#anyone of any gender could snap in the same way....
rollercoasterwords · 2 years
I think female rage and/or women’s rage is a useful term because it comes from a different place than male and/or men’s rage. It’s something we have only had the privilege of having without threat to our safety recently, yknow? It’s only been something not framed as shameful to a lot of women recently.
mmm yeah i am sleepy so i'm gonna see how coherently i can respond to this rn bc i appreciate that this seems 2 be sent in good faith!
so like. i do understand the sentiment behind people trying to elevate "female rage." i think it's the same sentiment behind people deifying femininity, which is basically people seeing a scale that's unfairly tipped and going "hey! we need to balance this scale!" and then the focus is suddenly on evening out the scale, instead of questioning why that scale even exists in the first place.
like. i understand that women have historically had their emotions, and particularly their anger, dismissed and belittled. however, i do not think that is an experience that is specific only to women. in almost any instance of oppressive dynamics, you'll get a situation where the group in power belittles or dismisses the anger + emotions of the group they're exploiting. just think about instances of racism and colonialism and whatever other -ism you want where groups of oppressed peoples are told, for whatever reason, that their rage towards their oppressors is invalid. and like--there are, in fact, instances where certain kinds of "female rage" have been on the side of the oppressors and have endangered the lives of others. in particular, i think of white "female rage" in the context of the u.s., where that "female rage" has historically endangered certain groups of men, and black men in particular. y'know? so to me this is less about anything inherent that has to do with gender, and more about power dynamics broadly--something that is going to vary with context and require a bit more nuance than just saying "men have always been allowed to be angry, and women haven't." because that just...isn't true.
now, do i think it can be useful and productive to look at the ways that women, in particular, have oftentimes had their anger dismissed and belittled by men? sure! but again, that conversation is going to look different in different contexts--white women have had their anger treated differently than black women, straight women have had their anger treated differently than gay women, rich women have had their anger treated differently than poor women....like, even in a conversation about gender, we've gotta take intersectionality into account. and that's why statements like "women's anger comes from a different place than men's anger" feel like an analysis grounded more in gender essentialism than anything else to me. because once you start to paint in such broad terms, the only thing ur differentiating there is "women" versus "men," which means if we start actually trying to analyze this the only thing to fall back on is gender, which means you have to define gender, which means relying on the assumption that gender is a pre-existing and clearly defined entity rather than a fluid social construct...and suddenly we have stumbled right back into gender essentialism!
and like. that's the issue with these posts i'm seeing. because i'm not seeing like politically grounded analysis that takes gender in context and examines specific ways in which groups of people have their emotions dismissed by those in power over them. i'm just seeing like....videos of women screaming or women being angry with people going "omg i love female rage!!!" and that is just strange to me! and feels more like playing into gender essentialism than anything else!!
cause i mean. the problem in the first place is the fact that people go "oh well there is male rage which is valid and female rage which is invalid," right? and so to me, the answer to that is to say "ummmm yeah actually rage is just rage. no such thing as 'male' and 'female' rage actually it is all just anger. if u wanna decide whether u think that anger is valid u need to look at it in context." but instead i am seeing people go "yeah there is male rage and female rage BUT the female rage is valid and the male rage is invalid!! HA! take that patriarchy!!" which. well i encourage anyone and everyone who hasn't to read this short piece by audre lorde, the master's tools will never dismantle the master's house. in particular, she says:
For the master's tools will never dismantle the master's house. They may allow us temporarily to beat him at his own game, but they will never enable us to bring about genuine change.
and that is really the crux of what i'm getting at here. again, i understand where this impulse to go "yesss female rage!!" comes from. i really do. and i loooooove angry women in many, many contexts! but i do fear that the ~internet trend~ of it all is starting to just play back into gender essentialism, which really helps nobody in the long run! and again, brings me back to my inital question--what about these instances of rage, specifically, is female? like....genuinely. what makes it female rage, and not just....rage?
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dilatorywriting · 1 year
59 Leona, it'd take a lot for him to admit but he would say it eventually. (Also I know you'd recognize me but I'm shy, so anon it is)
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Gender Neutral Reader x Leona Kingscholar Word Count: 1.5k
Prompt 59: "People like me aren’t supposed to have someone like you, I think fate was being harsh on you."
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You are nice, and you are stupid. And those things aren’t mutually exclusive.
Sometimes you’re nice because you’re stupid, and sometimes you do stupid things because you’re too nice for your own stupid, stupid good. And it drives Leona half insane.
Which it shouldn’t, because nice, stupid people like you are just as annoying as his brother. Goody-two-shoes with buttoned vests and sparkly, star-shaped stickers on their term papers.
“Did you remember your homework?”
Leona flicked his tail in your face and you scrunched your nose over your notebook.
“Of course I remembered,” he scoffed, lazing back against the roots of one of his favorite trees. This spot used to be so much quieter, so much more peaceful, before you decided to trail after him like a duck quacking for its mother.
“Did you do the homework?” you clarified, and Leona rolled his eyes.
You sighed and starting ruffling around in your bookbag. “I brought a spare copy of the worksheet. You’re going to drive Ruggie insane, y’know. If he winds up stuck with you for another year because you failed for not turning in assignments.”
“Yeah. Sure. Another three-hundred-and-sixty-five days to rifle through my wallet. Worst news of his life.”
You huffed good naturedly and handed him the sheet of crisp, white copy paper and a pen. “Get to work, Kingscholar.”
“Oh?” he drawled, closing his eyes and settling back, loose limbed and all long, lean leisure, against the tree trunk. Clearly ready for an afternoon snooze. “Make me.”
You sighed again and reached over to flick your own well-used pen against his ear. It twitched under your fingers—soft, and tufted. The finest of the pale, tan fur brushing up against your fingertips. “Fine. Be that way. See if I bring you lunch tomorrow.”
“You will,” he scoffed.
“Yeah,” you sighed, sounding resigned and foolishly fond. “I probably will.”
See? Stupid. So easy to manipulate. So willing to let yourself be squashed under his clawed thumb. It was a wonder you’d managed to survive in this school at all. Nevertheless by clinging onto the coattails of someone like him. He’d never made anyone’s existence easier a day in his life, and he certainly wasn’t going to start now, just because you were too soft-hearted and slow to see a looming predator for what it was.
“Just give me that stupid fucking paper,” he snapped, sitting upright and swatting away your poking pen with a sneer. You laughed into your palms like a secret—bright, and merry, and dumb as a fucking rock.
“Whatever you say, Leona.”
You’d handled his Overblot with a strange sort of aplomb that at first Leona had attributed to perhaps a lingering, hidden confidence that he’d just never bothered to unearth. You were just some herbivore, and even the littlest rabbits could bite back when you put them in a corner. But then he’d come to the decision that that easy conviction was just another symptom of your rampant stupidity.
“I know you guys don’t want to hurt me, or any of us. Not really,” you shrugged around a wad of cotton—the blood dripping from your nose slowly drying up to a tacky, sticky dribble. Leona gaped at you outright.
That was your grand explanation. For why you’d been so eager to charge forward when he’d collapsed in a pool of inky nightmares and self-loathing. And the very same reason apparently thatyou’d felt so comfortable rushing forward to treat Azul Ashengrotto’s blubbering, hysterical, breakdown with the same urgency.
“That octo-prick would have ripped you in half,” he sneered, fingers twitching a nervous rhythm against his palms as he watched the nurse wrap another layer or bandages around your head.
You shrugged. “Not on purpose.”
You were going to give him an aneurism.
“You’re going to get yourself killed,” he snarled, ignoring the horrible, twisty thing curling like bile through his chest. “And I’m not going to bother paying for some self-sacrificing idiot’s funeral.”
Another shrug.
“That’s alright,” you hummed, a soft sort of crooked smile on your mouth. “Would’ve been a waste of money anyways.”
Leona didn’t talk to you for a week after that. Surely because your stupidity had reached such a fever pitch that it was no doubt contagious, and he needed to protect his far superior and more valuable brain. Not because the image of you smiling and nodding along to his declarations that he wouldn’t put the effort into mourning your death had soured something so deep in his gut that he wasn’t sure he’d ever be able to scrape it out.
When he received a letter from home asking him to return for some shitty coronation nonsense for his equally shitty brother, Leona had debated just skipping it outright. Who was going to stop him? You?
Well. Yes, apparently.
“It sounds important,” you hummed, peering over his shoulder at the neat, formal scrawl of the summons. “You should go.”
He snorted. “I don’t want to be there, they don’t want me to be there. What’s the point.”
You frowned, brow crinkling in the middle.
“Well, that’s not true,” you said, perplexed. “They wouldn’t write to you if that was the case.”
Leona snorted, eyes darting away to glare bitterly off into the corner. “Not like they have a choice.”
“Well then you don’t have a choice either,” you argued, firm. “I’ll go with you. See? It says you can have a plus one. You can camp out in your fancy, princey, bedroom. And I can siphon you snacks from the fancy, princey hors d'oeuvres tables. That way we both win. You get to be a reclusive asshole and rub the fact that that you still went in everyone’s faces, and I can get access to some tasty, royal food that I’ll probably never be able to afford again for the rest of my life.”
“Should’ve known you’d be like Ruggie—only using me for the free food,” he sighed, melodramatic and obviously put on.
“Well, also because I thought you could use the emotional support,” you added, a touch too soft and far too genuine. “But I didn’t think you wanted to hear that bit.”
“You’re right,” he scoffed, turning onto his side to hide the strange, miserable heat pricking at his skin. “Don’t ever say corny shit like that again.”
“Aye, aye, captain,” you grinned, flicking at his ear, and Leona added another mental tab to his never-ending list of reasons that you were really far too brainless to keep functioning at all.
You were nice, and you were stupid. And Seven, he wanted to be anywhere but here.
“My brother hasn’t ever brought someone to one of these events before,” Falena had said, to your face. Idiot to idiot communication.  
“I didn’t give him much of an option,” you’d chirped, perfectly pleasant. “I don’t think he wants me anywhere near here, to be fair. Or around him in general. But I’m like a cockroach. Can’t get rid of me.”
And Falena had laughed. Because he was terrible. And said, “I’m sure he must care about you very much, little cockroach.”
And then because you were more terrible, you laughed back and said very assuredly, “Oh, not at all.”
Which was—was—
“Do you really think that?” he snapped, once the two of you were alone. And you blinked back at him with wide, owlish eyes.
“Think what?”
Think at all,he wanted to sneer, but just glared silently and bitterly into the middle distance—fighting the nonsensical, irritated swishing of his tail.
But you just kept staring at him. Like he was the moron here. Which was unacceptable.
“Look,” he frowned, sharp and miserable. “I get it. People like me aren’t supposed to have someone like you. Whatever gods exist out there were playing a shitty fucking joke on you when they dropped you in my lap. But you’re stuck with me. So stop—” he bit out, fighting that awful, twisty thing in his gut that never seemed to fully go away. “Stop talking like I can’t stand you.”
“…oh,” you mumbled, whisper quiet—that wide, startled gaze flicking away in embarrassment. “Oh.”
“Oh,” he echoed, sharp, and you snorted a laugh that seemed to surprise even you.
“You’re stuck with me too then, y’know,” you said after a long moment. “Even when I make you grumpy.”
“You don’t make me grumpy. I am grumpy. You make me—” he cut off quick, eyes darting away petulantly and an absolutely unfair heat rising along his cheekbones.  
“Itchy,” you piped in, and he gaped at you in shock.
“You know,” you shrugged, awkward, and reached up to wiggle your fingers. “Cockroach. Many legs. Squirming. Itchy.”
“Never say any of those words again.”
You laughed into your palm—inelegant and a touch too loud. Leona felt his lips quirk.
“Thank you,” you said after a moment, once your giggles were a bit more under control. And leaned forward quick as a whip to press a nervous peck against his cheek. “For being kind to me.”
Leona reached up to press a hand against the too-warm skin with a terrible, unfamiliar sensation in his head not unlike the fuzzy, white drone of TV static. And a horrible thought managed to filter its way through the floating, buzzing sensation curling through the whole of him.
Oh, fuck. It is contagious.
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To Reject a Vampire
Male Vampire Yandere x Gender Neutral Reader (CW: Non-con, vampire, biting, blood drinking, depressed reader, mind control, smut, blowjob, forced imprisonment, dead dove: do not eat, general yandere behavior) Word Count: 3.4k  (Vampire comm that took me way too long.) 
You were walking back home late one night with your friend, Jaime. You had known each other since childhood and remained inseparable. In fact, the two of you even lived right next door to one another. He had left for college for some years, but had returned as soon as he had become a registered nurse. The two of you often hung out when you were both off work and that sometimes led to walking to the gas station a couple blocks down the road to grab some snacks. You were both laughing from recounting a particularly funny memory you both shared when the sounds of laughter and chatter between the two of you suddenly died down into silence before he spoke. "Hey… there's something I wanted to ask you…" Oh no. Not again… "Have you maybe reconsidered us dating? I know you said no before but-" This was an ongoing problem with Jaime, the only thing really marring an otherwise near perfect friendship. He kept persistently asking you out. This had been going on for years now and your frustration finally got the better of you, making you snap. "NO!" You yelled interrupting him, "NO! NO! NO! NO! NOOOOO!!! It isn't happening! I am totally and completely uninterested in having any type of non-platonic relationship with ANYONE! Stop. Asking. It is NEVER going to happen. Not in this world or the next. Not in any way, shape, form, nor fashion! Get. It. Through. Your. Thick. Skull." You were panting after your outburst. A few seconds passed and you realized how harsh you had been as his face went from stunned silence to utter broken despair. You could practically hear his heart shatter. He often got a bit dejected when you had rejected him in the past, but this time you were much more harsh. With a sniff he started sobbing and running off towards home, leaving you to walk home alone in the quiet night. Sighing you slowly trudged home, sure that Jaime just needed to sulk for a few days before your friendship resumed with the both of you pretending like this awkward episode never happened. And, more than likely, that is just exactly what would have happened. Had a chance encounter on his way home not irreversibly changed Jaime forever. And not for the better. As Jaime was running home his tear filled eyes blinded him to the danger that was stalking him from the shadows. A sneaky predator who loved the taste tormenting his prey imparted, and how much sweeter when his meal was already flavored with the sweet marinade of sorrow and heartbreak? Suddenly Jaime was tackled into a dark alley that he was passing, the vampire easily dragging him back into the void where no eyes could pierce, firmly clasping his hand over Jaime's mouth to keep him quiet. The unknown assailant put his nose into the crook of Jaime's neck and inhaled deeply, savoring the mouthwatering scents of all the negative emotions Jaime had been experiencing that night. The current one being abject terror as the figure behind him didn't even acknowledge his vain attempts at struggling. "I'd tell you not to struggle, but it is really much more fun when you do," mused a deep man's voice. Jaime, whose first thought was that he was getting mugged, now thought that he was going to be raped as his attacker licked and kissed his neck in the same manner one's lover would. And he flailed all the more vigorously. Unperturbed, the man now violated Jaime in an altogether different and unexpected manner. Sinking long fangs easily into the soft flesh of his neck before sucking him nearly dry. It was amazing how thoroughly a vampire could drain a victim. Jaime died, but his murderer was not quite done with him. He loved sowing discord and chaos in any way that he could manage it, and having seen the spectacle early of you rejecting his victim he knew there was ruination and mayhem to be had by creating a fresh, unguided, love-sick vampire. So he bit open his wrist a bit and let the blood flow into the parted lips of our dear departed Jaime. Within an hour he would no longer be so dear nor so departed. And the unknown vampire stepped into the shadows and was never seen there again, happy with his meal and the knowledge that he had certainly derailed more than one life that night. When Jaime woke up hours later, just as the sun was rising, he had a major migraine, a sharp pain in his neck, was chilled to the bone, and felt like he was starving. His memory was spotty, he thought maybe he had been mugged, but he still had his phone and wallet on him. Maybe just assaulted by some crazy person. Whatever had happened he was alive and okay, so he shakily got to his feet, dusted himself off, and made his way home. By the time he had reanimated you had been in bed for hours. Though you hadn't really slept well. You felt so guilty for exploding on him like that. Sure, he kept asking you out, but it wasn't too often and you could have gone about rejecting him just a bit more gently. He had been really hurt, what if he didn't blow it off and resume your friendship like he usually did? After a few days had passed with no contact from him you began to get a bit more anxious, though it was still technically within the normal timeframe of when he usually started talking to you again after you turned down his advances. Still, given the way you had lashed out at him you figured that you should maybe be the one to check up on him instead. Jaime had a reason for not talking to you, what with his transition into a blood feeding immortal taking up most of his time. At first he had no idea at all what was happening to him. He felt cold and feverish and was beyond fatigued. He called off work from the first day, thinking he had a minor flu of some sort. All his senses were disorienting him. His body was adjusting to more sensitive vision, sense of smell, and even touch. The second day he felt better, but had an insatiable hunger, no matter what he ate nothing seemed to satisfy him. He ate a huge breakfast before work and at lunch he ate a lot as well. Some of his coworkers at the hospital even joked about how he was inhaling food that day. Jaime had no clue why he felt like he was starving no matter how much he ate. As someone in the medical field any number of possible causes went through his mind. Nothing really fit. A more concerning symptom was that whenever he was around a wounded patient, whenever he had to do a blood transfusion, or even just whenever he got the faintest whiff of blood his hunger flared up. His senses flared in sensitivity. He could almost have sworn he could hear the heartbeats of those near him. He realized he was craving the blood. It scared him, the thought made him nauseous. Admirably he managed to push away his quite literal blood lust for a couple days, but eventually he could fight his need for blood no longer. It was late at night at the end of his shift and he was beyond certain the coast was clear so he snuck into the storage room where the blood packs are kept and sunk his teeth into one, unknowingly growing fangs as he pierced it and sucked it dry. If the obvious signs hadn't been enough to clue him in on what he now was then innate instinctual knowledge that filled him with his first ingestion of vital human essence did. He was a vampire. A million thoughts raced through his mind, but his first priority was sating his hunger. He quickly grabbed some bags of blood and stuffed them into his coat for later before leaving for home. He was oddly excited, eager to test out what new abilities he had. A day later, when both of you were off work, you finally got a text from him asking to hang out with no mention of what had occurred between the two of you the other night. You breathed a sigh of relief, now things could go back to normal. The two of you had arranged for you to come by his house in a couple hours so the two of you could hang out, order pizza, and play video games. Just like the good old days. Things went entirely normal with no odd deviation or indication that Jaime was now a creature of the night. And it set the pace for your friendship to resume as if nothing had ever happened. Or so you thought, in the weeks since the two of you first started hanging out again Jaime had steadily been experimenting and training with his new found abilities. He had learned that he had an absurd tolerance to pain, extremely quick reflexes, and unholy strength. But, most importantly, he learned that he could compel anyone to do his bidding. He had plans to use this technique on you, but it wasn't quite perfected yet. Though every time he used it he got more and more effective. All he needed was practice and time. So while you went about life and continued your longest running friendship in blissful ignorance of what was to come he was readying himself for the day he could make you love him. When that day arrived it started like any other, you two hanging out at his place on a day when you were both off. But it definitely didn't stay that way. Jaime was at the point with his skill where he no longer even needed to issue commands verbally, he just needed good eye contact to assert his will over another being. "Hey is something wrong? Why are you staring at me so intensel-" You instantly went still and quiet. It was like you were trapped in your own body unable to do anything. When Jaime asked you if you would go out with him you wanted to say no but your lips were not your own and you said yes in a monotone voice. Jaime wore a shit-eating grin as he scooted closer to you and kissed you deeply. You were repulsed and afraid, why weren't you pushing him away, why weren't you slapping him, why were you returning the kiss? You wanted to scream and run away but you could do nothing to control your own body. Instead you wrapped your arms around him and made out with him. Jaime was thrilled, he bit your neck carefully and fed from you as you clung to him. You felt a sharp pain in your neck but could do nothing against it as he tasted your blood. For you it was hell, like a much worse and very real version of sleep paralysis. For Jaime it was heaven, he had never felt closer to you than in that moment. His beloved was finally in his arms and could do nothing to leave them. But he most certainly was not satisfied with that alone for long. Jaime carried you bridal style up to his bed. He very carefully undressed you, as if you were the most delicate doll to ever exist, and stood for a moment admiring every inch of your exposed body. You wanted to shout for help. To cover up. To run. To fight. ANYTHING but lay there under his unwavering gaze. But no matter how hard you tried to fight it you simply couldn't, you were a hostage in your mind, able to see and feel everything but do nothing. The first thing he did, after disrobing, was to attend to your sex. He touched your crouch carefully, as if afraid to hurt you. Like you might shatter at the slightest rough touch. He ran his eager hands, shaking with excitement, over every inch of you. He stroked your cheek tenderly and played with your hair, felt over your chest and thighs and hips. When he had thoroughly explored you and there were no more areas for his hands to discover he decided he needed to go deeper. The vampire took two lubed fingers and slowly worked them into you, gently prying your entrance open and stretching you to be ready for him. He savored every sensation and fold inside you, hard as a rock as he imagined his cock where his fingers were. You couldn't even cry as he violated you, you were denied even that emotional release. And this remained the case even as he slathered his cock with lube and aligned it with your entrance and made his way inside you with his slightly above average dick. Jaime was torturously slow as he "made love" with his dear partner. You just wanted this nightmare to be over, you wanted to believe that at any moment you would wake up sweating in bed like you would from any bad dream. You had to stare wide-eyed, made to take it all in, as he looked at you lovingly. He kissed you deeply, and once more you were made to comply, parting your lips so that he could move his tongue inside. Jaime happily rubbed his tongue against yours as he worked towards filling you with his hot seed. As he approached his climax he gripped your hip painfully and picked up the pace, really drilling you as deeply and as forcefully as he could, his balls slapping into you with each painful thrust. Right before he came he slowed down as much as possibly, wanting to draw out the sensation for as long as he could. Slowwwwwwly pulling out before sliding just as slowly back in, repeating this a few times before thrusting forward and emptying his balls into you as he bit the side of your neck that he left untouched earlier. You came too just as he did, your body now betraying you even further than it had already and in the most humiliating way. He drank a bit before sliding his dick out of you and kissing your cheek. "That was amazing babe! I love you so much!" And as a puppet pulled by its strings you replied, once more in monotone, "I love you too." And the illusion was shattered. It wasn't real. He may have had you, he may have even had your vocal chords, but he didn't have your emotions. And he soon learned that no matter what he tried, even though he could get you to do almost any action, he couldn't force you to love him. Jaime tried for weeks to force love for him into you, keeping you locked away in his house whenever he left for work. You tried to leave, of course, but simple orders lingered in you even when he was no longer present. You couldn't leave or get help in any way. All of your existence now amounted to was enduring his increasing frustration with being unable to make you love him interspersed with periods of anxiety while waiting for him to get home from work and torture you all over again. You were no longer aware of exactly how long you had been trapped, the days all kind of blended together. Most days he had work at the hospital and those days were all largely the same with little to no variation. Jaime would get up and make you breakfast in bed, insisting that he was trying to spoil you. You, in a mix of depression and defiance would not take a single bite and just stare at the plate that he brought to you on a tray with your favorite morning drink. Inevitably he would get frustrated, snap at you, force you to eat against your will, and slam the door as he went off to work. Then you were left alone, it was probably the only almost decent part of your day, but everything just seemed so hopeless. Inevitably the blood sucking parasite would be back and you couldn’t leave no matter how hard you tried to. At each attempt it was like someone seized your body and squeezed you into immobility until you submitted. When your “lover” got home he would fawn over you, often giving you a little gift. A small gesture you supposed was meant to somehow make you forget everything and fall helplessly in love with him. A small sweet treat, a flower, a tiny teddy bear. Anytime he tried this tactic you always ignored it or threw it across the room. Either way the result was the same. Jaime would snap, he would not even bother forcing you mentally as he grabbed your weak arms and bit painfully into your neck. “No please! I’m s-sorry!” You would cry, always regretting your action but never being able to stop yourself from denying his gifts when he offered them. And for the next part he would use his ability of compulsion to make you stop fighting. In his fury he wanted to hurt you a bit, but not TOO badly, and he enjoyed, for a moment, the fantasy that you were a willing participant. Most of the time he would then have you remove your clothing before sliding himself inside you, biting and kissing and sucking your neck as he did so, whispering how you were all his and about how much he loved you softly into your ear. Sometimes he would instead utilize your soft lips, jamming his hard cock down your throat, making you service him. The heat of your wet mouth combined with the sight of you looking up at him with his cock in your mouth was almost enough to make him blow his load immediately. You were just so beautiful. No matter the method that he chose it always ended the same. After his finished unloading into you his mind would clear and then be filled with rage as you were unable to reciprocate his love and enjoyment of the forced intimacy between the two of you. Jaime would angrily shove you aside, leaving you to clean yourself up, while he slammed the door to the bedroom and went to go make dinner. When it was ready of course he always found you laying where he left you, sobbing. Then he would, roughly, force you to your feet and drag you into the bathroom where he would run you a bath. This is where he would feel really guilty and suddenly turn soft. Every time. Gently shampooing your hair and cleaning your body, tenderly attending to the bites on your neck, happily babbling about how much he loves you and he knows you’ll love him eventually, you just need more time to adjust was all. Jaime would then clothe you himself and carry you down to dinner. You wouldn’t eat willingly, too catatonic by this point in the evening to do much of anything, but that was okay. Jaime was still in his sweet phase, all the anger having left earlier. He would feed you himself but compel you to swallow with his vampiric power, he always made your favorites. He had diligently learned to cook them perfectly for you over the years even though he otherwise did not enjoy cooking. After dinner he would always make an effort to spend some time with you, not getting angry when you were still, and when it was time for bed he would carry you up in his strong arms and lay you down as if you were made of the thinnest glass, a complete 180 to how he treated you when he first got off work. He would snuggle up to you from behind and hold you close, ending each night by telling you how much he loved you and saying he knew deep down you loved him back and one day you would be so happy with him. You hoped he was right, you hoped you could just be happy waking up in his arms, because if not this cycle of abuse juxtaposed to tenderness would never end.
