#like why you gotta keep doin my boy dirty like this
last-of-cheese · 4 months
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I was informed that Bad Batch pop figures existed so naturally I had to immediately go buy my two favorite boys. I'll be buying the others next month but right now I just needed Echo and Cross.
And I've had a really rough past few days so for them to arrive today really made things so much better.
@kark-trooper-echo and @superiorsniper look how perfect you fit on my shelf.
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l0velace · 8 months
《Incubation in 3..2..1..》
*krxh* "Dont you fret hun, i know its daunting down there in that chamber but we're up here with sweaty palms too. Now the fluid is breathable and full of that sweet ambrosia so go ahead and take a breath, relax, and drift away" *khp*
She's right its always a crapshoot isnt it tryn sumthn new nd honestly this fluid hasnt even reached my mouth and i already feel better, less tense, floaty like a salt bath if it were the color and viscosity of dirty engine oil..
Smells sweet, almost like rot but in a medicinal way... ambrosia huh, hear goes... tastes like fruit juice on my knee... not that hard to move through my lungs actually, i wonder how lon....
"Slipped right past hypnogogia... hope that ain't the case on the flipside. Lower the serum dosage 20%."
"Yessir, entering stage 3......stage 4..... cresting, begining reentry, stage 3"
"Drop another 20. Shit boy slow down. He lied to you Doc."
"It would seem so."
"No drug use my ass."
"We've reached hypnopompia sir."
"Hot Dog!"
Fuck, fuck why can't i talk? Shit somethings wrong w the fluid i cant move! What is-
"Hey sugar, i imagine you might be feelin' like a corpse in a casket right about now..."
No fucking shit! I fucked up!
"Like there's six feet of soil between you and sunlight..."
FucK! Im so dead...goddamnit!
"I'm gonna need you to start diggin' kid. I need you to take all the hypervigilance u can squeeze outta your adrenals and push out..."
They've been doin a lil overtime sorry!...shit come on! Pleaasssse
"Focus on the edges of your vision and try to see past all that filth in the pit."
Yah focus on the tears welling up. Great.
I wish i could do something other than freaking out. Fuck i didnt think a dark room could spin this much. Dont hurl. No hurling. Pleass God.
Wait how did Jacinta get in my-
Woah im outside.... That ridgeline its the Salspar Escarpment...
"There you go, Youre a natural kiddo! Now walk toward the escarpment keep your eyes on Salvor's Peak."
I can do that... heh mom always said i needed direction guess i got one. East by Southeast. Honestly one of the better directions westerly spring winds and the rings of Cathaş blaze violet in the afternoon sun. Oh fuck almost tripped that would have been embarassing Jacinta would hav- Why do my feet look so weird and my legs i look lik afucking bug! FUCK oh god wheres my dick?! Wheres my SkIN! FUCKFUKfuckFug I cant feel anything why didnt my knees hurt when i fell? My hands are tearing into my thigh but i cant feel it FUck im bleeding fuCk its everywhr fuck i-
"heyy kid how ya feeln?", Jacinta whispers.
She lightly brushes the hair out of my face. Her weight is flushing the mattress so that the side of my hip is pressed into hers. She clasps her hand to my forehead then my feels my quickly flushing face. The evening light leaking in through the shuttered windows lights her black hair to amber. She gives me a crooked smile.
"You're burnin up buddy. We gotta get some fluids in you..."
She turns to a small table behind her, her messy plait spills over her shoulder and swishes over the bare small of her back. The rattle of paper on board heralds
"Petragua or citralyte?"
I absently nod to the petragua and she replaces the other and proffers my mouth a straw.
Why am i always so... behind. Its like im in slow motion...always just barely responding...
She gazes down at me warmly as i suck down the plum-apricot-chem slurry. The infusion perks me up a bit.
"Alright now don't drain it dry. Don't want it coming back up all over my vest."
She pulls it from my lips and i eek a short and quiet sucking sound that manages a full 5 seconds of embarrassment even though the sound was .3 seconds long.
"Ill be real with ya. You did great..exceptional even! Most of the time we dont even get to a stroll the first time we just... well its a whole lot more work on my end than what happened with you so i just wanted to say... im proud of you."
She squeezes my shoulder and flashes me a big deep blue smile.
"I know all this been hard on you and you've put in a lot of work before you even got in the pit and it payed off."
She picks up the petragua again and hangs it in the air for a second.
"To your dreams...or better yet your nightmares."
She sips some of it then positions it back towards me again. I slurp with even more energy this time.
"Having such a strong liminal drive link seams to really make a difference. Honestly i think you two should meet but we have to get clearance pfft its bullshit. How are you supposed to pilot together if you don't even know eachother? How are we supposed to figure out what this spark is that makes the liminal drive work if we never get to observe you interactin' in a controlled manner? I swear im gonna have a word-"
*slurpppppp* she pulls it from my face.
"Oh listen to me blatherin' on, you only got 18 hours til you're on duty again. You can head back to your room whenever. Ill see you then ok? I just wanted to check in on you."
She finishes donning her vest and clacks and jingles out the door with her plait fishtailing behind her.
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whitherwordswither · 1 year
Logs from the Starfields, VIII
Captain's Log #0.08:
Akila keeps callin' my name.
Not just because I kinda like the shabby little town or the way Helga says hi to me every time I wander in to The Rock. I've also got unfinished business here. Of the Ranger variety. I finally head on up and turn in the bounty they'd sent me out on the other day. Looks like I'm the right type'a folks they're lookin' fer. And y'know what? I could use some good flowin' my way. I have a chat with the Sheriff and he sends me and Emma out to investigate a call from help from… Waggoner Farm! Well, hey. I know where that is. I done did a delivery there not too long back! Nice folks. If anyone is botherin' 'em, I won't hesitate to put a couple boots up some asses.
We land and Mikaela waves us over. She's right scared. Says a group of gruff lookin' merc-types were tryin' to get her to sell the farm to 'em dirty cheap. Said they'd be back, then headed off in to some nearby canyons. I ain't ever tracked no one before but Emma seems to think I do a good enough job of it. We weave our way through some proper jagged rockface, blast through some hostile local wildlife and eventually reach a small encampment.
Turns out this merc unit are old Freestar. Like them's that fought against the UC in the war. Or whatever. I straight away don't like the way the boss man here is talkin'. Seems like they ain't gonna go quiet. They open fire. Big mistake. Emma and I lay waste to the group without too much trouble. Though I had to quick-like ingest some Med packs 'cause damn, that leader-boy packed quite a punch. … We scour their camp for clues afterward and I notice a ship in the distance. Turns out this is a stolen vessel from the HopeTec shipyard. Curious. The plot deepens! But at least the farm should be safe for now. I let Mikaela know things should be good, but keep the comms open just in case. Then me n Emma head back to Akila to report in to Daniels.
Daniels used to be affiliated with this group of old school Freestar mercs. 'Cept everyone else after the war got jail time and turned out to be some not good individuals. Why they're comin' back with a vengeance now, who knows. Emma parts ways at this point. I don't blame her. She's got a daughter to look after. I sit and chat with Daniels a bit, get some extra information about the group we're probably dealing with and hand over the data slate we found about the ship. Seems I've got my work cut out for me!
Unfortunately for me, that takes me back to Neon. Of all the rotten… Sigh. …Gotta do what y'gotta do, though. I meet Pryce, one of the Rangers stationed here and he gives me the low down about how things operate in Neon. Like I hadn't already figured that out from my prior trip here. I play nice and he takes me to see an acquaintance who might know something about that stolen ship. Apparently, it was seen landing here before it was handed off to the merc group later on.
Nothing's free on Neon. I keep getting reminded. And the guy don't want no credits! Fine by me. Instead he wants me to talk to some scumlord loan shark who is comin' after him now because his dead brother owed money and somebody's gotta pay. I don't like that kinda bullshit. I head over to the warehouse where this small group of Syndicate baddies are operating and try my best to talk the greasy mustached prick outta doin' what he's doin'. Even though I know it ain't gonna go over well. I know the type. I have to end up dispensing some lethal justice. Good riddance, in any case. Fleecin' hard workin' folk like that. If you ain't got respect for another life, then boy howdy, you've lost the right to yours! I don't regret what I had to do.
The bloke gives us the name of the ship-jacker, who is conveniently hanging out at Madame Savauge's place, just a short jog from here. Pryce and I confront her. She's much more easy to persuade in to talkin'. She ain't lookin' for trouble, just tryin' to make creds the only way she knows how. She don't hurt no one. Just takes ships. I don't lean in to her too much about it. I'm after bigger game. She gives up two names and an encrypted data slate. Pryce says one of the boys back at The Rock is good at decryption and I need to report back to Daniels anyhow. So we part ways.
Back on Akila I hand over the tablet to A… Aa-… Shit. I forgot his name. Well, the data-guy! And fill Daniels in. He recognizes both names. I get a little more info about the targets, then set my sights on Maya. The ship-jacker said Maya had mentioned getting called away for a medical emergency. And ain't no place that values privacy and medical emergencies than The Clinic. Since I'm already familiar with the station and have done some work there I decide that'll be my first stop. Time to go pay a patient a visit.
I meet another ranger, Ben, who is stationed at The Clinic. He introduces me to Ari, the station's IT. The name Maya doesn't ring any bells and she doesn't appear to be listed in the system. Makes sense. Wanted fugitive and all. Ari gives me Admin access to check the station logs, see if anything looks funny. Someone's installed an external program from the VIP wing.
I talk one of the doctor's in to giving me a card to access the area. Didn't even have to persuade 'em. Just let 'em know I knew enough about Medicine to not mess anything up.
Soon as I step foot in the VIP wing there's already a dead nurse. Welp, I can already guess this prognosis. And it looks like the area turret has been set to kindly ask anyone to drop dead.
I take out the turret and check around. Ain't nobody else here. The terminal in the patient's room has definitely been messed with. I deactivate the program and find a data slate. Smart enough to mess with the station's systems and steal a medical transport but not smart enough to take the message with you that tells me exactly where you're goin', eh? Almost like you want t'be found!
On my way out I try to look for someone to report to about the dead nurse. Or maybe someone might've been a little curious about the explosion they heard from the VIP wing. But everyone's occupied. Even Ben doesn't seem interested. Weird.
But I ain't got time to argue. I get back in my ship and pop in the coordinates for the Sakharov system.
I jump right in to a cluster of fuckin' asteroids and have to do some quick maneuvering. Don't want to be the shortest-lived newest deputy of the Freestar Rangers, yeah?
Sakharov is a fairly small system. Just one star, one planet and it's moon. The only other notable locale upon cursory scan is an abandoned mining facility here: Eklund Excavation Site CL25. Seems like the best spot to start lookin' I reckon.
