#like there's no vex or percy or caleb or beau or fjord here
utilitycaster · 5 months
got lost in the shuffle of great moments but this was the episode that finally made me care about Tofor Brotoras so jot that down
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noxspost · 1 month
hades game and critical role mashup au and its codex
So here is the codex's list of Important characters.
The companions are the same but now the Olympians give them when Zagreus and caduceus are looking for their mom and dad in the fields of mourning with Mel. The people that have another next to them are from the critical role Universe.
They still exist especially the ones in the house with the exception of Orpheus and his wife.
But the olympian gods with the extra names. Those characters are still there but the kids that are the gods from the game hades are the cousins to Macaria and hecate.
Yes we are Ripping apart both universes and stitching them back together.
The crossroads are where Mel and those gods are.
More of the rest and how this works will be shown.
The Olympians.
Artemis- Vex
Apollo- Vax
Athena- Cassandra
Demeter- melora and Keyleth
Hestia- all hammer
Poseidon- Babenon Dosal
Zeus- pelor and is not married to Erathis
Hera- Erathis
Hephaestus- Percy de Rolos
Aphrodite- Marion
Chthonic Gods
The lord or lady of the house is replaced by corrin sicne the person who disappeared is both Cornelius and Constance
Zagreus is the twin of caduceus
Nyx is still here but also the Duskmaven is in the same role.
Charon- still the same
Hypnos- still here but also shares similar domains with verin
Thanatos same but with essek by with a few different domains.
Megaera- still the same
Alecto- still the same
Tisiphone- still the same
Chaos- still here but shares the role in the game with melora is in the same role but more like Gaia
Hades and Persephone are the grandparents to Zagreus, Mel, caduceus and his siblings.
Macaria is the child of Persephone and hades.
Others of Note
Achilles- beau
Orpheus- is replaced by Scanlan since Orpheus got his happy ending of his myth.
Sisyphus- still here but now Caleb stays with him. He is filled with so much self loathing that he put himself in Tartarus the Furies don't care.
Eurydice-replaced by pike and veth in the way she comes to visit alot.
Theseus- jester by dethroning him still salty about it.
Asterius-Fjord but he still here but is peacefully living in the fields
Cerberus- still here.
Dusa- still here and is assisted by grog who also helps with The repairs of the domain every single time. The twins come back from ransacked and everything and also the house contractor with things.
Skelly- is here
House contractor- Kingsley
House Chef- Shaun Gilmore
The Broker- mollymauk
Also the mimiboss that is the giant crystal I've merged that with Trent. So essentially he's being infested by the crystals.
Frinos- Mel
Frumpkin- Caleb's
Toula- Hecate
Windrunner- Clarabelle's
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thevalleyisjolly · 2 years
Critical Role parties ranked by mothers’ names
They might be sung or unsung heroes of the land, but the real question is, how well do they all know each other?  For example, what are their mothers’ names? 
Results reflect the number of named mothers in each party divided by the total number of known mothers in each party.  “Known mothers” refers to mothers of PCs who are confirmed to exist.  In order to be a “named” mother, their names/titles must be stated in an episode of Critical Role.  Supplementary books and comics are for now excluded, although to my knowledge, this does not change the results in any substantial way.
If a character does not have a mother or mother figure (e.g. FCG, Molly, Kingsley) or does not know/remember who their parents are (e.g. Fjord, Yasha), those parents are not counted as known mothers here because it was not possible for the characters -much less the party- to know who they were/are.  At the same time, if a character does know who their parents are but it is never established whether any of those parents is a mother (e.g. Pike, Grog), they are not counted as a known mother/mother figure in the party total.
Additional notes:
Mother figures who are not formally related to party members are considered as known mothers if the characters acknowledge some type of parental/familial relationship with them (which does not equate to a mothering or a positive relationship).  Currently, this is only relevant to two PCs, Yasha and Orym.  With Yasha, the Skyspear is counted as a parental figure, although she did not consider the quality of that relationship to be mothering or positive.  With Orym, it is unclear whether he considers Nel (Derrig’s wife) to be a mother figure, although we do know that they had a good relationship and it is likely she also occupied a parental role in his life as Derrig did.
FCG, Molly, and Kingsley are unique cases of characters who came into existence under very particular circumstances.  While FCG is certainly a sentient person, he has no memory of his early years and relationships in Aeor, and they don’t appear to view their relationship with Dancer as a parent-child one.  Molly and Kingsley, on the other hand, were pieces of Lucien’s soul who became their own persons and who emphatically did not identify with or as Lucien.  Therefore, while Lucien certainly had parents, they are not counted as either Molly or Kingsley’s parents.
If party members share a mother (really just Vex and Vax), that mother only counts as one known mother for the party total and is not double-counted.
Party rosters are as listed on Encyclopedia Exandria.  This does mean that Tiberius is included for Vox Machina.  One-shot characters (Derrig, Lieve’tel, Bertrand in the case of Vox Machina) are not counted as part of the official party roster, even if they are referred to as party members in the game.
A huge shout out to Encyclopedia Exandria in general, which was a really great resource in researching the familial relationships of each character and what has come up in-game!  And now, let’s get to the stats!
Vox Machina - 6/6 (100%)
Grog - unknown Keyleth - Vilya Percy - Johanna de Rolo Pike - unknown Scanlan - Juniper Taryon - Mariya Darrington Tiberius - Penelope Vex and Vax - Elaina
The ones who started it all!  Perhaps thanks to Scanlan’s speech, Vox Machina gets a perfect score, with six out of six known mother/mother figures being named in-game.  With Pike and Grog, while we know that both characters had at least one father, we do not know the gender of their other parents, and they are therefore not counted as known mothers here.
Bonus fact: If we exclude Tiberius, Vox Machina would still be batting at 100%.
Mighty Nein - 7/7 (100%)
Beau - Clara Lionett Caduceus - Constance Clay Caleb - Una Ermendrud Essek - Deirta Thelyss Fjord - unknown Jester - Marion Lavorre Kingsley - not applicable Molly - not applicable Veth - Ashlee Smyt’hh Yasha - The Skyspear
The Mighty Nein also get a perfect score for known mothers, with seven out of seven known mother/mother figures being identified in-game.  Since we do not know any of Fjord’s or Yasha’s birth parents, they are not included as known mothers in the overall count.  Similarly, neither Molly nor Kingsley have applicable parent relationships.
Bonus fact: If we exclude the Skyspear (and her inclusion is extremely tenuous), the Mighty Nein is still at 100% when it comes to known mothers.
Bells Hells - 2/5 (40%)
Ashton - unnamed mother Bertrand - unknown Chetney - unknown Dorian - unknown Fearne - Birdie Calloway Fresh Cut Grass - not applicable Imogen - Liliana Temult Laudna - unnamed mother Orym - unnamed mother; Nel?
Bells Hells is where it gets complicated!  Out of five known mother/mother figures, only two are named, giving Bells Hells a total of 40%.  As stated above, FCG has never defined his relationship with Dancer as one of parent-child, and we do not know who Bertrand, Chetney, and Dorian’s parents are/were.  We do know that Ashton, Laudna, and Orym are all stated or shown to have a mother, although we do not know their names.  On the other hand, the mothers whom we do know have certainly made an impression as big as that red moon in the sky!
Bonus fact: Since it is not clear whether Orym also considered Nel a mother figure, she is excluded from the official count.  If she were included, she would raise Bells Hells overall total to 3/6 (50%).
While both Vox Machina and the Mighty Nein have a perfect score, Mighty Nein arguably has the edge over Vox Machina in terms of just having more known mothers to name.  The Mighty Nein also have the meta advantage of coming after C1, with the cast meme-ing the hell out of “What’s my mother’s name?” and making it an actual in-game icebreaker question.
