#like we literally play it every night before bed 😅
sunflowerhoney · 6 months
* @strawberry-butch and I playing fortnite*
Them: DANCE!!!!!!
Me: ????
Them: I meant jump 😂
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larcenywrites · 11 months
Raising Kids Together | Headcanons
young!Tony Stark x Reader
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Warnings: very mild sexual references
Family Series: 1 2 3
💠Somehow, you've both survived newborns and terrible 2's, but now your once tiny babies are causing not-so-tiny chaos! Even Tony can hardly keep up with them!
💠If you two have been in a room together for a while, it means no one has been watching the boys, and that you're probably about to hear yelling, breaking, or you need to go on a hunt around the house for them 🙃 you can hardly have any time alone without something happening! Just when you think you're both getting into bed early, and perhaps with a few frisky kisses 😘, they're busting through door and climbing on the bed, or it sounds like one was thrown out of bed and is now screaming for both of you 😥 Either way, it has Tony flopping back to his pillow in defeat and groaning right along with them.
💠After a quick pout, though, he usually tells you to get some rest and he'll go check it out 🥺 with one more kiss before he goes 🥺 but even though he told you to stay, it's nice to sneak over and watch him put the kids back to bed ❤ 
💠And catch him on the way out 😏
💠But for the most part, the boys are really good kids! And Tony is still settling into his role as a dad, but besides the occasional pouting he's become a very good parent! And definitely nothing like his own father when Tony was that age. In fact, he welcomes their interruptions when he's on the phone or doing paperwork at home 🥰 you've probably found them preferring to play with their cars in his office and right along his desk, or even asking to their nap in there! You can't tell if he's so tolerant because he's a loving pushover, or if parenthood suddenly granted him all that patience and goodwill 🤨
💠But he does get a little snappy when he's working on a car or a machine. Please don't touch anything! Or break anything! Or wander out of sight! But he does let them "help out" by handing him tools or sorting through and separating varying sizes of nails in the toolbox... yay?
Hey, at least it keeps them distracted for a while-- for both your sakes! Sometimes there are things that need to be done without so many distractions, and the boys love spending time bothering with their parents! It's a good problem to have, but not when they're literally wrestling on top of dad while he's just trying to watch the nightly news, or when they're throwing socks at each other on laundry day 😐
💠But despite it all, the two of you manage to get every day done 😊
💠Except the first time you're ever gone for a few days, or heaven forbid a week or more, and he's in charge of watching the kids... by day 3 they're all just going feral. The tv hasn't even been turned off once, Tony is probably trying to figure out how to get mud out of the carpet, and
💠"Daddy, can we have another popsicle?"
💠"...sure, bring me one too." This is everyone's third popsicle, and dinner has consisted of chicken nuggets and macaroni every night. And probably lunch too... but breakfast is probably cereal and hopefully fruit? Tony can cook a little bit, but he's both tired and too much of a pushover. If that's what they want, then he wants to give it to them! But the only reason they aren't all sick by the time you get home is probably because his mother either stopped by and found out, or Tony realized he's actually really bad at this on his own and needed her help :( And not without a quick scolding that you wish you'd caught when Maria called to tell you all about it 🤧
💠Honestly, the kids are probably partly acting out because you're gone, and they know that Tony is distracted and a pushover... well, at least they're adorable! And maybe it shows that you both need some more parenting tips 😅
💠You'd think it'd be easier when they're at school all day, but Tony insisted on hiring tutors to homeschool the kids, at least for now, but while that sounded like a decent plan, sometimes the boys try to homeschool the teacher instead 😅 sometimes they know more than she does after reading the entire textbook in their free time and would rather learn ahead now, and sometimes they're busy teaching her all about Dragon Ball Z lore between lessons! So now you guys still have them all day, (or just you when Tony is at work), but at least they aren't bothering you for once 😌 the teacher loves it though! Her listening and playing along takes a lot off of your plate, and it's good for the kids :)
💠But you don't get much time once the teacher leaves. They get their assignments done within minutes, and as soon as the teacher leaves (well, sometimes), they're reenacting Godzilla vs King Kong in the living room for the 20th time, except this time it somehow ties into the American Revolution? And then they're outside digging holes all evening because they can't remember where they buried Darth Vader. And then they have to fill those holes. And then when Tony tries to get them inside, he either ends up helping them or they end up wrestling him to the ground!
