#prime abandoned beth
rez-urrection · 8 months
sometimes it feels like im the only one in the r&m fandom that actually and actively dislikes Jerry and Beth tbh
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shipaholic · 2 years
This season has been all about doubles. Alternates, clones, fragmented components of a single persona, day vs night family... we’re only four episodes in and the theme is glaring so far. It’s fitting, if this is going to be the season Rick finally confronts Rick Prime. I wonder what else the show’s going to do with this.
Also... so far our focus has been on alternate Rick (ep1), alternate Morty (ep2), alternate Beth (ep3), and alternate Summer and to a lesser extent Jerry (ep4)... are we going to see alternates of secondary characters too? Jessica? Birdperson or Tammy? Diane??
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thesoftboiledegg · 9 months
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"Fear No Mort" was constant whiplash. In fact, I struggled to evaluate this episode at first because it was one twist after another. Throughout the episode, I had flashbacks to "M. Night Shaym-Aliens!" (the rap scene might've been a direct reference) and the Rickbot reveal in "Ricktional Mortpoon's Rickmas Mortcation."
For better or worse, season seven's had a lot of callbacks and episodes that mirrored previous ones: "That's Amorte" played out like "Mortynight Run"; "Air Force Wong" brought together Dr. Wong, the president and Unity; "Rise of the Numbericons: The Movie" was a "Get Schwifty" sequel.
Seasons six and seven have also piled on the fanservice. The first four seasons stubbornly refused to give us what we want, dangling fan theories or a gentler Rick in our faces before yanking it away. Rick started to change in season five, but it's another ten episodes before you get Rick in a suit and tie, Rick announcing that Rickcest is canon, Rick regularly going to therapy, Space Beth joining the family and other content that's floated around the fandom since 2017.
And let's not forget the big one: C-137 Rick and Morty, Prime Rick and Evil Morty in one episode, fighting and teaming up after we saw Evil Morty's once-forbidden backstory.
Some call it cheap thrills, but I call it a gift to the fandom that's patiently waited for the fakeouts to end. And now that I've said that: "Fear No Mort" was one giant fakeout.
But was it, though?
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This is the most unpopular opinion in the world, but I'm not invested in Rick and Diane's relationship. As a gay woman, I just don't connect with opposite-gender couples. Also, I dislike the trope of the idolized dead wife that the audience only learns about through her widower. She's not her own character, just an extension of the male protagonist.
When the fake Rick and Diane reconnected, I thought "Oh boy, this is getting cheesy." They're falling for each other again: check. Rick feels guilty about her death: check. We see how similar they are: check. Rick doesn't want to leave: aaaand, check.
I'm also a little lost after the ending. Morty was the only one in the hole, so why did we see all these scenes from fake Rick's perspective? Was an NPC really that busy?
How much we learned about Diane is debatable, too, since Morty never met her. I guess his ideas came from whatever Rick's told him and maybe the ship's voice since she's based on Diane.
I did like how the episode kept reminding us that Morty's still in the Fear Hole. I mean, we didn't know that, but we knew that. No "Are they in the Fear Hole or not??" until all the twists in the third act.
Aside from that, I don't want the show to revisit the past too much because Rick needs to let go. If you're a Marvel fan, you saw the backlash to Steve Rogers traveling back in time to spend a lifetime with Peggy in "Endgame." He had a life in the present, but he refused to move on.
Nostalgia makes us yearn for earlier years, but if Rick abandoned his family to live with Diane in another reality, I wouldn't call that a sweet ending. I'd call that a disappointment and a waste of his character.
Turns out, Rick never had that option at all.
Well...in a way, he did. And when Morty told him what he saw in the Fear Hole, Rick ran back to the restroom. He looked into the hole. He thought about it. And then he did what I wanted him to do, which was walk away. In this moment, he chose the present.
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Admittedly, Morty's fear came true: Rick didn't jump in the hole after him, he did just sit there and watch, and he didn't want to say that Morty's irreplaceable out loud. Plus, Rick was bewildered when Morty hugged him. But for the first time, instead of standing stiffly or gently pushing him away, Rick started to hug him back.
We also saw what Morty didn't: Rick smiling to himself after hanging up the picture of Morty that he kept in his wallet. He had the chance to wallow in shadows of the past, but he didn't take it. Rick chose him.
"Fear No Mort" could've ended with Rick just saying "Let's go" and leaving, but it didn't. Seasons one and two Rick would've bitched and moaned about Morty taking so long. Season three Rick would've left him there for a while to torment him. Season four Rick would've found a way to take advantage of this.
But seasons five, six, seven? That's real character development. That's what all the Twitter users saying "Wow, Rick and Morty is actually good" have been missing out on.
And for the first time in the series, a season didn't end with Rick relapsing or getting a (well-deserved) ass kicking. Is Morty going to get the grandfather that he deserves? Or will he move on, too, now that Rick's releasing his iron grip? Speculating is fun, but for now, let's focus on today.
