#like sure these two fell for each other quite fast but it wasn't love at first sight
xhanisai · 2 years
Who else also portrays Marinette and Adrien in the demiromantic and demisexual spectrum?
I can’t be the only one out there haahahahah
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retroellie · 3 months
Dating Spencer Reid
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Summary: What dating spencer Reid is like
A/N: I wrote this super-fast because I know I haven't really been active... so I wanted to write something quick for y'all! I miss y'all and I hope y'all enjoy!
Warnings: Some NSFW moments
Word count: 1.5K
-Spencer grew up on Victorian romance novels and old valentines' poems, so he was quite the hopeless romantic
-When Spencer wasn't solving theories and getting PHDs, he was dreaming of a beautiful romance. Basically, what I'm trying to say is that he isn't the most confident boyfriend, but he makes up for it in his own way!
-Y'alls first date was something straight out of a movie! I mean it was a bouquet of flowers, an expensive dinner followed by a movie theater that played only old 50's films.
-It was the kind of date that had you falling in love with him first thing, knowing that this boy was the person you see yourself coming home to every night.
-After the date, Spencer offered you his jacket and walked you home. It was a chilly night, the streets lit up from the moonlight. He rambled on and on about the movie, but you couldn't even focus on what he was saying because you were too distracted by him.
-What you fell more in love with was the fact he didn't expect you to even kiss him!
-He was more than okay to say your "goodbyes" and "see you later" than leave.... but you gave him a soft peck before heading into your apartment. Even throughout the darkness you could see his blush.
-Anyways, that date led to a beautiful love story between y'all
-Spencer was a romantic even in the littlest of ways, like sending flowers to your work randomly or leaving you small poems in your fridge before he leaves so it feels as though he never really leaves.
-Spencer would always make sure to call you every night when he was away for work... I mean EVERY night.
-"Spencer honey it's 3am here..."
-"I know! But I just wanted to call you, should I call back in the morning?"
-"No, I'm already up and well I miss hearing your voice anyways." You laughed softly.
-The start of your relationship was so innocent, there was no sex or jealousy... it was just so simple and romantic
-There was lots of making out though, something that surprisingly Spencer was the one to initiate every time.
-There were just lots of times when you two would be discussing a book that Spencer probably recommended to you, then all of a sudden, his tongue would be down your throat.
-He was getting used to hugs and the touching, but kissing was something that felt so natural when he did it with you.
-Speaking of books! He had a list of books he recommended to you, like books that you never thought you'd read but you're glad you did yk?
-You would finish a book in one sitting and call him immediately to talk about it
-In turn though, you would bring him into the modern era and show him newer movies and music. Most of the stuff he did not like, but he pretended to like it to be nice.
-The first couple of months of your relationship, the team had no idea you existed. They started to notice spencer being in a lot better mood, but nothing too alarming.
-However, Derek Morgan is a lady killer... so he caught on a lot faster than the others.
-Like one time, the whole team was going out for drinks and Spencer said he had plans... Derek caught him in a lie real fast
-"So, who's the lucky lady?"
-"Pretty boy...I don't need to be a profiler to figure out why your suddenly so "busy.""
-Because of Morgan prying, Spencer decided to invite you out with the team one night.
-The team was all pretty nice, but very confused on why someone like you would want someone like spencer?? You two were completely different from each other... like night and day damn near
-Besides your differences, the team fell in love with you probably harder than Spencer did. I mean Penelope basically adopted you by the end of the night... she did however do her background checking before meeting you, but we don't gotta talk about that.
-The meeting of the team made the relationship real, like now you had become a part of their small family, and they trusted you enough to take care of spencer
-Spencer also felt this was a huge step, like now that his family accepted you, he was going to spend the rest of his life with you
-Spencer would always bring you up when he got the chance now, putting a framed picture of you and him on his desk just so people would ask about you.
-"Oh, who's this?" Someone would ask.
-"That's my girlfriend, Y/N. We've been dating for 11 months, 2 weeks, and 4 days. She's a (profession) and she smells like lavender."
-Like girl, all they asked was who you were... not every detail of your existence.
-But now that you guys are now officially dating, and everyone knows it... there's some newfound jealousy
-Spencer knew that you were attractive, but sometimes he forgets that you are also attractive to others as well
-Sometimes when you come into the FBI office, he sees other men staring you down... probably wondering how a nerdy boy like him could get someone like you.
-Spencer getting jealous is quiet and polite. He doesn't get angry or upset, we all know he does not do good with emotions. So, he'll just keep his distance from you, accepting the fact that you could leave him at any moment and not wanting to feel the effects of it.
-He will go silent for days if you didn't ask him about it, not even sure what he was feeling but knew he didn't like it.
-"Just didn't like how he was looking at you... made me feel weird."
-"You're jealous?"
-"I guess... I don't know."
-You just laughed it off, telling him how you would never choose anyone over him even if there was a gun to your head.
-Spencer also remembers everything about everything so... he picks up on your favorite things and your little quirks, plus he never forgets an anniversary!
-Derek bullies the shit out of him, like omfg
-he'll always call you his mommy and make kissing sounds when you call him, loud enough for the entire office to hear.
-"Muah muah muah... Oh Y/N!!" Derek yells, making sure you heard him.
-"So let me guess... Dereks with you?"
-"How'd you know?"
-He actually doesn't use too many pet names, but you definitely do lmao. His name is literally "Spenice poo <3" on your phone.
-Eventually, Spencer asks you to move in with him and omfg!!! You are so excited, like jumping up and down excitedly.
-I feel like spencer would be so domestic too omfg
-He would play music while cleaning the house, but it would all be like Mozart and classical music. You would always grab him by the waist and start dancing with him, you both looked so stupid but at least it was together.
-He would ramble to you all the time and you were probably the only person in the world that would let him, honestly you enjoyed it too.
-Like you had just gotten out of the shower, Spencer barged in and started talking about a case. He sat on the toilet seat while you did your skin care, just rambling on and on about how sick this person was.
-Yours and Spencer's different aesthetics clashed a lot in the house, like Spencer's apartment was slowly being taken over by you and your stuff... but he didn't mind.
-Since you guys have decided to take your relationship to another big step... Spencer decided he wanted you to pop his cherry.
-Spencer wasn't too experienced and he's never really had sex before. He's done stuff with someone, but never the actual act of it.
-He wanted to do it way before, but he thought it would complicate everything and honestly, he wasn't completely ready for it yet.
-You made sure it was the perfect night, you had it planned out. You took him on a picnic, watching the sunset as you loosened him up a little bit, making sure he was comfortable before setting yourself down on his lap.
-You were so soft with him; I mean you were afraid you might break him. He had to beg for you at one point because you weren't going fast enough.
-The next morning, he had to go into work, something about him was different... his confidence boosted a bit. Derek could sense it from a mile away, making sure Spencer knew that he knew.
-The popping of his cherry had created something inside spencer, he found his favorite thing to do, and he wanted it at all times
-You obviously were glad to give him whatever his little heart desired, so you let him fuck you anytime he wanted. Sometimes it even got a little filthy... something you would have never guessed about spencer.
-My bad I got sidetracked... but spencer was also way touchier with you
-Spencer was never really touchy in public, but now it's all he ever did. If you were in the room with him, then his attention would be completely on you.
-He really just felt so safe with you, knowing that you gave him not only your body but also your mind... he just wanted you, period. 
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urlocalfeiner · 1 year
i love your writing so much!- can i request a neteyam x na'vi reader fic where he is confessing his love for her and it's like that sound off tiktok- 'you might as well take my heart catherine, it's already so full of you' idk why i can literally just picture neteyam saying this- he's such a lover boy! feel free do add anything you want.
thank you, hope you're doing well!
you may as well take my heart | neteyam sully
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pairing: neteyam sully x omaticiya! fem! reader
warnings: fluff, fighting, neteyam being whipped for you, slight angst, heated making out
A/N: i thought this request was really cool! please feel free to send in more!
neteyam sully was drawn to you the second he had met you when you were young, he knew as soon as he saw you playing by the river trying to catch a fish and failing miserably at doing so that you and him would become friends- he just didn't realise that as your friendship grew along with the two of you that his feelings towards you would turn into anything but what one would hold for their simple friend. neteyam sully knew he was a goner when he felt his heart start beating uncontrollably that he was sure that you and any na'vi from miles away could hear it's fast rhythm when your arm had grazed his accidently out hunting with one another. he knew it was only so soon when you too would realise his feelings for you had developed into more than he would ever want to lead on.
he couldn't concentrate when you were around him, he couldn't help but sneak glances at you when you were near- you were his best friend since young how could he have these feelings? but no matter how hard he tried to push down the emotions he felt for you they always managed to rise back up larger than before.
what neteyam failed to realise was your whole being yearned for his as well. you felt heat rush through to your face whenever he would brush your hair away from your face- what once was a simple gesture had turned into something that would make you want to melt into the ground.
everyone around you knew of what you felt for one another, but somehow the two of you were so blind for the love you held for the other that you couldn't see what was so painfully obvious.
but as the two to of you grew so did neteyam's responsibilities, he was the next olo'eyktan after all- the next leader of the omataticya clan. you and him started seeing less of each other as the days passed by, at first it didn't bother you. you knew he had a lot of pressure on him, so you didn't question it when he started telling you he couldn't join you for a ride through the hallelujah mountains or was needed by his father so he couldn't come along for a hunt with you. but it started to bother you when you noticed even when he wasn't being bothered by his duties he would still decline your offers- even go off by himself instead of going with you. you would be lying if you said you weren't hurt by his choices of distancing himself from you.
neteyam's reasoning behind it was quite stupid he had to even admit himself, he was so distracted by everything you did- simple or large- no matter what you did you made him distracted. he couldn't be distracted, no he just couldn't. so he decided to try and avoid you, in hopes it would make it better- it didn't, it only made him miss you and made him grow upset when he saw you with others. even though it was him who was the reason of the two of you drifting. if neteyam wanted to distance himself from you that bad then you would not stop him in doing so, even it it hurt you to do- you cannot be chasing another who is not willing to chase you.
eclipse had fell over pandora, you decided to go out hunting, you usually did so- neteyam use to join you in these nights but stopped. the darkness falling over the forest making everything glow a brilliant fluorescent.
drawing back your bow you took a deep breath pointing the arrow at your intended target, attempting to be as quiet as you could in order to not make the animal you wished to make your kill to become aware of your presence. you were about to realise the string to send the arrow flying when your ears perked up, hearing something shuffling on the large branch you were perched on. turning around quickly to the noise you pointed your arrow at the thing, about to attack it. "wow!" you slowly put your bow down only to see someone, neteyam. eyes wide and hands up from your sudden attempt at shooting him.
"neteyam!" you hissed at him, "do not sneak up on me! i nearly shot you!" you looked back down to the ground where the animal you were about to kill was suppose to be, but it had rushed away quickly at the sound of neteyam and you. "you made me lose a kill!"
he winced, rubbing the back of his neck in shame. "sorry."
you then turned back to him and grew confused, starting to regasture what was happening. what was neteyam doing here? neteyam?- wait neteyam! "why are you here?" you asked, it coming out harsher then you had intended it to.
"i need an excuse to see my best friend?" he teased grinning, stepping closer to you- the ground beneath him glowing as he stepped on it.
"i suppose not." you grinned back, still a little confused- he had not talked to you in a week and had been declining all your attempts to hang out for weeks now and randomly decides to come join you?
"how have you been?" he asked, the sight of you made his knees weak- he had missed you so much, he felt so stupid- so stupid for thinking everything would be better if you and him stopped seeing each other as much.
"i've been good," you weren't telling the complete truth, you hadn't been that good. you had been missing neteyam greatly, and had been hurting. "how have you been future olo'eyktan?" you joked making him chuckle at your choice of name for him.
"i have been okay, father has been pushing me a lot more lately." you felt bad for him, you knew how hard his father could be on him at times.
"he's only doing it because he loves you nete," you put a hand on his shoulder comfortingly- oh eywa, how he missed you calling him that. "he knows you are trying your best."
you always managed to know what to say to make him feel better. "i know." he looked up and met your gaze, silence fell over the two of you as you stared into each other's eyes. neteyam then reached his hand up to your face, brushing a loose strand of hair out of your face tucking it behind your ear softly. "you're so beautiful." he breathed out, it just slipped out of his mouth.
you felt a familiar feeling rising in your stomach, heat coming to meet your face. "neteyam, stop." you whispered, your tone was serious and filled with hurt as you pulled away from his touch leaving him confused.
"what? what's wrong?" he asked concerned, did he say something wrong? did he hurt you? but you didn't reply. "y/n, speak to me." he sounded desperate- because he was.
his hand reaching out to your face again, cupping your cheek gently. "don't touch me like that neteyam." you whispered again turned your head pulling away from his touch once more.
"y/n, what's wrong? can i fix it? please, love what is it?" he begged trying to figure out what was going on.
"don't call me that." you tried to push him away but he was too strong. you finally met his eyes, they were filled with worry and love as they looked at you. "stop looking at me like that neteyam."
"like what?"
"like- like you love me!" you put your hands on his chest and tried to push him, but he grabbed them with his own hands pulling them down gently- you couldn't protest as he was much stronger than you.
his face softened his voice becoming genuine, "that's because i do," he whispered pleading with you to meet his eyes. "y/n-"
"no, no you can't just do that- you can't it's not fair." you felt tears start to prick in your eyes, threatening to spill. how dare he?- how can he avoid you for weeks and ignore you then decide one day that he wants you? after he left you wondering what you might have done to make him want to not be around you. "you can't do that! you can't ignore me for weeks and shut down every attempt that i made to try and hang out with you then just get to say you love me like nothing happened!"
neteyam knew he had hurt you by doing all those things, if only you knew how much it hurt for him to do so. "i'm sorry, i'm so so sorry that i hurt you- i know it's no excuse but- " was all he manged to get out, "but i-i realised that i love you y/n." his voice was strained.
"no you don't neteyam- don't say that." you shook your head still trying to keep in the tears, neteyam had every woman in the clan begging for him- at his beck and call. why would he want you?
"i'm going to say it, because it's true- i'll say it a million times, i'll tell the whole pandora if that what it will take for you to believe me." neteyam brought your hands that were held in his and kissed them gently. "you might as well take my heart y/n, it's already full of you." he raised his hand to cup your cheek once more, this time you didn't pull him away. "while i've heard beautiful music i've thought, she'd like that. i've looked at flowers, knowing that one day i'd give them to you."
"y/n." he moved his hand down from your cheek to your chin gently turning your head to meet his, your eyes locked with his- neither of you breaking eye contact. "i see you."
you eyes searched his for falter- for any lies. but there were none, nothing but love for you. your mouth parted slightly- all the anger and sadness washing away, being replaced with excitement and happiness, neteyam loved you. "i see you neteyam." you whispered, neteyam grazed his thumb over your cheeks rubbing the tears away. leaning down to your face, placing a kiss on your forehead then your left cheek, then your right, and finally he placed his lips on your own gently. the kiss filled with passion as he deepened the kiss holding your jaw with one hand the other behind your back, holding you up- holding you delicately.
your hands slid around his neck, your warm hands sending shivers throughout neteyam's body- longing for you to touch every each of him with your sacred touch.
as your lips parted, both of you trying to gain your breath. neteyam examined your face, you were perfect. "so so beautiful." he breathed out, placing another kiss on your lips. "my beautiful girl." he whispered against your lips, resting your foreheads together, your breaths synchronized "i'm so so sorry for hurting you, i'll never do it again."
"i promise." he whispered into your ear, moving your hair that covered your neck gently, placing a tender kiss to your bare neck taking in your sweet scent, that always comforted him. "how can i make it up to you, yawne?" he whispered against your neck, making your breath hitch slightly.
"just kiss me." you whispered bringing his lips down to yours again, neteyam had no protests against your request. your mouths chasing each other, neteyam withdrawing his lips from yours to place his lips on your neck once more. earning light groans out of you, which drove him crazy.
"be my tsahìk." he said whilst peppering kisses from your collar bone upwards, he stopped when you pulled your hands back from his neck- missing the contact. you were staring at him with wide eyes. he suddenly started to grow nervous, "i'm sorry, did i do something?-"
"you want me to be your tsahìk?" you cut him off, staring at him as if you didn't believe what he said, he had just confessed his undying love for you and you were shocked he wanted you to be his tsahìk?
neteyam smiled softly, "so much." he ran his fingers through your hair, "do you want to be my tsahìk?"
a wide grin met your face, showing off your sharp fangs. "so much." you grinned against his lips, smiling into the kiss- him also doing so.
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daenysx · 1 year
Hi! I don't know if you remember the request of reader being pregnant with aemond but don't want to tell him because they are not married and the baby would be a bastard and his family wouldn't accept that, well, i was wondering if you could make a little series about it (like the proposal, the wedding, the pregnancy, the birth and a couple year later).
