
Minecraft ray-tracing: we’ve seen it before, and I’m not sure how much time it’ll take up in the run of things, but I think Microsoft will confirm that there will be a ray-tracing graphics update for Minecraft on Series X. It’ll be part of some other line-wide update, of course – maybe the fabled “Super Duper Graphics” update that was cancelled once before – but Series X owners (or PC owners with the right hardware) will get lots of lovely rays to trace.
Gears Tactics on Xbox this Christmas: the Coalition said their piece about Gears 5 on Series X this week, so I don’t expect them to have a huge presence on Thursday (Gears 6 presumably being too far off), but I think we’ll get a trailer for the excellent Gears Tactics running on Xbox, and confirmation of a Christmas release for one of my favourite PC games of 2020.
Cyberpunk 2077 on Series X: all the footage we’ve seen of Cyberpunk thus far has been – I do believe – running on high-end PCs. CD Projekt Red should have a presence on Thursday, and I think they’ll debut footage – actual proper gameplay – of Cyberpunk running on a Series X. I think we’ll also see further evidence of a cosy relationship with Microsoft, as they announce something – maybe exclusive DLC – as well as just maybe some Cyberpunk-themed Series X hardware. I also think they’ll announce a Series X update for The Witcher III: Wild Hunt.
Big Double Fine blowout: Microsoft’s purchase of Double Fine really excited me, because I’ve been a big Tim Schafer fan for decades. Aside from Psychonauts 2, we don’t know a great deal about what they’re up to. So I think we’ll see a lot of Psychonauts, as well as confirmation of a Christmas release. We’ll also get confirmation of classic LucasArts remasters – Day of the Tentacle, Full Throttle, and Grim Fandango – as well as something else. I’m not sure what. A remaster of the first Psychonauts? Brütal Legend 2? Scurvy Scallywags Series X? what I don’t think it’ll be, however, is any kind of Banjo Kazooie game, because I don’t really think Microsoft bought them to work on existing IP. I think we’ll see something new.
Third-party shenanigans: aside from Cyberpunk, I think we’ll get at least one other extended third-party trailer. Maybe Destiny 2, given the first game’s apparent preference for PlayStation? Maybe one of those military shooters everybody likes but me? Splinter Cell, which is becoming the perennial white elephant during Ubisoft presentations (and obviously has prior as an OG Xbox exclusive)? Or maybe we’ll see something like the announcement of Red Dead Redemption 2 as a Smart Delivery title. That would be pretty cool.
Japanese presence: I’m not sure what exactly, but I think Microsoft will make moves to entice the Japanese market. Perhaps it’ll be like the early days of the Xbox 360, when they published the likes of Blue Dragon. Maybe we’ll see a Western release of some venerated Japanese franchise. Or maybe some other sequel or reboot. Maybe it’ll even be the rumoured announcement of some kind of exclusive partnership with Sega? Who knows? Regardless I think we’ll see evidence of Microsoft making more of an effort in Japan; I think this will be part of a strategy to encourage Japanese gamers to subscribe to Game Pass/xCloud rather than buy more consoles.
One last thing: there’ll be a surprise. Everyone’s predicting everything, but I still think there’ll be a surprise. After the dust settles, good old Phil Spencer (t-shirt prediction: Viva Pinata) will leave us with a little something… a tease, a subtle tease, maybe even just a logo or character reveal. It could be a returning franchise, it could be The Initiative’s debut game, but I’d wager it’s something unexpected, something we’ve never heard anything about. It’s something that’s a long way off, but it’ll have a style or a hook or a brand that instantly makes everyone excited, and will bring the curtain down. Microsoft has largely done a good job establishing itself as a solid platform the last three or four years, but it’s sorely been lacking in mic-drop moments as hardware news is teased and studio acquisitions have taken time to bed in. So whether it’s Joanna Dark, a Mech, Banjo, or something I can’t fathom, we’ll leave on a high.
There we go: ten relatively reasonable, moderately level-headed predictions. I don’t think there’s anything too crazy there. I’ve not gone all-in on a huge Perfect Dark blowout, or Viva Pinata returning, or Microsoft buying Sega or Warner Bros or whatever else could be dreamed up. I’m sure there’s other stuff too; probably some gameplay from previously-announced titles like The Medium or (hopefully) Scorn, that really show off Series X capabilities; no doubt a montage or two, probably of some ID@Xbox games; Forza Motorsport 8, I guess, and I’d wager some info on Flight Simulator on Xbox. I do hope they make the whole presentation look nice though; Sony’s one, where they finally revealed the PS5 hardware, was excellent, with just enough talking-head developer stuff and those lovely idents that served to whet the appetite and tease the eventual look of the machine. We know there’ll be no new hardware or discussion about evolving services, so really all we’ve got to look forward to are games, games, games, which makes a nice change from the reveal of the Xbox One all those moons ago.
Okay, so my absolute crazy just-for-me wish? Well, things are getting thin on the ground now, as the big things I always want from Microsoft – Fable, Crackdown, Perfect Dark – have either happened or are strongly rumoured. Viva Pinata is next on that list, but beyond that? How does Black and White Infinite sound? That’s right, baby, next on my list – Lionhead rebooted!
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fuse2dx · 4 years
June '20
Trials of Mana
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Maybe not the highest profile remake Square-Enix have put out in recent memory, but one that was pretty exciting for me. I played a fan translation of the Super Famicom original some 20 years ago, so while it's not particularly fresh in my head, there's just enough there to enjoy some infrequent little pangs of nostalgia. The move to 3D has made for some welcome changes to to combat - jumping adds a vertical element to combat that wasn't present before, and enemy specials being clearly telegraphed and avoidable puts a little more control in your hands. There's still a good amount of 16 bit jank though - combo timing feels unreliable, the camera's often a pain, there's plenty of questionable hit detection, and you definitely wouldn't want to leave your fate solely in the hands of your party's AI. Willing to put most of this aside, what actually mattered more to me was that it still had the kind of playful, breezy nature, it looks and plays nicely, and that it progresses at a nice clip. Party selection will change the way you fight moment-to-moment, but only provides minor and very brief deviance from the main storyline, most of which is the kind of schlocky cartoon villainy that will have you looking for a skip button before it would illicit any kind of emotional response. But you know what? Overall, I still enjoyed it a lot.
So while it may not be revolutionising the action RPG, what it does show is that Square-Enix is capable of acknowledging their history of previously untranslated works, and that they also now have a pretty good template for getting a B-tier remake of such titles out in a reasonable timeframe. Where do I send my wish list in to, team?
Sayonara Wild Hearts
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As a one-liner found on the back of the box, 'A pop album video game' is about as on-the-nose as it gets. The old "it's not for everyone" adage is definitely applicable, and its defiance of traditional video game metrics is not in any way subtle. How sophisticated is the gameplay? Not particularly. How long is it? Not very. But how does it make you feel? Now you're talking. It presents a simple but deeply relatable story of a broken heart, and leads from there with a catchy tune into a fast and colourful onslaught of new ideas, perspectives, and concepts. That is to say: it has the potential to make you feel all kinds of things. 
One especially celebratory note was how well the game is structured to fit into the album structure it boasts about. Stages flow quickly into one another, and while shorter, more compounding numbers are often about introducing new ideas and themes, moving on to the next is a few simple button presses and a brief, well-hidden loading window away. Inevitably there are more standout stages, those that feel like the hit singles; the longer, verse-chorus-verse type joints that grant the space for more fleshed out visual story telling, and that smartly synchronise their percussive hits, soaring vocals and the like to appropriate beats of play. A lot of the gameplay can easily (and cynically) be reduced to "it's an endless runner", but to liken this to a cheap re-skin of a confirmed hit-maker is to wilfully dismiss so much of what it does better and so much beside. You can play it on damn near everything, and for the time it takes, it's well worth doing. 
Twinkle Star Sprites
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I've meant to play this countless times before. I've almost certainly passed it by while strolling through arcades, the Saturn version has never been hoovered up into my collection, and the PS2 collection this particular version belongs to - ADK Damashii - is no longer a cheap addition to anyone's library. The digital version of it for PS4 however was however recently on sale at a point that saw me receive change from a fiver. David Dickinson would be proud.
Having now credit-fed my way through the game's brief arcade mode, there's no doubt in my mind that the nuance of its systems are going to be glossed over in this rather ham-fisted appraisal. At least at face value, there's plenty of character and charm to appreciate in its colourful and cutesy style. As a two-player, vertically split-screen title, its a pretty clean break from a lot of a shooter's typical characteristics - rather than 6(ish) stages of hell, its a series of one on one battles - and all the better suited to 2 players for it. As enemy waves come at you, taking them out in chains can generate attacks to the other player; however if these attacks are too small then it's entirely possible they'll be killed off again, and an even bigger attack will come straight back at you. Think of a bit like competitive Tetris, but with shooting rather than puzzling. It's a neat and curious little game, that's likely best experienced properly, with a friend on the other side of the sofa to hurl abuse at. 
