#‘I’ve bought a wii £13 each’
hella1975 · 2 years
ive looped yerushalayim by the miami boys choir and im FINALLY finishing unpacking my room this is a very very niche vibe but im enjoying it
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candy-loverockr · 4 years
Questions taggy thing
Heyyy @mvickym I love youUUU thanks for the tag sis uwu
1: What are you wearing? Honestly I’m like just wearing oversized stuff since March
2: Ever been in love? I think so yeah ksjgdf
3: Ever had a terrible breakup? Not really
4: How tall are you? 1.61 
6: Any tattoos do you want? I’d love a diamond tattoo on my hand or a moon because my friend squad all want the same uwu
7: Any piercings that you want? not really tbh
8: OTP? Oh fuck this is hard like I love many pairings skdfjgdf right now I’d say Newtmas, Simbar, Melekseev, Buddie sdkjsgd and like, canon couples like Jake and Amy from b99 and Michael and Sara from Prison break
9: Favorite show? Prison Break most definitely
10: Favorite band? I’d say Queen and Studio Killers but I don’t stan a band like I stan Marina aka my fave singer
11: Something you miss? I miss when after school me and my friends went to the Oxxo, bought a drink, noodles or a hotdog and sat down outside of it and talked about life, I miss my friends mostly and junk food lmao
12: Favorite song? Under pressure by queen and david bowie
13: How old are you? 21 almost 22 (panic)
14: Zodiac sign? libra hell yeah
15: Hair color? brown ksjdgf 
16: Favorite quote? I have a favourite poem :D? It’s no te rindas by mario benedetti, I can’t think of many quotes because I pretty much love all songs I’ve listened to and they all have iconic quotes 
17: Favorite singer? Marina and Marina and Marina and Marina-
18: Favorite color? Putple uwu always
19: Loud music or soft? Depends on the mood but I like both
20: Where do you go when you’re sad? My own mind lmao
21: How long does it take you to shower? So *gulp* usually from 15 to 40 minutes depending on how I’m feeling lmaoo
22: How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? At least an hour
23: Ever been in a physical fight? Yeah kjsdgsdfkjdsfg 
24: Turn on? I usually really really like hair like, curly hair, long hair, light colored hair, if it’s all together it’s a plus, hands, a nice tm back sdjkfsdkjfg, now in terms of personality, funny but not too childish, usually I like it if we share some music, respecftul as in willing to learn from each other 
25: Turn off? what we call here a “buchon”, egocentric and like pretentious, obviously the biggest wrongs like h*mophobe and the full variants, not willing to punch a n*zi or tr*ansphobe or makes fun of right movements
26: The reason I joined TUMBLR? I was in my fake depressed phase and saw those gifs with quotes sdfjsdf
27: Fears? time, not being good enough at anything, atm losing someone from c*vid
28: Last thing that made you cry? I’m on my period so there’s a full list
29: Last time you cried? Like an hour ago pfff
30: Meaning behind your url? it all began when I created my email, dad said “write down things you like” and 8 year old me went “i like candy i like rock i like love” (which rn they do not even apply bc I’m more of a pop person and I can’t stand too much sweet lmaooo) but anyways I decided to keep the same email words in the rest of my social media and suddenly candy was too my online alias so yeah that’s it
31: Last book you read? the song of achiles once again because good book but also i’ve lost the ability to read more
32: Last song you listened to? i can’t help myself by the four tops (I have to rank 800 songs for a project sdkjfgd)
33: Last show you watched? I’m pretty sure it was Nailed it mexico sdkfjsgdf 
34: Last person you talked to? Just a friend lmao
35: The relationship between you and the person you last texted? We’re not that close but we’re homies
36: Favorite food? oh fuck, I like pizza I like tacos I like boneless I like baguettes I like sandwiches-
37: Place you want to visit? New York (limit does not exist), Italy, Netherlands, Europe in general tbh
38: Last place you were? Kitchen 
39: Do you have a crush? I only wished
40: Last time you kissed someone? Halloween ksdjfgsdkfjg 
41: Last time you were insulted and what was it? idk and idc
42: What color underwear are you wearing? KSDJGDKJG WHY IS THIS A QUESTION LMAO BUT LIKE LIKE LIKE BLACK?
43: What color shirt are you wearing? Green
44: What color bottoms are you wearing? Dark blue (look its quarantine fashion does not exist)
45: Wearing any bracelets? No
46: Last sport you played? Do wii sports count? 
47: Last song you sang? for a better day by avicii my babeyyy
48: Last prank call you remember doing? I don’t remember half my day sis
49: Last time you hung out with anyone? Like three weeks ago 
50: Favorite movie? The great gatsby and like kung fu panda 2 because its a nice movie ok?
I’m tagging @deliverydefresas @heylucy13 @decaffeinateddreambeliever and @mewnyan and like if you want to do it feel free to do so uwu
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the-desolated-quill · 5 years
‘But They’re Covered In Nipples’: The Story Of Destroy All Humans - Quill’s Scribbles
Another E3 has come and gone. There was some good announcements. Square Enix unveiled their Avengers game, Keanu Reeves came on stage to give us the release date of Cyberpunk 2077, Ubisoft are making another Watch Dogs set in London, and... um... what else happened?
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Oh yeah!
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Yes, the cult classic Destroy All Humans is returning next year, developed by THQ Nordic and Black Forest Games. This was quite possibly the nicest surprise I’ve ever had. When the teaser trailer came up on my YouTube recommendations, I practically screamed the house down. It’s a level of excitement I felt when 20th Century Fox announced they were finally making a Deadpool movie. 
Yeah. That excited.
Destroy All Humans was my favourite video game series growing up. I played the first two games non-stop on my PS2 and I even bought a Nintendo Wii and PS3 just so I could play Big Willy Unleashed and Path Of The Furon (yeah, we’ll get to them). Unfortunately, while the series was reasonably successful, it never quite broke through into the mainstream, and it ended up having a very short lifespan, making it one of the most underrated franchises of all time.
So, to mark the return of Crypto and Pox, I thought I’d take a retrospective look at the series as a whole. Analysing each game in the franchise and talking about what made them so good, whilst also looking at how it faded into obscurity and how THQ Nordic and Black Forest Games can hopefully avoid this fate with their remake.
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Radioactive, Exploding, Zombie Cows
The first Destroy All Humans was developed by THQ and Pandemic Studios (the latter probably most famous for making the original Star Wars Battlefront games. You know? The good ones that weren’t overloaded with loot boxes and microtransactions) and was released in 2005 on the PS2 and Xbox. You play as a Furon warrior called Cryptosporidium 137, or Crypto for short, who is tasked with harvesting the brains of humans in order to extract pure Furon DNA from them. His leader Orthopox 13, or Pox, explains that the Furons are at risk of cloning themselves into extinction as they are unable to reproduce naturally due to a lack of genitalia and the DNA in their cloning banks are starting to degrade. Fortunately the Furons visited prehistoric Earth on their way back from destroying the Martians and took the opportunity to ‘let off some steam’ with the natives. As a result, humans possess a strand of Furon DNA that can hopefully restore the Furons’ reproductive organs. Unfortunately a secret government organisation called Majestic (a sort of cross between Project Blue Book and the Men in Black) have caught wind of the Furon invasion due to Crypto 136 crash landing in Roswell 10 years earlier. So Crypto 137 will have to be extra cautious in his quest to take over Earth.
The game was released four years after Grand Theft Auto III, which had completely revolutionised gaming with its open world sandbox. As a result, other companies were attempting their own open worlds and putting their own spin on them. While Destroy All Humans didn’t quite have the same scale as GTA, it made up for it with quality over quantity. The game offered six small open world areas for players to have fun in and its central premise was utterly captivating. After countless games where you had to fight alien invaders, Destroy All Humans allowed you to play as the alien invader.
Pandemic Studios completely embraced the alien invasion premise, giving the player a vast number of weapons and abilities to wreak havoc on planet Earth. You had access to weapons like the Zap O Matic, Disintegrator Ray and Anal Probe (no, really, there’s actually a gun called the Anal Probe and it’s as funny as it sounds) as well as mental abilities such as Psychokinesis, Hypnotism and the Cortex Scan, which allowed you to read the thoughts of humans and was also used to help maintain your Holoblob disguise in stealth missions. And if that isn’t cool enough, you also get your own flying saucer, which you can use to destroy buildings and landmarks. The game gave you a lot of freedom, essentially dropping you in a small destructible playground and telling you to go and enjoy yourself.
But the thing I loved most about the first game was the writing. The plot itself is actually pretty good with plenty of twists and turns as the military and Majestic become more and more desperate to stop you. And the humour, my God the humour! Honestly Destroy All Humans remains to this day one of the funniest games I’ve ever played. It’s use of satirical humour and 50s pop culture references never failed to make me chuckle. There was one moment that I’ll always remember where I scanned the mind of a police officer and it revealed that he was thinking about forming the Village People. If only he could find a cowboy, an Indian and a construction worker. 
The game’s main source of comedy mostly came from poking fun at the culture and attitudes of the time period. 1950s America was of course gripped by ‘the Red Scare,’ which the game mocks frequently as we see Majestic and the US government try desperately to cover up alien activity by blaming the death and destruction on communists, to the point where it just gets more and more absurd. At the end of each mission, a newspaper headline is shown, often blaming recent events on freak weather or communist propaganda. Yes, that should explain perfectly why people’s heads are exploding and why the cows are glowing green. It’s all perfectly normal. No aliens here. What’s that? A little green man in a flying saucer is blowing up ice cream trucks? Damn you commies!
The game also pokes fun at 50s sci-fi B movies, often parodying and lampshading the tropes and gimmicks one would expect in a low budget sci-fi flick. For example, the game ends with you fighting a giant robot that houses the President’s brain. It’s fully aware of how ridiculous and stupid it all is and clearly revels in it. Killer robots, mind control, radioactive animals, mad scientists and secret government conspiracies galore. Destroy All Humans is very much a love letter to cheesy sci-fi.
But by far the biggest draw was the main characters. Crypto and Pox. They’re both such funny, wonderfully realised and likeable characters. Pox is voiced by Richard Steven Horvitz, who you may remember from Invader Zim, and he gives the character a maniacal glee. I honestly could listen to his rants all day. He’s the quintessential evil genius. Crypto meanwhile is voiced by J. Grant Albrecht, who gives the character a Jack Nicholson-esque voice. Unlike Pox, Crypto is crass, crude and craves destruction, which often puts him at odds with Pox, who favours more subtle styles of invasion such as mind control. The two characters often bicker and squabble, which never fails to be entertaining, and yet there is an underlying respect and fondness for each other that helps ground the relationship. It’s the perfect double act.
Destroy All Humans was a good game, but does it still hold up? Well there are a few issues. Controls can be a bit clunky at times and missions can often get repetitive. Destroy x number of farmers. Collect x amount of DNA. That kind of thing. Also, annoyingly, there’s no checkpoints, which means if you die or fail the mission, you’re automatically sent back to the Furon Mothership and you have to start the mission all over again. But the writing, humour and entertainment value more than make up for it.
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Hot Monkey Love
While the first game wasn’t what you’d call a hit, it was successful enough for THQ to commission a sequel. Destroy All Humans 2 was released in 2006 on PS2 and Xbox, just one year after the first game, and this time Crypto was going international.
Set in the 1960s, ten years after the events of the first game, the KGB in Russia learn about the Furon’s takeover of America and plan a counterattack. They nuke the Furon Mothership, killing Pox, and try to assassinate Crypto 138, who is posing as the President of the United States. The assassination fails and Pox’s mind is able to survive in hologram form. The two then embark on a global adventure, seeking revenge against the KGB and uncovering a massive conspiracy that puts the entire Furon invasion at risk.
Destroy All Humans 2 is an ambitious sequel that increases its scope from the first game. No longer confined to America, we see Crypto terrorise San Francisco, London, Tokyo, Russia and even the Moon. Our arsenal of weapons are also expanded. The original weapons from the first game return as well as some all new ones such as the Disclocator, which fires a purple disc at a human or vehicle and sends them flying around the map, the Burrow Beast, which summons a Tremors-esque space worm to cause carnage, and Meteor Strike, which I think speaks for itself. We also get a few new mental abilities such as Transmogrify, which allows you to turn objects into ammo, and Free Love, which causes everyone in the general vicinity to start dancing, allowing you to make a quick getaway while they’re distracted. The saucer too has some extra features, including a cloaking device and the ability to drain vehicles of health using your Abducto Beam.
This sequel pretty much takes everything that worked from the first game whilst tweaking the things that didn’t. The GTA style Alert system got a complete overhaul. If you want to raise or lower the Alert level, all you have to do is bodysnatch a cop or a soldier and make a call using a police box (you can also make prank calls from them, which is good for a giggle). Holoblobbing has been replaced with Bodysnatching, which works so much better and it does away with the annoying Concentration meter, so you can PK cars and humans to your heart’s content. There’s also a lot more stuff to do now. There are numerous collectables such as Alien Artefacts, which unlocks the Burrow Beast weapon, and FuroTech Cells, which are your main currency that can be used to upgrade your health and weapons. Missions have greater variety than in the first game. There’s a lot more side missions, including Odd Jobs and my personal favourites the Cult of Arkvoodle missions, where Crypto brainwashes humans to worship the Furon God Arkvoodle of the Sacred Crotch.
As you can tell, the humour is still just as wacky and ridiculous as ever. Destroy All Humans 2 lampoons and ridicules the 60s mercilessly, taking aim at the Cold War and the hippie counterculture movement. It also pokes fun at 60s sci-fi films, spy films and Japanese movies like Godzilla. In fact there’s a boss fight that involves you fighting a Godzilla-esque monster and it’s honestly the best boss fight in the series. It regains health by destroying buildings, so you have to destroy them first before you can kill the monster. It’s a great premise.
Story-wise, Destroy All Humans 2 is a worthy successor, raising the stakes and expanding the lore. We’re introduced to the Blisk, the Martians that were presumed extinct by the Furons millions of years ago. It’s a brilliant conflict and ostensibly allows the developers to make commentaries on America and Russia at the time using the Furons and the Blisk respectively as stand-ins. Crypto and Pox are well written, funny and likeable as ever and we’re also introduced to an assortment of new characters, including the Russian spy Natalya and MI6 agent Ponsomby (voiced by none other than Anthony Head from Buffy). The game is engaging and rewarding, but it crucially never takes itself too seriously. For example there’s one instance in Tokyo where Crypto learns about the battle between the White and Black Ninjas and he guesses that the conflict started because of the cliche student betraying his master type origin, but it turns out that both groups of ninjas were originally Grey, but then they ran out of grey fabric and disagreed over which colour they should be instead. There’s so many great comedic moments like that and they pretty much hit bullseyes every time.
That being said, there was one aspect of the game I didn’t like and that was the crude sex jokes. Crypto 138 is the first clone to have pure Furon DNA, which means he now has genitalia. As a result, this new incarnation of Crypto is far more randy than 137 was in the first game.  This mostly takes the form of Crypto constantly trying to hit on Natalya, despite her showing no sexual interest, which I personally found pretty gross. Worse still, the game ends with Crypto cloning Natalya and ‘making a few adjustments’ so she will consent to have sex with him. The word ‘creepy’ doesn’t begin to cover how I felt about this. If THQ Nordic and Black Forest Games ever decide to remake the second game, I really hope they consider rethinking that ending because... Jesus!
On the whole, Destroy All Humans 2 was a brilliant sequel. It was also sadly the last Destroy All Humans game to be developed by Pandemic Studios before they were bought by EA and eventually shut down in 2009. Unfortunately this would have a severe impact on the future of the series going forward.
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Limp Willy
The next game in the series was a spinoff for the Nintendo Wii, released in early 2008 and developed by Locomotive Games. A PS2 version was also planned, but was scrapped due to budget cuts (remember this. It’ll become relevant later).
Destroy All Humans: Big Willy Unleashed was... underwhelming, to say the least. Set in the 1970s, six years after the second game, Crypto and Pox have opened a fast food restaurant called Big Willy as a way of disposing of the corpses left behind during Crypto’s missions. However a rival fast food chain, run by Colonel Kluckin’, is stealing their business and socialite Patty Wurst is threatening to expose Big Willy (smirk). So it’s up to Crypto to protect Pox’s Big Willy (haha) and maintain their cover on Earth.
Now you’re probably thinking this sounds quite tame compared to the previous two games, and yeah, it is. But it’s a spinoff, so I can understand to a certain extent. However there are a few narrative discrepancies. The big one being Crypto has retired from being the President. No explanation given as to why and we have no idea what Crypto is doing instead. When we first see him, he’s watching TV. He doesn’t even know Big Willy exists until Pox brings it up. So what’s going on exactly? Are they still trying to invade Earth or have they gone native? Also, compared to the grand conspiracy stories of the previous games, Crypto protecting a fast food restaurant sounds a little beneath him.
Gameplay is virtually unchanged from the previous game. There’s some new guns such as Ball Lightning and the Zombie Gun, but nothing special. The biggest addition is Big Willy, the restaurant mascot that’s actually a Furon battle mech in disguise. It’s... fine. Not that much different from the Saucer really. We also get some new locations. Harbor City, Fairfield in Kentucky, Fantasy Atoll (a weak parody of Fantasy Island) and Vietmahl (a painfully obvious homage to Vietnam). None of these locations are particularly interesting however. There’s also a multiplayer mode, which... exists.
