#like theyre such material girls i swear
drunkwalkhomecore · 2 years
My friends are material girls and I'm their mother
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I took notes on my thoughts while watching Nerdy Prudes Must Die because I did the same for Black Friday
DAMN Jon said “I am a TENOR”
I literally can’t get over how good he sounds
Bro these songs SLAP
Damn Mariahs hair is so long
Pete is such a mood
I’m literally terrified of being pantsed so bad
Omg hey Kim
When Cory enthusiastically agrees I’m dying
Omg Max likes Grace???????
Wait that’s so cute
Wait why’s he kinda fine
“His name is Jesus Christ” HELP 💀💀💀💀💀
It’s giving Apex Predator (from Mean Girls)
My jaw is on the floor the way Cory is talking to her
“How am I supposed to study without listening to Spotify?” ME LMFAO
The way hes like “this is about thermodynamics” me me me. I hate when people make jokes about the things we’re not even talking about.
Study date????????
Joey Richter my beloved ❤️❤️❤️
When Max enters and the crowd cheers
Max literally has a God complex
Why is Kim everyones mom?
“Walen place”?????
“Mom will you pass the butt stuff????” HELP SHES BEEN CORRUPTED
Awwww Grace is experiencing Catholic Guilt™ ❤️❤️❤️
Girl wdym “he’s gotta go”???
Laurens character is bisexual???????
“WAIFU MATERIAL”?????? I literally can’t get over Jons character
Wait Grace is a little fucked up actually
Wait since the Waylons built hatchetfield high and the starlight theater, could they have cursed the town somehow? Like I know about the evil brothers or whatever, but I’m not super familiar with the lore
Wait I kind of love Grace now
Mariah slays
“Am I reading as Ghost, or Lin Manuel Miranda?” AWWWWWW❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
“Your fucking useless Pete.” Tgwdlm???? In MY npmd???? It’s more likely than you think
I’m very suspicious about how fast they seemed to put the plan together…
I know the plan wont work and Im so nervous I’m getting secondhand embarrassment so bad rn
I need Max Jagerman actually
Awwww Max is a Theater Kid ❤️❤️❤️
I love how upbeat this song is
Omg Dan and Donna!
Slay Mayor Lauter
His reaction to being asked to the game is giving- “she asked me for the time” “no way” “way :D”
I like that the football team has only 2 players
I love when actors walk through the audience, but ESPECIALLY here when hes stalking Richie bro looks so good
Listen I know he’s about to kill Richie but HES SO FINE HELP
Im literally so Gay bro
When she says hes not hot anymore girl speak for yoursef
Please let Grace swear
Oh fuck they’re giving themselves away
Grace Chastity said “acab”
Cory needs more songs
Damn who is this girl in a trenchcoat 😍😍😍
Random side note but what happened to Robert? I was just thinking about how I wish we could see Hidgens again but is Robert still a part of Starkid anymore? Is he on to Bigger and Better things? Does anyone know what those are? I’d love to continue to support him.
The invisible bird. Literally high school theater
“Heahs the thang about ah bahbecue”
“Ah wawna remember who ah ayum”
Ruth is so real for not know when to do the lights bc the cue lines were wrong
Ugh Laurens voice is so good and I know ive said that about pretty much everyone but it’s true
I know shes about to die rn
The red lighting gave it away
Why did Kim scream like that
Awww Grace has religious trauma now ❤️❤️❤️
He gave her his number❤️❤️❤️
Hot chocolate boy!!!!!!!! I knew Peter was the hot chocolate boy but still
This duet is EVERYTHING
Obsessed with the fact he called MARIAH ROSE FAITH a MEAN GIRL
“Axe wielding maniacs?”
The Waylons did not dig that shit very deep…
im so sorry Zombie Max is So Fine
“Let me check my Christmas list”
“What do you want steph?” MORE tgwdlm? In MY npmd?
I feel bad for not knowing all their names
Max says bitch a lot
Damn this show is long
Omg this is so sad im tearing up a lil
Max is so fucking funny
Damn Grace is seducing Max this is hilarious
Fuck Grace Chastity or kill some nerds? One of the many difficult decisions in life
He decides to fuck Grace Chastity
Thats some fuckin Macbeth level shit
Kims teacher character is so cute awwwww
Paul and Bill dance Chaperones??????
Oh nvm that’s Jason
I don’t think I ever mentioned it but the dancing is really good
It’s very clean and crisp
In the last 2 hours I very quickly developed a massive crush on Will Branner
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trainingdummyrabbit · 2 months
okok. more canto6 thoughts now that ive had time to think abt it
ill be real, i dont think this one was for me! it was fun n all, but im thinking less about The Actual Chapter and more about The Things Around It. ill admit, im not rrrrreally that big on solidly romantic stories the way heath/cathy did it. what gets me about those two is the undying loyalty and self-destructive nature of them, the lengths theyre willing to go. but its more in how it defines Them than it does Their Bond, if that makes sense.
. and yeah i Did kinda go 'Ah. Of Course.' at the 'they just didnt talk to each other :(' thing. like i get it, i respect it, but also iiiiii just dont like those, personally. i like how it defines heathcliffs character and his dual-running fear and avoidance, but god.... man. the door scene was kinda frustrating dkjfgnkdjf
i think nelly can do whatever she wants forever.
i still dont know what happens in leviathan but that was cool, verg. im glad im getting t see more of him this way bc the only thing i have on his Character Notes Totally Real is "was mean to donqui once" and well. well! (<- oversimplification for comedic effect)
i like the aesthetic of the chapter, a lot of it was really fun. they SUPER lost me early-to-mid part 3 though what the Fuck are you all talking about. i probably just need to Actually Catch Up but they Really kicked the door down w that one. iwas expecting distortion!heath to be a bigger deal, but alas. no self-destructive not-catharsis pupy for me. shame.
i do really like how heathcliffs character bloomed though. all i ever really got to see of him beforehand was 'angry guy' and 'prime ship material' (which isnt his fault at all) so im glad he got a lot of stuff to work with. i like him just fine :) im especially glad a lot of the softer bits of him were emphasized-- it works well with him. that hand in hand with the dichotomy of how hes treated vs how cathy sees him (<- thinks abt the song ok thinks really hard ill get there) and like. i just like seeing that he is cared for and appreciated. im forever going to be thinking about "my heathcliff" from dante-- its the multiverse thing yeah but also It Isnt. To Me. Thats Their Heathcliff. Our Heathcliff. Thats Our Guy!!!
(one day ill get to digging into c5.5 and its tie in with c6, the dante-donqui-heath dynamic means a lot to me in a way i cant describe yet.)
im not going to talk abt the hermannsgroup lore because i dont understand and i havent actually met her yet. you understand. it has gone fully and completely over my head and i dont want t do it a disservice just because im confused. 👍
i didnt see nelly coming from a mile away which is Very funny bc there was a 'if you die nelly i swear to god i will fucking Get you.' right before the reveal KSJGNKDJG;; n honestly. yeah girl kill. do what you want. reasonable response for watching two people you care about tiptoe-dance around each other accidentally making each other worse in a spiral of misery and all you can do is watch and ineffectively try to help because theyre. theyre Them. worlds most painful will-they-wont-they you are contractually obligated to watch. that is so funny. she can do whatever she wants forever.
Why Does Erlking Heath Act Like That. Why Does He Sound Like That.
Dante Can Just Do That ?? good for them. im proud of them.
anyway. the song. gonna go fucking insane over this for a while, ok? milisong contractual obligation. im SO GLAD it ended up being a segmented duet, the way each piece sounds so empty without the other is so. fucking good. the dichotomy between resignation and yearning kills. SO hard. ("hello / goodnight, goodbye / hello.." explodes.)
milis range REALLY gets to shine here and im SO into it. the imagery of a single-sided dance struck between shots is SUCH. GOOD FRAMING. UGH.
and the lines here, throwing back to a previous point:
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..as if cathy is gently correcting heathcliff's lamenting as he speaks, entirely unheard, unfelt. (i cant quite recall if we actually get to hear cathy's side during the first appearance of the track... but that hits; yeah;)
and then, later on, the "delete" interlude-- its cathy who begins the march First, on the forward beat. heathcliff's end kicks in on the back beat, almost as if following, pulled along; building up momentum as each end pushes each other forward. cathy's seems laced with Choice, a necessary sacrifice-- and heathcliffs rings almost empty, something he simply Must Do.
, the completely simultaneous "how could i know?" hurt.
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motherfuckers really using each others image to hurt themselves huh..... grabbing and SHAKING them. oh my god. and most importantly:
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the message is that they LOVE YOU, IDIOT !!!!!!!!
heathcliff being symbolized as a flower means the whole world to me, is what im saying.
the fact that the entire thing rings of motion with every step, ebbs and flows as if waiting for a partner to pick up that cast-- how empty it feels without the other to compliment it.
the setup for the entire final fight was Phenomenal. im always a sucker for duets, and they manifested that Perfectly. cathys design kills me and im mad about it and if you know you know because ive already yelled at you about it by now. fine FINE maybe im BIASED. itsnot MY fault they keep doing this 2 me!!!!!!!!
. "im clearing the cathys" was supposed to be a JOKE.
why did we just Delete A Person?????? another 'im not gonna talk abt it because ill do a disservice via confusion' but HUH??? HUH HUH??????? WHAT?????????????
ill give it one thing though, i Am obsessed with the "they were always destined to break each others' hearts" aka "This Shit Just Keeps Happening" throughline, something something Death Will Not Do Us Part You Stupid Fucking Idiot(tm). its Deeply funny and equal parts compelling and frustrating.
this one. this one was a lot, basicaly, a lot more than i thought theyd do; some of it hit some of it didnt, but i just think heath and cathy are neat :] i would love to try to dig into cathys mess sometime, but ill be real. i probably wont get anywhere with it <//33
nelly can do whatever she wants forever.
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aphnatasha · 6 months
LISTEN I've been wanting to make them as bjds for a year at least the urge is so strong it's grabbing my neck
Although in my case I want to do the designs I have of them and also I am determined to figure out how to design fat bjds cause I refuse to make my girl Mary thin 😤
I actually have no experience whatsoever with bjd making but I've been watching some videos and I might save to get a bunch of supplies 👀✨
Like part of the reason I'm so excited about it it's because it requires different skills – character design, hairstyling, painting, even sewing!!!! And idk it just brings me joy to be able to create something "out of thin air", so to speak
Okay rant's over wjfhejfhe I wish you happy holidays!!! ✨✨✨
BRO IVE BEEN WANTING TO DO BJD'S FOR AGES its only recently that i kinda want to make the sandersons sbndndndnd. i still wanna do the plushies first cuz im not super great with making things by hand and i dont have the materials to make bjd's of 'em yet. i do have some old dolls, but i get the feeling that if i try to work on them, theyre gonna get really badly messed up
initially i wanted to make the redesigns i have for some of my fave monster high characters so they look more monstery, mostly headmistress bloodgood cuz i am determined to make her look more like a dullahan cuz i have so many thoughts about that in particular and im a lil saddened they never really took that route, but its understandable cuz a) that'd probs take a lot of time to animate and b) dullhahan are actually really terrifying and i dont think they wanted to make her so scary that she'd frighten kids (i feel like if they did go that route, lil kid me wouldve fallen even harder for her than i already did and that is saying something sbdbdn)
i feel like you could probably use some kind of sculpting or modeling clay to add on to the dolls to make them fat, but idk what types of clay would work for that dbbdbd. like, ive seen so many people use clay to sculpt out horns or thicken and/or lengthen a doll's arms or legs, so i dont see why you couldnt do somwthing similar for mary
i swear its something about creating a 3 dimensional thing that feels so exciting and so intrinsicly human, if that makes sense? like, being able to make dolls and figurines and charms and stuff out of clay and puting it together onto something sturdy to make sure it doesnt fall to pieces, something people have done since forever and changed it over time with new materials to work with and new processes to use it just. idk if im maoing a lick of sense, i just woke up shdjdnnf
i dont really have much experience in the sculpting area, but i think thats what makes working with new mediums so much fun. just being able to mess around and learn firsthand what works and doesnt work and learning from that, using your old creations and inspiration for something new. thats part of the reason why i keep a lot of my sketches, even if theyre really old. i always wind up inspired by it, and i wind up recreating the thing with how i do art now, or i try to put it into a new medium i learned as a sort of testament to how much that thing meant to me
aahh, i rambled on too shdjjd. i really wanna make dolls of them now. maybe i should see if my community college has any sculpting classes, that way even if we dont quite learn to make human/human adjacent things, it might give me just the help i need to be able to do it
(⁠ノ⁠◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)⁠ノ⁠*⁠.⁠✧ happy holidays!! ☆゚⁠.⁠*⁠・⁠。*⁠.⁠✧
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surveysonfleek · 1 year
When was the last time you did clay work/pottery? literally 2020, i ordered a clay kit during lockdown and made this weird pen holder lol
Do you like art, hate it or just not mind it? i thoroughly enjoy it. im a sucker for an art gallery. i dont understand ‘all’ art but its still fun to check out
If you had to choose would you prefer dull pain for 12hours or sharp for 2? dull pain
Koala or Kangaroo? koalas are way cuter
Do you know the words to the national anthem of your country? yes
Is your country ruled by a president, prime minister, queen or other? pm
Does blue occur in your national flag? yes
Talking of flags. Do you like football/soccer? If yes, do you play and what position? no... hot take but i think soccer is so boring to watch
Would you rather be a Model, Famous Scientist, Singer or Chef? singer
Would you rather be a pilot, crime scene investigator or estate agent? pilot i think!
