#like the entirety of GUTS would be on that bitch
wormswurld · 8 months
if saltburn took place modern day you can’t TELL ME ms. olivia rodrigo wouldn’t be on the soundtrack SORRY ABT IT 🤭
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kokabeeeel · 2 months
when dean first got the impala from his dad, he made a bunch of his own mixtapes to play in it, just incase john wanted his cassettes back. he made one dedicated to each member of his family: his dad, his mum - even if she wasn't around anymore - and sammy.
driving little sammy around, he would play the tape dedicated to their mother, wanting sammy to get a feel for the person their mother was; even if sammy doesn't remember her, he should still be allowed to know her.
with sammy in the car, he never played his john tape or his sammy tape.
as the years went by, he updated the tapes sometimes, mainly the one dedicated to sammy; he didn't like messing around with the one for his mother and he didn't spend a whole lot of time away from john to feel the need to add new songs to the tape.
when sam left for college, he wiped the sammy tape for the first time and made it into something new: songs sammy liked, songs that reminded him of his brother, songs that seemed to scream his feelings about him.
dean didn't like pearl jam that much, but sam did, so sammy's favourite pearl jam songs made it on there. 'bitch' by the rollings stones made it on there, mainly because of the little back and forth he and sammy did: "jerk." "bitch." "bitch." "jerk."
then there were the songs that he never wanted people hear him dedicate to his brother; sappy love songs, power ballads, songs about pining and missing someone - everything he shouldn't feel about his brother.
'amanda' by boston was the the first song on the tape, but whenever brad delp would sing amanda, he would sing samantha over the top of it.
halfway through the tape, eddie money's song 'think i'm in love' can be heard. he hates that its there, hates that he feels that way about his brother but he can't help it; he just can't help it.
the last song on the tape is the song 'screaming in the night' by krokus. its the lyrics: 'screaming in the night, fighting for my life, i'd die for you. i knew it all along, headed for the sun, our love was true', has dean in tears he can't listen to the song in its entirety; only once he has an entire bottle of whiskey in his system can he have the guts to.
there are countless songs on there, but there is never a b-side; not even with copious amounts of whiskey in his system does dean have the ability to listen to sammy's tape that long.
picking up sam from stanford, dean pushes the tape so far down into the box, he almost forgets about it; buried deep in there probably next to the tape about mary, no where near the tape about john - he had binned that tape the night sammy left. but when sam throws himself into the cage, saving the world but leaving dean all alone, he digs through the box and finds the tape, playing it as he drives away from the graveyard.
it isn't until he pulls the tape out does he realise there is now a b-side; sams messy handwriting just legible enough for dean to make out his own name.
playing that side of the tape, the first song he hears is 'thank you' by led zeppelin and dean has to pull the car over just so he doesn't crash.
for the entirety of the tape, dean sits on the side of the road, listening to each and every song with tears in his eyes. there's 'here today' by paul mccartney, 'the one i love' by r.e.m - even though sam knows dean hates r.e.m, and it makes dean let out a painful chuckle.
one of the ones that hurts most is chicago's 'if you leave me now' and dean has to pause the song and skip it because he can't, he just can't.
song after song: 'brothers in arms' by dire straits, 'love to love' by ufo, even 'heat of the moment' by asia and that stops dean in his tracks because sammy didn't know if he was coming back - even though sammy buried him instead of making him a pyre, he didn't know if dean would be coming back - and wanted to wake up from all of this; return to the mystery spot and have all the answers they have now, so much earlier on.
much like how sammy felt, dean doesn't know if his brother will ever return to him; if he'll ever be able to confess with words, rather than songs, how he feels about his brother. what he can do though, is kiss the tape that holds their love and play it - listen to it in its entirety because after all, it holds all the answers to the epic love story of sam and dean winchester.
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gamblersdoll · 3 months
continuing with this... www.tumblr.com/gamblersdoll/753233021639999488/bakugou-readers-biggest-rival-who-believed-that?source=share
from smut to angst because after bakugou has distanced himself from them, the boys announce their relationship with her. and now he has to put up with how all of them are affectionate with her in public, he's sure some of them do it on purpose in front of him, while bakugou can only think "why aren't I there too?"
why couldnt he be there, too?
he hated your guts, he hates how you gave all those fuckers a chance. but, not him.
he hates you so much, he thinks about hog tying you and fucking into your throat. bruising it because how fucking dare you for excluding him.
he hates you so much, he doesn’t even want to look at you when he fucks you. only going delirious when he bends you over and fucks his kids into you.
he hates you so much, he wants to cuck every one of those fuckers and show how a real man fucks his bitch. they would wish they had a cock like his, they wish they had breeder balls like he does.
he hates you, he hates you, he fucking hates you.
he hates how comfortable you are knowing you didn’t include him, he hates how your just okay with those fucks announcing the relationship they have with you.
he hates every, single, part.
he hates how you cloud his mind when he should be doing paperwork.
he hates how he has to tap on several of your stories on social media and youre with that fucking red head, or that fucking nerd.
he hates how he cant even land a finger on you, yet those whores of men can kiss up on you or slap your ass in public.
he hates everything about you.
he hates how he has to log out of ‘x’. just because the mainstream media is taking about your relationship.
he fucking loathes when news reporters ask him his opinion.
“mr. dynamite! whats your opinion of the new polyamorous relationship of (hero name) and phantom thief, red riot, deku, shouto, and brainwash?”
“get the FUCK outta my face with that bullshit.” he bucks at him, keeping his trail on and pushing the cameraman out of his way.
he despises you.
yet, he knows its only his rage blinding him.
knowing deep down, he cant hate you. he cant, not with you. he could hate everyone else, but for you, he cant.
he wishes that he could see you impaled on several cocks, including that izuku and his red headed catfish.
he wishes that you had the decency to even invite him, why didnt you?
was he not even enough for you? was he not man enough to even be there?
he had to know why he wasnt even offered, yet everyone else was included. his heart always ached when he was lone in his thoughts. his overthinking could always eat at him, bringing himself back to his youth when his idol had retired.
fuck, could that be it? because you found out about that shit?
no, that was too long ago, you didnt care about that when you had heard about it.
was it because he hadnt surpassed allmight?
was it because of his bad arm?
why didnt you give him that chance? was he not enough for you?
he didnt know, and he hated you for that. he hates that he missed your smell, he missed your cocoa powder scent, your thick and long hair, the eyelashes you were beautified with.
he hates your entirety.
yet, he misses your entirety.
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hatkuu · 9 months
I was reading those "Kylar gets sexually harassed by students after discovering that he has a big dick" asks, and i was thinking, what if Kylar ended up at the mercy of PC's uh..passion, instead of the usual? Students get a bit too touchy feely with Kylar because of what he's packing, and PC suddenly discover that they're A LOT more possessive and jealous than they had thought. They grab Kylar, take him back to their/his room, and RAVAGE him. They spend all night marking him and filling his hole/draining his balls by manhandling him in different positions. Maybe PC ends up feeling bad the day after, but hey, it was to send a message...
me personally i would NOT feel bad bc why was kylar letting everyone else see their dick in the first place? asking to be punished imo...
definitely shoving his face into the matress while he squeals about how he 'didn't mean to!' and that he'd 'nevernevernever do something like this to you!' a disgusting blend of snot and tears is smeared all over your sheets, ruining the cotton. if you've managed to freak kylar out enough they'll start sobbing and weakly trying to squirm out of your grip. until he realises what you intend to do, that is...
m!kylar and gen!reader utc. bottom kylar :)
"I didn't know you were a whore, Kylar." Your palm cups his cheek as the head of your cock/strap catches on his ring-tight hole. It quivers.
In anticipation or fear, you can't tell.
"N-Nuh— No! Nononono! I'm not a whore i-it was an accident!" Kylar outright sobs, fighting against your grip as he kicks his legs out beneath you in frustration. Kylar spits the title like it's sin, somethign that neither of you should ever be called. He cries loudly—loud enough for the whole of the orphanage to hear—which is just what you wanted.
Kylar hates when you press his buttons like this; making him feel like he's misbehaved or, even worse, cheated. Normally it's just offhanded teasing; a smack on the ass here or there, giving Robin a stray kiss on the cheek - those are the kind of things that rile Kylar up. But you adore pressing his buttons and making him frustrated enough that he can feel the beginnings of hatred bubbling up within his gut.
So, of course, you know just the right buttons to press.
"Awww, well you shouldn't have been sleeping around, baby!"
Kylar screams, thrashing against you enough that you begin to struggle holding him down. You'd never expect there to be so much strength in such a little body.
"No! No! You have it a-all wrong!" He howls into your sheets as the entirety of your cock breaches his tight walls. "'M not a w-whore! I-I'd never do that to you!" You groan at the feeling, shifting your hips as you try to wiggle the entirety of your cock inside of you. "Pleasepleaseplease believe me! I'd nevernevernever—"
"Shh, I'm just teasing." You lean down close to Kylar's ear, pressing a wet kiss against his cheekbone as you soothe his feral outburst. "Be a good boy and take it for me, okay?"
Kylar whines like a bitch, nodding obediently.
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t-w-i-l-l-e-r · 3 months
So. The whole reason Jeremy got a SQUIP was to become “the ideal boy”, right? A Manly Man, A Cool Guy, The Hero, Testosterone, Muscles, Gigachad, Getting Bitches, Alpha Male, etc etc. The entirety of More Than Survive is him denying this desire while also VERY MUCH EXPRESSING THIS DESIRE (ur repression isn’t fooling anyone hun). Jake is the prime example of this goal actually fulfilled; he’s well-liked, charismatic, aggressive, go-getting, mew streak 1000000, abs of steel, MANLY. Jake’s everything Jeremy wants to be, everything he thinks he needs to be to ~get with Christine~ and ~have all the friends~ and all the other shit he sets as the squip’s directive instead of the real thing he needs (therapy. And actually maybe some more friends wouldn’t hurt). 