Very understandably, Bells Hells has had fewer episodes than either Vox Machina or Mighty Nein at this point, so we know a little less about them.  However, it is worth mentioning that we do know a fair deal about the relationships that Bells Hells have with their families, even if we don’t know the names of their parents, and that the impact of those relationships have been markedly felt by the PCs and their personal arcs.  Someone who never appears in the narrative but their presence is felt by what grows around them, y’know?
And now, it’s only right to close with an acknowledgement of the adventuring mothers from within these parties whom we most definitely do know and love: Vex, Pike, Veth, Beau and Yasha (if they did end up adopting), and of course, Fearne <3  
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I'm loving the OUAT au, but I have so many questions about details, if you're interested in elaborating.
1. How does Vax escape the curse? Because he is fate touched by the Raven Queen?
2. What role/job does each Vox Machina/Mighty Nein/Bells Hells character have? Including Gilmore, Uriel, Kima, and Allura?
3. Whose true love's kiss breaks the curse, considering Percy x Vex are supposed to be the "true love" couple, but in the show it was the parent/child true love that broke the curse more than once?
of course!
I think he escapes because Vex and Percy ensure that he does. The plan is for him to take Vesper through the tree portal to the new world. Percy and Vex knew they could never escape the curse, not when it was centered around them to begin with. And there was no one they trusted more with their child than Vax. Where things went wrong was in the tree, he was holding Vesper's hand as they stepped through but when he reappeared in our world, she wasn't with him. And he found all of his memories of Exandria wiped and gone. Unbeknownst to them, the Briarwoods had planned for that very thing.
So I elaborated on this a bit on some other posts but here's a complete list!
Vex- works in an accounting firm Percy- an inventor working for Ripley Vax- Not part of the curse Pike- the Dr. Whale of this au Scanlan- a busker on the streets Grog- owns a 24 hour gym Keyleth- works in a greenhouse
Fjord- is a dockworker Caleb- a teacher at the high school Beau- works a boring desk job Jester- a struggling artist Veth- a thief, constantly in and our of jail Caduceus- loner living in a van in the woods Yasha- imprisoned (like Belle)
FCG- the Dr. Hopper of this au Laudna- in a coma in the hospital Imogen- reads to coma patients to help her anxiety Ashton- works a shitty retail job Fearne- owns the B&B Orym- an assistant to Keyleth Chetney- almost never leaves his home
Cassandra- forced to the Briarwoods' daughter Gilmore- owns a pawn shop Kima- is the sherrif Allura- works at the library
3. hmmmm I think that in this au it would be the same, Vax kissing Vesper's head after Delilah tries to kill her for trying to break the curse. He is not her parent, but he does truly love his niece so I could see that working in this au too.
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captainsspnanon · 2 years
The Kingsley Commentary
My rants about Kingsley, removed from the main reaction post
Putting in the obvious disclaimer that this is all my personal opinion and my interpretations of a character may not match the interpretation that you have of the character.  Feel free to think that I am wrong as much as you like!  But holy shit I needed to VENT.
With the Beau and Kingsley conversation before break
“I can see Jester, I can see Fjord, I can see Caduceus” fucking where?  I’m believing that this is fully pulled from Beau’s/Marisha’s ass, as Kingsley is all the worst parts of Molly and Lucien without having the benefit of being a fun villain.  He smarmily backtalks every line, he’s made it pretty clear that he doesn’t really like Jester or Fjord much and is heavily dismissive of them (and he’s done it loudly enough and constantly enough that it feels like the ‘i’m making a Joke TM but it’s actually true’ versus a friend just picking at each other.  Yes, I did still try to look at this aspect without bias – it’s INCREDIBLY different than when Veth and Fjord pick at each other, versus how Kingsley does.)  *watches more of the conversation* Well, there’s confirmation Kingsley doesn’t have respect for Fjord.  And I call bullshit on the respect for Jester.  Then again, I’ve lost my attempted non-bias at this point.  Kingsley ‘taking care of the crew’ is technically true, though I have no clue how much of it is actually taking care of them or just trying to undermine Fjord – cause part one made it feel 98% undermining Fjord.  Even his asking about Molly is based in “I want to be better than the other two” but in a way that feels arrogant rather than anything else.  YES THIS IS INCREDIBLY SUBJECTIVE OF ME I DON’T CARE
Plank King ending
No.  Fuck you.  I hate this ending because it is the most unearned bullshit ever.  
Percy and Vex’s ending?  Earned, because we followed their entire story through the campaign, see every step and struggle they take, and getting the Good Ending is narratively earned.  
The endings from the very end of C2, where Kingsley joins the Revelry, NOT becoming Plank King (I still can’t find how the hell this entered fan consciousness, as 141 and the wrap up never ever state it), and the rest of the Nein have quiet, normal-ish lifes?  Fucking earned to hell.  In a narrative that was NOT about the big heroes, their biggest reward was being happy.  Even the recap epilogues here which are basically the same thing as 141 are perfect.  But in 141, Kingsley becomes part of the Revelry?  Worked because it matched with his personality (and lol this two shot proves that even more) because he wants to sail and adventure (and steal and kill and be a cruel dick to people that he doesn’t give two shits about).  
Being the Plank King though?  Sitting on a throne while people just bring him treasure, and he has to essentially govern the whole Revelry (even though it’s more of a laissez-faire thing?)  That doesn’t seem to match with his character at all.  
ALSO is the fact that it’s narratively completely unearned.  A character that shows up for two full episodes and I dunno, maybe half an hour in the main campaign?  Suddenly in the ruler of a whole big plot setting from early in the campaign?  Feels like grubby grabby hands gimme the coolest ending.  Not only that, but give me a position of authority that can show up in future campaigns even though I’m still essentially a complete unknown.  Oh, and let’s not fucking forget the “I wave my hand and wipe away a big conflict from the campaign with absolutely no real resolution whatsoever aren’t I so awesome?” No, and fuck this ending forever.  I don’t care if it’s canon, I’m full on headcanoning it away because fuck that shit.  You know what this feels like?  You want to know???  It’s like if fucking Darrow of the Stubborn Stock suddenly sent Caleb a message going ‘no worries, have taken down the Cerberus Assembly, you’re fine!’ It’s not fucking EARNED.  Beau and Caleb slowly slowly slowly taking down the Assembly, or even just clearing out maybe one or two more people?  Fucking earned!  Darrow?  HOW MANY OF YOU ACTUALLY REMEMBER WHO DARROW IS???  But he’s been around for just as long as Kingsley, if not fucking longer.
I went into the two shot giving Kingsley a chance and I’ve ended up fully fucking hating him, officially what I consider to be the worst part of the entire campaign.  Probably even the worst part of ALL campaigns.
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scurvgirl · 2 years
I’m having a pain flare up so here are some CR thoughts as I get further into this Chroma Conclave business because I need a distraction from the fact that my back is structurally unsound:
- I fucking adore Percy. I love the bitchiness, the snarkiness, the excitement and nerdiness he gets over his ability to make things, the deep rooted pragmatism that gets misinterpreted SO FREQUENTLY as being morally compromised when no, he has morals but those morals are NOT as important as the facts of the situation and needing to solve the situation. It’s a dynamic I really really enjoy.
- Vex is a QUEEN. I love how dragons being her favored enemy and being against dragons is so ironic given her greed. A greed that is born out of deep financial insecurity (girl, I fucking GET IT).
- I am still surprised I like Scanlan. I was FULLY anticipating hating him. Nott/Veth is still my favorite Sam character because that whole story just ripped my heart out. I’m just surprised I like him. 