Los of love 💖
hi baby, thank you so much for this request and i'm sorry it took me so long! i've tried 2 different versions but i wasn't really satisifed with them. you can think of this as the second part and the explanation of their feelings.
requests are open!!
my masterlist
part 2 - confessing
you and aemond explain your feelings to each other. nsfw.
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he looks calm and relaxed, watches the ceiling as he rubs absent-minded circles on your belly.
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it has been only 3 days since you told aemond that you are pregnant with his baby. in his analitical mind there are two parts; the one which makes him want to scream his happiness and the one which makes him know that he should protect you and the baby from every possible thing that could happen.
after that little moment of shock passed, he started to make plans in his mind. how to meet you with his family, how to get married to you, how to prevent any harm that can come to your way. he cannot afford to lose you and the baby at this point. he is already ready to lose it all just for your sake.
you are in bed next to him. his enormous bed, the witness of all your love making sessions. the witness of him falling in love with you everytime as you try to hold him closer.
"do you have any regrets?"
your soft voice brings him back to reality.
you nod. "i'm just curious, it all happened so fast."
he gives himself a few seconds to think before he answers.
"i don't regret our baby. please don't ever think that. i should've told you about my feelings sooner. i shouldn't have made you feel like it's just sex and nothing else."
"why did you do it then?"
he seems happy that you want explanations instead of letting go.
"i didn't know how to reach you. how to be with you. how to start a relationship or even asking you. it happened and you seemed like you love the deal we had, i accepted what i had and didn't stop."
you let out a small chuckle.
"so, what you're saying is 'the perfect aemond targaryen' didn't know how to ask a girl out and settled for a sex arrangement instead?"
your words did something to him and suddenly he is on top of you, kissing like there is no tomorrow.
"and what about you, hmm? why wait so long to tell me how you feel? why ever letting me believe that you fell for someone else?"
you keep kissing him before answering his question.
"i didn't want to lose you. i thought if i talk about feelings you would break the arrangement and i could never see you again."
he understands. of course he fucking understands. it's not difficult to process everything in his mind but he feels guilty somehow. he wishes he could be the brave one. it would change everything and he cannot help himself, he thinks of all the lost opportunities.
"i just wish-" you kiss him, not letting him finish his sentence that he starts with a frown on his face.
"no. from now on, it's a new beginning for us. we won't think anything about the past, okay?"
he smiles. it's comforting, to have someone by his side who makes sure he stops thinking.
"i want this with you. i want all of you. i want everything with you."
he kisses you. not just a sweet, little kiss but a passionate one. your words carve their ways into his heart and he lets himself hold onto them until the end of his days.
"we will have a baby, can you believe that?" you say with a big smile.
"i must admit, it's still a shock. i wouldn't want a baby with anyone but you, it's quite a relief."
you frown slightly. "oh, please. you should try to be a little more romantic than that."
he starts pressing kisses to your neck as he stays on top of you in bed. "i should be romantic, hmm? should i kiss every inch of your body that i adore so much, you can't even guess? should i tell you how much i love you, how much i'd like to think about you, carrying our baby? should i tell you how beautiful you'll be as a mother and that i'll always be a man on his knees for you? because i think i can do that, sweetheart."
you hold his face and lead his lips to yours. he is a man of words and those words make you want to part your legs for him, only to keep him there forever.
"can you- can we-"
you pause, breathless and unsure of your words.
"anything you want." he understands.
he makes a quick work on your clothes, takes them off. he takes off his eyepatch, stands next to bed until he's naked for you. you watch him with eager eyes. he is yours now. no need to hide anything you feel. you press your thighs together, biting your lip.
"you should keep those legs open for me, my love."
you take a deep breath. his fingers stay on your thighs as he helps you keep them open.
"already wet for me? you look perfect."
he brings his fingers to your cunt, slowly touches with gentle fingertips. his fingers easily gets coated with your wetness and you whimper softly.
"i need to hear those voices, okay? be loud for me."
his first time touching you when you're both aware of feelings and it feels different. all he wants is to kiss you and fuck you senseless but he wants to be gentle and loving, too.
he is sure you're ready and if he doesn't start moving his fingers soon, you'll be cursing him. he puts his index finger deep, the sensation of his long finger in you is sudden and perfect. he moves it until he makes sure you feel that delicious strech, then he adds his middle finger.
"move your hips for me, sweet girl. there you go, it's nice isn't it?"
you nod as you move your hips in a sync with his fingers and it's perfect. it's more than nice, feeling his fingers right there. then he makes it better.
he knows how much you love it when he finds your g-spot and touches it like a cruel man. endless pressure until he feels your walls clench. you are almost addicted.
"yes, oh god, aemond! keep your fingers there, it's so- hmm."
he chuckles. "why on earth would i stop touching something so beautiful, hmm? let go, princess."
you find his other hand with closed eyes and lead his thumb to your clit.
"two fingers not enough for you, you want another one? fuck, i love you so fucking much."
he rubs your swollen clit and you move your hips like your life depends on it. you feel yourself getting close but you also don't want this to end.
"kiss me."
he immediately obeys and leans forward to kiss you. his hands don't stop, his lips swallow all of your noises and you love it. you love how much he devotes himself to you in bed.
it doesn't take long, you arch your back your hands stroke his hair and he slows his pace when he feels you come around him. warm liquid goes down on your legs and on his fingers and it feels like the world can fuck off now that you have him.
you hold his hand, relieved and happy. "you are perfect, thank you."
"no need to thank me, love. it was my pleasure." he smirks and that smirk has never looked more beautiful.
you take a few minutes as he cleans you. when you feel the effect of shattering orgasm lessens, you sit on bed, leading him under you.
"i'd like to return the favor."
he looks unsure. "as much as i love the image of your lips around my cock, i don't want you to go hard on yourself, love. that was for you."
you shake your head stubbornly. "i want to do it. i love doing it, you know that and i'm fine."
you don't let him say anything else, you take his cock in your soft hand. he hisses with the sudden feeling. you tighten your fingers experimentally, hearing his voice saying your name desperately.
"don't tease me, you little minx. it was hard enough to watch you come undone on my fingers, i need you."
you smile affectionally. "as you wish."
you lick your palm and bring it back to his cock, stroking him slowly and your thumb is on the tip of him. you lean forward and take him in your mouth. it's quite impossible to take him fully in your mouth but you start slow and he guides you, never lets you hurt yourself.
you start sucking him, gently. your hands travel on his thighs and the length of him that you cannot have in your mouth. his hands find your hair, helps you move easily.
you are used to this, during your arrangement it was the only thing that calmed aemond's mind. he'd love seeing you taking care of him, sucking him, and looking at him with those eyes while you do that. it never takes too long for him, the image of you between his legs is enough to get him there.
"can you- a little more, my love. please." such needy words coming from his mouth.
you are merciful, you keep moving your lips and tongue in a way you know makes him go feral. he starts lifting his hips unintentionally.
"i'm close baby, you can stop."
you straighten your back for a moment, continue your movements with your hand. you take a deep breath and take him in your mouth again.
"i wanna swallow. come on aemond, i know you are close."
your words start burning their way into his brain and he loses it. he comes with a loud moan, his desire stays in your mouth in a liquid form. he can't think or breathe for a moment.
"i think you just killed me."
you smirk. "you always say the same thing."
he pulls you closer into his arms. he holds you right there, such a moment was reserved only in his dreams and now it's his reality. he pulls the covers on you, you bury your face to his neck.
"i've always wanted to do this. after you made me come with that perfect mouth of yours, i wanted to hold you like this."
you mumble softly. "sometimes you did."
"it wasn't enough."
his lips find your neck, the soft skin of your breast, and your belly.
"our baby is right here, hmm?"
you smile. "it's too small, aemond. we should see a doctor though."
"still, it's here my love. and we can see a doctor tomorrow, okay?"
you nod. "i want to sleep."
"go ahead, baby. i'll be right here when you wake up."
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holllandtrash · 1 year
better match | lando norris, pierre gasly
pairing: pierre gasly x reader, lando norris x reader blurb (epilogue ish i guess) to better left unsaid (the better series)
based off an anon message that the f1 drivers, specifically pierre and lando in monaco watching tennis but not sitting near each other was giving: “The Better Series” Pierre bringing y/n along as his plus one and her and lando just briefly acknowledging each other from across the court
word count: 1.7k (this is not proofread i wrote this so fast)
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Pierre reached for your hand as you walked up the steps to the vip stands. Charles was waiting for the two of you next to the row of chairs and he flashed you both a smile.
"I didn't know you liked tennis," Charles said, stepping forward to pull you in for a hug.
"I don't," you laughed, dropping your sunglasses to rest on the bridge of your nose. You glanced at Pierre, "I was practically dragged here."
"Is that why you spent two hours on your hair and make up? Because you didn't want to come?" Pierre teased, pressing a kiss to the side of your head.
You placed your hand against his chest as his arm moved around your waist to hold you close to his side. It took everything you had to not tilt your chin up to kiss him, but Pierre had told you that there would be dozens of cameras around.
Your relationship was by no means a secret, but there was still a line you didn't like to cross when it came to PDA.
"Come on, let's sit," Pierre led the way, finding your seats easily.
There were perks to dating a Formula 1 driver. You may not have been a fan of tennis, but you could appreciate the good view of the match. There was no one in front of you, you had plenty of leg room and without even asking, one of the employees working brought you and Pierre each a bottle of sparkling water.
Pierre rested his hand on your knee, rubbing his thumb aimlessly over your exposed skin as he fell into a conversation with Charles.
You tried to pay attention to the match, but you kept having to lean towards Pierre and ask to him to explain what was going on or what the call meant. Pierre didn't mind helping you out though, he sort of figured that bringing you along would come with a lot of questions.
Pierre loved bringing you everywhere. Any sporting events, any dinners, any media requirements, he made sure to do whatever he could so that his invite was extended to you.
He always joked about you quitting your job so you could travel with him more, but they weren't actually jokes and you both knew that.
Since you started dating, you managed to split your time pretty evenly between your career and spending time with Pierre over his winter break but he somehow managed to convince you to take an extended leave that lined up with his first break of the season. Him having four weeks off in April wasn't expected and you really had no reason as to why you couldn't take time off.
So you went to Milan with him and then Paris and now you were in Monaco.
It was definitely nice to see Charles, it had been a while since you had caught up with him. George and Carmen were also somewhere watching the match, you made a mental note to try and meet up with them later.
As far as you were concerned, none of the other drivers were present but when you opened up your phone and saw that Lando's instagram story was the first one highlighted, you clicked it.
And that's when you found out he was watching the tennis match too.
You looked up from your screen and started to scan the audience that was across from you. When no one sitting down looked like Lando, you peered to your left and right, trying to see if you could spot the Brit.
"What's up?" Pierre asked, squeezing your leg. He noticed your sudden interest, not in the sport, but in trying to find something, or someone.
You weren't going to lie to him. Pierre and you had a very honest relationship, there were no secrets.
"Lando's here," you said.
Pierre nodded. His jaw tightened momentarily, but not enough to cause concern. You hadn't spoken to Lando face to face since he visited you at your place of work. You had seen him in the paddock when you attended the first race of the season, but you weren't able to go to the other ones so there was no opportunity to connect.
You logged into Twitch once over the winter break and watched one of his streams. You left a comment, one that went unnoticed by Lando, but when his viewers recognized your username in the chat, they started springing a bunch of questions on him.
And Lando had a really bad habit of reading the chat out loud.
"...what's up with you and Y/N..." Lando muttered and then smiled to himself as he leaned back in the chair. "Yeah we're friends, that's all. She'll always be one of my biggest supporters, dont worry."
It wasn’t a lie, but it wasn’t the whole truth either. But his fans didn’t need any more information than that. You would always support Lando, you still considered him a friend, you were just hovering in this area of uncertainty.
At that point, Max, who had been hovering over his shoulder, felt it was smart to chime in, "Yeah she'll just be wearing pink now instead of orange."
Lando elbowed his side, "She never wore orange anyway. It wasn't her colour."
And you don't know why you did this, but you felt the need to share your two cents and you typed in the chat, "It's not your colour either. It washes you out."
His viewers all loved that one. Lando must have seen the comment too, or at least the hundreds of responses to it, because he rolled his eyes and just tried to change the topic but with Max laughing in the background it wasn't all that easy to segue into something else.
There was no malice, though. No hatred, no anger. You were on good terms, even if you hadn't spoken or sent any texts over the last few months.
But now you were in the same vicinity and it wasn't a race weekend.
Did you want to talk to him?
Pierre had the same question for you, "Did you want to go say hi?"
"I don't even know where he is," you shrugged, but that wasn't the answer he was expecting, or hoping for.
"That's not what I asked."
You placed your hand overtop of Pierre's and gave it a squeeze, "Let's just watch the match, yeah?"
And you both did, for a while. Both of you pretending that you weren't subtly looking for the British driver in the stands.
Only Pierre didn't find Lando first. You did.
And it was on complete accident.
At the end of one of the sets, a young fan approached Charles from the right and naturally both you and Pierre turned your heads to watch the adorable interaction.
And that's when you saw Lando. Just a few metres down. Sitting in the same section as you but at the complete opposite end and a few rows up.
You could have pretended you didn't see him if he wasn't looking your way, but his eyes found yours in a heartbeat. He was wearing a light pink shirt that looked good against his tan skin. He was sitting with Max who was too engrossed with his phone. And you had officially been staring for too long.
Pierre glanced at you and then followed your line of sight up and over his shoulder. When he spotted Lando, Pierre gave him a friendly wave, mostly because it would look back on all of you if any rumours of bad blood resurfaced.
Lando waved back with two fingers, clearly directing it at Pierre because you hadn't done anything since seeing him. It wasn't until Lando looked forwards again did Pierre squeeze your leg, pulling your attention to him.
"You can say hi to him," Pierre told you. He didn't need to give you permission, he knew you would have gotten up and said hi if you wanted to. His words were more of a reminder. Lando was one of your oldest friends, it was almost strange that you hadn't said anything.
"Maybe later," you smiled. "Set's about to start."
"Oh now you care about tennis," Pierre smirked leaning in to kiss the side of your head. You tilted your head towards him and rested it on his shoulder for a minute as you returned to watching the game.
But you couldn't focus for long. You straightened up and glanced over your shoulder, hoping to see Lando again, which you did. He hadn't gone anywhere.
Pierre didn't have to say a word. He just pulled his hand off of your leg and rested it in his lap, taking away the only mental barrier keeping you from seeing Lando.
He didn't want to keep you from talking to him. He wasn't going to stop you either. It wasn't something he would have liked to see, but he loved you. He trusted you. He knew you didn't have those feelings for him anymore.
You loved Pierre. So much.
But that didn't mean you ready to open up the door to a friendship with Lando just yet.
So you settled on giving Lando a gentle smile. Something that would get the message across that you weren't ignoring him, you were acknowledging him, but you still needed time.
Lando respected that and he smiled back. He noticed that your smile didn't quite reach your eyes but there was a good chance his didn't either. It was clear there was a lot that was unsaid between you, and would remain unsaid, and Lando just had to accept that.
You and Pierre looked good together.
As you dropped your head to his shoulder, Lando told himself not to think about how you used to do that with him if you were ever watching a movie. You nudged your knee against Pierre's before you asked a question, something else you would do with Lando if you were confused about what was in front of you.
And then you reached for Pierre's hand.
While you had grabbed Lando's hand on multiple occasions, he had never brought your intertwined fingers up to his lips to kiss your knuckles like Pierre was doing now. A new kind of smile spread across your face as Pierre rested your connected hands in his lap, a smile that Lando didn't ever see, or if he did, didn't recognize what it was at the time.
Pierre made you happy. Ridiculously happy. Lando knew that he would never have been able to make you that happy.
But he kept glancing your way throughout the rest of the tennis match, waiting, hoping that you would look up at him again.
Only you never did. You didn't need to.
bro if this is kinda sad im sorry but like we all know their relationship ended with some uncertainty so like there is no happy platonic ending for them, not yet at least. i just wanted to write this bc it shows growth in this (fictional) friendship. its not over, it'll never be completely over but maybe i just have to write another blurb about them actually talking again for the first time
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tenkobitch · 3 months
𝙼𝚒𝚗𝚍 𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝙱𝚞𝚜𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚜!
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Yamaguchi Tadashi x GN Reader
Genre(s): Fluff, friends to lovers, high school crushes
A/N: This is the second quick fic I've written after a long time, so I hope you guys like it! There's not much to say other than... I love writing for the sweet guy characters :D (Also, I'm going back through and editing stuff, cuz I was WAY TOO TIRED to be writing this in one sitting.)
