#like when he bought steph dentures.
haveihitanerve · 4 months
The Jl asking….casually… if bruce has a favorite kid and he answers without looking up, ‘oh yeah its steph’ and they're all flabbergasted because damn they didn't expect him to just admit to it that quickly and/or easily and so later clark is slowly, gently breaking the news to cass/damian that bruce admitted steph is his favorite and barry told wally who told dick and roy who told jason and they don't seem torn up about it at all and then they tell steph and she screams in frustration and throws something at a wall and yells ‘shit is it september already???” and they are utterly confused so a week later or so jason calls them over to the watchtower and goes ‘hey b who’s your favorite kid?’ and bruce looks up and makes dead eye contact with him and says ‘damian.’
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