Not only has Maya booby trapped the place, there are these critters that look like they really love munchin' on the abundant cobalt they mine here. It's a bit of a maze to get through. And then I have to deal with a mess of homicidal robots and giant mining lasers. On top of fending off the 'balt-munchers.
It ain't too terrible of a job to get through though and once I have Maya cornered she goes down easy enough. She gives me what I need. I debate on letting her live out her last few weeks, since whatever she has seemingly doesn't have a cure. …But not only has she put lives in danger. She's killed innocent people. So I opt to do her a favor and put her out of her misery.
That's a wrap for this place. Before I head back to Akila I decide to survey the planets here since there are only two. With Bonner being a gas giant, there's nothing to survey. So that really just leaves lil 'ole Mir II.
I hail a random Freestar vessel passing by. That short convo brightened my day:
Freestar Vessel: "Do you know the way to Uranus?" Me: "Yeah, I do!" F.V.: "Good! Because it's right BEHIND YOU. Smell you later!"
And then they immediately grav jumped away.
I love folks.
Anywhoo~ I drop down to the surface of Mir II and get my scans. I notice a landing area up ahead and jaunt on over. Hey, spacer buddies! They don't ask questions. They just start firing. I pick 'em all off as I board their ship, take out the crew inside and… another ship for me! Gosh, they really are just givin' these things away, ain't they?
Seems like a nice little rig. I take her up in to orbit for a spin, then drop back down to go visit one of the places I seen in the distance. An old disused UC listening post. And but of course it's filled with pirates! I tra-la-la my way through, looting and shooting. Once I'm done I head back to my ship and jump back over to Akila. I register the new ship then turn right around and sell it.
Did I mention I bought one of the houses that was for sale here? The bigger one in The Core, just out back of The Rock. The realtor still likes to hang around by my front door but he's a nice enough guy so I don't mind too much. I spent a good amount of time crafting some furniture and placing all my goodies where I'd like them. I'm thinking I'll need another shelf for more of these plushies. (That reminds me. I need to head back to New Atlantis and get all my stuff from that room Constellation is letting me use!)
I think I'm done for the night. It's been a wild ride. Tomorrow I'll hunt down Marco and see maybe see how deep this Freestar conspiracy nonsense goes.
Eeyup. Catch ya 'round.
End log.
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theliterateape · 2 years
Dead Man’s Hill
by Paul Teodo & Tom Myers
“Polk Brothers?”
“Yup.” Joey spoke with confidence. He was fourteen.
“But that place sells washing machines and refrigerators.” Vinnie was nine.
“Uh huh.”
“I need a sled.” Vinnie’s lip quivered, his skittishness on display.
“Sleds are for girls or rich kids.”
“I ain’t no girl,” Vinnie said, puffing out his chest.
“And you ain’t rich either. That’s why we’re goin’ to Polk Brothers.”
“My ma said I shouldn’t go.” Hands stuffed deep in his pockets; Vinnie kicked at the crust of a pile of black snow.
“Your ma doesn’t fly down hills.”
“She said I needed to stick to the park.”
“The hill at the park is for babies.” Joey looked away studying the sky.
“I ain’t no baby.”
Joey turned, smiled, and pulled at Vinnie’s pants.
Vinnie jerked away, pulling up his pants. “Whatayou doin’?”
“For what?”
“C’mon Joey.”
The two walked west on 79th. Joey wore oversized Chuck Taylors, baggy green work pants, and a sweat shirt, Popeye lifting weights emblazoned on its front. Vinnie, his grandpa’s red wool “boiler room” coat, his cousin’s snap up black galoshes, his brother’s brown corduroys, and a pair of frayed leather gloves of unknown origin. “Ain’t you cold?”
“Nope.” Joey squinted, leaning into the wind. “So, you’ve never been?”
“No. My ma’d kill me.”
Joey shook his head
“What? Vinnie raised his voice.
“Maybe you ain’t ready.”
“I’m ready.”
“We’ll see.” Joey picked up his pace.
“But I watched.” Vinnie now trotting, trying to keep up.
Joey stopped. He regarded his young friend with a loving scowl. “You watched?”
“Yeah, it’s a big hill, Joey.” Vinnie shoved his hands deeper into his pockets.
“And you still wanna go?”
Vinnie stopped and kicked at new a pile of dirty snow. “Yeah.” His voice barely discernible. “More than anything.”
“You sure?”
“I can do this.” He turned back to Joey, toeing the slushy mess.  “I can.”
Joey nodded toward the street. “Turn left at Cottage Grove. Then just a couple blocks. But when we get to Polk Brothers, we go down the alley.”
“Why the alley?”
“’Cause that’s where the boxes are.”
“Vin, my man.” Joey smiled at his young plebe, speaking with a professorial tone. “The boxes are our sleds. Refrigerator ones work the best.”
“We need real sleds.”
“Boxes are better than sleds. And who’s got a sled? You know anybody that’s got a sled?”
Vinnie pondered the question, his face blank. “No…I don’t.”
“That’s why we gotta use boxes. I use ‘em all the time. That’s what I used to beat Freddy Ferraro last year.”
“I heard about that.” Vinnie’s eyes widened.
At the corner of 87th and Cottage a huge sign rose into the sky towering over a massive warehouse. Polk Bros in bright red scroll brushing the clouds. Reining over the entire block it presented a kaleidoscopic experience to the onlooker, pulsing from rapid on illumination to off, bulb to bulb.  Vinnie shook his head as if to dislodge a foreign object deep within it. “Wow!” he exclaimed like a kid seeing Christmas lights for the first time. Through the store’s giant glistening window was a sea of appliances that could fill Soldier Field. “Look at that!” Vinnie said, eyes bulging, struck by the multitude of shiny kitchen, bathroom, and laundry appliances. “And that! What is that thing?”
Joey smiled smugly, a hint of arrogance in his laugh. “Vinnie, my little friend, that is called a dishwasher.”
“And look at that, and that!” Vinnie wide eyed, not able to contain himself.
“Yeah Vin, cool,” Joey pointed towards the long sidewalk adjacent to the store, “but we’re going for the boxes around the back, in the alley.”
“The alley?” Vinnie whined, pulling himself away.
“Yup. They unpack all the stuff, stoves, washing machines, refrigerators, everything; flatten the boxes, and toss ‘em in the alley. ‘Fridge boxes are the best; long and wide.  Joey held his hands apart. And I slice holes at the end to steer. They fly down the hill like rockets.”
The two boys padded down the long snow-covered sidewalk like thieves ready for a heist. Hands deep in their pockets, heads down; the northwest wind rapidly accelerated. “You ain’t cold?” Vinnie said, through chattering teeth.
Joey stopped, blowing into his hands. “I ain’t cold! And if you think this is cold wait till you get to the top.”
“The top?” Vinnie yelled into the frigid blast.
“Of the hill, Vin!” Joey screamed; his eyes fixed on his young friend. “The top of Dead Man’s Hill.”
The two stood, still. Vinnie’s frozen face turning pale. The howl of the wind deafening. Tiny pellets of snow whipping down the sidewalk. Vinnie mouthing the words, silently. “Dead Man’s Hill.”
A moment passed. The wind, a wild roar.
“C’mon Vin,” Joey hollered, placing his hand on Vinnies shoulder, “Let’s go, it’ll be okay.”
“Why do they call it that?” Vinnie screamed back.
“Let’s go, Vin. We need the boxes.”
The two turned the corner that led to the alley. Their faces felt ready to shatter from the cold.
“Get the hell outa here!” The voice like gravel.
The two boys froze.
Vinnie trembling, then nudged Joey, ever so slightly.
What appeared to be a man, hovered over a smoldering fire smoking a cigarette. His bony purple fingers tightly gripping a rectangular bottle.
Joey took Vinnie’s hand. “Easy Vin.”
“You hear me!” The man stepped closer. “Get the hell out!”  He wore a long ragged coat, two un-matched rubber boots, one bright yellow and the other cracked in black, and a fedora with a dirty- brown feather drooping in its band. His red-purple face was covered in stubble and his ears were as bright as a freshly painted fire-hydrant.
“We came for boxes!” Joey screamed into the wind.
“I got claim!” The man screamed back.
“We just need two.” Joey pointed to the pile of cardboard strewn around the snowy alley.
The man chewed on something in his sparsely-toothed mouth. “Two!”
“Yup,” Joey said, gaining confidence. “Just two.”
The violent gusts made for an eerie scene. The man kept chewing as if this important decision would decide the city’s fate for eternity.
From beneath the cardboard rubble a ferocious outburst. Another man appeared. His eyes flashing. A wooden cross dangling from his fingers. A thread-worn parka draped loosely over his significant torso. His tan trousers slathered with a black grease-like substance.  A gagging stench hung like a cloud over him. “What’s goin’ on!” he yelled.
“Joey!” Vinnie clutched at his friend’s sweatshirt.
“Easy Vin.”
“Two boxes, that’s it!” The first man yelled. “Just two!”
“Stay here,” Joey said to Vinnie. He walked towards the two.
“Whataya gonna do Joey?”
Joey dug into his pocket. His eyes fixed on the two vagrants.
“No Joey!”
Vinnie knew.
To slice the boxes. Joey had said.
“No!” Vinnie cried.
Joey stopped, then turned, moving slowly toward the pile of boxes, eyes remaining locked on both men.
“Two kid. That’s it.” The one with the bottle shouted again.
“We got claim!” the other screamed.
Joey climbed up on the hill of boxes, his legs wobblily, determined to keep his balance. He rummaged through the pile like a man digging for gold. Suddenly he turned to Vinnie smiling holding up a gigantic flattened box with red letters stenciled across its width that read FRIGIDAIRE. “One!” he screamed tossing it to his friend, it spun in the air like a wounded helicopter.
“Them be ours!” The man holding the cross yelled again.
Bending once more over the massive pile Joey pulled one box, then another, and two more, out of the mess. Finally, he arose from the garbage triumphantly, balancing a colossal cardboard container over his head, waving it like an Olympian, “Number two!”, its label, KE_M_RE, only partially visible.
“There! You got ‘em. Now get the hell outa here!”
Joey glared at the two, carefully stepping down from the cardboard chaos, then toward them, tossing the box aside.
“There’s two a us kid.” The man with the cross wiped spit from his mouth.
Joey clenched his fists. His jaw rigid.
“Two a us,” he said again.
“C’mon Joey, we got our sleds. Let’s go.” Vinnie pleading.
“Get out! Now!”
“We shouldn’t a come!” Vinnie cried. “It’s my fault!”
The wind tore through the alley. It’s howl like a shrieking witch.
The two charged.
Joey pulled it. A click, the blade flashed.
“Joey!” Vinnie screamed.
Joey did not move.
They were on him.
White powder rose above them.    
The snow oozed red.
It was over.
They trudged silently, to the hill.