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Yamaguchi was never one to hide anything from Tsukishima, mainly because the blonde male would figure it out eventually, but Yamaguchi has a secret.
To be more specific... A secret crush!
Tsukishima, not noticing anything wrong with Yamaguchi, wasn't bothering the poor boy about his crush or his new found shyness towards you. The green haired boy continued to keep this a secret from his best friend, knowing that Tsukki would either push him to confess to you, or he'd tease him about how shy he was around you!
As the boys were warming up on the court, preparing for a practice match, you happened to pass by the open doors of the gym. You were delivering papers from your club to a joint club, but you couldn't help but take a detour to see the boys on the court. Specifically, you were looking for a particular boy on the court...
Your secret crush!
You decided that your club didn't have to know every little detail about your personal life, no matter how good of friends you all were to each other. So... You decided to keep the fact that you have a crush on Yamaguchi a secret. Besides, your members had no right to know! They're always digging into your personal life and ask you when you're going to get a boyfriend.
Oh, how you wished that Yamaguchi would be your boyfriend.
As you continued to make your way to the joint club, you realized that you could stall for time by saying you got caught up in talking to the club's leader, or you could say you fell on your way back to your clubroom and you had to go to the nurse and get a bandage.
No, that'd be absolutely crazy! You couldn't make up a lie just so you could stand in front of the open gym doors to watch a bunch of sweaty, stinky guys practicing volleyball. Well, you weren't intending to watch all of them.
The point is, you are not gonna come up with an excuse on why you weren't back in the clubroom in a reasonable time. You just couldn't do that...
You finally dropped off the papers at the joint clubroom's classroom, making sure to give the leader a greeting before heading back the way you came. You were sad thinking about how you wouldn't be able to watch Yamaguchi for just a little bit, but you have standards! You weren't going to purposely make your club members wait for you to come back. They'd gripe for a whole week if they found out why you weren't back in the classroom.
As you walked by the (still) open gym doors, you decided that admiring the boys (Yamaguchi) volleyball skills for a minute or two wouldn't hurt. In fact, your members would probably be impressed that you could take the time to appreciate the volleyball team honing their skills, rather than actively playing a game.
You went closer to the doors and received a polite head nod from Kiyoko, the team's manager. You spoke a small "hello" and proceeded to watch the boys (Yamaguchi) passing, tossing, serving, and spiking volleyballs left and right. Once you had your fill (you had to force yourself to leave), you gave a small wave to Kiyoko before walking closer to the outer area.
You thought walking down a couple of stairs would be an easy task, and your members would be none the wiser, but it turned out to be quite difficult...
On account that a volleyball smacked the back of your head, causing you to lose balance and fall to your knees. You groaned as you rubbed the back of your head in little attempt to remedy the situation, but the damage was already done.
You heard the sounds of fast feet running to your aid, or to simply see what had happened. You couldn't bear to face the embarrassment waiting for you at the door, so you continued to rub the back of your head, and hopefully the boys (not just Yamaguchi) would go away. You heard two loud boys screaming about how much trouble someone would be in with the captain, you heard a quiet discussion between Kiyoko and another player, and you heard someone walking slowly up to you.
You heard a frantic apology from the person right behind you, saying "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to hit you!" a couple of times over again. You rushed to stand up so you could run far away from this and never come back, but you were turned around gently by the same person that was apologizing like his life depended on it.
You couldn't believe that you were standing this close to your secret crush, and it seemed like the shy boy quieted down because he stopped apologizing as soon as you turned around. You both stared at each other as Yamaguchi continued to hold onto your shoulders, as if you were gonna disappear if he didn't. It felt like an eternity before you heard someone loudly clearing their throat behind your crush.
You both looked at the captain of the team, wondering what else was going to happen next. Daichi, the captain, had already dismissed the others and went up to the both of you, shaking his head. He patted the 1st year boy on the shoulder, grabbing so he could pull him closer.
"Yamaguchi, you're not in trouble, but since you hurt her head, I'm tasking you with taking them to the nurse's office." The younger boy nodded as he shyly looked back at you, letting you lead the way.
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"Your head is fine, but if it's still throbbing, make sure to put this ice pack on it for a couple of minutes." The nurse told you as you and Yamaguchi made your way out of the room. You both gave your goodbyes and slowly walk back to the gym. You both didn't say much until you were halfway to the outer area. Yamaguchi, trying to sound cool and confident, quickly initiated the conversation.
"I'm really sorry about your head! I really didn't know that you were out there. I hope your head feels better soon." With the little confidence you had left in you, you nodded your head and looked at Yamaguchi closely.
"So you were aiming to hit the volleyball out the door?" The boy's cheeks blushed widely as he tried to give you a better explanation of what he was doing, but you only laughed at how panicked he was. He stopped in his tracks as you laughed at his attempts to save face, and you couldn't help but hear what he said next.
"You have a really pretty laugh! Just like you... I mean, you're not a pretty laugh, I mean that you're pretty- Oh my god, what am I saying!" You stared at him as he rambled more and more and kept digging his grave, but you couldn't help but smile. He thought you were pretty? You!? We're you dreaming?
You touched his upper back gently and rubbed his shoulder in appreciation. He blushed some more and only calmed down when you told him that you wanted his phone number. You really didn't know what came over you, but you were finally taking charge! You were actually talking to your crush, and he wasn't running away like you thought he would!
You eventually headed back to your clubroom, only to be met with a smack in the back by your members, asking you where you had been for so long. You explained what happened, excluding the parts where you basically confessed to your crush, and they all stopped bothering you about it.
You packed up to go home after your activities were over, and you stepped out into the cool breeze, feeling as though you were a new person (you weren't, but that didn't stop your high). You walked towards the bike racks to find your bike and go home, but something in the distance caught your eye.
Yamaguchi walked quickly towards your area, handing you a slip of paper. You were confused but remembered that he promised to give you his number later. He bowed and said one last thing.
"Text me whenever you want to and I'll answer as soon as I can! I'll try not to keep you waiting," he turned to make sure no one was behind him before he ran back to the gym.
"Be safe! C-Call me when you get home." And he was gone.
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As the weeks passed by, you and Yamaguchi became closer than ever, and you quickly confessed your feelings to him because you were confident that he'd still be your friend even if he wasn't interested. Surprisingly (only to you), he said he liked you too, and you both began to take your relationship at a slow pace. The both of you were happy with the outcome!
But as Yamaguchi kept getting on his phone to message you, Tuskishuma started to notice how happy his best friend was staring at his phone... The blonde found out almost immediately that the green haired boy was messaging a special someone...
Tsukishima would never let that kind of info pass by him, and Yamaguchi certainly wouldn't keep a secret like that from him! There's no way.
But there is a way.
Tsukishima just has to ask. Act cool about it. If he makes it a big thing, Yamaguchi's gonna make it a bigger thing.
So, he asks.
"Yes, Tsukki?"
"Is there something you're hiding from me?"
"W-Why would I hide anything from you?"
"Well, you're looking way too happy to be playing a regular old phone game. You must be messaging someone."
"I... I don't know what you're talking about, Tsukki!"
"You're dating someone, aren't you?"
"M-mind your business!"
That confirmed everything to Tsukishima. And just like Yamaguchi knew he would, the tall blonde started teasing him every chance he got, and he hadn't even met you yet!
"Did you tell Tsukishima about us?"
"No... Why do you ask..."
"He walked up to me before class started and said, 'I know about you and Yamaguchi' and then he just walked off! What a guy..."
"Yeah... He should just mind his own business!"
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𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐭
A/N: Thanks for reading! I stayed up until 11 p.m. just to finish this. I probably would've never finished this if I didn't stay up. Hope you all have better motivation than I do. :D
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camilasstories · 10 months
❝feeling unreciprocated❞ chapter 4 | jungkook x reader
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summary: Sleeping with one guy after feeling rejected wasn't a good idea, but sleeping with another one and another seemed to be even worse plan. Especially with your handsome crush behind the wall, who is as confused as you about your ways of coping with a broken heart.
note: I’m sorry for such a short chapter. I just got some messages some of you were waiting for it so here you go!
trailer/masterlist | chapter 3 | next chapter
You got accustomed to your position as a Jungkook's friend. Somehow, it calmed your mind knowing you held any place in, maybe, his heart, which was ridiculous because you barely knew each other. Yet, you found peace in thinking of it like that.
This week passed by pretty fast with you being occupied with your studies and thinking about the project you were soon to present with your partners. It was also sparse in socializing with other people as Gia was preapring for her mock-exams, but especially with Jungkook as he devoted his free time to this new guy - Kim Taehyung whom he met at work. You were used to it, you told yourself and it was true as it was a completely normal state of things between you and him. However, there was this odd felling of uncertainty that manage to weigh you down. Although he mentioned before going out about seeing you later on your traditional movie night, you weren't sure whether his new friendships wouldn't drag him away from you because he was already running late. You couldn't hide the fact it was making you disappointed to the point you got yourself wondering if he even remembered you two were about to meet in your shared living room. Nevertheless, you had too much faith in him to say it out loud.
While you were waiting for him, you checked his instagram. Since you were following Jungkook, you had a full allowance to scroll though his photos and look at his stories he posted from time to time shamelessly without being scared of getting caught in his notifications. Because even if you would have, then it hadn't been seen as something weird or suspicious that you were almost stalking him on his social medias.
When it was half past eight you gave up the idea of waiting for him as thirty minutes already passed and you were one hundred percent sure he wouldn't be anytime soon so you just grabbed your quilt and a pillow to make your way back to your room quite bitter about his actions. He didn't even let you know he wasn't going to come today, which was quite disrespectful, in your opinion, because you were really looking forward to watch a movie with him. To be more precise, just to see him and you didn't ask for too much, right? On the other hand, you could have foresees that such a day would come sooner or later. You should have kicked Jungkook's ass before and met with the guy you slept with in more appropriate circumstances. Maybe you would actually have your love life back and stop daydreaming about this stupid, unreasonable, the most annoying-...
"What? You've finished watching already?"
You gasped agitated hearing the sound of shutting door and male's voice in the foyer. You turned around with bedding cover still in your arms towards the entry of your apartment. It felt like a burden was taken away from your shoulders, a big relief that he didn't ditch you after him having let you know he was actually present and, you hoped, ready to spend the evening with you. You had been so close to the edge in believing he would stood you out and this belief wasn't groundless.
"I haven't even started" you squeezed your quilt even tighter leaning on the wall as you watched him kicking off his shoes.
"Why?" he asked putting away his jacket and leaving his hoodie on with questioning, but cool look visible on his face "Did you pick something, though?"
Taking into consideration that you were busy battling gloomy thoughts in your mind, it was obvious you didn't even touch the remote.
"No, I didn’t" you replied shortly “I thought you wouldn't come, to be honest”.
Jungkook was observing you. There you were standing in a foyer with white material over your chest as you didn’t make it back to your room yet. But he didn’t know why you were not in the living room already watching something on the TV.
"I might have been a little late" he admitted shrugging his shoulders "My phone died, but I grabbed us some things on the way" he showed a see-through bag with colorful packages in it "Am I forgiven?”
"If it's your way to say sorry, then I guess so" you murmured this time with more soft expression on your face.
"Then stop looking so offended" he chuckled reaching his hands to you "Give me this, you're almost drowning" he took the bedding out of your hands and put it back on the couch, while you checked what he had bought.
In general, there were his favourite snacks, but he didn’t think only of himself as you found some crisps and cookies you often ate when you had a bad day. Your heart warmed up at his gesture. But you realized it just wasn’t adding up. Why did he care? Was he just nice? Did he know you overheard him? You sighed and placed the bag on the console in the foyer. The longer you were gazing at it, the more it felt like something was missing in the whole picture. Like everything was on its place, but there was one thing that you couldn't come up with that was lacking. Your forehead wrinkled as your eyebrows raised. You were sure you put them right there. There was no other place in your flat to fit them in.
"Hey, Junkook! Where are the flowers?" you shouted after him still standing in a foyer slightly dumbfounded.
"What flowers?" he stuck his head out after he had stopped searching for his charger.
“The ones that were standing in a foyer” you pointed at the vase with your head after having drawn his attention “Or they used to stand”.
You wondered if he even noticed them in the first place, maybe it was pointless to ask him this, but there were no more people living in this flat, so you presumed might have put them somewhere else. You watched as confusion that was plastered on his face changed into clarity as his expression lit up apparently knowing what you were talking about.
"Ah, right. I've thrown them away" he told casually and made his way to the living room indifferent to his action that managed to baffle you out.
"What? Why?" your squinted your eyes being perplexed "Jungkook, answer me!" you added feeling he didn't listen to you.
"They were dead, I guess" he shrugged his shoulders and took TV remote in his hand looking at the screen “What do you want to watch? Psychological series or comedy?"
"Jungkook!" you watched him in disbelief.
"What? They looked fucking rubbish” he looked at you as you struggled to find words “I’m just telling the truth. They've been withered” he kept convincing you.
You didn't remember them to start to wither, actually. You changed the water in vase almost every day and you even cut their ends one time. It sounded impossible. And rubbish? Okay, maybe it wasn't the prettiest bouquet, but still it was a kind gesture that you appreciated even though it wasn't given by your dream person.
"Did you even think they could have been from somebody?" you folded your arms on your chest while he sat on the couch.
"Were they?" he raised an eyebrow at you waiting for your response.
You sealed your lips immediately muted. You could have spared the information and let these silly flowers go, but obviously you couldn't keep your mouth closed at the right time. Especially when he wasn't supposed to know you were seeing someone. You didn't want to embarrass yourself with the fact it was just one-time thing. It would potentially cross your chances with him. And hooking up was just a way of coping for the time being.
"W-Well..." you stuttered losing the courage feeling the pressure of his gaze "Maybe".
"From whom?" he picked a series since you didn't answer him, but you just shrugged your shoulders not bothering to reply as shame came all over you.
You felt his burning gaze on your back as you sat down on the floor fixing the duvet under your but to make yourself comfortable on the hard ground. Nevertheless, you kept being silent with your blank eyes turned towards TV.
"Not my business, I get it" you heard him fidgeting in his sit and stretching out his legs.
"No, it's just..." you had blurted out before pursing your lips not knowing whether you should speak out "Just a guy, nothing serious".
"You don't have to explain yourself" his immediate answer and him chuckling made you flush even more "Easy there".
"Fine" you sat there for a few minutes not even daring to touch the sweets he had brought with him, somehow losing your appetite as you almost gave yourself away.
"You know you can sit next to me" Jungkook made an offer with his eyes glued to the screen "I don't bite".
In fact, you took Gia's advice to your heart not wanting your feelings to escalate even more, seeing how much it could cost you. Still, you hesitated as you also yearned for his presence, but the damage it could make outweighed the benefits. After your analyzations, you came to one, precious conclusion that it would be healthier for you to leave some free space between you and him. To leave it as it was. To make a safe deal for both of the sides.
"No, no. It's okay" you turned it down knowing what could happen if you let yourself feel more than you allowed to.
Sometimes, saying no to some invitations should be just done. Even to such a dissent one like this. But you had a good head on your shoulders trying not to melt because of his tempting proposition.
"It's not like we've just met, (Y/N)" you almost felt him rolling his eyes at you, but you decided to shrug it off.
Keeping a safe distance between you and Jungkook gave you the sense of control over your absurd feelings and decreased your chances of making embarrassing gaffe in his presence. Although he didn't acknowledge your sympathy towards him, you had to be the one who would be reasonable enough to draw a thick line between both of you, just in case. You had no idea what would happen if any signs of crushing over him came out.
"It's quite comfortable here" you brought your knees closer to your chest which enabled you to rest your chin there "But thanks".
"Yeah, I'm sure of it" he used his sarcasm to deny your silly statement and without giving a hoot he leaned down to slip his hands under your arms.
"What are you doing?" your body became stiff under his firm grip, but instantly it woke up due to the pluck trying to wiggle out from his hold.
"Stop squirming. You're making this difficult" Jungkook groaned silently as he pulled you up from the floor to the cozy couch next to him "And you are not as light as you seem to be".
Actually, when you let yourself feel the intensity of your intimacy after giving up a fight, there came a nice feeling of having him so close to your body. For the first time. Though, you doubted whether he was going through the same thing, you didn't seem to care at the moment completely drowning in a pleasant sensation. He was warm, you felt it only by touching each other with shoulders. And his scent was something else. Fresh, strong and manly. You squeezed yourself deeper into seat back. Fuck, you were melting.
"Comfy, kitten?" he sneered seeing your face expression softening.
Kitten. You gulped down, shaking yourself out. You must have misheard something.
"Not enough" you responded pretending to be serious "You take too much space".
"Better keep your mouth closed or you will get back to that floor" he sighed because of your indication and moved his body to the left side of the sofa "Here, happy?"