- Every time Pike makes an appearance, there needs to be that child cheering sound effect. Pike is just so good, so clutch. CLERIC SUPREMACY!!!
- Grog has grown on me! I have a greater appreciation of Travis’s roleplaying now seeing more of Grog vs. Fjord vs. Chetney. 
Okay, character comparisons thus far! I love everyone, this is just for fun :)
Laura: Love Vex but...Jester, Jester is just...the leetol blue tiefling is just too strong. Jester --> Vex --> Imogen
Marisha: Laudna --> Beau --> Keyleth. This is probably the one most likely to change just because Beau sits where she is here because her progression was so incredible to me, and I haven’t seen much with Kiki yet. Laudna wins because she is EVERYTHING is loooove.
Liam: Caleb --> Vax --> Orym. I wanna see Caleb and Percy have a conversation, I feel like they would...get along like a house on fire *hides*
Ashley: Fearne --> Yasha --> Pike. This is PURELY based on how much I’ve seen of each. But each Ashley character is a gift we must cherish and protect at all costs.
Travis: Ugh, this is hard because I love werewolves but Chetney...grates on my nerves sometimes. I want that good good character development! So...Fjord --> Grog --> Chetney
Sam: Nott/Veth --> FCG --> Scanlan. FCG is before Scanlan because I feel like the potential for FCG is sooooo high and after his haywire moment, I had to watch Iron Giant which is ALWAYS a good thing. I know about Tary, but since I haven’t met him yet, I can’t judge him. 
Taliesin: I put this one off because...it’s hard T__T But here we go... Percy --> Mollymauk --> Caduceus --> Ashton. AGAIN, I love ALL of these characters they are WONERFUL. Ashton is my FAVORITE of Campaign 3. Idk how he manages to make these incredible characters time and time again, but hats off Mr. Jaffe, kudos to you good sir. 
Matt: Hey! The DM is playing too and deserves fun. Essek Hot Boi Thelyss --> Shaun Gilmore --> Pumat Sol  --> Eshteross 
Animal Companions: Trinket (BEST BOY) --> Frumpkin (’m a cat person) --> Sprinkle --> Pate --> Mister --> Professor Thaddeus 
Antagonists/Villains: Trent Ikithon for Fuckin’ Meet Me In the Pit You Piece of Shit Stain Dickweed (insults continue for another 20 minutes), Delilah Briarwood for I’d Let Her Finger Me to Death Sure Why Not and Sylas Briarwood for Bite Me Daddy, Obann for Oh That is Eeeeeevillll (Scott Pilgrim), Lucien for Baby I Love to Hate You Hate to Love You, Otohan for You Realize This Will Only Go Poorly for You Right?
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angelsndragons · 3 years
okay since folks really like my original cockroach party post i’m going to expand a bit and talk about how and why the mighty nein turned into a cockroach party.
but before we do that, i’m going to talk about mechanics on this post. warning: long post ahead.
first, let’s define terms. all adventuring parties find their own play style when it comes to combat. from my experience, these tend to fall into three broad categories that i am calling the glass cannon, the control, and the cockroach. to be clear, no one party style is better than another; the players and characters simply have different priorities and skill sets.  
glass cannon: these parties are built for doing damage. that’s basically it. they do damage and hope that they kill their enemies before their enemies kill them. these parties tend to be low on support casters, healers, or both. round 4 is where things start to get really rough for these parties and chances are good that if the fight has gone on this long, someone’s at least unconscious.
control: these parties tend to go around obstacles and enemies. there are a million ways to do this; for example, these parties can regularly avoid conflicts all together via stealth or charisma or some other check. when forced into combat, they excel when they have plans or traps to spring on opponents. they struggle a bit but ultimately triumph because they have a myriad of ways to not get hit or they are able to escape and lose their pursuers. 
cockroach: these parties don’t engage in combat, they endure it. their goal is to outlast their enemies via healing, support, and tanking. you hit them? joke’s on you, they don’t care. unlike their glass cannon counterparts, round 4 is where things turn around for the cockroach party. they’ve dug in and are starting to push back.
vox machina is a quintessential glass cannon party. part of that is simply down to player availability; ashley their cleric worked across the country so that made it tough for her to attend on the regular. but. the party technically still had a primary healer who could have stepped in and filled that role: keyleth. druids are pretty dang good healers and support casters, even moon druids. however. marisha and keyleth decided to instead take a dps and tank role similar to grog. this ain’t a diss either so don’t any of you all start anything, especially considering keyleth was often burning her higher slots just to get vm to different places. when keyleth was tanking in wild shape and focusing on dps, it meant that vox machina was reliant on: vex’s cure wounds (and with her being a half caster, you weren’t getting a lot of mileage of it), scanlan as the only support role, and later vax’s lay on hands for emergency healing. percy could heal himself a bit if things got really dicey, grog was taking half damage from most attacks, and the twins could hide as a bonus action or stay at range out of the way. in fact, most of vm had some method for staying at range and letting grog and keyleth tank. and this style worked for them for the most part. their biggest dangers were always the longer fights, with or without pike. longer fights meant more chances for these fragile kids to get hit and possibly drag out the fight even longer by trying to get someone up.
the ashholes from exandria unlimited is a great example of a control party. i count half of their encounters which they’ve been able to wriggle out of without killing their opponents. their liberal use of charm spells, high charisma, and just flat out out of the box thinking (they flipped a fucking crocodile!!) has saved their bacon so many times. during unavoidable combat, they have struggled a little bit, but they’re a low level party to begin with so struggle is expected. all the casters appear to be offensively geared with dariax and fearne having prepped utility on the side. even so, that control vibe still permeates the party; dorian’s most clutch move was that dissonant whispers on mister, which he cast not to harm mister but force him to move away from the rune that transformed and powered him, thus ending the combat.
and finally we have the mighty nein, the cockroach party. we’ll get into the hows and whys later, for now, cockroach parties are built on three major founding principles: action economy, mindset, and versatility. action economy is king in dnd. pcs get an action, bonus action, and reaction per turn. having turns each round is critical to a dnd party's ability to overcome the enemy and the more turns you have compared to your opponent, the better. for large parties, that is a sizable advantage over enemy monsters, which is why even low level monsters are packing multi-attacks, decent ac, and/or good solid hit points. more members means more attacks the creature(s) needs to take and focused fire adds up fast, even at low levels. for example, kylre had about 90 hp and was dead in three rounds, with fjord alone dealing 64 points of that damage. yeah. want to know why mid to high level monsters have legendary actions and resists? action economy. want to know why some silly min-max number crunchers think that cleric healing is severely under-powered? action economy. laura's assessment of healing, that it is better to damage the enemy and only heal to bring people up to make sure they get their turn, is a solid, reasonable assessment of the economy, especially when it comes to the cleric spell slot economy which I elaborated on here.
so, in light of the action economy, let's talk about the cockroach mindset. the cockroach party doesn’t ask ‘how do we beat this opponent’, it asks ‘how do we outlast this opponent.’ it’s a subtle difference in combat focus but an important one. survival of the party is the cockroach’s top priority and all members go into the encounter with that priority in mind. the players aren’t focused on the survival of their character, however, they are focused on giving their party another round to act. they give themselves room to breathe. whether that is stunning the enemy completely, whether it's lowering the enemy's attacking ability, whether it's giving a party member an extra action, whether it’s bringing someone up from unconsciousness, those methods combine with damage generation to win an encounter. cockroach parties don't rely on damage output to keep themselves safe, they rely on their own ability to survive and support their team. 
which brings us to versatility. cockroach parties tend to have a wide array of skills at their disposal and aren’t afraid to use them. while they have solid support roles, casters are not the only ones who can bring utility to a party. just ask beau. just ask yasha as she flew caleb out of danger in the first lucien fight. heck, just ask orym and his swip swap battle flop. or damian and the owlbear from the darrington brigade. cockroach parties, more than control and glass cannon parties, prefer to have a wide range of options available to them. the more tricks up your sleeve, the more likely you are to have something to deal with whatever the dm throws at you. marine layer, anyone? at the same time, the party also uses this wide array to have multiple ways to handle the same problem. jester is the backup stealth scout and teleporter. fjord is the emt, able to remove and heal injured party members if caduceus or jester cannot. caleb is the backup backup cleric with polymorph. veth can also stun/incapacitate enemies with her spells. caduceus is the backup backup tank and battlefield control via his shield of retribution and spirit guardians to beau and jester.
these three tricks combine into one inescapable reality: there is no one better or obvious target to take out. the entire party is one giant interlocking trap; break one and the others will reinforce the weak point and make you pay for the effort.
