#like red green blue yellow gold silver all looked like kids
twildflower · 6 months
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bramblesbriars · 5 days
I wish we could see Daniel wear something other than blue in CK : / Blue is absolutely NOT his color and makes him look dull and washed out. Or rather, the shades of blue they put him in. Put our boy in jewel tones! Even though he is not tan like he was as a teenager, he is still olive-skinned, and his undertones are warm. Rich reds, scarlets, warm pinks, jewel-toned greens, blues and purples would suit him wonderfully. Mustard yellow! Rust and copper! Turquoise blue and emerald green! All great colors for him that will flatter his skin complexion and his dark brown hair and eyes. He is a gold-toned guy, not silver. Unless the type of silver is called Terry. Then that suits him well ;)
This seriously made me think about the color schemes and why they decided to do this (or may have, I'm just guessing). I agree Daniel doesn't really look good in the blue tones, really at all. He kind of blends into the background, and he's someone, given his feisty personality, needs to be front and center. But I assume the choice was made because of the white/blue association with Miyagi and Miyagi-Do? It contrasted with Cobra Kais brash red, black and yellow scheme so it needed to be softer to show that peaceful heir. That's just my guess. But it's run its course and Daniel just looks...bland.
You're absolutely right that he would be handsome in vibrant reds or greens. His skin tone is perfect for that. The first thought that came to mind was the outfit at the end of Karate Kid 2 when he fought Chozen. The ruby blazer! I always thought that outfit suited him so much better than some of the others (though it was a little big on him, but that's a given).
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I hunted and searched for a picture of Daniel/Ralph in ANYTHING remotely green and turned up nothing. I'm so distraught. I feel like emerald would look amazing on him or just anything green in general. That it would bring out his eyes way more than anything blue ever would.
As far as gold/yellow, I did find one image, and he looks good. It suits his olive tone surprisingly well, and I honestly wouldn't have thought so. But I'm officially a believer.
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As far as silver, well-
The color might not look good, but I agree Terry definitely looks good all over him. ;)
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fandomstuckportal · 2 months
Stikbot Biology
((also, since people are always interested in my headcanons for them, a guide on stikbot biology. this is in an otg context largely!
we know that stikbots are somehow physically born from two parents. whatever this mechanism, their coloration, shell type, etc. are heavily determined by their parents.
i like to think that, similar to breeding games like flight rising, color is determined on a range, based on the shortest possible distance between two colors. if parent a is yellow, and parent b is blue, you can assume their kids will be yellow, green, or blue. if parent a is red and parent b is purple, their kids will be red, magenta, pink, fuchsia, violet, or purple.
this can also work to muddy colors. if parent a is orange and parent b is blue, their kids will be orange, brown, or blue.
lets look at this in canon!
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lance and clint are brothers. they're pretty easy given they're both blue and solid. their parents, we can assume, were identical to them- one parent was teal, the other parent was blue, and both were solids. unless you wanna go out one step further and say one parent was green and the other was blue.
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shift and jamie are siblings. we actually see what their whole family looks like, thankfully! whats interesting here is that shift is a solid, and jamie is a metallic.
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we know that their parents are identical to them. one is a lime green solid, and the other is a gold metallic. however, if they had other siblings, we could see yellow-green colors.
metallic, reasonably, would be a rarer shell type than solid, but itd be possible to have metallic kids since one parent is metallic.
lets apply this to pixel and striker!
pixel is a pink glitter, and striker is a bronze metallic. their kids would be metallic, glitter, or translucent, and be either pink, magenta, red, rust, orange, or bronze.
okay but what the fuuuuck am i on about this!! what is all this shell type stuff!
Body Coloration + Shell Types
color has always been a big focus to me with stikbots!
stikbots come in a few shell types: solid, transparent (no color), translucent, glitter, metallic, and glow.
solids are shiny, solid-colored bots with no metallic paint. metallics have this metallic paint. translucents are colored and see-through. transparents are colorless and see-through, often bunched in with translucents. glitters are colored, see-through bots with little pieces of glitter in them. glows have a weird see-through coat that looks a little misty sometimes, and they glow in the dark.
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like breeding games again, certain shell types are rarer than others. from most common to least, i imagine it runs like this:
metallics are almost exclusively metallic colors like bronze, silver, copper, gold, metallic blue, etc. translucents, glitters, and solids can be any color. translucents have no color at all. glows are typically teal, green, or white.
there are other combinations though, but they arent linked to shell types, and this is where our genetics are going to get a little funky.
Rare Combinations + Colors
these aren't shell types or colors by themselves, but rare genes.
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multicolors are pretty simple. they can occur in any shell type and are usually bi-colored bots. how do they work in our genetics? pretty simple, really. parent a is blue, and parent b is red. while their kids will normally be somewhere in the blue-purple-red range, their kid may ALSO be a mix of two colors, both red and blue.
tricolor multicolors can occur, but theyre exceedingly rare, and almost always mismatches. the one i have in the image above has a translucent body, but a solid head- a mismatch. theres another bot i found earlier that has a solid printed body, but a metallic head, also tricolor. these likely occur when a multicolor has a child, resulting in 3 colors being expressed. parent a is a red-blue translucent multicolor, parent b is a solid white- bam, tricolor mismatch.
why mismatches dont occur in bicolor (trust me, i looked!) can probably be assumed to be just a genetic incompatibility thing, where a tricolor mismatches just because theres so much color clash going on.
bicolors and tricolors, and especially mismatches, are probably something like chimeras. i imagine due to genetic weirdness, mismatches would have some health complications, but this is just me projecting since im disabled, oopsie!
okay, now the easier ones. melanism and albinism are simple enough, polar opposite conditions that affect pigmentation. to be fair, stikbots probably dont have melanin, but they sure have something.
melanistic bots are bots with dark colors and white faces. a melanistic bot must ALWAYS have a white face! that is how you know a bot is melanistic. they come in all sorts of shell types and colors, and they are the only ones to ever NOT be see-through when they are glitter. there are no melanistics that are visibly translucent, the melanism gene always making the shell solid.
albinism in stikbots comes in two varieties- eyes-affecting and cups-affecting. albino bots are ALWAYS white (solid/translucent/glitter) or silver (metallic), with red faces or red suction cups. the best example of albinism in bots is raptus (yes, i know he's custom painted, but let me have my fun), with those stark red eyes.
(this headcanon specifically pioneered by @anobodythatsall)
stikbot eyes are camera lense-esque in nature, with square "pupils". colored shutters act as eyelids, giving them a wide range of expression. these can be damaged and cracked like normal camera lenses. they can be repaired and replaced.
red eyes are a sign of albinism, while white are a sign of melanism.
like humans, stikbots with misshapen eyes, such as ultimate raptus, have a more difficult time seeing.
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stikbots have a stellar feat to be able to dodge things moving at supersonic speeds (bullets), and part of this can be contributed to their eyes. their little camera eyes can process the information so fast that they can swiftly dodge out of the way of bullets. this was developed for survival- stikbots are the #1 prey animal in their universe, after all!
seeing stikbot internals is pretty easy when we have things like translucents, but they arent completely accurate to canon (but we will talk about the things translucents let us know about stikbot biology). in lore terms, lets see whats going on under the hood.
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stikbots are, notably, full of gears. we see them from the chest a lot if not always, as of course, fuel cells are the primary currency outside the grid, and fuel cells are located in the chest. where the heart is, yknow.
i recently changed how i draw internals to reflect this a little.
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a load of gears would need to packed away somewhere in the chest, so i picture a sort of "ribcage" here. what is this area for? well, probably energy storage and arm movement. we dont see a lot of joints going on in stikbots, after all.
but why the fuel cell outside the chest, if people are tearing into stikbots to get fuel cells?
it looks baller
we see how easily stikbots are torn to shreds in otg. to get to a fuel cell, youre PROBAAAAABLY going to accident pierce the chest cavity too, where a fuckton of gears are stored.
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blood! stikbot blood is black, most definitely oil. this is stored in the chest cavity, "skull", hips, and probably some within the wires.
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as for hips, ive been thinking of this sort of like just your fucking hip bone. more gears, all for leg movement. it also corresponds to this plug in the lower torso:
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again, no joints on a stikbot.
but waaait what do i mean "no joints". i mean like, in the traditional sense. stikbots lack a skeletal structure.
