#like we already know it's corrupting him but it's concerning how strong of an effect it has on the things/people around him
cellgatinbo · 11 months
so i haven't stopped thinking about this ever since- what the hell was happening when tubbo ran into charlie and flippa?
like sure later on charlie was glitching out a bunch around everyone, but apparently just being around these two made even tubbo super unstable. he was being teleported around out of his control, and the longer he was with them it seemed to get worse, eventually into and through the other side of the wall. and the whole time charlie was totally oblivious, apparently not noticing anything wrong or weird about it at all?
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kaeyachi · 1 year
I just finished the interdarshan competition event!
you have been warned :)
additional warning:
tw: suicide mention- Please note that it was directly stated by a character during the event
I'm so happy my babygirl Architect Kaveh won!! GOOD FOR HIM!!!!!!! LET'S GOOOOOOOOOOOO
I can understand why he would rather donate said money though. I was worried the diadem could corrupt people and we'd have to attack him for a moment there...
I'm not sure about other cultures outside of asia, but where I'm from, money gathered from negative sources ( in this case, said studies caused the researcher pain and suffering which at the end caused the researcher to...well... unalive himself) would only make you miserable should you take it for yourself, and the best course of action is always to donate it or spread that wealth around to counteract that negative energy. Niceties and strong belief in justice aside, everyone who knows him could not see Kaveh ever agreeing to using said money.
Bless Cyno for insisting on paying Kaveh for the limited edition card. He managed to convince Kaveh to take it! GET THAT MONEY SIR.
Perfect representation of how hobbyists are a bit hard to understand from other people's perspectives. We see Cyno explaining that he works hard and earns up that money and that he really wants it and would willingly pay a large sum for it. He knows Kaveh doesn't understand that card's worth, and thus, he insisted on paying, despite Kaveh not seeing the worth of said item. I'm imagining the total estimate of Cyno's entire card collection at the moment... if one (1) limited edition card is worth 1 million mora......and he has a ton of it according to Kaveh...... s i r!
Ah, well, it makes him happy, and he seems to have more than enough funds!
Is it a translation issue or does Kaveh have large bills to pay? Kaveh said that the 1 million mora is enough for him to pay his bills for that month and treat Cyno, Tighnari, and Collei to 1 dinner... he also mentions that he already has it budgeted... 1 million mora is a lot so I'm hoping the rest actually goes to his savings or at the very least a portion of his debt.
Quick rundown for the rest of the dialogue post competition!
Dehya and Candace not wanting to do what Faruzan thinks is fashion. Nilou is nice to help balance the 2 different generations out (thanks Nilou). Also, Faruzan also got herself a student! Good for her!
Layla getting hyped up by her fellow darshans in rtawahist was so nice. She's getting treated to a meal! They did not let her bring herself down, we gotta stan them for doing that.
Dinner with Cyno, Tighnari, Collei, and Kaveh definitely gave us nice information. Tighnari cares a lot for Kaveh ( we could tell from voicelines before, but its really nice to see). In fact, having Tighnari be the first to raise concerns for Kaveh during the final round was so nice, and we also find out that Cyno and Tighnari frequently treat Kaveh as well. We also find out that Kaveh can't stop talking about Alhaitham in those said frequent dinners lmao. Alhaitham truly does live rent-free in Kaveh's mind (in our hearts according to Cyno, but Alhaitham isn't dead yet Cyno omg stop talking about others like they're dead)
Cute information about home life for Kaveh and Alhaitham shows how they care for the other. Alhaitham knowing Kaveh would bring him the leftovers and Alhaitham figuring out that Kaveh's father and Sachin met long ago and informing Kaveh about it was very nice to see. They seem to have a thing where they dole out backhanded compliments to the other. I can see why everyone would find this amusing.
Speaking of Sachin having met Kaveh's dad... the butterfly effect of that happening which led to Kaveh's father's death, to Kaveh's misfortunes in life, to the diadem ending up with Kaveh at the end, making him win this year's interdarshan championship was *chefs kiss*. It's like a story has come full circle. You could make a movie out of this plot.
Auntie Nahida signing up nephew hat guy to literally everything just to get him to interact with others is hilarious. We now have Wanderer as a college student. Wonderful (he's having fun hehe).
All in all, I enjoyed this event! I feel like the actual finals felt a bit rushed to compensate for the dialogue post championship though. I think I want to see more of them competing.
I found it a bit weird as to how out of all the contestants, only Tighnari was left to ask about Kaveh's well-being at the end. Where were the others? And at the awards ceremony, only Cyno was there...
Other than that, the 3 days of this event has been incredibly fun and I've learned so much about our Sumeru characters. Sumeru is so wonderful, I'm gonna miss it when we leave for Fontaine *sobs*
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sillyguyhotline · 3 years
yttd and themes of parental failure; how the adults in our life disappoint us
alternate title: how everyone in your turn to die has mommy issues, daddy issues, or both
I’m not the first person to talk about this, nor will I be the last, but there are a lot of themes sprinkled throughout YTTD’s story and one of the themes that isn’t talked about much is the theme of how parents (or more broadly, adults) tend to fail us. Throughout the game, we see children and adults being placed in the same deadly situation, and are disappointed time and time again as the adults prioritize their lives over those of their children... often perpetuating the cycles of abuse that they themselves have suffered. I don’t think this theme encompasses the whole story by any means, but I do think that, in some parts, YTTD attempts to tell a story of irresponsible adult figures, failing as parents, and the ways cycles of abuse are perpetuated.
I think it’s best to start with Sara, the main character and the most visible victim of the adults’ failings in the death game. Despite being a teenager, she’s elevated to a position of leadership partially by circumstance and partially by the machinations of others. I think it’s pretty clear that her being a leader is more crucial to the story than it initially seems to be, but for now it’s evident that she, as a child, has been deemed stronger than the many adults beside her in the game and has thus been made a leader. It’s acknowledged that she is the person who makes the majority of the crucial decisions, she is the person the others look to in times of turmoil, and she’s tasked with shouldering many of the heavy burdens of the group’s failures. This certainly doesn’t come without consequences; much of Sara’s grief comes not just from Joe’s death, but from regret over the countless people she’s failed to protect and the obligation she feels to prioritize their lives over her own. While many of the adult characters (Q-taro, Keiji, Shin, Alice) have the opportunity to sit back and make more selfish decisions for their own survival, Sara never has that liberty because she’s been thrust into a role where the group’s wellbeing is worth more than hers and every group failure is felt by her more than anyone else. This is most evident in the aftermath of the Kanna/Shin decision, specifically in the Kanna Dies route; Sara is the one who is tortured and meant to feel the most pain for Kanna’s death because she, as the leader, felt obligated to take the decision into her own hands... and nobody stopped her. From Russian Roulette (where Kai, the least underhanded out of all of Sara’s adult protectors, tried to stop her from becoming a leader) to Chapter 2′s Main Game, the effects of Sara’s leadership are heavy. She’s still a child who’s been given power, and the other adults in the game choose to either profit from or resent this power instead of challenging the fact that a child has been entrusted with it.
This is where Kanna comes in, another child who’s been failed by the adults in the game. When she entered, she’d lost her most important mentor figure (her sister) and as a result was left incredibly vulnerable. At first, a few of the characters tried to help her (Nao and Reko), but ultimately she was left vulnerable for too long and Shin used that vulnerability to coerce her into going along with his plans, putting her life in jeopardy by claiming she had the Sage. It’s likely that Shin reminded her of Kugie, which motivated her to stick by his side, but there’s no doubt that his manipulation influenced her to continue supporting him throughout chapter 2. Kanna is another character who felt obligated to provide protection and support for adults who didn’t provide all that much of it, which is made evident as she continues to insist he’s a good person throughout ch2 and, of course, demands that everyone vote for her to die in the main game because she thinks Shin is not only good but much more useful than she is. She, like Sara, continues to prioritize the well-being of the group over her own as a result of the position she was forced into and of the failure of the adults around her to do anything about it.
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This aspect of Kanna’s character ties into another point I want to make, about cycles of abuse and protection. I believe that Shin is one of the biggest in-game examples of how abuse victims can be pushed to perpetuate those cycles upon the people they’re supposed to love and care for. Shin definitely cared for Kanna; he wrote the message in the phone to boost her spirits and fought for her to survive even knowing that if she got the Sacrifice she wouldn’t pick him to escape with. However, a lot of his dynamic with her comes as a result of the abuse he suffered under Sou Hiyori, and this abuse is part of why Kanna perceives herself to be worthless. He takes out his own anger at himself and his weakness by constantly belittling Kanna, calling her weak and useless to the group (eventually doing this because he thinks it will help her escape), and the constant reinforcement of this mindset is what leads to her self loathing and, in some cases, eventual self sacrifice. Not only does Shin fail to protect Kanna from death as a parental figure, he fails to prevent his own patterns of abuse from affecting her. This is a classic example of how abuse can become generational.
I want to cycle back to the topic of Sara, now, and bring Keiji into the mix, because I believe that Keiji is one of the biggest and also most fascinating examples of the failures of adults- primarily because he is simultaneously the child being failed and the adult who is failing. Keiji started out as an idealistic child with high hopes for his own future and strong beliefs in the police force, but he ended up killing his mentor and destroying his own faith in the goodness of the police. I also find it intriguing that the person he kills is one of the most solid parental figures in the game; Mr. Policeman cares for his child a lot and shows great care for children who aren’t even biologically related to him (such as Keiji). He likely left the police force for the sake of his child as well as to escape corruption. When Keiji kills him, he is not only killing the idealistic dream that his child self once harbored, but he is killing the biggest human embodiment of that dream in his life. Fittingly, then, Keiji goes on to turn into the opposite of what his younger self would have wanted to be. He wanted to be a protector, but in the Death Game we see him flirting with the child he’s protecting, consistently lying to and deceiving her for his own gain, pushing her into being a leader because it benefits him, and going behind her back to help himself survive (such as performing the card trade with Q-taro when it’s clear that Sara had the Sacrifice and likely would have died because of it). At the surface, Keiji is a betrayal of the mentor Sara needed in her life, but when you look beyond that, he’s a betrayal of the adult figure who guided him and the adult figure his child self wanted to be. 
There’s also Q-taro, one of the more blatant examples of an adult who valued his own survival over those of the children in the game. His selfishness, however, wasn’t concealed with concern for the children, like Shin’s and Keiji’s were. He indirectly participated in thrusting Sara into a leadership position, and time and time again attempted to get the children (specifically Gin) killed because he thought it would benefit either him or the group. His selfishness is not as much of a betrayal as it is a sad reinforcement of the idea that adults in this game can’t be trusted to protect the children. Even as he campaigns for Gin and Kanna’s deaths, even as he waits until the last minute to press the button, he still looks to Sara for guidance and trusts her as a leader. To make things even worse, the child whom he’s targeting has already been disillusioned to how pathetic adults can be; Gin’s father abuses alcohol, and as Gin establishes from the beginning, he’s already lost his trust in the reliability of adults. And, in a sad way, Gin ends up being proven right; his first father figure in the game dies immediately, and his second either dies or is quickly revealed to have been tasked with killing him. Unreliable adults in awful circumstances. 
Then you have Gashu, one of the only actual parents in this game, whose failures are felt in not one, but two children. As I stated before, while talking about Sara, Kai was one of the only people who made a move to stop Sara from being established as the group’s leader in Russian Roulette. While I believe that this is mostly because he knew of the Hades Incident and wanted to stop it from being replicated, I also have to wonder if it was because he knew what it was like, as a child, to be forced into a terrible position (as Gashu had high expectations of him as an assassin) and didn’t want the child he’d grown affectionate towards to be forced to undergo the same thing. Whatever his motives were, Kai was an example of the pain neglectful parents can bring, and he provides a stark contrast to Ranger, who wasn’t yet aware of Gashu’s cruelty when we met him. We watched in real time as Ranger realized that he wasn’t actually all that loved or valued; he was just created to serve a purpose, and when he stepped out of line he quickly lost his value. Just like how Kai served the purpose of being an assassin, and, potentially, how Sara serves the purpose of being the leader. Gashu isn’t just a neglectful parent, he’s outright malicious. 
I’d like to speculate, then, about how the story is going to take the path of neglectful adults as it goes forward. I already think that we can see where it’s going to go with Sara, as 3-1a has clearly showcased the effects of her guilt and, depending on which route you take, has either established that she’s grown comfortable with her position as leader or is crumbling under the pressure of her grief. However, going back to the theme of parents... it must be noted that almost none of the characters have been confirmed to have 2 biological parents. They either come from an orphanage or are missing a parent... and the parent they’re missing is typically the father. I have to wonder if this consistent theme of failed parenting is going to tie into Gashu’s reminder to “question your upbringing,” and if the shitty adults are going to make a more literal appearance. 
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confused-stars · 3 years
Kurogiri’s Nanny Service - Part Three: Monoma
(part one) (part two)
It's a comfortable rainy afternoon, and three kids are huddled over a pile of wallets, watches and jewelry on the floorboards of Kurogiri's bar.
Keigo's small wings are puffed up in pride as Himiko admires a bracelet, rhinestones shining in the dim light when she turns it this way and that.
Tomura seems more invested in the wallets, going over the business cards and such with interest, and piling off the money and credit cards separately from the rest of the treasures.
He pauses to stuff a bill into his pocket, and Takami, who is sprawled out in a nearby booth, pries one eye open. "If you wanna have sticky fingers, you gotta be more subtle about it, brat."
How he noticed is beyond Kurogiri entirely. But it's been a point of contention how terrible Tomura really is at stealing. Or any kind of subtlety. He was never trained for that, with his sensei always telling him to just take what he wants by force, but he gets frustrated that Takami seems to catch him every time.
Keigo pouts, even as Tomura puts the money back. "C'mon, To, that's my hard earned haul! You don't even need money."
Tomura rolls his eyes. "Neither do you, beakface. Kurogiri would take care of your stuff, too, if you asked him."
Keigo's hand flies up to his nose and he makes an affronted noise.
"Not how that works, baby bunny," Takami interjects, "Villains don't wanna owe debts. Even to their friends." He gives Kurogiri a glance. " 'specially to their friends."
Kurogiri meets his gaze evenly. "Does that mean I can expect you to pay your tab today?"
Takami throws his head back and laughs as if that was the funniest joke he ever heard.
The children giggle, too.
Traitors, all of them. How is he ever going to make honest villains out of them like this?
Kurogiri decides not to complain about it, because he's the adult here and he'll act like one.
His phone vibrates in his pocket. He knows better than to ignore it, so he glances at the text he's received. It's just coordinates. That's nothing unusual. In fact, it's more common than getting sent actual words as instructions.
"I have to go," he says, already creating a portal in the air.
The children don't even react beyond small noises of acknowledgement. They're already more than used to this, too.
It's only Takami's eyes that bore into the side of Kurogiri's head as he steps through the portal, sharp and predatory. He's been asking questions about the man in charge of Kurogiri and Tomura recently. He's suspicious.
Kurogiri is not allowed to tell him more than necessary, but he understands the concern. Takami is bringing his child here, after all.
And the concern might not be unfounded - Keigo is passionate and clever, already skilled at pickpocketing, and his quirk is incredibly useful and versatile. If he weren't considered a possible future asset, Kurogiri doubts that All for One would be allowing this to continue. He's always been strictly against Tomura socializing with other children his age, or anyone at all. And now he's allowing both Keigo and Himiko. Not to mention the fully grown, dangerous villain. Tomura has never been happier, never been more stable. There has to be some kind of plan at work here that Kurogiri can't see yet. Some kind of additional angle.
The portal vanishes behind Kurogiri; that strange tension of using his quirk, of stretching it out like a well-trained muscle, dissipating at once.
He's standing in a nondescript room that he's been to many times to pick up objects to transport, or have a meeting with All for One outside of his main base of operations. Sometimes they keep prisoners in here.
This time, though, it's empty save for All for One and a small child.
Kurogiri immediately feels part of him soften, even as his guard goes up.
The boy looks to be maybe Himiko's age, six or seven, with neatly combed, blond hair and startlingly grey eyes that look awfully familiar.
"Introduce yourself," All for One says in that gentle tone he usually reserves for Tomura alone.
The child bows politely. "Hello. I'm Monoma Neito, it's nice to meet you." His words and tone are carefully formal, but there's a slight clumsiness in the way he speaks. It's, frankly, adorable. And nothing Kurogiri is used to. None of his children have manners.
"I am called Kurogiri," he replies, "It is a pleasure to meet you as well."
"Are you made of that stuff?" Neito asks pretty much immediately once the very basic niceties are done with. He waves his arms at Kurogiri's form to indicate what he means.
It's a good thing Kurogiri is used to Himiko. And the other children's bluntness, too, to some degree.
"... for the most part," he replies, and then gives All for One a questioning look.
"Neito is my grandson," his master explains, and Kurogiri can't find it in him to be shocked. They do look similar enough. "His parents are out of town on most weekends," All for One continues, "So I offered your services."
Kurogiri wants to sigh. He's not actually a nanny. Is he? If even All for One is treating him like one, he might as well put up a sign. (Tomura hardly counts, Tomura is his boy.)
"Of course." He bows his head. Neito seems well-behaved anyway, it shouldn't be much trouble.
Fifteen minutes later, there's a small boy hanging off of Takami's wing by his teeth, and Kurogiri has very little recollection of how they got here.
"I hate your job," Takami laments, shaking his wing with very little gentleness in an attempt to make Neito let go.
Kurogiri reaches out to hold his wing in place, and Takami freezes.
"I... apologize. I was under the impression he was a little better behaved than this." He gently nudges Takami to sit down, his wing spread out, and Neito ends up finally letting go once his only other option is to end up sprawled on the floor.
"You can't just bite people!" Himiko chides, "Even if it'll feel nice, it won't be nice for them."
Neito breathes, then shakes himself. "Your quirk is weird!" he complains.
Kurogiri nods in sudden understanding. All for One told him about this, before he left them to their own devices.
"Neito, you should not copy someone's quirk without knowing what effects it will have on you. Or at the very least you should test it in a safe environment."
Neito crosses his arms. "This is safe."
Kurogiri sighs. "Yes, it is, but you still didn't give a warning. The adults that are taking care of you need to know when you're experimenting, so we can keep you from getting hurt," he explains.
"Or ourselves," Takami grumbles.
Neito huffs. "Fine." He doesn't apologize. Kurogiri doesn't make him. He somehow doubts All for One would approve of that - he never apologizes for anything, after all.
The wing Kurogiri is still holding onto pushes against his hand.
Kurogiri glances at Takami, curious, but the thief is very pointedly avoiding his gaze.
He always tells Keigo he's 'too trusting' when he lets the other kids touch his wings, and Kurogiri has never dared to. Much less touch Takami's. It just happened on instinct this time.
The wing pushes against Kurogiri's hand again. The upper edge of it feels strong and warmer than Kurogiri expected. The feathers here aren't particularly soft when Kurogiri runs his hand along them. Not as soft as he imagines the down feathers to be, anyway.
Not that he's going to try to find out. That would be wholly inappropriate.
"You're cold as fuck," Takami complains, but he's not at all pulling away, and Kurogiri continues, trailing his hand down lower to the longer secondaries that make up most of the actual wing.
"My apologies. It's my quirk." Must be. His quirk is highly complicated and has more layers to it than he can count. Sometimes he gets strangely upset that he's not able to give Tomura warm hugs. Not that Tomura enjoys physical contact much, anyway, but Kurogiri feels like he should be able to give him some warmth, and his body under the ever-wavering vapor is cold as a corpse's.
"Your quirk sounds like a pain in the ass," Takami murmurs, "But at least it looks cool."
Kurogiri chuckles. "I'm flattered you think so."
"You got a real face under there somewhere?" Takami cranes his head back to eye Kurogiri skeptically. "Your hands feel solid enough."
Kurogiri gives a half-shrug in answer. "There's... something underneath. But I don't know what it looks like. The mist never fades."
"Mysterious... hey, can you pull out that crooked feather over there? 's itchy as all hell."
The preening thing is another family activity that Kurogiri has avoided so much as commenting on in the past. Now, he carefully tugs at the feather that's standing out from the rest of them, until it comes loose and Takami sighs in relief.
"Yeah, fuck, that's better."
