#like thank you for giving me Laurel Lance and Thea Queen
tommyscurls · 5 years
Arrow is finally over tonight
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raywritesthings · 4 years
This Life of Ours
My Writing Fandom: Arrow Pairings: Laurel Lance/Nyssa al Ghul, Thea Queen/Roy Harper Characters: Laurel Lance, Nyssa al Ghul, Thea Queen, Roy Harper Summary: Laurel is resurrected at the beginning of Nyssa, Thea and Roy's mission and slowly acclimates to a new life and a new love. For @missourielephant *Can be read on my AO3, link is in bio*
Ever since she’d woken in a cave with a blanket draped around her and a floral taste in her mouth, Laurel’s life had become something far different from what she had always expected. Nyssa’s hands clutching the blanket in place and her teary, shame-faced look were the first and only things she’d been able to truly process as her friend had choked out, “Please, forgive me this selfishness.”
She had quickly been filled in on the intervening years between her death and her resurrection. The changes to their world, the new Pits, the mission Nyssa had recruited Thea and Roy for, who had stood back against one wall waiting as Laurel had come to grips, then one by one had moved in to hug her.
“So are we going home now?” She’d asked, heart sinking at the uncomfortable looks on their faces.
“I’m sorry, you can’t,” Thea had told her. “There’s already a Laurel at home.”
That had led to the explanations about her doppleganger, how her father had taken her on as a project of sorts to become a new daughter to him, how everyone in Star was being forced to pretend that Laurel was their friend when in reality she had hurt them in ways Laurel couldn’t even imagine being capable of.
“I could not stomach seeing her wearing your face and working for that man who stole Oliver’s child,” Nyssa had said, and dimly Laurel had noted that she had stopped referring to Oliver as her husband. Good, Laurel had hoped her friend would one day be able to leave all the trappings the League had tried to place on her behind. “When I learned of the other Pits and that Merlyn’s loyalists were seeking them, I knew I needed to destroy them. But… I could not bring myself to do so without returning you to me — to us.”
“And I agreed,” Thea had added, with Roy nodding beside her.
“It is my worst hypocrisy. I am sorry,” Nyssa had repeated.
“Hey, I’m not upset.” Laurel had risked leaning forward, wrapping her damp arms around her friend and hugging her for the first time. Nyssa had stiffened for a moment, then melted into the embrace. “I just don’t know what happens now.”
In the end, she had chosen to join Nyssa, Thea and Roy in their mission to destroy the other Pits before those who remained loyal to Merlyn did something stupid like bring him back to life. If there was one spot of good news from the time since she had died, there was that at least.
She struggled with homesickness for what felt months, always worried about the city and what attack might be coming for it while she abandoned it. She wondered what the other Laurel might be doing to her reputation, what people would end up thinking of Laurel Lance years down the line and how much of it would really be because of her. She listened to Thea talk about the wedding between Oliver and Felicity and how suddenly it had happened after Barry’s to Iris, then excused herself to cry a little before bed because she had wanted it for him, yes, but God did it still hurt.
It worsened when the news reached them of her father’s violent death. The Pit they had used to revive her had already been destroyed, and Merlyn’s followers were hot on the trail of the next one. There would be no time for her to sneak into the city and retrieve her father’s body, no chance to restore him to life the way she once had her sister — a sister who still believed her to be dead.
She did her best to hide these feelings whenever Nyssa was near, hard to do since most nights they shared a cheap motel bed and most days they were each other’s main source of company, Thea and Roy often finding time to themselves trying to catch up on the missing years. Laurel knew that Nyssa felt guilty, as if she were responsible for cursing Laurel to some sort of half-life when in reality it was her own bad luck that her doppleganger had gotten stuck on their Earth and decided to fill in a vacancy. She wanted to be alive more than she wanted her old life, and so she didn’t want her friend thinking her ungrateful for giving her that back. They were all the other truly had left, really. Thea had quietly informed her that Sara was seeing other women, and she was sure even if no one had told her directly that Nyssa knew. There wasn’t really a good time or way to ask her about how she was feeling, and oddly enough, Nyssa no longer seemed to bring up Sara with the frequency she once did, not even mentioning the word ‘beloved’. She had to really be suffering that heartbreak.
Some nights the loneliness they both existed in seemed so heavy in the air between them that it threatened to choke or smother them. The rhythmic thumping of the bed against the thin walls of the room next door — sometimes Thea and Roy’s, sometimes not — was like a knocking at the back of her mind. A reminder that, no matter that she’d been given another chance at life, she wasn’t getting any younger. She had wasted her youth, and someday would be all alone if nothing changed. She wondered if Nyssa had the same thoughts and fears. She wondered if she was crazy for thinking that it would be less lonely if Nyssa wasn’t in love with her sister. She wondered if she were foolish for only now realizing she’d been thinking the wrong person was the love of her life when he couldn’t even love her back.
At the next Pit, Laurel almost died again.
It wasn’t as close as with Darhk. Just that, had Nyssa not dove into her, knocking them both down and out of the path of an arrow fired by a woman Thea had told her was called Athena. For a moment, Laurel gazed into Nyssa’s eyes as her friend laid atop her with blazing eyes and parted lips, then they both jumped at Roy’s shout of, “It’s rigged to blow, come on!”
They all managed to make it out in time and lose Athena and her group in the mountains. Laurel ran until her sides hurt, until she didn’t think she could make another step, and then she grabbed Nyssa’s hand to stop her, too.
“What is wrong?” Her friend asked, looking her over as if thinking she might find an unnoticed wound.
Laurel shook her head, barely able to rasp out a, “Nothing. I just didn’t thank you right.”
Nyssa’s brow barely had time to furrow in confusion before Laurel captured her lips in a kiss that was more about gasping shared air than anything else. Yet she felt Nyssa’s mouth move in response against hers, and when the kiss ended, they simply leaned into the other, neither pulling away as if they could simply stop the world for a moment by closing their eyes.
“I was hoping—”
“I know, I’m sorry,” Laurel murmured. Nyssa hadn’t been pining away for Sara silently. She never did that. She was always upfront with her feelings, demonstrative with her love in a way Laurel had always admired, a way that a selfish part of her had always wanted for herself, never dreaming that she had it.
They kissed again, this time slower, sweeter. There was time; their whole strange, shared life together. No longer did the journey feel like a lonely one.
“Hey, are you two coming?” Thea called from up ahead, just out of sight.
Laurel turned towards the sound. “Yep!” Reaching down, she took Nyssa’s hand. “Come on.”
For the first time in many nights, Laurel couldn’t wait to get back to their motel room.
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zayray030 · 4 years
When Iris got her stuff after checking out from the hotel she gave both of them her number. She had told them to call her when they either both needed someone to talk to, go out on their coffee date or just wanted to talk. She knows she should be more careful but her gut told her to trust them, so she trusted them. People always say gut instincts help you.
Roy's last parting words with her left her certain that she can trust them. But slightly worried that he would abuse his privilege.
And Iris? he had texted her immediately.
Yeah?  She replied confusedly
Ask Barry out. He had texted her a smiley face along with it
🖕🏾 Fuck you. She replied with no real heat.
No thanks. I have Thea. He texted back.
Iris wondered if she should block him. She decided against it. Who knows. Maybe he'll actually need to text her something important.
She had taken Roy's advice to ask Barry out on a date. She wanted to say that she didn't but that would be lying to herself and to others.
Currently she was in Barry's apartment in comfy clothes on his bed watching Iron Man 1. It’s been almost a month since she's met Thea and Roy and honestly it's been the best month of her life. It has also been a month since she's been Barry's girlfriend and it's magical.
During this time, she has also started to notice some things. Things that she wanted to see as platonic before her and Barry started going out with each other.
He always had this look in his eyes when he looked at her. Whenever she babbled about something new in her classes or ranting about her dad or hell even the customer she was serving. He always looked at her like she was the only thing worth looking at. He looks at her like he loves her. And she's starting to think that she loves him too.
Her and Barry were just cuddling, the movie long gone, just absorbing each other's presence and soaking up the love they had for one another.
However, the fairy tail atmosphere ended when her phone started ringing. She wanted to be annoyed at whoever it was but then she saw it was Thea. She was slightly surprised to see it was Thea considering the slightly younger girl normally called the day after her and Barry's dates to ask for information. She was also grateful for the girl talks that were given to her through meeting Thea.
She quickly answered it ignoring Barry's confused look. “Hey what's up Thea?” she asked confusedly. She became even more suspicious and worried when she heard crying coming from that end.
“Have you seen the news?” she asked.
“No Thea. Sorry. I've completely forgotten about the news. Why? Thea, you're scaring me.” Iris said when all she could hear was Thea's sobbing and someone trying to soothe her.
“Can you please meet me at the jitters you work at. I'll explain everything there. We still need to go on our coffee date.” the joke fell flat, especially with her sniffling.
“Of course Thea.”
“Bring Barry to if you want.” she added “I have Roy. This can be like a double date.”
“Sure honey. We'll be there soon.” said Iris soothingly. She quickly hung up and got out of the bed.
“Hey what's wrong?” Barry asked worriedly.
“We are going on a double date with the people I met back in Starling. They actually encouraged me to ask you out.” said Iris going to Barry's closet, grateful that she keeps some spare clothes here for emergency. She picked out a thigh length, satin, light blue dress that had a halter neckline, with a small golden belt and same colour heels.
“The famous Thea Queen and Roy Harper?”  he asked sarcastically. Even though Barry knew that Iris wouldn't lie to him he was still incredulous about Iris being friends with Thea Queen. She didn't exactly blame him since the story she gave him was sketchy at best but it still hurt her. She thought, out of everyone, he would believe her more.
“Yes. Now if you hurry up I'll give you a small reward.” she said the last part with a wink. He immediately jumped up and tripped in his hurry to get changed.
“Done. So, are you going to get me dark chocolate or chocolate orange?” he asked excitedly.
“Both.” she replied chuckling slightly at his excitement. This was also a nice part of dating Barry. He didn't push her to do stuff and understood that food meant love. Better than the guys she dated in high school and college.
They quickly got out of his apartment and into her car and drove quickly to Jitters and there Thea and Roy sat with Thea in Roy's arms looking miserable with tear tracks on her face.
“Oh Thea.” Iris said when she caught sight of her 2 friends cuddled up together as she made her way to them.
“Iris.” was the only thing Thea said before she flung herself at the smaller girl and started sobbing. Iris expertly maneuvered them so that they were sitting down instead of standing. Barry followed her and sat next to Roy. He at least looked slightly less uncomfortable than Roy at Thea crying.
“Thea, honey, you need to tell me what's wrong so I can help you.” Iris said as she soothingly rubbed her hand up and down Thea's back. She noticed that the girl had become thinner since she last saw her and Iris didn't take that as a good sign.
“Her mother helped to level the Glades.” replied Roy for Thea. He probably shouldn't have said it so bluntly because it only made Thea cry harder.
“Dumbass.” Iris muttered under her breath. Thankfully, Thea let out a small giggle at that. “Thea what actually happened? Full story as well.” she added when she saw Roy trying to say something. He immediately slumped back, huffing.
“Why don't Roy and I go get you two coffee while you fill each other in?” asked Barry, already standing up and dragging Roy with him, not allowing him to say anything.
“Roy already knows what I like.” Thea said and that was enough to convince Barry to continue to drag Roy to the register.
“So? You wanna tell me what's up or do you want me to start?” asked Iris.
“Can you please go first? How are you and Barry?” Thea requested.
“Barry and I are doing well. This last month has been magical. I've literally never been treated like. A princess this much and I love it.” admitted Iris, once again thankful for her dark skin.
“Magical enough not to notice the news?” she asked then winced. “Sorry. It's just…”she trailed off.
Iris just hugged her again “Take your time.” said Iris as she ran her hands through the taller girl's hair.
Then it all exploded like a dam. Thea explained all about the Glades, her mother and even Oliver. Iris mentally put a reminder to punch Oliver Queen next time she saw him. Thea also told her all about Malcom Merlyn and Tommy Merlyn. She told her all about Laurel Lance.
Iris had to remind herself multiple times that these people were also suffering and that murder was banned in all fifty states so she couldn't go out there and shoot each and every single one of them for hurting Thea.
“Am I a bad person for wishing that my mother stays locked up for everything she's done?” asked Thea, finally looking up at Iris from her place in the girls arms.
“No, not really. Sure, at one point you are going to have to forgive her. But right now, you can hate her for this. But you also have to be grateful that she spoke up because even though tons of people died, tons more survived.” Iris replied, still stroking the younger girl's hair soothingly.
“Thank you Iris.” Thea finally said after a lengthy silence. She sat up from her arms but still hept close to her. “Even though I hate what you had to go through for us to be friends, I'm glad that we are.” the brunette said as she hugged Iris again, her chin on top of Iris's hair.
“Anytime.” Iris replied, returning the hug. Just then the guys came back Roy looking slightly wary and Barry happy to see her.
“So” began Thea, after drying her tears on the tissue that was at the table “Barry Allen. What are your intentions with Iris?” asked Thea teasingly.
“Thea!” yelped Iris.
“It's okay Thea. I already quizzed him. My street smarts tell me that he's
a trustworthy guy.” said Roy as he slid into the booth next to his girlfriend, giving her a kiss on the cheek.
“Roy!” Iris snapped. Roy just grinned at her, winking slightly. She turned to Barry ready to apologise but suddenly his mouth was on hers and she couldn't keep the small gasp in.
“I love you.” was the first thing Barry said when he pulled back from her.
“I-I love you too.” Iris replied, shyly. Then it's as if something magical happened. Everything suddenly clicked. Everything felt right and amazing. Everything felt as it should be.
He quickly captured her in another kiss, unnaturally bold considering the public place they were in.
“Okay happy couple, break it up.” said Roy teasingly before Thea lightly hit his chest.
“Roy! They were having a moment!” snapped Thea.
“We were having a moment before and Iris interrupted.” he pouted back leaning in and placing his head on her shoulder.
“Needy.” muttered Iris and that caused some more laughter at the table.
Even though life wasn't perfect they had each other and that was good enough
Part 1
Part 3
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pink-bird-30 · 5 years
“All good things must come to an end”
I knew since last year that I would have to sit here, staring at my computer screen, and say goodbye to a part of my life.  Emotions are already high since the crossover, some for happy reasons, but for us Arrow fans, we’ve been robbed of a hero.
From the deep depths of the North china sea, a man survived five years of hell to make his way home.  His goal was to start a mission to correct the wrongs of his father, at least, that’s how it all started.  But then it went on to be more than that, but to protect his home and the people he loves. Thus, creating an entire fracking universe.  
Our Universe.  
The Arrowverse.
It’s strange to grow an attachment to fictional characters, but we all do it.  We all get engrossed into a world that helps us escape from our own.  That’s what Arrow is, and will always be, for me.  When I was 16 I started watching Arrow after a natural disaster hit my hometown.  For those who have read my previous post from Felicity’s season 7 departure know what I’m talking about.  And if you don’t, well here’s the quick summary.  Back in October of 2012, a few days before Halloween, Hurricane Sandy came and caused complete destruction to the east coast of New York.  I live on Long Island, and at the time near water, and everything I knew was gone.  I was out of school for a month, I was displaced from my home, and it truly felt like the end of the world.
But then there was this show that changed my surroundings.  Whether it was Starling City, Lian Yu, the bunker, etc. I was no longer faced with the destruction surrounding me.  And for a Tv show to do that during such a tough time in my life…I’ll never forget that.
I always made sure to be prepared every Wednesday night at 8PM to sit down and live tweet Arrow.  I love the interaction between all of us and I think that’s what makes our fandom so powerful.  We created this universe with this show, without us, there wouldn’t be other shows like Arrow.  It lead to SO much more than any of us thought.
But tonight we say goodbye.
I don’t want to be sad about this but it’s difficult to write a sentiment without realizing the loss you’re about to gain.
Oliver Queen
Alias: Green Arrow
Thank you for everything you have done to make everyone else around you be better heroes.
John Diggle
Alias: Spartan/Green Arrow/Green Lantern(Oh we know you a Lantern Corps bro)
Thank you for being the big brother everyone needed when things got tough.
Felicity Smoak
Alias: Overwatch/ Mama Smoak 2.0
Thank you for being the smartest person in the room and brining the light we needed.
Dinah Laurel Lance
Alias: Black Canary/ Black Siren
Thank you for being an example of redemption.
Thea Queen
Alias: Speedy
Thank you for giving us the chance to see a young person take responsibility and change their life.
Roy Harper
Alias: Arsenal/Red Arrow
Thank you for showing that people can come from a troubled past and still making something great of their life.
Dinah Drake
Alias: Black Canary
Thank you for being sooooo badass and living up to the Canary name.
Rene Ramirez
Alias: Wild Dog
Thank you for living outside the stereotypes of being a Hispanic man. (Seeing representation on tv is important and us Latinos and Hispanics aren’t seen enough without the pretense of being thugs or ghetto in a setting.  Even living in a run-down apartment)
Curtis Holt
Alias: Mr. Terrific
Thank you for always being happy, even in the darkest moments.
Quentin Lance
Alias: Detective
Thank you for protecting our boy and giving him a chance to have a father.
I could keep going but I know it’s not goodbye completely.  To Team Arrow 2040, I hope to see you on Green Arrow and The Canaries (please be picked up, I need to know if William is okay!)
Lastly, thank you all on Tumblr and Twitter.  We created this family that I will always cherish.  And I vow to promise to keep reading all your Olicity fics, I promise to keep up with the re-watch schedules, and I promise to remember this show forever.
Thank you, Arrow.
Thwick Thwick!
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talatomaz · 5 years
legends of yesterday | team flash x fem!reader | part viii
a/n: i had the biggest writer’s block with this episode which is why it’s not as detailed as the others. this takes place around season 2 episode 8 and this story is mostly canon with a few things changed
warnings: mentions of blood
word count: 1.6k
masterlist | request list | request rules
pt.i | pt.ii | pt.iii | pt.iv | pt.v | pt.vi | pt.vii | pt.viii | pt.ix
i do not give you permission to repost or translate my fics on any platform - likes/reblogs are okay and are much appreciated
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(Read Healed Scars before reading the rest of this story since it actually fits in so well with the end of part 7)
You jumped out of the SUV alongside Caitlin and Laurel and grabbed your bags from the trunk.
“Remind me what was wrong with S.T.A.R Labs again?” You asked, slamming the trunk door closed.
“Well, I mean, absolutely nothing, if you forget about the revolving door you guys installed so the bad guys could come and go as they please.”
Oliver said, mocking your lack of security which you were about to protest against but Caitlin beat you to it.
“Remind me again what happened to your old lair? Or the one before that?” Caitlin said sarcastically, making you and Laurel smirk.
“Well, lair number one was compromised by the police, and I will stop helping.” Felicity added when she saw all of you looking at her.
You all walked into the old farmhouse when Barry and Cisco entered with the equipment and the latter began complaining about the lack of data and service.
After discussing what Oliver so aptly named Savage’s ‘magic stick thing’, you all decided to divide and conquer.
Felicity, Cisco and Caitlin were going to work on a gauntlet that would allow you to touch the staff.
Diggle said he’d check if ARGUS had any information on Savage whilst you, Laurel and Thea checked police records to try and get a location on Savage.
“Is this even gonna work?”
Thea asked as the three of you walked into the relatively empty police station.
“Yeah, of course. I’m a detective and Laurel’s an ADA, so us working together on a case is plausible.”
“No, I meant all of our plans. Savage is some supposed time-travelling dude who’s been around for thousands of years and he now has even more magic. How are we gonna beat him?”
Thea worried but Laurel reassured her.
“We will, Speedy. We’re all working together on this so he doesn’t stand a chance.”
You all approached the desk, “Hi, I’m Detective Davis, this is ADA Lance and Miss Queen, we were wondering if we could have a look at some files.”
“Can I take your badge number, please, Detective Davis?”
“Of course.”
You rattled off your badge number and once she confirmed your identity, she allowed the three of you access to their file room.
Every file from the 1990s had since been digitalised so it meant that you, Laurel and Thea had to do some grunt work and search through a whole lot of paper files and it was a few hours into that that you found your first solid lead.
“Guys, I think I found something,”
Thea shouted from the other side of the room so you and Laurel joined her.
“It says that there was some sort of conspiracy group who were really interested in a guy who matches Savage’s description.” Thea explained as she showed you the file.
You leaned over her shoulder and read the rest, “Wait, it says here that there’s another file. Give me a minute.”
You said, climbing the ladder and using your powers to rummage through the dusty boxes.
“Got it,” you said, jumping down from the top rung of the ladder.
You blew the dust off the folder, “Shit, this talks about the Pentagon.”
“We gotta call John.”
Laurel said, putting the file in her bag whilst you and Thea put the boxes of files away.
After leaving the station, the three of you got back in the car and were on your way to meet John and Lyla outside of ARGUS HQ and you were a bit nervous to be honest.
“You good, y/n?” Laurel asked, as she drove.
“Yeah, just haven’t been this close to ARGUS since…”
You trailed off but both Thea and Laurel understood.
“Are you sure you’re okay? You can always stay in the car while we talk to Dig-”
Thea suggested but you shook your head.
“I’ll be fine. It just brings up some sore memories but I’m sure I’ll be okay. Thanks for asking though, Thea.”
“Seriously though, y/n, we’re here for you if you need it.”
Laurel said, placing a comforting hand on your arm.
“What do you guys have?”
Felicity asked when you, Laurel, John and Thea walked into the farmhouse. Laurel handed the tape to Felicity.
“Beta Max. Aww, what, did you guys get this off of eBay?” She said sarcastically.
“Lyla hooked us up.”
You had finally met Lyla and after an in-depth conversation with the former, your thoughts about ARGUS were confirmed.
There definitely were people who wouldn’t agree with what ARGUS would become like in the future.
Lyla being one of them.
“The tape came from a conspiracy theory group that's interested in Savage.” Laurel explained.
“Pentagon had a file on Savage back in '86, but it's all been heavily redacted.” You continued as Felicity managed to get the tape playing.
You all watched as a Dr. Boardman theorised that Savage was an immortal who, if not stopped, could destroy the world.
He then went on to propose that the only thing that might stop him is an object, any object which was present at the ‘calamity’ that gave Savage his immortality.
