#and I never shut it down when they were spitballing about it
hella1975 · 2 years
ive looped yerushalayim by the miami boys choir and im FINALLY finishing unpacking my room this is a very very niche vibe but im enjoying it
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rodolfoparras · 10 months
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Three’s a crowd.
Summary: Price is your first love but you aren’t his.
Pairing: John Price x Male reader
Cw: enemies to lovers, past John Price x Nikolai, angst with a happy ending, not actually unrequited love, near death experience
A/N: this is from a spitball session that’s been completed, separate parts can be found here i, ii, iii,
Thinking about Price and Nik who used to date back in the day. While Price considered Nik to be his first love, Nik just didn’t feel the same way.
They still keep in touch, hooking up every once a while but it’s clear that Price is hoping that they’l get back together one day.
Both Price and Nik were sure that Price would never be able to move on until one you came along.
You’d been dubbed the troublesome soldier, kicked out of every squad you’ve been in but for whatever reason Price had taken you into his team and under his wing.
You don’t really know why since you vehemently denied any help he tried to give but you’d be lying if you said that you didn’t develop feelings for him.
But any flicker of hope is quickly snuffed out when you find out that he’s had a past with the Russian man.
While Nik buys Price gifts like records from his favorite bands, Price has to patch up your wounds because you got into another fight.
While Nik knows the tea Price likes to drink when he’s sick, you know how to push every single one of Price’s buttons until he’s fuming
While Nik knows how to fuck him right, you’ve never even slept with a man.
So you keep your mouth shut, choosing to only admire him from a distance.
But by doing so you also miss to see that the tea Nik buys for him, Price makes for you when you’re down with the flu.
The records Nik buys for him, Price mentions to you in hopes of finding something in common with you.
He even finds himself visiting Nik less and less because all he can think about is you fucking him into the mattress.
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
Although the two of you can’t see it, everyone around you is aware of the feelings you harbor for each other, especially Nik.
You’re all Price talks about when Nik and him are hanging out. Many times he’d call off one of their hm- meetings because you needed him that night and it’s hard to miss the love struck look in Price’s eyes, something Nik hadn’t even seen when the two of them had been dating.
Nik thought that Price would confess his feelings, take any opportunity to move on from the man he’s been hung up on for years but for whatever reason, Price wouldn’t confess, even played stupid when Nik brought it up to him.
So Nik tried another approach, by making you jealous in hopes of that being enough to make you fess up but instead it only managed to push you further away.
Nik almost pulled his hair out, flying a helicopter was much easier than getting two people together so he gave up, and let universe handle it instead.
In the meantime 141 was on your ass about it, telling you that it’s so clear that the captain reciprocates your feelings.
For one moment you had allowed yourself to believe it. With one too many drinks in your system you had stumbled over to Price’s office in an attempt to confess your feelings.
However what you saw had shattered your heart.
Stupid, stupid so stupid you think to yourself tears trickling down your cheeks as you sprint to you room, far away from Price’s office.
Of course Price didn’t reciprocate your feelings, he was busy getting fucked by the man he was actually in love with.
“What is he going to think? Fuck!” Price says after you had hastily walked away. kicking the trash can laying around in his office, still half naked.
“John cal-“ Nik tries to say but gets interrupted by the older man.
“Don’t, Nikolai, just please leave, please? I would like to be alone for a moment”
Nik wants to argue but instead he lets out a sigh and picks up his clothes off of the floor, quickly dressing himself before walking out through the door.
“You should tell him you know?” Nik says with a sad smile on his face. Price doesn’t even get to spit out an impromptus lie about how he doesn’t like you in that way before Nik is walking away.
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
The opportunity to talk doesn’t come around. His days are filled with missions and his nights are filled with paper work that just seem to be piling up and when the two of you have some sort of interaction Price doesn’t even know what to say because it’s not like the two of you are anything in the first place.
He did nothing wrong by fucking Nik he was just lonely and tired of pining for the man who doesn’t even seem to noice him. But then that very same man walked in at the wrong moment and everything came crashing down on him.
Stupid stupid so stupid, Price thinks to himself as he sulks in silence.
Weeks have passed after that incident, the two of you are distant as ever. Price thinks that maybe it’s meant to be this way, you weren’t even anything in the first place.
But just as the thought pops up in his head there’s blood - your blood splashing across his face and you’re falling to the ground while he rushes towards your bleeding body.
You’re muttering I love you’s while he’s carrying you to the emergency room, because you’re so sure you’re going to die that day and Price is repeatedly saying that he won’t say it back not yet because this isn’t a goodbye and if you’re going to confess your love for him you have to ask him out on dinner first. You have to be alive and well when you do it, goddammit!
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
There’s going to be a next time he says as he sits in the emergency room while you’re being operated.
There’s going to be a fancy dinner and he’s going to wear the suit that barley fits him anymore, even if the doctors had told him there were complications.
There’s going to be an opportunity to say that he loves you, he thinks to himself as he watches you still asleep in the hospital bed, monitors connected to every bit of your body.
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
The sun is pleasantly warm as it shines down on your face, the drink you’d been nursing is cold in your hand. The only thing missing is-
“Clementine ?” Price says already knowing what you’re thinking. Your face lights up, shining as bright as the sun and you eagerly nod at his proposal.
It’s certainly not a dinner like you had promised but due to your injuries you were still recovering and sitting outside on the grass on a warm summer day and eating clementines is as close to a fancy dinner as you’ll get.
Price can’t help but laugh as he hands you a piece. “It’s funny no?”
“What is?” You say biting down on the fruit, tasting the sweet and sour goodness.
“You hate the smell of clementines yet you love eating them” he says before giving you another piece which you gracefully take.
“They’re good as long as I don’t have to peel them” you say with a playful glint in your eyes.
Price scoffs as if offended but you can still see the smile on his face as he hands you another piece. “What am I then? You personal Clementine peeler?”
“Yes yes you are” you say, a laugh escaping your lips but quickly disappearing as you see the mischievous look on him.
Before you know it he’s burying his face in your neck, the smell of clementines engulfing your sense and his sticky fingers touching all over your face.
“No go away you stink” you say through fits of laughter but Price doesn’t care, continues to nuzzle his face in your neck while lightly dragging his sticky fingers alongside of your ribs to not agitate your injuries.
“Okay okay you win! You’re not just a Clementine peeler is that what you wanted to hear?”
Price halts his actions, eyes peering up at you with a playful smile on his face.
“You know what I want to hear” Price says, and as he says the words you feel heat creep up your neck ears and cheeks but nonetheless you say the words he’d been longing to hear.
“I love you Jo-“ you don’t get to say anymore than that before he’s slotting your lips together.
You can now taste the fruit juice on his lips can even get a whiff of the cigar he’d been smoking as you lose yourself in the kiss.
But it doesn’t last long before he’s pulling way.
“I love you too” he says with a flush on his face “so much”
The end.
Spitball w/ me?
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ohnonononononono567 · 7 months
Carry me - Simon "Ghost" Riley x m!reader (angst)
Bit by Bit
(This was made after 1am and I projected my OCD onto a fictional character so that's on me guys, my bad. Any bad writing can be blamed on the fact I was watching chernobyl with my cat and eating the saltiest fried chicken sandwich known as i wrote this)
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"Don't." He grunted, leaving his position in your bed. Never his. 
The day he admits it's his bed as well, is the day he has the ability to sleep peacefully. And God knows when he'll be granted that right. 
He awoke to the sound of screams, his ears ringing. The feeling of water and blood rapidly running under his skin, as if his flesh begged to be free. 
You had rolled over to hold his midriff, and Lord help him with how much he's grown attached to you, with how much he wanted to pin you down as if you were nothing more than another enemy in his eyes.
He shot up, just to feel the familiar sting of a hook in his rib as he had sat on the bed.
Stepping out onto the patio with a grunt, a tank top and some joggers on with slippers. The apartment's patio serving as the perfect place to have a smoke, the dog yawning to join. Big fella, she was, nudging snout onto Simons leg.
Sitting down, he grabs a light, lighting the cigarette he had hiding cheekily in his pocket, when he had swore up and down he wasn't smoking anymore less than 8 hours ago.
Burn your wrist.
Shut up Riley, you know better than to act on that.
Do it now.
He leaned back, allowing the nicotine to enter his system, and the tobacco to leave a lasting smell on the rough pads of his fingers. He watched you from the corner of your eye. Silent panic. Wanting to help him. But you can't. All he can do is lie to a therapist and come home to you.
He made this worse. Leave him. You're nothing, but he's worse. 
He saw you at your worst. Why stay? 
Because he saw me at my worst. And he stayed.
He shouldn't have.
He knows nothing about you and he goes to sleep saying bull crap about loving you.
He yells, grabbing his hair in two fists on the side of his head, the cigarette between his fingers, lingering in the night air as the sound of the city stand beneath him.
He looks at you, and you seem to just be staring. Frozen. 
It spitballs, as he meets your gaze;
"Stop fucking staring at me like that yeah? You can't fucking help me! You deal with me, or you kick me out. Should've done that by now if you've ever known what's good for you!" He says, throwing his hands up in the air out of exasperation, the dog yelping a bit as she backs away. He heads back inside, putting out the cigarette, and snatching his blanket, heading towards the couch.
You gave him a look as he left. He knew that look. You've set boundaries, he was trying to be healthy for you. Honest. You wouldn't stand for verbal abuse, nor disrespect. But he was weak. Useless in the presence of a man like you.
He knew better than to immediately go to you. He left earlier for the gym that morning, called off work, went to one of those shitty manmade parks with more dog piss than a fire hydrant, and sat himself down. Right in the grass, watching a single dandelion. It was weak. But it still stood in the grass. It moved with the wind, even when it lost it's soft white petals. 
And when it was stripped naked, bare, with nothing left to offer, there was another dandelion there. Planted from the wind carrying it. Ready to repeat the cycle. 
Why is he doing this? He'll repeat what his father did. He was the end of it. No relatives to fall back on. God knows how much he's begged to bring his brother, Tommy back. 
But that's just it. He's the end of the cycle.
Get up. Nobody is coming to save you.
He stands before you now, with nothing to offer, but the willingness to move with you if you'd allow him. If you'd allow a weak man like him to remain with you. He'll continue to lose his petals, but you'll help him plant new flowers. To utter the words, 
"I can never truly tell you how sorry I am, love. You are the man I want. You are everything. And it's not enough. But I am trying."
Looking up at you, his bones brittle, his eyes heavy.
He wants to sleep. To feel his flesh settle, his mind quiet.
And as you embrace him, he can feel every molecule in his skin burning. 
And if you ever let reality hit that you deserve someone who could think like a bloody normal human for once, would he continue to survive for as long as he could without you to carry him. Until he allowed the world to end what it started. 
You are everything.
Laying in bed, your hands hesitantly rubbing his back in soft circular motions as he keeps his head in your tummy, soft breathing as the dog nuzzled into the crook between you two, soft kisses lingering on his tongue, it leaves him before he can chase after it;
"...Would you ever marry me?"
@tabloid-junki3 i dont think i cooked but i did heat it up in the microwave so
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sibylsleaves · 4 months
Ok since you talked about conflict: what do you think their arguments will look like!!! (The first one and then perhaps the ones after)
oh i do believe their first fight is messy af!!! Because I think the only time we really have seen conflict between them has been during the Lawsuit era, which was so long ago and relatively early in their relationship, and then like little hints of it in s5 (in 5x01 with the panic attack stuff, and kind of in 5x10 with Eddie basically shutting Buck down about coming back to the 118).
And I think fundamentally they would HATE arguing. Like they are ALWAYS on the same team and I think it would be excruciating for both of them to be at odds with one another, so I think even a relatively small disagreement about something could easily blow up into something way bigger because one, or most likely BOTH, of them try to bury it and ignore it and pretend everything's fine because how can they not be on the same side about something??? and then when they refuse to address it it just gets bigger and bigger and their first fight is like...this kind of catastrophic explosion.
(omg sorry putting the rest under a readmore because this got so long...)
Like not screaming at each other or anything like that, but like their argument gets out of hand and one or both of them have to remove themselves from the situation and a little part of them is like is this it? is this where it ends? what if we really weren't ever meant to get together what if we really were better as friends? We NEVER fought when we were just best friends maybe this is too much for us...and then they get some Wise Perspective from someone or they have a classic Call That Mirrors Our Current Conflict moment and they're like wait. we're being stupid. yeah maybe we're fighting right now but we also both want to fight FOR each other and FOR this relationship.
I do think one of their early if not their earliest fights might be something about Eddie keeping something from Buck--not something nefarious at all, but something where it's Eddie basically processing or refusing to process something and not letting Buck in on the processing/lack thereof and Buck finds out and gets upset because when Eddie keeps things from him BAD THINGS HAPPEN. And Buck LOVES to fix things and Eddie loves that he wants to (comes in handy when you've got a bunch of holes in your walls...) but also he doesn't want to admit that there's anything TO fix and also, maybe this isn't something that can just be FIXED.