Dead Man’s Hill.
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drakenology · 4 years
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the yakuza wife - yakuzaboss!bakugo x housewife reader - inspired by @hanji-is-life ‘s sexy ass. 
yakuza au
tw: violence, sadism, mentions of blood, smut, cum, cussing, daddy/ddlg kinks undertones, mentions of guns, very much harley quinn and joker only joker actually loves harley in this ya know?
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“where the fuck is my money?” bakugo asks this bludgeoned man tied up to a metal chair in some god forsaken warehouse god only knows where. 
“please sir, i’ll get it to you as soon as I can! please stop!” the man pleads, flinching when bakugo raises his fist to land a mean left hook into his jaw with a dark chuckle. 
“you know you shouldn’t borrow from people if you have no intentions in payin’ em back. it’s fuckin’..” he pauses before taking a crowbar and bashing the man in both his knees, blood curdling screams filling the empty space. “rude!”
bakugo smirks as the man begs for mercy, pulling a set of pliers of his pocket and holding them up to the man’s face to tease him, grabbing by his neck to make him meet his intimidating gaze. 
“shoulda thought of that before trying to playing me for a fuckin’ fool.. hey, I wonder how many teeth I can pull outta ya before your weak ass passes out.” he grunts, waving the plier in his face until the sound of his phone ringing stops him from doing anything.
“you’re lucky I gotta take this.” he mumbles, taking a piece of dirty cloth and shoving it into his mouth to keep him quiet.
bakugo turns away and rolls up his sleeve, setting up his tools for torture as he answers the phone. 
“hi baby!” you chime, at the mall having the time of your life with his credit card. 
“hey. ‘m workin’ whaddaya want?” he says, holding up his pliers and sitting them down on the table as his hostage screams in the background. 
“just checking on you, dummy! whatcha want for dinner, hm? i know you haven’t eaten yet.” you say, holding up different dresses to your frame to imagine yourself in them. “hey, pink or powder blue?”
“pink. and ‘m not hungry. you’ve got security with you, right baby?” he asks, kicking the man onto the floor with a loud thud. 
“of course. you won’t let me leave the house without them.” you respond, not even paying attention to the muffled screams you hear in the background. you’ve learned not to ask too many questions when it comes to being a yakuza wife. 
“gotta keep my baby safe, right? listen, princess I gotta go. i’ll be home before 9 okay?” 
you suck your teeth and roll your eyes, “fine. be careful okay?”
“always am. love you baby.” as he hangs up and returns to his task. 
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the difference between you and katsuki was night and day. everyone knew you to be so sweet and kind; unbeknownst to them all how you ended up with a cretin like Bakugo. even though Katsuki was immoral in many ways, he knew marrying you was the right thing to do. who else would want to dress his wounds and pick out his suits for the day?
katsuki demanded you quit your job. in fact he came with you to put in your two weeks notice, tough scowl staining his features as your boss signed the approval with shaking hands.
from that day on he ensured you were well taken care of and that marrying him and becoming his housewife came with many perks.
for starters, your husband was loaded. all those years of extorting and money laundering paid off every time you come home with a couple shopping bags from the mall.
katsuki loved lavishing you in the finest of everything, adoring how you look in designer. so much so, he fucks you by the bay window of your luxury penthouse, the Chanel dress he just bought you hiked up over your ass as his calloused fingers make way into your mouth. you’re pinned to the glass, bare breasts pressed against the window as he railed you from behind. and he wonders why you turned out to be a spoiled brat.
your gifts always made you stand out above the rest. many men fawn over you and he knows this. just a small price to pay for having a fine ass wife. but if anyone ever forgot their place, if anyone ever got to close. well. that’d be the last time you’d ever see them. course you have no idea why. but even though katsuki loved you with all his heart, you could be a real pain in the ass. you were so bratty, especially when he was busy. 
one day you came trotting into his office in the middle of some business deal. whatever. your jimmy choos popped and you needed a new pair before the yacht party you were attending started. 
“daddy’s taking care of business right now, okay? go wait outside.”
“no! you promised we’d go shopping! I need new shoes what the fuck am I supposed to do with these?” you whine, pouting like usual to get your way. bakugo’s brow raised, walking towards you and gesturing for the meeting to continue without him. his hand rested on your lower back as he escorted you out.  
he fucked your brains in in the next room for disobeying him, panties around your ankles, your charm anklet jingling as he picked up your legs. 
“spoiled fuckin’ brat. told you to wait didn’t I? hm? or did you make a scene ‘cause you wanted my dick?” your head hangs back as your hips are held down by him, thrusts brutal as you cry for him to slow down, face turned away from his. he grabs your chin and turns you around harshly with his scarred and calloused hands, bruised knuckles turning white with a tight grip. 
“look at me when i’m fuckin’ talkin’ to you.” 
he came inside you when he was done, pulling your panties up for you as it dripped down your leg. 
“now.. back to what I was doin’. tell the driver to take your ass home.” he huffs with a zip of his pants and a shake in his sleeves to fix them. bakugo leaves you on the desk, leaving the door cracked for you to leave when you got yourself together. and when you did you could hardly hold yourself up, holding your high heels in your hand as you limp to the car waiting outside for you. 
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having a yakuza boss as a husband was always exciting. something in you liked the danger; the thrill.
you tell this tale to your other socialite girlfriends and they almost never believe you.
you were out with bakugo on a date when work called. to your dismay, he had to get up and leave. you insisted on being brought along, hating being left alone in that big house that was often empty without him. he agreed but only if you promised to be quiet like a good little girl. 
when you arrive at some warehouse (the same one mentioned earlier), a man was already hog tied on the ground, muffled screams behind a piece of duck tape as bakugo ripped it off. you sat by a table, legs folded in annoyance. this interrupted date night? you scoff and fold your arms. 
“ah. good seeing you old friend. remember me?” he asks, taunting him a little with a gun in his hand pressing it against his jaw as the man let out muffled pleas for him not to shoot. 
“you tried stealing from me. fuckin’ idiot. my boys caught you in some hotel with your little girlfriend. did you think you were gonna have a victory fuck after you made off with my money, hm?” bakugo asks, hitting him upside the head with the butt of his pistol.
you jump at the sound of the blow, a small part of you turned on watching your husband beat the crap out of a complete stranger. your pussy starts to ache when you peer over at bakugo’s strong tattooed arms as he flung his jacket aside, rolling his white sleeves up to ensure his expensive suit doesn’t get soiled. 
“oh fuck, where are my manners? this is my lovely wife, y/n. say hi baby.” he coos at you, a switch from rough to gentle when he spoke to you. you smile and wave, the hostage sobbing out a weak greeting when bakugo demands him to. 
“anyways. what’d you do with the money, asswipe? gonna tell me or are you gonna make me fuck you up in front of my pretty wife. god, look at ‘er, ain’t she gorgeous? you know I was about 30 minutes from railing her before you had to go along and ruin our night. I should kill you right here.” bakugo turns his head towards you with a sick look in his eye. 
“whaddaya think, princess? what should I do to this motherfucker, huh?” he asks. 
“smack him again. he ruined date night.” you grumble, folding your arms. 
“he sure did, baby.” bakugo says, punching the hostage in his jaw. he gestured for his men to crowd around him, all of them taking turns kicking and beating him with metal bars. katsuki walks towards you and pulls you into a passionate kiss, a bit of blood on his knuckles as he pulled your hair. god, this whole situation was sick. but why was it so hot?
bakugo carries you away to the car, tells the driver to fuck off somewhere while he rails you in the back seat, knowing his men will take care of the rest of what he started inside the warehouse. you straddle his lap, bouncing up and down on his stiff cock as the car rocked back and forth. the car windows fog up as your body heat commingled throughout the space, your hands pressing against the glass to gain to balance as you rode his fat cock. 
“fuck, daddy. you’re so hot when you’re handling business. ooh, you’re dick’s so hard.” you purr, bakugo’s hand pinching and playing with your breast as his hips thrust upwards. He smirks at you, almost a bit shocked you got as turned on as he did from the pain he inflicted.
“hmm, I know baby. god, you’re sick. getting this wet from watching me beat up some punk. dirty fuckin’ girl.” he huffed into your hair, leaving sloppy kisses on your neck followed by harsh nibbles.
truth is even though you were so sweet and caring, you had a dark side no one knew about. I mean why else would you marry into the yakuza? 
you were both fucking insane. 
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cjsinkythoughts · 3 years
FATWS One Shot #2 - The Beginning of a Family
Word Count: 1804
Warnings: Cursing, Mentions of Human Trafficking (once, it was a mission Reader did), Minor Character Injury
Setting/Characters: The first half-ish of The Avengers in 2012; Reader, Steve Rogers, Nick Fury, Natasha Romanoff, Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Thor, Mentions of Loki, Phil Coulson, and Clint Barton, OC!Agent Anderson
A/N: Here’s One Shot Number 2! I was thinking of making it longer and adding the actual Battle of Manhattan, but I dunno if I’m gonna do that. I just wanted these to be One Shots of first meetings and other smaller events. I didn’t want to do scene-for-scene two parters. If you want me to, I can, I don’t mind doing it, I just wasn’t planning on it. I’ve kinda been slacking today, which is why I haven’t cranked out more than this one, but I’ll see if I can finish one more for tonight. Tomorrow’s another late night for me at work, BUT! Tomorrow night FATWS comes out! So I will be doing the next Episode! I also don’t have Friday off this week, so the Parts might bleed into Saturday, but they will come this weekend!
Reminder that this has nothing to do with FATWS the show, but I don’t have a title for my FATWS Series, which is what these are based off of, so this is what they’re called for now! If you have any ideas for names, feel free to send them in! I’m just too lazy to come up with something clever for the whole Series.
Thank you so much for reading! As always, not beta’d so please excuse any mistakes! Be kind to yourselves and others! Stay tuned and enjoy!
FATWS Masterlist
cjsinkythoughts Masterlist
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You were exhausted, coming back from an assignment that lasted a little over two months. It’d been your first one since you were assigned to help Steve adjust, and you were guessing they’d keep you on desk duty for a few months before sending you back out again. Which frustrated you to no end.
But then you got back your personal cell phone from a fellow agent and, seeing you had a few  voicemails - which you never had - you flipped it on.
“Hi, Y/N.” Your lips turned up at the man you started growing close to over the past year. “I-I know you’re on a mission right now. I mean, you just left last week. Anyways, I just…I hope you’re doin’ okay. You probably won’t get this until later, but…still. I hope you’re safe. I, uh, I got that book. The one you were joking about me getting. The U.S. History for Dummies one. It goes farther back than I need to know, but I still read all of it. It helped. I wish you were here though. But I know you’re working. And that’s important. Um… I guess I’ll see you in a few months.”