Does making others happy really make you feel happy? yes! it certainly makes me feel good, thats for sure
What colour literally doesn’t appear in your wardrobe at all? i think i should at least own one of each colour in my closet bit i guess i rarely wear yellow
Do you actually read the answers others give to your surveys? i dont make surveys
Did you ever swear at a teacher in school? Why? nah
Have you ever pricked your finger on Holly or another ‘sharp’ plant? yea, probably 
Speaking of Holly, do you adore Christmas or does it bug you? i enjoy xmas but i really hate consumerism and the tradition my family and my partner’s family has with giving semi expensive gifts. i feel pressure to have to give them something back just as expensive ugh
Have you ever wrote your own short story? What about a novel? Or perhaps you started and couldn’t finish? only for school
Do you prefer SciFi/Fantasy/Action/Horror or Rom/Com/RealLife? i have a really short attention span so its been awhile since ive sat down and watched a ‘serious’ movie. the most recent movie i watched was a romcom
What do you have a lot of faith in [note: can be anything]? idk sadly
Think of a material thing you want. Name it here (material, made or bought). Would $100/60 be enough for this item? How about $1000/600? i want a new iphone. i think they go for like $1500ish
Would you rather have a big house, a lot of kids or a high flying job? high flying job as long as im happy with it
Have you ever been to a creepy/haunted/abandoned place? What did it look like and what were the circumstances? no, im too much for a scaredy cat to do that What’s your favourite dip? french onion
Chocolate Cookies or Fudge Brownies? brownies
I give you a little baby puppy. What do you name him? oh man, idk. id be spending a lot of time thinking of a name
Is crime a big problem in your area? not really tbh
What’s your town/city most well known for? white people lmao Do you know a Jack? What’s he like? How about a Lisa? What’s she like? i dont know any jacks personally. or lisas haha.
Are most your friends older, younger or the same age as you? theyre all around the same age
Do you subconsciously hang out with those with the same star sign as you or as each other, perhaps due to certain personality traits? haha no
Name 5 objects that you don’t have but would like right now? a new phone, new clothes, a handbag, a new car and more candles. i basically just need an upgrade of everything i currently have
When you have children, would you like twins? my partner wants twins sooooo badly. id be happy to have them but defs fine with one baby too hah Do you know any twins? If so, what are they called? i work with a twin, idk her brother’s name
If you were given the choice to choose your child’s gender, would you? id choose a girl first
What instrument would you love to learn how to play? piano properly
Does the sound of knocking/tapping startle you? yes
What’s the scariest story/urban legend/creepypasta etc you heard? haha i really cant think of any from the top of my head
Do you miss someone currently? yasss
When was the last time you were in hospital? What for? i forgot! which is a good thing
When was the last time you went to the dentist? last year
Do you get along well with your family doctor/your doctor? pretty well. which reminds me, i need to grab a script soon
What personality trait does nearly everyone in your family seem to have? i think were all pretty good listeners
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potatos-library · 2 years
I swear i keep getting addicted to st and have keep dreaming about it.
I just woke up and this is my dream. Now its in a school campus with the kids of st and some of the seniors. Robin was there and an unknown teacher. Its like a meeting of a club it wasnt specified if it was hellfire but its a club and vicky was there. It starts with class, and robin and vicky got coffee. When suddenly will felt something... I asked him what was wrong and he said something was making him feel like you know the mind flayer was here . And when i look around i can see specs of grey dust fall but the rest of thw student didnt notice. So after the class we and some younger kids thats member of the club stayed behind the room to talk about it will told them what he felt and i told them what i saw.
Max and dustin was bickering about if its was cool that his mom buys him expensive scifi merch and scientific equipment when the little kid beside them told that something was here .. a swirl of gray dust particle swop around and another kid seems like with powers pinned an entity out of no where then it showed its appearance its like a mix of a ghost, the flayed and empowered kids from dr. Brenners lab. But they were deformed unliked the flayed. Graying skin with some parts swollen or grotesquely deformed.
The little kid came to touch the ghost and i was also.taken to a glimps of the other side. I saw a group of more kid monsters coming for us. They took off at an alarming speed the little kid look at me and she said she can get through the kid monsters unsure of what they plan. But to warn the others theyre comming. I race the kidmonster and when i came back to the present classroom i yelled thyre comming and the chaos began as monster/ghost/empowered kids materializes and attack us. Amid the chaos a teacher showed up and saw the club fight the monsters and was flabergasted and horrified
Everyone was fending them off and succeeding. But a small girl/monster/ghost /empowered kid stood in the middle of the classroom and things start to appear in the middle of the classroom. Mostly kids toys, the lights flicker and wind swirl. One of the monster said we will die, the little girl thats a member of our club said we need to get rid of all the kids toys. Throw them out the room ( were in the second floor) to break it cause ots gonna me bad. Mike stashed a bear cause we have a bear toy of the club ( in my dreams it was my stuff toy murdock) and we start to dump the ghost toys and ghost kid stuff over the rail.
The teacher ask what we were doing we said if we dont do this we all die and she helped . But a small baby towel was being weep back by the wind and it wont fall to the grounds when the teacher got it the ghost taunted her saying that its useless. She was frozen in fear and the lights was flikering rapidly and the room started shaking so i grabbed the towel and a testube rack filled w/ testtubes and wrap the towel around it and thrower that over the rail down the school grounds. And the shaking stopped the light returned to normal. We stopped the ghost kid attack.
The next thing we know the principal was stomping to us furious cause the club was out of control and destroyinh property. Turns out what the ghost kid stuff turned out to be was the students shoes ( the shoes of the students are apparently stored in a locker in the room so the lockers were pried open breaking the lock and the contents dropped out. ) The principal scolded the teacher and the club was in trouble.
At a later date the club was having a late meeting again. When will had the same feeling. He said someone was watching andwhen a strong wind blew it moved the curtain which molded into an invisible body standing in front of the window.
Dustin yelled get it but it ran and we heard its voice echo. You think you won? You havent and we will be back, he is watching. It said ominously and then i woke up.
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soulwillower · 4 years
heather • richie tozier
(richie tozier x reader)
[based off the song heather by conan gray]
warnings: swearing, mentions of underage drinking, themes of cheating but no actual cheating, angst, fluff at the end, unedited.
thank u guys so much for being so patient with this fic <3 love u all so much!
[losers + reader are  18+ in this.]
4.4k words
(also, this fic starts with a flashback and idk if i like this style, but lmk if it works) 
the persistent beat thudding in your ears seems to do nothing more than dim your already low mood as you sip on lemonade by yourself in someone's basement bar, sitting on an uncomfortable metal barstool and leaning your head heavy against your chin.
these days, it seemed as though the world was painted in gray.
you look around almost lazily; bev and ben went outside in the snow a couple minutes ago, stan just took a girl upstairs - you're left alone now, because mike and eddie had to study for their exam and bill was feeling under the weather. and richie, as usual, was late.
there's almost twenty other people in the room right now, but you have no desire to speak to any of them. you've been trying to have fun tonight, but you're just having a hard time, feeling distracted and unable to stop thinking about wire framed glasses and a certain bright smile.
your wandering eyes halt your thoughts as a girl in your class - heather perez -  catches your eye from across the room, her hair falling in natural curls that makes you sigh in envy. she smiles and waves at you warmly, gesturing for you to come and sit with her. you swallow and look down into your cup of dreary, graying lemonade as you try not to think about how you look in comparison. she's so fucking pretty. you look back up and shake your head with a friendly smile, faker than a plastic flower, and nod to the bathroom. she shrugs and smiles, turning back around.
she was too sweet, it hurt.
her naturally dark hair, long and wavy, her smooth dark skin, her laugh.... but suddenly, your head snaps back up after recognizing a familiar sight on heather's figure.
-is that richie's sweater?
your heart thumps and churns in the most unsavory way as all the breath leaves your lungs in one swift exhale. you feel sick to your stomach and your hand falls to hit the counter to stabilize yourself, the lemonade sloshing out of the cup slightly. but you pay no mind. heather's wearing richie's sweater...
you know that sweater really well. it's definitely his, and for some reason that makes you want to cry.
you blink and force yourself to suck air into your lungs as you look around quickly, anywhere but at heather perez wearing richie tozier's sweater, with all the stripes and patterns and the rough polyester material. you're not sure why you're so caught off-guard, you knew that heather perez was maybe-kinda-sorta seeing your trashmouth. he'd mentioned it in passing a few times and you've not been able to keep it off your mind as bev and bill whisper to richie about it in the halls or during hangouts when you were laying in stan's lap pretending not to hear it.
it hurts, though. holy hell, does it hurt when richie turns the corner and the typical, 'hey, richie!' choruses through most of the people in the basement - and yet his eyes are just set on her.
it hurts even worse when you make eye contact with him and he smiles at you, nodding in greeting and calling a "hey there, toots!" over the thumping of the noise before turning back towards heather.
your heart thumps erradically as you eye him sliding an arm around her shoulders easily, pulling her into his tall lanky frame,  crushing your chest and deflating your trembling heart. heather's head falls onto richie's shoulder and you shiver, feeling colder than you've felt in so long. the lemonade you force to your lips tasting like stale water as the sight of richie pinching heather's shoulder and thumbing his own sweater on her frame make you feel empty.
even now, weeks later, you remember how it felt. you sip on the boiling tea and immediately burn your tongue, making you swear as you stare out your window, the snow falling around your house in the dark making you feel an odd, empty kind of peace. that fucking sweater.
you haven't talked to richie in almost a week and a half - he got in trouble the night after the party and his parents took his phone away - at eighteen years old, his parents took his phone - so that he could 'spend time with family' (a task that made you chuckle to yourself when bill had explained it to you about twelve days ago).
it's winter break, though, and you've been missing the last piece of your eight-person puzzle the last few times you've hung out with your friends. it feels empty without richie's boisterous shenanigans, snarky looks and goofy comebacks... you feel really embarrassed for missing him so deeply.
tears well up in your eyes as you think again about his damn sweater, the one that heather was wearing, the same one he'd given you not even three weeks prior.
"well look at you." richie says with amusement trickling through his voice like melting icewater through a calm creek.  you spin towards him with a grin eclipsing your face as you shrug around his sweater, pretending not to smell his strong scent and pretending not to feel the immediate comfort it gives you.
"you know, for as dumb as it looks, i kind of like it." you tease, brushing some hair back from your eyes as the sweater sleeves fall back down past your hands. he laughs, eyes not leaving you for a second.