So it makes sense the squip is always trying to get him to resemble Jake, right? It molds Jeremy into that MYSTERIOUS MANLY MAN who WALKS WITH SWAGGER and SHOWS UP FASHIONABLY LATE and ONLY TALKS ABOUT HIS EMOTIONS WHEN ITS CONVENIENT and TREATS WOMEN LIKE DOGSHIT and CONNECTS WITH BLUETOOTH COMPATIBLE DEVICES. Y’know, guy stuff! But what’s fascinating to me is that when Jeremy is left to his own (Bluetooth incompatible) devices, he doesnt imitate the popular boys. He imitates the popular girls. 
When Jake is upset (such as when he thinks Jeremy is “having sex in his parents bed” which is SO CRAZY and he is SO CRAZY for saying that and I have FEELINGS ABOUT IT but one thing at a time), he gets violent. Yelling, threatening Jeremy, destroying shit—the whole shebang. But when Chloe is upset or defensive, she gets petty. She interrupts Jenna, belittles Christine, betrays Brooke, and insults Jeremy. Neither of these reactions are surprising, especially to an audience expected to be familiar with teen drama stories. As a boy, Jake would be socialized to express his anger through physical aggression. As a girl, Chloe would be socialized to express her anger through relational aggression. And as the Most Boy and Most Girl in the entire show, it tracks that they’d follow these expectations down to the letter. 
But Jeremy isn’t the Most Boy or Most Girl. He doesn’t know what the fuck he is, which is made abundantly clear by the, uh, everything about him. Everything including the fact that when Jeremy feels angry, he reacts much more like Chloe would than Jake. If Michael tried to block Jake from leaving the bathroom, Jake would probably have just shoved him out of the way, or at least threatened to (provided Jake couldn’t talk Michael down first, because Jake doesn't seem particularly prone to violence outside of—wow I should just make a seperate Jake post hes a freak I want to study him under a microscope). If Michael blocked Chloe from leaving the bathroom, she would insult him until he was demoralized enough to go with what she wanted without force. Which is exactly what Jeremy does to Michael, and later to Mr. Heere. In these moments, Jeremy is still trying to embody that “cool guy” image, but he doesn’t have the SQUIP’s gendered guidance. He’s going with his gut, and it’s becoming abundantly clear to the audience that this whole “manly man” thing isn’t what Jeremy really even wants (I mean, he turned down sex from a hot girl just a scene prior! He’s willingly failing at Mission Get Bitches!!! That’s like, mission one!!!!!!!). He just wants to… not feel shitty all the time. 
And what’s interesting to me though is that while the SQUIP is out of the picture for the bathroom scene, it’s on and active for Jeremy’s confrontation with his dad. When Mr. Heere stops Jeremy from leaving, the SQUIP originally tries to brush him off. However, it tells Jeremy to stop and engage with him a lil bit, actually. Tell him what’s going on, Jeremy, be honest. And that’s where we get that second example of Jeremy more closely imitating The Mean Girl than The Cool Guy. So, like, that’s confusing, right? The SQUIP has been directing him to avoid any perceived femininity (literally one of their first interactions is it questioning/berating him for picking a “girls shirt”) so why would it lean so hard into this more feminine version of aggression when it could just tell Jeremy to, idk, punch Mr. Heere in the face ig? Well, on one hand I think it realizes that actual violence would probably make this conflict more trouble than it’s worth but on the other I think it’s a rly intentional power play on the SQUIP’s part. It’s directions are intentionally vague: “stop”, “tell him the truth”, “smth else vague” idk I don’t remember the scene exactly I’m too lazy to pull up the slime tutorial. The point is that we have seen the SQUIP feeding Jeremy lines like a teleprompter the entire show, literally saying “repeat after me” in its first big Social Interaction Test in bmc p1. I think it’s prompts being so open-ended is a way for it to sweeten the pot for Jerry a lil bit, considering everything that’s about to happen in “The Play” is gonna be so fucking crazy. I don’t think the SQUIP expected Jeremy to turn on it, but it knew it was asking a lot of Jeremy and he was hesitant. Being vague gave Jeremy just the right amount of control that he could say every single thing that he’s wanted to say to his father since the very first scene while still letting the SQUIP take all the credit. It’s oh-so-generously allowing Jeremy to take the reins to show that “see! Before me you could hardly hold a conversation with ur dad and now ur telling him to fuck off TO HIS FACE!! See how not shitty I make you feel?? See how powerful I make you feel?” It’s willing to break with Jeremy’s Cool Guy objective to further its own obsession with spreading the SQUIPs as far as possible, displaying how separate its goals are from Jeremy’s at this point. Jeremy doesn’t want this, anymore. 
And then “The Play” happens and everything’s shit til it actually gets pretty not shit and then actually actually gets pretty awesome until at the end Jeremy is wearing Hello Kitty shoes and telling his dad he loves him and having friends (!!!!!) doing all the GIRLY BETA CUCK stuff he rejected b4 n maybe some of the MANLY GUY STUFF too bc what the fuck does it actually matter, real talk? Like, who even cares? And maybe, just maybe, feeling not only not shitty but Genuinely Actually Okay for the first time ever. Yay! 
So. Um. Yeah. Idk what any of this means, rly. It’s just smth I thunk up recently and couldn’t get out of my head. Jeremy (affectionate). 
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royallygray · 7 months
fic recs pls (part 1)
I am in need of long (don’t actually know what qualifies as long, 10k+ words?), complete (or not) dsmp (mainly sbi) or Life Series fanfic recommendations. I have read so many and I am trying to find more to soothe the brain itch.
Here are several that I have read, if you’re looking for fic recs yourself :)
Dream SMP (SBI)
tommyinnit’s clinic for supervillains by bonesandthebees (bonesandcacti) — [26/26 chapters, 189k words] aka “clinic”. A superhero au from Tommy’s pov where he’s just chillin with his healing powers and then he heals a villain and then gets sucked into it. He also gets attached to this Wilbur guy that visits the coffee shop he works at.
the world forgetting by the world forgot by bonesandthebees (bonesandcacti) — [21/21, 165k words] A superhero au from Tommy’s pov where he is the hero Dream’s sidekick and has terrible amnesia, forgetting the entirety of what happened the year before. The Syndicate, a band of villains, is looking for something that was stolen from them.
Hush Now (You Were Lost But Now You’re Found) by CorpseArt — [Incomplete, 56/?, 301k] A superhero AU where Tommy was Dream's sidekick and made it his entire person, and then Dream kicks him out of the Hero Corp. Tommy needs to figure out what the fuck is going on, bc there's no way Dream would just do that, even if he did protect the villain Siren. Their one rule is to not kill. Also he meets this funky man named Wilbur at a coffee shop and they become besties. (Pogtopia my absolute beloved.)
say you’re open by remrose — [9/9, 43k] A magic AU from Wilbur’s pov where he finds this kid unconscious on the floor if his shop after attending his mother’s funeral, obviously bearing the marks of intense chaos magic. He takes care of the kid. He also gets sold a mysterious object. The twinsduo here makes my heart sing. Also Phil is kind of like “you are mildly breaking the law” and Neapolitan trio just shrug.
Technoblade’s Entirely Average Babysitting Gig by opheliabloo — [3/3, 34k] A Techno pov fic where he is in college and needs money. A really shady family is offering like 20k for babysitting for 3 hours or something absurd like that, and him being a money-hungry college student, he ventures to this house in the middle of nowhere to take care of gremlin children that try to kill him.
His Curse of Binding by bari_astralis (orphan_account) — [30/30, 144k words] A foster au from Tommy’s pov where he is reincarnated into different Greek hero stories and he needs to figure out who this time’s story is before his sixteenth birthday. Featuring: Complicated SBI bonding, (minor) Clementine being a girlboss, bench trio being absolutely precious, allium duo making fun of each other but alsok being so damn precious, Linda Smith and Miss Allingham bashing (you’ll understand when you read it, I hate their guts), and generally trying to find your peace in life.
Breathing’s Just a Rhythm by MollyPollyKinz — [53/53, 186k] A time travel canon-divergent fic where Tommy, Schlatt, Dream, Tubbo, and The Voices travel from Exile era back to Pogtopia-Manburg era, and they've gotta fix the shitty world and avoid Dream at all fucking costs. Relationship building happens, and the Voices are the best character to ever exist in all literature.
the from ice to water series by Drhair76, plantform — [12 works, 157k words] The main fic is icing those hurts, but my personal favorite is hailing on you. An ice skating au fic centered around found family and belonging in a place without harm. In the main fic, Tommy gets healed, but in hailing on you, Wilbur gets healed and it's so sweet <3
holding onto nothing by remrose -- [20/20, 71k] A mainly Techno pov fic, twinsduo centric. adhd and autistic techno, and his mom is a bitch. He goes to the Crafts for help and it's terribly sweet but also pretty angsty. At times this fic has literally been my lifeblood, like my support system in keeping me alive. I love it so much.
My Faithless Hoax by phantom_star739 -- [24/24, 105k] A supernatural? (fae, vampire, siren) crimeboys centric fic with mild political aspects. I don't really know how to describe it, but it's amazing.
Fic recs part 2!
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tower-arcana · 8 months
a little shinjiham thing i did, i like to hc that kotone was a bit of a trouble kid in grade school! also basically me wishing we could defend junpei in either route at that One scene behind the port island station </3 writing piece under the cut + ao3 crossposting (warning for in depth descriptions of violence)
Kotone had a feeling this wouldn’t go as any of them had planned. Sure, she trusted Yukari, and sure, she didn’t want to sit around and wait for clues to fall into their laps either — but this was a bit reckless, even for her. She didn’t want to drag Junpei into this, and she didn’t want Yukari to get hurt; she was sure she could handle herself, but that was a lot harder to do when there were others to look after, she’d learned.
But even so, here they were, standing in some alleyway in the backstreets of Tatsumi Port Island, and before Kotone could think of a plan or even warn Yukari, the girl was already charging headfirst into the fray.
Kotone really did like Yukari, she respected her and admired her strength without doubts — but she had to admit, this was a very, very poor decision of hers. She froze as she watched the other girl begin to antagonize the punk-ish looking boys, going as far as to call them trash. Yep, definitely didn’t think this through.
