#like seriously my mom tried to kill me with a nerf gun
Dreams (or nightmares) they’ve had that they can’t stop thinking about:
Giorno: had a dream that he was a rich kids pet dog, and he was running around having a good time. Then some guy, who kind of looked like him, jumped out of a carriage and kicked him
Bruno: had a dream that he worked a normal office job, but all of his co workers were bees
Abbacchio: Had a dream that he lived alone in the middle of the woods, and he couldn’t leave his house because it was surrounded by poisonous snakes and boa constrictors. He woke up when one of the snakes got into his house
Mista: had a dream that a dehumidifier was trying to hug him and was chasing him around the basement. This dream made him afraid to go into the basement for like six months
Narancia: had a dream that he was stuck in a building because of a tornado. But the tornado could talk and had one request, which was that Narancia found his long lost lover, a radish named Phoebe, and that he bring her to him. So the tornado gave him gas money so he could go find his radish lover, but the tornado made it super hard for Narancia to drive his car because the tornado was being super troublesome. Eventually Narancia found Phoebe the radish and reunited the two odd lovers and was free from the wind
Fugo: had a dream that he was at the grocery store. But every time he tried to pick up an item it would turn into a wet piece of cardboard
Trish: had a dream that she met her dad, and he tried to kill her with a nerf gun (pre-her actually meeting her dad)
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morbid-mary · 6 years
What A Furry Ride
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TEEN WOLF - Season 1
Author’s Note (PLEASE READ)- This particular story is based on the MTV tv show, Teen Wolf. Each chapter will be each episode. My OC for this story is none other than Scott McCall’s older sister, Daniella “Dani” McCall. A senior at Beacon Hills High School. I’m starting this story in episode 2, which is Monday, January 17th. I figured the boys would hold off on telling her for a little while considering they were already freaked out enough. Especially when Scott gets a date with the new girl who’s father tried to kill him the night before. Yes, it’s a big project, but I’ve been daydreaming about this FOREVER and I think it’s about time to put it into words, don’t you think? 
Chapter 1 Set in Episode 2
The morning bell rings and everyone is moving through the halls to get to their classes. 
“I’m sorry, man. I can’t believe I tried to kill you” Scott says. 
“Dude, it’s fine just forget about it already" Stiles says as they walk down the hallway. “Do we really have to tell your sister?” He asks for the millionth time. 
“Yes! Stiles we tell her everything, I can’t keep this from her!” 
“Okay, but do we have to tell her now? At school?” 
They turn a corner heading back to the locker room. It’s most likely empty right now.  
“Yes, now. The sooner the better” Scott reaffirms. 
"Alright fine. Did you text her?" 
"No, I forgot" Scott says and pulls out his phone. 
‘Come down to the boys locker room now’ Scott sends. ‘It's very important’
 "Okay I told her" he says. 
"Awesome, this is going to suck" Stiles says. 
They make their way down the steps and turn into the locker room to wait. They set their stuff down by their lockers out of habit. 
"Hey did you see Derek at practice this morning?" Stiles asks. 
"He was there?!"  
"Yeah I saw him watching us from the bleachers when you shifted on me- oh God." Stiles cuts himself off when Derek comes around the corner.
"What do you want now?" Scott asks. "It doesn't matter you have to get out of here, my sister is coming down here!" He adds. 
Derek holds that stony expression. "You shifted during practice. That is exactly why you can't play on Saturday, you'll hurt someone" Derek states firmly. 
"Yes, we know! Now get out of here. We're telling his sister about the whole werewolf thing and we don't need you scaring her on top of that" Stiles says.
Before Derek could respond the door opens and in comes Scott's older sister. Daniella McCall. Senior and loving big sister to both Scott and Stiles. "Hey Scottie," she says and ruffles Scott's hair with a smile. 
Scott pushes her hand away with a grunt. 
"Hey Dani" Stiles says, raising his hand to wave. 
"Hey baby, who's this?" Dani asks, gesturing to Derek.
"Derek Hale, I'm a friend of Scott's" he says and extends his hand. 
"Daniella McCall, it's nice to meet you" Dani says and shakes his hand ignoring Scott's "no he's not" comment. 
"He's not a friend" Scott says flatly. 
"Then why is he here" Dani says in an equally flat tone. 
"We don't know" Stiles huffs and gives one of his flat, uncomfortable smiles.