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dollsque · 3 months
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❤️‍🔥 ❝ Don’t You See The Way He Looks At You? ❞
❥ Word Count: 1.8k
❥ Short Summary: Peter B. Parker (Earth-616) talks you into confessing to Hobie and reassures you that he loves you back.
❥ Notes: Fluff, Y/N used sparingly, no mention of gender, one-shot, sfw
❥ Masterlist Here <3
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🏹 ˚₊ · »-♡→ YOU WERE SITTING AT one of the lunch tables in the Spider Society and eating a Miguel O’Hara burger when you heard a familiar laugh in the distance. Your friend, Hobie Brown, was standing further down with his best friends Pavitr and Gwen. Your stare lingered at him, as usual.
You had been itching to confess to him. You guys had been friends ever since you guys joined the Spider Society, which had been a very long time ago. You two were inseparable, and you guys managed to create so much chemistry that anyone would’ve believed that you two were friends even before you joined the Spider Society—if that was possible.
You were snapped out of your thoughts by someone familiar sitting next to you, and that was Peter from Earth-616. He gave you a warm smile in acknowledgment, and Mayday cooed at the sight of you finally noticing them.
“Hello, Mayday,” you smiled, letting her small hand wrap around your finger. “Hey, Peter.”
“Hey. I noticed you were a little out of it. Something happen?” He questioned. He and you both know why you were out of it; he just wanted you to admit it. It was only a matter of time before one of you said something to him, and it would’ve most likely been you instead of Hobie.
“Yes, it’s about Hobie,” you answered to his nonverbal question. Peter could only hum softly in response. He seemed to be pondering about something; possibly the right way to go about this.
“Well,” he began, “what’s stopping you?”
“Don’t play dumb with me. I’m getting old; I’ve seen it all,” Peter chuckled softly with some sort of glint in his eyes.
“You’re just turning 40. You’re middle-aged.”
“Some people consider that old.” Peter shrugged.
“You’re taking that in stride. Usually, people would interpret it as having a ‘midlife crisis’.” You pointed out with a playful smirk.
“I got a loving wife and an adorable baby. I don’t think life could be any better,” Peter smiled proudly as he patted Mayday’s head which earned a giggle out of her. “Back on topic, though. You can’t distract me.”
You sighed and scratched your nail softly against the table’s surface. “I don’t know. I just…can’t.”
“You can’t? Or you’re scared?” Peter questioned, propping his head up with his elbow on the table.
“Both, I suppose.” His silence and the curiosity in his eyes signaled for you to go on.
“He had always called me his best friend, and vice versa. Hell, he even told others that we were merely platonic; that’s all. Why would I risk breaking our bond over something so silly? Why should I confess when I know he doesn’t like me back?” You frowned as you picked up a fry, mindlessly stirring the tip of it around in the poured ketchup on your plate.
“Because you don’t,” Peter answered simply. When you raised an eyebrow at him in confusion and even a bit of surprise, he continued.
“Have you seen the way he looks at you, Y/N?” Peter questioned rhetorically. “I do,” he continued.
“Actions may speak louder than words, but eyes show more than actions. There’s just this love and passion—this fiery passion in his eyes when he looks at you. He looks at you like you’re one of the most precious people in his life. He looks at you like he’d protect you from the world, even though he knows you can fend for yourself. The way he looks at you? That’s love.” He paused, looking at the hope, yet doubt, in your eyes.
“I used to look at M.J. the same way when I fell in love with her. I still do,” he chuckled warmly at the thought, softly combing his little girl’s hair with his fingers. “I would know.”
Hobie looks past Gwen and Pavitr for a second and spots you. He didn't even seem to notice Peter yet and gave you a warm smile with this soft look in his eyes; he even turned pink for a moment with a subtle pink heart that you managed to notice.
It was gone as quickly as it appeared, though.
After you smiled back, he averted his eyes back to his friends.
That small moment between you two was when you finally saw a glimpse of what Peter was talking about.
“You see that?” Peter asked.
You nod.
“Besides that warm, loving smile and the fact that he literally turned a cute shade of pink with a pink, paper, heart floating around him for a split second, you can see the softness in his eyes. The way he looks at you is surreal, and yet you’re so worried about the wrong things that you can’t see the right ones.”
You considered his words, slightly frowning while looking down at the table. Maybe he was right.
“However, he shares the same fear as you. I could see it in his eyes sometimes. He loves you, but he’s scared of the fact he loves you, just like you’re scared of the fact that you love him.” His words caused you to look up at him.
“I’m telling you, kid, you two are just two lovers who are scared of breaking the bond that you so desperately hold onto because you think that it’s all that’s going to be as close to a relationship as it gets, but you guys could be so much more. That boy loves you, and I can tell that you love him back just as much.”
“However, I can’t make you confess to him. The rest is up to you. I’m just an old, 40-year-old, mentor.” He smirked, taking a mischievous sip of his soda.
Peter was right; one of you had to make a move, and it definitely wouldn’t be Peter. It was down to you and Hobie, and you decided that it would be you who would make the move.
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🏹 ˚₊ · »-♡→ YOU’RE ALREADY STARTING TO rethink your decisions as you walked side-by-side with your best friend, your arms bumping each other’s every once in a while. You guys talked and talked for a while, and eventually you guys perched yourselves off an empty platform that was higher up and more isolated from other Spider Society members.
You two were sitting in comfortable silence, not talking to each other much and just existing in each other’s proximity as he strung his electric guitar and as you watched all the other Spider-People do their own things or chatter with others below. You slightly gripped the edge, preparing to confess—preparing for the worst.
“Hmm?” Your nervous tone caught his attention, and he tilted his head up slightly as he continued looking at the strings he strung.
God, how do you say this without it being so damn obvious? With all the overthinking you did, you would’ve thought you were heavily prepared for this, but apparently not.
“I’m really thankful for you, and thankful that you’ve been my friend for so long—”
“Bloody hell, are you about to go on a suicide mission that Miguel assigned to you or somethin’?”
“What—no!” You replied, feigning a frown and playfully smacking him. “Let me finish, will you?”
“Alright, alright, continue.”
You looked down discreetly and saw Peter looking up at you two with a bright, encouraging smile and two thumbs up. Mayday struggled to mimic his hand gesture, but she got it anyway, and you smiled down at the both of them before you continued.
“As I was saying,” you began, taking a small inhale and exhale. “I really hope this doesn’t ruin things between us, but…”
Now Hobie’s concerned. “Is something wrong?” He interrupted, once again.
“No, no. It’s just—could you please…just…”
“Right, right, sorry.” He nodded as he silently promised to keep his mouth shut until you were finally done speaking.
“We’ve been friends for a while and…”
Hobie’s heart stopped, then started thumping slightly harder.
“…I liked you for a really long time. I was really scared to tell you, because what we had was already great and so…real. I didn’t want to ruin that, and I never would have forgiven myself if I did. But…”
You smiled warmly at the thought of Peter.
“Someone encouraged me, told me that I should make a move; he told me that I shouldn’t be so afraid. So, that’s what I decided to do—tell you how I felt. It feels good to get it off my shoulders no matter what your answer is. I just wanted to let you know.
Hobie looked at you, and you saw shock. However, you saw the very same look Peter told you he saw whenever he looked at you; love. Love, and passion. You could only look at him the same way.
“I’ve waited so long for you to say that,” he began with a breathless, soft laugh. “I waited so long to be able to tell you the same thing.”
He then smirked and nudged you slightly the side of his upper half. “Thank God you said something, because I’m not sure if would’ve been able to. Thank God for the person who convinced you as well. Lord, almighty.”
“Oh, c’mon, we were having a moment,” you snorted at his antics.
“Who was our knight and shining armor, hmmm?” He questioned, still keeping that smirk on his face.
“Which one?” he interrupted, causing you to give him a playful, deadpanned look.
“What? There’s hundreds of ‘em.” He shrugged.
“The one with a baby. Mayday?”
“Ah, humbling reality Spider-Man?” He questioned with feigned awe.
“Oh, shut up,” you laughed. Hobie laughed along and you two shared a laugh for a while. Hobie found himself scooting closer to you until you guys were touching. He then made a move of his own and placed his hand on top of yours.
“Well,” he began, sighing dramatically, looking off into the distance. He then looked back at you with a sincere, warm smile and the lovesick look in his eyes. He even turned pink again for a split moment, and this time there were more pink, paper, hearts floating around him. You almost wanted to touch one of them to see if they were real paper. They were gone quickly though, but not his expression.
“I like you too. Love you, even.”
You smile warmly back at him.
“I love you too.”
“See? What’d I tell you?” Peter asked, looking down at Mayday, who’s in her baby carrier, with a proud smile. “Your dad’s multi-talented. He can save the city, be the best mentor, AND be an amazing wingman.”
Mayday laughed and reached her hand up so that he could give her palm a kiss, which he gladly did. “Now, how about we go for another burger? I’m pretty hungry.”
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© 2024 dollsque - all rights reserved; do not copy my works, repost my content, edit my works, or translate my works on tumblr or anywhere else. it is strictly forbidden. oh, and no AI shit with my works, please.
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ihavethedreamies · 5 months
First Kisses | NCT Dream
NCT Dream - All Members
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Rating: E for Everyone
Word Count: About 300 for each, so about 2k total
Pairing: NCT Dream x GN!Reader (Separate)
Genre: Reader-Insert, Drabble, Fluff
Summary: Your first kiss with each member of NCT Dream!
Author's Note: I have never wrote drabble-length things before, so I am proud of myself I kept these so short.
I tried to keep these gender-neutral, so let me know if I didn't, but it might still be slightly implied in these the reader is AFAB, I don't think so though…
PS. Mark's and Haechan's are different from the ones for 127…
-> NCT 127 <-
-> WayV <-
I am cross-posting this on Archive. Please reblog! If you know anyone that would like this or future fics but they aren't on here my name and icon are exactly the same on the other site. Happy reading!
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"You like someone?!" Mark's voice was way too loud, so you shushed him harshly, pressing on his shoulder to get him to sit back down. Luckily, the fast-food joint had very few people in it, but it just made his shout all the more obvious. "Shush!" You sighed, resting your forehead in your hand. "Yes." "Who?" He didn't sound curious, but it was hard to pinpoint his tone. "Why do you care?" It was him, but you couldn't just announce it right then. He had ruined the mood, plus it was not the place for a confession. "Is it Jeno?" "No." "Jaemin?" "No." "Donghyuck?!" He sounded mad and you looked around, shushing him again. "No! It's not any of our friends." You hoped that your vague answer was enough. "Who is it? What if he doesn't deserve you!?" "It's you, dumbass!" You had hoped to be sweeter about the confession, but your voice was laced with irritation. His upset facial expression fell, red slowly deepening on his face and the tips of his ears. Rubbing your temple, you nodded apologetically to the older couple nearest your table. "It's me?" "Yes." You brushed it off, continuing a normal conversation, changing the subject. He was only kind of listening; you could see his brain going into overdrive. He finally mentioned it again as you left the place. You were walking down the street, past an empty playground. His hand grabbed yours, spinning you to him. Mark's lips pressed to yours, soft at first, then he deepened it with a groan. When he pulled back, he smirked then as the tables had turned, your face red. "I like you too."
He shoved past people, nearly knocking someone over as he fought through the crowd. He wished he wasn't so damn short, weaving through people looking for you. The crowd had formed around the bus, the big vehicle lying on its side, windows cracked and broken. The utility truck that had smashed into it had then hit a pole, smoke rising out of the front. That was the bus you were normally on; he knew it because he had been waiting for you to get off. The bus was so close to the stop down the road that he saw the accident, then ran to the scene. "Watch it!" Someone snapped as he shoved again, still looking for you. "Renjun?" His heart leaped when he heard you, turning around quickly to see you standing on the edge of the crowd. Your phone was in your hand, and you were taking one of your ear buds out. "(Y/N)!" He surged forward, shoving one more person so hard they stumbled, and before you could ask anything else, his arms were around you. You let out a soft, 'oof' your ear bud falling from your hand onto the pavement, luckily you held your phone firm. Renjun was breathing harshly, his cheek pressed to the side of your head, and you felt a tear that fell from his eye. "What happened?" You asked, looking at the bus crash. You were going to get on it like usual, but the bus was full, so you decided to walk instead. Renjun pulled back, his hands cupping your cheeks, turning your head to look over you. "Are you okay?" He was still breathing hard. "Yes? I walked…" You glanced back at the accident, but his hands still on your face, kept you from looking too well. Renjun sighed hard, and turned you back to look at him, capturing your next words with his lips. You squeaked in surprise, then melted into the kiss. It was desperate, not soft, and quick like you thought your first would be. When he finally pulled away, he pulled you back into a hug. Your mind reeled from the whirlwind of events, but you hugged him back, standing in his embrace so he could revel in the fact you weren't hurt.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" Jeno had noticed your stare. You blinked to snap yourself out of it, eyes flitting away from his lips to meet his eyes. "What do you mean?" You hummed coyly, taking a sip of your drink. He scoffed playfully. "You've been ogling me more than usual today." He smirked and you glared insincerely. "I have no idea what you are going on about." You brushed it off and you two continued your meal. Dates between you two were not all that much different than when you two would hang out as friends, but there was a lot more flirting going on, of course. Casually drinking your iced coffee, you looked out the window, pretending to people watch. You were able to see his reflection in the glass. Jeno huffed amused, but let it go. As you were walking down the street, not heading anywhere in particular, his fingers linked around yours and you tried to keep your face neutral at the little act. When you two were walking past a park, he halted, his hand in yours pulling you to stop as well. Turning to look at him in question, he watched carefully as your eyes flitted over his face, lingering on his lips before going to his own. "You really want to kiss me that bad?" He smirked and your face turned red so fast he thought steam would come off of it. Were you that obvious? "W-what do you…" You swallowed and he stepped forward, so he was much closer. Glancing around, there was no one in sight, so he leaned in, lips pressing to the corner of your mouth. What a tease he was. You grunted, annoyed, and before he could fully laugh, your arms were around his neck. Jeno allowed you to haul him down to your level, lips sealing over his tightly. Since you were in public, he pulled back before the kiss could deepen further, tongue brushing your lower lip still. "Good?" He smirked. "Yes~"
When you walked into the living room, you had not expected your roommate to be home, let alone spread like a starfish in the middle of the room. "Hyuck?" You questioned him and he gave an acknowledging grunt. "What are you doing?" "Contemplating life. Having an existential crisis." His tone was uncharacteristically flat, but it was clear he was being overdramatic. "Why?" You stopped next to him, and his gaze met yours, looking up at you like a kicked puppy. "You're going to the beach without me…" He pouted and you rolled your eyes. "Hyuck, it’s a family trip. Only family and significant others are going, not friends…" "I'm just a friend?!" He sat up quickly as you left his side, going to the kitchen. You wondered if he got a head rush. "You're my roommate, which is friend category." You jumped when you turned around, he was right there. "Freaking- what?!" You furrowed your brow along with him. "Can't I be a significant other?" His question further threw you off and you just gaped. "W-what?" "Take me as your boyfriend!" "But you're not my boyfriend!" "I am now!" He declared, his hand going to the back of your head, yanking you closer, kissing you to prevent any retort. After getting over the initial shock, you melted into the kiss, and followed after when he pulled back. "Yeah?" His stupid smirk made you want to smack him. "Fine…come as my boyfriend."