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zing calls these "joints". i call them WIRES. theyre like massive nerves, sending signals to the rest of the body to move.
finally, da BRAIN
stikbots have these plugs in them where their bungee cords that make them move end, so they dont fray and fall apart. this one the head has always caught my eye, and i treat it as a skull of sorts.
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like a human brain, a stikbot's main computer would be located here. all their processing.
The Weird Shit
hey, remember when i said stikbots can dodge supersonic things? lets talk about that!
this is another thing @anobodythatsall pointed out to me when i was rewatching otg (his first watch). either bullets in otg are subsonic, or stikbots are capable of moving, briefly, at supersonic speeds.
we settled on the latter because it SOUNDS SO COOL.
they are actually worse at dodging things at subsonic speed. more often than not, we see stikbots in otg getting hit by things moving subsonic more than they get hit by bullets. this is probably the tradeoff of having evolved to dodge supersonic things.
so lets get poppy!
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pixel reflecting a bullet with excalibur is a good time to bring back that stikbot eyes are capable of sensing supersonic motion as it happens, their brains are capable of processing this data and reacting accordingly.
of course, to dodge or purposefully hit supersonic things, you need to be moving as fast or faster. this swing to hit this bullet is undoubtly a supersonic movement.
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same goes with striker deflecting these bullets. okay, this WAS where he had already noticed there were bullets involved (this is right after "no one told me there were live rounds"), so he couldve reasonably been prepared, but he just deflects them so fast.
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same scene, pixel deflects 4 shots in a row, alternating her arms she deflects with each time. this literally has to be supersonic movement or she is taking 4 bullets to the chest/face. look at how fucking fast shes going dude!!
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heres some projectile dodging.
a stikbot's supersonic movement is most likely a survival adaptation. theyre in a world where guns and similar weapons dominate.
these quick dodges and actions would cause a popping/snapping noise as stikbots briefly break the sound barrier.
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lance throwing shit at clint compliation
stikbots, for all their size and relative puniness compared to the rest of the species of the world, can sometimes be really physically strong. throwing heavy objects, tossing off heavier enemies, we see it a few times. this may be a supersonic movement thing, this may just be that some stikbots are really fucking beefy, this may be something else entirely.
we also see stikbots with heavy armor and extremely large, heavy weapons- even shift, who is kinda pathetic (sorry king), carries a load of really big guns around. maybe their suction cups provide something here...
speaking of!
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we know these are hands and they work identically. they can pull triggers, grab objects, toss things, do delicate mechanical work, just like human hands.
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so, of course, i draw these guys with claws. because claws are cool. their suction cup i draw in the palm of their hand. why keep it? extra grip strength, likely needing to pick up such heavy items.
@anobodythatsall interpreted this a while back as stikbots having something of "invisible" fingers, and the way they manipulated objects was by way of electromagnetism, their suction cups being electromagnets.
i kinda like the inbetween, mostly cause i just like drawing them with little claws. the palm suction cup acting as an electromagnet for grip strength, and the digits allowing for manipulation.
suction cups come in tons of colors, which is really cool, btw. i dont have an hc on this. i just think its need. maybe wrap it up into color genetics.
ummm thanks for coming to my ted talk??? feel free to use these headcanons wherever you want, or build upon them!
watch stikbot off the grid))
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sugarglider-s · 1 year
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Pokespe miitopia au my beloved 💕 here we have the Greenhorne Kanto kids, the Neksdor johto crew, and the Realm of the Fey hoenn squad! I love them all dearly they're like little dolls to me
 [ID: three digital drawings of the first 10 dexholders as miitopia classes in a chibi-esque style. The first shows Green as a Mage, Blue as a thief, Yellow as a cleric, and Red as a warrior. They are happily walking together. The second shows Crystal as a scientist, Silver as a thief, Gold as an imp, and Red as a cat. The johto trio looks determined and ready for battle, but Red looks depressed. The third shows Emerald in the princess class, but with a cloak instead of a dress, Ruby as a popstar, Sapphire as a cat, and Red as a flower. They all look determined and jovial. End ID]
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chaosoftheages · 3 months
Adventures In Stick City Headcanons!
(This is my standalone series Headcanons page. So stuff like Made To Ruin, Shards Of Silver, the Hamilton crossover, and other stuff.)
(Still debating on whether or not I should Cho and Dark. I'll add them later since their only in one book and barely had much time in said book. They will be added in the future.)
Again, OC's have their own page! -> OC LIST
Purple(Incredibly Aro/Ace)(Nickname: Sunshine)
HEAVY PTSD(Midnight mainly)
Knows how to drive(Sage's fault.)
Flinchy and paranoid
Practically disowned his entire biological family
Literally gets free corn dogs from Maroon because he's King kid
Just a precious sweetheart(King's little cinnamon roll that could probably kill you.)
Is constantly plagued with flashbacks of his captivity
Has a necklace from King. Kind of similar to the one he has in Father & Son
Is a perfectionist
Very motivated
Academically motivated
Constantly overworks himself
Puts himself under stress to keep the memories of Midnight out of his head
Surprisingly has not resorted to sh yet
Very closed off and distant, but still very close to King
Has a scar on his stomach from getting shot by Howe
Chronic headaches(concussions from both Midnight and the adventure with Hamilton)
Can pick locks(Touched on in Shards Of Silver). He taught King and the CG
Atychiphobia- Fear Of Failure
Autophobia: Fear of being alone
Genophobia- S*xual Intercourse
Likes spiders, and King doesn't understand why(King hates spiders)
Long hair, but it's normally braided
He literally loves playing with King's hair. King doesn't understand why, but he thinks it's adorable. He put pink streaks in it to honor his mom, and he wears a crown hairpin for King.
Extremely protective of Purple
Literally spends about 90% of his time acting like Washington(dude literally questions how Washingdad can put up with Hamilton)
Worried parent
Wants to bring Midnight back just to kill him all over again
Has major beef with Navy(ok this is just canon wtf)
Has gotten used to pulling all nighters. He still does it just to make sure he's there when Purple needs him(and partially so Purple sleeps through the night), even after 3 months of doing it out of stress during MTR
Trying his best
Scared to death of losing Purple. Scared Purple will resort to sh or s*uicide
Still very traumatized from Gold's death.
Trying to help Purple the best he can
Wants to hunt down every member of Purple's bio family just to yell at them
Is often a chaperone for Purple and his friend's shenanigans. He finds it annoying, but enjoys watching Purple be genuinely happy
Knows how to pick locks(Purple taught him)
Doesn't really have much of a phobia, doesn't like spiders, just mainly terrified of losing Purple
Shoulder length hair that Purple absolutely adores playing with. King finds this adorable. He put yellow and purple streaks in it for Gold and Purple
Animal lover
Tries helping Blue out in the kitchen
Steal some of Blue's plants every so often for some of his animals
The most childish
Loves going on adventures
Close friends with Second
Basically just a literal cinnamon roll
Runs into danger without even realizing how bad it could be(dude was being held back in MTR from rescuing Purple)
Traumatized from The Dark Lord
Scared of Purple's biological family because of Silver
Can pick locks
Autophobia: Fear of being alone
Medium length hair pulled into a ponytail with how much he plays with animals. Wants to cut it short so that he doesn't have to deal with him, but Blue and Purple like playing with it.
Second(Probably the straightest between the CG)
Best friends with Red
Loves sparring. Usually wins(I think this is canon???)
Tries to be reasonable
Worries for King and Purple
Has literally no memory of his powers.
Can pick locks
Can sing(sorta...I'm looking at that music lesson short)
A cinnamon roll who can kill you
Has begged Green to soundproof his room.
