#like they’re either minted or spoilt or both
hella1975 · 2 years
ive looped yerushalayim by the miami boys choir and im FINALLY finishing unpacking my room this is a very very niche vibe but im enjoying it
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ratsoh-writes · 4 years
Happy Valentine’s Day y’all! Here’s all the boys favorite chocolates ;)
Sans: he likes white recess peanut butter cups. They’re like normal peanut butter cups but better
Papyrus: he’s not normally a sweets guy but papyrus would definitely appreciate something homemade. Or one of those chocolates with the cherries in the middle
Star: literally anything but classic heresy kisses are always good
Honey: he knows how to make some seriously good chocolates himself. He even has the molds for fancy shapes. Honey likes plain milk with sea salt
Red: both the fell brothers are chocoholics. Red loves anything kinder. The sweeter the better
Edge: he adores dark chocolate. Add some minty or orange undertones and you’ll get to see his pleased blush as he eats
Mal: Kit Kat’s. He likes the crunch and the simplicity. Mal will take personal offense from anyone who bites thier Kit Kat’s from the middle
Cash: he’s like 0% sweet tooth, but cash can appreciate a dark chocolate bar with chili. But only the mouth burning stuff. If there’s no kick he won’t be interested
Oak: literally all of it, but the bigger the better. Toblerones are a good choice
Willow: harder chocolates can hurt his teeth sometimes but willow does like chocolate pastries.
Charm: funny enough, chocolate cake is his least favorite type of chocolate. His favorite form of it is in ice cream or pudding
Sugar: chocolate cake. Specifically the ones that charm makes
Lord: he’s not too much of a sweet tooth either but lord does appreciate chocolate covered strawberries. It’s just the right amount of fruit and sweet
Mutt: he’ll eat trail mix that is like 80% M&Ms when he’s feels the cravings hit
Wine: his taste for fancy things does not extend to his taste in food. Wine loves tootsie rolls.
Coffee: his favorite food is ice cream, so naturally coffee’s favorite form of chocolate is chocolate ice cream. Paired with a coffee flavored scoop of course
Pop: he just really loves snickers bars. Chewy and filling! Plus they’re easy to hide in places.
Rythm: he likes mint patties a ton. Rythm loved tha chocolate paired with the mint together, plus it has a nice aftertaste
Pluto: chocolate pocky! Or any sort of chocolate cracker. Pocky has a good shape though
Jupiter: he also likes those massive toberlone sticks. It’s like a chocolate bar and a weapon all in one!
Peaches: chocolate pudding pie with Oreos and bananas and walnuts. Yeaaaasssssssss
Rancher: he secretly really loves chocolate milk. He makes it when he’s tired
G: literally anything that isn’t cash’s death bars. G can’t handle spice lol. He prefers milk and white over dark chocolate
Green: he likes chocolate covered almonds. Green actually just likes the almonds mostly.
Snipe: same as sans except he prefers the milk chocolate peanut butter cups. When the Christmas tree versions come out, snipe will buy them in bulk
Bruiser: also anything that isn’t cash’s death bars. In fact, if it’s not a name brand, bruiser won’t touch the chocolate bar. He’s been pranked too many times
Ace: he like chocolate buttons. Especially the cute pastel colored ones
Slim: he’s not an amazing cook like basil or honey, but slim can make yummy if a bit wonky looking chocolates. He likes milk with a little hint of honey
Butch: his favorite chocolate thing is specifically and only thin mint Girl Scout cookies. There’s one seriously brave 11 year old that will hook him up with the good stuff every year. Butch is her best customer
Boss: he’s also a big time dark chocolate lover. Boss loves the coffee cream ones. He’s also the only mafia brother who’s allowed to snag some of butchs thin mints
Rust: he is but a simple man. Twix. He loves Twix
Noir: being best friends with coffee means that you must also become an ice cream addict. So noir also loves chocolate ice cream. But only the dark stuff
Lilac: basil is the best chocolate maker besides charm of course. So lilac is super spoilt. He’s gotten a taste for all kinds of fancy truffles with fruity creams.
Basil: he likes them fruity. His favorite is milk with either orange or raspberry cream
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readyplayerhobi · 4 years
Flower | 31
Tumblr media
; Hoseok x Reader
; Genre: Fluff
; Word Count: 4.6k
; Synopsis: You finally decide to take a dip into the world of online dating and find the Flower dating app. One of the top matches for you proves to be a guy who looks to be your complete opposite; tattooed, pierced, a metalhead and oh…incredibly handsome. What happens when you throw caution to the wind and reach out to him?