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Let's get the lazy-but-effective description out of the way: it's a 2D MetroidVania Souls-like. You've got "that" type of map, definitely-not-bonfires and definitely-not-Estus Flasks. You are encouraged to return to your body upon death, the combat system is very reliant on parries and dodge-rolls, and there's even a dedicated "lore" button to use on every item you pick up. 
While this likely sounds dismissive, it's more about addressing the elephant in the room. To give some context, these are both types of games that I love, and the end product here has done a pretty good job of bringing them together. The exploration is pleasantly open - gatekeeping is typically done less by specific items and abilities, and more by just which areas you're brave enough to poke your head into. It's a little bit of a shame that most of the new abilities have to be switched out for others rather than adding to a core arsenal of moves, but at the same time its base setup gives you plenty of ways to deal with any number of combat scenarios. This is of course best demonstrated by the boss encounters, which are wonderful affairs - big, gruesome, thoughtful variations on approaches to combat, which drop in at a nice pace to keep you from ever getting too cocky. The theming in general is wonderful, and the name is certainly appropriate - there's a lot of deep catholic inspiration in its gorgeous backdrops and environments, but then layered on top are some chilling elements of religious iconography, along with a cast of disturbing devotees and martyrs to sufficiently unsettle you. It's arguably a small intersection of the gaming population that it'll appeal to, but if you're in there, it's a real treat.
Death Come True
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The first thing you see upon starting is the game's central character breaking right through the fourth wall to tell you directly not to stream the game or to share anything that might spoil the story. The first rule of Death Come True, and so on. I consider myself fairly well versed in such etiquette, so to then have the screenshot function entirely disabled for the whole game felt a little like being given a slap on the wrists for a crime I had no intention of committing. I don't envy the team trying to market it, that's for sure. 
The reasoning behind this is clear at least - it's a game that is in total service of its plot. Consider a mash-up of a 'Choose your own adventure' book and a series of full-motion videos, and you're mostly there. Unless you were to walk away from the controller or perhaps fall asleep, there seems very little chance that your play time will deviate from the 3 hour estimate - which will certainly put some people off, but is understandable given the production values, and personally, quite welcome in the first place. In terms of replay value, there are branching paths that a single route will obviously skip: as an example of this, in looking up a screenshot to use in lieu of taking my own, I found a promotional image of the central cast, only to not recognise one of them at all. One thing that such a short run-time does ensure though, is that minute-for-minute, there's plenty of action; without wanting to speak about the story itself (rather than in fear of reprise for doing so, I might add), it kicks off with plenty of intrigue, shortly thereafter switching to full-on action, and then strikes a pretty fine balancing act between the two for its run time. It doesn't get quite as deep or as complex as I would've hoped given the team's pedigree, but I do like it, and think it'd actually be a pretty fun title to play with folks who normally don't concern themselves with games. By the same token, it's probably not for the 'hardcore' types looking for something to string out over dozens of hours. 
Persona 5: Dancing in Starlight 
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After the generous main course that was Persona 5 Royal, I figured that I'd follow up with dessert. I did however wait until a weekend where I knew my girlfriend would be away, so as not to trigger any unpleasant flashbacks to looped battle themes, and the chirpy, indecipherable voices of Japanese schoolkids that made it so painful to endure as a non-gaming cohabitant.  
Immediately, it's clear that very little has changed since Persona 4's take on the rhythm action genre. The core game, while still functional and fairly enjoyable, hasn't changed a lick. Perhaps the most notable improvement to the package as a whole is in scaling back on a dedicated story mode, and instead just having a series of uninspired but far less time-consuming set of social link scenes that pad things out. The biggest flaw is repeated wholesale though, in that trying to stretch out noteworthy tracks from a single game's playlist into a dedicated music game leads to repetition - and there is a much less prolific gathering of artists involved in remixes this time. I'd be willing to wager that it's a very similar story once again with Persona 3: Dancing in Moonlight, but I'm not about to ruin a perfectly good dinner to start with the sweet just to find out, if you'll excuse a second outing of the metaphor. Still, again compare these to Theatrhythm though - where Square-Enix plundered the Final Fantasy series in its entirety, along with spin-offs and other standalone titles to put together a library of music worthy for the one single game. Cobble the tunes from Personas 3-5 together into one game, and you're still coming up very short by comparison.
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carryonproject · 5 years
Please read this post VERY, VERY THOROUGHLY. It is all incredibly important and will answer like 90% of current questions our admins are getting.
Musicians & Singers
All musician roles (both instruments and singers) have a sign-up deadline of April 15. After this, if you want to contribute, we'll take you on in another capacity until other deadlines limit those.
It’s fine if you can’t be super active between then and recording, but if you want in, we have to KNOW by then. Recording deadlines are below.
Instrument-musician roles seeking a solo have a deadline of April 6 to present why you're a bawss and can be worked in for a solo.
Between these dates and the end of April, our Music Directors are finalizing writing and distributing the sheet music to incorporate everybody.
Recording will come in May. We have a tentative projected deadline for these recordings at the end of May, meaning recording for instruments and singers will be May 1-May 31, give-or-take.
If you are planning to submit a video to this project aside from the above, we'll be taking these from April 15 through May 31st. After this, our video editors will begin our long and arduous process.
If you are expecting a video shortly after this deadline (like, you're gonna meet your 10 year digital BFF at a con, or something, early June), contact us.
Ping the Video Editors and let them know, and we WILL discuss that and be willing to hold a spot for you within reason.The above point also covers if you’re planning to arrange a con-choir akin to how we’re cooperating with DarkLight in Paris. If your convention date is past this, but you at least get a confirmed schedule before the general submission deadline is past, let us know and we’ll hold a place for your con-choir. Please note this is only for con-sized events, not small individual groups. 
If you personally orchestrate a gathering of friends singing the song outside of our digital choir, standard submission dates apply.
As-before, we're looking for major life events or super wild things this fandom has done to encourage you to live life. Crazy GISH vids are encouraged. Emotional meetings. Etc. But if you wanna just flex that SPN tat you got in a two second video clip to show it off, that works too.
So to clarify: Submissions for video content will open April 15 and close May 31, with the above exception. 
If you are submitting static/unmoving art for use in the video, we will use it as best we can. Not all art will be able to make it into the video. Art that does not make it into the video will be included in a zine. This zine will have PDF format and be printed out to be presented to the crew. We don't have the financials to make it open distribution/printing and we're not gonna beg for money to do so, but in everybody here leaving with a copy of the zine, you can all find your own resources to print it individually so you will always have a copy of this, and of course -- yes, we're going to make sure the crew gets it.
Art submission deadlines for video inclusion mirror video submission deadlines (Apr15 - May31). However, please see "The Zine" below.
News on how to submit will be provided when submissions are open. Please do not ask until then, for my sanity.
Dev Team Our dev team is everything from music directors, sound mixers, and video editors. Once music & singing recording is completed around the end of May, early June becomes their terrain. The end of the year is our goal to have the video project finished -- which may sound excessive, but we're going to be dealing with several hundred tracks of video alone, much less audio clean-up and so forth. Those will be five-to-six very busy months for our post-production crew, so the above deadlines are incredibly important. There will be no specific deadline in signing up for any related post-production team elements because, let's face it, if somebody shows up in August and thinks they can help with sound or video, odds are, they probably can. We'll update you if this changes.
The Zine The zine itself is going to handle overflow from the video and accept longer contributions. We don't have a specific date on it beyond wanting it done by the end of January. If you miss the video submission deadline for art, we can still include it in a tribute also intended to be delivered to the crew. We do not yet have a decided deadline on this, and will update as we get a better idea of our future horizon.
Art is not to have shippy content, but should be designed in a fair and balanced display of the crew. Team Free Will, Found Family, undersung heroes, and yes, Sam and Dean. And hell, Dean and Cas, as long as that's an ampersand and not a slash, if you feel me. But please also respect that we don't want a bunch of "gen" representation of a specific ship alone, either. Because I know the Destiel fandom is a tentacle monster of love, and extremely digitally engaged. So it's something to keep in mind. If too much of a specific duo is submitted, it'll be on zine handlers to consider what to use and what to not, and we don't want anybody's stuff getting disregarded!
That said, if you want in as a musician or singer, even if you can’t contribute RIGHT NOW, now is the time to climb into the server. Just be available to record some time in May.
And of course, as always, the discord link >> https://discord.gg/y3TGebk
If you are part of this project, or know anyone that is part of this project, PLEASE reblog this for a signal boost of the important deadlines and information above. We have our plan in gear. We need all of our participants or interested parties aware. We’re already over 250 people on our server in the last 3 days since we opened the project, so this next few weeks of sign ups will determine a lot more for us. Make sure nobody misses their chance.