As much as you wanted to, you shouldn't, right? Well, avoiding being so close to him to prevent your feelings escalating even more was demanding. In addition, his actions unabled you from doing so. How you were supposed to stay away from him?
“No” you scoffed and started to slide down from the couch to get back to the floor "It was my turn anyway".
"I don't think you're going anywhere farer than this fucking sofa" he grabbed you once again this time placing his hands on your waist as it was easier to lift you up.
"Jungkook, please. Leave-" you couldn't finish your sentence as you felt his hands on your body.
"No way. Get your ass here" he tilted his head amused "You're so irritating sometimes. It must be so tiring, why don't you quit that?"
"Oh, get away" you huffed, but he shrugged it off with a laugh while he put you back next to him "You see me barely once a week, you don't know me" you stated.
"And let's leave it that way" you assumed he made a joke, but you couldn't help feeling a sharp pinning in your chest. He kept mocking "I don't know what's hidden behind this innocent face of yours".
Crush. Random hookup. You name it.
"A lot".
"I imagine" he nodded his head pretending to be serious "How was your week?" the standard question came out of his mouth.
"With your style of living?" he folded his arms not really believing you "What? Were you on some party? Did you went clubbing?" he kept inquiring.
"Yes? I was at..." you stuttered "At..."
"Caleido? Zoid club?" he started to list every place he visited "Because for sure not at Vixen's".
"Well, one of them".
He turned his head towards you while scanning your face as if something was not right with you.
"You are such a bad liar" he said looking straight into your eyes.
"Why do you think I'm lying?" you broke under his intense gaze while gulping down knowing he caught you already. Your heart started to bump strongly in your chest to the point you almost heard it in your ears "Why you don't believe I went clubbing?"
Maybe you were too obvious, too predictable, too… boring to get his attention.
"Because it's just... you".
taglist: @smwhrinthehaze, @betysotelo18
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truthofself · 9 months
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Title: my best friends boyfriend pt.2 Pairing(s): Reader/Kayn, Akali/Kayn, Ahri/Evelynn (Minor) Word Count: 3,124 Warnings: Minor NSFW.
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Drink up? He wanted you to drink up? This felt more like a game at this point than an actual prelude to whatever he had planned in that pretty head of his. You couldn't help but grin and laugh at these words. "We're gonna be cheersing a lot tonight" You spoke boldly, holding up the now half empty margarita glass. Kayn happily picks up the beer you obtain from you and taps it lightly to your glass with a smile. "Cheers" The both of you spoke together, before both throwing back the rest of your drinks with a wide grin and laugh. The clatter of the bottle and glass back on the top of the bar caught the attention of the other bartender
"Just another beer and I think Shi made them one of her secret Margs, so you'll have to get her back to make it."
The bartender looked a little confused, but nodded, quickly calling to Shi who was now dragging her husband from the main floor into the back room. For a moment her gaze fell to you and Kayn, and all you saw was Kayn lift up your glass and shake it at her. She began to mouth the words in a moment, while Zed was clearly trying to protest whatever she was going to do to him. But Shi didn't stop dragging, pulling him out of the main room and into the back. You could hear muffled yelling through the wall for a moment, as Kayn just sighed and tried to distract you with meaningless conversation about beer and similar alcohols as you waited and watched the doorway you had seen Shi go through. And soon enough he was emerging again, a wide smile on her face as she slid behind the bar again and stood in front of you. "So, round two? How lovely"
She seemed so unbothered by whatever had just occurred in the back, and honestly you were kind of impressed, and you could see that Kayn picked up on that trait of hers. It almost made you giggle as you watched her make you another drink before handing it off to you. She smiled again, it felt warm and you couldn't help but to smile back as you watched the other bartender hand Kayn his beer. You could see Kayn nod at the other bartender, before shooting his mother a look and turning to you. You shifted your gaze to Kayn, seeing his mother & the bartender slipping out of the area. You couldn't help but giggle, with each passing moment you could feel the effects of the alcohol in your system slowly taking a toll, and you were kind of excited about it for once. You weren't the type to really get drunk most of the time so on the few occasions you let down your walls you found a lot of joy in them. "Cheers, I can't wait to see what you look like while you're fighting for control over your own body, while you're being pleasured in every sense of the word."
You sucked in a breath at the mere thought of the words he just said, trying to come up with a witty comment in response but you felt too distracted, because the concept of Kayn being able to pleasure you in all meanings was enough to drive your brain into a ditch and just shut down. So you did what any sensible person would do, and just slammed back your own drink without any thought of the consequences, before speaking again. "just don't let me forget." You smiled as you placed down the glass and hiccupped softly. Too much too fast, but you knew for sure there was no stopping tonight. Everything was going to come and go in a haze, while you welcomed it, it also scared you. "Can I get another one of these? It's actually really good" You giggled again, and Kayn couldn't help but grin and nod.
"Hey ma, can we get another one of those for Y/N, but like double it this time? I don't think they're ready to give up quite yet."
"Testing my limits to their full degree, are we now Kayn?"
"Go hard or go home, baby." The simple term of affection sent shivers down your spine. While you knew it wasn't meant in such a way, and simply was just strung onto the saying, it made you feel like and warmer than before. And maybe that was just the alcohol hitting again. But, no matter the case you were feeling different and you were prepared. "I need to drink more to catch up to you at this point, soon enough you'll be drunker than I am. I'm failing as a host." 
You chuckled again at how his words seemed so childish considering the topic at hand and it just made you grin ear to ear. " If you're being a bad host maybe you should step up your game?" You earned a laugh from Kayn, who just brushed off your comment. And that was the history. That was how you ended up here, in the moment being led by your wrist out the back door of the bar and up the fire escape.  Flight after flight of stairs, and you could hardly see where you were stepping at this point, but you kind of enjoyed the thrill of stumbling up those stairs with Kayn. The way he would look at you over his shoulder with that smile, and the gleam in his eyes. Your heart wouldn't stop fluttering. "Do you live at the top or something? There's so many stairs, Kayn!" You nearly cried out between breaths, you were tired, and at the next landing Kayn was already pulling you into him before he spoke.
"And if I do? Shall I carry you the rest of the way?" You couldn't help but nod, and Kayn seemed to agree, sweeping his arms behind your knees with the other at your back and soon enough you were off your feet. One arm around his neck and another on Kayn's chest, faces just inches apart. No words or anything were exchanged, but you wanted nothing more than to just lean forward and lock lips with him, but he made it so you couldn't. He was quick, spinning around with you in his arms, with a grin before stopping. "I might live at the top, so let me make this easier on you my dear."
He knew now to make you swoon which was a shocking yet pleasing trait of his, another thing you liked. But maybe that was just an in the moment thing as he began to walk again, carrying you up the stairs furthering, sealing your fate to spend the night with this stranger that you've taken a very deep interest in. Despite the effects of the alcohol you couldn't help but giggle at all little actions of his. But you just found yourself watching him again, the way his braid bounced when he would skip steps, the way his grip tightened on you each time he turned to move up the next flight. The grin on his face never faltered and it only widened when you could see him glance at you from the corner of his eyes. But it doesn't stop him when you gotta what you assumed was the window to his apartment? Loft? you didn't even know. "If this one apartment, its like 3 floors or''
"It's a loft, yeah. We own the other 2 apartment buildings across the street, but this building is just the bar and our families loft. I got the top floor to myself so my parents don't bother me."
"Wow how lucky late 20s and getting to basically live in your own place but still with your parents"
"Oh hush, you'll appreciate it once you're inside." And maybe he was right, there was a little fiddling with the window as he had put you down on your feet again, but soon enough he got it to pop open and went through the window, before turning to help you through. Inside was a whole different vibe. Inside you could see Kayn stood a little taller, most likely far more comfortable to be back in his own place than out in the open. "Now that we're inside," He began to talk again, hardly giving you time to stand completely up on your own two feet before a hand of his was on your shoulder and pushing you backwards until your back was met with the wall behind you. His free hand found its way to the window ledge and shut it with one swoop. "Don't need the outside to hear you and all the little things I'm planning to do to you."
You could hear yourself swallowed which meant there might've been a good chance Kayn could hear it too, and you're assuming he did because his grin only widened. "And what, do you have planned in that pretty little mind of yours" You hardly mustered the will and bravery to say it, which felt good; but you're already regretting it, because the hand that was on the window was now on your hips, and he was digging his nails into you. His hand that rested on your shoulder slowly moved its way towards your hair where you could feel his fingers slowly run through small sections of it, his gaze shifting to follow where his hand was in your hair.
"You'd love for me to tell you everything, but I think the surprise of it is far more thrilling. Wouldn't you agree Y/N"
"I'd agree."
"So, then let me ask you again, do you want to make bad decisions with me that you'll forget in the morning so when you finally remember them randomly you'll be so embarrassed but can't help but crave my touch again?"
"I want to."
"Perfect, then let's begin." He wasn't kidding when he said that, that was your warning, within seconds, before you could even get another word out, Kayn's lips were on yours and he showed no desire to keep this slow or build up to anything. He was already interested in making you  completely melt for him right then and there. And you were not against it in the slightest, his hand on your hip was warm, even through the pain of his nails digging into your flesh, you almost didn't want him to stop. The thought of him clawing you enough to leave small wounds in the morning so you could see them and wonder what occurred was kind of exciting to you. And you just let him do it more, moving your own hands to wrap around his neck to bring him in closer to you, because even lip locked like this it wasn't close enough for you. 
He must've felt the same way, because the hand that was previously in your hand was now slowly dragging itself down your neck, past your collar bones and down your torso, before falling to sit in the opposite spot of your hip to his other, and his knee finding its way between your legs, and you already knew it was over for you. You could feel your mind slowly wanting to slip away so you could completely give yourself up to this man and all the dirty little things he kept teasing you about. But you needed to remember, you wanted to, because how could you want to forget any of this? You had to fight back a little letting a little moan escape from you when his knee moved up to press against you, and Kayn instantly figured this was all you had been waiting for all night, you were just waiting for his touch.
And maybe in that moment something seemed to change, Kayn's touch got light for a moment, before he was roughly grabbing you again. Kayn's hand traveled from where they were previously perched to right under your ass. You felt his grip tightened before lifting you up off the ground, you were slightly taken back by the action but when your lips left his and you were looking him in the eyes, he was grinning at you with a level of deviousness that he didn't quite have prior. And maybe he too was just waiting for this moment, but at the same time he felt like a different person. He seemed to continue to soften his grip to tighten it again, as if he couldn't tell if you were real or not. But you didn't dare ask any questions, not when he was looking at you with almost predatory eyes. You found yourself wrapping your arms & legs around him to keep yourself up, as his grip on your tightened once again. One hand of his resting on your upper thigh and the other grabbing your ass, as he carried you. You felt like a prey, and the way he quickly made his way to a bedroom before throwing you down on the mattress spoke volumes about how eager he was to make you lose your mind. 
He paused for a moment standing over you, "How much fun do we make this? How far can I push you?"
"Depends what you have in mind."
"I'm game."
"Like riding crops and shit?” You asked a little curious about the idea. And Kayn simply nodded. You paused thinking about it, you never really were a very sexually active person, a couple partners here and there in the past. But you never really were the type you experimented outside of the basic handcuffs, and the occasional gag. "I guess we could give it a shot. But if I say stop, you're stopping. Otherwise I'm making a good choice."
"Good choices are boring, but I'll respect this boundary. I'm just curious how far you'll go before you shatter apart and do nothing more than just begging for me to not stop."
"You talk about big games, but I'd rather have you prove it."
"Then you'll get what you wish for."
And that was pretty much the end of most of the talking for that night. Kayn was quick, to pull your body up, a hand on your arm to pull you sitting up. And then he was gone out of the room for a moment, you could hear him going through drawers or something in another room. But once he came back there were a couple items in his hand that didn't really shock you at the moment. He had asked about all of them prior so you were prepared, just sitting ever so peacefully at the foot of his bed, while he just stood over you. You could make out sets of cuffs, a riding crop among the items but with them all being a matte black-leather like material it was hard to make out the rest in the moment. But that didn't matter when the objects were dropped down next to you. You felt frozen under his gaze, watching him and all his movements, and he could tell, giving you a smirk as his hands traveled to his belt, where he unbuckled it smoothly with one hand before pulling it off and dropping it on the floor next to him. Next his pants button, and his hand rested on the waistband, and if he wanted you to choose the next course of action. And originally you didn't move, but he took a step back, and you understood what he was suggesting. You couldn't help but to giggle softly at his way of doing this, but you still slid off his bed and onto your knees, looking up at him.
From all angles he was the most beautiful person you had seen, and it didn't stop him. His hands began to move again, undoing his zipper, and being this focused now on the ground in front of him you paid a little more attention to the very clear imprint in his pants. You should've noticed before because now you were swallowing your pride and your confidence in this ability of yours. But he didn't stop, and you didn't make any advances for him to pick up on your doubts. Kayn just kept moving, his pants slowly falling down his legs, and soon enough he was stepping out of them and kicking them to the side. You couldn't even imagine how you looked down there, staring up at him with more than lucky big doe eyes, and a clear interest in making him as crazy for you as you were for him currently. And maybe he caught onto that, because one of his hands found its way to the waistband on his underwear and was already slowly pulling them down and off, and maybe you weren't memorized as others could be by men. But you weren't disappointed by his size when you saw it. You weren't expecting it to be fairy tale huge or anything, you were expecting average at least, and he sure was larger than that but not crazy large. 
Shit, watching Kayn place a hand on his shaft, stroking himself gently a couple of times as he places his other hand on your head, gently grabbing you by the hair, and pulling you with him as he went to move the both of you. You watched him sit down on the bed as he tugged you to turn before pulling you close to himself. You just let him drag you, placing your hands gently on his thighs as you found yourself pulled in between his legs. There was a minor twinge of pain from the pull, but you didn't let it bother you too much, as Kayn let go of your hair and you gently rested your head on his leg looking up at him. How much could you push it off to make it wait for it until he couldn't anymore, because you could see his eyes were already inpatient with you. You watched him shift back to rest on his elbows, an eyebrow raised as he looked from you, to his cock and back to you. "Keep giving me that face, and I could just make you gag on it."
All you did was snicker, picking up your head for a moment, one hand moving to switch places with Kayns hand on his shaft, and suddenly everything felt to click into place. His eyes softened and he grinned back at you. That was all you needed, a simple sign to show both of you were ready and comfortable. Now this is where the fun would begin for both of you.
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lovejosephquinn · 2 years
Hi lovely!
Can you write a fic where Joe x Reader have been dating for a very short while but Joe is head over heels after previous fails at online dating and just knows she's the one, especially when he sees her with her 11 y.o. daughter. He then one day surprises reader when she tells him to be careful while they're in bed because she missed an appointment for her birth control shot, and he's like...well would it be so bad? And basically discovers a crazy breeding kink, talks to reader filthy as hell and ends up busting the biggest load of his life, that he falls apart and almost cries, & is crossing his fingers he becomes a dad almost immediately.
You're so damn incredible btw and so talented! I mean this from the bottom of my heart, you are so wonderful and I am so appreciative of you!
The fact you took your time out to compliment me like that after your laid down your idea made my heart scream! THANK YOU ❤😍
How cute but filthy, you're my type of person
Thank you for your request x
Warnings: fluff and smut, that's it Under 18's DNI!
Word Count: 1.8k
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Let's Try For A Baby, Baby.
You had very nearly given up on the idea of online dating, not sure where to go with it next or just to give up on finding love altogether. You were exhausted with the creeps that just insisted on showing you a picture of their limp dick or people who would completely waste your time and ghost after a while of talking.
Being a single mum to an 11-year-old girl in the dating scene is not something that is welcomed by most people, women with baggage are usually pushed aside. You'd countlessly uninstalled and reinstalled the different dating apps, a thing you tended to return to when you were bored in the evening. Your daughter was becoming more independent and would rather spend time in her bedroom on the phone to her friends than be sat with her mum.
This was all a vicious circle until the one night you swiped right for Joe, the guy who quickly fell into your life and you hit it off straight away, moving from messaging to hours' worth of phone calls. You lived at complete opposite ends of London, which wasn't far in retrospect but there was a slight bit of distance that was able to let you meet in the middle for the first few dates. You convinced yourself that this man was too good to be true, he had the looks, the personality and sense of humour all moulded into one, honestly quite perfect and that terrified you. Then came the free weekends where you'd make plans to spend time with one another whilst you were child free to where you'd seemingly always end up back at his apartment which would end a number of things but especially either bouncing on his cock or getting your pussy eaten mercilessly.
The day you brought your daughter to meet Joe went exactly as you'd hoped, they clicked instantly and were so alike in their humour, there wasn't a moment that they weren't around each other where they weren't laughing at something the other just said.