Honestly the game as a whole is just lacklustre. The story just isn’t as good as the first two games and the humour doesn’t have the same wit or intelligence. Most of the comedy surrounds the fact that Pox has called his restaurant Big Willy and isn’t entirely aware of the double entendre, which admittedly is funny for the first few missions, but by the time you’ve finished Harbor City and move on to Fairfield, the joke gets old real fast. There’s less of an effort to actually satirise the culture or films of the time, instead merely making 70s pop culture references without ever actually doing anything with it. It’s like the Family Guy school of comedy. Take Fantasy Atoll for instance. A pisstake of Fantasy Island, but instead of Mr. Roarke and Tatoo, we get Mr. Pork and Ratpoo. That’s the level of humour we’re talking about here.
What’s worse is that J. Grant Albrecht and Richard Steven Horwitz don’t return as Crypto and Pox. Sean Donnellan and Darryl Kurylo voice the characters instead and it’s just not the same. It doesn’t feel like Crypto and Pox. So from the very first cutscene, we’re already off on the wrong foot.
And then there’s a bunch of other stuff that I find really questionable. The most obvious being the revelation that Colonel Kluckin’ makes his chicken wings from the corpses of the Vietmahl (Vietnam) war, which just seems in very bad taste to me. If there is a satirical point being made here, I can’t find it for the life of me. There’s also some side missions where Crypto finds out that he and Natalya have a son, which goes absolutely nowhere and doesn’t feel like something that should be in a Destroy All Humans game.
Overall, Big Willy Unleashed was a massive dud meant to tide us over until Destroy All Humans 3 came out later in the year. Honestly the one aspect of it I thought had potential was the side missions involving Crypto and Pox being assessed by a Furon Efficiency Expert called Toxoplasma Gondii. Considering what happened in the second game, including the destruction of the Furon Mothership, the return of the Blisk and the Furon operation on Earth being jeoprodised, this could have been a great premise for a sequel.
Instead what we got was... 
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Disco Inferno
Oh boy. Where do I begin?
Path Of The Furon was developed by THQ and Sandblast Games and released in December 2008 on the Xbox 360 in North America. The PS3 version was cancelled because Sandblast (and Locomotive Games) was closed down before development was finished due to THQ’s financial problems at the time. However the PS3 version was released in Europe and Australia, so either THQ got another studio to complete it or, more likely, they just released it in a broken, buggy state.
Fans really didn’t like this game, myself included, but before we go tearing it a new one, lets look at the few positives the game has. First off, J. Grant Albrecht and Richard Steven Horwitz return to voice Crypto and Pox, which is great. As a result, the original chemistry is back and they help salvage the game when the writing fails to deliver. There are a few cool new weapons, like the Black Hole Gun and the Venus Human Trap, which creates a giant man eating plant. The Saucer’s weapons have been tweaked, so now they affect the environment as well as destroy buildings. So if you fire your Death Ray at the ground, for example, you can create scorch marks. PK now has its own dedicated button, which means you can pick up and throw objects whilst using your guns simultaneously. There’s also the titular ‘Path Of Enlightenment,’ which upgrades your mental abilities significantly as well as allowing you to freeze time.
That’s the good stuff. The bad stuff is... pretty much everything else.
The humour is, again, quite poor. Rather than satirising 70s culture, the game continues to make references to 70s films like The Godfather and Star Wars, but not actually doing anything with them. Just making the reference. The writing as a whole is quite substandard as the plot pretty much recycles the plots of Destroy All Humans 2 and Big Willy Unleashed, except instead of the Big Willy restaurant, it’s the Space Dust casino and instead of the Blisk, it’s Nexosporidium warriors, who are basically Furon cyborgs. Things do threaten to get a bit interesting when Crypto and Pox discover someone has been manufacturing synthetic Furon DNA, but nothing ever really comes of it. Instead the game focuses mainly on the Master.
Ah yes. The Master.
In an attempt to recapture the magic of the second game, Path Of The Furon tries to spoof kung-fu movies just like how DAH 2 spoofed spy films. Unfortunately this leads us to a slew of unfunny gags, cultural appropriation and some of the worst racial stereotyping I think I’ve ever seen. The Master is a Furon who crashed on Earth a hundred years ago and embroiled himself in Eastern culture, enhancing his PK abilities. This is what he looks like:
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Oh and if that’s not awkward enough, he also speaks in an over the top ‘ah so’ accent. It’s incredibly cringeworthy and made me want to crawl out of my body and hide in the darkest corner I could possibly find. How anyone involved in this game’s development could look at this deeply racist and downright embarrassing excuse for a character and think this was okay, I don’t know.
And before anyone tries to excuse it by saying that he has been living in China for a hundred years, so he’s bound to pick a few things up, please note that Nolan North is in this game playing the Furon Emperor Meningitis, who also has an over the top ‘ah so’ accent. Now I suppose some could argue that the game is satirising how Asian people were portrayed at the time, but if that’s what the game is going for, they’ve failed miserably. See, the problem with that argument is that replicating something doesn’t count as satire. By recreating over the top racist caricatures, you’re not making fun of them. If anything you’re just reinforcing them. The first game’s satire of the Red Scare worked so much better than this because there was an actual point behind it. It comments on how paranoid the people of the 50s were at the time by using Majestic to exploit the threat of communism in order to cover up alien activity, and everyone willingly buys into it because of that sheer paranoia. Now yes, admittedly the humour in Destroy All Humans isn’t the most sophisticated in the world, but it used to be a LOT better than this. Not only do I find the racial stereotyping in this game deeply offensive, it’s also frankly beneath this franchise. And it’s not just limited to the Chinese either. The final act takes us to the Furon homeworld (which was pretty underwhelming after four games worth of buildup) and we meet another Furon called Endometriosis whose only characteristics are that he has an Italian accent and wears a beret. It’s these broad strokes and general laziness that makes this game such a disappointing experience.
Path Of The Furon is subpar in every way imaginable. The writing, the humour, the gameplay and even the graphics. The first two games looked so much better than this and they were on older consoles from the previous generation. It’s shocking.
It’s hard to blame Sandblast Games for this considering they were shut down before development was finished. It was THQ’s mismanagement and financial woes that killed off this franchise and indeed themselves. The company went bankrupt in 2012 and their various IPs were sold off to other studios, with Nordic Games buying the lions’ share, including Destroy All Humans, which briefly reignited hopes that we might get another game, but that seemed unlikely considering the franchise has never exactly been a mainstream success. There was even talks of doing an animated sitcom based on the games for Fox, to be written by the same guy who did King Of The Hill, but that never went anywhere.
No. It seemed like Destroy All Humans was gone for good and fans reluctantly made peace with that. It was fun while it lasted, but perhaps it was time to move on.
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Oh The Furonity!
I’m not going to lie. I was pretty sure we were never going to see Destroy All Humans return. Not just because of its lack of mainstream appeal, but also because game development studios and publishers in recent years have become more and more reluctant to make single player, mid-tier games. Instead pivoting toward massive triple A releases and ‘live services’. So it came as a rather pleasant surprise when Nordic Games, now named THQ Nordic, released Darksiders III in 2018, a sequel to a series of games that were also not very mainstream but still had a significant cult following. This briefly reignited a small flicker of hope within me that maybe, just maybe, we might see our favourite Furon return.
And as you already know, I got my wish. A new Destroy All Humans game will be released next year by THQ Nordic and Black Forest Games.
So what can this remake learn from the franchise’s past? Well thankfully the writing and voice acting is going to remain the same, so story, characterisation and humour won’t be an issue. They’re also incorporating elements from the sequels such as Transmogrify from Destroy All Humans 2 and giving PK its own button like in Path Of The Furon. There’s also a few new additions that I’m excited about such as the ability to dodge and strafe using the jetpack. That should make combat much more exciting and dynamic. I know a few people have a problem with the new cartoony designs of the humans and the world, but I honestly don’t mind. In fact I think it suits the tone and setting quite well. Hopefully people will eventually get used to it. The big question mark hovering over all this is whether they’re planning to remake the other games in the series. I for one would love to see a remake of the second game. As for Big Willy Unleashed and Path Of The Furon, I think it’s best to leave them firmly in the past. The big dream would be to see Crypto and Pox have further adventures together beyond the first two games. Hopefully even have enough sequels to get the characters to the present day. We’ll just have to wait and see what the future brings. My only word of advice for them would be to never forget what made the first two games so good and so beloved. Big Willy Unleashed and Path Of The Furon lost their way, as its writing and humour grew lazier and lazier. If we are fortunate enough to get more games, the developers will need to remember what it was about the first game that made it so special and build off of it.
This is a second chance. Not a lot of franchises get this. Don’t waste it. Here’s hoping the remake will provide the definitive Destroy All Humans experience and that it will gain the success it deserves.
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kronos-the-timelord · 5 years
Dude, do all of the numbers for that getting to know you better ask! Or half bc 200 is a lot :0
ahhhhhh,, you so nice
1: My name? - Margaret
2: Do I have any nicknames? - maggie, mag, mags, maggles, at one point my friends called me parky
3: Zodiac sign? - libra
4: Video game I play to chill, not to win? - i’ve never been too good at video games (but i like watching ppl playing them) and i’ve only ever had a wii so my sims kingdom was a favorite of mine
5: Book/series I reread? - divergent and pjo
6: Aliens or ghosts? - yes
7: Writer I trust enough to read whatever they write? - @kata-chthonia
8: Favourite radio station? - 103.3 fm, although i mostly listen to spotify now
9: Favourite flavour of anything? - grape and blue raspberry
10: The word that I use all the time to describe something great? - great or cool
11: Favourite song? - a to b by matt hires
12: The question you ask new friends to get to know them better? - it usually has to do with what drew me to them in the first place followed up by a version ‘why do you think that?’ i like knowing how ppl think bc it gives me a better way to start understand their view
13: Favourite word? - aurora
14: The last person who hurt me, did I forgive them? - i can’t really remember, so i dont know what that says :/
15: Last song I listened to? - serial killer by moncrieff
16: TV show I always recommend? - dexter or if they don’t like blood and violence, any of john mulaneys specials
17: Pirates or ninjas? - i liked pirates when i was younger, but ninjas are cool
18: Movie I watch when I’m feeling down? - any studio ghibli or song of the sea
19: Song that I always start my shuffle with/wake-up song/always-on-a-loop song? - lately its been SLUT by bea miller
20: Favourite video games? - i really love boderlands, the art style is great
21: What am I most afraid of? - snakes and failing at something i’ve been saying that i wanted to do my entire life
22: A good quality of mine? - im nice??
23: A bad quality of mine? - im a bit aggressive and im really blunt about things
24: Cats or dogs? - dogs!! I like cats too but i dont know how to interact with them
25: Actor/actress you trust enough to watch whatever they’re in? - he’s a voice actor, but crispin freeman is really cool!
26: Favourite season? - fall and spring
27: Am I in a relationship? - yeah, but it’s long distance during the school year ;-;
28: Something I miss? - my boi,, he’ll be back soon tho
29: My best friend? @keencheckerboard and @memeathon
30: Eye colour? - brown
31: Hair colour? - brown with red and blonde highlights
32: Someone I love? - my mom
33: Someone I trust? - @keencheckerboard
34: Someone I always think about? - @memeathon
35: Am I excited about anything? - finals to be over!
36: My current obsession? - bnha tbh
37: Favourite TV shows as a child? - i loved avatar and ed, edd, and eddy
38: Do I have someone of the opposite sex that I can tell everything to? - to an extent, but i dont tell them /every/thing
39: Am I superstitious? - kind of
40: What do I think about most? - right now, school
41: Do I have any strange phobias? - not really, i mean i overthink a lot of things, but there’s no phobias
42: Do I prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it? behind
43: Favourite hobbies? - drawing/reading/writing/sleeping
44: Last book I read? - i think it was called stung, i actually finished it bc i wanted to complain about it properly
45: Last film I watched? - dumbo, my friend wanted to go see it, it wasnt good
46: Do I play any instruments? - i played clarinet for 3 years
47: Favourite animal? - dogs
48: Top 5 blog on Tumblr that I follow? - @wemakuu @wemakuutwo @keencheckerboard @memeathon @kata-chthonia
49: Superpower I wish I could have? - teleportation
50: How do I destress? - getting cozy and warm under my blankets with the lights off
51: Do I like confrontation? - i can be aggressive so i will be confrontational if i have to but i don’t go out of my way for it
52: When do I feel most at peace? - in my bed with the lights off
53: What makes me smile? - my friends, my boi, and goofy animal videos
54: Do I sleep with the lights on or off? - gotta be pitch black
55: Play any sports? - i played roller derby for 3 years
56: What is my song of the week? - really feeling be by hozier
57: Favourite drink? - …..water…. and a slushee
58: When did I last send a handwritten letter to somebody? - i think last summer???
59: Afraid of heights? - nope
60: Pet peeve? - slow walkers
61: What was the last concert I went to see? - does my high school’s band count???
62: Am I vegetarian/vegan/pescatarian? - nah
63: What occupation did I want to do when I was younger? - ob nurse, i still do
64: Have I ever had a friend turn enemy? - no, i’ve had ppl i tolerated turn into ppl i hate tho
65: What fictional universe would I like to be a part of? - bhna, but i feel the hero drama would get annoying after awhile
66: Something I worry about? - failing my classes
67: Scared of the dark? - nope
68: Who are my best friends? - this is the same as 29
69: What do I admire most about others? - their drive and where their motivation comes from
70: Can I sing? - no ;-;
71: Something I wish I could do? - sing
72: If I won the lottery, what would I do? - pay off my loans and (hopefully) for the rest of my college and then put whatever i had left into a savings account
73: Have I ever skipped school? - yes
74: Favourite place on the planet? - i think the smoky mountains are really pretty and i loved vacationing around them, but colorado was really neat too, so probs one of those places
75: Where do I want to live? - somewhere on the northeast coast!
76: Do I have any pets? - yeah!! He’s a doggo named dageus,,,, here he is,, the big boi!! (hes 121 pounds of love!!!!!)
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77: What is my current desktop picture? - something @memeathon drew me
78: Early bird or night owl? - night owl
79: Sunsets or sunrise? - im usually awake during sunset, but sunrise is really pretty
80: Can I drive? - yeah!
81: Story behind my last kiss? - i was saying bye to my boi at the airport
82: Earphones or headphones? - earphones
83: Have I ever had braces? - yeah,, they weren’t fun
84: Story behind one of my scars? - i have a couple little ones from acne on my back but other than that i don’t have any
85: Favourite genre of music? - i think indie rock?? Is that a genre?? Punk maybe????
86: Who is my hero? - florence nightingale,, she was hella cool and i went to her museum in london
87: Favourite comic book character? - i didn’t read a lot of comic books but i always liked spiderman and witchblade
88: What makes me really angry? - when ppl make fun of my friends >:l
89: Kindle or real book? - i like real books but ebooks are nice for traveling!!
90: Favourite sporty activity? - roller derby or skating
91: What is one thing that isn’t tight in schools that should be? - im not really sure what this question means????? But i didn’t like that in my middle school that the behavior coach(es) would already pick sides or would already hate kids that did nothing wrong and then in my high school no one cleaned up after themselves bc ‘the janitors can do it’ :/ it was really annoying
92: What was my favourite subject at school? - english/creative writing and art!!
93: Siblings? - i got an older brother who’s a big nerd
94: What was the last thing I bought? - i went to target last night and i got $68 worth of stuff including planty stuff, food, and gift stuff for my boyfriend’s moms
95: How tall am I? - 5’6” but i will not hesitate bitch
96: Can I cook? - yeah!
97: Can I bake? - yeah!
98: 3 things I love? - my friends/family, animals, and plants
99: 3 things I hate? - slow walkers, rasict/homo/trans/biphobic (anyone who just hates ppl for no reason tbh), and rude ppl >:l
100: Do I have more girl friends or boy friends? - more girl friends,,, i’ve kinda lost contact with most of my guy friends over the years,,,,
101: Who do I get on with better, girls or boys? - i feel more comfortable around other girls now but when i was younger i was okay with everyone
102: Where was I born? - in the cornfields of the midwest (i fucking hate this state)
103: Sexual orientation? - straight
104: Where do I currently live? - in the cornfields of the midwest, i am the creature you’re warned about, don’t walk alone at night
105: Last person I texted? - @memeathon : D
106: Last time I cried? - yesterday,,, finals hit me hard but i feel better now :D
107: Guilty pleasure? - uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh,,,,,, looking at gross stuff,,, like surgeries and sometimes those pimple popping videos,,,,,,,,
108: Favourite Youtuber? - i’ve been watching a lot of gordon ramsay videos lately but i think brandon rogers or sovietwomble are up there
109: A photo of myself. - heres one i took on my break at work
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110: Do I like selfies? - no,,, i don’t really like looking back on photos of myself bc i think i just look weird,, like even in my super nice senior photos,,, or baby pictures,,
111: Favourite game app? - does neko astsume count???
112: My relationship with my parents? - it’s p good :D
113: Favourite accents? - i’m not really sure,,, i think just a flat accent, like midwestern bc its the one im most familiar with so its like homey???????
114: A place I have not been but wish to visit? - japan,, nowhere in specific i just want to see the country
115: Favourite number? - 23!!!!
116: Can I juggle? - no
117: Am I religious? - im a polytheist (a bad one, but oh well)
118: Do I like space? - i love space!!!! Its so neat!!!!!!
119: Do I like the deep ocean? - no!!! Its awful!!!!