When Oliver and Barry arrived a little while later, you filled them in on the tape and what you had found and Oliver began to devise a plan.
“We're going to put Kendra and Carter up against Savage; you guys attack with the element of surprise. Y/n and I will lay down the cover fire. Barry, you speed in, and-”
“Snatch the staff, I got it.” Barry finished as Oliver nodded in agreement.
“Where do you need us?” Diggle asked but Oliver shook his head,
“This is me, Barry, y/n, Kendra and Carter.”
Thea tried to protest but Oliver remained adamant and told you all to suit up.
“It’s wonderful to see you again, my love.”
The five of you were now standing face-to-face with Vandal Savage in some abandoned warehouse.
“I will never be your love.” Kendra spat out.
“I know. This always makes this easier.” Savage replied as he took a knife out of his holster.
He walked threateningly closer towards Kendra, “Chay-Ara. Parting is such sweet sorrow.”
He raised the knife to stab her but before he could, Oliver grabbed his arm and stopped him, causing a full blown-out fight between all of you and Savage.
You used powers to try and draw the Staff of Horus to you but Savage used it to blast you and Barry to the ground.
Oliver was able to disarm Savage but Kendra was unable to “grow her wings” as it were.
And whilst you were able to quickly recover, Barry still seemed affected by the blast.
You saw Savage get the upper hand on Oliver so you used your powers to pull Oliver towards you and away from Savage’s assault but Savage then threw two knives into Carter, shocking you all.
Then he threw one towards you that got lodged in your arm and you winced in pain, blood coating your hands.
Before you fell unconscious from the loss of blood, you saw Savage murder Kendra and Barry fail to try and use the Staff of Horus to attack Savage.
You blacked out as the energy from the Staff created an explosion.
“Seriously though, y/n, we’re here for you if you need it.” Laurel said, placing a comforting hand on your arm.
“Thanks, Laurel.”
You paused and furrowed your brows.
Woah, major deja vu.
“Y/n? What’s up?”
“Nothing. I just had the biggest feeling of deja vu.” You shook your head, almost trying to physically get rid of your thoughts.
After meeting with Lyla, you all went back to the farmhouse and played the tape and when Barry and Oliver returned, you explained the situation to them.
You paused again when you finished explaining the tape to them, “What is with this deja vu?”
You murmured to yourself but when you looked up, you caught a knowing glance between Oliver and Barry.
Your eyes widened with realisation.
Oh, Barry, you didn’t.
“Barry, can I speak with you for a moment?”
You both went into the other room where you confronted him and he confessed to travelling back in time.
“He killed Kendra and Carter. You were unconscious from blood loss and then you and Oliver both died in the explosion. I couldn’t just let that happen.”
Barry whispered harshly, trying to make sure no one else could hear the two of you.
“Fine. So what do we do differently?” You conceded.
You were all suited up and ready to fight Vandal Savage at the abandoned warehouse where you had previously died.
At the moment, it was just you, Barry, Oliver, Kendra and Carter but after the latter grew their wings, the rest of Team Arrow joined you in fighting Savage.
You, Laurel and Kendra kept Savage’s attention on you three whilst Barry and Oliver worked the Staff and were able to effectively turn Savage into a pile of dust.
After defeating Savage, you all breathed a sigh of relief and Kendra revealed that she and Carter were going to move on with their lives, away from Central City.
She expressed her thanks to you all and said goodbye before leaving to do the same with Cisco.
When you and the rest of Team Flash said your goodbyes to Team Arrow and returned to S.T.A.R Labs, you pulled Barry to the side.
“Do we tell them?”
He shook his head,
“No, let’s just keep this between us.”
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ruwithmeguys · 5 years
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This tweet came in response to this
You don't mind if I blabber on about Oliver and his Queen for a bit... do you?
I write a LOT of fanfiction. Even when I'm not writing I'm thinking about writing. I haven't even started looking at writing a novel yet BECAUSE Olicity are so freaking vocal in my thoughts right now. The thing I enjoyed about Oliver is that, at the start - at the very beginning when he was a grasshopper, a young man who looked kind of creepy in photos - he's actually a pretty normal guy, for the most part.
Prior to his shipwreck, he's an egotistical, horny, immature, ignorant, naive, manipulative player of a young man. Basically, he's your a-typical jerk who hasn't lived in the world yet or experienced much of anything at all beyond parties and money.
He's also lonely. Desperately lonely.
Yup. He was a very lonely boy. And he had zero clue that he was - he just knew there was something wrong with him. A hole inside him, a chasm he didn't know how to fill or close. Even with Tommy, he felt it.
It wasn’t a pleasant hole. It didn’t feel particularly nice. (But I think each of us has it inside if us; each of different strengths and tastes and for many, it transforms into maternal/paternal instincts or passionate drives... for a rare few it becomes something quite different. Oliver is the personification of one of those few).
It was why he didn't give a shit about breaking rules and hearts. Nothing was enough to fill this hole. It's no excuse for doing what he did and he knows that.(Again, it's been a long while since I truly watched prior seasons but I remember that when I did watch, there were a few things that stood out.) But he felt barren of care about it too.
He was a shallow creature. It wasn’t that he didn’t have anything but space between his ears: it was what he did with it (or didn’t do) that made him appear so very shallow. He distanced himself with it, made all the worse by how easy it was to be so empty. By how much he was allowed to get away with: 
his mother loved him unconditionally. She knew he was behaving as a cad, but he was also her beautiful boy and could do no wrong. She didn't care that he played around or that he hurt people; she made those people disappear and he probably reminded her a little of Robert (Moira who lived like a woman who believed this kind of behaviour was the norm in men).
Robert loved him the same way. He advised but he never laid down the law, even when it was sorely needed; but this wasn't because of blind love. It was because of guilt, because of his many wrongs that would one day come back to bite his son.
Thea, who was a secluded section of Oliver's universe: he could do no wrong with her.
Laurel, who loved him blindly.
Sara who loved him because he was a shallow mess.
Tommy who was so similar to him.
They only helped enable his character - it wasn’t their fault, wasn’t even his fault; most don’t know who they are when they turn 20 - however unknowing they were. Moira Queen was the worst of it: she applauded his every move, smiled at his transgressions, taught him that he would be forgiven each time, that he would have refuge. It was almost as if she allowed herself to see the innocence of her husband as opposed to the infidelity, the deceit and the sheer insult of his MANY ill doings. 
And so on...
Oliver didn't fit in. There's a reason why it was so easy for him to behave in such a self destructive way: yes, he hated himself for not being better, being smarter, being cleaner, being more. He thought he was worthless.
Why can't I stick to education?
Why is it so easy for me to lie?
Why don't I love laurel enough not to cheat?
Why is it so terrifying to even try to be a better man?
Why don’t I want things?
Why don’t I care?
Oliver saw it as being too weak, too bad, too cowardly to strive to be better. But he was afraid of trying and finding nothing there, inside him, worth knowing. He was afraid of himself.
Again, he also felt alone.
He lived the kind of life most dream of, but he didn't feel whole. There was something missing and it troubled him because he had everything? What was so wrong with him that he couldn't hack it even when he was handed everything on a literal silver platter?
Why was he so bored already with his life? Why didn't he care the way he should? Why was it when he was with Tommy and his mother and Laurel - why didn't he feel real with them?
Oliver, by 22, hadn't connected with a single soul; not really. Not truly. Not the way he needed. Sex? That's easy. Giving of thy body is so much easier than connecting with a person on an emotional level and revealing to them everything that you are. He understood physical pleasure very well; emotional satisfaction? It was beyond his reach.
Everything that Ollie believed he was back then wasn't worth knowing.
It was easier to:
Play the field
have fun
not think about troubling things
date his friend because it's the natural progression of friendships with females, right?
act like a dumbass for CNN and WEBG because it was entertaining and made him feel like he was relevant 
do absolutely nothing and still receive the kind of unconditional love he knew he didn't deserve
Oh! And let’s not forget-
Go on a pleasure cruise with his girlfriend's sister when said girlfriend starts to talk about moving in together which is the last thing he'd ever want.
Hey! Since I'm a coward, why break the habit of my 22 years when I can just take Sara and let my relationship implode while I'm miles away balls deep in her hotter, more malleable sister who I've been screwing for the past three months behind her back? That way, it'll all be over when I come back and I can just spend the rest of my life avoiding her, feeling a marginal amount of guilt for it.
Golden. Sorted. Nuke planted.
Even Tommy thinks he's a BOSS - dude, screwing both sisters at once?
Even if one's LL?
ESPECIALLY since one's LL. Like no other guy has ever wanted to be in your shoes right now. Sara's HOT. I'm green with envy.
It's the perfect, perfect thing to do. Get out of dodge and let gossip do the hard work. She'll be half over it by the time they return, surely. She's better than he is, emotionally.
She's better altogether.
she's kinder
a good friend
She's everything he should want but doesn't... he doesn't fit the norm his parents did. 
(the norm where you love and marry but don’t quite love enough not to stray over and over again, creating illegitimate children who will feel the fallout in your staid, but Oliver is clueless about his parents)
He doesn't fit in the world LL was planning for them. He doesn't fit LL. He should want her, but he doesn't. The thrill is over; he dated his 'good girl next door' friend and it wasn't bad... but for some reason, it isn't him. She isn't him. 
He isn't ANYONE. His identity is the jumped up playboy he's pretended to be over the years; pretended because, there's no joy in it for him. He get as many orgasms as he likes: what he enjoys is the deception. The fact that he can sink as low as he likes. The fact because he’s a rich bad boy, he can get away it.
It’s a game.
He loves her but he always had: she was his friend first after all...
Breaking the rules however? That feels very much him. And what a crappy thing to be feel right about. Being the bad guy feels right. There's no hope for him.
But he can pretend. So he does. He goes onto the Gambit and spends three days in bed with Sara Lance.
Then the ship capsizes. He looses Sara. His father. the boat. Any chance at returning home. Despite what happens over the next five years, it confirms things: he didn't loose them because of any bomb. he lost them because of who he is.
A cheater
morally repugnant at his core
capable of dark acts
A bad guy
How else could he do and become the things he did and became over five years if, on the inside, there wasn't something inherently wrong with him?
How else could he kill and maim and plot and scheme and defame and destroy and conceal if it wasn't an extension of the badness within? The sinking of the Gambit simply revealed him for what he is. Slade knew that too. That's why Oliver killed him. To keep that secret, a secret.
There's no hope for Oliver Queen.
He doesn't deserve it.
Hasn't earned it.
His destiny is to sink deeper into the black...
But he accepts his father's last wishes because deep down, Oliver BELIEVES. And hopes. And if he does this, maybe he can be forgiven for what he did: for dooming Sara, for going on the Gambit. For being responsible for his father’s death who wouldn't have killed himself if not for Oliver, it's his fault he (and sara) were ship wrecked, it's his fault shadow died, his fault her father died... if he hadn't been selfish none of it would have happened.
If he hadn't been so rotten at the core, he'd have loved ll enough not to run away.
He wouldn't have corrupted sara
his father would have survived on the island and returned home
his mother wouldn't have lost them both
his sister would have a father
tommy would never know just how dark, how evil his best friend is
Quentin wouldn't hate him, wouldn’t become an alcoholic later
Oliver would never know the monster inside himself
The rest of him can't accept that there's any light at the end of the tunnel so his hope, his belief, is crushed inside a tiny box deep within the brittle rock encased around him. Hope is a bigger killer than self-hate.
Hope is a length of rope to hang himself with: it’s infinitely more terrifying than falling into black.
A cognitive dissonance forms; a fissure. A schism. There's half of him that's formed over the years away - something inside him that always existed - that he cannot accept, half himself he denies the light, denies to look upon. He hides it beneath a hood and calls it his mission, his mask.
But then he's back in Starling and-
Attack. Attack. Attack.
Expectations. Nagging. Watching.
Love, hate, regret, guilt.
Shut it down. And he does... except he doesn't, because he's not a machine. He wishes he was. He wishes he could simply right his fathers wrongs and disappear forever without feeling a thing about it. But he's human. And humans need things because we're selfish and people were born to be with people. We need and grow and thrive with people.
And so does he.
It's difficult to keep his mask on because he's more human - more kind, gentle, loving, compassionate, selfless, hopeful - than anyone else. And yes, it was cultivated by his years away, but what human hasn't been made aware of the ugly truths of themselves in hindsight? It's 20/20 for a reason.
And LL-
Her hatred feels like relief.
He deserves to feel it, he's earned it and it's proof he exists. Proof he was loved. Proof that there’s SOMETHING to be redeemed. Proof that he was 'Ollie Queen'. A man who doesn't put on a hood to shoot arrows into people. He was once a guy who had a girl and treated her badly.
Then LL forgives him and the relief becomes hope.
Then she takes it away and he's back down the darkest hole. That’s fine. Both feel good. Both are toxic.
He doesn’t have to strive this way...
Not that he understands the wrongness of it all: he has no idea. He thinks relationships work this way; he thinks that people are pushed and pulled and hurt and hurt and hurt-  it's like sandpaper over skin. It’s supposed to smart, isn’t it? That means it's real, right? He thought once that love was supposed to be like in the movies, was supposed to be deeper, was supposed to instil great strength in him but he was a fool
There's only LL
Only love he overestimated
only feelings of guilt and regret and shame
the past
She hasn't changed at all, except she's.. bitter. Wary. Distrustful. She doesn't smile like she used to, like she was FREE. He did that. He owns it. And she's made him own it, she's thrown at him. It's his fault after all. He should take responsibility. Let her hate him. It's only right. 
He hates himself: pile it on. He KNOWS what hate feels like. Understands hate and anger and pain and grief and misery.
His mission comes first anyway, and it's easy to prioritise because it does FIT him. He feels more himself as the Hood than he does as Oliver. There are no lies there. Just the animal. The creature crafted over five years: Except he isn't all knowing and he needs help.
There's a face he remembers, a face he locked away, one he sees dreams sometimes but never acknowledges because it would mean... something. Keep it simple and clean. It just is what it is. A face... that made it easy to breathe.
...wasn't she an IT girl?
Maybe he should see someone else...
Except he's already looked her up because, again, her face stuck with him. A sweet face. A face he could manipulate if needed, right? That's the reason.
It wouldn't be a hardship to charm the information out of her. To flirt and play. Maybe he could date her. Sleep with her if he had to, he could.
So he walks into her office, willing to go any lengths and only a tad curious about whether his memory is as good at it seems and-
Oh hello heart, it's been a while.
Suddenly he's very aware of every breath he's taking, of every thump in his chest. Of the way his lips are curving-
He's present in a room with a woman who's red lips, who quick wit, who's knowing and pretty blue eyes could keep him awake at night if he let them.
She's... funny. Without trying to be. And it’s genuine rather than forcing on a smile and laughing because he's supposed to. She's quick. Intuitive. Scarily perceptive and his plan to manipulate, coerce and excrete charm goes out of the window.
He's the one charmed. But he's got a job to do so he starts the lie and-
Of course she sees right through it. It was deliberately pathetic for a reason, part of the charm. Part of the manipulation. But it's not a flirtation: he just looks at her and stupidly says the words and he doesn't sound like an idiot. He sounds like he's testing her instead and-
She. Sees. Right. through. His. Bullshit.
He hoped she would, but not like this. I see your lie, but it's fine. I'll help you. You look like you need help.
He drops the fake. And. He. doesn't. care. at. all.
Doesn't even try to fight it.
Trusts it immediately.
Sits down behind her and watches her work... calculates. Plans-
No. He can't have it- it's wrong and indulgent and like sunlight in the dank, darkness of lian yu. He doesn't deserve it. Hasn't earned it-
Though he liked it. Wanted more.
He'd kill her.
Stay away.
And he does... for a while... until he doesn't, can't because INFORMATION.
Would it be so bad to have something, someone in his life that can shine a light? That can make him smile just once before he dies. Wrap her in bubble wrap. Keep her safe. From me. And then he can bring her in, at a respectable distance. One of the world's treasures kept safe by him.
He's no knight but it would be an honour.
He couldn't let her go alone and unsafe in the world NOW. Not now. Not after meeting her. Not after seeing the way her fingers twitch and twirl as her mouth curves around's words that make his mind whirl, that make his world tilt in very nice ways. Something about her lingered with him, always. A marginal comfort. Bringing colour into the dark.
He can look at colour.
He can look at light.
Maybe he'd be brave enough to touch it too. Maybe. one day. If he doesn't die, Which he knows he will so... there’s nothing to fear.
And ONLY if LL can forgive him because-
Because Felicity is so far beyond any of them: better, brighter, purer, kinder, and so much smarter than LL, than anyone... if LL can't have faith in him again, how could anyone as incredible as Felicity Smoak do the same-
Yet she does.
She saves his life, trusting his word when he's given her no reason to. I mean, what can he even do with that? That doesn't compute, he doesn't understand it. But he knew it was true without even giving it voice because he feels the same and how strange that is.
He's so damn thankful for it.
She's... willing.
She saved him. She didn't have to, but she did as he asked.
She knew... she knew he was liar, a killer and she still helped him.
She wants to be in his orbit - actually wants to be near a monster like him
She said only until they found Walter but she stayed...
She remained.
He can keep her.
Like his own personal sun, down in the dark basement. He doesn't deserve it, hasn't earned it... but she seems to think he has. If Felicity Smoak believes he's earned it, then who's he to deny or argue that point? Maybe there's hope yet.
She's good. Right.
She's everything he isn't: there’s a list, he likes it
She's never wrong
Even when she is, she isn't, I can attest to that
She trusts him for some reason
it's terrifyingly easy to trust her back
she slots in like a missing piece
she wants to help people, save people... more than he does.
She's patient with his many weaknesses and issues
he didn't need to explain why he killed people, why 'the violence'; she immediately compartmentalised
she doesn't make him feel like less for his violence, for the holes in his rotten soul
she's harmless
she's the most dangerous person to him, given her vocation... but it doesn't seem to matter
she's so smart, he's in awe of every word out of her mouth
when he isn't in awe, he's tickled
or bashful
or pleased
or puzzled
or grateful
...never guilty
she talks circles around them all and he never tells her how much he enjoys hearing her every word, even as she's flustered
especially when she's flustered
He can keep her close without her being close at all; a source of nourishment from some place far away- and she is.
Far away.
And he seems to start getting his ducks in a row.
Felicity encourages him to help people instead of just targeting names in a book and it feels good. Is this allowed? He's bonding with Thea. his mother FINALLY sees that placing expectations on him won't bring back the child she lost. And maybe... maybe he's not SO bad… after all...
Maybe he can heal the past by being everything he wasn't:
The good son
The admirable brother
the loyal best friend
the reluctant hero
the trustworthy boyfriend
But he's tired. And he hurts and when he's not trying to connect with someone-
Helena, McKenna
-he just WANTS TO BE FORGIVEN FOR SOMETHING. Even if he doesn't deserve it.
And abruptly she's right there: offering. LL. It's easy. Like wish fulfilment. And Tommy isn't biting. He's pushing them away, even when Oliver tries to get him to see the light because there's only so much Oliver can take of all these opportunities to lighten the load in his chest, on his shoulders and in his head.
He can make it work. He can be the Ollie he never was. The man they all miss. He can fix the past: he doesn't have to continue be the man who killed his father, who killed Sara and Shado.
He can be the Ollie who never went on the Gambit.
And so... when LL's feelings change, it feels like forgiveness. Like relief. He can try again.
She responds exactly how he knew she would because, deep down? He can read LL like a book. He can read her because she's easy to read: she loves him. He can see it clearly and just because he doesn't love her the way the storybooks tell you you're supposed to, doesn't mean he can't go back-
Except it's too easy to leave her in bed. Alone. To avoid her calls because- busy.
She may not come first now but once the Undertaking is over he can hide that part of himself and pretend it never existed. He can live, solely, for repentance and it doesn't sound so bad. Living a life making up for his sins. For everyone's sins because, why not? Maybe he'll go to heaven that way. The lies he speaks feel like the truth: LL has always known him... even though she never knew him. It's still true because he will make it true.
He will BECOME the man she fell in love with. The lie. He'll do it, even if he has to act the part for the rest of his life.
It's the only way to forgiveness.
But first, they have a catastrophe to stop and he's never been able to stop one before. Maybe now is the time, but if he dies? Everyone will be fine. They'll-
If you're not leaving, I'm not leaving.
‘Hello heart; that's the second time I've felt you beat: twice in one year.’
Her words sound an awful lot like... like he'll never be alone as long as she lives.
Well then.
No one has ever promised him that. It wasn't even a promise: it was a statement of fact.
I guess... that means she's never allowed to die.
That's a fact too, because he doesn't want to be alone ever again. With the void in him. The part of him that nothing and no one has ever filled, saved those beautiful words just now. Words he didn't think he'd ever hear. Even if she isn't close, as long as she breathes then so shall he.
It's stunning. A literal voice in his ear and a metaphorical one in his head. He'll never be alone again. Can he trust that? It soothes the black in him, quietens the doubt like nothing else has. He takes it with him, holds onto hope-
Casts it aside when everything falls, fails. He failed. He didn't save the city. He made one man the enemy instead of clearing the underground tunnels. He didn't save Tommy. 
He can't save anyone.
He's no hero.
And there's no more going back because, how can he without Tommy? With that high a price for trying to do the impossible. LL wasn't the cornerstone there, it was best friend. And she suffered for his selfish attempt too, like she always has. She was always better than him.
He so sorry that he can't love her the way she deserves. He can't tell her that he never did. Ignorance is bliss.
There's just... something wrong with him. He was never meant to exist with people. He should have died on the island.
Trying to rebirth the past is meaningless now. He can't do or change anything. There's no point in staying.
He leaves.
But he makes sure to dump a nice helping of cash into Felicity and Dig's accounts: that's all he’s good for. Maybe it will make them just a little happy. They're better off without him there, because he's a disease. He can only hurt people or run away.
He runs away. He’s good at that too.
Five months alone bring him a small amount of peace: sometimes worldly things get in the way. But he can't stop thinking about Tommy...
Then THEY are there. They came to his personal hell on earth, willingly. No one else would, he knows that. And he’s exasperated, frustrated but it's so good to see them-
Feel them.
She's warm. And beautiful. And she's asking him to come BACK-
But he can't because everything he touches turns to ashes.