(incidentally, the cockroach approach is so ingrained in the cast that the vm side of the battle royale didn’t play with the urgency the vm playbook requires and that, more than anything, screwed them over. but that’s a different post.)
tune in next time for a break down of how, when, and why the nein went from glass cannon to cockroach because it is a fascinating ride.
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hayleysayshay · 2 years
How much I feel the player characters of the cast characters would get along with each other (just going to keep it to the main characters no Derrig etc):
Vex, Jester, Imogen: I think Imogen and Vex could get along it they don’t disagree. If they disagree, it’s all over. Think Vex would enjoy Jester’s chaos and we know Imogen doesn’t appear to mind a bit of chaos if we look at her with Bells Hells so generally I think they could all be friends (though Jester may think Imogen is a bit cold).
Grog, Fjord, Bertrand and Chetney: Grog and Chetney bffs though Chetney would take advantage of Grog. Fjord doesn’t get along with Chetney at all, enjoy’s Grog’s company. Bertrand just tries hard to get along with everyone, would probs rub Fjord the wrong way.
Percy, Mollymauk, Caduceus and Ashton: Cad gets along with the everyone but thinks Percy is the most full of shit, appreciates Ashton’s directness and they’d be the closest. Percy thinks Cad is the best but finds Molly irritating and doesn’t know what to make of Ashton. Ashton could get behind Molly’s chaos and vibes with Caduceus, Ashton thinks Percy is full of shit. Molly thinks he’s the best person in the room and doesn’t become close with any of them apart from Caduceus.
Keyleth, Beau, Laudna: Laudna and Keyleth would be weirdo bffs, anxious energy all fine here. I think Laudna and Beau could become friendly though Keyleth would fine Beau’s harshness very off putting.
Scanlan, Tary, Veth, Fresh Cut Grass: Scanlan and Veth would be chaotic friends though they would never let either of them see their worst sleeves. Fresh Cut Grass would be polite with them and be friendly but they wouldn’t be an obvious choice of friend but I think the others would confide in him. Tary obvs finds Fresh Cut Grass very interesting in a way that might make FCG uncomfortable. Veth would bully Tary (more as Nott you know).
Vax, Caleb and Orym: genuinley, they have not a lot to dislike about the other. I think maybe Vax wouldn’t trust Caleb though and find his reserved nature suspicious, whereas Orym is more of an open book ‘just doing my job’ type of sensible Vax would like. None of them are close with each other though.
Pike, Yasha, Fearne: I think Pike and Yasha would get along fine and well, Pike would want to help Yasha tbh. Think Yasha would find Fearne odd but not in a dismilar way to Molly, I think Pike would be friendly with Fearne as she is everyone, but would not ever trust her at all.
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demigoddessqueens · 2 years
WHAT'S UP IM SPITBALLING HERE! Hear me out hear me out. You are a bard who was a lavish performer, before spreading your voice all over wildemount. You did though, give up your shows in a thirst for adventure. You did also get sick and tired of the judgment/ prying eyes. What if maybe while passing through one of the cities you used to perform in, you stumble into the tavern you used to entertain. I imagine some of the members knew (or you shared your story to them) and persuaded you to go up and share the talent you locked away. Who would be hollering your name? Who would be cheering you on? Who would be swooning everywhere? Who would be like "THATS MY PARTNER UP THERE!"? Just what chaos would completely unfold. (Im okay with any of the traveling parties, or you could just do all of them. Sorry if the ask is a little cheesy , this has just been sitting around and marinating)
Oh I’m gonna have fun with this!!! 🤩 💃🏽
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For Vox Machina:
Percy, Keyleth and Vax are swooning, although Percy and Keyleth are blushing like “is that MY s/o?? I didn’t know they could move like THAT”
Vex and Pike are cheering you on, calling you “babe” or “darling”
Scanlan and Grog are unapologetic in their laud and yeah it totally gets raunchy 😆
For The Mighty Nein:
Jester, Mollymauk, and Nott are hooting and hollering for you, proud that you are such a skilled dancer
Beau, Caleb, Cadeuces, Fjord, Essek and Yasha are hot ass flustered messes. Especially when you move your hips THAT
For Bell’s Hells:
Chetney, Ashton, Fearne and Laudna are cheering you, unabashed and bold 💕
Fresh Cut Grass finds himself tapping along and finds himself swaying along to your dances
Dorian, Imogen and Orym are a a bit blushy but they appreciate the arts and your skills as an entertainer
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uselessgaywhovian · 2 years
top ten critical role moments!
Hoo boy! Let's see...
This conversation between Beau and Caleb. I'm not sure why, this one just lives in my heart. I loved the dynamic between Beau and Caleb most of all.
Also this conversation between Beau and Caleb. "I just put everything on the line—my own survival, all of our survival—on the line because I wanted to see you live. And all of our friends live." I just think they're neat.
Percy mic-dropping on Vex's dad. FUCK Syldor Vessar. All my homies hate Syldor Vessar.
Jester and Fjord's jellyfish conversation. God I love the emotional vulnerability inherent in taking watch together.
"My heart is someone else's." JUST FUCK ME UP LAURA BAILEY.
The Gem of Byroden Pageant. This was just such a fuckin' treat, i tell y'all what. idk how many times i went back and watched that.
That time when Vox Machina accidentally did some murders in "The Final Ascent". This is why I have trust issues. RIP for those auto-crits with sneak attack damage.
Keyfish. Always Keyfish.
Last but not least: The Cupcake Incident. I mean really that entire interaction with the hag, Beau being ready to sacrifice herself for Nott, Yasha being like lol no, and then Laura hitting us with the "That was sprinkled with the Dust of Deliciousness" and watching the dominoes fall from there. *chef kiss* this is the kind of buck wild D&D nonsense I came here for.
Honorable mention to the bath scene. God I love the bath scene.
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saphirered · 3 years
Mighty Nein Masterlist
Last Updated: 1/20/2023
Masterlist for multiple part requests found here.
(The Mighty Nein)
M9 x druid reader
M9 x reader with kid
M9 x fighter reader using magic
M9 x injured reader
M9 x Vex&Percy’s adopted kid
M9 boys x reader: Don’t Leave Me Behind
M9 x reader Holiday Tradition
M9 x reader Needy (nsfw adjacent)
M9 x reader Aftercare (nsfw adjacent)
M9 x reader: Cursed Power
Late Night
All You Ever Need to Be
First Times (headcanons)
Light in the Dark
Wild Magic Sorcerer (headcanons)
Air Genasi (headcanons)
Bearing Burdens
Good Company
Birds of a Feather
Reckless (poly Essek x Caleb x reader)
Wild Shape
Bright and Early
Please Come Back to Me
Dance With Me
Talk to Me
Magic Man
He Smiles
Normally pt1.