Wants to raise hell on at least one member of Purple's family
Claustrophia -Tight spaces
Incredibly messy hair that is brushed so uncommonly that nobody can tell if it's long or short
Yellow(Has no idea what his sexuality is)
Begs Blue to drop the Netherwart
Always fighting with Green
Coffee addict
Sleep deprived
Room is a mini laboratory
Still has the Command Block Staff
Definitely watches sci-fi and space shows in his free time
Best friends with Blue
Can pick locks
Not neccessarily scared of anything, thinks a lot is solved scientifically(Yellow's a weird one)
Medium length hair that's either bunned or in a ponytail
Green(Insanely gay)
Music addict
Can sing(Music Lesson/Note Block Universe)
Probably sleep deprived
Has sensitive hearing
Constantly called a "green grape"
Wants to kill Navy
Protective of Purple
A cinnamon roll who can kill you
Best friends with Second and Red
Always fighting with Yellow
Good at sparring/hand-to-hand combat
Can pick locks
Atychiphobia- Fear Of Failure
Long hair. Doesn't want to cut it, so he just puts it in a ponytail
Blue(The most Bisexual bitch out of all six kids)
Netherwart addict
Refuses to get help for the addiction
The gangs chef
Arguing with Red almost daily bc Red steals his seeds
Has a garden he protects with his life
Best friends with Yellow
Cinnamon roll
Camps out with Yellow every so often to try and get him to sleep
Orchestrates movie nights(he invites Purple)
Potions master
Good with bows and arrows
Kind of in the middle with sparring & hand-to-hand combat
Can pick locks
Atychiphobia- Fear Of Failure
Autophobia: Fear of being alone
Arachnophobia -Spiders
Questions how the hell Purple likes spiders so much
Short hair with yellow streaks in it
These may change as the series progresses.
Autumn out!
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angel-maybe-alive · 1 year
Harry Potter is a Brand
(long post)
So I never understood why Harry Potter was so popular when I was growing up, being honest I always thought about it as a pretty average book it wasn't very original or groundbreaking, my theory was always that harry Potter popularity was tied to the successful movie franchise it created.
But this explanation wasn't great either, yesterday I watched a video (the consumerist dystopia of harry Potter) and it just explained why Harry Potter was so popular but also why we probably won't have a new harry Potter
Harry Potter is a brand, not a book, but a brand.
To explain this I will use Percy Jackson as an example, Both Percy Jackson and Harry Potter were released close to one another with the same public in mind children and teenagers but despite it's similarities between them Harry Potter went down to history as "THE" 2000s children's book series while Percy was it's less popular cousin for weirder kids, the more of the underground option.
And the reason for that it's because Percy Jackson was not a marketable media.
Think about it what can you sell about Percy Jackson, we have the camp half blood tshirts (single design orange shirts with a pegasus print) the camp bead necklace (leather necklace with normal beads) no parent will be that comfortable buying their kids a imitation of a bronze sword,or knifes, or shields, the only other marketable objects are Percy's pen (described as a normal ballpoint pen) Anabeth's invisibility hat(normal Yankee hat) Luke's winged shoes(converses) and That's pretty much it, of course one could sell specific cabins t-shirts but it's both not book accurate and also there's twelve of them.
Percy Jackson doesn't have symbols like harry Potter does
Now compare this to harry Potter where any object has a magical version, a expensive magical version, they aren't just jelly beans they are magical jelly beans with gross flavors so is also a gimmick toy, the chocolate frogs aren't just chocolate they come with collectibles like a kinderegg, they don't use pen they use feathers, harry don't fly in a average broom it's a special broom with golden letters and a fucked up handle, and wands that can be sold as the most unconfortable to use pens, and potions bottles that can be used to sell perfume, and symbols, the deathly hallows, Harry's scar,the death eaters symbol, they can be used in anything, necklaces prints patches.
And of course the biggest cash cow of them all the houses, special little color coded factions that not only are extremely present in the books but also are a way to express how you want to be perceived, red and gold lions if you want to be perceived as brave, light grey and blue crows for the intelligent ones, black and yellow badgers for the friendly ones and silver and green snakes for the bad boys.
You can put those colors in almost anything and sell it, not just book accurate uniforms scarfs and robes, any piece of clothing in general and shoes, backpacks, bags, Sandals, nail polish, special edition of the books, eyeshadow palettes, school books,planners.
I live in a touristic town, we have a railroad and some palace looking hotels and years ago some guy just make a of brand harry Potter experience, basically middle class kids can pay for a weekend in this hotel that looks like any other hotel in town but because they put around colorful flags, you can arrive via the very old normal looking railroad, and they are separated by the colors and you can participate in cringe quidditch roleplay (running around a field with a broom between your legs) he rips those suckers of hundreds just for the vague idea of Hogwarts houses
And this is the real magic of Harry Potter, while in Percy Jackson magic takes the form of average things for plot reasons and therefore aren't really appealing to sell, in harry Potter average things get a magical expensive version that you can buy for your full harry Potter experience.
And this is also why we will not see something like harry Potter again, even the most popular books these days arent as marketable as harry Potter was, you can seel clothes with symbols of your new series, flags and what not, and maybe action figures but you can't monetize every aspect of it like Rowling did
This of course without talking about the toys, toy wands, brooms, collectable dolls etc
Because Harry Potter is also very family friendly for anyone ages 0 to 100 can have harry Potter merch, house themed baby clothes and full nurseries based on the houses, toys plenty of them, uniforms, fake acceptance letters, wands specific wands, a theme park of consumerist nightmare where you can enjoy fake magical beer and buy plushies of real not magical animals or just the houses animals plushies with scarfs, a wedding/sweet sixteen/quincianera all themed around this book.
Game of thrones made a lot of money with the westeros houses merch but it's mostly clothes for adults they can't seel a lot of toys or children merch based on the murder, incest, rape book series and tv show
Bridgerton have special themed balls and that's it
And with many modern fantasy books focusing on being gritty gloomy and adult they can't also sell as well as Harry Potter did
So at the end of the day Harry Potter was never really a book, it's a marketing strategy, a trendy aesthetic and it's a good one, and it was always supposed to be one.
And this makes me think about the concept of "I can't give up harry Potter" people because it makes me wander do people really miss Harry Potter a pretty average book with not a very original concept (hero's journey+Magic school a thing that was already done+British rich kids boarding school) or do they miss the rush of serotonin of buying and consuming more and more merch about this series about having their whole aesthetic based on those books.
And maybe this is why I personally never felt as connected to harry Potter, and when Rowling fucked up I could so easily drop it, as a broke kid in a third world country harry Potter was a tease to me, like any toy brand it was a torture really, I wanted those things I wanted the wands and the robes and the scarfs and the jelly beans, and I was so jealous of this girl on class who had a personalized hogwarts letter and I couldn't avoid feeling like I would be"less of a fan" because I didn't owned anything Slytherin themed and I never even got to buy the books (read them by the library)
So in the end looking back maybe this was the answer why despite how many other bookish people I knew talked so much about this book when I really sat down to read it, it felt lacking, because once you strip away the Hogwarts roleplay the merch the personalized houses the color coding and the magical world you can buy, the magical world brand.
Harry Potter it's just a average book.
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patheticbatman · 23 days
I don’t do this super often, but when I was 13ish I spent hours thinking about Percy and Annabeth’s future house. Idk why. And I wrote out their magical house in an iPhone note. I updated it every so often for a couple years, but as an adult I leave it alone as a monument to my childhood and my OTP.
But I just saw a really cool themed house from that home tours blog (it was pirate themed!) and wanted to share my ‘home tour’.
Please keep in mind the following was written mostly in 2014 by a young teen who made some shit up. So some of it may not be canonly possible now/never was a thing 
Percy and Annabeth's underwater cave house
Front entrance: dead tree on edge of Chase cliff. Whisper Jackson, and a slide that can take you up and down using antigravity and gravity leads to the house. You can notice tiny little jewels all over the house, enchanted for anti monster.
First level hallway: kitchen, dining room with conveyer belt leading between, gym, living room, bathroom. This is the second lowest level. The rest of the floors also have the slides to get there.
Kitchen has a large island, with lots of counters and cabinets. The walls are turquoise and everything else is chrome grey, like the fridge and such.
Dining room as a chandelier of rainbows, with a mini fountain that spurts any drink you ask for is in the middle of a ring table that could fit 16. If you give a coin, it can create an iris message. The table is silver grey wood while the wall is also turquoise.
The gym is just a mini work out area. Not decorated.
The living room is decorated with pictures of their friends. It has silvery gray walls, blue furniture, and a ten ft by ten ft tv. The dead tree actually has many minisatelites disguised as moss. They are enchanted to actually literally grow.
Third lowest level
Party room twelve guest rooms with their own bathrooms
Party room is just a blue room with food slide from the kitchen, some rables, and a disco ball with a wooden track around the large room for skating. Percy, with help from a friendly kid of Boreas, sometimes turn it into a winter wonderland in the summer.