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hazelnut-u-out · 6 months
Considering it’s implied that there was an amount of time between the death of Beth and Diane C-137 and the erasure of all Dianes, I always come back to the question of which Diane would’ve been put into the Omega Device to erase her.
Sure, it could’ve been a random Diane, but I think it’d bring a whole new level of callousness/complexity to Prime’s legacy if it was his own Diane; if he killed his own wife in person; if the only reason he came home was to orphan his daughter and never come back for her.
The worst part is that it would totally be in line with his character…
I mean, remember this line?
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If you assume he had issues with his own Diane, it makes the ‘only person we like’ bit stand out. Diane was an exception for C-137, and (at least to Prime) that was an insult to himself.
(Honestly, considering C-137’s attitude towards Prime, I wonder if his love for Diane was just used as a petty insult in the real version of events.)
Keep in mind, I do think it’s possible that Prime missed his Beth— or that he did care but unknowingly trapped himself in a never-ending cycle of self-preservation where the best way he could protect her was to abandon her. There’s gotta be a reason the Beths weren’t erased, too… right?
After all, in the wise words of Evil Morty, ‘using a weapon like this doesn’t exactly get you left alone,’ and considering who actually outsmarted Prime in the end, I think that might’ve just been his unsuccessful goal.
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starrbitez · 5 months
Is it a coincidence that both Rick AND Beth abandoned morty for summer? Like father like daughter? And isn’t it interesting that in this universe she doesn’t regret not aborting summer? They way rick hugs summer back in the gotron episode. But he never hugs morty back until fear no mort, but even that has hesitation. He said summer reminds him of Diane. Does Beth think that too? would rick abandon morty for Diane if given the chance— morty clear thinks so from his pov in the hole, but the question is, would Beth give up morty and summer to see her mother? I really want to dissect why everyone in the family dislikes morty.
Jerry calls morty stupid multiple times, and always yells at him for not trying hard enough. I see this as projection, personally. Jerry projects his own insecurities onto his son because he cant be the Only one like this. Morty even says he’s just like his dad, when someone asks “is everyone in your family an idiot?” And morty says “well for sure me and my dad are” in the Pluto episode.
Rick dislikes morty early on because he is supposed to. He knows thats how Ricks are supposed to treat morty, but we clearly see that rick cares the most, especially in Close Encounters of the Rick Kind, where he cries watching memories of morty. Evil rick says that no rick cares about their morty, and from then on we see rick continuously overcompensate with insults towards morty. However, we see that rick truly cares in multiple episodes, to name a few; Meseeks and Destroy, Get Schwifty, Look who’s Purging Now, Rest and Ricklaxation. These are all episodes prior to season five, where rick realizes he is a bad partner and leaves. Something interesting is that in GoTron, Rick only abandons Morty when his ideas are not being backed, and are instead being backed by summer, who he says reminds him of Diane (in fear no mort). It’s interesting because we can assume that rick is looking for comfort and acceptance from Diane, and the closest person he can get it from is Summer. He also values summer in this episode because she has never really stood up to Rick on adventures, something Rick dislikes about Morty.
It’s also interesting to add to the mix that his Morty is Morty Prime, the grandson of the man who killed his family. Rick had no problem leaving the rest of the Prime dimension behind, but on some level i think he knew that he needed Morty Prime (before he had even really gotten attached). Rick values the one thing he has against Prime, but he knows that Prime is in Morty’s blood, and I think every time Morty stands up to Rick he sees a small flash of Prime in the kid’s personality, and it scares him to death. It’s a juxtaposition between one grandchild representing his dead wife, and the other representing his mortal enemy.
Finally, I want to talk about why Beth seems to dislike Morty so much, only really showing she cares when he’s in distress—and when she’s right. Beth obviously seeks Rick’s approval, and because of that she has a lot of the same traits. Again, Morty stands up to her, (i forget what the episode is called) but when Summer is turned giant, Morty tells Beth that she is just as arrogant and reckless as Rick, and that being like him isn’t going to make him like her more. Beth wants attention more than anything, and when she and Jerry are going through the divorce in season two, Summer immediately chooses her mother, refusing to talk to Jerry at all. Morty, however, talks to both of his parents. Beth values loyalty and trust over everything, and her abandonment issues are obvious when she appreciates people who stay more. In the Prime dimension, Beth Prime tells Jerry, “a real man stands by his woman,” and in the post credits scene they have this exchange:
Jerry: do you ever wonder what happened to rick and morty?
Beth: sometimes, but i hate to admit that now that they’re gone, im finally happy.
Beth knows that Rick would always abandon her, and on some level i think she believes that morty is betraying her by putting trust in rick, among her disappointment in a lot of Mortys actions in school and socially. This episode really shows that she values Jerry and Summer above Rick and Morty, because Jerry and Summer would always stay.