"Well let's just focus on the reason I'm here instead" she says, eyeing the boys. "What was so important?" She asks. 
"He's a werewolf" Stiles says, pointing at Scott. "Well both of them are werewolves, but your brother was 'turned' the other night" Stiles adds. 
Dani folds her arms trying to process, "What?" She says. 
The boys explain everything to her including Derek's unwanted input here and there.
Scott shows his sister his gold eyes. 
"Holy crap" she says. She hooks her finger under his chin, tilting his head up. She stares at his eyes and the more prominent canine teeth. She steps back. 
"Do you believe us now?" Stiles asks. 
Dani drags her lip between her teeth and looks at Derek. "This is real, right?" She asks. 
He nods shoving his hands in the pockets of his leather jacket.
She runs her hands through her hair "Wow, this is-" 
"Crazy we know" Stiles interrupts. 
"Do you believe me?" Scott asks. 
Dani gives a soft smile and nods, "Yeah, I guess I do". 
Both Scott and Stiles let out relieved sighs. 
"You're not gonna tell anyone are you? Especially mom" Scott asks. 
"Oh God no, I promise" Dani says. She looks over and Derek wasn't there. "Where'd Derek go?" She asks. 
"Away. Don't worry, he does that a lot" Stiles says flatly.
That night, Scott gets home late and flops onto his bed. He was glad he had his sister to talk to about everything. Having someone besides Stiles to help him with his new werewolf abilities. He filled her in on everything that had happened, including the part about Allison's dad being a hunter. His mom, Melissa, comes in and tells Scott that she is taking Saturday night off to see his big game. she lets him know that she’s working tonight and that Dani is in charge as usual.
After she leaves for work, Scott gets a Skype call from Stiles. Stiles shoots his Nerf gun at the camera and flashes that lopsided grin. 
��What did you find out?” Scott asks. 
“Well, just that Jackson has a separated shoulder” Stiles informs. 
“Because of me?” 
“Because he’s a tool” Stiles corrects. 
“Can he play?”
“We don’t know yet. Now we’re just counting on you for Saturday.” 
Scott shakes his head letting out a sigh. He sees Stiles looking closer into the camera, as if he seeing something. “What?” Scott asks. 
Stiles swallows and has this unnerved expression. Stiles sends a message displayed on the screen “It looks like someone’s behind you”. 
Scott turns around and Derek is right there. Derek grabs him and pins him against the wall. 
“I saw you on the field” Derek growls. 
“Wh- what?” Scott manages to say between his labored breathing. 
“You shifted in front of them!” Derek reminds him. “They find out what you are, they find out about me, all of us!” he adds.
“They didn’t see anything! I swear!” Scott says. 
“And they won’t! Because if you even-” Derek stops. ‘Someone’s coming” He says, letting go of Scott. 
Three knocks on the door. 
“Scott? did you put all the laundry in your room again?” Dani calls through the door. 
Scott’s eyes go wide, “Hide!” He whispers to Derek . "Uh..Yeah I did, sorry. It’s in my chair” He calls and shoves Derek toward the wall. 
Dani opens the door and Derek slides behind it just in time. “You okay? You look a little flustered” Dani says, frowning at her little brother. 
“I-I’m fine” he manages and sits on the bed. 
Dani walks past the door over to the chair that had the laundry piled in it. 
Scott’s eyes go wide again, glancing at his sister’s bare legs then to the door where Derek was. “Where are your pants?!” Scott asks. 
“Somewhere in this chair,” Dani says as she digs through the mound.
Scott glances at Derek again who was staring at Dani. A flare of protectiveness ignites in his belly. 
“My leggings! Thank God” Dani says and tugs on the black fabric. 
Scott glares at Derek for a second. 
“I’ll grab the rest of my stuff later. Dinner is almost ready by the way” She says and turns around. 
Scott tenses, afraid of her seeing Derek. 
She eyes Scott for a moment “Okay seriously, Scotty what’s wrong?” She asks again. 
Scott swallows hard, “N-nothing, I’m fine” Scott stammers. 
She takes in a breath deciding to accept the response. She walks past the door pushing it closed, “Hi Derek.” 
Scott freezes and Derek just looks at her. 
“Hey” he says slowly and moves away from the wall. 
“Why were you hiding?” she asks, folding her arms over her chest. 
“Ask Scott” He says. 
Dani looks over to Scott “Is it a gay thing?” she asks. 