Spare room 1
Frank n Hazels room usually, or will be when they start doing stuff. Green painted with gold furniture pretty much describes their rooms
Spare room 2
Will and nicos room usually. Black and silver furniture with gold walls
Spare room 3
Rachel's room Murals and a rainbow everywhere. Every surface is painted. Wicker/newspaper/hodgepodge furniture everywhere
Spare room 4
Piper and Jason's walls are red, and furniture is purple and pink. Actually looks nice and not too girly
Spare room 5
Calypso and Leo's room, done in red and oranges. Ps all the rooms had a small window like the ones in the hobbit
Spare room 6.
Hedge and Mellies room, with cradle. Everything is in light blues and dark greens
Spare room 7
Reyna's and future partner's room
Purple walls with gold and silver looking furniture, and 2 dog beds for aurum and argentum
The rest are kids rooms/ unplanned for when the guests have kids. They are plain. The last is a sort of playroom, with same size tv (everyone has a 2 by 3 tv in room)
Top level
Percabeth's room, future kids room(4), mrs. O'Leary's room, the offices, window room, carport, and percy and Annabeth's iwn offices
Future kids rooms are in pastel blue, yellow, green and orange
Mrs. O'Leary's room is giant, with lots of rubber yaks and other toys, and bowls filled with food and water always (they refill themselves). Done in red and silver. with special portal just for her and her owners to go out to Central Park.
Carport is just a garage that has a magical door that allows car to go through tree portel.
Lowest level
Garden and port and demigod Runaway shelter
Port is this giant cave, hidden by the mist to look like a cliff face that makes mortals just suddenly think about other things to do. It opens up to the sea, and they have this great boat called the sea owl, with eyes on the front. It also has a submarine, a small seaplane, and an elevator that goes to two portals to Olympus, and Atlantis. Has automatic spell where you have the small air bubble around you and your stuff. is painted on by enormous mural by Rachel.
Fruit trees that make all fruits (a rare tree called a cornucopia tree) lots of flowers and a gazebo. Painted and lighted to look like the outside that day. In middle there is a five-tiered fountain that sprays a rainbow. First level is made of Stygian iron, then celestial bronze, then Atlantean silver, imperial gold, and then heavenly steel that has a little dirt in it with a blue stemmed silver First Orchid. Has imported bees
Demigod safe base
A special Door that opens only to demigods and their helpers. and only let's demigods in leads you to the shelter. It has an ambrosia and nectar fountain, a water fountain that could turn to rainbows, free drachmas sent from the gods (only those in need can grab them), and ten beds with heated blankets. Small altar. Fridge full of ever re supplying food. Cabinet full of whatever medical stuff you need. Door that leads to Percabeth house, but only opens when you have permission.
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sophieswundergarten · 11 months
MBS Characters as Neat Words I Like
So. Listen. Some of these words are going to have fitting definitions. And some of them are just based on how they feel/look to me. Do with this what you will, and I hope you at least learn some fun new words :)
Mr. Benedict - Esoteric: requiring or exhibiting knowledge that is restricted to a small group / of special, rare, or unusual interest
It's very green and a bit orangey to me, like the scenes in S1 where he's sitting in the cabin, or a very nice rock. Maybe something with a fossil in it. But it's a good, slightly rough but ultimately quite pleasant texture. It's got the layers of an old book with age-stained pages and uneven edges because of how often it's been read. It's a really comforting word, and it's warm and inviting, like the feeling of walking into Mr. Benedict's house and seeing all the light come through the glass and the smell of books and the very clear evidence that it is lived in and full of love. If it had a physical form, I would keep this word on my shelf and look at it every day because it makes me smile.
Number Two - Librocubicularist: someone who reads in bed
Definitely a yellow word. It's got some nice light blues, like sunlight on a clear day streaming through a window, and a couple hints of green in there, but this word feels very warm and a bit like running your hand along the hard carved edge of a bookshelf. It's very square and cube-y, like a stack of little building blocks or one of those geometric M. C. Escher kind of designs. (Also I can see her just sitting on her bed and reading when people would want her to sleep when she was a kid)
Milligan - Hugger-mugger / Gallimaufry: Respectively, "secrecy" and "hodgepodge"
The first one is an automatic choice, because it basically sounds like a warped version of the words "hug" and "Milligan". It's a very warm, soft word that's a dusky orange-and-pink, like an old jacket or scarf that's being used to muffle a sound. The second word is chosen more for its meaning, as Milligan himself is a bit of a jumbley hodgepodge when we first meet him. It's coloured like moss covered stones along a riverbed, like the colours of that screenshot in Episode 1 where Milligan emerges from the secret tunnel in the yard. The tumbling of the word also mimics the curved brim of his hat.
Rhonda - Sophronise / Kismet: Respectively, "to imbue with moral principles or self-control" and "a hypothetical force or personified power that determines the course of the future events, fate, destiny"
"Sophronise" is because of how wise and quick-witted she is. She's a role model for the younger kids, and it was a really nice sunset- night-sky kind of ombre, a hint of deep magenta (Like that jacket she wore outside the cabin in S1) and the barest touch of yellow-orange, quickly moving into royal and midnight blue, and a whisper of silver that can almost be stars. "Kismet" is similarly multicoloured and beautiful, but more swirly like a wind-chime or suncatcher made of many different pieces hung just so, in such a way to catch the light and reveal glimpses of what's hidden deeper. It's a mostly wine-magenta and blue kind of colours; jewel tones.
Kate - Rawgabbit: somebody who speaks covertly about a subject of which they know nothing
This one's silly, because it just came to me because of its look. The definition doesn't really fit her at all. It's a helter-skelter word that is racing, fast moving and fidgety. It's a full kaleidoscope of colours, red and fierce and yellowy lemon gold and green like sun through new leaves and blue like daubs of fingerpaint all swirled and tumbling over each other, much like Kate's jacket.
Miss Perumal - Pluviophile: one who finds joy and peace of mind during rainy days
This is a very soft word, and it is a soft, watercolour kind of pastel. It's lavender and cherry blossom pink and a light sky blue, and it feels exactly like one of her nice sweaters or jackets. The lapel of a good, strong, felted jacket kind of feeling, like something you'd find at a thrift store and know that it was well loved, but taken care of so respectfully that you'll be able to wear it for years too. A pragmatic word. It is also very round and swooping, in much the same way her cadence of speech is.
Sticky - Uhtceare / Kenning: Respectively, "lying awake before dawn and worrying" and "a metaphorical compound word or phrase (such as swan-road for ocean) used especially in Old English and Old Norse poetry"
The first word is more because of the meaning, but it does have some hints of his shades of blues. The "uhtc" part is like glass as a lens, and the last part is like little round bits of blue sea glass, all tumbled and smoothed. It's a very pensive and reflective word, and it catches light in many different facets, something to be studied from many different angles in the solitary silence away from other people."Kenning" I chose because of its neat, rhythmic sound, like very even stitches through a piece of stormy blue cloth. It is a deceptively simple sounding word, but it has such a deep history, and I think that's something Sticky would really enjoy learning and knowing.
Constance - Fudgel: pretending to work when in reality one is not doing anything
Come on. This word is perfect for her. It has that hint of sweetness with "fudge", and yet it sounds stubborn and obstinate. It's a "fighting word", so to speak. Stout and short and compact, like a dense piece of wood that someone can heft and throw. And while I would not originally say that it has any of Constance's colours, there are parts of it that can be malleable, and there's definitely a hint of pink in the middle, a reflection and glimmer that comes from it being placed next to her name.
Reynie - Wergild: the value set in Anglo-Saxon and Germanic law upon human life in accordance with rank and paid as compensation to the kindred or lord of a slain person
This word came to me immediately. It isn't coloured so much like Reynie (Being mostly kind of deep purple and shaded forest green with the barest hint of gold, like brambles that have grown and woven themselves into an intricate shape), but for some reason it fits him. Maybe it's the complex depth that's hinted at in the heart of it. It's a wild word, but also very warm and trusting in that it expects the other person to honour their promises. Its etymology is basically "man" + "payment", and the idea of it being the value of a person when in relation to Reynie, who values every person as incredibly important is intriguing. Also, the first time I read it was in a fictional context as part of a spell or binding magic that connected people to one another, which is a much more vague and subjective reason, but it's a little more positive than "murder debt"
SQ - Welkin / Wanderlust: Respectively, "the vault of the sky / the upper atmosphere" and "strong longing for or impulse toward wandering"
Now. These words both start with "w" because "w" and "q" are coloured somewhat similarly to me, especially since there's an "s" involved. "Welkin" is a complex word, like running your hand over a particularly detailed and well-crafted mosaic. It's a very light baby blue fading into purple, a very mystical and soft word, like if you could tough fog. It speaks of walking softly down a grassy hill at dusk, looking up at the stars as they wake up and being able to trust that you won't trip. It's also got these kind of two curves, like the top of the "S" right next to the "Q". "Wanderlust" is dreamy and full of stardust. It's got that bluey-purple touch, but it sparks at the end, gold and shimmering and falling out of sight like a shooting star, just beyond the horizon, where you know you can follow it.