"You said fuck," says Neito, behind them, and Kurogiri nearly jumps. He hadn't thought the children were paying any attention to them right now.
"Twenty minutes to corrupt a child, you're beating your own records," he says dryly to Takami, who cackles and reaches out out ruffle Neito's hair, but the boy steps back and frowns at him.
Neito is very well-kept, and Takami is kind of... well, grimy. And scary-looking. Kurogiri doesn't blame him.
"Aye, and I'll say worse words, so you better get used to it, li'l chompers."
Neito's nose crinkles when his frown deepens.
"Don't tease the child," Kurogiri scolds, feeling not for the first time like he shouldn't have to take responsibility for Takami, the thirty year old adult.
Then again, he somehow doubts that anyone taught Takami manners during his own childhood.
"Hey, why can't I be chompers?" Himiko complains, tugging at Takami's other wing like there's nothing to it. Her hands are probably sticky with something, as usual, but Takami doesn't move away.
Maybe he's not that terrible with children.
"Ah, 'cause you wanna be. It's no fun when you like the nickname," Takami explains, picking her up and plopping her down into his lap.
"I actually really like mine!" Tomura says from atop the bar.
Takami snorts. "Once we teach you decent thievin', next point of order is makin' you not be a shit liar."
Tomura huffs, crossing his arms. "I don't need to know how to lie. Sensei never lies."
That gives Takami pause. His eyes meet Kurogiri's, and he pulls his wing away, folding both neatly against his back.
"Yeah, I'm sure he doesn't."
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purplebass · 3 years
Blindness and Sight in TLH
Hello everyone!!! As you know, I often like to analyze things which lead to speculations. The irony of this speculation is that it came to me when I was talking to a friend about my “anti-birthday” (your anti-birthday is precisely six months after your birthday). My anti-birthday is on December 13th, which is Saint Lucie’s day, who is also the name of one of our beloved characters in TLH. This theory will not only tackle Lucie’s repercussions after she brought Jesse’s soul back into his body, but also other meanings of the word blind and sight in regards to James and Cordelia and Grace.
The name Lucie means light, and we’ve been told and shown several times how she is bubbly, positive, sunny, and generally has this radiant aura about her and she seems to brighten other people’s lives with her energy. But we are also aware that Lucie is often overlooked despite being so lively, and she has also problems of her own which she didn’t tell anyone of her family. These issues also include finding out that she has a power like her brother James. Her power is tied to the darkness and to death, which is an opposite motif to light and life, which are the superficial traits of our Lucie. 
She can’t just see the ghosts, she can also control the dead, and this power is called mediumship. Lucie is a medium figure, she can come into contact with ghosts, but unlike James and Will, she can do it literally, because she has inherited this skill from her demon grandfather Belial. 
Most of COG and then COI, we’ve seen how Lucie was pictured as the little girl. Not only because of her height. Along with Christopher, Lucie is the youngest character of the group, and at times it almost seems like the others treat her like a child, when she is mature compared to some of the other characters. And they also ignore her (as they also ignore Kit).
Lucie is connected to spirits, hence even her relationship with Jesse, who was himself a spirit, is very spiritual and encompasses that kind of romantic love that transcends time - or, in this case, physicality, since they can barely touch. Lucie then has what we’d call the “sight”, which is the ability to see things other people can’t see. In this case, ghosts. It’s possible she can also see inside their minds, just like she did with Jesse right before she put his soul back into his body. They also say that the eyes are the window of the soul, so when Lucie looked inside Jesse, she also saw his memories from a privileged window.  
I mentioned Saint Lucie, did I? It’s time I explain this theory to you. For those who are not religious nor are Catholic (not only Roman Catholic believe in saints), Saint Lucie is on December 13, which is close to Winter solstice. We know that COI was set in Winter and it was almost Christmas. Weird connection, right? This means that Jesse’s soul was brought back around that time. The Lucie I’m referring to is a specific Saint Lucie, from Syracuse in Italy. She was a martyr of noble origins whose throat was cut by a sword, because she didn’t want to get married to her betrothed and instead gave her wealth to poor people. Another legend narrates that Lucie’s eyes were removed, making her blind. She is, in fact, according to Christianity, the protector of blind people but also authors. All of this to say that it is possible - at least, I’m speculating based on the associations I’m making - that one of the repercussions of Lucie bringing back Jesse’s soul into his body may be blindness or temporary blindness. We also become blind if we stare at a source of light for too long.
I apologize in advance for this theory, but there are signs that may hint to this. The name Lucie is one of them. Like I said, Lucie embeds both light (in her first name but also in her being a shadowhunter, therefore “angelic”) and dark (in her power, but also in her being also part “demon/warlock”). Which means that one of the repercussions for bringing dead = darkness to life = light is a temporary loss of light and sight in herself. This could also not go literal. I mean, Lucie could simply “go dark” and “lose her light” like for example Julian did in TDA, but wouldn’t it be too predictable? The reason why I believe Lucie may suffer the loss of her sight is also because we have other types of blindness in TLH. But wait a second. 
Let me explain first. I said that Lucie and Jesse are a spiritual couple, with a pure and innocent love, which makes them appear very connected to each other that they don’t need the physicality to validate their love. They already trust each other. They know that they love each other, and that’s what matters to them. The quality not the quantity of the time they spend together. So one of their obstacles could be that now that Jesse is alive and in his body and they can finally touch and see each other properly like they’d dreamed (touch in general, I’m not talking about something romantic or sexual here),  it’s Lucie who loses something physical here. Up until the end of Chain of Iron, it was Jesse who lacked physicality because he was a ghost. Now it could be Lucie who lacks her light and can’t even see ghosts, just hear them. Or this will not play out with actual blindness, but we’ll see Lucie in a comatose status or lost in the pit of darkness from where she saved Jesse’s soul, and thanks to the connection Jesse’s last breath may have with James, he could be able to reach out to her and bring her back (just like Cordelia is James’ light and is able to reach out to him when he’s in the shadow realm). So, bottom line, Lucie may become blind (temporary) indirectly because of Jesse and the act she pulled to bring him back. 
I mentioned James and Cordelia because the theme of blindness concerns them too, but in different ways. Where Lucie and Jesse are not blind on their feelings and, on the other hand, embrace them completely when they come, James is under the effect of the gracelet and Cordelia, despite loving James, thinks it’s a one-sided love thus she doesn’t tell him how she feels. By being under the effect of the gracelet, it was like James was blind. He saw Cordelia, felt his longing for her, but there was something blinding in his sight which didn’t let him be honest with the person he loved. We are aware that without the gracelet, James would have already confessed to Cordelia. I looked for the term blind both in Chain of Gold and Chain of Iron, and guess what? In COG, most of the terms blind, blindness, blindly and so on, were referred to James. There is also a specific line that Jem tells James about him being a star who can’t be put out, along with his family, and whoever doesn’t see it is blind. I just love this metaphor of the Herondale family being the light in Jem’s darkness and muteness (which may be another thing pointing to Lucie becoming temporarily blind, although Jem is not mute per se, since he can talk telepathically - but it’s still a traumatic disability). In Greek mythology, Tiresia was a liminal figure like Lucie and they were also blind and could see the underworld.
The cause of James' blindness to his feelings for Cordelia was Grace. 
Little parenthesis on Grace: in COI we find out she was blindfolded when she received her power, which I think it doesn’t just add more material to this analysis, but it also means a few things. She was given a power she didn’t want without her consent, because she was taken there blindfolded, blind. She couldn’t say she didn’t want it, because she had been also manipulated and abused by Tatiana. Grace’s lack of consent doesn’t just connect with her power taking away people’s feelings as well. It also links to Jesse’s body used by Belial without his consent. Jesse was also blindfolded when he woke up after Lucie brought his soul back. Covering the eyes of dead people was a habit that comes from the past. He tears the blindfold away and the first thing he sees is Lucie fainting, her world “blurring at the edges” before everything gets dark. 
When I looked up for the same words in COI, Cordelia was the one linked to blind, blindness et similar. She wasn’t just wondering why she had been so blind about her father’s condition, and about James and his feelings, but also about what Lilith did to her. Cordelia had been deceived, and in her case, blindness is linked to the fact of not noticing the signs that Wayland wasn’t Wayland but Lilith. And Lilith is the mother of all warlocks, and it’s yet another link to James and Lucie’s heritage and being torn between serving the shadowhunters with a sword pledged to a demon. This also plays in Jesse being a shadowhunter but having Belial’s demonic anchor inside of him. 
James and Cordelia’s blindness was played on the feelings’ side. His feelings were obscured by the gracelet and Belial and Tatiana’s wrath, and Cordelia’s heroic feelings were obscured by Lilith’s wrath against James’ grandfather. Their blindness was not literal, and as we saw, their feelings for each other were too strong that they shattered the enchantment on the gracelet. Both of them found out that they had been blind by the end of COI. Grace told James the truth, but Cordelia misinterpreted what she saw (blindness again! Miscommunication, which is also a lack of insight into something). Cordelia, already feeling burdened by Cortana’s corruption, couldn’t help but run away to the alternate reality which was Paris. In COT, Cordelia and James will finally confess their feelings for each other.
Blindness may play out differently for Lucie and Jesse. Since their feelings weren’t blurred by any enchantment, they were able to confess to each other and live their love, albeit for a short period of time. Since Jordelia’s blindness (and subsequent miscommunication, which Blackdale didn’t have because they were the only ones who talked to each other) was metaphorical, spiritual, in opposition, Blackdale’s blindness could be physically debilitating. So like Grace voluntarily provoked James’ metaphorical blindness and masked his real feelings for Cordelia, Jesse could have involuntarily provoked Lucie’s literal blindness. 
I can’t stop thinking about the fact that some of the things that also happened to James could also reflect on Lucie but play out in a different way for her. Like when Grace wants James to run away with her to Gretna Green and get married. James doesn’t want to leave the shadowhunters. Not for Grace, even if he believes he likes her. This could play out for Lucie and Jesse. They might be exiled, or Lucie could decide to leave the shadowhunters and Jesse could follow her, and they become mundanes. 
That’s it! Hope you liked my analysis and speculation. I like to hear your opinion about it, so feel free to write to me in my ask box to talk about it, if you want.
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alittlewhump · 3 years
Unbidden - Act 1, chapter 5
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Morgan awoke to the sound of humming. He stretched, groaning as his muscles protested. Evidently his choice of sleeping positions had not been ideal, but he'd been too tired to care when he'd settled in. The humming stopped, and Deckard Cain turned to him from where he had been tending a pot over a small fire nearby.
"Would you believe," he said, "that none of the Sisterhood would give me your name, friend? Such a strange thing."
He would believe it. He'd learned long ago that it was generally not worth the trouble to correct people once they'd decided what they wanted to call him. The strange thing here was how little Cain seemed to be troubled by his presence. He would enjoy it while it lasted.
"It's Morgan."
"Well, Morgan, we have much to discuss. But before we get started, let us eat. You must be famished after yesterday's events." He held out a bowl of steaming soup, which Morgan accepted gratefully. It was hot and filling, exactly what he hadn't realized he needed. He'd gotten cold overnight.
Morgan briefly summarized the request that had brought him here: to disturb the progress of the unidentified manifestation of darkness taking root in these lands. Cain filled in quite a lot of details while Morgan mainly listened, asking occasional questions for clarification. A great and ancient evil had come to light in Tristram, leading eventually to the tragedy that had befallen the city. Although a hero had been successful in defeating that evil, it seemed he had been unfortunately corrupted by the same. He had fled eastward, but to complicate matters, another powerful demon had arisen to trouble the area.
Cain suspected this new demon to be Andariel, the Maiden of Anguish. Quite a title. He shared what he knew about her: a venomous demon queen with the power to enthrall mortals unlucky or unwise enough to look her full in the eyes. Like most major demons, her power also manifested in a sort of influence that spread out from her like a miasma. By Cain's estimation, this would be apparent through increased emotional sensitivity in those affected, to complement the physical anguish she was capable of inflicting. That would be something to look out for; emotional regulation was the foundation that gave strength and clarity to the priests of Rathma. To have it disrupted would compromise his ability to act in the best interest of the Balance. Morgan would have to be careful about that.
He was enjoying the conversation, to his surprise. Cain had a vast wealth of knowledge and seemed eager to share it. He was explaining his interpretation of a particular prophecy when Blaise stalked up to them with a sour look on her face. She glared daggers at Morgan, crossing her arms.
"Good, you're awake. Come with me, we have work to do."
"We do?" He'd expected - hoped, if he was honest with himself - that her involvement would be finished after retrieving Cain. That was as far as Kashya had demanded it, anyway. "I thought you-"
"I thought this nightmare was over too, but I just finished arguing with Akara. One of our old commanders has risen from the dead to attack us, and she blames you." She looked back toward the gates. "I told her that's not how your stuff works, but she didn't believe me." That was a surprise - he would not have guessed she might speak up in his defense. He wondered what had changed. Maybe Cain had convinced her somehow. The man was good with words, with people, in a way Morgan knew he could never hope to echo. "So if you don't come with me to put her back in the ground, you're probably going to regret it," Blaise continued with a pointed look.
Well, Morgan couldn't argue with that. He stood and stretched, taking stock of his belongings as Cain pressed Blaise with questions. She bore them with more patience than he'd expected. One of the other scouts had survived the attack, but her recovery was not going well. It sounded like she'd been poisoned. A shame they hadn't kept the arrow; he might have been able to identify the toxin. But then again, if he tried to treat her and failed, they would be even less willing to trust him. If Cain was right, it would be a moot point anyway - he thought the resurrection was Andariel's doing, meaning that the poison was likely due to her influence. He had no experience with that type of venom.
"Oh, Morgan, I almost forgot," Cain called out as they were leaving. Morgan turned to see him holding something in an upraised hand. "You had better take another scroll of town portal, in case you should need to return with haste."
"Thank you." He accepted the proffered scroll with a small bow of his head, tucking it into his belt.
"Let's get a move on already," Blaise called. She had already started walking. Morgan jogged to catch up, already apprehensive about the journey ahead. Her mood had softened around the old scholar, but it seemed Morgan would not be privy to those benefits. He hoped this situation would be resolved quickly so he could begin planning his attack on Andariel.
The battle was over in short order. The reanimated rogue captain had called out to Blaise by name, which confirmed Cain's guess about her origins - only very powerful forces could resurrect both flesh and spirit. She must have been buried inexpertly, leaving her vulnerable to those malign forces. Most funeral proceedings not led by the Order of Rathma or other experienced practitioners were more for the benefit of the living than the dead. At any rate, it served only to fuel Blaise's already considerable anger, and she'd defeated the revenant with only a moment's hesitation. Several piles of earth were evidence of Morgan's attempts to provide support. Each golem was ever so slightly faster to rise than the last, but this enemy had been agile enough to render them all but useless until she'd stumbled over a previously flat spot of ground. Not an elegant solution, but effective enough in the end. Now Blaise was examining the body, brow furrowed.
"Hey. Ghoul... uh. Morgan." That was a surprise. Cain had called him by name in front of her, but he'd assumed she wouldn't be bothered to remember it. "If you do that... ceremony. Like in Tristram. Will it... help her?"
"The final rites will lay her spirit to rest, and consecration should prevent her from rising again." He'd planned on performing them anyway, as a matter of course. At the very least, they would prevent her from being wholly resurrected again - powerful magic could overcome a properly consecrated body, but it could not pluck a spirit back once it had passed on.
Blaise seemed reluctant to ask outright, but she did step in to help when he went to move the body back to the grave it had clearly clawed out of. He opted for a more thorough consecration ritual and a shorter liturgy, both of which seemed to be well received. Blaise didn't raise any objections, at least. The interment was easier than the last ones, the ground more yielding, but a frown crept onto Morgan's face as he stood up and surveyed his work.
"What are you making that face for? Didn't it work?"
"No, that's not it. Your commander is at peace now, but there are many restless dead here. It must be Andariel making them stir like this." He could barely hear their whispers at the edge of his awareness if he concentrated. It was a little unsettling; usually he could only just sense a hint of the spirit lingering on a set of bones, nothing near this strong. He lacked the natural facility with spirits that drew some of the acolytes to his Order. At any rate, their agitation was cause for concern.
"I don't have the supplies to handle this many."
"I guess we'd better take the fight to Andariel, then. Don't look so surprised," she added, folding her arms across her chest. "The Sisterhood doesn't want there to be a... demon queen or whatever just running loose. She's killing our people. And apparently bringing them back again, and that's just fucked up. I may not like you, but you're the only person who's come through lately and survived. So we might as well work together on this."
"Yes, of course. You're right." The suggestion was wholly unexpected, but sound. Their objectives aligned, at least on the surface. If that was enough for her to tolerate working with him a little longer, he wasn't about to turn down her assistance. She was many times stronger than him. Luckily, she seemed capable of putting aside her personal feelings temporarily in order to meet a goal. It was really about as favourable a partnership as he could hope to make.
Now seemed like an opportune time to present a peace offering of some sort. But given her previous overreaction to a completely innocent comment, he didn't really want to risk giving a gift that could be taken as a token of anything he didn't intend. Perhaps... knowledge? There had been few of his brethren in the Order who'd had trouble with the portal scrolls, but their difficulties had always been resolved with a little coaching. It seemed like it would be worth trying.
He plucked the scroll from Cain out of its spot on his belt and held it out to her. She eyed it suspiciously. "Here. These are useful. You should try it again."
"It isn't that far to go back, you know," she said, not making a move to take the rolled parchment.
"The object is to see if you can use it. Not to actually travel. You might need one in the future."
She snatched the scroll from his hands and unrolled it with a snap of her wrist. "I can't even read what it says," she grumbled.
"Neither can I," he said. She looked up from the parchment with a perplexed frown. "It's not words, it's more like a spell," he explained. The look on her face told him she was going to need more than that. "You just have to believe it's going to work. Try telling it that it's going to open a portal for you."
"You didn't have to tell it anything when you did it yesterday."
"I already know how it's going to work. I just have to... acknowledge that I expect it to let me travel somewhere, and think about where." It was much easier to do than to explain. "Just try," he urged. "You don't have to say it out loud," he added, in case that helped.
She looked back down at the scroll. Her lips moved a little, and shortly a small circle appeared in the air in front of her. Her eyebrows rose in surprise.
"See, it works for you. Now try to think about a specific place," Morgan advised. Slowly an image came into focus within the circle. It looked like the inside of a building. There were rows of beds lined up, presumably the barracks of the Sisterhood. Blaise looked cautiously pleased as the portal opened up fully now that it had a destination.
"I guess it's not so hard to use magic, is it?" she said with a smile. It was strange for a moment, having that smile aimed at him.
"Not this kind," Morgan agreed. There were many different types of magic and some of them were quite difficult to use even for experienced mages, but he suspected this would not be the time to get into a discussion on the topic.
"How do I close it?"
"It will close on its own when you come back through it, or if the spell is disrupted. Yesterday I tore the parchment to close it."
"Huh. Thanks."
Morgan nodded an acknowledgement and turned to go. The walk back would give him a chance to think about how to best approach the situation. Andariel was probably lurking within the nearby cathedral, if the patterns of undead were to be trusted. Demons often liked to pervert religious spaces, and major demons tended to draw flocks of lesser evils around them.
"Aren't you coming?" He turned back to see Blaise standing by the portal, hands on her hips.
"I'm walking. It isn't that far to go back," he parroted.
"This is easier, though. And faster."
"That looks like your sleeping quarters," he pointed out. "I doubt I would be welcome."
"Oh. Uh, yeah. Good point. I'll see you back outside the encampment, then." She turned and paused for a moment, then strode confidently through the portal. Morgan waited until it had flickered closed behind her before taking his leave. He would have preferred to be able to put more of the spirits to rest, but that could be seen to after Andariel had been defeated. There would be little point in wasting his energy on a task that was likely to be undone. He stopped at the cemetery gate and knelt, touching a hand to the soil. A thin line rose up, curling around itself in a simple sign. It marked the area as requiring the attention of a priest of Rathma. This way, if he was to fall in battle, the next of his Order to come along would be able to soothe the unquiet dead.