Except she needs his help and so do thousands more. His family's legacy is crumbling before him and he has to take responsibility.
It's almost too easy to listen, even as he hates that he has to return because-
Even as he wants to because loneliness is a slow killer too and he'd rather die fast, die standing. Die with people.
...he keeps looking at her. Can't help it-
She draws the eye.
His eye.
And she's saying things that hit him every single time in ways he doesn't know how to face.
She SEES him.
It's like she's decided she's done watching him. She's stepping up. She's SHOWING him the way.
He's in love with that. He needed her years ago. He doesn't deserve it... but she's reaching out and offering her hand. He's almost too scared to touch it, but he does.
Now he's hanging onto her every word, only realising ten seconds in that they've been looking at each other ten seconds too long-
He's relying on her so much more than before. Needs her. For everything:
Queen Consolidated
his mother's trial
-made him a bow.
HER bow. her touch. her ideal. HER.
It doesn't feel drenched in darkness: it's heavier. There's a weight to it now that she's asking him to bear but it settles well in his chest and finally he can breathe a little. She's everywhere; the foundry has touches of her- his life is suddenly filled with her and he doesn't mind. It doesn't scare him.
The idea of her ever leaving does scare him, even as she promised she never would if he didn't.
So he won't.
They're a team. It always worked with John but she's become the heart: it doesn't beat or flow without her and he doesn't question or care how it happened.
The mission changes: it has to. Tommy was the sacrifice for his judgement before. That can't happen again.
Felicity can't be the sacrifice... and he doesn't know why she's first in his thoughts there. 
There's Starling, the Glades and the family company. Isabel.
He's a natural at thwarting women who want to spar with him: it's all an act. Sleep with her, keep her quiet. Make her see there's no difference in them really. They're both crappy people trying to save a dying company-
Felicity’s there...
He's had sex before, with other women before; why does this feel worse?
Why does it feel like shame?
And she's a good person; she'd never use sex as a weapon, never use her body so shallowly. Any man who'd want her to isn't worth her time.
I'm not worth her time.
So when she asks and he's glad of it because her silence was deafening, disquieting - he could tell she'd been waiting to ask and he-
THAT’S what he’s been feeling.
It's intense, the way his heart jumps at her. The way the truth settles down on him as the words he speaks become a different kind of truth. He can sleep around with women like Isabel because they mean nothing.
Not her.
because he doesn't stay longer in the foundry because he likes it down there; that's where SHE is. She made it her home too. Where the clacking of fingers on a keyboard becomes preferable to the silence, like therapy. He doesn't look forward to a work day because he loves his job: he hates his job, but he likes spending the day with her.
He’s taking advantage of her. 
She asked him to try a better way and he has, because it wasn't just about honouring Tommy. It was about working towards the light with her, his guide.
And he realises he's been falling for a while.
But he can't let himself land so he lets her leave-
You deserve better than her.
There's better and then there's Felicity and her words, her voice that beckons and stuns him and- FUCK.
This wasn’t supposed to happen. He wasn't supposed to feel this way. He'd liked her from day one, had been attracted to her intelligence, her wit, her compassion and her short skirts. Her GLASSES. Her lipsticks and nail varnishes.
Her smile.
But that was all...
The Count seals the deal. He gets it. He won't kill but he'd gladly kill for her. He'd break rules for her without feeling guilt, and he doesn't feel guilt- None.
But she's affected and sorry and he can't let her feel that way so her lets her see just a little of what's inside him.
You come first
you're important
to the city
but mostly to me
you're never thanked but I couldn't do this without you
there's no choice to make when it comes to you
And that’s why nothing can ever happen. 
But Barry creates an ugly furl in him, something he's never felt. Is it... jealousy? For a kid half his size and triple his intelligence? Yes.
But like a lot of things, Barry makes Oliver see: these thoughts he's been having? They can’t happen. They need to be shut down before it spirals out of control. Put her first.
Sara helps there.
It's part distraction, part comfort, all a shield to feelings that twist turn him inside out in the best ways.
Sara who can take care of herself so he doesn't have to
Sara who's beautiful
Sara who he might be able to be himself with
Sara who was exactly like him
Except they argue about everything and her darkness worries him. Their methods clash, their ideas clash... and before long it starts to feel like he’s trying to fix the past again but he can’t help it. The pull is relentless. He still wants more than anything to go back and make up for what he did.
The monster that he is-
Except Felicity called him a hero. Her words are gold. Everyone in the world could stand against him... but she thinks he’s a hero.
But he’s with Sara and Sara needs help, needs to be shown the way. Felicity and Diggle - they taught him that killing shouldn’t be a first port of call. There’s always ANOTHER WAY.
But Sara CAN’T. And if she can’t then how can he?
Yet she isn’t wrong: they don’t bring out the best in each other... they don’t bring out ANYTHING. She’s worried about touching him with her darkness? She needn't: she never touched his heart, not really.
His heart is in a lock-box, along with his hope. Which is good because-
-who knows that deep down, Oliver is as dark as they come. He's not a hero. he's a traitorous coward who deserves for history to repeat itself and it does in the worst way. 
Because I’m a disease. 
Slade, who is a product of Oliver's making. Slade who shows him to the world for who he really is.
Even when Felicity disputes this, he knows it's true.
It would be easy... so easy to sink into her. To take her into himself, breathe deep, devour her whole until he’s surrounded and filled with nothing but her. Her eyes are offering it. 
He isn’t worthy.
I can’t.
And he wants to sink away and die, wants to allow his sins to destroy him and maybe that would take away all the problems- But Sebastian is involved and a danger to the city. LL is involved. Her father. His friends.
He has to be strong. He has to stop Slade the way he should have done the first time. He has to stop him, not kill him; but it feels impossible. He's only one man, a failure of a man...
And of course… of COURSE... she's there and she tells him the truth; what he needs to hear. And when she holds him, when he realises his partner is with him 100% through thick and thin he's finally able to acknowledge why he's holding her back. Why she gives him strength. Why her opinion matters the most. Why he dreams about her. Why, when she’s near, he’s stronger.
whoever you love the most.
The ruse is easy because it's real.
He can tell her without telling her and it feels so easy, so good, so natural.
He's in love with Felicity Smoak, not Sara. Not Laurel. Felicity. She could never love him back as he is, but he can hope with that look in her eyes.
And she's stronger than them anyway; she's the one who stops Slade. 
After everything lost, it feels like salvation. 
I’ll continue this, but it’s already so LOOOONG!
In case you’re wondering who the crazy person babbling about Olicity is, please see my:
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You’re Not Broken, You’re Stronger Than You Know Ch2
A/N: I am finally updating this story. I hope you like this chapter!
~*~ ~*~ ~*~ 
Felicity shifted on her feet, feeling a little nervous. Oliver wasn’t here to do this, and she thought he should have been. Felicity didn’t begrudge him for needing to take some time to himself. After everything he’d been through, she believed he earned that right. 
Still, it didn’t change the fact there was a city, his city that needed him. His best friend just lost his father. Malcolm was the worst, but he was still Tommy’s father. 
Tommy, who had been seriously injured, hospitalized and was looking at a very long road to recovery. Moira was in jail. Walter was doing his best to keep QC afloat. A near-impossible task considering the scandal behind Moira and Robert Queen’s involvement in the Undertaking that had leveled the Glades and killed over 300 people. Thea was on her own besides Walter and Tommy, her brother up and left, her mother was in prison and her boyfriend, Roy, was having constant run-ins with the law. 
Felicity felt like it was up to her to pick up the fractured pieces of Oliver’s life, his family. At least she still had Digg to talk to and help shoulder the burden.
Felicity took a deep breath and nodded to herself. She walked forward not paying much regard to the man in a black suit standing guard. 
“Miss, you can’t go in.” his hand shot out blocking her. 
Felicity pursed her lips. “I just want to check in on a friend.” 
“I understand, but I’m under strict instructions that unless you’re Thea Queen or Laurel Lance, you are not going in there.” 
Felicity glared, she wanted to yell at him, but she knew he was just doing his job. “Fine, could you tell him Felicity stopp-”
“Wait, you’re Felicity Smoak?” The guard’s stern tone change, becoming more friendly. 
“Last time I checked that’s what it says on my birth certificate,” Felicity responded with an arched brow. 
“Sorry about that, ma’am.” he apologized, stepping aside to let her pass. 
“I thought I wasn’t allowed unless I was Thea or Laurel?” She questioned. 
“Mr. Diggle gave one exception to that order,” he answered. “With Felicity Smoak being the exception. Again, I apologize, Ma’am.” 
“It’s okay, Mr..” Felicity trailed off expectantly. 
“James Evans.” Evans supplied. 
“It’s okay, Mr. Evans, I know you’re just doing your job.” 
Evan’s nodded in reply, and she smiled politely moving past him and pushing her way into the room he was guarding. Her eyes taking in the white walls, the beeping monitor and the man hooked up to it with an IV drip. 
His skin was pale, his lips cracked and dry with dark circles under his eyes, his hair was unruly and spiked up in a case of terrible bedhead. Honestly, Felicity had never seen Tommy Merlyn look worse for wear. 
He looked up as she entered his room, registering surprise. “Felicity?”
“Hey, I brought you some get well flowers. I figured they could brighten up your room a bit.” His room was pretty sparse of get-well cards or flowers.
“I’m afraid all I’m getting these days are death threats calling for a Merlyn’s head. It’s why your friend Mr. Diggle thought it necessary to have security stationed at my door.” 
Felicity frowned, placing the flowers on his hospital tray table. “The city is looking for someone to blame. Mrs. Queen is in custody, but Malcolm is dead, and because Mr. Merlyn is dead they’re looking for the next scapegoat, so they figure why not the last remaining Merlyn. Still, none of that makes it right. What your father did isn’t on you. None of this is your fault.”
Tommy’s eyes shuttered at the mention of his father. “Oliver promised me, he didn’t kill him. He lied.” 
Felicity pursed her lips. “He thought you were going to die, and he didn’t want that to be your last memory. I know it doesn’t excuse his lying, but he was trying to give you peace of mind in what he believed was going to be your last moments.”
Tommy frowned at her. “You make it really hard for a guy to be mad when you make his actions sound rational.” 
“Things look rational from an outsider's perspective. I’m not saying you can’t be angry or mad at him. After everything that has happened between the two of you in the past couple of months, I think you deserve to feel; however, you want.” 
Tommy’s brow furrowed. “What are you saying then?” 
“I’m saying if you’re going to be mad and blame Oliver at least look at it from a clear perspective and make sure it’s for the right reasons.” 
A silence fell over them as he considered her words. A part of Tommy knew she was right. He was angry with Oliver, but it wasn’t all about his dad. It was about Laurel, about Oliver’s willingness to kill. It was about the secrets and lack of trust. It was the fact that he no longer knew who his best friend was. 
Yes, he blamed Oliver for all of it. But how did he stop blaming Oliver when he was at the center of it all. 
“I hear you, but I don’t know how to not be mad about everything and being stuck in this hospital doesn’t help any,” said Tommy doing his best not to take his anger out on her that he felt for Oliver.  
“Maybe what you need is time,” Felicity said quietly. “Time to work through your anger and time to heal.” 
“Maybe,” Tommy said though he didn’t believe it was that easy or that simple. 
“In any case, I’m here if you need anything,” Felicity smiled. “Even if you just need a substitute friend.”
“Substitute friend?” Tommy repeated, he felt his lips tugging up into a small smile despite his bad mood. 
“Yeah, you know, like a stand-in friend. Since I would be subbing in for Oliver, filling in for him since he decided he couldn’t be here right now.”
“Felicity Smoak has anyone ever told you, you’re a little on the weird side?”
Felicity smiled wryly. “You wouldn’t be the first to say that.” 
“All the best people are,” Tommy continued flashing Felicity a small grin. 
Felicity smiled and shook her head just as the door to Tommy’s room opened again, Tommy’s face lighting up with his latest visitor. “Thea,” he greeted. 
“Hey, I was going to come by sooner, but it’s tough avoiding the media right now. It’s a shit show out there.” Thea greeted, her eyes moved to Felicity, her brow furrowing. “Hey, don’t I know you. You’re Oliver’s friend, right? You came to the hospital when Walter came back. Felicity, I think it was?
“Yes, that was me,” Felicity nodded. 
“I didn’t know you were friends with Tommy, too,” Thea glanced at Tommy. 
“We met through Oliver and the club. She set up the club’s Wifi, and she’s been a good friend.” Tommy told her. “You should get to know each other. I’m sure the two of you would hit it off.” 
“I’m gonna go, but I’ll see you later. Tommy.” Felicity interjected. 
“You don’t have to leave.” Tommy protested. 
“Yeah, stay, if you’re going to be hanging around Tommy and Oliver, I definitely think we should get to know each other better.” Thea took the chair next to Tommy’s bedside, leaning back in the seat and crossing her legs gracefully. “So Felicity, just what kind of friends are you with Tommy and Oliver?” 
“The usual kind?” Felicity said she hadn’t meant to sound so unsure, but she suddenly felt like she was sitting in an interrogation room, and Thea Queen was her interrogator. 
Her flight and fight instincts were kicking in but how the hell was she supposed to just walk out with Tommy looking at her like he was looking for acceptance and Thea like she was her new project. 
With a sigh, she settled into the second chair. “What do you want to know?”
Thea leaned forward with keen interest. “I know how you and Tommy met, but how did you meet my brother? How long have you been friends? Or you really just friends or something more? Just how close are you to Tommy and Oliver?”
Felicity’s eyes widened as Thea fired question after question in rapid succession, Tommy snickering in the background. 
Felicity didn’t know where to start answering Thea’s question, and all she could think was...
What did she just get herself into?
~*~ ~*~ ~*~ 
A/N: Thanks for reading!
If anyone wants to be tag for this one let me know!
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jade4813 · 5 years
A Lie, Told Often Enough, Chapter 17
Author Notes: Inspired by @fallinginloveinaflash‘s AU prompt. All credit for the idea goes entirely to her.
Title: A Lie, Told Often Enough
Rating: NC-17
Synopsis: Iris just landed her dream job at a PR firm and her first assignment is reforming the bad boy image of celebrity artist Barry Allen. He’s overly cocky and well-known for being a playboy, but Iris has never met a challenge she couldn’t handle.
Chapters: 17/?
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
He had almost told her the truth.
He’d been thinking about it for weeks. Wanting to tell her how he felt. He’d even rehearsed what he was going to say as he combed his hair in the morning and climbed into bed at night.
He’d almost told her when he first saw her there, standing at the side of the stage. But with all those people around, he hadn’t been able to find the words.
He’d almost told her again when he saw her backstage, after the show. But then he’d realized she was dressed in nothing but a towel and all thoughts of a confession had fled.
After making love to her that night, with her curled up in his arms. But she’d fallen asleep. In the morning, in between sleepy kisses. But then fear crept in. What if she didn’t feel the same way? What if it ruined everything?
The courage only came when it was too late, and so he’d told her he wanted to talk to her about their future and let her go so she wouldn’t miss her plane. Because they weren’t words that should be hastily blurted as she rushed out the door.
But he wanted to tell her he loved her. He didn’t think he could bear to keep his feelings secret much longer.
“I’ve been thinking a lot. About our future. And I don’t want to lie about us anymore. I want this to be real. Iris, I’m in love with you. Whatever direction my life goes in the future, I want it to be with you. And we don’t have to really be engaged right now, if you aren’t ready for that, but I want to go on a date. With you. A real date. What do you think?”
Barry grimaced at his reflection as the muttered question left his lips. That was terrible, and not just because he was practicing his confession around a toothbrush as he got ready for bed. He made a living through words; why was it that every time he tried to find the perfect words to tell Iris how he felt, he sounded like an eighth grader asking his first crush out to the prom?
Scowling, he finished getting ready for bed and then grabbed his phone. He could text her. No, that was a terrible idea. There were two things Barry firmly believed should never be done over text – breaking someone’s heart and confessing your deep and abiding love for them.
Over the phone? It wasn’t much better. Less impersonal than text, to be sure, but it still felt like the coward’s way out.
So what was he going to do? He had to tell Iris he loved her. He had to know if there was even the slightest chance that one day she might feel the same way about him.
He began to pace back and forth, muttering mangled bits of previously rejected confessions. And then he had an idea. In two nights, he was performing a show in Star City. It wasn’t part of the official tour, but billionaire Oliver Queen had booked him for an exclusive event – a surprise belated birthday party for his sister, Thea. Normally he wouldn’t have tried to squeeze an extra event into an already packed tour schedule, but Thea had been a fan from the very early days of his career, and he and Oliver had struck up an unlikely friendship over the years. He suspected they both felt the same internal conflict of trying to live up to society’s expectations while also feeling inside like they might have been destined for more.
At any rate, given Oliver’s love-hate relationship with publicity, he should be able to offer some guidance, even if his love life had historically been something of a wreck. He seemed to have found more solid footing in his relationship with Felicity Smoak, so Barry hoped he would have some words of wisdom to share. Whatever he said, it had to be better than Barry’s own pathetic attempts at confession.
“Barry! You were amazing!” Thea exclaimed as she threw her arms around him in a big hug. “Thank you for agreeing to do the show. I don’t know how my brother talked you into it; I know you’re busy with your tour.”
“Anything for my number one fan, Thea,” he said with a smile, returning the embrace.
Stepping back, she grinned up at him. “Do you mean number one as in ‘biggest’ or in the ‘I knew you before you were famous’ kinda way?” she teased.
He faked a grimace. “Don’t remind me.” He’d first met Thea before he hit it big, right after he and Cisco formed their band and spent their weekends playing for drunk college students at frat parties. She’d attended one of the parties in question and had approached them after to say she thought they had a lot of talent. She’d offered to help bankroll their first album, with the help of her personal trust fund, but that was in the days before either man considered music a viable career and they’d turned her down. And so, when hobby became passion project and passion project became a career, Barry ended up making connections in the music business on his own. But the memory of Thea’s faith in him had helped him resist the temptation to give up in the early years, when faith in himself was sometimes hard to find.
“Hey, just remember, we could have been partners!” she replied, though her words came with a smile that promised him she didn’t bear a grudge for turning her down, all those years ago.
Barry laughed and caught her brother’s eye as he approached for a hug of his own. “Yeah, but then I’d have to put up with this guy more often,” he joked.
“Oh, you’re right. Good call, then. Definitely not worth it.” Thea laughed at her brother’s scowl. Meanwhile, Barry stepped past Oliver to greet his girlfriend, Felicity, taking an awkward moment to decide if a handshake or a hug would be more appropriate. In the end, they both settled on a stilted one-arm embrace, quickly ended.
As he pulled away, he heard Thea gasp. “Oh, my god. She came!” Her voice was an excited squeal as she raced past Ollie towards the door. After glancing towards the doorway, her brother mumbled a promise to return in a moment and followed.
“Who’s that?” Barry asked, watching as Thea threw her arms around a tall brunette in a black dress that could have been painted on.
Next to him, Felicity shrugged, grabbing a drink off a passing waiter’s tray. “Laurel. Amazing Laurel. Lovely Laurel. Perfect Laurel.” When Barry glanced at her, she added, “Lovely Laurel who used to be Oliver’s fiancé. Don’t tell me you haven’t heard about her miraculous return from the dead?”
“I’ve been on the road!” he cried defensively. He knew of Laurel and Oliver’s past from his years of knowing Thea in college, but he hadn’t realized she’d returned. Though he supposed in the past several weeks, he had heard snippets, fragments of news stories while flipping through the channels at night before crawling into bed. Watching the woman smile at Thea and ignore Oliver completely, the pieces started to come together.
Laurel Lance had been Oliver’s on-again-off-again ex-fiancée. The week after college graduation, the two had taken a private cruise on the Queen’s family boat to repair their somewhat fractured engagement. The ship hit a storm, and Laurel had gone overboard. Her disappearance had been covered extensively – as had the Queen and Lance families’ efforts to find her. Her body had never been recovered, and she had eventually been presumed dead. Her father, Quentin Lance, had made it very clear that he held Oliver personally responsible for his daughter’s death.
Over the last few weeks, Barry had heard snippets of stories proclaiming the miraculous return of Laurel Lance, as well as her reluctance to give many details on where she’d been in the intervening years. The name had sounded vaguely familiar, but he’d flipped channels and hadn’t given it sufficient thought to remember why.
“That must be complicated,” he remarked, following Felicity to a table to take a seat. Seeing the scowl on her face, he asked, “I know it’s none of my business, but you’re not, um, worried about Oliver, are you?”
“The press keeps asking me the same thing, curiously enough. They won’t leave me alone about it.”
“I don’t mean to pry,” he offered apologetically.
Felicity sighed. “No, I know. It’s not you. The truth is, it’s not about Ollie. He swears that his feelings for Laurel are in the past, and I believe him.”
There was enough reluctance in her voice, that he prompted, “But?”
“But,” she parroted, drawing out the word before letting her voice trail off again as she stared into her drink. Finally, she lifted her gaze to his. “Ollie is the love of my life, and I don’t regret a single minute I’ve been with him. But his life is so public, every moment I’m with him is like living in a spotlight. I can’t even leave the house now without press asking me what I think about the unexpected return of his ex-girlfriend. I can barely get five minutes alone with him to talk about it.” She threw him a wry smile. “I love him, but sometimes I wonder. If I’d known what being with him was going to be like, would I have called in sick that day at work when we first met?”
Barry didn’t know how to respond to that, so they sat in silence until they saw Laurel give Thea another hug. Then she turned, said a few words to Oliver, and left as he made his way back to the table.
Some time later, the party was winding down and Barry found himself alone at the table with Oliver while Felicity chatted with Thea. Not certain if they were good enough friends for him to intrude, Barry chose his words carefully as he ventured, “Hey, are you okay?” When Oliver shot him a look out of the corner of his eye, he added, “You’ve been kind of quiet tonight. You want to talk about it?”
Oliver threw him a grim smile. “I take it Felicity told you about Laurel?”
“I could have heard it from the news,” he protested slightly.
Oliver grunted and shook his head. “It’s okay. I haven’t really been there for her lately. Not like I should have been. I’m glad she talked to someone.”
Barry took a sip of his beer as he considered his next words. “She wants to be there for you, you know.”