"Guess what?" His tone made you roll your eyes. He dropped his bag on the couch next to you and sneered up at him. "What?" You grimaced when he flopped down between you and his bag, sitting back confidently, ankle resting on his opposite knee. "I found out that someone likes me." "A lot of people like you, Jaemin. You have a mirror." You huffed, going back to your show, but he took the remote and paused it again. "I know who." "Yeah?" Your heart skipped; nervous he had figured you out. Hopefully, it was someone else, literally anyone else. Jaemin leaned it, his stupid smirk had evolved into the incredibly sexy one he knew just how to use. "It's you, (Y/N)." He chuckled and you tried to keep your face flat, but he saw your skin tinting pink, almost reddening. "W-who told you that?" "You did." "WHAT?!" You wondered what the hell he was talking about. You hadn't been drunk lately… "You read my letter to my mom!?" "I mean… It was just on the table…" "Ass-munch!" You lunged at him, tackling him back on the couch, landing on top of him. You grabbed the collar of his hoodie, hauling him up to glare at him. Instead of playing along with your fake aggression, he tilted his head, licking your lips. You dropped him, he bounced on the cushions, then he grabbed your waist, rolling forward so you were under him. His lips stopped your protest and you immediately melted, letting him kiss you. Jaemin pulled back, still with that stupid smirk. "You dick." You sneered, pulling him back down.
After another extremely dramatic sigh from Chenle next to you, you stopped tying on your laptop, looking at him. "What now?" "I'm bored." He mumbled and you rolled your eyes. "Lele, we are going to be on this plane for another eight and a half hours, figure something out." You went back to typing and he groaned again. Luckily, he was filthy rich and so you both got to fly in the lap of luxury of first class. For the next fifteen minutes, you half-heartedly listen to him complain about this and that, before he stopped talking abruptly. Casting him a side glance to see what might have piqued his interest, he dug into his backpack, pulling a red box out. Pepero sticks. "What?" You had a feeling where he was going with it, your face a bit warm. He said nothing, for once, and tore the box open, pulling the chocolate covered biscuit stick out. He placed one end in his mouth, leaning closer, his implication clear. You huffed, closing your laptop, relenting. Maybe for once you could call his bluff. Sealing your lips around the other end, you both began to chew on it, lips getting closer and closer to each other. He still remained strong, so when there was barely any left between you, you sealed the deal. Your lips hit it, the rest of the candy entering your mouth. Though, when you went to pull back, he grunted, hand flying to the back of your head, bringing you back to him, kissing you harder. When he let you go, he laughed at your red face. You cursed him out under your breath, and he laughed harder.
You were starting to ramble, panicking at his reaction. When you let it slip out of your mouth, you hadn't even registered, you had confessed. The tone was casual, so much so, he almost didn't catch your meaning. You told him that when a classmate had asked you for his contact, you told her no. You added that you two were more than friends to get her off the topic. This, however, was NOT true. When he asked why you did that, your reply was simple, "Cause you're mine-" He halted his stride and that made you stop too. That's when you started spewing out words, face hot, stomach flipping. So focused on finding the right explanation, you didn't notice Jisung move closer. By the time your eyes met, his big hands cradled your jaw and his lips softly met yours. He swallowed your gasp, pressing closer, his nerves quickly fading. Once you were over the initial shock, you kissed back, your own hands gripping the fabric of his sweatshirt over his ribs. Finally pulling away from each other, you both smiled bashfully, but didn't step away. Jisung even still had his hands on your jaw, thumb stroking the soft, flushed skin of your cheek. "If I'm yours, does that mean you're mine too?" His shyness was growing back at his own words. You blinked, then giggled, fingers messing with his hoodie zipper. "I'm yours, Jisung." Your smile grew when he leaned back in, lips ghosting over yours when he replied. "Let's be each other's then."
-> NCT 127 <-
-> WayV <-
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Master-Master List
NCT Master List
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astarion-approves · 1 year
Hello! I love your blog! Could you possibly do a drabble with a tav that gets really flustered/panics when flirted with or complimented trying to converse with Astarion?
Even I was swooning
Astarion x Gender Neutral Tav
Summary: They knew that he would just be standing there… handsomely. Flicking through the pages of his book, the contents of which were unknown to Tav but they liked to imagine it was a steamy romance novel. Those flame filled eyes scanning over the pages, uncaring of what anyone else did with their evenings. Until he caught Tav staring that is. (Or Astarion uses cheesy pickup lines to try and woo Tav) Tags: Love Confessions, Flustered Tav, Soft Astarion, Attempt at Humor, Fluff, Bickering, Drabble, Tumblr request, Cheesy, cheesy pickup lines, all of which I'm very proud of, gender neutral reader, 1.2k words
Read below or on Ao3
While, after a day of killing goblins and fighting a hag in a swamp, a night at camp sounded like a relief for most; that wasn’t the case for Tav. They busied themselves, building a fire, carefully stacking each piece of wood while keeping their eyes low and forcing themselves not to look up to where Astarion stood. 
They knew that he would just be standing there… handsomely. Flicking through the pages of his book, the contents of which were unknown to Tav but they liked to imagine it was a steamy romance novel. Those flame filled eyes scanning over the pages, uncaring of what anyone else did with their evenings. 
Until he caught Tav staring that is. 
Each night was the same. Tav would stack spare logs nearby, build a fire on their knees, and help Gale to set up any cooking supplies, all while desperately fighting the urge to look up and lock eyes with Astarion. And each night they failed miserably.  
Astarion knew the moment Tav’s eyes were on him, his eyes jumping up from the pages and staring right back at them, a smirk growing on his lips and he snapped the book closed. Then he would stroll over, running a hand through his hair and swapping that smirk for a charming smile. 
Then the flirting would begin. A different line every night, each one cheesier than the last, but still managing to make Tav blush—
“Is that fire hot? Or is it just you?” 
“I do love seeing you on your knees, darling.” 
“You handle that wood quite well.”
“Is something burning? No? Perhaps it’s just your burning loins.” 
Of course tonight was no different. Tav cursed to themselves as Astarion made his way over. They would always attempt to ignore him, to pretend that they never locked eyes and that Tav didn’t notice him approaching. Gale stood off to the side, the wizard prepping their dinner and already accustomed to the little game that Astarion loved to play. He sighed as he chopped a few potatoes, mumbling under his breath how Tav lasted even shorter than usual. 
The crunching of boots over rocks and dirt signaled his arrival, but Tav kept their eyes on the fire, refusing to look up—
For as long as they could manage anyway. 
“Tav, If you inhale too much smoke, I’ll gladly give you CPR.” 
“What?!” Gale turned from his prepping and tossed his knife to the side. “Astarion, that one doesn’t even make sense!” 
“Mind your business, Gale.” Tav finally looked up to where he stood, Astarion now glaring at Gale with his arms crossed over his chest. “Or well.. I mean.. Honestly, I’m running out of pickup lines here. I’d like to see you come up with something better.” 
“How about ‘Stop, drop, and… roll into bed with me?” Gale offered. 
“Hm. Too forward. I try to be more subtle with Tav, but.. I can understand why someone like you would use a line like that.” 
“Right……. Because offering mouth to mouth is much more subtle.” 
“I’m so glad we could agree!” 
Gale rolled his eyes and turned back to the vegetables. “Just get on with it, would you?” 
Astarion brought his focus back to Tav, silently offering a hand to help them stand. “You know, if you didn’t get so damn flustered I wouldn’t have to do this every night.” 
Tav laughed, their eyes dropping to the ground between them. “I can’t help it… you’re so—“
“—Devilishly handsome, unbelievably charming, an elf with a smile to die for—“
Gale snorted. “A pompous ass—“
Astarion ignored him. “Luscious hair, pouty kissable lips—“
“—Yes, yes, all of those things… Minus the pompous ass,” Tav said and paused. They pressed their lips together, thinking a moment before continuing. “Well, maybe a little bit of a pompous ass.” 
“So then, what’s the problem here?” Astarion gestured between them, his arms waving back and forth quickly. “I like you, and darling, you clearly like me…” 
“Astarion..,” Tav began. “You’re so far out of my league… I can’t help but think there is some kind of ulterior motive for you to be showing so much interest in me.” 
“I assure you, there isn’t. Not… Well, not anymore anyway.” 
“‘Not anymore’?” Gale asked. “What the hells is that supposed to mean?” 
“Gale, why don’t you scurry the fuck along and leave us to it?” Astarion hissed. 
“Oh, I’m enjoying this far too much. If I didn’t know any better I’d say you’re about to confess your love for them, and I’m not missing out on that.” 
“Yes, but—“
“Then confess already, Mystra help you, you’re hopeless…”
“Look,” Astarion sighed and turned his attention fully to Tav, ignoring the laugh that Gale sent his way. “I’ve never had actual real feelings for another person before. I don’t know how to approach a person without the intent of stealing them away for Cazador’s benefit. When I first met you I planned to use you, to have you as some kind of shield if he were to ever find me… But then.. I fell for you. 
“And of course, not knowing how to woo someone without using my body… I went the cheesy pickup lines route. Which I know isn’t exactly endearing, or really attractive… I just didn’t know how else to interact with you! I want you to be comfortable with me, to trust me like I trust you… 
“And darling, since I’m being honest here— you are in no way below me. Do you seriously not know how painfully attractive you are? I’ve been losing my mind with desire since day one. The way you smile at me and make me feel like the most important man in the world, how you run to my side for so much as a hangnail, when you laugh at my jokes, or blush just from my gaze—
“I’ve fallen so madly in love with you, it pains me to think of a life without you, and we haven’t so much as hugged…— um Tav? Are you alright?” 
Their hands covered their face, shaking their head as the heat continued to build in their cheeks. This was too much for them to handle. The occasional flirting was already playing games with their heart, but now? A full confession? “I might— I might need a minute.” 
“I think you broke them,” Gale moved to stand beside Astarion and reached out to poke the back of Tav’s hand. 
Astarion did the same, both of them just poking at the back of Tav’s hands— until they crouched down to avoid them, dropping their head between their knees and muffling a scream into their pants. 
“That was a hell of a confession,” Gale admitted. “Even I was swooning.” 
“Why thank you.” 
“Now what?” 
Astarion hummed. “I’m not sure.” 
“Want me to cast a spell on them or something?” 
Astarion waved him off. “Darling.” Astarion bent down and ran his hand down the back of Tav’s head. “You did hear that I love you, didn’t you?” 
“Yes,” they mumbled. “And I love you too.” 
“Well then, I suppose that’s that.” Gale laughed. “Maybe now they’ll stop melting into a damn puddle around you.” 
“Hah! I doubt it.”
Gale: Before, you said you wanted to be more subtle.
Astarion: Yes?
Gale: But one night you insinuated that you wanted Tav to give you a blow job.
Astarion: …..
Gale: …..
Astarion: …I didn't want to admit that I liked your pick-up line.
Gale: HAHA! I knew it! I win.
Astarion: One of us has Tav napping in their tent, looking adorable as ever. Who's the real winner?
Gale: …Touché.
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enden-k · 1 year
remembering about trans!haitham headcanon, do you have any ideas you could share about it? (if that doesn't bother you) maybe about if his grandmother ever knew it, or if kaveh even knew alhaitham before the transition. maybe kaveh knows haitham's deadname? maybe kaveh actually helped haitham in his journey to affirm his gender? thinking about this makes me excited to do a fanfic about this AAAAAAAA-
ofc, i have quite a few (transhaitham just means a lot to me hhhsjdjk)
i like to imagine that his grandma knew and her love, care and support remained unchanged; all she wanted is for him to be content and comfortable, teaching him all that. she def helped him here and there; like seeing how he was bothered by his longer hair so she proposed to cut it short and seeing how his eyes lit up in his usual neutral face when he saw his reflection was prob one of her fav memories of little haitham. not only getting rid of the bothersome weight and heat of annoying hair but also seeing how he looked more boyish pleased him a lot (not that short hair = strictly masculine etc. you know what i mean there)
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(dysphoria is not "required" or smth every trans person experience(d), saying this right away (and also as a note to anyone actually unaware of this) - he def didnt experience it, just felt sometimes a bit bothered by some stuff) he just simply knew who he is and wanted to find more comfort with himself by aligning his physical appearance more with his feeling and identity (by transitioning)
(idk if i explain it well in english what i want to say. also def projected there)
so, kaveh and haitham def knew each other in the early stages; when haithams grandma passed away, he attempted to cut his own hair (usually his grandma did) and it turned out cutely shaggy and sloppy (not that it bothered him much, as long as it doesnt look too awful to him) kaveh couldnt take it tho and in a quiet homoerotic charged moment took it on himself to do it right and save it. haitham already went by his name there but if someone knows of his deadname other than his grandma back then, its def only kaveh as his closest friend
years after their falling out, when they meet again in the tavern it nearly had kavehs eyes bulging out when he recognized the person seating down next to him as haitham - so much broader and bulkier than he used to be (back then he was already working out a little just to stay fit and healthy and gain more muscle, but still much slimmer in early stages of t. but now? def could snap kaveh in half and he wouldnt mind at all), his voice deep but still that same aggravatingly confident tone---
(i just love the image of kaveh always being so attracted to haitham and haitham alone, always loving him in every way, for being himself just like haitham loving him in every way, always and without a break despite their falling out)
this is turning more into me being sappy about them than transhaitham thoughts LMFAO SORRY anyway i think kaveh helped haitham a lot with things like cutting his hair properly short or picking clothes (mostly bc he liked dressing haitham since he deems his tastes as awful) or showing him how to shave when he first grew facial hair, all that kinda stuff
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How does it look? Ah, it’s an improvement
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Pairing: König x Reader
Summary: You’re determined to find out why everyone thinks König is so scary, afterall he’s just some guy that’s taller than most people right? He’s probably harmless! Well, he’s a little scary, but you still like him anyway.
(No use of y/n or mention of gender/race)
AN: Ok, so another gap between updates, but for everyone that's still here, I hope you guys enjoy it, your comments and asks give me life 💕
Part 6 of A Rocky Start - Full Masterlist Here
In the days after your little run in with König at the gym, things had been tense with the guys. So much so that until you could find time for a ‘covert’ date, you’d tried to avoid him like the plague. Of course that meant that he was open to attack from the rest of your team, but you figured, what harm could they really do? Well as it turned out, after finally lifting your self imposed ban, he’d said they’d been on him like bloodhounds.
Apparently there was no limit they would reach to defend your honour, not that it needed defending in the first place (but you couldn’t tell them that). After a mixture of the guys trying to warn him, threaten him, jump out at him, knock his tea off of the counter and throw his food in the bin, they’d made it difficult for König to do much of anything around base. Your mind had buzzed in a near constant state of anxiety, waiting to see what they’d do next.
Luckily for your frayed nerves and König’s safety however, they stopped being as harsh to him as time went on. In only a couple weeks in fact, they’d stopped attempting to jump him and threaten him away from you, and instead took to glaring at him and giving him what you called the ‘school girl treatment’. Sure, bitching about him and saying they couldn’t wait to put Ex Nihilo in the ground once and for all so they could flush out KorTac wasn’t particularly helpful for team morale, but it meant that you didn’t need to worry about your lover getting shanked anymore. 
If you were being honest, you couldn’t help but feel he deserved it a little given it had been his bright idea to rile you up in the first place. That’s what you get for trying to show off in front of Ghost. However that didn’t mean you didn’t still worry for him, far from it. You were practically biting your tongue off whenever König would happen across your path. 
“Didn’t anyone tell you the love of your life aint in your chain of command Soap?”
“Oh shut the fuck up!”
You snorted as Soap shot you a glare. He’d momentarily distracted himself from pinning Ghost only to end up rolled over and under the heavy frame of the Lieutenant - who he’d only just managed to hold down himself. His body landed on the ground with a thundering crash, and at the very same time he let out a small ‘oof’ you held your hands at your mouth and tried to hold back on the stream of laughter threatening to burst out. Not that that was any use, you were breaking in no time, squealing like a kid. Served him right for getting cocky. He’d been leaning hard into Ghost, his eyes level and lips caught in a ridiculous smirk. 
“Looks like the next rounds on you again, Johnny boy!” Ghost chuckled, releasing Soap before he snapped something.
“No! No, no, no, I call bullshit on that,” Soap huffed, jumping to his feet like a jack in the box. “The only reason you won was because that little dick couldn’t keep their mouth shut.”
Your fellow sergeant held an accusing finger up at you, his face going pink in anger. Sore loser. You gasped in mock offence then proceeded to shoot him your best puppy eyes and shrugged, perfecting a show of innocence that would make an angel weep. 
“Yes you! Love of your life’s not in your chain of command’,” he echoed, pitching your words up like a little girl. “Fuck off!”
“I don’t sound like that,” you sniggered, watching as his face got redder. “Don’t be a sore loser Soap.”
Soap hit the mat just shy of his thigh, pounding it as if it were a way to wage revenge, working himself up as you and Ghost continued to laugh like hyenas. 
Ghost eventually joined your side, he picked up the water bottle he’d abandoned by his workout gear and took a long gulp, huffing as he lowered the bottle back down. Ghost’s breathing was laboured and you could smell the sharp stench of sweat coming off of him in waves, apparently even with your intervention, that hadn’t been an easy victory. You knew that well enough yourself, you were only barely able to beat him sometimes, he’d earned his nickname just as much as you’d merited yours. 
“I almost had the bastard this time!” Soap huffed, slumping. “If it hadn’t a’ been for you.”
“Well, if it makes you feel better I’ll pay for it,” you offered, rising to your feet. “Given you both go get a shower, you guys fuckin’ stink.”
Soap smirked at that, his eyes regaining their lost spark as if he’d been given a jumpstart. You didn’t care for it. 
“Really? I don’t think I smell too bad,” Soap said, his voice taking on an edge again. “C’mere, let me make you really pay for it!”
“Wait, what are you- ew! No! Get away from me!” 
You squealed as Soap made a dash for you and hopped out the way from his grabbing arms, jumping away like a scared cricket. Unfortunately he was blocking the exit, forcing you into the corner of the room, keeping you on the edge of your toes while he held his arms up, torturing you with the threat of a hug. It took everything in you to keep track of where the mats were and not to slip on the shiny wooden floors, squeaking with every step you took as you frantically traversed the hall. 
“It’s just like you said Sneaky, can’t fraternise outside my rank. Guess that just leaves you!” He laughed, making another unsuccessful lunge at you. 
“I’m sure Gaz…is around here somewhere,” you said, breathing hard as you continued to duck and dive from him.
Despite Mactavish’s best efforts, you still managed to elude him. When he leapt for you, you strafed away and even when he’d successfully grab your arm, you’d break his hold before he could wrap you in his stinking death grip. 
You were so close to the exit now. You’d danced your way there, too busy walking backwards and throwing Soap off of your intentions that you were taken unawares when you backed into something solid where an empty doorway should’ve been. It was only when two familiar big hands drew round your frame to steady you, that you realised exactly who you’d bumped into. 
“Careful Sergeant,” König said, his voice surely thick with a grin. “I see training in the 141 is as rigorous as ever.”
You sigh, taking a cautious look over at Ghost who has his eyes locked on the offensive figure behind you. Even as Ghost stood there smelling like week old laundry he’d acted as if König had dragged putrid roadkill into the room and asked him to take a bite. 
“You wanna test how good our training is, König?” Soap barked, puffing his chest out like a cartoon gorilla.
You rolled your eyes.
“No thank you, I’m afraid I’d get terribly bored.”
“Funny,” Ghost said plainly, tilting his head. “Maybe we could find out how interesting you find us once you let go of Sneak. Could make sure those dirty mitts don’t linger too long again.”
You could feel his fingers dig into your skin, and with just a cursory glance up to the slits in König’s mask, you knew he hadn’t been meaning to clutch onto you for so long. Though, even in your haste to be subtle you didn’t miss the wink he gave you when he let you go, or the way his fingers brushed against you like falling silk. Clearly someone had been missing you. Probably as much as you’d missed him. 
“Apologies,” he’d said, not able to resist whispering after, “lucky for him he doesn’t know where these ‘mitts’ were last weekend.”
You choked on your next breath and turned so that your back was to the others before they could see your haunted expression. König was becoming a master of landing you in the shit. Even as you tried to glare at him, your paranoid mind wondered if they could see your body buzzing with worry. 
“Why are you here, König?” you asked, voice shaking with a hundred different emotions.
Even under the darkness of his full hood, König’s eyes sparkled with mischief and you didn’t miss the playful raise of his brows. He was continuing to wage war on you, even when you giving him the ‘stop fucking with me’ look. He was going to hear about that later. 
“Curiously enough, Price sent me. He wanted me to tell you to come to his office.”
Everyone’s breaths were collectively stolen from the room. 
“Price? Price asked you to talk to Sneak for him?” Soap said dubiously, first to ask before anyone else could.
You were too busy wondering if he’d figured something out. 
“Funny isn’t it?” König said, his gaze squarely fixed on you. “He was in a rush to sort something and unfortunately for him, I was the only one around. I think you’re being sent off on a mission.”
You didn’t miss the way his voice dropped in disappointment. If you were going away with Price then it was anyone’s guess how long you’d be away for. Last time he’d spirited away with Gaz he’d disappeared for days, and come back afterwards sagging like a melted ice cream. Whatever you’d be doing, it’d likely tire you out just as much and even if you were to come back through the weekend you’d likely be beat just the same. With that in mind, you knew it was unlikely you’d get to carry out your fun weekend plans with König. That meant it’d be a whole week’s wait until you got to meet with him again. 
“Oh…thanks for letting me know.”