Just spitballing but maybe it's that Eddie is avoiding telling his parents about Buck and it's not that Buck needs him to do that but that Eddie is HIDING the fact that he hasn't told his parents FROM Buck because he doesn't want to admit how scary it is to come out to them and also to possibly open up this relationship (that he feels SO sure of and SO happy in) to the judgement of his parents who, for all the progress they've made HAVE proven themselves to be judgmental in the past. And Eddie thinks Buck is going to be hurt and disappointed that he hasn't told his parents but Buck is just hurt and sad that Eddie hasn't shared his feelings about the situation with Buck. (This also fits into my desire to see the friction of like, here's something i would've shared with you without question before we got together but now we ARE together and you are the SUBJECT of the thing I would previously have been sharing with you as like a friend/third party to the situation). Cue the Diaz parents showing up unexpectedly for a surprise visit and it all goes to hell. and i for sure think their future arguments get messy not just for them but also for the entire firehouse. because you know who loves oversharing about their relationship problems at work??? BUCK. and you know who hates talking about his problems and wants to pretend they don't exit? EDDIE "I don't panic" DIAZ. So I do think their little tiffs tend to bleed out and affect everyone on the team (but important to note I don't think they let it affect them on calls, it's more just a general disruption of the Team Vibe like in the truck/at the station because they can't stop sniping at each other). Like I think we'd see something very similar to how pissy Buck was with Eddie in 5x01 and Eddie being like BUCK FOR GODS SAKE and Hen and Chim are like 🍿🍿🍿 and Ravi is like. traumatized because everytime Buck is upset with Eddie somehow HE gets punished for it. and maybe even Chim and Maddie end up in their own argument because they disagree about who is in the wrong in the Eddie/Buck conflict (who is siding with whom...now that's the real question...but for the record in my head Chim is on Buck's side and he is FLABBERGHASTED that Maddie wouldn't take her own brother's side!!! But Maddie and Eddie are so similar so she REALLY empathizes with him in this situation and also she's ALWAYS primed and ready to call Buck out for being a dumbass.) I could see this being played for laughs and/or also as part of a larger conflict about Buck and Eddie being allowed to work together on the same shift. Like maybe it's kind of played somewhat comedically at first and then they like, resolve their fight in some cute way but Bobby still sits them down and is like you have GOT to figure out how to fight as a couple without dragging us all into it. Or you can't work together anymore. I'm so serious.
And Buck and Eddie are like what are you talking about we're all good now!! we love each other everything's great! And Bobby is like *stares directly at the camera* oh so you're never going to have another conflict again for the rest of your lives?
And then Buck starts thinking about how HES GONNA SPEND THE REST OF HIS LIFE WITH EDDIE AND HOW AMAZING IS THAT--sorry I'm getting distracted.
But anyway. Yeah. I think it's a process and they have to actually sit down together and figure out how they're going to handle conflict going forward because as much as they love each other and as much as it KILLS THEM to fight, no relationship is perfect at all times, even theirs.
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pastself · 4 months
Oh man just read the proposal extra and I feel so bad for both of them. Does Tony remember proposing the next day?? Does he at least acknowledge (if only to himself) that he fucked up or is he in such crisis that he can’t even admit it? 😭
[FYI this is in reference to the botched marriage proposal deleted scene from Want for Nothing - which I suggest you read first!]
So, yeah -- it is such a bad situation for both of them. As I mentioned, I have no set thoughts on where this goes next, but let's give answering your questions a go and see where this lands.
First off, Tony would 1000% remember absolutely everything with painful horrific detail. As soon as Peter safeworded out of the whole situation, he came crashing down to reality and basically interpreted that as a breakup. After Peter left with Vision, he let Musk's strippers feed him never-ending shots out of a desperation to remember nothing at all. Or ideally to never wake again.
(He failed.)
When he's finally sober, though, he doesn't know what to do. Peter is gone, not speaking to him, gone off who knows where -- not officially breaking up with him, but also very much *not* in contact.
Sideline -- Peter would have told FRIDAY to tell Tony he needed space and told her to send Tony's personal doctor for a hangover drip.... because he can't not care. (He also sees the horde of strippers making their way into the Tower and, for a miserable moment, considers asking FRIDAY to keep an eye on that -- but he still trusts Tony. At least that far.) (But his mind niggles at him, you trusted Harry too, see how that worked out.) Peter is holed up with Vision in, like, Scotland for his whole breakdown, fwiw, so we skip over any potential "Tony ignores his boundaries" issues.
Back to Tony, once Peter does get back to the city, days will have passed and Tony will have had time to move away from hyper-self-destructive and back to anything-to-fix-this. So he'll do the right thing of pinging Karen and asking to see Peter when Peter has time -- and it will be Peter who sets the terms of that meeting.
Tony will start spitballing suggestions, like they elope or Peter just takes all of his money, even without the marriage. How does full control of SI sound?
But Peter cuts him off -- because the problem isn't money. The problem is everyone else. "And, Tony, if you can't fix that, then there's nothing to fix between us."
Here we devolve into a much more confrontational version of their conversation in Ch9:They Deserve Nothing. Instead of trying to "fix" things with Tony's friends for him, he is asking Tony to do the heavy lifting himself. Which isn't quite fair of Peter, but considering the nightmare Tony just put him through -- and the horrible way he spoke about Peter to his friends -- the burden is now on Tony.
Tony agrees to it all, and doesn't worry about any supposed "unfairness". He tries to initiate physical intimacy with Peter and Peter shuts it down. He's not ready yet. "I need time, Tony. I love you but I-- I need time."
("Tony", not "sweetheart".)
Tony had heard similar words from Pepper before she left him and he thinks, desperate, Not this time. He'll get them back to where they were, he promises himself. He'll go to therapy, he'll take Peter to therapy. He'll beat in every Avengers' head until they stay on straight.
Tony goes to leave and Peter tries to give him the ring back, and that? That cuts like a knife.
"No. It's yours. It's always been yours. Throw it away if you want to but... it's yours."
Peter stares at Tony, considering, and Tony hopes, desperate in a way he hasn't been since a cave in Afghanistan, that he won't be hurt again.
Peter slips the ring back on his finger, and Tony's heart un-clenches.
"I'll keep it, Tony. Always."
Thanks for the inspiring ask @weatheredskies !
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hii for the obx requests could i ask for 2 and 7 with jj?? no pressure you totally dont have to if you dont want to 🫶🫶
‘’We’ll worry about the consequences later.’’ + ‘’Some rules needs to be broken.’’
Request: Although you have a boyfriend and that your brother (John B) made it clear that no pogues could touch you, JJ wants to know if his feelings for you are reciprocated but doesn't know how to ask. He says a bunch of stupid things and eventually he finds his answer
my taglists are here + you can send requests here at any time
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Rain was pouring outside the chateau, drowning your plans for a cookout and forcing everyone to hang out inside. Pope and Kiara were playing cards in the kitchen, Sarah and John B. were in his room probably making out and you and JJ were sitting on the pull-out couch talking and playing with the ukulele. JJ was terrible at it, but you could play some tunes.
‘’How is it going with that boyfriend of yours and all? Tristan, right?’’
‘’It’s good,’’ you said simply, surprised he was asking you about the guy you were seeing.
JJ nodded to himself. ‘’It’s good? Alright. Eh, in the bedroom is he freaky or only does missionary like all the other Kooks.’’
You wanted to disappear in the couch’s cushions. Why was he asking those weird and intrusive questions? He never cared about Tristan. The last time they were at the boneyard, JJ almost picked a fight with him and John B. had to step in. So, why the sudden interest?
You raised your eyes from the ukulele. ‘’Why are you asking?’’
JJ sank into the couch and shrugged. ‘’I don’t know. I’m just curious. I…I’m spitballing.’’
‘’Please stop spitballing.’’
There was a short silence, until he spoke again. ‘’Is Pope a better kisser than him? I know you and him have kissed last summer—’’
Your hand slipped from the instrument and an ear-buzzing noise cut JJ off. That kiss with Pope was a dare at a kegger and you both agreed it was weird and to never do that again. How did JJ know about the kiss? His tongue was in a touron’s mouth when this happened.
JJ sighed and took a swig of his beer. ‘’Forget I said anything.’’
‘’Gladly,’’ you agreed, wishing you could erase the last minutes from your mind. ‘’Why were you asking about Tristan?’’
‘’I just wanted to know if everything was good with your boyfriend.’’
‘’He’s not my boyfriend.’’
‘’But you told John B.—’’
A breath left your lips. ‘’I lied.’’ You put down the ukulele. ‘’ I didn’t want him to know I was hooking up with Tristan. I love my brother, but my sex life is not something I want to share with him.’’
‘’Yet you’re okay sharing details with me?’’
You didn’t reply.
‘’Is…is Tristan good at sex? I’m guessing he is since he’s your bootycall—’’
‘’Oh my god. Why do you want to know about my sex life?!’’
JJ spoke in a nervous whisper, feeling his heartbeat in his ears. ‘’Because I…because want to know if I stand a chance.’’
‘’No. With Tristan,’’ he deadpanned. ‘’Yes, with you!’’ JJ groaned, taking his hat off to run a hand through his hair. ‘’Forget I said anything. Forget everything. Do you want to play Dominos? I think the box is in the kitchen.’’
He made a move to stand, but you grabbed his face and kissed him.
‘’Why did you do that?’’
‘’Because I wanted to.’’
‘’John B.’s gonna kill me…’’
‘’He’s not the boss of me. Besides, some rules need to be broken.’’
JJ quietly followed you down the hallway and to your bedroom, his hands never leaving you. You shut and locked the door behind you, humming as you felt JJ’s mouth sucking softly onto your neck from behind you, impatient and needy.
He’s wanted this — you — since you put a pink bandaid on his scraped knee after he fell from his skateboard when he was seven. It didn’t hurt that much, but you insisted he needed one. He remembered the concentration on your face, the way you stuck your tongue out to align the bandaid better. And the kiss you had pressed over the bandaid after you were finished to help the healing process.
Suppressing his feelings as he watched you grow and go on dates with the biggest idiots was hard. But your brother had been clear about you: no pogues were allowed macking with his sister.
You dragged JJ to your bed, crawling back and pulling him with you. He smashed his lips into yours, quickly sliding his tongue into your mouth. You wrapped your arms around his neck and bucked your hips voluntarily into him, getting a soft groan from his throat.
‘’Shh,’’ you reminded, covering his mouth with your hand.
If your brother heard any noises coming from your room, he would know and JJ would have to run for his life.
He looked down at you with desired filled eyes. ‘’Sorry.’’
You attached your mouth back to his, hands exploring each other’s bodies as the rain hit against your window. JJ’s hand wandered under your shirt, massaging your breast over your bra. He wanted to tear it off of you. Reading his thoughts, you unlocked his lips from yours and peeled off your shirt, then reached behind your back to unhook your bra.
JJ had seen you in bikinis many times during hot summer days, but he never got to touch you or see what was beneath the small clothing. Until now. His eyes immediately met your breasts with admiration and lust, perfect to his eyes although he heard you complaining to Kiara and Sarah about them. He sat there for a moment, letting his entire body and mind come to realization that this view was real. He wasn’t having another wet dream about you.
‘’Merry fucking Christmas to me,’’ JJ mumbled to himself, making you giggle under his gaze.
A soft sigh escaped his lips as he let his hands crawl to your breasts, massaging them in an agonizingly slow pace. You moaned at the touch, feeling yourself becoming more soaked than you were before. He flicked your hardened bud with his calloused thumb.
‘’JJ,’’ you moaned, arching your back into his touch. You slipped your hand under his shirt, feeling the soft planes of his stomach and the blond hair leading beneath his shorts.
Although this was wrong, nothing ever felt more right.
His eyes locked with yours, finding a matching burning desire in them. You reached to undo the button of his shorts, but JJ reluctantly stopped you, remembering that he used the one in his wallet last week with a girl he met at a kegger and didn’t replace it.
‘’I don’t have anything to…’’ JJ rubbed his hands over his face and groaned.
He never hated himself more than he did right now. He had not planned to have sex tonight — even less with you. He could go get a condom in John B.’s room or ask Pope if he had any on him, but they would never let JJ get away with it. Any other days where they weren’t all stuck inside the chateau because of a rainstorm, there would be no questions asked. But the only girls at his proximity were Cleo, Kiara and you, and since Cleo and Kiara were with Pope, it left only you.
JJ got off you, profoundly cursing his forgetful brain for cockblock himself.
When you started getting sexually active and talked to Kiara about it, she made you promise to never do it without a condom. Guys are liars and nasty, never trust them when they say they’re clean or that they can’t wear a condom for any reason — it’s all bullshit.
But this was JJ. Although he was known to get with girls a lot, he was always safe. You’ve seen condoms wrappers in your father’s old room.
‘’It’s fine,’’ you said, breaking the silence. You sat up and glanced down at JJ. ‘’We’ll worry about the consequences later.’’
He lowly gasped, a bit shocked. ‘’Y-you still want to…oh, fuck.’’ His eyes shut as he felt your hand over his cargo shorts, cupping him through the fabric. 