He raised another golem and started walking. With this new partnership, there could be a reasonably good chance of defeating Andariel. He wondered what state the cathedral would be in, and how many skeletons he might hope to find lying beneath its floors. He hoped there would be some stained glass still intact. Not for any strategic purpose, just because he liked it. It was his personal opinion, not endorsed by the priesthood, that artisans who spent their efforts on creating beautiful things were doing work for the Light. Of course beauty and skill did not appear in the list of attributes that added up to make the weight of a person's goodness or lack thereof, and it was really just idle musing on his part. Still, he appreciated beauty where he found it.
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wingletblackbird · 4 years
My Complicated Thoughts on Merlin
I started watching Merlin because I’d seen a lot of posts about it on Tumblr and heard good things. I struggled to watch it once we got to Season 4 though. I don’t think I have ever experienced such a love/hate relationship with a series in my life. I’ve tried to figure out why I have so many mixed feelings. Writing this post is cathartic, and has led me to the ultimate conclusion that I am in love with the potential of this show, but I don’t actually like what we were given. 
The Portrayal of Oppression/Morgana’s Arc:
Morgana’s arc could have been way more interesting, but they skip over too much important character development that we needed to see. In the beginning we see that Morgana opposes Uther’s cruelty. She is portrayed as being compassionate. We sympathize with her plight, especially once she discovered she has magic. 
This leads to an interesting moral dilemma. Should Morgana simply assassinate the king? Is Merlin’s long-game with Arthur more effective or moral? Uther is killing innocents. A revolution might be considered just. 
Instead, extremely rapidly, Morgana is played as the bad guy simply because she has decided to betray Camelot. We see her slaughtering innocent people herself when she becomes Queen. Why this transition to becoming like Uther but with magic so quickly? It made sense for her to want to assassinate Uther. That does not immediately make her evil. That needed to be more gradual. I saw the motivation for her hatred of Uther. But how she became evil, that is not portrayed well at all. 
We see hints of Morgana’s self-centeredness when she refuses to leave the Druids even knowing they’ll be slaughtered. Examine that streak. Show how a good cause can be corrupted by someone who becomes drunk on hate and power. The show tries, but it doesn’t quite get there. Show me that even a righteous cause can be led by a corrupted individual. 
Worse, the show does not show the nuance in any satisfying way. Show me that Morgana’s crusade against Uther and Arthur can actually be justified given that the law indicates that they would kill her and her kind. Morgana could legitimately consider Merlin a traitor. Her initial opposition to Uther is justified. He has committed and is committing genocide. Killing him could be seen as defense herself and other innocents. This could be opposed to Merlin’s bloodless coup, if you will. Which is the better option? What are the pros and cons?
And speaking of such oppressions, Merlin frees Freya and helps with Mordred. We really could have afforded to see more about how Merlin helps sorcerers escape, or about an underground network in general. How do they see Merlin? Do they hope he will influence the future king? Do they see him as a traitor? We see hints of this throughout the show such as with Gilli, but the writers never truly take it there. The story with Gilli ended up being about the corruption of power etc., and I liked it, but there was more to that story that needed to be addressed. Is it right or wrong for Merlin to defend Uther? Does it depend on the context? There are many times Merlin does that.
How Merlin Views Arthur:
Speaking of oppression, let’s talk about the effect it has on the psyche of Merlin. When we first meet Merlin, he has a strong moral compass, and confidence in his abilities. What he does not have is good self-esteem. He wonders if he’s a monster. He struggles because he is so powerful with something that is hated and can get him and his loved ones killed. Imagine the kind of fear that can creep into your soul when you have been watching people like you get executed since you were a child. Worse, you struggle to control your own abilities. You love your magic, maybe, but you also loathe yourself for the danger. 
Merlin, then, is a prime target for believing in Destiny. It’s nice to think he has a purpose in this after all. It is pretty clear that the Dragon is being manipulative. I don’t blame him after being trapped for decades. But Merlin is vulnerable and initially starts to protect Arthur because he needs to think he has a reason to be the way he is and is not a monster.
Having said that, I think we can say that Merlin does quickly come to love and respect Arthur. He believes that Arthur is a good man and will lead a good kingdom. All of these are good reasons to stay in his service. It is a good way to eventually show Arthur that magic can be good, to get a kingdom without oppression and the bloodshed of a revolution, and to protect a man he considers a friend. 
The problem with this is that by the end of the third season, Merlin’s double or triple motivation seems to narrow down in focus to simply protecting Arthur. Okay...but when are you going to have him see magic is good? I understand Merlin not being able to outright say anything because that might make him seem like a sympathizer, or just because of a lifetime of fear. But after all that subterfuge with Dragoon the Great and you can’t come up with a way to show magic doing something good without implicating yourself? Trust in Arthur’s character that you extol?
The fact is that by not revealing his magic to Arthur at the multiple different opportunities offered implies that Merlin does not in fact believe that Arthur is the man Merlin claims he is. I equally understand that growing up under that kind of oppression Merlin is not thinking straight. (Gaius does not help.) Furthermore, once you’ve risked your life to protect a man, it can become very hard to back out because you’ve already lost too much. It can also be hard to admit to secrecy after years of a relationship. But Merlin’s actions show that in the end, he does not trust Arthur, which is why he was supposed to have been protecting him. This suggests that Merlin is really just being emotionally manipulated. He has grown up in this oppression, and wants to believe his magic is good, and he has sacrificed too much, lost too much, at his point so he protects Arthur...even at the cost of other’s of his kind. 
If anything, Merlin goes from a kind-hearted boy who rescued people like Freya...to being willing to turn a blind eye to their suffering....!? Merlin goes from confident in the first season, with a clear moral compass...to being less so later on? When in theory, especially with Uther dead, he should be safer? More willing to take risks? 
There is another military aspect to consider as well. Morgana is a legitimate threat and without magic, Camelot cannot defend itself well. By not telling Arthur about his magic, or by not finding a way to make Arthur think about magic, Merlin is endangering everyone in Camelot. Arthur cannot defend his kingdom without the tools he needs. Merlin is now disrespecting his king, and making the decisions that are Arthur’s to make. How can Arthur command his armies without vital information? Merlin is powerful enough to be able to flee Camelot on the off chance Arthur tries to execute him. (In which case, maybe Merlin should join the other side.) He chooses to risk every life in Camelot rather than reveal his secret and help Arthur plan. That was acceptable for a minor coup when Morgana first took over. It’s not so great as the stakes progress.  Merlin was always willing to risk his life to do the right thing. And yet, when it counts the most, when Arthur is the one on the throne, he doesn’t?
This is never addressed in any satisfactory manner. 
Arthur’s Arc and Unfulfilled Expectations: 
This leads us to Arthur’s character arc. If Arthur’s character had shown Merlin the same respect in later seasons as in the first couple, I don’t think Merlin would have been placed in the position of having to truly betray his kind or indicate his trust in Arthur was wrong. Arthur even early in their relationship, like with Valiant, listens to Merlin. However, in later seasons, after so many years of faithful service, (and being right), Arthur is quick to dismiss him. (And then even that might get reversed in a dime...what are the writers thinking?) Of everyone from the knights to Gwen, Merlin is afforded the least recognition or respect it feels like at times.
Arthur also in the beginning showed concern for his friend. Additionally, he showed great concern in his own constipated way for Merlin’s feelings when he was down. Not so much in the later years... Why?
Moreover, has Arthur really learned to treat everyone as equals? Or only the one’s who have done something for him?
I don’t blame Arthur for his stance on magic much, because he has little reason to believe otherwise. However, in the earlier seasons we see him defying his father over things like killing Mordred, a child. Yet, in later seasons, he never seems able to step out of his father’s shadow. Never seems to truly realize how abysmal his father’s rule was. The Arthur of the early seasons ought to have grown enough to be able to do that, and therefore safely allow magic again. This does not happen. He is shown as being devastated by what he did to the druids...is this ever followed up on? 
This leads into unfulfilled expectations. Arthur was supposed to usher in a period of peace. Did he? No. And no matter what Kilgharrah says, I’m not buying it. If they had framed Kilgharrah as lying about that and manipulating poor Merlin for revenge, it would have made for a dreadful tragedy. As it is, it’s just a huge let down. If they had shown Merlin to be a tragic victim of oppression and manipulation who ended up not serving the man he thought he was...it would have been horrifying but interesting. As it is, I just hate it. 
Why would I want to watch someone who has been oppressed and threatened with death, lose everything to protect what he hoped would be his friend and his freedom, only to have to live with just being used? And be told that eventually, if you wait long enough, then you will have succeeded? That this was a good thing?! Is framed as a good thing? NO! I was sold a story about a man in a position of power being befriended by a man who has been oppressed. The man in power learns from his friend and becomes a man who helps liberate the oppressed. Together they create a better world. Eventually, the man in power dies tragically and we all cry. Instead I got this absolute garbage.  
I can see why Merlin’s fandom is so prolific. It is perfect for fanfic, because we have an interesting premise and interesting characters, but god-awful canon-writing. BBC Merlin is garbage with potential. 
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Rebel King
Dominic hid in the parklike green space that separated the Halls Norton and Amber from the rest of the campus, but he couldn’t stay here long. It was meant to emulate the green spaces of Cambridge where Students could escape the radiant heat and public works could be tastefully concealed by bushes. It was a popular place for art galleries and yoga sessions. It was one of the few places to hide and he could be easily surrounded here. He just needed a moment to catch his breath. Running up the stairs from the ceremony, fighting Tjark, and then fleeing here, all at breakneck speeds stressed even his stamina. This was only the first leg of his journey. He had to save strength. He took slow deep breaths, leaning on a massive oak tree and listened. He could hear distant shouting and the voices were growing louder. He’d shot several people and now was going to be his only chance of escape for a while. This little rest was enough and all he would be getting. It was time to move. He chose to direct himself perpendicular to the voices. With luck, they would run right past him. He kept himself low to the ground and broke into a jog.
His foot suddenly caught and something pulled hard at his shin. It was as though he were lassoed. The noose tightened hard around his ankle and he heard his pants tear. He tried to keep himself from falling but then his other foot was caught and he fell face first into the dirt. He groaned, the wind knocked out of him. Cutting pain burned into his lower legs.  The moonlight reflected off two invisible filaments stretched between two trees. How could she still be alive? Rage filled him. He had shot her pointblank in the chest! She should be dead, bleeding out on the floor of Amber Hall!
He looked up in fury at the woman who stepped out from behind a tree. Her long thin form was like a ninja. She moved in complete silence. He heard she trained in Japan with a family of covert operatives and it certainly showed. She knew he would be here and she just waited. He could see where the bullet had shredded the uniform right over where her heart should be. Sylke. He hated her. She never wanted to hurt him, only stop him or slow him down. She was effective with a monofilament weapon, long invisible threads that she kept hidden on her wrists. The strings themselves weren’t deadly but he had run into them and blood was soaking his socks. At the right tension, she could have severed his legs completely. Still, he climbed to his feet and staggered towards her.
“You can’t run.” She said softly. “So now you're going to fight me? Adrenaline is dulling the pain but those cuts are going to need stitches.”
Where were the other traps? If she had anticipated he would come here, then she had to have set more. He stopped and looked around for them but those ultrafine, ultra strong fibers were nearly impossible to see in the dark without the aid of rain or fog. Like spidersilk, you didn’t see them until they were right in front of you. 
She was looking at him with wide, concerned eyes. “You need to stop, Dominic. You can’t escape here.”
She didn’t have a weapon he could see, but that didn’t mean anything. She was adept at hand to hand combat. Now that she was closer, he could tell that she was wearing a protective vest so he couldn’t shoot her easily. He could try for a headshot but that might miss. Her reflexes were on par with his, lightning quick and without thought. He took a step back. He’d already triggered the trap behind him, so that area was safe.
“Dominic… please. You don’t even know where you are. You know you’re not on the island any more. But you’re not even in Europe. You’re in the United States,” she said, still not moving.
The United States? He fell asleep on the island monastery and woke up in a hotel, then he was told to get dressed and show up at this campus with other people his age. Everywhere he looked he saw luxury and yet he felt threatened. He didn’t know where he was or why he was here, only that the purpose was to slay dragons. This place was Cassell College and he’d been enrolled here for unclear reasons. All he could do was pay as close attention to his surroundings as possible with a view of escaping. He knew there was a train. He could follow the tracks out. Then he could find an embassy and hopefully sanctuary back to the Netherlands. 
She was still talking, but she was smart enough to keep her distance. He always attacked when people got close to him. If he could land a good hit, he could escape. He was still armed with that black alchemy sword. It was at his side and he had demonstrated that he could use it without getting corrupted by its power. “Do you think your father would leave you some place you could escape? The only reason you’re here now is because he couldn’t hold you any more.”
He looked up. A sturdy branch was right above him. It was a little far out of reach, but he could use the adjacent tree to jump off of and reach it.
“Dominic!” She lunged for him.
He jumped towards the adjacent tree, and pushed off from that trunk and hooked his hands around the branch, as nimble as a gymnast. He swung as far as he could, hoping to overshoot any more traps, and then hit the ground and rolled. He got up, hopping on his painfully wounded ankles and broke through the cover of the trees, leaving a trail of blood. He was limping badly and wouldn’t get very far at this rate. He still had his gun but he didn’t know how many bullets he had left.
He ran into an open courtyard. A large building was in front of him with a series of steps in front that lead to a bike rack. There were no lights on in the building, the windows were boarded up. It was open air, but no one was around.
Sylke followed him but didn’t try to touch him as he headed for a motorized scooter that was not secured to the rack. “You’re not listening. Our family is full of people with weak and useless genes. You’re the most powerful person we have in our family. That’s why you’ve been able to completely overpower everyone. But that’s not the case here. People here are your equal, and probably a few are above you. If you keep acting out like this… I don’t know what’s going to happen.”
Dominic reached the scooter and leaned on it, no keys, no way to turn it on. His ankles were stinging him badly now and Sylke was being so annoying. She was no better than anyone else. She was part of the system that held him captive and she dared act like she cared about what happened to him? He swung the scooter at her head like a baseball bat and knocked her to the ground. He looked down at her coldly unmoved by her so-called concern. Until now, he wasn’t going to waste another bullet on her. But he’d switched past trying to escape now. He pulled his pistol and fired once. This time striking her in the head. She was still and a stain of red rolled past her temple. But she was still breathing, her skull didn’t break apart. Bullet fragments had shattered instead. The ammunition wasn’t lethal! He smashed the pistol to the ground and it broke apart. She had tricked him, even at the last!
If that was the way it was going to be, then he might as well just use his sword and slit her throat while she was down. He reached for the hilt of the sword to draw it and as soon as he gripped it it felt like holding on to a live wire! It’s power overcame him for a moment and he had to forcibly regain control of his body. He gasped for air for a second.
“Your Royal Highness!” A man was coming towards him, waving jovially.
This guy. Of course he’d be here. The most competent fighter he’d ever come in contact with, over six feet tall and just about as wide. And yet he was still wearing that Cassell Uniform. Was it custom made? Wouldn’t surprise him at all. The man was built like a tank. This living wall of muscles was smiling at him. “You really are something. Let’s go back. I’ll take a look at your legs.”
He hated this man more than he hated Sylke. Even if Dominic was uninjured, this guy was extremely hard to land hits on, and the hits he landed barely phased him. He suddenly regretted smashing the pistol. He could have used it against this guy.
“Look if you want to take it out on me, you know I can take it,” He said, opening his arms. “Go ahead.”
Why would he do that when he could just kill Sylke? He wasn’t going to get out of here anyway, one less guardian would give him a better chance later on. He took a step forward and drew the sword, as though taking him up on his offer, only to spin on the ball of his foot and strike downwards. 
The tip of the black blade clanged off another metal blade.  Dominic only had time to look up into a furious blue gaze before a fist cracked against his eye socket, blinding him and knocking him back. He tilted backwards and staggered, nearly falling down the hard concrete stairs.
“No way to treat a lady,” a voice snarled.
Dominic could only see stars but his body knew how to get his balance. He scrambled to back up, open some distance between him and this new attacker. He raised his arm up to block an attack he knew was coming but it hit hard enough to bruise the bone. 
“Royal Highness huh? What kind of monarch tries to kill their own subjects?” The frigid voice came again.
Still stunned, Dominic danced to one side and the air stirred next to his ear. And he caught the scent of tobacco and alcohol. His vision cleared. A blond haired man with icy blue eyes was fighting him completely shirtless and was still far too close for comfort. Dominic had lost the blade under the assault and was now completely unarmed. The best he could do was cross his arms to take the boneshattering blows that were coming at him. Even though this person looked to be his age, the force of his strikes reminded him of his false father’s silverwood cane.
The six-foot tall body builder came to his aid, grabbing the other man by the shoulder and pushing him away. “Enough! This doesn’t concern you.”
The shirtless man’s gaze was without temperature. “It concerns me when a man tries to kill an unconscious woman.”
“Sylke knows the risks.” The bodybuilder man held out his hand. “The name’s Gerrit! I’m a freshman. We’re from the Netherlands.”
The man’s eyes flicked between Gerrit and Dominic in angry confusion. Dominic figured that if he strayed too far from Gerrit, this man would attack him again and he was frankly, too worn out to fight or run any more. Taking up the sword took more out of him than he expected. 
The man finally relaxed and shook Gerrit’s hand. “Caesar Gattuso.”
“Gattuso! The famous family from Italy.” He chuckled jovially. “Don’t worry about us. We’re used to Dominic’s behavior. I can understand while you’re alarmed though.”
A sudden thunder of footsteps was coming closer and closer. Men with pistols surrounded Caesar and Dominic and Gerrit. “Hands in the air! The use of firearms and alchemy weapons are strictly forbidden! Hands in the air! Now!”
Dominic looked down at his bloody torn pant legs. He could practically feel his eye swelling shut. He was probably bruised up from his fall in the woods as well. He wasn’t getting out of here tonight. Just like little miss Sylke said. But now he was curious. She said these people were his equal and may even surpass him right? This was a place he couldn’t escape from, according to her. What would they even do to him? It couldn’t be worse than the terrible beatings he’d received at the monastery, could it? If they killed him, wouldn’t that be a sort of escape? And then that way, even his parents would be free from threat.
Gerrit raised his hands. “Please calm down, the young master is unarmed you see?”
The barrel of a gun was shoved into Gerrit’s face. “You shut up!”
Dominic turned away from the officers of the disciplinary committee. “Do your worst.”
For a moment, no one moved. The words weren’t said with any bravado or pride. They were soft but everyone heard them in the empty hall. The members of the disciplinary committee were suddenly wondering what their ‘worst’ was. He wasn’t holding up his hands. They had to do something. The leader cleared his throat and raised his gun again. “What is your Student number! If you don’t comply you will face demerits!”
“Hey!” A sharp female voice shouted. “What are you doing? It’s not midnight yet. So it’s still technically Freedom Day right?”
The loud clocktower on the campus suddenly started to toll. A red haired woman had approached the fray in nothing but her bathing suit. The disciplinary students' eyes went wide and filled with the sight of her voluptuous figure in full view. “Nothing he did was against the rules. Things got a little rough but everyone’s injuries are minor. Are you really that quick to go back to work?”
The crowd of Disciplinary committee members suddenly lowered their guns and scratched their heads, red in the face.
Nono approached him and hooked her arm in his. “Come on, the party is still rocking.”
“Freedom day?” Dominic had no idea what she was talking about. But apparently on Freedom Day it was okay to shoot people.
“How hard did you hit him?” The red haired woman looked into his eyes a little closer.
“To be frank, I was trying to knock him unconscious.” Caesar rotated his wrist. “His head was harder than I expected.” His smile had returned but his eyes were still filled with that cold fire. He left Dominic with Nono and went to check on Sylke.
“I can get you patched up in Amber Hall…” She whispered with a knowing grin. “You don’t want to be around these guys do you?”
Dominic’s heart suddenly lifted. This was the first time since his father’s stabbing his kidnapper that someone had actually offered to help him escape. They were just turning away from the scene when there was a loud clearing of the throat right next to him. The shadow of Gerrit blocked out the light of the overhead lamps and a heavy hand laid on his shoulder. “I think we’ll be taking care of him.”
“And you are?” Nono looked up at him with innocent eyes.
“Gerrit. We’re long time friends.” That heavy hand tightened on his shoulder. “Right?”
Nono looked him in the eyes. “Do you want to go with them? Say it. Yes or no.”