The dread only sunk deeper in Kotone’s stomach as the two boys began to encircle their group, and before she could even blink, the ‘head honcho’s’ fist had driven into Junpei’s gut.
In that moment, it was like time had stopped: she wouldn’t say she’s overprotective, because her reaction is only natural in this situation, really. She sees one of the few friends she has get hurt, and she loses it.
It’s like she’s seeing through tunnel vision, and without another word, she charges past Yukari to confront the guy that seemed oh so sure of his control over the situation — she would just have to shake that belief a little, wouldn’t she?
As he retracts his hand from the now doubled over Junpei, the guy spots Kotone approaching, giving a smug snort at her silent fury, not even knowing what kind of wrath he’d invoked.
“Got something to say, girlie—?”
And that’s just about all he manages to get out before her fist connects with his jaw, a resounding crack echoing through the alley, soon followed by the quiet gasps of the guy’s friend and the two girls that had been making snarky comments the entirety of the encounter. Still, Kotone didn't stop there, she knew there was a statement that had to be made here.
Fuck with her, or worse, her friends, and you get obliterated, simple as that.
Without skipping a beat, she kicks his knee to the point of his leg giving out, a strained yelp escaping his lips from the pain of the attack. She wants to go further, to stomp his brains into the pavement, but his friend has already grabbed a fistful of her hair, yanking her off of the scumbag as she gives a furious hiss.
She tears at his hand that refuses to let go, and she almost feels a bit of fear that the group of lameasses might get the upper hand, but by chance, someone else happens to step in as well.
A boy around her age with messy brown hair and a fierce scowl of his own yanks the second guy back and away from Kotone, and while she’s given the chance to recover, this newcomer uppercuts his opponent; she’s sure she saw a piece of a tooth fly out from the hit…
Kotone stares in slight awe for just a moment, and even if this newcomer looks a bit worse for wear, she had to admit she was impressed. Still, she couldn’t let her guard down too long, and she quickly turns just in time to see the first punk struggling back to his feet.
“You little bitch, do you even know who I am–?!” He hisses, wiping blood from the teeth-marked gash in his bottom lip as he manages to balance himself, and yet, his smart-ass comment only gives her enough time to act first once again. With a quick hook of her right foot, she sends him crashing down onto his back for a second time, and she follows up with a merciless kick to the gut that produces a satisfying groan from her opponent.
Kotone’s almost tempted to give him another kick, but she figures it’s best not to sink to his level in her mind’s eye — so with that, she spits onto the pavement beside his curled up body and finally clocks back into the world around her.
Yukari’s helped Junpei up off the ground, the first averting her eyes from Kotone, and the latter staring at her in a mix of fear and awe; on the other end, the mystery guy has rendered the other attacker unconscious with a bloody nose, and the vulture-like girls hanging by the scene just snicker under their breath before finally heading off, leaving their ‘friends’ in the dust. So far? She’d call the situation handled.
“W–Woah, Shiomi-chan! You made that guy eat dirt!” Junpei spoke up as Kotone took a second to pin her hair back up in its usual ponytail, a shaky laugh falling from his lips. “I mean, seriously, I didn’t know you had it in you!”
At that, Kotone just rolled her eyes, brushing off his praise with a shrug of her shoulders. “I guess you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover then, eh, Iori?”
“Especially not when you can’t even handle yourself in a place like this,” the guy with messy hair suddenly interjects, his tone harsh in comparison to her own, making Junpei flinch. “Seriously, what were you doing coming to a place like this when you can hardly hold your own, aside from this one over here?”
Kotone pouts a bit at the way he jabs his thumb dismissively in her direction, but before she can defend her friends, Yukari gives a defeated sigh.
“Look, I… yeah, I know that wasn’t the smartest approach, but we heard we could find out about Fuuka Yamagishi if we came here, and—!” She cuts herself off with another shake of her head, and now Kotone recognizes the look on Yukari’s face: guilt.
The guy just keeps glowering for a moment, and Kotone almost thinks he’s about to make another jab at them altogether, but then he proves her wrong. With a heavy exhale, he rubs the back of his neck, dropping his gaze to the floor.
“I’ve seen Yamagishi at the hospital; she’s well and fine, physically at least. You probably caught wind of some of the girls that like to hang around here from Gekkoukan… apparently they’ve been picking on her real bad and it caused her to take leave from school a bit,” He pauses, finally glancing back up with those perpetually tired eyes. “That good enough for you?”
The three students blink a few times, clearly surprised by the off-putting guy’s sudden straightforwardness, but Kotone had to admit, they’d gotten what they came for.
“Th–Thanks, yeah, that’s really helpful,” Yukari gives a slow nod, and she awkwardly turns, Junpei still supported on her shoulder. “We’ll get out of your hair then, thank you again…!”
Kotone almost follows after the two instinctively, but stops as she glances back at the stranger, an imaginary lightbulb going off over her head. “Oh, wait — how can we even properly say thank you without getting your name?”
She can practically feel Yukari and Junpei staring holes into the back of her head, silently begging her to not antagonize the scary-looking guy anymore, but just like she does when she sees the warning signs, she rushes right through anyway!
“Mine’s Kotone Shiomi, thanks a lot for helping out back there, we were in a real tricky situation!” Kotone introduces herself with her usual blindingly bright smile, almost as if she hadn’t just kicked a guy’s ass a couple minutes ago, and holds her hand out for him to shake.
She holds this same position for a couple more seconds as he scrutinizes her, before finally, he gives a low chuckle and a quick, firm handshake. “Tricky’s one way to put it — I’m Shinjiro Aragaki, and no need to thank me. Those two had it coming to ‘em.”
Kotone feels a rush of triumph at getting Shinjiro to crack a smile, even if it was a snarky one, but her mind instead feels the need to focus on the odd sense of deja vu she feels along with it. Why did she feel like she’s heard that name and dry laughter before?
It looks like Shinjiro’s blindsided by something similar, and the two share a puzzled look before with quiet ‘ahem’ from Yukari, they realize they’re still shaking hands. He quickly retracts his hand averts his gaze, and Kotone can only put hers back in her jacket pocket and snicker at the guilty expression on his face — like holding hands with a girl was illegal or something!
“Well, I’ll see you around then, Aragaki!” Kotone waves goodbye with her other hand, still smiling like always, though now her face feels a bit warmer as he gives a quick nod in return.
“Yep, seeya,” And with that, Shinjiro turns on his heel, quickly skulking back to the shadows from whence he came. As Kotone catches up with Yukari and Junpei, she doesn’t miss the roll of her eyes that the other girl gives her.
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positivelybeastly · 8 months
What would the avengers think if they saw x-force beast?
"They would think, 'hm, Beast is looking as blue as ever,' and continue on their merry way. I wouldn't be a very good director of an intelligence agency if I just left my dirty laundry on the washing line where everyone could see it, now, would I?"
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"'Ah, but Beast,' you might be thinking, 'what if one of your cohort decides to tattle on you? What if Marvel Girl or Wolverine decide to start talking?'"
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"How does that conversation go again? No, please, tell me. I'd be delighted to imagine them trying to tip toe around the fact that they were morally outraged at what they know I've put into motion to keep Krakoa safe - but not outraged enough to actually stop me. A telekinetic hold here, a punch to the gut there, oh, how impressive, how masculine, how very girlboss, as your trite slang goes."
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"But it didn't change anything, did it? They still turned up to the Pointe. They still accepted their mission briefings. They still went out into the field, and accepted my orders. They can spite me all they like, they can bitch and moan and complain and disobey my direct orders, but at the end of the day, I am still the Director, and they are nothing but an employee with an axe to grind."
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"'Well, you see, Captain America, Beast killed the entirety of Terra Verde, and I've really got my knickers in a twist about it.' 'Stars and stripes, Wolverine, how do you know that?' 'I've known he did it for months now and didn't tell anyone because it achieved long term stability for my fledgling mutant nation that I didn't want to endanger. The only reason I'm telling you now is because he did something that affects me.'"
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"Somehow, I think not. My secrets are safe."
Well, yeah, this is one of those things where it depends on how much the Avengers actually know, and I'm kind of inclined to believe they don't know much outside of rumours. Reed Richards makes mention of having heard that Beast is doing weird, fucked up shit with genetics when he meets Rasputin IV, but he clearly doesn't know the full extent of what he's done or he'd, you know. Do something about it.
At least, I fucking hope he would, he's meant to be a goddamn fucking superhero, isn't he?
But if they knew? Well, for simplicity's sake, let's take the core Avengers team at the moment. Captain Marvel, Captain America (Sam Wilson), Thor, Black Panther, Iron Man, Scarlet Witch, and the Vision.
Beast has been on an Avengers team with literally every single one of these people at some point in their lives, though, iirc, T'Challa was the Illuminati - he and Hank were on the team at the same time for a bit around the #160s mark, but BP wasn't on the mainline Avengers much during that period from what I recall.
Even Tony and T'Challa, who know that Hank has the capability to conceptualise weapons of mass destruction and untold devastation, would not be prepared for X-Force Beast.
This is the Beast they know.
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Meanwhile, X-Force Beast would yank that detonator out of Reed's hands, set it off, and not so much as blink. That is fundamentally not the same person.
First reaction? That's not Beast. That's mind control, or a brain parasite, or a clone, or Dark Beast, again. There's no way. There's LITERALLY no way that they buy it at first. No fucking way do they believe that's the same man who was hanging out with Simon, getting tanked and being homoerotic with.
But once it's established that this is actually Beast, I think they'd just be horrified. They would be devastated. This would be an incredible betrayal, especially for Wanda, Carol and Vizh, who Hank used to have a fairly strong relationship with - fucking, Hank helped Vision wash dishes after inviting him into their quant suburban New Jersey home when they were married to Wanda, I think Vision might well be the one who finds it hardest to understand.
It's a little understated, but Hank has a 'you annoy the living fuck out of me,' 'ah, but I do it so well!' friendship with Vision in those classic issues of Avengers, which is kind of hilarious because of how well he gets on with Simon but not the synthezoid who shares their brainwaves, go figure. And especially once you understand that the Vision absolutely does feel, just in that Vulcan way where they feel so much they have to suppress it and act as if they don't feel at all, I honestly think they might be the most indignant.