The phone beeped before the next message played. “I took your advice. I got a sketchbook and some other stuff. There’s a ton of new supplies. I’m kinda excited to try them out. Maybe they’re not new but they’re more accessible now than they used to be. And I found a gym. In Brooklyn. It’s kinda run down - a hole in the wall type place - but they don’t do memberships and they don’t care how long you stay as long as you pay for your time. So that’s nice. I guess. Anyways…hi. I don’t think I said that earlier. It’s Steve, by the way. But you probably guessed that. Um…that’s all. I just wanted to let you know. Stay safe, honey. Abbyssinia.”
You listened to the next couple ones, all along the same lines. Steve telling you about his day; about the dog he was allowed to pet on his run or the different coffee he tried this morning at your previous suggestion. You snickered a little, shaking your head. You would never guessed that Hitler hitting, Nazi punching Captain America was so…soft. Cute.
His last voicemail was from earlier that morning, and it made her brow furrow. “Hey, honey. I, uh…God, I really wish you were here. I was told you’d be getting back last week, but then they said it might be another couple weeks because something happened? I hope nothing happened. Please be okay. I’ve really missed you. I know it’s only been a year, but…you’re the only familiar thing I have right now. I guess Fury was right to choose you since you were the first person I saw. There’s a, uh, problem. Fury’s got a mission for me. Some guy named Loki stole the Tesseract. Which was HYDRA’s secret weapon. That blue cube thing. I was just getting used to laptops and fast food and this…it’s just a lot. Overwhelming. You were always good at making things less intimidating. I’ve gotta go. Some SHIELD personnel are picking me up now. We’re going to…somewhere. I’m sure you would know, but they haven’t exactly told me. Hoping to see you soon, Y/N. Please be safe.”
You frowned at the information, looking up at one of your fellow agents, Anderson. “Hey.” He turned his head towards you from his conversation with the copilot. “Is something going on at HQ?”
“The Helicarrier.” Anderson corrected. “Fury just called it in. Something with the Tesseract. And some guy’s mind controlling people. He’s got Barton, apparently. The director is bringing a few people on board; Banner, Stark, Romanoff. Rogers, too, I heard. He wants you to be there ASAP, so we’re going there now.”
Letting out a sigh, you rubbed your eyes and nodded. “Alright. Let’s go see what’s going on.”
Fury met you as you walked off the jet, lugging your duffle bag over your shoulder. You were still in your clothes from the mission; a human trafficking ring in Guam. Dirty, torn up jeans along with a white tank top hugging your torso and a flannel, unbuttoned, over your shoulders. One of your sneakers had a hole in it, too, and you were walking with a slight limp from the dislocated kneecap you got a few days prior.
“Agent.” He nodded in greeting, passing you a file. “The others are waiting. We just brought in Loki.”
You chewed your cheek, narrowing your eyes as you scanned the information in the file. It had personal files of the others, but you didn’t need to look through those. You knew Natasha very well, considering she taught you half the things you know, along with Barton. You knew Stark - of course you did - especially after you helped set Natasha up to be his secretary a while back. Banner you were also knowledgeable about, seeing as you went undercover to find him when he first took off and had been part of the tracking team on him ever since. Thor you had learned about after his fiasco in New Mexico from Coulson. And, last but certainly not least, Steve Rogers, who you knew better than any file could explain.
“Walk me through this; Thor and Loki are the real Thor and Loki? Like, from Norse myths?”
“Apparently so. You know about the New Mexico incident with the two last year, don’t you?”
You nodded, pinching your lips together tightly. “Well, yeah, but I thought…I dunno. I guess it just didn’t click. So,” you tucked the file under your arm securely, raising an eyebrow at Fury. “We’re fighting a god? An actual god?”
“With an army of aliens.” He confirmed.
“Wonderful.” You huffed as the two of you turned a corner, making your way onto the bridge, just in time to hear Stark talking to Banner about him turning into the Hulk.
“Dr. Banner is only here to track the cube.” Fury butted in. You crossed your arms behind Fury, leaning on your good leg. “I was hoping you might join him. Before you do, this is-” 
“Y/N! You’re back!”
You shot a grin to the blonde, who perked up upon seeing you. “Hi, Steve. Just in time, too, huh.” You nudged Natasha slightly. “Hey, Nat. Sorry about Clint.”
She shrugged. “I’m just glad you’re here to help.”
“I’m sorry.” You looked over to find Banner frowning contemplatively at you. “Do I know you?”
You opened your mouth to answer, but Fury beat you to it. “Formalities later. Y/L/N, we’ll bring you up to speed-”
“I’ll get there, sir. How are you boys planning on tracking down the Tesseract?” You questioned, nodding in the two geniuses’ direction.
“I’d start with that stick of his.” Steve suggested, turning to look at the duo as well. “It may be magical but it works an awful lot like a HYDRA weapon.”
“I don’t know about that, but it is powered by the Cube.” Fury stated. “And I’d like to know how Loki used it to turn two of the sharpest men I know into his personal flying monkeys.”
A tall, broad as hell blonde looked at Fury, confused. “Monkeys? I do not understand-”
“I do!” Steve jumped in, pointing at Thor, before leaning back in his seat at the silence that came after his exclamation. “I-I understood that reference.”
You chuckled and shook your head, winking at Steve when he smiled bashfully at you. As the two scientists - was Stark a scientist? - started heading out, Steve hopped up, padding over to you.
“You’re back early.”
“Late, technically.” You shrugged, letting him pull you in for a hug, your hand rubbing his back. “I got your calls.”
He pulled away, his ears turning red. “Oh, yeah. I, uhm-”
You sniggered. “It’s fine, Steve. You can call me whenever you need to. I’m just sorry I couldn’t answer you sooner.”
“You were working.” He shrugged half heartedly. “Did it go okay? Are you okay?”
“Yes, Steven. I’m fine.” You rolled your eyes just as a yawn threatened to escape your lips. “If not a little tired.” You tapped on the star against his chest. “Nice suit, by the way.”
“Ha ha.” He grinned, eyeing your own clothing. “You’re matching me.” He tugged on the red, white, and blue flannel hanging from your arms. “You also look like shit.”
You snorted. “Wow. What a gentleman. Let’s get this whole Loki situation over with so I can go to bed, yeah?”
He chuckled a little with a nod. “Sounds like a plan, honey.” The two of you started out of the bridge. “You should shower first, though.”
“You’re a bully, you know that?”
“I’m just sayin’!”
“I’m just sayin’!” You mocked with a huff. “Leave me be, Rogers.”
His laughter was cut short, making you look over at him curiously, only to find his slitted eyes studying your movements. “Why are you limping?”
“Relax, Captain. I just dislocated my knee. It’s fine. Shit happens on missions, you know that.”
“Is that why you came back late?”
Shaking your head, you lead him to one of the private rooms the Helicarrier had so you could shower and change. “No. I just needed a little more time. That’s all. Now let’s focus on the problem at hand. We can talk more later.”
He hesitated, leaning against the doorway and watching you set your bag on the small cot.  “Okay. As long as you’re alright.”
Your heart jumped a bit at the concern laced in his tone, the apprehension in those blue eyes - which you found out had some green in them - making your breath hitch slightly. “I am.” You spoke softly with a firm nod of your head, trying to assure him and his worries. “I promise.”
“I’m gonna go check on Banner and Stark, then. Come find me when you’re done.”
You cleared your throat to recover yourself, throwing him a cheeky grin. “Aye, aye, Captain.”
He rolled his eyes with a smile, before turning and walking out, leaving you alone and confused.
What was that? You’d never had that reaction to anything. Your heart doesn’t race whenever someone walks in the room. Not like it did with him. What the hell did that even mean?
You shook your head, clearing your throats. You didn’t have time to dwell on that now. You doubted it was anything more than a fluke. You were just tired and seeing someone familiar, who was genuinely excited to see you was like a breath of fresh air after your operation. That’s all. Yeah.
With that decided, you headed to the shower, head spinning with new thoughts of this problem with the God of Mischief and that stupid blue cube.
All Works Taglist (Open):
@happygoreading​ @bibliophilewednesday​
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icanfixhimclub · 3 years
"You're insufferable." "I'm glad."
This is part 2 to this, so go read that first!
Blue strided pridefully to the stage, standing beside who she now knows is David, as Jack waves to everyone. "Carrying the banner!" Jack yelled and everyone in the stands cheered. "We've come a long way, but we ain't done yet. And maybe it's only gonna get tougher from now on. But that's fine, we'll just get tougher with it!"
Everyone cheered while Jack started speaking again, "But also...also we gotta get smart and listen to my pal david," some cheered, mostly like Manhattan newsies, "Who says, 'stop soaking the scabs.'" Blue scoffed stepping to look at Jack. "Hey look Kelly, when me and my boys see scabs, we soak 'em. Period."
Every cheered as Jack looked very displeased. "No, no, no!" David cut of the cheering, "That's what they want us to do! If we get violent, it's just playing into their hands." "Hey look, they're gonna be playin' with my hands alright?" Spot said sternly. "It ain't what they say anymore, it's what we say." Blue cut in, scowling at David.
"And nobody ain't gonna listen to us unless we make 'em." Spot adds on. Everyone started cheering again as Spot and Blue glanced at each other. "You got no brains!" Kelly shouts, "We're starting to fight each other, it's just what the big shots wanna see! That we're street trash! Street rats with no brains, no respect for nothing including ourselves!"
Everyone started sitting and quieting down. "So here's how it is," Jack begins again, "If we don't act together, we're nothing! If we don't stick together, we're nothing!" "Tell 'em Jack!" A kid yells. "So what's it gonna be?" Murmurs of agreement could be heard from the crowd as Spot and Blue paced. "So whadda you say Spot?" Jack asked.
Spot looks out into the crowd, "I say what you say...is what I say." Some of the crowd cheered but not all of it as Jack turned to Blue, looking hopeful. "I say you're an idiot Jack Kelly...but that ain't always a bad thing." Blue spit on her hand with a grin as Jack repeated the actions and the crowd cheered. Suddenly the lights went out and a spotlight got turned to the curtains, a red haired woman stepping out at the crowd cheers and wolf whistles.
"Oh boy." Blue mutters, slipping past people to leave the theater, having no mind to deal with the boys obnoxious behavior. Just a minute after she sat down, Spot Conlon did too. They sat in silence for a while until Spot spoke up, "Why do you hate me?" Blue chuckled in response, "Why shouldn't I?"
She turned to look at the dirty blonde, gaze questioning. "I can be a good guy!" Spot argues as Blue busts out laughing. "You? As if! The only thing 'good' about you is how you and Brooklyn use slingshot's, but even then my boys and me are better." Spot huffed, crossing his arms, "You're insufferable." "I'm glad."
