#like the cast is stellar
aeb-art · 5 months
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most normal interaction on a subway (another earth bot has invaded my sketchbook)
cat belongs to @8um8le
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eternallovers65 · 11 months
The Bear s2ep6 is what succession is but for poor people
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file under tiny interactions i wanna see in the show bc i think vivienne's lucienne would interact with delirium delightfully
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arttsuka · 6 days
Just something that's been bothering me. What's up with the whitewashing in trigun stampede?
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Somehow the 1998 version had more diversity in skin colors than the 2023 version
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difeisheng · 1 month
the lost tomb reboot adaptation could've been so good if it was good
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carpe-mamilia · 4 months
Went to the RSC's production of A Midsummer Night's Dream starring Mat Baynton as Bottom this evening. As we crossed into Warwickshire a road sign that was clearly not quite high enough off the ground welcomed us to Shakespeare's cunty, and that was foreshadowing because the show SERVED
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justaboot · 1 year
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ursa-the-stranger · 4 months
You know, for as (and i cannot say this neutraly enough) mid-teir hazbin hotel is, its vocal cast is the most perfect ive heard? No ones voice is 'alright', they all hit it outta the park.
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ziracona · 2 years
Harry Osborn really is just “I want people to be nice to me and love me. That’s it.” Like it really is. Of course he became Peter’s best friend; the guy was nice to him. Does not take much. He convinces his dad to rent him an apartment close to college and asks Pete to just come live with him for free in a nice two-bedroom in NY because he wants him there. He drives around because he gets anxious and down and driving relaxes him and Peter doesn’t have a car so he’s always like “Oh oh! : ) Hi Peter do you need a ride?” and Pete is like ‘thank god no taxi fare let’s DO this’. He thinks Gwen and MJ are so cool and neat and he loved Gwen so much even though she broke up with him and died two decades ago, he still thinks about how much she means to him. He just wants to hug Normie and tell him he’s a great son and he loves him. He wants Liz to not hate him and think he’s weak and he’s terrified of people finding out all the things wrong with him but none of them care, and he’s great. He’s the most tragic character of all time. He loves his terrible dad so genuinely and so much, and he loves his friends so much, he loves his family so much. Literally all he ever wanted was people to be nice to him and love him and his life and sanity fall apart and he gets tragedy after tragedy and breakdown after breakdown and but he never really breaks he’s always just a little left. He tries so hard to go off the deep end but he can never really make himself hurt Peter, because of course he can’t. He’s Harry Osborn. Who loves friends from twenty years ago like it was last night. Even at his lowest he gets to die telling his best friend he would have finally been proud of him because he was able for a second to be like he is, and pass while smiling and holding his best friend’s hands. Of course he does. How else could Harry Osborn have ever died. He’s Harry.
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buffysgotfaith · 1 year
I really wish Wednesday had better writers lol. Like some of it is bad bad. If you were a writer though what would you have in s2 for Wenclair
I also wish it had better writers. I've said it before but s2 is either going to be better than s1 or it will dive head first into a giant mess. The writing team really made some weird choices in the overall plot in s1. I'm hoping they've added some more people to the writing room for s2.
What would I do for Wenclair in s2?
I've said a few times now that I wouldn't make them a couple in s2 and I stand by that. I really agree with the cast that Wednesday needs to be single and that the show needs to focus less on her and romantic relationships. If they were to make it canon I want a slow burn baby!
Two things I really want to see in s2 though that would strengthen that bond are Wednesday saving Enid and Enid interacting with the Addams family. I'm a sucker for a parallel in story telling and to have a moment where Wednesday puts herself in danger to save Enid would just be exactly what I want to see. Also like everyone that ships Wednesday and Enid I am super into the idea of Enid getting the unconditional love she deserves from Gomez and Morticia and I just want scenes of her with that whole family. It would serve to show she could fit into their world.
Also this is far less meaningful in terms of the development of their relationship, but I want to see Wednesday see Enid go feral in her human form. Like let Wednesday see the Enid that destroyed that bus when she thought she was stood up by Ajax. I just know that would awaken something in her.