“No!” Scott says, completely appalled by the insinuation. 
Derek had this look of disgust on his face as well. 
Dani laughs moving closer to Scott. “Then why were you hiding your friend?” she asks softly. 
“He’s not my friend” Scott groans. 
Dani rolls her eyes, “Oh God, not this again.” 
Scott starts getting defensive, “I practically hate him!” 
Dani glares at her younger brother for a moment. “Yes...he saves your life from your girlfriends daddy and now he’s the worst person in the world. I definitely understand the reasoning behind your ‘hatred’ for Derek Hale” she says flatly. 
Scott scoffs and plops down on his bed, shaking his head. “Whatever” he spits out, bitterly. 
Dani growls for a moment before turning to Derek. “I’d rather you use the door the next time you come visit.” she says. 
Derek simply nods. 
“Have you eaten?” Dani asks. 
“He is not staying for dinner” he states. 
Dani focuses back on Derek, ignoring her brother. 
“No I haven’t yet, but I wasn’t planning on staying” He says. 
“Come on, I made lasagna. You’ll love it” Dani says and smiles. 
“I am not sitting at the table with him!” Scott says and sits down at his computer again.
Dani sighs and bites her lip. “Scott...” she says gently. 
“No” he says and pulls up a homework assignment. 
She looks at Derek and gestures to give her a second. Dani walks over to the aggravated little werewolf and runs her hands over his shoulders. She leans down, kissing his hair and she wraps his arms around him. 
Scott lets out a sigh. “Can you get off me now?” he asks. 
She smiles against his hair. “No” she says gently. 
“Are we okay?” She asks him as she rubs his arms. 
“Yeah, I guess so.” Scott replies. 
She kisses his hair again and lets him go, “I love you.” 
He glances over his shoulder, “Love you too” he mumbles. 
Dani smiles and ruffles his hair before leaving him alone. “Come down and eat when your done” She says and watches Scott nod. 
Derek moves out of the room, “I’m just gonna-” 
“No no no, you’re eating here” Dani interrupts. She grabs his wrist pulling him down the hallway. 
“You don’t have to do this” he says. 
“Come on, it’ll be nice” Dani says and smiles at him over her shoulder. 
Derek sighs and lets her pull him down the stairs. 
Dani finally got Derek talking by the time the lasagna was ready. “-Scott is an over-emotional whiner and Stiles is a sarcastic...spaz” Derek finishes. 
Dani laughs as she dishes out two servings of lasagna. “Honey, you are just getting a taste of what I’ve had to live with for the past eleven years” she says. She hands him his bowl and leads him over to the couch. 
“They’ve known each other for that long?” Derek asks. 
“Yeah, it’s crazy, huh?” Dani says and sits on the couch. 
Derek follows, “No, it actually makes sense.” 
Dani giggles a little more and Derek tries not to smile. 
“How did they even meet?” Derek asks. 
“Oh gosh, um...okay I remember-” She shifts, folding her legs and turns sideways facing him. She places her bowl in her lap and continues. “We were having a family beach trip, Scott was about four years old at the time and I was helping him build a sand castle. The Stilinski’s were visiting the same beach, too. Anyway, we had just finished and Scott was very proud of himself, he couldn’t stop smiling. Then Stiles walks over and pees all over his little sand castle.” 
Derek smiles shaking his head and Dani just laughs again. 
“They’ve been joined at the hip ever since” she adds and shifts back forward. Dani turns on the TV and finds ‘That 70′s Show.’  
Derek takes a bite of the lasagna and leans back against the couch. 
“You like?” Dani asks. 
“This is really good” He says, making her smile.
Dani and Derek spent the rest of the evening watching TV and chatting. They talked for a while about Scott and the up coming game. Scott came down stairs from time to time getting more twitchy with each visit. Once dinner was over Stiles had come over and the both of them were getting twitchy about Derek hanging out with Dani. 
“Thanks for dinner” Derek says and shrugs on his leather jacket. 
“Your welcome, you can come over any time” Dani says. 
“No, he can’t” Stiles calls. 
Dani walks over to the stairs and sees the boys sitting at the top, clearly eavesdropping. “Why do you care? You don’t even live here” she says. 
“It’s Derek!” Scott whisper yells from the top of the stairs. 
“Really?” Dani says sarcastically, “I hadn’t noticed.” She waves them off before they could get all huffy and puffy. “It was nice handing out with you” Dani says and opens the front door. 
