#like there can't be long ass posts on my dash
zouisexo · 1 year
#girlies we can't keep doing this ndsjfkdslf#like there can't be long ass posts on my dash#every single time there's a stunt or a stunt mention#being like omg what is the point anymore this sucks everything is awful#LIKE the weekly posts on here being like#one more stunt and i will NOT spend every second of my life on tumblr blogging about this man ANY LONGET#longer*#like ndjfndj the THREATS#like if u get so upset 10000% i agree u should stop#bc clearly this is the way it is#but like why do u have to like go out w a bang and like make a long post about how everything is awful and will be awful forever#like girl text a friend fr djfndjk#idk like do u see how we contribute to the negativity#we knew he would be there cmon#and ofc it's upsetting but like#threatening to leave the fandom every single time#AND THEN NOT EVEN DOING IT JDSKNFJK#like girl pls by all means walk away i think it's healthy in fact when i wasn't enjoying it that's what i did#i didn't quite feel the need to announce it 28 times before but#just like pls let the rest enjoy like#as much as it's obviously fine if some of u don't want to watch it anymore#like is it not fine that im having a good time regardless??#obviously the stunts suck and i hate them so bad especially bbg#but like. i just try to focus on the good bc like what am i gonna do???#and it sucks that everyone is so smad all the time like clearly if u don't like it u can leave#but why is that all u choose to put out there u knw#anyways sorry 4 the rant#im just an optimist i guess dfjsnkj nd im excited for the doc sorry !#shut up laura
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brainrotdotorg · 6 months
imagine a dashboard for alligators. what do you think that would look like
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🍏gatoridae Follow
Controversial opinion. If you're doing nothing but eating meat, what are you even doing. Remember to include bugs, fruits, and legumes into your diet in order to help aid digestion of the meat that you get from snakes, fish, and mammals.
Just because we have the reputation for eating lots of meat, that doesn't mean we have to stick to it.
🥒biting-you-biting-you Follow
counterpoint: fuit yucky
🪵blog-from-a-bog Follow
wdym reputation of eating meat. i float lik ea log thats what im known for
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🌿swamp-ass Follow
asked dad if i could go and steal some Floridian guy's lunch and he said "we have prey at home" girl we have been doing shit ALL DAY i am an awesome 600 pounds and I need some meat left on me to deathroll with. let me get a quick snack that i don't need to kill mmmmmmm burgers I want people food soooooo badddd....... i know they shouldn't feed it to me but I have such a lovely smile oh please oh please give me your burger.........
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🥗aliali-seeyoulater Follow
mom says it was cold the season she laid me so i have to be a girl. because girls are always born from eggs laid during cold seasons.
cope and seethe mother first of all, second of all, the reason i am transgender is because you kept me too fucking snuggly warm in the nest.
#i guess if you wanted a daughter you should have. idk. made a shittier nest? #thats not really my fault man
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⛰fuckyeahhugesnout Follow
You'll never guess how I just learned that we have the honor of being the "loudest reptiles in the world"
🫑teethem Follow
Yeah yeah, the 90 decibel mating bellow, we've all heard it.
🤢ch0mper Follow
we've all heard the what
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🩲gaytorrr Follow
this guy asked if i wanted to see his gator hole and i said fuck yes. why this boy take me into a 65 foot long hole in the mud at the bottom of the lake
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✨Remember to take it easy sometimes!✨We thrive in slow-moving waters!✨Even though we can run fast, we get tired fast too-- it's okay to let yourself take breaks!✨Let yourself relax, that's how we made it this far as a species.
Yeah, imagine telling your prehistoric great great great great great great great great great great grandpa or something to calm down and relax when he should be doing nothing but deathrolls. the longevity of the species should be your only goal. It's irresponsible to encourage your fucking species to fall behind even more than it already has? Have some pride, you're not a crocodile.
jesus christ calm down
Okay, this post has a lot of misconceptions in it. There aren't as many differences between crocodiles and alligators than you think. It's really harmful to think that we have nothing in common with each other. So what if they're carnivores and we're closer to omnivores, or their snouts are more U shaped while ours are V shaped. We're both badass miracles of nature that have no reason to be pit against one another all the time.
Don't listen to guys like this. It's just hateful and small-minded.
crocs are like. like them shoes that float right
wetlandia898 Follow
i wish i was a crocodile because i could have a virgin birth and i wanted to see what it would be like to eat an immaculate conception.
welcome to the no notes gator/croc discourse post.
🦖l8rg8tr-z Follow
omg this is the post.... i can't believe i would see this naturally on my dash
🎍taildraggers Follow
Uh are we just going to ignore the virgin birth reply orrrrrrrrr
gator heritage post
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aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Follow
hgwiow h
howw ws i nbevyrboy tyopingssaog oo vd wi hhrth rh thrre cl alawas ?>>
🌴a-l-g-t-r Follow
lmao this idiot never learned how to use their tail to type
#/j lol yeah its kind of hard at first #actually i'd say cut your losses and forget how to type bring the laptop back to the dumpster its not worth it
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🐍bellowbellowmygoodfellow Follow
am i fucking stupid. i just learned theres another species of alligator other than just me and the guys in my swamp. and i said "oh wow I didn't know that! which one of the two are we haha" and my buddy just stared at me like I was a fucking idiot. how am i supposed to know if no one ever tells me this . WHICH AM I
🍖meet-eat3r Follow
there are only 70-80 mature chinese gators in existence while there are 750,00-1 million mature american gators . do the math.
🐍bellowbellowmygoodfellow Follow
i could have just hatched you don't know me.
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🍀gatortears Follow
a group of queer gators in church call that a congregaytion
#reblogging this one bc none of you appreciate me
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👞makemeintoshoesdaddy Follow
I'm seeing the no notes gator/croc post circulate again and ha ha yes it's very funny, but we are NOT starting gator/croc discourse in 2024. lets leave that shit in the past. i know that's not what the post really ended up being about but i am soooooo sick of it.
🌾clawstothewalls Follow
okay, so the one with a fetish for getting turned into handbags is gonna talk down to us now.
👞 makemeintoshoesdaddy Follow
Not to be a pedant but its Shoes Actually. It even says so in the name. Shoes.
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ponett · 2 months
ive seen you post about doctor robotnik's ring racers occasionally on twitter and would like to hear your overall thoughts on the game
I'm enjoying it a lot! It plays well, has a ridiculous number of unlockable characters and tracks, and is generally just really polished. This would be impressive even for a paid indie kart racer that cost like $20-$30, but for a freeware fangame that's somehow built off of Doom? It's nuts. So much love and care went into this. I've been having a lot of fun playing through all the Grand Prix cups and clearing out the challenge board, which I've only completed 47% of it even with over 15 hours of playtime logged.
It's absolutely one of the most hardcore kart racers I've ever played, though, and that's gonna turn some people off. While playing solo even easy mode can be difficult, especially thanks to the rival system that gives one CPU buffs over the others. Anything below 150cc is a complete joke for me in Mario Kart, but even playing on the "normal" difficulty in Ring Racers (now renamed "intense" in the 2.2 patch) kicks my ass, and if you place poorly in a Grand Prix race it gives you a game over and makes you redo the race. I can't even imagine touching the higher difficulties at my current skill level.