“I know. I just can’t stop thinking about my mistakes. About everything that happened with Laurel.” At his companion surprised look, he grimaced. “Don’t take that the wrong way. It’s not that I want to be with her now. I’m not the person I was when I was with her, and maybe losing her the way I did is part of the reason why. Living with the questions and the guilt, maybe it made me grow up a little.
“But I can’t help but wonder what happened to her that night. What she’s been through. I look at her now, and I can see that she’s not the woman she used to be. Maybe she’s better. I don’t know. But I can’t help but think that whatever happened to her, it’s my fault. She wouldn’t have been on that boat that night if it wasn’t for me. So I feel like even knowing me ruined her life, and there’s nothing I can do to fix it.”
It was still dark outside when Barry awoke to the sound of his phone ringing insistently on his hotel room nightstand. Keeping his eyes closed, he rolled over and grabbed for it, answering it with a grunt that approximated an incoherent hello.
“Mr. Allen. I’m sorry to bother you, but I thought you would want to know about this right away.”
It was Ralph Dibny, a member of his security team. Responsible for Iris’s detail. In a split second, Barry was instantly awake, clutching his phone in his fist as he sat bolt upright in bed. “What happened?”
Iris was alone. It wasn’t just Barry’s absence that made her feel so lonely. There was nobody she could talk to about it. Nobody she could confess her feelings to. Nobody who would understand. Almost everybody she knew thought her relationship with Barry was real, and everybody else thought it wasn’t. The truth was somewhere in the middle, and nobody would understand that. So Iris was alone.
She ducked her head, foregoing a struggle with her umbrella as she raced to the door. She ignored two flashes to her left, even as she recognized some grudging admiration for the dedication necessary to stand out in the rain on the off chance they caught a photo of her.
It was exhausting, and she had no idea how Barry managed it for so long. It was only bearable to her because it was worth just about anything, loving him. Being with Barry made her happy. Everything else – the fans and fame and paparazzi around every corner – was just a distraction. Window dressing. Stuff and nonsense. It was part of the life he led, and so she accepted it as the price she paid for loving him. But she would have been just as happy without it, if it meant walking up every morning with him in her arms.
“When I get back, we should talk. About our future. There’s something I-I need to tell you.”
She smiled as she remembered his words because she realized he was right. They needed to talk. She needed to tell him that she loved him. That she wanted to spend the rest of her life with him. That she was tired of pretending like it was all an act when, for it, it had become all too real.
For so long, she’d struggled to hide her feelings, afraid of what would happen if he discovered that she loved him. Afraid he wouldn’t love her in return. The thought was still frightening – terrifying, really – but if she’d learned anything from living without him for these last few weeks, it was that she didn’t want to live that way anymore. She didn’t want to have half of him and lie to herself that it was enough. Maybe she would lose him, telling him the truth. But if she kept her silence, she would lose him anyway, once his contract with Mason concluded.
“When he gets home, I’m going to tell him the truth,” she whispered to herself as she slid her key into the lock and twisted. The storm had picked up, and she hunched her shoulders to block out the wind and rain. “Once life with him is back to normal.” She turned the knob in her hand and stumbled inside, her wet feet sliding a little on the polished tile. Slamming the door behind her, she leaned against it, groaning, “God, I can’t wait for life to get back to normal.”
She heard a sound and opened her eyes to find Barry standing in the middle of his living room, staring at her with an inscrutable look on his face. Behind him, she saw that he’d already set two places for dinner, and she could tell at a glance that he’d gone all out to impress her. She blinked, frowning slightly, as it took her a second to realize that it was real, that she wasn’t imaging things. He looked so good in ratty old jeans and a faded t-shirt; it was hard to believe he was truly there.
“Barry!” she yelled, launching herself off the door and into his arms. His arms almost crushed the breath out of her as he lifted her off her feet.
He was home, and she was in his arms. Right where she belonged.
There are times in life that everything comes together perfectly. All the pieces fall into place, and you feel like everything has been building to one moment. The universe conspires to give you one perfect moment. Maybe you turn left instead of right, and you meet that one person who can give you your first big break. Maybe you duck into a coffee shop instead of rehearsing before a show, you see a woman’s smile from across the room, and something deep in your soul recognizes you were born to love her.
But sometimes things go the other way. Sometimes it feels like the universe is conspiring to rip your heart out of your chest and break it into a thousand pieces. Though she couldn’t possibly have known it, Iris’s words, muttered as she leaned against the door, were that last piece falling into place. Everything in the last few days was coming together to break Barry’s heart.
“I love him, but sometimes I wonder. If I’d known what being with him was going to be like, would I have called in sick that day at work when we first met?”
“Knowing me ruined her life, and there’s nothing I can do to fix it.”
“Iris is fine, but there have been some developments that you should know about…”
“God, I can’t wait for life to get back to normal.”
Barry held Iris to him, burying his face in her hair. His arms trembling like it was the last time he would ever hold her this way.
“I wasn’t expecting you home tonight!” Iris cried, cupping his face in her palms and pressing her lips against his.
“Iris has been getting some threats online. She doesn’t think it’s anything to worry about yet, but I think we should increase her detail until we know for sure. Some people have been threatening to show up at all her public engagements to tell her to leave you alone. Mostly the usual threats, but what is concerning is that they have said enough to suggest that they have gotten their hands on her schedule somehow. And that is a concern…”
“I wasn’t expecting to be here. But I had the evening off, so I thought I’d come see you.”
“We recently caught someone peering into the apartment windows. He didn’t try anything, and luckily, she wasn’t home. She had gone to see you…”
“Oh, I’m so glad you did,” she breathed, pressing her forehead against his.
“But when my guys caught him, he was carrying pictures of her…”
Barry tried to ignore the voices in his memory to focus instead on the woman in his arms. “I made dinner. Are you hungry?”
Iris laughed. “Starved.”
They sat down to eat, and at first, he cold pretend like the rest of the world didn’t exist. But the voices didn’t leave him alone.
“I love him, but sometimes I wonder. If I’d known what being with him was going to be like, would I have called in sick that day at work when we first met?”
“Knowing me ruined her life, and there’s nothing I can do to fix it.”
“He swears he didn’t intend her any harm, but who knows what would have happened if she had been home…”
“I can’t wait for life to get back to normal.”
God, she’s beautiful, he thought as he stared across the table at her, her smile illuminated by the flickering candlelight. But then he remembered the sadness in Felicity’s eyes. The regret in Oliver’s. And the weariness and longing in Iris’s voice when she’d longed for the life she used to have.
“I love him, but sometimes I wonder.”
“I ruined her life, and there’s nothing I can do to fix it.”
“I can’t wait for my life to get back to normal.”
He couldn’t put it off any longer. Taking a deep breath, he steeled himself for what he needed to do. “Iris, when you came to see me, I told that you we need to talk about the future…”
“I remember!” she interjected. “And, actually, I wanted to talk to you about that, too. Barry, I –”
“I think we should end this. We can wait until the tour is over, if you want. I mean, I did promise to be there for you, and I don’t want you to think I’m not. But we should talk to Mason about how to announce the end of our engagement when the tour is over. We should start preparing for it now.”
Iris froze and stared at him with wide eyes. Unable to hold her gaze, Barry let his drop to the plate in front of him, which is when he realized he’d barely touched his food. “I’m sorry,” he mumbled. “I didn’t mean to surprise you.”
He heard her make a soft sound, a nearly inaudible clearing of her throat. When he looked up at her again, he saw that her face was devoid of expression. “Oh,” she breathed, carefully putting her fork down on her plate before dropping her hands to her lap. “I – um – I guess I am surprised. I thought you wanted to wait until you were offered a role that demonstrated your image had changed…”
Barry winced into the silence that fell when her voice trailed off. Then he shrugged. “I did, originally. But I’ve been thinking about it lately, and who knows when that will happen? Or even if. I can’t ask you to put your life on hold for something that may never happen.”
“You’re not asking me to put my life on hold. We have an agreement, remember?”
“I know,” he answered, somehow made even more miserable because she sounded so calm, so unaffected. “But still, I-I think it’s time to put an end to it. I’m sorry.”
Iris cleared her throat, louder this time, as she took a sip of her wine. “Don’t apologize. This is business, right? That’s all this is. Business. So why are you sorry?” Silence fell between them, and she worried the corner of her napkin between her hands. “All right, have you thought about what you want to say? How you want this to go? I should probably take the blame for the breakup so—”
“No!” he cut her off. “That is one thing I am sure about. We can say that we grew apart while I was away or that we realized that my being on the road so much was going to be too hard. But I will take the blame. Not you.” He reached for her hand, but she either didn’t see it or she ignored it because she didn’t reach back. “I don’t want to make this any harder on you that it’s already been.”
Her smile was tight as she tossed her hair behind her shoulder and flung her napkin on top of her unfinished plate. “It’s not that hard, Barry. Like I said, this is business. Business arrangements end all the time. Right?” He was too miserable to respond and wasn’t sure what he would say anyway, so he did what he had learned early in his career to do when he couldn’t find the right words. He stayed silent.
“Well, I suppose you have a point,” she mused, pushing her chair away from the table. “If you announce that you were the one to end it, people won’t be as surprised when they hear you found someone else to date on the road.”
Barry shook his head, reaching for her again, but she stood and started to pace, ignoring his hand. He rose to his feet behind her. “That isn’t what this is about, Iris –”
“No, of course not,” she cut him off. “This is just the inevitable conclusion to the agreement we made. But they don’t know that, and we don’t want them to know that. We don’t want them to ever know all of this was a lie. Every single second of it. So you have to do the smart thing, and that means being seen dating someone else. When the time is right, of course.”
She spun on her heel to face him. “You’re right. You should be the one to break it off. Because then the world won’t see you as the one who was heartbroken. They’ll see me as the one who wasn’t good enough. That’s better.”
“That’s not what I want,” he protested, grabbing her shoulders to stop her pacing. He stared into her eyes, willing himself to see something. Any indication that he had meant something more to her. That all of this had meant more to her than just a business transaction. But perhaps it was better that he didn’t. At least he knew he hadn’t hurt her.
“Why not?” she asked. “It’s the truth.” When he started to protest, she gave a quick shake of her head. “I mean, it’s the truth we need them to believe. We need them to think that you’re still the good guy, or all of this has been for nothing.”
Barry didn’t know which hurt more – losing her, or knowing she didn’t care if he did. “I-I should go,” he blurted abruptly, grabbing his jacket and heading for the door. “I have a show tomorrow.”
“Yes, of course. I’ll have all my stuff out of here by the time you return home.”
“No, that’s –” he began to protest before realizing how absurd it would be to try. He was breaking off their pretend engagement. She could hardly continue to live with him under the circumstances. “I-I don’t want to lose you, Iris. You’ve meant too much to me.”
It was the first time he saw a reaction from her as she winced at his words. Her gaze fell to the floor, but her eyes were hard when she looked up at him again. “Don’t be silly, Barry. None of this was real. You know that better than anyone. And you can’t lose something you never had.”
He could no longer stand to hear the truth or see it in her eyes. So he fled. He’d been afraid he was going to break her heart, but it turned out the only heart he broke was his own.
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habibialkaysani · 5 years
flarrowverse characters in marvel netflixverse
(wow um I found this in my drafts and I don’t know how long it’s been here for but I figured it would be worth posting given I want insp for my lauryssa fic. not to mention I am possibly making a series of gifsets with these characters just fyi)
so I have had this idea in my head for ages, and I have actually started a multichapter fic (called the devil in star city) starring laurel as matt and nyssa as elektra. but I kinda wanted to flesh it out a bit and see about the other characters in both universes. this is mostly because I am suffering from writer’s block but also because it would be cool to think of netflix marvel characters and their flarrowverse counterparts.
so ofc laurel lance is matt murdock, bc that au is practically begging to be written anyway. the obvious comparison is the fact that they’re both vigilante lawyers but I think it goes deeper than that. they both question morality a lot and are sensitive people. they also both felt like they were abandoned by their mothers to some extent (dinah lance and maggie murdock) and relied more on their fathers (quentin lance and jack murdock). a lot of the time they found they had to pick up the pieces of their fathers, in different ways. 
they both have best friends that are also their professional partners (and this is where I headcanon joanna de la vega as foggy nelson - I think because both matt and foggy and laurel and jo have really great banter, which is welcome among the whole legal back and forth, and because they make formidable teams legally speaking). and both laurel and matt are (in my head anyway) head over heels in love with born assassins, which is why nyssa al ghul is my elektra natchios. and I think with both mattelektra and lauryssa there is some bad history between them, but in the end, laurel and matt never stop standing by nyssa and elektra and they never give up on them. I also have talia al ghul as stick, because I think talia and nyssa would have had a similar dynamic to them if they found each other as adults and talia decided to train nyssa. 
I think for me, tommy merlyn is karen page - because I am currently writing the third chapter of aforementioned fic, which is set in an aa meeting. I don’t know karen from the comics that well, but I know that in the show she does deal with addiction, so I kept that theme and am looking forward to exploring it further. plus I just love the idea that tommy is the damsel in distress who is saved by laurel lance and joanna de la vega, attorneys at law :) that and I think there was good chemistry with tommy, laurel and jo in season 1 of arrow and that was something I wish we could have seen more of, scenes with the three of them.
outside of daredevil, I kinda love the idea of oliver queen being danny rand, and shado being colleen wing, mostly because she has a dragon tattoo on her shoulder and colleen is known as daughter of the dragon :D not to mention I think it would be gr9 for ollie to be taken down a peg or two and reminded of his privilege the way luke did with him in defenders.
I lowkey want sara lance to be jessica jones and have thea queen be trish walker. mostly I can literally picture sara looking at laurel (not knowing that’s her sister) with a scarf around her eyes saying “you look like an asshole” and laurel replying “it’s your scarf”. 
I realllllly love the idea of cisco ramon as claire temple. like can you imagine him finding laurel in the dumpster and laurel waking up and being like “who the hell are you?” and cisco just sighing exasperatedly saying “I’m the lucky guy who pulled you out of the garbage”. cisco works at starling general hospital in the emergency room and like claire he’s an er nurse and the unsung hero of starling and central city.
john diggle is definitely a contender for luke cage, but my misty knight is still unclear. maybe dinah drake? like that would be a lot of fun lbr. and she’s already a pretty badass cop so it would be cool. or maybe it’s just because I still love spartancanary and want them to hook up at least once ;)
mckenna hall is most definitely the brett mahoney of this universe - the one just being tired of all the goddamn superheroes in starling city but who also is reluctantly thankful for them at times. :) 
lena luthor would be an excellent jeri hogarth imo - mostly because she gives off sapphic vibes, lol, and has the capacity to be morally grey in an interesting way. 
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stillthewordgirl · 6 years
LOT/CC fic: Ripples in Time (Ch. 3 of 3)
Set in my "Chances Are" continuity. (In which Leonard Snart got stuck in 1958 with Sara, Ray, and Kendra.) Rip's already lectured Sara and Leonard about how their actions in 1958 may have changed many things. Turns out, at least one of those things strikes very close to home. Set between chapters 16 and 17 of "Somewhere on Your Road Tonight."
Can also be read here at AO3 or here at FF.net.
It’s late by the time they get back to the hotel, sneaking in like teenagers, but Sara’s still so full of adrenaline that she makes quite good on the promise of that kiss. Later, Leonard somewhat groggily asks for the number of the truck that hit him—though he does it with a pleased smirk on his face—before falling quite soundly asleep, and Sara follows soon afterward, still entwined with him on the far-bigger-than-Waverider-quarters king bed.
She sleeps soundly herself, waking by the time she’d planned to and rising quietly. Leonard only utters a sleepy murmur, but he opens his eyes a little by the time she returns, showered and dressed.
“Going somewhere?” he mutters, reaching for her. Sara evades him easily, but then leans back over to kiss him.
“I told you,” she reminds him. “I’m going to see Dig and Lyla and baby Sara, and then to lunch with Thea.”
Leonard blinks, but then she sees memory rise in his eyes again. “Right.” He pushes himself up on an elbow. Sara hums appreciatively as the sheet falls aside a bit, giving her a very nice view. “You want me to come with you?”
She’d already told him it was fine, but she gives it due thought again anyway. Something about the idea of seeing Len meet her small namesake is very appealing. But…
Leonard nods as he sees her pause. “Go see the kid without having to explain me,” he says quietly, stretching back out—and smirking as he sees Sara’s eyes trail slowly down his torso, following the line of dark (OK, maybe a little graying) hair under the sheet that’s still slung over his hips. “I’ll see you later.”
“Sara. Aren’t they waiting for you?”
“They’re not going anywhere.” Her fingers twitch with the impulse to reach out and pull away that sheet.
“Neither am I.”
When Sara finally does leave, Leonard’s not ashamed to admit he goes back to sleep, enjoying the opportunity in a way he rarely can. When he finally rises, he gets ready in a more leisurely fashion, then tries to figure out what to do next.
It’s obvious, probably. It doesn’t take long before he decides to see if he can saunter into the Arrowcave like he does into STAR Labs. Hopefully without getting an arrow through the brain.
Well. He’s never been one to make the wisest decisions. And the challenge is intriguing.
Presumably, Queen & Co. won’t want to piss off Sara by killing him. So there’s that.
Memory gets him to the site. Skill gets him in. The security system is good, very good, but it’s not Leonard Snart good. He doesn’t even trip it. He just…convinces it.
So, he’s very, very smug when he saunters into the Arrowcave proper, smirk on his face, hands behind his back, trying not to look like a threat but completely willing to look like an asshole.
It lasts as long as it takes him to get far enough for Felicity Smoak (who’s sitting at her desk and studying her computer) to glance up and see him.
“Oh,” she says in a bored tone, “it’s you.” Then, to his surprise, she giggles. “The man of the hour.”
Well, this isn’t what he expected. Or wanted. Leonard frowns at her, letting his arms fall to his sides. “Come again?”
Felicity waves a hand at another desk. “Read ‘er and weep, lover boy.”
Leonard eyes her a moment, then sidesteps over to that desk. There’s a newspaper there, one of the more tabloid-ish local ones, and he glances down at it.
His jaw drops. Felicity snickers again.
There’s a photo there. It’s under the fold, as the top is face down, but it’s still clear and in full color. And it’s…him. And Sara. Kissing. There on the rooftop. A nearly full moon in the background, illuminating them in a scene like something from a movie.
The photographer had somehow managed to miss the archer in green who was on the rooftop with them. Leonard stares at it a moment, then skims the caption. Oh. Peachy. They’ve clearly identified him as Central City’s Captain Cold (“hasn’t been seen for six months since his escape from Iron Heights”) and they’re baffled by Sara (“another Star City Canary?…successor?...who?...why?”). To his slight amusement, the paper’s clearly linked them to the police raid on the drug operation, though not the Arrow, and they’re both being taken as well-intentioned, if vigilante-inclined, heroic types.
It’s a good pic, actually. Even if he never saw it coming. Leonard studies it a moment longer, imagining what’s going to happen if Lisa sees it before he can explain, then shakes his head.
“Way to destroy my image.” he sighs, tossing the paper aside.
Felicity is peering around her screen, looking like she’s holding back laughter. “You did it to yourself,” she points out.
“That’s who I was talking to.” Then something else occurs to him, something involving Felicity and how he first “met” her and who her friends are—and how she’s watching him with such gless. Leonard stops in his tracks. “Wait. Tell me you didn’t send that to…”
Too late. He closes his eyes in resignation as a golden-red blur darts into the room, resolving into a red-suited man who’s not even bothering to wear a mask, but who is wearing an immense grin.
“…Barry Allen,” Leonard finishes. “Gee. Thanks, Smoak.”
Felicity stands, eyes huge. “Wait. You know…”
“Yes, I know his name,” Leonard drawls in exasperation before folding his arms and leveling a stare at the other man. “Barry.”
“Snart!” the younger man says happily. He looks like he’s going to step forward and try for a hug, but Leonard steps deliberately backward when he sees it coming, and Barry stops. “I knew you guys were back for a couple days, but Dr. Stein and Jax and Mick wouldn’t say where you were. You and Sara Lance? Really?”
Leonard keeps his gaze chilly. “That tone of surprise is rather insulting, Allen.”
“I didn’t mean it that way!” Barry looks a little rattled, which is satisfying, but that big grin is still there. Once, Leonard would have assumed it was mocking him, but he knows better now, with 1958 and Gabriel Drive behind him. Barry Allen is idealistic and brave and, OK, kinda cute. He’s also kind, and Leonard knows it now for the odd strength it is instead of a weakness.
If he really thinks Leonard is happy with Sara Lance, that grin is 100 percent genuine.
“It’s just…” Barry actually scuffs a toe on the ground. It’s kind of adorable. Leonard scowls. “…I never even thought it was likely that you two would meet, let alone…ah…”
“Hook up?” Felicity asks gleefully from her desk, apparently deciding to try to stir the pot a little more for her own entertainment. Leonard ignores her, although Barry flushes a little.
“Yeah,” he mutters, though he keeps that damned grin. “After all that protesting about not being a hero…”
“I’m not…” Leonard gives up. “What’s your point?”
“Nothing! Good for you, Snart. I mean…is it serious? Um.” Barry darts a glance at Felicity while Leonard decides he’d rather sink into the ground and vanish than have Barry Allen fishing for clues about his intentions toward Sara. “Does Oliver know…?”
“Does Oliver know what?” The man himself stalks into the room and Leonard closes his eyes in a “give me strength” gesture. There’s a faint sound from the far wall and an elevator opens, letting Laurel out. It’s a measure, Leonard figures, of how weird this whole situation is that he’s relieved to see the lawyer. He tosses a glance her way as she wheels toward them, annoyed that it probably comes out a little pleading, and is even more annoyed when Barry…well, giggles is probably the best word…on his other side.
But Queen takes one look at the paper and snorts, a sound that Leonard thinks might actually contain a little amusement. “Oh, I did,” the archer says. “Frankly, I think everyone in the city has. And beyond.” He gives Leonard a cool look, but there is indeed a hint of humor in his gaze. “I should have warned you. The would-be paparazzi have taken to camping out in places with good views of likely rooftops. Sorry about that.”
He’s not sorry at all. Leonard regards him steadily, then decides not to take the bait. “Well,” he drawls, looking down at the photo. “It’s a good pic. Maybe they’ll give us a copy of the file in exchange for an autographed copy or something.”