Everything was undeniably faultless, your relationship had blossomed quickly, the fact you're a mum was accepted, and Joe's flaws were minimal, you didn't understand how you'd fallen so lucky, and the feeling was considerably mutual on his side; it's clearly a rarity to find such a gem anywhere in life.
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A year had flown by so fast, it was your first anniversary together and you had arranged for your daughter to go and sleep at her friends for the night so you could have one another all to yourself. Joe had cooked you an amazing two course meal and you had shared a couple of bottles of white wine between the two of you, feeling the effects afterwards where you found yourselves making out like a pair of lovesick teenagers on the sofa, the heated kiss reciprocated in the same manner as your tongues battled for dominance.
Joe had his hand firmly pressed against your panties, rubbing at your arousal slow but firm, you lent up onto your elbows as the kiss broke, pressing your foreheads together and palmed in through his jeans at the same pace. The sudden rush to make it to the bedroom and make love to one another was apparent in the way you looked at one another. Removing your clothes in unison, Joe laid down on the bed and you were desperate for his tongue but also wanted his cock in your mouth, you edged yourself over his face and caught him biting his lip down as his hands came up to pull your thighs down so you could sit directly on his tongue and the moment you fell to his face, his muscle darted straight into your hole and lapped up your already wet state. You moaned, leaning down slightly and kissed the tip of his cock that laid flat stood up on his stomach. "S-suck my cock, baby, please." He muttered as he moved to flicker his tongue on your clit, humming at your taste. Your hips bucked down onto his face, giving him deeper access in between your folds at the sudden twitch of your nerve.
You lifted his cock and sucked hard, swirling your tongue around his leaking end. The both of you moaning and groaning at each other's arousal was almost enough to make you cum there and then. Sliding more of Joe into your mouth had him eating your pussy relentlessly, he was making a complete mess of his face, your juices coating and running down his chin as he took all of, he could into his mouth and began to suck on your bud. Your hole was gaping around nothing as you cried out to him, he gave you everything he could whilst you began to come undone on top of him. Your body was a shaking mess as you lifted yourself back up, his tongue re-entering your hole whilst you rode it, letting it hit your sweet spot just after the entrance.
"Oh my god, you eat my pussy so good Joe, holy sh-"
His groans became louder at your words and just like that your body gave way and you finished hard all thanks to his mouth. Joe could hardly breathe as you rode out your orgasm, but he didn't care, the taste and feel was too good to waste.
You clambered off Joe to let oxygen flow back into his lungs and laid beside him, about to sit up and go back down on him when he pushed you back flatly on the bed. "No baby, I need to be inside of that beautiful, tight pussy now, I want to cum inside of you."
A hint of concern grew on your face as you looked up to Joe, his incredibly sexy demeanour was fading when he noticed your emotion change. "What's the matter, love?"
"I missed my birth control pill appointment the other day, so that's probably not a good idea."
You and Joe had conversations about what your future might have looked like, and the one thing Joe was adamant about was having children of his own and that a family was all he'd ever wanted for a long, long time, you were often broody too now your first baby had started to grow up, so you knew you wanted more.
Joe pondered over your words for a second and spoke out before he could even justify the sentence in his head.
"Maybe it's not such a bad thing, my love."
"What do you mean?"
"If you were to 'accidentally' end up having my baby, it wouldn't be such a bad thing to happen, right?"
The kiss you shared after he'd stopped talking was something you'd never felt before, excitement? Or pure hope that now you were about to get pregnant with the love of your life.
Joe lifted himself above you and hoisted your legs up on his shoulders for deeper access, leaning down and positioning himself back at your entrance as eased himself in slowly, you'd had sex plenty of times with your boyfriend in the last year, but every single time his thick cock filled you, it felt completely new.
He began to slowly fill you inch by inch, watching you squirm beneath him as he began to pump his cock back and forth inside of you. The same moans began to fill the room again from both of you. Joe looked into your eyes with such desire at that one moment. "Holy shit you're so god damn tight Y/N, I can't get enough of this pretty pussy. I can't wait to fill you up with my seed".
Your hands clutched at his flexed muscles that stood beside you, his pace becoming faster as he pushed himself as deep as he possibly could, his tip slapping your cervix with every thrust. "Going to give you this baby, going to make me the happiest man alive." His thrusts became turbulent as he moaned your name countless times in a row, your vision turning white and your second orgasm rushing over you without warning as he continued to hit your g-spot. Clenching your walls around his member and pushing your legs downward off his shoulders. "Wrap your legs around my waist, I'm going to cum so deep inside of you." God damn it the words he spoke it was turning you on so much and you loved how clearly excited he was to possibly be having a baby with you. "Tell me you want it, Y/N, let me hear it."
Your eyes were squeezed tight as you felt him continue to drill himself inside of you. Your legs wrapped around him tight, and your arms wrapped around his neck. "I want you to put a baby in me Joe, I want you fill me up so deep, please m-my love, please. Faster."
Your reply sent him over the edge, the last few thrusts became inconsistent, and he released his cum right where he wanted it. You'd never heard such an intangible string of words fall from someone's mouth just as you had witnessed Joe doing. He continued to slowly drive himself into you, letting you know how good it felt and riding his orgasm out with all he could manage and instantly fell down on top of you, sweat dripping from his forehead and his face completely blushed.
"That was amazing, baby."
He kept himself inside of you for a good 5 minutes before pulling out followed by a tiny bit of cum which spewed out of your hole, it didn't matter you'd worry about cleaning up later as Joe fell beside you, you turned to your side as Joe slumped his chin onto your shoulder, kissing your cheek and held onto your stomach where he lightly stroked his fingers over it. "Imagine what could be happening right now Y/N, you could be making me a daddy."
A tear fell down your face as you envisioned the perfect life you already had with a precious little version of your Joe in your arms, big brown eyes looking up at you.
"What if it doesn't happen right away though, what then? I just don't want to disappoint you."
"Then we try again, love. I won't give up until we get what we want, there's nothing I want more than this."
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veronicaphoenix · 8 months
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Lia’s chest rose and fell slowly against his arm wrapped around her. “I want to have a purpose, Noah,” she sobbed suddenly, the weight of her dreams mingling with the pain etched into her soul. “You have it, it’s just that now it’s too dark to see it.”
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Chapter tags: best friends, parent’s neglect towards children, angst, comfort, dysfunctional family. | Word count: 2.4k | Cross posted on AO3. | Series masterpost. ✧.*
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Lia is 13. Noah is 14.
Noah had a key to Lia’s house.
She had offered it to him months prior in case she didn’t show up at school or didn’t answer her phone calls and no one knew anything about her for more than a couple of days.
They had gone together to get a copy made, but the store had refused as soon as they had seen the two teenagers, hair disheveled from the bike ride to the shop and innocent faces, looking like they didn’t know exactly what they were doing there.
But they knew very well, and the truth was that they couldn’t tell the man behind the counter that it was a matter of safety. Someone outside the four walls where Lia lived needed a key, someone who cared about her, about her health, about her well-being and her simple existence, and no, that someone wasn’t the men who came and went and to whom her mother had left keys with which they disappeared, jeopardizing the security that a home should provide.
They had talked about it to Noah’s grandparents, but they were firm on the idea that getting a copy of somebody else’s house without their permission was not right. The house wasn’t Lia’s, and they also didn’t know half of the things that happened behind those closed doors because Lia didn’t want them to know.
Noah needed a copy because he was the only person willing to get Lia out of Hell. Since the last two years, they had never gone more than forty-eight hours without hearing from each other. Whether it was at school of by phone call, they were always in touch.
They left the store empty-handed that day, and Lia burst into tears, the weight of helplessness settling on her shoulders like a heavy burned. She thought she was deemed to be alone, to be loved by no one, and to be left to tend for herself. If a mother fails you, and you have no other family, what can you expect from the rest of the world?
But the world had given her Noah.
On the street, car traffic was flowing and the noise coming from the vehicles muffled her sobs.
Noah put his hands on her shoulders, giving her a slight shake, and assured her that they would get a copy. While Lia hardly had any friends (given her introverted nature and the speed at which she was forced to mature), Noah, at fourteen, had quite a few friends. Some of them were of age, and those who were not, had siblings who were, and one of them would be able to get a copy of the key without intrusive questions or arbitrary obstacles.
It wasn't just about having a key; it was about having the means to unlock the door to a world that threatened to consume her.
That’s how Noah got the key, and he didn’t have to use it until one summer afternoon, a month and a half before he turned fifteen. Although he had seen Lia the afternoon before and they had been swimming in the lake, something happened.
Noah’s world seemed to tilt on its axis as the rumors reached his ears. He had been having lunch at Nicholas’ when he returned home, and Hana told him that a gunshot had been heard around the Parker house, or at least, so she had heard from the neighbors down the street. She herself had called the phone number that Lia had written in a post-it and stuck to the fridge, to make sure it was nothing and that the girl was okay, but no one had picked up.
The afternoon spent with Lia in the lake now felt like a distant memory, overshadowed by an impeding sense of dread.
Noah left his house without asking any more questions, picking up his bike up off the driveway and pedaling as fast as his legs would allow him until he reached Lia’s house, fear increasing. He jumped off the bike while it was still moving, and he didn’t mind leaving it laying there on the asphalt, where anyone could pick it up and take it away. The bike was the last thing he cared about at that moment.
He rang the bell first even though his heart was drumming in his chest, and he was almost shaking. Sweat was trickling down his back and down his right temple, and a few strands of hair were sticking to his forehead.
He rang the doorbell again.
When a few seconds passed and no one answered, Noah’s desperation grew. He took a couple steps back as he strained to detect any signs of life within the house—any flicker of light or hint of movement.
The stillness fueled the knot of worry tightening in his stomach.  
He used the key, then.
Noah entered the house. The threshold between uncertainty and the truth lay before him, and with a deep breath, Noah pushed open the door, steeling himself for whatever awaited on the other side.
It smelled of alcohol and tobacco, as always; a testament to the turbulent environment that had become all too familiar to Lia. There were dirty clothes scattered in different corners and a couple of empty wine bottles on the wooden steps of the staircase. The house was loaded with furniture and junk, a total disarray, a fucking mess. The place where Lia lived.
“Lia?” His call was hesitant.
There was no one on the ground floor, and by then he didn’t care if anyone was in the house. He just wanted, needed, to find Lia. Find her okay.
Ignoring the chaos around him, Noah navigated the path to Lia’s room on the second floor.
The door was closed. He hesitated for a moment, the weight of the unknown settling on his shoulders, but the not-so-distant sound of Lia’s weak sobs broke through the silence.
With a deep breath, Noah pushed the door open, revealing a scene that both tore his heart and fueled his determination. Lia, that usually managed to be a pillar of strength, lay on her unmade bed, her tiny body curled into a fetal position. The sheets beneath her seemed to absorb the echoes of her pain. Her body was shaking.
His immediate concern cut through the heaviness of seeing Lia like that. Noah made sure there were no bloodstains marring the bedsheets. His eyes scanned the room for any sign of blood.  The room, cluttered with piles of books, boxes full of dry flowers, drawings stuck to the walls, and Lia’s discarded sneakers and winter boots told a story, but not of physical harm.
“Lia,” he called gently.
Her head jerked out of the shelter of her hands, and her big, wet eyes looked up at the boy from behind a curtain of light brown hair. Noah approached cautiously, giving her a moment to recognize his presence on the threshold of her bedroom. When he stood just a couple of steps away, Lia rose abruptly, throwing her arms around his neck in a desperate attempt at seeking comfort. Noah wrapped her in his arms, holding her more than hugging her, and he let her cry against his shoulder for as long as she needed.
After what seemed like an endless passage of time, Lia managed to pull herself together a bit and was finally able to tell Noah what had happened. They sat on her bed, shoes off, back against the headboard. Lia flexed her legs and wrapped her arms around her knees.
Her mother had brought yet another man to the house the night before, after her shift had ended. Thankfully, said man had remained blissfully unaware of Lia's presence in the house, at least until the next morning. Lia had gone downstairs to prepare breakfast, unaware that the man had brought a gun, a snubbie, with him, left it on the kitchen table and ended up covered by her mother's worn sweater. Before getting down to breakfast, Lia decided to pick up the laundry and put a load in the washing machine, since it could take Cristina another two weeks to do it. As she dropped the pile of clothes in front of the washing machine, the gun, which she had carried without being aware of it, went off as it collided with the floor. The bullet punctured one of the walls, but it could have gone out in another direction, and next to the pile of clothes Cristina could have found her thirteen-year-old daughter in a pool of blood.
What she did find was Lia standing in a corner of the laundry room, with her hands over her ears and completely paralyzed, and all she did was yell at her, push her, and remind her what a stupid girl she was. The man who came down behind Cristina in a hurry was wearing only boxers, but Lia didn't even notice that. The man said something to her, admonishing her for meddling with things she shouldn't have, as if it was the most normal thing in the world to leave weapons around the house, hiding underneath dirty clothes.
The absurdity of the situation only heightened Lia's confusion, the ringing sound of the gunshot still reverberating in her ears. She couldn’t understand anything.
Minutes later, concerned neighbors arrived, drawn by the commotion. Cristina, adept at managing appearances, plastered a smile on her face and reassured them not to worry. The neighbors, perhaps desensitized to the peculiarities of the Parker household, accepted Cristina's reassurances without delving deeper into the unsettling incident.
When the man left a couple of hours later, Cristina followed him suit. Her parting words to Lia were a callous directive to sort out the laundry, leaving her alone to grapple with the residual shock and confusion, the laundry room a silent witness to the perilous dance with danger that had unfolded mere hours ago.
Lia didn’t do the laundry. She didn’t have breakfast and she didn’t eat lunch either. She spent the day lying in her bed, recalling the moment in which she had dropped the clothes, the sound of the gun firing, the buzzing of her ears, the momentary shock in which she thought she was dead. It took her a full minute to realize that the bullet had gone in the opposite direction.
Throughout that day, Lia wrestled with the aftermath of the near-tragedy. The ordinary had become fraught with the extraordinary, and Lia grappled with the fragility of life in the wake of the incident.
The hole in the wall would still be there nearly two decades later, when the ebb and flow of life would lead Lia back to that same house to announce to Cristina that she would soon be a grandmother.  
By the time Lia finished talking, Noah had been rubbing soothing circles with his hand on her shoulder. He had put an arm around her and Lia, worn and vulnerable, had leaned into his body, resting her head on his shoulder.
Noah kept her close to him. He didn’t say anything. They remained in silence for a while. The only sound coming from the open window being the melodic chirping of the birds outside and the distance hum of cars navigating the streets.
When Lia lifted her head and looked up at Noah, she did so with a glint of resilience in her eyes. Though still watery, they were also shining. Their faces were so close that Noah could catch the faint scent of Lia's minty toothpaste—a detail that seemed almost intimate in its simplicity.
“Can you stay?”
Noah nodded without a second’s hesitation.
He would stay there by her side through any storm and after, to weather the echoes of whatever she went through. She had done the same for him multiple times by now. They were each other’s sanctuary.
Lia turned around and laid down on the mattress, giving her back to Noah. He laid down, too, and moved his body close to hers until they were touching —a gentle proximity— and wrapped an arm around her. Lia found refuge beneath Noah’s chin, and settled into the contours of his protective hold, her eyes closing in an attempt to escape the remnants of the day. Noah’s reminded open as he absorbed the vanilla-scented warmth emanating from Lia. She had this obsession with a vanilla and argan oil-scented shampoo that she would still be using years later, when they had moved out of this town and into a new home.
“Is it always going to be like this?” Her voice was low and laden with weakness when she asked.
“Grandma says it won’t,” He replied in the same tone. Lia’s hair prickled his chin. It felt nice.
Lia was trapped in the grip of the day’s events. She couldn’t shake the tendrils of doubt so easily.
“You believe her?”
“Why shouldn’t I?” Even though his faith in his grandmother’s wisdom and beliefs some times failed, he wanted to hold onto the idea that things would be different; better.
“I can’t see myself out of here, in a different house, being a different person…”
As Lia expressed her struggle to envision a life beyond their current circumstances, Noah's grip tightened subtly, a silent reassurance that they were in this together.
“I’ll buy you a house.”
Ever grounded in practicality, Lia responded: “You don’t have money.”
And Noah, undeterred, replied: “But I will when I start selling music.”
It was a declaration of dreams and determination, a glimpse into the future that he envisioned not just for himself but for her, also.
Lia’s chest rose and fell slowly against his arm wrapped around her.
“I want to have a purpose, Noah,” she sobbed suddenly, the weight of her dreams mingling with the pain etched into her soul.
“You have it, it’s just that now it’s too dark to see it.”
“I don’t want to be like my mom,” she confessed, her voice slowing down, her sobs held under the last ounce of control she had left.
Recognizing her fear, all too familiar to him now, he responded full of certainty.