OBX taglist: @moralina @eudximoniakr @toylewestinnyc @rottenstyx  @sweeterheartxamerica  @jordierama @viridwityy @izzy-laufeyson @kenzi-woycehoski @lilaconner @Katsukis1Wife  @hawkegfs @mommyruuetrue  @acornacreacure @snownjune @nmedina8611 @slvtherinseeker  @slvtherinseeker @poppet05 @1stevelacyfan @illf4iry @withbeautyandrage  @maybankslover @sunflowerziva @laylasbunbunny @Honey-marvel15 @leoluvsur-pappy
All and more taglist: @spiokybirdstarfish @kenqki @liidiaaag @hawkegfs  @gillybear17  @areaderinlove @acornacreacure @black-rose-29 @fudge13 @cece05 @rosie-cameron @Caxddce @laylasbunbunny 
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Do you have ideas on sharing body positivity with older family members? Last night I tried to encourage my mum that she didn't need to worry about her weight, and my nanna shut me down with "you're skinny so you've never had to worry about that". I wanted to be able to express: its okay to be fat - but I think because it's so beyond what get were taught my nanna and mum wouldn't get it from that angle.
I think if it were a deeper conversation maybe I could get somewhere but I was hoping you might have ideas on immediate things I could say in response to this kind of comment.
This is really hard! So many older generations are very set in the specific diet culture notions of their time. If you've been following me for a while, you might know that I come from a family that is like this, and that my mother is still actively embedded in diet culture.
I might try to have separate conversations with your mom and your nanna. If they were able to be in the same room without all of their own food-related issues bouncing violently off of one another, it would be more time-efficient to introduce body positivity to both of them at once, but I think you may actually get better results having in-depth conversations with them separately, and you might have an easier time having a heart-to-heart with your mom if your nanna didn't have the opportunity to shut you down. You could try and talk to her about how you worry that her constant self-hatred is doing her more harm than good, and how you hate to see her beating herself up over her body. Come at it from an empathetic perspective - tell her that, as it seems you are smaller than she is, you can see that it is really hard for her to accept living in a body that is constantly shamed and looked down upon, that people judge her for, that it is easy to judge herself for. But then ask her, is it really sustainable for her to live that way, mentally? Hating her body and being down on herself because of it? Let her know that you know things are not easy for her and that you're always going to love her for the person she is - that her value does not change for you at ANY size, and that you hope one day she feels that way about herself.
I can't remember where I saw it, but I once read a thinkpiece by a new mom who stopped body-shaming herself after she gained weight during her pregnancy when her daughter was a toddler. IIRC she was playing on the beach with her baby and her child wanted her to play in the water with her. She had to let go of a lot of insecurities in order to wear a swimsuit and play in the water with her daughter, but her baby - not yet old enough to understand diet culture - had a blast with her, and she realized then that her daughter didn't see her the way that everybody else did. She wasn't coming at it from a perspective of judging a woman for being fat in her swimsuit, she was just happy to have a mom who got in the water and made memories with her. One of the most beautiful lines from that piece of writing, one that stuck with me, was about how her hips, which had permanently widened after childbirth, now knew the perfect motion to soothe her baby to sleep every night as she walked with her on her hip. The point is, many people are particularly judgmental to fat women, and that's the first thing they see about her - that she's a fat woman. So I think your mom, who seems very stuck and mired in diet culture, might find the ideas of body positivity easier to embrace if you meet her where she's at. Explain to her that no matter what size her body is, to you, she is Mom. What do you love most about her? Does she love to laugh? Is she a devoted gardener, is she stylish, is she the kind of person who goes the extra mile for the people she loves? (I'm spitballing here - you can fill in the blanks on the qualities that make her who she is.) Explain to her that the people in her life who matter most will likewise see her in terms of her best qualities, rather than just a body. Many people who can't comprehend body positivity just yet find an easier time starting with body neutrality, or the idea that their body is just a body doing body things, no more or less deserving than the next body, and that they, as the person living in it, are so much more than just that body. Maybe at some point your mom may have an easier time embracing her body exactly how it is, but it might be easier to help her get there if you introduce the idea in baby steps.
With your nanna, I think you might try to explain to her flat out that you care about your mom's mental health. You might just flat-out tell her - if it is mentally healthier for your mom to believe, as you stated, that it is okay to be fat, then you do in fact want her to believe that. Say that in blunt, easy to understand terms. Perhaps you could then add that, as a thin person, your nanna is right that you do not understand the specific pressures faced by fat women. But what you do understand is that you don't want to see your mom live a life ruled by those pressures, and you want to see her happy NOW, not just in some hypothetical, skinnier future.
This was a really great ask! I hope this helps, and please let me know if there are any other conversational ideas I might be able to help with. Also, don't be discouraged if it takes a while for one or both of them to come around to body positivity. So many fat people are actively discouraged from embracing their bodies, and from allowing themselves to feel happy in the moment. It's seen as "giving up" or "letting themselves go" when they could "keep pushing" to attain that ideal. So your mom and your nanna may both feel that they just can't allow themselves to feel completely satisfied in their bodies until they have reached a specific body goal, regardless of whether or not that goal is truly healthy or attainable. Remember that healing does not take place overnight, and don't get too discouraged if you find yourself having to be a support long term in this regard. And please take care of yourself as well!
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prettyflyshyguy · 3 months
Oooooooh babey its been really, really hard to be creative recently but I'm trying to break away from incredibly unhealthy patterns of behavior and actually get something done, so while Virtual Ground is in the slow cooker I've gone back to some 'for fun' stuff again
Anyway who wants to read the revised and close to done WIP opening for Live Free Twiharder >:)
Co-written by the wonderful @snackhouse
"Dean, please just listen to me for once." 
"Look at me man, I'm a monster." 
He looked at Sam for a moment before leaning an arm on the wall by the curtained window. Resting his forehead against it, he breathed in slowly. His mind was racing, a million thoughts cascading, all clamoring for attention and action. He had to tell Lisa, he had to prepare, he had no time to prepare, he was hungry, everything was so awfully loud, what about the nest, who was going to clear the nest? What about the Alpha? How would Sam deal with the Alpha without him? What about the car? There was so much he needed to figure out before-
"No Dean, you’re not-”
Sam’s exasperated voice snapped him back to the present, and Dean turned his head to glance back, silencing his brother mid sentence. The floor between them felt like a chasm, a wound reopening that had never fully healed. It never could. Neither had given it the time and care it required. Sam had always tried, to his credit. But he knew how Dean felt about these things - about what Sam was, what he had done, what he had become once. Sam stared at his brother. He didn’t appear any different, his physical presentation and body language was the same old Dean, what was different was that he made no effort to hide his emotions. He looked petrified. His eyes were wide, sweat drenched his face, and the way he stared back, his eyes cutting through Sam’s soul, sent a chill down his spine. Dean’s penchant for stoicism frustrated him, his reluctance for genuine honesty was a staple of how he handled hard circumstances they’d found themselves in time and time again - much to Sam’s chagrin. The lack of his standard machoism had caught Sam off guard, and as he stood there observing Dean, the silence of the hotel room was deafening. 
Sam knew his brother well enough to recognise that he was still stubborn, and he struggled to listen to reason when he began to panic - and Dean had justifiable reasons to panic. He’d hoped there was a chance Dean had dodged infection by some miracle. Seeing him now, erratic, twitchy, sudden onset of misophonia and light sensitive… Despite the gloom Sam could still make out the streaks of red that stained his skin, marking him, sealing his fate. He’d rushed Dean back as soon as he found him behind the bar, bloody and bruised. Dean had insisted he go after the freak that jumped him, Sam had refused, and dragged him back to the hotel instead, immediately contacting Samuel for guidance.
Dean had scrunched his eyes shut so hard he felt the muscles in his face seize and stiffen. He could block out the light, but not the sounds. They were relentless, overbearing, but one in particular demanded his attention above all else. It filled his ears, drowned out the tv, the cars, the water pipes. The longer Sam was silent, the more he focused in on It as It tore through the background noises, shredding and discarding them until only It filled his mind. The churning rapids of thoughts and images in his head began to fade out leaving only It in their wake.  
The sudden clarity alarmed him, and in desperation he tried to busy his mind again - trying to forcibly overwhelm it with his own self-generated mental barrage. As he racked his brains, a memory snapped into his mind, louder and stronger than anything else. Gordon Walker.
No, he conceded, I am a monster. 
“We can fix this Dean,” Sam started again, “there's a cure! You're gonna be ok!"
Dean laughed. An empty, hollow, forced laugh. 
"Sammy, while I appreciate your optimism, this is not a problem you can just spitball. There's no record of fangs turning back." 
He pushed off the wall turning back to face Sam, pressing his fingers into his face and groaning. 
"I'm serious Dean, if you'd just--" 
"Don't bullshit me, Sam!” Dean snapped.
He took a few steps towards Sam. His eyes were still wide, but the terror had shifted slightly, crossing into anger. Sam instinctively took a small step back, one hand reaching into his jacket pocket in the hopes to find some item of comfort, something sharp. He didn’t want to resort to self defense, but the sensible part of him had accepted that definitively he could not take his brother in a fight, not when he was infected. A few quarters and an old gum wrapper was all he felt. Sam trusted his brother to a point, but Dean looked up at him with an intensity in his eyes usually reserved for glaring at the things they hunted together. It terrified him. It reminded him of the past. It hurt. 
“I can hear your fucking heartbeat and it's racing pretty damn fast." Dean hardly held back the accusatory tone in his voice as he broke the silence. Dean continued to stare as Sam’s face twitched slightly. 
Of course, the lore… You idiot. How could he forget? Sam was usually the one forced into book duty, in the aftermath of the attack, he hardly stopped to think about how quickly the changes would take place. It was hard to lie in front of his older brother on a normal day, and despite his insistence in earnest, he was still freaking out, and Dean had made up his mind with the evidence laid out before him. Sam trusted his grandfather was good on his word when he’d been informed there was in fact, a cure for vampirism. It came as a shock initially, and he mentally kicked himself for not thinking to bring it up with Dean sooner. There was always something more pressing, another monster to hunt, another person to help. He knew Dean hadn’t fed, he’d made sure of that. He knew it could be reversed.
Dean’s eyes narrowed slightly as he noted the increase in tempo of Sam’s heart as the stand off continued. This wasn’t the first time Sam had tried to calm him with a hope built off of a faith, but this is where they always found themselves at a fork in the road. Sam could operate on faith and faith alone, he couldn’t. He needed something real, something concrete, he needed proof - and everything concrete and firsthand he’d seen of vampires utterly disgusted him. Lenore was empirically good, he had to give credit where it was due, but she couldn’t change was she was. She just coped with it, worked around it. A life defined by running and hiding, on the knife edge of tipping over should the wrong thing happen, should you slip one day, should you give in. Life continues, the world will keep turning, but a new fundamental universal truth arises – it only gets worse. 
Cutting the thought short, he started walking, raising an arm up as he passed by Sam. Everything was quickly becoming too much again. Every sound, smell and sight was bombarding his brain like a 18 wheeler hitting a squirrel and his brief moment of reprieve ended. 
“Hey where are you–”
“Bathroom. My mouth tastes like blood and creepy-dude sweat.” Dean grunted, closing the door to the small room behind him.
It was a bullshit excuse and they both knew it, but Dean didn’t think he could make it another minute standing so close to a human. Stepping into the cramped bathroom he took a second to breathe in a space where he couldn’t hear all of Sam’s veins pulsing with blood, Dean’s gaze drifted towards the mirror. 
I wonder if I’ll even recognize myself by the end of this… 
He already knew what he was going to find, it wasn’t like he couldn’t feel them. Gently peeling back his lips, Dean struggled against the waves of nausea that spilled over him at the sight. Feeling the fangs where there was different from actually seeing them. It removed any doubt about what he had become in his mind. Lightly poking the exposed tip of a fang poking through, Dean could feel how sharp it was. Moving his fingertip upward, he slightly pushed the gum above the protrusion, pushing the tip of the fang out like massaging a cat’s foot to see its claws. 
The other needle-like teeth seemed to be eager to join their friend, as the rest of the fangs slid from their slits in Dean’s mouth. He wrenched his hand back in horror. He could feel the sharp new additions sliding over his normal teeth. Like the bars of a cage they sealed away any signs of humanity he saw in the mirror. In a matter of seconds he found himself grasping the toilet bowl for purchase has he emptied his stomach.
“Dean, you ok?” 
Sam’s voice was filtered through the wooden door and old brick walls, and Dean’s ears picked it up unnervingly clearly.  “I’m fine.” he responded harshly, between coughing on the acid and saliva in his mouth. He moved back to the sink, cupping his hands under the still running water, sipping from it to try and wash away the taste. It tasted normal, at least he still had that. He glanced back at the mirror. The teeth were gone.
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verfound · 2 years
I really want to hear more about the Thirst Trap Lumberjack
Ask about the Hoard!
...no you don't 😂 TTL had the misfortune of getting plotted out in that little bit of time I had between Princess Heartmaker, getting kinda sick over winter, and the Secret Admirer prompts getting sent out. So I have it plotted out, all ready to go, and now it's put on the backburner until this year's Valentine's Epic is done. 😂
It started with this Reel. And then some spitballing with the LBSCers. And the next thing I knew, I had a five-chapter fic planned out about how Anarka owns a tree farm (*cough* Quick *cough*) and Luka had been talked into making these Lumberjack Thirst Trap vids while he was taking a break from touring (read: he was chopping wood and Dingo trolled his ass).
Cut to a year or so later, when Marinette has joined up as the stylist for the tour (*cough* Min *cough*), and tours are lonely, and she's thirsty, ok. Massively crushing on a certain someone who is absolutely off-limits until the end of the tour (who might also be massively crushing on her). Those old lumberjack vids have gone viral, but Lumber Lu doesn't look like Luke Stone, and Marinette is just...y'know. Thirsty as hell. And it's all well and good until they're heading home from the tour, they make a detour at the farm, and Marinette catches him chopping wood. And realizes she's been getting off to the guy she's been crushing on for months now. Oops.