“Of course. Can’t ignore an order from the Captain.”
The ‘unfortunately’ didn’t have to be said, it hung in the air between you two like black clouds of smoke. It took everything in you to ignore him from then on, turning instead to your things and stuffing them into your pockets. Your ears burned as they traced his footsteps fading from the doorway, and your chest grew heavy knowing you’d be missing him like hell until you could see him again. 
“Fancy that, Price going against his own orders,” Ghost said, folding his bulging arms over his chest. 
Always looking for a fight. 
“Fuck, probably didn’t even ask that cunt. The thing probably ate the guy that was actually supposed to come get Sneak,” Soap sniggered, finally emerging from his huff.
Oh yeah, they’d taken to calling König names now as well. They particularly enjoyed comparing him to a horrific bug monster which, even as childish as that was, was a little entertaining to you given you knew how much he hated that particular film when you’d tried to show it to him. He didn’t care for monster flicks. 
“I don’t think he’d lie,” you shrugged, trying to diffuse the situation.
“Really? I think he’d stab his own mother just to get a giggle,” Ghost snorted.
Clearly you don't know him very well. You laughed even in spite of knowing that what your Lieutenant said wasn’t remotely true, maybe even because you knew how ridiculous it was. They had a lot of fun making him out to be a raging sadist when as far as they were aware he’d done no worse than them on the field. König would stab himself before a hair on his mothers head came to harm, he practically gave half his wage just to make sure she ate well every month. 
“Maybe. Even so, I better go see what Price wants. Must be deadly urgent if he was desperate enough to send König,” you said, heading back toward the exit. 
“True. Sure you don’t want a reassuring hug before you go?” Soap asked, making a move like he’d come bounding up to you.
“Nope! Not even if this is the job I die on,” you called, speed walking down the corridor before he got any bright ideas. 
Just as König had said, you ended up pulled away with Price on reconnaissance. Now, while you’d much rather have been curled up in a hotel room with König and living out your lazy weekend plans, it turned out being away wasn’t all that bad. For one thing, Price was practically his old self with you again and for another it was good to get away from the rest of the 141. 
Constantly having to listen to them verbally disassemble the man that you were secretly in love with was a lot and it took everything not to sit there and defend him sometimes. Even then that would just result in an uproar about how you let people treat you. At that point you’d take Price’s steady quiet presence and occasional rumbles about coffee and football anyday. 
“You seeing anything Sneaky?”
Price’s hushed voice crackled over your comms, the tiny earpiece was flooding with interference from the busy market. Crowds of people swarmed and overflowing stalls that were bursting with goods, with salesmen boasting about their produce and wares like it was the last day on earth to buy anything. The heat beat down on your back and your outfit did little to help with the glaring sun, one of the pitfalls of wearing baggy clothing to conceal weapons. Your scent mingled with the rest of the sweltering bodies that bumped your sides and moved around you, but most of all you scented the rich foods and the old antiques that filled the stalls. Your senses were going wild, overstimulated to the max. 
“Not a fuckin’ thing,” you finally muttered.
You’d been sent out to intercept a meeting between two Ex Nihlio members, according to intel gathered from KorTac earlier in the week they were supposed to meet by one of the spice stalls. It was your job to route them out and figure out if they knew anything about Rousseau’s whereabouts. Only issue was that you were drowning in spice stalls. Both you and Price had taken turns dressing up like tourists with your big nikon cameras and neon bags and were playing a game of spot the terrorist cell with only a prayer that you hadn’t already missed them. 
Price was taking his turn up on the roof, nestled conveniently in a skillion like a bird of prey about to strike, watching and waiting with his binoculars up and gun at the ready. You felt safe knowing he was with you, his mumbled words of reassurance kept you sane as you traversed the labyrinthian pathways over and over and had to pretend to take an interest in various trinkets. 
However, you’d been on the streets for a couple hours now, you knew that soon enough you’d have to swap again and it’d be your turn to play sniper on the roof. That was - If your aching feet were anything to go by. You sighed and took a look around, deciding to do one last sweep around the stalls before you joined Price and relieved him of his position. 
“Hold on Sneak, turn around - don’t be obvious,” Price said, voice coming in low and grizzled from disuse. 
You froze in your spot and swallowed, committing yourself to your new task, taking a moment to look through your pockets before palming a warm penny. With a fake gasp, you sent it rolling behind you and leaned down, walking a few paces so that you could retrieve the penny off the ground while looking around for the source of Price’s interruption. When you looked up to the row of stalls across from you, you saw what he’d tipped you off on.
“Try to get in close.”
Situated next to an array of autumn coloured spice piles, were two men wearing dark shirts and trousers, talking hushedly to one another. While you couldn’t be absolutely sure that they were Ex Nihlio, you knew that it didn’t look like they were there to shop. You glanced away from them for a moment and set your sights on a curio stall next to them, stepping almost silently over the gritty path until you reached your target.
Their voices were low, coming in softer than a light breeze, but still you managed to catch a little of what they were saying and you knew the receiver would too. You tilted your head toward them, trying to give Price the best chance of hearing them too; all while you picked up a tiny bird figure barely bigger than one of your digits and held it to your eyes. You softly ran your fingers over the wood like you might bring it to life somehow and turned it this way and that, inspecting it carefully - it was important to make your fascination with the object look convincing. 
“Your orders are clear, you are not allowed to move forward.”
“But we have everything in place, we’re ready! I don’t understand.”
The men were tense, their voices strained as they endeavoured to stay quiet. 
“We have to be more reserved now. Ever since…he was taken and the tourists were found, things have been different. Plan’s changed.”
“What! because his-”
“Quiet! Not another word. This visit in itself was a courtesy only extended to you, we’ve had to stop everything we had planned, things have changed.”
“I don’t accept that. We have to keep the momentum going or we won’t be taken seriously.” 
You breathed out quietly, watching as the stall owner started approaching you and you let a smile melt onto your face, trying to keep up the dumb tourist charade. The woman looked keen as she approached, face reminiscent of a fox’s with her eager golden eyes and high cheekbones. Her lips were curved into a grin and she hunched over the counter tactically surveying her eyes over your form. She was probably anticipating someone stupid, someone that could be easily fleeced. 
“It’s a nice statue isn’t it? Are you interested in buying?”
“Uh, yeah I think so, it’s really cute,” you said with a short unsure laugh, trying to keep your voice low enough for Price to hear over. “How much is it though?”
Regrettably for her you weren’t going to be the easy mark that she’d assessed you as. Nevertheless, you still hoped to god she wasn’t going to ask for too much. You’d figured before setting out that you needed to buy some stuff so that you could blend in, but you hadn’t brought an awful lot and you’d already gotten some pastries and drink with the paltry change. Plus the little swallow, for all its tiny size, was very detailed, it’s little carved tail and wing feathers and dark wood would surely drive the cost up. Then there was also the fact that there was no way you’d be able to just accept the given price, you’d have to negotiate so that you had a reason for sticking around. 
While you desperately strained to try and hear the argument ensuing between the two men next to you, you weakly haggled with the woman giving her numbers that her lips upturned like a direly unamused theatre mask. Eventually though you both reached an agreement and the little figure was yours, but now you had to work out your next move. 
“‘We are from nothing, and we will fight each day until they can never reduce our names to the dirt again’- remember when that was our calling? Remember when we committed to a cause that day, does that mean nothing to you? We must act now!”
“It must mean nothing to you, if you are willing to risk everything just for a moment of glory.”
You didn’t have to struggle to blend in much longer. 
A loud shot rang out above the swathes of people around you and suddenly the entire market descended into chaos and terror, people ran and screamed and hid; fleeing like pigeons. You looked over to where the two men had been and saw only one now as he rushed away into the crowd while the other lay dead and bloody on the ground. The man’s pupils were tiny pin pricks staring emptily into the glaring sun, all life torn from the deserted vessel of his body. He’d gone back to nothing after all. 
“Price, I'm going after him.”
You tore your eyes from the dead man and chased after his killer, trying desperately to catch up as he faded into the crowds. You weaved and ducked, trying to remain discreet even still as you traced his path and took advantage of the wake he left in the crowd. He was like a speedboat tearing through choppy seas, disgruntled people were pushed to the side and made to move as he bulldozed through and gave you plenty of opportunity to follow. 
“You need to stop, Sneak. We don’t know if he has friends hiding around the area! Do you hear me? Stop! Sneak, how copy?”
Price was too late. You’d collided with the man already, strategically shoving him into an alleyway and underneath your body. You both breathed hard, groaning as your knees and his back made contact with the hard ground, but neither of you could afford to feel it for long. He fought his way up, reaching for a knife he’d stowed in a thigh pocket and attempted to plunge it into you before you disarmed him, smashing his wrist against the wall and pounding it with your other. 
“I got him pinned down, we’re in the alley a few streets up, he’s fighting back pretty hard,” you growled, thoroughly out of breath from trying to subdue the squirming screaming man. 
“That’s not what I ordered!”
“Well what are my orders now?” you asked, gritting your teeth as you punched the man, narrowly missing being hit first. 
Price didn’t speak for a beat, the silence was tense as you fought to subdue your target, filled with your gasping breaths and struggling bodies scraping against the grit like sandpaper. You could practically feel the steam that was pouring from Price’s ears coming in through the earpiece, sweat was pooling all over your body, exertion and heat were kicking in. After a moment, your captain finally responded through gritted teeth, his voice crackling all the more as you realised that he was on the move. 
“Coming to you now. Hold him there.”
Easier said than done. You felt like a bull rider as you bucked around on top of the stranger trying to subdue his movements with as little force as possible. While it was important to make sure he was kept down and kept quiet, you couldn’t do too much damage or it was worthless even stopping him in the first place. Clearly this man was in contact with Rousseau or at least someone very close to him, so it was of the utmost importance that you brought him in lucid and ready to spill. Or rather spill after some convincing, the look in his eye was that of a man that wouldn’t give you any satisfaction for nothing. 
His teeth were bared at you like an animal, one of them metallic and glinting in the sliver of light that emerged through the darkness. His eyes were wild like a feral lion. There was something about his face that terrified you in that moment, the sheer determination to kill you, the will of a man with conviction in his cause to tear you down. You had the upper hand though, finally you’d been able to reach the pistol you’d secreted away at your side and pulled it on him, holding it against him with a soundless ultimatum. 
“Get the fuck off me! I’ll have your eyes for this, fucking scum!”
The man ranted and screamed, but even still you weren’t deterred from your task. You kept him pinned down with the gun snug at his temple, praying that Price would be there soon. Luck wasn’t on your side that day though, rarely ever was, suddenly you were sailing onto your back. Stars filled your vision, light melting as the sky faded far away. It was somewhat reminiscent of what you’d seen happen days before, Ghost on top of Soap after his failed victory, Soap stuck to the ground like a monkey under a tigers paw. 
“Are you alright?” a voice asked.
Someone that you didn’t recognise, an accent you couldn’t place. 
“I’ll be fine! Finish them off and let’s go,” your target responded.
You winced, expecting that to be your final moment, the last thing you ever heard was a dismissal of your efforts. Through the murky darkness two eyes flashed through your head, two crystalline pools that opened like planets in the empty space of your mind. In your mind, König looked back on you smiling, his watchful gaze always reminding you of an angel while he loomed over you, bare chested and warm just like he’d been at the hotel.
Had that been your last though you would’ve died happy, you decided. 
Though you weren’t going to die that day, not yet. Another gunshot blasted through the atmosphere, ricocheting in your ears, but as you were still around to hear it and you weren't lying there in blinding pain - well not any more than you’d felt before the gun fired - you deduced the man had missed. Instead another man’s scream rang out and a flurry of footprints followed, scraping to get away. 
You opened your eyes, finally able to see again, but felt blinding pain replace your stolen vision. It coursed through your skull and rattled through your back, making you hiss as you sat up and stradied yourself on your scraped up hands. Colours and shapes swelled and swirled before your eyes before condensing and becoming clear. Price took form in front of you seconds later, his hands tight on your shoulders as he grabbed you and gave you a look over, running his hand gently over your head as if you were his child. 
“What the fuck did I tell you?” he muttered, eyes narrowing harshly as he realised you were ok. “You had no idea who else was there and wouldn’t you know it - who should show up, but one of his little friends”
“I…I already had him before you said to let him go,” you groaned, blinking furiously as you tried not to let the darkness at the edge of your vision take over.
“Is that right? Well, well done to you and your fucking initiative,” he groaned, “Look at you, you look like you’re going to fall apart. Are you ok, can you see?”
“Feels like it too,” you said, smiling weakly. “I can see, things just got hazy for a second there…Did you send the rest of the team after them?”
Price rolled his eyes, the bags under them looking pinched as he kept looking you over. Another group of soldiers had been kept on standby, ready to swoop in and drive you and whoever you might capture, but it didn’t look like Price was thinking of them then. He was focused on you, kneeling across from you and surveying for any changes. He let go of your shoulders, instead propping you up against an old crate that sat abandoned in the alley. 
“Course I sent them,” he said eventually. “Don’t think they’ll catch up though.”
“Fuck,” you hissed, feeling the full weight of the blow to your head.
“How bad’s the wound?” you asked, wincing as your fingers came away from it with blood. 
“Not bad. Not good either though,” Price deadpanned. “I’ll walk you out of here in a minute. I just want to make sure you’re going to stay awake.”
“Walk? You mean we can’t call an Uber?”
Price didn’t see the funny side of your joke, he shook his head and ran a hand through his beard, taking extra time to scratch as he reached the thicker sides. He was deep in thought, trying to process what had happened, and work out where to go from there. There was a look in his eyes he always got when he was catastrophizing, and you could tell he was in full crisis mode. His steady hands and stiff posture only served to throw off people that didn’t know him well enough. 
“What is it?”
“Two of em’ have seen your face now.”
You had already thought of that. 
“I know,” you said quietly, finally looking away from him. 
Neither of you said anything else for a second. You focused in on the crowd behind you instead, the people that still rushed through the streets trying to avoid a silent threat that had already run far from their paths. Their voices and scampering feet echoed and danced through the alleyway, distracting you from your pain for a moment. Thought still coursed through you in the background, remained swirling through your body like a snake constricting around your brain and back.
“We need to get you out of here and get you to a medic.”
You nodded, you wouldn’t fight him on that. A medic would have pain killers. You tried to rise on your own, gripping the rough wooden crate like a lifeline, but found yourself almost collapsing again until Price rushed to your side and held you up, grunting as he bore your weight. Through the vignette of your fading vision you could see the tight lipped grimace he was giving you and knew you were probably sporting a similar look of your own. 
“Don’t try to move on your own, let me help you,” Price growled.
“You gonna carry me all the way back to car?” you asked sceptically, remembering how far you had to go. 
“Can’t bloody well leave you. We don’t know if that bastard’s got more friends hanging around.”
“You could stick me in another alley and bring the car closer?” you asked, already knowing what his answer would be, 
“Not a chance. C’mon, get moving those feet. That’s an order!”
You grit your teeth and felt the pain shoot through your back and curl up in your stomach as you moved. You knew you hadn’t broken anything, but you were still feeling the effects of getting winded and the weeping head wound wasn’t helping matters either. Bile rose in your throat at the thought and even as Price kept his arm slung tightly round you, you felt your feet waver and drag across the ground, felt your mind struggling to keep going as your body began to give up. 
“Talk to me. Don’t give out on me now,” Price demanded, his breaths coming out punchy like wind hitting a sail. 
“Talk about what?” you laughed, wincing with the movement.
“Anything. Keep yourself focused, talk about anything.”
“Ok,” you conceded, thinking for a moment as you were dragged through an empty street. “Why’d you send König to come get me the other day?”
“Really? That’s all you could think of?” Price scoffed.
You were in too much pain to feel any shame or hesitation about pushing. In fact, it was the perfect time to bring up König because there weren’t going to be many other chances for you to leverage a head wound to discuss the subject. It was the perfect thing to direct your energy on and keep you upright. 
“You’re the one that told me I wasn’t to speak to him again,” you said measuredly. “It made me wonder why you’d send him to speak to me.”
“He was the only one around and the General wanted us gone ASAP.”
“You could’ve messaged.”
“I needed to make sure you knew to come right away.”
“Are you saying I’m not reliable?” you grinned, almost tripping on a fallen basket because you were so pleased with yourself.  
You and Price stopped just before your feet could stumble over the fallen produce and rerouted around it, huffing with exertion. Price’s back was sweating just as much as yours and once again you found yourself cursing at the sun, vowing that you would never spend another minute more in the heat if it meant you could be sent to a cold room with a full deck of meds ready at your disposal. 
“If you really want to know, I figured I could trust you now,” Price said, readjusting his grip on you. “After all that's happened.”
“Oh really?”
“Well you wouldn’t want to go near him now after what happened would you?” 
You had to hold back a bout of laughter, disguising it easily with a cough. If only he knew.
“Suppose not,” you answered.
“It’s better that way…associating with a man like that, you’d only end up at the top of someone’s shit list.”
“You think he’s got enemies?” 
“Why else do men like Ghost and König wear masks?” he huffed. “You’d be vulnerable with him, even if he is a one man army. He couldn't protect you if the people he’d pissed off came after you.” 
You pursed your lips and looked toward the end of the street, sighing as you remembered the car wasn’t that far away. The last thing you needed when you were trying not to go wobbly was Price making you doubt König. Instead you faced forward and kept on marching, narrowing your eyes as you fought off the darkness. 
“Are you absolutely sure that you like wearing that shirt?”
You laughed as König hovered above you, pausing in his assault on your neck so that he could play with the hem at your neckline. His hemline rather. 
“You said you wanted to look after me this week, didn’t you?”
“Well yeah, but not at the expense of my only clothing,” he said, smiling at you with narrowed eyes.
You rolled your eyes at him and kissed him, planting your lips firmly on his so as to silence his protests. All was right in the world again. You’d been dismissed for a week because of your head wound, something about you having suffered from a concussion before so you were being forced to take leave and had decided to spend your time wisely. In other words, telling Price you were going to visit family, when in actuality you were shacked up in an airbnb close to the base so that König could come visit you and stay the night. 
Eventually he broke away from you and shook his head, rolling off the bed and causing an earthquake, causing the springs to groan and for the mattress to shake like jelly beneath you. You watched him as he stood and stretched. His body illuminated by the streetlamps outside the windows, the dull yellow contrasting harshly with the dark blue shadows that snaked over his taut muscles, meeting like intertwined fingers at his ribs.
“Is it because it's the Rammstein one?” you asked, sitting up to admire him easier. “Because I’m taking good care of it.”
He shook his head again and made his way to the door. 
“I know you’re taking good care of it. I just don’t have a lot of shirts to wear,” he explained, disappearing for a moment. 
You huffed and folded your arms, obscuring the blocky logo in the tangle of your intertwined limbs. The guilt trip wasn’t going to work, this was your shirt. You felt like you’d earned it after you’d forgotten home comforts and stayed in a stranger’s house all to be with him. Not that he wasn’t taking fantastic care of you. 
You watched as he came back in with a couple glasses of water and set them down on each of your respective bedside tables and disappeared again so he could grab two bowls, walking in with steam obscuring his face. You unfolded your arms, forgetting all about your upset and took in what he’d brought you. He’d heated some soup for you both and ensured that you were propped up nicely before placing yours in your lap, joining you at your side so that he could eat his. The smell of parmesan and vegetables drifted into the air, forcing your stomach to growl in anticipation. 
“Thank you, König,” you hummed.
The soup was delicious. It was unmistakably from the Italian deli that König knew you liked to frequent as a treat and you’d deduced he must’ve been earlier in the day to pick up a takeaway just for you. Even if he were being a stickler about his clothes, he still remained sweet and ensured you had every little comfort you could want for while you recovered.
Truth was, you hadn’t really felt that bad once you’d been patched up and given a few Codeine. The pain in your head had dulled to a low thud and more than anything it was background noise to the host of other complaints you could make about your battle torn body. Though König wouldn’t hear of it. He demanded that you stay in bed as he fussed around you and cuddled you like a sickly kitten. It was a wonder you were allowed to even roam the apartment by yourself with the way he coddled you, a miracle you weren’t wrapped in cotton wool and shrunk into his pocket for safe keeping. 
“Why is it that you’d want to wear one of my dirty shirts anyway?” König asked, breaking the silence.
You snorted, only just swallowing the spoonful of soup you’d taken and shrugged, a coy smile weaving its way onto your face. 
“It smells like you. Makes me feel safe,” you said finally, only a smidge embarrassed.
“And what do I smell like?”
“I dunno…just like you,” you shrugged. “Manly I guess, and I can smell that stupid cheap citrusy soap you use.”
“Don’t belittle my soap just because you like to buy the best,” he retorted. 
“That’s right, practicality over frivolity…How German,” you said with a sly smile. 
He froze mid spoonful, just about to eat another before he paused and shot you a withering side eye. You’d delighted in finding out another way to tease him, getting to play with him all you wanted while you recovered. 
“You call me German one more time, I’m taking the shirt off your back and leaving you naked to fend for yourself,” he said simply
“Oh c’mon, you’d never do that.”
