#like theyre shitty parents
rez-urrection · 4 months
sometimes it feels like im the only one in the r&m fandom that actually and actively dislikes Jerry and Beth tbh
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hand-of-devotion · 9 months
I keep rotating certain aspects of the Evontra'vir-Ashton conversation and there's one specific thing I see other people taking away from it that is lacking a certain amount of nuance that stuck with me.
Specifically in regards to Ashton's views and how they parallel his fathers.
It should be obvious to everyone at this point that Ashton's stubborn hypocritical "refusal to the call" rooted in his anti divine/fate beliefs need some genuine reflection. They are important and they are aware of it but they don't want any of the hard to grapple with things associated. He needs to think about what it is he can actually do moving forward rather than getting caught up in what he feels he's owed.
However! One very important thing that I keep seeing others ignore or maybe just not even pick up on is THIS.
Efterin's entitlement came from his own zealots ego. The powers he believed he was promised an understanding and control over were NEVER his.
Ashton's entitlement towards the situation is rooted in what was done TO him. Those powers are in fact his. They have been there since he was a child due to a ritual he had no say in. That ritual physically altered his body and killed off nearly everyone in his entire village.
Which. Again. Just because they HAVE those powers doesn't mean they were ever guaranteed mastery over them. Certainly not without putting in effort. It has never been a "gift", even if part of them wishes it was. There is likely never going to be a reality in which the full-blown titan level abilities just ACTIVATE for him with full ease. Moving forward. He has a base level of info. Which he likely didn't find satisfying (but given the situation, there was never really a "satisfying" answer). Now they need to just. Look forward and inward. Make some changes if they want some changes.
But yeah. At the end of the day. Regardless of parallels and a real need for character reflection and growth. Saying that Ashton is "the same" as Efterin seems. Fairly reductive, all things considered.
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kingtankgirl · 4 months
about half of my apartment is packed up and in a week im going to be living in a new state for the first time in my life. kind of surreal n scary but extremely exciting. this has been in the works for like 8 months now so its incredible to finally be at the precipice of such an awesome life change
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vampirebiter · 2 months
so the property im house sitting at is like. pretty isolated and up a driveway that theres no possible way youre going to go all the way up on accident but a random unexpected car came up and didnt come back down as far as i could see so that is. very fun and not at all frightening ✌️
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sparrowposting · 7 months
I literally just do not understand how full grown ass adults go thru life like this. 0 self reflection. 0 concern about the impact of their behaviours on others. Continuing said behaviours even when they're pointed out as hurtful. Like????
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dyketubbo · 6 months
as much as i adore roier looking through pepitos tag to see people nearly justify how roier treats pepito makes me ever so slightly insane as a victim of abuse
#negative#pressing my fingers to my temples its ok theyre video game characters mask theyre not real 🩷#'roiers right to feel suspicious of the new eggs being federation distractions' they are Babies.#'the chancla is just funny latino culture' its a part of black culture to joke about moms and dads getting out the belt#it still isnt good to hit your child. esp not a young one. theres a diffurence between roier and bobby roughhousing#and roier punishing pepito and thats a part of the Point#its ok to like characters who do bad shit i promise you#as much as the my blorbo does no wrong everything is excusable jokes are funny#roier and pepitos dynamic is as dapper puts it. child abuse#your fave is reacting to trauma in a horrible way and turning it outwards to hurt his new very young child#and it is ok for him to still be your fave. live in peace knowing no one is allowed to judge you for this 🩷#but also i can and will judge ppl for acting like reasons = justifications 🩷 he has reasons not justifications#and similarly as i want to be respectful towards other ppl who grew up poor/maybe still are#and acknowledge that yeah sunnys jokes can feel shitty to hear#i wanna say that downplaying what pepito goes through can also feel shitty for abuse victims to read and hear#pepitos a child. ultimately it doesnt matter what the federation intended with the new eggs#or if pepito was Intended to be a bobby replacement or if roier is afraid to get attached#pepitos a child and pepito deserves a parent who can every day look pepito face to face and say they love pepito#'roier didnt ask to be a parent' pepito didnt ask to be his child either.#mask mews
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calpalsworld · 8 months
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A family 😄
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coern · 2 months
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hickoryhorneddevils · 10 months
im sticking with jay too. i was going to find a different one for my family but i love jay its so special to me. that Is me yknow? and i use it everywhere. AND that also that means im no longer the only one without an a or j name. now all the cousins will match <3
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filthyjanuary · 5 months
feeling sad :(
#sorry this is such a dumb thing to be sad about im a grown ass adult but like two thirds of the people i invited to my birthday#either cant come or said they would then bailed and like#some of them have legit reasons but some of them i'm kind of like :/ ok well i put in so much effort for yall would be really nice#if a crumb of that was reciprocated#idk i dont ask for much on my birthday i just want to have a nice dinner with my friends#and i have friends who like throw the biggest tantrum fusses about their birthdays and make it this entire spectacle#and people still humour them so it's kind of like#idk#do i really suck that bad that you cant make a saturday evening work to like eat good food#idk maybe next year i just wont plan anything#and everyone'll be like BUT SIMA IT'S THE BIG ONE and i'll be like well! i wish it werent!#bc it'll suck even more to have people not come lmao i dont actually think i've ever had a milestone birthday people just dont give a shit#this includes my parents idk like they are nice to me on my birthday but like no birthday was ever like hashtag special#and like the holidays already sucked so bad this year they did not feel like the holidays half the people i got presents for#didnt get me anything which is like fine i dont give presents to get them back but it kind of sucks to not even get a card? a thank you???#idk this is so stupid i am turning 29 i pay taxes this should not be a big deal#maybe it's bc i feel like half my 20s were pandemic years so it kind of sucks that theyre basically over and idk im just feeling sad and ol#and lonely and just kind of shitty and unlikeable#AND IT'S DUMBBBBB TODAY WAS A GOOD DAY I PASSED MY DRIVING TEST IDK WHY I'M CRYING FUCK MY STUPID BAKA LIFE
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savefrog · 1 year
seeing something list “Guilt and shame at not being able to keep clean” as an ADHD symptom...bitch what if i dont feel anything about it? Certified to not have ADHD because I revel in the chaos. I leave something on the floor and forget about it and when it finally renders in my vision later I’m like “Fuck yeah!!! Environmental Storytelling!!!!!”