Normally pt2. (Finale)
Cat and the Songbird
Source Material (nsfw)
Skill Check
Indoor Skies
Midwinter Shopping
Night Watch (druid headcanons)
Every Second Counts
Tale of the Handsome Devil and Summer Princess
Ghost of the Past
Yes, Princess
Call Me Darling
Meadow Escapade
First Light
Old Love
Hot Springs
Secrets and Confessions
First Times (poly Essek x Caleb x reader headcanons)
Siblings (sibling!reader)
Hell Hath No
Betrothal (pt1)
Betrothal (pt2)
Poisoned Sting
Perfect Dream
Feathery Nuisances (poly Beau x Yasha x wild magic reader)
Heroic Savior (human wizard)
Angel and Her Librarians (poly Beau x Yasha x reader headcanons)
Bad Omen
Found Family
Not You (mind controlled reader headcanons)
First Times (headcanons)
A Siren’s Song
Path of Stars
The Lovers
A Pirate’s Life For Me
Pirate’s Cliché
Haunted Past
Like an Artificer
New Friends
Good Company
Family Visits
Star-Crossed Lovers
The Runaway Bride and Her Warrior
Lightning and Storms
Peach Tarts
Game Over
Game On
Ghost of the Past
Conditional Love
Fan the Flames
Phantom Feelings
Glorious Performance (headcanons)
Home Again
Letters (headcanons)
For the Love of a Not-God
Favour In Kind
Terrible Puns
Crossing Paths
Crossing Paths pt2.
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utilitycaster · 6 months
Hi! I saw your tags on the escape room poll that Team Liam would be last and I wanted to ask why? While I agree that they wouldn’t be first, I wouldn’t put them last either. Do you think they would just have too much conflict to use their skills?
I didn't realize this was from last night's 4SD and because OP said "Battle Royale" I assumed that it was in some way a combat-oriented escape room, in which the lack of a dedicated/significant healer (Vax has, what, 30 lay on hands and a couple low level spell slots) and the fact that Orym is one decent but not incredible tank among two of the most tissue-paper characters in terms of HP would spell their defeat.
With the understanding that this is a traditional escape room here's my thought process:
From my escape room experience there are four skills that map easily into D&D skills and one that does not map into the D&D character skill chart but does map extremely well onto players. They are:
Investigation/raw intelligence. How good are you at inspecting and comprehending things?
Sleight of Hand/raw dexterity. How good are you at manipulating objects/fine motor control?
Persuasion or Intimidation/raw charisma. How good are you at convincing people to work together or perform tasks?
Perception. How good are you at generally noticing things right away?
The most crucial thing, however, is "do you try dumb shit and push buttons and try to figure out everything quickly." And so:
Toss up between Travis and Sam's character teams in terms of the D&D skills; Chetney and Veth are both particularly suited for escape rooms between strong intelligence and high dexterity. I think Sam's team overall is probably stronger; Tary's mechanical knowledge and FCG's desire for everyone to work together and Scanlan's general buffing abilities/capacity to get people to do what he wants (presumably win) mean everyone has a lot to bring to the table. FCG is the only one with decent perception, iirc, though, and Travis as a player is fundamentally a button pusher and therefore his characters will inherit this energy even though Chetney and Fjord are going to be carrying the entire thing (although, actually, Grog will probably respond well to being asked to perform tasks or look for things).
Taliesin's characters have the combined skills but unfortunately with the except of Caduceus they all have the trait "does not work well with others" and Ashton and Percy in particular wouldn't listen to Caduceus and they're the ones with the most relevant skills here. Beau could do an escape room on her own and probably would (note: someone told me this is what Marisha said on 4SD and I agree wholeheartedly) but necessarily will be less effective than groups who work together. Vex would do pretty well and would be competitive enough, but none of Laura's characters are particularly expert in investigation and if Vex and Imogen clash it is 100% over in terms of getting out in time, though I think Jester would make a valiant go of it. None of Ashley's characters crack +1 in investigation and no one has 20 dex, and I doubt most would be interested or competitive about this, though I do think they'd get along the best by far.
Rounding things out, I suspect that Liam's characters are just behind Taliesin's in terms of conflict; it won't be quite as heated but I get the sense all three of them, all of whom are very much about working together with their respective parties, will not be very good at working together with each other, and Orym is the least likely to take the lead despite most suited for it. Caleb is extremely smart but I don't think he'd be the most invested in going super fast. I don't think they'll be last - Ashley or Taliesin are more likely - but they'd certainly not be first. The NPCs, meanwhile, have the advantage of two people who know each other well, a very agreeable and mature person in Eshteross, and Essek and Allura will probably vibe solely on the basis of being wizards who know and like Caleb if they don't know each other personally yet. Iirc Essek and Eshteross should have decent dex scores though not 20, and everyone has diplomatic skills. I believe Allura's wisdom is respectable as well. They'll certainly be the most well-behaved and adult about it.
In conclusion, you're right, probably not last (would almost certainly be last in the combat scenario I mistakenly imagined) but absolutely should not be first.
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anyway here are some random ass hcs about different cr characters who deserve/have stuffed animals because that's all I post about now apparently <3
One Barren Eve Veth gives all of the Nein a stuffed animal she hand picked for them. Of course Caleb gets a cat, Fjord gets a turtle, Beau gets an owl, Jester gets a unicorn, Yasha gets a dog, Caduceus gets a snake, and Kingsley gets a peacock. They're all super soft and adorable and very loved by their companions.
When Scanlan moves in with Pike and Grog, she gets the goliath a stuffed bear about her size because she's not going to be sleeping in his bed much anymore. Grog loves it, but it's not the same as his best buddy :(
Laudna gets Imogen a small plush horse after she tells her about Sugar and how much she misses her. Laudna dubs her Flour which Imogen thinks is just the sweetest and she's tiny enough to fit in her pocket all the time. Flour pretends to hate Pate but secretly has a crush on him, much to Laudna's delight.
Jester carries in her bag a stuffed duck she's has since she was a baby, she sleeps with it every night and after the Iron Shepherds, would sometimes just carry it in her arms so she wouldn't be so scared.
When Vesper is about three, she is very confused on why her mum and dad don't sleep with stuffed animals like she does and thinks it's very sad. So with her Auntie Cass she picks out plushies for them, a brown bear for mum and a polar bear for dad. Vex and Percy sleep with them every night after that because it makes Vesper sad when they don't.