“I just might,” he smiled, taking his last spoonful and letting the cutlery clatter to the empty bowl. “You know the difference.”
“In fairness you did live there for quite a while until you moved back again.”
“Yeah, and that's an even better reason for me to enjoy being Austrian.”
“Such a mean man, poor Germany!”
You playfully shoved at his thigh with your foot and giggled when he caught it in his hand and threw it back. It sent you both laughing and soon you abandoned your soup bowl onto the table and took your little game to the next level, diving onto him before you were promptly flipped onto your back and pinned under König, resuming your usual position.
“Poor Sneak,” he laughed ominously. “Still hellbent on defending the Germans?”
“If I say yes are you gonna do that thing I hate?”
“Only one way to know for sure.”
You huffed out a breath and weighed up your options, deciding if it was really worth being tickled just to keep teasing him. In the end, you didn’t get to decide, you winced as you felt a firework of pain burst through your head and closed your eyes for a second, bunching them shut like you could forget about it behind the darkness of your closed lids. Suddenly you were grateful you were lying down surrounded by the soft topaz sheets. 
“Are you ok? Did I hurt you?” König gasped, stroking his thumb over your cheek. 
“I’m alright, it wasn’t anything you did,” you assured after a second, taking in a deep breath. “I think it’s time for me to take my meds actually. Is it after eight thirty?”
König leaned up from you and rooted around for his phone. You prayed you were right. 
“Yeah, Eight forty. If you sit up, I’ll get them out for you.”
You followed through with his request, inching up the covers and seething with every little jarring shake the bed gave you. It felt like your head was going to burst into a confetti cloud with the amount of pressure that was building. You couldn’t wait till the headaches were done with. 
“Here, take these,” König murmured, handing you the pills and your forgotten glass of water.
You threw them back and drank down a big gulp of water, focusing on not choking as you swallowed them as fast as you could. This was one of the worst pains you’d had with it since it’d happened. Stars twinkled at the edge of your vision until slowly, after a little breathing and König stroking your back, you were able to open your eyes and stare back him as he watched you those big doleful eyes of his. 
“I’m alright now, it’s ok,” you smiled, trying to reassure him. 
“Mm, it’s far from ok,” König hissed, staring harshly to his side for a moment. “If I ever get my hands on those who did this to you, they’ll be sorry.”
You widened your eyes a moment as his fury sunk in and both of you stared at each other for a tense minute. You sat hoping your understanding of the situation might be infectious, wishing he’d accept that they’d just gotten the upper hand. What happened wasn’t personal. He shook his head and let the heat escape him, the fire left his eyes and deflated him, leaving him staring down at the bed a moment until you spoke again. 
“I know how I’d feel if it were the other way around,” you sighed, knowing he’d need a little reassurance you weren’t going to run terrified. “But you don’t need to be angry for me. I’m fine, this’ll all be better in a few days, ok?”
He didn’t speak for a second, not until he looked back up at you. 
“Good. Now, c’mere and give me a hug so I feel better.”
His smile returned, curving back onto his lips like magic. You smiled in turn and watched as he put your meds back in the drawer by your bedside, but frowned when he paused and stared inside. He chucked the foil packet back in its place but reached in and retrieved whatever had caught his attention, bringing it front of you in the palm of his hand.
“What’s this?” he asked curiously. 
You tilted your head and smiled as you realised it was the wooden swallow you’d unpacked from your bag earlier and shrugged. 
“It was the bird I got from the market that day,” you explained. “I found it when I was going through my bag today and chucked it in the drawer.”
He raised his brows and brought the little figure closer to his face, admiring the fine details of it not dissimilarly to the way you’d stared at it in the market. You tilted your head as you watched him and bit your lip, watching the way his eyes took in the little bird with an intense fascination. 
“Why don’t you keep it?” you offered. “And then you let me wear this for the rest of the week.”
You rolled your shoulders, showing that you wanted to keep the shirt. König chuckled, but after pretending to be deep in thought about it, sporting a deep frown and a pursed lip, he eventually nodded. 
“I suppose I could allow that… we can have shared custody. I get the bird one week and then the shirt for the next,” he said, coming to rest by your side with his arm outstretched, making the bird fly in looping patterns in the air. “Deal?”
You laughed to yourself, but nodded, settling into his warm chest with a satisfied sigh. 
“Sounds like a good deal to me.”
Next Part Here
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yanderes-galore · 5 months
Heya! Could you write a yandere concept for Diluc from genshin impact? Please and thank you! <3
I'm surprised he or Kaeya wasn't requested earlier, here you go :) I do hope I got the gist of his persona right.... I feel bad because I ran out of steam half way through.
Yandere! Diluc Ragnvindr Concept
Pairing: Platonic -> Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Overprotective behavior, Violence, Possessive behavior, Jealousy, Denial, Controlling behavior, Manipulation, Fear of loss, Kidnapping, Stalking, Blood, Mentions of possible murder, Toxic relationship, Forced relationship.
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Diluc is the owner of Dawn Winery and works at the Angel's Share Tavern in Mondstadt.
However, at night and away from everyone else, he is a vigilante who aims to take down the Abyss Order and Fatui.
He is truly a defender of Mondstadt, often busy trying to defend the city when the Knights of Favonius can't.
Diluc would probably be protective, controlling, possessive towards his darling.
Especially if Kaeya is involved....
Diluc seems like he'd meet you at either the tavern or winery at first.
Maybe Kaeya is showing you around Mondstadt, as much as his brother irks him... Diluc will admit you're interesting.
Diluc seems like he'd (ironically) be cold or distant with you at first.
He's a yandere who's in a bit of denial when they begin to show attachment.
He's been through a lot and isn't sure if he can let someone be so close to him.
He's always busy... although his day is immediately better when seeing you.
If you're at the tavern, he offers you food and drink while asking you about your day.
He may be in denial about his affections... but he does seem to have an interest in what you do.
For the most part, before he gets too involved, he's protective and vaguely interested.
He's trying to just be an acquaintance, someone to talk to while he serves you drinks at the bar.
Diluc's obsession would grow out of sight.
When he goes out to protect Mondstadt at night, he checks by your home to make sure nothing's wrong.
He doesn't want to consider following you around or knowing where you live stalking... but that's what it is.
You have no clue how obsessive he gets when you visit the tavern.
He likes to watch you as he works, it makes dealing with alcohol more bearable.
Diluc would definitely be rivals with Kaeya.
Kaeya is such a flirt and it irks Diluc's nerves.
To think his brother can just take you from him....
He gets so irritated when jealous.
It gets to the point when he's jealous of you in the tavern, he nearly breaks the glasses he's cleaning.
Which leads to Diluc needing to do something about this issue.
Diluc seems like he'd be manipulative towards you.
In a way he has the mindset of "It's for your own good".
Yet at the same time he's trying to restrain his more jealous thoughts and understand why he's so attached.
I imagine there's times he's possessive, it's usually with more romantic intentions... but he could also just be an obsessive companion/friend towards you.
Diluc hates the idea of getting too close with you since he's lost people close to him.
As much as he likes Jean, he feels the Knights of Favonius can't protect you like he can.
They can't care for you like he can, either.
Diluc is definitely a yandere that starts subtle.
You can't tell there's something wrong, he just seems worried and concerned for you at times.
He's... just someone you like to talk to.
But behind the scenes, as you sleep, he's making sure you're well cared for.
He'd get himself bloody if it meant you'd be his, he'd scorch any foe he has to.
He could either slowly build a connection with you to lure you into the winery and keep you there.
Or he could abduct you in the middle of the night once he snaps.
Diluc wants to keep you somewhere he'll always have an eye on you.
You're always watched, even when he takes you to the tavern you're never allowed to leave the counter.
If anyone flirts with you or takes your attention off Diluc, his eye twitches and he deals with the issue.
Diluc would probably kill, but it's always when no one's looking.
Plus they'll never find the body when it comes to him... no need to worry about it... they just left Mondstadt.
When Diluc's obsession stops being ignored and makes itself known, he really does act as some sort of twisted guardian for you.
He keeps you locked away, perhaps as a spouse.
He admits since he saw you he's wanted to court you.
Diluc would be the type of yandere to put you on his lap when he works.
He likes the control it gives him, allowing him access to your neck to make you squirm as he works.
He may not seem like it... but in private, Diluc can be affectionate.
He'll kiss you anywhere, sometimes soft... sometimes rough.
He hates others around you, often trying to rush people away from you so you don't speak for too long.
He has an issue where his protective and possessive behavior mixes.
He tries to excuse his possessive behavior as protective...
However, you can tell the difference the moment someone like Kaeya enters the winery.
The two nearly fight on the spot.
Diluc would love to spoil you if you're his.
He buys you gifts and tries his best to smother you in affection.
After all... if he gives you all his love, you'll never look at another.
Overall, Diluc is a yandere that wants to provide and care for his darling.
He'll give you whatever you want... he'll protect you... he'll love you...
Just listen to him... stay where he wants you to... and don't look at any other.
"Need a drink? I'd love another chat, dear."
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awkward-tension-art · 2 months
Misc. Clones x Twi'lek!Reader
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I’ve had this idea in my head for a while, so….enjoy?
Cw: Twi’lek stereotyping, Speciesism, reader is a twi’lek, gender neutral pronouns, reader is falsely accused in the last set
Minors DNI (even though theres no smut)
501st Legion:
“Hey tail-head! Why not come here and give me a dance?” 
You paused in what you were doing, turning to stare at the one who said such a thing. 
He was wearing white armor, and clearly a shiny. 
Ex-fucking-cuse me? 
Rex is going to step between you and the shiny, helmet off and clearly pissed.
“Care to repeat that, trooper?”
His glare is steady. He’s not going to raise his voice or shout but by GOD if looks could kill. 
The shiny is going to start tripping over his words to apologize but Rex isn’t having any of it 
“You see that gunship over there? You’re scrubbing the entirety of it with your toothbrush. Now get moving.”
He isn’t having ANY of that shit in his legion. 
Speciesism? Not in his fucking house. 
After the shiny is hauling ass, he’s going to check on you. 
“I’m sorry, cyare. I’ll make sure that doesn’t happen again.” 
Rex isn’t a fool. He’s traveled all around the galaxy. He's worked with General Secura. He’s well aware of the stereotypes surrounding your people. 
He won’t tell you, but whenever someone says any sort of twi-lek slur within earshot, he’s making them run laps around the Resolute. 
He’s going to be speechless for a solid second. 
Someone??? Just said that??? To his mesh’la?
Oh fuck no.
Fives is going to get in the shiny’s face and just growl, “You have some balls, rookie.” 
This is an ARC trooper who is not above breaking some rules. 
One of those rules is putting a shiny in their place
Fives is going to push them back hard enough to make them stumble, “Say it again and I'll throw you out of an airlock.”
Once the shiny had gotten the message and rushed away, Fives will drape an arm around you
He’ll peck your cheek, “They shouldn’t bother you again, mesh’la.”
Fives finds you to be incredible, but he knows that there will be individuals who have opinions on you just because of the stereotypes surrounding twi-leks. 
He’ll definitely get in the face of anyone who gives you a hard time.
After sometime, it becomes pretty well known that Fives’ S/O isn’t to be messed with.
The medic is less confrontational.
He also knows you can handle yourself, but he’ll cast a glance your way to see if your alright
If you're ignoring the shiny and moving on, he will too.
But if you look uncomfortable/upset that’s when he’ll say something
“Just ignore them,” He tries his best with comfort, but he knows you shouldn’t HAVE to ignore such words.
If the shiny says something else to you, that's when he’ll confront them.
“If you don’t walk away, I just might forget to give you painkillers when you get shot in the next battle.”
That tends to shut the shinies up. Afterall, pissing off the medic is a bad idea
Once you're alone, Kix will put a comforting hand on your shoulder. 
While he hates the twi’lek stereotype, he knows he can’t really say anything to make it go away. This is most likely a constant background noise in your life, and that won’t magically disappear in a day.
Though, he will go to Rex and tell him what happened. Kix can’t change the whole galaxy but he can at least make the 501st more welcoming
He thinks it's a joke at first, maybe some playful ribbing. 
Afterall, he does the same with his own brothers. 
But one look at your face and he’s snapped into gear.
“Good one, brother!” The ARC trooper will put his arm over the shiny’s shoulder, “I got a  better one.”
Jesse will lean in close, “If you say something like that again, I’ll personally make you swallow your own teeth, got it?”
He says this with a smile. 
At first the shiny thinks HE’S joking, but then Jesse’s grip gets tighter, and his smile is gone.
“I mean it.”
Once the shiny is gone, he’s going to kiss you.
He’s another one who will go to Rex. This isn’t something your lover wants you to deal with, especially from his own brothers. 
He expects better from them. Even if they're a shiny
If it happens again, that's when Jesse makes good on his threats.
He’s an ARC trooper. He didn’t get the rank by looking pretty.
He also gets a reputation of being protective, so the next batch of shinies that join the 501st already know to be respectful.
Clone Force 99
“Hey, tail-head, why don’t you and I go somewhere and you can show me some of those twi’lek dances up close?”
You sighed, looking back to see a bounty hunter of some sort with a disgusting grin on their face. 
Omega was next to you, brow furrowed, “Tail-head? Why’d they call you that?”
“Oh shut it.” is his first response.
If the bounty hunter opens their mouth again, Hunter's second response is to throw a punch.
This is the man that brought his fists to a food fight. His first reaction will be to silence the bounty hunter, his second is to shut their mouth in a physical way. 
Yea, he’s not above assault. 
Once the stranger is on the ground, that’s when Hunter speaks again
“Think twice before you say something stupid next time.” 
He’s going to give you a concerned look and put a hand on your shoulder
“You ok, Cyare?” 
He’s also aware of the stereotype surrounding twi-leks, and he won’t let anyone give you a hard time. 
He kneels next to Omega and essentially teaches her what stereotypes are
He emphasizes that they’re wrong, and she shouldn’t ever assume things based on stereotypes
Anyone who says ‘tail-head’ in his vicinity they’re losing teeth.
He’s aware violence isn’t going to change opinions, but he isn’t going to stand for anyone throwing slurs at you
Hunter cares for you so much, he just wants you to feel comfortable and safe.
He doesn’t think those vile words are being thrown at you at first. He’ll look to you for confirmation.
When it finally clicks, he stands between you and the stranger. He doesn’t even need to say anything, just glares down at them.
After the bounty hunter gets the hint, Wrecker will turn to you and Omega.
“You can’t say that again, ok ‘mega? That’s a bad insult to twi’leks.”
He doesn’t freak out or draw attention to what Omega parrotted. He’s well aware she’s a kid and doesn't entirely know better.
Wrecker may be a bit dense at times, but he’s not stupid.
He knows exactly what the stranger was getting at saying such things to you.
“Good thing they’re gone, right mesh’la?” He’ll ask, holding your face.
He puts an arm around you and the three of you head back to the ship.
He likes to act as your protector. He knows you can handle yourself, but he just likes to feel like he's protecting you. Afterall you’re precious to him.
His heart breaks if you tell him this has happened before.
He is UNHAPPY that this is something you deal with.
He knows the twi’lek stereotype exists, it’s just…different when it's you.
Honesty, he’ll take this to heart and step-in if he sees something like this happen to another twi’lek.
He’s not going to be a bystander anymore. And Omega definitely learns from his example.
“Well, that is entirely unnecessary.” 
He won’t pick a fight. He thinks it’s best to ignore instigators. 
He also knows that arguing or snapping at the bounty hunter may make things worse
He’ll grab your hand and lead you and Omega away
If the stranger follows, he’ll turn a corner, put you and omega behind him and set his blaster on stun
Once the bounty hunter turns the corner, Tech will shoot them.
“There.” He says, putting his blaster away, “Shouldn’t bother us anymore.”
Once you three are back at the ship, he’ll kiss your forehead before speaking to Omega
“Tail-head is a slur to twi’lek individuals. It’s supposed to insult someone's lekku. You must never say it again.”
Tech is very much aware of both the stereotypes and their origin.
If someone gives you a hard time or throws more insults at you, he’s not going to stand for it.
He has very little patience for ignorance.
Barely stops himself from throwing hands instantly.
“You want to say that again?” He’s going to get in the bounty hunter's face very quickly, “Say it again. I dare you.”
Echo is a damn ARC trooper. He can make the stranger eat their words.
But, he’ll hold back, for your sake. 
If the bounty hunter doesn’t back down, he casts a glance at you.
Give the greenlight? It's a fight.
You want to move on and forget this happened? He backs down.
He’ll return to your side and just start grumbling, “Ignorant asshole…if they open their mouth again, I swear…”
 He gets really upset about this. And he knows it wasn’t the first time nor will it be the last time this happens to you. 
When you're not within earshot, he’ll explain to Omega why ‘tail-head’ is not something to be repeated. 
Echo is patient with her. She’s just a child.
But like Tech, he had no patience for ignorance from anyone else.
Will snap at anyone who says ‘tail-head’ or other twi’lek insults within earshot.
While everyone has some form of restraint, Crosshair does not.
It’s an immediate brawl.
His patience is a negative 2 when it comes to this type of stuff.
The bounty hunter hadn’t even blinked before Crosshair knocked them down.
He’s pretty silent, returning to your side and putting an arm around you.
He’ll look at Omega and just say a simple, “Don’t say that again.”
Pretty blunt to be honest.
Crosshair is protective. More so than even Wrecker.
His mind is already running, analyzing your surroundings and seeing who else may make snide remarks.
Afterall, if one person was able to say something like that, how many more are there?
He’ll ask how often this happens.
Depending on your answer he’s either slightly annoyed or pissed.
No one should be giving you a hard time simply because you're twi’lek.
Once back at the ship, he’s going to keep a hand or arm on you in any way possible.
He loves you, and he doesn’t want you to ever feel ashamed or bad for being twi’lek.
212th Battalion:
“Hey, I didn’t know the 212th got its own personal dancer,” The shiny slid next to you, “What do you say? Wanna give the boys and I a moral booster?”
You blinked, eyes wide. That was an entirely new one…
After Ryloth, he thought his men would behave better than that. So he’s genuinely caught off guard.
“You have 2 seconds to take back what you said, rookie.” He snaps, glaring.
After a stumbling apology is given to you, Cody continues with his death stare, “I expect better from you. You will treat them and every other alien species with respect. Do I make myself clear?”
Very much not happy about this.
If one shiny said something like that to you, who else stereotypes twi’leks?
It’s not just about you, Cody really expects much better from the 212th.
If one person acts like a moron, it reflects badly on the 212th, General Kenobi and the GAR.
They are soldiers of the Republic in a very diverse galaxy. 
However, he’ll turn his attention back to you and grab your hand.
“I’ll make sure that never happens again, I promise.” 
He’s incredibly sweet about it.
Instant shame.
This is how he used to sound!?
“Hey!” He’ll snap at the shiny, “Show some damn respect.”
In a way, he’s trying to compensate for his ignorance earlier in the war.
Before Ryloth, he used to throw around ‘tail-head’ all the time. Something he looks back at in shame.
It was Numa, and now you that made him realize how much of a bastard he used to be.
If the shiny persists, Boil will get up in his face, “Back off. Now.”
If something like this happens again, Boil will go to Cody.
Like the commander, Boil also expects better from the 212th
But also, he wants you to feel comfortable among his brothers.
“I’m sorry,” He won’t exactly look at you. He knows the shiny’s behavior isn’t his fault, but he can’t help but feel shame and embarrassment anyway.
A bit later, he’ll hold your hand and just admit, “I used to be like him. Ignorant and self-centered…I’m sorry.”
Boil loves you so dearly. He just wanted to be honest.
He respects however you react
Another one who feels shame.
Yea he didn’t throw around ‘tail-head’ or see twi’leks as lesser, but he stood by while others did.
After Ryloth and Numa, he doesn’t stand by anymore.
“Oh shut up!” He’ll snap, “Go throw yourself out of an airlock.”
Waxer is a learner. He’s learned more about your people. Your history. Your culture. 
He's also learned the stereotypes. Where they've come from.
So, he knows what the shiny is getting at by speaking to you.
this guy painted Numa on his helmet. He’s definitely not going to let anyone disrespect you in any way shape or form because of your species.
He won’t get physical, but he will threaten. 
Once the shiny is gone, he’ll put a hand on your cheek, “I’m sorry. I’ll knock some sense into him later, I promise.”
Coruscant Guard
Your Coruscant Guard lover was walking you home when someone grabbed your shoulder and turned you around. 
“Guard! Arrest this twi’lek thief! I know they stole my credits straight out of my pocket!” The pantoran woman yelled right in your face.
When you argued, she just yelled louder, “All twi’leks are conniving thieves! Give me back my credits!”
Of course you didn’t steal anything, but this pantoran seemed convinced that you did. All because you were twi’lek.
The headache was immediate.
“Ma’am, I assure you they haven't gone anywhere near you.”
He wants to defend you more staunchly, but he’s the commander of the CG.