Beth and Summer both know that Beth had almost aborted Summer, and Beth wants to prove that she’s not like her father; that she wont suddenly abandon or betray her daughter. Choosing Summer over Morty in Morty’s Mind Blowers is Beth’s way of showing her devotion and loyalty to her daughter, saying that she wouldn’t leave. She’s better than Rick. Again, in the GoTron episode, Beth is willing to leave morty behind because she trusts Jerry, summer, and Rick more, because she knows they could leave, and she needs them to stay with her, because they have shown that they’ll stay with her. the only time Beth truly comforts and shows affection to Morty is in the Planetina episode, where she consoles him after the break up. In some way, this reminds me of something Rick would do, and has done. She and Rick had both at one point manipulated a loved ones relationship for their own benefit, or simply to hurt someone else. Rick sabotaged Beth and Jerry’s marriage multiple times, and Beth (even though she was right bc planetina was lowkey weird as hell) sabotaged Morty’s relationship—actually his happiness, and the first time he had felt valued—because she needed to feel valued more, the same way rick wanted to be valued over Jerry.
Idk if this makes sense im just kind of spitballing here but . I think everyone in the family has a distinct reason for disliking and excluding morty, and while they have their moments, i don’t really think they matter compared to the sheer amount of disrespect morty gets. I didn’t put summer here because they both have their own problems, and for the most part they value each other the same amount because they both want to break the cycle their family is stuck in.
If u read all of this thank u :) lmk what u think
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cassowariess · 2 years
Honestly, the finale has cemented more than ever in my mind that Rick needs an adult friend to talk to. Morty is his only confidante outside of Dr. Wong, and he's probably abandoned therapy now that he's relapsed. And that's the biggest problem: Rick puts so much emotional weight on Morty, who is still a child. A child who is practically a war criminal at this point, but still a child. He's decided "If anything goes wrong with Morty/my adopted grandson hates me I have nothing." Which obviously isn't true, but it's the way his brain works. He's essentially decided Morty is the steward of all his decades of trauma and pain, and oof.
Rick loves his adopted family. He loves Beth and Space Beth. He loves Jerry and Summer. But obviously Morty is his main attachment. Maybe because he's the one closest to the age his original Beth was when she died?
Rick did *try* to seek out an adult friend to confide in with Piss Master, but we all know how that went. Tony tried to make friends with Rick and he also died. Rick tried harder with Piss Master, as they seemed like someone he could relate to and he didn't even get a chance.
Birdperson is god knows where right now. Same with Squanchy. Rick has no adult friends at all.
All he has is the paranoia he feels about keeping his adopted family safe and the crutch to run back to when he feels Morty is upset with him: he thinks killing Prime will solve all his problems and make him feel safe and calm again. We know it won't.
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zeep-xanflorp · 11 months
think back to rick potion #9. while beth prime saying "he left my mother" may imply that rick prime was just a father who abandoned his family, it also implies that he found love or romantic/sexual interest elsewhere. we know he was with a bunch of other ricks after leaving bc he mentions it to c-137, making a potential rick/rick - dare i say, prickcest - pairing a possible explanation for WHO rick prime left his family for. in this essay i will
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glitteringcrab · 5 months
It's complicated
Okay, I'm trying to construct a timeline of what happened with the creation of the Citadel in relation to the use of Mortys by Ricks.
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1. The first time we've seen a Morty appear in Rick's crybaby backstory is after his breaking up with Bird Person, when Rick C-137 resumes his hunt of Rick Prime.
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We don't know Morty's age in this, but it appears the Rick who is being spied on has nearly the same age as our "current" Rick. Some time shenanigans might have taken place (did Rick C-137 move forward in time???), BUT when our current Rick mentioned having a grandson, Memory Younger Rick (unclear how young) recognizes there is a pattern of "creep Ricks" moving in with abandoned adult Beths for non-benign reasons...!
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2. In the spied Rick's garage, Rick C-137 finds a location that could be traced to Rick Prime:
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3. And he begins trying to follow a trace of Prime-follower Ricks back to Rick Prime (what a weird phrase to say lol)
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(interesting thing: who the heck are the people whose photos are pinned on the background? One of them looks kiiiiinda like Morty)
4. Eventually, Rick C-137 discovers this... network of Ricks, who I assume were Rick Prime Fans, and begins hunting them down one by one.
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I suppose he did it half-hoping one of them would be Rick Prime, half-hoping one of them would be able to lead him to Rick Prime.
5. It seems Rick Prime was leaving behind clues, building elaborate mazes and traps, I assume to give his followers an opportunity to reach him, but with no one ever actually succeeding.
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6. Rick C-137 went on with his increasingly desperate Rick Prime hunt, to the point where he became infamous to other Ricks and they just tried to off him:
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7. All those Ricks banded together in some sort of headquarters (which at first, appears to be the Citadel. The guy talking wears Council-of-Ricks-like clothes). Notice the suspicious absence of Mortys:
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Also notice the red color motif, which is a Rick Prime thing.
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Also notice the insignia on this dude's clothes is identical to the Rick Prime insignia we've seen up to now (one big, fat, narcissistic R surrounded by three tiny stars)?