; A/N: Taken a while to get here, huh? Officially less than 10 parts now though! If you enjoyed it, please reblog this and leaves me some comments or send me an ask. It helps to encourage me to get the motivation to write again :)
; Flower Masterpost
“Ow,” You whimper, wincing as the stiff fingers of the masseuse dug into a knot in your muscles. “I thought massages were supposed to be relaxing?”
The snort to your left comes from Chungha. You’d look over, but you’d learnt that the person working on you didn’t like that. Instead, you were stuck staring down at the floor through a cutout in the table. It wasn’t even hugely comfortable in this position, lying on your front and feeling like you had more in common with a corpse than a person.
“Sure they’re relaxing; if they’re coming from your boyfriend. But a real massage is only relaxing after the fact. Getting knots out of your muscles isn’t the most pleasant experience, as you’ve discovered.” She points out, causing you to pout at the floor. The masseuse doesn’t have any input to give, and you presume he’s used to hearing things like this.
“They make it look nice on tv and film.” The whine in your voice is apparent even to you, causing you to feel a little hot with embarrassment. You’d been flustered enough to find out that you would have to be almost naked for this massage, the very idea of having your body seen by a man other than Hoseok unnerving you. Until you’d seen how completely uncaring he was.
Soyeon had pointed out to you quietly that he’d probably seen more women’s bodies than a hundred men combined by now. Which was probably right, given he looked around 40. It made you feel a little better, but you still felt a little uncomfortable. This massage had better make you feel unbelievably relaxed to make up for all this pain.
Of course, your comment simply couldn’t be left alone, and Soyeon lets out a laugh from your right. “Yeah, and they also make it seem like a woman orgasms from three pumps every time. Curse the people who think it’s okay to put that in films and shows. The number of men who don’t even try anymore.”
You feel a little embarrassed at the subject, even if you know that Soyeon has never been one to censor herself. You and Chungha were now proudly in the knowledge that not only was Jungkook also bisexual like Soyeon but that they’d had a rather delightful threesome with a guy who had been in one of Jungkook’s classes last year.
She’d relished talking about it, and you couldn’t even ask her to stop out of worry for Jungkook; you’d experienced the fact that they seemed to be made for each other when Jungkook happily discussed his sex life with Hoseok when he came over. If it weren’t for the fact that you’d quietly texted Soyeon to ask if she was okay with him doing that and received an enthusiastic ‘hell yes and please give him tips’, you’d have been mortified to hear it. 
Even Hoseok had been bemused that day, giving you looks as Jungkook had described in detail how he’d gotten Soyeon to fuck him with a strap on. An image you most definitely did not need in your head of your best friend and someone who was becoming a close friend.
But again, it didn’t surprise you. Soyeon was always the most open sexually and believed that something so natural to humans should be celebrated and enjoyed. You just told yourself repeatedly that you were just happy she’d found love with someone who had the same interests and desires as her.
Plus, Jungkook was a complete sweetheart outside of his sexual interests.
Still, there was something mildly mortifying about her saying something so casually in such a public place. Sure, there was only the three of you in here alongside the masseuses, but the point still stands.
“Anyway,” Chungha says loudly, distracting the conversation away from whatever Soyeon might have been about to follow up with. “Have I told you that Dahyun and I are going to be moving in together? She asked me last night, and I said yes. And before either of you ask, we’re moving into her place. Being a trust fund baby must be awesome as that house is huge.”
You want to desperately sit up and look at her, shock on your face as your eyes widen in surprise. Things between Chungha and Dahyun had been going well obviously, but you hadn’t expected them to be going this well. Okay, that sounds bad, but you didn’t mean it like that. Just that they’d made this decision much faster than you’d decided with Hoseok.
But again, you had to remind yourself that there was no such thing as ‘normal’ when it came to relationships. Everyone worked at their own pace. Above all that, you were just happy for Chungha. You were satisfied that she’d found someone to love and was making steps towards a possible future with them.
“Oh my god! Congratulations, I’m so happy!” You say excitedly, your words overlapping with Soyeon’s equally enthusiastic comments. It’s only the pressure on your back from the masseuse that means you stay in position, recognising the subtle ‘stop moving bitch’. Pulling a face that no one can see, you force yourself to remain calm and relaxed.