It's just a silly little romp. And so far, apart from outlining, this is all I have for it (lemon-scented content under the cut):
“Please.  I am not interested in one night stands, and I'm not jeopardizing my job just for five seconds of relief.”
“Five…Marinette, who the hell has been satisfied to leave you after just five seconds?” he asked, his eyes going wide.  At her mortified expression, he leaned forward and laid his hand over her own, squeezing.  “No, I want names.  I have asses to go kick.”
“Th-that's not important, I meant metaphorically, I –” she stammered, but he squeezed her hand tighter to bring her focus back to him.
“Marinette, a girl like you deserves a hell of a lot longer than five seconds,” he said, and if his voice had dropped an octave lower and was maybe a bit thicker and if there was a bit of smolder in his gaze…well, she couldn't really blame him, right?
“I…I…I should go,” she squeaked out, pulling her hand from his and hurrying to stand and…flee.  She was definitely fleeing.  He sighed and dropped his head, shoving a hand into his hair as he cursed himself for coming on too strong.  Juleka had always warned him about how intense he could be.
“Dumbass,” he bit, but it didn't make what he had said any less true.  If Marinette ever decided she wanted him like that…five seconds wouldn't be enough.  Five minutes…hours, days, weeks, months, years…it would never be enough.  He would never be satisfied with her, would always want more, would…he groaned and squeezed his eyes shut, ignoring the mental image of Marinette spread beneath him, clinging to his sweaty back as she panted his name.  As she screamed his name as he brought her to release over and over again…but those were thoughts for Later, when the tour was done and Penny wouldn't kill him for the way he'd been thirsting after her newest hire.
…for the way she'd been thirsting after him, he thought with a smile as he thought of the video he'd caught her watching.  He wondered what she would say, if he told her…
An elevator away, climbing back up to the tenth floor and the safety of her hotel room, Marinette bit her lip as she thought of the intense look in Luka's eyes.  Of the way his voice had slid over her like honey as he promised…she tried to ignore the mental image of Luka gripping her ass, holding her hips up as he plowed into her from behind, those guttural grunts of the Lumberjack spilling from his lips as he brought her closer and closer to…
She bit down on her lip and pressed her forehead to the cool metal wall, willing those thoughts far, far away.
…at least until she was back in the safety of her room and could try to rub one out in peace.
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I'm on Fire || Byrne || Trial 5-2 || RE: Adrik, Kenshin, Akito
Though Byrne had started things off, he'd been content to sit back and listen to the information people were spouting back and forth, MOSTLY agreeing with whatever ideas were spitballed here and there. Byrne never considered himself to be a smart man, but he at least could follow where people's thoughts were going. for the most part.
Byrne squinted as Adrik spoke, however, as he opened and closed his mouth, the thoughts lingerings on his tongue as he just needed the exact words to describe them. To pieces together his speech, his commentary, his... Well. A lot.
In that time of his processing, both Kenshin and Akito added on before he had his chance to speak his own mind.
".... Akito, you act like admitting that you're suspicious and offering up more information about yourself makes you less suspicious. My guy. It does NOT make you less suspicious. It just makes you look like a fucking self-centered idiot."
Byrne grumbled, proceeding to massage his temples in mild frustration. He'd give Adrik the pass for now given the two were dating, but he'd certainly thought that... Well. That things were starting to get more aware there.
"Like Kenshin said, pretty sure it'd be weird for Erisu to have attacked and betrayed her own siblings if they were working together, and whoever the third party was had to have been in the red floor. Dunno why Calluna wouldn't opt to just tase Erisu down herself, if it was her, since at least An and Calluna can do that? No idea if the third can, and if his tablet has those permissions."
His, Byrne said, making his beliefs subtly clear. Though... Well. He wasn't about to keep his mouth shut with that alone. There were so many things to say, and the difficulty was figuring out how to limit it down to what was the most important.
"Akito, I think it's you. When we first met and I asked what kind of nickname you wanted, you told me yourself, didn't you? 'Azure.' So that's what I fucking called you. Putting that aside, you remember that conversation we had? Where you knew shit about me that you had no business knowing? None of your reasoning as to HOW you had that information made any fucking sense. You claimed you were fucking born observant and acted like knowing shit about people was a curse, which is a load of bullshit. You KNEW that stuff about me. You knew it. And you refused to fucking tell me the truth about how you got that information. Like you said, my profile information was missing, right?"
He spat, just a hint of venom in his voice. At a point, he wasn't planning on calling Akito out publicly for this. But... well. It was now or never, wasn't it? It was now or never.
"Ah yeah, since that's vague as hell, why don't I spell it out for people? Because it's not real convincing if I just SAY that and don't give any information beyond it, you know? So. Akito knew that I used to have ties to gang members. Something only END, Kenshin, and Kori knew because of a dungeon run we did. You know what he said tipped him off? That I had tattoos. Because of my fucking tattoos. NONE of which are gang signs, by the way. they're all shit that's personal to me. But there's fucking MORE."
He paused, his pulse pounding, loud enough that he could hear it banging against his eardrums. Louder. Louder. Louder. Was he to say something? Should he actually open his mouth and explain? He was more comfortable talking about his former neighbor than he was talking about... Well. Other things. He'd tried to tell a couple of people and completely broke once, and NEARLY broke another time. His heart continued to pound. His breathing was ragged.
Byrne reached out beyond the gap between his podium and Kenshin's grabbing at his hand for moral support.
CW: School Shootings
"I'm... A survivor of a school shooting from 2023 in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.  It's... Been a long time, but it... still fucking hurts to talk about. A LOT. S-So, I uh... Haven't really talked to anyone other than Scarlet and Nacho Deluxe about it. Since... It's personal. Ah, and Erik A knows. But, uh... Akito knew that, too. I'd... never told him. It was before I... admitted to being involved in a shooting on the gc. And he said he knew because my... bio said I'm CURRENTLY located in Ottawa, so... he said he assumed I moved from somewhere. And... He knew that I can't... keep my composure around guns, and shit, but he... said 'you don't seem to have an issue with explosions,' which... Isn't even fucking true. I had my first episode on the first of July, 2024. Can't deal with fireworks or explosions."
There was a reason he'd thrown those party poppers away, way back when. Or why he panicked over the cannonfire, or sometimes shattering glass, or... It was a lot. A lot to handle.
"But, with only that little information, he said he fucking figured it out. He claimed he figured it out. It'd be one thing if... it was the fucking gacha or the woods in the dungeons, but nooo, he gave some. bullshit ass reason to just KNOW that. Akito fucking knows shit. Dunno if it's just about me, or if there's other people too, but he knows shit and he won't fucking tell the truth about it."
Byrne exhaled, a bit tuckered out from even saying THAT much. He didn't like to explain. There was a REASON no one really got to hear much about it, and it had nothing to do with him thinking he'd done something wrong. It just... hurt way too much.
"I think he's Az-8."
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storiesofsvu · 2 years
Summer Fling
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Joe Velasco x reader Warnings: language, dirty talk, smut. A/n: covers the "summer fling" for wethotsummerbingo by @pascalispretty @lannister-slings-and-arrows @melk917 Did I say I was done with summer bingo? yes. But then @teamsladsandgents & I started talking about that gif, and some smutty Joe was born. shout out to her for spitballing and coming up with some of this. Also... when I first looked at summer bingo, did I mean to write exclusively for Joe? absolutely not, i had so many other ideas, yet... here we are.. oops?
Some people thought of summer romance as all the cutesy things, walks through the park, eating ice cream, all smiles and laughter while they wooed their way into someone else’s heart. The ones that clung onto their summer loves, making them a full time thing as the weather began to change, the cutesy moments becoming weekly date night dinners, full blown relationships with the goal of being able to celebrate Christmas together.
You on the other hand, knew that summer was the proper time to do whatever the fuck you wanted, that’s why they called it ‘hot girl summer’, right? Why waste the sunshine and good weather trying to court someone when you could spend your days suntanning drinking sangria with the girls and call up a good fuck to end your night completely blissed out? So when vacation started, you opened up your dating apps and swiped to your hearts content, pleased when the ever attractive Joe matched with you.
As it turned out, neither of you were looking for anything serious and there was no hesitation about jumping into bed with each other. You also found that you got along wonderfully as friends, regularly meeting for drinks after days spent enjoying the summer with your separate groups of friends. Sometimes you’d go home together, other times you played wing man, encouraging each other to go after the hottie in the bar. One night of wingman-ing lead to Joe discovering you had a very large liking to other women as well, leaving him baffled as you darted off with the hottest girl in the bar after barely saying a full sentence, shooting him a wink as you did so. Three nights later you had your first threesome and Joe had to hold back coming the instant you buried your face into her pussy. To say this was your best summer fling yet would honestly be an understatement.
The two of you started meeting up during the day too, when other friends were trapped at work or out of town for their own vacations and you wanted someone to hangout with. You were bored enough one day to join Jose at the gym, you worked out on your own relatively frequently but he did bet that you couldn’t keep up with him. One to never back down, you accepted his challenge and proved him wrong, though you were paying for it the next day and made him buy you dinner and drinks to make up for it. Since neither of you had found any interests at the pub you made your way back to Joe’s apartment after grabbing a couple packs of beer to enjoy while you either watched a movie or placed bets on some card games.
Joe absolutely obliterated you, and after a few beers and rounds of cards you stood up to grab a fresh round of drinks. You’d been sitting on the living room floor, playing at the coffee table, and that certainly wasn’t helping your stiff and sore body, letting out a groan as you slowly stood. You tried your best to stretch without hurting yourself and Joe couldn’t help but laugh.
“Dick.” You muttered, practically hobbling to the kitchen, “this is your fault.”
“You didn’t have to accept the bet.” He laughed, thanking you for the cold beer you passed him, “you want me to make it up to you?”
“Yeah. I do.”
“Go lie down, naked.” He nodded toward the bedroom and you let out a snort of a laugh.
“What? You gonna fuck the pain away?”
“No.” He laughed in return as he stood, “though it wouldn’t hurt to try.”
“Shut up.”
“I was gonna offer a massage.”
“That… I accept.” You tapped at his chest before turning, sauntering down the hallway to his bedroom as you stripped your shirt off over your head.
Joe followed you down the hallway, taking his beer with him, watching you strip until you dropped face first into the duvet, burying yourself into the lush pillows. Since it was the middle of summer, heat wafting through the apartment, he stripped down to his briefs himself before placing his beer on the nightstand and grabbing a bottle of lube from within it.
“What hurts the most?”
“Everything.” You grumbled, voice muffled by the pillows and he chuckled, kneeling onto the bed and crawling over you.
“This might be cold.” He warned, his legs settling on either side of your hips, gently dropping down onto your ass as he dribbled the lube onto your back.
You let out a little shiver at the multiple sensations, the cool of the liquid and the feeling of him pinning you to the bed and you couldn’t help but think of the other ways he’d pinned you to the bed in the past. His hands glided up your sides, thumbs pressing into the muscles of your back as he began to massage your body, digging in to work the stiffness out. You let out a happy hum at the feeling, your eyes fluttering shut as he worked his way up your back. His hands slid up to your shoulders, digging in deeper, knowing those spots must be more sore. You let out a little groan as he found a knot in the crook of your neck, nearly wincing as he worked it out slowly until you could feel it fading away. He asked about the pressure, making sure he wasn’t hurting you and you assured him it was fine and he was more than welcome to go harder.
He let out a little chuckle at that and you mentally rolled your eyes, letting out a groan as his elbow dug into the space between your shoulder blades. Within half an hour he’d managed to at least break up all the knots in your shoulders and back, thumbs now rubbing deep circles into your lower back as you let out little happy sighs.
“Legs?” He asked, “you did PR on those squats.”
“You know I hate my calves being touched.” You mumbled, letting out a little gasp as his hands dug into your back once more. “But the squats did do a number on my ass. Can I trust you to touch it and not get hard?”
“You think you can handle it without getting wet?” He teased back and you let out a huff of annoyance.
He shifted down, straddling your lower thighs as his hands ran up them, slowly massaging the tightness out of them before focussing on your ass. A little gasp escaped your lips as he started, hands running over the curve of your ass, digging into the sore spots with the heel of his hands. He made sure to not miss a spot, fingers prodding into every inch of your skin, both separating your cheeks before pushing them back together as he worked the outer curve of your ass. You simply couldn’t control it, letting out a low moan, your hips suddenly rutting against the bed and he let out a low chuckle. He was glad he hadn’t made the promise of not getting hard, because his dick was straining in his briefs already at the little noises you kept letting out. He knew they were pleasure ones, and while a different kind of pleasure, they still rocked him to the core. He kept massaging at your ass, one of his hands slipping back down to your thigh, beginning to work the muscle there when the back of his thumb grazed through your pussy by pure accident and he chuckled once again at the dampness between your legs.
“You like this don’t you?” He murmured.
“It feels great, what’s not to like?”
In response his hands slipped to your lower ass, pulling your cheeks apart as he leant back, peering at your cunt and the way it glistened in the light of the bedroom.
“I can see how wet you are querida, why don’t you tell me what you really want?”
“You to not stop.” You grumbled and he outwardly laughed this time.