“You don’t have to be, and I’m sure you won’t. You’re good at so many things. You’re my best friend.”
As Lia’s emotions spilled over, her fears and dreams laid bare, she clutched Noah’s hand on her chest.
“Don’t ever leave, Noah,” she whispered. “I’ll take care of you, but please, take care of me.”
“I will,” he promised. 
Before she fell asleep with the mid-afternoon breeze entering through the window, she confided: “You’re my only reason for being.”
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storiesbyjes2g · 8 months
Remembering my legacy story...
That tag has me thinking about my legacy story and how the story was shaped by my discoveries and ignorance while learning about this game. The first few generations were kind of tragic. I played vanilla and on normal life, and it took me until the day before X's birthday to get married. I was so scared he was gonna die without children, causing me to fail the challenge on the first try lol. He actually was engaged before, but his fiancé showed up the night before the wedding as an elder!! My boy had to start all over. UGH! He eventually found someone, but he had to propose to her three times! FINALLY he got married and had two children before he croaked.
His wife died on their son's teen birthday, leaving both children an orphan! I was terrified social services was gonna come and take them away! 🤣 I didn't know yet that teenagers were just baby-faced adults. 😑 But man, that period was hard. Those poor kids had to grow up way too fast. They got jobs to pay the bills, and they had almost zero free time. They were tired ALL the time because all they did was work. They had their jobs, but they also had a garden they had to take care of because the flowers paid the lion's share of the bills. They stopped doing their homework because it took up too much time. Their grades plummeted, and the principal called every day. But somehow I discovered you could have their birthdays at any time, so I aged the oldest one up like 4 or 5 days early because those poor kids needed a break!
(more generations under the cut)
At the end of generation two and through three, I felt like I had a good handle on the game and what it could do, so my curiosity came out and so did Stories By Jes2G lol. That's when this story started to get real messy LOL. My heir had a girlfriend, but the relationship wasn't really going anywhere so he started seeing this other girl. But he didn't know girlfriend #1 was pregnant! He fell all the way in love with girlfriend #2, moved her in (learned my lesson from gen 1!!), married her, and knocked her up. They had a happy little family for a while. No sooner than he forgot about girlfriend #1, the bastard son showed up at his door all casual like my mama said you're my daddy...nice house! 🤣 That did not go over well. As a matter of fact, his wife was very upset and tried to burn off some steam on the treadmill. But she was an elder and... RIP Adalynn.
Generation four was when I learned just how much you can learn about your characters just by letting them be autonomous and watching them go. The tragedy of this generation was what happens when two horny teens get married out of high school lol. Those two had nothing in common and led two separate lives under the same roof. That was partly because I was focused on making them complete their aspirations, but also they rarely interacted with each other when they were autonomous. The wife was a career woman and was not interested in having a third child. But the first two were girls, and this legacy was a strict patriarchy and I needed a son. That caused a lot of drama in the story, but he found a way to make her give in. But things were never the same, and she eventually divorced him and left the kids which of course affected the next generation.
Every generation up til like...seven had some kind of drama/tragedy, and I didn't realize it until I stopped and read the story myself. I was like WHOA! This is so much! This is what I put my readers through? LOL I made sure to tone things down in the second half of gen 8 because we needed the break. We had peace and happiness for a while followed by a veeery slow burn. Then I kicked the drama back up and ended on a hopeful tragic note, bring back the fall out from the gen 3 mess. It was a great ride!
I used to love building in The Sims 3, but something about this game's building mechanics completely turned me off. To be honest, I don't quite know what it is about building that just infuriates me. So the generations two through like...eight(???), my legacy house was made up of styled rooms lol. I honestly don't know anyone else who even used those things. I'd just piece together those rooms and close them in with walls lol. Needless, the legacy house was very odd and much bigger than it needed to be because of all these oddly shaped blank spaces. 😅 I made use of every single one of them too!
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ninjagofam · 2 years
Cole couldn't quite remember when his heart had first started to beat for the brunet teammate of his. He just knew that it did. And loudly.
For weeks after that choking feeling had appeared, Cole had been ignoring it. He didn't know what it was at first. After all, he started experiencing all this after Jay and him had made up in the tournament of elements. He had assumed it was just his body reacting to having his best friend back. But as more and more days went by, he figured that wasn't the case.
Although he didn't remember the exact day that wild road trip began, he could recall the way he cleared up what it was about. He remembered that they were all training and teasing Jay about losing his balance. Jay didn't really mind. It had been a very funny fall, after all. Cole, however, stopped in anyway, telling them to cut it out.
"Sheesh, it's as if you are in love with him or something." Kai had commented.
And although the fire ninja's words were purely a joke, the effect they had on Cole was far from being one.
So that's what it was. Love.
And so came the phase of denial.
The times Cole had mumbled to himself were countless. In his head, out loud, it didn't matter. "Come on, Cole. You can't have feelings for... For Jay, out of all people! It's... It just isn't right! You don't even know if he is into guys... I didn't even know I was into guys up until now! God, that's just so wrong..." He would burry his face in his hands and helplessly try to silence the sound of his heartbeat. He couldn't let it beat so fast. Not for Jay. Anyone but Jay.
From the day of realisation and forward, it was a pain to face Jay without getting lost in his shiny brown eyes and his genuine wide smile. His soothing voice, his jokes, his silly nervous laughter, all these made Cole feel like he were floating. His breathing became heavier, his stomach tickled and his heartbeat increased rapidly. He wanted nothing more but the ninja of lightning to return those feelings.
He managed not to let that spark inside of his stomach take control over him, somehow, but only because he had to. He knew that Jay's heart belonged to another. And he knew that wasn't going to change. Jay was happy with Nya. The two of them were made for each other and they were happy. That was all Cole wanted: Jay to be happy. And if being with Nya fulfilled that wish, he was happy too. That's what he kept telling himself.
'You know that's not what you want.' a voice at the back of his head repeated for the millionth time. 'For how long will you keep lying to yourself?'
"Forever." Cole talked back. He would have those conversations with that voice often. He knew he was technically speaking to himself, but that was all he had. "He can't know. I will make sure that he never finds out about any of this. Ever."
Besides the fact that Jay had come down with the flu, it was a day just like any other. It started out like one, at least. The ninja woke up bright and early to do their training, then headed to take a shower, play some video games and later on have lunch, except from Jay, of course. It was after all that that made that particular day a special one.
After having a long conversation about whether or not Cole's cooking ideas were good with the others, Cole decided to head to his room and call it a day. They had stayed up till pretty late, after all, which made the others headed to their rooms as well.
"'Pineapple doesn't belong on pizza'," Cole mimicked Kai's voice as he made his way down the, dark now, stairs. "I'll show you how great pineapple can really be, if you let me."
His out loud thoughts were interrupted by a quiet whimper. He stopped moving and fell into silence to locate where the sobbing was coming from. He quickly found out that the source of the whimpering was no other than Jay's room.
For a single moment, Cole froze. He wondered what had caused Jay to feel that way. What had caused his beautiful smile to disappear. The thought made Cole's heart break into pieces.
Clearing his mind, he gently knocked on Jay's door. Almost immediately, he heard him gasp in response. "Wh-Who is it?" Jay nervously asked. Cole could hear his voice break and that only made him more concerned.
"It's Cole." he responded. "Listen, Jay, I was coming downstairs and I heard something and it turns out you were crying so I decided to check on-"
"Not so loud!" Jay cut him off and opened the door. He pulled Cole inside his room, without forgetting to close the door again. Jay's hand had not really made contact with Cole's skin, as he was wearing a long-sleeved shirt, but it still made Cole's heart skip a beat.
It didn't take long for Cole to snap back into reality and notice how much of a mess Jay was. He had already been in a poor condition because of the flu, but it wasn't just that. Yes, his hair was a mess and he looked as tired as he could, but there was something more to it. His eyes were red from crying, watery still, with bags under them. His bottoms lip was slightly shaky as well, putting emphasis on the fact that he looked hurt altogether. It almost seemed as if he were about to break into tears once more.
"Okay, I am not speaking loudly this time," Cole began, ignoring the pain in his heart. "What happened to you?"
"Nothing out of the usual," Jay managed to keep his cool. "I am just very tired, I guess, heh."
"I am not talking about you being sick, Jay." Cole insisted. "Don't be afraid to talk to me, okay? I am the last person to judge you, you know that."
Jay nodded. "You're right..." he said, sitting down on his bed. "It's just... It's really dumb, okay?" his voice had started to shake again.
Cole made himself comfortable next to the lightning ninja. Seeing how Jay was about to break, thus breaking Cole too, he reached for Jay's favourite plushie, Mr Cuddly Wamp, and hand handed it to him. Cole thought it was cute that something like a plushie could hold such an emotional value to Jay. The moment he got the stuffed animal in his hands, he pulled it close to his chest.
Cole couldn't believe he was jealous of a blue stuffed bunny.
'Now isn't the time, Cole.' he thought to himself. "So... What happened?"
"I-I had another." Jay simply mumbled.
"An anxiety attack, I mean..." he interrupted Cole.
Cole had known of Jay's anxiety disorder for a long amount of time, long before the tournament. Although Cole couldn't really understand how it was to suffer from anxiety, he knew it was very unpleasant and painful. At least that was what Jay had told him.
Jay had first started to experience anxiety attacks before he became a ninja. His new adventures didn't necessarily help him decrease the amount of attacks he got at first, but eventually, they did help with balancing his life style. However, as expected, his disorder was not gone just like that.
It was what caused him to panic in missions and overthink situations. It was what held him back from making steps in his life on his own. At times, it held him back from standing up for himself. From speaking his mind and fall asleep at night. Cole had seen the symptoms numerous of times but he had never been present at a full-on anxiety attack.
"Well, it was a mini-attack." Jay was quick to add. Cole noticed that his grip on Mr Cuddly Wamp was getting tighter. "A-And I'm fine. There is no need to worry."
Cole knew he had to choose his next words carefully. "What... Um. What caused you to...?"
"Well, I am already kind of sensitive right now, considering I have the flu and," Jay chuckled sadly. "I... had a nightmare." his voice broke at the word. "I..." the man closed his eyes, trying his best to hold his tears back. "I-It was pitch black and y-you were all gone. And I was alone, I didn't know wh-where I was going a-and what to do and... And..." Jay did his best to hold himself together. "And then I jumped, I-I don't know from where, but I kept falling and falling and falling and..." He wasn't even holding on his plush anymore. He had cuddled himself into a ball, resting his chin on his knees. "And I was gone, you were gone, I-I was gone and you were... Y-You were gone, you were gone and away and gone f-forever and just gone and g-gone..."
Cole had never seen such a hurtful sight before. Every sob was one piece falling from his heart. Every whimper, a punch. Every crack in Jay's voice only pushed Cole into producing tears of his own. Was that how Jay looked like when he was having an anxiety attack?
At first, he couldn't move. He was stuck in this endless loop, with Jay crying and repeating the same words again and again and again. But Cole didn't want that.
And this was why he acted.
Cole moved closer to Jay, patting his shoulder. "Jay, hey... I'm here, it was just a dream." he spoke softly, in a quiet tone. "I-It wasn't real, whatever you saw, okay? All of us are okay, we're all okay."
There was something reassuring coming from Cole's words. The sound of his soft-spoken voice jingled caringly in Jay's ears. Without thinking much of it, he launched himself on Cole, clumsily wrapping his arms around him. He continued to sob on his chest, not showing a sign of stopping any time soon.
Cole was in shock. He had never seen Jay so... Vulnerable. Jay apologised countless of times while he sobbed and even tightened his grip. It pained Cole to see him like that. The master of lightning was letting everything out and Cole couldn't help but wonder if he had ever been that open to Nya. 'Of course he has.' he reminded himself.
But at that moment, he was so close to him. He had Jay right there. In his chest. And his whole body was because of that.
Slowly, he reached for Jay's back, returning the hug. And as Jay snuggled closer, the gap between their bodies was slowly decreasing and it was driving him crazy. He knew it was wrong to even think of his undying crush on Jay at that moment but his heart was beating faster than what Jay's tears were streaming.
Once again, regardless of the feeling, Cole went against his distorded desires. He comforted Jay, letting him rest in his tight embrace, and whispered next to his ear. "It's going to be okay, Jay." he kept telling him.
The sobbing died out, eventually, and so did Cole's words of comfort. In fact, Jay was so silent Cole had to wonder if he had fallen asleep. But of course, the other male shifted on Cole's chest, signaling him the exact opposite.
Jay pulled away to wipe off his tears. "I'm sorry." He sniffed. "T-That was unnecessary."
"Hey, it's okay, you needed it out of your chest." Cole told him.
"Thanks..." To his surprise, Jay snuggled in his chest again. "You're warm."
Cole felt his jaw drop. Not only did Jay willingly lean in for another hug but he also called Cole warm. Did that mean he was comfortable? He did lean in again, after all. Or was he just simply warm? Cole's heartbeat increased once more. He had Jay close to him again.
He didn't allow himself to freeze this time. He pulled Jay closer, making sure not to put pressure on him. He felt the smaller man snuggle in acceptance. Cole always knew he was small but it was only at that moment he realised just how petit Jay was. Compared to him, Jay was tiny.
Cole liked it when Jay said his name. It sounded really special that way, somehow. "C-can you... Not tell the others about this?"
How could he? He couldn't even put to words what he saw. "Consider it done."
Cole could swear that he felt Jay trying to make himself comfortable on him for the fourth time that night. He wondered if it was the flu getting the best of Jay.
He was certain his heart was going to explode.
"Thanks, Cole." A quiet yawn came out of Jay's mouth while he said his name. "You're the bestest friend I could ever ask for."
He was reminded of what Cole was to him: A friend. He knew setting his hopes up was a bad idea from the start but now it was too late. Not that he was expecting Jay to suddenly develop feelings for him or anything.
He knew he couldn't cry - but he did anyway. Everything he had been through the past year had piled up and there was no space for anything else. He was trying his hardest not to show it. And thankfully, he managed to do it.
"Jay," Cole was the one to break the silence first. "It's late. I think you should go to bed."
A grown escaped Jay's lips. "But mom, it's only five!" he joked.
"Ha, ha." Cole laughed ironically. "Nice try, young man. But seriously, it's been a rough day, you deserve to rest."
It may have been what Cole asked him to do but it wasn't what he wanted. He wished that he didn't have to let him go. This was the closest he had ever been to Jay and it felt incredibly right. The moment Jay pulled away, Cole was certain he had never been so cold in his life. The absence of his body on his, his arms wrapped around his waist and his heartbeat against his chest hurt him. But he knew that he was doing the right thing by letting him go.
"Cole, are you, uh, crying?" Jay noticed, rubbing his eye with the back of his hand.
"What?" Cole shook his head. "No, I am not! I'm just, very tired!" he faked a yawn. "See? Hehehe."
"That sounded an awfully lot like me, you know?" Jay chuckled. "The flu must have rubbed on you."
"You think?" Cole smirked, earning a nod from Jay. "Come on, tug under your bedsheets."
As Jay was welcomed to the warmth of his bed, Cole switched off the lights. Once again, he handed Jay his favorite plushie which Jay gladly accepted.
"Have a good night's sleep, alright?" Cole yawned. "Goodnight, motor mouth-"
"W-Wait, Cole!" Jay stopped him from leaving. "Gosh, this is embarrassing..."
"What... is it?" Cole questioned.
"Could you stay here until I fall asleep? Please?" Jay begged. "After all of this, I don't feel so... Safe right now and it's hard to fall asleep."
Cole shook his head and sat at the side of Jay's bed. "You dork."
"Love you too." Jay smiled, cuddling under his warm bed covers and closing his eyes.
It was obvious he was joking. Cole's heart didn't care. That tickling feeling was running along his body, from head to toe. His heart beat fast, in a way only he could make it do so. And as if that wasn't enough, Cole's whole face was red. He was lucky Jay couldn't see him.
They didn't exchange any words after that. Cole was left to look at Jay as sleep took him over. He got the chance to study Jay's face from a close point of view, without worrying about being spotted. His freckles rested on his cheeks and Cole would not mind in the slightest if he had to count all of them. His lips were slightly parted, allowing him to breathe at ease. He did have the flu, after all.
Without even realising, Cole found himself stroking Jay's hair. Fortunately for him, Jay had fallen asleep faster than expected and didn't notice a thing. It was about time Cole did the same.
'Would it hurt if...?' Cole leaned in closer to Jay, gulping at what he was about to do. 'It should be okay.' Although hesitant at first, Cole touched his lips on Jay's forehead, giving him a quick kiss goodnight.
He didn't want to, but he pulled away. His face was flaming hot and he was certain that his cheeks were brighter than Kai's gi.
