#like specifically in the marauders fandom i keep seeing this with posts about dorcas for some reason
rollercoasterwords · 2 years
I think female rage and/or women’s rage is a useful term because it comes from a different place than male and/or men’s rage. It’s something we have only had the privilege of having without threat to our safety recently, yknow? It’s only been something not framed as shameful to a lot of women recently.
mmm yeah i am sleepy so i'm gonna see how coherently i can respond to this rn bc i appreciate that this seems 2 be sent in good faith!
so like. i do understand the sentiment behind people trying to elevate "female rage." i think it's the same sentiment behind people deifying femininity, which is basically people seeing a scale that's unfairly tipped and going "hey! we need to balance this scale!" and then the focus is suddenly on evening out the scale, instead of questioning why that scale even exists in the first place.
like. i understand that women have historically had their emotions, and particularly their anger, dismissed and belittled. however, i do not think that is an experience that is specific only to women. in almost any instance of oppressive dynamics, you'll get a situation where the group in power belittles or dismisses the anger + emotions of the group they're exploiting. just think about instances of racism and colonialism and whatever other -ism you want where groups of oppressed peoples are told, for whatever reason, that their rage towards their oppressors is invalid. and like--there are, in fact, instances where certain kinds of "female rage" have been on the side of the oppressors and have endangered the lives of others. in particular, i think of white "female rage" in the context of the u.s., where that "female rage" has historically endangered certain groups of men, and black men in particular. y'know? so to me this is less about anything inherent that has to do with gender, and more about power dynamics broadly--something that is going to vary with context and require a bit more nuance than just saying "men have always been allowed to be angry, and women haven't." because that just...isn't true.
now, do i think it can be useful and productive to look at the ways that women, in particular, have oftentimes had their anger dismissed and belittled by men? sure! but again, that conversation is going to look different in different contexts--white women have had their anger treated differently than black women, straight women have had their anger treated differently than gay women, rich women have had their anger treated differently than poor women....like, even in a conversation about gender, we've gotta take intersectionality into account. and that's why statements like "women's anger comes from a different place than men's anger" feel like an analysis grounded more in gender essentialism than anything else to me. because once you start to paint in such broad terms, the only thing ur differentiating there is "women" versus "men," which means if we start actually trying to analyze this the only thing to fall back on is gender, which means you have to define gender, which means relying on the assumption that gender is a pre-existing and clearly defined entity rather than a fluid social construct...and suddenly we have stumbled right back into gender essentialism!
and like. that's the issue with these posts i'm seeing. because i'm not seeing like politically grounded analysis that takes gender in context and examines specific ways in which groups of people have their emotions dismissed by those in power over them. i'm just seeing like....videos of women screaming or women being angry with people going "omg i love female rage!!!" and that is just strange to me! and feels more like playing into gender essentialism than anything else!!
cause i mean. the problem in the first place is the fact that people go "oh well there is male rage which is valid and female rage which is invalid," right? and so to me, the answer to that is to say "ummmm yeah actually rage is just rage. no such thing as 'male' and 'female' rage actually it is all just anger. if u wanna decide whether u think that anger is valid u need to look at it in context." but instead i am seeing people go "yeah there is male rage and female rage BUT the female rage is valid and the male rage is invalid!! HA! take that patriarchy!!" which. well i encourage anyone and everyone who hasn't to read this short piece by audre lorde, the master's tools will never dismantle the master's house. in particular, she says:
For the master's tools will never dismantle the master's house. They may allow us temporarily to beat him at his own game, but they will never enable us to bring about genuine change.
and that is really the crux of what i'm getting at here. again, i understand where this impulse to go "yesss female rage!!" comes from. i really do. and i loooooove angry women in many, many contexts! but i do fear that the ~internet trend~ of it all is starting to just play back into gender essentialism, which really helps nobody in the long run! and again, brings me back to my inital question--what about these instances of rage, specifically, is female? like....genuinely. what makes it female rage, and not just....rage?
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realhumanithink · 4 months
hot take no one asked for: atyd is way too canon compliant for the marauders fandom
ok first of all i'd like to clear up some things. i know many people love it, it's a very very important part of the marauders fandom and it's very well written. no hate to enjoyers OR mskingbean89 (whom i respect very much, thank u). the wolfstar is definitely GOLDEN and the jily is adorable. this is a very personal view that i have been thinking about, and felt like sharing. also note that i dropped the fic and only got up till, like, fifth or sixth year
there are multiple things which id like to list from the fic that makes me not like it very much as a person with a lot of marauders hcs that are very much not canon compliant, and that feel like the author is writing from a very 'just entered the fandom cuz of wolfstar lol' understanding. again, absolutely NO hate intended, and ik the writing does NOT indicate how much the person understands about the fandom. also, understanding doesn't matter!! everyone who's part of the fandom is part of the fandom, and that's that.