💠That's pretty much every day 😅 Except for when they go to the park! Tony is kinda like everyone's big brother when they go, pretty much every Sunday afternoon! They all get socialized, Tony gets some sun for once, and you can decide to stay home and get some alone time for a few hours
💠Tony doesn't even know anything about sports! Yet he's out there playing baseball and basketball, and teamed up with Rhodey, their ridiculous rules and silly requirements make everyone laugh, which makes them both pretty popular with all the kids! And unfortunately for Tony, a little too popular with the moms and older siblings… maybe it's time for a ring around that finger.
💠Either way, they get tired out by the evening, and also covered in dirt and a new bruise or two! After a bath the kids usually put themselves to bed 😴 and your kids being fast asleep means you get to join Tony for his bath 😏 except for the days he sneaks brings Rhodey home 😑 who's also tired and probably falls asleep on your couch after dinner...
💠If the kids let him! They absolutely love dad's best friend! But unfortunately, however, you can never get him to babysit for longer than a few hours 😔 Come on, Rhodes, weren't you Tony's roommate? Surely you can handle this :/
💠But when you both need a break from all this? Send them to spend the night with the grandparents for the weekend! They seem to behave a little better, and they seem to have fun just being in a different environment! The only time they start being terrors is when you and Tony have both been on vacation, and it makes them a little cranky after 3-4 days :(
💠And if you take them with you? They'll be asking to go back home after 3-4 days 😓 Unless you go to Disney World. Then they'll be pitching a fit when it's time to leave, but honestly you guys are probably upset too 😭 and it probably ends up being just one more day… and somehow in that one day they'll manage to drag every pillow and blanket onto the floor for you to pick up. Again.
💠And again, at least they're adorable :) Just like Tony, it gets them out of trouble more times than you'd care to admit 🥰 And they know it 🥰 Especially when they either stick up for each other or just straight up admit to it... with big ol' eyes and sorries 🥺 or apologize to each other without even being told to 🥺 
They really are good kids! They just get carried away with the fun and the chaos! It's a Stark thing 😘 And just like their dad, they'll eat up the attention and kisses 🥰 In fact, they've already learned to be manipulative little shits and hide behind Maria in order to avoid getting in trouble, because she'll be too busy doting on them 😑 
💠You can't even trust Jarvis! He'll even tell the boys to hide and will damn well keep their location a secret! But he's allowed to have his fun! He did the same thing with little Tony! He just misses those days! However, when the coast is clear, Jarvis does sit them down and gently scolds them. He'll hear their side of the story too, of course! Even if it just because they don't wanna go home, and are being annoying by hiding from their parents. Usually after a quick talk, they come right back to you! Suddenly all gentle-natured and apologizing 🙄 but... how could you stay mad :( 
💠Definitely not Tony when he's already packing them over his shoulders and spinning them around! And luckily, they're too busy laughing to protest being packed into the car 😮‍💨
💠And let's be honest, seeing him be so good with the kids is really fucking hot 😏😘
💠But if you're hugging and kissing on Tony... the boys have to be involved in it, too x) 
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Family series: 1 2 3
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butmakeitgayblog · 1 year
"The most stable and adorable couple out of all your AU".
I'm deeply offended.
As a person that was here when CoA Clexa were invented and gifted to the world I need to speak up for my emotional support couple.
S O U L M A T E S.
I'm joking of course, everyone can appreciate an AU!Couple over another one.
And can I say? We don't talk about them enough but Vampire!Clexa are solid too.
They got married after life-ending (literally) sex.
I mean.
Listen I wasn't gonna argue at the time cuz I know they were just upset about professor elbow patches and co. getting heartbroken, but ngl I did think the same thing 😅 like brUh CoA Clexa would be heated rn lol. Like "wtf?? We have a mortgage, and a picket fence, and a dog and houseplants that have survived more than 10 years under our, admittedly, haphazard care 😤 We've dressed up for Halloween every year as a couple theme since we've been married and we read to each other every night before bed. Who the fu—" and so on and so forth
But I'd say probably professor sexy face and miss overachiever are a close second, edging out vamp Clexa just because of the whole getting off on making each other jealous and, ya know, the whole blood play kink thing. Just in terms of "adorableness" I mean
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