This is compounded by how technical the game is and how many options are at your disposal. Spin dashing, tricks, fast drops, collecting and spending rings, an item roulette that can be manually stopped, a high risk high reward chargeable melee attack when you have negative rings, the ability to harass and be harassed by other racers while positioning yourself before the start of the race, gates that can only be passed through when you have a high level of boost, lots of items with different quirks that reward skilled play. And of course, perhaps most daunting of all to new players, there's the game's unique slope physics designed to mimic how they work in the 2D Sonic games, which will often require you to either spend rings for a small boost or stop and charge up a spin dash to get up a steep hill.
All of these add a lot of complexity to the game that can be pretty daunting early on, which is why it has an infamously long story-driven tutorial to introduce all of these mechanics. I'm not sure said tutorial actually does the best job introducing how those mechanics will actually be put to use in races, but I can't blame them for thinking the game needed it. (I do have to admit I am annoyed by the game's insistence upon framing everything via Sega Saturn inputs, though. I had to open the settings screen to figure out what buttons the tutorial actually wanted me to press.)
Some of these things have already been addressed in the first couple patches, of course. You can now exit the tutorial way earlier, some unlock requirements have been relaxed, there's an option to let the game automatically use your rings for you, easy mode has been made easier, a handful of problematic courses have been tweaked, etc. And I'm sure they'll continue to refine the game based on player feedback. But it's probably always going to be a fairly hardcore game. It's hard and has a high skill ceiling by design. Nintendo's never gonna make a super technical new Mario Kart for sickos - not on purpose, at least. They need it to be a pick-up-and-play party game that sells 70 million copies. But a freeware fangame not beholden to shareholders can experiment more and try to cater to that more hardcore crowd. Say what you will about Ring Racers, but it absolutely has a specific creative vision of its own beyond "Sonic Mario Kart," and I respect that even if the game sometimes frustrates me
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olderthannetfic · 4 months
Most of my dash is people moving to cohost or mastodon or bluesky over the photomatt thing and posting goodbyes. I don’t know if *tumblr* is dying, but the specific community I love here appears to be leaving. This isn’t my first time seeing a social media community crumble, but I feel particularly adrift rn, especially with the collapse of the NaNoWriMo forums, which were my main social platform for years and years.
Any advice as to how I can find a new social platform that fits me? Ideally it would be a space that supports longform text and back-and-forths in the comments.
The key thing to realize is that lots of platforms we loved in the past had absolutely garbage features—at least at the point when we set up camp there. Both LJ and Tumblr had features that were absolute ass and then somewhat improved before tanking again in various ways. The next hot platform will also suck, just like the last 10.
If you want longform text and discussion, start by posting longform text and responding to anything even remotely response-worthy that anyone sends you.
Granted, twitter clones directly prevent longform text, but a lot of the time, the main sticking point is culture. Everyone told me that Tumblr wasn't good for longform text, that it violates social norms to post it without a readmore, etc. Years of How To Tumblr posts discouraged this behavior. Tumblr haters pining for LJ still constantly tell me that discussion is impossible here due to the lack of threaded comments...
To that, I say it's only impossible for cowards who aren't willing to fill people's dashboards with 37 of the same post and all its chatty reblogs on the same day.
Cowards, I tell you!
Who says I can't post 90% text-only and a million long-ass posts to the gifset-and-no-commentary website?
The actual features are only marginally important. Social conventions like linking to the ask you're referencing or snipping irrelevant stuff from the prior e-mail chain can take care of most feature issues.
The important part is either following a community or making the community come to you. Being consistently active is a huge part of it. If you're publicly findable and friendly, people will come hang out where you are or invite you places. It can take a while to get visible enough, but it does work. It's a matter of having the energy and time to invest.
Another key is to recognize that a lot of people feel adrift. If your blog/forum/discord server is the logical place for them to collect, they will do so. They have to know it exists and they have to find it welcoming, but that's all it really takes to collect up people who are feeling lonely and unmoored.
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chillybuilt · 11 months
Please help a Black PhD student!
23.8.23 Edit: Thank you so much to everyone who helped out! I'm in the clear with regards to my rent! I still need some help in order to furnish my apartment (we're gonna see how long I can sleep on an air mattress, but it's not the best). Anything would be appreciated. Again thanking everyone so much for sharing this post and giving what they could. It means the world to me.
(18.8.23) Edit: Unfortunately I still need help. They do want the full payment and have emailed me to remind me of my outstanding charges. Please give anything you can! Sharing this would also help a lot.
EDIT: Thank you so much to everyone! I was able to pay off half and I'll be talking to the management company about the rest.
If you still want to help, because relocating countries and furnishing apartments and starting a PhD is so expensive, I would really appreciate it.
Thank you so much!!
Original Post:
I know some people put their identities and stuff in posts like these so I'm sorry if it comes off cringe but
ca$happ: $RCCRD
v€nmo: RCCRD
fuck, so, I'm moving from the Caribbean to the US to start my PhD and I'm so fortunate to be on assistantship but I don't and won't get a full paycheck until the the third week week of September, the first fortnight of work. But because I'm a new international student I need to be there almost an entire month before that, to set up and attend orientation etc. Things in America are so fucking expensive, especially when my local currency has a conversion rate of 7 to 1 USD. And there's so many hidden costs I feel like crying every day. My family is trying to help me but they really can't.
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Right now, while I already paid the security deposit for an apartment, they suddenly want over $1000 USD upfront, like by August 15th.. I've called and I've emailed saying I'm a new student, this must be an error or something but they've said nothing. and this is on top the $800 USD I'll need to ship my things. I'm so frustrated because I was so excited but things keep getting worse like yeah I do want to be the first person in my family to get a PhD and but my family is working their ass off to help me and I won't get any income at all from the school until September.
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that partial pay check won't help with anything and already comes too late so I would really appreciate it if anyone at all could help even a little it would be so appreciated.
so sorry for another post across your dash. I would appreciate it if you could just reblog this because even that would help.
ca$happ: $RCCRD
v€nmo: RCCRD
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jewish-vents · 2 months
post 10/7 jewish culture is straight up no longer believing your goyische friends actually like you and are in for the long haul. immediately after 10/7 I lost a few people who were disgusting assholes, but ever since then my goyische friends on this website have been slowly "un-friending" me (unfollowing, soft-blocking, and blocking). I'll have other goy friends who stuck around this long say nice things about me, compliment my fics, my blog, and even me, and I just... don't believe it. I know that's a common social anxiety fear, but I never struggled with social anxiety that badly. if you asked me if I thought my internet friends really liked me last september I would've said yes and meant it. but now, after months and months of my friends dropping like flies (and I almost NEVER lost mutuals before 10/7, not in almost 4 years on this website), I don't really believe them. I just can't. I'm waiting for them to realize they don't want to put up with my jewish ass anymore.