Derek smiles grabbing his keys. 
“Goodnight” she says and smiles. 
“Goodnight” he says and steps out to his car. 
Dani waits for him to climb in his car before waving and closing the door for the night.
School was almost over and Scott hadn’t figure out a way to not play the following night. He got read into by Lydia which made everything so much better. During class change, Stiles grabs Scott, “What?” he asks. 
Stiles points at his dad talking to two other officers just up the hallway. “Tell me what their saying. 
Scott uses his hearing ability to listen in. “Curfew because of the body” he says. 
Stiles pats his arm and leans back “Unbelievable! My dad’s off looking for a rabid animal while the jerkoff who actually killed the girl is just hanging out, doing whatever he wants.”
“We can’t exactly tell your dad the truth about Derek” Scott points out. 
“Yeah, but I can do something” Stiles says. 
“Like what?”
“Find the other half of the body” Stiles says with a shrug before leaving. 
“Are you kidding?” Scott calls after him. 
Scott finds Lydia introducing Allison to other lacrosse players like she said she’d do. While he was talking with Allison afterwards, he sees her holding the jacket that was in the woods with him a few nights ago, thinking it was from Derek. This was all getting more and more unnerving for Scott by the minute.
Scott rushes to the Hale house on his bike after school lets out. Once he’s in the front yard he jumps off his bike. “Derek! Derek!” He yells. He smells blood and sees a fresh grave to the left of the front porch. When he looks back, Derek was right there. “Stay away from her! She doesn’t know anything!” He shouts.
“Yeah?” Derek says. “What if she does?” he asks, walking up to Scott. “You think you and your little buddy Stiles can google werewolves and think you got all the answers? Is that it? You don’t get it yet Scott, but I’m looking out for you.” He says, getting closer. 
“How? By getting cozy on the couch with my sister?” Scott fires back. 
Derek’s jaw tightens and he ignores the comment, “Think about what could happen. You’re out on the field, the aggression takes over, and you shift in front of everyone.”
Scott’s glaring at Derek, beyond frustrated. 
Derek picks up Scott’s lacrosse stick, “Your mom, your sister, and all your friends. And when they see you-” Derek pokes Scott with the net of the stick and Scott slaps it away. Derek looks at the net and rips through it with his claws. “-Everything falls apart.” Derek tosses Scott his stick and was gone.
Later on, Stiles comes bursting into Scott’s room. “What did you find? How did you find it? Where did you find it?” Stiles asks very quickly. “And yes, I’ve had a lot of adderall” he adds. 
“Stiles” Dani groans in disappointment. 
“It’s not that bad!” 
“Where was it?” Stiles asks Scott again. 
“Oh my God, you found the body?” Dani asks. 
“Yeah, it’s right by the house. I could smell the blood” Scott confirms. 
“When we find it, your dad nails Derek for the murder and you gotta help me figure out a way to play lacrosse without changing because there is no way I’m missing that game.” Stiles cheers and Dani storms out of the room. 
“Where are you going?” Scott asks. 
“To visit Jackson” Dani says. 
“Again?” Stiles asks. 
She glares at him and leaves.
Late that night, The boys ride out to the Hale house in Stiles’ Jeep. They for Derek to leave before pulling up to the house. They climb out with their shovels and flashlights looking at the house.
“Somethings different...” Scott says. 
“Different how?” Stiles asks. 
“I don’t know” Scott says as they get closer to the side of the house. “Let’s just get this over with” he says and they start digging.
They had been digging for a long time and Scott was starting to get worried. “What if he comes back?” he asks. 
“Then we get the hell out of here” Stiles says. 
“What if he catches us?” Scott asks and stops for a moment. 
“I have a plan for that. You run one way, I’ll run the other. Whoever he catches first, too bad.” Stiles says with a shrug and goes back to digging. 
“I hate that plan” Scott says.
Stiles digs for another scoop of dirt and hits something hard, “Whoa, stop, stop, stop.” The brush the dirt away finding a large bag that was knotted with rope. they untie the knots and open the bag uncovering the upper half of a wolf. 
“AAAAHH!” they scream, jumping out of the hole. 
“What the hell is that?!” Stiles asks.
“It’s a wolf!” Scott says. 
“I thought you said you smelled human blood!” Stiles says. 
“I told you something was different!” Scott says. “We gotta get out of here.”
“Yeah, help me cover this up” Stiles says. 