“When are you going to move? You should get the guys to help; I’m sure they’d be happy to.” Snorting, you smile to yourself as you hear the certainty in Soyeon’s voice. She’d become a lot closer to Hoseok’s friends than you had, given her effervescent personality and you had no doubt that even if they complained, they’d be doing what she wanted. 
Jungkook was the baby of their friend group, and none of them seemed to want, or like, Jungkook being sad. Denying his girlfriend help when she asked would be a surefire way to make the adorable pout come out, so you did not doubt that they would be making their way to Chungha’s to move stuff.
That included Hoseok. It was incredibly amusing to you how a group of fully grown men were all so whipped for another grown man. Just because he had sweet eyes and the cutest whine. On second thoughts, you too would do anything Jungkook wanted to make sure he didn’t get upset.
How on earth Soyeon managed, you didn’t know. 
“I can’t offer up help because Yeonnie has just done that, but I can like...help decorate or something. Even if Dahyun has been living there for a while, so I don’t know. Or maybe I can just be like moral support?” You were probably better for moral support. From what Chungha had told you before, you knew that Dahyun had been living in her ridiculously beautiful house since she finished college.
It had been a present from her parents for graduating, which completely blew your mind. Hoseok’s parents were very wealthy, but Dahyun’s were the kind that made your eyes widen when you saw what they considered a reasonable purchase.
Thankfully though, Dahyun was a sweet and kind girl who hadn’t turned out nearly as spoilt as she could have been. Instead, she’d started work at a low position at the broadcasting agency she worked at and was working her way up slowly. You liked her. And you would like her for however long she remained a good, loyal girlfriend to Chungha. That was your main concern as one of her best friends.
There was no doubt in your mind that both your best friends held the same opinion when it came to Hoseok. If he made one wrong move, then their ruthless side would come out. It’s what friends are for, after all.
“That’s fine. Dahyun has said that we can decorate the whole place, so it suits both of us instead of looking like her bachelorette place. Which I’m glad about because I fucking hate the kitchen. Why she let them paint it mint green, I don’t know. But I can’t stand it.” Chuckling, you try not to move too much so that you won’t annoy the man kneading your back.
“Does she...know your opinion on the kitchen? I mean...it’s her kitchen.” 
“Yeah, but it was fucking ugly. She knows and doesn’t mind. Her mom was the one who had the place decorated at first, which explains why it looks like an interior designer's wet dream and has all the soul of my grandmother. That’s none, by the way. She’s a soulless husk of a woman sent by Satan, I’m sure. Dahyun is excited to get a choice in the decorating so...couple bonding, right?” You can hear the gentle note of confusion along with quieter uncertainty.
“I wouldn’t know, never lived with someone before. Y/N? As the only person here who has lived with a partner, is it normal to redecorate when moving in together?” Soyeon’s voice sounds curious, and you have a moment to wonder at it yourself.
The fact that you, out of all three of you, were the one who was now officially the most experienced in a relationship was bizarre. Not something you’d ever thought would happen. But then again, Chungha and Soyeon had been in longer relationships but hadn’t ever taken that next step; usually, because those relationships had petered out very quickly.
Still, you make noise without realising as you think. Scrunching your brow, you twist your lips and shrug, even though neither of them can see you.
“I mean...I don’t know? We redecorated everything, but that’s because we moved into a new place together. It’s not like he moved in with me or anything so like we had to. It doesn’t matter anyway, why are we talking about this? It’s not important! What’s important is that you’re happy. Happy enough to move in together!” 
You’re pleased that the attention leaves you quickly when Soyeon agrees cheerfully, giving a few thoughts as to what colour scheme they could go for instead of whatever Dahyun has now. It makes you think about your kitchen. You and Hoseok had decorated it before actually moving in so that everything was ready, deciding on a more neutral scheme.
As a result, the cabinets on the walls and the countertops were a dark walnut while the units on the floor were an off white, all with rustic style handles. It was easy to understand Chungha’s excitement about being able to go wild with her new home; you’d enjoyed being able to turn the house into something that would become your home with Hoseok.
To say that you’d felt closer with him after that was an understatement. You felt like you’d been able to understand Hoseok a little better, getting to see into his mind and how he thought. Even though he’d mainly just let you decide on everything, he had given plenty of options, and you’d made sure to keep his opinions in mind when picking.