I've decided to stop talking about i/p because of this... I'll see posts on my dash (like from jewishlivesmatter) which I think are good and I wanna put on my blog, but I feel like every post about it pushes my goyische friends a little further away, a little closer to the block/unfollow button, so I'm just... not. I used to be scared to talk about i/p, from may 2021 when I learned just how antisemitic most goyim were because of the riots, to oct 7. but now I no longer fear getting doxx'd or getting swarmed with anon hate. I just know that talking about it is the number one way for Jews to lose friends.
"do you even want to be friends with these people?" yes. if I held goyim to the standard of i/p opinions I think everyone ought to have, I'd have no goyische friends. at this point as long as they agree that hamas is a terror org and a 2-state solution is best, I'm down to keep being friends, because even that is a godsend for people my age (20s).
it's even started to affect me in real life. the other day I had a talk with a goysiche friend of 15 years about i/p (knowing where they stood, obviously, by this point). we got into a mild argument, but they had stuff to do so we had to stop. I sent them an unrelated text an hour later, and when I got radio silence for the rest of the day (our argument was in the morning) a part of me genuinely believed that was it for us and braced for losing an irl friend who means so much to me and I thought was going to be in my life until one of us dies. they'd be in my wedding party. we've penciled in figuring out some honorific my future kids can use for them instead of aunt/uncle because they're nonbinary. I caved and texted them to make sure we're still friends, and they said yes, thank fucking gd, because otherwise I might've just had a full mental breakdown.
anyone else waiting for their remaining goyische friends to leave them?
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veryinnovative · 14 days
Can you please explain seme/uke on jeggy that u dont like? Just curious bcs i didnt know what the term meant 10 mins ago and now i wanna know more about it and your relationship with jegulus on it
alrighty! i must preface this by saying that these are personal observations. I have my own opinions about this sudden shift, which in no way establishes a definitive standard for jeggy characterizations or an attempt to censor shit. if any of the information presented is wrong....please do let me know. I'm mostly using info from here
that aside, time to talk about yaoi and how i can see a trend of the seme/uke dynamic being applied in jegulus's case.
what is seme/uke?
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If a fanfic or doujinshi 同人誌 is sexually explicit, pornographic, hentai 変態, and it features gay sex, then anyone with a pair of working eyes can tell who's "top" and who's "bottom" in it. (A harmful rhetoric is that the 'uke' is often perceived as the woman, which makes it worse in this case because Regulus is, afaik, generally written as a transman) Since BL puts less emphasis on sex itself and more on the relationship between characters, one could say that which character is depicted as "top" or "bottom" in the sexual act merely reflects the dynamic of the relationship itself.
as you can see, the influx of nsfw posts has led to a version of jegulus that increasingly conforms to this textbook definition. to reiterate, i am NOT suggesting that this long-established dynamic in the world of BL is inherently 'bad,' but it's something I've observed and, personally, don't find all that appealing. i think there's more to explore, especially when it comes to their sexual relationship, and can't help but feel icky when i keep seeing trans regulus assuming the role of the 'uke'. he's submissive, tiny, troubled, gives up control and submits to james who is dominant, bigger, and for some reason the embodiment of masculinity.
i could also really get into the yaoi-ified aspect of it but i think this speaks for itself:
Homophobic because instead of acknowledging it's a man-man or woman-woman relationship, it pretends it to be a man-woman relationship, which can be taken as heteronormative, promoting the idea that hetero must be normal. And sexist because it attempts to define what is the role of a man and a woman in a relationship. (NO ACCUSATIONS WHATSOEVER HERE, but I do think one must approach a seme/uke dynamic carefully if it involves (trans) regulus and some extent of feminization)
again, this is my personal opinion. i write jegulus switching quite a lot. i write james get his ass eaten out. i write dominant regulus because i like to explore how he exercises control after escaping an environment with restricted freedom. i know I'm the last one to talk considering my lack of knowledge on canon but reducing them to solely seme/uke is just not for me. but!!!! each to their own! I'm not one to yuck someone else's yum :) i just really miss the jeggy i frequently encountered when first joining the fandom last october and the variety of takes I read, that's all
but again, the seme/uke dynamic is a staple so i understand why posts involving the dynamic gain more traction and inevitably end on my dash.
EDIT: @prongsfish <3 addition
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emilykaldwen · 3 months
"Blocking isn't some personal insult. Its a method of saying; hey, we clearly shouldn't interact, so I'm gonna build this soundproof wall between us to make sure we can't."
Except that's not what the people you associate with do and encourage you and others to do by extension. I really liked your writing, but it's disappointing to see the type of people you've chosen to buddy up to, who use blocking as a way to weaponize social media and make pariahs out of certain people in the fandom who don't bow to their whims. I hope they don't burn you the way they've burned so many others, but with their track record, I'm not holding my breath.
Okay let's do this. I'm tired. I would like to go back to sleep. Get off my lawn, etc etc.
I have been dealing with anons harassing me since I started posting HotD stuff back during the Season 1 show run. I got hateful anons saying terrible things about Abby back in December. When I interacted with NONE of the people that I currently interact with today. This escalated when I properly began posting Maiden in the summer of last year, and then escalated in the fall. After receiving some truly foul anons in regards to my writing, my OC, and my work, including one telling me to kill myself, I shut anons off. Because what the actual fuck. I have been on the internet for 25 fucking years and this is the first time I have EVER dealt with such bullshit.
Before these anons ramped up, I, like many people, blocked. A lot. I blocked mostly people thirst reblogging stuff about the actors that would cross my dash or in the tags because it made me uncomfortable, I didn't want to see it. I blocked a lot of blogs that were posting these weird reader x canon character thirst lists that I just found bizarre and didn't want to see scrolling through a character tag. That, friends, is what the block button is for. I block people with takes that I disagree with as well, I'm someone whose pretty liberal with my block button. I block things I don't want to see on my dash. It's honestly as simple as that.
No one has fucking told me to block anyone. I am actually deeply fucking insulted that I, a grown ass adult who is nearly forty, needs to be told to block someone/someones when people are setting up blogs called 'ihateemilykaldwens' and trying to terrorize me, and my friends and mutuals, and then try to frame another one of my mutuals for being responsible for it in the process. I only just recently started speaking with "the individuals" I've chosen to associate with long after I have blocked the people you're saying are being bullied.
And if this is about my post the other day about the culture I see: It was never actually about anyone specific, it was genuinely trends I have seen cross my dash as well as discussions with friends in other fandoms. That's all. If someone(s) thought I was talking about them specifically: Dude, IDK what to tell you. That's a you problem.
So let's stop playing coy. I'm tired of it.
THIS. IS. A SMALL. BLOG. I do not pass a block list around and TELL people or encourage them to block them, nor have I ever have it done to me. And even IF someone said 'omg you should block all these people' uh, no? I have free will and can make my own judgements?
Anon, if this situation is upsetting to you, either come off anon in the DMs and talk to me, or you are welcome to unfollow me. I don't care, and I mean that in the nicest possible way.
Because the people I've blocked on my own make others feel the way you're claiming they make you feel.
Because we all know who everyone is talking about. And I'm done. This is 12 year old behavior and I don't interact with minors.
I'm going back to bed. Whatever is in the fucking water, I want none of it.
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miscellaneoussmp · 1 month
My love letter to qsmp and qsmpblr.