They start covering the body when Stiles sees something. 
“What?” Scott asks. 
“You see that flower?” Stiles asks. 
“So what?” Scott asks. 
“I think it’s wolfsbane” Stiles says. 
“What’s that?” Scott asks. 
Stiles looks at Scott, “Haven’t you ever seen ‘The Wolfman’? Lawn Janie Jr.? Claude Rains? The original, classic werewolf movie?” he asks. 
“No, what!” Scott says, getting impatient. 
Stiles shakes his head, “You are so unprepared for this.”
Stiles goes over and uproots the purple flower. I pulls on it and the root seems to trail around the grave. Stiles keeps pulling and pulling uncovering the root that had grown in a spiral. 
Scott looks down in the hole and stands up, “Stiles..” Stiles comes over and looks. 
The wolf had turned into a woman. 
The next morning, Scott watches the police lead Derek out of his house in handcuffs. Scott can’t even make eye contact with Derek who was glaring at him. Derek climbs into the back of the squad car and the officer shuts the door. Scott’s eye’s widen as he watches Stiles walk up to the squad car. 
Stiles climbs in the front seat, “Just so you know, I’m not afraid of you.” 
Derek glares at Stiles like he’s going to eat him. 
“Okay maybe I am” He says. 
Stiles’ father, Sheriff Stilinski, snatches him out of the squad car. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” The Sheriff asks.
“I’m just trying to help!” Stiles says. 
“Uh-huh, okay well how about you help me understand exactly how you came across this?” He asks. 
Stiles sighs, “We were looking for Scott’s inhalator.” 
“Which he dropped when?” His dad asks. 
“The other night” Stiles says with a shrug.
“The other night when you were looking for the first half of the body” His dad says. 
“Yes” Stiles says. 
“The night you said that you were alone, and Scott was at home” he says. 
“Yes! Wait no- ah crap” Stiles lowers his head realizing he gave himself up. 
“Get the hell out of here” Sheriff says. 
“Absolutely” Stiles says rubbing his head and leaves quickly.
Dani is waken up by her phone ringing. She rolls over looking at her alarm which reads, “WED  10:30 AM” Dani’s stomach drops, realizing she’s extremely late for school. Her mom must be puling a double shift over at the hospital, because if she was home, she’d never let Dani sleep in on a school day. The blaring ringtone of her phone reminds her of the incoming cal and she groans, grabbing it off the night stand, “Hello?” She says groggily. 
“Wow, your sleepy voice is kinda hot.” 
“Stiles?” Dani sits up running her hand through her hair. 
“Yeah, sorry for waking you up, but we got a problem.” 
She climbs out of bed grabbing some clothes from her closet, “What is it?”
“Scott wolfed out in my car and took off and now I don’t know where he is.” 
Dani tugs on some jeans, putting him on speaker, “What happened” she says. 
“Okay so I had a bunch of wolfsbane in my car-” 
“Like from that old werewolf movie?” 
“Yeah! It was really messing with him and he wolfed out.”
 “Stiles where did you get the wolfsbane?” 
“From the grave we dug up last night that had the other half of the body  the police found the other night in it,” he says uneasily. 
There was a pause as Dani tugs on a cardigan and tries not to get upset. “Where was the grave” She asks. 
“Derek’s yard.”
“Why were you there this morning, skipping school, if you dug it up last night?”
There was a pause on his end this time. 
“Because we pinned it on Derek and he got arrested for the murder...” he says carefully.
“Oh my God” Dani says. 
“I can’t believe you guys! You are obsessed!” she says tugging on her shoes. 
“He killed her! He murdered that other werewolf!” 
“Just shut up and find my brother while I clean up your mess, again” 
Dani hangs up. She growls as she ties her dark hair up in a messy bun and stomps out of the house. 
Down at the station, Derek was handcuffed to the bench in Sheriff Stilinski’s office while he was being processed. The sheriff was sitting at his desk looking over Derek’s file. Voices were heard outside the office. “Ma’am he is busy you will have to- ma’am- m’am please!” A deputy says just before Dani pushes past her and into the Sheriff’s office.
 “What the hell are you doing?” he asks. 
“Stiles called me” She says, clearly agitated. 
“Ah geez, don’t tell me you’re involved in this too” he says and leans back in his chair. 
“I’m about to be” she says. 
“How about you calm down and we’ll talk then” he offers. 