120: Am I much of a daredevil? - i think my friends think i am, but i dont really think so, i mean i’ll try anything if it sounds fun, but not everything
121: Am I allergic to anything? - not that i know of
122: Can I curl my tongue? - yes
123: Can I wiggle my ears? - no
124: Do I like clowns? - not really
125: The Beatles or Elvis? - a little bit of each
126: My current project? - my creative writing portfolio ;-; its not that hard but im trying to figure out how to get this character right
127: Am I a bad loser? - depends on what i lost in, like if it was a game i didn’t really care about than no, but if it was something that i cared about a lot than yeah
128: Do I admit when I wrong? - i always try to, but sometimes i don’t
129: Forest or beach? - forest,, i don’t like the beach,, too much sand
130: Favourite piece of advice? - it’s not really advice but just the reminder that your current situation is not your final destination
131: Am I a good liar? - i think so
132: Hogwarts house / Divergent faction / Hunger Games district? - slytherin (its funny bc im scared of snakes)/ dauntless/ and i think district 6 (i live in the crossroads of america so yeah)
133: Do I talk to myself? - all the fucking time
134: Am I very social? - sometimes, i am kinda a social introvert
135: Do I like gossip? - i like to hear it but not be part of it
136: Do I keep a journal/diary? - i have a bullet journal and i try to keep up with my habit and mood tracker daily
137: Have I ever hopelessly failed a test? - no, but i have gotten like high d’s and low c’s before that make me sad
138: Do I believe in second chances? - depends on what they messed up on the first chance, like if someone cheated then no
139: If I found a wallet full of cash on the ground, what would I do? - i would like to say that i would return it with no money taken, but im just not sure :/
140: Do I believe people are capable of change? - yeah, if they’re really trying and realize that they need to, but even if they do change i know not everyone will accept them back into their lives and it shouldn’t be expected that they should after someone changes for the better
141: Have I ever been underweight? - no
142: Am I ticklish? - very and i have this weird tactile thing thats like i dont like ppl lightly touching me, it freaks me out
143: Have I ever been in a submarine? - no
144: Have I ever been on a plane? - yes!! I love flying!! Its so much fun!!
145: In a film about my life, who would I cast as myself, friends and family? - uhhhh,, im going to go by face,, i think for me - shailene woodley bc when she had her short hair ppl told me i looked like her @meme - liana liberato, she got the round face @keen - winona ryder (but back in beetlejuice) boyfriend - tucker west, i know he’s not an actor but he looks so much like him,,,, also it took me forever just to find these guys so im not finding family :p
146: Have I ever been overweight? - no
147: Do I have any piercings? - i have my ears pierced!
148: Which fictional character do I wish was real? - hari jurono,,, i love him ;-;
149: Do I have any tattoos? - no, but i already have some picked out that i want
150: What is the best decision I have made in life so far? - ummmm??? Im not sure?????
151: Do I believe in Karma? - yeah
152: Do I wear glasses or contacts? - contacts during the day and glasses at night
153: What was my first car? - i have a subaru crosstrek named inko!!! I love her!!
154: Do I want children? - no
155: Who is the most intelligent person I know? - my mom tbh,,, shes really smart
156: My most embarrassing memory? - omfg,, so this goes to show how oblivious i am about social interactions, but it was my first week in college and this junior was talking to me and i didnt realize he was flirting with me until after we traded snapchats and he left, so i panicked and never said anything to him again and blocked him
157: What makes me nostalgic? - when i walk around my neighborhood sometimes (i live near the preschool i went to) and i was over at my elementary school almost a year ago now, but i remember walking down the hall and seeing all the different teachers there now and it made me sad
158: Have I ever pulled an all-nighter? - yes, just last week
159: Which do I value more in others, brains or beauty? - brains
160: What colour mostly dominates my wardrobe? - darker colors like black and blue, but im trying to get lighter ones in there too
161: Have I ever had a paranormal experience? - yes, many times, but the one that sticks out to me is that one night i woke up at like 5 am for no reason, but i was just suddenly wide awake and something felt off, so i was trying to get comfy again and flipped over on my other side so i was facinging the door into my room instead of my wall and in front of my door was a tall black figure with red eyes staring at me and when i blinked it went away,, now i know this can be explained by some other things but with my family it seems more likely to be paranormal
162: What do I hate most about myself? - uhh, i procrastinate way too much
163: What do I love most about myself? - i always support my friends
164: Do I like adventure? - depends on the adventure,,, i like traveling, but not too much walking bc i have bad knees
165: Do I believe in fate? - not really
166: Favourite animal? - question 47
167: Have I ever been on radio? - no, but i was on my school’s announcements and i hated it
168: Have I ever been on TV? - no
169: How old am I? - 19
170: One of my favourite quotes? - “The Gods envy us. They envy us because we’re mortal, because any moment could be our last. Everything is more beautiful because we’re doomed”
171: Do I hold grudges? - im petty
172: Do I trust easily? - no,, im just cautious around ppl bc i just don’t know them
173: Have I learnt from my mistakes? - some of them
174: Best gift I’ve ever received? - im not too sure,,, i got a p cool backpack for my birthday tho that i use everyday
175: Do I dream? - yeah, cant remember too many tho
176: Have I ever had a night terror? - no??
177: Do I remember my dreams, and what is one that comes to mind? - can’t remember a lot after i wake up, but i just recently had one with some bnha characters in it, i can’t remember what happened, i just know that they were there
178: An experience that has made me stronger? - i know this might sound a bit morbid, but my aunt’s funeral, it was the first funeral i went to where i understood what was happening and it made me more open to learning and accepting death
179: If I were immortal, what would I do? - want to fucking die,,, i’ve never understood ppl who are scared of dying/want to live forever,, like why would you want that??? What’s the point??? You’ll just watch everyone you love die,,, i know it’s going to be hard on me when that happens to my closer family members, but even the new ppl you befriend,, i just couldn’t
180: Do I like shopping? - yeas
181: If I could get away with a crime, what would I choose to do? - tax evasion
182: What does “family” mean to me? - the ppl who i care about deeply and who love me, not all of them are blood related and not all the blood related ones are part of it
183: What is my spirit animal? - idk?????? Maybe a turtle???
184: How do I want to be remembered? - tbh, i don’t really want to be remembered
185: If I could master one skill, what would I choose? - drawing
186: What is my greatest failure? - im not sure
187: What is my greatest achievement? - uhh, i feel like its hard to point at a specific point and be like “that was the best thing i could have done, if i didn’t do that i wouldn’t be who i am today”
188: Love or money? - money
189: Love or career? - career
190: If I could time travel, where and when would I want to go? - probably to some point in the future,, i dont know where tho
191: What makes me the happiest? - the ppl i care about being happy
192: What is “home” to me? - the house i currently live in,, my family is here and im surrounded by ppl i love,, it’ll probably change with time, but for now its here
193: What motivates me? - spite
194: If I could choose my last words, what would they be? - it’s important to keep moving forward, don’t let the past hold you down
195: Would I ever want to encounter aliens? - kind of, i think it would be p cool
196: A movie that scared me as a child? - it wasn’t a movie but i know the animated wolf from peter and the wolf freaked me out
197: Something I hated as a child that I like now? - i hated mushrooms, but i love them now
198: Zombies or vampires? - vampires
199: Live in the city or suburbs? - suburbs super close to city
200: Dragons or wizards? - DRAGONS
201: A nightmare that has stayed with me? - its silly but when i was younger it would be my mom and i going to the mall downtown and the escalators were missing the part that connected them to the floor so you had to hop over it and when we would get to the 4th floor i would miss the jump and fall
202: How do I define love? - i know a lot of ppl are like “i would die for you or kill for you” something along those lines but i think it’s more living for someone, wanting to see them accomplish everything they wanted, being there for them during their lows203: Do I judge a book by its cover? - yeah, i wont pick up something that doesnt catch my eye
204: Have I ever had my heart broken? - no
205: Do I like my handwriting? - yeah!! Its loopy
206: Sweet or savoury? - sweet
207: Worst job I’ve had? - ive liked all the jobs ive had
208: Do I collect anything? no
209: Item of clothing or jewellery you’ll never see me without? - a hoodie/sweater of some kind
210: What is on my bucket list? - going to greece
211: How do I handle anger? - i usually rant for a bit, maybe cry to get the extra hormones out, maybe break something
212: Was I named after anyone? - no, but i did have the same name as my great grandma
213: Do I use sarcasm a lot? - yes
214: What TV character am I most like? - im been watching bnha a lot so i think either kirishima or uraraka
215: What is the weirdest talent I have? - i can cross my eyes and then move one of them
216: Favourite fictional character? - ,,,,, im not sure,, i really love eric from divergent
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kikaiz · 6 years
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If you don’t understand why there’s so many dislikes and uproar about Nintendo’s online service that’s launching tomorrow, let me just provide ya’ll a list, because I feel terrible for the majority of folks that don’t know. And no, this isn’t about the price, it’s about what we’re paying for.
Disclaimer: Let me know if any of this information is wrong with evidence, and I’ll update the info. Everything will be under the Read More so that misinformation doesn’t spread and because frankly, it’s long. 
The overall comparisons!
Note: There is a bit of bias here because I am angry and because I don’t care about NES games. Also not everything I’ve listed are things I care about but I know would bother someone out there so they’re in this list. Also here’s the links for the American and Japanese trailers if you’re curious how the dislike ratio has become since this post.
**Price per year**
❎ $60 (Xbox) 🅿️ $60 (PlayStation) 🆘 $20 (Switch Online Service)
❎ Dedicated server 🅿️ Dedicated server 🆘 Peer to Peer WiFi (your own internet server)
**Online and Party Chat**
❎ Need service to play online however, you don’t need it to access apps and services. Membership required for Party chat (thru the system itself). 🅿️ Need service to play online however, you don’t need it to access apps and services or Party chat (thru the system itself). Members also gain a few extra features, including automatic downloads of game updates, early access to some betas, and extended game trials of certain titles. Allows you to share one subscription with all users of the console. 🆘 Need service to play online. Splatoon becomes unplayable offline. No apps available (Netflix, YouTube, browser). Requires smart phone and app in order to Party chat. No Netflix, YouTube, or browser. No themes or messaging.
**Cloud Saves**
❎ Cloud saving for all games as well as free usb transfers. Cloud is also available Free to Everyone and not just paying members. 🅿️ Cloud saving for all games as well as free usb transfers. Unsubscribed members cloud saves are kept for a 6 month grace period. 🆘 Cloud saves for games except Splatoon 2 and Pokémon. No way to back up data otherwise, despite SD card saving being available on Wii, Wii U, and 3DS. Edit: One week after the service launched, we finally got information that there is indeed a 6 month grace period for your cloud saves if you’ve unsubscribed. (Technically 1 year, 6 months, 22 days for this information if we’re counting from when the switch launched.)
**Free Games**
❎ 2 free Xbox one games and 2 Xbox 360 games every month, all new triple A quality. If you unsubscribe, you’ll lose access to these games. However if you resub, you will have access to them and their saves again. Xbox 360 games can be kept regardless of subbing. (Note: xbox 1 is backwards compatible that’s why I’m listing Xbox 360 info) 🅿️ 2 free new triple A games every month. If you unsubscribe, you’ll lose access to these games. However if you resub, you will have access to them and their saves again. 🆘 20 NES games. That’s it. Just these twenty 33 year old games with “more to come”. However they will cycle. When 20 new ones come the old 20 are gone and you do not own them. If you are away from wifi for 7 days (whether that be a storm or a vacation), you cannot play the NES games you paid for. Edit: The co op plays with friends seems seamless and fun for games I don’t plan on playing. WARNING: Do not use the CRT filter on the NES games because they’ll have a temporary “burn in” effect on your switch screen due to how the pixels vibrate. This eventually goes away on its own over time (and not by turning on and off your system) but I wouldn’t chance it, personally.
**Game Discounts or Special Offers**
❎ Many discounts for members but there are a few sales for non members too. 🅿️ The store regularly has discounts for everyone. However members may get a better deal. If a game is 60% off for a regular, it could be 80% off for a member. 🆘 So far the only special offers are NES controllers (only available if you’re a member of the Online service. This means you’ll be paying $80 total) and exclusive sports gear for Splatoon 2.
**Other Info**  🆘
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A personal rant from a Splatoon fan! 🦑🐙
When I’d heard about the online being mandatory for Splatoon 2, I was saddened but I understood, especially under the assumption that I would be paying for servers to run to improve disconnectivity drops. I had no problems with just that. And the price was affordable for me to boot.
Then I learned that I cannot back up my save data. I heard about 3rd party docks bricking switches and losing saves, of people who’s switches were stolen at E3′s and losing their saves.
Then I learned that Splatoon 2′s saves aren’t tied to the account or to Nintendo but to each individual switch itself. 
Then I found out cloud saves will not work on Splatoon 2 and upcoming Pokemon games “to prevent cheating”. So not only can I not back up by SD card like we have been for the last 12 years, but I can’t save my 700+ hours of Splatoon at all. All to prevent save scumming... despite there already being plenty of Splatoon hackers already that do a lot worse than save scumming. And there are solutions to these problems so that cloud saving is possible for every game!
I just can’t protect my Splatoon 2 data... Not all the weapons I’ve bought, every outfit I’ve bought and leveled up, not my ranks. The only game I would actually care about losing my progress cannot be backed up.
Then I found out I’m not even paying for a better server. It’s going to continue to be peer to peer using our own wifi.
I do not play other online games. Sure some games I would love to play with friends like minecraft and dragon quest builders 2 and pokemon, but I can live without it since local multiplayer is still free. Splatoon however becomes unplayable offline. You cannot even go to the store to buy new outfits. The only part of Splatoon I could play offline are the single player mode and DLC but I’ve already 100% those.
The Splatoon series is my favorite... It’s the first time a game made me feel good about myself and my aim and actually made me improve myself irl. I don’t mind paying for online if I’m actually going to get something out of it. It’s been over a year of delaying this online and they haven’t changed anything for me. 
I’ll probably cave in the end... I just love Splatoon so much and I want to play all the new updates and keep getting better. But for now, I’ll try to boycott for as long as possible, maybe use my 1 free week trial for the October splatfest if it’s spooky. But until then, I hope people who will boycott with me will return to Splatoon 1 until Nintendo adds something. I don’t expect this boycott or our message to get to Nintendo in the end. I think there are already too many people blinded by the cheap price and lack of information and upcoming Smash game. I don’t want to pay for something like this. 
What would make me feel better about this service:
I just want to know that I won’t lose my Splatoon progress if my switch gets damaged or stolen. 
I want confirmation that my Splatoon progress is tied to my account not my system. 
I also think Cloud Saves in general should be free for all if there’s no other way to backup saves. (I would say give us SD card backups but I don’t believe games like Splatoon and Pokemon should have those because that’s local save scumming and we don’t want that.) Right now, Nintendo is the only ones charging us to protect our saves. 
I want a word from Nintendo that servers will improve in the future, otherwise Peer to Peer should be free and dedicated servers should be paid for. I know for sure that hardcore Smash players would pay for dedicated servers. 
Personally, I don’t mind about NES (because I won’t play them) or the phone app (splatnet2 is great and I can just keep using discord or like the actual phone). HOWEVER, I really really need a real way to block/ban players in splatoon 2 in-game and not using the App, (as well as a way to Un-yeah a post in the lobby from accidental clicks but that’s more a splatoon problem than a phone problem.)
Sure what I asked for is taking out all the good stuff from the Online service but imagine this. Imagine if Switch Online actually had things worth paying for. Imagine your themes and browser apps and mutual best friend messaging. Imagine games other than NES coming to that service they’re providing eventually. Imagine bigger sales available on eshop that notifies you when games on your wishlist are on sale. It’s so cheap many more people would buy and keep a subscription without all this controversy. It’s taken them a year to pull this off and they’ve got nothing for it. Why? Because they know people will pay for it anyway. 
I want to be wrong about all this, trust me. At the very least, Nintendo is at fault for making about 18k people really really upset and anxious with poor communication.
“You knew you were going to have to pay for a service so you shouldn’t have bought a multiplayer game like Splatoon.”
I was under the impression for over a year with no other info that I would be paying for dedicated servers along with the Online.
“Stop complaining, this was a really long free trial and you knew that.”
Yep! And they kept delaying it. And delaying it. And delaying it. So I think we were all assuming Nintendo had a big surprise they were delaying all this for to make it worth the wait. It’s not.
“It’s $20 a year, that’s way cheaper than the competition. Of course it’s not going to have a lot of offers.”
Yes, I agree! But for me this is less than what I expected and trust me I was not expecting much. This is less than the basics.
“So you bought a $300 switch, $60 game, $20 DLC, and $70 pro controller but you can’t pay $20 a year? Sure.”
I want to pay $20 a year for a service not a hostage situation. Sorry if I seem upset about having a gun to my head.
“The Wii U was a failure. Nintendo needs the money. Do you want them to go bankrupt?”
Don’t sympathize with billion dollar companies like they have feelings. We have problem of treating large companies like people instead of money producing companies, especially if there’s nostalgia attached. “Don’t be mean to Nintendo, they’re having a rough time.” The sooner more people realize this, the better. And no they’re not in need of money. They have $10.5 billion in the bank. For some perspective that’s 35 million switches. For further perspective if just one second was a dollar, that’s 333 years. They’re fine.
“Why are you making such a big deal out of this?”
Because I want Nintendo to succeed. I don’t want them to have EA levels of controversy. I don’t want them to worm their way to EA levels of anti-consumerism. We already have loot boxes in a free mobile game. And now the free online we’ve had for 12 years is under a paywall. I’m not mad about either of these. I just don’t want it to get any worse than that. I don’t want Nintendo to think they can get away with the bare minimum just because “they’ll buy it anyway.” Nintendo has been making great leaps forward with the switch but things like this severely set them back.