I saw other people doing this, so I might as well too!!!! I like the positivity of it all!!!
My story with qsmp is kind of a sad one, so sorry, but warning for the death of a loved one is mentioned in the second paragraph.
Originally, I was very excited about qsmp from the day it was announced. Quackity had been one of my favorite content creators for years at that point. Although, the day it started, I was on vacation with my mom and grandma for my little sibling's birthday. I didn't have time to watch day 1, so I just didn't get into it. I got updates through a friend of mine (Hi Warren!!!) meaning I had some idea of what was going on. Plus, I watched clips here and there. (Also, fun fact!!! I voted in the elections for Bad even though I didn't know what was going on!!)
Okay, here's the sad part. In early July of 2023, my grandfather on my mom's side died. It sucked. I was closer with him when I was little, so I didn't know what to feel. It hurts, I think. Everything about that situation sucked, from getting there to the mess that is my big ass family. Though on my last night there, I was thinking about the qsmp for whatever reason. I decided that I wanted to get into it there and then. I sat in the airport waiting to get on an airplane to go home watching qsmp compilations to get caught up. It was amazing. I felt better, just a bit.
I made my first post with the qsmp tag on July 13th, 2023, and y'all have been stuck with my ass ever since.
Now!!! It's time to shout out the lovely people of qsmpblr!!! (Under the cut cause I think this is getting long)
@kadextra Kade!!!! You're the first person I ever followed in qsmpblr and the person who inspired me to keep writing. I can never ever thank you enough for that. Your art is wonderful!!! Please keep creating!!!
@disfrutalakia Kia!!!!! You literally mean the world to me!!!! You were my full introduction to the Brazilians of the server, and I can't thank you enough for that!!! You say my characterization of Pac and Mike is amazing? Well, I couldn't have done it without you!!! Also, thanks for letting me live in your inbox for literal months!!!
@thesmpisonfire Des!!!! Hi bestie!!!! Before we were friends, whenever you were in my notes, I would get so excited!!! I thought you were the coolest person and still do!! Thank you for letting me ramble to you endlessly!!! I love everything we've made together!!!
@ultra-raging-ghost Ghost!!!! King!!!! The beloved ghostie on my dash!!!! And my beloved coauthor of Freaks and Their Tapes!!!! There's a lot I couldn't do without you!!! Thank you for being an amazing friend!!!!! Love you /p <3!!!!
@factorialsotherfandoms Factorial!!!! Beloved!!!! You're an amazing writer and kind friend!!!! I think about your fics all the time!!!! Please keep writing forever and ever!!!!! Please!!!
@iridescentpull Aynée!!!!! My fellow demigod Pac enjoyer!!!!!! I literally screamed when I saw we became mutuals!!!! You're so fucking cool and your writing is amazing!!!! I created demigod Pac content for us only tbh!!!!
@fitpacs Tumblr user fitpacs!!!!! The light on my dash!!! Please keep being so bright!!! I love seeing whatever you post!!!!!
@wsdanon wsd!!!!! The #1 Felps writer in my eyes!!!!! Your writing is beautiful, and characterization is everything!!!!! Adore seeing you on my dash!!! Please keep being you!!!!!
And to any mutuals, anyone in my notes, or just in the community in general!!!! This place would be nothing without y'all!!!!!
Thanks again!!!!!
- Misc, the most annoying qsmp blog ever <3
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quohotos · 1 year
Okay so there are some things I really miss about reddit...
You don't really miss it until it's gone, but (at least using a third party app) it was really easy and immediate to control exactly what you saw. The process of blocking a tag on tumblr is a little bit clunky. I have to go into a sub menu in the settings and then type out the tag I can't just right click and filter it out.
It's really difficult to modulate how much horny content you want to engage with here. I don't think reddit users were any more or less horny than tumblr users, I just think it was easier to keep the separated. Obviously everyone's experience is different, but it was really easy to feel out the tone of a community and sort them into categories of horny and not horny. When something was a little risque or inappropriate it was very easy for the poster or moderator to mark it as such. I felt safe browsing reddit on my laptop in class because I knew that as long as I didn't click on anything marked as such I wasn't gonna get any weird looks from the person behind me. I'm not trying to be puritanical about the morality of horny content or anything like that, I just liked being able to very clearly chose how much of it I wanted to engage with. If I wanted to seek it out, it was easy to find, but it wouldn't come to me when I wasn't asking for it. Maybe with time and experience I'll figure out how to do that here, but it's still something I miss.
The third party app that I used didn't render profile pictures. I thought it was pretty neat to not have much of an identity. Idk, I'm a shy jealous person and seeing all these pretty talented people is very intimidating. I didn't mind being a nobody when it felt like everyone else was a nobody.
I do not know where to find the good memes here. I'm sure they exist, but I don't know where they are. There were just some amazing injoke shitpost subs that I really vibed with and I haven't found out an equivalent here.
I thought of some more things so I've edited them in
I miss having an easy distinction between NSFW blur and spoiler blur. It made discussing media so much safer, I felt like I could participate in am evolving discussion without risking ruining the surprises. You could also use it creatively for memes, like making osha violations be tagged as NSFW and blurred so you'd click on it expecting to see some ass but instead it's like dude standing on a swivel chair.
Putting tags (well, they were called flairs, and you could only have one) up front on a post was so nice. When talking about a show I could immediately see what seasons were being discussed before even reading the title. It could also serve as a hint about what was actually behind a spoiler/NSFW blur. The tags on tumblr are so much fun, and are very versetile but I feel like they're an addendum to the actual post content, whereas reddit flairs were a heads up.
On the whole though, people have been nice and helpful here, and I'm really grateful for that. Hopefully I'll learn to adapt and feel as at home here as I was there... but man I just keep staring at my dash and thinking "you're not my real dad".
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mirjam-writes · 1 month
20 questions for fic writers
Tagged by @suavissimapenna <3 Sorry it took so long!
How many works do you have on ao3?
7 for Sherlock and 23 Good Omens that are completely mine. 6 collaborative fics I have either partly written, or just made art for. So, 36.
What's your total ao3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
Good Omens! I used to write for Sherlock too, but that's now in the past.
Top five fics by kudos:
Truth Or Dare (E, 6.5K words), my first proper smut ever! Post s1 gettig together story.
Angel Of Justice (T, 9.5K), my first ever Good Omens fanfic. Post S1 from Michael POV, A/C as a background couple.
!False (It's funny because it's true) (E, 5.4k), an office romance human AU set in software company.
A Stable Relationship (E, 9.9k), horse rider AU with trans Aziraphale. Friends with benefits becoming a romantic relationship.
Girls Just Wanna Have Sun (G, 1.7k), outsider pov scene about Robin's day at the beach, where she meets two weird gentlemen who have never been to a beach before.
Do you respond to comments?
YES I DO! Slowly, possibly, but yes I do, and I read and reread them!
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Uhhh... angsty ending? What is that? Technically Be Still My Soul: The Rift, but does that count if it's a middle part of a trilogy? That's definitely my angstiest fic of all time BUT I tried to write the happiest ending possible to it. But also, yeah, people died in the war (just not A or C), so maybe I'll count that story.