Curtain - Sanguine: marked by eager hopefulness, confidently optimistic / bloodred / consisting of or relating to blood
It's not quite the correct colour for Curtain, but the feel for it is right. It has a bit of dark blue, but it's also slimly and squelchy the "gui" bit makes it kind of greasy and hard to keep a hold of. It also fits him because of the different meanings; originally, "sanguine" meant "cheerful" because of the medieval concept of the four humours governing the human body, and it came from the Latin "sanguineus" which means bloody. The seemingly jarring differences between "happy" and "bloody" are a good representation of Curtain's duality.
Garrison - Gerrymandering: the practice of dividing or arranging a territorial unit into election districts in a way that gives one political party an unfair advantage in elections
This word also came to me really quickly. I kind of "see" spelling in my head, so even though the "g" in gerrymandering is pronounced like a "j" instead of how it is in "Garrison", it works. The word is coloured very much like her: light, dappled green and a little pink and some specks of orangey-red. It's also a strong word, a tiny bit mischievous but with hard lines that won't be crossed, no matter how much trickery and metaphorical dancing around delicate topics is involved to attain a goal.
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sotrybloggy · 2 months
Chapter 2 of Me and my friends Story<3
Chapter 2: Jail. {Lexi’s POV} 
Now we are in a forest we are “almost there”, but I have a plan to escape. It’s not the best I have come up with, but it’s okay. I’ll use it if needed. “So where do you two come from?” one of them asked “definitely not here.” Another whispered but I heard I roll my eyes, these people suck! “Don’t be rude to the guests” a man in all black said to the other people in the jail 
“Violiet probably made a mistake in capturing them, they don’t look like Scarlet's bandits” a short guy in all red said. 
“True, the one wearing green is way too pretty to be evil” a girl in blue commented. 
“Kai, Jay, I haven't seen them before, so they probably aren't bandits or anyone of Scarlets minions” the man in black commented 
“Jay, stop complimenting the evil people!” the man in all red scolded. 
“What?! It's true though, Kai” Jay said,  
“Uhhhh, guys? the boy in blue looks too young to be a bandit, he is, like my age, heck I'm too young to even patrol, why are you letting me patrol again?” the little boy in green said hurriedly. 
“Morro, I don’t need you dying again, that’s why I like to keep you in my range of vison” the girl in purple said nonchalantly, ‘wait that green kimono wearing kid died?!’ I think, surprised 
“But Violiet, can’t you see ghosts?” Jay asked, 
“We don’t talk about that” Violiet (that's her name apparently) said. 
“Lexi, the girl in blue called you pretty, isn't that nice?” Ace said. 
“Ace, these people are literally taking us to jail” Lexi deadpanned 
“Boo!” the little *dead* green boy said to Ace 
“Aaaaaaaaa!!!” Ace shrieked, the little green boy giggled to himself, what a ‘comedian’ I thought to myself. 
“Can we ask you questions?” Ace asked the man in black the man in black looked down at him  
“Sure” he responded, 
“Why are we here?” Ace asked,  
“Who are you people?” I asked before the man could respond  
“We, ma'am, are the ninja patrol” the girl in purple said (she said rather aggressively) 
“Btw we are the police around here” Jay said  
“Cool!!” Ace exclaims, I nudge him and look at him with the look like “bro this is not cool we are getting ARRESTED”
he looks at me like “oh ok” 
(Fun! we are in trouble with the “police”)  
Lil’ green boy stares at Ace then says while a smile spreads across his lips, “I’m Morro, what’s your name,” he did not wait for an answer “the demon girl in purple, silver and black is my older sister Violiet, and the girl in blue and yellow is Jay, and the boy in red is Kai, and the dragon man in black and sage green is Cole” 
 Ace pauses “my names Ace and this is-!” I glare at him before he finishes “-My sister!” he continues, they throw me into a cell and keep Ace outside with them 
I hear fast wingbeats getting closer and closer, what the fuck? 
“Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!” said some random dragon boy in gold and red, 'fantastic another one’ I think, “Violiet, I need you to help meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee and Sky and Neuro and all our friends!!!!!1!1!1!1!1!” the boy wailed then he looked over and saw me 
“Oh, I see this is a bad time I'm Seven but anyway please help” Seven’s voice ended on a loud wail. 
(This was boring and weird in a jail cell watching people “solve their problems” or something and a dragon boy just walked or flew in, like what?!)  
The dragon boy stuck his hand through the cell “what’s your name?” he asked and smiled 
“Ace! Don't touch him, he could be you know dangerous or something” I said 
“But Lexi he looks nice!” Ace protested, 
“Oh, then your name is Ace, little one” Seven said kindly 
“How do you know that” Ace said astonished 
“Little one, your sister, (I assume) is very rude” Seven said, (wait, why does this dude have a crown? Is he actually royalty?) 
“Wow, just like Violet.” Morro says 
“Hey! I'm not that mean” Violiet snapped, a little irritated by her younger brother's comments. 
“Girl, you murdered your sister for murdered this little man who you can see, isn't that a bit much” Cole comments 
“Sir, you helped me kill her.” Violiet snapped back at Cole  
I roll my eyes, (I officially hate almost all these people. I want to go home.) 
“And your name must be Lexi” Seven said to me putting his hand out expecting me to shake it. I don’t want to shake his hand, so I don’t my put hand out in return, he looks at my hand waiting for about 20 seconds then I kind of high fived his hand instead of shaking it (I don’t like shaking people's hands) he looks at me confused  
“Anyway, we need help, and I was wondering whether you would help me” Seven exclaimed 
“What's in it for me?” I asked  
“Well-” He looks at Violiet and looks back at me “We can help prove your innocence!” Seven exclaims coming up with it on the spot  
“If you have any” Violiet mumbles  
“So-! Do we have a deal?” Seven offers 
“Sure!” “We’ll think about it” Me and Ace said at the same time 
“We’ll- Think about it” I repeat  
“Think about it well...” Violiet says to me. I pull Ace over into our own little corner  
“I don’t think Violiet wants us to come with them” Ace says sad-Ish   
“It's obvious” I say back to him “I mean she like hates me so-” I continue for a minute “This is why accepting that is a bad idea!” 
“She doesn't hate you; she just acts that way because she’s afraid that you might hurt me.” Morro said quietly “She is just overprotective and I'm pretty sure she thinks you might have worked for our dead sister, Scarlet” 
“Scarlet hm? Weird... I think I've heard that name!!” Ace said 
“Don’t listen in on our conversation” I say, not knowing Morro was there in the first place 
“I'm just trying to help” Morro mumbled sadly, we stare at each other  
“...Just- Don’t.” I mumble back at him (why do I feel bad for this kid?)  
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cheerfullycatholic · 4 months
I forget if you're still open for ideas about this, but you're doing rosaries for each of the Pevensie kids, right? If so (and if you can, I don't know what resources you have lol 😅) your color schemes might royal colors, like royal red, royal blue, royal purple, royal green, etc., each with a gold or silver accent color (like matching their crowns in the movie, Peter and Susan have gold, Edmund and Lucy have silver. Or tbh you could accent their colors with just gold to symbolize their shared royalty and that they're all siblings). Or something like that, this message was a lot shorter in my head 😅
Dude you're actually really close to what I was already thinking of!
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I originally wanted to go with the colors of their coronation outfits at the end of the first movie, but they all were mostly blue and I want my rosaries to be distinctly different so I was trying to think of colors that kind of represented them as entire characters instead of just a single scene and this is what I have
Peter: red hail beads with gold crown decades (I found the cutest crown beads on Amazon!!)