Gerrit suddenly spoke in Dutch. “You know what could happen if your father calls and you don’t answer. The people who raised you are alive because you cooperated.”
Dominic’s ears were ringing and a cold feeling spread down his spine. He let go of Nono. Gerrit beamed. “There’s a good lad!” he said gently. “We'll take care of his injuries!” 
He froze. Nono looked him right in the eyes with a fiery gaze. Gerrit coughed. “I’m sorry, we’ll join your party another time ya?”
Nono crossed her arms over her chest and smirked. “Ya. Sure you will.”
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fandomrewrites · 3 years
Chasing Butterflies: Unity Day
Hello all! Again, sorry I missed last week, but I am back! There is only four more chapters after this one and then I will switch back to my Teen Wolf fanfic. I’m going to alternate between these two stories after each season. As always constructive criticism is welcomed and let me know if you want to get added to any of my taglists. I hope you all enjoy this chapter!
Season 1; Episode 9: Unity Day Pairings: OC x OC Best Friends, no love interests chosen yet Warnings: Swearing, guns, alcohol  Word Count: 2,332
Season 1 Masterlist
Elara and Nova stand beside each other as they listen to Jaha's speech. "My friends, this is a historic Unity Day. Every year, we mark the moment our ancestors of the twelve stations joined to form the Ark, but this is the last time we do so while aboard her. Next year, on the ground."
"Right. After we did all the work. Someone shut him up." Miller states, watching the Chancellor with an annoyed look on his face.
"You shut up, Miller. No one's forcing you to watch." Raven scolds.
"But Miller has a point." Nova speaks up, agreeing with her fellow delinquent. "They weren't even expecting us to live." 
Elara elbows Nova in the ribs causing the girl to roll her eyes. "For ninety-seven years, we have eked out existence, hoping that someday our descendents would return to Earth." The Chancellor continues.
"Whoo! Yeah! Monty strikes again!" The two girls turn to Jasper's excited yells, "Hey! Call this batch Unity Juice! Who's thirsty?" 
Jasper starts handing out the moonshine as Monty calls out, "Save me some!"
"Let's get a drink." Nova hooks her arm through Elara's. 
"You go. Someone needs to stay sober." Elara replies.
"One drink, Lara. That's it. Trust me, I'm not planning to get anymore after that either. The Grounder's don't know it's Unity Day; I don't want to let my guard down. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't loosen up a little."
Elara sighs but let's Nova pull her to Jasper so they can both grab a cup. Chancellor Jaha's voice can still be heard from the screen, "To our sons and daughters on Earth listening to this message, we will see you soon. The first Exodus ship will launch in under sixty hours, carrying the reinforcements that you need, so stay strong. Help is on the way."
Nova scoffs, "Like those words are supposed to be comforting."
Hearing her Miller replies, "Seriously, he's a joke. Though I'm surprised you're so against the privileged."
"Being privileged just means I see how corrupt the Ark is from a different angle."
Miller raises his cup, "I'll drink to that."
Nova raises her glass back in a mock toast, "To the Chancellor and the council. For so kindly pardoning us of our crimes only after they sent us to our deaths."
Miller smiles, "Hear hear."
 A few minutes after Miller and Nova's interaction the camp's communication system went dead. "Hey. The comms are still dead. They cut out during the pageant." Clarke says.
"Best Unity Day ever." Bellamy mutters, causing Nova to snort.
"Do you really think now is a good time to be having a party? I mean, the Grounder is out there."
"Grounders." Bellamy corrects. "By now he's made it home. He's probably putting together a lynch mob." Seeing the look on Clarke and Elara's faces he continues, "Relax. I got security covered. Why don't you go get a drink? You look like you could use one."
"I could use more than one." Clarke says.
"Then have more than one. It''s Unity Day, Clarke. Lighten up a little." Nova replies, bringing her own cup to her lips.
Bellamy nods, "The Exodus ship carrying both of your parents comes down in two days. After that, the party's over. Have some fun while you still can. You deserve it."
At the mention of her father Nova scrunched her face up in disgust, "God, I'm going to need more to drink after that reminder."
"I thought you said you would only have one." Elara states, looking at her friend in concern.
Nova shrugs then chugs the rest of her moonshine. The drink burned her throat on the way down. "You're only having one and Blake already said security is covered. I need something to stop me thinking about the fact that I'm going to be seeing my father in a few days."
 On one of the tables the delinquents have begun a game of moonshine pong. Nova and Miller are on a team against Sterling and Monroe. "We are so beating you." Nova says, a rare smile lighting up her face.
"Bring it on, Kane." Sterling replies.
Nova throws first, easily making the manmade ball into one of the cups. Miller then throws his ball, sinking it into another cup. Nova and Miller both let out a cheer, high fiving as Monroe and Sterling drink.
The game continues back and forth until Nova throws the ball landing it in the last cup. Miller lets out a loud yell and picks Nova up in a celebratory hug. "That's what I'm talking about!"
"Called it from the beginning." Nova says smugly. Just as the words leave her mouth, Clarke taps her on the shoulder. She turns to look at the blonde, "What is it?"
"Come here." Clarke leads her away from the group and towards Bellamy.
When he sees the two girls approaching, he addresses the blonde, "Having fun yet, princess."
Ignoring him she instead starts explaining why she dragged Nova towards the older boy, "Finn set up a meeting with the Grounders. Nova and I are supposed to talk with them."
"I'm too drunk for this shit." Nova says, running a hand through her hair.
"Listen, I think it might be worth a shot. I mean, we do have to live with these people." 
"They'll probably gut you, string you up as a warning." Bellamy states.
"Well, that's why I'm here. I need you to follow us, be our backup."
"Does Finn know this?"
"Finn doesn't need to know, and, Bellamy, bring guns."
 Walking through the woods, Clarke decides to break the silence. "I'd love it if you were right about this, but did you ever consider it might be a trap?"
"Yep, but since it's Unity Day, I decided to have hope instead." Finn replies.
"The Grounder's don't know it's Unity Day." Nova says, "And if this happens to be a trap and they kill me. I'll make sure to stay alive long enough just so I can kill you."
"Seriously, Finn, you're putting a lot of faith in a guy who stuck a knife in you." Clarke states.
"And you are sounding more and more like Nova and Bellamy." Finn shakes his head at the blonde.
"There is nothing wrong with sounding like me. I was born a leader and a warrior. I'm keeping us alive." Nova glares at Finn.
"You want to start a war." He tries to continue but Nova cuts him off.
"Bullshit. The Grounder's have been picking us off one by one since we got here. If it wasn't for me, Bellamy, and Clarke reacting in the ways that we have a lot more of us would be dead. I don't want a war, Finn. But if they think they can get away with killing one of our own, they are in for a rude awakening."
 As the trio arrives at the meeting place Clarke and Nova's eyes fall on Octavia. "So that's how you set this up. You helped him escape, didn't you?" Clarke asks the younger Blake.
"I trust him." Octavia says.
Nova rolls her eyes as Clarke mutters, "There's a lot of that going around."
The group turns their heads to the sound of someone arriving. The Grounder that escaped, Lincoln, runs up to Octavia. They hug and pull away when Clarke exclaims, "Look, horses!"
Nova raises an eyebrow, impressed at the sight of the beautiful creatures. "Hey. We said no weapons." Finn says, looking at Lincoln.
"I was told there wouldn't be." The Grounder replies.
"It's too late now." Clarke says, shaking her head.
Nova casually places her hands in her pockets, making sure her knife is still there. As the three delinquents move forward, Lincoln holds out a hand, "They go alone."
"We'll be fine." Clarke says, reassuring the teen.
Nova and Clarke reach the middle of the bridge at the same time the Grounder leader does. "Your name is Clarke?" The leader asks, looking at the blonde.
"And you are Nova?"
"Yeah." Nova states, the glare never leaving her face.
"I'm Anya."
"I think we got off to a rough start, but we want to find a way to live together in peace." Clarke starts.
"I understand. You started a war that you don't know how to end."
Nova scoffs, "Trust us. We know how to end it. We would just prefer to do this peacefully rather than having more bloodshed."
Clarke holds up a hand telling Nova to stop, "We didn't start anything. You attacked us for no reason."
"No reason? The missiles you launched burned a village to the ground." Anya argues.
"The flares? No. That was a signal meant for our families. We had no idea-"
"You're invaders. Your ship landed in our territory." Anya cuts Clarke off.
"We didn't know anyone was here when we got sent down. Add to the fact that all of us here didn't have a choice to come down but were forced to by our people." Nova states.
"You knew we were here when you sent an armed raiding party to capture one of us and torture him."
"Only after he captured one of our own." Nova says, taking a step closer to the Grounder.
The Grounder takes a step forward, now chest to chest with the petite brunette, "You were the one who killed one of my warriors when you came into our territory."
"In retaliation for your warriors leading my people into traps to kill them. You were plucking us off one by one and I wasn't going to just sit by and let it happen."
 Somewhere behind them, hiding in the woods, Jasper, Bellamy, Raven, and Elara sit watching the interaction. “Grounder Princess looks pissed.” Raven states.
“Yeah well, our Angel has that effect.” Bellamy replies.
“I really hope she backs off. This isn’t going to end well.” Elara whispers, clearly nervous for her friend.
“I always thought Nova was lying when she said she wasn’t afraid of anything. I think this proves that she was telling the truth.” Jasper says.
 "Nova." Clarke scolds. The blonde tugs on her friend's arm, willing her to step back but Nova refuses to be the first to back away. So instead Clarke starts speaking, "Even though Nova wants to continue to argue, I see your point." Anya steps back to get a better look at Clarke as she speaks, "That's why we need to put an end to all of this."
"Lincoln said there are more of you coming down, warriors."
"The guard, yes, but also farmers, doctors, engineers. We can help each other but not if we're at war."
"Can you promise that these new arrivals won't attack us, that they'll respect the terms we agree on?"
Clarke hesitates, "I promise I will do everything I can to convince them to honor the terms that we set."
"Why would I agree to an alliance that your people can break the moment they get here?"
"How about we set terms for a temporary agreement and then when the rest of our people come down we can set up another meeting and our leaders and you can set up a more permanent agreement?"
Before Anya has the chance to reply a voice from behind the two delinquents yells out, "Clarke, Nova, run! They're gonna shoot!" Nova recognizes the voice as Jasper.
Nova and Clarke react immediately. They turn around and start running away from the Grounders and towards Finn who is rushing towards them.
"Finn, go back! Go, go!" Clarke yells at the boy.
Nova watches as Lincoln jumps in front of Octavia, saving her from an arrow. 
Once the group of delinquents are back together in the woods, Bellamy starts arguing with Finn. "You got anything to say?"
"Yeah. I told you no guns!" Finn argues.
"I told you we couldn't trust the Grounders. I was right." Clarke defends her actions.
"Why didn't you tell me what you were up to?" Raven asks Finn, hurt that he didn't talk to her.
"I tried but you were too busy making bullets for your gun." Finn replies.
"You're lucky she brought that! They came there to kill you, Finn!" Bellamy says.
"You don't know that! Japer fired the first shot!" Finn yells.
"You ruined everything!" Octavia agrees with Finn. 
She storms off in the direction of camp as Jasper yells after her, "I saved you! You're welcome!"
"Will all of you shut up. We can't change anything that happened so stop arguing about it." Nova says.
There is a brief moment of silence that Finn breaks, "Well, if we weren't at war already, we sure as hell are now." He then turns to Clarke, "You didn't have to trust the Grounders. You just had to trust me."
Finn runs off after Octavia just as Bellamy mutters, "Like I said, best Unity Day ever."
“Nov, you should have told me what was happening.” Elara says, looking at the petite girl, who just shrugs in response. “You could have been killed. I swear you are way too impulsive and hot headed.”
“I don’t need you to lecture me, Lara.” Nova snaps. “I’m not going to be afraid of some Grounders, I’ve been trained since I could walk. Out of all of us in our camp I have the best chance at survival when it comes to going up against them.”
Right after the words leave her mouth an explosion in the sky causes the remaining delinquents to stop and look up. "The Exodus ship? Your parents are early." Bellamy says.
"Wait. It's going too fast. Something's wrong." Clarke replies as she watches the ship fall to Earth.
Not even a minute later it crashes, creating a mushroom cloud. Clarke sinks to her knees as Nova's eyes widen and her mouth drops open in shock.
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mystical-flute · 3 years
Uncharted Waters (ch. 11)
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AO3 || Ko-fi
“My Pharaoh, there was something you needed of me?” Azila asked, breezing into the throne room, her brow knitted in worry. “Are you ill? In pain?” It wasn’t like him to summon her to him outside of any sort of official priest meeting. Or perhaps he had decided that he hadn’t actually liked her standing up to him in the weeks following his predecessor’s death. Maybe this was to be a delayed execution.
Seto was standing at the window, as he always seemed to be. “Did we have any unusual deaths last night?”
Azila swallowed thickly. “We have received word of three, my Pharaoh.”
“And you went to check yourself as I have instructed?”
“Of course. There was magic there, but it was not the shadow magic we use. Mana is trying to identify it now. I tried my healing powers, but they had no effect. Whatever is causing these deaths… it is not from Egypt.”
“What about Eturn?”
“I have a message out to an associate in Eturn. I am waiting to hear back.”
Seto cursed under his breath, resting his fist against the wall beside him. “I don’t understand why this keeps happening. What more must we do to appease the gods?”
“I wish I had an answer for you, Pharaoh.”
“So we’re back to 'Pharaoh' now? You seemed so comfortable calling me Seto the other week.”
Azila stuttered. “You were in need of a shock to your system. It is my job to make sure you are healthy and together, is it not? Unless you chose me as your Chief Physician simply because we are friends.”
“Nonsense. Your talent speaks for itself. I just fear that Egypt will crumble under whatever is causing these deaths… it will fall back on me.”
“Whatever is happening is not your fault. The people know this.”
“But how long until they stop believing it isn’t my fault?”
Azila didn’t have an answer to that.
“Pharaoh! I’ve found something!”
Mana rushed into the room, something glowing in her hand.
“What is that?” Seto asked with a frown.
“I don’t know, but it contains the same magical properties that Azila felt last night,” Mana explained, opening her hand.
A stone, glowing a greenish color, laid in her palm.
“I’ve never seen such a thing, nor have I heard of it,” Azila said softly.
“You two, work together to figure out what it is and how to stop it,” Seto said. “We cannot let our people suffer anymore.”
“We won’t let you down, Pharaoh.”
She hated working overnights.
I.D.R.A headquarters was quiet, the only sound was the new-age music coming from Aiko’s speaker to give the impression of the women being in a spa.
Which Reika was desperately beginning to wish she was in, given how chaotic the day had already been, and the phone call she was currently in with Yugi was not helping matters at all.
“No, I’m sorry, you what?”
“Joey got kidnapped and possessed by Marik and we had to duel. There was a timer and we had to beat it in order to win. But we both ended up in the water.”
Reika slammed her hand against the table harder than she’d meant to. “Yugi, what the hell? Are you okay?! Where are you now?”
“We’re fine, we’re fine. Mai’s driving us to the finals now. I’m sorry you won’t be able to make it.”
“It’s fine. I mean, who would turn down a chance to go to a spa for their birthday with their best friend?” she asked, swiveling her eyes to stare down Aiko. “At least I’m away from the Rare Hunters. That’s gotta count for something, right?”
Aiko grimaced, sipping at the water in front of her.
“Right. You should be safe there since you’re not in Domino.”
“And you could be walking right into their trap. I’m worried, Yugi. If Marik could possess your friends so easily once before, what’s stopping him from doing it while you guys are at the finals? What if he’s in the finals?”
“The knowledge that we’ve stopped him once before? And I believe in the Heart of the Cards and my friends.”
“From what I’ve seen, belief usually doesn’t stop bad guys. That’s why they keep going until someone physically crushes them.”
“Why have you seen that?”
She blanched, scrambling for an answer. “I watched a lot of TV when I was in E - school,” she replied, twirling a strand of hair around one of her fingers. “Anyway, I’ll let you go. I’m sure you guys are almost at the stadium, right?”
“Yeah, see you when we get back.”
“Hey, is that Jean-Claud -”
Whatever Joey had started to say, she didn’t get to finish hearing as she ended the call and tossed the phone down on the desk in front of her with a long groan.
“I think you need to get some air,” Aiko said as she looked over a map of the North Blue. “We’ve been stuck in here all day and you hardly paid attention to the latest intel that came in.”
“Garrison managed to topple -”
Aiko raised a brow. “Garrison? His name is Karasu, Reika. You know that.”
Reika paused. “Karasu managed to gain control of the Vroven Kingdom and deposed their corrupt queen. The residents are quite relieved, according to the report, and it’s a major North Blue trading port.”
“You also almost said you were in Eturn to Yugi on the phone.” Aiko continued to squint at her until Reika put her hands up in defeat.
“Okay, okay, I’ll grab my cloaking device out of my locker and go for a walk. Do you want me to get you anything? Burger World’s down the street.”
Aiko was already sliding money across the table. “Get me the number three with no onions and a soda. Please.”
“Yeah yeah, no problem.”
“Reika, are you alright?” Azila asked as she made her way toward the elevator to the downstairs locker room.
“It’s just been a long day, Azila. There was a rebellion that didn’t end well in the South Blue, and when I checked on the Straw Hats, I was having trouble getting a read on where they were. And then Yugi called and said his friends were kidnapped which led to him almost dying and I couldn’t do anything about any of it!”
Azila stared at her with concern. “I think your friend is right. A walk will be good for you.”
Reika exhaled slowly through her nose, stepping inside the elevator. “I know. I’m just starting to feel trapped here, that’s all.”
“Trapped? In the building?”
“No, in Domino. It’s been almost two months since I’ve been in Eturn. Who knows how many islands I’ve missed that might have information on where my parents are?” she questioned. “And as much as I love my family here, it’s just not the same without the crew.” When the elevator reached the first floor, she stepped out of it with a sigh. “Did you remember anything about that energy we read the other day?”
Azila looked down. “I remember doing research on it after a strange series of deaths in Egypt. There were several in Eturn as well.”
“Well, what is it?” Reika asked, tossing a hoodie over her shirt and tying her hair back before sliding the cloaking device in her hair and hearing it switch itself on.
“We - we failed to conclude. The deaths stopped after two weeks when we got rain. It was like Egypt was purified,” Azila paused, looking at her. “You look strange with the brown hair again.”
“Heh. I’m sure I - ”
The alarm began to chime overhead, and she rushed from the locker room to the nearest computer to track it.
“Oh, god.”
“What is wrong?”
“It ripped here. Someone from Eturn is in our building,” Reika gasped, activating the lockdown protocols for the I.D.R.A’s area of the building. The staircases would be a pain to check, but at least the elevator would be clear.
Reika grabbed her gun from the holster still strapped to her hip and began the process of checking rooms.
“Aiko, check in. Where are you?” she asked.
Something thudded from the conference room and she tensed, slowly approaching. “Hello?”
“Where am I? Who are you?”
Reika almost froze at the voice.
Aiko’s voice was muffled.
“Miss All-Sunday, I strongly suggest you let Aiko go,” she said. “And put all your hands up.”
“Who are you?”
“Aw, c’mon, don’t tell me you forgot about me already. We had such fun together at the casino…” Reika hummed, stepping into the room, her gun still drawn. “Especially the part where you threw me out a window and said all my friends were going to die.”
Miss All-Sunday stared at her, horrified as she let Aiko go. “You’re - from the Straw Hats…”
“Indeed I am.”
“Why weren’t you on the ship when it left Alabasta?”
“Why do you know I wasn’t on the ship when it left Alabasta?”
“I joined the crew. Luffy saved my life, so I joined his crew. I snuck on-board the ship after Crocodile was defeated.”
Reika stared at her, but slowly put her gun away. She wanted to say the woman was lying, but this was Luffy they were talking about. It wouldn’t be out of the ordinary for him to do such a thing.
“Hold on, I recognize you now. You’re Nico Robin, the last survivor of Ohara!” Aiko suddenly said.
She couldn’t stop the gasp that escaped her as Robin nodded confirmation.
“I am. Please, where am I?”
Reika ran her tongue over her teeth and looked at Aiko. She was from Ohara. She likely knew what the Veil was, so…
“You’re in Japan. Earth.”