The master of earth forced himself to stand up. He made his way to the door and stepped outside the room. He took one final look at Jay. He knew he wouldn't get to see him sleeping so peacefully anytime soon, so he took his time. His concerned look turned into a soft, small smile.
Once he decided that he had had enough - though if he were honest, he could stay to look at him all night, - he slowly pulled the door to close it.
"I love you too, Jay." he whispered, before closing the gap between the door and the wall.
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cadybear420 · 5 months
Meet My MC: Evie Ayana (OG HSS)
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Trivia and Extended Details under the cut!
Note: All details are subject to changes and additions.
Family and Background
🇮🇳 Evie is a mix of South Asian (Indian) and European (English/Scottish) descent. Her mom Rani is Indian, and her Dad Scott is a mix of South Asian and European. However, Scott suspects he may have some Turkish roots/ancestry somewhere along the line.
💔 After Scott and Julia (Emma's Mom) ended up going their separate ways in college, Scott would meet Rani. The two fell in love and eventually were married and pregnant, but divorced on amicable terms because Rani realized during the pregnancy that she was not up to being a parent. It was tough on the two of them because they were an otherwise perfect match.
🌉 Evie was born in San Francisco, California, and has lived there all her life up until her and Scott's move to Cedar Cove when he got a new job offer.
👶 Scott chose the name "Evelyn" partly because he liked the way it sounded and partly because some of its meanings include "desired", "desired child", and "wanted", as Scott had always wanted to be a father. But it was quickly shortened to "Evie" as he began using "Evie-bear" as a name of endearment for her.
👨‍👧 Rani would sometimes come to visit Scott and Evie, being more of an Auntie figure to her. They get along pretty well, but it could be a bit awkward since Rani and Scott still had some feelings for each other and neither of them had really had any new partners. Evie never resented Rani for leaving, but would often feel like she missed out on having a great mother figure.
☪️ Both Evie and her dad are cultural semi-practicing Muslims. Scott has Islamic ancestry, but grew up in a household that wasn't strictly religious. Most of his and Evie's practicing of the religion involves fasting on Ramadan, celebrating Eid-ul-fitr and Eid-al-adha, not eating pork or drinking alcohol, and the occasional prayer.
🐱 Scott and Evie adopted Daisy just after Evie graduated middle school. Scott had always wanted a cat as a kid, but his father was deathly allergic. This made Scott afraid to get a furry pet for years, even after he'd moved out. But with Evie loving cats just as much as he does, he eventually decided "enough" and adopted a month-old white-and-orange rescue kitten. Daisy is quiet and calm, but at the same time, her Orange Cat side shows through quite often and she also gets freaked out by large groups of people.
🐹 Scott and Evie adopted Cheese Nugget (sometimes called "Cheesy") in the Fall of Evie's first year at Berry because Scott loves hamsters just as much as he does cats. Don't worry, they make sure to keep Daisy and Cheesy far away from each other. Daisy doesn't know that Cheesy even exists and they intend to keep it that way.
Evie's HSS Story
🚚 Evie hates drastic changes, and hopes to live a life that is stable and secure. At the very least, she wants to be able to know how to mitigate drastic changes. Evie was not a fan of having to move up North. She was leaving behind the home she'd lived in since childhood and the few friends she had made. But she did also hope to end up in a better high school environment.
🫢 Evie started out as very cautious, nervous, and impulsive before coming to Berry. She was bullied fairly often in early elementary school and sometimes had trouble making a lot of friends. When she came to Berry, she was very unsure of it at first and did still have some difficulty, but she was eventually able to take the opportunity of a fresh start and begin pushing herself to be a more confident, outspoken, and actively helpful person. She's been able to make friends and stand up to bullies and assholes much more easily at Berry, though it could still be a bit difficult sometimes.
🤵‍♀️ Evie is a very GNC cis girl and has been for as far back as she can remember. She tends to prefer masc clothing and hair styles, she's very proud of her masc form and likes to work on maintaining her muscular build, she almost exclusively likes role-reversed romances and behaves accordingly with Aiden, and she struggles majorly with genital dysphoria. Seeing Evie being so open with her GNC appearance and behaviors eventually inspires him to step out of his comfort zone and start trying out some GNC styles himself, such as crop tops, short shorts, and dresses.
🏈 Evie has done basketball ever since she was 4, and football ever since late middle school. Berry High was her first time getting into baseball. Though even for basketball, she'd never been on an official team for any of those sports until Berry. But she also greatly enjoys running and has done track-and-field in her freshman year. She had wanted to join football back then, but was a lot more unsure about it. Even in Berry she was a bit unsure, but seeing how welcoming Julian and Caleb were and encouraging her to join made her feel more confident about it.
🫂 Of the people she's met during her time at Berry, she's closest to Emma Hawkins, Jade Ali, Caleb Michell, Michael Harrison, Maria Flores, Caleb Mitchell, Cher Lee (my HSS:CA f!MC) and Bear Lee (her twin), Sakura Watanabe, Julian Castillo, Cameron Levy, Kieran Hale, Frank Walter, Koh Sunya, Myra Khandaar, Ajay Bhandari, Skye Crandall, and Payton Saunders. And Aiden Zhou, of course, but that goes without saying.
🎹 Evie was drawn to Aiden right when she first saw him. She didn't crush on him just yet, but she was captivated by his distinguished appearance and she would try to get to know him better at Brian's party. It wasn't until after he invited her to listen to him play piano that she officially started crushing on him and began actively pursuing him.
👫 Evie was drawn to Aiden for a couple of reasons. There's the fact that he was kind and she found him attractive as all hell, of course. But the big one for her is that she could see a lot of herself in him. He was reserved, shy, insecure, and socially awkward, and she could relate to that. But he was also passionate and dedicated to his craft, and seeing that inspired her to do better at her own interests and passions.
😬 Knowing the story of her parents' backstory has made Evie a little bit cautious about her own relationships; she'd always want to make sure that her partner was 100% comfortable with her and that she wasn't forcing them into doing anything they didn't want to do. This especially shows as she gets into a relationship with Aiden, a normally reserved guy who starts to step out of his comfort zone more often while dating her. She always kept it mostly friendly with him, but would start to express more romantic gestures and feelings when she learned for sure that he liked her. Her insecurity would be a point of contention between them later on in their relationship, but eventually they'd be able to work it out together.
🏀 Evie was very infuriated by Band and Cheer siding against Basketball. Although she sympathized with them on how Isa was treating them unfairly, she despised that they were primarily going after the team over it. It pissed her off even more when Aiden seemed to defend it and even agreed with Mia that the team was "like a second Isa". For a while she'd contemplated whether or not to bring it up, but seeing how everyone did seem to acknowledge they were caught up in their stress, she figured it'd be okay to let it go. Though she and Aiden would eventually discuss it later.
🎤 Evie has mixed feelings on her singing skills. She's not amazing, but she can carry a tune well enough. Sometimes she sings karaoke with no one else and likes how it sounds, other times she isn't so confident about it. But she does seem to be a little less nervous about it when singing with a partner, as discovered by her karaoke with Aiden at Brian's party. Eventually her singing skills will improve as Evie-Aiden duets almost certainly become a regular thing.
👑 Evie ended up winning Homecoming Queen, Payton's Guest of Honor, and Prom Queen. Hoco and Prom titles were never something she really cared about, but she still felt honored to win them.
🎭 Evie has always loved imaginary play-pretend games as a kid and thus does take a little bit of interest in theatre, and would feel ready to try it out by the start of HSS:CA. She was cast as the princess for one part of auditions, but her role of preference was the Knight. However, Danielle's sabotage causing her to break her leg would leave her very distraught, as she was missing out on both football and on theatre that quarter.
Miscellaneous Personality Trivia
💜 Evie's favorite colors include purples, powder pinks, and mint greens.
🎵 Evie can't play an instrument to save her life. She'd taken a few lessons as a kid once, but it did not work out. Aiden does think she might have a secret talent for percussion, though.
💞 Besides Aiden, Evie has also felt attraction for Michael Harrison, Maria Flores, Julian Castillo, and Kieran Hale. None nearly as strongly as Aiden, though. But later on in life, Aiden and Evie may agree to an open marriage and occasionally swing with Michael and Maria.
🏳️‍🌈 Evie is bi with a huge preference for guys. She first realized she wasn't straight around the end of 7th grade and knew for sure she was bi in 9th grade. However there was a lot of confusion for her in figuring this out because of her heavy preference for men, and stigmas that bi women with a male preference "aren't queer enough" or "just looking for attention". In fact, she didn't even have her first actual girl-crush until she met Maria. But soon enough, she was able to come to terms with the fact that her preference for men doesn't make her any less bi.
📝 Evie loves creative writing and has done it since she was a kid. This is in part motivated by the fact that she dislikes most of the romance/erotic stories genre. While she has nothing against those who do like them, and there are some movies that she can still enjoy even with a normative main romance, she still has a bit of contempt for the genre because of how pretty much none of them cater to more role-reversed romance fantasies. So she’s always felt pretty alienated in the genre, and has considered a career as an author so she can publish stories with GNC romance.
✈️ Evie has a bit of an attachment to vehicles like trains and airplanes and gets a bit excited about going on them. A lot of the time, Scott would let her help him out with his model train displays.
⭐ Evie loves cute and pretty stuff. Heart shapes, star shapes, flowers and flower shapes, butterflies, smiley faces, cats, glittery/shiny/sparkly/shimmery things, squeaky things, etc. You can rip that stuff from her cold, dead hands.
🌸 Evie adores scented products and has a huge collection of lotions, gel bead freshners, soaps, and other bath/home/care products that have scents she loves. Her favorite scents include eucalyptus, lavender, mint, cherry, and powder.
🎶 Even though Evie can't play a musical instrument for shit and a lot of the musical terminology Aiden uses is utter nonsense to her, she's quite the enthusiast for good songs and soundtracks. The Incredibles, The Matrix, Super Mario Galaxy, James Bond, and many more. She excitedly raves to Aiden about her favorite soundtracks from movies, video games, TV shows, etc. Often she'll even recommend a show or movie to him partly on the basis of it having a bomb-ass soundtrack, and almost 100% of the time he will enjoy it and they'll rave about the best parts of the soundtrack together.
📸 Evie puts great value on having hard physical records of memories, much unlike her boyfriend who prefers to remember things through music. Sometimes she does like to maintain memories through associations, but out of the fear of the possibility that she could forget certain good or important memories, she always tries to keep photos, notes/journal entries, or any other form of direct record.
☕ Evie does not like coffee. It smells nice, but the taste is awful to her. She much prefers tea (especially Earl Grey and mint teas), hot cocoa, and warm apple cider.
🌶️ Evie loathes spicy food. Hot peppers, spicy-flavored chips, heck, even a lot of South Asian/Indian dishes. She hates the taste and doesn't understand the appeal at all.
Other Profile Pieces
Original Intro for OCtober 2023
Bubble Chart Profile
More in-depth on Evie's parental backstory
Aiden's favorite aspects about Evie
Bonus Meta Fun Facts:
In my first HSS playthrough, I named my MC "Cady Heron" after the character from "Mean Girls", which I personally consider to be one of my most favorite high school movies of all time. By my second playthrough, I changed it to "Evie Ayana" to make the character more personalized.
My username "cadybear420" comes from hearing Scott call my MC "Cady-bear" all the time in that first playthrough. Plus 420 added on because weed number funny.
Evie, "Cady" at the time, originally started out having the wavy blonde hairstyle. But when I got to Book 2, I changed it to the short brown hairstyle. But I do like to headcanon she did have long bleached hair at the start of her freshman year in high school.
Prior to making this profile, 3 out of my total of 7 playthroughs took Evie on some greatly alternative routes. Two where Evie romanced Michael; one where Evie did band and was good at it; and one where Evie sucked at raising school spirit, was a jerk to the Hearst kids, and led on Emma so she could ask Aiden to homecoming.
My headcanons for her story during the HSS:CA timeline are currently tentative. Not only because it's been a while since I last played the trilogy, but also because I might change up a lot of the canon for my headcanons. We'll see.
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kuronanox · 2 years
Strangers - Shuhei Hisagi ft. Muguruma Kensei
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(Authors note: what character would everyone like to see? I've yet to write kisuke but for some reason I find his character very hard to write ;-; Also if I wrote a new book for just rengoku would y'all read it?)
It wasn't as if Shuhei hated himself, it was quite the opposite. He was strong, mature and level headed but whenever (Your Name) entered the room he would curl into a little ball and hide all emotions. The feeling of jealously and envy carved his heart every time he thought or saw her.
As lieutenant of the 9th squad he had duties to uphold but he was poker faced watching the scene in front of him. He thought about nothing and only wanted to lay in bed to feel sorry for himself.
"Kensei! How many times did I tell you not to eat so fast!" (Your Name) scowled as she stood behind the muscular man with a cup of water and slapping his back.
"Oi! I'll really choke if you keep slapping me women!" The older man grumbled rubbing the part where it stung.
She looked down in concern and apologized before kissing the part where she slapped. Sensing a third person in the room she looked up to see Shuhei. He was standing still and looking straight ahead.
"Oh I'm so sorry!" (Your Name) gasped as she looked down in embarrassment.
Shuhei chose to ignore her voice as he informed his Captain about the whereabouts of some new recruits he settled in.
"That's great, thank you for the hard work. You want some kid?" Kensei asks picking up an extra bento (Your Name) had brought. It was slightly decorated childishly but was stuff with protein and veggies, it was made with craft and love.
"I'll pass." And with that Shuhei bowed before walking out.
(Your Name) looked down sadly as she remembered the good times they shared together. He became so cold to her, sometime acting as if she never existing in the first place. She knitted her brows in frustration as the room became quiet.
She couldn't remember when it all started but as time flew he disassociated himself completely from her.
"Are y'all fighting or something?" Kensei asks noticing his girlfriend had became really quiet after seeing the dark haired lieutenant. She shook her head and gave him a sad smile.
"See you at home."
Watching his girlfriend leave the room a little less happy he raised an eyebrow. The two children he had came to know acted as if they never knew each other.
"Shuhei!" She called out happily as she ran after the taller man who happen to be taking a nap out in the sun. He groaned from grogginess and lifted his head to see (Your Name) running in his direction.
He smiled softly to her and extended his hand out as she took it softly in hers.
"What's going on?" Shuhei asks in heavy concern not noticing her face was smiling from ear to ear.
"I'm going on a date!"
His smile fell a little, but he couldn't understand why she was so happy. 'So she was going on a date? So what.'
"With who?" His voice becoming a little possessive as (Your Name) tilted her head in confusion with his tone of voice. "I mean with who?! I'm sure you will have fun." He try to play it off as she started to smile again.
"Secret. I'll tell you who if we ever get serious."
Shuhei walks back into his room, the place was a bit messy. It was hard to get out of bed these days. There was trash in a corner and his clothes thrown into a pile across the room. His fridge was empty as he sighed in defeat. He wish only a little to take that extra bento. Removing his top for some extra air he sat on his bed with his head down.
"Shuhei?" (Your Name) voice called out as she softly knocked on his door. He stayed silent watching her figure stand in front of his place. The man contemplating on wether he wanted to talk to her or ignore her. She called his name out again before he sighed and open the door.
"What is it?" He asks roughly as her eyes widen and she walked into the small place.
"Since when did you ever get this messy?" She huffs and helped pick the trash up before opening his fridge and seeing it was empty. "I brought you food, you've been working really hard. Have you been taking care of yourself?" The concern in her voice was irritated Shuhei by the minute but he was a grown man and didn't want to lash out if it was unnecessary.
"(Your Name) you didn't answer my question." He says as she bit her lip and took a seat next to him. A little fluster he didn't have a shirt on she looked the other way.
"Since when did we act like stranger together." (Your Name) started as she played with her fingers and whispered she missed when they were close.
"Boys and girls can't be just friends." He tells her before opening the made bento she brought.
"What are you implying?" She asks a bit offended he didn't care about her feeling anymore. The Shuhei she knew was lost, she was talking to a stranger.
"(Your Name) you aren't a stupid women, how can I associate myself with you. How can you think I can be okay with you with another man. And he's not some random man. A man I call captain and respect heavily. How can you be so dense to my feelings towards you all these years." Shuhei asks painfully with a little bit of heat radiantly coming off his voice.
There was a thick silence in the air as (Your Name) found sitting there suffocating. She never knew of his feelings. 'Was I the only one who thought our closeness was because we were close friends? But he never told me he wanted me.'
"I didn't know you felt that way Shuhei." She quietly says and touched his face. There was a bit of tears forming as she felt ashamed of herself. Her close friend she loved was hurting and she continued to be happy without him.
Removing her hand he looked down, maybe he shouldn't have used to much force but she jumped from the roughness he had used on her.