8. Rick C-137 kills all the Ricks gathered there, which... makes sense only up to a point.
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From what we know of Rick Prime now, we can safely say there was exactly ZERO chance he was among those Ricks gathered there. So what would killing them achieve, exactly? Was Rick C-137 simply throwing a tantrum, destroying Rick Prime's fan club in a fit of pettiness? Was he retaliating, pre-emptively killing as many Ricks as he could before they had a chance to attack him (as they inevitably would)? Was he acting mindlessly? Was he simply wayyyy too drunk?
9. Anyway, it appears he recognizes the futility of his actions, because he eventually stops:
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10. And what happens next is interesting, and is what prompted me to write this post.
The precursors of the council of Ricks show Rick C-137 the Citadel design...
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...and Rick C-137 looks surprised. Shocked, even.
Like, why?!
Isn't that their current location (that red place Rick C-137 burnt down)? Didn't he know where he teleported himself to?
...Well, afterwards we see him passing by the Citadel-under-construction as he leaves this meeting:
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He passes by it. So, no. This meeting did not take place in the Citadel. Rick C-137 was leaving another place (the red place he trashed). And is not happy about the Citadel being there. Even though it was his idea.
11. Okay, the Citadel wasn't the location of their meeting and Rick C-137 was obviously aware of his own location, but why seem surprised when they showed him the schematics? He's the one who designed the Citadel!
He remembers its schematics (and notice how the Citadel insignia is similar to the Rick Prime symbol, only the "stars" are now connected to the R? I read this as Rick C-137 impersonating Rick Prime when he made sure the Rick Prime Fan Club got the schematics). Why design it if the didn't want to make sure they got it?
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And when the pre-council of Ricks offers him to lead (apparently), he trashes the table in distaste (at the time I assumed it was because he hates Ricks and wants nothing to do with the Citadel, but... well...).
12. We've already seen Rick C-137 go into complete black out when severely drunk, to the point where he not only performs cruel, poorly-thought out plans but also completely forgets his actions, which he later regrets:
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(see also the whole Vindicators fiasco, where he presents his black-out self as a different person.)
13. My take on this is that Rick C-137 either came up with or designed the Citadel of Ricks idea when drunk drunk, and that it was a poorly thought-out, morally dubious plan (and might I say, it's interesting that we have no confirmation yet about what the Citadel was for, exactly). He drunkenly executed his plan, sent the schematics to the Rick Prime Fan Club, and then drank some more. (Interesting note: in Rick's crybaby backstory there is no flashback of him actually designing the Citadel. Evil Morty just got a flashback of him looking at the end design. Was it to conserve storytelling time, or was it a hint that he was blackout drunk and had no memory of the designing process?)
Once sober he seems to realize (and regret) the consequences of his actions, but it's too late by then. The Citadel is under construction.
14. Given that:
Eyepatch Morty said "[they] built a wall around infinity" (they! Plural! Ricks! He blames Rick C-137 for building the Citadel, but he recognizes that the Central Finite Curve was a collective effort of many Ricks)
it appears once the Citadel is down the Central Finite Curve is more easily breach-able
it was possible, with modifications, to use the Citadel's dimensional drive to bring down the Curve
...the conclusion we reach is that the Citadel was used to build the Central Finite Curve in an attempt to trap Rick Prime... But given Rick C-137's distaste towards his own plan, it seems that this is not the whole picture.
I mean, the Central Finite Curve does not seem that bad... by itself... Only when combined with the abusive Rick-Morty dynamic did it become a horrible prison for countless Mortys.
15. After leaving that unsettling meeting, Rick C-137 crashes on the Prime dimension (so he has known where Prime's original reality was, at least for a while...!)
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And he begins bonding with Morty Prime, his enemy's grandson.
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It's also unclear why he decided to squat in the Prime dimension. Did he really hope Rick Prime would return home?
Or was it an action of possessiveness, of stealing, of sullying everything of Rick Prime's? (in a "you took my family, I'm taking yours" fashion?) Was it a taunt?
16. And when we next see the Citadel, it's full of Mortys.
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A stark difference from the previous Rick Prime Fan Club Headquarters.
A) Hadn't all those Rick Prime fans at the Rick Prime Fanclub Headquarters known about the brainwaves thing back then?
I mean, we know that occasionally some "creepy Rick" would move in with an abandoned adult Beth, yet it seems that the brainwaves thing was not widespread knowledge.
Who told everyone?
B) Rick C-137 said that if you create a matrix of Mortys and put them in agonizing pain, it creates a pattern that can hide Ricks not only from the government, but from other Ricks.
He said that he fiddled with a concept like this once, on paper, and that five Mortys and a jumper cable would yield adequate results.
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Yes. Totally on paper.
C) And why was Rick and Morty DNA necessary to bring down a wall that was designed specifically to separate universes where "Rick is the smartest man in the universe"?