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2020 games of the year: Runners-Up
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This year has been brutal, but there was no shortage of new games to play. In total, I purchased or was gifted 13 new games, but I only played three of them to completion.
Here are the other 7 games that I would have liked to rank. With the exception of 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim - which I received as a Christmas gift - I have started up each of the games facing outward, but have not finished them. I cannot in good conscience give an opinion on a piece of media that I have not consumed, so these are sorted by platform and release date, not in any sort of actual ranked order.
Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore - This is an updated port of a Wii U game. The Shin Megami Tensei and Fire Emblem series are two of my favorite franchises, so this crossover is one I was looking forward to forever. Unfortunately, I never played much of the original Wii U release, and the Switch port doesn't quite have me deviating from that track record. Hopefully someday...
Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive Edition - This is a full HD remake of the original Xenoblade Chronicles on Nintendo Wii. I loved the idea of the original Wii version, but I could not get past the character models, which looked like they were ripped directly from the early PS2 era. This Switch remake, in contrast, is absolutely gorgeous to look at, and I cannot wait to sink my teeth into it when I have more time.
Paper Mario: The Origami King - I've never been a mega fan of the Paper Mario franchise. I enjoyed the first three, sure, but as a JRPG buff, they were never my favorite JRPGs. I absolutely adore the writing in these games, and as far as I've gotten in this game, it looks to be no exception. This is another one for me to enjoy when I have more bandwidth.
DOOM Eternal - I only played a tiny bit of the first chapter in this one, as I have not yet finished DOOM 2016. This one seems to be more visceral than its predecessor, so I'm pretty excited. DOOM 2016 is great so far too, don't get me wrong, but I'm probably gonna bum rush the rest of it so I can dive into this one.
Ghost of Tsushima - This is an absolutely massive and beautiful game, and the plot so far is as gut-wrenching as I'd expect a Samurai story to be. I actually really wanted to finish this one by the year's end and give it an official ranking, but it unfortunately turned out to not yet be in the cards. Soon, though...
13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim - Like I said, I haven't even started up this one yet. I've heard amazing things about it, and now that my boyfriend has bought it for me as a Christmas gift (and, unrelated, my first gaming PC! Thanks, cutie!), I'm pretty excited to give it a shot. Probably after Tsushima.
Spider-Man: Miles Morales - Believe me, I am just as surprised as you are that I haven't finished this one yet. Spider-Man PS4 is one of my favorite games on the platform and is my favorite superhero game of all time, so I thought this one would be a no-brainer for this list. Unfortunately, though, it came out at a time when I had several other games going on, so I haven't been able to devote the time it deserves. This is the game I've put the most time into out of everything on the list, and I've heard it's pretty short and sweet, so maybe I will finish it by the end of the year. For now, though, it waits.
So, you might be wondering what I *did* play this year, and what my ranking is going to look like. Hell, if you know me, I bet you have a guess for the number one slot. Well, starting tomorrow, I'll be counting down the 3 new games I actually played through start to finish this year, so stay tuned!
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viulus · 6 years
Master List of All My Blogs and the Tags I Use For Them
So I’ve been wanting to do this for a long time, since I want to have all my stuff organized and in one place. In this you’ll find a list of all my blogs, as well as the tags I use for each blog, along with other things I feel are important (in relation to each blog, that is).  Little disclaimer: this post is really long.
Jak and Daxter Shitposting
#jak and daxter
#jnd --Serves the same purpose as the above tag
#precursor legacy
#tpl --Serves the same purpose as the, ‘#precursor legacy’ tag
#jak 2
#jak 3
#jak x
#jak 2 spoilers
#jak 3 spoilers
#not jnd
#reblog --Self-explanatory
#jnd shipping --All of my shippy posts will have this tag; mostly for people who aren’t really into ship-related content so they can filter out the tag if they want
#jakiera --Kiera x Jak posts
#ashejak --Ashelin x Jak posts
#ashetorn --Torn x Ashelin posts
#daxtess --Daxter x Tess posts
#jnd quotes --Quotes that are either taken word-for-word, or paraphrased from one of the games
#veganangst rambles j&d --Literally me rambling about the series
#my jnd experiences
#baron praxis
#flock off --Posts having to do with Pecker, since I don’t want to tag any of my posts as, ‘#pecker’
#jnd discussion
#va4 announcements --Usually important news having to do with me and/or the blog itself
Ships/Pairings (Ships that are crossed out are my NOTPs):
So, I’ve been into this series for a little over 12 years at this point, and needless to say, it was literally my childhood.  When I turned seven years old, I got my first gaming system -a PlayStation 2- and the first video game I ever owned, Jak 3.
So I fell in love with the game, and I of course sought to own, and play, the whole series (when I was first playing the games, I played the third, fourth, first, and then the second game, in that order).  When I was about nine some things went down that caused me, along with my brothers, to have to move out of state to live with our grandparents, thus forcing me to leave my PS2 behind.
So for about eight years I've been waiting to play the games again, and of course, I lost my mind when I heard that they were being ported to the PS4.  They're literally the only reason I bought a PS4 to begin with! I've played all the games in the series except for Daxter and The Lost Frontier (the latter of which I'd only found out about last December, thanks to Wikipedia), but weirdly enough I couldn’t remember much of anything about the games after a year or two of not playing them (until I started playing them again in December 2017, of course!).
Currently, I’ve completed the whole trilogy, as well as X.  I'm more than open to discuss any of the three, so feel free to chat with me about them!
Sly Cooper Shitposts
I got into the Sly series somewhat recently (July 3, 2018).  Since then, it’s been one of my favorite series, and one of the only series I play.  I don’t really have much else to add here, other than this: if you’ve never played these games, either play them or watch a let’s play (play them if you can though).  The entire trilogy can be found on Playstation Now if you have a PS4 and don’t want to hunt down a PS2 and all the games just to play them.
Ratchet & Clank Shitposting
Like the Sly games, I got into this series pretty recently (March 26, 2018).  At the time I was looking to try out some PS2-era franchises similar to the Jak and Daxter series, which is why I initially tried these games out.  My first R&C game I played was the 2016 reboot, and while the humor, characters and all that weren’t the best, it was really fun to play and got me wanting to play the older games.  After a couple months or so I played some of the earlier games on PSN (Quest for Booty, Crack in Time, and Into the Nexus) and enjoyed them a LOT more than the reboot overall (mostly CiT though, since although I played QfB I didn’t especially care about it, and I enjoyed the intro for ItN a lot but got bored with it).
Hamilton Shitposts
#not hamilton
I’ve known about Hamilton since mid-2016 (thanks to a former friend of mine), but I actually kind of hated it for a while, because of said friend (let’s just say that she constantly shoved Hamilton content in my face without properly introducing me to the musical first).
It wasn’t until last December (December 2017) that I finally got interested in the musical.  My brother who lives out-of-state was visiting for the holidays, and he literally blasted Alexander Hamilton and Non-Stop in the house several times during his stay.  After listening to them a few times I actually really liked them (especially Non-Stop), so when I got some free time (sometime on 1/14/18, since of course I still remember the exact day I got into Hamilton), I decided to listen to the whole musical, and I loved it.
Now pretty much all I listen to is Hamilton.  I know I’m going to say this at the end of all these other bios, but seriously, if you want to talk to me about Hamilton, message me.
Guardians of the Galaxy Shitposting
#not gotg --Not Guardians related, but you should probably still see what it is
Ships/Pairings (Ships that are crossed out are my NOTPs):
Starmora (My OTP)
Drax x Mantis
So to start off, I thought I’d just say that I’ve only ever watched the films, but I have read a tiny bit of the comics as well.
I got into the franchise in early June last year (2017) when I saw Guardians 2 with a friend, and let me tell you, I really wanted to see it, despite not caring about the series at all.  If I didn't care about the series at the time, why did I want to see the movie so badly?  Well, let's just say that I only wanted to see it for that sweet, sweet "plot" if you know what I mean. 👀   I also just needed something to distract me at the time, since I had been going through some really difficult stuff around that time (I plan on making a post about what happened at some point, so if I do, then you’ll be able to find it here).  Once it was over I fell in love with the characters, and the franchise overall, since the second film had not only far exceeded my expectations, but it also helped me cope with the bad stuff that had happened to me not too long before.
Feel free to discuss the series with me, since I’m usually more than happy to talk about it.  Thanks in advance!
Ace Attorney Shitposts
#not aa
Favorite Characters (Characters that are crossed out are characters that I don’t like):
Apollo Justice
I’ve been into this series for about two... actually, almost three years now! (where has all that time gone?).
My brother actually got me into this series!  I watched him play Rise From the Ashes one night (I think it was somewhere around March 2015), and I was kind of interested in trying it out after that (although I kept my mouth shut about wanting to try it, since I was really self-conscious about trying new things at the time).
I didn’t get to actually play Ace Attorney until mid-June that year, when my brother one day shoved his 3DS in my hands, telling me to play First Turnabout.  After playing through the whole case, I got obsessed, and I was also really excited, since he was going to buy the trilogy for me on our Wii (he didn’t live with us, so he couldn’t let me play the games on his DS).  I didn’t officially get into the series until July 2nd that year, which is when I started playing the trilogy on our Wii.
I completed the first game in three days, and I was obsessed with Ace Attorney for about a year and a half after that (I think that’s the longest that any obsession of mine has ever been my, “Main Obsession”).  I also had a huge overblown crush on Phoenix most of that time (which is surprising in hindsight, since I couldn’t care less about him anymore).
I’m now just a casual fan of the series, and I’m down to discuss Spirit of Justice any time (since it’s my favorite game in the series), but I don’t really care to discuss the others (not usually, anyways).  So anyways, thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy my blog!
Pokémon Shitposts
#not pkm
Favorite Pokémon (Pokémon that are crossed out are ones that I don’t like):
Most of the Fossil Pokémon, honestly
Charizard line
Swampert line
Greninja line
I’ve been into Pokémon for as long as I can remember.  I know that I’ve been into it for at least 13 years, but I feel like I’ve liked it for much longer.
I didn’t start to really obsess over it until the age of 11, after getting Explorers of Sky for my birthday (one of the Mystery Dungeon games).  Once Gen. 5 had started, I only got more into Pokémon.  I mostly collected the cards, but I did also play a lot of Rumble Blast.  And let me just say, I was honestly so into the TCG, that it was kind of unhealthy.
I lost interest in the franchise for a little over a year, starting at the age of 13 (thanks to My Little Pony), but once I stopped liking MLP, I just went right back to obsessing over Pokémon, but with a bit less emphasis on the cards, and more on the games (Who am I kidding?  I was still immersed in the TCG world at this time!  Just, not quite as much as before).
After about a year of being addicted to Pokémon (again), I started to become more of a casual fan of the series, turning my interest towards other things (i.e., Ace Attorney and Steven Universe).
It wasn’t until I started playing Sun (a month after it released) that I started obsessing over the franchise (for the third time).  I became a casual fan again soon after finishing the game, which was somewhere in early March of 2017.
Currently, I’m just a casual fan of the series (aside from my several characters, who I’ve had around for three years at this point).  I can’t really suggest you trying to discuss Pokémon with me, since I am just a casual fan nowadays (Unless if you want to know about my characters I mentioned!).  Thanks for reading!
Favorite generations: Five and two
Favorite types: Ice, Rock, Electric, Ground, Steel
Favorite Pokémon throughout the years (from oldest to my current favorite):
The End
You’ve reached the end of this post; congrats!  I will be updating this as needed, so check back here as often as you feel like.  Thanks for reading, and have a nice day!
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robin-smith · 4 years
Having but never doing.
Last night I spent a couple of hours looking at the sheer number of books and other media myself and my wife have managed to collect over the years. This collection has ballooned over recent years and I begin to wonder now why it is I’ve never had the time to truly enjoy much of this media. Why do I continue to lose so much time that could be spent enjoying the things I have in front of me? Or maybe it’s too late.
Last night I actually took the time to count each individual book, dvd, game and more sat on the many shelves in our home. After the monumental task of collating together everything I found that we had…
952 individual books across all types, from fiction to non, and practical to entertainment. 838 downstairs, 105 upstairs and a handful more in other places. This doesn’t take into account all digital books on memory cards and download services. Also, much like with other media on here, this doesn’t take into account if any doubles exist.
But 952… that’s quite a lot isn’t it. I don’t share this number as a point of pride, although it does make me quite content to have access to knowledge and stories of quite a wide range. We aren’t rolling in wealth, although the last couple of years has made us, less worried about struggling in the short term than we have felt in the past. Much of this number is primarily due to my wife’s love of the medium. It’s rare that I see her without a book in her hands.
Even she has bought wisely, paying out for 2nd hand, or books on offer. Although she does have a handful of titles that were bought new and with some quality in mind. For the most part they weren’t costly.
It’s much the same with other media, continuing the numbers there’s …
280 DVDs, 13 HD DVDs (yes really), 127 Blu-ray, 25 VHS, 7 Xbox One (plus 326 digital and 214 including game pass arriving at a total of 547), 43 Xbox 360 (I’ve not counted the digital ones here as many of those are on Xbox One… although there’s a few more digital titles that aren’t on there but are owned), 5 Wii, 1 wiiu (several digital there too), 6 switch (plus 44 digital, and you can include access to the 55 nes and 35 SNES titles as part of the Nintendo online).. 2 DS, FOUR 3ds (11 digital), 17 PS4 (plus 427 digital and 191 psplus), 16 PS3 (and again more digital), 29 ps1, 2 HD Blu-ray, 5 dreamcast, 7 PS2, 6 Xbox, 2 gamecube, 9 PSP, 6 megadrive, 2 SNES, 1 vita (several more, again, digital)…
I built up such a collection with the help of 2nd hand stores and pound saver style shops, you can get a good number of Blu-ray and DVD for less than £2. Sometimes as little as 20p.
With games, at least on the physical side it actually should be 7 times more, but years of trading and selling games to get by when times were tougher (games sell easy for OK money) have left me with regrets and empty shelves where there should have been more. We still buy cheap and digital sale are a great friend/addiction. Also, I have a terrible interest in BAD games. So the games I often pay for couldn’t be given away (think bullet witch or wet).
I think you get the idea of the sheer numbers with that. This obviously doesn’t take into account the number of digital titles on consoles I didn’t count, download video content, plus access to Netflix, Disney plus, Amazon video, nebula, curiosity stream… Or the unfathomable volume of items of all kinds bought on steam, itch.io, humble bundle, Gog, and other services.
It’s all just so much. Some of it is doubled, some not, but even cutting down much of this stuff Iv’e managed to engage with so little of it. I’m sure you are the same, lists of shame we love to call them, but it feels not like the content is shameful, all of it can potentially be enjoyed. My wife for example reads a great number of books, plays as many games as myself, and makes time for TV and films. It’s sometimes a challenge for her with some things, but I suspect she’s read over 80% of the books we own.
Why can’t I get to 5%?
You could argue that it’s the pressures of the capitalist society, working us to a death. I work over 37 hours a week. Less than some, more than others. This is before overtime and for less than £7.00 per hour (national minimum wage in the UK is £8.72 for those over 25 for reference). Is the loss of time and chance to actually partake in these things worth it. Or is it that I am just using this as an excuse. I want to read all sorts of books, watch all sorts of films, finish several games that I am enjoying. I just don’t seem able to.
Maybe it’s the sheer amount of choice? I just don’t know where to start, or I can’t stay focused.
Or maybe I just don’t have the will to try, that everything has the potential to be worth my time, but I don’t feel emotionally motivated enough to do it, as do I don’t, and then I get depressed, and that lingers, so I feel even less likely to. So it goes on.
I do want to make a good effort to experience more of these things though. I can easily watch a good film or show when I get going, read a book of reasonable size in a couple of days no problems. Even with the work time, I have the time free otherwise. So I want to make the effort to do so.
I have accounts on Letterboxed : https://letterboxd.com/seiibutsu/  , GG : https://ggapp.io/Seiibutsu , and Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/38668189-robin-smith , I encourage you to follow me there and hold me to account over the coming 12 months. I want to see just how much I can get through with a little focus.
I also encourage you to comment below if you can relate to this feeling and what you really should have taken the time to experience but still haven’t. Let’s get a conversation going.
0 notes
love-laika · 7 years
It’s game of the year season seemingly wherever I go now, so I thought it might be interesting to think about what my personal GOTYs would be for every year of my life that I’ve had them.
1996-2002: family did not own any video games, except maybe my dad had Tony Hawk 2 for his old computer at some point? It was a long time ago
2003: the year I got my Gameboy advance (silver). I had one game that I played all year and it was Super Mario World still love that game its probably my most played game of all time
2004: would you believe that Half-Life 2, Katamari Damacy, Burnout 3, and Metroid Prime 2 all came out this year? Anyways I didn't own any of those consoles. I had Pokemon fire red on a GBA SP and that backlight saved my childhood. Honorable mention: Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga
2005: it's Pokemon back-2-back baby. I asked my grandma for Leaf Green and instead she bought a different green (Emerald) game. Which like, thanks grandma and probably guy at target for that one. Over the next 2 years or so, I had two different save files, each with about 250 hours
2006: the year of the DS and I am at the point in my life where I have more than one non-Pokemon game a year to play. I basically lived in animal crossing wild world for that part of my life. I have distinct memories of me and my friends all piled into a minivan with that one. Honorable mention: RollerCoaster Tycoon 3
2007: I was lucky enough to somehow get a Wii from my parents despite the fact that people were getting into fist fights over them. I could say Mario Galaxy or Zelda or Pokemon but nah, Need for Speed Carbon. My first racing game that for a short time made me obsessed with cars
2008: ok I'm going to cheat on this one because there are two games I can't not mention. Pre-PS3 acquiring GOTY is Guitar Hero 3 it's not even the best GH but it was the one I had and I played the shit out of it. Post-PS3 has to go to LittleBigPlanet because I was equally obsessed
2009: honestly tbh two of my favorite came out this year but I'm picking one. While Skate 2 is my second favorite skating game of all time (behind THPS2), Uncharted 2 wins this year. I'm now 13 and "plugged in" to the gaming scene and buy games as they come out!