"shit, doll. keep it." he says, sounding serious. it makes you pull a face at him, starting to lift it slightly over your head to return it to its rightful owner.
but he shakes his head, hands gently gripping your arms and halting your motions, subsequently setting your heart on fire. his lips are set in a gentle grin as he shakes his head again. "it looks so much better on you."
it's spoken simply, in such honestly that it makes you blush nearly immediately. in fact, you're so flustered that all you can do is shove him a bit, stuttering out a quiet, "shut up, richie, you- i - okay, whatever."
it makes him chuckle as he takes the soft blow of your hands against his shoulders, deftly running his hands through his curly locks as he shakes his head. "you're adorable, kid."
you're lucky he'd turned around to gripe around on his messy bed for his laptop, because the stupid grin you're sure is painting your face is enough to make you dig your own grave and then hand him the shovel. if only he knew how much you liked him.
you didn't keep the sweater after that night, though. at the time, you'd told him it was because it was putrid; that the colors and patterns were a sin to man and that you'd never be caught dead wearing it out. he laughed the whole time because you had literally worn it to the store with him it with him that same day. but now, you'd give anything for richie to give you that sweater again, to feel that polyester inseam fall against your stomach and your arms and chest, like a huge richie hug (without all the bones and the cologne and the caffeine-pulsing heartbeat - so not a real richie hug, but as close as you could get to the real thing without actually just having it).
god, you like him too much. you rub your face with your palm, the moisture from the tears that had accidentally escaped your eyes smudging against your face. you're tired, almost - it's like an empty, heartbroken exhaustion that sags your shoulders and chokes your throat and makes you zone out for minutes at a time. one thought overwhelms you right now, so as you see a car's headlights shine out your window through the falling snow, you don't even notice it.
you just wish you were heather.
you've tried to hate her. really, you have - you figured maybe, just maybe, if you were able to rant to bev or eddie about how much of a bitch heather is, how she's terrible to richie and how boring she was, maybe you could justify the heartbreak in your chest.
but god, she's so perfect. heather, with her shiny hair, bright smile, her flawless mind and caring heart. she's, as far as you're concerned, an angel. of course richie would choose heather, who wouldn't?
the other day at that party, you'd tried your hardest to ignore your intrusive thoughts, but you can't help feeling like it would all be better if heather didn't exist. and even that thought alone hurts your heart, because you remember the smile on richie's face when he looked at her, swathed in his sweater and floating around the room like a beacon of light.
and you could never, ever in good conscience take that from richie.
you almost laugh at how absurd it is - now you're talking to yourself while you stare out the window, half asleep, dreaming of freckles placed just like constellations and crooked noses, of jawlines that jut out and long, lanky fingers; of loud, chipping laughter and beat up high-tops with cuffed corduroy pants.
"y/n?" a voice behind your door makes you jump a bit, unsettling your already disconcerted bones. you’re imagining him, now? you laugh into your scalding mug for a second, but after a double-take at the doorway you find the angel himself to be standing there with a perplexed look.
"richie, what're you doing here?" you ask, rubbing your eye to make sure no tears are left. he looks troubled. "i knocked, but nobody answered. so..." he says with a shrug, and you ned, tucking a leg under yourself and nodding.
"what are you doing, toots?" he asks, backlit by the hallway light. and then you finally can see what he's wearing, and you almost laugh at your own misery.
but you don’t laugh, your brain short-circuiting as you feel the knife twist further into your abdomen. the stupid fucking sweater.
“-um, nothing. y- did you get that back from heather?” you try to deliver the line as smoothly as possible, but by the look on his face, you did a real shit job at that.
“what?” he asks in an exhale as he shakes snowflakes from his hair and shoulders, closing your door as he walks towards you and falls to sit next to you on your windowsill seat.
“i thought you gave her that sweater.” you say and he raises a brow, “yeah, like two weeks ago.” he says slowly, eyeing you. he adds, “she obviously didn’t need it after that.”
you frown, “did she need it then?” you didnt try to sound bitter at all, but your voice comes with more of a sting than you’d anticipated.
as always, richie meets fire with fire. “it was twenty fuckin’ degrees out, she was wearing a tank top.”
you don’t know what to say so you just stare out the window with a quick huff, crossing your arms. "why does it matter? it's a sweatshirt." he mutters. "i was just being nice to her."
you nod, pain twisting around in your stomach. he's right, it's just a sweater. but he gave it to her, because he likes heather better.
“what’s up with you, kid?” he asks, gentler this time.
“don’t call me kid, richie.” you say sharply, not meeting his eyes. “and there’s nothing up with me.” you know you’re being difficult, but you really don't have the energy to argue with him right now.
it’s quiet again, and the silence is even more awkward. you take another scalding sip of your tea. 
“um, y/n... is this because of heather?” he says after a bit. you feel the tension that the acknowledgment brings as it hits you in the thick, cold air. richie’s tapping a rhythm on his thigh, so you can tell he feels it too.
"richie." you say weakly, your voice coming out too quiet, too obviously broken and exhausted. "i cannot do this. please don't do this right now"
he blinks at you, eyebrows furrowed. "sugar, i'm so lost right now."
you decide to change the subject. "-why'd you come over?" you ask, actually looking at him then immediately regretting it. he looks hurt and confused, like a lost puppy.
"oh. um, i just need to tell you something.it's about heather, too." he sounds anxious, and you roll your eyes, looking down at the tree outside your room as wind blows powdery white mounds off its branches.
“can this just wait until tomorrow?” you whisper. doesn't he get it?
it's quiet and for a moment you believe that he's going to leave it, to not bring up the obvious jealousy brewing in your chest. but he breaks the silence too soon.
"i tried to kiss her." he says and you immediately look towards the door, the most immediate escape possible. 
your breathing gets heavy; if you have to hear this, you know you'll admit your feeling to richie, and you don't want to do that to him. but you have a suspicion that he already knows.
"richie, i'm so, so glad to see you. and that you like heather. really, i am. but- it's not a good time. i'm not- i'm not okay." you say, voice thick as tears well behind your eyes.
richie’s eyes widen almost comically as you make eye contact and his hands immediately find purchase on your arms, his thumbs rubbing in the way that he has done ever since that one foggy summer you spent in the sewers. "y/n/n, what's wrong, sweetheart?" he asks, watching sadly as a tear slips from your cheek. it breaks your heart when he calls you sweetheart, and you shake your head.
you can't tell him the truth - that you love him, so instead, you mumble, "i've missed you. there's a lot going on, and i just really need you."
he looks guilty as he pulls you into a warm hug, one that takes you off guard but that you return gratefully. "you've been too busy spending time with heather and with your parents, and i understand that, i just - you know, i miss you." you say, voice muffled as your cheek is squished into his shoulder. he sighs shakily, pressing a kiss to the crown of your head. “i know i’ve been with her a lot, i’m sorry sugar.” he mutters. 
it feels like you’re both holding something back from the other. 
"i wish i were heather." you say against his shoulder, knowing richie’s completely unaware of the depth of your statement. but he pulls back and stares at you, an unknown look on his face. you open your mouth to say something, but you're cut off before you can get anything out.
and his lips fall against yours lightly, almost as if they’re ghosts against yours. his presence feels fleeting. 
you barely close your eyes and press closer to him before you snap out of it, jerking backwards with wide eyes.
richie’s eyes fall open too as he looks at you questioningly. your heart is thumping heavy as you shake your head, more shocked than you thought ever possible. “what?” he asks, as if he’s surprised you’re not kissing back.
you give him a sad, broken look. you think you’ll cry as you mutter, "why would you ever kiss me? i'm not - i'm not nearly as pretty as her, i'm just-"richie suddenly looks like he might get sick, his face paler than usual as the steam from your tea dwindles idly between you. he cuts you off. "-why are you - why are you saying all these things y/n/n-”
“heather. you like heather.” you say frantically, trying to remind him so you dont have to live through this fresh faced heartbreak twice as painful if he kisses you again. 
but richie shakes his head, and your confusion skyrockets just as much as your heartbeat."no. a-amy asked her out." he says breathlessly. "-she said yes."
you blink, pulling even further away as it dawns on you. "wait. so... so you only want to see me after the girl you wanted finds someone else?" you ask, watching as the smile gets smacked off of richie's face so quickly you think it may give him whiplash. "wait, no-" he starts, but you shake your head.
“richie, do you understand how hurtful that is?” you say, voice heavy as you try not to let tears fall.
he shakes his head, eyes glossing with tears as he gapes at you, “n-no, y/n-“
“fuck, richie. i know you know about my feelings for you. how could you do this? i’m not heather, i’m reminded that every time i’m in the same room as the two of you. she’s had you completely mesmerized for the last month, you can’t just use me to distract yourself.” you say, your tea completely forgotten as a tear escapes your eye.
he shakes his head, looking at you with an emotion you don’t have the energy to decipher. “leave, richie.” your voice is broken and it shakes as you look away from him.
you’re not sure what you were expecting, but when richie stands up silently you dont even look away from the window. you see him wipe his cheek in your peripheral before he sighs quietly and walks out of your room, shutting the door quietly.
you cry openly as you hear your door shut downstairs, your hands shaking as you cover your face, your shoulders shaking with sobs. you make it under your covers just as you hear a car engine sputter outside, your heart empty and lips still tingling as the feeling of richie’s lips linger on yours. you groan into your pillow and let out another sob, your eyes squeezing in agony as your heart feels like it’s ripping in two.
because even if they’re not together, richie still likes her.
why couldn’t you be heather?
you cry until you’re asleep, your now cold mug of tea resting on the windowsill as your phone charges next to you and snow swirls in the dark sky.
when you wake up the next morning, your headache is nearly blinding. you feel like crying more as you remember last night. you roll over and rub your eyes, unlocking your phone groggily.  
but you check your notifications and your heart immediately stops as you see a missed call from richie at 3:49 in the morning last night, and a voicemail left a minute later.
well, you guess he got his phone back.
your fingers tremble as they hover above the play button, feeling like you may vomit from anxiety - the message he left is two minutes long.
closing your eyes, ready for even more heartbreak, you press play and hold the speaker to your ear.
“um, y/n.” the voicemail starts off, and you’re already tearing up because richie’s voice is full to the brim with anxiety and he’s not using his usual nicknames for you. 
“uh... okay, i- i know it’s four in the morning, and you’re probably asleep - god, i hope you are, and that you’re not ignoring me. not that i dont deserve it, but i just want you to get good rest. uh, a-anyways. fuck,” there’s an awkward pause and you’re holding your breath.
“you know i’m not good with phone calls or voicemails-“ his rambling just adds to your anxious feeling, but you think if you don’t listen to this, your anxiety would eat you alive.
“- fuck, i don’t know how to say this. kind of ironic, i guess, since i’ve been thinking about saying it like every day for probably more than a year- okay, i’m... god, spit it out, trashmouth.” his voice gets thicker and you can hear the emotion as he takes a shallow breath.
“y/n/n, you make my hands shake. i swear, my heart feels like it’s going to backfire and explode when we touch... and it scares me so fucking bad.” you feel your heart halt in your chest, the air leaving your lungs.
you keep the phone pressed tightly to your ear as richie’s recorded voice goes on.
“-fuck, y/n. i’m terrified. sometimes i think.... like, whoever created me... they designed me just to be yours. and... it’s not in the same way i feel about bev, or bill, or eddie-“ his voice breaks as he sniffs on the other end and it dawns on you that he’s crying. “-you’re you. you’re y/n. i tried to like heather as more than just a friend. but...” it’s silent for a second.
“i just kept comparing her to you. i do that with everybody. i think i’m broken. i love you so much that it hurts.” he’s crying enough by now that it’s leaking into his speech; he’s hiccuping, stuttering slightly, his inflection changing as you can almost picture the tears rolling off his thick eyelashes and onto his rosy cheeks.
“-and i can’t sleep right now knowing that i hurt you like this. i can’t believe that i let you think of yourself as lesser than heather in any way-“ he sobs quietly in the recording and takes a stuttering breath. "i can’t believe i put myself before you. i’m such a shitty friend. i should’ve been giving you my stupid fucking sweaters the whole time.” 
tears are pouring out of your eyes as you sit up, ripping the comforter off your legs. you’re pulling on socks and your shoes as you continue to listen to richie’s voicemail.
“i’m sorry that i kissed you, and i’m sorry that i dragged you into this m-mess, that i used heather as an excuse to ignore my feelings for you. i-i love you so fucking much, and i’m just so scared of hurting you. i’m so sorry that i hurt you, y/n.”
you have to see him.
“-and, um, i’m sorry i left this voice message. this is probably the worst way to find this out but i figured that it would be easier for us to ignore if it wasn’t in person- y’know, because you don’t have to respond. just- now you know. that i’m sorry, and that i don’t expect you to forgive me or want to speak to me for a while. i just- i need you to know that you’re so loved, y/n. and that you deserve so much better than me.