“No sir, we’re doing this now” she says. 
The sheriff looks at her and sighs “What is it Dani?” 
Dani looks at Derek handcuffed to the bench and sighs. “Are you seriously convicting him for this ‘so called’ murder?!” She says. 
“The body was in his front yard” He says. 
“That’s enough to bring him in for questioning but not arrest, sheriff” she says, pointedly. “I’ve seen the first half of the body you found and with the wounds and marks on it, there is no way he did it.”
He eyes her for a moment, “You are not legally able to see that body, how did you manage to do that?” he asks, firmly. 
“My mom’s worked at that hospital since I was tiny. I know that place like the back of my hand, are you really that surprised I got into the morgue?” She asks. 
He sighs rubbing his face, “No...” 
She sits down in one of the chairs in front of his desk, “There’s no way he did it.” She says again.
“Prove it” He says. 
“You’ve seen both halves of the body. That poor woman was chewed up and clawed all over both halves of her. He’s a human being, he doesn’t have claws and teeth like the thing that killed that girl. Does he look like he could claw and chew out someone?”  
 The Sheriff runs a hand over his face and looks over Laura Hale’s file again. He pics up one of the pictures of half of her mauled body. Dani’s right. “I should’ve stuck with the rabid animal theory.” He rubs his face and groans. 
“And definitely shouldn’t have listened to Stiles. Yeah he found a body, but come on, look at the facts. It’s humanly impossible for Derek Hale to have done that to that woman.” Dani finishes and leans back in the chair. 
“I’ll run the release paperwork through, you sign him out” he says and stands. 
Dani smiles and spins around giving Derek a thumbs up. Derek just stared at her. She couldn’t tell what he was thinking since he had the fixated look on his face. 
“Can you drive him home?” the Sheriff asks. 
“Yes sir” Dani says. 
He nods and walks out with the paperwork. 
“I can’t believe that worked!” Dani says. 
“Why are you helping me?” Derek asks. 
“Derek, sweetie. Did you really think I was going to let you get convicted for murder?” she says.
She grabs the keys off the sheriffs desk and unlocks the handcuffs. “We all know that a werewolf killed that lady. They boys obviously think it was you. I don’t think you did. They only thing you did was bury her and I bet she really appreciated that.” Dani says. 
He stands and looks her over. “You didn’t have to do this” He says, pulling on his jacket. 
“You keep saying that” She says. 
Derek shoots Dani a look and she smiles. 
“I know” Dani says. “Come on, we have a lacrosse game to get to.”
The game was just about to start and players were getting ready. Family members and friends filled the bleachers ready to cheer on each of their boys. Mr. Stilinski comes and sits next to Dani and her mom, Melissa. 
“I hope we do well tonight” He says. 
“Me too...” Dani mumbles and bounces her knee, nervously. 
Dani had looked around the bleachers several times and Derek was no where to be seen. She thought he would be here. She hoped that he’d show up in case Scott has a ‘moment.’ 
The first play was about to start and each player was in their ready position. Scott had his eyes squeezed shut, “Please let this be okay. Please, please,-” The ref blows the whistle and everything kicks into gear.
Scott and Jackson see the ball in the open and they both run for the ball. Jackson does a cheap shot and slams Scott out of the way. He scoops the ball, throwing and he sores. 
“Oh God” Dani says as he mom grabs her hand. 
“Is he okay?” she asks. 
“Shake it off, Scott! Shake it off!” Dani yells. 
“You got this Scott!” their mom yells.
Dani turns around and sees Allison and Lydia holding up a ‘We Luv U Jackson!’ sign. 
Scott sees the sign as well and Stiles turns looking at it too. 
“Brutal..” Stiles grimaces. “Oh this is not gonna be good.” 
Scott starts listening and he hears his sister. “Shake it off sweetie, shake it off... come on, I believe in you,” he hers Dani whisper to herself. 
He calms down a little until he starts hearing what’s being said in the huddle. 
“We will win” Jackson says. 
“What did I say?” Jackson snaps. “What did I say” Jackson repeats, slowly. 
“Don’t pass to McCall..” Danny says. 
Scott’s eyes turn gold as he grips his lacrosse stick. It’s on now.
Everyone was setting up on the field for the next play and Scott was bent over, breathing heavily. 
“Oh my God” Dani whisper and bites her lip. 