Blue smiled a smile that made Spots face heat up, but he hoped the darkness would hide it. Then, an old man who don't look too friendly starts heading into the theatre. "Hey mista, you ain't s'posed to be in there right now." Blue reminded, standing up and blocking the door, Spot standing up shortly after.
"Move it little girl." The unknown man pushes Blue away, her head hitting the wall as Spot stops her from hitting the ground and the man enters the building. "Hey, Blue, you ok?" Conlon asks, sitting Blue against the wall. "Ya," She winces as she brings her hand up to rub the forming bump, "Just hurts a bit, nothing I'se can't handle."
When they hear the clopping of horses, they both turn their heads and see the bulls heading their way. With a knowing look, they both run inside. "Jack!" Blue yells, searching frantically, but she instead finds Bolt. "Bolt! Get the younger boys out, the bulls are here!" She's frantic and the loud noise doesn't help her head but Bolt nods as Blue flees to search for Jack.
Just as she sees Jack run, she all hears the deafening whistle of the bulls, ringing in her head. Everyone started trying to leave, some staying and fighting. As Blue saw a bull trying to take one of her younger boys, she ran to them, pulling the man back and punching him right in the gut, then kneeing him in the face when he doubled over.
She didn't even see it coming, another man landed a punch right where she had hit her head just a few minutes before. She heard the faint call of her name, but she was unconscious before she even hit the ground. Spot saw red, charging at the man, swing his fist with all his might be picking up Blue and running.
He saw an open area and ran backstage, right out the back doors. "Please be okay." He whispered, gently setting her down on the ground before running back inside, praying she was okay
"All rise, all rise. Court is now in session. Judge E. A. Monahan presiding." Blue groaned quietly, holding the ice pack against her head. "Are any of you represented by a counsel?" The judge asked. Spot, Racetrack and Blue all shared confused looks. "No. Good, good. That'll move this along considerably."
"Hey, ya honor, I object." Spot spoke up. "On what grounds?" "On the grounds of Brooklyn, your honor." Everyone laughed, even Blue let out a giggle that had Spot glancing down at her. The judge banged his gavel, unamused by Spots behavior, "I fine each of you 5 dollars, or 2 weeks confinement at the House of Refuge."
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, hey we ain't got 5 bucks." "Hell, we ain't even got 5 cents!" Blue added on to Race's statement. "Hey your honor, how bout I roll ya for it? Double or nothing." Everybody laughed once again at Racetracks remark while the judge banged his gavel again. "All right, move along, move along."
"Your honor, I'll pay the fines," Everyone turned to see Denton enter the court room, "all of them." David entered as well, the 2 walking over to the others. The dull throb in Blue's head made her zone out, Denton words sounding miles away. She only zoned back in when she heard Race yell over to Jack.
The only thing Blue could focus on was the warmth that shot through her body when Spot grabbed her hand and lead her outside with the others, all heading to the restaurant. "Blue, get that ice pack back on ya head." Spot ordered when he saw Blue drop it on the table. "I'se fine, besides, my arm is hurtin'." She complained.
Everyone greeted Denton as he walked into the restaurant. "Why didn't the sun print the story?" David questions immediately. "Because it never happened." Everyone talked over each other in forms of confusion. "If it's not in the papers it never happened. The owners decreed that it not be in the papers, therefore..."
Blue could hear Spots heavy breathing, most likely of anger. "Anyways, I came to tell you fellas goodbye." Silence fell over the restaurant, nobody dared to speak. "What happened, did ya get fired?" David steps forward but Denton was quick to shoot down the idea. "No, I got reassigned back to my old job as the sun's ace war correspondent. They want me to leave right away. The owner thinks they should only cover really important stories so..."
David walked away in what seemed like disappointment. "They don't always fire you, David. I would be blackballed from every paper in the country," Denton tugged David's arm to get him to face him, "Hey, I'm a newspaper man. I have to have a paper to write for." David still stayed silent as Denton sighed, "This is the story I wrote about the rally. And, I want you to read it at least."
Denton took out a price of paper from inside his pocket, but David still remained quiet so Denton kinda forced the paper into his hand as he started leaving. "Bill," the waiter turned around, trying to tell Denton to keep it, "No, no, this should cover it." Denton handed the man some cash and left. David pushed off of the wall and crumpled the paper.
"God David, stop being an ass." Everyone turned to look at Blue, unready for her comment. "Excuse me?" David asked as Blue stood up. "You heard me. Denton had no control over being reassigned and he has to make money too. Boo hoo, we're not in the paper, suck it up and stop acting like a upset toddler."
Blue fiercely gazed at David, her annoyance evident. David shifted his gaze to the table infront of him. "We get Jack out of the refuge tonight. And from now on, we trust no one but the newsies." Everyone agreed, standing up and leaving. After leaving, Blue grabs David's wrist. "Hey, I'm coming with, rather you like it or not." She said, letting ho and walking away.
That night, her and the boys snuck past the Refuge gates following a carriage. David points to a lighted window, "That's where we saw Crutchy." A whistle blows and they all hide. Everyone could see it was Jack. "Where they takin' him Dave?" Mush asked as the loaded Jack into a carriage. "Only one way to find out," David took off his hat and waited for the carriage to leave." I'll meet you guys by the square."
As everyone watched David leave, Blue walked out, staring up at the window. "Aye, whaddya doin' Blue?" Race asked watching her intently. "Mush," The girl whipped around, staring at the tallest of the boys, "You're tallest, get me on your shoulders, Blink, I need the rope." Both boys nodded and walked over to her, Blink handing her the rope.
Mush bent down and helped Blue onto his shoulders, standing up and getting close to the wall. She tried throwing the rope up into the window bars, trying to get it to fall back down over something. When it did, she motion for Mush to set her down and he did. "Alright, which one of you'se is the strongest?" Mush, Blink and another raised their hands.
"Alright, your going to hold the rope still on this end while I climb up the other." The 3 nodded and walked over, grabbing the end of the rope. Blue grabbed the other end and used to Rope to help her scale the wall. When she reached the window, she nodded on it, a unknown kid opened the window. "Is anyone in here go by Radio?" She asked timidly.
The small girl looked sad, looking down. "Radio got real sick and died a few days ago." Blue's breath caught in her throat. She almost let go of the rope, everything slowing down. "T-thank you." Blue nodded and slid down the rope. Everyone's voices were fuzzed and Blue could feel the tears in her eyes. So she ran. She ran faster than she ever had before, faster than she thought she could go.
She ran until her legs gave out under her, right on the Brooklyn Bridge. Uncontrollable sobs ripped from her throat, everything seemed to disappear as she cried. She sobbed so loud she didn't even hear Spots footsteps, not even aware of his presence until he sat by her and puller her into his side. She started to hyperventilate, barely any air in her lungs.
"H-h-He was j-just a b-b-boy!" She subconsciously leaned into Spots comfort. "Hey, Blue, hey, calm down, easy does it." Her loud cries had slowly turned in small sniffles and tear stained cheeks. Spot slowly moved to sit in front of her, cupping her face in his hands. "Now," He brushed his thumb across her cheek, wiping away a tear, "Tell me what happened."
"He's gone." She choked out, her hands grabbing at her shirt, "He was to young to d-die. He was 8 Spot, 8! He shouldn't of died at 8! He was gonna become a writer! He was," She choked back another sob, her voice cracking as she spoke, "He was gonna write a book 'bout all of us." The last part came out as a broken whisper, so heartbroken it made his clench.
A small, broken sob left Blue's lips, leaning into Spots touch as he wiped her tears. "Come to my lodge with me. It too late for you to be walkin' back to Queens alone." Too tired to respond, she just simply nodded, eyes already drooping. She didn't say a word when Spot effortlessly pick her up, heading back to the Lodging House.
About half way there, Spot looked down at her to find her peacefully asleep, head resting against Spots chest, the smallest snores escaping her mouth. Spot let out a small chuckle, continuing the long walk back to his Lodging house.
A/n: whew, that was long. Anyways, there's definitely gonna be a part 3 and possibly a part 4, so stick around for that!
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drabbles-mc · 3 years
Try Again
Kozik x OFC (Tawnie Trager) (ft. Dad!Tig Trager)
Request by Anon: Kozik x female reader, where reader is Tig's first daughter (bit older than the twins, called Tawnie for lols) and no-one knows they're together, until Kozik overhears Gemma question Tawnie about the hickeys - who is like "I'm not sure whether to be mad that they're there, or mad that they're not that good" and then Kozik is pretty much like, 'challenge accepted', and Tig catches them when Kozik tries to leave better ones...?
Prequel can be found Here
Warnings: language, alcohol, slight steam
Word Count: 2.7k
A/N: I changed it to an OFC because the prompt felt almost a little too specific to keep it as a reader-insert lol. Hope you don’t mind! Also, y’all really like seeing Kozik come within an inch of his life with Dad!Tig lmaoooo love it
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She walked into the office with a box of files in her hands. Setting it down on Gemma’s desk, she let out a sigh. Rolling and cracking her neck, she pulled her hair back for a moment to help cool down. Normally she wouldn’t be caught dead with her hair down in the middle of summer, but things had gotten a little heated the night before and Kozik had left a scattering of hickeys on the side of her neck. The rule was always to keep it below the collar but they both got a little wrapped up in things. It wasn’t a huge deal when it happened for him—he could blame it on any of the women who hung around the clubhouse. But for her it was a bit of a tougher situation.
Her father had made it clear from the get-go that she and both of her sisters were off-limits to every man in the club. Even men who were friends of the club. No one was to do so much as toss a wink or a potentially flirtatious comment their way. And for as much as she tried to tell her father that he was being ridiculous, that she was a grown woman who could and would make her own decisions, he never budged. After all, Tig had never been known for being a man to compromise.
So it was bad enough that she was sneaking behind her father’s back with someone in the club. What made it even worse was the fact that it was the one person in the MC that he couldn’t stand. She didn’t even remember how her and Kozik fell into the situation that they were in. He was always friendly with her, but he was one of the most cautious around her because he knew that Tig wouldn’t hesitate to put a bullet in him if he so much as thought Kozik was hitting on his daughter. And yet, somehow that flipped completely around and the two of them were sneaking off whenever the situation allowed for it.
The last few months were playing at hyper-speed in her mind as she let herself breathe for a moment in the privacy of Gemma’s office. She was staring blankly down at the box that she had just brought in, too zoned out to notice the fact that Gemma had walked in behind her.
“Well, well, well,” Gemma chuckled as she walked up behind her, “What’d you get yourself into last night, T?”
Fear shot down her spine and she instantly let her hair go, “What?”
Gemma shook her head, “Too late to hide it now, sweetheart,” she brushed her hair out of the way to get a better look at her neck, “Since you’re busted, you gotta tell me,” she leaned back against the desk, “Who done it, Tawnie?”