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D) And why did Rick C-137 claim that the Morty Market, as presented by Eyepatch Morty, wasn't "the whole truth" and was "complicated" (as if there was a misunderstood, positive aspect to the Morty Market) and yet refused to elaborate further?
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E) And which Morty is this one, whose DNA is being taken without his knowledge???
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Is it a nobody Morty chosen completely at random, or a specific Morty chosen among the infinite Mortys for a very specific reason?
F) Why, oh why were the Cult Mortys so quick to title Morty Prime as "the one true Morty" right after he introduced himself as "Morty from earth dimension C-137"???
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G) If the spectrum of all Ricks is real (and if my theories are correct), what on earth is our Rick C-137 doing up there right next to the likes of "super weird Rick" and "Evil Rick"?
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What are Rick C-137's crimes? Sure, he's a jerk, but up till now we haven't really seen him do anything worse than the average Rick, quite the opposite really.
There are still puzzles pieces missing, but I don't like the picture that is being painted.
I can think of two scenarios, which can complement each other.
Scenario 1: The purpose of the Citadel was not simply to wall in the universe where Rick Prime was, but to cancel out as many Ricks as possible if one were to scan the multiverse for Rick brainwaves (well, we do know Rick Prime operates alone. No chance he'd have a grandson around). This "function" of Mortys' brainwaves was advertised and the use of Mortys was deliberately promoted to the Ricks arriving in the Citadel. The Morty Market was not a naturally occurring conclusion of Ricks' discovering Mortys' complementary brainwaves; it was a designed, pre-determined goal in-built with the Citadel's very reason of existence.
Or, well, something sorta along this lines, because the above scenario doesn't really explain why Morty DNA was necessary to bring down the Curve (i.e. were Mortys used to calibrate what consists as "smartest" by Rick C-137 and therefore Eyepatch Morty had to use them too?). And given that there are infinite Ricks, "using Mortys to aid the search for Rick Prime" seems kinda doomed to fail no matter how many Ricks you cloak (but, well, following the timeline presented above, it appears that Rick was drunk when he designed the Citadel. He even criticized his own craftmanship at S3E1, where he says that "it's a bad idea to have [the Citadel] designed [with an area for teleporting the whole Citadel with only buttons and dials]").
There is also the "hundred years" thing to consider, which unnerves me a lot now.
Anyway, in this scenario using Mortys was an inseparable part of Rick C-137's "Citadel Plan", the suffering of countless Mortys (clones in body and essence of some one Morty) only a predicted, unfortunate (but ultimately deemed acceptable by drunk drunk Rick C-137) byproduct of Rick C-137's plan, not the goal of it.
Scenario 2: A specific phrase told by an angry, bitter old man. A very chilling phrase, so extreme in its magnitude that it sorta passes right under our radars...
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...but which I now find unsettling in how easily, thoughtlessly came out of Rick's mouth. Almost like he already knew the WORLD would know when he tries to hurt Morty.
Why would he say that? Why would he even think that...?
...Rick, what have you done?
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justablanketreally · 9 months
so twisted how rick prime claims every version of beth as HIS daughter (“raise echoes of MY daughter”), spitting in our rick’s face the fact that he never had a daughter that grew up, that was raised to adulthood, that had a family of her own, and implying every version of her that remains (and therefore her family) belongs to him, because they were the versions HE allowed to exist. their daughters, one who was loved and thus doomed to die, one who was abandoned and thus allowed to live.
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sadiecoocoo · 10 months
Rick & Morty fanfiction - SEAL Shenanigans
Relationships - Rick Sanchez & Morty Smith, Morty Smith/Evil Morty, Morty Smith & Summer Smith
Characters - Morty Smith, Rick Sanchez, Evil Morty, Other Ricks, Other Mortys, SEAL team Ricks, (mentioned) Summer Smith, (mentioned) Beth Smith, (mentioned) Jerry Smith
Warnings & tags - graphic depictions of violence, depressed morty smith, morty smith needs a hug, hurt morty smith, grandpa Rick Sanchez, Episode: s05e10 Rickmurai Jack, sort of, protective Rick Sanchez, jealous Rick Sanchez, no incest, platonic relationships, whump, no beta we die like Prime, out of character, but not horribly so, tags are hard, tags may change, suicide attempt
Summary - Rick abandoned Morty for two pea-brained birds. How is the 14-year-old supposed to cope? He chooses to go to the citadel and join the SEAL team to get his anger out on monsters and gromflomites. He's learned the lay of the land fairly well, but things get confusing when a mysterious, yet somehow familiar, Rick shows up and starts being nice to him.
He's seen countless Ricks not give a shit about whatever Morty they happen to use as a human shield for bullets and blades, so why is this Rick different?
(inspired by RustyChainSnorter's fic, Weird Rick. I highly suggest you go check it out!)
Chapters - 12/?