keep in mind that these are things that I PERSONALLY hc. nothing is canon here in the marauders era fandom and if it is, it smells terrible and as such, everyone will have different ideas
also, while i'm at it, i'd like to compliment some things rq. remus portrayal and character development - PEAK. beautifully written. explanation and portrayal of mary (who's character i didn't really understand before reading atyd) - AMAZING. the relationship between the black brothers also made me cry (THE LETTER SCENE?!?!?! YALL KNOW WHAT IM TALKING ABT). also grant is my bbg
here's the list:
hufflepuff dorcas (who also dated pete???) (i hc her to be slytherin and also part of the skittles)
no dorlene (a ship that's basically slightly less popular lesbian wolfstar in terms of how many ppl add dorlene to their stories (a lot))
shy marlene (whereas marlene is usually depicted as very bombastic and explosive and also very much gay). actually i liked this portrayal of marlene which was very well written and also adorable but... idk i don't see marlene as a shy girl
no evan rosier/pandora rosier/(slytherin) dorcas? only barty and regulus (so basically, no slytherin skittles/royal court/pantheon)
on that note, obviously-mean reg? (as in, instead of quietly sneering at people like many of us hc him, he outright shames ppl for being gay) (also i didn't mention barty cuz we all know barty's a little shit)
very toxic sirius (who ignored reg just bc he was sorted into slytherin, who fwb with remus and acted like it was normal and straight (guys fwb w a guy as a giy id bery much not straight), who didn't do much but fuck girls and cheat on them, who was outwardly jealous and mean to christopher, who acted weird and badmouthed grant after learning he and rem used to be tgt)
sirius hating pete (although this makes sense and is a common viewpoint of the harry potter fandom especially that pete is annoying or unlikeable, it feels rly rly cruel and makes sirius even more unlikeable imo cuz WHAT did bbg do to u he's js a kid he hasn't killed no one yet?)
all of these points show that mskingbean89 doesn't seem to pay much attention to characters (or more specifically, the fanon interpretations of characters) other than wolfstar and jily. many of these are key hcs that can be found in 75% of marauders content at least (example, dorlene) and the hcs they have seem straight out of hp (the books). ONE MORE TIME FOR THE PEOPLE AT THE BACK: THERE IS NO ABSOLUTELY NO PROBLEM WITH THIS. i just personally don't see much of the content i love of the marauders characters (although ik that isn't the point of atyd, as it is wolfstar-centric)
ok that's all i got ty if u read this. pls do let me know ur opinion abt atyd! its def one of the pillars of the marauders era which many people use as canon and i don't mean to offend anyone in any way w this post. just an opinion
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mitsuki91 · 1 year
For me is fun to see the difference from italian fandom and international fandom.
First of all: there are no purity culture in italian fandom. We ship and we write anything, and I mean anything. Of course we have our own archive that has rules, so there are some limits, but with the rise of AO3 we all are more free. And of course I can only tell about my little bubble and my little experience, but... We create the repayement ship, for god's sake, my beloved OTP Severus Snape/Lily Luna Potter. In the international fandom I would be eaten (and in fact I had experience with haters that called me pedo because of it right here on tumblr and that was so fun to me!). Also other ships I read and go strong in my bubble that can be classified ad "problematic": Salazar Slytherin/Helena Rawenclaw, Albus Dumbledore/Tom Riddle, Gellert Grindelwald/Ariana Dumbledore, Gellert Grindelwald/Tom Riddle, Tom Riddle/Helena Rawenclaw-The Gray Lady (maybe we invented even this ship, my friend start posting about them and it was so good so much other italian fanwriter writed about them), Sirius Black/Hermione Granger, Sirius Black/Ginevra Weasley, Severus Snape/Ginevra Weasley (I skip about Snamione etc you all knew them), Teddy Lupin/Rose Weasley, James Sirius Potter/Rose Weasley, Harry Potter/Rose Weasley and maybe I forgot something 🤔 That are all ships I wrote about (and praised for) and NO ONE bat an eye for the TW implied in them. I read so much beautiful stories about this ships, you have no idea.
Also in the specific of the Marauders fandom and the Slytherin, the italian fandom is so far away from international fandom that I lost myself some times trying to keep track of the characters (wtf is Lorenzo now??? I mean I barely understand who Mattheo Riddle is - and only because that one fanwriter I know who mostly wrote about the marauder era choose to write a story about him for fun; also I laugh because in italian the correct name spelling is Matteo). And maybe I was fixed on the fic that my friend write because now I can ship only Regulus/Barty (and Regulus/Barty/Alex where Alex is an OC 😂); also no Pandora in Slytherin, no black Mary-Dorcas (not sure who is black here), no Bruce Mulciber (??? Also not black Mulciber) and in general always a different setting. There is no "standard" in the italian marauders era, everyone write his own character and put them all in different houses and give them different ages (for example I read quite some stories where Dorcas Meadowes is older or much older then James&co). And NO JEGULUS AT ALL. Everyone in Italy seems to hate Jegulus (at least in my bubble). Unfortunately some quite like wolfstar but... It is one of the older ships, not something born now like Jegulus. And also no Mary/Lily, Dorcas/the other one girl I don't remember, etc etc... But the most important thing DEATH EATHER STAY DEATH EATER SO NOBODY WANTS TO HAVE TO INTERACT WITH THEM. I read beautiful stories from DE pov and they stay in the DE side of the war. The author try to make you emphatize with them (so no justify their action because they think that they are right and you can feel that - and this is great writing you all, not a propaganda for the bad side nor pronazi or other garbage shits I read from the anti and the international fandom about this) but no one is redeemed or fall in love with the light or other bullshit. Lord, even the death of Regulus has more sense in the fic I read instead of the bullshit "He change side because he love his House Elf so he is good!!!" that I read here.
Okay this became a wall of text so I stop here BUT if you are biligual/etc can you share your experience about the difference from your homecountry fandom and the international one? I'm curios 😂
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