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thesportssoundoff · 5 years
Playoff Droughts And Who Can Break Theirs
Baseball season is approaching and in the interest of breaking up the monotony of what figures to be a LONG and painful spring training, I wanted to take a peek whimsically while looking backwards. There's no more enjoyable story than when a team that's been excluded from the postseason dance for quite some time gets their invite. Sometimes it's years of hard work and team building and other years its due to ownership just throwing money around and sometimes? It's just a fluke luck circumstance not to be repeated for quite some time. For the sake of doing something of a bit of a project, I decided to take a brief look at teams that have not made the playoffs in over five years. I chose five years arbitrarily I suppose because to me five years or more without a playoff run is a genuine drought whereas four or less just feels like a lull regardless of expectations. Yankees fans may consider three years without the playoffs to be a drought whereas that's if anything a lull or a break in tradition. Teams that have been out of it for five years or more are teams that are either mired in long term BAD baseball or embracing mediocrity at best and so five years just felt right. Also I wanted to do it since the invent of the two game wild card but then it would be literally just three teams and nobody wants that.
Of the eight teams who have missed the playoffs for five years straight or longer, who are most likely to break that streak and join the dance? Well...
1- Philadelphia Phillies Last Playoff Appearance: 2011
Last year's darling picks, the Phillies have been out of the playoffs since 2011. For fun facts, 2011 was also the first year of the Chromebook, snapchat and the release of Elder Scrolls: Skryim. If you read this space for MMA? 2011 was the year Jon Jones beat Shogun for the LHW title, the Strikeforce HW Grand Prix started and Alistair Overeem's UFC debut. It's been a while and to the credit of Philadelphia, they've tried a multitude of ways from riding out the final years of aging veterans to rehauling their farm system to spending and spending big. It's not for a lack of trying they haven't made it back to the playoffs! Last year they seemed armed to roll through a perceived weak NL East with big names and big money across the board. Of course little did we know the Nationals would be better without Bryce Harper and the Phillies wouldn't even crack the top two of the division. Out goes Gabe Kapler and in comes Joe Girardi who will be tasked with VETERAN MANAGING his way through this ultra talented and underachieving roster that has added the likes of Zach Wheeler, Didi Gregorious as well as Andrew McCutchen who was lost early into 2019 with a torn ACL. The Phillies boast an insane line up as if Didi and Cutch are healthy and productive then you've got a core of Jean Segura, JT Realmuto, Didi, McCutchen, Rhys Hoskins and Bryce Harper. The rotation is pretty damn spiffy (health permitting) with Wheeler, Aaron Nola, Zach Eflin and Jake Arrieta plus flostam as a fifth if need be. The Phillies are always going to be a team that has slumps magnified and streaks glorified (such is life with Bryce Harper) but I can't see them not cracking the playoffs in some form or fashion this year. If they don't make the playoffs, we may need to try and discuss if there's some kind of a curse out there on the Phanatic.
2- Cincinnati Reds Last Playoff Appearance: 2013
Gotta admit I had no idea the Reds had a playoff cameo back in 2013. Guess that's just one of those years lost to time. Fun facts of 2013? Grand Theft Auto 5 came out that year, Yahoo purchased this hell site and the UFC brought women into the organization for the first time ever. The Reds spoke openly about wanting to spend a bit in the offseason and so they did, flexing some financial muscle with deals for Mike Moustakas, Shogo Akiyama and Nick Castellanos to help out a lineup featuring the likes of Joey Votto, Nick Senzel and Eugenio Suarez. If the Reds are going to make a serious run of things, it'll likely be on the arms of a rejuvenated Sonny Gray, mercurial Trevor Bauer and the league's best kept secret to casual fans Luis Castillo. There's obviously going to be concerns about a team that hits a lot of dingers but strikes out a bunch and a somewhat unheralded bullpen but the Reds have power, they've gotten better and they've got a cadre of arms to flex at any time. Also? The NL Central figures to be up in the air as the Cubs seem to coast with the core they have until the rebuild comes around, the Cardinals and Brewers underwent massive changes and the Pirates figure to be flat out bad. There's never been a more clear path for the Reds to make some October noise.
3- Los Angeles Angels Last Playoff Appearance: 2014
The year is 2014. In the real world,  Colorado legalizes the purchase of wacky tobacky, selfies became "a thing" in need of forever going away and the occulus rift creates a youtube grift genre. Sports wise? The MLB struggles through record rating woes, the Cowboys finally break through in the Jason Garrett tenure with a 12-4 record, the UFC is undergoing massive upheaval as stars retire or are suspended for PEDs, Bellator hosts its first PPV which in turn leads to the ousting of Bjorn Rebney for Scott Coker and LeBron James leaves Miami to go back where it all began in Cleveland. That's the last time the Angels saw a playoff game and it's been beaten to death at this point. "WHY DON'T THE ANGELS MAKE THE PLAYOFFS DURING MIKE TROUT'S PRIME?!" is tired and done to death but for those of you who feel the same way, 2020 marks the BEST chance for that to become a fad question (or perhaps just morph into "WHY CAN'T THE BEST PLAYER IN BASEBALL WIN THE WORLD SERIES ON HIS OWN?!") since the Angels are pretty damn loaded for bare. With the Astros about to endure a pretty weird season and the A's always lurking, the Angels will roll into the year with three bonafide superstars in Anthony Rendon, Shohei Otani and Mike Trout. The pieces around them aren't bad shakes either as Andrelton Simmons is a defensive whiz, David Fletcher is one of those solid under the radar types and the rotation isn't flashy but it should be competent with minor league depth to make moves if they see a big fish out there. The Angels would've been higher up had they gotten Ross Stripling and Joc Pedersen in a deal but since that fell off, I feel like 3rd behind the Reds and Phillies is a fine spot to put them in.
4- Chicago White Sox Last Playoff Appearance: 2008
2008 will probably best be known as the year of change headlined by the election of Barack Obama as President of the United States. It was the year Fidel Castro stepped down in Cuba. China got the olympics in Beijing and people were TOTALLY cool about that with nary any controversy whatsoever. Beyond that? 2008 was the year I got into MMA and that was a special time, dudes. It was also the year where the White Sox saw their last real sustained succeed with its last postseason appearance. The White Sox feel like they've been in a rebuild since pretty much the end of the Ozzie Guillen tenure and despite multiple managers, multiple attempts to figure it out, rebuilds aplenty and some damn good talent coming through the organization, it's been a rough go of it for the majority of 2010 to 2019. Put it this way, the LAST time the White Sox made the playoffs, Chris Sale was a 22 year old rookie and Paul Konerko was still an active player. They've got a chance to kick off this next decade as a bit of a sleeper team in the Central. This team can hit and one can assume that another year of development for phenom talents like Yoan Moncada and Eloy Jiminez can only help. Tim Anderson for better or worse has a style and swagger that generates attention but it is fair to remember that for at least one half a season, he was a phenomenal player worthy of the acclaim. The White Sox have tried hard to secure elite free agents (Manny Machado and Zack Wheeler) but it's been a bust so at this point it's going to be up to them to draft, develop and trade for it. It would not surprise me if the White Sox are good enough in June and July to make a big deal to try and push them over the hump and chase for the second wild card.
5- San Diego Padres Last Playoff Appearance: 2006
The Padres last made the playoffs in the year of the Nintendo Wii. Floyd Mayweather hadn't even come up with his Money Mayweather gimmick yet! Lost to baseball obscurity, the Padres had at the very least an interesting team out west. The likes of Manny Machado, Fernando Tatis Jr, arguably the worst defensive outfield in the history of the universe and freakishly good young arms like Chris Paddack and Joey Luchessi at least made them fun to watch. They weren't "good" but this is a team that was still struggling to balance expensive veterans with clout (Machado, Eric Hosmer, Will Meyers) with really good young talent trying to figure things out. The Padres figure to be better with a full season of Tatis Jr, more production from guys like Hosmer and Machado plus improvements in the outfield with Tommy Pham and Trent Grisham (hold your jokes, Nats fans) figure to give this team a chance. There's a pretty good bullpen (Emilio Pagan is a sneaky nice pick up) and plenty of talent in their 26 man roster. The NL West has so much legit top talent with the D-Backs and Dodgers figuring to be really good that it's hard to make an argument for the Padres to be a playoff contender but they figure to try and trying is truly half the battle.
6- Miami Marlins Last Playoff Appearance: 2003
It's kind of a bummer that we didn't get our decennial Marlins "The fuck?" World Series win but they made up for it by giving us Jeffrey Loria and David Samson fucking things up for most of the decade leading to Derek FUCKING Jeter opting to get into the management game much to the chagrin of most folks on all sides. The Marlins are in the midst of rebuilding....again. Don't expect them to compete but they've got some good talent to at least want to see play. Brian Anderson, Caleb Smith, Jorge Alfaro and a bundle of veteran signings that will at the very least make the Marlins a fun trade partner in July will keep this team relevant. Wouldn't surprise me if the Marlins flirt with a 20 win swing from where they were last year.
7- Seattle Mariners Last Playoff Appearance: 2001
My god man. The Mariners were SO close in 2018, winning 89 games and finishing a few spots out of a Wild Card spot. As if they decided that this core couldn't do it, the Mariners went to work tearing their team apart and were rewarded with a pretty blegh squad that was once again picked apart at the deadline. To their credit they have some spiffy talent worth watching, namely the infield duo of JP Crawford and Shed Long. They’ve also got some fun young arms who might take the next step. Just don't expect them to win many games.