There’s only so much he can do without risking reprimand.
If the pantoran persists, he’ll get rougher, but remain professional.
“Ma’am if you don’t walk away, I will arrest you for wasting Coruscant Guard resources.”
The best he can do, frankly.
This isn’t the first time he’s seen an innocent twi’lek be accused of a crime.
It happens more than he’d wish to admit.
Honestly, he hates it, but there's protocol in place and he's obligated to follow.
But he knows you're innocent. You were beside him the entire time.
Plus, he loves you. He’s not going to search you.
If she keeps giving you a hard time, Fox will step forward, “Last chance, I will throw you in a cell for the night if you don’t keep walking.”
Usually that works.
He’ll keep you close until you're safely home. He won’t talk about it if you don’t.
Though, he does end up telling the guard to be more mindful of random accusations against twi’leks.
“Oh here we go…”
He’s…not taking this woman seriously at all.
“I have seen no such thing. Please make a report to the police.” He’ll just deadpan before walking away.
Petty crime such as a pickpocket is 1-800-not-his-job.
He’ll drape an arm over your shoulder and pull you closer to him.
Like Fox, he’s seen people blame twi’leks solely based on stereotypes
And his response is always the same, “Either show me solid evidence or take it to the police.”
If you say this isn’t the first time, Thorn kinda squeezes your shoulder.
“Don’t worry, love.” He’ll whisper, “the boys and I won’t let anyone accuse you of anything.”
He makes good on the promise. If anyone tries to give you a hard time for being twi’lek, there's usually a Coruscant Guard that steps in.
A partner to one of the Guard is well taken care of.
He’s going to look at the woman, then look at you, then look at Grizzer. 
He whistles once, and Grizzer licks your hand.
Grizzer just likes you, this isn’t any sort of actual search.
“They don’t have your credits. Move along or go to a police droid.” 
Since the massiff didn’t ‘find’ anything, the pantoran woman leaves you alone.
“Happen often?” Hound is going to ask you quietly when the two of you start walking again.
When you nod, he doesn’t respond. 
Like the rest of the guard, he knows your people often get falsely accused of crimes.
Having a massiff with a good sense of smell makes it quick and easy to find out if they actually committed the alleged crime.
More often than not, the falsely accused is innocent.
But he knows he can’t be with you all the time. You have your own jobs to do.
One minor fear of his is you getting accused and then thrown into a cell.
All because you are twi’lek
He knows his brothers won’t do such a thing, but police droids aren’t so flexible or understanding.
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504py · 7 months
Yandere Prussia Relationship Headcanons
Gender neutral, no use of Y/N, NSFW, murder, kidnapping mention, stalking, long post ahead!
we're SO BACK JOE. i apologize in advance if i write him strangely 😭😭🙏 but here it is! come get y'all juice!! slowly coming back to hetalia, so my inbox is once again open!!! hope y'all like it!
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How the relationship started...
Gilbert is a very competitive man, and he can't help but be attracted by challenges, even if those challenges are ones that he himself proposes and the other party is completely unaware. This is what has unfortunately happened between you two, and it all started when you rejected his advances towards you.
I apologize for saying this, but I feel that Gilbert is a bit of a "nice guy". He saw you initially as just some pretty person he could fool around and flirt with, but you, obviously, saw right through his act, and said something that stuck with him.
"Are you normally this pathetic?"
He's taken aback, and his red irises shake a little.
Of course, he's used to insults being flung his way, what with how he acts, but a shot to how cool he perceives himself to be would stick.
His white brows crease his previously smirking face, before snapping back.
"Well fuck you too!"
Gilbert wouldn't have any contact with you following this interaction for a long while, and while he tries to forget you and erase you from his memory, you and your words have been laser-burnt into the creases of his brain. You and your damned smile when you look at anyone other than him, the softer tone your voice takes when you talk to other people, versus how your voice seems to have been drained of all enthusiasm and feels like it's a knife dripping with venom when Gilbert talks to you. Why didn't he deserve that nice treatment, too? Was he not even deserving of a small smile from you? He wants you to like him, too. He wants to be the person you like the most; to be the best.
Which resulted in him showing up at your door one evening with flowers and your favorite takeout.
Why does he know your address and why does he know your favorite food and flowers, you ask? Don't worry about it (He was obsessively stalking your social media during the month he was gone).
Gilbert apologizes to you, he sounds sincere, and like the oh-so kind person you are, or maybe you just wanted the food and flowers, you let him into your home.
Gilbert is a very insecure man. His only expectation is for you to look at only him and to love him only. Perhaps he wants you to love him the same way he loves you, obsessively, but he does like the challenge.
He feels like, maybe, if he can fully prove himself to you one day and have your validation, only then can he truly see himself as worthy, as the best for you.
He would have a lot of tunnel vision when it comes to you. To Gilbert, the rest of the world doesn't matter, because you are his whole world. He does tend to look pretty stupid because of it sometimes, but he couldn't care less.
You want him to cook and clean around the house? He'll do it.
You want him to change up his style even if he doesn't really like it? Of course he will!
You want him to carry all the bags while you're out shopping? In a heartbeat. Plus, he gets to show off his strength too. He'd carry you too if you allowed it.
Even if he tries his best not to come off as cocky, he really does like showing off. Being with you has sort of domesticated him, so he'd be a lot more shy about making a show of himself.
I think he'd act like this irregardless on if you accepted him as your boyfriend or not, if anything, I think he'd be even more of a doormat if you refuse to accept him.
He'd get crazier and crazier with his attempts to prove himself to you, such as buying extravagant gifts, doing anything and everything under the sun and moon for you, hell, he'd even legally change his name if you didn't like it.
If you still don't accept him despite everything he's done, I think he'd snap and just take you. He'll keep you with him so you won't run away and he can have as many attempts as it takes to prove himself to you.
But I imagine you'd cave from the guilt and persistence, and eventually accept him. At which, he'd literally scream from relief and happiness and swing you around, before realizing how rough he's being with you and hurriedly putting you back down and apologizing.
Yet he still has that wide toothy grin the whole time, and he keeps petting your hair and holding your face in his hands adoringly. It feels that, from that moment on, there would never be a moment where he'd be unhappy ever again, and he'd never allow you to be unhappy either as long as he's around.
It is genuinely very hard to make this Gilbert upset, because there are very few things that do...
Gilbert really hates it when you express any sort of affection towards anyone or anything other than him.
Yes, anything. He gets jealous if you show too much affection over his dogs or fawn over them too much. I'm seriously saying this, I think he'd later show up with a collar around his neck, crawling on the ground and rubbing his head against your thigh like a mutt. This could either come off as comedic or attractive depending on you, but either is a win in Gilbert's book, since at least he's got your attention now.
If you have any personal toys of your own, he'd get kinda emotional and ask you to throw them away, then ask what they do that he can't. In some time (and by that I mean later that night, maybe even right away), he'd prove that he can provide you with so much more pleasure and relief than those toys ever could.
Probably even to a fault, he'd keep overstimulating you and forcing orgasms till he was satisfied, till he believed that it was drilled into your brain that only he could do these sorts of things to you. And, also, that if you make him jealous like this again, it'll be another one of these long, torturous, sweaty nights...
I guess these aren't really punishments to a lot of people, because in my book only one thing could make him so genuinely upset that he'd be anything other than doting towards you, and that would be flirting with someone else. He'd try to deny it, but then he'd be inconsolable and crying for weeks, having nights where he'd be begging you to say that it never happened, or that the other person meant nothing to you.
"They r-really mean nothing to you? You mean it, babe?"
Then an idea pops into Gilbert's head, one that makes his heart rate pick up and his pupils dilate.
He kisses you, says that he loves you, says goodnight, then he'd be eerily... calm for the next few days. Usually he'd be more skittish and closed-off following whatever you did, but now he's acting like nothing ever happened.
Until one day, he shows up with that other person, bound and gagged, and a gun.
"G-Gil, what is thi-"
"They mean nothing to you, right?"
"Y-Yes, but-"
Then the gun fires, and it happens so quickly that you can barely process it.
This is only a hypothetical scenario, if you were ever to do something like that. It'd be really easy for Gilbert to slip into a psychosis and believe he was doing the right thing by murdering someone.
If anything, he sees it as another means of proving himself.
"There's no one else who would kill for you like I could."
All in all, he isn't easy to anger, but unfortunately I can't say the same thing about him and murder...
Luckily, as long as you're fully loyal to him, all you'd have is a boyfriend who is doting to a total fault.
As long as you've got a good tolerance for cringe, being with Gilbert should be relatively stress-free.
Gilbert's love languages are words of affirmation and physical touch. You could imagine what the two combined would be... Yeah, he's got a huge praise kink.
But as for ways he shows his love towards you, it's definitely acts of service and gift giving. He lilkes gloating a lot, and that's especially true when it comes to the two of you.
He enjoys showing you off. He likes buying gaudy things for you and himself– a huge fan of matching outfits– and taking you out on flashy dates. If you're comfortable with being posted on his social media, best believe he'd be spamming his with you ALL the time. Even if you're not being physically being shown, he'd write about you in his tweets, captions, and stories constantly.
And around twenty-eight people respond like "Didn't you just get them one the other day??"
If you're one to hop between interests and hobbies a lot, or just have any hyperfixations in general, best believe Gilbert will be fueling them LOL.
Gilbert can be really overbearing with his affections, but to him it's just because you deserve it so much. Only the best for the best, right?
He can't help it either, the most rewarding thing he's ever felt is that feeling he gets after he gives you a gift or does something for you. You get this adorable look on your face, smiling at him like he was the stars in the sky and singing out the sweetest compliments and thanks. It's all so worth it.
Normally I'd delve into what Gilbert would love to receive from his partner in return, but in all seriousness, I really do think all he wants is praise and your sole affection.
Like Alfred in my last headcanon post, Gilbert is really noisy, but I think he'd willingly make an effort to change that for you. Not because you asked for it or anything, but just cause, this way, he can appreciate all the tiny little things about you even more.
He realized this, when, one day, he noticed you frown a little before you smile. He wonders why he's never noticed this, and he realizes it's because he closes his eyes right when he starts to laugh. He starts to wonder what other little details about you he's missing out on, so he watches you more carefully in that effort.
Inadvertently, this has made him more calm and quiet since he's so concentrated on you. He likes it, though.
I think, what punctuates Gilbert's character here, is his willingness to change and bend for love's sake.
He does say he loves you very often, to the point of it being annoying sometimes, but he sincerely does mean it. He doesn't say it as just fluff.
However, you'll feel it most with the way he looks at you.
"You have a mole on your back. Did you know that, babe?"
(art used is mine, so please do show it some love on my blog as well! thinking of starting a taglist?)
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sh1-n0bu · 1 year
Omg hello fellow lumine main!
I don't know if you watched the recent Xiao teaser but i got inspired by it so if it's okay with you can you write an angsty scenario about this:
After fighting with the "evil" Xiao, Xiao feels extremely tired and after walking for a while he bumps into you in a deserted field he then confuses/ hallucinates as if you are his evil self so he starts choking you(?) tries to attack you(?) And no matter what you say your words doesn't reach his ears and he snaps out of it only when Zhongli calls his name when he happened to be passing by
Hope this is not too specific! Feel free to change any part that you don't like and it could end with whatever genre you want whether it's angst or angst with fluff!! Thank you and please ignore this if you don't feel like writing it<33
✿ 𝙠𝙖𝙧𝙢𝙖 ✿
characters: xiao x nb!reader
warnings: angst, slight spoilers to xiao’s backstory, hurt/no comfort, fighting, descriptions of blood and canon violence, confession, big ouchies, major character death
notes: just wanna add that the reader doesn’t have a vision! since you didn’t specify the reader’s gender, i went with the “you” pronouns thing. also hiii❗️fellow lumine main❗️(ps: i wanted it to be different but my mitski’s playlist hurt me)
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karmic debt is something that all yakshas bear in their lifetime until their timely demise. it is a collection of their evil deeds, of slaying demons, of taking the life of a corrupted being. of tainting one’s hand with blood whether that blood was already tainted or not.
out of five yakshas that guarded liyue and kept the land of any evil, three had died. minds corrupted by their own karmic debts, hearts shattered by the ones they once used to call a family, bodies torn apart, leaving behind only ashes with nothing to bury and reminisce about in the future. while one had disappeared without a trace.
out of five, only one remains.
and that one would sooner or later fall into his own karmic debt as well. it was only a matter of time. however, there was a small glimmer of hope in the yaksha’s tainted heart. a small glimmer in the shape of you.
sweet, loving you in all your glory who first met the legend of a being when he protected you from a mitachurl. kind, gentle you who thanked him later at the wangshu inn with a plate of hand-made almond tofu with a small offering at the side. thoughtful you who kept appearing every once in a while at the balcony, talking out loud to him about your day, your latest travels and business trades, knowing full well he was listening.
passionate you who gleefully accepted him with open arms when he first decided to sit beside you to hear about your day. understanding you who kept your distance when he warned you of his karmic debt, respectful of his wishes.
and the idiotic clumsy you who would sometimes trip over on the way up the stairs. who would smile at him with the same smile, calling out his name with a scratched hand or forehead. who would brush it off as something small and mediocre.
but the yaksha hated that you would always say your injuries are mediocre and “nothing to worry about”.
of course he would worry. you were one of the few people in his life that he held dear in his heart. one of the few who accepted him, karmic debt, dirty hands, tainted heart and all. the only one… he ended up falling in love with.
“if one day, this karmic debt that binds my soul becomes too much and i no longer can tell the difference between friend or a foe, call upon mister zhongli or the traveler. they’ll get rid of me before i can harm anyone” was something that the lonely yaksha would remind you often.
“it’s fine. that won’t ever happen” you would console him, hands weaving a flower crown together from the qingxin flowers he picked up for you.
“because i’ll be there to knock some sense into you” was your sweet promise as you would place the flower crown atop his head with a smile.
he always found it meaningless that you would weave the flowers into something as useless as a flower crown. but he couldn’t bring himself to ever take it off or throw it away, even after the flowers have dried up and he would pick up the fallen petals, storing them in a glass. he loved how even in death, without nourishments, the petals would continue to keep their beauty.
perhaps that’s why he always brought you flower bouquets back. ones made from random flowers. sweet flowers, glaze lilies, qingxin, silk flowers — he always brings back a flower for you whenever you visit. and on certain days when he feels an odd emotion gripping his heart, unable to tear his gaze away from you as you look at the setting sun, his gloved hand would slowly reach out, tucking one of the flowers behind your ear.
“pretty…” the lonely immortal would whisper without notice. only when you glance at him with a smile, would the yaksha realize what he had done, turn beet red and teleport away. too shy to confront his feelings, too conflicted to stay beside you, too afraid of your mortality.
there are so many times when xiao fears for your mortality.
the times when he feels his karma gripping his heart. hand clutching his jade spear tight to the point he fears he would break the weapon. blurry figures in his sight, muffled voices in his ears, an annoying high pitched ringing in his head.
it was just supposed to be another night. another night of keeping liyue safe. another night of banishing demons and abyss mages, mitachurls, what nots.
and yet it drained him so greatly. when was the last time he had ever felt this exhausted? down right almost collapsing right then and there in the fields of liyue? muscles straining, dragging his feet, vision blurry — the yaksha was exhausted.
amidst the chaos of the voices screeching in his head, demanding more blood, more death and sacrifices, xiao finds himself staring back at a familiar mask. his own mask. himself. or what kind of a twisted joke of himself it was.
their speed was evenly matched. spear swings and thrusts sharp, aimed at his weakest parts, the same feeling of adrenaline pumping as he fights against his own self. with some sort of blind luck or fate, the yaksha manages to make his other self kneel. a single plummet of his jade spear to the heart was all it took for the illusion to disappear.
this was a tiring night. xiao just wanted to go back to wangshu inn and collapse in your arms. you always had a soothing presence that quelled the karma in him.
“xiao?” a voice sounds from behind him. turning back to look at the person who spoke the immortal’s name, he finds himself growing enraged. another look alike of himself.
this was getting tiring.
and yet when the yaksha slipped on his mask and attacked, something was weird. this illusion was slower, weaker, never attacking back and he would almost daresay, felt wrong to fight against.
it didn’t took long for the seasoned fighter to leave a nasty cut on the illusion’s side, almost plunging his spear through their ribcage. he’d just have to try a bit harder then.
xiao wanted nothing more than to go back to you. to feel your arms around him. to feel your hands run through his hair, rambling on about your day or just simply choosing to stay quiet. either way, the lonely immortal loved it. he wanted to go back to you. to your loving embrace. sweet smiles. little nods when he whispered about somethings he wanted.
xiao just wanted to be with you.
just your presence alone was enough for him. he would savor the warmth your skin excludes as he sits beside you on the balcony. cherish every little moment you would spend with him. treasure the small gifts and the almond tofu you would make for him.
and yet why was it that such a familiar hand was touching his own gloved one when he finally drove his jade spear through the illusion’s chest.
it was only then the illuminated bird noticed.
there was no second ‘illusion’. there was no need to fight against the voice that called out to him. for it was you. for it was the one person he cherished the most. for it was his beloved that was now bleeding out, blood tainting the tips of his spear, warm hand covering his own gloved one. warmth that was so quickly fading away.
his beloved… that he killed.
taking his spear out, xiao moved quickly to catch your falling body. the warmth that your hug gives him, the comfort he feels now being replaced by the warmth of your blood.
“no. no no no no, h-hang on. i’ll get you to liyue harbor” what was he saying? it was no use. he had already pierced your heart straight through, there was no hope for you. but xiao wanted there to be one. xiao wanted you to stay alive so he can confess to you. xiao wanted you to live, wanted to taste your hand made almond tofu again, wanted to put flowers in your hair.
xiao wanted to spend his tomorrows with you.
“don’t. we both know i won’t make it” your voice calls out. weak, hoarse, tired. you were bleeding. eyes dull, losing life, losing it’s shine. you were dying and it was all his fault.
“please… please don’t go” the yaksha didn’t knew he was crying until his tears landed on your face. even when bleeding out, even when dying, you still smiled. and by the archons, you were still beautiful even as you lay dying in his arms.
“please don’t go. i love you too much to let you go…” the yaksha sniffled, sobs coming out as he holds you in his arms.
it was just like how you two would lay on the rooftops of wangshu inn. watching the stars, the cloud move by, pointing out the shapes as you two enjoy each other’s presence.
except the warmth that came from your body was now the warmth of your blood gushing out, staining his clothes. the smile you used to give him now dead, stoic, almost like a puppet’s forced smile. the bright shine of life that was once in your perfect [color], dull like a matted blood.
“i wanted to spend my tomorrows with you…”
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theamberfist · 3 months
Like Father, Like Child | Part 3 | Alastor x Exorcist! Reader
Familial! Alastor + Exorcist! Adopted Child! Reader
(Notes: CW Alastor, mentions of murder, fallen angels) (gender neutral reader) (reader is Alastor's adopted child from when they were alive) (Part 3 of Like Father, Like Child)
Part 1, Part 2
❀ We've got a song in this one! (Sometimes I like to write in songs I find if they fit the scene since Hazbin Hotel is a musical after all!) ❀
Words: 3,687
"...Vox?" Velvette's voice finally called out, breaking the silence that had been enveloping the room. In front of her, the TV demon sat staring at the screen and panting heavily; almost like he'd just run a marathon that he'd been severely unprepared for. "You alright...?" When her companion didn't answer, she exchanged a glance with Valentino, who simply shrugged as if this wasn't her problem too.
Velvette rolled her eyes, leaning forward to gently touch Vox's shoulder in an attempt to wake him from whatever trance he'd gone into while watching the battle on TV. The second her hand made contact with him, he seemed to finally snap out of it with a start.
"Vox?" The fashionable overlord asked with a bit of concern in her voice. To her surprise and slight relief, the man demon with the TV head began laughing. It started quietly at first but as time went on, the sound got louder and louder, progressing into full-on cackles as he finally leaned back and cast his gaze upward. His laughter could probably heard from all the way down the hall as he brought a hand up to his head. Had he had any hair, he likely would have been running his fingers through it manically. 
Finally, the laughter subsided and he breathed a long, deep gasp. "Fuck, that was a show!" He exclaimed excitedly. The other two overlords watched him with interest, but also a bit of concern. 
"Who...Knew?" Vox finally asked as slowly stood from his chair and headed closer to the TV, which was paused on an image of Alastor and you right before you melted away into the shadows. "Who knew the great Radio Demon actually had something he cared about?"
"And an exorcist, too." Val added as he blew another puff from his cigarette. "I wouldn't have expected him to know anyone from heaven."
"If they're an exorcist then they're probably just as sick in the head as he is." Velvette said, returning to her phone now to post on her story, "Interesting how he seemed to defend them though, wasn't it?" 
"What the hell was that?!" Vox asked suddenly, putting a hand to the TV screen, "They were supposed to be fighting against the angels and then he just goes and saves one of them? What are they, friends or something?" 
"Don't get too jealous..." Velvette mumbled under her breath so that Vox didn't hear it. 