His hands continued to massage at your ass, one of them continue to grope the flesh as the other one dropped between your legs again. His fingers slid through your pussy lips, smearing your juices around as you gasped, hips rocking upward toward the touch. Two fingers easily slid in and you let out a low moan, your hands clutching at the bed sheets as he started to fuck you with them. They swivelled inside your cunt, exploring every inch of your drenched heat before he set a lazy pace to thrust them in and out of you. Your hips began rocking in the same rhythm, grinding down on the bed as you did so, his free hand continuing to grope at your ass.
“Fuck…” he groaned, “this ass will be the death of me.”
“I will be the death of you if you don’t let me fucking come soon.” You mumbled back between breathy moans and he laughed.
Joe’s fingers curled within you, searching out that sensitive spot that he easily found. You let out a louder moan this time, a gasp escaping your lips when he leant forward, teeth sinking into the flesh of your ass. As he continued to finger you he pressed kisses into your ass, licking and biting at the tender skin. You could feel the coil burning heavily within you, tighter and tighter with each curl of his fingers, each thrust of his wrist and you started to beg.
“Faster, please!”
His teeth sunk into your skin again before he sat up, spanking you hard a few times before complying to your wishes, his fingers thrusting deeper, harder and faster into you.
“Oh God!”
Your fingers clutched at the bed, tangling into the sheets as he spanked you a few more times, one hard enough you knew you’d be feeling it tomorrow. His mouth returned to your skin as his fingers sunk deeper into your cunt, curling again and again until you were letting out moan after moan, pleasure shooting through you, your body quaking against the bed as your orgasm shot through you. Jose couldn’t help but chuckle, watching the juices dribble out of your cunt, soaking his hand. When he pulled his fingers from you he let out a low groan at the creamy cum stretching between them.
“Fuck baby… you know how much I love it when you cream on me.” He murmured before sucking the digits into his mouth, moaning over the taste of you, licking them clean.
“Yeah?” You cracked your eyes open, glancing over your shoulder, “you want me to cream on that thick cock of yours?”
“You know I do.” He practically growled in return.
It was your turn to chuckle as he leapt off the bed to tug his briefs down, kicking them off before climbing back onto the bed. He eagerly pulled your hips towards him, tugging you up onto your knees, leaving your chest against the bed. You let out a gasp as the feel of his cock nudging through your folds, tracing them, smearing your juices around him as he pumped his hand a few times. With a deep thrust he sunk into you, letting out a guttural moan as he did so, his hips finally meeting yours.
“Fuck Jose…” You swore, your pussy already fluttering around him.
“Always take it so well.” He muttered, beginning to fuck you slow and steady, as deep as he could, “fuck I love your pussy.”
His hands settled on your hips as he continued to thrust into you, each one gaining power and speed as you let out a string of whines. His hand spanked across your ass, earning a gasp from you, your cunt clenching down around his cock and he let out a low swear.
“Such a good girl…” he grunted, his cock twitching within you as it dragged past your most sensitive spots, “fuck… look at that cream…doing so good for me baby.” He couldn’t help but groan at the sight of his cock burying deep into you, each time he pulled it back it was covered in more of your thick cum and he knew he was making you feel incredible.
“Oh god!” You moaned, “make me come Jose, please!”
“You wanna come already?” He laughed, “such a needy girl tonight.” Suddenly his arm wrapped around your waist, flipping the two of you over on the bed so you were on top, facing away from him, torso flush to his, “you can wait querida…”
His hips stilled, keeping his cock buried inside of you as you let out a gasp, collapsing against his torso, trying to grind against him. He simply chuckled, knowing the grip around your waist would keep you still.
“I promised you a massage and I meant a full body one.” He husked into your ear as his hands glided up your sides, groping and pinching at your chest.
You couldn’t help but moan, head falling back against him as he continued to toy with your tits, massaging and rubbing at them, fingers pinching at your nipples. You honestly didn’t think you were going to last your pussy pulsating around him as he continued to torment you. You let out a small cry as his teeth sunk into your neck, lips kissing and sucking at the supple skin. While one hand continued to massage at your chest the other sunk lower, squeezing at your body until it hit your clit and you cried out. You could feel Joe’s lips form a smirk against your skin as his fingers pinched the throbbing bundle of nerves, your hips rocking toward the sensation. He chuckled darkly, feeling the way your cunt was clenching around him, making him twitch deep within you. As much as he wanted to keep tormenting you he wasn’t sure how much longer he would last.
At the very least he was sure he could make you come once more while you cock warmed him, eager to feel the way you pussy fluttered around his cock when you did. His hands continued to toy with your body, pulling louder and louder moans from you as you thrived against him. His lips made a home in the crook of your neck while his hand began to rub furiously at your clit.
“Joe!” You yelped, “please!”
“Please what?” He murmured, nipping at your earlobe as you let out a loud whine.
“Please just fuck me!”
“Uh-uh…” he replied with a smirk, “you like being stuffed full of my cock and you know it. You’re gonna come first, then I’ll fuck you.”
You let out the whine, tears prickling into your eyes as his fingers abandoned your clit, you did your best to wiggle against him for some action but he held you tight to him. His hand continued to play with your tits, pinching and groping, pulling little moans from you but it still wasn’t enough. You felt him shifting underneath you and suddenly you let out a cry, a vibrator hitting your clit at max speed.
“Oh god! Fuck! Jose please let me come!”
“That’s the point isn’t it?” He teased, grin on his lips as he pressed the toy harder against your clit and your body shook at the sensation, “I wanna feel you come around my cock princesa, wanna feel you squeezin’ so tight.” He let out a low string of swears as your cunt pulsed around him, fluttering with desire as you let out a loud whine. “Yeah… just like that… my needy little girl. I know you wanna come. Let go.” His lips pressed into your neck before he bit at your supple skin, teeth sinking in, his tongue lapping the burn afterwards, “don’t hold back baby, let me hear you. I wanna know just how good I make you feel, how much you like being stuffed with my cock.”
“Oh GOD Joe!”
You couldn’t help the cry, his cock twitching deep in your cunt as the vibrator pressed harder into you and his hand pinched at your nipple. Your body shook above his, whimpers leaving your lips as you hit your peak, pussy clamping around his cock and he let out a low grunt at the feeling. The vibrator was briefly dropped to the side as he shoved you forward so you were on your hands and knees again.
“So fucking hot querida.” He grunted, beginning to thrust into you again, this time hard and fast, “love feeling you come. Oh god, you’re such a good little slut, aren’t you?” He groaned, cock twitching in your wet warmth as your hips thrusted back towards him, moans escaping your lips as your fingers began to clutch into the bedspread again.
“God you feel so fucking good Jose.” You moaned, “love your fucking cock, fuck me so well.”
“Yeah?” he couldn’t help but grin, thrusting harder into you, earning a loud gasp from you that repeated when he repeated the motion, “you like it rough, don’t you?”
“Yes!” You cried out, a moan leaving your lips as he thrusted even deeper into you. A series of spanks came down your ass cheeks before Joe’s free hand reached out, grabbing the vibe again.
“I want you to come so hard you squirt again, alright querida?” He muttered between pants, “want everyone in the building to know who’s fucking you so good.”
“Yes…” You moaned, your body on fire, rocking back to meet each thrust he gave you.
You let out a yelp when the vibrator hit your clit yet again, grinding toward the sensation, your eyes squeezing shut as Joe’s cock throbbed within you. His free hand spanked you a few more times before reaching up and tangling into your hair, forcefully yanking it and you let out a cry of pleasure.
“That’s it baby…” he cooed, “I can feel you squeezin’ me, come for me…”
The hand in your hair yanked you up flush to him as he continued to pound into you and you let out a loud moan.
“Oh god! Oh Joe! Fuck! Feels so fucking good baby.”
“I’m so close baby..” he husked in your ear, “are you gonna come?”
“Don’t stop.” You cried back and the hand in your hair came around your body, wrapping around your throat and your pussy fluttered around his cock.
Joe’s hand squeezed at your throat and you fell back against him, body beginning to shudder as the heat shot through you. You felt yourself trembling in his arms, loudly crying out a string of swears, moans, and unintelligible words as your orgasm rocked through you. Your pussy clamped down around him, the noises in the room nothing but sin, squelching coming from your cunt as he continued to fuck into you, juices dribbling down your thighs.
When you collapsed against him he shoved you forward once again, dropping the vibrator, his hands clamping around your hips so he could chase his own release.
“Oh fuck baby,” he groaned loudly, “just so fucking soaked for me. Oh god…. pussy gonna make me come.” As he continued to thrust into you, you did your best to clench your cunt around him and he let out a low swear, dick twitching within you. “Fuck.. do that again.” His voice was strained and you knew he was close so you did as he asked, letting out a small giggle into the pillow as he swore loudly. “Fuck!”
One more thrust and you let out a mutual moan as you felt his cum spilling inside of you. You collapsed to the bed and Joe’s hands found your hips, holding you there as he lazily thrusted into you, riding out the high and making sure all his cum was buried deep within you before he pulled out, both of you hissing at the sensation. His lips left a trail of kisses down your back before he dropped onto the bed beside you panting. A few moments of comfortable silence passed before you finally spoke,
“You’re right, that does make me feel better.”
Joe chuckled, swatting at your side, “so does that mean if I convince you into working out with me again next week it’ll end like this?”
“How about…” you rolled onto your side, hand cupping his cheek to steal a breathless kiss as your other hand snuck between your bodies, tickling at his skin, “we forget the workout and just do this again?”
“I can definitely get behind that.” He grinned, leaning in to kiss you.
“Good.” You smirked, “cause I want you to come in my mouth next.”
________________ @witches-unruly-heart @fandom-princess-forevermore @cycat4077 @xoxabs88xox @alwaysachorusgirl @teamsladsandgents @thatesqcrush @im-just-a-mississippi-girl @wandas-wife @katieslotherford @almatra @momlifebehard @dondivajade @misscharlielulu
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titanicsimp · 4 years
Mine, his, ours
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Pairing: Zeke Yeager x Female!reader/Porco Galliard x reader/Reiner Braun x reader
Genres: Smut
Warnings: Sexual content including; gangbang, vaginal and anal sex, oral, cockwarming, creampies, fingering, double and triple penetration.
Summary: Zeke asks you to join him during a meeting with Porco and Reiner, but you never imagined he did so to tease you in front of them.
A/N: Shoutout to @pandorasbox126 for letting me spitball this idea to her 😌 like two weeks ago already but still
The Warriors meetings were usually a private affair, reserved only for its members, but you had just been invited.
It had surprised you when Zeke told you he would like you to come along with him to the meeting later that day. You had been going out with him for over half a year, and you had never been to one. You of course had accepted, excited to get closer to the others.
The building was almost completely cleared up when you arrived. You didn’t think anything odd of it, it was quite late after all. The Warriors had a busy schedule so late night meetings had happened once or twice before if you recalled correctly.
Zeke gives you a smile as you approach, greeting you excitedly. “There you are. Come on, the others are already waiting.” He tells you and throws an arm over your shoulder.
You glance around the empty hallways curiously as he leads you to the meeting room. It’s all pretty plain and clean, you aren’t sure what else you expected.
When you and Zeke stand outside of the door, you stop him from opening it.
“Anything I should know before we enter?” You ask him nervously, glancing up at him.
His hand on your shoulder squeezes you reassuringly. “Remember to relax.”
You nod and enter the meeting room with Zeke. Reiner and Porco are indeed already waiting, sitting on the couch that’s on the left of the big oak table in the middle.
You give them a bright smile and wave. “Hello guys.”
They both greet you back. You notice that even though they are acting nonchalantly like usual, their eyes seem to drift over you eagerly. No way, you think to yourself, you are mistaking.
Zeke pulls out a chair for you on the right side of the table and you happily sit down. He takes a seat next to you, giving you a tiny smile before he turns his attention to the rest of the Warriors.
You suddenly realize that you are missing someone. “Uhm, is Pieck not coming?”
Porco leans his arm over the backrest of the couch. “Nope. She’s not feeling well or something.”
You nod your head. Even they get sick now and then you suppose.
Silence falls over the room before Zeke clears his throat. “So, what’s on the agenda today?”
“Whether we should let Braun be eaten already.” Porco says, a grin on his face.
Reiner shakes his head, crossing his arms. “Shut up, Galliard.”
He looks at you. “We are discussing defense.”
You give Reiner a appreciative smile. Fuck though, you don’t know shit about that.
As the three of them start going over defense tactics and possible adjustments, you start feeling lost. You fiddle with your hands in your lap, grateful that Porco and Reiner can’t see your nerves.
Zeke puts a hand over yours, and you glance at him. He’s continuing their talk, but his fingers stroke over yours. He must have noticed that you were nervous.
You relax under your boyfriend’s touch, and you lean back a bit in your chair. When your fingers stop fiddling he moves his hand away from yours and instead lays it on your thigh.
You swallow as Zeke softly squeezes and strokes over your thigh through your skirt.
Reiner and Porco start arguing about something, and Zeke grabs the opportunity to lean over and whisper in your ear. “I wonder what you’re wearing underneath this.”
His hand slides up your thigh and strokes over your panties. You clench your legs together and give him a shocked look. The others are right there!
Zeke’s smirk speaks volumes. He’s more than aware that they are present.