“Earth…” Robin’s voice was barely a whisper. “So - so the scholars… they weren’t just spinning wild folktales when they talked about a sister world? All of those books about it were real?”
“Very real,” Aiko said, putting a hand on Robin’s shoulder. “We were in contact with the scholars of Ohara up until the Buster Call. “We tried to find you but… you were good at keeping yourself hidden from the Marines.”
“I thought I was, but today proved otherwise…” Robin shivered, and it was then Reika realized just how pale the woman looked.
“What happened? Is the crew okay?” Reika asked sharply.
Robin sighed. “We encountered a Marine Admiral.”
“An admiral?!”
“Aokiji. I’m not… completely sure what happened after the initial encounter. He froze me solid and I woke up on the Merry. That’s when I saw the light that led me here,” Robin explained.
God, could the crew even deal with an admiral right now? Luffy was strong, but Devil Fruit wielded by an admiral strong? She didn’t know. “Okay. We’ll get you back to the ship and the crew. Aiko, can you get the teleporter ready?”
Aiko nodded, rushing from the room.
“Robin, do you want to take a look at Earth?”
“I never even dared to dream about Earth,” Robin whispered.
Reika grinned, raising the blinds. “Welcome to Domino.”
“What is that?” Robin asked, pointing at the KaibaCorp blimp that was hovering over the city, and Reika was suddenly very glad she had her disguise on.
“A blimp. There’s a tournament going on right now, and that’s where the finals are taking place,” she explained. “It’s being broadcast all over the world.”
Reika shrugged. “Our technology seems to be more advanced than in Eturn.”
Robin looked a little overwhelmed as she continued to look out the window, her eyes darting every which way. “I’ve never seen anything like this. To think that another world was hiding from us this whole time. Why were the worlds separated?”
“That’s what our organization is trying to figure out,” Reika said. “All we know for sure is that it happened around the same time as the Void Century. Before that, the Veil between worlds was open. Trade, travel, anything you can think of, was common in ancient times.”
“And then nothing.”
“Essentially. Sixty years ago, strange tablets were found in boxes around the world. They’d been buried for centuries, or passed down from holy man to holy man. Aiko’s grandfather was the one to crack the code, the International Dimensional Research Agency was founded, and here we are,” Reika said. “C’mon, let’s get you back to the Merry before Luffy loses his mind over you being gone.”
Robin frowned at her as they made their way upstairs. “Why would you join something like this? I mean, going between this place and Eturn? It must not be easy.”
“It’s not,” Reika agreed. “But my parents went missing in Eturn when I was eight. Somewhere in the Grand Line. I want to find out what happened to them. If for nothing else, for my grandfather. He deserves to know what happened to his elder son.”
“Your grandfather? The one who fell into a coma?”
She laughed softly. “They told you about that, huh?”
“Nami did. How is he doing?”
Reika hesitated for a moment. “Getting stronger every day,” she decided on, pushing the door open to the teleportation room.
“Whoa…” Robin gasped. “What is that?”
“This is one of the official Veil-points between Earth and Eturn. I just put in the coordinates to the Going Merry,” Aiko said, glancing at Reika and handing her one of the emergency transporters. “You’ll have an hour in Eturn before it drags you back.”
Reika frowned. “What do you mean an hour?”
“I told you to go for a walk, didn’t I? Go have fun with the crew. You’ll be back before the first duel starts.”
“Thank you, AIko. I owe you.”
“You can still go to Burger World when you come back here.”
Aiko opened the portal and Reika stepped forward. “After you, Robin.”
Reika practically felt herself vibrating with excitement as she followed Robin through the portal, blinking as they arrived back on the Merry, in the midst of some sort of argument between Chopper and Nami, neither of whom seemed to notice the portal that had opened behind them.
“Luffy’s frozen and Robin’s gone! What are we gonna do?!” Chopper wailed.
The duo froze, slowly turning around.
“Did you guys lose someone?” Reika said, jabbing a thumb in Robin’s direction.
Reika was almost knocked off her feet by the force of Nami’s hug. “Nami, Chopper - hi! I missed you too. What happened to Luffy?”
“He got frozen by Aokiji!” Chopper cried. “Usopp’s with him now trying to thaw him.”
“I hope I’ll get the chance to see him before I have to go,” Reika said softly.
Nami frowned. “Go? Go where? You just got back!”
“I know, I know. But things aren’t completely settled in Oxram. Aiko was kind enough to send me along with Robin when we realized she was part of the crew, but I’ve only got an hour before I have to go back.”
“But when are you gonna be back for good?” Chopper asked, his eyes wet with tears.
“Aw, Chopper, it’s okay!” she soothed with a smile. “Nami, you have a map, right? I’ll - ”
“I’M GONNA KICK THAT ICE GUY’S ASS!” Luffy suddenly shouted.
Reika chuckled. “Bring the map to the galley, Nami. I’ll figure something out. Oi! Luffy!” she called, stepping into the hallway. “Luffy? Usopp?”
“Reika’s back!” Usopp shouted.
There was a terrible grunting noise, and then Luffy made his grand appearance, almost knocking the bathroom door off its hinges. Chunks of ice were still stuck to his body and hat, but he was grinning all the same.
“Luffy, you should be careful!” she gasped, not even flinching as Luffy’s rubber limbs wrapped around her torso and he flung himself at her. She found herself thudding to the ground, laughing all the same. “Hey, Usopp, get Zoro, Vivi, and Sanji and meet me in the galley, yeah?”
“Vivi stayed in Alabasta, but I’ll get the others,” Usopp replied.
She wasn’t surprised.
“Only an hour?” Luffy whined when the entire crew was gathered. “Why can’t you stay for good?”
“My grandfather’s recovery is slow. He woke up but he’s still re-learning stuff and can’t be left alone yet,” she explained, looking at the map in front of her. “In three weeks, you’ll reach an island called Water 7. It’s a major trade port with Oxram. I’ll meet you there. I promise.”
“Aiko can get you there?” Zoro asked with a frown.
Reika nodded. “With her fruit, as long as she remembers what a place looks like, she can get there. She was here, so she can get me back here.”
Luffy had that unusually serious look on his face again, glancing between the map and her. “Okay. Three weeks.”
He held out his hand, and they shook on it.
She wasn’t sure why she had said it. She’d had a return date of August, not July, but something in her soul told her she would be needed in Eturn earlier.
“I’ll have time to prepare for three beautiful ladies on the ship. Excellent!” Sanji sighed.
“I still have a boyfriend,” she laughed. “But I’d love a quick snack before I go? I’ve missed your cooking.”
Sanji zipped over to the fridge. “Of course, Reika dear!”
“Have you been keeping up with your training?” Zoro asked.
“Obviously. I’ll be training even harder now that I know we’re on an admiral’s radar.”
“Well, with my tech from Skypiea, I’ll be able to protect the crew!” Usopp declared with a grin.
“We went to an island in the sky, Reika!” Luffy said, slamming his hands against the table as Sanji set down some sort of fruit and yogurt dip. “And I fought against God!”
Reika nearly choked on a berry. “I’m sorry, God?”
That was how Reika spent her hour in Eturn listening to the tale of Skypiea - of Sky People and Sky Fish and Octopus Balloons, and of the golden bell at the top of a beanstalk (her life was a soap opera and now there were fairy tales mixed in?). It was all making her head spin, but she knew this would be important information for the agency to learn.
Reika rose to her feet after glancing at her watch. Less than a minute left. “I’ll meet you at Water 7.”
“Three weeks.”
“Three weeks,” she echoed, feeling the yank as the portal opened, dropping her back in Domino.
Aiko was grinning at her from a nearby computer. “How was it?”
“Surprisingly informative. Get a pen and a map of Eturn. We have some geography to add.”
Burger World went forgotten that night as the duo imported the information into their database before settling down to watch the finals on the conference room screen.
“This game is insane!” Aiko shouted as the last duel of the evening concluded. “I mean, three people landed in the hospital because of cards?”
“Well, don’t come to a tournament when you’re already injured, don’t piss off a lightning god, and well, well, yeah, the third one’s bullshit,” Reika said, rubbing the back of her neck. “Mai had him on the ropes. She would have won if it wasn’t for her not being able to read the text on Ra’s card.”
“You do see how that’s worse, right? That evil shadow magic bullshit shouldn’t even be a thing,” Aiko groaned, running her fingers through her hair. “You’re sure you’re okay taking the first shift?”
“Yeah, I just want to make sure Yugi’s not going to call me. Get some sleep, Aiko. I’ll wake you up at three.”
The downside to these shifts was being alone in the early morning hours, providing there wasn’t an emergency with an undercover operative. To give herself some distraction, Reika switched on some music, and soon, soft jazz filled the surveillance room.
It was a quiet night - no frantic calls from other field agents, or important updates from Dragon. The jazz music had started to lull her to sleep, until it suddenly stopped as a call came in.
One-thirty in the morning only meant one person.
“You should be sleeping,” she greeted, rubbing at her tired eyes.
“So should you.”
“I was, until you called. What’s up?”
“If I stare at this computer anymore, my eyes are going to fall out of my head. These damned god cards…”
“Let me guess- Ra, right? The one that killed Mai?”
“Valentine is unconscious, not dead.”
“You do understand that’s only marginally better, right?”
“Tch. Whatever.”
A strange silence settled over the call.
“I get the feeling you didn’t just call me because your eyes are burning.”
(She wasn’t sure that happened to him anymore)
“We’ll be landing at Alcatraz in a few hours.”
“Alca - shit,” she slid her hand down her face. Of course she knew what Alcatraz was - the old testing grounds for KaibaCorp. She had never been there herself, but she’d heard enough rants out of Seto to know there was a high chance Alcatraz wouldn’t be standing in the next fourteen hours. “Seto, I’m so sorry I had to ditch the finals.”
“It’s fine.”
It wasn’t - she could hear it in his voice.
“Listen… when you get home, I’m yours the rest of the week. Anything you want to do.”
“You play a dangerous game, Reika.”
“But with you, it’s always so much fun.”
“Hmph. I’ll let you know later, then.”
“Get some rest, Seto. You’ve got a tournament to win, right?”
The call ended, and she ran her fingers through her hair.
She was the worst girlfriend on the planet.
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“So we’re all in agreement that Toph becoming a cop was bad and totally out of character.”
Umm...no the fuck we are not??? I mean, you are totally welcome to believe whatever you want and headcanon anything that makes you happy, but let’s not pretend that this is the consensus of the entire fandom.
(This got longer than expected, so buckle up.)
"Well Toph never would have been a cop because she hated authority!"
Toph hated authority when the people in power used it to oppress people whom they thought were weaker than them. She hated her parents for treating her like a porcelain doll, and doubling down once they discovered she wasn't. She hated the Fire Nation for being imperial twats that colonized the planet with their brute force, technology, and superior strategy (superior only because it’s difficult to strategize against a sneak attack, or against those who severely out-tech you). She hated the Dai Li for being the agents of an oppressive state. She hated the bender alliance in Crane Fish Town because they abused their superior physicality to terrorize people who did not have the ability to defend against their attacks. Even her arguments with Katara generally have this element, where Katara (who has no actual authority over anyone else in the group) uses her self-appointed position as “the caregiver” to order the others around, and Toph does not stand for that BS. (I love Katara, too. She’s fourteen, and she acts like it at times. I don’t think this head-strong trait of hers is bad, or that the things she is saying are necessarily wrong. Just that her presentation is the reason Toph is so obstinate in response.)
But you know who Toph absolutely doesn't hate? Sokka. We all talk about Katara being the mom friend, and as I stated above, she adopted that role for herself for sure. Yet Sokka is more regularly the closest thing they have to an actual authority figure in their group. And Toph doesn’t dislike him. She crushes on him. Because the thing is, while he can be firm with them and will stand his ground when it’s important, he for the most part takes the rest of the group into consideration over his own desires. He is willing to make compromises to his goals ( which are mainly related to the scheduling) to allow Katara to bring hope to every godforsaken town they come across, or in order for Aang to struggle through the issues he faces as a 12yo ‘chosen one’. Sokka helps them accomplish these goals so that they can continue as a more effective team. Toph arguably even likes Sokka as an authority figure because it's not a power trip for him, and it makes less work for the rest of them while they’re trying to train Aang.
Contrary to popular belief,  I don’t think Toph hates authority: she hates the abuse of power.
When you look at it that way, Toph becoming a cop makes a decent amount of sense. If you've read the Imbalance trilogy, you can probably understand how the authors are starting to align this aspect of her character with her established future. Toph has always loved beating the baddies, and even as a vigilante, her goal has always been geared toward defending the underdog in an unfair fight. I think she would become a cop in Republic City not only because she's a badass fighter who would want a job where she could legally beat up criminals who deserved it, but also because she simply wouldn't trust anyone else to do the job without becoming corrupt or letting the power go to their heads. 
Think about it: she can sense when most people are lying, has a strong personal moral code that appears to mostly align with that which her society exemplifies, and she already has a well-established relationship with several world leaders and representatives (including the Avatar). She has faced oppression and injustice firsthand, and so will feel empathy for the people she should be protecting. I also love that is provides a play on the concept that “justice is blind”. Even with all of this, I do believe the position would wear on her over time. I don’t think she likes to be an authority any more than she likes listening to one who she thinks is full of shit. And I think after the whole Suyin thing, it is a rude awakening for her that she is not as incorruptible as she had once thought, which is why she retires only a year later. All of these things make sense within the realm of their world, without being out of character for her.
I know that in the real world, cops are not well respected (justifiably so, ACAB. Unfollow me if you disagree). However, I don’t think it’s fair to expect the injustice of real-world police to be the default in a world where people can manipulate the elements, and where the entire globe is healing from a century-long war. I also think we should consider that, even if cops are inherently corruptible in that universe in the same way as ours (including Toph), it still may have seemed like the best solution the Gaang could come up with at the time. “We have rampant criminals in our newly founded city we’re trying to establish in this war-torn land, and our tiny warrior friend has a thirst for blood and an at-least-moderately respectable moral compass...so we’re going to let her take care of shit,” is a very Aang & Friends game plan imo. In a world where they’re trying to replace an imperial regime, with the real and lurking fear of accidentally establishing totalitarian control in their wake (like Kyoshi did with the Dai Li), putting Toph--whom they all trust and respect--in charge of the police was not a terrible decision.
Lastly: I know someone is going to bring up “the Melon Lord thing went to her head, so why wouldn't the power as a cop?” To which I say...she was twelve, playing a game with her friends. It was serious training I guess, but she was still pretending to be their enemy. That's a game when you're twelve, regardless of the purpose. You may also bring up the concern of her minimizing Sokka's nonbending in the series, but to that I say please read Imbalance. She has made a lot of growth in that department.
Again: please feel free to disagree and headcanon whatever you want. But also, please stop acting like people who enjoy the actual canon are wrong for doing so. Toph is so much more complex than “rebel child who hates all authority because of mistreatment,” and minimizing her to that, to the point that you can’t even consider how she may have joined the force, seems so wrong to me.
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marquillosource · 4 years
Translation of the Interview below  ↓
Interviewer: It’s 5:39 p.m., one hour less in the Canary Islands. We’ve said a few weeks ago that during this confinement, La Casa de Papel has become Netflix’s most watched non-English speaking TV show. I don’t just mean Spain, obviously. I’m speaking about the entire world.
And we’re seeing just that in this program’s Twitter account. You can’t imagine the amount of messages we’ve received from the corners of the five continents since announcing it today and we’re going to talk to them now.
The day Season 4 premiered – just that first day – it was watched by 34 million people. That’s data that Netflix itself has released. This is a show that started here in Antena 3.
Here to talk to us, we have two confined people. Not in the Bank of Spain, but in their homes I suppose.
They are Álvaro Morte. How are you, Álvaro? Good afternoon.
Álvaro: Good afternoon, Julia. It’s a pleasure. How are you?
Interviewer: Likewise. And Itziar Ituño, to whom I’m going to refer to as the Inspector because… Itziar, good afternoon.
Itziar: Good afternoon, Julia. How are you?
Interviewer: I’ll call her the Inspector Murillo because earlier we said something else and I got called out. Some people were like: ‘we’re still on Season 1!’ and I told them ‘Okay, okay! The Inspector Murillo and that’s that… We won’t say anything else.’ Who is the best person I’ve ever seen put her hair up with a pencil in History.
Itziar: [ laughs ] Yes. Well, University and many hours of studying, you know…
Interviewer: Yes. That’s the thing. These things require a great intellectual effort, right?
Itziar: [ laughs ] Yes.
Interviewer: Álvaro, where were you when the State of Emergency began?
Álvaro: Luckily, I was shooting a TV show in Prague – The Wheel of Time (La Roda del Tiempo) and I had just finished it a week before everything happened. So I was home. I was caught in the middle of all of this. And now I’m in my house in Madrid.
Interviewer: That was lucky. Because another week, you’d be stuck with the TV show halfway done without an ending.
Álvaro: Of course. Can you imagine? We would have had to stop filming, stop everything… Imagine if I hadn’t finished my part. Since I won’t be available until this passes. Thankfully, my part is done and I’m home, enjoying some time with my little ones.
Interviewer: You have two little ones, Álvaro? What are their ages?
Álvaro: Five. Five years-old.
Interviewer: Five years-old. Just the one?
Álvaro: No. They’re twins.
Interviewer: Oh, you have twins! Five year-old twins. Of course, you must be distracted then.
Álvaro: Just picture it. I don’t have time for myself.
Interviewer: Because 5 years-old…
Álvaro: [ laughs ] I have no problem finding things to distract myself with during the quarantine. I’m very envious.
Interviewer: It’s an age where they distract a lot and they move around a lot. Well, and in Itziar Ituño’s case… Where were you when the quarantine began, Itziar?
Itziar: I was close to home. Because I was in the Basque Country, where I was shooting a film and a mini-series. I was going home to spend the night, so I was home as well. For which I’m grateful.
Interviewer: Well, I was going to ask you both if this international boom the show [LCDP] has caused had lead to other offers, but you’ve already answered. You’re full of work, with other shows and films. Álvaro.
Álvaro: Yes. Fortunately, this wave that La Casa de Papel has created has opened a lot of doors for me and brought offers on the table, and many other great things.
You have a dream of working and, suddenly, you get a chance like this… of working with these people. And, well, I have a friend with projects that are in a bit of a standstill right now. So if I already feel privileged to have work as an actor in this country… even more so when our career is doing well and we can almost chose, you know? I feel truly lucky and very honored.
But I don’t know where I’ll be tomorrow. It might all be gone. So I’m just trying to live in the moment and enjoy it.
Interviewer: And Itziar, are you living something similar?
Itziar: Yes. It’s true that, in the long run, there were a lot of projects on the horizon - apart from the ones that have been kind of on lockdown because of this Pandemic. And we’re just waiting to see what happens.
What Álvaro said is true. We have the good fortune of being able to chose what work we want to do. And I think we’re very lucky to be part of the show and to have this opportunity because it’s true that most of our fellow actors are in a terrible situation, especially now. We’ll see how the country’s Culture will also be after all of this…
Interview: Well, it’s going to be the last thing to return – concerts, theatre, all of it. There’s going to be people that will have a lot of trouble putting food on the table, with no income at the end of the month.
Itziar: Yes. That’s another big concern we all have. We’ll see what happens.
Interviewer: We’ll see what happens. Well, what kind of relationships do all of you keep? For example, the two of you – Álvaro and Itziar – How long has it been since you’ve spoken over the phone?
Itziar: I don’t remember. Álvaro…
Álvaro: A long time, a long time. [ laughs ]
Interviewer: I don’t believe it. Really? Really?
Álvaro: We talk on the phone a lot on the show. [ laughs ]
Interviewer: A lot.
Itziar: We do have a group on Whatsapp and everyone from La Casa de Papel keeps in touch that way. Actually speak… I think it was at that Antena 3 thing when we saw each other.
Álvaro: Yes.
Itziar: But over the phone… it’s very rare.
Interviewer: Well, well, well… Here I had the notion that you guys were like a family. I suppose the audience is very taken by the media and the fictional image of the group – myself included.