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ace-with--a-mace · 3 months
idc yall could never make me hate richard cameron
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minglana · 3 months
i need a gay person to complain to... and i dont even mean in the 'lol i hate straight people lmao' way. i mean in the 'cishet ppl will never get the fact that i have to hide an important part of myself from some ppl and i just wanna rant to a gay person who understands it' way yknow
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klonpa · 11 months
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t-s-n-s-s-a-g-turnip · 4 months
My parents getting mad at me for not responding to "happy birthday" texts, among others. like 1 how the fuck do you respond to that, and 2 why the fuck are you getting mad at me about that, like maybe I would respond if ever you idk showed me affection of any sort but yaknow just a guess as to how to fix it. like they fail to understand that maybe they are the ones with problems and/or our relations as a whole are the problem, not just me or my behaviours . in particular my father does not believe he has anything wrong with him when he clearly desperate needs to go see somebody about various things. augh
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darius has mentioned alador before and they both seem to keep up with each other’s lives, since darius follows alador on penstagram and alador has darius’s book and i know thats why the fandom focuses on their potential dynamic and i agree i really want to see what they were like when they were still friends! but what i would REALLY like more people to explore is the relationship between darius and odalia. all we have is them hanging out at school in eda’s flashback but they were friends too. what happened?
#toh#the owl house#alador blight#odalia blight#darius deamonne#again i HATED the blight parents arcs and how they were written in the finale#especially odalias writing bc they removed all nuance and just made her a genocial capitalist and her plan doesnt even make any sense#the conflict between her alador and the kids shouldnt have been about whos helping belos it should have been about who believed their kids#but anyway otherwise the blight parents as characters are fascinating to me bc theyre abusive assholes but theyre still sympathetic?#even odalia the 'more' abusive one who ends up solidly a villain#bc in the flashbacks she was worried about getting detention! she was smug and mean but she liked hanging out with her friends!#in the picture of alador winning the bonesborough brawl she was flustered bc her boyfriend was super strong!#even in her debut episode she has a charisma to her as a saleswoman but you also see her worried about sales and be scared of the emperor#and i wanted to see more exploration of why she needed to control the kids and what she wanted them to live up to#not to excuse her but to humanize her and make her more interesting as a villain#bc i hate the trope of the abuser whos shitty not because of fleshed out reasons but because the characters need a plot contrivance#irl abusers arent like that and evil or not everyone has a past and a thought process that explains why theyre Like That#and to make abusive characters evil for cheap drama is poor writing and misses nuance that could have made the story more interesting#anyway i read an analysis before that darius and odalia are parallels and i can see it#odalia is just a darker version of what darius could have become#an exploitative high society asshole who uses her prestige to further her own goals without care towards her loved ones#but theres also the tragedy of the whole trio because like another post said darius could have been uncle darius to the blight kids#but because of the falling out hes never met any of them and the blights have ruined their kids mental health#i hate HATE the hc that they stopped being friends because odalia 'stole' alador from darius as if alador couldnt make his own choices#and the idea of alador 'learning from his mistakes' and rebounding with darius after the odalador divorce because first of all#the 'odalia is an abusive wife' retcon is bullshit and even if it isnt is rebounding to your ex wifes romantic rival REALLY that romantic#especially after leaving said abusive ex wife#idk if i have enough tags to explain my own theory on why darius left the friend group but just know id like it to be more aladors fault#bc darius only expresses disdain towards him odalia probably just got caught in the middle and took aladors side#shut up pandora
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