8- Detroit Tigers Last Playoff Appearance: 2014
The Tigers are aways away from being contenders. They're not trying to be contenders. They're in the midst of what could best be described as a multiple year rebuild after riding out the end days of the core from the start of the 2010's. They will be bad but god bless 'em for embracing it.
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marmolady · 5 years
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-revised with major edits... enjoy!-
Book/Series: Endless Summer
Main Pairings: Estela x MC/Taylor (f)
Summary: Post-ending. Freed from Vaanu, Taylor has been building a life with her soulmate... but their family remains not quite complete.
Warnings: Coarse language. 
Word Count: 4292
Reviews and reblogs are hugely appreciated!
Tagging: @brightpinkpeppercorn @sceptilemasterr @bbaba-yagaa@edgydepressedchoicesthot @endlesssummerfan@blightarts@princessstellaris @acidsugar0 @taramitch96  @sapphovonchat@strangerofbraidwood@noeschoices@queerchoicesblog@kennaxval@queerchoicesblog@mrsmontoya @saivilo @ezramitchells
August 2022
 Taylor’s heart sank as she looked at the result. Negative. Again.
Estela sighed and looked away. Again, no baby. Even knowing she could have done nothing more, it felt horribly like she’d let Taylor down when it really mattered. Everything she’d ever wanted… her deepest desire… it was so close, only for them to be repeatedly smacked down by some invisible barrier.
“We’ll try again,” said Taylor quietly, trying to sound like someone who hadn’t just been crushed. “This is gonna happen for us, okay?”
Despairing, Estela threw her head back, trying and failing to calm her emotions. For several long minutes she wrestled with herself before turning back to her wife. Her voice shook when she spoke. “Maybe… maybe we should try with you… it’s not as if I’m not made up of a load of shit that we shouldn’t really want to pass on to an innocent child.”
“First of all; no. You are freaking perfect, and nothing you could give a baby could be anything but that. And I know how much you want this. I want it to be you. I want us to keep trying.”
Walking away, Estela could feel guilt clawing at her stomach. Of course she wanted to be the one to carry the baby, but if things kept up like this, there wouldn’t be a baby to carry. She sighed again, heavier, and curled up on the couch, knees against her chest. “Taylor, it’s been over a year…”
“We can see another doctor if it puts your mind at ease? But I trust what they said; everything’s working fine, it’s just not necessarily gonna happen overnight.” Taylor sat down beside her wife and began massaging her back, feeling tension in every muscle. “I know we wanted to do this at home, but we could consider intra-uterine. How about we give it one more month, and then start looking at other options?”
For a long while, Estela said nothing, staring into space as she tried to process the aching disappointment. When she zoned back into reality, Taylor was still there, kneading her back. Another month… that was reasonable.
Taylor eased down the back of Estela’s shirt and pressed kisses between her shoulders. “I know how much you’re hurting right now… I’m feeling it too. Someday soon, we’ll hardly remember this; we’ll be too busy wading through diapers and trying to get a wink of sleep. But for now, I think it’s a comfort food under a blanket situation. We’ll just snuggle up in a love cocoon until whenever it is that we’re ready to put on brave faces.”
They cuddled beneath a blanket on the couch, grateful to have nothing pressing to do nor any people to see. That they’d have a baby together had always been a given, at least once it became certain that Taylor could remain with her loved ones on earth. They’d found their peace, and each had their home was in the arms of the other. The next step was the baby. Estela would carry the child; passing on a little piece of the mother who’d been so cruelly taken from her. Of course, it meant that the other grandparent would carry on through the bloodline as well… but having wrestled with it, Estela concluded that honouring Olivia Montoya was more important to her than eliminating Rourke. It was deemed the safer option; whatever Taylor was, she was not entirely human, and her reproductive capabilities and genetic contribution would be rather more of a gamble. If it came to it, they could try that path- certainly Taylor liked the idea of being related to another person by blood- but the simple truth was that Estela’s urge for that physical bond was far stronger. Diego, the nearest thing Taylor had to family, would be the donor, and someday, a doting tio. All the rationale, the planning… all of it mattered little if it just didn’t happen for them. In the end, how it happened wasn’t important… they just needed their family.
The disappointment was not getting any easier, month after month, even as it became expected. They now knew better than to get their hopes up too high. Once again, Taylor would go back to Diego to ask for his help… another round of ‘I’m sorry’s and hugs of consolation. Estela would be quiet for a few days, but their optimism would return as it always did. Together they’d literally undone an apocalypse; so long as they had one another’s hands to hold, they’d soldier through anything.
Estela gently caressed Taylor’s lips with her own, tasting the salt of tears. For her she’d be strong; it was what she’d always done. It was impossible to be broken for long whilst held in Taylor’s heart and embrace. “Next time…” she said softly.
Taylor nodded and returned the kiss. God, I love you…
“…Next time…”
September 2022
 Pausing her frenzied scribbling of notes, Taylor pushed her glasses back up the bridge of her nose. From her position cross-legged on the couch, she heard the creak of the front door.
“You’re home late,” she said, still poring over her notes. “Reggie holding you hostage again?”
Estela draped her arms over Taylor’s shoulders and kissed the top of her head. “Yeah, something like that.”
Taylor couldn’t help but laugh. “I think a part of you is kinda flattered that you can’t give the kid to someone else without him dissolving into banshee screams…”
“He knows his tia.” Pausing for a moment, Estela waged a silent debate in her head before making up her mind for sure. “Taylor, I want to take the test…”
She looked up. Spending so much time with their nephew had only heightened Estela’s want for a baby. They both adored Reginald, but his presence served to highlight exactly what they were missing. “I know. But if you wait a couple more days, it’ll be more accurate. This whole thing is tough enough without worrying about false negatives.”
Estela sat down opposite Taylor, reaching out for her hands. “I’ve just got a feeling, you know? I feel different.” She took her wife’s hand, and tucked it into her bra. “That’s swollen, right?”
“Possibly? But it’s early, my love. I don’t want you getting carried away with something that might not exist.” Of course, it was easy to see signs when it was wanted so much. Between hanging around Reggie all day, and an upcoming journey back to San Trobida in a few days, the yearning was running wild. It was only natural that Estela wanted to greet her tio with the news that she was expecting, but Taylor feared another disappointment. She stroked Estela’s breast, while her other hand lovingly cupped her face. “You know that even if you are pregnant, it probably won’t show up yet?”
“I know that. I’ll do it again in a few days… I just don’t think I can rest without trying.”
“Okay… but don’t get your hopes up. Do you want me with you?”
Estela shook her head. “It’s all right. Like you said, it’s probably too early to work. I’m just trying to settle the voice in my head.” As she moved to leave, Taylor hugged her tight.
“Love you…”
“Love you.”
Taylor looked back to her notes. Their return to San Trobida would be momentous for her; starting up a much-needed youth counselling service in the area surrounding Estela’s home. It was what she’d studied for, and it was with nervous excitement that she jotted down ideas and sketched out plans. With the grants and scholarships that the company had to offer -provided by what Rourke had left behind- there was the feeling that they might be able to make a real difference in giving the children of the civil war hope for the future. The central inspiration to their work was, of course, Estela’s mother. Each award given out to a student was gifted in her name; it provided a small comfort that Dr. Olivia Montoya’s legacy was one of a promise for a better tomorrow. Taylor found herself distracted. They had fulfillment in one another, in the work they were doing… but the picture remained incomplete. The quiet having lingered for too long, Taylor got to her feet, putting her notes aside.
“Estela? Is everything all right?”
No response. Becoming worried, Taylor started towards the bathroom, expecting that she’d need to break out the emergency cheering-up ice cream, as had been a monthly occurrence since they’d started trying for a baby. She knew she’d been right. It had been foolish to cause such distress when another test would need to be taken a few days later anyway.
She tentatively pushed the door. “’Stel? I’m here…”
Estela was sat trembling on the tiled floor, her eyes wide and wet with tears, seemingly unable to look away from the test stick she held in her hand. Several others lay at her feet.
“…Taylor… I’m…” In her daze, she couldn’t even get the words out.
Tears sprung to Taylor’s eyes and her hand to her mouth. Surely… surely it couldn’t be what she thought it was? But then, that smile… that smile… it said it all.
“Wh-what are you… what are you saying?”
“We’re… we’re having a baby…”
Without knowing how she got there, Taylor was on the floor, Estela’s arms around her as they cried, and laughed, and kissed.
We’re having a baby.
 June 2023
Nine months flew by, life refusing to slow down. Much of that time was spent in San Trobida, where Taylor was faced with a rush to establish her youth programmes during the brief window in which she’d be available with her full attention. Once the baby arrived, everything else would take a back seat, and her role would be as a part-time mentor to students. Estela had slowly dialled back her role in her and Aleister’s company -with both of them on parental duties, delegation had become increasingly necessary. She kept up with the few bits and pieces that interested her, primarily assistance and scholarships for San Trobidan students, which allowed her to work nicely in tandem with Taylor, but anything else could be someone else’s problem. The pair returned to La Huerta with a couple of months spare to get ready for their new addition, and come the fourth Catalyst reunion –the very first day- it was time.