The whistle blows and the ball ends up being thrown up into the air. Scott snaps to attention and jumps, pushing off another player with his foot, catching the ball. He makes a run for the net, sidestepping and ducking around opposing players. He throws the ball and scores, bringing the score up to 4 to 5. 
"YEAH!” Dani and Melissa shout as the crowd around them cheers. Everyone was going nuts except for Jackson. The next play, Scott bares his teeth at the opposing play with the ball. The player freaks and passes Scott the ball allowing him to score again and tie the game. People were starting to notice that Scott wasn’t really alright. 
In the middle of the final play, Scott has the ball again and is surrounded my opposing team members. His vision is bright red and he’s completely shifted now. All of a sudden, he hears Allison in the stands, “You can do this Scott, You can do this..” Her voice brings him back and he throws the ball, scoring at the last second.
The crowd goes wild. Scott throws down his gloves, seeing his claws and he ditches the field. He makes it to the locker room to try and calm down. He gets more and more angry as it gets harder for him to breathe and he smashes one of the mirrors. “Scott?” Allison calls. “You in here?” She calls again.
Scott had hidden above the lockers. Allison becomes afraid and flattens against the lockers. “Scott?” She calls again. She slides down the lockers, hearing something over by the showers. She walks toward where the noise was and finds Scott leaning against the shower wall. “Scott are you okay? You scared me” she says.
“Yeah, sorry, I just got kinda light headed for a sec” He says. 
“Maybe it was the adrenaline” she says and smiles. “You were pretty amazing out there” she adds. 
After a moment he moves closer to her with a little smile on his face. He leans in and kisses her. They pull away after a short moment and smile at each other before sinking into another kiss. Stiles walks in finding them there. 
“I gotta get back to my dad” Allison says with a smile. 
Scott smiles and nods, ”Okay.” 
She kisses him on the cheek before leaving, waving at Stiles on her way out.
 “I kisses her” he says. 
“I saw” Stiles. 
“She kissed me.” 
“Saw that too.”
“I don’t know how, but I controlled it.” 
“Yeah” Stiles says and sighs. 
“What’s wrong?” Scott asks.
“Derek was released earlier today. apparently it was proven to be an animal attack and Derek is a person not an animal.” 
“Are you kiding?”
“No, but here’s an even bigger kick in the ass. The girl that was killed. Her name was Laura Hale, Derek’s sister.” Stiles says. 
Everyone had gone home and the field was empty except for Jackson. Scott had left his back by the bench and one of his gloves on the field. Jackson picks it up, looking at the finger tips. There were holes in each tip. Jackson frowns and looks around feeling like he was being watched and his eyes meet Derek Hale’s. 
“Hey Jackson!” A voice calls from behind him. He turns around and sees one of his best friends. 
“Daniella, what are you doing out here? The game is over” he asks. 
Jackson was the one person she let call her by her real name. Being fellow seniors, they had grown up together. She was the one person he was truly nice to and the one person he let himself be Jackson around. 
“Scott left his bag and one of his gloves.” She says and points at the glove in his hands. 
“Yeah, here” He says and hands it to her. 
“Thank you darling it’s very much appreciated” She exaggerates, but it was just enough to make him smile. “Don’t be so hard on him..I know he’s taken part of you spotlight, but don’t let it ruin your season. It’s your last one Jackson. I’d hate for you to waste it over my little brother of all people.” 
He laughs and lowers his head for a moment. “It’s hard, you know?” He says. 
She gives a sympathetic smile and nods, “Go home sweetie, get some rest...” 
He nods and gives her a hug. “I’ll text you later” he says before leaving the field. 
She watches him go and sighs. She focuses on the glove in her hands and finds the holes. “Jesus, Scott..” She whispers. She looks up and sees Derek Hale standing off by the bleachers. 
She lets out another sigh pulling her beanie down more before walking over to him. She stops in front of him and hands him the glove. There was a silence between them while he glanced at the glove. “He doesn’t listen to you, but he listens to me...” She says softly. 
Derek looks at her as she takes the glove back and hands him a piece of paper with her number on it. 
“I think the best way to get to him is if we work together...call me, okay?” she says and gestures to the little paper in his hand. She zips up his leather jacket before walking away “And buy a scarf, it’s cold.” She smiles as she looks back at him. What a furry ride this will be...