The Vision was created by Ultron for destruction, and they rose above it. Hank had a loving family, plenty of chances, and this is what he's become? They'd be furious, I think. I don't know if they'd be furious enough to actually try and kill him, but especially if it's established how dangerous and how bloodthirsty and cruel Beast is, on a whim, it'd be . . . hard to resist.
I do think that in the end, they'd bring him in alive, try and get him brought to justice. This is the kind of thing that, even if Krakoa weren't bombed to fuck right now, they'd dig their heels in and be like, no, you fucking answer for this, because this is personal. This is a betrayal of the team going back years. What the hell happened?
A smart writer would mirror this moment.
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Maybe with Jarvis or Carol, instead of Simon - Simon's reaction to this, to find out what happened, has to be its own separate issue, honestly - but it'd be a fun callback, for people who know their Avengers history.
Man, Jarvis . . . fuck. That one would hit. That one would be a fucking train to the face in terms of how it'd hit. How did Hank go from curing Jarvis from a disease in Avengers #650 something, to killing a country just half a year later? I feel like they would just be desolated, like a part of their heart just got carved out and stamped on, because this team loves Hank.
But then again, I was told the same thing about the X-Men, and they've been treating him like goddamn shit on their shoe for years, so who knows, maybe they'd be just as blasé as the X-Men have been about it all.
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hellokelico · 10 days
i do not exist to serve anyone in the entirety of mankind with false praise or to brown nose and take advantage of someone or a situation. i wish for genuine reciprocated acceptance, but i keep my distance from people and block or avoid anyone who is disrespectful or clearly has no interest in me as a human beyond a physical level.
i have no interest at all presenting myself with disingenuous sexuality for personal advances or monetary gain. i've been asked by multiple people, and that is the only reason i am addressing this, but i refuse to launch an onlyfans because it's a soul sucking lifestyle. by the second month, i'd be like the clip of ice spice on stage, mentally gone and dead in the eyes as she soulessly twerks for a check except with a lot more flab and a lot less baddie status. like, no baddie status at all.
i might come off with a whole c*nt aura vibe or whatever, but i am not evil, i am actually very sweet in person. this is the place where i spill my guts. i refuse at this stage of my life to humor the idiocy that i have put up with in the past as i am aware i have more worth than that.
if i let you explore me, it is something i rarely allow. i have not been sexually active in for... ever. i don't even own any toys anymore. i still have hormones and everything and a knocking on my mind to get laid for the relief, but i don't know. i honestly would rather just sext an ai bot even though it's just me shaping the fantasy by controlling the weird fucked scenarios i have going on in my head and controlling the characters that i chat with until i get horny enough to hook up with my own self. it's stupid but fun. don't judge me, bitch. i'm an old maid. this is the future for us societal rejects. a new way to preoccupy the undesirables from procreating without the effort of sterilizing us. lolz. jk obv.
i can honestly say that i have not had feelings for anyone since i was homeless back in 2021 and off my meds. i do not trust those emotions and feelings because of the way my illness presents itself, even if i can recognize that both of those individuals are worthy people. even if they are worthy, i am not worthy of them. 😆 and frankly, that is the fucking truth and it doesn't hurt for me to say it. i recognize that i have worth and respect myself, but also recognize how annoying and damaging my actions and behavior manifest when i am mentally unwell to not deserve their respect or others who i have hurt or pissed off. and for the benefit of my mental health and awareness, i acknowledge my place in this world, and it's to be unseen for the most part.
no one in their right mind would want to associate with a schizophrenic hobo who does the dumbest shit you could possibly ever imagine, dancing in the street like an ar-tard at any given moment of the day in the middle of random towns in maryland over that summer.
what the fuck is wrong with you, kelli ruback?
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darklordofthesimp · 2 years
I wanted to write a little something something for ya in theme to Sunshine speaking up about everyone's behaviour and also perhaps an introduction on them dealing with one another. (Btw I feel like after a hot sec, Price will pick up on this and might encourage Sunshine to speak up and will even help get their attention.)
I am terribly sorry if they seem slightly out of character.
"Alright, everyone listen up!"
The captain's voice rose above the idle chatter, catching everyone's attention. Within seconds, the collective expression amongst 141 morphed to confusion, curiousity, and sober as they caught sight of the firecracker of the group—Sunshine—residing right beside Price. Their natural smirk almost hid the serious glare in their eyes.
"I couldn't help but notice the behaviour Sunshine has received. I want to address that. But I think Sunshine should be the one to speak, so you better bloody well listen up."
The room air immediately shifted to a tense atmosphere, it almost unnerved Sunshine. Excellent, they're uncomfortable.
"Now I'm gonna cut to the chase. I. Am. Not. Birdy. I am NOT a replacement, you're stuck with this bitch" The sniper raised a hand, jutting a thumb towards their chest, eyes locked on to the dark orbs behind Ghost's mask, the smirk on their lips shifting to a challenging grin.
"I am not sure what you all where thinking when you signed up for military work, but I'm sure you all know that it would come with injuries and trauma."
Eyes now on Birdy, they continued, "Trauma fucking sucks, really fucking sucks. But the world doesn't stop for anyone, no matter the shit they went through." Even with their sight locked onto Birdy defensive gaze, it was obvious Sunshine was referring to the entirety of 141.
There was a pause before Sunshine pivoted on foot, pacing around.
"Another thing, the fuck is up with how you're treating König? Big guy was just doing his job and you're bullying the hell out of him—"
"He nearly killed Birdy—"
"HE WAS DOING HIS JOB." Just as quickly as Ghost stood to protest, Sunshine interrupted. The glare the lieutenant recieved from both the sniper and his captain almost burned him, forcing him to remain silent again.
"You wanna blame someone, speak to the higher ups. See how that'll go." A venomous smile graced their lips as they shrugged with the suggestion.
"But enough of that, how about an idea? Birdy?"
The aforementioned 141 member flinched slightly at the sound of their callsign, giving a slightly stubborn nod of acknowledgement for Sunshine to continue.
"Why not do some training with me, I know all the ways to anticipate big guys like König, and you hate my guts and get to beat me in the process. What do ya say little Birdy?" There was a very obvious challenge in their tone, hiding the genuine offer to get Birdy back on their feet.
"When do we start?"
oh I fucking love this
this is actually the direction that I kind of wanted to take it but I felt like it would severely prolong the story of Konig and Birdy.
I fucking love this and I feel like realistically this is exactly how it would go down
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heatwa-ves · 5 months
For the character headcanon ask game!!!! Firstly, the Tenth doctor as I like that guy and secondly,,,, Klavier or Kristoph Gavin or both because they are just so epic to me,,,,,
under the cut because I talked a Lot
sexuality + gender: canonically genderfluid yippee!! as for sexuality idk. rose tyler.
fav ship: tenrose u will always be famous. tensimm you will be famous too I guess because what the fuck was. Everything. in the end of time. not my fav incarnation of thoschei but I do enjoy it . "you could be beautiful" doctor do you have something to share with the class.. OH. TENJACK ALSO. I am perpetually haunted by the scene in utopia wjat the hell is this
fav platonic relationship: doctordonna is LEGENDARY. they're so good they're sooooooo good. entirety of S4 is banger after banger after banger I'm excited to watch the 60th specials and see donna and dt again but im still dragging myself through chibnall era. It's bad.
general opinion: I used to like ten more than I do now not that I dislike him but watching twelve set a gold standard for doctors and I think none of the others quite reach it. am I biased because I'm obsessed with peter capaldi? No comment. anyway. ten is really good and has a lot of strong episodes particularly with donna ofc. I like his relationship with martha in theory I just wish the show didn't hate her guts . Midnight is one of theeee best episodes on television and ten is so good in it he's also particularly good in waters of mars tho I do wish the time lord victorious was dragged out a bit longer like for another episode or so before that finale. His regeneration never fails to make me tear up especially the part with rose... she WILL have a good year. sobs. Finally obligatory mention that fear her is a GOOD EPISODE IM SICK OF THE HATE.
sexuality + gender: bi + genderfluid she/her pronouns would solve all her problems
fav ship: klapollo I love u... t4t
fav platonic relationship: his relationship with trucy they're sooooo silly look at this art . also obsessed with what we see of his relationship with kristoph I'm thinking about them always and I wish we saw more
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general opinion: she's my fav from aa4... No one is surprised. cute + silly + has problems + sees the protagonist and is like omg hi. did you know I'm bisexual. did you know im really into you . just saying. 0.5 seconds after meeting. I would like it if the game went more into his feelings on losing kristoph and then daryan and then kristoph again all back to back but I guess that's what fanfiction is for. guilty love is such a good theme I don't normally listen to just instrumental songs but.... She's beautiful. the concept of the gavinners is fucking stupid so I'm living in my dream world where they're a normal band not a weird law cop themed one.
sexuality + gender: idk nothing in particular .
fav ship: he and phoenix definitely fucked at some point
fav platonic relationship: once again gavin siblings. I wish the game also went more into how his relationship with apollo is like I assume they were working together for a while pre 4-1 .. it's interesting to think about but there's not much to go off
general opinion: beautiful evil man. I love him and it really surprised me how many people hate him??? the godawful mischaracterisation I've seen on ao3 haunts me like yes he's a cunt but he wouldn't fucking do THAT. he's a cunt in a different way. please hate him correctly at the very least. I want to know what goes on inside his head. he was definitely lying about why he killed zak there was more to it than just being a petty bitch like the black psyche locks and everything... I don't think he's the sort of person who'd resort to serial murder over just not being chosen as lawyer there's definitely things he didn't tell us. I like him. he's also kind of stupid like if he just hadn't tried to be all poetic describing the cards in the first trial he never would've been caught??? and come on now why is he using the same fancy rare nail polish that he poisoned as a gift. If he hadn't used it they couldn't have proved he gave it to vera. I could not fix him but I could fuck him.