"He probably thinks he can use them for something," Valentino shrugged. It would be idiotic for Alastor to even try that, though; everyone knew the angels would never work alongside demons for anything, and especially not the exorcists. Unless, of course, the two of you had some kind of personal relation no one knew about. 
Vox laughed again, turning around to face his two companions. When his laughter died out he finally breathed in once more. "We can use this." 
"Can we?" Velvette asked, mostly uninterested in the idea. She and Val really didn't have the same beef with Alastor that their co-worker did and she'd always preferred to stay uninvolved with it. 
"If Alastor of all people cares enough to save them," Vox paused, an insane look on his face, "An exorcist, what will everyone think when they find out?"
"That he's lost his fucking mind, which we already knew?" Velvette suggested. 
"That he's gone soft." Vox replied, placing his hands behind his back and turning away as he headed for the next room over, "They'll finally see him for what he really is; a coward. The Radio Demon will lose his relevance, become a thing of the past, and we'll finally rise above like we were always meant to!" His plans were beginning to go off the rails now but no one wanted to stop him. "Mark my words; this time tomorrow, the V's will be the only overlords worth mentioning." His gaze darkened as he finished the sentence and walked out the door, slamming it shut dramatically behind him. 
"Does this mean we're not watching the rest?" Velvette called now that he was gone. She'd been looking forward to see the hotel residents cry after the loss of their home, as well as the broadcast that was supposed to come after it showcasing the full losses of the extermination. 
"Record it!" Vox shouted back and the fashionista overlord groaned but grabbed the remote to set it to record nonetheless. 
You awoke to the sound of quiet jazz music playing somewhere nearby. At first, you thought your alarm had been changed. Today was the day of the extermination and, given the very detailed dream you'd had last night, you weren't looking forward to going down to hell at all. 
You knew Molly would come by your room like she'd done in your dream if you didn't wake up soon, but at the same time, you were just so tired. You didn't want to get out of your bed, which, you had to admit, was significantly less comfortable than you remembered. It was warm enough though, and you tugged the covers further up your body; in denial about your responsibilities for the day. 
At least the music coming from your alarm was nice. You'd always liked jazz; it reminded you of the kind of music that had been popular when you were alive; the kind you'd always listened to with your dad. 
...Your dad. Right; you didn't often allow yourself to think about the man. But he'd been in your dream last night, hadn't he? You thought back to the events, which were becoming significantly less blurry now. You'd gone to hell, seen him again, refused to kill him, and then been expelled from heaven...
Suddenly, your eyes shot open and you sat up straight; ignoring the dizziness in your head as you did so. 
"Ah, you're finally awake!" You froze. Yep, that had definitely not been a dream. You would recognize the voice of your father anywhere, but right now, it felt impossible to call that unfortunate. 
Finally, you turned to see the red deer-like demon standing to your left next to the bed you were currently laying in. He wore the same signature smile you knew so well; the one your dad had always wore.
But even as he stood in front of you now; his horrible past-actions clear from the fact that he was a sinner; you still somehow couldn't find it within yourself to denounce him as your father. He'd raised you, and like it or not, he'd also saved you yesterday.
That just didn't mean you had to forgive him immediately. 
"Where am I?" You asked, a hint of fear in your voice as you looked around the foreign room. The last thing you remembered before passing out was Adam ripping your wings off and stabbing you in the eye.
Speaking of, you reached up to your eye now, feeling that it had been heavily bandaged and probably cleaned as well. Shifting where you sat, you could also feel more bandages placed on your back where you'd lost your wings and anywhere else you might have been injured. They had no doubt been the work of the sinner before you, and you weren't sure whether to feel touched by that or angered. 
"Why, the Hazbin Hotel, of course!" Alastor replied as he set a glass of water you hadn't realized he had on the table next to your bed. "I know the owner quite well, and I managed to get you one of our better rooms!" It seemed like he expected you to be thankful, but instead, you met him with a look of confusion. Still, that didn't break his demeanor. "Of course, I'd do anything for you, my dear!" 
Slowly, you nodded, pushing yourself up straighter in the bed. You'd heard about this hotel from Adam's many rants; he'd been particularly angry about its existence after Charlie had come to heaven to attend angelic court, which you weren't present for. However, you'd never expected your dad, of all people, to be a part of some kind of rehabilitation center. 
"And...The rest of the angels?" You managed finally, unsure of what else to ask. No matter how many questions you for your dad, it seemed you couldn't manage to get them out right now. 
"Oh, they're long gone!" Alastor replied as he took a seat at the end of your bed and adjusted his bow-tie casually. "So it appears you'll be stuck here in hell for quite a while! What a shame." When he said the last part, though, he sounded anything but disappointed about it. 
You took a second to process that. Of course, you'd expected the other exorcists to leave you behind if something went wrong, but even though the job had never been your first choice, it was still...shocking to know that you really had fallen from heaven while doing it. Alastor seemed to notice your shock because his smile widened and he continued. 
"Not to worry though, my dear! You're welcome to stay here at the hotel for as long as you need!" You weren't sure how to respond to that. Did you want to stay here? You didn't have much other option, but at the same time, that feeling of betrayal that came over you after your dad's death still hadn't gone away. 
"I..." You weren't sure what to say, "Does the hotel owner know I'm..." You trailed off.
"An angel?" Alastor questioned, "Why, of course! How else do you think I explained your sudden arrival here? And it seemed our own fallen-angel resident recognized you too." At that, you perked up. Fallen angel? Did he mean Vaggie? Was this where she had ended up after being kicked out of heaven?
That wasn't what you were getting at though. "No, do they know you're..." You couldn't say it; not after all this time.
"The Radio Demon?" Alastor replied, though he knew exactly what you were referring to, "Why, of course! With a reputation like my own, it's hard for anyone down here not to know!" 
"No-" You started again, only for Alastor to interrupt you once more by gently taking your arm and pulling you up off the bed. 
"Now, I know we have quite a bit of catching up to do but it seems the rest of the hotel residents would love to meet you!" He explained as he pulled you along towards the door. Unsure of what else to do, you followed him out into the hotel, glancing down at your still-tattered exorcist uniform. 'What a way to make a first impression...' You thought. 
Luckily, Alastor seemed to notice this concern of yours too because he suddenly stopped. "Right, I suppose we can't have you looking a mess when you meet the other guests!" He decided, snapping his fingers and instantly making your clothes shift into a completely different outfit. It seemed to be modeled after what you'd worn back when you were alive; your favorite outfit, actually. You were surprised he still remembered which one you'd liked best. 
"There we are!" he spoke, gesturing for you to follow him down the hall. 
"Thanks..." You said quietly.
"Why, of course!" The Radio Demon replied, opening the door to what you assumed was to be the main lobby, "Now, prepare to meet the pathetic, hopeless sinners that are trying to redeem themselves." With that, he stepped through the door and you followed behind him. 
The second you entered the room, streamers and balloons were tossed your way, momentarily blocking your view. 
"Surprise!" A high-pitched voice shouted; accompanied by a few others. There was a brief moment of silence as you wiped confetti out of your face before you finally looked up to see a group of people gathered in the lobby. There was a tall girl with blonde hair and rosy red cheeks, a similar looking but much-shorter man, a tall spider-like demon with pink dots and heart shapes on his head, some sort of cat with wings, a tiny cyclops girl, and a girl you recognized very well who immediately looked away from your gaze. 
Above them was a huge banner that read 'welcome to the Hazbin Hotel!' You wondered how long you'd been out if they'd had this much time to prepare for your arrival. 
"Welcome to the hotel!" The tall blonde girl finally said, taking a step forward from the rest of the group, "I'm Charlie, the owner, and you already met Alastor." She gestured to your dad, who simply stood off to the side with a smug smile.
"Well, I would hope so-" You began, only for him to cut you off.
"It would appear so!" He exclaimed, "Now, why don't the rest of you introduce yourselves to our new guest? After all, you wouldn't want to be rude!" Something in his tone made them all shiver but when you looked back at him, he wore the same smile as always. It was creepy, sure, but it was no different than his usual demeanor. 
Still, the rest of the group came forward, introducing themselves one by one. The shorter man was Lucifer, the king of hell himself because of course he was here, and then there was Angel Dust, who made you slightly uncomfortable, Husk, whom you guessed worked for your dad based on their dynamic, Nifty, who honestly scared you but seemed to like you enough, and finally, Vaggie. 
"Hey." She said when it was finally her turn for introductions. 
"So this is where you ended up after you disappeared?" You asked, feeling a little ashamed you hadn't realized it sooner. Adam had just told the rest of you she was gone and that she wasn't coming back. 
"Yeah..." She admitted, rubbing the back of her neck, "And now you're here too."
"I guess so." You smiled, feeling a little better now that you knew you weren't alone in this situation. Once introductions were done, Charlie immediately pulled you away for a tour of the hotel, which your dad oversaw.
Though, you beginning to realize no one here knew he was your dad. You weren't sure what he'd told them when he brought you back to the hotel, but it seemed he often did things without reason- or at least, without reasons they could understand- so they weren't questioning it. You considered bringing it up yourself, but based on the side-eyes Alastor kept giving you, decided against it.
If it became important later, you would tell them. But for now, your dad was unfortunately the only person you knew well enough to trust here, despite all he'd done. 
Finally, the tour came to an end and you collapsed on your couch, exhausted. Charlie had way too much energy for you but you liked how cheerful she was. Vaggie came over to sit by you; a sympathetic look on her face as Charlie went off to work on her 'lesson plans' for the next day. It seemed she really was the only person in this hotel that took redemption seriously, which didn't seem very promising for its success. 
Angel Dust came over now, plopping down on the other side of you on the couch and noticing your tired-out state. "Charlie already got you running around, huh?" He asked and you nodded. "Well, get used to it, toots. That'll pretty much be your whole life from now on." You sighed but if you were being honest, you didn't have much of a problem with that. Charlie was sweet and since you had Vaggie here, you couldn't help feeling a little more hopeful about your situation. Even with your dad here...
"Can ya turn on channel 6?" Angel asked now, glancing at Vaggie, who was closest to the remote. You looked up, not realizing there had been a TV earlier. When you'd died, they'd been growing in popularity, but hadn't quite taken off yet, so you weren't used to using them. 
"I don't think they should have to see whatever it is you're watching." Vaggie replied as she crossed her arms, making no move to grab the remote. 
"What? The season finale of 'Yeah I Fucked Your Sister. So What?' is on! It's nothing like that!" You, being new to hell, weren't sure what he was referring to but decided to help him out nonetheless.
"I'll do it!" You chirped, grabbing the TV remote and flipping to Angel's requested channel. A smile grew on his face and Vaggie glared back at him. 
"Thanks, kid." The spider demon nudged you as he got comfortable on the couch. You leaned back too, deciding to watch the show with him and see what it was all about.
As it turned out, Angel's favorite show was actually pretty interesting. There was just so much drama ensuing at every turn! Once you got into it, you didn't want to stop watching. It seemed fate had had other ideas, though, because just a few minutes into the episode, it was interrupted by a surprise broadcast from a news channel you'd never heard of. Vaggie seemed to recognize it though because her eyes narrowed.
"Vox..." She said, crossing her arms over her chest. You turned back to the TV with a frown, only for your eyes to widen when a picture of you showed up on the screen as he spoke. Not only that, but the things he was saying about you were...Less than flattering.
"Hey, first day in hell and you already made the news!" Angel spoke, nudging you. You couldn't take your eyes off the TV, though.
"Why would I be on the news...?" You asked. No one had answer; simply watching as the TV overlord continued to slander your name.
"Put this broadcast on every channel we have!" Vox barked to his assistant, who immediately scrambled to do as he said. 
"Sir, we have a few other programs set to run already-" He began, only to be cut off by the terrifying (in his opinion) overlord. 
"I don't care! You'd better make sure everyone in hell sees this news or I swear I will rip your intestines out of your body!" That was enough to make the other sinner get moving and Vox immediately went to plug himself into the broadcast system like he always did. He had a plan to not only ruin Alastor, but also lure him out of his little hiding place within the hotel for good.
If things went well, the Radio Demon would no longer be a problem after today. 
Vox set his broadcast so that it took place in a regular news setting, waiting for his assistant to cue him in. He knew one of the best ways to get through to the citizens of hell was through song- ironically- and so that was what he planned to do. His assistant signaled so he drew in a breath before beginning. 
"My good people of hell!" He spoke in that typical newscaster tone, "Are you aware that the last extermination left us with more than just confusion and a lack of dead bodies? Have you felt that there's been something amiss? Did you know an exorcist still walks among us right now?" He put extra emphasis on the last part and let a photo of you from during the extermination appear on the screen. It had no doubt gained the attention of anyone who was watching from the streets.
"Now is not the time to be complacent!" He told the cameras, "We should do something!" Then he changed the setting in an effort to keep everyone's attention. Now, he was among the crowd that always populated the bottom floor of the V's tower. 
"Something is lurking, something is near!" He sang, darting between people in the crowd, "Something is feeling stranger, stranger! Stirring up discord, whipping up fear! Whispering softly 'danger, danger!'" He pushed two people out of his way to step forward. 
"Outsiders creep up slow and steady, wings glistening, halos at the ready; think what they could do to the status quo!" He knew a photo of you was no doubt appearing on the screen as well and relished it. 
"Oh no!" His assistant chimed in for extra dramatics. The scene changed again so that they were now standing somewhere in Cannibal Town. 
"They're gonna steal, plunder, and pillage!" Vox announced to an old woman who looked very angry at the idea, "They're gonna take over the village!" The cannibals seemed to be foaming at the mouth with rage so he decided to use that. "Don't just sit on your butts and do nothing and wait; let's enter a blind, irrational state!" 
People began gathering around him; some of them from the cannibal colony and others from various other places in hell. He knew it his plan was working now; all he had to do was lead them to Alastor and you. 
"Better get nervous, better get tense!" He ordered the group following behind him down the street, "Better not let them catch you blinking!" He slid over to a group of people that had yet to join him. "You don't need a reason; ladies and gents! This is no time for sober thinking!" Seeing the look on their faces, he knew he'd convinced them too.
"Mob!" He announced.
"Mob?" One of the people following behind him questioned. 
"M-m-m-mob!" Vox confirmed.
"Mob? Mob?" The people repeated. 
"Angry angry mob!" Vox demanded, beginning to march down the street. Luckily, it seemed his powers as an overlord hadn't run out because the rest of the sinners followed with furious looks on their faces. 
"Mob, mob, m-m-m-mob!" They chanted, "Mob, mob! Angry angry!" 
"Sharpen your senses!" Vox ordered as they got within sight of the hotel now, "sharpen your tongues! Sharpen your moral indignation!" The more he sang, the more people seemed to join the mob behind him. "Gather in groups and ready your lungs! Holler with pent-up aggravation!"
"Mob, mob! M-m-m-mob!" The sinners behind him chanted, "Mob, mob! Angry angry! Mob, mob! M-m-m-mob! Mob, mob! Angry angry!"
Vox cackled as they reached the hotel now, ready to bang down the doors. This was going even better than he'd hoped; why hadn't he tried something like it sooner?
After all, sinners were so easy to control when they scared and confused.
Part 4
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cottagec0relover21 · 4 months
Ok so, the idea just popped in my mind and I RLLY need someone to write it LMAO
Your Chilchuck fics give me LIFE so you were me go to, no questions asked
Could I get Chilchuck with a reader (preferably male, but gender neutral is also ok!) who miscalculated the ammount of anxiety medication they had left and ended up running out in the middle of the dungeon? Reader is having a hard time with their anxiety ticks and one of the side effects of going a bit too long without them is his body starting to "shut down" and become slightly like a ragdoll. Reader is still talkative and behaves as normal besides their head going to the side aggressively, flopping to the side and body parts just going all weak when they sit, flopping legit like a ragdoll (this os very self indulgent and has happened to me once, it is not good to say the least LMAO)
I completely understand if this makes you uncomfortable to write! And if so, a reader with severe generalized anxiety would work in the place of this request!
Hii! I'm sorry if this took too long ;-; since I have generalized anxiety and therefore I'm more knowledgeable about that subject, I'll write for a reader with severe generalized anxiety. I don't want to fuck up the other option with the ticks and such, because I don't know about the condition and I don't want to offend anyone. So hopefully this is okay!! love y'all thanks for being patient!
(Also changing my POV today) I'm so glad you love the way I write, it means the world to know that💗
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"A Comforting Half-ling"
[Chilchuck Tims x gn!reader]
Warnings: none - fluff
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Your hands were sweaty. You had been fidgeting with your fingers for a while, feeling a pit at the bottom of your stomach that made you even more anxious that you already were. The slight pang of pain in the chest that came from time to time the more you thought about the problem at hand bothering you as you sat on the corner of one of the rooms of the dungeon that the group had stopped by. Why were you so anxious? Simple. There was another party in that same room, and the rest of the group had decided to be all social and chat for a bit as they sat down to take a break from walking around.
Gosh I must look really weird sitting alone in this corner. I think they didn't hear me when I said "hi." What if they think I'm an asshole? Or a weirdo? Or a weird asshole?! you thought, looking around the room.
—Oh yeah, and that one there is (y/n), they're kinda shy— you jumped, your head snapping back to stare at the middle of the room as Laios pointed a finger back at you. Everyone's eyes were on you. Never had you wanted earth to swallow you whole and never come back so desperately before.
As the conversation resumed, the half-foot's eyes stayed on you, a curious and worried expression on his face as he watched you fidget with your hands.
He excused himself softly and walked up to them.
—Hey, why don't you come with me for a second? I need your help with something— Chilchuck pointed to the door, and your feet hurried to stand up and get out of the room as quickly as possible. Once outside that room, and away from the hearing range of the others, he sat against the wall, patting the space beside him.— What's got you so jumpy?— he looks at you, genuine curiosity in his voice.
Looking at him, you wonder if it's okay to admit out loud how anxious you were about, not just talking to people, but almost anything that had to do with being in public.— You're always behind us when we encounter other parties, and you don't seem to want to be there. I'm starting to think you're not just "shy"— Chilchuck called you out.
Beginning to explain to him how you were always on edge around people wasn't the easiest task. Admitting that, you were afraid of not being seen as capable, but being seen as a bother or even a burden ate you up every second of your life to Chilchuck was hard but worth it, because now you had someone that understood you better than any of the rest of the group. Everyone gets a little anxious at times, but you were a little extra anxious about everything.
Sitting cross-legged and now intently staring at you as you finished your through explanation of how you felt almost all the time, Chilchuck sighed and placed a comforting hand over your shoulder.— I'm really sorry you have to feel like that. I get anxious for five minutes and I hate it, so you being on edge all the damn time must suck— he offered a sympathetic apology, understanding you easily.— Whenever you feel like that, just... uh– try and tell me, or nudge me, whatever works best for you— he smiles softly, and the look on your face makes him huff softly in embarrassment and look away, retrieving his hand from your shoulder. When you give a soft laugh at his reaction he starts protesting and huffing at you, although we all know he wasn't seriously that upset.
When you hug him, however, he falls silent and sighs, taking a moment to return your embrace.
From then on Chilchuck tries his best to comfort you and help you everytime he notices you feeling anxious.
You need to buy something but can't because you're afraid of taking too long and upsetting the line behind you? He'll go with you and hold your hand. Maybe you're afraid of the guy at the stall, selling whatever it is you want to buy. Don't worry, he'll talk for you when you get nervous and start to stutter. Or even if you don't even want to talk at all.
Afraid someone is judging you? He's jokingly rolling his sleeves up and asking "Who? Who is it? Point at them and they'll never see what got them!" (They won't but that's because he's small and he kicks their knee from behind)
If you feel like everyone is judging you, though, he holds your hand and guides you away into a corridor/hallway where it's less crowded
Ever start hyperventilating? The first time he'll panic, and he'll struggle to find the words and actions to properly help you calm down. But it doesn't take him long before he has it memorized.
You're basically the only one on the group who's got Chikchuck breaking his rules about innerparty relationships, because he's grown very close and attached to you.
You're such an amazing person, you shouldn't have to struggle like this.
He gets very happy for you when you manage to do something that makes you anxious on your own. Maybe you spoke up to a whole group of people completely alone, or maybe you went and bought something that you really wanted without struggling at all.
When that happens he's sure to give you a smile and a thumbs up or a pat on your leg (you're taller than him, don't tease him about it or he'll get all red in the face and start mumbling to himself)
Overall, Chilchuck would understand you and try to help. He struggles, and sometimes you might think you're being a bother for him, but he makes sure to tell you that "no, you're not a burden nor a bother. I'm simply... not used to comforting people that often."
+ romantic established relationship headcannons
If you tell him that having him by your side is comforting, even in the slightest, he'll cough and look away, hiding his growing embarrassment.
If you ask to borrow something of his to comfort you, he's scrambling all over his words but eventually giving said item to you gladly.
You hide your face in his scarf after wrapping it around your neck and softly inhale his scent— Ah... you smell so nice. And the scarf is so warm— so is his face. A beautiful tomato red all over his cheeks and ears as he looks at you, genuinely feeling better just by borrowing his scarf.