Current word count - 48,981
Link -
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zanukavat · 10 months
so, I made these cute ref sheets in the shows style yesterday (and today), apologies if you cant decipher my scribbly handwriting, ill summarize below:
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Rick (nicknamed on the citadel "Seven")
Rick's home dimension is M-121.5 but you could hardly call it a home. He left his Diane and Beth behind shortly after acquiring portal technology from Prime or one of his subordinate Ricks, wandering off to absorb himself in the vastness of infinity.
His original dimension never ended up birthing a Morty, since his Beth and Jerry had trouble supporting themselves and had Summer as their only child.
Rick, eventually growing lonely but refusing to admit it, joins the citadel in an effort to be useful and climb the ranks there with the hopes of living a fulfilling life in a safe, Rick-made bubble. He gets assigned a Morty as standard, but said Morty dies in combat on a riot not too shortly after.
Rick gets a (small) punishment, one you'd get for breaking a doorknob or forgetting to turn off the lights in the building before you leave; getting a Morty killed. He probably just has to scrub toilets for a week or something.
He gets his new Morty and resumes work on the teleportation deck as normal and lives with his Morty in a small apartment, until S301 where they manage to flee the citadel together.
Morty ("unlucky charm" / other similar insults behind his back)
Has forgotten his original dimensional code due to constant changes of ownership. Only the Morty databanks know it now. He took M-121.5's dimension as his and carries a small wristband with the code written on it.
This Morty has gone through a LOT of Ricks. Six in fact, which is why his new Rick is mockingly called "Seven" by others on the citadel, making fun of him for ending up with such a shitty excuse of a Morty. Asking him if he'd lost a bet.
Morty's left arm has been surgically altered to fit a tracker interface that'll show Rick's current position and vitals to Morty. Though he only gets this later, after they flee the citadel.
The jacket he is wearing was originally merchandise stolen from a small shop he worked in while living on the citadel. They later add patches to it in an effort to cover up the citadel logo, since Morty doesn't want to give up the jacket, and Rick is paranoid about association with the citadel after they've fled. Pretty rich coming from the guy still wearing his uniform under a stinky coat, but what can you do when those are the only clothes you've got.
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They go through an intense period of struggling for survival, with the Federation collapse and chaos left behind, the two of them retreat to more desolate spots of the universe to wait for the dust to settle. After a bit of "holy shit we lived" euphoria, they fight a lot, with Rick slowly noticing the many flaws in this Morty he is now -- in his assumption -- forever stuck with. He also pushes Morty too far numerous times but reels him back in again anytime because what other option is there? Being stranded alone in an asteroid gas station restaurant?
Eventually Morty suggests returning to "their" home dimension. Rick's home dimension. He's reluctant but eventually (after a really long while and lots of convincing) does give in since their circumstances are dire and they could use a little civilization, even if it means returning to the family he abandoned.
I don't have much worked out for this Smith family, but I'd assume Summer is a good deal different from the Summer we know, due to being an only child. Beth's daddy issues are just as intense as Beth Prime.
This Beth and Jerry probably also never end up divorced and stay together for Summer's sake, honestly probably unhealthier than just splitting up for the time being and working out their issues separately.
Once they crash (probably literally) into their new "home" and everybody gets over the initial insanity of the situation, Rick struggles to confront the reasons he left and kind of just drowns himself in unhealthy habits. Besides the known drinking issues which is kind of the baseline, he makes sure to never let Morty out of his sight and pretty much makes a normal life for the kid impossible despite desperately promising it to him when they turned to move to Earth.
He builds a new portal gun out of scrap they've harvested while surviving and old things Beth never threw away because they reminded her of her father, and he's gone again. Gone with Morty. Gone God knows where. Except he returns at night to sleep in a shitty little cot and fuck he probably drags Morty's air mattress into his room with him without any explanation. Blames it on Morty not being able to sleep alone since they left the citadel. Blames it on anything but himself.
They go into what I'd describe as a narcissism-fuelled grace period, or honeymoon period, the more time they spend together off-planet after crashing at the Smith's house.
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They go from Rick being very controlling and making Morty feel like an inferior sidekick, to Rick actually opening up and helping him become better. Very slowly and gradually, he realizes that, well, he's stuck with this Morty now. This is *his* Morty by all intents and purposes, and he doesnt have a fuckin replacement Morty ticket and after constructing and unregistered portal gun he'd not be let back into the citadel anyway even after reconstruction - so might as well invest his time and effort into this one Morty as much as he (claims to) hate it.
The kid is so broken already, having witnessed so many versions of his grandpa die, which Rick realizes after a while would just make it easier for him to reassemble him anew and mold him how he wants it. He's a sick bastard but if it aint broke dont fix it and especially dont fix it if it promises to always stay by your side and begs you not to leave
The whole "unlucky charm" curse only serves to fuel Rick's ego too because, unlike all these previous Ricks he only knows about on paper, *he* hasn't died yet with this shitty excuse of a Morty around him. which makes him better than all those before him. He's cocky, priding himself on living where those Ricks failed.