Edit: WAIT NO! To Love Somebody, a story from Shadwell pov about how he fell in love both Aziraphale and Crowley, and how that changed him. That's sort of angsty and the ending is bittersweet!
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Hmmmmmm. I have so many. I can't compare. Maybe Watching You (Watching Me), it's the porniest porn i have ever written, and it has...uh... several happy endings :D
Do you get hate on fics?
Not so far!
Do you write smut?
Yessss. I'm in my porn writer era at the moment :D
Craziest crossover:
I did some super weird anime crossovers as a teen (I hope those are long lost) but haven't dabbled on that since apart from very vague blink-and-you-miss-it references.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of!
Have you ever had a fic translated?
One of my Sherlock fics was translated into french in 2018!
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Only for one round robin event, which produced four stories! Not sure if that really counts as collaborating since we weren't allowed to talk about it when we did it, we just got the fic, read it, and added 600 words and gave it to the next one! It was super fun though.
All time favorite ship?
Aziraphale and Crowley. No competition there.
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I don't usually start posting unless I'm 100% confident I'll finish the story, so I don't have public wips.
I had one pretty cool Sherlock post-apocalypse story idea, which I'd love to talk about if someone is interested, but writing it? Hmm probably not. But it's not really a wip, if I have only like two bullets in a doc?
What are your writing strengths?
I think I write pretty good bickerflirting and humour even in dark situations. And, uh... historical research.
What are your writing weaknesses?
LONG ASS SENTENCES. I need to cut them down. Chop chop chop. Also, I over-use commas and em-dashes.
Also, not being a native english speaker, but I think I've got a lot more fluent during the past years, so maybe that's not my biggest weakness anymore.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
I have done it myself, in a situation when my pov character wasn't supposed to understand what was being discussed, but I did only a couple of lines.
My languages (apart from english) are finnish, very rough swedish, and teeny tiny bit of german, but many fics I've read that have used another language in dialogue, use French or Spanish (which are popular languages for English speakers to learn in school!), and with those I'm woefully lost!
But honestly, i don't need to understand every fic under the sun! You do you, I bet there are people who can understand whichever languages you'd like to mix in your story, and that will be amazing for them!
First fandom you wrote in?
The Book Series That Must Not Be Named. I projected so much of my teenage angst into wizard school drama.
Favorite fic you've written?
You monster! Making me choose. Uh.
Okay, fair. It's easy. Be Still My Soul, hands down. @be-still-my-soul-fanfic
No pressure tagging: @hkblack, @ambrasue, @tawnyontumblr , @ack-emma and @zehwulf and anyone else who wants to answer!
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smokedanced · 1 month
i woke up with an rpc vent in my mind that i feel like i have to unleash but 1) no obligation to read this at all i am just venting it out of my system and not really wanting to talk about it and 2) this is not a vaguepost. this is not about specific people. not all of this is about something to do with my blogs even. some of this is shit that i myself have mistakenly done before, even. i am talking about annoyances and pet peeves, not aiming to shame anyone. if i have an issue with any specific person i block them, vent about them privately with a close friend, or talk it out with the person.
readmore for length and so people don't have to see me vent lol (everything is fine nothing has happened just overall rpc annoyances from my time here since aaages ago)
i can't tell whether people lack reading comprehension, can't be bothered to read stuff, or are just entitled, a lot of the time, with some of these. you would think when we share a hobby that is largely based on reading, people would... read... but...
almost every time. almost every time i post a meme call etc. where i say to specify muse. i get likes without people specifying muse. this, along with the next item, is so common that it's not even possible to vaguepost about any specific person on this because it feels like most people do this? i'm sure i've mistakenly done it myself (just forgot and such) but it's not. it's. ????????? WHY
i kind of understand if i post a long ass plotting call for specific verses and explain a lot on the post that someone might skim it and miss a line about specifying muse, but even on two lines of just "like for memes. specify muse or i won't send any" people consistently manage to not follow the rules. this has been happening since. like at least five years now. i don't think meme calls were a thing much before that. but i remember struggling with this in 2018. and still.
similarly. do people. do people not read rules, think a rule doesn't apply for them (???) or just... what with, not doing my interest tracker.
it's gotten to the point that i am SURPRISED whenever someone does. i am GENUINELY DELIGHTED like someone did me a HUGE FAVOUR whenever they do it. i am so so pleased whenever someone who had kind of been around for a long time finally does it.
i sort of can see, if we follow each other on one of my other blogs first, that people might follow the multi without reading the rules since they already read the rules on another blog. that's generally ok, but when my multi has that specific rule that my other blogs don't, it's... well.
i don't know how many times i need to say on the dash that i do not interact with people until they either do my interest tracker OR tell me ooc which muses i am allowed to send them OR send me in character things (in which case i will only approach with the muses they send things first for). i just need to know which muses people are open to so i don't need to feel like i am forcing a muse someone isn't interested in for them. i don't need plot ideas, i don't need people to pick just one muse, i just need some indication of WHICH MUSES ARE OK TO SEND. like i don't know how much easier i could make it than saying it's ok to just message me and tell me all of my muses are ok. ????????
and i know so many people who struggle with the same thing. if someone has a rule about their interest tracker being mandatory. if you aren't going to do it. then don't follow them. what
more on reading comprehension or did someone not even read the rules before following: constantly. i- i mean, ok, lol, i'm not popular enough to get constant new followers, that's not. what i mean.
a huge chunk of people who follow me have direct contradictions to my rules in their rules. i can't tell if people don't read mine before they follow or if they somehow manage to lack the reading comprehension to understand them? especially my rule about me not following people who judge others based on what fiction they enjoy. i get very, very many followers whose own rules directly contradict this. i've even explained this in detail in my rules: how i am ok with people saying "don't follow me if you write x", but i am not ok and don't feel safe around people who say "don't follow me if you write gross things like x" etc. etc. etc. it's the tone, it's the implied judgement. i say that this includes topics that i myself am not comfortable writing. i feel like i say this clearly??? what is not clicking or do people not read my rules???
the other rule of mine that gets ignored is that i say i don't follow people with individual names on their dni lists. sometimes my ex-mutuals have added a dni of individual urls and then i'm forced to be like. ok. well. sorry, but i'm going to unfollow you. that's against my rules. i don't feel safe around you. i kind of, more understand it if it's something a mutual adds to their rules (i don't expect people to remember my rules, people can decide later that they don't agree with my rules, and so on, that's fine, it's up to me to curate my dash then and unfollow or block), but it's more baffling when there are new people.
both of the above are so common that whenever i get a new follower on any of my blogs now, i kind of ASSUME that there is going to be something in their rules that will be directly against mine and i won't be able to follow them back, until i go read their pages and am proven wrong. like, my assumption is that we are not compatible in the rpc, which is kind of fucking wild. because. why. why would you follow someone whose rules you don't agree with. i guess this is why i wonder if people read rules at all or if people just... don't... understand the way i word mine??? genuinely i continue to think of how to reword my rules but i feel like they are pretty clear on these topics???
(i'm not angry at anyone for following without reading my rules, i don't care enough to feel anger, it just. it's very confusing. and overall frustrating because you get a new follow and the blog seems cool but then you find out your rules aren't compatible.)