Edmund: I can't decide if I wanna do dark green or dark blue hail beads but either of those with silver crown decades
Susan: if I don't do dark blue for Ed I'd probably use it for Susan, or I was thinking maybe a light blue or lavender or even a plum purple for the hail beads with gold crown decades (I can't remember now if Susan wore a lavender dress in the movies or if I'm confusing her for Anna Popplewell's character in Reign but I think she looks very nice in purple)
Lucy: I think I like either a burnt orange or an autumny yellow for the hail beads with silver crown decades
And and!!!! I found gold lion head beads that I wanna use for Aslan's rosary!!! I also have an idea for a Cair Paravel rosary but I'm not sure if Hobby Lobby will have the exact beads I want (this is the only one where I'm like "it has to be PERFECT it has to be EXACT if I can't get what I want I just won't make it!" and idk why lol). I also have an idea for Caspian's but it's written down on a paper downstairs and I don't wanna go get it because spooky but if I remember correctly he's getting a...silver crown? Idk idk to be figured out or remembered later
I think I'm getting way too invested in this because I've been thinking a lot about the possibilities especially a kind of matchies similar set of rosaries that are based off their coronation outfits (having them all be blue but with the different accent colors like they do in the movie, Ed's being silver, Peter's yellow, Susan's dark blue, and Lucy's orange) and like idk man I wanna do this it makes me happy but what am I going to do with all these rosaries I already have a collection of them I don't need more 😭😂 I'm kiiiindaaaa maaaayyybbbeee considering trying to sell them on Etsy but idk it's a lot to think about and honestly I just wanna make them because I have a vision and for some reason the work relaxes me which is weird because it's the exact thing that I think would do the complete opposite but making them just feels right it feels like when I write like I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing if that makes sense. Kinda dramatic though lol
Anyway sorry to ramble I'm just super excited about it!!!! The all royal color idea is giving me so many mental images and I might have to do more Pevensie sets than I originally thought I would! I'm gonna have more than a dozen rosaries made before I even move onto other fandoms!!!
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marchsage · 2 years
YES to pryce deserving so many more consequences for kidnapping, traumatizing, and brainwashing six children to use as child soldiers; your theory that giovanni straight up did not know that pryce was behind it is super interesting too bc it's the only thing that makes sense for why he's like "here go train with your kidnapper again!!!" it makes sense too (and like. lance knows which is a whole other thing to unpack) because giovanni wasn't very...present for the gsc arc and pryce's crimes weren't exactly broadcast. a few other gym leaders and the dexholders are the ones that actually know what happened and there's no indication that that's ever really shared with the world after pryce is yeeted into the crack in time. love that analysis so much!
please lmk if you want me to delete/etc but YES!!
First off, thank you!! :) I love talking about Pokespe (especially the Kanto and Johto dexholders).
[general pokespe spoilers]
A really big part of Pokespe is, I feel, consequences. It's in the RBG arc when Giovanni loses to Red as a consequence of not caring about the Pokemon he hurt. It's in the Yellow arc where Lance hurts others without regard and gets defeated by someone who is essentially a parallel to him. It's in the FR/LG arc when Giovanni can't even reunite properly with his son (his illness isn't his fault, but fighting Red and causing chaos to the Sevii Islands sure is!).
There's also growth as another big part of Pokespe! It's pretty obvious in regards to the dexholders because you can see them change/develop over the arcs (e.g. Black). But it's also visible when the dexholders have to group up with past/previous enemies to fight the new ones. Surge goes from a dude willing to attack children (Red arc) to helping out (Yellow arc) and trying to rescue(?) kids (GSC arc). Other examples I can think of include N and Lorelei to an extent.
Pryce doesn't have either. His consequence was getting stuck in time, but that was more of a result from messing with time. He didn't face anything for snatching and "training" the kids. He didn't face anything for trying to kill Silver and Gold, unless you include Gold stopping his plans. And if he gets to return to his gym without any fanfare, then orchestrating that attack on the gym leaders in GSC (the train) had no consequences either.
After looking at Giovanni's actions in the arcs he's present in, it feels very implausible that he would've spared Pryce if he knew. He smashed a Magmar, left Yellow during the big final fight, and a bunch of other things. Kidnapping Oak, Green/Blue's parents, etc. Giovanni was willing to do a lot of things, unforgivable or not, in the FR/LG arc just to find his son.
It's also a bit weird like... At most, I assume Giovanni knew Pryce in the context of a gym leader. Like you said, he wasn't there for the GSC arc, and while Pryce's crimes were known to some gym leaders, it's probable that he didn't pay attention because he prioritized finding Silver. In fact, what were the crimes mentioned? He kidnapped kids, but did anyone know besides the dexholders? At most, people would know him as the guy that tried to control time and kill gym leaders.
In the translation I read, Giovanni says something along the lines of Silver training under his two teachers. So.... who knows whether Giovanni knows. Maybe he just misinterpreted the relationship between Pryce and Silver. It feels like a weird mix of contradictions.
Lance's case is weird because, in a show-don't-tell way, I don't doubt he cared enough about Silver in their mentor-mentee relationship. In the HG/SS arc, Silver at least has faith that Lance would have information on Team Rocket. Lance also mentions, like I said in the previous ask, that he, Pryce, and Giovanni are all tied together by Silver. The other two have such an impact that it feels like it'd be a weird connection to make if he wasn't that close with the dexholder.
Side note but Lance and Pryce feel like weird parallels where they both did bad things for the "benefit" of Pokemon. Lance did it for the cruelty of humans while Pryce.... is Pryce, I guess. He has a more selfish view of it where only his Pokemon should be treated with love and care.
Back to Lance solely, in GSC, I don't think he ever knows about Pryce being the Masked Man since he only shows up to give Silver information. In HG/SS, it feels like.. a mix of knowing and not knowing? It's contradictory again, like Giovanni's case. Maybe he knows and prioritizes the world. Maybe he doesn't know all the details. Maybe he doesn't prioritize it at the moment because Silver looks well-adjusted (he isn't, but that's something else entirely).
I think it'd be neat if Blue/Green was considered a mentor to Silver instead of Pryce. We got hints of that mentorship in FR/LG and in HG/SS. Blue/Green's the Viridian gym leader, he mentored Silver when they were looking for Giovanni, he (kind of) helped out when Silver learned his dad was Giovanni, they're fellow dexholders.... I just think that's pretty swell :) Any of the Kanto dexholders would be a "worthy" mentor figure honestly.
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phoenixesse · 8 months
About Post!
Hi, I'm Vienna!
I have this blog mostly to look at fandom stuff and promote my fics!
A few things about me:
-I'm Canadian
-My favourite colour is yellow
-my favourite song is Achilles Come Down by GANGOFYOUTHS
-I'm a young adult
-At the moment, my gender and sexuality is genderqueer (They/She) and Sapphic Arospec
-I have ADHD and autism (expect hyperfixations haha)
-my personality type is INFJ
-my enneagram is 4w5
-I’m a Libra Sun, Pisces Moon, and a Virgo Rising
-Like I said, I'm a writer! I used to be a high level English student. My favourite style to write is with a very philosophical flair. At the moment, I'm trying to incorporate that into scripts for a video essay medium!
-I love understanding the human condition and the ways that people feel about living. That trait definitely rubs off into my work
-I LOVE space and using space themed literary analysis. Whether that be the planets and stars themselves, or celestial idea like tarot or horoscopes, I think it’s all really cool to think about
-I'm a competitive curler! (the sport). It is a very left field and niche interest but I love talking about it
-I love indie RPG's, but my favourite would have to be OneShot
Things you'll probably expect on this blog (in order of interest):
(Mostly special interests, please talk to me about these anytime)
-Pokemon (any canon, especially pokespe)
-Splatoon (I LOVE Splatoon lore)
-The Legend of Zelda (mostly ALBW, BotW, and TotK)
-Five Nights at Freddy's (I love lore)
(Things I have been interested in and will occasionally talk about, you can definitely still ask about these things!)
-Stardew Valley
-Jojo's Bizarre Adventure (no spoilers past part 7, please!)