Or maybe you borrow his gloves (if they fit) and put them on.— Okay... but why my gloves?— he asks curiously, waiting an eyebrow as he looks up at you.
You smile, wiggling your fingers after putting the gloves on— Makes me feel like I'm holding your hand— he falls silent, and he opens his mouth to speak, but the only thing that comes out is a flustered exhale as he turns around and walks away from you as he mumbles a "you're unbelievably.... cute" that you're sure he didn't mean for you to hear.
A few minutes later he'll return by your side as you're walking and extend his hand up, looking ahead— You can just hold my damn hand, you know?— he mumbles, and you notice how his cheeks tint with red once again.
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thissharktypes · 1 year
Can u do a wolf!Klaus mikaelson x reader. Sex
They are in a relationship.
They have done this before .
Contains- jealous sex, angry sex , in wolf form spanking , hair pulling, choking, bj .
Spanking and bj in human his human form.
Not comfortable,do not do it .
No pressure
//as I said in my pinned requesting post, I don’t do any human x creature smut content unless there is a way to consent or communicate. Since Klaus does fully turn into a wolf in the series it's not possible for him to do either so I did the best I could, I hope you like it! :).//
Gender not specified, written as neutral as I could
“Oh my GOD!” you shout, slamming the door open “I can’t keep doing this with you!” your boyfriend glares at the back of your head “Do what darling?” he replies angrily “Allow men to fawn over you in front of me?” you bang your forehead against the wall, trying to keep your calm “He literally just said he liked my nail polish.” you turn to face him “Klaus, you wig out anytime anyone even breathes the same air as me, It’s not healthy.” his jaw tightens and he refuses to make eye contact “Nobody else deserves to look at you let alone speak to you.” your eyes roll back so hard you swear you pull a muscle “I appreciate how much you love me, I really do,” you cup his face and he practically melts into you “But you have to admit, almost stabbing someone with a fork because they liked my nails is a bit too much.” he growls, his hands sliding around your waist “Nothing is too much, You’re mine.” his eyes darken and your breath hitches “Klaus, you can’t just fuck me until I’m not upset.” he smirks “Want to bet, love?”
You blink and your back is pressed to the wall, his lips pressing against every exposed bit of skin he could find. Your back arches as he fists your hair, pulling your head to the side, hardly biting and sucking on your throat, leaving purple and red marks behind “I’ll cover you in marks if I have to, make sure everyone can see who you belong to.” you whimper, nodding “So obedient all the sudden.” Klaus whispers teasingly “I will claim you on every surface in the house until the only thought you have is of me.”. Everything is a blur of lust, your legs wrapped around his waist, one of his hands tightly gripping your throat the other wrapped around your thigh, keeping you firmly in place as he grinds against you. 
You yank your shirt over your head, desperate for your boyfriend to mark more of your skin. He doesn’t even bother to unbutton your pants, just ripping them in half, leaving a pile of shredded clothing at your feet. He thumbs open his own button, the zipper sliding down on its own from the presser of his hardened cock behind it “Please,” you beg, rutting your hips against him “Want you inside.” you can barely choke out a full sentence, your head swimming with need. He obliges, his tip brushing against you teasingly “Who do you belong to love?” he growls into your ear “You, Klaus, Only you.” he slams into you, bottoming out in the first thrust, the delicious slice of pain making your back arch. He changes positions, now having you pressed under him on the floor, his hips snapping into yours.
Klaus relishes in the pretty little noises he pulls from you, but he wants more. Again, he shifts your body, moving you to your knees, your ass pressed against his hips “Look at that, so beautiful.” his hand comes down on your cheek sharply, feelinging you tighten around him as you yelp, a red handprint already blossoming on your skin.
He pulls you up, back to his chest, hand clamped firmly around your throat, fucking into you with all the pent up frustration from earlier “Yes! Don’t stop!” another slap against your ass sends you reeling, your nails digging into his thigh “Don’t you dare cum without permission.” you whine at his words, knowing he’ll string you along until you could barely hold on. His hands continue their abuse on your cheeks and throat, surely leaving handprints on both. Klaus continues his bruising pace, your stomach clenching  “Please…” you sound downright pathetic “Taking me so well, absolutely perfect,” he nips at your earlobe and you jerk slightly, your legs shaking violently “Cum for me.” you do, going completely limp in his arms as he slowly pulls out “Tsk, not tapping out already are we?” you shake your head, weakly shifting to face him, he grips your jaw “Open.” your lips part and he grins. Klaus takes a handful of your hair and leads you to his cock, your tongue tracing the soft veins.
His grip tightens and he slides into your mouth, watching as your eyes water “You look so beautiful choking on me.” His voice is soft as he swipes his thumb across your cheek, the moment of sweetness quickly passes as he grinds into your mouth, tipping his head back in pleasure. Your scalp stings as he assaults your throat, cheeks flushed with arousal as you look up at your lover, his eyebrows furrowed and his lip taken between his teeth. His hips stutter and his hands yank harder on your hair as his seed fills your mouth. You pull away, both of you panting. “I love you.” he says and presses a kiss to your forehead. He combs through your hair, undoing any tangles he caused before picking you up and carrying you towards your shared bedroom.
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simp4konig · 1 year
"Can I sit here?" König X Gender-neutral Reader
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Word count: 3060
*Part one?
*Slow burn?
*Strangers to Friends (to Lovers?)
Not decidedany of those yet 😶
Edited on 23/8/2023 for some grammar tweaks.
*!!Fanfic inspired by @theeggrollslord's drawing on Twitter!! I really wanted to use their art as the cover for this fanfic, but due to me not having an Twitter (or X 🤮) account, and not knowing whether the original artist consents to people reposting their art, I held back. 😿 If anyone knows whether they are able to give me permission or are cool with it, please let me know!! ☺️
*Author has played MW1 + 2... but not the newest reimagines. 😭 all I remember from the campaign is that Shepherd shot Ghost in the face,but in NO way did he look as fine as he does now ☠️☠️
*Author does NOT speak German... but can use Google Translate !!😊
As is customary with all foreigners, English is not my first language!. Pls do not bully me if my grammar  is bad i will cry 😢
König sat by himself in the cafeteria.
Three sausages, a spoonful of beans, and two eggs alongside a 500ml water bottle were all that consisted of his daily breakfast. Hash browns would be served raw, and the bagels were solid enough to break teeth when bitten into. He didn't even want to consider the sandwiches, as their stale, stinking cheese and slick ham made him gag. A pity that they didn't serve Bratwurst or order authentic — hell, even half-decent — eggs, as the meat in his sausages tasted out of date and the yolks were a dull yellow. The beans weren't even Heinz.
Looking at the cheap slop on his tray made him lose his appetite. At least the water was drinkable, but its taste was peculiar at best.
König sighed.
Every day "eating" the same breakfast, sitting in the same spot, at the same time.
To say that he enjoyed the routine of the barracks would be an overstatement, as he felt oppressed by the monotony: rigorous and thorough briefings pre-missions; intense training three times a day; shooting drills and target practice right after the sun barely opened its eye or into late hours of the evening when it was hard to see. Yet he couldn't complain, and forced himself to appreciate the predictable structure of the barracks.
After all, routine meant safety.
Knowing the details of the misson and the intel required guaranteed a flawless operation. Knowing how exactly to eliminate an opponent in any given situation meant that it made the job even easier. Knowing when to dive for cover to avoid a rain of bullets and the rumbling thunder of machine guns in an active shootout equalled survival.
And knowing that you intimidated everyone on base at least made social interactions easier. All of these extended his life expectancy, yet by how much was anyone's guess.
Being a 6'10 wall of a pure muscle made him the perfect human bulldozer, and paired with his animalistic instincts taking over while on the battlefield, he struck fear in even his own teammates.
Most of the time, König didn't even need to use a gun, as he could snap an enemy's neck faster than they could blink; and, even if they could do that, they wouldn't be able to react fast enough as he manhandled their body like a rag doll and snapped their spine in half over his knee. Quick and easy kills. Other times, frantic stabs in the abdomen, chest or neck finished with a harsh cut of the throat sufficed when sneaking, and allowed him to release any pent of frustration he felt that he wouldn't have been able to relieve through strangulation alone.
Yet, all of the time, seeing König's brutality first-hand made his teammates lose their balance and struggle to collect themselves during the mission, fearing that he would turn to indiscriminately killing anyone that had the misfortune of entering his field of vision. Compared to König's animalistic instincts taking over in an active firefight and causing bloodshed, his allies putting down enemies with a bullet to the head seemed merciful, and even kind.
Unlike friendships, killing people was easy. Keeping good relations with people was difficult enough for König to begin with — with his first hurdle being his social anxiety, and the hurdle of others being getting used to his frightening exterior — and it grew more and more into a challenge as he moved up the ranks, until his position as Colonel made him feared, not respected. People avoided his eyes, and kept conversations to a minimum, bowing their heads in fear, not respect.
After witnessing him maul enemies like a feral animal, König walking down the barracks had people scuttling away like rats in opposite directions, a horde of people dissipating in an instant. Crowded rooms with rowdy laughter suddenly were brought to silence once he made the mistake of entering, with people speaking in hushed whispers or not even speaking at all, opting to escape before their colonel addressed them.
Truth of the matter was, König never wanted to be a colonel. He'd had rather been the one receiving orders than the one making them, as his social anxiety in front of innumerable pairs of expectant eyes put pressure on him in the moment and made it near impossible to let a single word out.
He was not a natural born leader: he knew it, everyone knew it; but he kept his position solely due to his ruthlessness in action and his cold efficiency, as there was no one like him that could come close to imitating his behaviour.
Then, to say that he enjoyed the daily routine of life in the barracks was a stretch to say the least. The thrill of killing on missions and the primal adrenaline that took over his veins and clouded his senses could not be more of a contrast to this boredom and overwhelming isolation on base: of every day sitting in the same damned spot; of every day pretending to eat the same damned food; and, of every damned day being avoided by the other operators to be at a peace he was forced to accept, whether he liked it or not. What a miserable life to live.
The beans on his plate looked menacing, and he had the urge to crush each one individually until they'd stop sneering at him so, as being judged by off-brand beans was running his patience thin. Yet, he wouldn't do that, as everyone else would view him as not only a brute but a mentally unstable lunatic who was now using food scraps as an outlet for his temper; so, he resorted to just picking at the rations instead. His head was in his palm, and his gaze went elsewhere, his pale blue eyes drooping.
So engrossed in absentmindly pushing the beans on his tray with his fork and contemplating what went wrong with him that he did not hear the footsteps walking towards him.
You cleared your throat. "E-excuse me, sir, but can I sit here?"
König looked up, and saw a young recruit hovering over him with a small brown paper bag in their hands. Your face was one he hadn't seen before around here, and you weren't in the standard military uniform, so he assumed that you were perhaps a groundsperson of sorts.
Your ignorance of him was probably the only reason you dared approach him, as any other person would have avoided his table at all costs and gotten whiplash from how quickly they'd turn their head the other way. However, he was glad that he didn't intimidate everyone that encountered him, and was internally thanking you for giving him a chance. Some hope.
Feeling uncomfortable under his scrutinising stare, you tugged the collar of your t-shirt and struggle for words.
"S-sorry," you begun, sheepishly looking down at the floor. A rub of the neck and a shuffling of feet. "It's just... all of the other tables are crowded, and I don't know anyone here well. And yours—" You looked at him, shooting him a lopsided grin, "—yours is empty."
"I understand," he stated, before looking back down at the mush on his tray. "Not a problem."
You gulped, feeling like he was dismissing you, and beginning to regret approaching him. "Are you sure, sir? I wouldn't want to make you uncomfortable."
Look at you, he thought, so thoughtful over his feelings. When was the last time anyone bothered to ask him how he felt, or treated him like a human being?
"Ja. I am sure."
Still standing, unsure as to how to interpret the tone of his statement, you shot him a shy smile and sat down at a reasonable distance from the man, beginning to unpack the contents of your bag.
König kept stealing glances of you from under his eyebrows, trying to be discreet. Although he actually was uncomfortable — not used to company in the slightest, especially with someone so polite and courteous — he was oddly drawn to you.
He was thankful that you were oblivious to his status around these parts, and he wanted to leave a decent first impression on you before you finally overheard the true rumours about him, and paid attention to how quiet the cafeteria had gotten now that you two were sat together.
The thing was, he didn't know where to begin.
Communication was not his strong suit. He mused over potential ways of starting a conversation, yet not only had he never been faced with a situation like this, the language barrier was ever so present. Perhaps if he could speak to you in German he'd be able to formulate his thoughts better, yet at the moment it felt like all his knowledge of English seemingly evaporated in an instant.
"You prepared well your breakfast," he stated plainly, angling for any kind of small talk. He internally cringed at the order of those words and how wrong that sentence sounded in his voice, but there was nothing he could do about it now.
An awkward smile. "—W-wow. Thank you, sir!"
König felt his chest tighten, but he didn't know why. 
"My first day on base I had the misfortune of being served breakfast," you continued, "so, from then on I decided right then and there "never again". The food—" you laughed weakly, "—sure is something."
"Du hast recht," agreed König. "I mean... You are right. If I had a dog, I never would feed it this— these... scraps."
You could sense König hungrily devouring your food with his eyes. Although he tried to be subtle, he was not good at going unnoticed. Really, stealing glances of this behemonth in front of you, you kind of pitied the man, especially when the next edible meal would be in precisely 5 hours. With his breakfast beaten and bruised into an unrecognisable pulp, it was definitely too late for him to consume.
Mourning your sandwiches, you silently bid them farewell and took a deep breath:
"Well, sir. I would assume that you're hungry."  You took out the contents from your bag and slid them in front of him, smiling meekly. "You can have my breakfast."
He looked down at your two sandwiches and his eyes visibly widened under his hood; four thick slices of sourdough bread, a generous slather of butter, cheese, rocket lettuce, and thinly sliced pieces of meat, topped with tomatoes, and most likely seasoned with spring onion and pepper.
They looked so appetising, and he felt his mouth salivate, yet he shook his head vehemently. "Nein! Ich sollte das nicht tun, nicht, wenn du dich so sehr bemüht hast!"
You tilted your head in confusion. König mentally facepalmed.
"I-I mean... you tried very hard, and it isn't right of me. They are yours."
You waved a dismissive hand. "Honestly, you need them more than me. Have them."
"Einer wird ausreichen," He shook his head again, and picked up one slowly. "One will be enough."
He reached over to take one and you looked at him expectantly, patiently waiting for him to take a bite and give you his thoughts, yet it hit you. He was wearing his mask. He probably wouldn't eat in front of you.
A cough. "S-sorry. I'll look away while you eat it. Tell me what you think about it."
König practically shoved the entire thing in his mouth the moment your back faced him and and started choking. He saw you turning back to assist, but he raised a weak hand to stop you.
Getting over his coughing fit, he could finally appreciate the freshness and the flavour of the sandwich. It tasted of... nostalgia. Like the sandwiches his Mama would make for him after school to reassure him and to take his mind off the day's events. He felt like a young boy again. When he closed his eyes, for a split-second he imagined he was in the kitchen with his mother chatting energetically, taking his plate and ruffling his hair when he had finished and feeding him another, insisting that he "was a growing boy".
"So köstlich..." he said, and was disappointed to see that the sandwich was gone from his hands, already eaten. "Mein gott, that was perfekt. A sandwich of the Gods."
You turned around and you were beaming so brightly that König swore he would need to shield his eyes from the sight.
"Thank you so much! You don't know how happy that makes me."
You looked at him, your smile unwavering. "Do you know what would make me happier?"
He gave you a blank look. "...No?"
"If you ate the other one," you said, and König's eyes widened comically. "Though, please, be careful. Sandwiches can sure be a choking hazard," you dared tease him, and was actually surprised when he let out a quiet chuckle.
After savouring his second sandwich, the two of you were quiet. Although the tension had evaporated, the silence was deafening, and you felt suffocated by the lack of conversation.
"Uhm... Sir. What is your name?" A hesitant start, your hands folded neatly in your lap. "If it isn't too much of a personal question, of course."
He deliberated for a few moments, before responding with a quiet "König."
"König," you repeated, making sure to pronounce it properly. Your eyes widened in realisation, and you smiled broadly. "That's King, in German, right? That's so funny, because I go by King!"
König froze up like a statue.
"Holy fucking shit, what are the chances?" You rambled, not realising how quiet König had become. "Honestly, what are we doing here? Where are our castles, our riches? Our chariots led by silver horses and our toilets made of 24 carat gold?"
König shrugged stiffly. "Blown up by a grenade, I suppose."
You looked at him, dumbfounded, then burst into laughter. Like, fits of giggles, too many of them and too strong for his unbelievably dry response. Maybe that's why you were laughing so hard.
Either way, König couldn't believe it at first.
It was so... beautiful. Almost angelic in a way, despite you holding yourself up with a palm on the table and unable to contain your pig-like snorts. He could get used to hearing you laugh more often.
And, just like that, he dropped his guard. Slowly, all of his stiffness melted, and he became more of his confident self, this trait only ever coming out when he was actively shooting.
The two of you spent the entire length of breakfast chatting, joking, and telling each other things about each other. Although König insisted that his English wasn't good, you assured him that you understood him just fine — if anything, his confused looks and furrowed eyebrows at idioms you used were adorably endearing, each time earning a sympathetic giggle from you.
At some point — and though he would've been ashamed to admit it — he tuned out the babbling that came out of your mouth as he admired your face, noting all of your features: the colour of your eyes and how they'd crinkle in happiness whenever you smiled; the way your hair flowed and framed your face; taking the time to count all of the freckles on your nose and committing the number to memory.
He'd only catch himself staring when you'd suddenly finish talking. "But what do I know, I'm kind of stupid if you ask me. It's a wonder I passed the tests to qualify for this job in the first place."
You locked eyes with him, interested in hearing what he had to say. "What do you think, König? I bet you know the answer!"
To which he'd quickly clear his throat and respond with, "Ich weiß nicht. I don't know. To be... frank, though that is strange for me to say when I am not "Frank"—" 
You struggled to struggle to contain your laughter, and quickly apologized as soon as you stopped shaking, before attempting to explain to this clueless Austrian man why it was used. König didn't feel demeaned by your explanation, though, as he thought that his blunders would be worth it every time if it meant hearing you laugh so sweetly.
To König's dismay, half an hour flew by in minutes, and it was time to part ways as you began your daily duties.
As the two of you stood up, you initially had realised that König was taller than the average man based off how his knees could barely fit under the table.
You sure as fuck did not expect to see this.
He towered over you, casting a shadow down below. You had to strain your neck to make eye contact with him, and a painful cramp was already forming.
"Ha—ha.... you're pretty, uh... big."
That statement had more than one connotation. Gott sei Dank für diese Maske, he thought. Thank God for this mask, otherwise you would have seen the blush from his neck up to his ears after his mind went to a place he hadn't thought it'd go, especially not with a person he had formally met not even an hour ago.
"Oh well, I can finally put those 4-inch combat boots in the bottom of my closet to good use," you laughed, playfully nudging what meant to be his shoulder but your height difference meant that you instead touched his pec. Not that you minded though.
With your arms behind your back, you shyly averted your gaze. "Well... It was nice to meet you, König."
"You too... King."
Furrowing of brows as you tilted your head. "How do you say it in German? "Auf Wiedersehen"?"
"Ja, das ist es."
"Well then, Auf Wiedersehen, big guy. I'll see you around!"
Big guy... In more ways than one...
God. König had to get a grip.
Yet, with the way he was looking at your backside and fantasizing about your next meeting, he already knew that not even Gott could help him.
Note: I HATE this fucking fanfiction WITH MY SOUL 🤬🤬. This fucking thing was NEARLY FINISHED and I was in the process of tweaking yet my phone decided to erase half of my progress !!!! 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡
My phone 📵 and God 🤬 didn't want this fanfiction getting published yet guess what!!! 🖕🖕🖕🖕Fuck you!!!🖕🖕🖕 Ive gotten it out anyways🗣️ fucking shaved a decade off of my life trying to recovervthe opening part of this fic,,
,,,,literally why did I get punished for writing a very mild and unextreme fanfic 😭😭😭😭 like the first half was just in Königs perspective and Ur telling me that i can't do that?????
I mf get fucking crucified like Jesus  on the cross, only this time I sarcificed my sleep and sanity to not be ressurected again,, bitch I would have rather died if I had known tjis would happen ☠️☠️ I could have actually SLEPT?!! 🤬🛌
Never again writing fanfictiosn on my phone, I can't trust this evil technology!!  I'm gonna draft them with PEN and PAPER bitch!!!! Typewriter!!!!!!!! Chalk On Pavement™!!!!!!!!!!!! PERMANENT MARKER ON MY FOREHEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you read this rant of mine, I hope you have a lovely day/night, beautiful person. <33 (please wash your eyes after reading that,,I needed to release my anger somrjow don't judge me hhhhhhhHHHH—)
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