Her waters having broken in the middle of the anniversary party, Estela had quickly been swooped upon by an attentive Michelle, who’d determined it was high time they took the proceedings back to their own home where there was a little more comfort and privacy. Taylor lovingly tended to her wife, cleaning her off and helping her into the back of the car that would ferry them along the track between The Celestial and the hut in Catalyst Village.
“Taylor,” Estela took her wife’s shaking hand in her own. “You don’t have to be so nervous. It’s not like you’re the one who’s gonna be doing all the work.”
“Hey, this is likely to be the most important day of both of our lives. I’m allowed to have a few jitters, okay?”
Taylor caught Estela’s eye and grinned like an idiot. This is actually, finally happening. The smile faltered just a little as she felt Estela’s body stiffen beside her; another contraction. That there was only so much she could do was difficult; all their battles were fought together, as equal partners, and to essentially be a bystander was a role Taylor wasn’t sure she suited. As she helped Estela up to their bed, she was left with the distinct impression that she was being humoured; the fussing really wasn’t necessary, but the care behind the gesture appreciated.
Estela approached childbirth in much the same manner that she did most of life’s challenges; just getting on with it. She was no stranger to pain, and refused to be daunted, breathing through contractions with minimal grumbling. Taylor sat upon the bed beside her, offering massages and holding her hand through the worst of the contractions, all the while enjoying a rare opportunity to catch up properly with Michelle, who’d offered herself as midwife.
Every now and then, a text message would come through from someone or another, asking for a progress report, and in return receiving an update on the annual anniversary party. Naturally, bets were being made all over the place… the sex of the baby… the time of arrival… whether or not it came out brandishing a weapon…. The attention from the rest of the Catalysts was welcome, breaking up the monotony otherwise punctuated by Estela quietly huffing through contractions.
The sky outside darkened, and it seemed quite clear that the night would be a long one. With progress slow, Taylor killed some time by rustling up some snacks from the kitchen. When she came back upstairs, she couldn’t help but let her eye linger upon the small room, the one that would soon belong to their child. All of a sudden, that their lives were about to change became very real. She’d never had a childhood herself, so to have the blessing of experiencing it through her own son or daughter was a great unknown. Taylor was certain she was ready. The one her friends would turn to with all their problems, she would be an open and supportive parent. And in Estela… well, she couldn’t ask for a more fiercely loving partner. It would be scary, but as Taylor saw it, all the best adventures were.
The hours dragged by so slowly. Taylor found herself fidgety, and took to slowly pacing beside the bed. She still felt like a spare part, and nervous energy built up within her as she picked up the same from Estela. They were now hours in, and there was a sense that they were turning towards the last, dangerous stretch… and still Taylor could do little to ease the process.
Estela’s staunch stoicism began to falter. A trembling bottom lip betrayed her fear as she hit a wall, scared for the first time since her labour began. The contractions kept coming, with barely a pause. Wave after wave, stronger, as if her body was trying to tear itself apart, and no chance to come up for air. It felt as though she had no control over her own body… and by extension, the baby. She was a passenger along for the ride, powerless. After so many hours, countless nightmare scenarios had time to run through her head, now haunting her, and doubt in herself set in with a vengeance. As soon as she let that primal fear take hold, a wave of grief hit her, so strong that she might drown.
Worried, Michelle rubbed her arm. “What’s going on? Estela?”
There was no response. Estela looked away; her expression distant as she retreated into herself. She wanted to cry, to scream, but it would not bring what she needed.
“It’s getting more intense because we’re getting near the time when you need to push. This is normal. Talk to us, okay?”
Still nothing.
Taylor leaned over the bed, reaching for Estela, unnerved by the change, so swift and profound. Something was really not right. She took her wife’s shaking hand and squeezed, and the pressure returned was fierce, panicked. Still, she struggled to get eye contact; Estela appeared lost, far away. “…Hey…” When she finally met Estela’s eyes, she saw a plea for help. The penny dropped.
“Hey, could you give us a moment?” she asked in Michelle’s ear, her voice hushed.
Once they were left alone, Taylor climbed onto the bed and brought Estela’s head to her chest, stroking her sweat-drenched hair. “You want your mom…”
The painful lump in Estela’s throat gave way. She leaned into Taylor, who cradled her as she cried and writhed in agony.
“I’m so sorry, my love, my beautiful Estela… I’m sorry she can’t be here, holding your hand like she should be…”
The floodgates had opened, and Estela sobbed into her wife’s shirt, her hands clutching desperately at her back, hanging on as if afraid of losing her too.
“That’s it… let it out…” Taylor kissed her soaked brow and held her close, rocking Estela gently as her body convulsed through a contraction that just seemed to go on forever. “I’ve got you. You just hold on tight, okay? I’ve got you, and I’m never… I’m never letting go.”
“Taylor… it hurts.”
“I know… I know…” More kisses, the only inadequate comfort she could offer. It just wasn’t fair.  “She’s part of you always, sweetheart… nothing can ever take that from you. And our little baby… she’s part of our baby too. All that love your mom gave you, you get to pass it on, share it with bub.” Taylor sighed, feeling the weight of her helplessness as her wife gripped her ever tighter, gasping in pain. She couldn’t help with the baby, and she sure as hell give Estela what she really needed. Her voice caught in her throat. “I know it can never be enough.”
Slowly… agonisingly slowly, the intensity receded, the contractions slowed, and Estela could finally catch her breath, her vice-grip on Taylor’s back slackening. It felt as though the worst was over. She felt a tender kiss to the side of her face, and returned it, even as she trembled in Taylor’s arms.
“Sorry,” she panted, offering a weak smile.  “I didn’t expect it to creep up on me like that. I just… started to get nervous about the baby coming, and… God, it hurt so bad… and the more scared I got… it was almost like I was a kid again, needing her so much.”
“That’s natural, Stel.”
“And I guess I can feel that it’s close now. It doesn’t… it doesn’t feel right for the baby to come… and her not be here. I’m sorry, I just…”
“Hey…don’t apologise.” Taylor took Estela’s face in her hands, stroking away tears with the gentlest touch. “This is where your strength comes from; your big heart… even the part that’s always going to be broken. It’s why you’re gonna be the most wonderful, incredible mama to our little baby. Your mom would be so proud of you, Estela. God, I know I am.”
Estela nuzzled against Taylor’s fingers, taking one to her mouth in a soft kiss. She looked at her through her tears, feeding off the devotion that shone back in those brilliant blue eyes. Her mother would be so happy that she had Taylor, in her corner through it all. In a way… it was she who’d brought them together.
She exhaled shakily. “I can’t wait for you to hold our baby…”
Taylor pressed her forehead to Estela’s, her heart full to bursting. “You are so, so strong, love. You’ve got this.” And I’ve got you.
Estela closed her eyes, soothed by the intimate touch. “Taylor… thank you.” A kiss to her cheek told her that Taylor understood. That they were in this together really went without saying. She took a deep breath. Time to do this. “We should bring Michelle back in; I think I’m ready to start pushing.”
There was a small flurry of activity as Michelle hurriedly resumed doctor duties, and confirmed that things were indeed moving along. Getting comfortable was all but impossible, but Estela eventually settled kneeling up against Taylor, letting gravity help her out.
Another shuddering groan rang out as Estela dug deep to push against the all-consuming pain. Progress felt excruciatingly slow. Her powerful body strained with every ounce of strength, willing the baby onwards, while she held on desperately to Taylor’s hand.
“You’re doing great… you might just break my fingers, but you’re doing great.”
At long last -to the expectant mothers it might have been an eternity- the baby’s head appeared, and Taylor reluctantly eased away from her wife, to be helped into position for delivery by Michelle. Her heart pounded wildly at the first glimpse. There it was. Their baby. Their baby…
Michelle leaned in close, nervous exhilaration clear on her face. “Are you ready? I’ll be right here with you to check baby over.” Receiving a confident nod, she returned her attention to the person who was doing all the hard work. “Estela, you’re so, so close.”
“…I fucking hope so…”
“On the next contraction, I want you to pant through it… gentle pushes so the head doesn’t come too fast. I think… I think that should do it.”
Estela whimpered and looked to Taylor for reassurance. This had gone on long enough… she needed to know that the baby was all right. Gentle, murmured words of encouragement and a soft rub against her leg helped to steady her, and she steeled herself for the next wave. This was it now; she was bringing her baby home.
A strong cry rang out as the baby entered the world, straight into Taylor’s waiting hands, instantly bringing her to tears. Tiny arms reached out in bewilderment and the baby hollered in shock at the sudden transition. Murmuring gentle words of comfort, Taylor brought the child up to her face, softly kissing as the indignant cries quietened.
“Is the baby okay- Taylor, is baby okay?”
Taylor bundled the wet, disoriented infant close to her, while Michelle checked it over, and responded with a voice thick with elated tears. “Stel, she’s perfect. Ten fingers, ten toes, and she’s already got a lot to say for herself.”
Tears streamed down Estela’s face as her hands flew to her mouth in sweet disbelief. Their baby was here… she was here and she was safe. Her voice trembled when she spoke, the briefest glimpses of the child enough to send her into emotional overwhelm. “She? She’s a girl?”