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Top 9 No-Skip Albums, as tagged by @concertconfetti. this was,,, so fucking hard oh my god, I have so fucking many no-skip albums, narrowing it down to a top 9 was,,, hhhhhh. I made several decisions in the direction of "accurate representation of my music taste" and “formative to me as a person” because if I tried to pick favorites I was literally never going to narrow this bitch down at all.
tagging @storm-and-starlight and uhhhhhh anyone else who wants to do this you can say I tagged you :D
personal lore explanations under the cut!
these are not in any particular order, to be clear, because as stated narrowing this down was a bitch and a half so I'm definitely not trying to rank shit
▶ Folie à Deux by Fall Out Boy
to be entirely honest, the entirety of Fall Out Boy's discography is no-skips the whole way down, but Folie was the very first full album of theirs I heard so obviously it has pride of place. this album is so fucking good, okay, and I'm so glad that people are coming around to how much of a banger it is but like Vinn said in theirs, I AM going to be on the "I loved this album before it was cool" train for eternity.
favorite song: Disloyal Order Of Water Buffaloes
▶ Endgame by Rise Against
almost all of Rise Against's discography is also no-skips for me, but this one came out when I was in middle / high school and obsessed with dystopian fiction so it made An Impression. it's also the album that has Make It Stop on it, a song written about the rash of queer suicides that made national and international news in September 2010; as a queer kid and Rise Against fan who was heavily affected by those suicides and everything surrounding the media about them, it was incredibly formative for me.
favorite song: Make It Stop (September's Children)
▶ DIVISIONS by Starset
Starset is another band whose entire discography is no-skips the whole way down. they are in fact my absolute favorite band -- I have shaved their logo into my hair before, I have four tattoos on my fingers that correspond to 4 of their songs, and I've done VIP for every one of their Utah shows since 2018. this album is the winner out of all of theirs because it contains several of my most favorite songs by them and also every song on this album is an absolute banger live.
favorite song: Other Worlds Than These
▶ Wretched and Divine: The Story of the Wild Ones by Black Veil Brides
look, I was an emo/scene kid. what do you want from me. this album of theirs wins over We Stitch These Wounds entirely because this one is an Album™, meant to be listened to in order as it tells a story. it was also formative to me as a person because it came out when I was in high school. recently I relistened to this album through again and experienced the full spectrum of human emotions. 
favorite song: tie between Resurrect the Sun and Overture, possibly just those two as a pair
▶ Ceremonials by Florence + the Machine
the first time I listened to this album all the way through was shortly after a good friend died in high school, and the opening song Only If For A Night straight up gutted me alive (positive). the rest of the album proceeded to fundamentally rewire me as a person. 
favorite song: Heartlines
▶ Excommunication by Tyler Glenn
as an ex-mormon I am contractually obligated to love this album, and tbh even if I wasn’t, I would still love it. it’s an incredibly fantastic look at the up-down-sidways of a faith crisis – something that’s both a crisis, a terrible thing to experience, and also a kind of rebirth into freedom. I have,,, a lot of feelings about this album and Tyler Glenn okay.
favorite song: Black Light or Devil
▶ Pressure Machine by The Killers
The Killers said, “hey, Utah fans, do you want to know what it feels like to be flayed alive?” and then did not wait for an answer. oh my god, this album is,,, so much. it’s an ode to small town mormon Utah and it’s brutal in the best goddamn way. I genuinely tear up every time I listen through it, and some days I cannot listen to it at all for fear of dissolving into a puddle of sobs. I almost never hear one song without just going and listening to the whole album through, too.
favorite song: Sleepwalker
▶ Pins and Needles by The Birthday Massacre
I don’t even know what to say about this album, I just adore it so much. the poetry and word play and cool music, it’s just. so goddamn good. honorable mention to Walking With Strangers by them as well, but this one won entirely because it’s the one I listen to through/on repeat the most.
favorite song: Two Hearts
▶ Dark Is the Way, Light Is a Place by Anberlin
once again with a band whose entirety discography is straight bangers the whole way down, but again: this was formative to who I am as a person. it was one of the first albums I ever owned (alongside Cities by them as well), and I have seriously considered getting the album title tattooed. I probably will at some point if I can figure out a design and place for it.
favorite song: Pray Tell
additional honorable mentions because FUCK it was so motherfucking hard to narrow this down:
▶ The Horror and The Wild and Ruin by The Amazing Devil
▶ Let The Ocean Take Me by The Amity Affliction
▶ A Fever You Can’t Sweat Out by Panic! At the Disco
▶ Atlas I and Atlas II by Sleeping At Last
▶ Post Traumatic by Mike Shinoda
▶ For Your Entertainment by Adam Lambert
▶ BADLANDS by Halsey
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The Cut And Run
(thank yous to @autumnslance for giving an more accurate description!)
Otherwise known as Estinien caught feelings for Riven and ran away because ew.
(snarky commentary ahead)
Following a particularly passionate night after the liberation of Ala Mhigo, Estinien ran away from both Riven and his burgeoning relationship with her because Oh No He Had Caught Feelings and basically they didn't reunite until well after she had returned from the First and the Scions were happily back in their bodies.
If you ever watched Sex and the City, remember this episode?
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(if you haven't, tldr, Carrie's boyfriend spent a night with her after they were attempting to work through their problems, then ran away like a little bitch the next morning after leaving a Post-It as the breakup medium all because he couldn't handle not being as successful an author as she was)
In Estinien's case, oh No The Feelings Ew I Have Caught Them.
Snark aside, getting serious. Estinien still was working through and processing a lot of stuff post HW/pre StB/post StB. It did not help that he and Riven were both extremely slow burn throughout HW. All the yearning, all the pining, all the get to know each other, a stolen kiss/grope or two--oh and yes you saved my very self from getting assimilated like the Borg into the very dragon I'd sworn vengeance upon.
(Big brother feelings for Alphy's somewhere in there too)
Riven was also dealing with a lot of stuff as well. She had Zenos and every single fucking red flag he was tripping for her, the emotional backlash of getting her ass kicked not once, but twice--and what she had to do to become stronger, liberating Ala Mhigo and Doma, Cid and Nero's Most Excellent Adventure, Hien's dealings with Yotsuyuu...
Oh yes and the guy she totally had the hots for finally reciprocating. However from the get-go the relationship had problems that neither side wanted to acknowledge at the time--Estinien bottling up and holding himself back, and Riven picking up on this but totally starry-eyed and rose-colored glasses and not following that gut feeling of hers to fully call Estinien out on his bullshit.
Now when Estinien did pull the Post-It maneuver, Riven was hurt. For all her naivety, she had poured the entirety of herself into the relationship. And on a more intimate level--Estinien had been her only lover in years. Prior to that, Riven had been in full oblivious demisexual mode (unless Estinien was around), inadvertently laying to rest the hopes of one Ser Aymeric and Lord Hien for her affections.
(Also four big brothers were very keen on putting a certain Hingian prince through the wringer.)
Estinien pulling his bullshit was also a major blow to Riven's self-confidence. She started to withdraw from her friends, but a confrontation from the Bro Squad made her confess what happened. Augustine, Reinhardt, Mathye and Sebastian (with help from Krille and Tataru) helped Riven rally.
(With a certain elezen going to #1 on the hit list)
With the Scions starting to become comatose however, trying to figure out what happened to them, along with events building up with the Empire--it was a stressful distraction for Riven. The fear was very real that she would lose everyone she cared for to this strange affliction.
Then Ghimlyt happened.
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On Estinien's side, that was was the first breaking point for him to realize that his feelings for Riven ran far deeper than infatuation or lust. For Riven's part, it gave her a chance to speak with Aymeric (and Alberic) about Estinien while she was recovering, and start to truly understand what was probably driving his actions.
(Not that she hadn't already been aware, but now she was being given a chance at a deeper comprehension of his personality.)
This, combined with the events of the First--while it didn't quite strip Riven of her rose-colored-glasses view, she did return from Norvrandt more battle-hardened, mature, and well...thanks to two particular jackasses--
(long live the gremlin).
She'd had time to come to terms with her own feelings for Estinien as well--they were also just as deep, but then there was just the little matter of he fucking ran away the morning after and really did he think so little of her that she wouldn't care about his own issues? Because to give Riven some credit, she had tried. Not a very good attempt, but she had.
On Estinien's side, he was going through hell. Riven and her battle-brothers had seemingly disappeared, the other Scions weren't any help, Krille and Tataru were putting him through the wringer for what he'd done in Ala Mhigo, Orn Khai and a certain fucking Garlean also had sharp words for him on the matter, and oh yes where the fuck was Riven was she okay was she safe--
It turned out that after all, he was not immune to Feelings.
So wisely, Estinien decided to face the Scary Feelings head on. He would Accept The Feelings And Yes He Would Not Hold Nothing Back...
Which meant seeking out a certain brunette, having a Talk, surely she would be logical and reasonable...
Riven: Fuck You.
Estinien: Huh?
The Bro Squad:
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(Estinien, realizing he has to fight through four angry big brothers to get to Riven)
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ilariyalavorowrites · 3 years
Good enough (9-1-1) Part one
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Imagine: Imagine leaving LA after feeling like an outsider in your relationship with Bobby and Athena as they seem to pull away and distance themselves from you. Only to find that it is almost impossible to actually walk away.
Warnings: Angst with happy ending, AU, Bisexual Athena, BDSM
Pairings: Bobby Nash x Reader x Athena Grant
Word count: 1,261 words
Universe: 9-1-1
Reader gender: Female
Author: Ilariya_Lavoro writes
Part 1/10
My loves,
By the time you read this, I will be long gone. On the motorway driving out of LA. Know this was far from an easy decision but I could not see a way forward.
This is hard but it needs to be said. I’m struggling to find joy in our time together as it feels as if I have become invisible, an outsider watching from the fringes of a relationship that I believed that I was part of. I can’t do this anymore, just pretend that I am content with this sudden shift in the paradigm.
Am I simply not worthy of being loved by you? Am I just someone to be fucked when the mood strikes. I can’t be simply left out in the cold and watch the love between you two thrive and suffer such heartbreak. I thought I was more than this, I thought wrong. I tried to talk with you both but it never was a good time. There was never the possibility of resolving my worries and soothing my doubts.