(i'm also never going to tell people what they can and can't have in their rules. rules that contradict mine are totally ok. it's not WRONG of people to not agree with my rules. i just wish people wouldn't follow me if our rules clearly do not match.)
other common either didn't read the rules or lack reading comprehension disregard the rules things that i see very commonly but that do not apply to me because i'm not mutuals only or have passwords but
people who disregard mutuals only rules. both people who will approach without being followed back and people who don't follow but think they can still interact? mutuals only means mutuals only, not one of us is following the other. i KNOW i have made this mistake before myself. i have taken mutuals only to mean if the other person with that rules follows me it's fine. i don't have to follow them. (the one time i don't take something literally LOL) but i've been corrected on it and know better now.
like person A has a mutuals only rule. person B wants to write with person A. person A follows person B, person B doesn't follow person A for whatever reason despite wanting to write together. person B just assumes that's ok. but... but you're not mutuals. entitled behaviour as fuck (that i have done myself! i have done this myself! i don't anymore of course but aaaaa it's so dumb why would i assume that was ok)
similarly: person A has a password in their rules. person B has a rule about not sending in passwords in theirs. person B follows person A first, doesn't send in password. ENTITLED AS FUCK BEHAVIOUR. your own rules can't excuse you not following someone else's. now, if person A was the one to follow first, then i think that would be fine. because then person A would know person B doesn't do passwords, and decided to follow anyway. but when it's the person who doesn't send passwords following someone who has a password first? just. don't follow someone whose rules you aren't going to follow. pretty sure i've done this in the past myself as well. would not anymore.
ok i have vented have a nice day. why am i getting irked over hypothetical things that don't even apply to me? i don't know. anyway. if this is somehow the first ooc post of mine you see i am so sorry i am normally just vibing and chilling.
also if you've done any of these in the past, i am not trying to make you feel bad. i tried to make that obvious by admitting to shit i myself did in the past.
also if anyone ever feels awkward about doing my interest tracker several months after having been quiet mutuals, don't! whenever someone does it i just get delighted. it's never a ohhhhh finally this person is doing it shame on them... it's always an oh! oh! so cool! we can write now! yay! and i usually message people to thank them for doing it.
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bokutizer · 1 year
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summary : From fated bike accident to shaving in your shared bathroom. tags : domestic fluff, mention of blood (nothing dramatic, I promise!) a/n : this has been a fic that I once wanted to post but my idiotic ass accidentally deleted it months ago, and I really did not have the enegry to rewrite it until now. also. Bokuto's skin is as soft as a baby's bottom.
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Everyone has scars that ornament their skin; small ones, big ones, some of them are nastier than others, some of them might carry dark memories with them while others hide unknown stories behind themselves. Bokuto is not an exception.
The light stretchmarks along his inner thighs and the outer edge of his chest, the small light line on his thumb that's still healing and fading after he had accidentally cut himself while pealing potatoes last week. Don't get me even started on his knees, littered with multiple teeny tiny scars. The latter ones being small childhood keepsakes, every single of them a consequence of his naive curiosity and numerous escapades.
However, there is this one scar that's so small, barely noticeable yet it carries so much importance to the athlete. It's right underneath his chin, barely an inch long, but every time he looks in the mirror, especially when he shaves, he can't help but smile at the sight of the little token of remembrance.
"Shit, shit, shit! Coach Takeyuki's going to kill us." Bokuto breathlessly groaned, his hair being pushed back by the wind as he tried to pedal as fast as possible without hitting any obstacles (people. to be exact).
"Bokuto-san, you are going to kill us." Akaashi corrected, tightening his grip on the rear seat on which he was sitting on, rethinking all his recent life decisions that had led him to this exact situation; praying that his senpai would slow down at least a tiny bit on the next turn.
Thanks to Bokuto's suddenly not-functioning alarm, and sisters who had taken over the bathroom, the second year had gotten out of his house at least twenty minutes later than usual. And of course, Akaashi, being the ever so loyal and reliable kohai, had been waiting the entire time for his friend.
So when the two of them had realized that they'd be way too late for their volleyball practice, Bokuto had the amazing idea to simply take his bike.
And so here the they were, one driving like a mad man while the other one prayed they would not get in trouble. But you know how they say; if it’s meant to be it will be. And in this case, not even prayers were able to stop what was about to happen.
The sound of an all too sweet laugh suddenly caught Bokuto’s attention, followed by a shock of (h/c) hair until he dashed past you, eyes meeting for merely few seconds. Though, it was definitely more than enough for him to tell that you were pretty, gorgeous even. Your hair looked so soft and silky, eyes so beautiful he swore if they’d be the only thing he could stare at, he'd do it.
Your expression was also cute. The way your forehead wrinkled slightly with your furrowed eyebrows before your eyes shut open… oh, were you shouting something? Were you shouting at him? Shit, did he already mess up?! -
"Watch out!"
And when your voice finally pulled him out of his day dream, Bokuto realized that Akaashi was also being quite loud, which was not an all too usual occurrence. As he finally focused his gaze on the road ahead of him, he realized that, in fact, there was no road anymore. It was long gone and replaced by the all too well known walls that surrounded Fukurodani High.
In a matter of seconds, they crashed against the grey brick-wall, the bike and both its passengers flying to the ground. Akaashi groaned as he slowly got up while rubbing his aching rear, his white training jacket stained with mud and dirt.
Bokuto, on the other hand, had accepted the possibility that he had probably died because the way you crouched in front of him, holding a napkin against his bleeding chin, it could only mean that his soul had arisen to paradise and that you were an angel. That could be the only possible explanation, right?
"Are you okay? Feeling nauseous or dizzy?" you asked worriedly, the cloth in your hand slowly but surely getting soaked with his blood. "We should get him to the infirmary." It was only then that you realized that the raven haired boy who had also been involved in this accident, was your classmate.
"Akaashi-kun! Did you get hurt?"
After he had reassured you that he was fine besides the few scratches, you helped Akaashi heave his friend up (who was anything but lightweight).
Bokuto remembers your gentle eyes, and the worried glimmer in them as if it were yesterday. How your expression turned into one of confusion when he asked you if you'd like to swing by during their volleyball practice as soon as the school nurse had patched him up.
"G'morning." you yawn as you step inside the bathroom, tiredly rubbing the sleep out of your eyes, and interrupting your boyfriend's little nostalgic moment. "Morning, pretty. Did ya sleep well?"
You hum contently at the short peck against your cheek, and somehow it's only then that you notice Bokuto's black little toilet bag sitting on the countertop, his razor and shaving cream ready to be used. The sleep instantly leaves your body as you gasp enthusiastically and perch yourself on the countertop, Bokuto eyeing you with the same warmth in his gaze. Watching you grab the cream and ushering him to get closer with the same eagerness of a seven year old who's about to do her favorite doll's hair.
"Alright, alright!" his shoulders shake as he chuckles at your antics. You tug at his arms until he's settled between your legs, his hands finding purchase on your thighs, thumbs tenderly rubbing shapes along your skin while you start applying the white foamy substance along his jaws. A squeak sounds through the tiled room once he gives your thighs a tickling squeeze, your whiney and drawn out "Kou!" only spreading his grin further.