“She’s a beautiful girl.”
Receiving an encouraging nod from Michelle, Taylor brought the baby, now wrapped in a towel, and gently eased her into Estela’s waiting arms.
Estela’s breath caught in her throat. When she met her daughter’s eyes, she thought she might never look away. “Oh my god…” She wept, clutching the child to her bare chest, and her heart skipped a beat as a tiny mouth latched onto her breast. “Mi dulce niña, mi bebé, mi bebé…”
She reluctantly tore her gaze away from her precious baby to look up at Taylor, whose eyes were swimming, face shining with love. “Taylor…”
Sniffing helplessly, Taylor leaned in and kissed the top of her wife’s head again and again. “Oh god, I love you, Estela… I love her… I… I…”
Michelle looked on, a hand over her heart and her eyes misty. “Congratulations, both of you. She’s just… absolutely, completely gorgeous. And… and thank you.” The slight shake of her voice gave away her emotions. “That you wanted me to share this with you… it honestly means the world.”
Taylor stood up and wrapped her friend in the tightest, most loving of hugs. “Thank you. So, so much. I don’t know what we did to deserve you, but we love you so much, Michelle.”
Wiping tears from her eyes, Estela have a little nod, looking at Michelle with fierce gratitude and affection. She couldn’t find the words, but a quiet understanding was all that was needed.
“I love you both. And your little angel…” Michelle felt endless satisfaction as she watched the infant nurse at her friend’s chest. To have played even a small part in making that happen, her heart might just burst with pride.
Taylor pulled her shirt off over her head and wriggled down under the covers, drawn into the heat of Estela’s body. She nuzzled her face towards her chest and took in a deep breath as she pressed a long kiss to the baby’s soft head, taking in the sweetest of scents.
“So… Olivia?” she asked.
Estela’s eyes welled as she nodded her head. She knew Taylor understood, and in that moment, she couldn’t love her more. “Our Livita. Maybe, Olivia… Andromeda? You should be a part of her name.”
“Oh. Oh, wow.” For a few moments, Taylor was lost for words, and she simply looked at her beloved with starry eyes. She took Estela’s hand and kissed it before going back to kiss their daughter again -how she’d ever get enough of smooching that child’s dear little face, she’d never know. “That’s… that’s perfect. She’s perfect.” She stroked Olivia’s dark, downy hair, her skin so impossibly soft. “Oh, my Livi… our angel… we love you all the way to the stars.”
“All the way to the stars, and back again,” Estela corrected with a wink.
Michelle quietly bustled around them, cleaning up and making sure all the boxes were ticked on her baby delivery checklist. Completely ecstatic as she was, she was more than ready to collapse into her pillow.
“I’ll give you some privacy,” she said softly, knowing that her work there was done. Both mothers were handling the baby confidently, and with a tenderness that was heart-warming to behold. Tucked up against Estela’s chest, a hand protectively cradling her tiny body, no child could wish for a safer, more loving embrace in which to rest. “I’ll be back in a minute if you need anything at all, but I’ve got a feeling you can take it from here.”
The first rays of sunlight filtered through the floaty drapes, a welcome dawn after the longest of nights, bringing the colour of day to the new life that settled, fed and contented, against the warmth of her mothers’ beating hearts.
Before she turned to go, Michelle left a kiss each on her friends’ foreheads and stroked under the baby’s tiny chin.
“Olivia Andromeda Montoya, welcome to the world.”
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arcvist · 5 years
EARLIER      :      [      STATEMENT OF JENNIFER ABRAMS,      REGARDING A MYSTERIOUS DINER.      STATEMENT RECORDED DIRECT FROM SUBJECT ON 21ST JUNE 2017.      STATEMENT BEGINS.      ]            jon is almost single - minded in his need to track down the relevant sources      &      stop the unknowing,      but the keyword there is almost,      isn’t it?      because more than anything,      he’s curious.      can’t help it.      he tells himself it’s the curiosity more than the hunger.      hasn’t quite admitted to himself the extent of the hold the archives has on him,      and the distance is making it      . . .      difficult to sustain,      the few paper statements elias had sent after him      (   to tide you over   )      running out too quickly.
it happens,      sometimes,      that he sees someone and he gets a      . . .      sense.      a little tug at the hairs on the back of his neck,      a rumbling somewhere within      :      this person has a story to share.      it’s what happened with miss abrams,      somewhere in nevada,      a place jon has never been to before and does not intend to go to ever again.      (   he’d tried to get in contact with the usher foundation,      across the country now,      and they had sent him on what is feeling more and more like a wild goose chase.      figures.      nothing in his life is allowed to be simple.      oh,      it’ll take us a bit to dig through our files,      all our main researchers are out right now      —      do you mind waiting?      it isn’t as if the fate of the world’s continued existence hangs in the balance,      right,      mister sims!   )      this brings him to a bus stop,      brings him to a statement,      and he wonders if perhaps that is the reason he is here after all      :      middle - aged woman,      blonde,      unassuming,      sitting down next to him at a greyhound stop      &      that tingle that says story,      statement,      snack.            
(      tell me.      . . .      sorry,      i only mean      :      you’ve seen something,      haven’t you?      something strange.      and the tape static hisses and the recorder spins in his pocket,      and he says with an urgency,      with a compulsion,      he asks      :      tell me.   )
and she does.
NOW      :      [      STATEMENT OF JONATHAN S.IMS,      HEAD ARCHIVIST OF THE MAGNUS INSTITUTE,      LONDON.      REGARDING EXPLORATION OF AN UNNAMED DINER IN RURAL NEVADA.      RECORDED DIRECT,      22ND JUNE 2017.      ENTERING NOW,      SO,      UH      . . .      STATEMENT BEGINS,      I SUPPOSE.      ]      he leaves the recorder running in his breastpocket      :      it isn’t a statement in the traditional sense,      but something about the format of it is comforting,      after all this time.      gives him that burst of energy to move forward.      past the threshold.      the statement - giver’s descriptions ring in his ears      :
‘   the diner’s perfectly nice,      y’know      —      ‘ve been inside,      talked to the woman who runs it.      hired a couple kids from the town,      but it was just her for a bit,      which was weird,      i guess      —      but the weirdest part,      th’really odd thing,      is how it just      . . .      happened.      didn’t get built.      didn’t get put up,      wasn’t under construction      —      i drive that highway every day to work,      i work restoring the old mines,      y’know,      they’re trying to make them safe for tourists like we’ve ever had a single damn tourist here,      trying to put up some historical reenactment thing or other      —      so i’d’ve noticed,      yeah,      if there was a diner bein’ built.      there wasn’t.      tuesday it wasn’t there,      wednesday it was.      and the woman there,      she’s      . . .      well,      don’t wanna talk trash or anything,      she’s perfectly nice,      but she’s      . . .      strange.      wouldn’t be surprised if i drove past tomorrow and the place was gone again.
‘   food’s good,      though.      got an omelette there.      pretty decent,      best ‘round here,      probably.   ’
in the day since,      jon has done as much research as he’s able to on his own      —      no news articles about a grand opening,      no social media,      no google maps entry.      when it happens he almost stumbles across it.      he walks into the diner,      and his first thought is that it doesn’t look real.      (      he thinks of the spiral.      false doorways appearing where they could not possibly be.      places skewed,      people funhouse - mirror - distorted.      his shoulders raise,      on guard,      as if a change in posture could protect him.      )      it lacks the spiral’s usual distortion,      but it is picture - perfect instead,      a postcard from the past with its cherry-red decals and shining plastic seating.
&      .       @consequntial      :      “what can i get for you today?” / Jon coming into the diner, finally finding her for an interview, Half on accident
and there is the woman miss abrams had described,      right behind the counter.      (      ‘   i didn’t catch her name,      but y’can’t miss her.      she’s got the whole retro diner look herself,      matches the place perfectly.   ’      )      jon just      . . .      looks at her.      analyzes.      he’s not good at getting things done himself yet.      one thing he can say for gertrude,      he supposes      :      she had far more first - hand accounts than he thinks he ever will.      that’s probably a good thing.      he doesn’t quite envy her for that.      but he has thought through theories,      thought through evidence,      and put woefully little preparation into his strategy      :      does he go the casual route,      try to gather information while being a normal customer?      . . .      no,      that feels like it could go wrong rather quickly.
‘   do you have tea?   ’            he sits himself on one of the counter seats,      gingerly,      like he’s uncomfortable sitting anywhere that isn’t the familiar chair in his office.      like he expects the floor to swallow him up,      leave him wandering through a maze of diner booths and mirrors until he starves to death,      or until the spiral decides they are through playing with the archivist      . . .      whichever comes first,      he supposes.      he does not put much faith into his ability to escape from such a thing,      if needed      :      though he has before.      (      it hasn’t escaped his notice how his being kidnapped by entities has become an office joke.      he even participates,      sometimes.      it helps,      to be able to joke about it      :      staves off some of the fear,      if only for a moment,      the it will happen again and nobody will notice i am gone of it all.      perhaps he should have texted someone before coming into the diner.      )
half a breath and he has settled on a course of action,      not quite giving her the time to respond to his first question before blurting a second,      something catching up with him.            ‘   you      —      you’re english?      how’d you end up out here?   ’
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moistwithgender · 5 years
Monthly Media Roundup (June-July 2019)
Well, I neglected doing a post last month, and now another has passed. I haven’t done too much, about three games each month and not anything else media-wise, so let’s get it all done right now!