Queen loses the smile, but Laurel chuckles. She starts to say something, but they’re interrupted by the footsteps, and Sara’s voice lifting in greeting.
“Hey,” she calls as she enters the room, “look who I found outside!”
Because this day couldn’t much any weirder or more awkward. Still, Leonard finds his lips lifting in a smile as he watches Mick sauntering in at Sara’s side, eyeing the gathered heroes with a look of wary uncertainty. He obviously brightens with relief, too, as he sees Leonard, though he quickly hides it behind habitual surliness and the expression that says clearly that he’s already decided to give no fucks about this gang of heroes before they can decide not to give any fucks about him.
“Allen,” he barks at Barry. “What the hell?”
Barry looks sheepish. “Well, I wasn’t going to bring you in here without asking,” he retorts, then looks at the nonplussed-looking Queen. “Uh. Hi, Oliver…”
Felicity raises a hand. “Uh. Did you just tell the arsonist Oliver’s name?”
“Already knew it, Ponytail.”
Eyes go to Leonard, who promptly jerks his thumb at Sara, perfectly willing to pass the buck. She rolls her eyes.
“They’re my teammates,” she says with exasperation, folding her arms, “no matter what you think of their prior career paths.” She glances at Mick. “You’re not going to burn down the Arrowcave, right, Mick?”
“Pro’bly not.”
Queen finds his voice. “Sara…”
Sara can take care of herself. Leonard moves with some alacrity toward Mick. “You let Allen flash you over here? Really?”
His friend shrugs. “I was bored. And Allen wigged out over that pic…though not as much as Ramon did.” He smirks. “You OK? Blondie’s dad didn’t try to murder you?”
“Not yet, anyway.” Leonard’s trying to decide whether to surreptitiously get Mick out of there or stay and watch the potential chaos, when his thoughts are interrupted by a quiet, amused voice.
“Mr. Rory, I presume?”
He glances over and sees Laurel sitting there watching them, a smile hovering around her mouth. He offers her a wry smile, glancing at Mick, who blinks at Sara’s sister as she sits there and considers him.
“Yeah,” he finally manages. “Hi.”
Laurel inclines her head to him, extending her hand. Mick, looking slightly flummoxed, takes it, but keeps holding it as if he’s not sure what to do with it. Leonard, not sure whether to smirk or wince, clears his throat, but Laurel doesn’t seem to mind, considering Mick thoughtfully.
“I understand that you’ve known Mr. Snart here a long time,” she tells him. “In fact, I gather you’re the next best thing to brothers.”
Mick blinks. Leonard blinks. But neither of them bothers to deny it.
“Uh,” Mick says finally. “Yeah. And yer Sara’s sister.”
Leonard winces again. Laurel just smiles.
“I am,” she acknowledges. “And I have so many embarrassing stories about her. And I’m willing to share them.”
Mick brightens. Belatedly, he gives her hand a shake, letting go, but Leonard sees Laurel tighten her fingers around his, briefly, first, almost a gesture of encouragement. Then she starts asking him about Leonard, about how they met, and Lisa, and Leonard decides that even after everything, Mick won’t purposely try to sabotage Laurel’s opinion of him.
He backs slowly off even as Sara comes up beside him, bumping his shoulder with hers and chuckling evilly as she sees Laurel talking to Mick.
“She’s not Mick’s type,” he says, even though he’ll admit some uncertainty. “Too classy.”
“I think you might be wrong about that,” Sara murmurs without saying exactly what he’s wrong about, but continues without clarifying. “Well. Even if nothing like that does happen, I think they might be something even rarer and more special.”
She smiles at his inquiring look, answering the unspoken question. “Friends. And isn’t that unexpected?”
“Huh.” Leonard considers them. Mick can claim all he wants that he doesn’t have friends, but that’s changed, on the Waverider…and he’s certainly behaving himself for the moment.
“Laurel’s good with people,” Sara says softly. “Better than I am. And…she’s changed. Once, I could see her balking at…”
“Befriending a criminal and arsonist?”
“Well, yeah. Now…” Sara smiles a little more, watching as Mick answers some question or another, getting a smile from Laurel. “We’ve all changed.”
“True, that.”
Somehow, with Barry’s visit and the entry of a few of the other members of Team Arrow, the gathering at the Arrowcave’s developed an oddly congenial atmosphere. Barry’s dispatched to get Iris at Felicity’s insistence, and the Diggle family turns up with wings and pizza at one point. Leonard’s getting used to getting various sorts of once-overs as new players arrive, and he thinks he’s handing them with equanimity.
When the Diggles arrive, Sara reaches for the tiny, curly-haired girl with a murmur of pleasure, and Leonard can’t help but watch as small Sara Diggle reaches for her in return. He exchanges a glance with the namesake’s father—one that on John Diggle’s part says clearly “don’t mess with us—or her--and we won’t mess with you”—and nods in acknowledgement.
The man Felicity calls “Curtis” gives him another sort of once-over, and the men exchange a nod with its own sort of recognition. He’s cute, in the sorta-geeky-yet-sorta-badass way Leonard has a certain predilection for in guys, and it’s kind of nice to see the same sort of appreciation there, even if neither one of them will act on it.
Then Thea Queen arrives and, having apparently been filled in by Sara, checks him out in the sort of semi-lascivious slow scan that actually draws a smirk from Leonard’s face. She winks at him when she’s done, and he winks back, and just like that, they seem to be OK.
Someone, at some point, gets beer and other beverages. Leonard notes in bemusement that a few more familiar faces have arrived…the Steins and Jax, Cisco and Snow. Sara’s in her glory, talking to old friends and new, and after a while, Leonard merely gets a drink, parks his back against a wall and watches her, smiling at her happiness.
“Queen.” Leonard takes a drink of his beer, not taking his eyes off Sara. Oliver Queen leans next to him, apparently watching the same thing. After a few moments, though, Leonard can feel the gaze on him.
“I do not...dislike you as much as I would have thought.”
As overtures go, it’s certainly not the friendliest, but it’s more sincere for all that, and Leonard turns a little, eyeing the vigilante. “Same,” he drawls. Then he tilts his head. “I’m sensing a ‘but.’”
(He thinks he deserves a medal for not layering innuendo in those last words. A freakin’ medal.)
Queen doesn’t seem aware of that, but he does acknowledge the words with a return tip of his head—and a frown that makes Leonard frown in return.
After a moment, Queen speaks again. “I want Sara to be happy. She’s been through a lot and…” He hesitates. “A lot of it was my fault. In one way or another.”
Leonard leaves that alone. “You don’t think she’s happy,” he says, watching Sara and the smile on her face, making it both a question and not. He feels Queen turn his head to watch her too, and the silence between them stretches.
“No,” the other man finally says, with a sigh. “I know she is. I can see it. But…” He looks back at Leonard, who’s rather surprised to see sympathy in his eyes. “Snart. For how long?”
Leonard narrows his eyes. “Explain.”
Queen looks back at Sara, who’s still holding a contented-looking Sara Diggle and talking to the woman named Lyla. “What are you going to do?” he asks. “Come back from killing Savage and go back to being a crook?” His gaze flicks back to Leonard. “Shift paths and be a hero?” He holds up a hand as the other man starts to retort. “I know it worked out all right yesterday. But…people know who you were. Do you really think they’ll just let you change?”
Leonard wants to get angry about the words, but…there’s a strong feeling of inside knowledge there, and even pain, in Queen’s voice. And he’s wondered about such things himself; it’s why he’d grabbed the opportunity to reinvent himself with both hands, back in 1958. But can he do it in 2016?
He hesitates, and Queen sees it. The other man nods curtly.
“If it doesn’t work out, whatever your new plan is, what happens?” he says. “Do you just leave? Sara…she’s had too many people leave. But do you really feel like there’s a future for you two?”
Leonard stares at him. He still wants to be angry. Hell, he wants to be enraged. He wants to deny what Queen’s saying. But…
He’s said it himself. Queen’s right. Many people aren’t very willing to let juvenile delinquents…or their adult versions…be anything else once they’ve labeled them so.
Leonard glances away. He hears the other man sigh.
“I don’t…” Queen stops. Then he sighs again. “Just…think about it,” he says, shaking his head. He turns and walks away, back toward Felicity.
Leonard watches him go. Then he looks back at Sara, who’s set little Sara down and is smiling at the small girl as she toddles across the floor. And then he turns away, heading for the stairwell.
He needs some fresh air…and some space to think.
“Where’s Leonard?”
Sara’s been enjoying herself quite a bit during this rather impromptu party in the Arrowcave. She’s kept an eye on Leonard and Mick as she catches up with old friends, pleased at how they seem to be relatively comfortable—definitely more comfortable than she’d feared, or even hoped. Mick had been pleased at the arrival of others he actually knew, and it seems like Stein, of all the people, has decided to be somewhat protective of him.
They’ve become family, on the Waverider. As amazing and unlikely as that might seem.
Leonard had been holding up the wall and watching everyone and everything in his usual fashion, but he’d seemed comfortable enough. But he’s not there now, and Sara realizes she can’t remember when she’d last seen him there. And when she had…
Oliver’s looking guilty. Goddamnit.
Sara starts for him purposefully, glaring, and Felicity, seeing her coming, glances at him too. Her eyes narrow—she’s even better at judging guilty Oliver Queen expressions than Sara is. Laurel, no slouch at that herself, glances over, then starts wheeling toward them.
Oliver looks alarmed. Good.
“We had…a talk,” he says abruptly, folding his arms as the three women converge on him. “But if he left, he left of his own volition.”
“Oliver Queen,” Felicity hisses. “What did you say?”
He starts sputtering, but Sara doesn’t want to hear it. She turns away, scanning the room, then starts for the stairs.
She turns back, looking at Laurel. (Felicity’s already lighting into Oliver as others start to notice.)
Laurel studies her, empathy in her eyes.
“If he left,” she says, “he’s still planning to come back. That man wouldn’t leave you on Oliver Queen’s say-so.”
Sara gives her a reluctant smile. “That man,” she responds, “won’t do anything on Oliver’s say-so.”
Laurel smiles in return. “Go find him,” she instructs. “No matter what stupid thing Ollie said, this Leonard Snart loves you. He won’t have gone far.”
She’s right.
Leonard, for all his relative dislike of heights, had gone where Sara is likely to find him—up, to the Star City rooftops. She finds him there, staring out at the city, expression distant and thoughtful.
He turns his head as he hears her approach, and she sees a smile flicker across his face. Well, that’s something, at least.
“You OK?” Sara asks as she joins him, gazing out at her city as well.
Leonard makes a noncommittal noise. “I just needed some fresh air.”
Sara snorts. “What did Oliver say to you?”
“Nothing that isn’t true.” But he caves as Sara lifts an eyebrow at him. “Suggested I think about what sort of future we’d have, me and you.”
Sara resolves, again, to kick Ollie’s ass. “That…” She stops. Sighs. “I want a future with you, Leonard. What that future is…we’ll work that out together.”
Leonard gives her another flicker of a smile. “Yes. That’s a given.” He hesitates, then reaches out, taking her hand, a rare sort of gesture for him.
It’s a relief. But Sara frowns, wondering. “Then what’s wrong?”
Leonard looks down and takes a deep breath. But he’s still holding her hand, and he doesn’t drop it. “Sara,” he says slowly. “I don’t know that I’m…that I’m the marrying kind…”
Sara takes her own deep breath. Her fingers tighten on his. “Len,” she says, just as slowly. “You and I both know that…that it’s not always just…just a man and a woman, a floofy white dress, and a big party-- and then a house with a white picket fence and 2.5 kids and a golden retriever.”
His eyes lift to hers. There’s so much in them, and for a moment it takes her breath away. Then she clears her throat and keeps going, the emotion in his eyes giving her the strength to continue.
“Really, I think, it just comes down to two people who…who look at each other and say… ‘I love you, and I’ll stay with you,” she says. “If you’ll have me.’”
The words come out more intense and direct than maybe she’d originally planned. But Sara knows immediately that she’s OK with that. She’s at peace in a way she never thought she’d be, actually, standing here on a rooftop in Star City, listening to the sounds of the city below, staring into the eyes of a snarky, infuriating, complicated, wonderful crook.
After a still, oddly serene moment, he tugs her just a little closer, expression gaining an edge of…something. Determination? Resolve? Sara puts her other hand on his chest, feeling his heart beat even through the layers he wears, strong and steady even through that armor.
Then he nods, almost to himself, and speaks.
“I love you,” he tells her quietly. “And I’ll stay with you. If you’ll have me.”
It’s a proposal, and they both know it. Or maybe she’d proposed first, and it’s just his half of a mutual proposal, which seems like them, to be honest. The thought makes Sara smile, even as she goes up on her toes to put them more on a level.
“Yes,” she says in return. “Yes. Of course I will.”
A return smile flickers across Leonard’s serious face, something more complicated than just happiness (though that’s part of it), deeper than just relief. He pulls her close and kisses her, then, there on the rooftop, and Sara winds her arms around his neck and kisses him back, pouring herself into it, letting some of the worries and concerns of the future drift away, because they have this.
They have this.
When they finally separate, they’re both grinning like idiots, even Leonard, for whom that particularly foolish smile seems quite incongruous. After a moment, he shakes his head and settles his features into something more Snartlike, sardonic amusement mixed with his habitual confidence, and holds out a hand. Sara takes it again, then tugs gently, starting to lead him back to the others, the friends and family who might be worried about them.
Leonard goes willingly, especially since she heads for the fire escape and not just the edge of the roof. Sara hears him chuckle as they start down, and glances back at him.
“Anyway, we don’t need a golden retriever,” he tells her solemnly. “We have Raymond.”
She doesn’t stop laughing until they get back to the Arrowcave.
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cogentranting · 6 years
Arrow Season 2 Highlights
As part of my countdown to the season 7 premiere, here are my picks for the best and most memorable parts of season 2. Though not one of my favorite seasons overall, it has some of the absolute best moments of the series. 
Top 5 Episodes
Keep Your Enemies Closer 2x06- Frankly, I just love whenever the show does anything to do with Russia or the Bratva. This one breaks formula a bit, which is fun. It’s got the reveal that Diggle and Lyla were married and has nice Dyla stuff in it, along with some of the earliest signs of Oliver having romantic feelings for Felicity. It also has strong Diggle character work, not just with Lyla, but also with Deadshot. It has Anatoly, who is a favorite of mine. And it has Oliver threatening people in Russian. 
State V. Queen 2x07- This episode has Arrow’s most interesting courtroom scenes until season 6. Moira gets to shine, and her relationship with both Thea and Oliver is important. Thea gets some nice character work. The vigilante story line plays out in a less conventional way with Felicity getting to a take action a bit. Laurel and Oliver’s relationship is put through some interesting tests. Oliver’s priorities are explored and he’s dealing with a lot emotionally. Seth Gabel is back as the Count. And, of course, there is a very important scene for Oliver and Felicity’s relationship. 
Three Ghosts 2x09- Barry Allen gets thrown into the world of vigilante justice and gets a look at the real Oliver. And really Barry’s presence and the lighter moments he brings are great when sprinkled through a more serious and a bit sad episode. Anytime Oliver hallucinates, I have a good time. His scenes with Shado are sad and lovely. The Slade hallucinations serve as a great tease of what’s to come. We get to see our beloved Tommy and he delivers what comes to be his defining line (even though he never actually said it...). Roy has an interesting arc. And we see the tragic death of Shado, followed by (in two senses) the birth of Deathstroke. One of the best episodes of the show. 
The Promise 2x15- the action in the flashbacks drives this episode and its such a fun spy-style adventure, with Oliver, Slade and Sara trying to break on to the Amazo, all while Slade is slowly losing himself and while Oliver and Sara lie to him. It’s also where we see the relationship between Oliver and Slade fracture and it’s immediately reflected in the fantastic present day story line that sees Slade reappear in Oliver’s life. The tension in the present scenes keeps you fully engaged even as most of what happens is just small talk with Moira and Thea. But you can feel Oliver’s fear and anger and the subtle menace Slade brings. 
Seeing Red 2x20- It’s a great exploration of Thea and Roy. It has good character moments for Sara as she tries to come to terms with the darkness in her. The scene in the tower where Sara and Oliver confront Roy is a great one. William is teased for the first time. But we all know that this episode is one of the all time greats for 1 reason: Moira. Her flashbacks with Oliver. The ways she reaches out to Thea. Her reveal that she knows Oliver is the Arrow and that she’s proud. And of course, her death scene. It’s a great swan song for one of the Arrowverse’s best characters. 
*Upon reviewing my entries in the other sections, it appears I also really like 2x04, so consider it an honorable mention*
Top 5 Fights
Arrow v Bronze Tiger 2x02- to be perfectly honest, I was struggling to come up with a fifth specific fight scene from this season that stands out for the fight itself. Without just listing every time Slade does anything. But this is a fun fight. Bronze Tiger is a nice villain of the week and with this scene they had a fun situation where it wasn’t so much a direct fight as Arrow just being unable to find Tiger and it gives this impression of being hunted which fits Bronze Tiger’s vibe nicely. 
Arrow and Canary v The Mayor 2x04- This fight is one of the first times (if not the first time) we see Canary and Arrow fight together and at the time that prospect was very exciting. In fact it was probably the first real superhero team up fight in the Arrowverse, unless you count Huntress in season 1 (or if I’m forgetting something). But the real reason it stands out to me,  is the fact that at one point Arrow and Canary drop their weapons, Arrow picks up the bow-staff, Canary grabs the bow, and they continue on like nothings happened. And it’s awesome. 
Arrow V Nyssa 2x13- Nyssa’s first major fight on the show (maybe first ever?) is also probably her best. It really goes out of its way to show how skilled she is and to make her into someone who rivals Oliver. Some fun acrobatics and clever moves make it fun to watch. And I just love Nyssa. 
Team Arrow v Deathstroke bunker fight 2x19- It’s like the first thing in the episode so it catches you off guard. It’s quick, it’s brutal and it’s terrifying how easily Deathstroke fends off all of Team Arrow in their own hideout. 
Arrow/Oliver V. Deathstroke/Slade Dual fight 2x23- The twin fights are so nicely juxtaposed. It depicts the relationship so well. It’s nice to finally see these two go head to head on an even playing field. And the contrast of Oliver chosing to kill Slade in the past, versus sparing him in the present is such a great moment. 
10 (+ a few) Great Scenes/Moments
Not a top 10 because I’m sure I’ve forgotten some. But 10 that I really like. Plus honorable mentions.
Oliver kills a man to save Shado 2x01-  In flashbacks, Oliver tries to save Shado from an attack, loses control and beats a man to death with a rock, ending up with blood all over his hands. This is only the second person Oliver has deliberately killed but already he’s turning into something else. Even hardened warriors like Slade and Shado look a little wary. It’s an important step in Oliver’s characterization-- if killing Fyers was a step toward heroics, this is a step toward being a monster. It also leads to a nice demonstration of the found family aspect of this trio. 
“It means strength” 2x04-  we meet Anatoly and Oliver pulls a bullet out of his own stomach. It always stands out to me as one of the defining moments of Oliver’s experiences on the island, and really its a testament to his strength, like Anatoly said. And it is the foundation of the friendship that he and Oliver form. 
“Five years where nothing good happened” 2x04-  Oliver reveals  that Sara is alive to Diggle and Felicity and they begin questioning him, leading to this line. It showcases Amell’s acting talent. It shows Oliver’s emotional vulnerability and gives a little glimpse at why he’s so closed off all the time. It’s also a good moment for Diggle and Felicity, even though the focus isn’t on them. You can see their doubt and frustration as they realize how little they know about this man that they’ve thrown in with. 
“There was no choice to make” 2x07- Not actually the scene that this quote is from (though that is a great one) but the one that precedes it-- Oliver saves Felicity from the Count by shooting his three times in the chest. With prejudice. Because nothing is going to stand in the way of Oliver protecting Felicity. It’s a defining moment of early Olicity and it’s so. so. good. 
Roy finds out Oliver’s identity 2x12- I just love secret identity reveals. I particularly love the shock on the faces of people (like Roy) who didn’t think Oliver was capable of being the Arrow. It also transitions the uneasy training dynamic Roy and the Arrow have into the actual mentorship role that Oliver takes on. And it’s always nice when someone takes a moment to love and appreciate Oliver, the way Roy does in thanking Oliver for saving him at the end of the scene. 
“I am done chasing after you” 2x14- Oliver and Laurel’s fight after the Lance family dinner. I think the acting in this scene is top notch. The emotions are raw and real. And I thinking it is a defining character moment for both of them. It’s where they finally stop chasing after who they used to be and are finally able to break free from the toxic relationship they’ve had. I define this as the moment these two break up, even though they weren’t dating. From here they could have rebuilt something better romantically, but instead they moved forward. And only after this break were they able to build a friendship. 
Slade in Queen Mansion 2x15- The relationship between Oliver and Slade is one of the most important of the show. And this demonstrates one aspect of that perfectly. The tension in the scenes, with Oliver unable to do anything to stop it, and Slade toying with him. And especially the moment when Oliver is so desperate that he tries to kill Slade with an icepick in his own living room, with his mother and sister right next door. 
“Can you imagine what it’s like to be him?” 2x19-  Quentin gives Laurel a speech about why he doesn’t want to know who the Arrow is talking about how he can’t imagine what it’s like to be the “man under the hood”. It’s a great look at Quentin’s perspective, and a nice outside analysis of how hard it is to be Oliver, which everyone needs  reminder of every once in a while. It’s a lovely little scene and it results in Oliver getting a much needed hug later in the episodes. 
Moira’s death 2x20- Moira’s death scene is powerful, and emotional and a testimony to her character. Her bravery, the brutality of the scene, and Oliver’s utter desperation and devastation make it easily one of the best Arrowverse death scenes. 
“You are not alone and I believe in you” 2x23 (I think. could be 22)- Another defining early Olicity moment. It’s a nice character moment for Felicity, it’s a nice shared moment between the two of them. It’s the belief that Oliver needs at that moment. 
Meet Barry Allen 2x08- Meeting Barry changed the Arrowverse and gave us the definitive Flash portrayal. 
“What’d you say” Please” 2x06-  Oliver threatening the guy in Russian and then shrugging it off to flirt with Felicity is just so great. 