"You have to admit, 'm pretty good at this." you speak pridefully, gliding the razor along his skin with gentle and careful strokes with one hand while the other's nestled beneath his chin, guiding his head the way you want it.
"I don't think there's anything you're not good at." Bokuto claims, his smug and still with shaving cream stained face getting too close to your own for your liking. "Beside parallel parking maybe."
"Really funny. Baby, wait. No! You still have some-"
Yet in a blink of an eye, his hand is resting on your nape, his lips doing their work an planting pecks all over your cheeks as well as bits of the shaving cream. You've accepted fate, enduring his sweet yet messy kisses, and your brows scrunching in disgust at the bitter taste of chemicals when the last kiss lands on your lips.
"Happy now?" you chide falsely annoyed, yanking the towel from the towel rail, and wiping your face. "You could've waited until I was done!"
"Nope." Bokuto shakes his head lightly, the self-sufficient grin on his face seeming not wanting to leave for today, as he rests his forehead against yours. You're about to shove him off you. That's until you hear him say, "You know I can't wait when it comes to you."
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lou-struck · 1 year
Beyond the Sunset
Katsuki Bakugo x reader
~ The two of you head up to the mountains to watch the sunset.
~This is one of the requested prompts for My Emoticon Expression's Event; check out the masterlist On my welcome page.
WC: 1.5k
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Ever since your coworker told you about the amazing lookout point they found the other day, you have wanted to see it for yourself. This little mountain spot is apparently breathtaking any time of the day, but the sunset is the most ethereal.
You have been watching the weather all week long, waiting for the best night to make the drive, the past few days have been cloud-filled and dreary, but tonight there is not a cloud in the sky. Perfect.
You pack the car with enough snacks to put a bear through hibernation and toss in half a linen closet's worth of blankets in the back seat before you check off the last important item on your todo list; you have to convince your Pro Hero Boyfriend to make the drive up with you. Katsuki may appear to be a grumpy homebody, but in reality, he would never say no to an adventure with you, especially when you bat your eyes at him so sweetly.
He wouldn't tell you this, but watching the sunset with you sounds heavenly, and he is over the moon about your little road trip. 
Even if you happen to be the biggest passenger princess, there is.
Your shoes have long since been slipped off, and your fuzzy sock-clad feet are crossed over the front dash. And even though you have the AC cranked on full blast, your seat warmer is on high, making you feel even cozier.
"Oi, get your feet off my dash before I throw you in the trunk." your boyfriend, Katsuki Bakugo, scolds. "I don't even know why I'm the one driving; you're the one who wanted to drive up to these damn mountains."
And you know he's only worried about your safety, and so you remove your feet. "you are driving because you are a terrible passenger." You tease, reaching over to ruffle his spiky blonde hair.
It's true; your boyfriend has always been a terrible backseat driver. Sometimes you have to remind him that your eyes work just as well as his. You can see the stoplights, and you can read the road signs. But on trips like this, when the road gets bumpy and twists every which way, it's much easier to skip the headache and let him drive.
He bats your hand away with a small smile, turning his attention to a rather large pothole. He navigates around it easily, and often the distance, you can see the beginnings of the sun starting to set.
"Are we gonna make it?"
"Course we are, Dumbass," he replies affectionately, the nickname making you giggle as you round the corner. You can see the whole valley below you; a wide river flows between the highest mountain peaks, and the lush greenery seems to go on for miles. Already a few cars are pulled over in some of the dirt-covered lookout and hiking spots. 
"looks like we're gonna have to get out and watch it from over there. "He says, parking into a spot a bit farther away from the viewpoint. 
"how about we go over there? You point unbuckling your seatbelt towards the large wooden fence posts and the distance. They look more than sturdy enough to support the two of you. 
"If I get any splinters in my ass, I'm blaming you." He jokes, opening the driver-side door and sliding out of the vehicle.
"Katsuki, Wait for me!" You call, trying to slip your sneakers back onto your socked feet. The first one slide on easily, but you can't find your other shoe.
"You're hopeless; up you go," he grumbles, opening the passenger side door and scooping you up effortlessly into his arms. Now that you don't have to worry about finding your other shoe, he carries you over to the sturdy wooden barrier overlooking the valley. He sets you down and joins you on the beam just as the sky fills with the majestic sorbet of oranges, pinks, and purples.
The two of you sit side by side, just watching the sky, too enchanted by the beauty of it all to say anything.
The orange fades slowly into a reddish-pink color as a flock of white birds disappears over the horizon. The sky becomes darker and darker until that beautiful purple color darkens into the rich darkness of the night sky. 
"This is pretty cool, huh?" You ask, breaking the spell and nudging him playfully.
"It was cool," he relents softly, eyes still fixated on the sky. I'm glad we came up here."
"Me too,' no hum nuzzling into his side. His naturally warm body makes you more aware of just how chilly it is now that the sun has gone down.
You start to shiver, scooting along the wooden post to get closer to your boyfriend.
"I told ya to bring a coat or somethin, but you didn't want to listen to me, did you?" he scolds, unzipping his black jacket and pulling it from his beefy arms."
You laugh at taking the garnet from him. And wrap it around yourself. "Only because you take such good care of me, you big softie."
"Only to you," he mumbles softly; he says it so uncharacteristically tender it is almost drowned out by the evening breeze that whistles through the valley below.
You wouldn't dare tease him when he gets soft like this; his words feel as if another lawyer has been tricked carefully over you. Surrounding you with his signature burnt sugar scent that reminds you of home. I
The two of you stayed at that lookout point long after the sun had set. The stars seem to go on forever on that mountaintop. Twinkling in a way that you would never be able to see back in the city.
"I think it's time we head out," he says, scooping you and his jacket up. "you're going to catch a cold out here."
"I-I'm glad we were able t-to come out here." You shiver to burrow deeper into his jacket. 
"You had a good idea." He says, plopping you down in your seat. "we can find your shoe when we get home."
With that, he pulls out of your parking spot and turns back down towards the road. All of a sudden, Bakugo stops. "Wait, what the hell?" he mumbles, "It's how the hell are we supposed to get back?"
"What are you talking about? Can't we just ride the road we came in on"
He shakes his head no, "It's a one-way; we must be stuck in a loop. We'll have to finish it to get back to the main road."
"That sounds like so much fun, "you chirp happily. Being the passenger princess you are is just happy to be along for the ride and completely unbothered by the current predicament that the two of you are in.
"I just don't know how long this thing will take." He sighs. You know he's not upset; it's just that he doesn't like being unprepared in case something goes wrong.
"Babe, relax. We have a full tank of gas, and we have snacks for days. Everything will be just fine." You soothe, reaching over and rubbing gentle circles into his back. His tense muscles seem to relax under your touch.
"We're good." He says, at last, staring up again and driving down the road. 
Bakugo's features relax, and you go through the late-night drive. He hums along to the radio and is completely at peace. You're so relaxed that you feel as if you are getting to be a bit too comfortable.
Just as you see the main road approaching, you let a big yawn, blinking your heavy eyes a few times in an effort to stay awake.