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salamoonder · 4 years
having finally started c1, i have so many thoughts on specifically the choices that the cast makes in how they play their characters. i’ve seen clips from c1 from before i finished c2, but now that i’m actually starting it i realize i’ve really only seen THE most iconic bits (the saddest counterspell, bath shenanigans, vex getting her title, “take off the mask”, etc etc) and it’s prevented me from forming an accurate idea of how the characters are typically played.
i think liam has such a reputation for being angsty that i was caught completely off guard by how fucking funny vax is, and not in a “sad guy is funny” way but in a he is such a little shit kinda way. percy is so much warmer than i would’ve imagined from fanon, but the biggest thing i’m noticing is that i’m suddenly seeing idiosyncrasies in the mighty nein that i assumed were just quirks of the actual actors but now realize are probably definite choices in how the characters are played.
before watching c2 there were some things that were obviously character choices--liam’s dead disassociated caleb stare, marisha’s beau arms-crossed-lean-back, sam’s horrific open mouth snarl...i do remember when cad came in hearing his long thinking sighs before speaking i thought, “oh wow if i hadn’t seen taliesin play molly before this, i would’ve thought that that was his thing and not a character thing.”
the BIGGEST thing i have noticed though is fjord’s discomfort with touch. like it suddenly seems painfully obvious after watching travis play grog. i think i just sort of assumed that travis was way less cuddly than the rest of the cast (especially since he’s sitting next to marisha and liam) but now it seems like much more of a character choice.
okay so here
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grog’s first instinct is yesss!!! reach for pike!! and there’s also in general a fair amount of casual touch between vex as well. he doesn’t flinch away from in character touch initiated by them either. (important note is travis DOES reach over to hug people in c2 after a particularly good moment as well but it’s always firmly out of character. see “beautiful wizard bastard”)
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fjord is almost perpetually in this sliiight leanback from everyone else. he’s noticeably uncomfortable with jester touching his mouth to look at his tusks and with her checking to see if she can feel the orb in him, both when he initially absorbed it and later when he got the second orb. the most contact he ever issues is fistbumps to beau, and that’s about it. (it certainly fits with fjord having, as travis put it, a lot of  “male crap” put in his head by vandrin).
*sidenote that you can choose to view as shippy or not: caduceus picks him up in clay and dust and he barely even reacts.
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draconpyrothayan · 3 years
Okay, so I’m actually going a little obsessive about guessing what the party comp for C3 will be. Reblog with your own guesses and theories, please!
To look forward, I tend to look back, so let’s see what folks have played so far:
Ashley :  Between War Cleric and Aasimar Zealot, homegirl is circling a Paladin like a stalking panther. She likes to be a damage monster, and she likes to have a divine connection. We also haven’t had any mainclass Paladins in the campaign thus far - both Fjord and Vax went at least 9 levels as non-pally first. This also allows Ashley to be charismatic, which lets her glory in the fact that she’s allowed to be here all campaign this time.
Laura :  Vex and Jester are a study in contrasts, and I am fairly certain that C3′s character will also be different. Having gone through my entire list of characters with her as a Wildcard, I realized the group doesn’t have a Barbarian yet - between Grog and Yasha, they really do love having them in the party, and imagine how hype Travis would be when she rages the first time.
Liam :  After Vax and Caleb, I’m guessing that Liam’s character in campaign 3 will also be dark. I’m further guessing that he will either take an early Actor, Alert, or Observant feat, because he does seem to delight in finding ways to make Matt have to think very quickly on his toes. However, his statement that his character is “Just some guy” makes me think he’ll be a Changeling Fighter or Ranger - he clearly enjoys being a backliner, and he’s aware enough of the mechanics to know the *massive* boost to Ranger that was given in Tasha’s. He’d avoid Beastmaster to stay away from Vex/Frumpkin parallels though. As far as Changeling is concerned... yeah. You don’t go from a human to saying “I’m just some guy” as your next character without it being an in-character protestation.
Marisha :  She’s been wise. She’s been smart. And now, she’s going to actually have proficiency in Persuasion. It’s no coincidence that Beau was fashioned out of Keyleth’s pain-points, and this particular issue was her most common plead with Beau. Moreover, there is a class that the party hasn’t really gotten to play with in some time that would fit the Charismatic role quite well that still gets to be an efficient note-taker. A role that I like to call the Arcanist (Full-caster of an arcane tradition, like Scanlan and Caleb have been) that gets to go ham with Identify and Sending and general arcana... I think Marisha’s going to be a Sorcerer. Possibly Shadow or Clockwork - Draconic’s too Tiberius, Storm’s too Keyleth, Wild Magic’s too Chaos Crew, and Aberrant Mind’s too Eyes of Nine. Possibly Divine, if they wind up not getting a Cleric.
Sam :  The only character he actually built for himself was a UA class that changed heavily between his c1 appearance and its eventual printing. However, he confirmed that Liam made his character again, so this time we are definitely looking at Scanlan and Veth moreso than Tary for this question. So to that end - Either he’ll be another small race, or one of the absolute massive folks. And he’ll be a class that can easily lead to in-character jokes, but with High Wisdom this time (to match previous Charisma and Intelligence). Thus, either Druid or Cleric.
Talesin :  Mollymauk was a mirror of Percy. Their souls and appearances were yin and yang. A study in contrast, designed to be as different from the former and from first impressions as possible. Caduceus was a mirror of Mollymauk. Their souls and appearances were yin and yang. Et c. et c. The fact that he managed this without making Percy again shows that he reflected himself across a different axis. I suspect we will see a character that is the opposite of Caduceus along another axis. Intelligent. Foolish. A different chaotic energy than Mollymauk. A mad scientist, of a different discipline than Percy. An Armorer.
Travis:  As with Ashley, this is a guy who likes the big numbers. And there is one infamous variety of big numbers he’s not played yet - Sneak Attack. He got a taste with Chutney, and tried to crit Santa Claus, so he’ll be back for more! Give the big guy a Rogue
Ashley - Paladin Laura - Barbarian Liam - Fighter/Ranger, also Changeling Marisha - Sorcerer Sam - Druid or Cleric Talesin - Artificer (Armorer) Travis - Rogue
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peach-the-owl · 3 years
I think I something you might going to like. 84 but with a twist. Reader is a sorcerer and a friend of Vox Machina, the last time they seen them was battle Mind Flayer thus sacrificed themselves to froze the gate to other dimensions and stop Mind Flayer. Only see Vox Machina one final look before froze themselves. Not until Mighty Nein broke the frozen sorcerer. Only hear familiar voices, once they open their eyes they realize it's not Vox Machina, but the group who saved them.
Kinda like Avatar The Last Airbender when Aang frozen in time. Hope this is too much for you.
Some friendships transcend lifetimes… I love The Last Airbender it’s such a good show, and I’ve defiantly watched it over a dozen times, but anyways onto the story
I know I’ve called stories long before but like I thing this one takes the cake so far… here’s hoping it’s a good one
Lost Time
Vox Machina/Mighty Nein & Sorcerer!Reader (Platonic)
84- Who are you?
Spells flew left and right as you and the rest of Vox Machina faced off against a rather troublesome Mind Flayer, your ultimate goal was to destroy the gateway this aberration had opened and stop any beasts from coming through from other dimensions. Having silver dragon blood running through your veins meant you specialized in ice magic, being able to freeze just about anything with enough time and effort put in. With the rest of the team keeping the Mind Flayer distracted while you tried to use your magic to freeze and shatter the gateway, but the problem was this gate was enormous. The Mind Flayer had caught on to what was happening and attacks you causing you to lose concentration on your task, thankfully you’d managed to deal enough damage to shatter the base of the gateway causing it to crumble to the ground, falling on the Mind Flayer effectively killing it. For a moment it looked like you’d won but as the dust settled some you see the portal was still open and extremely unstable, energy crackling every which way the cavern starting to collapse around you.
"We can’t stay here the whole place is coming down on top of us." Percy calls for a retreat.
"It didn’t close, we broke it but it didn’t close!" Grog shouts still in a rage. You look over at all of them then over at the portal, you knew what had to be done so with a shaky breath you start towards the broken gateway.
"(Y/n) what are you doing? We need to leave!" Vax calls for you with a panicked tone.
"If I don’t seal this thing, it could mean more trouble then even we could handle." You continue forward against the groups protests getting close enough in range to start using your magic to freeze the opening before anymore energy can release itself. The room grew drastically colder, frost appearing along the walls as you pushed yourself past your limits.
"We can’t just leave you here!" Pike cries.
"You have to, if you don’t you’ll be buried here as well!" You yell, urging them to go without you.