“so, um, okay. i’ll let you sleep now. b-bye.” he whispers the end and then the line cuts dead.
you’re left with shaking breath and tears in your eyes as his voice rings in your head. you try to take in what he’s just said, but you think you’re about to pass out.
how can richie love you back?
you brush your teeth almost aggressively as your heart beats erratically in your chest and then you’re suddenly flying down the snowy road towards the tozier’s house.
you realize too late that you look completely awry, hair unbrushed, eyes puffy and swollen, shoes untied as you knock on the front door of richie's house.
went opens the door, richie’s younger sister sat on his hip as he smiles at you, "y/n! long time no see. richie's upstairs in his room."
you smile at him in thanks, too rushed to say anything to him or munch. then you’re all but sprinting up the stairs, only feeling the anxiety as you throw open the door to his bedroom. 
you're relieved that he's laying in his bed, surrounded by pillows and fluffy comforters as he jumps from the noise of your arrival.
when he sits up, neither of you say anything. his eyes are red and rimmed with tears, a heartbreaking sight as his lower lip trembles slightly. you're sure you look the same as you take a step towards his bed, your eyes not leaving each other's for a second.
he looks incredible, still. 
"y/n..." he whispers finally, his eyes wide. "did you get my message?" he says, lips tilting in a stupid, forced smile. his voice holds no humor in it's sad thickness, though, and you sigh as you look down to the carpet.
you shake your head, "can you not joke for a minute, rich?"
he laughs wetly, standing up fully and although he towers at 6'0, he looks so small. "i can try, doll, but then i'll start to cry a lot, and that's just not what anybody wants-"
"richie." you say, effectively ceasing his rambling. it's cold in his room, bright white from the snow outside, and silent. he looks at you with huge eyes and a red nose.
but you don't know what to say. you’ve spent so long wanting to be heather, but now you've found out that richie's loved you this whole time. it hurts, but you can't wait another second being away from richie. 
you launch yourself towards him, grabbing the back of his neck and pulling him down to your mouth.
this time, the kiss is warm, unexpected again but much more loving. it's a kiss that tastes like tears and love and trust, and all you can feel is richie as his hands find purchase on your cheek and back, pulling you so close to him that you can feel is rapid heartbeat.
he pulls back to mumble against your lips, "i'm so sorry." you shake your head, pressing another kiss to his and loving the feeling of richie against you finally. "i love you." you say, feeling his grin against your mouth.
"i love you so much." he says, pulling you lightly to fall onto his bed with him and tickling your sides.
you laugh lightly, swatting at his prodding fingers. "please stop crying." he whispers, laying above you with a small smile. you roll your eyes, "you stop crying rich." you retort, and he shakes his head, one of his tears falling onto your cheek. you jump from the feeling and wipe it away, sniffling a gasp and pulling him into a tight hug, his legs tangling with yours.
“i’m sorry.” he mumbles. you cup his cheeks so his lips pucker out and you smile at him, whispering, “i forgive you, rich. i love you.” and then you place a soft kiss to his lips and he kisses you back enthusiastically.  he pulls back and hugs you again, burrowing himself in your neck. 
"i didn't think i'd ever get you." he says, muffled by his face in your shoulder. "thank you for trusting me. i love you so much." he kisses your collarbone lightly and your fingers play through his curls lightly as you smile, eyes closing. you're so tired.
"i love you more, richie."
you fall asleep with richie curled up beside you, his breath light on your chest and arms clutching you against him. you fall asleep with richie’s lips on your neck, his legs entangled with yours. 
you fall asleep contently, knowing that you no longer have to wish you were heather.
tag list: @gabiatthedisco @blisshemmings​ @stenbrozier​ @simplesammyx​   @brxken-heartsclub​ @clownsloveyou​ @moon-shine-baby​ @daughter-of-the-stars11  @trashedfortozier​ @oceandog13​ @finnskindofwoman  @kait-tozier @upamongthestarss @fiantomartell @beverlyparkerr @beauregard-s @diorbubs @leighjaenikhowell @cowbellies @deepestofwaters  <33
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savnofilter · 4 years
You’re Perfect
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Bakugo x Fat!Reader [3.4k words]
warning(s): sexual content, angst, fluff, mentioned bullying, might be triggering, implied anxiety attack, body dysmorphia, body worship, praise kink.
a/n: for any sfw readers, about first half of the fic is strictly sfw. line “It took you a second” is when it gets spicy, ““Shit… you okay? I didn’t hurt you or anything?”” is when its chill again. <////<
ahhhh, i sincerely apologize to the requester for this being so late. i too at the time was struggling with my weight when i had received this, i hope this makes up for lost time. this hit home to write since its painful to see someone you love go through hating themselves for something they cant control. if there is ANYTHING THAT MAKES YOU (THE READER) UNCOMFORTABLE PLEASE LET ME KNOW! i will fix it up ASAP. as my other awareness posts or sensitive topic fics, i hope this helps more than hurts. 
if anyone makes fun of you for your weight (especially on anonymous) theyre fucking losers. if someone cant say shit to your face they dont matter!! and if they do? they still dont matter. as long as you are healthy you are 100% valid, no matter your size. thank you anon, i hope you have a splendid night! 💓
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His mouth danced with yours as you two had finally gotten back from a long day of shopping together. His hands wandered under the cute hoodie that you had borrowed from him, your beautiful body doing it more justice than his. His calloused hands gave your sides a playful squeeze, smirking lightly at your slight moan at the feeling. Just when he was about to lift the material from your body is when you had stopped him abruptly. 
Bakugo frowned upon watching as you kept your hoodie down, shying away from his eyes and not making any move to speak rather than to tell him “no”. He sat back on his heels, your skirt already ridden up, but that too was brought down by your persistent hands. Bakugo’s brows furrowed in confusion, eyes scanning your face and trying to figure out what the hell was wrong. 
“Babe, what the hell are you doing?” He asked, his voice communicating his confusion.
“I-I just don’t feel like it anymore.” You mumble, hand flying up to cover your face, a sure sign that you were lying to him. Bakugo’s face didn’t change at your words, the other indication of that was the subtle change in his facial expression. He moved back, his hands carefully lifting your thighs from around his waist and helping you sit better on the bed again. 
“What’s the issue? Did someone do something to you?” He asks one question right over the other, thinking out loud instead of letting you speak as he gives you more space. “I swear I’ll kill whoever did it, those fuckers don’t know what’s coming to them-”
“It was about us,” You whisper, “those girls were talking about us.” Your change in volume catching his attention, whipping his head to look in your direction once again. He was startled to find that you were crying, the dead giveaway being the wet spots that coated the once dry edge of your sleeves. “How I’m not good enough for you b-because…” Finishing the sentence was hard. Your voice trembled as you struggled to talk, the painful squeezing in your chest making it impossible to think straight. He couldn’t say anything as he waited for you to continue, too worried that if he spoke too soon he’d cause you more harm than healing.
“I’ve been trying so hard to ignore it but, it’s just so fucking hard not to. People always tell me about how I look when I can already see it by myself. I don’t need someone to point out my weight because I live with it every fucking day! When they send me their bullshit when we’re together -- it’s always when we’re together. I fucking hate it!” You cried harder, your emotions coming up and swallowing you whole. Had this been with anyone else, it would’ve been hard. Since Bakugo had already been with you a few times to know your insecurities and aid you back to a level head, making this easier to open up. “Those girls… they talk about how you’re better than me, how you’d leave me because I’m not shaped like the other girls, how--how I’m not your type! And it’s every-fucking-day.” You whimpered at the end of your sentence, your anxiety not aiding in the fact that it was getting so much harder and harder to think straight or breathe. “It hurts so fucking much because I love you so much, K-Katsuki -- it hurts s-so much!”
At this stage in your breakdown, you didn’t even have enough courage to look up at him or inch away when you felt him get closer to you. He was silent as he watched you sobbed, gulping anxiously as he too tried to hold back his pain at watching you like this. He quickly scanned the room to let his words flow for whatever reason, the action aiding him in speaking to you. Of course, he had known that once you two moved onto a university setting that more people would try anything to get on top. Bullying was something he was over and something he had grown to despise. The thought and knowledge of people being awful to you made him incredibly sick.
“Is that what has been bothering you so much?” Bakugo asked, gently getting enough room for him to bring you into his lap into his arms. You nodded as you continued to sob, the harshness before only dimming down just a bit by him embracing you in his arms. “Fuck those extras. Those chicks don’t even know what they’re talking about, if they spent more time on themselves they’d pass better in class!” He huffs. He doesn't need to anything about who there and what their motives were, not wanting to feed into their pathetic bullshit. It was losers who don’t even have the privilege to talk to him for Bakugo. “You’re fucking beautiful, Y/N. Don’t let some nameless bullies get to you, they’re nothing but jealous bottom-feeders. You’re your own person even without me -- and hell I would still be pinning after you even if we weren’t together.” He mumbles against your temple, his hand that held under thighs in a tight but comfortable grip gave them a loving squeeze, his other hand that wrapped around your shoulders giving the same effort. 
He smiled softly once the sound of your crying subsided the more he continued his words. He places a kiss on your temple once he manages to earn a sorrowful giggle from you, nuzzling your hair as he softly rocked you. “Don’t let those people get to you… they have nothing better to do.” He carries, his tone softer than the last time. “I don’t know what’s it like to be in your shoes, but I am here for you, alright?” He reassures. The nod of your head was all he needed as he let you calm down, not moving or speaking another word till you were comfortable in moving again.
He gave you a moment to collect yourself, reminding you of the breathing exercises you often did to get you to breathe normally again. It wasn’t until when you had gained enough reassurance you were able to lift your head from your curled up position, using the other dry side of your sleeves to clean your cheeks. He swoops in to give your closest cheek playful kisses, the feeling of his lips against your skin making you chuckle and move your face away. 
“Katsuki, stooop~” You tease him, moving your face away from him and letting his kisses trail down your neck. He stops once you down at him with a playful grin, your vibrant smile back on your face. 
“There my beautiful and amazing, Y/N, is~” He teases back, leaning in to give your lips a peck and pulling away to carefully let you back on the bed. You take a small deep breath, your hands coming up to wipe your face again. “Thank you, Katsuki. Sorry if I ruined the mood, I didn’t mean it…”
“Eh, what the hell. I would rather sex you up when you’re ready not when you’re someplace else.” He nudges you jokingly, smirking down at your semi-surprised face. “I could get you a bath, queue up some movies, if that’s what you want-”
“N-No, I would like to continue where we l-left off.”
It took you a second before you could look up at him, both pairs of eyes reading each other. You were the first to lean in, his hand coming up to cup your cheek and sealing the kiss halfway through. You positioned your body to face him better, him the same as you two sat at the edge of the bed getting into your interrupted make-out session once again. Your hands gripped the bottom of his shirt as his other disappeared under your hoodie once again, you two letting your hands refuge wherever they could find it. 
His thumb softly caressed your skin as he leaned more into you, you both moving to lay back onto the bed. His hand trailed from your jaw back to his earlier position before you had your break, pausing just slightly and continuing their journey downwards -- in fear of repeating the same emotions that had jumped up when you two had first started. His calloused hands landed on your thighs and spread them with enough room for him to fit between your thicc thighs. His hands gave them a sensual squeeze, dragging up playfully to disappear under your skirt as he caressed the plush skin under it. 
His tongue invaded your mouth while you let his hands roam wherever they so, please. His mouth swallowed your cute and surprised yelp when his hand found its way into your laced panties and gave your bean a testing rub. Once his advances weren't rejected he proceeded to continue rubbing. He opened his eyes to watch your face relax into one of lewdity, quickening his pace to the one you liked. His fingers were skilled in rubbing up and down to collecting your slick, making it easier to rub against your skin and bundle of nerves.
When you had pulled away it was one of the most erotic sights he has ever seen from you: expression needy, mouth open, and tongue hanging out your mouth as panted from the rush of adrenaline. A string of saliva connected you two, the experience causing his cock to twitch in excitement. He leaned down to give you a quick kiss to get rid of it and pulled away to get the rest of your clothes off. His hands gripped the bottom of the hoodie, red and lustful eyes looking up at you for consent before getting the clothing off your body. He groaned watching your chest heave in excitement, hands trailing your sides, and moving to kiss your neck.