2010: the year my parents got divorced!! I spent a lot of time avoiding things with video games. I now have my own PC that can kind of game. The first indie contender is Super Meat Boy! I also poured hours into Battlefield Bad Company 2 but the winner absolutely has to be a game from 2008. Fallout 3, while I acknowledge that New Vegas is superior in almost every way, is a game that sucked me in for over 200 hours that year. I was ready for the biggest disappointment in my whole life 5 years later (thanks Todd)
2011: I love LittleBigPlanet 2 and Minecraft to death but Portal 2 portal 2 portal 2 portal 2 portal 2 portal 2 portal 2 portal 2 portal 2 po
2012: honestly, I don't remember fucking any of the major games released this year. I guess I played Borderlands 2? so fuck it, Team Fortress 2 is my GOTY for 2012
2013: it ain't Bioshock Infinite or GTA V that's for sure! My three faves from 2013 are, from bottom to top: Gone Home (everybody's favorite gay walking sim), Saints Row 4 (when SR5???), and The Last of Us (shocker right, who didn't pick that)
2014: as much as I loved Titanfall, I already feel a bit bad about shorting Brawl and Melee in the past. I put way more time into Smash for Wii U (and 3DS) than any fighting/party game. Still praying for that switch port because then it would be literally perfect
2015: my GOTY is Fuck Fallout 4 lmao. No but actually its Undertale because it’s fucking amazing, just sort of everywhere. Sorry Life is Strange, sorry Super Mario Maker, I'm still a Homestuck in my heart
2016: I've been so bad at playing games this year, I actually still have games from last year I want to finish (VA-11 Hall-A whoops). but god Titanfall 2 is so good, it’s a shame Respawn has had so much trouble finding financial success
2017: AND FINALLY, THIS YEAR will have to wait because im busy
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halalhyungwon · 7 years
1-100 odds
Jaz you’re a real one
1: when you have cereal, do you have more milk than cereal or more cereal than milk?
It depends on the cereal, tbh. Some cereals I prefer a lot of milk and others I put less
3: what random objects do you use to bookmark your books?
I’ve used my phone, random sheets of paper, pens/pencils, white out tape…
5: are you self-conscious of your smile?
A lil bit
7: do you name your plants?
I don’t have any plants :( If i did, I probably would
9: do you like singing/humming to yourself?
Yes, I do it constantly
11: what’s an inner joke you have with your friends?
Inner joke? Like, inside joke?… I have a lot. And yet, I can’t think of one to share lmao
13: what’s something that made you smile today?
I was on the phone with my bestie for like 5hrs and I hadn’t called them in a while so that made me happy (: 
15: go google a weird space fact and tell us what it is!
“A total of 32 monkeys have flown in space.”
17: what color do you really want to dye your hair?
This shade of purple that Minseok had because it is sooo pretty. I’ve wanted to dye my hair that color for the longest time
19: do you keep a journal? what do you write/draw/ in it?
I do have a journal and I used to write in it regularly but kinda stopped once I got into sophomore year of college. It was kinda my brain dump and also where I just spilled all my emotions that I never talked to anyone about
21: talk about your favorite bag, the one that’s been to hell and back with you and that you love to pieces.
Favorite?? Hmmm there’s the bag my cousin bought me for my high school prom. It’s cute and small and white and going over your shoulder. I don’t use it much but I’m still happy to have it.
23: what’s your favorite thing to do on lazy days where you have 0 obligations?
watch exo and seventeen make fools of themselves lmao
25: what’s the weirdest place you’ve ever broken into?
I don’t recall breaking into anywhere…but I remember one summer my brother and I went for a walk to a school in my cousin’s neighborhood and an alarm went off and scared tf out of us
27: what’s your favorite bubblegum flavor?
wintermint (?) i think it’s called
29: what’s something really cute that one of your friends does and is totally endearing? 
One of my friends has this pack of cards that says “I LOVE YOU BECAUSE” and then it has a bunch of bullet points for different reasons you could love someone. She gave me one sophomore year and another one just recently and honestly it’s so sweet
31: what is your opinion of socks? do you like wearing weird socks? do you sleep with socks? do you confine yourself to white sock hell? really, just talk about socks.
Socks and I…we acknowledge each other’s existence and hang out when we need to. I only where socks with my sneakers and boots, and when it’s really cold. I cannot where socks all day. Like it’s impossible. When I wear socks I just feel hyper aware of the fact that there is cloth on my feet and it makes me uncomfortable. I can’t go to sleep with socks on, unless I’m extremely tired and just fell asleep. Even then, I’ll wake up with my socks kicked off in the morning.
32: tell us a story of something that happened to you after 3AM when you were with friends.
Most recently! My friend and I were trying to observe the meteor shower last weekend. And like the thing is for the first hour or so we didn’t see any and kept trying to find the best place to observe them. Then, I finally saw one, but it was right when my friend was looking down so she didn’t get to see it! And then, another hour or so passes and it just seems like we’re never gonna see another one, so we decide to head back to our dorms. BUt, on the way back we find a spot that would be just perfect to see them, so we just loitered there for almost another hour, jammin to music and just waiting to see some shooting stars! And then the next one comes but it happens right as I’m looking at my friend to talk to her, but she’s looking up so she gets to see it. After that some time passes and it’s already 3:30 a.m. and I’m tired and lowkey gotta pee, so we start making our way back to the dorms again. And then we find another spot that would be good viewing, so we chill there for a while because, though we’ve both seen a shooting star, we haven’t see one together. So we’re standing there, chillin, being goofs and listening to trap remixes of the Wii theme, when we both look up and go “OH!!!” and freak out bc we finally saw another shooting star and it was just great. 
(I realized I answered this even tho it’s not odd but i’m just gonna keep it bc i love it too much)
33: what’s your fave pastry?
do cinnamon rolls count as pastries?…i could really go for one…
35: do you like stationary and pretty pens and so on? do you use them often?
Yes I do!! But I don’t have many :(( Part of me wants to buy a big set but like I already have a bunch of pens and notebooks (but they arent all aesthetic and pretty and stuff) and I also think i’d stop using them after a week or so
37: do you like keeping your room messy or clean?
I like having a neat room (I cleaned my room today I’m so happy, it looks so spacious) 
39: what color do you wear the most?
Black, probably
41: what’s the last book you remember really, really loving?
I don’t read often but I think the last book I really enjoyed … Howl’s Moving Castle
43: who was the last person you gazed at the stars with?
@batmanlemonade hey ;) [see #32]
45: do you trust your instincts a lot?
No? maybe? idk
47: what food do you think should be banned from the universe?
49: do you like buying CDs and records? what was the last one you bought?
I wishhh I could just buy all the cd’s i’ve ever wanted. If I had more money I probably would have a nice collection. The last CD i’ve bought was back in high school and I think it was OneRepublic’s Native album
51: think of a person. what song do you associate with them?
My little brother… whenever i hear transformer, touch it, monster or kkb I think about him bc those are his favorite exo songs loll
53: have you ever watched the rocky horror picture show? heathers? beetlejuice? pulp fiction? what do you think of them?
I don’t think I’ve watched any of these but beetlejuice, and I love beetlejuice
55: what’s the most dramatic thing you’ve ever done to prove a point?
I scrolled through my kyungsoo tag for a good hour or so to prove to my friend how much i love him sfdjkl; that’s not very dramatic but it’s the first thing I thought of. She really didn’t question that I loved him, I just love any excuse to look through my tags
57: go listen to bohemian rhapsody. how did it make you feel? did you dramatically reenact the lyrics?
bohemian rhapsody is a classic sfkl; um it always reminds me of my childhood bc my brothers and i used to watch these animated videos and one of them was of bohemian rhapsody but with megaman characters lmao
59: what’s your favorite myth?
UHmmm I really don’t know lol sorry
61: what’s the stupidest gift you’ve ever given? the stupidest one you’ve ever received?
In sophomore year I wanted to buy my roommate her favorite flavor of ice cream but I didn’t have money so I drew ice cream on a post-it note for her I can’t think of a stupid gift I’ve received…
63: are you fussy about your books and music? do you keep them meticulously organized or kinda leave them be?
lol no, i just let ‘em be. they’re chillin
65: is there anyone you haven’t seen in a long time who you’d love to hang out with?
my cousin who’s in med school, I haven’t seen her in too long :c
67: how do gloomy days where the sky is dark and the world is misty make you feel?
I kinda like those days. If I’m in a good mood, gray skies, cool breezes and light rain make me feel better. Otherwise, it’s just meh.
69: what are your favorite board games?
There’s this Korean board game that I can’t remember the name of for the life of me, and tbh since I haven’t played it in a while I don’t remember the exact rules, but it’s kinda of like Sorry! I’ve only played it twice but it was really fun both times
71: what’s your favorite kind of tea?
73: what are some of your worst habits?
putting myself down and procrastinating
75: tell us about your pets!
I don’t have any :-( I’ve been really wanting a cat lately
77: pink or yellow lemonade?
79: what’s one of the cutest things someone has ever done for you?
Hmmm when I was in high school I reeeally loved Michael Buble (I still do, have you heard that man’s voice?) so for Valentine’s day, my friend got me this box and taped his face on the top lmaoo with a reference to one of his song lyrics. The box was filled with flowers and chocolate and gum (but at the time I had braces so i couldn’t even chew the gum lolll)
81: describe one of your friend’s eyes using the most abstract imagery you can think of.
I really wish I could but I’m not creative and this headache I have isn’t helping safhjlk sorry
83: what’s some of your favorite album art?
I really like the cover for 1R’s Native album, and also p!atd’s too weird to live too rare to die
85: do you read comics? what are your faves?
Not really, but I’d like to
87: what are some movies you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives?
Howl’s Moving Castle, Room No 7 starring Do Kyungsoo, coming out November 15 and..I can’t really think of another one
89: are you close to your parents?
Kinda sorta
91: where do you plan on traveling this year?
i have no plans to travel :( 
93: what’s the hairstyle you wear the most?
My hair in it’s natural state lol covered by my hijab
95: what are your plans for this weekend?
Chillin! I was supposed to lock myself up in my room and finally watch the exo and seventeen concerts I have downloaded but i haven’t gotten around to watching them yet. But I have been chillin in my room so it’s been alright
97: myer briggs type, zodiac sign, and hogwarts house?
infp, scorpio, and i have no idea
99: list some songs that resonate to your soul whenever you hear them.
UHhhmmm Call Me Baby and Heaven by EXO; Healing and Don’t Listen in Secret by Seventeen; Hug Me by Jung Joon Il
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michaelcmunis · 7 years
let's be honest
1) name: michael
2) age: 15
3) three fears: attractive people, blushing, and being forgotten
4) three things i love: being on the phone having an amusing conversation even if the topic is stupid, i love eyes and their colors, and listening/watching a thunderstorm.
5) four turn ons: biting my bottom lip, having the person on my lap grinding, heavy breathing, SOMETIMES sexting.
6) four turn offs: talking too much about your ex, talking shit about your ex, bad breath, poor hygiene.
7) my best friend: i have like… three.
8) sexual orientation: pansexual
9) best first date: going to the movies
10) my height: five foot four inches
11) what do i miss: wendy’s
12) what time was i born: idk how ik this but i was born at 4:12 pm
13) favorite color: blue or black
14) do i have a crush: yes
15) favorite quote: “i don’t need a piece of paper saying i succeeded, i just need food.” ~ shane dawson
16) favorite place: my bed
17) favorite food: ramen
18) do i use sarcasm: EVERY CHANCE I GET
19) what am i listening to right now: certain things by james arthur
20) first things i notice in a person: eyes
21) shoe size: 8 men
22) eye color: hazel
23) hair color: brown but it gets lighter in the summer
24) favorite style of clothing: grunge clothing can be cool, but i also like basic clothes, idk i’m boring
25) ever done a prank call: yes, that was my childhood
26) meaning behind my url: it’s literally my first name, middle initial, then last name
27) favorite movie: mr. nobody, it doesn’t make any sense until the very end
28) favorite song: can i be him by james arthur
29) favorite band: maroon 5
30) how i feel right now: kind of lonely, excited but upset that i have to leave soon
31) someone i love: all three of my best friends
32) my current relationship status: taken
33) my relationship with my parents: i have a pretty good life with my mom and stepdad, my bio dad kind of gave up on me because i’m trans and my stepdad took his place
34) favorite holiday: christmas
35) tattoos and piercings i have: none atm
36) tattoos and piercings i want: i kind of want sleeves, i want some of my dad’s tattoos, and for piercings… i’m not really a huge fan, i kind of want a tongue piercing and maybe an industrial bar.
37) reason i joined tumblr: oh boy… i stan ryan stalvey so i decided i wanted to see what tumblr’s about, and i got sucked in, i’m on this more than all of my other apps.
38) do me and my last ex hate each other: oh god no, we’re on great terms
39: do i ever get good morning or good night texts: yes
40) have i ever kissed the last person i texted: almost
41) when did i last hold hands: i have no fucking clue
42) how long does it take me to get ready in the morning: like fifteen minutes, because i skip breakfast
43) have i shaved my legs within the last three days: lmao i haven’t shaved my legs in like a year
44) where am i right now: in my room
45) if i were drunk and can’t stand, who’d help me: my dd
46) do i like my music loud or at a reasonable level: i used to blast my music in my headphones but i started to lose hearing so i like it at a reasonable level
47) do i live with my mom AND dad: no, my parents divorced when i was barely two, i live with my mom
48) am i excited for anything: well i’m waiting on my sixteenth birthday so that i can start taking testosterone
49) do i have someone of the opposite sex/gender i can tell everything to: yes
50) how often do i wear a fake smile: i don’t even attempt to fake a smile, i have a plain expression most of the time
51) when was the last time i hugged someone: last friday, the 23rd??
52) what if the last person i kissed were to kiss someone else in front of me: they’re dead to me, i’d never talk to him again
53) is there anyone i trust even though I shouldn’t: i have trust issues so i either believe you or don’t
54) what is something i disliked about today: coming inside sweating my ass off because i mowed the lawn
55) if i could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be: the new dog my dad got but eeeee
56) what do i think about the most: food
57) what’s my strangest talent: i once picked up a quarter with my toes
58) do i have any strange phobias: if i blush and someone comments on it i get very defensive and embarrassed, and i’m also afraid of talking to people i find attractive, i either stutter a lot or have way too much confidence.
59) do i prefer to be behind or in front of the camera: behind!
60) what was the last lie i told: i’m almost done with my summer projects
61) do i prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online: i like facetime even though i’m on pause a lot of the time
62) do i believe in ghosts/aliens: not ghosts, but i do believe in aliens
63) do i believe in magic: no because i know how it works
64) do i believe in luck: not really
65) what’s the weather like right now: hot as fuck
66) what was the last book i’ve read: history of the world in six glasses
67) do i like the smell of gasoline: not really
68) do i have any nicknames: mike, mikey, meekle (i hate that one), and monkey but only my mom can call me that
69) what was the worst injury i’ve ever had: i’ve been stabbed, i have the scar on my stomach and i have no idea how i lived
70) do i save money or spend it: depends on how much i have
71) can i touch my nose with my tongue: no
72) is there anything pink within ten feet of me: no
73) favorite animal: cat
74) what was i doing last night at 12 am: playing mario bros on the wii
75) what do i think satan’s last name is: what kind of question is this… idfk
76) what’s a song that always makes me happy when i hear it: every song puts me in my feelings, not really happy feelings, but idk
77) how can you win my heart: buy me food
78) what would i want written on my tombstone: game over in pixelated letters
79) what’s my favorite word: fuck
80) my top five blogs on tumblr: ryan stalvey, his boyfriend, my friend’s blog, my boyfriend’s blog, and ryan’s nsfw blog
81) if the whole world were listening to me right now what would i say: get your shit together
82) do i have any relatives in jail: not that i know of
83) what super power would i chose: teleportation so i don’t have to worry about getting rides or paying for gas in the future
84) what would be a question i’d be afraid to tell the truth on: when i’m in the doctor’s office and they ask if i’m a virgin or if i’m sexually active and my mom’s in the room, i lie every single time
85) what’s my current desktop picture: i don’t have a computer but my phone’s screensaver is a grid of crystals
86) had sex: yup
87) bought condoms: yup
88) gotten pregnant: nope
89) failed a class: nope
90) kissed a boy: yes
91) kissed a girl: yes
92) have i ever kissed someone in the rain: not sure on that one
94) left the house without my wallet: yeah
95) bullied someone on the internet: no, i’m not that shallow
96) had sex in public: oh god no
97) played on a sports team: yes
98) smoked weed: yup
99) did drugs: yeah?