Little Nightmares (PC/Steam): 
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These types of spooky “cinematic platformers”, like LIMBO and INSIDE, never really scare me or fill me with dread. Part of this may be that due to the trappings of cinematic platformers. Checkpoints are very fair, and nothing is too difficult because priority is on delivering the story. Little side challenges exist, like trying to light all the candles or break all the porcelain dolls in the short 3-hour run of the game, but these are also pretty reasonable, even if you’re in a chase sequence. I’m reminded of a youtuber I briefly followed who talked about how horror games aren’t scary anymore, and somewhat unintentionally delivered the point that as you become accustomed to the limits of a medium, and therefore are less likely to be surprised by it, you’re also much less likely to be scared by it. It’s a somewhat unfortunate and inevitable trade-off to becoming more invested in a hobby. When I was a kid, all games held infinite possibility, and so an NPC in Harvest Moon telling me that wild dogs came out at night led me to think that night time held the possibility of ENEMIES in a game without combat. What the NPC meant was that you should build fences. As an adult who has spent my life playing games, I can tell you that a game is almost never going to put you in a situation without the means to deal with it. If there’s going to be combat, you’re going to know how combat works before an ambush. If there’s an escape sequence, you’re going to be in an area that facilitates your escape (often a narrow space that leads you in a direction while also making it as harrowing as possible). Games are theme park rides, and while learning that can make seemingly difficult games more manageable and enjoyable, it also gradually disillusions you. Thankfully, there are always new things to learn if you keep an open mind.
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D (3DS): 
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2019 has been about thoroughly enjoying the games that I considered overrated in my young adulthood. I joked on twitter that 70% of my personality was disliking Final Fantasy VII and Ocarina of Time, and honestly, it might as well have been. I earned a lot of undeserved respect in college through arrogantly spouting hot takes about “objectively good art”, and a lot of people reasonably assumed this must mean I know exactly what I’m talking about. The way I process art and media is much looser and more personal than it used to be, partially due to burning out and becoming too exhausted to deal with other arrogant people. I think a lot about how tiring I had to be for other people to talk to. Watching Tim Rogers bleed his personal trauma into his video series on the subtleties of FF7’s japanese script was the most instrumental in turning me back toward the game. When Square Enix revealed gameplay footage of the remake at E3 this year, I was hooting and hollering with the longtime fans.
But, this is about Zelda, not Final Fantasy. I had already played through OoT, as hurriedly as possible, just to say I had done it. It was the better part of a decade ago, at the urging of a then-girlfriend who had nostalgia for it. Frustrations with the Water Temple in the original version are valid despite it being largely well designed, due to some minor shortsighted-ness that blows up into nagging issues, but I think I had put myself in the headspace to dislike it from the get-go. Similarly, I didn’t want to do any collecting in the game as a whole. I had convinced myself that there was no joy to be found in collecting in games (a take bereft of nuance). When the point of Zelda games is to inspire the player to explore every nook and cranny in search of rewards, going in as a player and stubbornly trying to avoid any of that ensures that you’ll miss the point of the whole experience. I’m not sure what it was that made me want to go back. It might be that I wanted to prove my younger, cockier self wrong, and pave over my old evaluations with more nuance. 
It certainly worked out that way, as several previous opinions changed entirely. Ruto used to be annoying to me, but was now one of my favorite characters. Doing all the little minigames felt rewarding in itself, and in turn I was unexpectedly rewarded with important items (they really did bet everything on the entire world they’d made). The Water Temple, now tweaked for a bit more convenience in the 3DS version, was extremely interesting. The side quest to acquire the Biggoron Sword was easily doable, whereas I had grown up assuming it impossible. And the story which had never appealed to me (because I wouldn’t let it) now felt relatable in a way I hadn’t expected. Link intends to do good, but through unfortunate circumstances and honest mistakes becomes unable to take part in the world, and it spirals downward for years as he remains trapped in a room, aging but inactive. Something about that mirrors my own experiences with depression. Sure, Link, can travel back to his younger self at any time, but there’s still a powerlessness in the inability to affect the seven year gap. You can flash back, but you can’t change what you’ve lost.
Banjo-Kazooie (N64): 
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You know, as a kid I probably would have just accepted that Grunty was evil, but as an adult it’s hard not to see her as a product of her environment. Obsessed with asking her cauldron who the objectively prettiest in the world is, she seeks out and kidnaps the younger girl given the title in an attempt to steal her youth. Every character in the game describes Grunty as ugly, rather than evil, and even her own sister shows up in every area to tell you how gross she is and how terrible her lifestyle is. I ended up sympathizing with her more than anyone else. I’ve only played half an hour of Banjo-Tooie, but it was a relief in multiple ways to see her pivot to straight up murder after rising from the dead.
Despite playing Donkey Kong Country multiple times growing up, I’d never really grown to love Rare’s in-house aesthetic of big-eyed cartoony animals. It might be hypocritical, but Smash Ultimate’s reveals for both King K. Rool and Banjo (and) Kazooie made me see the charm in these characters. Something about how Smash canonizes characters as essential pieces of game history always causes me to drop any negative pretense and adopt them as favorites. It’s a little intellectually hypocritical, but I can’t help liking what I like. After the trailer for B-K in Smash, I immediately started up the original game in Retroarch. Thankfully the core I used was advanced enough to play the game without issues (the same cannot be said for Tooie), as other alternatives were expensive or hard to get a hold of. While the slightly-mean humor and talking animate objects took a bit of getting used to, I get it now. I get the children’s show aesthetic they were aiming for, and I appreciate the feel of the physics and control of the interspecies friendship of the protagonists working in tandem with each other, even if the game is at times quite difficult.
Dragon Quest I, II, & III (SNES): 
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Yes, I did play through three JRPGs in a row! And yes, you might notice that the hero of Dragon Quest XI (and VIII, and IV, and III) was also announced for Smash Ultimate. They recently released, as of this writing! A lot of what I’ve been playing has been influenced by outside forces, whether it be Nintendo news or friends, but I’m not bothered at all when otherwise I might not have the energy to play anything. The games I’ve been playing are also ones I’ve intended to play for a while, so the excuses have been convenient for me. Though, actually, this decision had less to do with the Smash announcement and more to do with the upcoming re-release of DQXI, which seems to be related to the original three games, known as The Erdrick Trilogy. I had heard that you can play XI on its own, but that there is an extra layer of appreciation to be had if you’ve played the original trilogy. Me being me, I naturally queued them up. I chose the older fan translations of the SNES remakes, and though I did finish them, I can tell you that they have their fair share of bugs (DQII even has a game breaking glitch I had to finagle through using save states across multiple versions, phew). Besides that, those old translations lack the modern localizations of the games, so if they namedrop something in XI, there’s a chance it’ll go over my head. Oops! If you want to play these games, the best versions are currently on mobile phones.
Around a decade ago I was in early college, with no friends except for those still in high school or at another university. I was very lonely and nervous. I started playing Dragon Quest V purely by chance, and it served as the perfect salve for that loneliness, with its lonely child protagonist traveling around the world accumulating found family. It’s one of the more poignant and cathartic JRPGs I’ve ever played, and for the next decade I would actually be bothered that the rest of the games didn’t live up to the catharsis of DQV.
In revisiting the roots of the series, and playing it through to see how it develops from title to title, it finally clicked with me, and continues to click with me, as I keep learning more about the series. Rather than comparing every entry to DQV, I should have been comparing them in order. This might sound obvious, but it really did make a world of difference to see that V’s narrative is placed on top of the foundation the previous games set, rather than a singular case of lightning in a bottle. And the games have always featured loneliness, but in differing contexts, and to different degrees. The hero of DQI is almost entirely alone through the full game. In DQII, the princess comes from lonely circumstances, and one of the princes comes down with a sickness that leaves him temporarily unable to help his friends. In DQIII you can make as many team members as you want, but you grow up with an absent father, and your own good deeds receive bittersweet resolution. They are all games built on simple settings and followed through with empathy. The series is at times disarmingly heavy, which is part of what makes the games as memorable as they are. You’re never quite as prepared for Dragon Quest as you think you are.
As of this writing I’m currently half-way through a replay of Dragon Quest IV, and I’m enjoying it a lot more. I’m looking forward to replaying V. I have no idea what VI will be like. I’ve heard it’s a lower point in the series, but that’s what I heard about II as well, and I ended up loving it, so who knows. Dragon Quest is good.
Well, I managed to catch up. I didn’t get into the finer details of the DQ playthroughs, but DQIII is honestly so good I don’t want to spoil it for anyone (you should play these games). Maybe in August I’ll actually get back to watching and reading things. Maybe I’ll try to keep these things to a single paragraph per item, to make it more manageable to read. Let me know what you think, if you think.