Your face heats up as his fingers continue to stroke up and down your mount, teasing you to open your legs for him.
Reluctantly, but too curious not to, you spread your legs slightly. Zeke pushes up your skirt till he can reach your panties. Two of his fingers slide over your clothed sex, and you jump slightly in surprise of how far he is actually going.
“Are you okay?”
Your attention is drawn back to Reiner and Porco, who seized their arguing and are looking directly at you.
“Yes! Sorry, I’m just a bit tired I suppose.” You lie.
As their eyes glide over you in an assessing manner, your heart beats rapidly in your chest. It feels so dirty to have them look at you right now, especially as Zeke takes it a step further and sticks his hand into your panties.
You grind your teeth together, doing your best to tuck away any expressions or noises that will give you away.
“So, what’s your conclusion?” Zeke asks, forcing the others back to the subject as his fingers seek out the wetness he just created.
You sigh in relief as both Reiner and Porco lay down a conclusion, which still conflicts with each other. They’ll be busy a bit more, which you’ll need.
Zeke glances at you from the corner of his eye, a smirk on his face as his fingers find your entrance, and after stroking over it a few times, he enters you. Your hands grip onto the edges of your seat as his fingers stretch you out.
You feel embarrassed but at the same time thrilled about doing this so publicly. His fingers move in and out of you slowly and he draws his fingertips exactly against the spots he knows you like.
Reiner gives up and settles, bringing his and Porco’s argument to an end. Your walls clench around Zeke’s fingers when both look at you again. You avoid making eye contact. Gods, it’s so embarrassing to admit, but you’re scared you may cum if you do.
You had found Reiner and Porco attractive since the first time you had met the Warriors, so their gazes definitely have you heated.
Zeke’s fingers speed up and you grab onto his arm in response. He’s going too fast, doing too much, you won’t be able to keep quiet if he goes on.
You squeeze his arm tightly, but he pays it no attention. He chats on like nothings going on, the only thing betraying him the bulge in his pants that only you can see.
A soft moan slips from your lips when he starts curling his fingers inside of you, right against the spot that always has you cumming. You quickly cough to cover it up, but as you catch a glimpse of Reiner’s and Porco’s faces, you realize you might be busted.
You glance desperately at Zeke and tug at his sleeve. You are so close to cumming, he really needs to stop.
“Uhh Z-zeke? Sorry to interrupt but I forgot something at home, it’s pretty important.” You say and do your best to keep your voice steady.
It didn’t sound convincing at all, and Zeke shrugs it off. “I’m sure it’s fine, the meeting’s almost over.”
You bite the inside of your cheek, his fingers still moving inside you without remorse. Fuck, fuck, fuck.
Focus, you tell yourself. You have to focus on not cumming.
When you glance around the room, your gaze accidentally meets Reiner’s. There’s a clear flush around his nose and cheeks, and the dark look of lust in his eyes confirms that he knows what you are doing. Seeing him like that pushes you over the edge, and you gasp as you cum around Zeke’s fingers.
You grab and claw at Zeke’s sleeve, still trying to cover your actions but tiny moans pathetically spill from your lips.
When realizing that you were still looking at Reiner while you came, you quickly avert your eyes to the floor. Your body feels like it’s on fire, a potent mix of embarrassment and lust setting it ablaze.
Even as you hear them say your name, you don’t dare look up. How can you face Reiner and Porco after this?!
Zeke’s hand leaves your panties and he grabs your face with the other. He takes in your flustered expression with a smile.
You can’t believe your eyes when he leisurely licks off his fingers, groaning at the taste of you.
You glance at the others in absolute shock, finding them both with lust-stricken smiles themselves.
“You did good, baby.” Zeke tells you and presses a quick kiss to your lips.
“I-I don’t understand.” You tell Zeke and then turn to the other two. “I’m really sorry, I don’t- I never- I-“. You have no clue how you can correct this.
Porco chuckles at your embarrassed rambling. “You really should’ve told her beforehand, Yeager.”
You look at Zeke again, who gives him a casual shrug. “It’s more fun this way.”
Zeke cups your face again. “They knew they were getting a little show, that’s why they came.”
Your eyes widen in shock as you process what he just said. Reiner and Porco came so they could watch... you? Your fantasies are coming true in a way you never thought they would.
“And quite a show it was.” Porco says and Zeke let’s go of your face so you can look at him. Porco’s palming his erection through his pants eagerly, his eyes never leaving your form.
You can barely believe this is happening.
Zeke strokes over your arm lovingly. “Why don’t you get undressed?”
His gaze shows he’s sure of what he’s asking, prompting you to go along with it. Though the situation has you rattling with nerves, you want to do this, and who knows if you would ever get a chance like this again.
You stand up and stand next to the table, your front in full display to Reiner and Porco while your backside is visible for Zeke.
You slowly undress, taking off your shoes, your sweater and skirt. Embarrassment creeps up your skin as you feel exposed before them, but Reiner and Porco embolden you with their entranced gazes.
Porco takes his cock into his hand when you take off your underwear, stroking it faster the more skin you reveal.
When you are completely naked, you glance at Zeke. He waves his hand, urging you to move towards Porco with a casual smile.
You go over to Porco, who grabs you and pulls you onto his lap, showing you a toothy smile. A mewl leaves your mouth as he places your back against his chest and spreads your legs, sliding his cock through your wetness.
Across the table, Zeke lights a cigarette, watching the scene unfold as he leans back.
“You know, I couldn’t believe it when he offered to share, but I’m glad he did.” Porco pants into your ear, his cock poking at your entrance. “I’ve wanted to know what you feel like for way too long.”
His arms hook themselves under your knees, assuring that you are on full display for Zeke to see as he slides his length into your cunt. You moan loudly when he bottoms out inside of you, your walls eagerly sucking him in.
Porco bites your neck softly when he starts fucking up into you, sucking and nibbling at the skin till you are sure he has left a mark. Zeke watches you with a small grin and you feel a shiver run over your body at the dirtiness of it all.
After Porco has been thrusting into you for a bit, Reiner speaks up. “Bend her towards me.”
Porco groans but does it nonetheless, letting go of your legs so he can position you on all fours, facing Reiner instead. You moan when Porco reenters you, his hands finding your waist and grabbing it harshly as Reiner strokes your cheek.
Reiner’s face is still flushed with lust, and as he presses his cock against your lips you happily open up for him. You moan around his cock, taking it as deep as you can without choking as Porco continues fucking you, causing your body to rock forward.
Reiner groans your name, his hands finding your hair and pulling it lightly as you suck his cock. The head soon starts hitting the back of your throat as Porco’s hard thrusts cause you to fall forward onto Reiner over and over again.
Your scream is silenced on Reiner’s cock when you cum again. It feels foreign but amazing to cum around Porco, but he pulls out almost immediately when you do. You realize why when you feel his hot seed spurt onto your ass and back.
Zeke laughs and Reiner pulls you off of his cock with a pop. He slides his cock over your lips and cheeks messily before backing off.
“Almost forgot the number one rule there, Galliard.” Zeke says and tsks at him disappointingly.
Porco groans and runs a hand through his hair. “I didn’t expect her to cum, shit.”
You can hear how ragged his breathing is and you can’t help but feel proud that you took him by surprise.
“What’s the number one rule?” You ask when you find your voice.
Reiner lifts you up and drags you onto his lap, once again making you face Zeke. Your eyes roll back when Reiner slides his thick cock into you, but unlike Porco he doesn’t move.
Zeke eyes sparkle with lust and amusement as he speaks. “They can’t cum inside your cunt. I’m a generous man but that I won’t share in.”
You smile through your strained panting. You’re glad that Zeke is possessive of you in that way.
Reiner shifts slightly, causing his cock to drag against your walls. You bite your lip and he groans behind you, his hands finding your breasts.
Porco and Zeke start shedding their clothing as Reiner keeps you on his cock, playing with your breasts. You cry out his name when he tugs at your nipples and you feel his cock twitch inside of you in response.
Reiner pants your name heavily into your ear. “I heard you and Zeke, night in night out, and it made me wonder how one little girl could draw so much noise from him.”
He rolls your nipples between his fingers, making you cry out excitedly.
“Now I know how.”
You try to move on his cock, eager for more, but Reiner keeps you still.
Zeke leans against the table in front of you, stroking his cock with a grin on his face while he watches you. You already look like a wreck, and the main event hasn’t even started.
He calls out your name, causing you to look slightly more focused. “Don’t you think it’s unfair to keep one of us waiting the whole time?”
Pushing away from the table, he walks over to you. You moan loudly as he presses down on your shoulder, pressing you down harder onto Reiner’s length.
“I’m confident my little slut can please us better, can’t she?”
You nod your head desperately. Fuck, you are so sensitive after cumming twice already and you would do anything to get off again.
“Good girl.” Zeke says, lifting his hand from your shoulder and giving your forehead a quick peck.
He motions at Porco and Reiner to get up. You whine in protest when Reiner lifts you and slides his cock out of you, making you stand up with him.
Zeke lays down onto the couch, giving you a smirk before he pulls you onto him by your hand. You straddle him eagerly, grateful for the lush couch this room has.
Your eyes squeeze shut and your mouth opens in an O when Zeke slides his cock into your slick cunt, your arousal coating part of your ass and thighs already from all the activity, making his entrance easy.
His hands find your ass, and your eyes open in shock when he spreads your cheeks. Are they going to?..
“Ssshhh.” He reassures you. “Breath in and relax, just like we’ve done before.”
Reiner settles behind you, having coated his cock in a generous amount of lube to make it go as smoothly as possible. You suck in a breath when you feel him position his cock at your tight hole and you grab onto Zeke’s shoulder in preparation.
Curses fall from Reiner’s mouth as he pushes into your ass, slowly spreading you out on his length. Your nails dig into Zeke’s shoulders till Reiner has completely bottomed out and you take a deep breath.
You feel so full, both of theirs cock stuffed inside you and sandwiched between their bodies. You let out a shaky moan, both of them biting back groans as well.
Reiner kisses the back of your neck comfortingly as he holds still inside of you. Zeke on the other hand, drags his cock almost completely out of you before slamming back in with an impatient look on his face.
You scream out in pleasure and squeeze hard around both of their cocks.
“Fuck, that’s what I like to see.” Zeke says as you shake slightly on top of him.
He’s such a bastard, but he knows exactly what you like.
Encouraged by Zeke, Reiner thrusts into your ass experimentally. When you moan out and his cock slides in and out with ease, he starts thrusting harder, matching his pace with Zeke’s.
Your mind is growing more and more fogged, so much pleasure coursing through you all at once. When Porco grabs you by your hair and forces your head to the side, you look up at him with watery eyes.
Porco chuckles and slides his cock against your lips, smearing your combined juices from before over them. You mewl and open your mouth for him obediently.
Knowing that you can’t focus on moving it yourself while getting fucked in both holes, he holds your head still and starts thrusting in and out of your mouth. “Fuck you look so hot.”
Zeke and Reiner continue to thrust into you, their paces starting to differ as each starts rutting away in pleasure. Your desire for all three of them is so high that you don’t protest in the slightest even as Porco starts fucking your throat roughly, his pelvis bumping against your nose with every thrust.
Reiner sputters out incoherent words as his hips slam harder against your ass, his cock twitching wildly inside of you. He’s close, and to ensure his friend feels you squeeze around him one more time, Zeke brings one hand down to your clit.
You want to move away from Zeke’s fingers, all of it becoming too much, but you have nowhere to back off to. When you thrash you only pierce yourself further onto one of their cocks.
“Fuck! Ah- God- Wait!” You try to say, but Porco’s cock muffles you. If you cum now you feel that you won’t stop till they pull out.
Nobody hears your pleas, and soon Zeke’s fingers reach their goal. You scream out around Porco’s cock as your holes clench wildly around the ones inside of you.
With a last stutter and a cry of your name, Reiner cums in your ass. You tremble from your own orgasm as he continues fucking his load into you.
“Shit, you’re still cumming huh?” Zeke says teasingly as he thrusts up into your cunt.
You wouldn’t be able to say anything even if Porco’s cock wasn’t down your throat. You moan and cry out with abandon and he groans at the vibrations it creates on his cock. His hand in your hair tightens as he reaches his own end.
Just as Zeke halts his thrusting and cums, Porco does as well. You swallow down the robes of cum Porco shoots down your throat while Zeke stuffs your cunt with his.
When Porco pulls out, cum drips from your mouth, making an even worse mess.
Zeke and Reiner continue lazily fucking their seed into you, but your body is too exhausted to keep up anymore. Your cunt throbs from cumming so much and you don’t even care about the cum that’s on your face.
Reiner catches you just in time when you fall forward, your arms giving out.
“I think she’s done for today.” He says with a chuckle.
For today? You want to question whether this is a regular thing now, but your throat is too sore from screaming and sucking.
Reiner holds you against him as he lifts you off of his and Zeke’s cocks. Cum flows out freely from your holes, leaving a mess behind on the couch.
Zeke scoots over and Reiner lays you down on the couch, half on top of Zeke. You cuddle into his form, so warm and comforting. Your eyelids feel heavy as you pant out your excitement.
Zeke strokes your hair off of your forehead. “At least tell them thank you.” He tells you smugly.
You glance at Porco and Reiner, both looking at you with desire in their eyes. You would feel flushed if you weren’t heated as hell already. “T-thank you.”