Álvaro: But we really are a kind of family. In a healthy family, you share everything with everyone. In a way, right? Then, to that effect, we are all very much in contact with each other. We know where everybody else is and all that. It’s better than making individual connections. There’s a strong bond between all of us.
Itziar: Besides, we all lead our own lives, busy and stressed with a thousand projects. And it’s not until we see each other again, when we come back for the next season, that we settle down and immediately catch up and recover.
Interviewer: That must be a kind of Sudoku for the Production Manager of the show. There must be a signed contract of sorts, where you commit to being available from this date to this date. Otherwise, it would be impossible for all of you to be there.
Álvaro: Yes, that’s true. We do that in advance. Because anything can happen – like this Pandemic or any other type of event and, suddenly, everything can get delayed or you have to change dates or your schedule no longer coincides with other people’s schedule. It’s complicated, but it can be done.
Interviewer: And when, suddenly, one day, you see Stephen King himself praising La Casa de Papel on Twitter, even putting on the Dalí mask, which is a characteristic emblem of the show. Of course, it’s hard to predict success… What do you think is this x-factor that all creators search for and so few achieve?
It’s difficult to define it, but it has it.
Álvaro: Yes. There’s always a component of inexplicable magic – because, if we could define it as it is, it could replicate it with other TV shows and they would all be hits. That’s impossible, it can’t be done.
But, having said that, I believe that it is a combination of things – it’s not a single factor. I think there are some very well constructed characters right off the script, that suffer passions with which we can perfectly identify with as the viewer. I’m talking about what happens inside of them, with their feelings.
There’s an iconography: the red jumpsuits, the masks, the song ‘Bella Ciao’… And I’m going to add something else that’s very important – well, two more things – the show has a very good balance between the drama, the comedy, the action, the romanticism… I think it’s all very well balanced.
But, above all of it, there’s one thing the show puts on the table – and that is this concept of ‘hey, maybe things aren’t as good as we have been led to believe’, and though we might be small, we can still hit the table and say ‘What’s going on here? Let’s try to change things.’.
Maybe the little guy can take on the big guy sometimes, you know?
And I think that everyone, at some point in their lives, has felt like they’re small fish in some regard. So it’s very easy to identify with the message the show delivers. And a lot of its success is due to this feeling we have of ‘The Resistance’ and the idea that we have to change a system that looks corrupt or doesn’t work anymore.
Itziar: I agree with him. There’s something irreverent about it, about putting up a fight that has had a great impact on an international level, with the discontent we all have deep inside.
It’s a bit like putting the human being at the center of the concerns of the world as a paradigm of life. And I think that that’s how it engages, how it connects in so many countries, all so different from the rest.
Interviewer: By the way, Álvaro – Would you like to play a silly character?
Álvaro: Well, I would try it. I believe that characters… Look, they’ve asked me in other interviews that I’ve done, what other character from La Casa de Papel would I like to play and I suppose…
Well, first off, how wonderful is my colleagues’ work. All and every single one of them is wonderful and I think that the construction they’ve done of thee character from the script is beyond fabulous.
So I would love to do any of their roles, but trying to get away…
Interviewer: Of course.
Álvaro: From The Profesor.
Interviewer: Let me tell you, the challenge – as an actor – would be to be believable while playing a silly character. Because no one can imagine you like that. Which means, this will haunt you for the rest of your life.
[ Álvaro laughs ]
Álvaro: Look, I also believe that the Profesor is very intelligent, but only in certain aspects. He’s very intelligent when it comes to planning or on a systematic and methodical level, but when it comes to emotional intelligence… the man is quite lost.   
[ laughs ]
He needs a boost in that sense. So it’s not true that he’s absolutely bright. I think he has his areas of intelligent action and his areas in which he’s very awkward.
That’s why, perhaps, I did find him an attractive character.
The moment that I’m asked to play a character that is completely different from The Professor, that’s when I begin to get interested. Because it’s already done, and so it’s not very interesting to repeat.
Interviewer: Sure, sure. By the way, we have asked the listeners that are fans of La Casa de Papel to leave question. Some have already sent some through Twitter, for example… Itziar, a listener asked if you guys see yourselves making a spin-off of the show as a couple.
[ Itziar laughs ]
Interviewer: Listen, it’s an idea. It’s an idea.
Álvaro: It’s an idea, yes.
Itziar: I don’t know. I don’t know if it that big of a deal. I don’t know – I’m not a big fan of stretching stories out like gum, because sometimes they break, you know?
And no, I don’t no. You have to be very careful with these things, because when you have a formula that works very well. A lot of the time… doing experiments like this, it doesn’t turn out so well.
It’s true that there are a lot of people that love all of the characters and I think they want to have more and more, to know more about each of their stories. But I don’t know…I don’t know.
What do you think, Álvaro?
Álvaro: Well, that I… I don’t know. I, right off the bat, I thought that as a spin-off, I would suggest that it could explore the challenges they could face as a couple. In any case, there is no point in doing a spin-off of… I still not quite sure what your opinion is.
Interviewer: It’s curious because there are many people – many viewers – that are in love with the love of your fictional characters, right? There are people who are in love with love, even if it is the love of others and a fictional love.
And I see on Twitter, that there are hundreds of messages from people who want to believe almost, that it’s real… that it’s real life. It’s what fiction leads us to.
Well, another listener sent in his question, he asks – ‘ask the Profesor when the vaccine for Covid-19 is coming out. I’m sure he knows’. [ laughs ]
Álvaro: If only.
Interviewer: If only.
Álvaro: I would have to ask Álex Pina, he’s the one who ultimately writes the character of the Profesor. As far as I’m concerned, the sooner the better. I’ve been involved in a movement called #YoMeCorono, I’m sure you’ve heard of it.
Interviewer: Yes, yes.
Álvaro: To try to get funding for the vaccine and-
Interviewer: The one with Bonaventura Clotet, the doctor.
Álvaro: That’s right. So, I don’t know if the Profesor knows or doesn’t know when the vaccine is going to come out, but I would like to appeal to all the people to do their small part so that we can all get out of this as soon as possible.
And if we look around, I’m certain – certain! – that with a simple glance, we can say ‘I could do without this, I could do without this, I don’t need this, I spent a lot of money on this here and I never use it’ and a small contribution from each of us could save many lives.
I think that – right now, in times like these – I feel that we have a great opportunity to stop and think about the importance of all this that’s happening and react a little bit.
Of course, we have to react as a society. But we also have the opportunity to show what we’re like as individuals.
Interviewer: And what do you think, Itziar, every time you see a demonstration demanding justice where there are people dressed up in red jumpsuits and Dalí masks singing ‘Bella Ciao’?
That must be moving, right?
Itziar: It’s very moving to think that you’re a part of a show that has become such a social phenomenon and that people are taking its symbols as an emblem of many protests and vindications. And to go a little against the grain and against the establishment that, most of the time, isn’t fair at all.
So, it’s very moving to see that, in a student manifestation on the other side of the world, they’re singing ‘Bella Ciao’; or in Brazil, on the 8th of March, the women were doing their own verses of the song. I found this incredible. I’m very thrilled about it.
Interviewer: Beyond that, I think we were touched – as Álvaro says – about the Open Arms ship that, when they rescued a boat full of migrants…
Itziar: Wow.
Interviewer: …on the high seas,
Álvaro: Yes.
Interviewer: …and the moment they stepped on land, they suddenly began singing ‘Bella Ciao’.
Álvaro: Yes.
Itziar: [ unintelligible ]
Álvaro: Of course. I don’t know to what extent it was because of the show or not, but…
Interviewer: I’m sure it was.
Álvaro: Because if so…
Interviewer: Definitely.
Álvaro: It was kind of exciting wasn’t it? People were saving lives and, in that moment of emotion, …
Itziar: Wow.
Álvaro: …they start singing ‘Bella Ciao’. It’s very touching.
Interviewer: Do you want to hear comments or questions from the listeners? Here, they have left them for you, for Álvaro Morte and Itziar Ituño. Let’s see what they have to say:
Fan #1: Well, first of all – hello to both of you. I admire you a lot, you’re both terrific actors. It’s a question for both of you, but more directed at Álvaro, because you’ve gone from 7 million to 10 million followers on Instagram in almost two weeks. How do you deal with being so well known around the world? How are you? How do you channel it? How do you get your head around it?
Fan #2: Good afternoon. My question is for Itziar Ituño. I would like to ask her what she thinks Itziar and Raquel have in common. And the similarities that there can be between a character and an actor, especially since they’re both incredibly strong women.
Fan #3: Hello. You’re the best actors in the world. I’m waiting for Season 5. It’s the best show I’ve ever watched and I hope to meet you someday. Carlota. I love you guys so much. Love you. [kiss]
Interviewer: Well, okay…
[ Álvaro & Itziar laugh ]
Interviewer: We have put one of these messages as a representative of the minimum of 150 that we have received.
Itziar: My God!
Interviewer: Well…
Álvaro: My God!
Interviewer: The first question for Álvaro, and then onto Itziar.
Álvaro: Well, look… this thing of being famous and all, it’s a little unsettling. I try to keep my feet on the ground, I try to take all of this with a lot of humor, with good sense and humility.
It’s true that when you suddenly drop from anonymity and, no matter where you go on the planet, you get stopped on the street. Wherever you go, they stop you in the street to take pictures with you and there is a moment when intimacy is out of your control.
There’s been a time when I have had to learn – and it’s something that’s been very difficult for me, because every time a fan has approached me to ask for a picture… Of course, we’re here for them too. Absolutely. And it’s because of them that we’re here.
And whenever I’ve been asked for a picture, I’ve always said yes and I’ve had to learn to say no when I’m with my family for example. When I’m with my family, I don’t want them to be part of this whole circus–
Interviewer: Of course.
Álvaro: –that is created around this whole story of what fame is. I knew from the moment I decided to be an actor, that this might be a collateral damage. But they can’t be a part of it.
I’ve tried to leave them a little bit out of this.
Interviewer: Sure, sure.
Álvaro: And I always try to agree to it, but there are things like having your picture taken from afar without your permission or things of that sort. That I don’t handle well, people being like that… But I try to take it calmly and with humor, and that’s it.
Interviewer: And Itziar? What is there of Itziar Ituño in Raquel or vice versa? Two strong women.
Itziar: The question was about – and I think so – if we have things in common. Raquel Murillo, she works in a world… well, in the Police, for example, where men are the ones who exercise the power.
She has to make people respect her, she has to maintain her authority and power. And how can a woman with her life upside down – I don’t have my life upside down, thank God [laughs] – but I’ve some of those things have happened to me.
Having to make people respect you because of your condition as a woman, you’re not as heard than I believe. Well, I’m not telling you anything new. Many of us, women, have been through it. So, in that sense, it’s very easy to understand.
[ unintelligible ]   …
At the same time, she endures a series of blows with grace and this chick pushes forward and I admire it very much. She seems to be very vulnerable but she has an inner strength that makes her forge ahead all the time. And the truth is that I’m delighted with this character.
Interviewer: That’s true. There was a meme circulating on Whatsapp in which we see Úrsula Corberó (Tokyo in the show) saying to the Profesor: “Profesor, when the fourth season comes out, everyone will working and at school, and nobody will watch it”, to which the Profesor replies: “This is where we begin Plan Wuhan.”
[ Álvaro & Itziar laugh ]
Interviewer: “Four months before the premiere, our man in China will eat a bat…”
Álvaro: Right, right.
Interviewer: It’s very powerful stuff.
Álvaro: Okay, okay…
Interviewer: Wonderful.
Álvaro: We’re getting people to wake up to their genius in this quarantine; There’s a lot of stuff that comes out of there… it doesn’t work.
Interviewer: A huge thanks to Álvaro Morte and Itziar Ituño, who have been here for a little while on the radio. When the confinement is over and you guys aren’t filming, we’ll sit down together – which will be very pleasant.
Álvaro: Hopefully.
Interviewer: I love the show. I’m another fan. Thank you.
Álvaro: Thank you.
Interviewer: Thank you both.
Itziar: Thank you very much, Julia.
Álvaro: A kiss.
Interviewer: See you soon.
Álvaro: A kiss. See you soon.
Itziar: See you soon. Ciao.
Interviewer: News. It’s six o’clock.
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lokispettigerr · 5 years
Painting the Wind: Jotun!Loki x Female!Reader SMUT (NSFW)
Requested by @rougepetale. I killed three Bilgesnipe with one arrow though because I decided to follow out two more requests-- a Jotun!Loki fic and a dark fic. This is book material and I am proud. 
***It is Pet Tiger Tuesdays!!!! Get stoked!
Summary: Reader drives men, and women, wild with just her scent. One evening, she attends her friend’s art viewing at a studio. When Loki catches her scent she runs, spurred on by the dangerous lust that he radiates.
Word Count: 4096
Warning: Sex Pollen, Dom Loki, Non-Con
A/N: So, remember that Mushroom Muse Stew I posted about a while back? Maybe last week, well it pops up again here. **Not my image
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Beauty, attraction, and irresistibility is a blessing and a curse. 
When I was younger, I was raised by monsters who injected their precious serum into my blood year after year after year. Each injection would make me the person I am today, the beast I have become. But do you ever wonder who the true monster is? The beast that was either born into its circumstances or forced into them, or the people or superhuman entity that made them the way they are.
As I look in the mirror now at my reflection I don’t look much a beast. I have doe eyes, bright and big. My lashes make shadows dance upon my cheeks. My lips are full and my skin glows inhumanly. I have womanly curves and hair that shines even on a cloudy day. 
If you want to know the truth, how I really feel about all this talk of monsters and beasts. I think that both parties are at fault. The people who raised me are at fault for sure for forcing this path upon me, but I too am at fault. You gasp? You are shocked? You don’t know me. There are times when I enjoy the way people are uncontrollably aroused towards me. I enjoy knowing that I am constantly in control because they would do anything to be with me, if even for a few moments. You see, there is a part of me that is very much like the monsters who raised me. I am greedy. I was never given love or affection and no matter how much I get now, even an infinite amount… It would never be enough. There is something in me insidious and wrong. 
I turned from my reflection just as my open hand turned to a fist wanting to smash the shiny glass into pieces. What good would that do me? 
I left the house, my heels clicking down the sidewalk outside of the apartment building. The wind was beginning to pick up and the sun kept passing behind giant, ominous looking clouds. I kept my head down shielding my eyes against the wind as my hair fanned out, causing a trail of pheromones to sway luxuriously out behind me. 
Everywhere I went I painted the tail of the wind with my intoxicating scent. Of course, this wasn’t always safe, but I had been trained by the monstrous, mad scientists that raised me. I was unbelievably strong and was meant to be a breeding *whore* to create super soldiers. 
I was an experiment gone wrong. All of my sisters were too. All of us failed. It was something I always found laughable. 
We were all deemed infertile. The pheromones they so ruthlessly injected us with made us alluring, but ironically it nuked our reproductive organs. No sweet bundle of baby joys would ever be a product of me, and in truth, I liked it better that way. I can imagine that with my background I would be a horrifying parent. 
I essentially was a super-soldier. I could practically strangle a man with my bare hands within moments. I could hit someone on their shoulder hard enough that their head would come clean off. When I was a kid, and not very strong I would walk past dandelions doing the same thing. Hitting them hard enough for the flower head to pop right off, all while I ran along wearing a white dress, bows in my hair musical laughter pouring from my lips. Innocence turned to corruption-- it has always been there. 
My text notification chirped and I pulled the phone out of my pocket with a quick glance at the screen. I was meeting Willow at her art showing tonight. I had promised and I was going to come through for her. Being around a group of people like that always made me antsy, all of them would be horny and wanting to grab at me being in close proximity but luckily, Willow mentioned there was an open bar. When I was able to get a little buzz, the anxiety from the surrounding horn dogs usually lessened and I could loosen up, even give them a little of what they wanted. 
I turned the corner and approached the art studio building, “Montross Art Studios” a golden wire looking sign read. It swayed back and forth in the wind as the breeze began to pick up. I could only hope that when I opened the door, the wind would not blow my scent within the art studio. In close quarters it moved slowly, but if the wind stirred the air it would be a scent spread like wildfire. 
I was lucky. The wind had stopped long enough for me to get inside the studio. The door creaked loudly on its hinges, but the studio was full of laughter and chatter, blues music playing over the speakers. 
I scanned the sea of faces looking for Willow’s dark bob and big brown eyes. She was around somewhere, I could sense it. I knew I would run into her eventually and my nerves were already jumping and on highwire so I decided to go to the bar and grab a drink. 
A handsome man stood up against the bar, his posture excuding cockyness and confidence-- of course, if I looked like him I would do the same thing. His hair was shockingly black and his eyes were bright green. He was leaning over the counter of the bar talking in an erotic purr at the bartender who would laugh intermittently while he took a clean wipe towel and rubbed different glasses, making them have a shine. 
He took a sip of a green drink and placed the cup on the bar to move a strand of his black hair behind his ear, exposing his sharp jawline. I was usually not nervous when approaching any sex, but this man at the counter made me feel uneasy. I weighed my options, continue to feel anxious and on edge throughout the art gathering or face one man for a few moments, order a drink, and feel the calm settle over my brain like a security blanket. The choice was easy, a few minutes of discomfort was much easier than discomfort the remainder of the night. 
I made sure to walk as smoothly as I could, so as not to stir the air. When I made it to the bar I kept my distance from the attractive man who oozed danger all about him. 
“Hi there,” I paused while I looked for the bartender's name tag, it read, “Joe?”. I giggled, “ You aren’t sure if Joe is your name?”
He shot me a shy smile back, “If I made a beautiful woman like you laugh then I have succeeded. For you, I’ll be whoever you want me to be. What’ll you have?”
“Just a martini please.” I glanced from the side of my eye at the dark-haired man standing beside me. I could feel his piercing gaze. “Joe, she was mistaken, she will have what I am having.”
I looked at him, wide-eyed, my eyebrows going up. Joe seemed confused, “She said she would like a marti--”
The man standing beside me cut him off, his eyes boring through Joe and into the wall, “Absinthe, Joe. Get the lady Absinthe.”
Joe’s face went blank and he immediately began to pour Absinthe. A chill went down my spine, I had never seen someone command something with such force. I quickly began to rethink the drink. Screw this, I could be uncomfortable the rest of the night. 
Once the bartender had finished preparing the Absinthe he lit the sugar cube on fire. I could not deny the color of the Absinthe combined with the bright burning flame was beautiful. I smiled to myself enraptured by the fire. For a moment I felt alone in the room, the fire holding my attention. It was so beautiful. 
“Your complexion is glowing.” The twilight satin voice brought my thoughts back to the current situation. 
I looked away from the flame, “Just a trick of the light, everyone looks captivating against the allure of firelight.”
The man was silent as he continued to watch me, his eyes half-lidded. 
“I think not,” he whispered, “you’re special…”
I feigned ignorance, after all he was just feeling the average effects of being too close to me. “I don’t know what you are talking about.” I wanted to take a sip of the absinthe, something to keep my mouth busy so I no longer felt the need to carry on this conversation. 
Just then, the door to the studio opened and a gust of wind blew in stirring the air around me, making my hair twirl along my back and shoulders. The flame above the absinthe blew out. Shit!
It was as if time stilled, the man beside me went rigid-- his body freezing, all except for his nostrils which flared dramatically, taking in my scent. His eyes fluttered closed and his head reclined slightly back. Strangely, blue lines were creeping up his neck, and his skin began to darken. 
My eyes searched the crowd, Did anyone else see this? 
His eyes shot open, burning and completely red, “What were you saying?” 
I had to get out! “Uh, gotta go!” I turned to leave, but his fingers quickly closed around my arm. “Not so fast,” he warned. He was strong, superhuman strong. I should have easily been able to break his hold on me but his grasp was like chains of solid iron. 
Just then Willow approached. The mysterious man released my arm, but not before Willow saw him holding it. 
“What’s going on here, Loki?” She asked, a concerned look on her face. 
I answered instead. “I’m so sorry Willow, I got a call. I’ll try to see if I can make it next time.” I ducked my head not wanting her to see the lie. 
Her face fell, disappointment covering it, “Well, okay, if you have to go, I understand.”
I began to walk away, towards the door, towards freedom, “I’ll call you!” I called out over my shoulder and the door slammed behind me. I never looked back to see what the man was doing or if he was watching me, but every fiber of me felt like it was the sugar cube still sitting on the absinthe, on fire, burning brightly-- a flame that would never extinguish. I knew he was watching me as I walked away. 