There was no chance for you to give this advice though as the massage finally ended and the three of you were left alone in the room. Wrapping the towel around yourself tightly, you stretched carefully and let out a small sound of wonder as you felt almost no tension in your muscles.
“You were right; I do feel good. Oh my god. I don’t think I’ve ever felt this relaxed before.” You almost purr, smiling at the other two. Soyeon accidentally flashes the two of you when she opens her towel to readjust it, revealing a slim and toned body that causes a small flash of envy within. But you push that thought away. The last thing you wanted was to get insecure over your own best friend.
Besides, she worked hard for her body. You were proud of her for it.
“Told you so. You should get one regularly; I promise that you won’t regret it,” Stretching her arms into the air, Soyeon grins at you before bringing one arm to her face, smelling the slightly shiny skin of her bicep. “And it leaves you smelling all nice too. If a tiny bit oily.”
“Yeah, I’m not really into the oily feeling.” You murmur, wrinkling your nose as you run your finger along your arm. The pad your fingertip slides easily, the massage oils that had been applied and carefully rubbed into your skin still a little slick. Though she was right, it did smell nice.
“Anyway, come on, you two. Let’s get our robes on and get these nails sorted! I’ve been dying for a pedicure for ages but held off when you invited me to this.” Chungha laments, lifting one delicate foot and wiggling her toes while she scowls at them. Chuckling, you follow along to the next item on your spa day itinerary, enjoying the fact you were spending time with your best friends while also pampering yourself.
“There’s not even four trillion bears on Earth, so how the hell would they manage to get to the sun?” The lakeside view is particularly beautiful right now, with the vibrant colours of sunset kissing the tops of the lush green trees that surround the crystal clear lake. Oranges clashed with reds before sinking into sultry pinks, mixing in a beautiful image that mirrors on the lake top.
It was almost pretty enough that you wouldn’t even realise the comment that had just been made by Jungkook. The only ones who’d come for this weekend break outside of you, Hoseok and the girls were Jungkook, Jimin, Yoongi and Taehyung. Eden, Jimin’s fiancée, had to work a weekend shift and Namjoon was too busy with his kid and wife. You weren’t quite sure what Seokjin’s excuse was, to be honest.
All of the guys were currently sitting on the sandy beach that made up this end of the lake. It was entirely human-made and now and then there were fire pits and sectioned logs in circles for people to use. Unsurprisingly though, no one was sitting on one of those uncomfortable logs.
Instead, they were all sitting around on the sand with various brands of beer bottles stuck upright around them. They’d piled their empty bottles together into one of the beer boxes in an attempt to keep everything clean, and you nodded to yourself absentmindedly in approval at them keeping the space tidy.
“Fucking hell,” You hear Hoseok mutter, his colourfully tattooed arm on show as he rubs at his forehead. “It’s like I’m at home. This is something I end up talking about with Y/N.”
“Well, she’d be right. It’s an important question. The sun wouldn’t be able to fight off that many bears.” Jimin slurs slightly, his eyes squinting at the others and you realise he’s probably sauntering his way past tipsy and into a straight-out drunk. It explains why his question is said entirely seriously, and you can’t help the chuff of laughter that leaves you as you flop down into the sand beside your boyfriend.
He blinks at you for a moment as you run your fingers through his hair, the strands still a little wet from where he’d been in the lake earlier before he smiles at you sweetly. There’s a slight glaze to his eyes, and you recognise that he’s not drunk yet but instead just having a good time.
“He’s right; it’s an important question. However, the main problem here is that even with four trillion bears, the sun is still a giant ball of gas that’s on fire and is superheated to temperatures we can’t even comprehend. So, unfortunately, the bears would all die. Now, what we need to be doing is questioning how we can destroy the sun by cooling it?” You state, leaning against Hoseok’s body and enjoying the warmth from both him and the fire in the chill evening.
“Meeps, no...please no.” Hoseok whines softly, his chest vibrating against you and you laugh as you kiss his chin. He’s not being mean or anything; it’s just that he hears these kinds of conversations all the time with you. And he knows full well that once you start, you will happily keep talking until the topic ends up so bizarre that you’ll give even yourself a headache.
“Look,” Taking pity on him, you instead lean your head against his shoulder and flare out your fingers so he can see how pretty your nails look after your manicure. “They’re so nice until I bite them again and smell me! I smell so good, and I’m sooo relaxed.”