Porco grins. “No thank you, but next time I’m getting-” Reiner puts up his hand to silence him.
“Don’t say anything about a next time.”
Reiner smiles. “Zeke likes for it to be a surprise after all.”
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phoenixyfriend · 3 years
Commander Buir
Follow-up to this post. Not in any particular order, just spitballing ideas, with contributions from several friends on discord.
Like presumably it takes long enough for them all to meet up again that Anakin and Cody do, in fact, end up treating each other like family, just so I can have that good good "well, guess I'm Dad now" energy. Shmi isn't entirely sure what's going on but she's not a slave anymore and her kid seems to like this rando mando, so.
Anakin gets to have a mom and two dads, though one of the dads is arguably younger than him.
Also when they all meet up again and Cody explains the "General Skywalker got shrunk" thing, there are three reactions: (General) Obi-Wan: Oh, Anakin. Obi-Wan: [gestures to take him, ends up with an armful of clingy padatoddler] Anakin: You can't blame this on me, Obi. Obi-Wan, a little teary, because babies cause emotions: Of course I can, you absurd human being. ------ Rex: That's... my general. Anakin: I am, Captain. Rex: Cool cool cool I'm gonna go stand where I can't, uh, break you. Anakin: I'm not THAT fragile! ------ Ahsoka: [gasp] Skyguy is SKYKID! Anakin: Padawan, this is-- Ahsoka, grabbing him and cuddling: Oh my goodness you're adorable this is the best day ever. Anakin: This is humiliating, Snips, put me down. Ahsoka: Never.
Anakin hates being a toddler because of the lack of independence but Cody keeps picking him up when he's cranky and just holding him until he falls asleep and that's... nice.......
- The brain limitations aren't quite as bad as the situation with Sokanth and Ylliben in the other AU, but - Even if his brain is mostly adjusted he’s still got a tiny body with different needs that he’s not used to. Like, he needs to sleep more but he’s got more energy than usual when he’s awake and it’s all weird.
Cody carrying around toddler Anakin like "God you give me ulcers but you're adorable, you little shit."
Inconveniently tiny body aside, Anakin has a pretty great time in this au. His family are all together and safe and within reach. His wife isn't around, but toddler brain means he doesn't have the Romance Drive, so that's not as bad as it could be It could be significantly worse.
@atagotiak asked: Does Anakin get annoyed about being called cute? - To which I say, He bites the first few times but Shmi tells him that's Naughty so he stops. - Babies are cute so you packbond with them before they’re annoying, Anakin is cute as a self defense mechanism - He’s extra annoying so he needs to be extra cute
You know how you need to keep an eye on toddlers so they don't, like, fall down the stairs or put something toxic in their mouth? - They need to keep an eye on Anakin specifically so he doesn't rewire the ship they're in while they're in hyperspace. - He has less self control on account of being smol. He still has all the mechanical knowledge! Just less comprehension of y’know, consequences.
Anakin, with a sippy cup: This is demeaning. Ahsoka: Your hands don't work great enough to avoid accidents yet. Anakin: It's still embarrassing.
General Kenobi can't just kill Maul, not when Maul is baby right now (sixteen, which is baby enough) so he just. Kinda. Kidnaps a baby Sith. (It's fine. He's fine.)
General Kenobi (not to be confused with Padawan Kenobi) decides to declare Maul his new padawan because someone has to deal with this teenager, and Plo already claimed the rest of Ahsoka's training. And Anakin's three, so.
"What do we do with Maul?" "Eh, I can handle him. I dealt with teenage Anakin getting arrested for illegal pod-racing twice a month, I can work with this."
Maul bites, but only slightly more often than Anakin, it's fine
Ahsoka definitely bullies Maul whenever possible
Consider: Rex holding very still because Anakin wanted to be tall, so he climbed Rex. Being unexpectedly climbed is better than being unexpectedly yeeted. It's still extremely nerve-wracking. - Cody is perfectly capable of running around with a backpacking toddler General, but Rex freezes like a statue. - Ahsoka finds this hilarious
You know how little kids like to be thrown around and swung in circles and stuff like that? This must get even more ridiculous with force users. Can throw a child real high and catch them safely. - Rex panics whenever Ahsoka throws her chibified Master
Literally everyone except Rex loves being yeeted. Even Maul can appreciate a good tactical yeet no shut up he's not having fun this is TRAINING - Rex is Suffering - Cody, a very Tired Dad, deserves to mock his vod'ika a little, as stress relief - Rex, a certified Little Brother, shoves Cody off something tall. Jokes on him, Cody thinks freefall is fun too.
Tia asked: So the people who didn’t exist yet got flung bodily back in time and Anakin did the mental time travel. Why did Obi-Wan not become Padawan Kenobi? (I mean “because I want it that way” is def a good enough answer I’m just wondering if there’s any reason.) - Which, well, it really was mostly "I want to" but here's two options, both of which come down to Blame Daughter and Father. 1. They figured a responsible adult Jedi Master was needed to convince people. 2. Nobody was supposed to get de-aged but Daughter figured they needed to make Anakin less liable to kill things for a few years. - Also IDK the Force God-Manifestations also took away any risk of rapid aging and early death from the clones because uhhhhhhhhhhh I said so
Rex and Ahsoka are fumbling their way through a relationship where ages are just really confusing and awkward, so they're keeping it to just kisses and cuddles for a bit.
Cody is so tired he doesn't even realize anyone's hitting on him until it's been three years of co-parenting with Shmi and his General. - Somehow Anakin knows Cody is in a relationship before Cody does. Cody has never been so embarrassed. - How did he manage to be less observant than Skywalker? -- it was sabotage; all his brain cells were taken up in managing said Skywalker -- Because Skywalker was up at three in the morning whacking a training droid with a stick so he didn't have the energy for Relationships
Also Shmi's come-ons are super subtle, while the General's are... well, Cody's gotten very used to ignoring anything ambiguous on that end because fraternization rules, and also because Obi-Wan flirts a lot with everyone. So.
Please imagine Cody and General Kenobi walking around with Anakin tucked into a toddler sling while they do whatever work they've ended up with at the Temple. - Yes, Cody is helping the Jedi figure out the best plan of attack to take down this slave ring because his grasp on tactics is phenomenal and he knows how to deploy people at greatest efficiency, but also he's got a nosy toddler on his hip who keeps offering his own insane-but-competent ideas. - General Kenobi ends up with a Council Seat just on account of, like, being the kind of person he is. As often as not, he's got Anakin tucked into his robes, chewing on the ear of a stuffed tooka or something.
IDK what Shmi's doing but apparently Legends had it that some of the administrative and support positions in the Temple were held by non-Jedi civilians? So probably something like that.
General Kenobi: Ahsoka's babysitting. Anakin: I'm her master, I don't need babysitting, this is-- General Kenobi: Fine, then you need supervision, so that you don't blow up a training salle again. Anakin: And you think Ahsoka would stop me? General Kenobi, eye twitching: Fine, I'm leaving you with Plo.
Even if he’s mentally an adult Anakin always needs supervision Look at canon! Anakin was left without supervision for like two days and he became a Sith
Quinlan gets distracted by how attractive General Kenobi is and tells Obi-Wan "dude, you're gonna be so hot once you can get rid of the stupid haircut" and Obi-Wan pushes him into the nearest pond.
They end up with this weird "Uncle Jango" situation (uncle to Anakin, via weird brotherhood-ish to Cody) because Rex and Cody are just like "Uhhhhhhhhh yeah okay" about him eventually, and Jango just like. Drops by. Trying to Earn Affection Of Blood Kin by bringing weird gifts for them and their (ugh) Jedi.
"Okay, Rex'ika, I stopped by Shili--" "What?" "--and apparently this is a delicacy there, so just... your girlfriend will like it." "She's not my girlfriend." "..." "Okay, I can't call her my girlfriend. Jedi have rules about that sort of thing, and--" "This will make your Jedi happy, probably. Just take it, kid."
Baby Anakin got his arm back but for some inexplicable reason still has The Eye Scar. He matches Buir.
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hpalways · 3 years
since your requests are open can i request an angst/comfort argument scenario with childe?? like he goes too far with his words and only after what he said finally sinks in he realizes his s/o might have left him for good?? while theyre just somewhere to cool down after having stormed off, ty <33
Note: hi, yes! ofc. thanks for the request
In the death of night laid the chance to let unknown truths be known. The darkness offered solace, but it also allowed anger to burn. And that was exactly what you saw on Childe’s face when he approached you, his friendly facade dropping from their usual joking smile. 
The two of you were dating secretly, for given his position, it would be too dangerous to let the cat out of the bag. He was trying to protect you -- no, save you from the evils he had encountered on his own, the same way he was trying to protect his siblings from the raw, ugly truth. That was where he was wrong. He wasn’t protecting anybody. He was protecting himself. He was selfishly afraid that if you were to see his true self, it would make you love him any less. 
Blue jagged crystals were narrowed for his pair of eyes, piercing through your heart in mirth. His expression was serious, accompanied by emotions of pain and longing. 
You supposed you did cross the line today, but you were growing tired of this routine. 
“[Y/N],” he breathed out, sounding cold. “What makes you think you could waltz into the Northland Bank like that?”
Unfortunately, while you tried to dig deeper, you were kicked out by the one and only eleventh harbringer, Childe himself. He was furious then, breathing out raggedly at your mistakes, but now, he was angry in a calm manner, which, to be honest, was a scarier thing to witness. 
“Am I not allowed to visit my boyfriend’s workplace once in a while?” you spat out, returning a glare of your own. 
“You already know our situation,” he said. 
“And I’m sick of it. What is it that you’re so afraid to show me?”
He stepped up even closer to you, where you could see his clenched jaw and the glisten in his eyes. “I have nothing to show you. You had no right to dig into my life.”
Tears began to the prickle the corners of your eyes. “Are you serious?” you sputtered in disbelief. “You’re supposed to be my fucking boyfriend. Why is it such a crime to want to learn more about you?”
“I told you that it was to protect you, not me.”
“Oh, don’t lie now. I can see through your bullshit.”
“Don’t try to wring it out again,” he snarled. “I have no use for a nosy partner.”
A pang slammed you in the chest. You stared at with wide eyes, hurt spreading through your system. You noticed the way he stiffened up and knew he regretted his words, but it was too late by now. “I see. There’s no trust to begin with here.” Spinning around, you stomped out of the room and closed the door shut behind you. 
The ginger was left to his own devices, his head hanging low in pain. He was so angry, so terrified, so anxious all the time that the spitball fire came rushing out at once. He hurt you -- the one he learned to love, despite every obstacle that hurled his way. 
His gloved hand curled around the edge of the window sill, his eyes locked on the beautiful scenery of Liyue Harbor. The glistening lights and lamps were flickered on in the distance, basking the darkness in its glory. Citizens still milled around in this hour, always willing to make business. He wondered how easy life would be if he was a normal person like everyone else was -- not part of the Fatui, not having to resist bloodlust, and not having to hurt the people around him. 
It would be smart to let go of you, but he was selfish. He was selfish because he he loved you so much and wanted you by his side forever, but he could never let his horrid deeds come out to the light. 
If your face of disgust was ever aimed at him, it would be etched in his mind for eternity. 
The next morning he found you in the kitchen, eating a quick meal for breakfast. His eyes softened at the sight of you, hesitantly joining you at the table. He was surprised you were still here -- still having the patience to hear him out. 
“Comrade,” he murmured uneasily. “I’m really sorry about last night. You’re correct about everything. I’m... afraid of it all. But I’m most afraid that I’ll lose you if you learn the truth. I’ve done horrid things in my life, [Y/N]. There were so many sacrifices I had to make in this path I chose. So I understand if--” 
You shook your head, making eye contact with his sorrowful irises. “Do you really believe I would leave you that easily? I know you’re part of the Fatui and I’m still here. Have more faith in me.” He blinked at you in shock for a second, his pain replaced by utter adoration. His tall form maneuvered around the table until he found you. His arms wrapped you in a hug, his face snuggled into the crook of your neck. Your cheeks flustered at his actions, but you hugged him back anyway. “I’m sorry too,” you muttered. His face lifted, so close to your own that you could see his long lashes. 
“None of this was your fault.”
“Yes it is,” you protested. “I shouldn’t have tried to pry into your secrets for something you weren’t ready yet. I say trust, but I wasn’t being so trusting either.”
He smiled gently and kissed the side of your face, leaving you burning in embarrassment. “I don’t know what I’d do without you, comrade.”
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reidsnose · 3 years
spilled coffee
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overview: spencer mistakenly spills his coffee all over reader's stuff on a case, but it turns into a happy accident (based on this request)
genre: fluff :)
a/n: ok so i think this is so cute and ive been meaning to write something ab coffee art for so long im so hapoy i got sent this request! as always lmk what u guys think of it :)
you sat at a raggedy table, spitballing with the team in a run down police station in the absolute middle of nowhere. your notebook was open wide in front of you, the blank page taunting your inability to make a good assessment of this unsub.
"hey guys, i think i've got something," Spencer announced, walking into the room.
"thank God," you murmured under your breath.
he began walking over to the board, setting down his coffee next to you. except he accidentally bumped the corner of the table as he crossed the room, consequently knocking over his cup and spilling coffee all over your paper.
he gasped, profusely apologizing and you assured him that it was ok as you wiped it off as best you could, urging him to say what he came to say about the case.
you left your notebook out to dry and the next couple of days went by very quickly, and you nearly forgot about it. it wasn't until you were all packing up that Spencer handed it to you.