Moira tells Laurel and Quentin about Sara’s death 2x13- It’s the first time we get a glimpse of what it was like for the families when they thought Oliver and Sara were dead and it’s such an emotional scene. 
22 notes · View notes
raywritesthings · 4 years
Bird in a Storm 16/17
My Writing Fandom: Arrow Characters: Laurel Lance, Oliver Queen, Moira Queen, Thea Queen, Roy Harper, Quentin Lance, Jean Loring, Lucas Hilton, Frank Pike, Athena, Tommy Merlyn, John Diggle Pairing: Laurel Lance/Oliver Queen Summary: The confrontation between the Hood and SWAT on the roof of the Winick Building goes differently, altering the course of Laurel’s career, relationships and efforts to save her city forever, the shockwaves of such an altered path making themselves felt throughout her family and friends. *Can be read on my AO3, link is in bio*
Oliver couldn’t find it in him to try and intimidate his sister’s boyfriend as they drove the twenty miles out of the city to his family’s manor. For one thing, Laurel was keeping up a steady chatter with Roy since the two were friends of a kind, and for another, his mind was too preoccupied with the talk he planned to have with his mother once the visit with Roy had concluded. It was long past time to get to the bottom of his mother’s involvement with Tempest, especially now that he knew for himself how entrenched the company was in the city’s institutions. The campaign contributions to Councilman Kullens and Councilwoman Pollard alone were damning.
He had not turned over to Lance what he knew about his mother’s involvement or the Gambit because he wanted to give her the chance to come clean first. He had to hope that she would. As much as it would hurt him, Thea would be even worse off if he was forced to turn his mother in just two weeks after the news about Walter.
“Mrs. Queen really isn’t as scary as she might seem,” Laurel was coaching Roy. She had put on a white sundress for the occasion with a jean jacket. Her favorite leather jacket that had been torn in the fight with Stein’s people was in her friend Anita’s trusted care, as the woman said she knew how to repair tears in leather. 
“Her main thing is that her children are safe and happy, and since Thea seems pretty happy with you, you have nothing to worry about.”
Roy, for his part, wore his black work pants and a red button-up shirt, probably the nicest clothes he owned. A vase of what Oliver was pretty sure were tulips sat on his lap, courtesy of Green Glades, as Laurel and Pam had helped the young man pick out a hostess gift.
Oliver couldn’t help a soft smile as he watched Laurel continue to talk out of the corner of his eye and thought about the circle of friends and neighbors she had built for herself since moving to the Glades. The cautious, embittered woman wary of letting anyone in that he had found when he returned from the island was gone, and Laurel’s giving heart was once more on full display. She had, to pardon the pun, flourished in the face of adversity.
“Now what are you smiling about?” She asked slyly, whether sensing his gaze or just noticing him, he wasn’t sure.
“Just had a funny thought, that’s all. You’d hate it, it was a dumb joke.”
He was about to reply, but Oliver frowned as a cop car raced past them going in the opposite direction. Roy tensed up in the backseat as they passed.
“No sirens,” Laurel murmured. “Maybe a dispute they settled at one of the manors out here?”
“Maybe.” An uneasy feeling settled in his gut, solidifying as they pulled into the drive and he spotted Thea’s hunched form on the steps, the front door wide open. A second cop car was still pulled off to the side, though the officers were nowhere in sight.
Oliver threw the car into park and was out the door, Roy right on his heels. Laurel met them around the other side. “Thea?”
His sister looked up and flung herself into his arms as soon as he reached her, sobbing into his shoulder. Oliver looked around, trying to spot some sort of source for whatever had caused this kind of distress. He noticed Raisa enter the doorway, drying her hands on a towel.
Laurel saw her, too, and walked up to his family’s maid. “Raisa, did you see what happened?”
The older woman shook her head. “No, I was finishing icing the coffee cake, but I heard raised voices. There are officers upstairs, but I did not find Mrs. Queen.”
“They took her,” Thea said in a shattered voice. 
Oliver looked down, trying to get her to meet his eyes. “The police?”
“The police. Detective Lance,” she added, spitting the name out. Laurel winced. “He’s accusing her of murder just like he did to you, Ollie. Why can’t he leave our family alone?”
Oliver swallowed. It was obvious Thea was angry and didn’t believe Lance’s accusation in the least, yet he couldn’t share her certainty given the little that he knew. His mother, after all, had covered up the Gambit wreckage. But that hadn’t been because she was involved. It wouldn’t make sense.
“Look we’ll- we’ll head down to the station, okay? Get this sorted out.”
“I’ll talk to my father,” Laurel promised, coming back down the steps and laying a hand on Thea’s back. “See what has him acting like this this time.” She met Oliver’s eyes, and they shared a significant look. Whatever Lance’s intel was, Laurel was their best way of getting a hold of it short of using another worm on the SCPD’s systems.
“He said s-something about Unidac,” Thea told them, wiping at her eyes and clearly trying to calm herself down. “The company Walter bought last fall.”
“Excuse us, ma’am.” Two officers carrying what looked like his mother’s computer monitor and hard drive stepped past Raisa through the front door.
“Why do you need her stuff?” Roy asked, scowling at the officers.
“This is an ongoing investigation, young man. These have to go downtown, and that’s all we’re allowed to say about it.”
“We’re coming downtown with you,” Oliver told them firmly, and the officers seemed to know better than to argue. “Speedy, I have to drive, so…” He slowly extricated himself from his sister’s hold and gestured Roy forward. Roy seemed to not know what to do with the vase in his hands now that he was also being given charge of his girlfriend.
Thea’s hand went up to her mouth and a half-laugh, half-sob left her. “You brought flowers.” She hugged her boyfriend and Oliver heard her murmur a muffled “Thank you.”
Raisa came and took possession of the vase, and Oliver led the four of them back to the car, Roy helping Thea into the back while Laurel sat up front with him again. He quickly caught up to and surpassed the officers in their squad car, his first priority reaching his mother. “Could you call Jean for me? I don’t know if mom will have yet or not.”
Laurel nodded, taking out her phone. “And John?”
“Not yet. He was taking A.J. to the park.” He had thought, aside from confronting his mother, that today would be a relatively normal one. How had things changed so abruptly? If nothing else, the confrontation was being forced. He needed to know what his mother knew if he was going to help her.
Once Laurel had finished arranging for Jean to meet them at the station, it was an otherwise silent drive. Thea rested her head on Roy’s shoulder the whole way, while Oliver took the hand that Laurel offered palm-up. What were the charges his mother was facing? Was she guilty, or was this truly all a misunderstanding? Something told him it wouldn’t be so simple, no matter how much he wanted it to be.
Moira sat in an interrogation room, the same one which her son had sat in several months prior when Detective Lance had attempted to blame him for the Hood’s crimes. Moira didn’t have the same hope of having the charges dismissed as her son’s had been, however. What little she knew of them meant that they might not be so inaccurate.
She had requested her lawyer and stated her intent not to speak until Jean had arrived, so the officers had left her alone in here with her hands chained to the table. The phone with which to make her call seemed to be taking its time to arrive, and she didn’t doubt it was meant to be an intimidation tactic. That was fine; Queens were not so easily intimidated, not with tricks like this. No matter where her speculations took her, outwardly she maintained an aura of calm.
Detective Lance had mentioned what Unidac was building. That could only mean the earthquake device. For the police to know about it, this meant she had been betrayed, but by whom? Had one of the others decided to make their own move to get out from under Malcolm’s plans? Had it been Frank? He’d been suspicious of her at the memorial, but she had counted on his cowardly nature keeping him from doing anything rash. Unless perhaps the police had caught on to him, and he was throwing her over to save his own hide.
The door opened at last, admitting Jean herself to Moira’s surprise, though it faded somewhat as Oliver and Thea followed her into the room. One of her children must have placed the call for her.
Jean took the chair across the table while her children pulled chairs around either side of her, Thea reaching for her hands. Her daughter’s eyes teared up as she looked at the handcuffs. Oliver’s expression, by contrast, was unreadable.
Jean set a folder down on the table and sighed. “I’ll come right out and say it, Moira. The charges you’re facing are incredibly severe. We need to do what we can to disprove them immediately.”
“They read me some of the charges, but not the specifics,” Moira said, side-stepping around the question of if they could disprove them for now. “Who is it that I’ve kidnapped and murdered?”
“I don’t like this one bit, but the kidnapping charge is for your second husband, and the murder charge is for you first along with the crew of the Queen’s Gambit, Miss Sara Lance… and there’s an additional charge for Malcolm Merlyn.”
Moira couldn’t quite stop herself from sucking in a breath at the last name. The others, she was not guilty of anything other than knowing about them, but Malcolm… what was to be done about Malcolm?
“That’s crazy,” Thea exploded beside her. On Moira’s other side, her son only bowed his head.
He looked up, pain in his eyes. “Dad… he thought that something wasn’t right about the Gambit’s destruction. That it could have been sabotaged.”
“Okay, but mom didn’t do it, Ollie,” Thea said pointedly.
“Of course not, but — is there something you know about it, mom? Something the investigators could have found out?”
“The more we can cooperate with them, the greater our chances are of seeing a better outcome,” Jean advised.
Moira’s hands shook. What could she say? Someone was blaming her for Malcolm’s crimes, but without Malcolm present who could she point to as the true guilty party?
“Mom.” There was something far more serious in Oliver’s voice, the way he had sometimes gotten this year. She found it hard to look away from him. “What is it you know?”
“I think,” she began, “I think I’m being framed.”
“Wait, so the Gambit was actually sabotaged?” Thea asked. “Why?”
Her world was coming down around her, and Moira didn’t see a way out of this. Not fully, at least. The lies she had told and the pretenses that she had put up could not withstand this, not when the police had in their possession a device designed to create an earthquake built by a company under her purview. She had always suspected Malcolm had not wished to bid on Unidac personally in order to separate himself to some degree should the worst happen, and Moira fervently wished someone else at Tempest had been given the instruction to purchase it instead.
If the police had taken her things, they would be able to see for themselves that she was not the mastermind behind this. It would be better for Moira to come clean about Malcolm’s role at the head of Tempest and what he had done to ensure her cooperation before they read about it. But first, she needed to come clean to her children, before they assumed the worst.
“What you both need to understand is that this family has been under threat for a long time,” she finally revealed. “And everything I have done is to protect you both.”
Oliver and Thea exchanged a nervous glance, and Jean’s lips pulled into a thin line.
“Your father was going on that trip all those years ago because he had learned about a terrible plot. A plot I asked him to put a stop to. If I hadn’t, he might still be alive.”
Thea gasped, but Oliver remained almost totally still as he asked, “Who was behind it?”
“Malcolm,” she answered, watching all three of their eyes widen. “And when he had the Gambit destroyed, I had no choice but to become his accomplice in order to protect Thea.”
“His accomplice in what, mom? What was his plan?” Her son could have passed for one of the officers wanting her confession if he put on a uniform, and the hairs on the backs of her arms seemed to stand up as Moira couldn’t help but be reminded of a different man’s pointed questions to her months ago. But it couldn’t be. She didn’t want to think what that would mean if it was true.
“He… he commissioned a device.” Moira’s mouth had run dry, and she swallowed once. “To level the Glades and everyone in it.”
Her eyes squeezed shut, unable to stand watching the shock and revulsion she knew had to be there in their eyes.
“Oh God,” Jean murmured under her breath.
“Mom, no,” Thea begged, her hands drawing back. “Please.”
A chair scraped back, and Moira could not stop herself from looking. Oliver had stood up, a hand passing over his face and eyes betraying far more emotion than she was used to seeing in him ever since he had come home. “Oliver…”
He shook his head, turning away as both hands braced the back of his neck. Her own son couldn’t even look at her.
“Did Malcolm Merlyn have Walter abducted?” Jean asked, seeming to have gathered herself enough to get down to work.
“Yes. And killed,” Moira added.
“The police don’t have Walter’s death listed as one of the charges. There’s no record of his death here,” her old friend said, sorting through the papers.
“It was a federal agency that found the proof, wasn’t it? Oliver?” She looked back to him in time to see him freeze for a moment.
He turned around slowly. “Yeah. Yeah, I’ll have to see if Mr. Diggle’s friend can send us the proof. But mom… why?”
“I told you, I had to protect—”
He raised a hand. “Not why did you do it. Why was Malcolm going to do it?”
The absolute disbelief in his eyes caused her trembling to finally stop, and as she looked around she realized he was not the only one struggling to process this. It was difficult remembering that to most people, Malcolm had been a well-liked and respected figure. That he had seemingly died a martyr. They would never have the opportunity to know him like she had.
“It was for Rebecca,” she finally managed to answer. “He never forgave the city for her death. The Glades in particular. He believed it needed a ‘fresh start’, and he was going to provide it.”
“But he — what about the people, mom? What about Roy? Laurel? Everybody going to Ollie’s club at night?” Thea seemed to be shocked beyond the point of tears, though her eyes looked glassy with water that had gathered in them and not fallen.
“I did what I did to keep you and your brother safe.”
“Then you’re going to need a better defense,” Oliver snapped, his voice harsh once more. “This isn’t — we’re talking hundreds or maybe thousands of lives. We weren’t worth that.”
“You are to me,” she argued back. “I don’t expect you to understand that. You’re not a parent. There is nothing you aren’t willing to do for your children. It’s why I- I tried to put a stop to Malcolm’s plans after the Hood attacked me.”
She watched as Oliver seemed to lose all color. He drew back from the table again, totally silent.
“So the hiring an assassin charge…” Jean trailed off. Moira bowed her head.
“I can’t believe this,” Thea muttered, and she stood as well, opening and shutting the heavy metal door with a slam. After a moment’s hesitation, Oliver followed more quietly.
She had lost them. The one thing above all else she had wanted to avoid.
“Let’s just try to get our facts together, Moira, to present your case in the best light possible,” Jean advised. “I can’t make any promises as to how this will turn out, not without definitive proof that what you’re saying about Malcolm Merlyn is true.”
“My files should take care of that,” Moira replied. It wasn’t the smoking gun of the Gambit wreckage, but it was better than nothing. And if she could just determine who had placed her in this position, she would know who among Tempest might be her potential allies still. And who were her enemies.
Laurel’s heart seemed to plummet further and further with each line she read of the file. If all of this was true, if Mrs. Queen had really been planning to detonate a bomb underneath the Glades, how many people could have lost their lives? Anita, Jerome, Pam, Hank and his son, Mrs. Ross, Ted and his gym patrons, the members of her capoeira class, John and his sister-in-law and her son, Raisa and her family, Roy, her. Every person whose life she had protected the last couple months, all gone in a terrible catastrophe.
How would she have died? Falling into a newly-created ravine? Crushed by a falling building? Suffocated while trapped under a pile of rubble in a depleting pocket of air? It was horrific. How could a person even plan such a thing?
“You’re not supposed to be looking at that,” her father scolded in a low voice as he came back into the interview room with two coffees.
“I needed to know what’s happening so I can support Oliver and Thea through this,” she excused, accepting her own cup as she added, “And it’s not as if you haven’t snooped on me, you might recall.” That wound was still fresh thanks to her father’s recent use of the vigilante phone, not that she could ever tell him she knew about that.
Predictably, he grumbled something that was an attempted apology. Laurel let it go. What was done was done, after all.
“I just can’t believe she could have been planning this.” Both of her children worked regularly in the Glades, had friends or loved ones there. Did Mrs. Queen even realize she was dooming her own longtime cook and housekeeper with this kind of monstrous machine?
“Well, soon as she’s done speaking to her lawyer, we’ll find out why.”
“She couldn’t have been doing this all by herself,” Laurel mused. She knew for a fact that at least one other person had known about the Gambit since John had overheard the woman talking about it with an unknown man. “Who even is the source of this information?”
“Honey, you know I can’t tell you that. Even if you weren’t so close to the family.”
Laurel frowned. “She has a right to face her accuser.”
“Yeah, in a court of law,” her father said. “That’s not right now. Look, this source has reason to be worried for their life, alright? She‘s had more than one whistleblower dealt with.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean both her husbands, for one thing. According to our source, Robert Queen had just found out about this plan before she had his yacht sabotaged.”
“What, so she was stopping him from traveling?” That didn’t add up with what Oliver had said about his father. Mr. Queen hadn’t told Oliver to right his mother’s wrongs, but his. “Why would she have let Oliver go on the trip if she was planning to blow up the yacht?”
Hilton came back into the room. “Frank thinks we give them five more minutes.”
“Alright. Look, why don’t you go keep an eye on that Harper kid for me while you wait for Queen and his sister?” Her dad suggested.
Laurel knew she couldn’t expect to keep sitting in on this with her father’s coworkers and superior coming back soon, so she slipped back out the door. She felt a little silly passing by other cops and detectives in their practical gear while she was dressed for brunch, but she soon found Roy sitting in a chair out in the hall.
“How bad is it?”
“Pretty bad,” she told him bluntly. “But I think they’re missing something.”
“Like the evidence?”
Laurel raised an eyebrow.
“The cops with her home office stuff should’ve gotten here by now,” Roy pointed out. “They weren’t that far behind us.”
“They haven’t come through?”
The door to the interrogation room flew open, Thea storming out with teary eyes. Roy immediately stood up. “Hey, what’s wrong?”
“Oh, nothing. Just my mom’s a crazy murderer.”
Laurel shushed her younger friend, glancing back down the hall towards the bullpen. “Thea, whatever you’re feeling right now, you need to be careful. Anything you say has the potential to be used against your mother, too.”
Oliver had stepped out by this time as well, far more calm though that said little for what he might really be feeling. He was far better at hiding that than most people. Laurel walked up to him.
“Hey, can we?” He jerked his head in the direction of the back alley. Laurel nodded, leading him away from the younger couple. Thea had at least let Roy wrap her in another hug, so hopefully that would avoid any further outburst.
When they exited and headed down the short few steps, Laurel glanced around to make sure the alley was empty. “You mother confessed?”
“Not to everything. She- Tommy was right. Someone did hire a hit man to kill his father, and it was her.” Before she could react to that, he continued, “The thing is, she’s claiming he was the one who had the Gambit sabotaged and commissioned this device to- to—”
“The earthquake device, I read my father’s file,” she finished for him. “Oliver, if Mr. Merlyn was the one behind everything, then why would someone be framing your mother for it? Why not just expose him?”
He frowned in thought for a long moment. “Because exposing him isn’t their goal. I’m not even sure exposing this plot was the goal. It’s revenge.”
“Revenge for having Malcolm killed? But then…” She didn’t even want to voice it. The deep pain in Oliver’s eyes said it all.
“Tommy’s their source.”
Only weeks ago she would have denied it. Tommy would never do something so underhanded. But he had changed so much this year. They all had. But how could he have condoned what his father had been planning enough to want to avenge him while still knowing those plans would damn Moira Queen in the eyes of the law? How did he reconcile it?
The precinct’s back door burst open. “Ollie, the cops are really upset about something,” Thea said in a panic. “I think there’s more people dead!”
They exchanged a quick look before hurrying back indoors. A number of officers were arguing heatedly in the bullpen, one shaking an evidence bag containing two black-tipped arrows stained with blood. She felt Oliver tense behind her.
“By the time we made it to the car, Groves and Jones were dead. Shot straight through the heart,” the partner of the officer holding the bag of arrows said, a deep scowl on his face shared by many. “Evidence was gone.”
“What would the copycat archer want with it?”
“Could Queen have hired him?”
“She’s been in our custody the whole time,” Hilton pointed out steadily, but Laurel’s heart sank when he asked, “How do we link it back to her?”
“This isn’t good,” Laurel said, looking back at Oliver. “If your mother’s computer had communications between her and Merlyn on them—”
“Then the Dark Archer just took care of them,” Oliver said through gritted teeth. He glanced at Thea and Roy, who remained close by them watching the officers. Laurel knew he didn’t want to risk saying anything more.
It wouldn’t matter what he said, especially to her father and his precinct right now. This case had become about more than the Glades for them; they were going after a cop killer, and Laurel knew Mrs. Queen’s situation had just gotten a whole lot worse.
Officer Washington, who Laurel remembered had been put on desk duty while completing his full physical therapy regimen after the injury he sustained from the Royal Flush Gang last fall, came into the bullpen. “Detectives! We’ve got press in the lobby. Somehow they got a hold of the Queen case.”
“Damn,” Laurel muttered under her breath, and it was echoed around the room at varying volumes. If she’d had any doubt about this being a play for revenge rather than justice, that was out the window now.
“How did they find out?” Thea asked, though only their group of four seemed to notice. 
Lieutenant Pike was busy joining Washington, though he turned to point around the room. “Nobody talks to the press! This is an investigation, not a TMZ exclusive!”
“They’re really gonna want to talk to you and your brother,” Roy said to Thea. “We better get out of here.”
“That’s a good idea,” Oliver agreed. “We’ll head out the back for the car, hope to avoid them. Come on.”
Oliver had her take the lead while he brought up the rear, keeping Roy and especially Thea sandwiched between them.
They made it around the side of the building and halfway to the car before they were spotted. “Oliver! Thea!”
A woman from Channel 52 led the charge towards them, but Oliver quickly wrenched open the back door and lifted his sister bodily inside. Laurel jumped into the passenger seat before he felt the need to do the same to her, and so he and Roy ran around the other side of the car and got in, Oliver starting the engine and swerving straight out into traffic.
“What now?” Laurel prompted him. She could see his mind working hard to play catch-up to all these developments; his mother’s confession, the Dark Archer’s reappearance, the media picking up the story, Tommy’s very likely part in all this. They couldn’t afford to just keep reacting, though.
“Now, we need to figure out how far this goes. Thea, you’ll come with us to the club and stay there with Roy. I’m keeping it closed tonight, so it’ll be safest there.”
“Okay,” his sister agreed. “Where are you going?”
“I’ll just be in my office,” he replied. “Trying to do damage control.”
His phone started buzzing. Oliver took it out of his pocket and passed it to her without looking. Laurel glanced at the caller ID. “Looks like John isn’t waiting for one of us to call. Hello?”
“Laurel? Where’s Oliver?”
“Driving. He’s with me, and so is Thea and her boyfriend.”
She thought she heard John release a breath of relief. “I’m guessing he’s seen the news?”
“Not exactly, but he knows what’s going on. We’ll be at the club in ten.”