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preussischekrahen · 5 years
A COMPLETE INTERVIEW OF MY MUSE | Gilbert TAGGED: @kriegerherzz thank u TAGGING : @italitude @hadzyuka @promenadesurlaseine @derhaifischderhattraenen
Gilbert Maria Schwarz
Hm, I’d say so. I had a good day.
About what? I mean as a general state? Not really.
I first appeared along a rocky coastline next to a lot of injured and dead people outside of Acre as far as I remember.
Silver? White? [He plucks one and peers at it intensely]
I will go with, maroon. I think it’s lighter when there’s a lot of sunlight though.
I don’t know the first date but my current one I celebrate is June 18th. 
[He perks his wings] I’m feeling alright, little tired, but that’s a sign I’ve been getting a good amount of work in.
Think that’s pretty clear- [Looks confused for a moment, glancing down at himself] Isn’t it? Why is this a question?
Why can’t we have Spring? Alright, alright, Summer at least still has flowers and good days for flying.
Morning, at dawnbreak preferably. Nothing like watching the sunrise.
I don’t think so-
Ah- [Sheepish chuckle and he scratches his cheek with a finger while looking almost shy of all things] It’s a nice idea isn’t it? Maybe.
[He furrows his brow] What sort of relationship? Romantic? If so, haven’t- [His voice pretty much drops to a mutter] exactly had one.
I don’t think so, at least I hope not-
Not at all! A long term commitment is one of the best things I could do to prove my dedication to something or someone.
[He tilts his head to one side before glancing up] Hm, yes.
How would I know if it’s a secret?
[He visibly droops] Gotten, expectations up, yeah.
Love. [There was not even a pause]
I would say the tea but it’s a lot better hot, so Lemonade.
Cats are a scourge to my general peace of mind and I wish people would stop having so many. I like dogs.
A few best friends means better people to confide in.
[Someone looks bashful again] Can’t it be a Romantic walk out?
Day, best time to get things done.
A lot when I was much younger. I had things I needed to see!
I mean....look the feet make stairs difficult sometimes.
More than I like to think about-
Probably more the opposite-
Eyes, especially if they’re bright.
I don’t care either way.
Attraction I suppose? It’s not like someone has to be a genius for me to like them.
Relationship. The, the hook up thing wasn’t great, for me.
Ah, I’m trying very hard. It’s not the smoothest of things though.
Probably? But it’s taught me a great deal.
Once for a little over a hundred years technically-
Kicked out of where? Somewhere I live? Yeah, a radio station of all things too.
If I hated someone they wouldn’t be my friend.
Some are more light ones now but I think it’ll develop over time.
[Pause] Probably Mathias or Francois [/His/ Denmark and France]
WHO KNOWS EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU? [Points to above answer]
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christeldellit-blog · 5 years
Can You Merge Tracks?
The Report Merge utility consolidates the contents of a "source" file into a "target" file to create a single, merged file. As a part of the merging process, you select the contact file you want to remain energetic and the other file to be merged and archived. Wild Apricot does not present a mechanism to search for possible duplicate data. Subsequent is go to the editor and spotlight the a part of the song that you simply need to merge then hit the Edit button adopted by Copy. After which transfer to the succeeding monitor, on the boards editor transfer the cursor at the end of the track and press Edit > Paste Repeat this process till all of the mp3 recordsdata that you simply want to merge for you mission is done.
And then there's the price range taxidermy. Ballance is amused, baffled and proud a few little bit of workplace décor that an employee has just ordered off of eBay: an absurd yet hypnotic stuffed coyote head, teeth and tongue bared in menace. It seems like a ridiculous use of label resources — until Ballance shares that she seemed up the eBay listing and "it stated it was like $three.fifty four." Probably the most distinguished art elsewhere in the constructing is a large collection of Merge-inspired work by prolific Brooklyn artist Steve Keene, recognized for his cover for Pavement's 1995 album Wowee Zowee, but in addition to young apartment-dwellers all over the place because the guy who prices $30 online for 5 random paintings. 2. Select the MP3 file you wish to merge in the primary interface and you may change the order to determine which MP3 music will likely be played first after which the next. After setting, test "Merge into one file" option on the underside. It even can merge video files like MP4, AVI, MOV, WMV, MPG, VOB, MKV, FLV, WebM, MXF, AVCHD, MTS, and etc. Combine, merge and Join MP3 files into one big file. Click on OKAY. Your merged clip will now seem in the Venture panel. The online audio cutter and merger supports varied audio file codecs together with MP3, WAV, WMA, AAC, OGG, AU, FLAC, AIFF, M4A, OPUS, RA or MKA. And it is capable of reducing and joining MP3, WAV, OGG, AAC, M4A file, with the maximum file measurement of 200MB. To pick to merge more particular MP3s from a folder, press and hold the Ctrl key and click the MP3s to merge. Then you should proper-click on to open the context menu in the snapshot under. That features a Be a part of Selected possibility you'll be able to click to merge the files with. Merges the Person, Profile, and ALL data for its entry authorization search. Right click on on one of the selected clips and from the pop up menu click on on merge. To clip or trim your music files, it's best to turn to our freeware - Any Video Converter Free, which is a brilliant however highly effective enough audio and video converter and editor tool. As an audio splitter freeware, Any Video Converter might help you cut the audio recordsdata into segments as you want. And as an audio joiner, it'll additionally enable you be a part of or merge any audio information into massive one regardless that they are in different formats. It helps joining any audio codecs like merge MP3, merge WAV, merge M4A, merge FLAC, AAC, WMA, M4B, AC3, VOC, CAF, APE, AIFF, Apple Lossless ALAC, QCP, AMR, AWB, DTS, AU, RA, OGG, XWM, 3GA and extra. sixteen Free Greatest Mp3 splitter and Joiner instruments to separate and merge Mp3 recordsdata: - If you have just currently purchased an MP3 participant, you should be fascinated by digging further about how you can split audio files or merge music information. For those who do not mind using the command line and having Fink or Darwinports, I can highly suggest mp3splt to separate MP3 information. Best of all, it does not recompress. update PS. Thus far, mp3splt works for mp3 and ogg recordsdata. I've no success yet for m4a recordsdata. Merge MP3 does what it claims perfectly and efficiently. Nevertheless, www.goodreads.com due to the its limitations, it will not be for everyone. Programs akin to Audacity can even merge MP3s, whereas also permitting you to edit, cut and merge mp3 files free and mix them together, although for simple becoming a member of of MP3s, this is a lot simpler to use. Tag two information to be merged. To start out out with its mp3 merger operate it's worthwhile to put in it first and launch it. Now on the Audacity's interface hit File; Open and cargo the entire mp3 tracks that you just wish to be a part of collectively. Mix mp3 recordsdata. The Essex Green's new album, "Hardly Digital," is out on Friday, June 29, by way of Merge Info. Buy Now "I really grieved for years once we stopped collaborating in," Bell stated.You may merge knowledge from two contact records, in order that one record with the combined knowledge remains energetic and the other report is archived. At the moment, we are glad to report that the Philly-shaped band has joined the roster of Merge Data, a move that totally is sensible — singer-guitarist Allison Crutchfield released her solo file on Merge in 2017, and her sister Katie's band Waxahatchee (which she additionally plays in) has known as Merge residence since 2015. You may must launch Duplicate Document Units out of your app launcher. If any results present up, click on Examine and Merge" to go to the subsequent step—which, as you may anticipate, is to match the records the instrument has found after which can help you decide what to merge on them.The story of Merge Information is the story of American independence. What continues to set Merge aside from different labels attempting to get music to followers' ears is that it hasn't built its reputation on a single band or sound, says Alex Ross, who writes about classical music for New Yorker journal. Free Merge MP3 (model 7.8.three) has a file size of 6.74 MB and is available for obtain from our website. Simply click on the green Download button above to begin. Until now the program was downloaded 2223 instances. We already checked that the download hyperlink to be protected, nevertheless for your own safety we recommend that you just scan the downloaded software together with your antivirus.Filesmerge is an excellent on-line device capable of merging multiple mp3 recordsdata right into a single file with speed and ease. Customers can add recordsdata to be merged from the native save location within the laptop or from a website by entering the respective url code. If you wish to merge more than three mp3 files, then this is a good program for you. An excellent software to quickly merge album tracks that OUGHT TO run together but our mind-dead twenty first century MP3 players (aka "progress") in some way cannot manage simply.Voice PROFESSIONAL is among the most popular apps that's full of features. Using Voice PROFESSIONAL you'll be able to file your voice or music in 100 different formats with up to 320kbps bit rate and as much as 48000 HZ sample fee. In fact, you possibly can even encode the audio file in 8 or sixteen bytes and register them in Mono or Stereo formats. Different features of the app embody but not limited to backup and restore recording files from cloud services like Google Drive, Dropbox, etc., ability to add real-time background music to your recordings, combine and merge recordings in any format, potential to take away vocals, file conversion, help for encryption, name recording , potential to tag certain elements of the music, earphone management to micromanage background effects, and so on.
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