This is goodbye, I need a clean slate away from this city that brings me nothing but tears. I need a new beginning, to forgive and begin again. Maybe one day, our paths will cross again and it won’t hurt so damn much.
Goodbye for now at least, who knows what the future will bring
Spilling your heart out on that blank piece of paper had been one of most gut wrenching tasks that you had ever had to complete. It was never just putting pen to paper for you, it was an explanation to the question that would follow. The why but not the where. That would likely be one question that would be answered in time, if things turned out as planned. The answer would not fall from your lips.
This was your moment to move on, to move forward. You wholeheartedly wished that it hadn’t come to this but there was no other way. Not one that you could see. Regardless of the missed opportunities and moments that seemed to slip through your fingers like sand in an hourglass. You sighed as you folded the letter in half and slid it in it’s papery envelope home. Last night had been crystal clear, you had been left behind. They had taken a step forward without thinking of you.
They were thriving together as a couple, and you were simply an afterthought as you sat in the dimming candle lit restaurant waiting for someone who was not coming. You had been forgotten. You could see the dying flame flicker in and out just as your relationship was. You placed the envelope upon the bare dining table, perched against the centrepiece. It was easy to spot when entering your now former home.
You had clung on hope that Athena would have shown. You had sat there for over an hour and a half before a singular text message had come through.
Sorry, there was an emergency and got called in. We can reschedule for another night x
It was all you needed to know, a sign that nothing was ever going to change. You were unimportant, left out in the cold. This relationship was dead in the water. They were thriving without you by their side. The truth hurt, hurt like bitch but it was the wake up call you needed to take the next step, whatever that was.
The relationship no matter how unconventional it was had simply run its course. The door had presented itself, you were simply taking the most obvious and easiest choice, stepping through it. You couldn’t look back, not now. The choice had been made, there was no going back but yet you damn well wished that was a way. This had been the best part of your life thus far. You loved both of them with the entirety of your heart. It felt like you had found what you had longed for, a forever home.
Well it had done up until three months ago, that was when everything changed, when everything figuratively went off the rails with you going one way and the two of them the other. Your path had rapidly grown further and further apart until reality set in hard and fast, slamming and opening your eyes. You had fervently denied it at first, blaming everything but what had been laid out before you. Their feelings for one another had surged, sparked into life whilst the affection, desire for you had sizzled then burnt out.
You were alone, fighting to save a ship that long since capsized. How could you have missed the signs? It was a question that would remain without an answer. Not that it mattered now, you had made peace with your situation. Your fingers made quick work of your house key, removing its thin metal ring. You held in delicately between your thumb and forefinger, as you took one final look at the place that once felt like home. Your lease was up, you had paid the hefty fee to be released from the contract. Nothing would be tying you down to Los Angeles now.
Giving up the apartment was just another string that had needed to be severed. The last one, your job was a little more difficult. You had taken annual leave prior to your life imploding in itself. This was an ideal chance to make a clean break without their knowledge. It was cowardly but you could avoid any awkward conversations this way. Preventing an argumentative onslaught heading your way. The bullseye planted firmly upon your back was enough for you to get out of dodge before Storm Athena hit hard and fast.
There was no turning back now, you had crossed that line and were ready to break free, take that next step but why did it have to hurt so god damn damn much. Your shattered heart would take a long time to heal and be out back to resemble what had been there before. It would simply be missing a few pieces that no longer fit the prior mould. They had been removed, taken and living with the ones that no longer cared. They would always carry a piece of your heart, regardless of whatever lay ahead. You would always love and cherish the time when you were theirs and they were yours. There was no bitterness, no resentment for that wouldn’t do anyone any good.
You sighed as you headed out, leaving the apartment building behind for the last time. You had a train to catch. You had a future to work towards, even if that was without Bobby and Athena. You were making your escape into whatever lay around the next corner. This was just another beginning. Maybe it was a mistake waiting to implode with disastrous consequences without your knowledge.
As you hailed a taxi from the street corner, Bobby and Athena were worried. You had gone silent. They hadn’t been able to get a hold of you in the last few hours. You were always attached to your phone but not this time, not this day. Something was wrong and you were at the heart of the storm. For better or for worse, this was where everything changed as the path beneath your feet began to change heading straight into a collision course.
The once gentle breeze was brewing into an unstoppable hurricane and the bullseye was taped to your back. Change was coming in ways that even you couldn’t predict.
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angelamajiki · 3 years
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐥𝐮𝐭𝐭𝐨𝐧 𝐢𝐬 𝐦𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐚𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐥 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐚 𝐦𝐚𝐧
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PAIRINGS: Yandere! Fatgum x Female! Sidekick! Reader
CW: noncon, voyeurism, bell bulge, size kink, praise kink, breeding, cunninglingus, bondage, dumbification
AN: This is a piece for Fern’s 1k Event! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE ! Read the intro and first piece before reading this one! Ty <3 P.S. the italicized quotes are Nighteye’s and reader prior convo
Gluttony: The Second Circle of Dante’s Inferno
“What I like about gluttony,' a bishop I knew used to say, 'is that it doesn't hurt anyone else.'”
You hadn’t the faith to believe him when he said it.
It was hard to call the exchanges that occurred between the two of you a conversation. More or less, he spoke the truth of your reality and you simply didn’t have the gall to question it.
The elevator he thrust you into was cold and unnerving despite the cheesy jazz music that thankfully filled the void of silence you were sure would have deafened you if it prolonged itself. It gave you time to think on his words, more so than you would have liked to.
“The flesh endures the storms of the present alone; the mind, those of the past and future as well as the present. Gluttony is a lust of the mind. It is a poison that is all-consuming of the senses.”
Gluttony was the next trial, so it seemed. Lord knows what lies ahead for you, leaving you foolishly clutching to the notion that this circle couldn’t possibly be worse than the last.
The abrupt halt to the elevator allows the gravity of the situation to sink in fully. The inescapable horror was creeping in through the crack in the door, especially when it opened to find a man waiting for you.
And what a man he was, standing at nearly eight feet.
“Just the gal I was lookin’ for! I was worried my favorite lil sidekick had run off right after quitin’ time.”
An enormous, gloved hand clapped down on your shoulder, lingering far longer than you would have liked.
“Follow me to my office, yeah? I got something I wanna discuss with ya.”
And just like that, the string of fate slipped around your neck like a noose and pulled you along down the empty hallway, save for you, the man, and the numerous amounts of plaques, awards, and other celebratory memorabilia decorating the agency halls.
Judging by the pictures you saw yourself in, you were a hero of sorts, working alongside the unnamed man and two others you had yet to meet. Hopefully, your paths would never cross.
Even inside his office, you could see the remnants of what your life would be in this circle of hell. Whoever was with you seemed to be very fond of you, given the number of photographs and newspaper clippings adorning his desk and walls of the office.
“Y’know, I’ve been thinking about you a lot, and not just your fantastic work as a hero. Been thinking about what a fine woman you’ve grown to be.”
Those large hands found your shoulders again, stroking and rubbing to set you at ease in his grasp.
One dipped down to your waist.
The other onto your arm.
“Everything a man like me needs. You sure fill my appetite in more than one way.”
Finally, the rest on your hips, thumbing circles into the soft flesh he took purchase in there.
Ah, so this was the glutton in question.
“I’m not sure I’m following what you mean.”
Just play dumb, maybe this circle will have mercy on you.
“Oh, don’t play coy with me, honey. There’s no reason to get all shy on me; I promise I don’t bite-”
His hand slid up to your neck, resting comfortably while enveloping the entirety of it with just his palm.
“Unless you ask for it.”
The whisper in his voice sent shivers down your spine, leaving you frozen in his grasp. It was undeniable that you would never beat him, no matter what your power may be in this world. Hell, if you even had one, how certain were you that you could use it?
Your options were far and few between, but laying down and taking it like some pathetic little bitch was not going to be an option for you. Not here, not now.
The shrill sound of your own voice even hurt your own ears as you cried for help, thrashing wildly in the grip of the man.
Your cries for help should have been chosen more carefully, seeing as when your two apparent saviors sped into the room, they opted to help the man pin you down even further.
“Damn, she’s being a feisty little thing-”
“Fatgum, let go of her neck! You’re gonna hurt her.”
“S-Should we really be doing this?”
And so you were left bound against the top of the desk, shrouded in a swarth of tentacles pinning your legs open and your hands above your head.
“Thank you, boys. Didn’t realize she would cause such a stir.”
So Fatgum was his name, or so it appeared to be an alias of some sorts.
“Fatgum, please-”
His smile was sickeningly sweet as he towered over you.
“Awe, no need for formalities with me, sugar plum. Just call me Tai, yeah?”
The two other men stood beside you, watching their boss closely as he dealt with you.
“Curiosity is gluttony. To see is to devour.”
Damn that cursed man for sending you down here in that goddamn elevator. This journey alone made it nearly impossible to keep this strength to see your mother again alive.
“Tai, please. I don’t-” His hearty laugh cut you off. “Begging already, sugar? By the fight you put up, I’d almost thought you didn’t want me anymore.”
“I don’t!” You protested, squirming in your slimy bonds before they tightened uncomfortably around you.
“Don’t yell at him like that. It's unbecoming of you.”
The raven-haired man snapped at you, looking down with a blush seared across his face and up to his ears.
“Relax, Tamaki. She just needs a reminder of who she belongs, ain’t that right? But, he’s right, I can't have you mouthing off like that, now can I?”
Slipping his black mask off his eyes, Tai fastened it around your mouth and head, loosely gagging you.
“Yeah, you belong to us!”
It was the redhead’s turn to pipe up before Tai shushed the pair of men.
“Now, now, I know you’re fond of our sweet little sidekick here, but this?”
He clapped a hand over still clothed pussy, rubbing gently.
“This here is mine; you boys can’t have this. But you’re more than welcome to stay and watch as I indulge myself.”
You whined into the gag, looking at him with teary eyes as he ripped a hole in your bottoms and panties.
“Hey, hey, hey. No need for tears, honeybun. You're safe with me, okay? I’m gonna take such good care of my little sweetheart, don’t you worry about a thing.”