She rolled her eyes, “You cannot tell my dad.”
Gemma chuckled, “What Tig doesn’t know won’t hurt him. So,” she nudged Tawnie’s shoulder, “spill the beans, sweetheart.”
Kozik was about to walk in to ask Gemma about something when he heard the two of them talking. He stopped himself, lurking right outside the door. He was curious to see how the conversation was going to go—he wanted to know if Tawnie would actually confide in someone about the two of them. He’d been good, he hadn’t told a single soul about the two of them being together. It was too small of a town and word traveled way too fast. His days were numbered as it was and he didn’t want to shorten his lifespan any more than necessary by having Tig find out that he was hooking up with his daughter.
Tawnie sighed, running her hands down her face, “Kozik.”
Gemma’s eyes went wide, “Honey, why do you want him to get the shit kicked out of him?”
She laughed, “I don’t! I don’t. Please, please don’t tell my dad.”
“I won’t,” Gemma shook her head slightly, “How’d that happen, anyway?”
She shrugged, feeling the heat rise slightly in her cheeks, “I don’t really know. It all sorta just…fell together.”
“How long?”
She paused, not wanting to admit how long they’d been hiding it, “Couple months.”
“A couple months?” Gemma chuckled and shook her head, “You’ve been sneaking around for a couple months and the man still can’t leave a proper hickey?”
She laughed, giving her a playful shove, “Gemma!”
“What? I’m just saying,” she glanced at her neck, “I could leave a better one than that. And your father would be much less pissed off about it.”
“You gonna give him a how-to manual, Gemma?”
She shook her head, “That’s something he’s gotta learn on his own, sweetheart.”
She laughed, “Is that something you’d like updates on?”
Gemma smiled as she fixed Tawnie’s hair, covering back up the marks on her neck, “You won’t need to tell me—I’ll see it for myself.”
There were a few beats of silence before she spoke up again, “Thank you for, y’know, not ratting me out to my dad.”
She smiled, “The girls gotta stick together.”
Taking that as her cue to leave, Tawnie made her way towards the office door. Kozik heard the sound of her footsteps and tried to back off enough so that it wouldn’t seem obvious that he was waiting right outside the door for her. Despite the distance, though, his face gave him away. She could tell from his expression that he was trying to cover for himself, which meant that he had most definitely heard her conversation with Gemma. She felt a little bad, but she also wanted to see what he was going to say.
“Oh, hey,” she smiled, tilting her head slightly, “You good?”
He nodded, “Yea, I’m…I’m good. Is, uh, is Gemma in there?”
So he was going to play it off for the time being. Two could play at that game. She nodded, “Yea, just got in.”
“Alright, cool. Thanks. I’ll see you later?”
She nodded, “Yea of course. You gonna be around tonight for the party?”
“Are you?”
She smiled, “I think so.”
A smirk passed over his face for a moment, “Then I think so too.”
The day went by quickly. She kept herself busy with random things around the garage and the clubhouse. Normally she’d be getting her hands dirty working on whatever needed repairs, but if she couldn’t tie her hair back out of the way, she wasn’t even going to bother. It would’ve been more trouble than it was worth.
She was helping bring in a few cases of beer as people started showing up for the party. It was dark out by that point, music and loud conversations already starting to flow out through the walls of the clubhouse. She smiled and shook her head to herself as she bumped the door open with her hip.
“T,” Jax appeared on the other side of the bar from her and gave his most charming smile, “grab me a beer, please?”
She rolled her eyes but did as he asked. She popped the top off of it before handing it to him, “I’m not a bartender, Teller.”
“If you’re on that side of the bar, you’re a bartender. Those are the rules.”
She laughed and shook her head before grabbing a beer for herself, “Guess you can carry your own shit in next time.”
Making her way back to the side of the bar that wouldn’t land her with more responsibilities, she looked around the clubhouse. Everyone was hanging out having a good time. A few of the guys were playing pool, and some of them already had women draped over their laps. She chuckled as she sat herself down on a stool at the bar. Pressing the beer bottle to her lips, she silently looked for Kozik in the midst of the chaos.
They locked eyes from across the room. He was sitting on the sofa, one of the women from Cara Cara tucked underneath his arm. She almost felt herself getting jealous, but when he smiled at her all of those feelings faded away. They both knew that the price of keeping their relationship a secret was having to allow a certain amount of flirtation from the people around them. He never got too close with any of the women who hung around the clubhouse, but he couldn’t be too cold and dismissive without at least one of the guys giving him shit about it.
Tawnie refused to break eye contact as she took a long drink from her beer bottle. She could see it in his eyes that even though the party had barely started, he already wanted to leave with her. She would’ve been up for that, too, if he asked. But she knew that he wouldn’t. She contented herself with keeping an eye on everyone around her.
Tig walked up, throwing a loving arm around his daughter’s shoulders, “How you doin’, doll?”
She chuckled and leaned against him for a moment, giving him a side-hug, “I’m good, Dad. Enjoying the party?”
“Always,” he laughed, “But are you?”
She chuckled, nodding, “You know me—I’m more than happy to just sit back and watch everyone else get into trouble.”
“Good way to stay out of it.”
“Exactly,” she gave him a playful nudge, “Go keep the boys in line, alright?”
He smiled, pressing a brief kiss to the top of her head, “Love you, T.”
“Love you too,” she laughed as he took off into the fray of things.
Once the party had really gotten underway, Kozik made his way over to her. It felt safer to be closer when there was so much else going on around them—they weren’t on anyone’s radar. He leaned in close so that only she could hear him. At first it was just jokes, off-hand comments about what was going on around them. She’d laugh and shake her head, and Kozik could swear that he’d never heard a better sound.
“Think we could sneak out for a bit?” he asked.
She looked at him, eyebrows raised, “Oh?”
He nodded, “Yea,” he pushed her hair back behind her shoulder, “because apparently I have some work to make up for.”
Heat rushed to her face and she wanted to hide behind her hands. Even though she knew that he had heard the conversation with Gemma, talking about it was an entirely different thing. She looked up at him, a nervous smile on her face.
“I didn’t say—”
“Don’t even,” he laughed and shook his head.
She laughed as well, knowing that there was no trying to soften the blow to his ego. He seemed to be handling it just fine, though. They both looked around to see if anyone was paying attention to them before sneaking back towards the dorms.
Once they were in the hall, out of the main cluster of the clubhouse, Kozik instantly had his hands all over her. He walked up behind her, sliding his hands up her sides beneath her top. Without thinking about it, she melted back into him, reaching back with one hand to trail her fingers down the side of his face. His fingers gripped onto her side as he kissed along her shoulder. He spun her around so that her chest was pressed against his, pushing her back against the wall.
He crashed his lips into hers as he pinned her to the wall. She gripped the edges of his kutte and attempted to pull him as close as she possibly could. They knew it was reckless to not even bother waiting to get to his dorm, but she wasn’t in the mood to be telling him to stop. Any and all responsible thoughts left her brain the second he bit down on her bottom lip.
He pulled his lips off of hers, trailing them down along her jaw and peppering her with kisses all along the way. She couldn’t help but to smile as he placed a kiss on her neck, “Gonna give it another shot?”
His laughter vibrated against her skin, “I feel like I have to. Can’t let Gemma disrespect me like that.”
She laughed and was about to make a smart remark when she felt his teeth against the sensitive skin of her neck. Her fingers wound their way into his hair, eyes fluttering shut as his hand slipped up the front of her shirt as he continued to suck a dark mark into the side of her throat. His name was about to fall from her lips in a quiet moan when their moment was interrupted.
“What the fuck is this?” Tig snapped, eyes darting back and forth between the two of them.
Kozik immediately backpedaled, nearly plastering himself against the opposite wall from Tig’s daughter. Tawnie’s face was flushed, hair and shirt a mess as she tried to look anywhere but into the eyes of her dad. She knew it was their own doing, but she still didn’t want to have to have this conversation with him.
“You’re a dead motherfucker,” within a split second Tig was charging at Kozik,
“Dad!” Tawnie jumped in, barely being able to wedge herself between the two men before serious damage was done, “Dad, stop!” she shoved him backwards with all the strength she could muster.
Tig’s chest was heaving as he looked down at his daughter, “What the fuck, T?”
“You don’t get to tell me who I can and can’t see,” she sounded much more confident than she really felt.
“This,” he pointed at Kozik, “is not a good choice, Tawnie.”
“You don’t get to decide that for me!”
Kozik’s eyes were bouncing back and forth between the two Tragers. It wasn’t often that he saw Tawnie get heated and defensive about things. He’d certainly never pictured her speaking like that to her own father. He wanted to step in and say something but he had the feeling that that was only going to make it worse.
“And you,” Tig’s eyes bored into his, “what the fuck are you thinking?!”
It was hard to try and sound tough when Tawnie was the only thing standing between him and getting his ass beat. He still tried, though. He rested his hands protectively on her shoulders and looked directly into Tig’s eyes.
“I’m think that she’s right. That you don’t get to make that decision for us.”
“For us?” Tig stepped in closer, his blood boiling.
“I’m an adult, Dad,” Tawnie was shaking her head, “And for what it’s worth, I don’t think you get to criticize who I’m seeing when you were about to bring some random woman back to your dorm,” she cocked one eyebrow.
That got Tig to recoil a bit. He hooked his thumbs onto his belt-loops, trying to figure out what he wanted his next move to be. After a few moments of incredibly tense silence, he looked back at his daughter, “We aren’t done talking about this.”
Before she could try to give any kind of sass in return, Tig turned around and headed back towards the main part of the clubhouse, the woman he was about to whisk away following suit. Tawnie let out a deep sigh of relief as she leaned back against Kozik, taking comfort in the feeling of his arms draped over her shoulders as he kissed the top of her forehead.
“Did you think you were gonna die?” she laughed.
He chuckled, loosely wrapping his arms around her neck as he pulled her back against him, “For a second, yea.”
“My last resort would’ve been telling him that Gemma told you to do it,” she tilted her head back so she could look up at him.
He smiled down at her, “I kinda wish that you did, just so we could see his reaction.”
“He still might’ve killed you.”
“Maybe,” he sighed as he rested his forehead lightly against the back of her head.
“Does this mean you’re going to bail on your redemption plans?”
He slid his hands down so that they were resting on her hips again. Without a word he turned her and began pushing her down the hall in the direction of his dorm. She laughed as she let herself be guided down the row of doors.
“I don’t give up that easy,” he laughed quietly as he pressed a kiss to her temple.
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dadsbongos · 3 years
Hey, Arvin?