He gets too confident, as all Ricks do, and after a few too-close brushes with death he does decide to invest into various failsafes and "upgrading" Morty to a standard he sees fit. This is when Morty gets the tracker arm enhancement and various other augmentations that'll essentially turn him into a lifeline for Rick. He's driven by anxiety of his past mistakes, past deaths of Ricks, repeating. This time there'd be no scolding by teachers and new Rick two weeks later. There'd only be grief, and nothing.
Morty's trained not only in combat and survival skills but also shown how to reboot and even replace certain cybernetic parts of Rick's body.
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surgery, baby!
Not on a clone, not a simulation, the real him. Train for the real deal.
They spend weeks in the newly constructed underground labs, Morty cutting him open and putting him back together; surgeries upon surgeries without any anesthetic so that Rick is fully aware and awake to guide Morty through it.
Eventually Morty does have to put those skills to the test when shit goes wrong on an adventure, but this is already so long so I'll spare you!! I'd be surprised if you read to here, if you did, thank you and I'm glad you're interested in my little guys !!
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pinkisopod · 9 months
like a week ago or whenever i was poking at morty's 'reliance on rick' and what that could mean and it just hit me how much of his baggage is inherited from his mother... man.... rick and morty actually is more transparent about beth's deal than it is morty's, so looking at her for insight into her son can be lucrative.
one thing we dont ever see is what the smith household was like before rick crashed his ship into their garage. however from what we see of them now, its pretty clear that rick (prime) abandoning them fucked beth (and everyone else by proxy) real bad. she has raging abandonment issues. theyre pretty obvious about that in the wedding episode.
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this people (specifically rick) pleasing behavior is ingrained into beth, summer, and morty. jerry is less emotionally invested in keeping rick around but is bullied into it by everyone else (more on him later). this tendency of beth is often hidden by her abrasive, honestly mean personality. beth is cold. she is distant. in the pickle rick episode it is explicitly made clear that she is this way because she thinks masks her own problems and because rick is the same way:
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if she doesnt let people in, she doesnt risk depending on them, but more importantly she wont feel like their burden and they wont leave her. one of the few times beth comes to rick for advice in a vulnerable way was when she was behaving the most like him (hooking up with space beth behind her familys beth), to which rick actually replied suggesting she consider her familys feelings. beth's child-mind rationalized primes departure was her fault and that idea went unaddressed as she matured. she is scared of not being interesting enough for him to stick around, which when u consider that it was prime who had actually abandoned her, it's likely that theres some truth to it. and the real kicker is she genuinely thinks that this is working, that this is healthy, and that this is "better" than any alternative.
clearly its not tho, as her kids demonstrate. returning to morty, i think he is afraid of becoming his mother, who absolutely 'relies on rick' in the same way the hole means it. morty didnt experience rick's initial abandonment first hand (an aside: analyzing his reactions to ricks shorter periods of absences would be...interesting) but beth accidentally taught him that rick is the best a person to be, to put it frankly. he wanted to measure up to him but knew that he absolutely never could.
i think theres a gendered aspect to it as well, which is where jerry comes in. if rick is the 'best' at being a man, then jerry is the 'worst'. the hole episode has a joke about morty fearing becoming his father, but its still true. sniveling and pathetic, at best the family pities him. once he gets in the way, they get nasty. i think what drives the smiths a little crazy is when jerry gets to the point of, like, fully accepting his patheticness.
ending this with another poor morty he doesnt deserve this but also poor beth. even if shes mean but we love mean women here <3
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picklerickle1629 · 2 months
Prime took everything from c137. His family, his life, EVERYTHING.
In the midst of trying to hunt him down to get his revenge c137 settled into Primes dimension and grew so attached.
It’s funny that Prime took everything he held dear while abandoning his dimension without a care in the world.
He discarded his family like it was trash but c137 found a reason to go on in them. Though he couldn’t have Diane, he did have Beth and his grandchildren.
A Morty to call his own.
He lost and gained everything from Prime.
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thesoftboiledegg · 10 months
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After last week's brutal episode, "Rickfending Your Mort" was pure silly fun. I love the lore episodes, but serialized shows that grow increasingly dark get exhausting after a while.
While many shows (Breaking Bad, The Sopranos) grow darker until the last season is pitch black, Rick and Morty has lightened up a tad. That sounds bizarre after the last episode featured Rick beating the man who killed his wife and daughter to an unrecognizable pulp, but it's lighter in the sense that Rick's growing up and abandoning his need to be the world's smartest edgelord.
Similar episodes, such as "Total Rickall" and "Morty's Mindblowers," show Rick at his worst. Here, Rick isn't exactly at his best, but most of the scenes lean away from "cruel" and more toward "dumb and goofy."
Plus, he and Morty have some genuine bonding moments. "I don't like that he's talking down to you!" "Thank you."
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Rick and Morty might have disliked the Observer, but he cracked me up. His voice, his pettiness, the fact that he hovered outside the house to antagonize them--and his design is great, too. Rick's a man who collects crystals every third episode, so I don't know why he had a problem being surrounded by crystals and geodes.