“You’re so fucking beautiful, baby~” He mumbles against your skin, giving it a playful bite and sucking on it. “And you’re all fucking mine, you got it~?” He trails his kisses to different parts of your chest and collarbone, making sure to leave it in places that could easily be seen. “I’m going to let every extra know it too~”
You moaned out his name once he continued his possessiveness, hands groping your tits through your bra and fondling them. The soft but stimulating fabric of bra aided in giving you the extra boost of hormones that he had given your cunt minutes ago, shamelessly rubbing against the front of his pants to gain stimulation. 
His kisses didn’t stop at your chest and collarbones, his adventure continuing when his hands went behind your back to un-clip your bra and watch as your breast spilled from the contraption. He mutters to himself at how cute your chest was, the hardened nipples aiding in their beauty. He couldn’t help but swoop in and take a bud in his mouth, already sucking on the proud buds. His tongue swept across the hardened nerves and sucked on them as well, his other hand fondled the other. His unoccupied hand moves back under your skirt and inside your panties, playing with your womanhood, his main focus to give you utmost pleasure. 
He hums happily hearing you moan and whimper for him, your hands gripping the shirt he still kept on. The contrast of how much clothes you two were wearing was making you self conscious, but in the hot, bothered and vulnerable -- and not the bad kind of way. Once he could feel your cunt slicking up he smirked against your skin and continued his ministrations. Bakugo takes two experimental rubs against your entrance, dipping the tips in and slowly sinking them both in at once. His teeth lightly tug at your nipple as he pulls away, letting it go before giving it a teasing peck.
“You like my fingers in you, baby~?” He lightly taunts you, watching as your hips buck into his hand once he chooses to rub over your g-spot from the get-go. “You like it when I tease you like this, Y/N~?” Of course, he wasn’t expecting a verbal response from you. Your whimpering, and nodding being enough.
He let his fingers work inside you, tips repeatedly grazing and teasing your g-spot to watch your tremble and quiver. Choked words came from your mouth, your eyes never leaving his as he watched down at you in a predatory gaze. The corners of his mouth etched into a smirk, unbeknownst to you that how beautiful you looked made his heart race, his thumb doing its work to further its pleasure and keep you squirming beneath him. The sound of your cunt sucking around him was erotic, Bakugo flipping up your skirt just to see the mess underneath. “Fuck~ this pretty little cunt is mine~” He growls out from the feeling of your walls tightening around his digits at the compliment. Surely he wasn’t expecting you to cum this quick, his free hand gripping one of your thighs and pushing it back to let his fingers hit differently inside you. The mixture of his fingers pumping in and out of the hot core and his thumb swiping at your swollen nerves was enough to drive you over, giving him a loud cry he always yearned to hear when you guys get busy in your dorm room. He carefully removes his drenched fingers from your wanton cunt, dryly swallowing at the loss from around his fingers.
“Such a good girl…” He mutters to you, whether or not you were supposed to hear it or not mattering to you once he rips off your skirt, his hands gripping your waist and squeezing your waist. His eyes scanned and drank in your naked state, his cheeks tinting a happy pink on his tanned skin as he thought of all the things he could do to you, his boner officially pressing against the restraints of his pants. His hands trailed your body, giving the parts of your body sensual gropes and held you with gentleness. It was like he wanted to let you know he cherished every bit of you. 
Bakugo was quick on getting his clothes off, ready to finally have his cock inside you. His fingers danced across your way to lube himself up again, pumping his cock as he looked you over. He makes strong eye contact with you, his nose flare in hot arousal. “Are you ready to continue, babe?” He asks softly, gripping your thighs and wrapping your legs around his waist. 
“Please, Katsuki, please make love to me…” You ask meekly in response, your hands circling his shoulders and pulling him closer. His face nuzzles your neck and nods his head in response, pressing his tip against your opening before thrusting in.
“Be careful what you wish for~” He simply says as he hits inside you and holds you close. His pace was relentlessly but not in an aggressive way, the enthusiasm of his thrusts showing his passion for having sex with you. Your hips met with every thrust, body bouncing against his as he moved his hips against yours. The resonating sound of him moving in and out of you was flustering, to say the least, the sound not alone and having the sound of your wet pussy to partner along with it. 
His hands caged your head in as they rested on beside your face and on your plush pillows, anchoring himself and helping him move in you. He peeked down to watch as you reacted to him, from the way your face twitched in pleasure to the way your body moved against his was to put simply, euphoric. 
“There’s my beautiful girl, moan for me, baby~” Bakugo held no resentments in showering you with compliments, adding a little razzle-dazzle to the experience between you two. While some were straight-up dirty some were wholesome. The scale of how Bakugo went along with making you feel better and loved almost made you tear up once again. You swallowed the tears more for your own fear of shedding emotion and not wanting to ruin the mood again.
But that wasn’t the case.
Once Bakugo noticed your tear-stained cheeks, admittedly his heart did squeeze. He gave you a promise that he loves as he slowed his thrusts just for you, his hands coming up to cup your cheeks and give you a passionate kiss on the lips. He didn’t try to make it steamy or long, nor did he pull away to hear you say the same words back. He just wanted you to feel loved and desired in that very moment his words reached far behind the sensual confines of the bed you both sometimes shared.
So you let your feelings out. 
This time it was from the overwhelming love you held for your longtime boyfriend.
He kissed away and rubbed your cheeks as he left you to cling onto him. He set his pace to one he knew you loved, doing nothing more than pleasuring you and helping you move along to your orgasm. His lips littered your exposed collarbones, shoulders, neck, chest -- anywhere he could appropriately reach and where he could find. He kissed the characteristic and lovely blemishes on your skin, the reappearing and disappearing stretch marks he loved to caress late at night, and the old hickies left by your one and only~ He made sure to give you his all.
Your hands interlocked with his as you announced you were close, eyes watching up into him as his hips stuttered to meet your climax as well. He allowed himself to adjust to comfort without restraints. He sat deep in you as you released on his cock, your soft pants leaving your chest. He mutters another “I love you” to you for another good measure, kissing up to your neck and nipping your earlobe and sucking on it. He held you in his arms till you were done, carefully pulling away and pulling out, cussing lightly under his breath as he admired you. 
“Shit… you okay? I didn’t hurt you or anything?” He asks with slight worry, his cheeks tinting red again when you left your hands to cup his cheeks instead this time. You smiled up at him once he focused on you, thumbs softly rubbing the soft and warm skin of his attractive face.
“I’m okay. Thank you, Katsuki…” He pulls you into another hug, his arms holding onto you so tight that you believed that he wouldn't let go no matter what. “I-I love you too.”
You felt safe. 
Being on your own and not in the comfort of your home was scary on its own. But, with the added support of your boyfriend never made you pull away from loving yourself. You hadn’t expected to meet Bakugo or elope with him after his era of horrid behavior back in junior secondary school. You giggle to yourself as you think about old Bakugo and how much he’s changed, gaining a confused look from him.
“What’s so funny, brat?” He asks playfully, his hand coming up to flick your forehead. You whine at the feeling, still smiling anyways. 
“You’ve changed a lot, Katsuki.” You answer with just as much lightness, thanking him when he brings back a towel for you both to get cleaned up. “It’s honestly endearing if you ask me~”
“Save it for dinner.” He mumbles back, cheeks hot with embarrassment as you compliment his character development over the years. He gets off the bed and holds your hands to get you up, giving the same spot on your forehead a gentle kiss to somewhat “soothe” it. 
“Change into something comfortable, I have to show you something that will blow your fuckin’ socks off.” He grins as he pulls away. He get to changing into the settings attire from the few draws you let him borrow for his clothes, shooing you away and giving your butt a playful smack once you leave and smirking at your yelp. 
You pout rubbing your butt and go to your closet to pick out something this time around, deciding the leading choice for the outfit would be another one of his at-home hoodies that you wore out when you wanted him most. “May I ask where-”
“Of course not.” He answers before you can finish, peeking back at you once you dressed already, smiling softly as he hops up. “Just wear something that you can get dirty in. We’re going to make some unforgettable memories~”
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frogtanii · 3 years
i think tumblr ate the ask i sent yesterday ➖👄➖ is this what pain feels like? (its 🔮 btw HAHAHAHA)
first of all, listen bestie, i know i tell you to get enough sleep, 8 hours and all that, AND I WAS GONNA GO TO BED I SWEAR but then i was brainstorming ideas and shi, and it was 2am where im at before i realized it, and i cackled evily when i saw that you posted the new pf chapter.
i n h a l e s
this is gonna be all over the place, this is your fair warning HAHAHAHAHA.
osamu, that isnt a happy, committed relationship hun- YEAH SO WHAT IF Y/N HAS A HAREM, AT LEAST THEYRE HAPPY AND COMMITTED!
i was really feeling the chapter but then i started giggling at the 'meiko rubbing off her makeup on osamu's black shirt in an attempt to comfort him' lanzjsnsj HAHAHAHAHA.
but do i feel bad for him? yes, i do, but did he deserve that one? yes he did.
im not exactly sure why he'd blame y/n for the breach in his and atsumu's relationship? i mean, osamu is pretty nasty to y/n in front of the other members, and atsumu is a witness to how much of an asshole his brother can be towards her, so maybe his shitty attitude is the reason his brother doesnt like him?? didnt he ever consider that?? i dont recall y/n ever talking shit about the other members (except meiko, she deserves it) behind their back-
(i went, "oh, there's daichi" while reading aknxjsn)
also, i get that osamu got mad, but thats not really a reason to corner someone like that. i suppose, yes he regrets it, but that doesnt change the fact that y/n was actually, genuinely scared of him and what he could have done to hurt her in a place she could have, and should have considered a home. same goes for what the other guys did, and theyre making up for it.
"....i don’t know what’s happening and i don’t know what to tell you to make you leave me alone,” made me tear up a little, the girl seemed really scared. it sucks to think that people actually go through that in real life.
(its hella shitty to feel scared in a place youre supposed to feel safe in 🥺)
i love the character and the way you wrote and portrayed him, but good riddance, he should be ashamed. he didnt have a justifiable reason to do that to y/n.
also i want atsumu hugs 🥺 like the touch starved lunatic
NEXT POINT, that one anon is right though, and idk if i should be thanking your other anons or what, because they make me question everthing i know in pf- but WHAT IF SOMEONE HAD AN STD AND SHE ACTED AS A CARRIER AND PASSED IT ON TO EVERYONE?
#saveyachi2021, it hasnt been a full week yet has it? HAHAHAHAHAH
im gonna stop here and actually go to bed, and i dont have any headcanons at the moment, but i do have gossip about myself, lowkey a cry for help 😙✌️
i recently tried reaching out to this guy i had a crush on 2 years ago, and im classmates with him now. i have 2 friends who are friends with him and they were the ones who convinced me to chat him. obvi, its not a consistent chatting thing, its been about 2 days. BUT MY FRIENDS HAVE CONVINCED ME THAT HES LOWKEY HUSBAND MATERIAL OKAY?? I COULDNT RESIST, LIKE HE WANTS A ONE AND DONE RELATIONSHIP LASTING ALL THE WAY TO MARRIAGE OR WHATEVER attachment/commitment/abandonment issues are very confused, BUT THATS NOT THE POINT. do i want something to happen? yes, but im scared of my feelings 🤡
and they say hes nice, and hardworking, and that he and i would be a good couple but idk skndjsndjj 😭
i hope you had enough sleep! 🤨📷
and a filling meal! its good for your body 🤨📷
and some water! stay hydrated! 🤨📷 HEALTH SHOULD ALSO BE YOUR PASSION!
remember that we love yoy froggy! and im glad you decided to take weekend breaks! rest is good for the soul, mind and body 😌
much baddie energy and good vibes! 💘
HEY BADDIE KEJEK because my brain is Not Working, i can barely respond to like 90% of what u sent but!!! i read it all n i LOVE U <3333 also ooo a mans :000 i hope that goes well for u!!!! n if it doesn’t i’ll beat him up for not taking u as a catch wink wonk ;))) sending the baddie vibes right back at u <333
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starryevermore · 4 years
shades of envy ✧ aryia
pairing: aryia x reader
request: 18,20,23 Arya likes the reader, he introducers her to the group and maybe she starts hanging out with them too much for his liking. Maybe Colby, Kevin & Corey( since theyre single) and it sets him off.
prompts: 18. “I don’t owe you an explanation.” / 20. “You’re just like all the others.” / 23. “Do you really think so little of me?”
summary: aryia gets jealous of you hanging out with his friends. 
word count: 1,794
warnings?: Aryia’s a smidge possessive and jealous throughout the fic, accuses you of using him, swearing
note: if you want to request I write anything, you can do so: here. prompt list is: here.