Movie/Game/Show: The Devil All The Time Dynamic: Arvin Russell/Reader Warnings: spoilers for the movie? idk, post-ending time Summary: Self-doubt is often clouded as banter, and Arvin knows that better than anybody - especially after growing close to a certain farm girl. ~~~
Arvin didn't know he would wind up on a farm in the outskirted heart of Terrace Park. He truly did mean to sign himself to war in Cincinnati but it just never happened. A lot of things just didn't seem to work out for Arvin, so he didn't bother himself over it too much - not after everything he'd already done. Besides, his work was good and honest and the people who'd taken him in were good and honest.
Father, uncle, sons, and daughter. They were tight-knit - they had to be with the distant lands they'd been handed as a living space. No neighbors for miles, the children only had each other and the animals to play with until he came along. When the uncle came into a bar within town at sundown and convinced Arvin that being a farmhand was a good life. Now, Arvin was up before the sun with calluses burning at his hands and two young boys clinging to his boots as he went around the farm. But he can't say he hated it.
The two boys, only one year apart from each other and over ten years from him, were like little brothers to Arvin at this point. They were balls of sunshine throughout the home and if they wanted to lend a sinner like him some light, who was he to refuse?
The uncle, the man who'd found him that night, was deceptively sweet. A hulking figure with a soft heart beneath all the muscle. Deceptively smart, too. He'd gone to a life of education before coming to his brother-in-law's side at the farm. He was like a mentor and guiding hand, a kind one, a patient one. One who wanted the best for his loved ones; his nephews and niece, his brother by marriage, and for Arvin himself.
The father was largely unknown to Arvin. Gone away on matters that nobody seemed to know. Personal business. According to the boys, he used to be an involved and loving man until their mother fell ill and eventually died. And Arvin felt sickened upon that news. He felt pity for the children, he knew what it was like to be young and not understand why your mother had to go and your father was bent on going too. He could only pray that their father didn't go down the path his own had.
The daughter, their ages matching, was his favorite to spend time with. She wouldn't do her chores when the others were around, preferring to sit and watch her family as they did theirs. She would trail Arvin around the farm and talk as he worked. Sometimes she asked about what the town was like, other times she would tease him about being so quiet. Playful. Had enough heart to apologize if she ever felt that she crossed a line. He liked that about her. He liked a lot of things about her.
"Hey, Arvin?"
It was a simple phrase, one he'd heard countless times, but it was different from her. A teasing tone and a smile to match - her legs kicking out as she sat atop a stack of hay and watched Arvin brush the horses' manes.
"What is it, darlin'?"
"You ever take Arkle out for a midnight ride?"
She knew he did. She had to have. Why else would she bother with such a question?
"Just askin' since I hadn't found him out here last night. Figured he'd gotten out until I saw you out in the field with him."
Arvin pulled away from May's dirty brown mane to give the girl a quirked brow, "Why bother askin' if you already knew the answer?"
"I like seein' ya get all flustered. Thought you'd figured that out by now."
"Well, what were you doin' out here so late then?" Arvin returned to the horses as he asked.
"Just thinkin' was all."
"That right?" he spared the girl a quick glance, "What was that head a' yours so troubled with?"
She ignored his question and that didn't surprise him. She didn't like exposing her thoughts to anyone. Kept her worries and doubts to herself like they were precious gems, and with as little as this family had, they might as well have been. When you don't have much to call your own, your thoughts and feelings start to feel like little treasures. Arvin knew that first-hand and he wasn't about to steal someone's treasures by digging where he didn't belong.
"You ain't gotta tell me," he only said it to ease the tension of having been brushed over, "Just know I'm here. You follow me around all day, might as well talk to me if you need to."
The last thing he needed - or wanted - was to lose another person in his life. Especially if just talking to them could've prevented it. He knows he should've been keeping a better eye on Lenora and he hopes beyond hope she forgives him for that. He prays that her and her baby are well-cared for in heaven. If anybody deserves to be in the eternal sweetspot of God's domain, it's his dear sister.
"Hey, Arvin?"
Today, he was shucking corn, seated on a barrel, when she called to him from behind. He turned his head and nodded to let her know he was listening.
"You were awful quiet at breakfast this morning. Barely spoke to the boys at all."
"Just thinkin', darlin'. You ain't gotta worry 'bout me."
"I'll always worry 'bout you, Arvin," he feels her hands settle on his shoulders, "You came into Terrace Park alone. You got brought in by Uncle. You're around my baby brothers all the time. My boys, Arvin. My boys. We might share an age but we ain't share a brain. All I can see into your head is all I know about mine. It ain't just for you, Arvin. My daddy hasn't been the same since Mama passed and someone's gotta take care of the family. Uncle loves you to death and I don't blame him, but I'm still worryin'."
He got it. He understood. He was that way with Lenora, and he just wishes he could've done better to protect her. He wishes he could've keep his father around. He wishes his mother wasn't robbed from him so soon. He wishes he had less blood on his hands.
"Can I ease your worries at all?" he returns to his task of shucking corn.
"Where'd you get in from? Why're you here?"
"Knockemstiff. Coal Creek. Nowhere too far," he inhaled sharply as he went to begin his tale of why he left, leaving out certain unsavory details, "I had a sister. She was sweet. Lonely. I left her alone with the wrong sonofabitch," he felt anger begin boiling inside his veins as he relived that day, "she killed herself over him so I… I left. Had nothin' else there for me than makin' sure she was okay and I couldn't even do that."
"Arvin," she leans forward and presses her hands over his, "you didn't hafta tell me if it was so personal. 'M sorry I pried. Sorry about your sister, too, that's awful."
"No," he drops the corn when he realizes how shaky his hands have gotten, "I needed to get that out," he feels his heart burn the longer that her hands rest on his, "I still miss her. I shoulda been there."
Earskell should've kept tighter watch like he'd said.
Those bullies should've known better than to pick on Lenora.
Teagardin should've followed the book he read by.
"Can I hold you, Arvin?" it's barely a whisper.
He doesn't nod. If he wasn't the one to take initiative and press himself back into her chest then she wouldn't have gotten an answer at all. Her arms come around Arvin's shoulders and circle his chest tighter as his eyes water.
"It ain't your fault. It's that bastard, you know that, don't you?" she pressed her lips to his forehead and rested a cheek to the top of his head, fingers running through his hair, "It ain't your fault. Never was. Never will be."
He appreciates the sentiment even though he knows, deep down inside himself, that he'll never truly believe it. It's kind of her to care so much about a boy like him. He hopes she never has to feel the pain he knows so intimately and he hopes he can protect her brothers like he never got to with Lenora. If not to protect the softness in his own heart for them, then for the sake of a farm girl who's holding him so close as he cries in a cornfield.
"Hey, Arvin?"
It's hours past late and he hasn't been able to catch a wink of sleep. The dining table he's seated himself at is swamped in darkness and he's surprised she can even make out his figure.
"Late night, darlin'?"
"Heard you gettin' up. What're you doin' out here? I know it ain't eatin'."
"How can you tell?"
"Eatin' so late with not even a candle is just sad, Arvin. We got more to worry about than sleepin' if that's what you're doin'."
He grins at her answer and shakes his head, "Just can't sleep. You go on to bed; need your beauty rest."
It's that idea that has her feet practically cemented to the ground and her brows furrowing in her self-consciousness. She feels her gut twist at the mention of her needing beauty sleep even though she knows that's not how he meant it.
"Hey Arvin…?"
He nods before remembering she can't see him, "What is it, darlin'?"
"Do…" she presses her lips into a thin line before finally spewing out the question, "d'you think I'm pretty?"
"Well, what kind a' question is that? Wouldn't your daddy kill me for somethin' like that."
"Daddy ain't around long enough."
"I think you're plenty pretty, darlin', but don't worry 'bout what me or what any other boy has to say on your looks, you hear me? Ain't no boy in control of your body, so don't let any of 'em take anythin' from you," Arvin's quiet, voice rasped, "Nobody livin' in that body 'sides you, so you just make sure you like yourself before worryin' on what anyone else has to say."
He thought she was breathtaking, intelligent, fun - he wouldn't ramble on it for as long as he wished only because he wanted her to realize what truly mattered. She was clearly nervous in awaiting his response, if the quivers in her voice were anything to go by, and he wanted to answer this right. He wanted her to know that at the end of the day, all that mattered was her opinion on herself - because she, and she alone, was inside that body until it died. She had to love herself before someone like him had any say. Arvin's learned how to handle such situations since losing the only people he's ever cared for.
"You really think that?"
"Absolutely, darlin'," he nodded before coming to a stand and beginning to walk out of the kitchen, "You should get to bed now."
"Arvin," she reached up and took his shoulders into her hand before pressing a kiss to his cheek once she could make it out from the darkness, "you're a real sweetheart, you know that?"
"I'm just me. Ain't the best man, ain't the worst. But I appreciate the compliment," he swallowed down his nerves and kissed her forehead gently, "Sleep well, now, darlin'."
"Hey, Arvin?" she murmurs as he begins his trek back to his room.
"Thank you… for everything. I know you haven't been here the longest, but I can't imagine us without you now."
"I can't imagine me without any a' you either, so don't worry about thankin' me, darlin'."
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mummybear · 4 years
Forbidden Fantasy Part 1 Of 2
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Part Two 
Words: 3835
Warnings: Sister!cest, Flashback, Smut, Swearing, Choking, Rough Sex, Incest, Dirty Talk, Finger Fucking. Biting. Think That’s it.
Characters: Dean Winchester Y/N Winchester, Sam Winchester And Bobby Singer
Pairing: Dean x Sister!Reader
Summary: You are Sam and Dean Winchester’s half sister, after spending some time with your brother’s on a wendigo hunt seeing Dean in his element leaves you with some complicated feelings.
A/N: So, this is my first ever sister!cest fic! I really hope you guys like this, there will be a part two if you are interested in being tagged let me know :)! I really loved writing it, it’s completely filthy as like most of the stuff I write ;) A massive thank you as always to my beta Bee @negans-lucille-tblr for all of her help and support and for convincing me to post this :P Please let me know what you think!
Ko-fi - If you wish to support me, please consider doing so at my ko-fi Page :)
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You try to pull your sleeping bag up higher around your shoulders, but you can still feel the cold seeping through the gaping hole in the side. You still had no idea how it had happened. It had been completely fine when you’d checked your supplies earlier and yet, even with Sam and Dean either side of you all you can feel is the cold. Dean shifts closer and you lean back into him, feeling his warm breath against your ear which sends a shiver up your spine. You hear the tell tale signs of a zipper being undone, and you swallow hard when you feel a strong arm wrap around your stomach, strong fingers pushing just under your t-shirt. His fingers are so warm against your cold skin that you can’t help but sigh happily at the feeling.