"Just go!" You scream at them, by now you could feel the cold of your magic effecting your own body. With looks of sorrow you watch as they all make their way to the exit, Keyleth looks back and calls your name one more time before being dragged off by the others. "It'll be okay." You whisper to yourself, a single tear sliding down your cheek as the gateway lets loose a pulse of energy and you unleash all your magic at once to conceal it, making your vision go white…
Everything felt cold, shadows were moved around in front of you. Were you dead? You thought you might be but then you start hearing faint voices, albeit muffled hit your ears.
"… see that?" It kinda sounded like Vex but you don’t remember her having such a high pitched, bubbly voice.
"It… dangerous." That sounded like Keyleth except much deeper and gravely.
"Wait, I think… in there." Since when did Grog become so soft spoken and educated?
"Maybe… use fire… see what’s inside." You defiantly don’t remember Scanlan sounding so shrill before.
"… not a… perhaps… could be dead." Now when did Vax get such an odd accent?
"… they're alive. We need…" Percy also sounded much calmer and relaxed then you were used to. What was going on, and why did everyone sound so different? A glowing light shines through bringing a warm feeling with it, there’s a cracking sound followed by shattering as you fall to the ground, you figured Pike must’ve used some sorta healing or restoration spell to free you. After a slight pause you gasp in actual air for the first time in you weren’t sure how long, and look up at the people in front of you. Your vision was still a little blurry trying to adjust to your surroundings and for a brief moment you thought you were staring at your friends, but when you rub your eyes to clear them you see before you a group of complete strangers making you jump back in surprise.
"Who are you?" Your voice comes out chattering both from fear and from the cold that still lingered in your body.
"Could ask you the same question." The woman who looked to be a monk shoots back.
"Well I asked first." You rebuttal attempting to stand, your legs were still shaky causing you to trip only to be caught by the firbolg on one arm and the tiefling on the other.
"Hi! I’m Jester!" The tiefling says cheerfully, holding her hand out for you to shake.
"Uhh… pleasure to meet you." You greet slowly accepting the hand shake, you then look to your other side at the firbolg.
"Hi, I’m Caduceus, how are you?" He introduces himself.
"I’m doing quite alright, thank you." You then look to the others in the group.
"Hi I’m Nott, just Nott." The goblin gives an awkward little wave, you wave back.
"Name's Fjord." There was a minor shift in his voice that made him sound more western, but only for a moment. You just nod your head in acknowledgment.
"My name's Caleb Widogast." The red head says rather stiffly, you could easily tell he was a wizard due to the large spell book stripped to his persons.
"Beauregard." The monk woman simply says.
"It’s very nice to meet you all. My name's (y/n)." You finally introduce yourself, now feeling a little more comfortable around them. "You have my thanks for freeing me of my icy prison."
"How did you end up in there anyways?" Jester asks. You explain to them everything you could clearly recall from your adventure before somehow placing yourself into some kind of frozen stasis.
"You know, now that I’ve had a better look…" You trail off slightly, taking in your surroundings once more. "This looks nothing like the cavern I sealed myself in. Where exactly are we?"
"You're in the Happy Fun Ball!" Jester happily states, you give her a confused look.
"That’s only a nickname." Caleb quickly jumps in, giving you a quick explanation of the object you were inside.
"How strange, maybe the last pulse of energy from the gateway sent me here along with most of the ruins." You look over at the broken and thankfully inactive gate that was in shambles, defiantly no way to activate that thing anymore.
"So if I may ask, why go through the trouble of coming here a second time? I mean, you know how dangerous it was the first." You question.
"Well we're looking for someone, that wasn’t you, and hopefully find a way to stop this cult for something called the Angel of Irons." Fjord gave an explanation this time. You let out a large sigh, this was a lot of new information to take in such a short time.
"That’s interesting." You say absentmindedly, still taking in this new situation you were suddenly in. You shake your head a bit and look to the group. "Well, if you need any help I'll happily oblige, it’s the least I could do for freeing me."
"Why that’s very generous of you, honestly we could probably use all the help we can get." Caduceus gives you a kind smile.
"Of course, just tell me everything I need to know about your situation." With that they all started to explain everything that’s been happening, it being a little hard to follow along sometimes with them talking over each other but you get the picture eventually. "So your friend, Yasha right? She’s under this Obann's control and they also have a creature called the Laughing Hand at their disposal. Now your here looking for the wizard Yussa because he’s been missing in here for 3 weeks and time is really strange here too, did I get all that?" You question.
"That’s the basics of it." Nott says with nod.
"Looks like we got our work cut out for us. Especially with the strange time here." You place a finger under your chin in slight thought, you had a lot of questions running through your head but had to put them aside for now, there were more pressing matters to deal with first. Finally having regained enough strength to stand on your own you set off with this new group of adventurers…
Taking down the Permaheart had been no easy feat but with Beau downing it and yours and Caleb’s combined spells it was finally reduced to frozen ashes and you’d finally located Yussa, amongst other things that happened and were ready to leave this place once and for all. Throughout all this, as helpful as you were you could tell this group still didn’t fully trust you, whispering amongst each other and defiantly not telling you everything. Who were you to blame them though, they were as much of strangers to you as you were to them, even if they did save you, so you figured it best to just keep a slight distance when they talked quietly with each other, and if you were being honest you were exhausted. Having been frozen for who knows how long didn’t cancel out the effect of having used a lot of magic, plus the magic you used to help fight off the creatures and creations that lurked in this sphere. You located the exit and the second you all arrived inside of Yussa's tower you fell to your knees panting.
"Whoa, hey are you alright?" Fjord comes over to you and helps support your weight so you could still stand.
"Sorry, I’m just a little tired is all, I suppose after everything I still haven’t fully recovered from my icy sleep." As if to exaggerate your point you let out a yawn and start leaning your full weight into the half-orc.
"Do you think it would be alright if we left (y/n) here for the time being." Caleb asks Yussa who in turn looks over at your exhausted form.
"I juss need some proper rest, I’ll be out of yer hair and rejoin with them once I dooo." You slur through your words slightly.
"Very well." He says with a soft sigh, then turns to his assistant to get a room prepared for you. When your brought in you immediately collapse on the little makeshift bed and pass out, getting some much needed rest. You awaken feeling much more refreshed and walk your way up the tower to where you hoped to find Yussa, when you enter the room you see the mage as well as the Mighty Nein and a very familiar face who stared back at you with as much of a shocked look as your own.
"Allura?" You ask almost nervously, she looked much older then when you’d last seen her. You see her eyes gloss over a little as she holds back tears.
"(Y/n)?" There’s a slight silence that fills the room before the two of you embrace each other. "I was told you sacrificed yourself to save our everyone, we all thought you were dead!" Allura practically cries, breaking away from the formal appearance she’d put on in front of everyone until now.
"I thought I was as good as dead too, but these folks here saved me, pulled me out of my frozen tomb." You say gesturing towards the Nein.
"Wait wait wait, you two know each other?" Nott looks between the two of you confused.
"Of course we do, we're friends." You simply reply.
"You haven’t changed a bit." Allura says looking you over.
"And you…" You pause slightly. "You’ve certainly gotten wiser." Allura just gives you a look that says "yes, I know I’m old". After your little reunion you refocus your attention on the task at hand, collecting information on this Angel of Irons and learning that it was in fact the Chained Oblivion, Tharizdun. You listen intently to everything being said to get a better understanding of what was going on and the more you learned the more serious and dangerous the situation grew.
"I believe it best I return to Tal'Dorei and inform the council, will you be joining me?" Allura looks over to you for confirmation.
"As much as I’d love to go home, I promised these fine people I’d help them. It’s the least I could do for what they’ve done for me." You give your friend a smile, she returns it with a worried look then sighs and nods.