100) smoked cigarettes: never have never will
101) drank alcohol: yes
102) am i a vegetarian or a vegan: HELL no
103) been overweight: practically my whole life
104) been underweight: nope
105) been to a wedding: yes
106) been on the computer for five hours straight: yeah
107) watched tv for five hours straight: yeah
108) been outside my home country: yes
109) gotten my heart broken: smh yeah but i did it to myself
110) been to a professional sports game: yes
111) broken a bone: no
112) cut myself: djfkwmdtkwo
113) been to prom: 8th grade prom
114) been on an airplane: yes
115) been in a helicopter: no
116) what concerts have i been two: p!nk the truth about love
117) had a crush on someone of the same sex: yes
118) learned/learning a new language: yes, spanish
119) wore make up: unfortunately
120) lost my virginity before i was eighteen: unfortunately
121) had/given oral sex: yes
122) dyed my hair: yes
123) voted in a presidential election: nah because all the candidates are trash now, but i was too young to vote for obama both terms
124) rode in an ambulance: yeah
125) had a surgery: not yet
126) met someone famous: yes
127) stalked someone on social media: yup
128) peed outside: yup
129) been fishing: yes
130) helped with charity: yeah but i hated it because the people were old and rude
131) been rejected by a crush: ohhh yeahhh it sucked
132) broken a mirror: no
133) what i want for my birthday: to start cross hormone therapy
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Every whole number x when f(x)=sin(x^0.75), such that f(x) is decreasing
…okay, I put that equation into Wolfram Alpha, but the graphs it shows you by default are extraordinarily hard to read, and you can’t get any further detail without signing up for a Pro (i.e. paid) account, soooooo…. I’m just gonna answer all of them! Hope that’s okay! ^^;;;
1. First console you’ve ever owned?‘Twas the original NES. I was so happy when my parents bought it (although tbh my dad bought it as much for himself as for me). I spent so many hours playing the SMB games… ahh, good times.
3. Favorite childhood game?Hmmm, probably Super Mario Bros. 3. That was the one I spent the longest playing, anyway. My mom even went to the trouble to borrow the strategy guide from the library, photocopy the whole thing, and bind it together into a book for me. My mom was the best. ;_;
4. Longest consecutive hours you’ve played a game?Whew, uhhh, not as long as some people, I’m sure. I don’t think I’ve ever spent more than 8 hours straight playing games. I’m certainly no match for the likes of Neptune and Vert, that’s for sure. ^^;;;
5. Game with the best soundtrack?I actually really really like the soundtrack from the first Hyperdimension Neptunia game. A lot of those songs just get stuck in my head, y'know? Especially Nepgear’s theme. :3
6. An underrated game from within the last few years?Hmm, gonna go with Akiba’s Trip: Undead & Undressed. It apparently only got a 64/100 on Metacritic, which is WAY too low for how fun this game is.
7. Most disappointing game you’ve played?Honestly? Most of the Jak and Daxter series. I really really wanted to like those games, but I just… couldn’t. There was just something about them that really turned me off. I enjoy other, similar games, so I don’t know what it was. I got all of them for super cheap (like probably $5 each) so it’s not like I spent a bunch of money on them, but I still felt ripped off, y'know?
8. The game with the best atmosphere/scenery?The Metroid Prime games, for me, had some of the best settings. Nicely-rendered and completely appropriate for the feel of the game. If you’ve never played any of the MP games, please do so. If you can play the Wii controls versions, so much the better (it’s playable with the Gamecube controller but once you use the Wiimote to aim Samus’s gun you’ll never go back).
10. Prefer PC or console?Based solely on the number of games amassed, PC wins out, but I honestly don’t prefer one over the other.
11. Have you written any fanfic or made any fanart?…not of video games, no.
12. Most bizarre game you’ve ever played?It’s pretty tame, but probablyyyyyy…. Goat Simulator. Like, what the fuck even is this game.
13. Scariest game you’ve played?Well, I haven’t actually played it yet, but the scariest game I currently own is probably Spooky’s Jump Scare Mansion.
14. Do you watch playthroughs online?Not really, no.
15. Favorite animal in a video game?This is kind of an odd question… I’m gonna have to go with Gex the gecko, particularly from the second game. I loved that game so much.
16. The best year in gaming you’ve experienced?Literally every year seems better than the last, so I can’t really answer this question. This year has been pretty amazing so far, but then, I’ve said that about every other year past, so… ^^;;;
17. Have a video game themed background or lockscreen?LOL of course I do! My desktop wallpaper is Neptune and Nepgear, and my phone’s lock screen and home screen are both pics of Purple Heart.
18. Worst game you’ve played?Ooh, interesting question. I don’t really know if I can answer this properly? One of the games that stands out to me is called Sparkle 2 Evo. The graphics were nice but the controls were awful and it was nearly unplayable. The devs might have patched it since, but I kinda lost interest in it so I don’t really care at this point.
19. Hardest game you’ve ever played?The hardest game I’ve seriously played is probably VVVVVV. Fuck that game. >:(
20. Favorite publisher and/or developer?If I don’t say Idea Factory (and/or Compile Heart) I’ll feel like I’m betraying my beloved Neptune, so I’ll go with them.
21. If you had to play one game for the rest of your life, what would it be?I don’t know if this really counts as a video game, but I’m gonna have to say Mamono Sweeper.
22. If you could turn one game into movie, which would it be?The first game that sprang to mind was Metroid Prime 2: Echoes. It was such a cool game, I’d love to see a cinematic version of it (also can you IMAGINE Samus on the big screen? EEEEEEEEEEEEEE).
24. Ever cried because of a video game? Which one(s)?Oh, probably! I know SMB3 made me cry when I was little because there was one level I just couldn’t beat no matter how many times I tried it. I forget which level it was now, lol.
25. Proudest accomplishment in gaming?Hmmm, probably the time I finally actually beat Indalecio in Star Ocean 2, when you do the event where his power limiter is removed and he basically becomes a god. Fuck me sideways, that was an insane fight.
26. How often do you play online? Co-op?Almost never! The last game I played co-op was MegaTagmension Blanc + Neptune Vs. Zombies (I played with @aboutthreeneps), but I really don’t do online gaming much.
27. Have you gotten any friends into gaming?Maybe? Most people I’m friends with are either already into gaming, or else they’re not interested, so…. probably not.
28. Who got YOU into gaming?Hmm, I guess it was my dad. I watched him play a bunch of games when I was a small child and was like “THAT LOOKS SO COOL I WANNA DO IT TOO”.
29. Watch cutscenes or skip them?I usually watch them, unless it’s one I’ve seen a bunch of times (or one you can’t skip… damn unskippable cutscenes).
30. On average, how long does it take you in the character creation screen?…quite a while. It depends on the game, I guess. When I made a new character in Stardew Valley today, I spent between 5-10 minutes, but when I was creating a character in Saints Row IV, I probably spent close to an hour tweaking every little variable to get it just right.
32. Do you cosplay?Not really, although I did cosplay as Squall from Final Fantasy 8 one time. I still have the gunblade sitting around somewhere.
33. Favorite female npc?34. Favorite male npc?These two questions are really hard for me to answer! Mostly because I find games fall into either one of two categories: ones where the NPCs are faceless and forgettable, and ones where the NPCs are extremely well-done and I love all of them.
35. Best protagonist?Neptune, duh.
36. Best antagonist?I like GLaDOS from Portal.
37. Ever been made fun of for playing video games?Hmm, I don’t think so.
38. Have you tried a game, hated it, then tried again, and loved it?Again, I don’t think so? There’s been plenty of games where I’ve been like “meh” at first and then “OMG THIS GAME IS AWESOME” later, but I don’t think there’s any I really hated that I went back and liked later.
39. Do you play for achievements/trophies?Not explicitly, or at least, not at first. I tend to play through the story of a game first, and then on my second playthrough I’ll try to get most of the achievements.
40. Favorite voice actor?A new favourite, but a favourite nonetheless: Megan Hollingshead.
41. Gone to a midnight release before?Nope! Any of the games I’ve been excited for either never had this sort of event, or else they did but I just got on the bandwagon too late. I’m incredibly behind the times when it comes to keeping up with this sort of thing. T_T
42. A game you will never forget (in a bad OR good way)?Star Ocean 2. That game will stay with me forever. In a good way. :3
43. Favorite sidekick or companion?Ooh, good one! I really liked Eryn from Fairy Fencer F. She’s such a sweetie, and Fang treats her like garbage for most of the game, so I think I was especially drawn to her because he wasn’t.
44. Do graphics matter?They have to be done well, and the style has to fit with the overall style of the game. Other than that, I don’t care. A game isn’t instantly better by having more realistic graphics or whatever, I don’t care.
45. Do you like funny or more serious games?I tend to like more funny games, overall.
46. Always, sometimes, or never use subtitles?Sometimes. It really depends on the game.
47. First person or Third person?Both??? How is this even a question lmao
48. A game you’ve always wanted to play but have never gotten to it?Bastion. I watched a friend play some of it and it looked super cool, and I own it, I’ve just never played it for some reason.
49. A game you haven’t played in forever, but want to replay?Hmm, I kind of want to play Cave Story again. I love that game
50. How many games to do you own?I currently have 186 games in my Steam inventory, and counting the various consoles I own it’s probably at least 250.
51. First character you’ve had a crush on?I can’t really think of any right now! I did kind of have a crush on Princess Toadstool in Super Mario RPG, I guess that’s the earliest character I can remember.
52. A game you will always stand behind, and support no matter what?All of the Hyperdimension Neptunia games. I own all 4 of the main series games (Re;Birth 1-3 and VII) and 4 of the spinoff games (Nep U, Hyperdevotion Noire, MegaTagmension, and PP), and I’ve bought more Neptunia merchandise than I have for any other game series.
53. Your most immersive game?Most of the Pokemon games, for me, have been pretty immersive. Like, I take it upon myself to learn everything about them, I keep written notes on lots of stuff, I actively plan out my strategies in advance, etc.
54. A sequel you really want?Hmm, can’t think of too many. Most of my favourite games are series anyway, so they already have sequels. :P
55. How much time, on average, do you play in a week?Hard to say, some weeks I barely play at all, some weeks that’s all I do. I’d say on average, like taking the arithmetic mean, it’d be around an hour a day.
56. Do you tell people irl that you play video games?Oh, for sure. There’s not really a stigma around it anymore since everyone plays video games these days (the whole notion of “gamers are over” and all that).
57. What is an overrated game you’ve played?Basically every MMO I’ve ever played. I just don’t get the appeal.
58. Ever have someone walk in on a sex scene between you and you LI?I’m going to assume that “LI” stands for “love interest,” like as in the love interest of the main character of a game, otherwise this question makes no sense (even as is it doesn’t make much sense). No, this has never happened. I can’t recall any games I’ve ever played that have had explicit sex scenes. Other than, like… HuniePop or something, but even that’s not really explicit, it’s mostly just moaning. (Unless they released some super-X-rated update or something, I haven’t touched that game in a loooooooong time.)
59. A game you are looking forward to this year?
61. A game you know everything about?Star Ocean: The Second Story. I know that game like the back of my hand. I could probably play it blindfolded.
62. Would you want to work with video games when you are older?I want to work with video games now! I *AM* older, dammit! (Especially after watching all of New Game!, I really wanna work for a development studio. I don’t even care doing what, I just wanna be in the industry!)
63. What’s a game that has inspired you?Hmm, I can’t really think of any games that have “inspired” me. Like, in what way? I don’t know.
64. Describe your favorite video game using only three words?Neptune = best girl. (I don’t know if an equals sign counts as a word, if so you can take it out and my point still stands.)
65. Any favorite screenshots of games?I’ve posted a few on my tumblr, mostly from Nep games.
66. Game with the yummiest looking food?Uhhhh…. hmmm. I mean, Portal had that delicious-looking cake. Stardew Valley has some decent food too.
67. Most violent game you’ve played?Honestly, probably One Finger Death Punch. Being that the entire point of the game is slaughtering hundreds of enemies with either your fists or whatever weapons you happen to find lying around. I mean, it’s all stickmen, but still.
68. An older game that you’ve just recently gotten into?I honestly can’t think of any! The oldest game I’ve gotten into *recently* is the aforementioned Akiba’s Trip: Undead & Undressed, but that came out in 2014, so I don’t know if it’s old enough for the purposes of this response.
69. Your first LI?…not quite sure what this means. Love interest? Like, first character from a game I fell in love with? First game I played where the main character had a love interest? I honestly don’t know how to answer this one.
70. Do you play any mobile games?A few. Not counting portable consoles (i.e. the 3DS or PS Vita), I have a handful of games on my phone (Sailor Moon Drops, Monument Valley, Mushihimesama, I even have Carmageddon on my phone (yes, they released an iOS port of that game somehow)).
71. A game you can’t stop talking/thinking about at the moment?Well I did just pick up Stardew Valley again, so I’m probably gonna be thinking about that for a while. Same with that Neptunia idol game, I just started playing that and it’s super fun.
72. Have any guilty pleasure games?Of course not, why do you ask?
73. A game with the best fandom?Overall, my experience has been that Neptunia fans are all pretty awesome. :D
74. Which game has the best lore?I actually love the lore from the Metroid series. The whole history with Samus and the Chozo is so interesting to me.
75. Do you focus on main storyline/quest or do sidequests first?I do both! I’ll play the main storyline until either (1) I need to grind more because the enemies/bosses are getting stronger, (2) I need to get better equipment and need either materials for crafting, or money for buying stuff, or (3) the main story is in a lull and I get an interesting side quest. Usually once I go off on a sidequest tangent, I don’t come back for a good long while (to the point where I’ll stop playing the game for a while and then when I come back to it I’m like “ok wtf was I supposed to be doing? I don’t remember, maybe I’ll just start over again lol”).
These were fun questions, thanks for asking! ^_^
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team-skull-admin · 8 years
My favorite 40 games of all-time
Made an arbitrary list of my favorite games of all-time cause I wanted to figure out where Breath of the Wild is on it. It’s, uh, pretty high. Assload of text below the break.
40: Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow I'm not the world's biggest Symphony of the Night fan (outside of the incredible soundtrack) and I think this is where Iga's seamless platformers found their footing.
39: Call of Juarez: Gunslinger I love goofy, experimental games like this and Far Cry: Blood Dragon, but I think the schtick in this (an unreliable narrator bragging about their heroic exploits) works better than Blood Dragon's dorky 80s nostalgia.
38: Rayman Origins A beautiful platformer with incredible level design. The music for the diabolical secret level is seared into my memory.
37: Cibele A short, story-centric indie game that captures the essence of playing MMOs in the mid-2000s and long-distance relationships. The awkward conversations in this game made me think about my WoW years for an entire weekend.
36: Mario Kart Wii It's not technically the "best" Mario Kart, but I actually enjoyed the motorcycles and I have fond memories of crushing my brother while we downed beers and talked shit.
35: Guild of Dungeoneering I'm usually not super into "We made X game, but added CARDS!" even though I love card games, but they nailed the loop here. I vaguely remember one of the decks being super busted, though.
34: Tropico 4 Adding a political slant to Sim City by making you the leader of a banana republic was just the slant to that formula I was looking for, and I lost a weekend circa New Year's '13 just delving into this hard.
33: Gran Turismo 2 My brother bought a PS1 off a friend when they upgraded to a PS2, and I grabbed a copy of this cheaply at the local EB Games. Once I wrapped my mind around the simulation, upgrading cars and havin fun with them here might have more to do with me being somewhat of a car person than anything else.
32: Metal Gear Solid 4 I should really put the whole series on here, but MGS4 deserves special note for making the core stealth actually fun and somehow tying all the loose ends of the insane plot together while dialing up the insanity even further.
31: Sim City 2000 I figured out how to make a 50,000 person city when I was like, 8. I still have no fucking idea how I did this. It took me till my 20s to crack 100k.
30: Pokemon Black/White People are torn on this game, but the contentious design decision to hide the old Pokemon in the postgame made every new encounter incredibly exciting in a way the series hadn't been since the orignals. The writing also shows signs of the maturity that Sun/Moon would follow through with.
29: Dragon Warrior Monsters 2 I think most would deride this series as a soulless Pokemon cash-grab on the surface, but they're actually roguelikes with a crazy monster breeding system and the most rote of stories to get you into the core loop of exploring new keys to breed ever crazier monsters.
28: Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls Diablo 3 vanilla's reliance on the auction house created design issues that were hard to look past, but Blizzard abandoning it for the expansion made the game into an incredible dungeon crawler. I never laddered, but had fun for hundreds of hours chasing loot with friends.
27: Fallout 3 I'll never forget the feeling of walking out of the vault for the first time, and feeling like I could go anywhere. I also think this is the only Bethesda game that regularly pays off when exploring - weird shit like the Republic of Dave or the man stuck in the tree are fantastic rewards for poking at the less inhabited edges of the map.
26: Bassin's Black Bass featuring Hank Parker I'm honestly wondering if the rest of the world has picked up on this game's low-key genius since I saw it for 15 bucks at a retro game store recently, but this game's arcadey fishing is incredibly satisfying and snappy. It has some major, obvious, irritating mechanical issues, but the core gameplay loop is so good I don't care.
25: Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor I still remember my nemesis. This motherfucker was right at the beginning of the game, inside the first quest area, and was like level 5 or 6, but had a defensive ability that made it harder for me to gank him easily. So he killed me. Twice. And leveled up each time, becoming a level 12 badass who could literally sniff me out when I hid. But he was weak to fire, and I lured him to a campfire and set him ablaze, getting my revenge.
24: Super Metroid I feel like most people would have this game higher on the list, but I think the controls are floaty and Meridia is overly confusing. The rest of the game is incredible and I can't believe they pulled it off on a Super Nintendo.