His large fingers stroked over your clit slowly and tenderly, kissing your salty tears away as he shushed you with praise and loving words. Thumbing your clit, he pushed his middle fingers into you at a slow pace, grinning softly when you bit back a moan.
“Come on now, girl. We wanna hear how good I’m makin’ ya feel, ain’t that right, boys?”
Their collective groans of pleasure gave you all the response you needed; those sick fucks were getting off on you being harassed by your boss.
His finger sped up in pace, making you squeal once he curled his finger in an upwards motion. “Can’t wait to hear what you’ll sound like on my cock, sweet girl. Gonna sing us a nice song?”
Another finger slipped in as his free hand pawed at your tits, fondling and groping as he finger fucked you a new sense of vigor.
“As much as I don't want to hurt you, sweetheart, I’m just itching to get inside you and feel that pretty cunt around me. You understand, don’t you? I just can’t help myself when it comes to you.”
His lips continued to litter your skin in kisses to your face, licking at the tears that fell from your eyes when he added a third finger into your tight, wet hole.
“Mhm, you won’t mind if I have a taste, do ya?”
You could only whine in response.
“Of course you don’t, my good girl never says no to me.”
A hot mouth sealed itself around your clit as three fingers pumped in and out of you steadily, hitting all the right spots repeatedly. You squealed and shook in your binds, feeling your orgasm approaching hard and fast with the aid of his tongue lapping and suckling at you.
“Gonna cum for me, pretty girl?”
That was all you needed to feel yourself reach that blinding peak, sobbing and writhing as he rode out your ecstasy. His tongue continued to work at you far after you were finished, overestimating you without a care in the world. Your whines of protest fell on deaf ears as he just pulled your body closer to his face.
“Taste so good, sweetheart. I’ll stop when I’m finished with my meal, y’understand? This is my pussy, and I’ll do what I want with it.”
Leaving you twitching and sobbing, Tai finally pulled away and stood up, pulling his cock out and stroking it above you.
“Can’t wait to breed my pussy. Gonna make you my cute little cream puff.”
Both of his massive hands circled around you waist, pulling you flush against him as he sank all the way into your tight heat. The stretch of his girth was quite nearly unbearable as he pushed himself to the hilt inside of you, rubbing the small bulge in your belly with fondness while peering down at you.
“You feel so good, sweetheart. I knew you’d be so good for me. Yer takin’ me so well.”
Your eyes rolled into the back of your head as he slowly pulled out, leaving your legs twitching wildly when his thumb found its way back to your clit before he sank back in all the way. You could snark about how courteous it was of him to allow you to adjust, but the thread of consciousness was hard to grasp onto as he completely dominated your mind with numbing pleasure.
“You were made to take my cock, sweet thing. Let me give you a treat for bein’ so obedient for me.”
His praise went straight to your gut, as much as you hated to admit it, leaving you feeling pliable and soft under his demanding touch. Those hands around your waist pulled at your body, bringing you back and forth on his cock like you were a goddamn fleshlight.
“Ah, ” he grunted. “I don't think I can hold back much longer; you’ll let me be selfish, won’t ya?”
With that, all sense of tenderness and gentleness was thrown out the window as he picked you up from the desk, holding you against his chest as he jackhammered into you with an impossible pace of his hips.
“Shit! Squeezing me so tight, bein’ such a good little fucktoy for me.”
The sounds of skin slapping and the collective sounds of pleasure rang heavy in the room as he used and abused your throbbing pussy, feeling his grip on you tighten when he was reaching his own high.
“Fuck! I’m gonna cum, gonna stuff my pussy nice and full!”
The bulge on your stomach grew even more as he came, stuffing you to the hilt with his cum and his cock. Ropes of it leaked out of your hole, even as he stayed inside you, panting and kissing at your sweaty forehead.
“Gave ‘em a good show, didn’t we, sweetheart? Say thank you, boys.”
Their thanks were mumbled out as they too had exhausted themselves just from the display of your pleasure. Tamaki’s tentacles retracted themselves from you, allowing you to stretch and return feeling to your arms and legs.
“Here’s what’s gonna happen, sweetheart. We’re - hey, are you with me? I’m gonna clean you up and take you back home with me, okay? No more hero nonsense for you, ya hear me? All you need to do from now on is stay home and keep that pussy warm for me.”
Like hell you were going to stay for another damned second in this realm, not after being violated so horrifically.
Play it cool, play it cool.
“Let me go to the bathroom, then.” You swallowed, hoping to fool the men. “A-And I’ll get my change of clothes and we can go home.”
You didn’t wait for a response, hobbling out of the office before making a break down the hall for the elevator. Their shouts echoed off the hallway walls as you ran with all your strength left back into the safety of the elevator, leaving them running after you before the door shut on them.
“Gluttony is a great fault; but we do not necessarily dislike a glutton. We only dislike the glutton when he becomes a gourmet-that is, we only dislike him when he not only wants the best for himself, but knows what is best for other people.”
— tagging: @sightoru @anarchicmartyr @natsuonii @whumperooni @viixens @lunar-nebula @trafalgar-temptress
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oneoftheextras · 3 years
Day 30 | Dabi | Kinktober 2021
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kinktober 2021 masterlist
30th October - Degradation
paring: dabi x prohero!reader
summary: hawks was the last person you expected to betray you, especially to this level. you hated him, but not more than you hated the villain he left you alone with
words: 3.2k
warnings: no spoilers for any season, 18+, smut, dub-con, degradation, name calling, pain, emotional manipulation, hair pulling, restraints, oral (m receiving)
a/n: first time writing dabi, let me know your thoughts
← day 29 | spitting | tobio kageyama      day 31 | cucking | levi ackerman & erwin smith →
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“Come on, I dislike this as much as you do,” the red winged man rubbed the bridge of his nose in frustration. It had been hours and your resistance was starting to wear him down.
If anyone was to be complaining it should be you. The chair they’d tied you to was cold and hard, your ass had gone numb ages ago and you could barely feel the tips of your fingers from how tightly they’d bound your hands to it.
“I doubt that,” you stared him down with a look that could kill. 
Hawks, Keigo Takami - your former best friend. Had sold you out to the League of Villains without batting an eye.
Hurt didn’t begin to describe how you felt. “Just tell them what they want and this’ll be over,” Keigo crouched in front of you and put his hands on your bruised knees, you immediately jolted in your chair to try and avoid his touch but your restraints were too tight.
“I’m not a traitor like you,”. His eyes still held their kindness for you whilst yours leaked with venom. 
“Nah, but you’re the dumb bitch that let yourself get caught,” Dabi didn’t give you the courtesy of glancing in your direction as he spoke about you, instead continuing to lay on his back and stare at is phone from the worn looking couch.
Your eyes darted nervously to the dark haired man, that was the first thing he’d said since you got here. He was the one that had overpowered you enough to put you in this chair and keep you there while Twice and Toga got to work with the rope. 
Dabi was the only person in this room that truly frightened you.
Suddenly, a memory invaded your vision. It lasted for a nanosecond but it felt like you were reliving the moment in it’s entirety. 
Keigo and you were drunk after a long week of Hero work, talking about things Heroes shouldn’t talk about - you’d confessed to him some of your darkest kinks; as well as some of your fantasies. 
Out of the corner of your vision you could see Hawks eyeing his newly found comrade, the small twinkle of an idea dancing in his golden irises.
You turned your head back so you could fully take in his expression, searching for anything that would tell you that your gut was wrong, but when Hawks made eye contact with you again you were met only with the essence of guilt.
“Kill her already, this is pointless,” Shigaraki waved his hand and Toga gripped her knife excitedly, “Wait!” Hawks shouted, extending his hand out in a pushing motion to stop any of the Villain’s advances.
His eyeline was on the floor as his mind quickly weighed up the pros and cons of the decision he was about to make.
“Keigo,” you whispered low enough for only him to hear, his eyes trailed from the floor and met yours, “Please don’t,” you begged - attention subconsciously darting to Dabi on the couch for a brief second.
Hawks swallowed a large lump of saliva before standing to his full height, “I’m sorry,” he muttered before lifting his head and avoiding eye contact with you.
“Dabi-” he called from across the room, “Keigo!” you sounded more desperate than before, voice cracking as you begged for him not to do this to you, “-Why don’t you give it a try?” Hawks stepped away from you and towards the group of people he’d betrayed you for.
“I’m not wasting my time on a Hero slut,” he moved his scarred arm to rest behind the back of his head as he continued to scroll through his phone.
A breath of relief audibly left you. Maybe you’d get out of this unscathed.
Hawks ignored the man’s protests and stood next to Shigaraki, he said something inaudible to him and you watched as his features lit up with what you assumed to be surprise.
Shigaraki stared at you with a shit-eating grin that immediately put you on the defensive, “The fuck you looking at?” you tried to sound as intimidating as possible and it worked for a second before you saw his expression go from smiling to grinning.
“Go on Dabi, scare her,” Shigaraki gestured towards you with his head. Your eyes flicked between Hawks and Shigaraki, the two men couldn’t be more opposite - Hawks seemed as though he was already regretting his decision whilst Shgaraki looked like his favourite show was about to start.
Maybe you should’ve kept your mouth shut.
A heavy sigh came from across the room and you refused to give your attention to it, when you saw the figure getting closer to your position you locked eyes with Hawks instead. This was his fault after all.
“Don’t hurt her!” you saw the blonde man say, “No, no,” the deeper voice waved his hand with a dismissive gesture, “If you ask for my help I do it my way!”.
You were very aware of the presence standing in front of you. His hands were in his jean pockets and you could feel his gaze burning into you already but you refused to give him the satisfaction of your attention.
“Hey!” a heavy boot kicked one of the chair legs and you felt the structure shake under it’s force - you ignored it, maintaining your death stare on Keigo who was looking between you and Dabi nervously.
A frustrated low growl came out of him as he gripped the arm rests of your chair, leaning his tall frame over your body just enough for only you to be able to hear his words.
“He’s not going to help you-” he started with a sigh, “-He’s the one that sold you out, remember? He abandoned you! Basically signed your death certificate,” he had an amusement in his voice that you found equal parts attractive and terrifying.