Chuckling, he takes care to make the right noises to you as he takes in the sight of your perfectly designed fingernails before having an obligatory sniff of your skin. A nod of approval is given to you before he wraps his arm around you, pulling you in even closer to his warmth. It’s beautiful and peaceful, with the soft sound of the waves lapping at the shore making an excellent background beneath the talk of everyone else.
Jungkook is currently in the process of pouting as Soyeon shows him her nails, her smile so pretty and her eyes so bright with happiness as he whines that he wants a manicure too. It makes you feel happy in turn to know that she’s content with herself and her relationship right now. She’d always been the wilder one out of you all.
“What have you guys been doing anyway?” You ask, the question louder than you intended and catching the attention of the others. Jimin goes to gesture towards you, only he’s not quite got the aim right, and he also doesn’t seem to realise he has a bottle in his hand.
As a result, half of the beer tips out and sloshes into the fire pit, the alcohol burning fiercely for a moment as his eyes widen and his lips form an ‘o’ shape of surprise. Yoongi snorts in amusement before carefully taking the bottle and placing it down next to him, looking over at you with long-suffering expression.
“We went quad biking earlier, and then we’ve just spent the afternoon in the lake. Swimming, fucking around. Even gotta go jet skiing. Your man made a rather spectacular re-entry into the lake. He can’t jet ski.” There’s a twinkle to Yoongi’s eyes as he glances over at Hoseok and you look up, your boyfriend's cheeks darkening slightly.
“'Apparently he can't jet ski'. Oh, I'm sorry. I must've missed that lesson in high school. What are you? A fucking Kardashian?” He mutters, lips puckering into a sweet pout and you giggle. Reaching forward, you accept the bottle of water that Chungha passes you from the blue cooler that had one of them had brought from one of the cabins you were all staying.
“With your parents and that education you had, I’m surprised you didn’t.” The snapback from Yoongi is quick, but you can tell he isn’t harsh. His small smile gives that away, and you can tell that Hoseok isn’t offended or anything. He’s way too relaxed against you.
“Sorry, between my fencing lessons and the lacrosse there just wasn’t enough time to fit the jet skis. Busy schedule, you know?” Snorting, you push at his side lightly while rolling your eyes. Everyone else seems to find his witty quip just as amusing, and there’s a wave of laughter that spreads around the others as they enjoy his easy-going comments.
Taking a sip of water, you relish the coolness of it and let out a small hum of appreciation. Hoseok hears you and looks over with a raised brow, lips quirking on one side before gesturing for him to have a drink. Without a word, you lift it to his mouth and carefully let him take a drink.
At least he was having something other than alcohol. Maybe you could even get him sober before bed if you tried hard enough.
“Ewww, you’re spreading germs.” Taehyung says quietly, his face wrinkled in disgust as he watches the two of you. Lifting a brow of your own at him, you can’t help but laugh at his reaction, mainly when Hoseok gives him a disbelieving stare of his own.
“You’re...that’s what you’re worried about? I don’t think a bit of shared germs between a couple is that big of a deal.” He mutters, rolling his eyes ever so slightly before accepting another drink when you lift the bottle back up to his mouth once more.
“It’s just...a bit gross.” The currently blonde-haired man pouts, crossing his arms over his chest and making his remarkably broad shoulders look incredibly small suddenly. You could tell he was a little embarrassed given the soft blush over his beautiful, golden cheeks.
Still, it makes Hoseok look at him with more than a little disbelief. Enough that it’s got everyone else giggling quietly as they have the same thought process that Hoseok is having.
“Tae...we’ve shared germs many times when kissing. If this shocks you,” He pauses dramatically. “Wait until you hear what we’ve done in the bedroom. You’ll be scandalised.” His words are so serious that you have to bite your lip to stop yourself from snickering, instead of cuddling closer into Hoseok’s firm warmth.
“Stop teasing him.” You mumble, pressing a small but loving kiss to his impressive jawline. Before you get any further, Jimin starts to make some loud comments. What they are, you’re not quite sure because he’s slurring even worse. Yoongi sighs deeply and stands, lifting the drunk man and holding him steady as he sways.