Usually, I don’t have this kind of reaction, but my body screamed at me to get away as fast as I could. It was as if my brain knew, from all the strength and training that I had, even I could not hold my own against the man in the art studio-- Loki was it? What an odd name. I shoved my arms, hurriedly into my cloak and quickly flipped up the hood. I carried around a thin cloak oftentimes, it helped keep my pheromones in one place and not billowing all about-- plus it looked kinda cool. 
With each step I took, my anxiety increased. I couldn’t shake the feeling that I was being followed. I sped up my pace only to hear what sounded like footsteps approaching at the same speed as my own. I glanced back, the wind tugging ruthlessly at my hood. No one was there. It was only me, the echo of my footsteps. I was alone and so close to home. I would be safe soon. 
My heart was racing and my blood was pumping, making a whooshing sound that filled my ears and pounded around my head. Every few moments I would glance back only to see an empty sidewalk and a few dried leaves skirt by, pushed on by the wind. 
Dusk had settled, not doing anything to help my nerves, and street lamps flickered to life. The harsh light pooled down at the sidewalk interrupting any chances I had at using my night vision. I would try to peer out past the bright lights towards the edge of the trees or across the sidewalk from where I loped, but all I could see were shadows with hunger in their eyes and saliva dripping from their teeth. None of it was real, my fear was making it all up. My imagination was running wild and I knew that as soon as I made it back home and my locks were in place everything would be right in the world. 
Wait… There, what was that? Footsteps not matching my own approaching from behind, my breath caught in my throat and I opened my mouth in case I needed all the air possible for a scream. I was so close, so close to home-- just around the corner and I could rush up the steps, past the lonely, naked lady fountain, past the gardenias making the night smell aromatic, past the garden bed, past the empty swing that often rocked back and forth in the cool night air as it creaked out a forlorn tune, all the way up seven steps to the threshold of my *home*.
I opened the old iron gate, tossing it shut behind me without ever looking back. My hood flew off in my hurry to get inside and I skipped up the steps taking two at a time. The keys were already in my hand and I forced them into the latch turning while I simultaneously twisted the knob. 
The smell of the sage I had burnt early trickled out. I inhaled deeply, the sigh that left my parted lips was one of triumph. I had made it. I shrugged out of my cloak, exposing the skin on my shoulders. I tossed the keys towards the stand near the door and they landed with a sharp clack. The house was dark, but it didn’t matter. I let the darkness of my home envelop me like a warm blanket. I teased my arm along the wall feeling towards the light switch, bracing myself for the moment the lights would come on when I heard a low rumble as someone across from me cleared their throat-- a growl from a hunter. 
Panic choked me, my eyes grew wide with fear and I could acutely see myself from somewhere else in the room. I stood, frozen with terror, unable to move.
“You’re wondering how I came to be here. How I knew this humble abode was yours.” Loki’s sultry voice purred at me from the shadows, just above a whisper. “The fountain out front is a nice touch.” He stalked towards me, the shadows sliding away from him to expose his predatory form. The blue tendrils that had begun to crawl up his skin in the art studio had taken full effect. His skin was now a deep blue hue with exotic markings and his eyes were a violent red. They glowed and cut through the darkness. Had he been bitten by some ghastly bug that had bestowed this monstrous, yet alluring form upon him?
Suddenly, my brain jump-started. I pushed away from the wall, running down the hallway and towards the kitchen. I needed a weapon! Anything. 
It was no use! Somehow the devil named, “Loki” was there-- it was as if he appeared from thin air. 
“There is no use in fighting it. You will soon tire, and I will not soon grow bored.” He glanced at me, his eyes glowing feverishly. 
I reached for a large knife, serrated and as long as my forearm. *This would do the trick*, I thought, right before it turned into a snake within my grasp. I yelped dropping it before running off again towards the dining room. Had something been slipped into my drink to make me have delusions?
I stopped, my back against the wall, my shoulder blades hurting. My chest rose and fell as I heaved. Loki walked, smooth as a water dancer, into the dining room. His chin was tilted down and a deranged smile was on his lips. He was beautiful-- there was no denying it. 
When he reached the rug under the table, I pushed off the wall, my palms lifting and shoving the solid oak table towards Loki. 
But with a simple wave of his hand, it stopped in thin air, never touching him. He moved his hand to the side as if swatting at a lazy fly and it smashed against the wall next to me. How? How was he doing this?
He laughed and I wanted to smile in response, I would do anything to hear that sultry laughter again. “You are clever. I like that about you,” he said as he moved towards me. I stayed against the wall. Clearly, running was useless. I clenched my jaw and narrowed my eyes. 
“Ooo-- you plan to fight me then?” his eyes went up and down my body, lingering on my hips and my heaving, sweat glistening breasts. “How,” he paused a smile spreading to his face again, “...admirable.” 
He stopped inches from me and part of me wanted to reach out to touch the lines etched on his skin. Were they scars? Had they ever caused him pain? I bit my lip.
“I wouldn’t,” he warned, his voice causing goosebumps to race across my skin and my nipples to tighten. 
I lifted my hand, reeling it back to hit him with all of my strength. It would stun him, for sure. Anything I could do to get out of this situation. 
Too quick, and he saw it coming. My wrist hitting his hand made a loud smacking sound and Loki laughed as if he was amused by my animosity. 
“You are a feral thing aren’t you?”
I grunted, getting ready to slam my forehead against his. He managed to see that one too! His other hand went to my throat, his cool fingers closing around my windpipe. 
He was too strong-- it was incredible. His power was immense. 
Loki leaned towards me, his fingers sliding up my throat to push my jawline. I tried to withstand him, but at last, I submitted. I turned my head to the side and he slid his pointed nose up my neck, inhaling deeply. 
“I can’t possibly help myself,” Loki said aloud, though more to himself than to me. 
“Any reservations, my delightful pet?” he asked, polite as ever, as if he wasn’t holding me against my will. 
“Yes,” I spat, “Go fuck yourse--”.
Loki’s finger went to my lips, shushing me. “My, my, what a foul mouth you have.”
Stupidly, I opened my mouth, taking his finger between my teeth as I bit down. Loki didn’t flinch, instead, he chuckled and removed his now slick finger from my mouth. Though he was smiling, I could feel dark rage rolling from him in waves. “Watch me,” he commanded, and compelled, I couldn’t look away from him.  
His hand slid down to the hem of my dress, pushed past it and pulled gently at my thong, exposing my weeping, wet opening. His masterful fingers plunged within me forcefully, and I cried out in pleasure and in surprise. 
“Ohoho, you like that don’t you? You have wanted this since you first laid eyes on me. Haven’t you?” Loki asked. 
I looked away from him, not wanting to admit what I had in truth felt from the beginning. I wasn’t ready to admit it. 
“Answer me!” he growled as he curled his fingers within and without faster, his thumb rubbing around my aching clit in tight circles. 
The more he rubbed his finger pads upon the spongy tissue of my g-spot, the more I lost the ability to speak-- to form coherent thoughts. I moaned in response. 
“Very well, Pet. That is answer enough. I need to hear you speak for me again.”
*Speak for him again?* What did he mean by that? 
I leaned closer to him, drawing him towards me. My lips closed on his own, and my tongue pried at his lips, coaxing him to part them. He did as I bid, an unspoken communication taking place. And when he opened them I bit down, tasting his blood in my mouth-- it was cool and tasted of the darkest berries. Poisonous yet delicious. 
I had surprised him and a hiss escaped his lips as he pulled away from me. He had recovered quickly, regaining his composure. 
“Fool me once…” His strong arm closed around my waist, and I cried out. “You shouldn’t have done that, Pet.”
He threw me down, effortlessly and I hit the couch, the springs bouncing against my weight. 
He removed his clothes and his body met mine, his soul touched mine. His skin covered me like the waves of the sea that caress the sand of the beach. 
Loki pulled back from me, looking at me hungrily. His hand came up to graze at my breast. I could tell he wanted to slow down, to take all of me in, but something in him or the beast in me made him rush on. 
He pushed his way into me, and I whimpered, his length filling me entirely. 
I rolled my eyes back in my head as visions danced behind my eyelids. A lightning strike met a lone tree, igniting it, making it burn brilliantly. A fox took down a hare, killing it as its narrow jaws closed down around its neck. A herd of wild horses, free and unbroken, stirred the dry-packed earth of a desert-- their mouths open in a song that echoed throughout a canyon. A bird plummeting down, wind flowing through its outstretched wings, 10,000ft. down. 
Loki’s deep moan aroused me further. I opened my eyes to find his muscled form taken in the throes of ecstasy. For a moment, I wondered if he had seen what I had seen, but the thought was gone as quickly as it came. 
Loki’s body stilled as if he was trying to slow down and savor me, but my hips continued to move and buck. I grabbed his narrow hips, pushing and pulling at him, fascinated by the blue tint his skin had against mine. His hand grabbed at both of my wrists, bringing them up easily to rest in confinement above my head. 
“Fuck it,” he breathed raggedly and he sped up his pace, his fingers closing harshly around the bones in my wrist.
“I’m cumming, I’m cumming, oh.” Loki thrust into me, his cum pumping against the opening of my cervix.
In response to Loki’s words, my body came without warning and my back arched, legs shaking as I cried out, my walls clenching down around him. 
Loki’s breath was cool against my neck, a welcome sensation. He stilled above me before turning to lay beside me. I watched his every move, my eyes full of wonder.
“What?” he asked. 
“Nothing,” I replied, “Well, I guess I’m just surprised.”
Loki read my mind, “In the manner things played out? I must admit, I am surprised by this myself.”
I shook my head, “It’s normal. For you... Anyone else, really. I have a curse or an ability. When I was young I was forcibly given a serum that creates a pheromone that causes an irresistible attraction towards me.”
“I knew you were special, but even regardless of that, you are special because you were created for me.” He nodded, knowingly. 
I glanced at him, surprised, “How do you mean?”
“You saw my skin change to blue, my red eyes-- the lines upon my skin. I am part Jotun-- something I can explain more later. Without any control, my true mate will force me into Jotun form without my consent. Something that will not placate until my sexual needs and union with the mate is fulfilled.” 
I was speechless. I needed time to process this. 
After a few moments of silence, Loki muttered, “Mushrooms.”
“Mushroom stew. A writer friend of mine recently taught me how to make it.”
“Oh-- uh, cool,” I responded, confused and unimpressed.
“Are you hungry? I am completely famished. I’ll make it for us.” He looked at me, his green eyes shining like stars in the dark. It took me a moment to realize he was waiting for me to say something. 
 I smiled, it was evident he wanted things to work. “Sure, Loki, that sounds delicious.”
“Perfect.” He bent his neck, his face coming towards me and he placed a shy kiss on my lips. 
***** Hope you all enjoyed this and it made you slide to the edge of your seat! There is so much about this one I am proud of, and I cannot wait to hear your thoughts! Send me an ask or leave me a comment and like and reblog! It is the most helpful thing you can do. 
If you would like to be on the Taglist please send me an ASK.  Until next time,  Loki’s Pet Tiger
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bgn846 · 4 years
The Niflheim Experiment Chapter 13
The dust settled after fifteen minutes which allowed Ignis and Aranea to explore their makeshift prison. What Gladio had initially thought of as being one explosion had actually been two, thereby sealing them inside the hallway from both sides. Sighing quietly he turned to check on the others. Ravus was awake but had his eyes closed, his only movement being the hand that was carefully petting Luna’s hair.  She was still unconscious but appeared to be comfortably resting and using her brother's stomach as a pillow.
Loqi hadn’t stirred once, since Luna had finished healing him.   Gladio hoped he would be okay, the kid seemed fine but looks can be deceiving. Unwilling to relinquish his hold Gladio simply sat cradling the former Nif in his lap.  So far Loqi was the only person who’d actually be able to relate to what he’d gone through.  Well, not all of it, but at least the nearly being consumed by the scourge.
Suddenly wondering how long he’d been out after Luna had healed him Gladio couldn’t help but ask. “Ravus, how long did it take for me to wake up after Luna healed me?” The man in question groaned softly before shifting his head slightly. Aranea had been nice enough to lend her jacket as a pillow for him. She was rough around the edges but it was clear she had a strong desire to ensure the safety of those she considered allies.
“Wasn’t quick,” Ravus offered after a beat. “M’guessing nearly twelve hours or more.”
“Probably means blondie here is gonna be out for a little while longer then, huh?”
“Maybe, but he was in good health before he was corrupted, I’m sure that will make some difference.”
“Careful Ignis!” Aranea shouted disrupting Gladio’s train of thought. Looking over he was alarmed to see Ignis crouched down with his arm in between a rather large chunk of rubble.
“Nothing has shifted, but I need to see if I can feel an obstacle on the other side. If this debris pile is only a few feet thick we may be able to breakthrough.” Ignis defended as he pushed his arm even further into the small gap.
“Iggy, please be careful, I don’t want you to lose your freaking arm.” Gladio scolded, he was terrified the pile of unstable concrete would shift and trap him.
“Fine!” he huffed, “it’s of no matter, I can’t feel anything besides more hard surfaces.”
“Good then you can stop doing that,” Aranea commented right before she roughly pulled Ignis back and sent him sprawling backward on his butt. “You may be okay with endangering yourself like that, but I’m not.” She accused after Ignis shot her a glare.
The two came back over to sit down. It was clear they couldn’t escape from this place. They had no choice but to wait for backup or see if this Ardyn character would attack them again.  The guy could easily set off another round of explosives and kill them all. That realization made Gladio’s stomach turn. It wouldn’t be his first choice of how to die but they were at the mercy of this mad man.
“So, tell me again what happened when you came in to get us?” Aranea asked once she’d checked on Luna and sat down to rest.
“We came in and then someone who looked like Luna approached us, but didn’t say anything.  They were injured and kept holding out a hand for help,” Gladio explained.
“What do you mean looked like? Were they blonde and resembled Luna or--.”
“It was the oracle,” Ignis cut in. “If Gladio hadn’t stopped me from assisting her then I’d be in the same boat as Loqi.”
“So an exact copy of Luna? How’s that even possible?”
“I dunno, but when I ran it through with my sword nothing happened.”
“Wait you stabbed Luna?!” Aranea exclaimed.
“It was Ardyn!” Ravus growled, “he’s got magic remember.”
“Still, I never saw him impersonating someone, that’s creepy as shit!”
“You think that was Ardyn I stabbed?” Gladio asked in disbelief. “I thought it was a monster or a daemon.” The idea that he’d already come nearly face to face with this guy was not sitting well.
“I’m almost certain of it, Ardyn is a tricky bastard,” Ravus breathed out harshly.
“It would explain why he was able to seemingly disappear after you attacked.”
“How did you know it wasn’t Luna?” Aranea questioned with a furrowed brow. “If it looked exactly like her how’d you know?”
“Uh, I--,” Gladio wasn’t exactly sure how to describe how he knew. The feeling he’d experienced was nothing he’d ever dealt with before. It was like a sixth sense had awoken in his body, one that specifically reacted to Ardyn. “I felt bad, honestly. I can’t explain it properly but I knew it wasn’t Luna and that’s about it.”
“Huh, I wonder if butterball over there will have the same reaction as you when he wakes up,” quipped Aranea.
“Do let us know if you feel that sensation again,” Ravus added with a wave of his hand. “I’d like some warning, small or not, of Ardyn’s return.”
Nodding Gladio stayed silent, he couldn’t think of anything else to say.  He couldn’t exactly see a way to beat someone that could survive being run through. He’d aimed for the heart, there was no mistaking it, but the fake Luna, or Ardyn, simply laughed and ran away.  
A soft moan drew Gladio from his ruminations. Glancing up he noted that Ravus seemed very alert, his focus being on his sister. They all stared intently as Luna worked to regain consciousness. After a few minutes, she blinked her eyelids open and peered back at them owlishly. “Did we crash?”  
Aranea laughed sarcastically, “no, we got blown up.”
Luna’s eyes widened at the admission, “Is everyone alright?”
“Yes, mostly, aside from some expected bumps and bruises we are all okay,” Ignis supplied calmly. “Though, I can’t say with certainty how Loqi is feeling as he hasn’t woken yet.”
“I healed him, I know he’ll be alright,” Luna affirmed with conviction.
“Until he wakes up to tell us otherwise, we’ll have to take your word for it,” Aranea sighed.
“Are we trapped?” Luna asked with worry as she looked around the dimly lit pile of rubble around them.
“I’m afraid so, I’m not sure what Ardyn wants from us but he’s clearly not done yet,” Ravus added while scowling.
“So far, our only advantage has been your ability to heal the scourge,” Gladio threw in to try and make himself feel better. Things were not looking good and he needed some form of good news to latch onto.
“I wish we could harness that power into a weapon,” Aranea huffed, “I know it’s probably impossible but I can still dream.”
Luna remained silent after the comment, it was clear she was thinking hard about something. “Wait, I might be able to bless an object, enchant it in a way. It might actually have an effect on him, it’s worth a try right?”
“When you say enchant what exactly do you mean?” Ravus asked with narrowed eyes.
“If I can heal the scourge then I must have power over him. I might be able to actually heal him!” Luna was getting excited and Gladio hoped she might be onto something. Though it was hard to see how in her current state. She still hadn’t sat up and looked exhausted to boot.  
“You’re barely awake from passing out earlier, and now you want to go around making our weapons into instruments of the gods, themselves.   Don’t you think that’s a bit much?” Ravus retorted.
“If he has the power to spread the scourge then he must be stopped, I don’t care at what cost.”
Groaning loudly Ravus threw an arm over his face. “You’re going to try no matter what I say aren’t you?”
Luna attempting to get up was her answer; she struggled at first until Ravus begrudgingly supported her back. “We don’t have much time, he’ll be back I’m sure of it,” she chided reaching out for her brother’s sword.
Watching the oracle work her magic was something to behold. Gladio wasn’t quite sure what he was seeing, but Luna appeared to be gathering her powers and somehow imbuing them into objects. Not that it was obvious except when you handled whatever she’d work on.  His own broad sword now thrummed with new energy.  Something similar to what it felt like when he used the armiger, but this feeling had more raw power behind it.
After about an hour Luna’s complexion began to pale. She was fading due to working so hard. Ravus noticed right away and ordered his sister to stop what she was doing.  Figures Luna would be trying to literally energize every single weapon they had in their arsenal.
“I must finish this last one,” she murmured.
Wincing with pain Ravus sat up fully and gently pulled the dagger she was holding away. “Rest, I believe you’ve given us a fighting chance.”
“No, I – I must continu--,” she offered weakly before fainted mid-sentence and falling straight into her brother's arms.
“It’s selfish of me to let her push herself, but this may be our only chance at making a dent when it comes to Ardyn.”
“She seemed pretty excited about the idea, I don’t think she’ll hold it against you,” Aranea supplied as she stood to stretch. “How much more time do we have to wait before the cavalry arrives? I’m getting sick of just sitting here.”
“Would you rather the alternative?” Ignis asked. “I do think this barrier of rubble is keeping our attacker at bay.”
“Then what is he waiting for? Back up is coming so we won’t be stuck in here forever.”
“Perhaps the person he wants isn’t in attendance at the moment,” Ignis lamented. “I wouldn’t be surprised if his real target was Noctis.”
Panic gripped Gladio once Ignis’ words had sunk in.  “Is there any way we can warn them? If he comes then Ardyn could attack when they arrive or go to the city to ambush him there. We’re divided and vulnerable!”
“Calm down!” Ravus growled. “We must stay focused or the fight is lost. I know you’re concerned but we can’t let our emotions rule.”
Gladio knew Ravus was right, but the idea still stung. Having to simply wait and see whether they would survive or not.
“Do you have any of those potions left?” Aranea asked suddenly. “We sorta need Luna to be awake if we actually end up catching Ardyn.”
“Damn, you’re right,” Gladio groaned. “Sure, she gave us magic weapons but without her to deal the final blow we’re kinda just left holding a ticking time bomb.”
“If we can hold him,” Ravus corrected.
“If he lets us get close enough to try,” grumbled Ignis.
“You lot are so depressing. I for one am not dying at the hands of a creepy dude. We need to help Luna right now and wait for backup.”