"M' feelin' kinda tired."
"Are you really gonna make me carry you inside when we get home?" His voice is steady, soothing, when he responds.
"Mmmmhmmm," you hum, sinking deeper into the seat. A happy smile tugging at your lips. You can barely keep your eyes open at this point. Not that you're trying to. 
Bakugo's warm heavenly hand grabs your own. His calloused thumb rubs soft circles into your skin. Your last thought: It's like he is trying to lull you to sleep.
As you sleep softly in the passenger seat, Bakugo looks at you affectionately. It would've made your heart flutter if you were able to see the doughy look on his features and the warmth in his crimson gaze.
Goodnight, dumbass," he whispers, stroking your hair with a free hand. "You mean so much to me."
Off in the distance, he sees that familiar split onto the man road. Just as he is about to turn, he glances down at the gas gauge. He notices that he has more than enough fuel. 
With a shrug, he turns in the opposite direction and goes back into the scenic loop to enjoy its beauty one more time. 
He may not be a night owl by any means, but these late-night drives with you make him want to stay up a bit later.
Tagging: @tokyometronetwork
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ichinoue · 1 year
How did you avoid becoming just like the toxic IRs or Bleach shippers in retaliation? I've been attacked for liking a ship and your blog helped me a lot to be secure in my tastes and to realize the haters were unfair, but I don't want to become toxic right back. Do you have any advice for that, for people who got hurt in a ship war to not become cruel themselves?
Oh man, I think it helps that I didn't join the fandom until I was an adult. Like, if I had been a vulnerable kid or teenager getting harassed by the grown ass internet bullies of the IR fandom, that would have been hard to keep a tough skin lmao. They were relentless, and a lot of them didn't even care if the people they were going after were underage at the time.
But my advice to anyone who feels like they're caught up in toxic shipwars or fandom stuff would be to curate your own spaces online, and to weed out the things or people who bring any kind of negativity! The block button is great, especially if someone is sending hate directly to you. Don't engage, just block. And depending on which site you're using, you can usually block or mute certain words or topics if you notice that the algorithm keeps putting stuff that you don't want to see on your feed or dash or whatever it may be.
The shipwars are nowhere near as bad as they used to be now that it's been years since Bleach ended, and I mainly just stick to my dashboard on here for any kind of fandom stuff now, so I don't really see any of the negative stuff that goes on anymore?? But back in the day whenever I saw people coming into the ichihime tag and posting hateful things, I'd block the account on sight so all their posts would disappear. My block list was a mile long by the time we got to the final arc lol.
I've also made it like, an unwritten rule for myself to never venture into any forums or reddit threads or youtube comment sections where there are likely to be shipping debates, because I just know it's inevitable that I'm going to see some stuff that will annoy me, so I avoid it lol. And I never seek out people or comment sections to debate about ships. Some people are into that, but I'm just not.
Another thing is, I don't do any kind of "hate searching." You know the thing where you like, purposely go to a blog or a page you don't like just to see what the opposition is saying? Like you *know* it's going to bother you but you can't help but look?? I did that sometimes back in the day, but I don't anymore, and it's given me so much peace of mind lmao. I just feel like, out of sight, out of mind is the way to go. I don't see it, I don't know it's happening, so it has no effect on me. It's like the "no thoughts, head empty" meme and it's glorious lol.
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msperfectsheep-posts · 2 months
Okay Note here. CHARACTER ASK. i7 Torao, Haruka, and Nagi. Ouran High School Haruhi. Batman Jason. Anyone in persona you must talk about (I don't know anyone there). Did I miss someone? (You don't have to do all. I am mereky curious)
THANK YOU NOTE!!! I'm gonna put all of these beneath a cut just so I don't clog up people's dashes <3
Torao Mido: (IDOLiSH7)
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Torao is the kind of character where you're like "literally why is he in the main cast when everyone else is a banger" and then you realize that his arc is just 4-5/6ths of the way into the story and you go Oh. Oh. I get it now. That's him. That said, I want to blast him with a fire hose.
Haruka Isumi: (IDOLiSH7)
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Haruka was my discord pfp for several months and I think that says a lot already. I love him so much, he's like. so bulliable and he should be bullied. Dramatic ass teenager baby that dresses like an e-boy. I love him so much and every time he bleps (:P) in official art I want to Die. Prime blorbo material.
Nagi Rokuya: (IDOLiSH7)
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I'll admit outright that, as someone who had Ouran High School Host Club change my brain chemistry forever when I was a child, and with i7 having a main character named Tamaki, I CONSTANTLY called Nagi "Tamaki" during the first season just because he was the silly blond weeb guy!! I was like holy shit there's two of them. And then I got to parts 3 and 4 and I was like Oh Holy Shit they're even more similar than I thought :'). Nagi is a BELOVED character of mine but it took a moment for me to grow into loving his character. I wish I saw more fan content of him because he fucking rocks, but he's also just on a different plane from a lot of the more popular characters and I get it. I love how everyone respects him as they should though. My king forever and ever.
Haruhi Fujioka: (Ouran High School Host Club)
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SPEAKING OF OURAN HIGH SCHOOL HOST CLUB. Haruhi's arc in the anime and manga is a little different, and obviously the anime wasn't supposed to end where it did, but with the changes the director and writers made, I truly believe that it would be impossible for the animeverse to end the same way the mangaverse did. Anyways Haruhi is a really funny character because she's supposed to be the straightman in a lot of the jokes, but she's just as dramatic and silly as everyone else. And it's great. 10/10 protagonist, every time I think of her I think of that tumblr post about her with the big brown eyes and I go Yeah. yeah.
Jason Todd: (DC Comics; Batman)
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(If you can't read that square, it says "SCOTT LOBDELL")
Jason was NOT my favorite DC character or even Robin for a long, long time. I only really got into his character when I started working on my fic, Beyond Imagination, and had to start analyzing what a younger Jason was like and how he would interact with the world in a modern day and age. All of the Batman characters get flanderized and mischaracterized by fanon and canon a lot, so it's hard to figure out what was generally agreed upon as canon unless you read yourself, but Jason's got a strong story and personality that really shined with his resurrection. I'd say it's one of the best uses of reviving a character thought to be dead, and every time I think about his death and like. both the in-universe and real life events that lead up to it, I get emotional. Great character that makes me deeply ill to think of from a meta-perspective.
Maya Amano: (Persona 2 Innocent Sin & Persona 2 Eternal Punishment)
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Okay so. You may have noticed I tagged two Persona games for her and that's because, spoilers for Persona 2, the first Persona 2 (Innocent Sin) is a timeline that fails. The game with you resetting the timeline because you fucked up that badly, and the second Persona 2 (Eternal Punishment) is your second shot and doing things over. HOWEVER. Maya changes with the timelines because she was doomed to die with how things were set up in Innocent Sin, and fixing that to give the timeline a shot in Eternal Punishment changes her as a character. This bingo is more about Innocent Sin Maya, who is a 23 year old girlfailure reporter that makes me Deeply Deeply Ill. If you're ever curious, you can send me an ask and I'll talk about her more in depth because Persona 2 isn't the easiest game to play
Thank you for the ask!!!
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