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doctorweebmd · 1 month
look i think the thing people forget is that My Hero Academia is not a typical shounen. Its purposeful. Its well written. Horikoshi does not DO throw away plot-lines. He doesn't ignore plot holes. Over the past 10 years he has proven, time and time and TIME again that this is an incredibly thought out, narrative-driven brilliant story that has taken popular tropes and preconceptions and turned them on their head.
Have a little faith.
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kainebell · 10 months
I can't believe I'm writing a whole essay about CHOICES on a Monday morning, but I've realized that one big reason why I usually don’t like single LI books is that they always have frustratingly small and shallow supporting casts. Crimes of Passion, With Every Heartbeat, Getaway Girls, and The Princess Swap all have larger casts that I enjoyed and found myself invested/interested in, but those are only 4 out of 18 single LI stories. Every other single LI story either has a medium-sized cast that no one really cares about because the non-LI characters are pretty shallow (see: AVSP, Surrender, TNA, etc.) or extremely small casts with similarly one-dimensional background characters (see: Shipwrecked, TCH, WABR, KOD, TDA, etc.).
Yes, there are some exceptions, and of course, your mileage may vary re: liking specific characters. I know I personally liked Sir Montgomery and Longclaw from TCH, and Faith and Roy from KOD. I also liked the twins, Robin, and Sofia from TNA, although the latter two were often screwed over by the writers. But did anyone care about Jenny, Aditya, Will, Marisol, etc.? Does anyone actually like how Inez, Dutch, and the other stock characters from RWB are written? What about Austin and Mandy from Untameable? Reese, Sloane, and Mallorie from Surrender? Did anyone find the O'Connells to be compelling villains? What about Dr. Hale and Tak from Shipwrecked? I’m sure there are players out there who liked these characters or found them interesting (presumably the same people who fund unneeded sequels for many of these stories), but for me, they’re all so one-dimensional that I just can't be interested in them. And if I'm not interested in the characters, then I'm not going to be interested in the story.
On the flip side, multi-LI books tend to have larger casts, which makes sense, as these stories by nature cannot force the storyline to revolve around one singular character (except for when they clearly prioritize one LI over the others, but that's a rant for another time). When this is the case, I almost always find myself getting attached to a specific love interest or side character. Take It Lives, OH, ES, Blades, TCATF, TF, TE, and everything else in between: in these books, the MC has friend groups that don’t specifically revolve around their LI (although these friend groups almost always *include* their LIs!) and these side characters tend to have conflicts and storylines of their own. That’s very rarely the case with single LI books, which, imo, is just poor writing — if a large part of your cast exists just to revolve around one character, or to poorly fill friendship roles, rather than existing as characters on their own, that’s not good.
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bogunicorn · 1 year
fun fact about indira varma! she and james mcavoy at one point swapped book recommendations; he tried to get her to read LOTR, iirc, and she convinced him to read His Dark Materials, which eventually led to him talking about it with a friend of his who worked the production side of the HDM TV series and who eventually called him last-second when their original asriel had to drop bc they already knew that james knew the character and loved the books. they started filming his scenes less than a week later.
so everybody say "thank you, indira" on behalf of all the horny lord asriel fans.
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sureuncertainty · 4 months
lol so i started watching hazbin hotel cause i was curious and it's actually really fucking good y'all are just lame
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stardestroyer81 · 1 year
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Guys, I don't think this is the Super Mario Bros. movie.
(Alternatively, I watched the Super Mario Bros. movie this past Friday and absolutely ADORED it— you can check out my spoiler-free thoughts below in the tags! 💙✨)
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ninthtwilight · 7 months
hideyoshi still coming in at number one wifeguy which you lvoe to see. good for him honestly
him being sweet to eva always explodes me into pieces esp when she is being Massively Insecure. its so sweet.
Also WOW how did i ever read through this w/o voice mods on bcs the part where eva murmurs to herself barely audibly.. and hideyoshi reassuring her. tht hits so much harder with them on
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