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Aryia never thought the pretty girl he met at a park would mean so much to him.
He had had a shit day and needed to escape the house. He needed to be away from his roommates, his friends, and just have a moment to himself. He took Ronnie with him, deciding that at moment, Ronnie was the friend that he needed with him. Fuck the rest of them. Was that dramatic? Probably. But Aryia was so frustrated with the world that he couldn’t think clearly.
Ronnie, however, didn’t match Aryia’s mood. The sweet angel of a dog was a bundle of energy, constantly running at least a yard ahead of Aryia. Aryia tried his damned hardest to keep a hold of the leash, but the pup had more energy than he was prepared to handle. Ronnie yanked himself free and took off running through the park.
“Fuck,” Aryia muttered, chasing after Ronnie.
Ronnie didn’t get too far, slowing and eventually coming to a stop at the feet of someone seated at a bench. When Aryia reached Ronnie, the person at the bench was leaned down, petting Ronnie’s head.
“Shit, I’m sorry, he got away from me,” Aryia quickly apologized, bending over to grab Ronnie’s leash.
The person looked up and Aryia’s heart stopped. Holy shit, she was stunning. She gave him a big toothy grin, her eyes sparkling.
“It’s no problem,” she said. God, even her voice was enchanting. “He’s been just a sweet little angel.” 
Aryia chuckled. “Well, thank you for making sure he didn't go any further.”
“Again, it was no problem,” she said, still smiling that beautiful smile.
“Well, it was nice to meet you. Have a nice day,” Aryia said, fully standing up and turning to leave.
“You too,” she said, waving goodbye.
But as he tried to walk off, Ronnie remained firmly planted, whimpering and rubbing his head against the girl’s leg. “C’mon, Ronnie, let’s go,” Aryia said, pulling slightly on the leash to encourage him to move. But he remained where he was.
The girl laughed, rising from the bench. Ronnie’s eyes followed her every movement. She put the book she had been reading before Ronnie came over in her bag, throwing the strap over her shoulder. “Well,” she said, “if it’s no bother to you, I think Ronnie would like me to join you on your walk.” 
Aryia glanced down at Ronnie, who was wagging his tail a mile a minute. The little matchmaker. Then he looked back to her, involuntarily smiling at her. “It’s no bother to me at all. I’m Aryia, by the way.”
The girl smiled brightly at him, heading to the path with Aryia. “I’m Y/N.”
They walked around the park for hours, laughing and talking to each other about things much deeper than small talk. As the sun began to set, you had given him your number, saying that he can contact you any time you wanted to hang out or just talk.
And so he did. Over the next two months, Aryia was constantly with you. You had gone to cafes, attended poetry readings, spent the day at the beach, and countless other adventures that the two of you had come to cherish. He learned a lot about you during that time. You were an artist on YouTube, creating works that he couldn’t even dream of imagining, much less putting on canvas (or whatever material you decided to paint on for that piece). You had a brilliant mind and the sweetest heart. Being around you was easy. He didn’t feel like he had to try to be something he wasn’t, he could fully wear his heart on his sleeve and you would embrace whether he was a ray of sunshine or a storm cloud. And he loved you for that.
But because he started to spend so much time with you, his other friends began to wonder who was occupying his time. They would question a blushing Aryia, who would only admit to making a new friend. He had no reason to hide you, of course—it’s just...you’re his friend. If he introduced you to the rest of the friend group and if they liked you—which they would be complete idiots if they hated you—you would have less time for him. He would lose the safe space he had found, and he wasn’t quite sure he was ready for that quite yet. 
But he wanted the others off his back. And he really did hate keeping secrets from them. So, reluctantly, he invited you to meet them at Sam’s apartment for a little get-together he was having. They all loved you immediately, as he knew they would. They’d be fools not to. 
He quickly came to regret introducing you to them. As you became friends with them, you started to spend more of your free time with them. When he asked you to hang out, you had other plans. When he texted or called you, you stopped responding as frequently. He wasn’t number one in your life anymore.
One day, he had gone to your apartment to hang out, he heard the little padded footsteps and jingle of a collar that indicated you had a new furry friend. When you let him inside, you introduced him to your new puppy, Smokey. He was immediately smitten with the dog, already starting to make puppy play dates with Smokey and Ronnie, when the bubble burst.
“Where did you get this sweet little guy?” he asked.
“Oh, Kevin and I were hanging out, and we passed this animal shelter. Someone had just dropped this lil guy off, and I couldn’t leave him all alone, so I adopted him.” 
He froze at the mention of Kevin, his blood starting to boil as he thought about the two of you laughing and playing with puppies. That was supposed to be him. He was your friend. Not Kevin. He was supposed to be the one you were making these memories with. 
He shook off the shock, scratching behind Smokey’s ear, and said, “Oh, that’s cool.” 
After that day, it was hard to hang out with you again. You had a lot of deadlines you needed to meet, so you were swamped with work. But come Sam’s infamous pizza night, you were finally free and could hang out with Aryia.
But when he arrived at Sam’s apartment, you were leaned up against the counter, laughing at something Corey was saying. He immediately bit his tongue, thinking that it was fine, he could just talk to you later.
Later never came. For the entirety of the night, you and Corey were attached at the hip, laughing and joking around and not at all including Aryia, your best friend. Pizza night was officially ruined.
The nail in the coffin came when Aryia was searching for something to watch on YouTube. A recommended video popped up, and he immediately became upset when he saw the thumbnail. You and Colby had filmed a video together. You and Colby had filmed a video together before you and Aryia filmed a video together? What the fuck? Why would you do that?
He clicked on the video, which was of Colby trying to recreate one of your old paintings. Every time you laughed at something Colby did, every time he did something to make you smile, Aryia felt his heart clench. This wasn’t fair. You’re his friend. Not Colby’s. Not Corey’s. Not Kevin’s. Why did they all think they could get in the way of yours and Aryia’s friendship? 
When he finished the video, he shut off his computer and laid in bed, stewing in his anger. Did you like his friends more than him? Did you want to spend more time with them than him? Had he done something wrong that pushed you into their arms? Were you...Were you using him to get better friends? More popular friends? Friends that could get your brand deals and sponsorships and loyal followers? Was this all just an elaborate scheme?
He’d forgotten that you were supposed to come over until the doorbell rang. He was the only one in the house at the time, so he had to answer. And his heart melted when he saw you standing there, looking as adorable as you always did while you smiled at him. But he was mad. And he couldn’t show you how much he enjoyed your company. Not when he was so sure that you were using him.
You furrowed your eyebrows when you saw him. You reached out to rub his arm, to be comforting, but he immediately jerked away.
God, he felt so bad as he watched your face fall. But you deserved it, he was so sure of it.
You stared at him for a moment, before quietly asking, “What’s wrong, Ari?”
He huffed. He hated how sweet you sounded. “I don’t owe you an explanation.”
“Seriously?” you said, frowning. “If I did something wrong, tell me so I can fix it.”
He couldn’t help himself as he huffed again. “You’re just like all of the others.”
“Excuse me?”
“You’re just using me to get to my friends.”
Your jaw dropped and your eyes went wide. “Seriously? Do you really think so little of me?”
Aryia rolled his eyes, not saying anything. “It’s clear that you’re just using me, since you never have time for me anymore. It’s always Kevin or Corey or Colby. You know, people that can direct a lot more attention to your own channel.”
“Oh my god, do you hear yourself right now? This is ridiculous! You’re the one who wanted to introduce me to them. You’re the one who wanted me to hang out with them! I have a shitton of fame of my own. I don’t need them or you for anything.” You paused then added, “And why does it matter if I like your friends? Do you want me to hate them?”
“I don’t want you flirting with them!”
“Holy shit, I don’t like your friends like that!” You shouted. “I fucking like you, you idiot!”
Aryia froze. Did...did he hear you right? Did you really just say that? All he could manage to respond with was a quiet “...oh.” 
You rolled your eyes, shaking your head. “Whatever, I’m leaving.”
As you turned to go, Aryia grab your arm, spinning you around so you were facing him. He pulled you against his chest and pressed his lips to yours. You froze for a moment, then snaked your arms around his neck, tangling your fingers in his hair.
He pulled away to catch his breath, resting his forehead against yours. “I’m sorry. Please let me make it up to you.”
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aux0rde · 3 years
love love lvoe loveee ekekeek imma simpppppppppppp </3
i feel so horrible all the time and im mentally not in a good place and everything is just so boring and i feel like i fucked up everything over and over and it hurts.. it feels like nobody cares even if they do its not the people i want. i like someone but theyre not someone i can be with as they go to a different school and will be a senior next year they probably think im this dumb little kid. idk why i like them either. i think its because i feel like im romantisizing the fact that hes not mentally in a good place like me and i feel like i want to show him how he happy he can be but idk. it could be so perfect. nobody else likes him except me but i feel loyal to him as i do to everyone i like. i feel like this might be more real than my other “crush” but i barely know him as a person i just want to protect him and make him feel loved. maybe i just feel bad for him? but i wouldnt mind dating him idk. idec if hes too ill to make me happy i think making him happy is all i need and when he looks at me i sort of like breath heavy his eyes are so pretty and ahh his smile... my cheeks heat up thinking about it... its so embarassing because im getting butterflies thinking about it... nobody else seems to find him attractive so idek but when has anyone ever found the people i think are attractive attractive? idk i love everything about him. his face his eyes his smile what he says and it feels like we have a connection but idk maybe im overreacting and making things up again.. and even when he just taps my shoulder i get a series of emotions... hes probably too depressed to even crush but idk hes just this quiet dude. hes so respectful and its so cute because hes so oblivious to everything. he also seems so emotionless idk why i find this attractive god help me. and oh my god he looks at me in the eyes when im talking and its so nice and i feel like we both notice things.. and AHG idk what he is thinking about even. and the rest of my friends all like the basic “attractive” dude whos funny and outgoing and dorky but i like this quiet sad boy who makes edgy jokes where it seems like hes crying for help but no one seems to notice.. he likes animals too and it makes me so happy i just want to take care of him and tell him hes loved and that i understand... or is this just me wanting to treat someone how i wished they would treat me and idk what it is about him that i find attractive he has so much acne and is like this tall twig, but its all his eyes and smile and hair like oh my god. his eyes are so pretty like when he looks at you its like from under his lashes and theyre a light blue or a grey? and his smile </3 im not romantisizing mental illness i swear because ive liked boys who are the complete opposite of him... i think?? i cant help it im just attracted to people i feel like i can help or just smother?? maybe that makes me a horrible person.. I JUST WANT TO BE THERE FOR SOMEONE BECAUSE NOBODY WILL BE THERE FOR ME. i want to make sure this boy eats enough and gets enough love and sleep and i just want to hear his whole life story like idk why im like this. ive liked him since day one tbh just the way he carries himself he seems like he smells like ice or like something clean and just sharp like a breath of fresh air.. and hes so peaceful like. his touch is so gentle like when he touches me or my face its like hes scared of breaking me.. its just so endearing.. like idk why im simping but when jena and tori and zinniah are all checking out ian im like uh huh and just daydreaming about me and this boy in a field with like flowers and a breeze. idk i feel like hes the FIRST person EVER in all of my series of crushes even the one i would consider my first “love” where i wouldn’t get bored with ever like we could just talk about life and just anything and he makes me feel so comfortable and beautiful on the inside.. like i could be in a igloo freezing to death and id be like happy because hes there with me?? he makes me want to be all simpy and gooey and icky and just WOW literally the first time this has happened... and i liked him even back when he wasnt all that at all.. im so incredibly attracted to him istg. i dream about him sm. he doesnt scare me or intimidate me like alot of men do.. he makes me feel safe and hes like this towering gaurdian angel.. idk but somehow im the protector?? idk if i could relate him to an object it would be a pillow even though hes like really skinny,, i feel wrong when i think about anyone besides him to be honest. or maybe im just attracted him because he seems like he would be capable of so much love. and no i see it the way he looks at other girls is different i dont feel jealous he looks at them how he would look at anyone else so it feels like hes seeing something with his eyes like something beyond. i just know if he loved me too he would never cheat on me.. and hes never hurt me before EVER i have no negative emotions associated with him at all except for missing him and his absense.. and like those few encounters we have just feel so magical. like the first day when we were the only ones in the storage room and i was carrying a box i could like feel his breathing and hear everything and hes just so respectful ahg liek he didnt even do the weird checking out thing that guys do when ur walking in front them he just asked me how my day was and how i felt :,) </3 and it feels like he has his head in the clouds and like this soul.. im in love with his soul.. when he touches my hand or something it feels like electricity but gentle. LIKE IS HE MY SOULMATE?? how was i instantly attracted to him.. and just everything about him is so oooh my... and i feel like he notices the little things that i do that nobody else notices.. like things about my personality? it makes me feel so appreciated... like i feel like his love is beyond material things.. like he says some weird things and might be kind of loony but theyre weird in like a ??? way not like a creepy way... i just want to press foreheads with him not even kiss that seems to obscene. like he is god LIKE HES SO LOONY is he alright?? like he acts like hes on psychedelics 24/7 and i like this??? and he IS different from everyone ive liked before because he feels magical not like someone i get shy around.. or when im just standing and he walks up and stands next to me or sits next to me.. and he never makes me feel dumb.. hes like quiet but it makes me feel so safe and im not used to it.. like i would be okay with just sitting in silence and just being with him in a room idc i feel like we can telepathically communicate.. he makes me think of pretty things nothing grimy. like ice and just air and snowflakes and angels and just like pretty fresh things.. im convinced hes a supernatural being at this point.. he just appears and sometimes i look for him in crowds and i find myself missing his PRESENSE.. like hes so perfect to daydream about.. if he wishes to be mine i feel like all my worries will fade and i will be complete. his smile is so cute.. i just want to see it all the time and i think i would physically gasp or pass away to see him frown or be in pain.. like it would literally physically hurt me idk why i feel so connected to him and while i was writing this i just see angel numbers like 2:22 and its not even obvious i just looked at the right time... i could spend eternity with him.. as long as hes happy ill be good.. i cant stop looking at him theres something androgenous about him too like he could satisfy my need for feminity and masculinity whilst being really masculine... everyone also thinks hes weird and different but i think hes perfect and a beautiful creature,,, he has the embodiment of pisces eyes they are so pretty and AHHBD.. and the night we were all sitting around the fire area and everyone else was closing their eyes and its just me and him looking into each others eyes and i feel so complete and we share a laugh... and the fact that he chose ME he chose me and it makes me so happy.. i think i would die of embarassment if he actually complimented my appearance because his compliments are so meaningful like WOAH this magical creature thinks i LOOK good too?? can we just be two ghosts in love ahahdja just our souls tied together.. he reminds me of smoke like the pretty smoke... nothing like cig smoke maybe like insense? idk like a drug but without the negative consequences..