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mylinlondon · 7 years
8 Things I Miss from USA
We’ve been here almost a year now, and distance certainly makes the heart grow fonder.  London has amazing access to a cultures and food (despite what they say), but there are some things that are just irreplaceable.  I tried to balance these with the flip side, so I don’t cry myself to sleep with yearning. Namely...
1. New York food: Real bagels, every unique version of Chinese food, late night korean eats, 2 dollar slices, 10 dollar slices (rubirosa/artichoke). Nothing stays open very late here, and the golden trifecta of eats (cheap/quality/near) is rare.
On the flip side: London’s version of New York’s breadth and depth of Chinese food is Indian food, which has everything from dosa shops to biryanis to grilled meat shops. And it will blow your mind and tastebuds.  
2. New Jersey food: Specifically, pork roll and gigantic diner omelettes and waffles and sandwiches that could feed 2, and the blue eye-shadowed, weathered waitress who knows my mom and I by face and order.
On the flip side: there’s a Jersey here I haven’t visited yet! But then again, I highly doubt they have half the spammy sodium filled goodness that is pork roll. Which leads me to... 
3. The shore: Big wide fat beautifully combed beaches with every shape of (sometimes big wide fat beautifully combed) persons on them. Unpretentious, dark green water and in August filled with jellyfish eggs.  Yes, I do miss it, and the seafood that go with it. Not so much the traffic on the Parkway.
On the flip side: I’m only a $40 plane ride from the Mediterranean coast, which is kind of special too. 
4. Target: London is in need of a one-stop shop for pillows, velcro wall mounts, brita filters and cinnamon toast crunch. The only place to get all those things in one place in London is Amazon, which has much less likely of a chance of me putting scented candles and a nerf gun in my shopping cart. 
On the flip side: the street markets are amazing.  Columbia Road for flowers, Portobello for art and antiques, and your local shops for small delights. They have not lost the art of the small business. And chances are, no one will have what you have. Unless you have Ikea, which then all of Europe has what you have.
5. Costco: I miss six packs of jumbo toothpaste and buying an entire salmon for $12. And the samples, god, those are what Sundays are made of. Nothing like stocking up an entire mini-van’s worth of stuff and then treating yourself to a churro and fries. Buying what I need, when I need it, is hugely inconvenient, as is the complete lack of storage to put 72 rolls of toilet paper. 
On the flip side: Going to the store to get what we need every day has honed our food shopping budget, and we definitely waste less. 
6. 7 panties for $25. Nothing like the mutually slightly embarrassing rummage through the Aerie bins as the 14 year old girl with her mom. Seriously though, calvins are expensive here and don’t even get me started on the quality of VS. 
On the flip side: Amazing skin care in Paris drugstores for about half the price you’d pay in America.  You can get a la roche posay full haul for about $100, and be stocked for the next year. Maybe I should do a separate post on what to buy and where? 
7. Girl Scout Cookies: We had an avid debate at the Bermondsey Beer Mile the other week during stop number 3 about which was the best. Alex said the “caramel ones”, but as the true authority here having served 2 years as a Brownie, my opinion as a subject matter expert is a close tie between thin mints and samoas.  We all agreed someone would make a killing selling it out of a trenchcoat here. 
On the flip side: Cadbury chocolate covered oreos.  We keep these in the fridge and the textbook sized bar somehow magically disappears square by square over 2 days. 
8. The people: I miss randomly hitting up Nina and having a spontaneous West Village dinner after work on a weekday.  I miss eating greasy HK cafe food with Eva in Chinatown before grabbing 25c dumplings to take home.  I miss randomly adopting puppies with Chuanie and adventurous downward spirals in the UES with Sam and Mac and living room duets with Alice and June and Game of Thrones/NFL Sundays with Sam and Cecy and sleepovers with Amy and Jen and sneaking into Columbia Grad School to visit Ali. I miss inspirational UN Women’s talks and Nonprofit consulting and yoga-studio hopping and bookstore diving. I miss reconnecting with fashion friends like Yana and Katie, eating the same burrata and pappardelle we ate as first years in the business, and visiting my aunt and uncle at Timberline on the weekends to get away from it all, eating veggies straight from the garden.
On the flip side: We are one year in, and we have created a wonderful network of friends who promise to be just as dear to us in the future.  We’re really lucky, too, to have each other, me and Alex.  And we’re also really lucky to have a steady stream of visitors to keep us from feeling too homesick.  
<3 If you’re reading this, I miss you too! And thanks for reading :) Writing is hard, and it helps to know someone is listening.
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