"Alright, just please be careful and don’t disappear again, I don’t know how I’d handle the knowledge of seeing you alive only to learn you’ve really died this time." She places a firm yet gently grip on your shoulders, you place your hands on top of hers and give them a reassuring squeeze.
"I can’t make any big promises here but I’ll do my best. Until then it may be best if you keep my status a secret to everyone, alright? You’ll even be the first person I visit once this is all over." You look her in the eyes and slowly release your grip, once again she nods as she slowly moves her hands back to her side and teleports out of the tower.
"Aww man, I wanted to know who was on this council she mentioned." Nott looks down disappointed.
"Me too." Jester pouts. "Unless you know!" The two of them give you expectant looks making you take a step away from them.
"I can’t say I’d know for sure, a lot is different now then what I remember." You hold up your hands in defence.
After getting everything sorted out, you left Yussa's tower thinking as long as you stay with this group you should be fine. Then they split up, the girls in one direction and the boys in the other which threw you for a loop but you were able to sort yourself out and enjoy a more casual rest of the day getting to better know some of the others. The following days weren’t as you’d expect however especially when you were shopping around a little shop know as the Invulnerable Vagrant, it was no Gilmore's Glorious Goods but it still nice and you had to admit the shopkeeper, Pumat, was a charming firbolg in his own right. What was really unexpected though was the surprise attack by the Inevitable End, dealing with them was tricky when they could phase through the floor but you managed to drive them off and check in on what was happening with Yasha. Your next stop was a visit with a sorta mafia? You were really starting to question the group's moral compass, sure you have done crazy things in the past too but the Nein seemed to find a way to make things even weirder, you decided to stay out of most of it when they told you the only way to get in was to share your blood. Meeting up the next day you made your way back to Pumat's shop, being both shocked a relieved when he decided to join and help the party on this fast approaching mission…
Never in your life had you thought that the steps to a cathedral of Pelor would feel so menacing and filled with unease and yet here you were. The battle was intense, rifts opening and bringing forth creatures of the abyss, Yasha and the Laughing Hand were proving to be tough opponents and everything seemed to be going downhill. With sights set on the mind-controlled barbarian you weighed your options, you couldnt be reckless with your spells seeing as Beau had fallen unconscious so an AoE spell might end up killing her, you settle for using a Ray of Frost spell seeing as your silver dragon blood made it stronger. It works, distracting Yasha away from Beau and giving Caduceus the opportunity to dispel the control over her and spare Beau from deaths grip. With that taken care of you switch your focus to an oddly familiar situation, going to close the rifts and stopping the creatures coming through, however this time it wasn’t a large gateway at least. You were very focused on your task you didn’t notice Obann escape to the deeper chambers of the cathedral until you heard one of the Nein call to you.
"Obann's escaping we need to move!" Caleb calls, you look back and forth between them and the creatures still coming through a few of the remaining rifts, Pumat was still dealing with the the creatures as well and by the looks of things, despite his word of reassurance, he was already having a difficult time.
"You go on ahead, I’ll stay back here and help fend these creatures off!" You call back.
"Are you-"
"Just go!" You shout at them feeling a strong sense of déjà vu. You shake off the feelings, this wasn’t going to end like last time. The Nein disappear after the devil and with Pumat to aid you the two of you worked to close the few rifts and finish off the remaining cultists and creatures. It had been a long and strenuous battle but you’d done it and you were still alive, you rest yourself against one of the supporting pillars to catch your breath. After a long pause that feels like hours had passed, you feel a feathery touch against your shoulder, looking over at Caduceus who uses a quick Cure Wounds on you, Fjord also makes his way over.
"We want to thank you for everything, we may not have managed as well as we had if not for you." Fjord thanks, handing you a healing potion.
"I suppose that makes us even then." You comment with a cheeky smile happily accepting the potion and putting it to use right away.
"You know, I feel we could really use someone like you on the team, if you’re interested that is." Caduceus offers.
"I appreciate the offer, and though in reality it has been a long time since my last adventure, it still feels like it was only a short time ago to me. I really miss home, and am in dire need for a break, but if you do ever require my assistance in the future I will happily lend my aid to you again. For now I just wish to go home and familiarize myself with the changes that've taken place." You decline the offer as politely as you can, he gives you a nod of understanding. With that you get up, bid them farewell and exit the cathedral, making your way towards an area that’s out of the way before getting to work on a Teleportation Circle, as you're setting it up you think back to your time with this crazy group of adventurers, and while it was short they still made you feel welcome in their own strange ways. In some ways they reminded you of your time with Vox Machina, perhaps that’s why you were able to work with them and come to form a trust with them as quickly as you did, who knew. You finish the last symbol for your spell and the portal opens to the familiar view from inside Allura's tower, it was time to go home so with a deep breath you step through the portal.
Bonus (2 for 1 story):
"Are you alright? You're looking quite nervous." Allura asks with slight worry as you walk through the halls of Greyskull Keep.
"I haven’t been home in so long and so much has changed, I just don’t know what to expect or how they’ll react." You admit. She places a hand on your shoulder and gives you a reassuring smile.
"Trust me I don’t think they’ll be expecting this either." You walk up to a set of large double doors.
"And from everything you told me…" You trail off a bit.
"There’s more I missed, but I’m sure they’ll be more then happy to fill you in."
"Okay…" You take a breath and reach for the knob only to pause again. "Why don’t you go in first, and I’ll follow your lead." Allura just gives a soft chuckle and nod before opening the door and heading in. You step back and try to catch your breath wondering why you still felt so nervous. You had to wonder if this was even worth it, a lot had happened and changed since you’d been gone and there was a lingering doubt that your friends might not even care anymore.
"Come in and say hello." You hear Allura's voice muffled through the door. Moment of truth, you steel your nerves and make your way through the door. When you enter you have a look around the room seeing all eyes on you, at first their expressions were blank or shocked so you decide to lighten the mood and give a small smile.
"Hello everyone, it’s been awhile." You say in almost a whisper, already feeling the tears well up in your eyes. The next thing you know your tackled into a hug by a sobbing Keyleth.
"You’re not dead! You’re not dead!" Is all you hear her say through her sobbing. You now return the hug having been able to stabilize yourself and comfort the Archdruid.
"I missed you too Kiki. I’ve missed all of you." You release one arm from her seeing as she wasn't going to let go of you just yet, and feel a slight pressure rest on your shoulder once you do. Craning your neck over you see a raven perched itself on you, you raise your hand and give him a little scratch under his beak as he leans into the touch. You look to the others seeing Vex approach.
"My word darling, you haven’t aged a day since we last saw you. What’s your secret?" She tries to add some minor humour to the situation but you could tell she was holding back some tears, being just as overjoyed as Keyleth.
"Just freeze yourself for a good 20 years or so and it’ll shave off those wrinkles in no time." You lightly chuckle, using your free arm now to offer her a hug. She accepts giving a much shorter side hug to you while the others finally came to their senses and start bombarding you with questions. You do the best you can to answer all of them as well as properly greeting everyone again and exchanging welcoming hugs from them, being lifted off the ground when Grog brought you into an almost bone crushing grip. "As much as I missed you too, I’m still fragile." You wheeze at the goliath.
"Sorry, sorry. It's just been so long." He says, trying and failing to hold back his emotions.
"Right, which reminds me, you must have stories to tell me. I’d love to hear what you’ve all done over the years."
"Oh man, where do we begin? There’s so much to tell." Pike ponders aloud.
"How about we start with what happened after my… departure." You suggest, ready for the day to be filled with stories of their adventures and exploits.
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