23: Pokemon Sun/Moon After XY and ORAS were disapointments I was cool on Pokemon, but Sun/Moon challenged a ton of series conventions and got a lot right in the process. I can't believe how deftly this game handles dysfunctional families.
22: A Link Between Worlds This was Nintendo's hit at what was to come with Zelda - a smart, experimental take on the franchise that's easily its best 2d outing.
21: Muramasa: The Demon Blade Vanillaware's magnum opus, a gorgeous Metroidvania where everything is hand-painted. The combat's loop of mixing launchers with sword management is also incredibly fun, if not particularly deep. But fuck I loved looking at it so much and it felt good.
20: The Walking Dead Only time a video game made me cry.
19: Banjo-Kazooie The only 3d collect-a-thon platformer from that era that still holds up, it combines cheeky humor and an incredible soundtrack to craft a world that's always surprising.
18: Borderlands 2 is better crafted, but I enjoyed the dry wit and more grounded guns of the first. I've replayed this like 4 times and I'm not entirely sure why, but I have a blast each time.
17: Doom (2016) Apparently the secret to making this license work in a modern context is to give Halo combat arenas a healthy dose of cocaine and play Meshuggah riffs over it. It so fucking works.
16: Saints Row: The Third I think the writing in GTA is usually sophomoric at best and its attempts at commentary are eye-roll worthy, but having a game say "FUCK IT" and just Mel Brooks that experience is such a wonderful idea. It's also hard to pull off, and SR3 totally sticks the landing (unlike the sequel).
15: Super Mario World The best traditional Mario game. I replayed it recently, and it struck me how much secret exits add to the level design versus 3, and how freed Koji Kondo is by the new hardware. The castle music's classical overture sticks out.
14: Monster Hunter 4 I liked Monster Hunter 3's various iterations but I hated swimming. Taking out swimming and replacing it  with mounting was enough for me to sink hundreds of hours. I actively avoided getting Generations because I knew it would interfere with school.
13: Mario Golf (GBC) The perfect portable game. Golf works well on the platform, and adding basic RPG hooks was enough to make a rote story totally engaging.
12: Super Mario Maker I think the real triumph of Mario Maker isn't the levels (which are usually terrible), it's how Nintendo imparted the feeling of being creative in such an easily digestible and satisfying way. It's an achievement that ascends past Mario design (which still works here) into something greater and more profound.
11: Hearthstone I fucking hate this game and I keep playing it because the Arena is like literal fucking crack and every time I have an opponent at 1 life and they beat me they can eat fucking dicks.
10: Super Mario RPG Clever writing and a strange world grabbed me way harder than Intelligent System's later Paper Mario games. It's too easy and doesn't look as slick now, but the writing still holds up.
09: Mass Effect Trilogy You can't really separate these, as the experience that makes Mass Effect great was carrying your Shepard and their decisions from one game to the next. Everyone will remember Garrus, Wrex, and co. Shame about the ending.
08: Tetris I am weirdly good at Tetris. I know what a T-Spin is. I sank hundreds of hours into it on Facebook. I don't regret it.
07: Persona 4 Describe a game to me as a mix of a J-RPG and a slice-of-life anime and I'll run to the hills, so the fact this game's sharp, mature writing and "just one more day" calendar mechanic combined into one of my favorite games of all-time is a shock. They also put in Pokemon with fucking demons, how cool is that shit?
06: Ocarina of Time I can't believe this game came out in 1998. The world is still fun to traverse, and the dungeon design (especially as an adult) still holds up at the top of action-adventure puzzle design.
05: Magic: the Gathering I wish it was less expensive otherwise it'd be higher.
04: Breath of the Wild I can't believe Nintendo reinvented the wheel so well that I'm putting the game so high on the list. Every design decision in this game is carefully considered to make exploring this iteration of Hyrule that much more satisfying. And its incredibly clever chemistry engine, where every object in the game has chemical properties that can be manipulated as well as physics, creates a ton of emergent gameplay scenarios where you're constantly asking "Can I do that?" and the game almost never lets you down.
03: World of Warcraft Sometimes I regret the 4000 hours I spent in Azeroth, but I'd have a hard time giving up the friends I made there. I could probably shred and like, speak another language though.
02: Pokemon Red I was the perfect age for Pokemon mania, and the fact that the core game was literally designed to appeal to me didn't help. I still love collecting the things and min/maxing ways to beat the Elite 4 with minimal grinding.
01: Mega Man X I think this is literally the perfect platformer. Moving X feels incredible. There's nothing in any of the levels I think is out of place. The soundtrack is a masterpiece. And the game's hidden secret is so insane you'd probably call bullshit on any kid who told it to you at recess. I'm really glad the rest of the world picked up on it after Arin Hanson did a Sequelitis about it, because I've been beating this drum for decades.
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sporadicbeepboops · 8 years
20 Games I Loved in 2016
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The Switch delay. Several big AAA duds. Another year without an official Mother 3 U.S. release. 2016 could have been a disappointing year. (Outside of video games, it certainly took its toll.) But at least from my perspective, the good far outweighed the bad. Virtual reality finally made it out of the gates, and despite some hiccups, it shows real promise. Long-delayed games like Final Fantasy XV and The Last Guardian somehow made it to store shelves AND surpassed expectations. And love it or hate it, Pokémon Go inspired a genuine pop culture craze the likes of which we’ve never seen before, at least as far as games go. I think all of that is worth celebrating.
Before we get to the list, some quick shout-outs and no-brainer caveats…
2016 was not kind to the Wii U, but the 3DS quietly had one of its best years ever. That’s partly reflected here, but I couldn’t make room for Dragon Quest VII, Fire Emblem Fates, BoxBoxBoy!, Metroid Prime: Federation Force and Gotta Protectors, to name a few. Sometimes it felt like Nintendo was just cleaning out its closet — how long ago was DQVII released in Japan? — but we benefited either way.
Overall, I played fewer games this year, but the ones I did play held my interest longer. Thanks to various microtransactions and DLC, 2016 probably hit my wallet just as hard.
What didn’t I play? Stardew Valley, SUPERHOT, Final Fantasy XV (at least past chapter 2), Frog Fractions 2, Hitman — oh, and I didn’t get to stuff from last year like Yakuza 5 or The Witcher 3, either. Yakuza 4 was pretty solid though.
I left off any new ports of games that came out last year or prior, unless there were substantial additions that changed the experience in a meaningful way. That meant The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD and Mini Metro weren’t in the running, while Rez Infinite technically was.
Love making lists, hate ranking items in said lists, just because I’m incredibly fickle. There’s a good chance that I’ll want to shuffle everything around the moment I publish this. But my podcasting buddies are counting on me here, so it’s time to be decisive.
Keeping all that in mind, here are the games I really loved in 2016…
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20. The Witness - I’m already cheating because if I’m being honest, I didn’t actually love this game. The Witness takes a couple dozen hours to finish, and I spent at least half of them staring at a notebook, drawing grids, connecting dots, and having no idea how to pave forward. But even if I didn’t love the game, I respect it immensely. I admire Jonathan Blow’s commitment to this singular idea, of taking the kind of puzzle you might see on a restaurant placemat and coming up with every possible permutation of it. And there is of course a “meta” layer on top of that, where solutions to each component change the environment around you — tree top bridges that unfold based on the paths your lines take, or colored glass panels that create new puzzles on top of old ones. It might be cold and off-putting at times, but The Witness is still commendable as the ultimate puzzle box.
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19. SuperHyperCube - I bought into PlayStation VR for games like Rez Infinite and RIGs — big, flashy, “immersive” experiences. And they delivered! I’m a very happy PS VR owner, and I hope Sony builds on its momentum this year. (I’m skeptical, but then being a virtual reality early adopter was always a leap of faith.) However, while I got exactly what I expected from most of the launch titles, it's the simple puzzle game seemingly modeled off of “Brain Wall” that I keep coming back to. I turn on the headset to play Job Simulator or Battlezone, but I always play a couple rounds of SuperHyperCube before I’m done. A solid case for virtual reality not as a thrilling roller coaster, but a hypnotic, relaxing voyage.
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18. Headlander - The best game Double Fine has put out since Iron Brigade. Free-roaming Metroid-style exploration, a perfect 70s-synth sci-fi score and a fun body swapping gimmick at the heart of it all. I wish there were more vessels for your noggin to control, but there’s a strong foundation here. 
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17. Kirby: Planet Robobot - It’s easy to take Kirby games for granted, and that’s especially true of Robobot, which uses the same engine and many of the same powers as the recent Triple Deluxe. What does the former bring to the table then? Smart level designs that take advantage of the new mechs without letting them dominate the action. A novel mechanical world that feels distinct from the typical pastel meadows. New amiibo support. OK, so maybe it doesn’t add that much to the series, but it’s right up there with Super Star anyway. 
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16. Pokkén Tournament - This game is a fresher, more enjoyable fighting game than Street Fighter V. It doesn’t even matter (too much) that the single player is pretty thin or that the roster is small. When’s the last time you played a one-on-one fighting game that felt truly new? Pokkén is a great 3D fighter and a great 2D fighter at the same time, which is no small feat. And it’s also a gorgeously animated recreation of those battles we all imagined happening in our Game Boys 20 years ago.
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15. Uncharted 4: A Thief's End - The popular sentiment seems to be that Madagascar is when this final Uncharted entry really takes off. Slow drama and frequent cut scenes give way to island exploration and memorable shootouts. My take? The back half is fun and the epilogue is lovely, but I could spend an entire game in Nathan and Elena’s living room, or hopping around the globe for the next story sequence. Wherever you stand, this is a fine way to close out a reliable series.
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14. Picross 3D: Round 2 - Seven Picross games — eight if you count the Twilight Princess freebie — on the eShop. That’s a lot of a perfectly fine thing. But none of them are Picross 3D. Thankfully, the real deal finally arrived this year, with hundreds of puzzles and a few extra gameplay wrinkles. Worth the premium price tag.
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13. Titanfall 2 - The campaign didn’t need to be good. Multiplayer FPS games live and die by their multiplayer, and many developers seemingly write off the single player experience as an afterthought. That’s why Titanfall 2 is such an unexpected treat. The factory, the time hopping, the airborne carrier — all cleverly designed, with platforming gimmicks that would feel just as suited for a Metroid Prime game. I think the reason the new Mirror’s Edge fell flat for me was that this game featured the same parkour moves in a much more exciting package.
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12. Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE - This crossover game is Persona-lite, yes, but I think that sells the characters and world a bit short. While its inspiration focuses on the pressures of being a Japanese high schooler, #FE is all about the Tokyo show biz scene. Pop music, soap operas, microwave cooking shows — it’s all very goofy, but the game still takes its protagonists’ dreams and ambitions seriously. #FE also makes clever use of the Wii U GamePad, turning it into a tablet/social app that helps keeps the conversations going. Even if you’re not into this particular “scene,” #FE may still win you over.
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11. Rhythm Heaven Megamix - I can’t get enough Rhythm Heaven. They could put 20 new musical minigames on a cart annually and it’d make my list every year. Sumo wrestlers, lumberjack bears, monkey slumber parties — all magic.
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10. Severed - A Vita game! It’s great to see DrinkBox Studios stretch beyond sidescrollers with this first person dungeon crawler full of grotesque monsters and creepy, colorful mazes. Swiping and poking on the Vita’s touchscreen feels great. The controls are key to Severed’s success; if battles were menu-driven, the entire game would fall apart. 
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9. Pocket Card Jockey - I hope Nintendo keeps letting Game Freak be this weird. It’s not just that it’s horse racing plus solitaire. It’s your jockey biting the dust and being brought back from the dead to repay his debt to the angels. It’s the brassy, big band score that accompanies every race. It’s horses with luchador masks and cats hanging from their backsides. Pocket Card Jockey is a miracle of localization.
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8. Pokémon Sun - Yes, another Pokémon game. The Alola region is the best thing to ever happen to this series. Previous games had regions based on cities like New York and Paris, but the results always felt half-hearted. In Sun (and Moon), the tropical island setting influences everything from the creatures you catch to the trials you complete. I’ve never demanded a believable world from this series, but that’s kind of what we get here, and it’s terrific.
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7. Inside - This is the type of game where the less you know going in, the better. It’s Limbo — a previous Justin GotY — filtered through a twisted dream logic that I still can’t get out of my head months later. 
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6. Paper Mario: Color Splash - I know you don’t like Sticker Star. Rest assured: that 3DS oddity feels like a rough draft for Color Splash, which improves upon its predecessor in every way. A textured, vibrant world that rivals Tearaway in its papercraft. Thrilling scenarios like a train heist, an underwater game show and the throwback above. Hilarious dialogue that mostly makes up for the many, many identical toads. I miss the liberties Intelligent Systems used to take with the Mushroom Kingdom, but everything else about Color Splash restores this spin-off series to its former glory.
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5. Overcooked - This year’s couch co-op champ. Cooking with a partner is all about communication, and that’s doubly true when the kitchen is split across two flatbed trucks or on an iceberg rocking back and forth. My friends and I love head-to-head games like Smash Bros. and Towerfall, but it’s nice to play a game that’s all about puzzle solving and careful planning together. And I love the wistful stage select music.
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4. Dragon Quest Builders - Minecraft has always fascinated me, but I don’t do well without direction. That’s why I’m so grateful for Dragon Quest Builders, which breaks down the open world construction into small, manageable tasks. I started off just sticking to blueprints and keeping decorations to a minimum; now, I’m spending hours building up towns the way I want them to look, for no other reason than my own personal satisfaction. Even taking the crafting element out of the equation, Builders does a great job of capturing the adventuring spirit of its parent series.
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3. Pokémon Go - I didn’t set out to put THREE Pokémon games on here, and in a vacuum, this is much less satisfying than Pokkén or Sun. But we don’t play video games in a vacuum, and certainly not this one. I played Pokémon Go in Central Park, talking to strangers to find out where the Ivysaur was hiding. Or I played on my lunch breaks, exploring parts of South Street Seaport with coworkers that I had ignored for years. Go’s peak came and went, but it remains one of my fondest experiences of the year.
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2. The Last Guardian - Another game that’s more than the sum of its parts. The Last Guardian is finicky and sometimes frustrating. Trico is hard to climb. The camera doesn’t know what to do when you’re up against the wall. So what? How many games feature a creature this lifelike? He may be an illusion made up of A.I. routines, scripted animations and fur shaders, but all of those elements come together in a uniquely convincing way. His evolution from reluctant ally to friend has a subtlety I’ve never seen before. I’m glad Ueda spends as much time focusing on the inner struggles as he does the external ones. Hope it doesn’t take another decade for his next game.
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1. Overwatch - I didn’t even know what Overwatch was until two weeks before its release, and even then, I didn’t expect much from it. I had played Team Fortress 2 and thought it was just fine. I knew what to expect. Medics, tanks, builders — that sounded familiar to me. But I was so wrong. Overwatch isn’t just a team-based shooter; it’s the superhero team-up game I’ve been longing for since “The Avengers” was in theaters.
All 23 (and counting!) heroes have their superpowers, and all of them have their jobs to do. What really sets Overwatch apart is when these heroes are bouncing off of each other. Any combination of six is going to have its own dynamics. Mei dropping ice walls to give Reinhardt time to recharge his shield. Junkrat dropping traps to help Bastion watch his back. Mercy gliding up to Pharah to give her rockets a little extra punch. Every battle brings new possibilities and strategies to the table. I’ve played over 100(!) hours and feel like there’s still so much to learn.
But it’s not all serious business either. The colorful personalities, animations, costume designs and more do so much to shape the world, even when I know next to nothing about the overall “lore.” Last year, Splatoon felt like the only shooter I’d ever need, but Overwatch has actually managed to supplant it in my heart. That’s something this Nintendo fanboy never thought he’d say. Can’t wait to see how Blizzard builds on their masterpiece in year two.
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oldnintendonerd · 7 years
Introducing my NES Collection
This was the first video game console I owned. It was bought for me by my parents, as most NES systems were for us thirty somethings. The box and all of that is unfortunately long gone. Currently, this dude is not working. It gets the flashing red light of death on every cart I put in, even after cleaning the cart with alcohol/windex and a cotton swab.
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 I did clean all of the pins inside the unit just as a quick try at fixing it, but I think it needs a thorough cleaning and some pin bending. This one is not in the greatest of shape, it does have some yellowing, and I’m not entirely thrilled with its condition. But it is sentimental, as it is the one I have had since day one, when the infatuation began.
A friend had one first, of course, since that is how most of us got into almost anything, “a friend was doing it”. I was hooked the second I ran Mario to the right and stomped my first Goomba.
The NES was released on October 18th, 1985. I don’t think my friend had one immediately, it was probably not until 1986 that I was introduced to it. I did not get one until probably a year or so later as a Christmas present. Possibly even over a year, I do remember there was quite a bit of asking that had to be done. So it could have been Christmas of 1986 or even as late as Christmas of 1987 before I actually got my own NES. From then on I got a game for Christmas or my birthday, or both, almost every year.
Over time I accumulated quite a few games, even having not bought an NES game since the 90′s I still have over 40 games in my collection. Almost all accumulated when I was a kid or teenager. After I hit my 20′s I don’t think I bought another NES game at all. Here they are as it stands right now:
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As you can see, it’s nothing to sneeze at, I have a lot of really good games including Battletoads, Blaster Master, both Zelda games, the Mario trilogy, Super C, Metroid, a couple Mega Mans, and of course, the classic Tetris. But, there are obvious holes in this collection, where is the rest of the Mega Man series? Either of the Double Dragons? Any of the Ninja Gaidens? How can I be missing any of these? Well, I was just a kid when I was actively collecting games for this system, and at the end of the 90′s, Nintendo had released the SNES and the N64 in that time, so there were other platforms on the table. Both of which I was also buying for during this time, and they were more expensive. Id go buy one new N64 game with my budget instead of picking up 3 or 4 used NES games.