“Then I’ll be there.” He hung up, and Laurel set the phone down in the cup holder. At Oliver’s questioning look, she nodded.
“We’ll do what we can, Ollie.” She couldn’t promise it would be okay. As they passed by clumps of people watching screens both in windows or on their phones, Laurel truthfully didn’t know how it could be.
Athena returned to the top office of Merlyn Global, removing the head covering of her League uniform as she went. She carried the hard drive to Moira Queen’s personal computer under one arm; the rest was unnecessary and had been left behind.
“As you all just saw, the children of Moira Queen were indeed at the downtown precinct just now but left without answering any questions,” a female news anchor spoke on the screen at the desk. “This seems to indicate that they are not under arrest along with their mother, though it is unclear how much they know about what documents have identified as the Markov Device. We’ll keep those of you at the station and at home updated as events unfold. This is Susan Williams, Channel 52.”
Athena took the liberty of shutting off the video feed rather than listen to inane jingles and set the hard drive on the desk. “It is done.”
Thomas turned away from the windows overlooking his city, a city that was just about tipping over the edge into chaos. Athena had to admire it in a way; for all his aversion to killing, the man had a vindictive streak beyond anything she had seen since his father.
As if to reiterate that point, he asked, “Did you have to kill them?”
“No matter how similar my uniform is to your father's, the authorities would have realized their Dark Archer had suddenly shrunk a foot. It was better to remove the witnesses and leave the rest something to remember me by.”
Thomas sighed, but nodded with closed eyes. “Alright.”
“You will soon learn the art of killing or not killing yourself,” Athena reminded him. “You have made an enemy who deals in such extremes. It is time to train you to be ready for him. Have the preparations been made?”
“My father’s things are packed, and an acting CEO has been assigned,” the young man confirmed. “My private plane is ready to leave at my signal.”
“Very good.” She looked forward to leaving the trappings of modern life behind and to re-educating the son of Al Sah-Her in their ways. As much as she regretted the father’s death, Athena was beginning to realize that none of this would have been possible without it. Rather than switching her allegiance from one strongman to another, she would be creating her own in her image.
Thomas got out his mobile device, glancing at the screen. “Just like I thought. An advisory not to go to the Glades tonight. They’re already looting and rioting.” His face twisted with contempt. “These are the people Ollie and Laurel are so determined to save, people who can’t even keep from destroying their own property and livelihoods.”
“Sickness and evil, when faced with nothing else, will consume itself,” she agreed. “And we shall let it burn. There are greater things waiting for you, Thomas. Let us depart.”
He nodded and picked up the hard drive.
“Why did you wish to keep it?” Athena could not help asking. She would have burned it without hesitation if he had asked, to ensure the true nature of Tempest never was revealed.
“Call it insurance,” he said. Then he strode to the elevator.
Athena followed in his wake.
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jules85 · 6 years
Arrow Rewatch 2018 3x16: The Offer
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I have been waiting for this episode. It is full of such glorious and angsty Olicity scenes. Here goes...
- Ras is giving Oliver the tour.
- 'Oliver Queen is man destined to be alone. He loves a woman he knows he cannot have.'
'You don't know me.' You tell him, Oliver. You can have Felicity, you just need to get your head out of your ass first.
- Thea begging Nyssa to kill her is hard to watch. Poor girl is so far gone.
- I love that Oliver and Felicity can communicate with just a look.
- I get that Quentin is grieving, but blaming the Arrow is pissing me off.
- Oliver's face when he walks in on Ray and Felicity is a picture. It's like he has to take a deep breath before entering. Felicity is so awkward. Oliver's 'Okay, Ray' made me think of this...
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(Stupid gifs are the wrong order lol. Oops.)
'I'm sorry. I should have told you earlier when you got back.' Felicity does not like telling Oliver when she has a new boyfriend lol.
'You don't owe me anything.'
'That's not true. You're one of my closest friends.' That hurt. Friend zoned. Ouch.
- Felicity about the lipstitching, 'If only I had known I had that option.' lol
- she knows there's something else going on with him.
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- 'Ras predicted this. He said that the city would turn against me and I would die alone. Then we come back and the first thing that happens is Lance is shutting me out and I see Felicity with Palmer.'
Oliver thinks he's going to die alone because Felicity is with Ray. How extra can the boy get? Also, this just screams ENDGAME!!!!!
'You're not really considering this just because Captain Lance is angry and Felicity is MOMENTARILY unavailable?'
John Diggle is having none of Ray Palmer. No one messes with his ship.
- Thea is so broken. I hate you, Malcolm. Look what you've done to your daughter.
- I love that John filled Felicity in on the offer. They're like a proper little tag team. When John can't get through to Oliver, he tags Felicity. And vice versa.
- Felicity moves towards Oliver and he can't handle her proximity. He immediately moves away. You can see the hurt in Felicity’s eyes that he pulls away from her.
'Yes, Captain Lance is shutting you out, but I don't believe you're the Arrow so that people can say thank you. And yes, you and I are not together, but that was your choice.'
Dig told her exactly what Oliver said. And she's making it clear that it was his bone headed decision that's keeping them apart.
- 'What are you waiting around for a thank you?'
'That's not why I'm doing this.'
I frigging love it when Oliver listens to Felicity. I hate when they are closed off from each other. Their partnership is so important, not just in a romantic sense, but as true partners. Oliver just doesn't function properly without Felicity by his side.
- Flirty Olicity begins!!!!!!
'So it's a no on the whole victory dance thing then?'
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'You're welcome.'
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Dig's face. He's thinking 'My ship are talking to each other. Better give them a moment.'
'And you were right.'
'Huh a 'thank you' and a 'you were right' I should really be recording this.' Felicity is all hips when she takes a step towards him. He doesn't move this time.
'So that's a pass on becoming the most handsome demon's head ever?'
That smirk. Inside, he's totally screaming 'Yes! She thinks I'm handsome!!'
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All. The. Hearteyes. Don't answer the phone. People really need to stop interrupting Olicity. They're having a moment here. Jeez.
The flirting. The smiling. The sexual tension. I am living for these two idiots in love. I've missed them so much.
- Shado?
- Nyssa's going to train Laurel.
- Oliver turns down Ras. Of course he does. His girl called him handsome, he ain't leaving now.
- Theroy reunion. She can't remember who she was before her mum died so she goes to the one person who can remind her.
- why would Ras Al Ghul not just send one of his flunkies to Starling to impersonate the Arrow? I thought that would be beneath him.
Rating: ☆☆☆☆ Oliver talking to John and Felicity about his shit always leads to good stuff. My ship is rising.
@hope-for-olicity @blondeeoneexox @memcjo @it-was-a-red-heeler @allimariexf
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takaraphoenix · 6 years
I have a question for you about Haikyuu?? So I was looking at your shipping list and I saw that you don't ship Kagehina and I was wondering why? I hope I don't sound rude I'm just curious if there was a reason that you don't like them together, like you only see them as rivals or friends? Also who is your favorite character? Thank you and I hope I'm not being rude!
First of all, no worries, nothing about this is rude! ;)
And since I’m already starting at the end, let’s do this whole thing backward. My favorite character is definitely Hinata - he is suuuch a ball of pure sunshine, I adore him and just wanna squish him.
Well, mainly I don’t ship them due to me seeing them as best friends. I friendzone. When two characters have a particularly pleasing friendship-dynamic, I stop shipping them because best friends border to me into the territory of sibling-relationship and once two characters enter that harbor, there is no more sailing for them.
Now. There is another thing. That Fandoms & Ships list is by far not an accurate representation of all of the ships I sail. As it says, it’s only about the pairings I write for. For comparison, for an ask-game I wrote a list of all of the DC Comics ships I sail - and on that list, now, in bold all the ships I would write for that made it onto te Fandoms & Ships list:
Roy Harper/Dick Grayson, Kaldur’ahm/Dick Grayson, Wally West/Dick Grayson, Conner Kent/Dick Grayson, Leonard Snart/Barry Allen, Clark Kent/Winn Schott, Julian Albert/Barry Allen, Oliver Queen/Clark Kent, Lex Luthor/Clark Kent, Jaime Reyes/Bart Allen, Thaal Sinestro/Hal Jordan, Cat Grant/Kara Danvers, Lena Luthor/Kara Danvers, Megan Morse/Kara Kent, Pamela Isley/Harleen Quinzel, Nyssa al Ghul/Laurel Lance, Grace Choi/Anissa Pierce, Artemis Crock/Thea Queen, Oliver Queen/Felicity Smoak, Clark Kent/Diana Prince, Bruce Wayne/Silena Kyle, Eddie Thawne/Iris West, Cisco Ramon/Lisa Snart, Garfield Logan/Tara Markov, Ray Palmer/Caitlin Snow, Wally West/Jesse Wells, John Constantine/Zatanna Zatara, Lex Luthor/Lana Lang, James Olsen/Chloe Sullivan, Victor Stone/Karen Beecher, Conner Kent/Cassandra Sandsmark, Luke Fox/Babara Gordon, Tommy Merlyn/Laurel Lance, Mark Mardon/Shawna Baez, Arthur Curry/Dinah Lance, Clark Kent/Alicia Baker, Zachary Zatara/Rachel Roth, Mick Rory/Leonard Snart/Barry Allen, Roy Harper/Wally West/Dick Grayson, Koriand’r/Megan Morse/Kara Kent, David Singh/Rob Singh/Barry Allen, Carter Hall/Kendra Saunders/Ray Palmer, Clark Kent/James Olsen/Winn Schott, John Diggle/Oliver Queen/Felicity Smoak
So, just because something is not on that list doesn’t necessarily mean I don’t ship it. The list is mainly for orientation about prompts and requests, because the last two times I had prompts open I got quite some... with ships I’m not very inclined to write. So I figured giving a solid list to pick from saves everyone some trouble. But that doesn’t mean they’re all the ships I like - I might like others just as much, but more for reading than for actual writing and then there are the ships I low-key sail and see more as side-pairings.
If you’re interested, a full list of ships I sail in the Haikyuu!! fandom looks like this:
Kenma Kozune/Hinata Shouyou
Kuroo Tetsurou/Kenma Kozune/Tsukishima Kei/Hinata Shouyou
Akaashi Keiji/Bokuto Kotarou/Hinata Shouyou
Kuroo Tetsurou/Tsukishima Kei
Ukai Keishin/Takeda Ittetsu
Nishinoya Yuu/Hinata Shouyou
Azumane Asahi/Nishinoya Yuu
Akaashi Keiji/Bokuto Kotarou
Sawamura Daichi/Sugawa Koushi
Oikawa Touru/Kageyama Tobio
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olicitysecretsanta · 7 years
Happy Holidays, @shaniartist, I hope you enjoy this fluffy little piece.  My hope is for you to have a wonderful, peaceful, happy holiday season.  Your Secret Sister Carol  @tdgal1
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Rating : T  Fluff, angst, jealousy, 
                              Unbreak My Heart
              Oliver Queen is sitting in his office doing some paperwork that he has been avoiding when his best friend, Tommy Merlyn, shows up.  Oliver and Tommy are co-owners of a restaurant/bar called Verdant.  Five years ago, after both men decided it was time to grow up, they opened the business.  After a hard first few years, the business grew so rapidly, they opened a second location in Starling.  Tommy oversees the second one with his manager, Roy Harper, while Oliver has his sister, Thea, managing the first.
           “Ollie, you know that charity ball you were invited to?” Tommy asks as he walks into the office.
           “You mean the one I have no intention of going to?” Oliver peeks over the invoice he was checking with a raised eyebrow.
           “That is too bad, buddy.  I guess the opportunity is mine and mine alone.” Tommy smirks as Oliver studies his best friend wondering what is going on.
          "What opportunity would that be, Thomas?  To have a bunch of women I have no interest in flaunted their wares because of my name and money?  Pass but please feel free to stand in my place."  Oliver and Tommy grew up having all the perks of money, prestige, and looks.  Instead of appreciating how fortunate they were, they instead acted like fools hurting people with their obnoxious attitudes.  Oliver would give everything he has to have the chance to redo that chapter, especially with one goth genius.
           “Thank you for giving me permission.  Honestly, I think once I shower Felicity Smoak with my…” Tommy’s words are cut off by a stunned Oliver.
           “Wait, did you say Felicity Smoak?  Why are you bringing her up?  What do you mean shower her with?” Felicity Smoak, goth with an attitude, genius, girl who took no crap from anybody and hater of Oliver Queen, is the very woman he was just thinking about.
           “I did say Felicity Smoak.  She opened a company in Starling City.  A technical company specializing in medical advances.  The Mayor told me about her being there.  She is presenting a check to the charity.  It is fine.  I understand that you hate these events and don’t want to go.  After all, it’s not like the woman you have loved for years will be there.  It is not like you would like to show Felicity how much you have changed and grown up.  I promise to stand in your place and do what you would do – charm the lovely Ms. Smoak.”
         Oliver is torn.  He vowed he would leave Felicity alone after the last time they saw each other but he wants to see her so badly.  Should he go but take a date, so he does not look pathetic?
           “Tommy, should I take a date?  No, I shouldn’t go at all, right?” Oliver is beside himself.
           "Oliver, no, double no.  You should go, and you should not take a date.  What is wrong with you?  The reason she hates you is that she remembers what happened, and you think you should take a date?  Have you lost your mind?  You should go ALONE."  Tommy is right.  Felicity hates him because of the stupidity he showed that last time.
5 years ago
           Oliver finally accomplished his greatest wish – getting Felicity Smoak to notice him.  Sitting next to her at Laurel’s birthday party, she is talking to him.
           "How is college going?  Harvard?" Felicity asks him, and he hates to answer her.  Knowing the look of disappointment on her face is the last thing he wants, he gives his answer which is partially true.
           “No, I am at SCU now.  Thea missed me, and I decided to come back.  Teen years are tough.”  Felicity reaches out to him and Oliver takes her hand.
           “That is wonderful, Oliver.  Family is important.  You just need a business degree since you are going to work at Queen Consolidated, right?” No, that was a conversation he planned on staying far away from.
           “You have two more years at MIT, right?  I can’t believe you will have a dual master’s degree.  You are such a genius.”  Felicity turns to him with confusion and slight anger.
           “Is that sarcasm, Oliver?”
           “Pride.  You are so amazing.”  Watching the anger drain from her face, she smiles.
           “Thank you, Oliver.  Yes, two more years.”  Felicity tells him as he puts his arm around her.  To his amazement, instead of pulling away, Felicity cuddles close to him.  His fingers run through her soft, black hair.  Leaning down he kisses her.
           “Felicity, I have wanted this for so long.  Why have you told me no so many times?” Oliver asks her then he brushes kisses on her face.
           “Because you will hurt me.  You go from girl to girl.  You will get tired of me and go to the next girl.  Can I trust you to be faithful to me, Oliver?”  Felicity’s big blue eyes look into his soul.  Oliver does not want to give up other girls, but he has wanted Felicity for so long.
           “You can.  I won’t get tired of you. I want to be with you.  Come home with me.  My parents are out of town and Thea is with friends.  Please, Felicity.” Keeping her face in his hands, he passionately kisses her.
           “Okay, Oliver.  I have to go talk to a few people but then we will go, okay?” Oliver is ecstatic.  Felicity is going to be in his bed in a few hours or less.
           Oliver sits there drinking when he sees Felicity.  She is talking to Carter Bowen, his enemy.  Carter Bowen is an asshat who thinks he is better than Oliver, well everyone, but especially Oliver.  He sees Carter throw his arm around Felicity.  Expecting Felicity to slap him, or at least move away, he is surprised and pissed when she doesn’t.  As he watches her talk with Bowen’s hands all over her, he keeps drinking.
          Finally, he decides he needs to move away before he does something stupid.  Going toward the bathroom, he is pulled into one of the bedrooms.  A naked Laurel Lance pushes him against the bed as she sticks her tongue into his mouth.  He has a moment of indecision as he feels her fingers pulling his zipper down.  Thinking of Felicity and Bowen, he stays still.  He is not doing anything wrong.  It is Laurel's birthday and it would be wrong to upset her.  His drunken brain doesn't register the door opening until he hears a gasp that sounds like…
           “Felicity?  Oh, this is not what it looks like.  Laurel grabbed me when I was on the way to the bathroom.  It is her birthday and I just didn’t want to hurt her.” Oliver is stumbling all over his words.
           “So, you decided to sleep with her instead of hurting her?  I knew I should not have trusted you.”  Felicity yells.
           “You were out there with Bowen so I figured you were busy.” Oliver in his drunken state makes the mistake of saying his thoughts out loud.
           “Really, Oliver.  Carter is a friend and nothing else.  I was going home to be with YOU, not him.” Felicity turns to leave, and Oliver sobered up enough to hear what she said
           Jumping up pushing Laurel aside as he zips up his pants, he reaches out for Felicity.  “No, I am sorry.  I saw you with Bowen and lost my mind.  I was not going to be with Laurel.  I swear. I want to be with you.  It’s not too late.” Oliver begs her.
           “Go back to Laurel, Oliver.  You think I want the same hands that were all over her on me?  The lips that were mashed against hers on mine?  No, I’ll pass.  I never want to see you again.” Shoving his hands off her, Felicity runs out of the room.
Present Day
                       “Earth to Ollie,” Tommy’s voice finally reaches through his thoughts.  He will go to the charity ball.  If nothing else, he will apologize to Felicity.  She deserves that and maybe he will be lucky enough to gain a friend.
           “Okay, so I will need to pull out that invitation, won’t I?”
           Oliver is standing at the bar looking at every woman who enters the ballroom, so far no black-haired goth, when an announcement is made.
           “Everyone please take your seats.  We will serve dinner but first I have a special presentation to make.” Honestly, Carter Bowen is such a big showman.  Part of him still blames Carter for what happened.  He also knows his behavior is the reason, so he sits to wait for an announcement.
      Tommy leans over and says quietly, "Bowen never changes, does he?  I do admit I like his taste in women.  The blonde is a knockout."
        Oliver takes a quick look admitting Tommy is correct but that is not why he is here.  There is no way he is going to see Felicity again flirting with someone else.  Nope, not going to happen.
       "A very good friend of mine recently opened her own business here in Starling City.  The business has been a striking success and she has graciously agreed to donate 1 million dollars to "The Children's Miracle Network." I am so pleased to introduce Starling's own genius, Felicity Smoak." Oliver and Tommy's jaws dropped open.
           “Holy crap, that is Felicity?  She changed drastically and for the better.  She is smoking hot.” Tommy whispers to Oliver who is still in total shock.
           Hugging Carter, Felicity steps up to the mike.  That broke the spell.  Still hugging Bowen but he plans to change that.
            “Such a nice couple, aren’t they?  I heard it was Carter who brought her back to Starling.  Her company has created so many jobs plus interest in Starling.  Our economy needs that, don’t you agree?” An older lady whose name he forgot is looking directly at him and Tommy.
           “Yes, it is great to have Felicity back,” Tommy smiles at her.  “How are you, Mrs. Snelling?”
            “A couple?  Are they dating or something?” Oliver sees the strange look pass over Mrs. Snelling’s face, but he just needs to know.
           “That is the rumor.  They dated in college, you know.  Carter was in Boston more than her according to his mother.” Oliver smiles his fake smile as he clenches his teeth.  So after he screwed up, Bowen move din.
        Forcing his attention back to Felicity, he watches her as she speaks.  She has changed.  He remembers she could hardly stand in front of a class to do a report and look at her now
          "I am so happy to have the opportunity to help with this fantastic charity.  Children are my passion.  At Helix Dynamic, we are working hard on projects to help children who have been injured or born with defects.  I challenge everyone in this room to meet my donation. Carter approved my challenge and was the first one to meet my contribution.  To more fortunate in the room, which is most of us, I ask that you pull out your checkbook.  Thank you for the lovely welcome."  Carter kisses her cheek as Felicity steps away from the microphone.
           “Yes, I was so happy to match Felicity’s donation.  Take out your checkbooks, please.  Enjoy your dinner.” Carter’s hand goes to Felicity’s back as they walk off the stage.  Oliver notices they sit down at a table together
           Oliver can barely force the wonderful dinner down and make small talk with the rest of the table.  He just needs dinner to be over, so they can get to the mingling section of this event.  His breeding is strong enough to know rushing over to the table during dinner would be frowned upon but once the music starts, she is fair game.  
Finally, dinner is over and the band starts playing dance music.  Tommy reads his mind suggesting,, “We should go say hello to Felicity and Carter, don’t you think?”
           Felicity is laughing as the lights make her hair look like spun gold when they approach.  Carter's expression changes before he puts his mask on.
           “Oh, Ollie and Tommy,” Bowen knows he hates that nickname.  Only Tommy and Thea call him that now.
           “I prefer Oliver.  How are you doing, Carter?” Oliver starts as Felicity turns her head looking at him with a neutral expression that does not give her feelings away.
           “Felicity Smoak, welcome back.  You look fantastic.  No more goth, huh?  Love the blonde hair and colorful wardrobe,” Tommy claims as he opens his arms.  Felicity steps into them hugging him.
           “Tommy Merlyn, still kissing the blarney stone, I see,” Felicity teases as he picks up her hand kissing it.
           “You wound me, Felicity.  You know you are hot.  I am sure that every man in this joint tried to get a date tonight.  Sorry, Bowen.  Are you two dating now?” Oliver waits with bated breath for her response.
           “No, Carter is a great friend.  I guess not every man in the room.  Some probably would rather have a tall brunette,” Ouch, he is sure that was directed at him.
          "Felicity, I can't imagine any man in the room not being captivated by you whether your hair is black or blonde.  Brunettes have nothing on you and they never did," Oliver replies as she turns around.  The hell with it.  Opening his arms, she hesitates before hugging him.  She steps away quickly.
           Directing her comments to Tommy she asks, “So what are you up to, Merlyn?”
           “Oliver and I opened up a restaurant that has been fairly successful.  A second location is now open.  Oliver was the head chef when we first opened.  We also have a nice bar with music.  You should come by, Felicity,” Tommy hands her a business card with a pointed look at Oliver, who takes out his handing it to her.
           “Oh, you own Verdant?  I have heard so many good things about it.  I would love to come by.” Felicity states.