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heartuditu · 4 years
I've been seeing your art floating around for some time and i honestly can say, I LOVE THEM AND THEY'RE AMAZING!!!! 😔😔😔👉👈💘💘💘💘💕💕💕💖💖 And you're so amazingly creative! Like that post about giving your followers "water" so they don't get thirsty and the other one about hawks faces on a sweater after you zoom them enough. (1/2)
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awhhh ;o;!! <33 thank you very muchh!!! Those r some very kind words frendo!
THIS IS VERY VERY UNHELPFUL HUHUHU pls bear with me. My process really just consists of looking at a reference for hours while my hand is drawing,, i dunno how to explain huhu im sorry ;-;, im not really a guidelines girl when it comes to the boodey, 
I just see the material and do my best to translate it into the canvas,,,, like look at the body u want to draw and,,,, imagine a frame around it maybe? Your eyes are really just the best tool to help you with this method ;-;. I dunno how to translate this to english but - do your best to make “ tansya- tansya” of the art.
Also take note that guys have broad shoulders, and like,, small hips so work with that. Theyre very dorito like .3. So if you do need something to guide you use a dorito i guess?
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xhuth · 4 years
too long dum post about my onions on f/f fan content
last reblog lol thats what so many annoying ppl want out of wuhluhwuh (wooloowoo(wlw)) shit. nothing higher than PG must be soft pure fluffy. “more fluffy!! not enough fluffy!!” shut up
tbh i hate engaging with f/f fan content most of the time bc its usually dumb shit idc about. m/m gets so much more room to be different things and have like. complicated dynamics and shit AND its gay. even if im not attracted to men i much rather read about two of them than a man and a woman most of the time bc hets go against nature [citation: that iconic post about how long men vs how women last in sex proving that homosexuality is what god intended]
but To Be Fair women in a lotta source material (read: shit written by men, which is a lot) are not written well and in a good way that makes me inch rested in them and men are written with so much more depth and interest than women in so much media. and especially less so in their relationships to other women. i put a lot of stock in the source material for shit. so i find myself not caring about many f/f ships because theres rarely a dynamic that has potential so everything is just. pure fan stuff or ooc or whatever. combined with the whole weird uwu culture around f/f making anything that exists not palatable to me. [see: my ao3 f/f bingo chart lmfao] whereas men and their relationship to other men get a lot of room to have nuance. BUT stuff written by women are so often notably better like even making het good. see: beastars, and dorohedoro (from what i hear about it) extra postulating about danganronpa under cut
thinking specifically abt danganronpa here in this post bc current hyper fixation lol. thats why im so into komahina bc theyre both actually interesting characters with a complicated relationship and i love conflict and that shit. but its very popular and theres a lot of content so its also like... availability statistic or w/e and i actually have an opportunity to be picky with content rather than eating any scraps i can find. theres v little (good) f/f bait in dr imo and what there actually is is boring as hell to me and anything that COULD be interesting has little to go off of. dr1, sakuraoi v cute but thats mostly what it is... cute... ppl dont explore the dynamic.  celesgiri seems cool but has little to go off of. dr2, whatever mahiru/hiyokos ship name is idk v straightforward and not too inch resting. ibuki is perfect girl love material but nothing with her feels right or interesting. JUNKO/MIKAN GOOD but everyone is afraid to write that bc its fucked up lol. love tokomaru at least
im not a big v3 fan but it does have much better women at least LOLLL also i follow an artist who genderbends a lot of charas to be f/f and i loves it so fucking much it makes so many more ships palatable. het fuyupeko? disgosting. hate it. awful. put it in the garbage. f/f fuyupeko? oh my god. het saimatsu? meh ok sometimes appealing. f/f saimatsu? incredible. amazing. actually most f/f kaede ships r good she has some fat dyke vibes. and then already good m/m ships are equally good f/f, f!komahina is cool and its nice 2 have those character traits of theirs (being weird and fucked up) expressed in girls who usually do not get to be written that way. Sorry For Talking About Shipping i swear to god my life is not centered around shipping i promise. ok end post. 
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insomnihan · 4 years
han’s Entire Thoughts and Feelings on Dreamcatcher’s “Scream”
there are no read mores here so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
THE SONG THIS F UCKING SONG WHERE👏DO👏I👏START 👏 I KNEW RIGHT WHEN I WENT ON TO LISTEN TO THE GODDAMN LYRIC SPOILER bc im an impatient little bich THIS WAS GONNA KICK MY SHINS KNEE ME IN THE NOSE AND OWN. ME. i forgot which moot i said this to but i said they should try putting their rock/metal sound with an edm kind of sound anD HERE WE ARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT SOUNDS SO GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!! this got my heart racing quick as hell even during the slower parts????????? im sorry to the beginning parts, jiu, and the bridge i cant RELAX™
(i wont tag every part they have ill just describe some of them lmao)
JIU JIU JIU JIU JIU JIU JIU JIU JIU JIU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MISS KIM MINJI YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this, this, THIS AND THIS G O D her voice is just so perfect to start the song to ease you into this BOP™ and then her voice for those pre-chorus parts to ready you ONCE AGAIN for that chorus BUT YET its still hype as hell bc you K N O W what shes leading you into her voice is LIKE FEATHERS AND CLOUDS dont ask
yoohyeon i swear to god- her voice........................... i cannot begin.............. to even describe how nice it is.................... I DUNNO HOW SERIOUSLY like it just has that tone and power where its not very high nor very low and its just.................. lord......... going right after jiu for this it was just so UUUUUUUUUUUUUUGH- pls i CANNOT with these parts and then still being a part of the choruses MA’AM WHY DOES YOUR VOICE JUST HITS THE SPOT HUH-
sua ALSO HAS A VOICE I JUST CANNOT DESCRIBE it just has this like..................... its unique and very alluring???????? i feel like i HAVE TO SAY THIS but her voice is as sexy as she is i- putting her right after jiu and yoohyeon at the beginning HOO and then this after gahyeon and damis fire and then shes also in the CHORUS TOO AND SHE ADDS MORE STRENGTH IN HER VOICE HELLO
SIYEON I HAVE TO SAY THIS AGAIN I WOULD LISTEN TO YOUR VOICE FOREVER IF I COULD her voice is just meant to do this kind of genre i swear to GOD like THIS????????? THIS x2??????????? BICTH THIS?????????????? she just sings so effortlessly and the emotion she puts like YOU CAN FEEL THAT S HIT especially in the bridge YEESH listening now it mellowed me out for like two (2) seconds before i went feral again
PIRI GAHYEON WALKED SO SCREAM GAHYEON COULD SPRINT pls i listened to this part and i was like ‘oH OKAY SING GO AHEAD’ oh no. nononononono NECK PLOT TWIST: SHES A RAPPER AGAIN BICTH THIS RIGHT HERE THATS HOW YOU GIVE WHIPLASH- AND THIS S HIT OOF THAT HIT- her voice is a lot deeper than we think LIKE her range is actually pretty big and we LOVE to hear it
dami..................................... what the f uck- FIRST OF ALL this was Too Much already on first listen and then your rap verse DO YALL HEAR HER PASSION??????? BC I HEAR IT DONT GET ME STARTED ON THIS PART WOO!!!!! LISTEN THAT HAD ME HOPPING AND JUMPING IN MY BED ON GOD- i swear pls stop saying this han come on she has one of the most (if not THE MOST) recognizable voices EVER???????? 
(i will be using the suit dance video for this portion)
literally both damis and gahyeons ‘devil. eyes. come.’ ESPECIALLY GAHYEONS when everyone is pointing at her (with this 🤘) thats Art™ right there
GAHYEONS RAP PART the usage of masks.................................. the symmetrical movement......................... Art™ part 2
these dances for sua and siyeons parts after the raps................... especially on the floor................ oh no- also i have to say siyeon lands on her knees really hard for that part i hope shes okay
jiu dancing by herself that is all
siyeon being Sexie™ that is all
dami stealing my heart and stomping on it that is all
ending pose with this 🤘 THE ICONIC™ AND LEGENDARY™ JUMPED OUT
THE VISUALS listen....................... LISTEN............................ LISTEN..................... L I S T E N- OKAY like my last two dreamcatcher thoughts and feelings (which if you wanna read: here and here) ill just show the scenes that i really liked (trust me it was REALLY hard to choose i might as well just put the mv again) and how i felt looking at them
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............................................................................... oh f UCK-
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ma’am whatever this is can you destroy me with it im ready-
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but seriously whoever gave this woman a sword knows what the somnies like and wanna see and yes i too wanna get sliced the fuc k up
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every time i see this i make like this songs title name and S C R E A M
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i have no crazy special reason as to why i put her here other than i d worded when i saw her
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this has to be one of the coolest things ive ever seen like on god this is so Pleasing to My Eyes like what the f kcu im like this A LOT
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b ru H this part........................ theyre all doing this 🤘 at her.................... waht does it mean................... what doES IT MEAN
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ooooooooooooooooooh mmmmmmmyyyyyyYYYYYYYYYY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
also some bonus gahyeon screenshots its what she deserves after spinning my head 360 degrees <3 (also i didnt notice that both did the sign love this for her)
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THE BLACK DANCE OUTFITS........................ THE WHITE DANCE OUTFITS........................... G OD
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her purple hair already hurted me and shes beautiful enough but in this video when she iS LITERALLY THE VERY FIRST MEMBER YOU SEE WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT WHEN YOU KNOW HOW I FEEL- pls i love lace................... her white outfit got chains on it................... and OH BICTH THE BLACK OUTFIT SHOWS HER BACK IM FERAL
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can you pls stop being beautiful for one (1) second can yoU PLS- i saw this shot in the mv and i think i fell in l*ve with her......................... as if i wasnt already shes as stunning as ever i cant stand her the black outfit with her long ass high pony tail witH THE GLOVES HELLO and that one look with the flowers or something on her head covering her eye.......... wow..........................