"im so sorry again, ill buy you a knew one." he offered.
"no its ok! it just has some character now!" you explained, thumbing through the pages, now stiff and various shades of brown, "mmm and it smells like coffee."
"i'm gonna find a way to make it up to you." he stated as the two of you walked out of the room.
the jet ride was going to be long, and everyone was schlumped, meaning it would be void of fun commentary and be even more long and unbearable.
you sighed, flipping through your stained notebook before getting to the exact page the coffee had been spilled onto. it might have been the lighting on the jet, or maybe the sleepiness on your eyes, but the longer you stared at the blob, the more it looked like a person.
a person you knew... someone with wavy hair that stuck up in all directions, someone who had a cute button nose, someone with kind eyes and a bright smile. someone with an iq of 187 and a particular interest in halloween and chocolate frosted donuts with sprinkles.
the coffee stain looked just like Spencer.
you rubbed your eyes a couple of times but nope, he was still there, in the coffee stain.
you couldn't help but think you were going a little crazy. you had liked him for quite some time, maybe you were just seeing him in everything now. maybe to everyone else it just looked like a coffee blob?
regardless, you took out your pen and started sketching. outlining his perfectly messy hair. and his defined jaw and cheek bones. and his puckered up, oval, kissable lips, curled up in a smile. and his little boop-able nose. and his off center tie.
you weren't sure how long you had been drawing, or how many times you had looked over at Reid to make sure you were getting him down correctly. and yes you were.
all the other times you had secretly sketched him it never turned out right. there was always something that made it like someone looks like Spencer. but never quite him.
until now.
because somehow, this spilled coffee sketch had perfectly captured his essence. maybe because he was the one that spilled it? maybe it had to be done together to look right?
whatever it was you just couldn't stop staring at the wonderful accident that you and him had created.
you looked up again to see him walking over and quickly flipped your notebook to the other side, trying hard to hide your drawing.
"hey," he smiled sitting down across from you.
"hey," you replied, voices low to avoid waking up the team.
"what were you drawing?" he asked innocently.
"oh..uh nothing," you denied quickly.
"oh come on you know how much i love your doodles, show me!"
"you've seen my doodles," you face palmed.
"yes! and i love them! especially the little flower chains you border your paper with sometimes," he giggled.
"well this one..it um didn't turn out right, you wont like it."
"i doubt that."
you sighed, giving into his pleading eyes, "here."
he flipped it over, eyes going wide and mouth hanging open, "WOAH!"
"shhh!! they're sleeping!" you whispered, pointing at the rest of the team.
"y/n! this is absolutely incredible! how did you- out of a coffee spill- and it looks so- wow. i-" he looked up at you, a huge smile stretching across his face, "i'm honored that you chose to draw me. thank you."
"you're welcome, i've tried to draw you before but i could never get it right until now," you admitted, feeling your cheeks heat up.
his eyes softened.
"nothing says Spencer Reid like spilled coffee," he joked, making you smile. "but how come you didn't add yourself?"
"what?" you chuckled.
"theres a second blob here. right next to me," he pointed.
"yeah but that just looks like... a blob."
"no! that looks exactly like you! look theres your hair, and your eyes, and even the height difference is right!" he explained excitedly, grabbing your pen, "may i?"
you nodded and watched him get to work, sticking his tongue out as he focused. his approach was much different then yours, he drew connected, long shaky lines, and even though it didn't match the style you drew him in it was still perfect. and it still looked just like you.
he finished up, adding his last touches before pushing the paper back towards you.
"spence, i love it!" you breathed, holding it up in-front of you as you felt your heart begin to swell. "look at us. Spencer and y/n"
"Spencer and y/n." he echoed, liking the way your name felt in his mouth.
you smiled, "we forgot to sign."
"oh, right," he stammered, taking the pen and signing at the bottom corner before passing it to you and watching you do the same.
"something is off," you frowned.
"no! i think we look good together." he countered, wondering if you would catch the hint.
"no.." you sighed, taking the paper and holding it close as you scrawled something else.
his heart sank. rejection. you were probably scribbling out his face. or drawing a line between the two of you. this was gonna hurt.
you dropped the notebook back in front of him with a happy sigh. he brought his eyes up, wishing you'd at least had the decency to not show him.
but when he looked he was surprised. pleasantly surprised.
a large heart floated above your heads in the picture.
he grinned at you, his heart making its way back up to his chest from inside his stomach.
"i think we look great together." you grinned back.
his fingers grazed yours on top of the table.
"i agree." he breathed, looking like the physical embodiment of heart eyes.
"hey lovebirds," morgan groaned, "i'm so happy for you but please shut up and let me sleep."
you two chuckled, both whispering an apology, grinning ear to ear.
ultra mega super cool taglist:
@mac99martin @imhreid @spencersmagic @hollydaisy23 @raelady1184 @a-broken-pact @padfootswife @hey-there-angels @star-stuff-in-the-cosmos @sonnydoesrandomshit @averyhotchner @laurakirsten0502 @reidyoulikeabook @rem-ariiana @spencerreid9 @takeyourleap-of-faith @vampire-overlord @spenxerslut @violetspoetic @aperrywilliams @b-a-utiful @eevee0722 @srhxpci @reidemandweep @imdefinitelyfloating @random-human-person @gurkiloni
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peachbear88 · 3 years
You Know You Love Me
A/N: Inspired by a TikTok I saw. Disclaimer: THIS IS A SCHOOL AU. DON'T COME AT ME!
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Warning: Angst, enemies to lovers, character death.
Word count: 1.59k
A young girl with dark red hair taps her foot against the tiled floor, humming a song while reading her book.
"Drove my chevy to the levee but the levee was dry. Them good ol' boys were drinking whiskey and rye, singing this'll be the-"
"Can you shut up?" She tears her eyes from her book to see you, a hateful glare on your face.
"No." She stares defiantly into Y/E/C eyes, making your resolve waver for a second before returning full force. You bristle as she returns her attention to her book.
She starts humming again under her breath, smirking subtly when you don't object. Something wet and sticky hits her neck and she flinches, glancing your way. You glance out the window quickly, a smug smile on your face.
She brushes the spitball away before returning her attention to her book. Another spitball hits her, this time on the cheek. She brushes it off once again, her patience growing thin.
Once more, a spitball hits her, this time, right in her ear. She explodes, her chair falling backwards as she launches herself at you, grabbing you by the collar.
"What is your problem!?" A teacher rushes forward as she continues to throttle you, your face turning red. The teacher pries her off of you, sending a stern look at you.
"Both of you, principal's office now!" Her voice is shrill as you grab your bag, glaring at the girl who glares right back at you, her head held high as she straightens her shirt before marching out of the room.
"So. Ms. Danvers tells me you were attempting to murder Ms. Y/L/N? Ms. Romanoff." The girl, sorry- Natasha, stares straight into Fury's eyes, her back ramrod straight.
"It was aggravated assault," she reports as you mentally sigh, preparing yourself for the punishment.
"Snitch," you mutter under your breath which causes Fury to arch an eyebrow.
"Well in that case, I guess I'll be marking the two of you as absent for the next week." He reaches for the phone on his desk. "You're suspended."
You launch yourself from the chair, leaning across the desk.
"Suspended?" You let out a disbelieving laugh. "I can't be suspended sir." Fury stares at you.
"And since when were you Principal?" You huff, grabbing your bag and storming from the room. Natasha grabs her backpack calmly, nodding at Fury before leaving the room.
She walks briskly, catching up to you in no time as you stare straight ahead, tearing through the school hallways.
"You brought this on yourself." You growl, grabbing her and pinning her to the wall of lockers. She doesn't even flinch, staring at you expectantly.
"I hate you." You release her, muttering it under your breath. She smirks, slinging an arm around your shoulder.
"You know you love me," she whispers teasingly, her breath warm against your ear. You shove her away, jumping onto your bike and pedaling home. She watches you go, shaking her head with a smile as she turns away.
You push open the door of the ice cream shop, licking it as you plop down on the curb.
Your mother had taken the news surprisingly well. You had a record for being, well as your mother liked to put it, troubled.
Humming a tune from a musical you loved so dearly, Hairspray. It's a jaunty little song, 'The New Girl In Town'.
"Can you shut up?" A husky voice rings out and you look up, your eyes squinting before landing on a familiar, lean yet muscular figure. Her silhouette is outlined by the sun towering about you. Her red hair looks like it's aflame as she sits down next to you. You scoot away a little.
"Can't I sing what I want to sing without being harassed?' You quip and she snorts.
"Hark who's talking." She laughs as you square your shoulders, turning away from her. "Oh don't pout. You look cuter when you smile." You blush faintly, hiding behind the ice cream cone which doesn't go unnoticed by the redhead who bursts out laughing.
"I hate you," you mutter into your shirt sleeve at a poor attempt of hiding your flushed cheeks. She wiggles her eyebrows at you, wrapping an arm around your shoulder which you shrug off almost instantly.
"You know you love me."
Your nights are plagued with visions of the fiery haired girl with eyes as green as the forest, a smile as bright and white as the snow.
Could it be? No. You hate her. Right? Yes. Without a doubt.
You sigh, flipping your pillow back over in an attempt to go back to sleep.
When Natasha asks you out, you want to throw up. Your heart throbs as you watch her hopeful expression, proffering the bouquet of orchids to you.
The way her smile falls when you say 'no' nearly breaks your heart. Nearly. She gives you a small, sad smile, getting back up and walking away but not before promising you that she wouldn't give up.
"I hate you."
"No you don't."
"Yes I do."
"You know you love me."
You beg her not to but she turns a deaf ear to your pleas, kissing the palm of your hand before leaving.
4 times.
It takes 4 more tries before your dams finally break and you agree. She jumps up, whooping for joy. You shriek as she picks you up, spinning you round and round.
You'll never forget the smile on her face as she stares into your eyes breathlessly before glancing down at your lips nervously. Giving her a slight, subtle nod, she surges forward, capturing your lips with hers.
You sigh, leaning into her hold as the icy walls around your heart melt under her love.
As long as you had her, you felt like you could take on anything.
The next few weeks felt like a dream. A moment stolen from someone else's life.
The happiness is never ending, like a never ending tunnel full of love and hope for the future.
But deep down inside, a dark feeling tugs at your gut.
It won't last.
She won't be here forever.
Shut up, you think and the monster quiets down, delving back down into the darkest parts of your mind.
"You okay?" Natasha asks, noticing your sickly appearance.
"I'm fine." You smile queasily at her. She opens her mouth as if to protest but after a firm smile, she closes it, wrapping her arms around you and returning her attention to the movie.
You relax at the reassuring touch.
Even if it does have to end, you'll at least have the memories.
Hearts are meant to be broken in the end.
Natasha's fading away.
Slowly but surely.
The cheeky, smug girl you'd met years before was gone, replaced by a shell of her former self.
Everyday she'd wake up, pour herself a cup of coffee, down it and leave the house for work. All before you wake up.
You never confront her.
Always hoping that the next day will be different, that maybe she'll return to her chipper self.
The cycle is painful, watching as she comes home, collapsing on the couch and flicking the TV on. The bright screen illuminates her pale face. Her once vibrant green eyes, full of life are now dull, replaced by an emptiness that scares you.
You shake off the feeling, returning your attention to the dishes in the sink.
"You know, when we first met, you always told me-" she chokes, blood spilling forth from her lips. "You told me that you hated me. I didn't believe it." You sob, attempting to staunch the gaping hold above her heart, the knife lying at her side.
"Please, no."
"I hate myself." You sob even harder at that, abandoning any attempts to stop her from bleeding out, caressing her face.
"That's not true."
"It is. I know you've noticed it. And I'm sorry." She wipes the tears from your face, her hands shaking. "You deserve so much more than a person like me. Someone whole. Not broken."
"No, you're not broken, you-" you stammer, your brain failing to find an answer. "You just need some help." She lets out a pained laugh.
"Be free. Don't worry about me. This is a gift." Her eyes flutter shut for a moment before returning, even more pained then before. "Remember I love you okay? Live for me."
"Okay. I will." You sob uncontrollably, burying your face into her neck.
"It's okay. It's okay." She shushes you quietly. Her voice dies and you look up. Her eyes are wide open, empty, void of anything. You grab her by the shoulders, shaking her frantically.
"No no no no!" You press your lips to her bloodstained ones, attempting and failing to steal one last kiss from her. "No..."
"Hi Nat. It's been a while huh?" You chuckle weakly, kneeling down in the dirt. "I've been arguing with myself lately. Internal struggle, whatnot. And I've come to the the conclusion that you're right." You inhale sharply. "You know that I love you." A small tear rolls down your cheek, landing in the soil.
The words echo throughout the empty lot of land.
You know that I love you.
Pressing one last, lingering kiss to the cold headstone, you pick yourself up and walk towards your car, glancing back at the grave and waving one last time as if expecting to see Natasha standing there, waving back at you.
Hearts are meant to be broken.
Taglist: @username23345 @musicinourlips @gingerbreadcookieforlife @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @trikruismybitch @ima-gi--na-tion @nicole-rayleigh-hot @olsensnpm @peabrain-likes2read
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