-Fairy Tail
-The Good Place
(Things I have been interested in, but don't engage with at all anymore. I don't mind talking about them though)
-Assassination Classroom
-Dream SMP
Favourite characters and ships (/p included) for said fandoms:
-Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, Gold, Silver, Platinum, Black, Y, Rika, Volo, Cogita, Cynthia, N, Bede, Nemona
-Originalshipping, namelessshipping, jadeshipping, preciousmetalshipping, entourageshipping, moonlillie
-Shadow, Blaze, Sonic, Surge, Rouge, Amy, Sage
-sonadow, blazamy, whispangle, wavouge, surgamy, tekamy, roupaz, kittails (/r or /p, THEY'RE KIDS), strobotnik, sonamy (/p)
-Agent 3, Agent 8, DJ Octavio, Frye
-agent 24, cuttletavio, pearlina, shivrye
The Legend of Zelda:
-Link, Zelda, Hilda, Ravio, Tulin, Revali, Riju, Urbosa
-Zelink (/qpr), Tulin and Link (/p)
Five Nights At Freddy's:
-Michael, William, Charlie, Henry, Crying Child, Elizabeth, Cassie, Gregory, Glamrock Freddy, Roxy
-Michael and Crying Child (/p), Gregory and Glamrock Freddy (/p), Gregory and Cassie (/p), Cassie and Roxy (/p)
-Alula, Niko, The World Machine, Silver, Kip, Rue
-Alula and Niko (/p), Niko and The World Machine (/p)
-The Batter, The Queen, The Judge, Zacharie
-The Batter and The Queen (/p)
Stardew Valley:
-Krobus, Haley, Abigail, Sandy, The Wizard
-The Player and Haley, The Player and Krobus (/p)
-Chara, Kris, Sans, Undyne, Alphys, Queen, Susie, Flowey
-Alphyne, Suselle
-Oikawa, Hinata, Yachi, Kiyoko
-iwaoi, kiyoyachi, kagehina, bokuaka, matsuhana
-Dirk, Jake, Aradia, Jade, Roxy, John, Rose, Terezi
-Dirkjake, Rosemary, Johndave, Karezi
-Marcy, Anne, Sasha
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure:
-Gyro, Young Joseph, Caesar, Jolyne, Lisa Lisa, Johnny, Kakyoin
-Gyjo, Caejose, Jolymes, Jotakak
Fairy Tail:
-Lucy, Cana, Natsu, Erza, Mavis, Yukino, Irene
-NaLu, LuCana, Zeravis, Zervis
The Good Place:
-Eleanor, Tahani, Chidi, Michael, Janet
-Cheleanor, Teleanor (/p or /r)
Assasination Classroom:
-Karma, Nagisa, Nakamura, Koro Sensei
-Ophelia, Hamlet, Horatio
-Tragic Danish Boyfriends
-Yato, Hiyori, Bishamon
-Yatori (the age gap makes me feel weird. I like their dynamic though)
-Victor, Henry, Elizabeth
-Tommy, Wilbur, Technoblade, Ranboo, Philza, Niki
-Sleepy Bois Inc (/p), Benchtrio (/p)
Other things! :
-I love getting asks! Please send me just about anything, I love responding
-If you want to draw fanart of my fic, please, please do!! It would absolutely make basically my whole year
-I accept writing requests, but they'll only be done when I get around to them/if I want to write for them
-Reblog/like spam is totally alright
-I may post nsfw, but if I do, it will be very rare
-If you are a bigot of any type, please get off my blog right now. I don't support any of that kind of shit. (Racism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, etc). Please be nice to everyone!
That's all! I'll leave a couple of links to my other media below, but otherwise, thanks for checking my blog out!
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blindmagdalena · 1 year
Just a few thoughts I came up with on the fly but,
Venus is Homelander’s contrast, he’s primary colors: Reds, Blues, Yellows. She’s secondary colors: Greens, Oranges and Purples. Even in metal, gold is usually seen as gaudy and masculine (Homelander) while silver is seen as it’s subtle, feminine counterpart. (Venus)
She always sounds like she’s lying but, usually she’s telling the truth. Homelander looks like a truth teller but, we all know that’s a crock of shit.
… I think it’s be funny if she’s *disgusted* by kids, abhors the idea of a *family* doesn’t want to get married… because that’s *all* Homelander wants, the American dream of getting married and make more versions of himself.
(She’s like, *nice* to kids, knows how to take care of them and kids *love her* but she’s just like ‘ew’ around them. ‘Why are they always sticky!’ While holding a toddler on her hip and holding another’s hand)
My mind needed to wander for a while… thanks for helping
ohhh my god these are SUCH fun character traits!!! haha, building this character for the Ivy League tag has been like the Build-A-Bear of OC's, i feel like she's such an amalgamation of things we've all put into her on this blog.
i especially like the idea that she always sounds like she's lying. women are so often depicted as seductresses and deceivers. her leaning into that while also very pointedly always being as honest as possible is a fun little twist.
thank you for sharing your thoughts! i really look forward to doing something fun with this character. i've flip-flopped back and forth whether she should be a full on OC, or a supe!reader. what do you guys think?
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badkatart · 2 years
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Post for @sandersidesbigbang
[Story Name] My Name Is Logan Sanders-Miller
[Author] Vee | @im-an-anxious-wreck
[Charaters] All Plus An Oc
[Rating/Warnings] NA
[ID] [A Family Photo of Kid Roman and Remus, teen Virgil and Logan in the foreground and Adult/Parent Janus, Patton and A Female oc I’m the background. Roman and Remus have yellow paper crowns and dark brown skin. Roman, who has a small faded patch of gold dyed hair, is wearing a white long sleeve shirt with a red sash looking annoying at Remus who has is tongue stuck out at Roman partially hiding behind Virgil. Remus is wearing a black long sleeve shirt and a green sash and has a drawn on mustache. Remus silver streak of not as faded as Roman. Both are in front of Janus. Virgil has a small small smile on his face looking off to the side. His hands are in his hoodie pockets. His hoodie has a small skull on the top right. Virgil has brown eyes and dark skin but not as dark as the twins and vitiligo. Logan is smiling forward at the camera with big square glasses, black dress shirt, and a blue tie with matching blue sweater. Janus has the same dark skin as Virgil and vitiligo as well. Janus has one hand on Roman’s head and one on Patton’s back. Patton hands his hands on Virgil Shoulder and Logan back. Patton has big round glasses and a big smile. The oc has straight black hair and deep brown eyes. She’s smiling softly with one hand on Logan’s back. She’s wrong a white dress shirt, blue sweater, and khaki pants. There is a thumb over the bottom right of the picture frame like someone holding the picture in their hand]
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molasses-house · 11 months
Cigarettes and Cereal Milk
I was 12 when I started working at the Jersey Shore grocery & deli.  It was old school with no air conditioning, some pinball machines and Ms. Pacman with only a counter and stools that would be filled in the morning with old men.  They’d sit reading Racing Form and the Bergen Record - slugging down their coffees, smoking their cigars or cigarettes and eating the State Delicacy of Pork Roll, Egg and Cheese on a hard roll.
Ran by a fiery Italian couple from Brooklyn (or the Bronx?) and partially by their two adult children, I was initially hired to work Saturdays and Sundays to stock and stuff the then-thick Sunday newspapers with inserts: comic pages, circulars, auto, arts and classified sections that made the weekly paper as big as a Bible or the yellow pages phone book.
For me, summer and a job at the deli was jubilant.  It was freedom.  I’d leave for our 1950′s era seaside bungalow with my family the day school ended and hardly go back “north” (about an hour and change away from our home in North Brunswick) the whole summer.  Like clockwork, every Saturday afternoon I would race down our lane of bungalows across Central Avenue to get to work and do the same at the crack of dawn on Sunday mornings.  
Along with my newspaper responsibilities, I had the pleasure of refilling the coolers with cans of Coke, Tab and Dr. Pepper.  I’d wipe down the pinball machines, replenish the Milky Ways, Gobstoppers and Fun Dip.  I even got to venture behind the counter to restock the cigarette display cases.  
Everybody smoked cigarettes or so it seems.  It was the late 80’s and although the Surgeon Generals Warnings were in full effect – nobody seemed to give a shit.  Cigarettes at the deli cost $1.50 a pack.  I remember when a new tax was introduced that pushed them close to $2 and it was like someone canceled Christmas.  Angry brows and hard scoffs abounded.
In those days – cigarette packaging and marketing was an art form.  A literal science! The shiny, little packs of smokes were like works of art.  