Thats what makes this blog so much fun though. Even as a kid I would still hit yard sales, I remember very vividly haggling a guy down from $10 to $8 on Jackal, and paying for it with my own money. Probably in the neighborhood of 1988 or 1989. Great buy that game. Hours of fun.
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I also managed to get an Intellivision and an Atari 2600, with about 10 games for each at a yard sale only a few houses down from where we lived. I was probably 12 or 13 years old and picked up the entire lot for $5. Both systems worked, and my brother and I played for hours with Triple Action, Astrosmash and Breakout. While the NES was in the living room like “Uh... hello!? Hellooooo!?”. This was probably 1992 or 1993, and the Atari 2600 was released in 1977. So those games, at the time I purchased them, were not even as old as the games and systems I am looking for now. 15 years? The GameCube is about 16 years old at this point. Mind blowing.
I look forward to doing a lot more of that here.
Another great buy was NES Open Tournament Golf. This was released a month after the SNES. We bought a copy brand new, I think it was a christmas present that very year. I did not have a SNES yet. Little did I know how much time I would spend with my dad playing that game. To this day it holds a place in both of our hearts. In fact just a couple weeks ago we sat down and played on the Wii virtual console about a half dozen rounds together. It’s something we try to do almost every time we get together, even if its only for a half an hour. Great memories.
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Wait, why is there a sticker on it if you bought it new you ask? I’ll tell you. Somewhere in the mid 90′s my dad and I had a bit of a marathon when we discovered that it saves your money. We wanted to get to $1,000,000. A few times we got interrupted in playing and just left the console on to come back to, rather than saving play and turning it off. Well, we ended up leaving it on for over a week straight, something had gotten placed in front of the power LED so it was not noticed. I think we went on vacation or something. It was on a purple screen when we came back to it. It would then not boot, but other games worked. We figured we cooked the cartridge. So, we purchased another copy used, and as you can see it was rather expensive. Even used and a good few years after it was released. I am guessing this may be somewhere around 1994 or 1995. The 689 sticker was probably an inventory sticker or something from the place we got it, there’s no decimal point. There is a price on the back.
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Even today with the high prices some of these games are fetching, $21.00 is expensive for NES Open. eBay seems to have it going around $10 shipped. Which makes it around a $7 or $8 game, tops. Bummer.
We discovered later that the original copy did still work, so when I moved out, dad kept one, and so did I. Clearly, I’ve got the used one. Come to think of it he still has quite a few of my old games. Hmmmmmm... might have to ask him about that stuff. See what he still has.
I still wish I had spent a little bit more money on the NES games as they were “going out of style” in the mid to late 90′s. You could find anything at Electronics Boutique, just bins and bins of used NES games, most under $5! Some for even a dollar or two. But you pass them up because the label doesn’t catch your eye and there is no internet to tell you what is good like today.
So now I am filling in the gaps of the collection more than two decades out of date. It just so happens that it is right when everyone else had the same idea. Story of my life. Here I am thinking I’m being original, dusting off 10 to 30+ year old video games, and I’m at least 2 years too late to the party. YouTube channels that are four plus years old about game hunting, the older videos getting absolute steals on stuff you would probably hardly have a chance to find today, let alone get for $1. Stacks of GameCube games for $1 each, GameCube systems with games and multiple controllers for $10. GameCube controllers alone are $15+ these days. SNES lots with a system, controllers and like 15 games for $20. Incredible deals.
Now the pickings are slimmer, one of the YouTube channels I follow posted a recent video where a woman would NOT part out a Genesis system and some games that went with it. It had to be sold as the package and she had it priced at $65 or something. She said something along the lines of “I looked it up online, that’s what they go for”.
Little rant here. This is the problem with game hunting now, and may be an issue as I try to rebuild my collection. Lots of people know what eBay is, check their stuff and for whatever reason, want that price. It may be a lack of understanding on how eBay works, most likely they’ve never sold on eBay before. They don’t realize that the Genesis on eBay is very clean and is listed “Tested and working”, with a 30 day return policy, and all of this plays on the price. You are not on eBay, you are selling this out of a box on the floor of your garage at a yard sale, you are not paying eBay fees to list, you are not paying PayPal fees to get payment, you are not shipping anything, and if this doesn’t work when I get home I can’t bring it back to you. $65 on eBay does not mean $65 at a yard sale. See where it says Free Shipping in the listing? Of course not, you just see the price number. The seller on eBay MIGHT walk away from the $65 sale with $40 - $45 or so after all fees and shipping are finished. A $40 bill for the same lot MIGHT get some attention at the same yard sale. I mean, people can charge whatever they want, I can’t tell people what to ask for their stuff, it is their stuff. But if you were really trying to sell it, it would be priced accordingly. $65 for a Genesis and a few games will still be sitting in that box when the yard sale is over. $25 or $30 for the same Genesis and games, now you have my attention.
Ok, rant over. It wasn’t so little. Sorry.
Despite all of the above rant, I am convinced there are still some good deals to be had out there. I like to think there are still some people willing to sell stuff at true yard sale prices, just to be rid of it, like the purpose of a yard sale. This is a tall order, but it can be done, and I’m going to try. It will all be laid out here for you to read about.
Next post - The SNES Collection, and maybe less ranting. Maybe.
No pickups yet, total stays at $83.09
0 notes
puptart-nation · 5 years
Hi, I miss MySpace-era styled surveys. Here’s a 167 question one.
Ready? Set...Go!
1. Last beverage: water
2. Last phone call: Hmm, my partner, I suppose.
3. Last song you listened to: “Overprotected - Darkchild Remix” - Britney Spears, Rodney Jerkins
4. Last time you cried: Earlier today, actually.
5. Have you dated someone twice: No. I don’t “believe” in this [for myself].
6. Have you ever been cheated on: Yes.
7. Kissed someone & regretted it: Uh, I’ll go with no.
8. Have you lost someone special: Yes. Both to death and growth.
9. What are your three favorite colors: Gold. Red. Purple. But in reality...I love all of those that I have the ability to see, honestly.
10. Met someone who changed you in the past month: Regularly.
11. Kissed anyone on your friends list: Not on my current accounts. Yet at least.
12. How many kids do you want: Physically, I’d like to have one (1) successful birth in my lifetime. However, I’m open to having more kids than this (e.g. adoption, kids that I “consider my own,” etc.)
13. Do you want any pets: I’d be open to the possibility of more! I would like a snake.
14. Do you want to change your name: Not specifically(?).
15. What did you do for your last birthday: Not to sound all 
16. What time did you wake up today: Oh! I’m not sure at all.
17. Name something you CANNOT wait for: E A S Y. To finally start camming!!! (I have so many ideas but I haven’t gotten to explore Chaturbate or ManyVids “properly” yet) and Animal Crossing: New Horizons!
18. Last time you saw your mother: Pretty recently; thank you, fall/winter holiday season.
19. Most visited webpage: I’ve been all over the place lately. Saying Google feels like cheating...but probably Google.
20. Nicknames: Puptart is my nickname.
21. Relationship status: Partnered but available (shout out ethical non-monogamy/polyamory that started that way and wasn’t an ‘evolution’ or development from a blatant breech of relationship boundaries).
22. Zodiac sign: Scorpio sun,  Aries moon, Aquarius rising.
23. Male or female: Gender and sex are entirely and largely, respectively, social constructs.
24. Height: ~5′5.″
25. Do you have a crush on someone: I have a crush on anyone who shares part(s) of their authentic self with me.
26. Piercings: Ears (one each), navel, and my septum. 
27. Tattoos: None. I’m conceptually interested. 
28. Strong or Weak: In what domains?
29. First surgery: [upcoming] wisdom teeth.
30. First best friend: [REDACTED]
31. First sport you joined: Gymnastics.
32. First vacation: Canada.
33. First school: [REDACTED]
34. First pair of trainers: So no British English spelling but British English slang...all right. Anyway...I’ve no clue, mate.
35. Lips or eyes: My lips and eyes are amongst my favourite features personally. The eyes are more functional though so there’s that(?).
36. Hugs or kisses: From whom? I love context...perhaps too much.
37. Shorter or taller: I would personally got for being taller.
38. Older or younger: OH, this is [looks ahead at upcoming questions]---okay, okay, I get the energy. Anyway, despite my skittish interest in older men, older doesn’t happen too often.
39. Romantic or spontaneous: These aren’t mutually exclusive so...uh... [refrains from further interaction].
40. Sensitive or loud: Loud! 
41. Hook-up or relationship: Depends what is correct for the circumstance.
42. Shy or outgoing: I mean...socially well-adjusted with the ability to read the environment is ideal.
43. Kissed a stranger: Yes.
44. Gotten a speeding ticket: Thankfully, no.
45. Lost glasses/contacts: Yes, but not for an extended period of time.
46. Sex on first date: I’m not morally or ethically opposed to this, but I personally haven’t.
47. Broken someone's heart: I mean...I guess.
48. Been arrested: Negative.
49. Have you turned someone down: Yeah.
50. Fallen for a friend: Non-romantically, all of the time. Romantically...more so in youthier youth, but falling in love was very different then. 
51. Moved out of town: Yep.
52. Miracles: I feel like my answer would be lengthy and semantic in nature.
53. Love at first sight: Technically, no. Untechnically, yes.
54. Heaven: Yes, I’ve seen NIN live a few times.
55. Santa Claus: ...[thinking about MySpace bulletins]. But no.
56. Kiss on the first date: I’d hope to hope so. But sometimes the time isn’t right.
57. Angels: I’m literally...right...here.
58. Yourself: More and more. We out here.
59. Had more than 1 girlfriend/boyfriend at a time: Hell yeah (See earlier answer mentioning ethical non-monogamy/polyamory)(Just kidding, don’t go back looking for it, we’ve come so far).
60. Been in love with someone you couldn't be with?: Actually...Not really. Or maybe technically yes? I didn’t want to be with them myself so that started and ended before it started.
61. Ever cheated on somebody: This is actually complicated to answer and involves trauma/blatant sexual assault/group manipulation and peer pressure. 
62. If you could go back in time, how far would you go?: I imagine I would not.
63. Are you afraid of falling in love: Not in the slightest.
64. Was your last relationship a mistake? I don’t believe any relationship is a mistake.
65. Do you miss your last relationship? Not at all. Or...in any way that lasts more than 15 minutes. Fifteen minutes even feels generous. I do maintain fond memories.
66. Who did you last say “I love you” to? My partner, my dog, or my own reflection.
67. Have you ever been depressed? Yes and clinically at that.
68. Are you insecure? I would not describe myself as being an insecure person, but I still have a wealth of insecurities. 
69. How do you want to die? Peacefully. Natural/old age. In my sleep at the same time as my partner after a particularly sweet emphasis about our journey together and we just somehow die just...at functionally the exact same time. -OR- similar to Mufasa but a stampede of happy dogs (whose nails have been trimmed and I am also in protective gear that shields from physical trauma I would not want to experience despite the ultimate expressed desire for death-by-dog-stampede).
70. Do you bite your nails? Not since childhood.
71. When was your last physical fight? A forreal fight? Never.
72. Do you have an attitude? As far as what this means, not usually.
73. Twirl or cut your spaghetti? A mixture of both? I’m just...doing...something.
74. Do you tan a lot? I bronze. Not actively because I care about UV.
75. Ever eaten food in a car while someone or you are driving? Yeah.
76. Ever made out in a bathroom? In a home, yes.
77. Would you take any of your exes back? Absolutely not.
78. Would you go back in time if you were given the chance? For what and what are the risk factors in the hypothetical?
79. What are your plans for this weekend? Wedding!
80. Do you type fast? Define fast.
81. Can you spell well? [non-committal handshake] I don’t have data for what true average is.
82: What are you craving right now? A more comfortable position.
83. Have you ever been on a horse? Not truthfully.
84. Would you live with someone without marrying them? I have.
85. What’s irritating you right now? I’ve had a cough for some weeks now.
86. Have you ever liked someone so much that it hurts? Physically. Mentally. Emotionally. All yes. Not in a (TRUTHFULLY) good while though.
87. Does somebody love you? A lot of somebodies do. I’m incredibly lucky.
88. Have you ever changed clothes in a car? Yes.
89. Milk chocolate or white chocolate? Milk.
90. Do you have trust issues? Only when there is a valid Truth Issue.
91. Longest relationship? With myself.
92: Do you believe your most recent ex thinks about you? I hope not, but I’m aware that they must at times.
93. Have you ever walked outside in your PJs? Yeah.
94. Do you believe everything happens for a reason? In a literal sense, yes. Beyond that...I can’t remove the literal sense from my awareness.
95. Did you have dream last night? I don’t recall it now, but I believe so.
96. Have you ever been out of state? Which state? ... (Yes).
97. Do you play the Wii? Wow, Wii. It’s been a minute.
98. Do you like Chinese food? December 25th Classic.
99. Are you afraid of the dark? Not of the darkness itself.
100. Is cheating ever okay? Events where I would say “yes,” I believe the contract of an equal/balanced relationship has been breached so I don’t think those events count. So outside of those things, no.
101. What year has been your best? This one.
102. Do you believe in true love? I mean...I don’t feel love is something to ‘believe in’ in this sense.
103. Favorite weather? Sunny, but the UV index is chill and breezy.
104. Do you like the snow? Does it like me back?
105. Do you like the outside? Depends on the side out.
106. Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby? A literal boy/girl/child would be weird.
107. Have you ever made out for more than a half hour straight? Weird if not.
108. What makes you happy? A wealth of things.
109. Ever been to Alaska? Not at present.
110. Ever been to Hawaii? “”
111. Do you watch the news? Not if I can help it.
112. Do you love MTV? I forgot MTV was a thing on real TV.
113. Do you like Subway? Ambivalent.
114 Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed? Not at all.
115. Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? As they should, am I right?
116. Why did you decide to do this quiz? Self-indulgence.
117. Have you ever seen someone you knew and purposely avoided them? Yes, although I usually enjoy the idea of confrontation.
118. Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around? “Yes. Why act unlike yourself. You meant the word "friend" as really a friend, right?” --- the person who responded before me because I don’t have the energy to ultimately paraphrase what they said and they said it pretty well.
119. Who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to? [whines about sex and gender]
120. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? A friend.
121. Ever bought condoms? Yes.
122. Ever gotten pregnant? No.
123. Have you ever slipped on ice? I’ve fallen whilst ice skating, if you wish to count that.
124 Have you ever missed the bus? I don’t miss grade school. Yes. ALSO HEY. Just realised I had a nightmare about this some nights ago.
125. Have you left the house without money? I was an infant once, yes.
126. Have you ever smoked cigarettes? Socially. I’ve never purchased my own pack before.
127. Have you ever smoked a cigar? Yes! I enjoyed it a lot actually.
128. Did you ever drink alcohol? Yes.
129. Did you ever watch “The Breakfast Club”? Yes, but not very well.
130. Have you ever been overweight? No
131. Ever been to a wedding? A fair amount, yes.
132. Ever been in a wedding? Several with another upcoming quite soon!
133. Have you ever been on the computer for 5 hours straight? Hard yes.
134. Did you ever watch TV for 5 hours straight? I watch King of the Hill as if I would die without it, yes.
135. Ever kissed in the rain? Yes.
136. Did you ever shower with someone else? Yes.
137. Did you ever fail a driver’s test? No.
138. Ever been outside your home country? Yes.
139. Ever been on a road trip longer than 5 hours? I’ve driven for 11 hours straight before!
140. Ever been to a professional sports game? Yes. A few. Hockey comes to mind the most. Then basketball.
141. Have you ever broken a bone? No(ne known).
142. Did you ever win a trophy in your life? Yes. But...not in a while...
143. Ever get engaged? Yes.
144. Have you ever been on a diet? No.
145. Have you ever been on TV? Not in a meaningful way.
146. Ever ridden in a taxi? Yes.
147. Ever been to prom? Yes.
148. Ever stayed up for 24 hours or more? Yes.
149 Have you ever been to a concert? Most important is Nine Inch Nails.
150. Have you ever had a crush on someone at work? Yes. I’ve had crushes on everyone everywhere.
151. Have you ever been in a car accident? Yes.
152. Ever had braces? Yes. #WorthTheWait lmao
153. Did you ever learn another language? I’ve studied several (3). Fluent in one (1).
154. Do you wear make-up? Infrequently.
155. Did you ever have your wisdom teeth taken out? Soon!
156. Did you ever kiss someone a different race than yourself? lmao yes.
157. Ever dyed your hair? Yes.
158. Did you ever wear someone else’s clothes? Yeah, I was a teenage girl once. Also...what? Haha.
159. Ever ridden in an ambulance? No.
160. Ever ridden in a helicopter? No.
161. Ever caught the stove on fire? I don’t believe so, but the microwave...yes.
162. Ever meet someone famous? Define famous and define meet.
163. Ever been on an airplane? Yes.
164. Ever been on a boat? Yes.
165. Ever broken something expensive? My brain.
166. Did you ever kiss someone before you were 14? Uh...no actually? As far as romantically.
167. Did you ever find something valuable on the ground? Cars and buildings, mostly.
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