"Rickfending Your Mort" had a few cameos for long-term fans. I'm glad that Space Beth's still hanging around, and her clip showed that she really is her father's daughter. Jerry's reaction to his clip reiterated that he's the most shameless person in the family. Rick acts like he is, but nah--he gets embarrassed.
On another note, this episode surprised me because I totally thought that the final scene was the beginning of another episode: Morty encourages Rick to get out of the house, and shenanigans ensue.
The title reveal showed a picture of Blips and Chitz, leading people to speculate that "Rickfending Your Mort" was a follow-up to "Rick: A Mort Well Lived." Honestly, I think that was a one-off. Morty's already recovered from Marta's absence; he argues with Rick, challenges him and calls him out instead of rolling over and doing whatever he wants.
Morty even took initiative here, which is refreshing because earlier episodes made him a glorified side character. He saw first-hand what killing Prime did to Rick and wants to cheer him up in a language that Rick understands: wild adventures.
Rick doesn't know how good he's got it. "Unmorticken" made it pretty clear what happened when another Morty found his Rick drunk on the garage floor.
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Talking to Dr. Wong must be helping because Rick was able to bounce back from this one. Morty had to nudge him out of it, but minutes after the Observer arrived, Rick was his usual snarky self and hanging out with his grandson again.
Letting go isn't Rick's strong suit, but Prime Rick and his original wife and daughter are gone forever. He needs to be here for the family that he has now. Morty and Summer are basically his kids. He has three girls that he can't say no to. Even he and his Jerry are close.
And now that he's endured a clip show with the most annoying geode in the universe, maybe he can stop watching his life and start living it.
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hazelnut-u-out · 10 months
To be honest, I initially assumed that the council agreed to help Rick design the curve and organize a society of Ricks based on their fear of him.
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Don’t get me wrong, I’m sure they were more than happy to oblige given his recent Rickicide spree, but now I’m rethinking everything that got him labeled as a ‘rogue’ with ‘irrational attachments.’ Knowing about the Omega Device and how Prime used it to erase Diane across infinity— plus the amount of other Ricks attempting to avenge her death— it wouldn’t surprise me if the other Ricks involved in founding the Citadel weren’t also motivated by one last chance at revenge.
(It also makes me wonder if a lot of Ricks abandoned their Beths in the first place because they were pursuing that revenge somehow.)
It makes ‘The Ricklantis Mixup’ hit so much harder if you adopt that theory while you watch. Imagine doing the one thing you detest the most— signing yourself over to be governed by a collective authority— just for a shred of hope of finally avenging your dead wife and then getting stuck in an inescapable late-stage capitalistic hellscape.
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The seemingly infinite codependency between Ricks and Mortys makes so much sense now. Of course Ricks get attached. They have no one else. Mortys are seemingly designed to be emotional support animals, given to them to keep them just happy enough to make them complicit.
Maybe our Rick is different because he lost his little girl, too. He didn’t get to choose to abandon her like the others did. He was robbed of her.
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potetosaradas · 2 months
In Prickcest, did they have lazy days where they don’t go anywhere and stay in bed watching tv and eating and drinking (and being romantic of course hehe) do you ever wonder what Morty’s life would’ve been like with 2 grandpas?
They absolutely have lazy days doing nothing together!!! to be honest, i headcanon them making each other worse. This means that bedrotting can go for days and days culminating in trash dump levels of mess. (if anyone watches/watched bojack horseman, you know when BJ and sarah lynn go on a month(lol) long bender??? yeah its like that) listen, they are not healthy being together! they feel good together but they are not healthy. they actively encourage each other to be worse, this includes being lazy, gluttonous and more lol
they eat, they fuck, they sleep and the cycle continues until they find something new to hyperfixate on lmao
re: morty with two grandpas
if we are talking canonically, here are my thoughts:
I dont think Rick Prime is a family oriented man, to be honest. He is selfish and self serving. If it's not something that benefits him in any way, he will not entertain it. To be honest, Morty sort of falls under that for me. I think Prime is fascinated in Morty as an object/tool, but as a grandfather? nahhhh....
I think this because:
his last speech to Rick: "I made you! I showed you infinity! And what did you do with it? Hang out with my grandson? Raise echoes of my daughter?" he's using 'family' as a way to mock Rick and his 'attachments' (also the emphasis on MY shows a lot of possessiveness but more like 'thats MY toy not yours' kind of way imo)
the way he abandoned Beth at 15 and according to Beth, he was not a present father
there is no way (canonically) that i see Prime being a grandfather to Morty
my GOD i would LOVE morty to have two loving grandfathers ;w; again, i don't think Prime would be around very much. I see him more like the eccentric uncle that visits every now and again. he would definitely bring morty souvenirs from his adventures in outer space. I love the thought of Rick and Prime taking Morty out on adventures, or playing games at Blips and Chitz hehehe i could also see Rick and Prime arguing over who is the better grandfather/competing for the title lol
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