Healing Luna enough to wake her up ended up taking 2 elixirs and 1 potion. The oracle again regained consciousness looking exhausted and not at all rested. Gladio felt terrible for doing this to her but Aranea was right, she needed to be awake for them to even have a fighting chance.
“Wha’ppened?” she slurred.
“Waiting for Ardyn,” was the response that Aranea choose to offer as she paced the small space. “We needed you awake, sorry.”
Luna simply nodded and worked to gain her bearings. “How will we know when help has arrived?” she asked after a moment.
“I wish I knew the answer to that, but I’m afraid we will have to wait to find out,” Ignis sighed.
And wait they did, for nearly another two hours. The beam on their lone flashlight was growing dimmer by the minute. Soon it would flicker and go out leaving them trapped and in the dark. Gladio hoped it wouldn’t come to that. He was about to comment on what their backup plan might be when a distant rumble shook the floor. “What was that?!” he exclaimed hurriedly. “You all felt that too right?”
Based off the wide eyes peering back Gladio figured they’d heard and felt it as well. Wasting no time he began shouting at the top of his lungs.  It didn’t take long for the others to join in.  Ignis had to shush them a few minutes later when shouts could finally be heard through the rubble. Gladio felt like he could cry, they’d made it! Help had arrived.  The only fear left was Ardyn.
The light had officially gone out by the time the others had broken through the immense pile of debris blocking their exit.  Gladio had summoned his shield and done his best to keep the dust off of Loqi and Ignis.  The only other shield in the armiger had been given to Aranea and she was protecting Ravus and Luna.  The rush of stale, but to them, fresh air hit and they all sighed collectively in relief.   It was at this moment they could finally see their rescuers.
An entourage of glaive stood on the other side of the now penetrable barrier with Cor and Nyx in the lead. They all hobbled out of their little concrete prison quickly, the risk of getting stuck again too terrifying to consider.
“Who needs medical attention?” Cor asked once they’d cleared the small opening that’d been created with what appeared to be a lot of hard labor and sweat.  Granted the glaive had a few more tools at their disposal than they’d had.  Namely what looked like a pneumatic jackhammer.  That would explain the odd noise they’d heard early on.
We’re all mostly tended to, Marshal,” Ignis offered as he kept walking forward. “I’d like to get outside of this facility as soon as possible.”
Cor nodded and waved the remaining glaive forward. The small sliver of daylight coming out from the door was a sight for sore eyes. Unable to slow his pace Gladio practically ran the rest of the way and promptly collapsed on the grass outside.  Thank the astrals they’d made it out of there!
“Big guy? Did –did we die?” Loqi rasped a second later from where he still wrapped in Gladio’s embrace.
“Loqi! Ha you’re alright! We’re still alive but it was a close call there.”
“What happened?” he asked tried to roll his head to the side to see around Gladio’s bulk.
“We got blown up,” Ravus spit out as he approached. He looked the part considering Ignis was half dragging him along.
“Shit, no way, I didn’t wake up at all!”
“Yes way, now do you think you can walk?” Gladio checked as he went to release his hold.
“Walk? Are you fucking kidding big guy? I’m going good holding my head up.”
“Need some assistance?” Cor asked as he strode up next to them.
Gladio shook his head and peered around to see how they’d all managed to arrive. A combination of militarized vehicles was spread out around Aranea’s dropship, dusty from their rigorous journey. It was at that moment that Gladio spotted something terrible. There, in one of the trucks was a familiar silhouette. “We need to leave now! You shouldn’t have let Noct come!” he shouted in a panic.
Cor merely shrugged, “He was acting like a baby, so I let him come.”
Opening his mouth to argue, Gladio quickly thought of another problematic issue. “Is the king with him?”
“He couldn’t leave Insomnia. You know your father wouldn’t have let him anyway.”
“Still --,” Gladio didn’t have time to finish when a dark shadow passed over them, he could only look over in shock as the rays of the setting sun highlighted the figure of Ardyn standing before them once more.
“Oh joy, you’ve brought me more playmates, how exciting,” he drolled. “I was beginning to think you’d never show up.”
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3 notes · View notes
askhubertvonvestra · 4 years
Hubert you are WRONG. RHEA is RIGHT. Firstly, how will Edelgard even make sure people will follow what she taught IF she wins the war? You are overestimating humans way too much. You say that the Nobility will be destroyed but who will be the next leader then? The most fit too rule? What if that person happens to be a Zealot, and then they bring back the church of Seiros after they considilated their power? Back to square one my guy! Rhea for all her problems (1/?)
(2/2) At least had a possible way to ensure everyone kept to the tenants a possible way. Sure, there were quite a bit of corrupt people, but you claim that after you die the Empire won't have any corrupt people? You wish! Edelgard's entire ideology is essentially sink or drown. Not everyone is that strong. Another thing is you would be preaching false history by saying Nemesis was a good person as well.
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The very concerns you bring up reveal your mentality in favor of oppression. When you are teaching freedom, it does not need to be enforced. Once humanity has seen firsthand how it is to live freely, to create and invent without fear of censure, and to prosper based on merit rather than societal standing, the people will enforce it themselves. 
You, like Rhea and her filth, are underestimating humanity far too much. We are capable of more than you realize—or perhaps you do realize how far we are willing to go to secure our freedom, and that is what frightens you. Heh. The fate of a tyrant is never envied. But I suppose you’ll discover that for yourself soon enough.
The most fit to rule after Her Majesty will ascend the throne, and if they turn out to be unfit, they will step down or be removed. Forcefully, if need be. The people know they are capable of such rebellion. Perhaps they will not start there, but they will always have the option to take up arms and defend their freedom.
Regardless of whether or not a leader to follow reinstated the Church, there will be no power for them to consolidate. They cannot hold a standing army. There is presently no Crest system or nobility structure for them to take advantage of in Adrestia, and that example alone will weaken it elsewhere if it hasn’t done so already. The terrain of our society as a whole will have shifted, and you seem content to be remain willfully unaware of the effects.
An institution that sentences its detractors to death or a life hidden below ground does not deserve to exist. They will disband, or they will die. Corrupt individuals will always exist, but to resign yourself to them in a society that rewards that corruption is intolerable. 
...I have admitted previously that not everyone can be expected to match Her Majesty’s uncommon strength. Few can, in fact. That is precisely why the current powers in control of Fódlan cannot be suffered to continue. In their world, that level of strength is required to survive. In ours, humanity will rely on one another for that support rather than turning to a false goddess who will not ever answer their pleas for mercy.
Regarding your remark for false history, there is an extent of omission that will be required. There are simply some matters you do not wish to know. Where information can be applied productively, it will be shared. The rest will be erased and forgotten, as it should have been to start with.
Do you truly want the means to recreate the situation in Remire Village to remain accessible? For history? No, it is best left forgotten. As for Nemesis, we have no obligation to portray him as “a good person”, unlike your beloved Church that constantly weaves false narratives even to the present day. Or did you conveniently forget their deceit in your shortsighted endeavor to demoralize me?
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queenrhenpendragon · 4 years
You know whose arc gets me every time?
Dameon’s. Dameon Maurva's arc is so beautiful and significant and affects not only himself but multiple other characters and also the entire heckin plot of the game and it moves me Every. Single. Time.
So I’m going to rant  about it, welcome to the post I’ve been waiting to make for fourteen years.
First of all, this precious sun, this dear one, this absolute angel, was most likely raised mainly by an Ahriman sympathizer-- like, c'mon, am I supposed to believe Talia kept a child in the dream realm? Even without the nightmares it's dangerous, and very isolated. If something were to happen there would be nowhere she could send Dameon while she dealt with it. It’s one thing in fanfiction, but when I actually consider the logistics, either she was a truly terrible, irresponsible parent, or Dameon lived in Aveyond with his father. I've played Ahriman’s Prophecy; responsibility is Talia's middle name. Dameon was raised in Aveyond.
He has to have been a lonely child. He most likely had no human friends, and definitely none his age. Maybe the binis or fairies or sometimes Vata babysat him when Mr. Maurva was unavailable. Maybe not. Either way, such contact couldn’t replace his need for love and validation from his incredibly busy and important parents.
He probably constantly sought his parents' approval and was constantly falling short because how do you impress an immortal sun priest, millenia old and the last of his kind? Especially one who is apparently becoming disenchanted with the ideals he once fought for, the ideals his fellow priests died for. How do you impress a half-fairy who saved the world at the tender age of 17, who then became the Guardian of Dreams and is responsible for the safety and well being of every mortal creature? Especially! When! You only see them when they’re not busy keeping the universe running smoothly!
Please understand that I love Talia and do not wish to vilify her in any way. I point out her flaws because I love her, because her shortcomings are so human and tragic and are part of what make the story as impactful as it is. And Talia... does not easily express affection. She is not likely to have cuddled Dameon during the times his father took him to the Dreamworld-- which just can't have been often, I just can't imagine a parent who even kind of cared about their child taking them to such a place frequently. She is not likely to have praised him or spent any notable amount of time showing interest in his interests. I do not say this to condemn her. She had a lot of responsibilities. She had never been a mother before-- and yes, she had a great example of motherhood in her Grandmama, but her own mother also left her in the care of others, abandoned her to pursue a louder call. Is it any wonder that she ultimately did the same to her own child?
She has no real relationship with Dameon. Even without all the evidence I have already laid out, this much is obvious in the way they speak to and about each other. Talia doesn't even mention Dameon is her son when she first tells Rhen about him. She gives him no more than an epithet, "Dameon, the sun priest." She does not express particular concern over his safety, even though she knows the druids are in danger and she herself was almost killed. 
And Dameon calls her “mother,” and it is not because of the dialogue style of the game. Talia calls her parental figure “Grandmama.” Rhen calls Tailor “Pa” and “Daddy,” and Ma is known only as “Ma.” But Dameon calls Talia “Mother,” and his father “Father,” because that is the level of familiarity between them. The Maurvas live a strict, solitary life. Is it any wonder that Dameon is stiff and formal at the beginning? Is it any wonder he struggles to connect with others beyond a thoughtful compliment or an antiquated form of greeting? He doesn’t like himself, let alone trust himself. No one has ever taught him how to. He is so isolated, and lonely, and touch-starved, and unloved, and if that was the end of his character it would still move me. But there is more.
Talia literally killed his father, her own husband. It had to have happened when Dameon was still very young. If you take into account Devin’s apparent age, and the fact that a barely-aged Jack in av2 remembers Alicia as queen of Thais when we know that you can only ascend to the throne of Thais if you are married, and a few other details which I would be happy to pull up if anyone is interested, you will realize that Dameon can’t possibly be more than a year older than Rhen. More likely, he is younger, and this would be in line with the other canon ships we see throughout the Aveyond series.
 And we found out in Rhen’s Quest that his father was murdered “many years ago.” MANY! YEARS! He was still a child, maybe 11 years old, at my best guess. He most likely hadn’t even attended a magic school yet. It’s possible he wasn’t even thinking about it. And then he had to take the position as Druid of Light. When he was a child, still mourning the death of the person most precious to him, at the hands of the only other person he could have had any semblance of a relationship with in all of Aia.
The people who were supposed to be teaching Dameon how to be gentle, loyal, and upright instead taught him how to hurt, and betray, and murder those closest to him. Even without Ahriman's influence, how is a child raised in that environment supposed to turn out healthy and good? 
And yet he is still good! He is gentle and thoughtful towards not just Rhen but everyone he meets on the quest. That includes heckin MAD MARGE if you forgot. That includes an actual ogre. That includes people who are spiteful and dismissive towards him. He treats Rhen like she outranks him, the Guardian of the Sun, when she is still a peasant with a practice sword. He is kind to literally everyone except Talia, and he is at least respectful even to her. He never raises his voice at her. He never calls her anything except Mother. Never traitor, never murderer, never any of the curses we know Amanda had no qualms about using because she used them plenty in AP. Just Mother. 
In fact he appears to be the reason Ahriman decided against killing Talia. Yes, Dameon wants justice for his murdered father. I think anyone who is being honest with themselves can admit they would, too. But he doesn’t want to kill her. He doesn’t want her to die. He just wants her to understand what she did, to understand the hurt she caused. He is apparently so against killing her that Ahriman has to change his carefully laid plans before he can convince Dameon to change sides.
And consider. During all of this, Dameon is literally possessed by Ahriman, or under his demonic influence, or however you want to phrase it. This influence likely began even before the game, but even if you ignore that, it is no small thing. Remember how quickly Mel became corrupted under this influence? Remember how quickly Galahad, who resisted the urge to drink blood for actual centuries, became corrupted? The fact that Dameon has any shred of goodness at all, after years of exposure to such darkness, even if you ONLY take into account the actual duration of the game, is evidence that Rhen is right; Dameon has a genuinely good, incredibly strong heart.
And speaking of that conversation. Please allow me to share some of my favorite screenshots in the entirety of the series. 
My precious sun really went from this: 
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To having this very level-headed and respectful conversation, of which I have shared only two tiny snippets:
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This. Is tangible, real difference, at a rate which makes sense, and I am so proud of him. I have seen people try to dismiss it, and his other development, by saying he is just pretending in order to make Rhen trust him. That literally. Does not make any sense. First of all, if this was part of his efforts to persuade Rhen to join Ahriman he would have done absolutely anything except agree that perhaps Talia was right. He would have tried to convince Rhen that Ahriman was right, not admitted he may have been wrong. And second, even if you ignore that incredibly obvious discrepancy, he either would have forgotten about the conversation with Rhen by the time they returned to the sun shrine and his mother asked him the question again, or he would have pretended to have forgiven her completely. Instead, he acts as though he is uncertain, because he is uncertain. 
And his actions in the dream realm, confronting and fighting Agas for attacking his mother and desecrating her shrine, prove that he is sincere. Of course it takes him some time. Of course he hesitates. Forgiving someone for taking your parent from you is an enormous act. Forgiving someone you trusted for causing you that much pain is unfathomable. His progress is profound and inspiring and does not deserve to be treated like any less.
And he makes this progress while still under Ahriman’s influence! Can you even imagine! Aasgakadgjlkjklj. He tries to do what he believes is right even at the cost of those things most precious to him, his beliefs and ideals and the sacred memory of the person who raised him. ONE conversation prompts him to question everything. While Ahriman still has possession of him. I cannot even begin to comprehend being that brave. And this is just one small example.
I have seen many negative, unfair evaluations of the fairy dust scene. It is deeply tragic to me that such an important, eloquent, beautiful symbol could be so widely misunderstood. I have tried to explain it before. Allow me to indulge myself once again. 
Fairy dust always reveals the truth. This effect is well established, not just in Rhen’s Quest but even in Ahriman’s Prophecy. It heals physical wounds (aka HP) and reveals the truth, and that’s all. There is never any indication that it can change hearts or magically “goodify” anyone or anything. It is not a deus ex machina. It was included specifically to exclude the possibility of that interpretation. It only reveals the truth, and if Dameon had already been aware of the truth, or if he truly honestly wanted the same things Ahriman wanted, it would have changed exactly nothing.  That’s why Rhen’s choice to use it is so significant. It shows that she trusts him, as he is. She knows that he has a good heart and will do what is right when he knows what that is; she has been saying so for the whole game. In the final battle she gets the chance to prove she believes that.
And she does. 
And she’s right. 
When the truth is revealed to Dameon, he follows it, at the cost of his chance for justice, at the cost of living forever, safely, with the one person who has ever shown him any significant amount of affection, at the cost of everything he ever dared to want in his short, lonely, miserable life. While still under Ahriman’s demonic influence! Ahriman is still in his head! And he chooses to resist even though it means he will lose everything. 
Now, this whole plot could have worked without the fairy dust. Previous cutscenes in the game have already proven that Dameon listens to Rhen. The screenshots I included are just a few examples of this; trust me, I could go on for a while. Dameon believes her and believes in her and trusts her, where he doesn’t trust himself. Amanda could have had Rhen just tell him what to do. Rhen could have had another conversation, told Dameon to switch back, and that would be that. It would be consistent and believable with what had happened in the game thus far.
Except then Dameon still wouldn’t trust himself, or like himself. He would still be lonely and self-loathing and miserable, or even if he wasn’t, there would be plenty of room for that interpretation. 
But instead Rhen gives him a choice. Instead Amanda makes it clear that his redemption is not Rhen’s responsibility, or her decision, or her doing at all. All Rhen does is throw the fairy dust, and then lets Dameon realize what is right, and choose for himself what action he will take. She gives him the opportunity to trust himself, to believe in himself, for perhaps the first time in his life. She makes it clear that she believes in him. She gives him the support he’s been starving for his entire existence, and then she steps back, and let’s him choose.
This part is so significant for her arc, too. I have ranted about it elsewhere but allow me to sum up: Rhen has spent the game feeling like she doesn’t have a choice, and questioning her own judgement and her own significance. Dameon is the first to give her a choice, one which she seriously considers. She realizes she’s always had a choice. And she finally acts on her own judgement, without prompting from anyone else (in fact, without prompting even from the player, because as you might recall the choice the player is offered has always been “fight Dameon,” and yet Rhen never lifts a finger against him). She trusts her own heart and invites Dameon to trust his. She has always been a hero but this is the moment she really steps fully into the role. She saves herself. And then she gives Dameon the choice to do the same. 
And they fight Ahriman, at staggering personal costs. Dameon fights while, again, still under Ahriman’s influence. He has to fight Ahriman physically and mentally, or spiritually, or all of them, most likely. He is not free until Rhen plunges the Sword of Shadows through Ahriman’s heart.
This part. I cry every time and I am crying thinking about it. Dameon has been a prisoner for likely as long as he can remember. His father supported Ahriman. He likely let that influence into the sun shrine. He let it affect Dameon. Dameon has likely never known a life without that darkness. Or if he did, he was too young to remember it. And now, finally, he is free. There is light for the first time. And because Rhen gave him a choice, he has the confidence and experience to stay free, to make himself and be proud of himself and not be just what he thought his parents wanted. 
His gratitude to Rhen is profound. He has always been respectful and supportive of her, he has always listened to her and trusted her, as demonstrated during their first conversation when she meets him in Aveyond, and their conversations in the manor in Sedona, and every other tiny interaction they have. He looks up to her immensely.
And I think that is part of why he is so resolute about continuing in his role as the Druid of Light. Rhen has spent the game shouldering responsibilities that no one else could or would. Being the Guardian of the Sun is his responsibility, and he is determined to follow her example. 
It is also the only thing he has ever known.
In the midst of his own uncertainty, still reeling from his own losses, resigned to a lonely eternity in his childhood prison, he still offers Rhen his support and devotion. This is before she ever makes her choice. He listens to her, sympathizes with her, and encourages her. He loves her, explicitly, out loud in canon dialogue, in literally. Every ending. No matter what she chooses. Nobody ever taught him how to love and yet he does it so scrupulously. 
And in the canon ending, the True Ending as many of us like to call it, he finally, finally gets a chance to grow beyond his family’s legacy. To love someone and be there for her. To be adored by her. To be happy. To make a difference. To live a good life and die of old age and be buried beside his best friend and true love, and to face the shadowy unknowns of the afterlife together.  And he accepts it, in an instant. 
This is redemption not only for himself but for Talia, and Nino. All the Maurvas with their good intentions, who never got to see their happy ending because another call was too strong. Talia gets a second chance to watch her son grow, this time in a kinder world. And she gets a second chance with one of her dearest friends. Nino's legacy of absence and broken trust is finally set right. They all get a second chance to become who they intended to be, before they heard the calls they could not ignore. All because Dameon chose truth and love over every other voice, at every cost. 
It was a very fairy-like thing to do. In overcoming his families' legacy, he steps into their true heritage. Aian Fairies value truth and love most of all. 
There is an inscription on the statue that guards the fairies in AP.  It has always resonated with me and I think it will help describe what I mean here:
Heart of gold thy secret guards
Love, felicity, light
Gaia's precious children
I am moved. I do not know a better way to say it. Dameon Maurva inspires me, and comforts me. His example has made me a better person. He has made me a happier person. I am so grateful to Amanda for being brave enough to tell the story she did, and being brave enough to stick by it. Her story changed my life and I honestly, truly do not believe I would be here without it. Her story saved my life, and I can never praise it enough.
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