“I think that’s our cue to end the night here everyone. I’ll take Jimin back if you guys clean up here?” Everyone nods in acknowledgement, watching for a moment as Jimin staggers ahead of Yoongi up the small sandy beach. Chewing on the skin inside your mouth, you frown in concern at the slight figure.
“Does he always get this drunk?” It’s asked quietly, but everyone hears over the crackling fire as they shake their head negatively.
“Not always, it’s just because we’re away and he has no responsibilities. He likes a good drink now and then. Or a good night of drinking I guess it would be. Don’t worry; he also doesn’t suffer hangovers.” Taehyung states, leaning back against one of the legs and stretching with a groan.
“Asshole.” Hoseok mumbles quietly, causing you to grin. You knew very well that Hoseok got hangovers, the poor man. Shaking your head in amusement at the memory, you stand up and carefully brush off any annoying sand before looking around at everyone.
“Come on then, let’s clean up. I want to see how good of a sleep I can get now I’m all relaxed.” Exaggeratedly rolling your shoulders, you smile as you manage to make them all laugh before they finally bring themselves to stand up as well.
It takes no time at all to clean up the small area that the guys have been occupying for a few hours now. The recyclable bottles are split into plastic and glass and disposed of in the appropriate bins nearby. At the same time, Jungkook puts the fire out carefully, making sure that there are no lingering embers that might cause it to spark.
Hoseok is carrying the cooler, now obviously lighter given the way he playfully lifts it like he’s at the gym. Though it could be heavy, he has been working out a lot lately. He likes the relief it gives him and helps him to destress.
Perhaps most surprisingly, you’ve been going with him. You still hate the knowledge that he’s seeing you all super sweaty, stinky and gasping for breath. Surprisingly though, you often feel quite invigorated with him there. Like he’s some barrier to any of the negativity that might be thrown your way by others.
It was probably silly. But you’d told him plenty of times that he made you feel safe, and that included being in an environment that had historically made you unhappy and self-conscious. There was something different about being there with someone who found you attractive anyway.
“Getting my gains for the day,” Hoseok smirks, letting out an exaggerated ‘oof’ of effort as he lifts and lowers the cooler. “Can’t forget arm day, even on vacation.”
Watching him for a moment, you shake your head before letting your smile take over. You’d discovered over the past year and a half that it was impossible not to be endeared by him. Somehow, he always found the right thing to say to make you smile.
It made being annoyed over something he’d done very frustrating because you’d regularly find yourself laughing at him. But at the same time, you loved that about him. He knew that you were easily lured into a negative headspace and that you didn’t like confrontation, so he always tried to keep things positive for you.
“Come on, Popeye, I’m hungry. They only had rabbit food at the spa. Which is great because it’s healthy and everything, which I’m all for. But I’m on a mini-vacation. I don’t wanna eat lettuce and cucumber. I wanna eat greasy crap that I will regret for a solid week after.” Whining, you slip around to his other side and link your fingers together with his free hand.
“You’re gonna complain to me in five days that you’ve put on some invisible weight.” His voice takes on a sing-song note as he teases you, causing you to poke at his side while glaring at him.
“That’s a problem for us in five-days, it’s not a problem for us now. Right now, I want some damn pizza or something. Do we have pizza in the cabins? Or can we order some?” Peppering the questions at him, he shakes with laughter slightly before tugging at your hand until you’re facing him.
Playfully, you avoid his affection as he tries to kiss you, causing him to whine quietly every time you shift back. Grinning at him, you take him in for a moment and simply pause, your heart warming with love as you see the sad pout on your tall, tattooed and pierced 29-year-old boyfriend. He’s got a slight tan from the day’s activities, the sun still strong enough as the year eases to autumn.
Giving in, you simply hold still when he leans slightly towards you. Upon seeing you’re not pulling away this time, he’s a little more forceful and presses a short but sweet kiss to your lips. It’s probably not what anyone would have expected given how much he’d been trying just now, but it was enough for you.
“Hey! Stop sucking face and come here already! Jungkook ordered enough pizza to empty Naples for us from some local pizza place so hurry up.” Soyeon’s shout interrupts you both, causing you to look over to where she’s standing on the porch of the cabin you’re sharing with her and Jungkook.
Grinning brightly, you nod and give her a thumbs-up as she stands with her hands on her hips, no doubt glaring at you both for being so far behind everyone else and wasting time. However, she should be okay with it all really, given what you knew about Jungkook and her.