"Shuhei!" (Your Name) shouts at him as he kept his gaze away from her. Shuhei knew what he was doing would only hurt them both but he didn't want to be friends. He only wanted more and if he couldn't have that then he didn't want to see her anymore.
"You should leave, I'm a man (Your Name) I don't want to keep hurting you and do something I'm going to hate myself for."
(Your Name) couldn't believe that words that were coming out his mouth. She held back what she wanted to say before leaving the man to himself.
Shuhei smiled with passion as he held a container of soup in his hands. 'This will make (Your Name) feel better!'
Knocking on her door he heard small shuffling as she peeped her head out. A feverish smile came as she let him in.
"Who told you I was sick?" She asks guiding him to the kitchen as he helped her sit.
"You weren't at work today, I knew something was up when Taicho said you weren't feeling well, I made you soup."
They ate together and talked for a few hours but it was mostly Shuhei as she listened to him. (Your Name) coughed here and there as he helped her with water and even brewed her tea.
"You didn't have to come, I'm sure you are busy."
"Of course not! I just hope you will feel better."
There was a comforting silence before she looked up to him "thank you for being a good friend." His smile fallens a little as he heard friend from her mouth.
"Of course (Your Name) should I put you to bed it's getting late."
She shook her head and insist she wasn't sleepy. He nodded his head till he heard a loud noise from her living room.
"Babe im home!" Kensei calls as he walked into the kitchen and cursed a bit. "Shit I blew our cover, oh well it's just shuhei he won't say nothing." The older man pats his lieutenant back and kissed the top of (Your Name) head.
Shuhei was shocked, he didn't know (Your Name) man she would talk about was his own captain. He was quiet but suddenly laughed, not at them but at himself. How could he be such a clown. He was to late. Kensei was a great man and what was he? A cry baby child who couldn't even tell the girl he liked he wanted her.
"It's getting late. I should head home." Shuhei then says wanting to leave the house before he could break his cover.
"You sure kid? I'm sure (Your Name) would enjoy your company more." Kensei asks as he set dinner down for himself.
"Yeah, plus I don't want to invade in your private life Captain."
The older man and (Your Name) only chuckled.
"Of course you aren't, I'm sorry you had to find out this way but we wanted to wait a little longer before telling the squad. I know you are mature enough to hold it in."
Shuhei could only chuckle back awkwardly as he bowed and made his way to the door.
(Your Name) called his name as she followed his steps to the door, she looked so cute wrapped in the huge blanket. Giving the dark hair man a hug she smiled and said "thanks for taking care of me and keeping me company."
Shuhei could feel his heart clenching as he rubbed her back.
"Good night (Your Name)."
There was muffled cry's as she laid in bed and hugged herself, she was such a fool. (Your Name) should have seen the signs. Of course he liked her. 'I'm such a horrible person.'
Although she felt conflicted and lost she didn't know what to do. Do they ignore each other now? Would they ever be friends again?
"I'm home babe!" Kensei yells from outside their room as she wiped her tears and sat up from bed.
"Damn it's dark in here. You eat dinner yet?" He still calls from the kitchen as she fixed her hair a little and walked out.
She couldn't tell Kensei, not after everything she heard. It would only make matters worse.
"Babe, what's wrong?" The older Shinigami says and walked towards her as he pulls her to warm and engulfing hug.
She couldn't form any words and she cried in Kensei shoulder. Shuhei had hurt her but she knew the pain wasn't as bad as the man who loved her.
"I'm sorry, my cycle has been killing me." (Your Name) lied as Kensei rubbed her lower back and helped seat her on the chair.
"I'll prepare you a hot bath and towel." He offered as he left the room and she wiped more tears out her face.
(Your Name) could only pray that Shuhei would find someone that could reciprocate the same feelings he bore to her. Accepting that their friendship had officially came to a end she held her heart for a bit before making her way to the bathroom.
The following months had past really fast for Shuhei, his strange cold behavior towards (Your Name) had mellowed out but he still refuse to acknowledge her sometimes. His captain had brought it up a few times asking if they were okay but Shuhei just told him that sometimes friends grow apart and it wasn't anything serious.
Although he knew Kensei had his suspicions their conversation would end there and a new topic would be brought up.
He was learning slowly to accept the fact that not everyone gets a happy ending and he was just one of the lucky ones.
Not a day goes by where he thought about (Your Name). Secretly he wished her happiness and her well-being to be healthy and productive.
Although he knew the good old days of them lounging in the sun and talking for endless of hours were at a end. He was accepting his heart break and learning how to mend the wounds that were still open.
He knew not seeing her was for the best and he was thankful that (Your Name) did exactly that and manage to avoid seeing him. He was a selfish man it seems when it came to love and he knew it. But one could only do what's best for themselves and Shuhei was doing just that.
They both walked down the same hallway as their eyes made contact until it went straight ahead and they walked past each other like strangers minding there own business.
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just-sonic-things · 6 months
"Shadow Boxing" (Part 3)
Preparing for the "date" we were having later, I was a bit nervous. I wasn't really sure what to expect, since Shadow tried to lean into a more flirty angle the last time he was with me. Although, for the last day or two, he hadn't texted me at all. I asked him what time I should come over and Shadow just said to come over whenever was convenient for me. I told him to give me at least 20 minutes then I'd be over. He texted me his address with a smiley face. "Come soon, Handsome ;)" he added. I blushed softly upon even seeing being called handsome by someone who was quite dashing and easy on the eyes himself. Just thinking about his smile sent me into a bit of a frenzy. My heart was beating like crazy as I walked to his place and thought of him. It's as though the world around me didn't really exist and like I was just floating onward. Eventually, I showed up at his house. It was a small little place, fairly clean looking from the outside. I knocked on the door and waited for a moment. Shadow soon answered the door in what looked like a cute hoodie. He said that it was comfy and what he often fell asleep in. I smiled softly and offered him to "steal" one of mine sometime. He giggled.
"I'd love that. Yours would probably look so big on me though" Shadow replied.
"That's the point though, isn't it?" I said, lightly tapping the tip of his nose with my finger.
Shadow giggled again and patted the area next to him on the couch. He looked so cute and eager. I sat down next to him and he put on a movie. It was a horror movie of some kind. I wasn't really paying much attention to things. At one of the scarier parts, Shadow did that thing that girls usually do. He curled up into me, then looked up at me with those big, puppy dog eyes. I smiled softly, wrapping my arm around him. "You're safe, no worries" I said, kissing his forehead. Shadow sighed happily, sounding content. I held his hand for extra measure. His hand felt so small in mine, but it was a good fit regardless. I felt his heartbeat... Sort of fast. I joked that it was because he was leaning on me in such a manner. He playfully shoved me and insisted that it was because of the scary movie itself. I reminded him that we seemed to be barely paying attention anyway. Then, in a flirty manner, suggested that he sit on my lap instead. He was small enough that he could fit in my lap with no issue. Shadow blushed heavily. Got him. He giggled nervously, then shifted himself to be sitting on my lap. "Like this?" he asked, his body perfectly resting on my thighs. I nodded, kissing his cheek. I cuddled him closer to me as he practically laid on my lap.
We continued watching the movie for a little, riffing on it occasionally and just enjoying each other. However... By the end, we weren't really paying attention. Shadow had turned to face me and I was gazing into those soft, red eyes of his. He placed his arms around my shoulders and looked into mine. He kissed my forehead, then my cheeks. He seemed to pause, before kissing my lips softly. Shadow seemed apologetic, stating that he remembered I insisted we keep things slow. I smiled at him and said that kissing was pretty standard. Just not to escalate further beyond that for the time being. Shadow then looked at me with a somewhat sad look.
"About that... I may as well tell you now. Because I don't know how far our relationship will go. I am... I'm Asexual. Specifically... Greysexual. Meaning, I sometimes am insatiable. A lot of the time though, it's a no-go" Shadow stated matter of factly.
"Oh, is that all? It's okay. We'll work through that stuff together when we get to it. For now though... I'm sure kissing is enough for both of us then" I reassured him.
Shadow's sad look turned into a bit of a hopeful one. He honestly looked so adorable right now. I chuckled at his visible cuteness and kissed his cheek. He giggled softly, cuddling closer to me. We laid down like this for a little while. His head against my chest and my hand resting on his back. I eventually start running my hand along his back slowly, humming a bit to myself. Shadow smiled and shut his eyes for a moment. He seemed rather content to be in this position. He giggled as I kissed his forehead occasionally, just making me fall further for him. His little giggles and smiles, his blush... Everything about him just seemed like the most adorable thing ever to me. We put on some music and just cuddled for a while.
After a while, we decided to order some food and watch some random YouTube videos. A lot of his catalog looked like some premium "Get stuck in a rabbit hole" type content. The stuff you'd be watching randomly at 1 or 2 am when you couldn't fall asleep. We'd make commentary every now and then, but mostly just enjoyed each other's company. Every now and then, Shadow stole some of my food, making us launch into laughing fits as I'd steal his too. We were essentially playing around a bunch, barely paying much attention to the world around us. It didn't take long for the sun to set though... Considering the days were getting shorter and shorter. Meaning, I had been at this boy's house for hours now. But honestly, it felt so amazing to spend this much time with him. I asked Shadow if we could do this again some time. He smiled, kissing my cheek. "Any time, Baby" he said in a flirty way. Damn it, he knew just what to say to make me blush like an idiot.
Before I left for the night, Shadow and I arranged a more formal date next time. A movie and a restaurant afterward. After a boxing session in 2 days from now. Shadow kissed my lips with a little more passion in it this time around. When we pulled away, it's like my breath suddenly came back to me all at once. Shadow giggled, seeing the look on my face. "Until next time. See you later, Handsome" he said, making me blush. There it was again. He winked and stuck his tongue out at me. Damn it, he's so cute and he KNOWS it. I went back to my post at Angel Island, pacing around the Master Emerald. I gazed into it, looking at it's reflective surface. My dreads were a bit matted, but I managed to clean myself up a bit.
Two days seemed to take forever to come about. But when they did, I rushed to our usual training spot, equipment in hand. Shadow was waiting for me and seemed happy. He rushed to me, kissing the tip of my nose. "Morning, Love" he said in that deep voice of his. "Morning to you, Doll" I replied in a flirty tone, making him blush softly. I set everything down. First thing's first, push ups. Shadow got into proper push-up position and started the clock. Damn... His muscles were flexing a lot more this time around. I couldn't keep my eyes off of him, but I was still managing to keep track of how many he did. Two minutes came by quickly... 90 push-ups. "20 more than last time! Great job!" I said excitedly. Shadow seemed giddy at me commending him, as he bounced in place a little. So fucking cute.
Next up was the free weights. He insisted that he move up to the 20 lbs weight instead, stretching his arms a bit first. I told him that he had only lifted the 15 lbs ones at least twice. I wanted to see him lift them with ease before moving up a bit. He sighed, nodding in understanding. He took the weights in his hands and started his Curling reps. He did 40 in a row, then took a break. Then 20 more on the left side. Switching to the right and yielded the same results. I was genuinely impressed with his progress now. Next up? The punching bag. Shadow managed to stay at it for up to 15 minutes! I was really happy with his progress and I could tell he was too.
"Are you training with someone else while I'm not around?" I asked jokingly.
"No! I would never! It's you and only you. I just go to the gym by myself sometimes" Shadow replied, flexing his biceps.
I giggled softly, instinctively touching his bicep. Shadow smirked knowingly, flexing a bit more. He asked if I liked what I was feeling, with a subtle wink. I blushed a bit. "Maybe.." I replied, making him giggle softly. We took a bit of a break before moving to the practice fight. We actually did pretty decently, with him managing to kick my ass a bit more this time. In fact, he managed to pin me down. Shadow blushed heavily as he looked down at me.
"What's the matter? You want me to do it?" I teased. No response, but a soft squeal from him. I took that as a "Yes". I chuckled, pinning him down with ease. Shadow looked up at me with a look that said "I'll do what you want". I took advantage of this, leaning in for a kiss. Shadow reciprocated, the both of us kissing each other passionately for a bit. Once we finished, we realized that my body was more pressed against his. Shadow's hands were gliding along my somewhat muscular frame and he seemed marveled by it. "Years of practice" I said, flexing my own muscles for him. Shadow giggled, feeling my muscles more and more. After this bout of teasing from us both, we did more training exercises then we went back to his place. We both took turns taking a shower so we'd be clean for the movies and the restaurant.
The movie was alright, so we had a bit to talk about during dinner. We sort of riffed on it more and made our own little inside jokes and all. We even held hands at the table. At first, that was a bit iffy for me, only because I'm not the world's biggest fan of PDA. However, I got a bit more comfortable as Shadow's eyes only got softer and happier as I held onto him for that little bit longer. When we got our food, we saw a few people looking at us. Holding hands. They pointed at us and whispered amongst themselves. I rolled my eyes, just hoping that it was a one off, that they'd leave us alone and say nothing. Because, at the end of the day, it wasn't any of their business. Nope. The mother and father came over to our table and looked at us with that typical "Karen" rage. The mother started in on us and told us that our love was "disgusting".
"As is yours. Hence the spawn you call 'Children'. We saw you guys making out earlier and chose not to comment on it until now. In front of those 'children'. So THAT'S okay, but us holding hands is an outrage?" Shadow asked, sounding somewhat angry.
"Yeah, just leave us alone. We're literally not bothering you or your family over there. You just might explain our love in an extremely wrong way to your kids. Whatever. Not our business" I replied.
The mother and father seemed shocked, but they just scoffed and walked off from us. Fine by me, their mere presence was annoying for us. We ate, had lovely conversation, and then I walked Shadow home. He asked me if I wanted to stay the night, cuddle with him and all that. I agreed after he offered to make breakfast tomorrow morning for us. I went to Shadow's room with him and cuddled him close to me. His frame made him perfect to be the "Little Spoon". He seemed more than happy to do so, scooting himself closer to me. We watched the stars outside for a little while, then we slowly fell asleep together in that position.
Part 2: ( Here )
Masterpost: ( Here )
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aikouncoloured · 5 months
To start off this page here are my dolls. I collect them because I can and because I love the way they look and the vibe they give off. I obviously don't have favourites... off topic my favourite flowers are roses... anyway, so the names, I'm not the greatest at naming things or people so I obviously panicked a little at first when getting each doll, however Rose came with her name written on a little label so I did not have to figure out her name, her full name is Rosaline btw. When I get my dolls I don't want to just gIvE them names because that seems a little. disrespectful because they're vintage so surely they have their own names so I just kind of don't name them until I get the overwhelming vibe of the name, the longest I've had to wait for the name to get put in my brain is 2 days with Angelica, the other two just instantly came to me. I bought Rose first, she was my first ever porcelain doll, I'm not sure why I decided to look on Ebay for dolls but I just did, I found her pretty fast for £13 (including shipping) and when she came my mother wasn't impressed and I LOVE HER. Then came Jane, I didn't actually buy her, my landlady who loves my vibe and room found her at a charity shop and asked if she should buy her for me and ofc I said YES. She actually gave me Jane for complete free even after I gave her money. My mother likes Jane because she thinks she's pretty and small, which I agree she is very pretty and her clothes are lovely. Next came Vivianne, she was a bit of a hard decision, you see I have a charity shop near me and for a week straight I went to that charity shop everyday and every time I saw these two dolls in a glass case there and every time I had the URGE to buy one, at some point I gave up and went to the charity shop and bought Vivianne for a small amount of £3.50, insanity. And then there's Angelica, now you see during my entire porcelain doll experience I've always admired the dolls in bridal wear that came up on my Ebay, of course I never considered actually buying one since they're always expensive because... it's bridal wear, but on this particular day I had an overwhelming need to look on Ebay for a doll and I found HER. As soon as I saw her I just knew I needed her. She was priced at £10.50 and £5.99 shopping, which is quite an amount but for a bridal wear doll in such condition I was WILLING to buy her. I placed a bid and prayed to my spiritual guardian that no one outbids me since I'm a broke collector so I would probably cry, but then my mother gave me a reality check saying, literally who else is gonna want to buy a doll other than you. Then an interesting thing happened, first off all when she first came to my door I got a BIG cut somehow and bled a lot but not on her dw, not the weirdest thing since I'm clumsy but noteworthy possibly. Anyway, while I was putting her on my wall in her box I realised her foot /shoe was broken and the pieces that were broken off were in a sperate bubble wrap bag, I thought this was odd since it wasn't on the Ebay listing, I wrote to the seller telling her that I don't want to return her (cause I fell in love) but that I would've liked some kind of notice of this on the listing, I didn't expect a refund i was merely notifying the seller of this to which this lovely woman said she'd give me a refund, so Angelica was only £5.99 (cause shipping) and I have now fixed her foot dw. THAT IS MY DOLL STORY. Thank you for listening. You're very welcome. Good day to you.
[the dolls names are on the ALT text of the pictures so you don't get confused]
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