“Either way you’re dead so tell us what we want to know so I don’t have to keep looking at you,” you didn’t need to see his face to know he was clenching his teeth.
His patience was thinner than you thought. A hand shot up and gripped you by the cheeks, forcing you to make eye contact with him, “Look at me when I’m speaking to you,” you were met with the most fierce turquoise eyes.
“Or do you not know?” he tilted his head to the side, examining the defensive glint in your eye that was slowly fading at the realisation that Dabi didn’t mind getting physical if he needed to. 
A sickening laugh echoed off the walls and bounced back into your ears, “You don’t know! Imagine being that much of a failure that your boss doesn’t trust you with the smallest bit of information-”.
The skin around his staples strained as he made no attempt to stop the gleeful smile growing on his face, “What exactly were you to them?” he let the question fester in your mind.
You were an asset to the Heroes Commission, you knew that! That’s why they always gave you the tough jobs - although, Hawks seemed to get the more important and less life threatening ones.
“You’re expendable.” Dabi spoke the words that were forming in your brain.
“Probably a worthless bitch for them to fuck when they were bored. Yeah, you look like the type-” his rant was cut short by your spit hitting his face followed by a venomous, “Fuck you!”.
The room went silent as Dabi let go of your face and straightened his posture. The only noise in the room was your heavy breathing paired with the harsh rise and fall of your chest.
He stared at you, face devoid of emotion. The calm expression gave you chills; it was better when he was laughing.
“Get out,” his voice was quiet but it carried through the room, his palm crackled with a blue hue and you knew you’d crossed the line. “Don’t hurt her!” Hawks repeated his plea from earlier but it landed on deaf ears as Dabi placed his hand on your thigh and you felt a searing pain shoot through the fabric and directly onto your skin.
You grit your teeth together and clenched your jaw to hold back the scream that you trapped in your throat, half because you didn’t want to give him the satisfaction and half because you didn’t trust it to be entirely an anguished scream. 
The pain wasn’t that bad, you’d definitely had worse but you could tell he was holding back.
“Are you deaf? I said get out!” Dabi said a bit louder than before and the room started to move hurriedly towards the door. 
Hawks was practically forced out of the room by Compress and closely followed by the others, only Shigaraki remained to whisper something to Dabi before he too made his leave.
The door let out a metallic boom as it was pulled shut fully, leaving you and Dabi in an eerie silence.
“What did he say?!” your voice croaked from holding back your cries but you still tried to sound tough. Dabi made no attempt to answer your question, instead he walked over to one of the other metal chairs and dragged it towards the only exit this room had.
The sound of metal scraping across the stone floor was unpleasant, small sparks flicked the ground as he forcefully shoved the back of the chair under the door handle.
The first thought that crawled into your head was that he was blocking your exit, but a sickening feeling nuzzled itself in your stomach at the prospect that he was trying to stop other’s from coming in.
“Why do you wanna know? Got something to hide?” his voice rang through the room as he turned his attention back to you, strolling towards your bound body.
You did your best to meet his eye but the knowing tint in them made you look away, “Sick little fuck aren’t you?” he scoffed.
Putting the tip of one of his boots on the small part of chair that was visible between your legs, he pushed your chair backwards making you feel like he was going to tip you over completely.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, I’m a-” you started but were interrupted by a yelp that left your mouth when the chair almost lost it’s balance entirely, “What? A good girl?” he mocked you, even though that wasn’t what you were going to say.
He put all his weight on the chair harshly and all four legs slammed back onto the floor, you were amazed that they didn’t break under the force. Dabi was surprisingly strong for such a lanky man.
“You Heroes are all the same, you think you’re the pinnacle of perfection but you’re not,” he crinkled his nose in distaste as he spoke, “What’d you think the Commission would say if they knew you had the hots for a Villain?”.
He waited and observed your face. He wanted to watch the realisation hit you; the realisation that he knew the dirty thoughts you’d had about him. He was disappointed when your face hardly changed.
“I don’t.” you said bluntly, turning your head to the side and avoiding eye contact with him. You had to stay calm, at this point it was Hawks’ word against yours, if you could just keep your cool then you’d be fine.
His fingers curled into your hair and yanked your head backwards making an unexpected moan come out of your mouth - it was quiet and it could’ve easily been mistaken as a pained yell.
He pulled and pulled until your whole throat was exposed to him and you had a choice between staring at the ceiling or closing your eyes, so you opted to inspect the ceiling, closing your eyes might make it seem like you were enjoying this. Which you were, but you wouldn’t let him know that.
“Sure you don’t,” his voice was laced with sarcasm, he shook your head lazily as he admired the strain your neck muscles gave against his grip.
His free hand cupped your crotch and your body jolted at the sudden contact. Instinctively, you tried to close your legs but your knees hit the steel toe of his boot.
He watched your face intently as he gently rubbed his fingers against the fabric, this was the first thing he did that wasn’t rough. “Are you trying to convince me or yourself? ‘Cause you’re already soaked,” he let go of your hair and your head dropped down from the lack of resistance his hand gave you.
You fought against your restraints as well as your own body, you wanted to make noise so badly but you wouldn’t give in that easy. “I’m surprised you-” you took a sharp intake of breath to stop the moan he almost pulled from you, “-can feel anything with those hands,” you mocked his purple patches bitterly.
Ordinarily, you’d never talk about someone’s scars but you were on the defensive and would try anything to change the subject.
He wasn’t deterred by your comment, instead it seemed to spur him on as he slipped his hand into your pants, “I can feel plenty,” he sigh like he was the one being touched, the feeling of your wet walls encasing his fingers was heavenly.
He pushed two of his fingers inside you without preparation, the angle wasn’t the best but the way your legs had been tied meant that your thighs would never meet even if you wanted them to.
A whimper struggled against your closed lips, you’d locked your jaw tight and bit down on your bottom lip, anything to keep the noises from spilling.
He had to admit, if the last couple of hours had taught him anything, it’s that you were stubborn - but he was more so.
When he picked up the pace and started to rub your clit with his thumb it was obvious that you were enjoying this, more than he had expected, you were practically a moaning mess with your mouth closed.
You scrunched your eyes shut, he was hitting every spot like he knew your body inside and out, you were getting closer to your orgasm and you weren’t sure you’d be able to keep quiet.
“You’re disgusting,” his tone contradicted his words, but you tensed around his digits regardless. He stopped his movements and you held back a whine at the lack of friction.
The cogs were turning in his head, Dabi wasn’t dumb, he quickly realised what was going on. He laughed a belly laugh at you, “No. Fucking. Way!” he punctuated each of his words with a pump of his fingers, “This is great!” he sounded like he was having the time of his life.
“Fuck you!” you snarled at him, trying to convince yourself that if you hated him enough then you’d hate the way he made you feel, “That is the plan, but not yet,” you looked up at him just in time to see him pull his cock out of his jeans.
Most noteworthy was the Jacob’s Ladder piercing trailing up the underneath of his length.
Your eyes widened and shot up to his face, “What?” he tilted his head to the side as he smeared his precum over his leaking head, “I would’ve thought a slut like you is used to seeing dicks,” there it was again, your walls squeezing his fingers.
He released his shaft and forcibly gripped your chin as he fucked you on his fingers, “Open up,” he taunted you but you shook your head while looking up at him with pleading eyes. You knew as soon as your mouth was open all sorts of noises would tumble out.
“Are you too fucking dumb to understand a simple instruction, I said open!” he growled as he forced your mouth open. The second your lips parted a lewd moan vibrated in the air, you prayed that no one had decided to stand on the other side of the door otherwise they would’ve definitely heard you.
He didn’t immediately shove his dick in your mouth which you expected him to do, instead he held your mouth open as saliva trickled down your chin. Once you’d truly made a mess of yourself, he slid his cock into your mouth.
You felt the weight of him first and then the cold bars of his piercing hit your tongue. He didn’t relent with his other hand, he instead added another finger and you screamed in delight around him. He placed his spit covered hand on the back of your head and moved it to meet his thrusts, he had no intention of being gentle with you.
No matter how badly you tried to hold back your noises, with him thrusting into your mouth wasn’t enough to muffle the sounds, instead they would be momentarily garbled from the action of his cockhead hitting the back of your throat.
It was too much, you glanced up towards his face and noted that he head was thrown back in pleasure. That was the tipping point, your walls fluttered around his fingers and you felt your release approaching, that’s when he pulled his hand from you and fucked your face harder.
You would’ve complained if your mouth wasn’t otherwise occupied. Dabi groaned and lifted his head so he could see just how disappointed you were at your orgasm being stolen from you.
He cooed at you and pouted out his bottom lip, “Aww, did you wanna cum?” he laughed as his own thrusts became erratic, he gripped the back of your head harder and forced himself to bottom out, “This is for spitting on me!” you felt his dick throb, then a deep moan rumbling from his chest followed by his release shooting down your throat.
The only option was to swallow, not that you opposed the idea, you just wished he’d given you a warning.
Just as quickly as his hand had moved, he slid himself out of your mouth, making no attempt to keep you clean. You gasped for air, not realising just how long you’d held your breath.
He’d tucked himself back into his jeans and composed himself, “Tell us what we want to know and I’ll think about giving you what you want,” he trailed off the end of his sentence as he removed the chair from the doorway and banged on the door loudly.
As though nothing had happened, he went back to sitting on the couch as the others started trailing in. 
Hawks paused in the doorway when he saw the state of you; dishevelled hair, spit and- something else- running down your chin as you panted like you’d just been for a run. 
“Well?” Shigaraki said aloud, “Did she tell you anything?” he asked Dabi. When you finally looked up at Hawks, he was staring at you with a expression of disbelief. It made you furious, what exactly did he expect to happen?
“Not yet, but she will,” Dabi tapped mindlessly on his phone, a wicked smirk forming on his face, “Just let her throat recover first,”.
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@mylife-demonstrates-murphys-law @hereticpriest @enagmaticether @anxiousgoddest @kodzu-ken @moonnei @diesinspanishbcimhispanic  @fvckmeupyoonz @homosexualjohnwayne @notplutos @moth-baybee @answer-the-sirens @ochakoakabane
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