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GIRL I GET IT YOURE SO PRETTY I UNDERSTAND!!!!!!!!!!!! this look in this specific photo with this dress and the braid uuuuuuuuuuuhhhhh Ma’am youre a goddess I Am Looking 👁👄👁 her white outfit with the pony tail and those straps around her torso oh god and then her black outfit seems simple until you realize it shows a little of her sides pls stop im a weak man i-
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HELLO MISS LEE YUBIN I SEE YOU DECIDED TO GO ‘F UCK YALL LIVES’ AND BE HOT™ HUH- tbh not even mad at her yullet (yubin mullet) but shes dami she can work MANY LOOKS™ her black and white scene during her rap like thats a Look™ that attacked me and like yoohyeons black outfit hers looks like nothing special until you realize her sides are also out........... oh no-
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GAHYEON THE WOMAN THAT YOU ARE!!!!!!!!!!! this is HER ERA NO I WILL NOT LISTEN YOU CANNOT CHANGE MY MIND- i wasnt expecting her to attack me as much as she did its that GODDAMN pink outfit from the l ver. of the teasers i sHOULDVE KNOWN!!!!!!! her black outfit is like suas does she have gabs (gahyeon abs) OH NO LORD PLS- SHES BIG BEAUTIFUL™!!!!!!!!!!!!
BONUS TIME: B-SIDE TRACKS (short thoughts and parts i liked) had to go and use the color coded lyrics to make sure to not mistake the members and appreciate them fake ass fan i have a hard time telling who is who sometimes pls dont roast me ill do better next time
OKAY LISTEN- this intro be hitting a little different compared to their last intros maybe its just me but i feel as tho it COULD go just a little harder yknow???? tho ofc im love it still but ANYWAY-
now this........................ this is beautiful so this was apparently was supposed to be called goodnight????? and changed the lyrics?????? so............... they were hiding this Bop™................ for a few years????? did i read that right?????? LITERALLY A SLAP™ IT IS HEADBANG MATERIAL the fkcuing drums oh pls- THE CHORUS SOMEONE TALK TO ME ITS ADDICTING i............... LOVE jius voice on this song in particular that slower part i dunno why she just got me i- those parts sua and siyeon do before that ‘break the wall’ part i dunno their kinda lower voices theyre making me feel Things™
Red Sun
okay seriously WHAT THE FKCU- IT GRABBED MY NECK DURING THE HIGHLIGHT MEDLEY something about those bells or whatever throughout this song just hurted me so much ‘red sun’ just....................... gets in your brain and im okay with that!!!!!!!!!!! like its true that the beginning part is so intriguing and lowkey hypnotizing WOW and then their voices sound kinda breathy be hitting a little different MISS LEE GAHYEON ON THIS.................. MA’AM-
Black Or White
the guitar the fkycing guitaR CAN WE PLS TALK ABOUT THE GUITAR AND THE BASS FOR A SECOND???????? HELLO??????? THE CRUNCHINESS™ and then dami in the middle (not @ me for thinking she cursed in this song 🤡)  S HU T- AND HELLO JIU SIYEON AND DAMI ALL TOOK PART IN WRITING THESE LYRICS BICTH IM YELLING- THAT BLACK OR WHITE IN THE CHORUS SIYEON SINGS IS STUCK IN MY HEAD HELP ME jk im okay with it being there yoohyeon jiu and gahyeon during those pre-chorus parts......................... good christ............
Jazz Bar
pls stop flirting with me.................................. DAMI ESPECIALLY LISTEN- I HAD TO LOOK UP THE LYRICS WITH THE COLOR CODE TO MAKE SURE MY EARS WERENT MESSING WITH ME LEE YUBIN I WILL FALL IN L*VE WITH YOU S T O P THE F CKUING BRIDGE- dami sitting on a piano during that part................ Thinking™ jiu sua and yoohyeon oh pls they sound so good and pleasant to the ears................. it feels like im in a jazzy cafe during the evening and its raining outside im drinking a latte with a cream heart design inside and im wearing a scarf- ALSO JIU SIYEON YOOHYEON AND DAMI TOOK PART IN WRITING THIS TOO BICTH!!!!!!!!!! dami saying this was one of her favorites Y E A H
HERE WE HAVE THE SONG WE MEMED BEFORE WE GOT IT but like that ‘SA HA RA~ RA RA RA~’ part is SUPER CATCHY siyeon and gahyeon and sua holy damn i- siyeon during the second verse AND HER HIGH NOTE ma’am im love you- also SOUNDCLOUD RAPPER DAMI RISE 2.0 i dunno what it is with dami with her raps being like this but im not even mad????????? i feel like thats an unpopular opinion something about that instrumental that guitar is hitting a part of my heart that i wanna hear it and then those drums it sounds SO COOL
In the Frozen
새벽 (Daybreak)
now this is a song that could heal souls- its not super slow like a ballad but it has like a lowkey jazz lo-fi (???) feel to it and their vocals are super gentle and smooth are these angels- i dunno what it is about all these songs and the second verses like this one is good too??????? especially yoohyeon U H i felt that in mY BONES i can definitely see this song as one i would go to when i wanna relax to or even fall asleep to bc its so soothing
LIKE i was expecting this album to be SUPER INCREDIBLE COME ON ITS DREAMCATCHER YKNOW but i didnt think itd be THIS incredible this group is just so full of surprises and are just the MOST HIDDEN GEMS its unfortunate they really arent very known trying to be a little critical ofc there are SOME things that could be different theres nothing absolutely and truly perfect ever- personally i am IN LOVE with this album theyve topped themselves from their last comeback which like HOLY S HIT however will this be the comeback that will get them their first win? ..................... to be honest its hard to tell i was so hopeful last comeback and yknow stuff happened OFC I DO HOPE AND WISH THEYLL WIN but whats most important (at least to me) is that i enjoy their music and enjoy all the content they give and appreciate their work and their voices
and like before i must bring this back:
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@twst-diana :
I'm not sure if I send an ask already but if not: What are Amy and Auniro thinking about Tabitha? 👀💕
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"Tabitha.... Tabitha...now where have I heard that name before... I tried to ask her if we've met before but she keeps dodging my questions, maybe if I do a little research I'll eventually find out~ fufufufu... what an interesting little girl, ahh how she brings out the inner sleuth in me"
"I swear when I hear her singging I have a feeling I've heard it once in my life before but I can't put my finger on it... the closest I can guess are the indie band concerts I've attended in my career but they still don't feel right...."
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Alex: eugh there goes Any again being the stalker that she is
Cecily: you have to give her credit though, she's hella efficient in her ways
Louis: mm, I'm a bit jealous to be honest I kinda want to be like Amy too
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"Tabitha? Shes like a big sister to every lowerclassmen, whenever I'm not performing on stage with my violin, I often see her singing in the stage which sometimes left me shookt with her vocal range"
"I dont talk to her that much but I wont mind if she confronted me first. Weirdly enough, she seems like a double agent material with how secretive she is. I wish I was that mysterious, I'm way too obvious for people"
"Speaking of double agents, she reminds me of the girl from Heartslabyul where Em is in. They kinda look identical by face value or maybe...theyre cousins!!. Dunno, thats just my theory"
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Evan: Funny how Auniro is closer to the truth of that girl. She will eventually find out that she was right all along except for the "cousins" theory.
Miri: I'm quite curious about how it'll look like if Auniro and the girl have a duet together in Mostro Lounge. It must be fun!!.
Evelyn: Double agent? That sounds like it came out of a spy movie!. Now I kinda want to watch a spy movie involving a woman who's an agent now.
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Mod Empanada: hiya hiya I'm going to move the ask here since it involves my friend's oc, hope you don't mind!
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notsosmallbean · 5 years
Weee, it’s tangled the series time!
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King Pascal
Huh, its a boat now??
That storm came in FAST
Everyone did ignore Lance though??? That joke felt like a reach...
oh oof ouch
did Disney not hear that dodos went extinct?
How did Rapunzel know that he tried to tie the ropes?
Wait so is this island inhabited?
No, Cassandra, new moons are monthly. You guys won’t be trapped for months or years. Dummy.
They could probably accomplish more, faster if they worked as a big group.
Where did Rapunzel get her new digs? At least Cassandra’s look like her old clothes minus some.
They are... leaf people... huh.
Hold on a hot second, I gotta go research animals for a second.  It’s important I swear.
OKAY SO ahem - Chameleons actually live in Europe (which is where Tangled is supposed to be based), and yet nobody seems to know what Pascal is (Eugene and Stallion calling him “frog” eg), but Raccoons weren’t introduced into Europe until the 1930s, and yet Varian still has had enough of a problem with them that he has had raccoon-specific traps.  Come on Disney, what’s with these inaccuracies?
I just bring this up because the whole premise of the episode is that Pascal, some generic-ass chameleon, can get mistaken as a god/prophet.  Like, I’ve brought it up before, but it irks me that nobody knows about the existence of chameleons.
Why do these leafy shits speak English?
Better yet, why do they insert random words in some other, made-up language?
Fire demon??
That makes me wonder - did the leaf assholes carve that thing Lance read from earlier?
Okay but for real, I actually am watching this for the second time today, and their accents made it so I’m literally getting more info than last time just because I couldn’t understand them before
These guys are a little species-ist...
Hehe, Max and the girls are at the kids’ table
Oh Cass knew that was gonna happen
"Oh come on! Guyyyys, what have we discussed about Shorty and tools?”
Ahhh, Fire Fly, not firefly.
Pfft, firstly - I love that they’re real about that net meaning nothing
Secondly - I love this cutaway to the guys.  It’s funny.
Is he somehow not concussed?
Who caaaares about the village?
but yo does that mean Rapunzel could breathe fire when she ate one?
Oh please, this is the second time the series tried to convince me that Pascal died.
Is it an Ice Fly now?
Gross, no, don’t be their friend-
Umumum sooo final thoughts!  Big filler, no song, and obnoxious characters.  Not a big fan, but I clearly don’t hate it, otherwise, I would never have rewatched it.
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There’s Something About Hook Foot
Awwwwuh, I don’t wanna watch this episode... I’ve just started and It’s gonna be some dumb romance episode starring a character I don’t like...  The only romance plots I want are Eugene x Rapunzel, Max x Apples, and Varian x literally anyone who will make him feel accomplished in life.
Oh dear god are they gonna do this narration thing the whole episode-
Pfft, nice tact Eugene.
Where did he get bread?
Haha! Callback to season one, episode one Eugene!
Oooh, a thicc mermaid with tattoos and sass~  I don’t blame Hook Foot.
Yeah she’s definitely evil as hell-
The key is to just be naturally charming, believe me, I know.
Woah okay so they aren’t even gonna pretend she’s not evil
Yep, hearts are the only thing that you need to be in love! This is why I prefer to bang octopi, as they have many.
Hey I just realized that this chick looks like a combination of normal Ursula and human Ursula.
Wait what- she told him those things about sea glass!!
Hah, I’d ship it if I hadn’t seen the beginning
Oh is she gonna regret- oh oof
Hey, that’s kinda cool that her hair can be used as a shield
Wait so... are they against her? and with the tangled crew?
Cass is so badass~
Yeah she’s totally lying to him right now
Since when has Owl been here?
Woah, nice job guys-
“It’s a frying pan”
Haha, Lance is so excited to have that trident
Cassandra you doof-
Awww she really does care about him~
Aw nooo, thats sad.
Okay like, I loved this episode a lot and I’m really ashamed of my past self for judging a book by its cover.  The end was so incredibly sweet and also sad.  Dear me, stop being so cynical.  This show has continually great content, so don’t ever expect otherwise.  10/10, would watch over and over. I take back all of my superstitions about Serifina not being good and also about this episode being cheezy from earlier.  This is, like, top 3 material.
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