“Sometimes, I think you and Kook are the same person. You’re far too similar.” Hoseok whispers, kissing your forehead affectionately before beginning to walk towards the cabin once more. Looking at him, you raise a brow and tilt your head in silent questioning.
“Food on the mind.”
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buddahoney · 7 years
dumb v route theories yeee boiiii
ALSO LOTS OF SPOILERS! probably not accurate but i mean i tried ahaha
right so my friend and i were screaming v route theories at each other the other day and i decided to note a few down because they were pretty valid points
but as saeyoung's route should really be the final route because of the secret endings and whatnot, there should only really be two ways the routes can go - the story being flashbacks/set in the past (this will be a theory i'll elaborate in a second) or the story being set in the future after or during the after endings/secret endings i guess. even then though, they still don't one hundred percent make sense but we'll just go with it, i'm just passing time until the route's actually released ahaha
okay so first theory that we came up with:
the route is a flashback of what v and the mc did before the rfa, possibly rika too. this combines both ideas that i came up with. maybe v and the mc were together or just acquainted before the whole rika and rfa situation, and v's route is just a memory of his and the mc's relationship. but, there's a fault in this theory being when the mc joined the rfa, they'd have instantly recognised v. however, when the mc joined the chatroom in the prologue, they knew none of the people in it and wasn't phased by them mentioning v at all. who knows, maybe v could've been brainwashed or somehow forced to forget the mc before rika set saeran up to send the mc to her apartment.
but then we thought of the second theory:
v and the mc get together somehow in the secret endings and the route is based off of what happens then. there are two huge faults in this one already. the first being that the secret endings are a continuation of saeyoung's route (i think, correct me if i'm wrong) and so the mc would have to break up with saeyoung in order for v to get with them. the second fault is that v dies in the secret ending. how on earth is v supposed to date the mc if he's dead?
and that question lead us onto the third theory:
maybe v didn't actually die. sounds stupid, but unless someone spoilt it for you, we all thought rika died. we all believed v when he claimed rika commited suicide. who know's who's actually dead or alive in this game anymore! although, quite clearly, in every theory there's a fault, and this one is that saeran shot v and they watched him die. there was no proof of rika's 'death' making it easy to cover, however v's death was right there in front of us. if you've seen/played the secret endings, the bullet 'wound', to me, looks like a bullet hole through some weird red painted wood. it doesn't actually look like a bullet wound as such, and i think that's what sparked this theory. you don't actually see v wounded - you see his back turned away from you. this lead me to believe that v was fine, and maybe cheritz did that to lead this story from the secret ending nicely into his route. smooth cheritz, smooth.
the next theory is very similar to the previous one. it's also a bit of a ramble ahaha oops:
i mentioned that i think maybe cheritz kept v alive to transition into v's route, but i also think that v's 'death' was all staged by rika and mint eye. then, v is captured. v 'dying' would obviously catch the attention of the rfa, and maybe that's what v's route is all about! the rfa coming to the rescue to save v, and instead of the good ending being a kiss at the party, it's v returning home alive and in love with the mc. i'm not claiming it's correct, but cheritz could have a plan. it's all about trying to make the player (yes, that's us) think that v's dead, but he's actually not. sounds pretty simple and basic, yeah i know. but think of it as us watching a theatre performance on our phones. someone gets shot and it looks realistic - they could actually be dead. obviously they're not because it's acting, but that's the point i'm trying to get across. we could have been deceived by cheritz, made to believe that v's dead, when he's very much alive so they can make it into a route. once again, well played!
this is the last theory of this post because it's like 2am and i need my sleep okay
also for this one, it'd make sense if you were playing as rika:
this is probably the dumbest one of them all, but what if v did actually die and rika actually killed herself because of it? remember in the secret ending, when v got shot, rika started screaming and kicking off. even after that, they covered it up saying v commited suicide. now if that isn't suspicious, then i don't know what is. something's trying to be hidden (i haven't got a clue to be honest because i haven't actually played the secret endings but we'll go with it). if you're playing as rika, you and v can be together in the underworld, and that could be what the route's about.
so yeah that's what i think could happen. i apologise for the lengthy post but i mean, it could happen (doubt it). either way, i don't particularly care whether i was on the right tracks or way off. i'm just excited for the precious bean to hopefully have a nice story to his route. he deserves it~
i'm still upset about saeyoung though. his route won't be the true one. poor kid
have a nice day/night~
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