Shiny, snazzy and colorful rows of greens, beiges, reds, blues, pinks, gold, silver, and bronze with dramatic names that sounded like television soap operas or westerns or legal dramas:
Bel Air
Benson & Hedges
Lucky Strikes
Virgina Slims
True Blue
Marlboro (duh)
I was enamored.  Ripping open the fresh cartons of vibrant sophistication and stacking them neatly in rows – it was like a tobacco Tetris.  Seemingly, everyone smoked.  The surfers, the lifeguards, the boomers, the Greatest Generation, the beach badge checkers, the cops, and the kids that also worked at the store…all puffers.  My father was also a smoker.  A secret smoker.  The worst kept secret ever.  Despite a massive heart attack that required open heart surgery at the age of 37…he couldn’t shake it.  He’d have to slip away to go tend to “yardwork” and come back smelling like an ashtray and the family (me, my brother, sister and mother) would pretend to not notice the waft of smokey perfume that he’d come back into the house with…for decades!
I don’t remember when I picked up the habit definitively but it was between middle school (8th grade) and high school (9th grade).  Eerily, I mimicked the actions of my dad.  Stashing packs of cigarettes deep within drawers or in my little lockbox adorned with childish stickers.  I’d keep handy a bottle of cologne (probably Drakkar Noir or some ilk of it’s day) and whisk outside the minute the parents left the house and crouch down outside against the side of the house near the BBQ grill to fume a Marlboro.  
I was in my early teens but looked like a contradiction…tall, superskinny and blonde but self-consciously young for my age.  How did I purchase these vile decks of cancer sticks?  It was shamefully easy.  In those days, there was no legal age to buy them.  During the off-season and away from the seaside store, I could hop on my bike and ride to any number of convenience stores in the area of my “northern” home.  For $2 (and change as the prices rose higher), I could satisfy my physical and mental cravings usually without a hitch.  
If the purveyor did have some tinge of guilt serving cigarettes to a pubescent-ish Ricky Schroeder lookalike…I had a cover story in my back pocket:  
“My grandmother (or aunt or step-sister) hurt her legs and can’t get around real well, kind sir” was a standard lie.  If I was really organized, I’d have a friend waiting by their landline telephone to pretend to be said relative and say to the clerk, “She said you can call her.”  99.9% of the time that worked like a charm and only once did a phone call actually get made and “Kim” – an older girl by a couple of years magically performed the part of the ailing kin.
Freshman year of high school, I took the bus – having not yet made friends with anyone with a drivers license.  The bus would pick me up on the back street parallel to mine.  I’d wake up (usually with a teenage attitude fueled by nicotine withdrawal) and eat some breakfast before the bus.  In order NOT to miss my ride, I had the timing down like a Swiss watch maker.
Breakfast consisted of a Benadryl (allergies), a cup of coffee (light and sweet – and yes the Stankovits kids were all early coffee drinkers…) and usually some cereal.  We weren’t allowed real sugary cereals so we had to “settle” for Rick Krispies, Chex or Raisin Bran and the occasional Cap’N’Crunch.  Depending on the sugar content, I’d pour the milk over the cereal and dollop a spoonful of sugar in the bowl.  After the crackles of crispy rice or soggy lumps of bran were consumed, there was the sweet reward of the leftover cereal milk.  It was like breakfast’s dessert.  
I’d slurp that down and head out the door, towards the end of our dead-end street where there was and still is a section of woods where I could cut through to the next street where the bus would pick me up.
Lighting up, I would get my fix and mentally prepare for the day ahead standing in the woods next to the wooden fence that captured the backyard of the last house on our block.  It was meditative.  Who the hell knows what I was thinking about…”Algebra quiz!  Fall Dance!  Fuck, am I queer?  I can’t wait to drive and get the hell out of here?!”  
The bus would come and I’d hop on with a waft of smokey aroma and cheap cologne enshrining me like Pig Pen from Peanuts.  Usually, a pack would last a week or more.  I’d check my pack to see how many cigarettes I had left before I had to begin another hunt…hiding away my Marlboros in my duffle bag (those were in style...) until the last school bell rang…ready to repeat another day.  Inhale, exhale.  Inhale, exhale.
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kartoon12 · 1 year
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I finally hopped on the bandwagon and created a Spider-Sona. Ever since "Into the Spider-Verse" came out, there's been an explosion of people creating their own spider themed characters, and all of them have been so creative and diverse. And now with the recent sequel, "Across the Spider-Verse" having come out, and having loved it so much, I finally broke down and made a spider character of my own.
I decided to pull from my own life, and made her themed around being an artist. She hails from Earth 20-1-11-5-15-14-13-5, which, if you break down the numbers, they each correspond to a letter of the alphabet. So it spells out "T-A-K-E -O-N-M-E"....yeah, it's a reference to the Aha music video for "Take on Me", which is what this universe would look like stylistically---very sketchy, with surfaces looking like crinkled paper and cardboard and such.
Her backstory is that she lives in the suburbs with her parents ('cause money's tight and all that), and works as a freelance artist. Her parents know she's a superhero and were the first to know about her powers. (And didn't take her to any doctor in fear of their kid being taken away and experimented on) So yeah, this spider doesn't keep too many secrets from her friends and family. She takes daily walks through the woods behind her neighborhood to get exercise (since her job has her sitting down a lot).   One day, she came home to discover a bite mark on her ankle. She was sick for a few days, but didn't make any connection with it, until she discovered her spider powers. Prior to the bite, a truck from a science lab went off road and crashed; dumping all sorts of chemicals and other hazardous material in the woods by her house, so she theorizes that's how the spider bite gave her powers.   This is also where some of her rogues gallery comes from, like the Scorpion and the Lizard, who were normal animals that mutated into monsters (ala TMNT). She was inspired by comic book superheroes to put on a costume and fight crime.
Though honestly, she tends to stick to the suburbs more often than not, stopping normal crime most of the time and doing community service. But she's not afraid to fight the occasional monster or super villain if it comes up. She has both organic and synthetic webbing. The organic webbing shoots from all of her fingertips. She's able to sew and draw all sorts of designs and patterns with the webbing that way. This is also the webbing she uses to web-sling around, but since she tends to patrol neighborhoods,  she uses roller skate shoes and tons of parkour to get around.
The synthetic webbing is where her different color "paints" come in that do different stuff.  She'll web something first, then splatter it with her special paint to turn it into what she needs.   She took more of an interest in science after she gained powers, but she's no super genius. So most of her gadgets she jury-rigged thanks to watching all sorts of science and tech videos on the internet.  As for her special paints, each color has a different effect on her webbing.
white: basic organic webbing used as the base
red: fire/plasma webbing
orange: turns webbing into plastic explosives
yellow: gives webs electric charge
green:  acid webbing
blue: ice/freeze webbing
purple: turns webbing into water-like oil slick
brown: turns webbing rock hard like stone
pink: has anti-bacterial elements to clean and seal wounds
and black, well.....it's the only other organic webbing, and she only obtains this when possessed by the Venom symbiote of her universe. Shoot this stuff at someone, and they become infected or taken over by a part of the symbiote
Other odd colors like teal, magenta, silver, gold, etc: would occasionally show up for very specific missions. But all those other colors are the standard part of her arsenal.
As I was trying to design her, the first thing I thought of was a standard Spider-Man suit, but with blue painter's overalls that have plenty of pockets to store tracers, extra paint pellets, and other gadgets. And while I loved the overalls idea, the rest needed a more unique spin. So I went with a T-shirt underneath, as this girl's gonna' get messy, like, a LOT. And I tend to like costume designs that include a person's hair. So, inspired by the original Spider-Woman, I wanted this girl to show off her hair....but not her real hair. Her real hair is tucked away underneath. (Gotta' preserve identities and all that.) So I went with long, neon-blue hair that helps her stand out more. It's just a wig that she built into the mask.
I also added fingerless gloves. It made sense to me, as her fingers would have to be at least partially exposed to shoot webs, but still protect her palms from being scraped up. And as I was sketching, I kept feeling like something was missing. And so, I added the beret at the last minute to complete her artist look. The other last minute addition was the color wheels on her wrists that store and shoot out the different colored pellets to make the different web effects.
And thanks to a suggestion from my friend, DarkNeon of deviantArt, she finally gained a name. Say hello.....to Silk Sketcher.
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