           “Please let me know and I will get you a special table. “Oliver jumps in.  Turning her head, she gives him a strange look as she puts the cards in her clutch.  “Hand me your phone and I will put my cell number in, so you can call me directly.”
           Handing him her phone, he puts his number in.  Carter gives him a hard look which he replies with a smirk.
           “Felicity, can I be the first to have a dance with the most beautiful woman in the room?” Tommy asks, and Felicity takes his hand.
          Going back to his table, his eyes on the couple dancing and laughing. Oliver doesn't normally dance but he will make an exception to hold Felicity in his arms.
           As soon as the dance is over, Oliver quickly walks over to Felicity.  “Would you care to dance?”
           “You don’t dance, remember?” Felicity answers as Tommy walks away.
           “I will make an exception tonight,” Oliver holds out his hand and Felicity takes it.  His other arm goes around her waist as he holds her hand.  “Felicity, I wanted to apologize for what happened the last time we were together.  I was a stupid kid who drank too much.  I hope you accept my apology and forgive me?”
        "That was a long time ago, Oliver.  We will meet at many functions, so we need to put the past behind us.   Congratulations on your business." The feel of her in his arms makes his head spin.
           “It was but you deserve an apology at the very least.  I regretted that for so long.  Can we try again?  Ms. Smoak, my name is Oliver Queen and I am the owner of Verdant.  I would very much like it if you would have dinner with me.”
           “Why? I already said I forgive you,” Felicity quizzically wonders.
           “There is a lot to say so how about one dinner and then you can decide how you want to proceed?  Give me a chance, Felicity.  I am not that same idiot I was back then.”  Oliver pleads.
           After searching his face and eyes, Felicity finally answers, “Okay, dinner.  I can do Friday night.  Does that work?”
           A sense of relief floods him as he agrees.  Friday is his big chance.  He needs to make it count.
           The week passed by so quickly, but it was finally Friday.  Oliver finished up some paperwork and had a table set up away from everyone but close to the kitchen.  He was going to make Felicity’s dinner himself.  He hated to break up the talk, but he will sit with her, let her order, go in and make the dinner and then they can talk.
           Dressing in his best suit after leaving another shirt to cook in at the restaurant, he drives to the address Felicity texted him.  Pulling up to a townhouse near the glades, he takes a few minutes to prepare himself.  When she opened the door, his first thought was that he did not give himself anywhere near enough time to prepare.  Dressed in a short black dress, with cutouts on both sides, v cut to show off just enough of her chest, silver high heels, a silver necklace and earrings, and golden hair brushed down, she was a vision.
           “You look beautiful.  These are for you.” Handing her the bouquet of colorful flowers that included roses but not just roses, he waits for her to put them in water.
           “Thank you.  That is a lovely arrangement.” Picking up her silver clutch, she puts her keys in as they leave.  Opening the car door for her, he lets his eyes feast on her once again.  Felicity was always pretty but now she is stunning.
           “Please pick what you wish.  I have a surprise for you tonight.  I am going to go into the kitchen and make your entrée myself.  My staff will do appetizers and dessert because I don’t want to leave you alone too long, but I want to cook for you.” Felicity stares at him in surprise.
           “You are going to cook for me?  That is the sweetest thing ever.  I look forward to it.” Picking their meals, Oliver orders a bottle of wine.  Jennifer goes to put the order in and brings back the wine pouring a small taste for Oliver to try but he hands the glass to Felicity.   "That is wonderful.  You are good at picking out the wine."
           “Felicity, I want to talk to you about everything, but I don’t want to stop to cook so let’s talk about other things, but I promise to explain all after, okay?” Oliver doesn’t want her to think he is avoiding it.
           “That’s fine but Oliver I was equally to blame for that.  Lots of things about that night.  I knew how you were, so I shouldn’t have expected anything else. I also did not give you much of a chance to explain and I did spend too much time with Carter.  I know you were upset about that.” Even more amazed at this wonderful woman, he answers.
         "Felicity, I always liked you.  That night when you gave me a chance I messed up.  I saw Carter and you and all my insecurities about you ever wanting to be with a screw up like me surfaced.  Laurel did pull me into her room naked, but I had the chance to say no.  Can we give it another chance?  You have been in my thoughts for years." Taking her hand, he intertwines their fingers together.  He really planned on waiting but he does feel like a weight was lifted off his shoulders.
           “Okay, let’s see how it goes.  This place is amazing. I didn’t know you cooked.” Felicity remarks playing with his fingers.
           “Yes, well after my four school dropouts, I finally admitted to my parents that I did not want to run Queen Consolidated.  They surprised me by agreeing and asking what I would like to do.  I went to culinary school, successfully I might add, and opened this restaurant with Tommy.  When they decided to retire, Dad announced QC would merge with Wayne Enterprises.  The family still gets profits from the company, which Bruce continued the success of, but the family no longer is involved.  It worked out well.  It is still Queen Consolidated, a subsidiary of Wayne Enterprises, so the family name lives on.  Dad goes in occasionally and maintains an office but that is about it.”  Felicity tastes her appetizer and moans.  That goes right to his groin as he tries to get himself under control.
           “I will be back in a little bit.  I am going to prepare you entrée so enjoy your wine.” Taking a chance, he kisses her head on the way by.  Oliver quickly puts on his other shirt and his apron.  He prepares his chicken cordon bleu with loving care.  Letting his staff finish plating and doing the garnish, he changes back and carries the plates out to the table.  “Here is your dinner, my lady.”
           “Oliver, this is fantastic.  I can’t believe you made this.  I need you to come cook for me every night, oh sorry,” Felicity blurts out.
         "I'm not.  There is nothing I would like better than to cook for you every night and morning if you give me the chance.  Too soon I know but keep it in mind," winking at her to relieve some of the tension, Oliver cuts his chicken.
           After a wonderful dinner where Oliver and Felicity reconnected with stories of the past five years and what their lives have been like, Oliver drives her home.  Walking her to the door he goes to kiss her and is happy when she returns his kiss.
           “Not tonight but very soon I will invite you in.  I am looking forward to that breakfast.”
          One month later, Felicity invites him in and enjoys breakfast in bed.
         A year later, Oliver watches as she walks down the aisle to meet him and become his wife.  Tommy teases him in the best man's speech.
      "Oliver, you know I am the one who brought you two together again.  You didn't even want to go to that charity ball but look how well it turned out for you."
            Looking at his beautiful wife, he agrees totally with Tommy.  He returns the favor when he fixes Tommy up with Felicity’s best friend, Caitlin Snow.
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Olicity Dialogue Prompt: I’m Not Good Enough For You
A/N: If You are an LL fan, you probably want to skip this one. She isn't painted in the best light in this one.
The fancy dresses and suits, the champagne and classical music,  none of it was anything Felicity was accustomed to all that much. The fact that she was here now was hard to believe at times. What was even more mind-boggling was who she was here with. Oliver Queen. Starling City's most famous and notorious playboy. If you would have told her a year ago she would be attending a gala and going public with her relationship with Oliver,  she honestly would want to know what hallucinogenic drugs you've been smoking because a year ago it would have seemed so far from the realm of what was possible. The last thing she expected when she moved across the country to start her internship at QC was that she would start a relationship with Oliver Queen. A secret one at that. She had met him in his father's office of all places when she was sent upstairs because Mr. Queen had been experiencing technical difficulties with his computer. Mr. Queen had been nothing but professional and surprisingly enough, kind. However, he wasn't alone in his office. He was having lunch with his son Oliver who didn't even try to hide the fact that he was staring at her openly. Felicity ignored him for the most part only shooting him an annoyed glare twice but he seemed more amused in response than anything else. Not wanting to deal with a silverspoon playboy she had done her best to act like she couldn't feel his eyes on her. It was a relief when she finally left Mr. Queen's office. Fully believing that would be her last encounter with Oliver Queen.   She couldn't have been more wrong. He showed up at her cubicle two days later brandishing a brand new state of the art laptop that looked like a hammer had been taken to it, claiming he accidentally dropped it down a flight of stairs. Felicity didn't believe him for a moment and had no problem calling him out on his BS, telling him there were better ways to approach a girl than destroying the latest tech. Again, she thought that would be the last time she would see him. She was wrong again. Oliver showed up the next day with a cup of her favorite espresso, having apparently asked around about her wanting to ask her out. Felicity wasn't looking to be his flavor of the week and told him so but Oliver was persistent. He kept coming back. Felicity had ignored him for the most part however he started taking interest in what she was doing at work, how her week was, small things that shouldn't even matter to him. She didn't think he really cared or even listened when she talked but then he would say something that proved her wrong and gradually she started talking to him on her own without him prompting her to and the days where he brought her coffee evolved to him bringing her lunch instead and never once did he give up on asking her out. After two months Felicity agreed to one date on the condition that she didn't end up in a gossip rag. She may just be an intern but she worked her butt off to get here, it was bad enough her co-workers talked about Oliver coming to see her every day, she didn't need the entire city thinking she was climbing the company ladder so to speak by climbing the heir to QC. Oliver readily agreed to do anything she asked of him if it meant he finally got that date he been hoping for. Felicity thoroughly enjoyed herself on their date and wished she had said yes sooner. That one date turned into another and another and another and before she knew it they were secretly dating. And in the eight months, they had been dating Oliver had always let her know he would be okay with keeping their relationship a secret as long as she wanted no matter how much he wanted more. And if Felicity was being honest so did she. When his ex-girlfriend Laurel Lance started coming around it was the final push Felicity needed. She wanted all of Starling City to know her man was no longer on the market. He was hers and she was his.   Oliver had been thrilled she was ready to go public, showing his appreciation 10 times over. Oliver could be really really appreciative. Now, here they were at one of the city's biggest events, packed with Starling’s elite crowd, cameras and reporters. It was daunting but not nearly as daunting as meeting the Queen family. Robert had been welcoming, remembering her. Thea Queen was friendly enough besides one offhand comment that she didn't look like her brother's type but maybe his taste had finally improved since his last girlfriend. Oliver's mother,  Moira had been calculating at best. She didn't seem all that impressed that Felicity was from Vegas or that she now worked in IT, having finished her internship and accepted a job with QC. Moira seemed to soften though when Oliver informed her she graduated from MIT at the age of 19 with a Daul Masters degree in Applied Science and Cyber Security and had an IQ of 179. Felicity had been flattered that Oliver was so enamored with her that he felt the need to boast about her, not hiding just how proud of her he was for her accomplishments. Felicity, by the end of the night, wasn't sure why she had been so worried. She was just glad that Oliver's family seemed to approve of her. “Dance with me.” Felicity felt Oliver's fingers intertwined with hers, gently tugging her onto the dance floor. “This is nice, “ Felicity murmured, her arms looped around his neck. “Not as bad as you were anticipating?” Oliver wondered with an affectionate smile. “No,” she shook her head. “Not at all.” Oliver smiled, leaning down to press his lips softly against hers. Felicity hummed in response, arms tightening around his neck, Oliver's hands moved from her waist, cupping her face in his hands as he deepened the kiss. Felicity grasped the lapels of his suit jacket, arching up against him as their lips glided together, slowly, savoring. The flash of a camera had them reluctantly ending the kiss, Felicity looked to her left and saw a photographer on the edge of the room, her camera lens focused on them. Felicity cheeks heated and she turned back to Oliver burying her face into his clothed chest, her hands reaching beneath his jacket, fingers curling around his suspender straps. “I totally forgot we weren't alone.” She muttered and Oliver laughed. Felicity's head snapped up, glaring slightly. “I'm not seeing the humor about this.” Oliver smoothed his hands down her back, settling them on her waist as he grinned down at her. “I just really love the thought that kissing me can make everything else fall away for you.” “That's really sweet,” she smiled softly. “If we weren't currently the focus of a pap, I would be kissing you right now.” “Jessica isn't a pap. She works all the charity events my family sponsors. She's good and not someone we should be worried about.” “So, I'm not going to see a picture of us, making out on the dance floor tomorrow in the gossip rags?” Felicity challenged. “Not any picture Jessica takes tonight,” Oliver promised. Felicity nodded, deciding to take his word on it. “There you are man,” Tommy seemed to appear out of nowhere. “I need to borrow you for a few minutes.” Tommy grinned at Felicity. “I'll have him back to you in no time, Smoaky.” “Yeah, go ahead, I'll just get us some drinks.” Felicity waved him off. She had met Tommy a few weeks into her and Oliver's relationship when he walked in on them making out on Oliver’s couch. 5 minutes later and he would have been walking in on something else. Tommy was a whirlwind but she had gotten used to him popping up out of nowhere and his antics. “You look breathtaking in that dress by the way.” Tommy grinned. “Oliver’s a lucky guy.” “Yes, I am.” He leaned into her pressing his lips to her neck. “I'll be right back.” Felicity watched Oliver and Tommy cross the room and disappear into the crowd. Felicity walked up to the bar, waving the bartender over. “Hi, what can I get you?” “I know champagne is the drink of choice for events like these but you wouldn't happen to have any red wine would you?” she asked hopefully. “I do, I'll get you our finest.” “Make that two, please.” “You got it.” He filled two crystal glasses. “Enjoy.” “Thank you.” Felicity smiled, lifting a glass to her lips as she surveyed the room. “I hope you're enjoying your 15 minutes in the limelight.” Felicity turned to her right and saw Laurel Lance leaning against the bar in a purple dress that fit her perfectly, looking like she just stepped out of a magazine. “I'm sorry.” “Oh, C'mon, some lowly IT girl from QC dating the future CEO. Your intentions couldn't be more obvious.” Laurel replied with a condescending smile. Felicity’s hackles rose at the implication that she was nothing more than a gold digger. “You have no idea what you're talking about. My relationship with Oliver has nothing to do with my job or his family company.” “Your relationship,” Laurel repeated. “Even if you weren't using your body to climb the company ladder, you can't obviously believe that it's going to work out between the two of you.” “What could you possibly know about my relationship?” Felicity set her glass on the bar feeling the temptation to throw it in Laurel's face growing. “Your just Oliver's ex-girlfriend.” “The ex-girlfriend that has more history with him than you ever will. The same ex-girlfriend he always finds his way back to. I know Ollie better than anyone and it's only a matter of time before he realizes the glaringly obvious.” Felicity disliked the tone of her voice, the way she was looking down her nose at her like she thought she was something to be scraped off the bottom of her shoe. “You don't belong here. You are not good enough to be a part of his world.” Laurel's lip twisted into a sneer that was borderline smug. “And you are never going to be good enough for him.” Laurel's words cut at Felicity, exposing every fear she ever had about Oliver and her. She didn't belong in his world, she wasn't good enough. The Felicity Smoak's of the world did not end up with men like Oliver Queen. It was unthinkable. Still, she refused to let Oliver's ex see how her words struck home. “If Oliver is so attached to you and the history you share why is he with me?” Laurel features harden. “A few weeks with him is nothing.” “Try months.” Felicity corrected. Laurel's eyes widened. “Month's?” Felicity sighed. “I'm not going to stand here and fight with you. I have more self-respect than to fight over a man who has already made the choice of who he wants to be with.” She didn't wait for Laurel to respond, moving quickly through the crowd, the further she got away from the woman, the more her words echoed in her head, a harsh reminder of every fear she still had about her relationship with Oliver. She made her escape out into the empty hall, angry tears biting at the back of her eyes. She pressed her back against the wall, blinking back the tears. She didn't want to cry. It would ruin her make-up but more importantly, she didn't want to give Laurel the satisfaction of knowing she had gotten to her. She breathed deeply staring down at the marble floor however the sound of heels clicking against the floor had her eyes snapping open and she saw the photographer, Jessica, walking toward her hesitantly. Felicity was relieved to see her camera was nowhere in sight. “It's Felicity Smoak, right?” she asked. “Yes,” Felicity answered warily. “I'm Jessica Carter.” She introduced. “I know, it's probably none of my business but I saw you leave and you looked upset and I just wanted to make sure you were okay.” “Oh, I'm, no, I'm fine,” Felicity said as a hot flush of embarrassment washed over her. “Are you sure?” Jessica looked unconvinced. “Yeah, I'm sure. I mean, why wouldn’t I be?” “I didn't hear any of what was said but I did see you talking to Laurel Lance and it didn't look too pleasant,” said Jessica with an almost knowing look. “I'm not going to pry, whatever was said is between the two of you besides it isn't any of my business. I know it was probably about the only thing you two have in common. Oliver.” “Thank you for checking up on me, it was nice of you.” Felicity pushed off the wall. “If I can there is something I would like to say,” Jessica said with a kind look. “I have been to more of these events than I can even keep count,  I've seen Oliver bring all kinds of dates to these things including Laurel but I have never seen him look as happy as he did tonight when he was with you.” “Why are you telling me this?” Felicity wondered. “I just don't want you letting someone get in your head and ruining something that most people are not even fortunate enough to find.” “And what is that exactly?” Felicity had to ask. “Real love.” Jessica smiled softly. “Just try and remember that.” Felicity stared stunned, watching as the woman retreated back the way she had come. Love. That was what Jessica saw when she looked at them? When neither her or Oliver had ever said those words. Did Oliver love her? She thought so but what if she was wrong? What if Jessica was wrong? What if Laurel was right? What if it was only a matter of time before Oliver found his way back to his gorgeous ex-girlfriend? What if Oliver was only- “God, stop it with  the what ifs.” She muttered to herself. She stood straighter,  breathing deeply, steeling herself. She returned to the bar and found Oliver there, eyes scanning the crowd, searching. His eyes landed on her and he pushed from the bar immediately, his longs strides carrying him quickly to her. “Hey, where did you disappear to?” “I just needed a moment to clear my head.” His hands reached out landing on her waist. “Is everything okay?” No, it wasn't but did she tell him that? She had never lied to him before. “Not really. I think we need to talk.” Oliver winced taking a step toward her. “Those are words a guy never wants to hear from his girlfriend. It never leads to anything good,” his hands tightened on her waist Imperceptibly. “That's cause it's not,” Felicity replied, Laurel words ringing true in her mind. She didn't belong here. She didn't fit with Oliver no matter how badly she wanted to. “I don't understand. I thought things were going really well tonight.” Oliver said, his forehead creasing in honest confusion. “They were,” she looked around seeing they were drawing a crowd of onlookers including Laurel Lance. “Look, can we not do this here. People are watching.” “I don't care about them. I care about you and when something is bothering you I want you to be honest about it.” “You want me to honest? Fine.” She raised her chin higher, steeling herself.  “I don't fit here.” “Everyone loved you tonight.” Oliver protested. “More importantly you fit with me.” “Oliver,” she shook her head, strands of her hair fell out of place and grazed her cheek. “I'm not good enough for you.” Oliver's eyes hardened, his jaw clenched. “I've never-” “Stop.” Oliver’s voice was like steel. “Just stop.” He stepped forward, and grasp her elbows, tugging her even closer. “First of all, I have never heard anything further from the truth and if we were going down that road, I would be more concerned with not being good enough for you. I screw up all the time and you, your perfect.” “I'm not perfect.” Felicity denied immediately. “Your right because no one person is perfect but you are perfect for me.” “Oliver.” God, why did he have to say such beautiful words to her? He made it really hard to listen to her head and not her heart. “No, just listen to me.” Oliver pleaded. “Love is not about being good enough for someone. It's about how the person you love enriches your life, how you don't even want to think about what your future would look like without them and I'm telling you right now, I don't see a future without you. Not tomorrow, not 6 months from now. Definitely not 3 years from now.” His hands glided up her arms, laying lightly against her neck his thumb caressing the underside of her jaw. “Felicity Megan Smoak I am in love with you and you are the only woman I want to spend the rest my life with. I want everything with you.” “Oliver,” Felicity murmured, eyes shining with emotion, heart pounding in her chest in the best way. It was like his words and the love she could see shining through his eyes soothe away her fears and silenced Laurel's voice, her words in her head, eradicating her doubts. “I love you, too. More than I thought was possible.” She said quietly, wanting her words to only be for him. Oliver pulled her against him and closed the distance between their mouths, kissing her slowly, his lips glided over hers unhurried, pulling a quiet moan from the back of her throat that had him wrapping himself around her in response. Felicity grasped his shirt in her fist, pulling back barely an inch. “Let's get out of here.” Her lips brushed over his with every word she spoke. Oliver slid his hand down her arms, grasping her hand he intertwined her fingers with his own and led her out of the party without a word to anyone and Felicity followed a feeling of love washing over her.
Felicity heard the sound of her front door opening and closing, followed by approaching footsteps. She saw Oliver appear in the doorway, through the mirror she was currently standing in front of putting the finishing touches to her make-up. She wore a simple green dress. “Hey, you,” she smiled. “I'm almost ready to head to your parents for dinner.” “Take your time,” he walked closer, coming to stand behind her, scooping down to place a kiss against her neck. “I have something for you.” “Really?” Felicity turned to face him, her dress swishing at her legs. Oliver produced a white envelope. “Jessica stopped by the mansion today. She asked that I give you this. I wasn't aware the two of you actually formally met.” “We did at the gala a couple days ago.” Felicity accepted the envelope. “She was nice to me.” Oliver watched as she opened the envelope. “What is it?” Felicity pulled out a handwritten note. Felicity,  I thought you like to have this. A reminder of when it's real it's worth holding on to.
Felicity reached in and pulled out a photo and her lips parted in surprise. Oliver shifted behind her and peered over her shoulder. “Wow, that's a really good picture.” “Yeah, it is.” Felicity murmured. In the picture she had her arms around Oliver's neck, her fingers curling in the ends of his hands, Oliver’s arm was wrapped around her so completely, it looked like he was wrapping himself around her, he was staring down at her with this unguarded smile and his eyes shining with love, so much love. She turned her head to look at him. “I love you.” Oliver smiled and gently turned her in his arms. “And I love you.” He pressed his mouth to hers, silently wondering if it was too soon to ask her if she wanted to move in with him. They could find a place just for the two of them and start building their life together.
A/N: This one got longer than I intended. Honestly, I feel like this one could be turn into a multi-chapter story if I expanded on when they met, how they went from friends to lovers and all the moments leading up to the gala. I might even come back it at some point to expand on it.
Anyway, thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed this one.
Tags: @scu11y22 @almondblossomme @cainc3 @cruzrogue @1106angel @erika-amber @lageniuswannabe @hope-for-olicity @msbeccieboo @icannotbelieveiamhere
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