You know it’s wrong, but it feels so good. You’d been trying to ignore the way you’d started to feel about him for the last few months. All of the secretive looks in Dean’s direction which you hoped had gone unnoticed, you’d tried to pretend you hadn’t seen every time he’d caught you. But there was no ignoring the way that he would smirk at you, he always made sure that he chose times that Sam wasn’t around to make you squirm, every rude or suggestive remark, or suggestive joke. He damn well knew what he was doing and just how to do it. 
Today it had only gotten so much worse after seeing him kill that wendigo with the look in his eyes; the pure anger and hatred as the blood splattered all over his face and body. You hated to admit just how sexy and strong he looked, you couldn’t help wondering what was wrong with you. All you could think about was his hands all over you, leaving his fingerprints on your skin. 
“You’re freezin’ sweetheart,” he tuts, unzipping his own sleeping bag. “Got a bit of a rip there, you wanna share tonight? Doubt it’s gettin’ any warmer.” 
His voice is like liquid fire that burns across your skin, like everything you know you shouldn’t want but he’s everything you need.
 “O-Okay,” you mutter quietly, feeling your nerves getting the better of you. You shift out of your sleeping bag a little awkwardly, careful not to wake Sam as you climb in alongside Dean.
“Mmm, much better.” Dean purrs against your skin as he does up the zip on his sleeping bag once more. You stiffen against Dean when Sam moves in his sleep, rolling over so he’s facing the two of you. You’re practically crushed against the older Winchester’s chest when his fingers dance along the waistband of your loose fitting sleep shorts.
“I could see you watching me today sweetheart, you looked even more worked up than the other times that i’ve caught you.” He smirks against your thin t-shirt just above your shoulder blade.
You stiffen in his grip as his fingers push just inside your shorts and panties, his words catching you off guard, clearly you hadn’t been as careful as you’d thought.
“Dean what’re you doing?” You ask quietly, voice shaking slightly as you force down the moan that was trying to slip past your lips.
“You only gotta say if you want it to stop. But I don’t think you do want it to stop, do you sweetheart?” Dean chuckles quietly, you bite down on your bottom lip feeling two of his thick fingers move through your slick. 
“What about Sam?” You ask just as quietly, gasping a little when he slowly eases those two thick digits inside you. “What if he wakes up and sees us? He’s gonna kill us for this,” you breathe out, voice shaking with the effort of holding back yet another desperate moan. 
“Guess you better shut that pretty little mouth then sweetheart. Unless you want Sammy to know just how much this little pussy is dripping for me,” Dean growls behind you, his free hand pushing up inside your t-shirt as he roughly cups your bare breast, and you can feel his hardened length pressing into your ass.
A Week Earlier
That night you had stormed out of your house, after yet another argument with your mother. You wanted to know about your dad, about the other half of your family. Once again she had point blank refused to tell you anything. So you’d left, in search of the only other person you knew of, who knew your father, the man that you had called your uncle for years. 
You walked through the salvage yard, which was full of fond memories. You had helped Bobby on a few cars while your mom had worked late back in the day. You knocked on the door, your palms sweating, in hopes that your mother hadn’t realised you’d left yet and warned Bobby that you might be coming. You were a little distracted until you heard his voice. 
“Kid what’re you doin’ here?” Bobby questioned with a frown. You adjusted your bag on your shoulder and shrugged.
“What? I can’t just come and see my favourite uncle now?” You asked with a wide grin when he stepped out onto the steps. 
He chuckled and pulled you into a hug, “does your mom know you’re here?”  
You sighed deeply and shook your head, “I just needed a break from her and thought I’d stop by.” You smiled as he wrapped his arm around your shoulders and pulled you inside with him.
“Make yourself at home, I just need to work on a car out back. Wanna come give me a hand when you're settled?” 
“Yeah sure, that sounds great,” you grinned and headed into the living room, while Bobby had left you alone. You already knew that he wouldn’t tell you about your father, where he was or what he did for a living, not even his name, you’d overheard Bobby promising your mother years ago that he wouldn’t talk. Luckily you already knew your father’s name, from your years of spying. You waited until you heard the back door close and you’d quickly headed over to his desk. 
You felt bad for lying to him, but at the same time you needed this information, you’d waited your entire life for it and you were done waiting. You knew where Bobby kept his address book and luckily the old man was a creature of habit because you found it and located the name you’d been searching for. You pulled out your phone and quickly typed in your father's number and saved it, making sure you put the book back where you had found it.
You felt your adrenaline rushing in your system and you knew you needed to excuse yourself without making him suspicious.
“How’re you getting on out here?” you asked as you leaned against the car beside the one that he’d been working on.
“Not sure you wanna know, this hunk of junk is only fit for scrap,” he grumbled, as he tossed away a part from the car. You couldn’t help but laugh fondly at his reaction. 
You paused, what you had been about to say had been stuck on your tongue as a sleek black car rolled to a stop in front of you and Bobby. You didn’t miss the look of worry that had crossed the older man’s face, but you were more confused when two tall, handsome guys stepped out of the car and made their way over to the two of you. You couldn’t help but eye them appreciatively, both were incredibly handsome in their own ways. You shifted awkwardly under their gazes, even more so when the shorter one threw you a panty dropping wink. 
“Sam, Dean. What do you boys need now?” Bobby sighed, as he walked over to them and nodded towards his house. You were even more confused when Bobby didn’t introduce you, but you followed along behind them regardless. 
You leaned against the kitchen side once you were all in the house and watched with rapt attention as nobody said a word.
“Who are you two?” You asked confused, realising that you’d never seen them before. 
The shorter one stuck out his hand and you gently shook it. 
“Dean Winchester, this is my brother Sam-” He nodded toward the taller guy who was sitting at the table with Bobby and you froze where you stood, with your small hand grasped in the warmth of his. You had noticed the way that Bobby stiffend where he sat when he saw the way you looked between the two guys.
“W-Winchester?” You asked around the lump which had formed in your throat, just barely managing to get your words out.
“Um yeah, why?” Dean asked, he wore a similar expression to everyone else in the room.
“Who’s your dad?” You just about managed to spit out.
“John Winchester. Why?” Sam questioned, both brothers seemed immediately on high alert looking like they were about to run.
You had looked between the two and felt your heart as it hammered in your chest before you looked back at Bobby.
“Are they...?” You couldn’t seem to say the words out loud, but Bobby seemed to catch on.
“Yeah kid, they are. I’m sorry, I shoulda told you sooner.” There was a pause; you felt like your heart was about to explode in your chest and Bobby sighed, seeing the look on the boy's faces. 
“Sam and Dean. Meet Y/N. She’s your sister.” 
Present Day
You whimper pathetically, doing your best to keep your voice down when Dean starts to slowly thrust his fingers inside you and just as slowly he pulls them out, causing your breath to catch in your throat. He chuckles deep in his chest and it vibrates against your back when you lean back into him further, you start to roll your hips down into his fingers. His rock hard length presses into your ass harder with every subtle roll of your hips, until he pulls his hand free from your t-shirt and roughly grips your hip, stopping your movements.
A shiver rolls through your body when his plump lips press against your ear, and his warm breath ghosts over your cheek. He nips at your ear lobe, and all you can do is let out a tiny moan of his name. 
“Look at you, so fuckin’ desperate to come all over your big brother’s fingers. I bet you’d let me fuck your tight little pussy while Sam watched, wouldn’t you?” He practically growls, finally allowing his fingers to speed up. You can hear how wet you are every time his fingers roughly move back inside you.
“Fuck Dean, please. We shouldn’t be doing this, it’s so fucked up. We’re family.” You manage to whine out, slapping a hand over your mouth when Sam shifts in his sleep. You don’t want to admit that Dean’s words are affecting you but every dirty word only brings you closer to the edge.
“You want me to stop then, sis?” Dean asks doubtfully and you can hear the slight laughter in his voice. The way he says that has your pussy fluttering, it’s so fucking wrong, but God does it feel good. He curls his fingers inside you, stroking back forth over the spot inside you that makes you see stars. You gasp, clinging to his wrist, feeling the way the muscles tense and relax quickly the faster his fingers move.
“No, don’t stop.” You whimper, feeling the shame heating your cheeks as you blush hard, but your orgasm is right in sight and you need it so bad, and he feels so good. 
“No, of course you don’t.” He chuckles as his thumb starts to move over your clit. Your walls clench around him, you can’t help but moan behind your hand. “I bet you want it bad don’t you? Bet you’ve been thinking about your big brother fucking you nice and hard with my big cock, while you fuck yourself with your fingers, wishing it was me.” His voice and his words are hitting nerve after nerve. He’s right, you’d come on your fingers and your toys so many times screaming out for your eldest brother.
“Gonna stretch this tight little pussy out baby, you won’t want anyone except your big brother. Ain’t nobody good enough for you anyway, you’re mine.”
You throw your head back on his shoulder as another wave of pleasure surges through your body, dropping your hand from your mouth, you turn your head when his lips press against your cheek. You finally lock eyes with him, the green of them just barely visible, almost swallowed by the pupils. The tip of his nose brushes over yours and you can feel his breath against your lips.
“I’m so close Dean, please,” you beg desperately, feeling his hips beginning to rut against your ass.
Dean’s lips crush against yours, and he swallows the needy moan of his name when his fingers apply more pressure to your throbbing clit. Before you know what’s happening your orgasm slams into you like a freight train. Dean keeps you held close, helping you to ride out your pleasure until your body is practically vibrating in his arms from it. 
Your lungs are burning by the time he pulls back from your lips. Dean gently pulls his fingers out and you whimper at the loss, your pussy still throbbing from your orgasm.
“So pretty when you come for me, little sister,” Dean groans, slipping his fingers between his lips and moaning louder than he should’ve. You snap your head around and watch as Sam turns again, grumbling something under his breath.
“Dean, please you gotta keep quiet, Sam’s gonna hear us.” 
There’s a pop as Dean pulls his fingers from his lips, and he chuckles, his fingers tugging at your shorts. “Take these off, sweetheart. I’ll be as loud as I want, we both know you’d love it if Sammy woke up. How about I let him watch while I ruin our little sister? You’d like that, huh?” Dean practically growls against your neck.
You wiggle out of your clothes the best you can, your heart thudding in your chest as the reality starts to set in. Are you really about to fuck your biggest brother? He’s so fucking sexy, full of power and you’re so far past caring, you just want him to own you. He’s getting off on how wrong this is just as much as you are and as fucked up as it is, you don’t care if Sam wakes up and sees Dean fucking you. You feel Dean shift behind you as he pulls down his boxers.
“I fucking love your voice,” you whimper as he hooks the back of your knee into the crook of his elbow, spreading your legs open a little wider, it’s a bit of a stretch with the sleeping bag, but it works. He’s teasing you, with every roll of his hips and roughened grip of his hands, but you get an idea of how you can hopefully get your own way.
“I wanted you to fuck me that first day Dean, even after I found out who you were. I didn’t care.” 
The head of Deans cock nudges at your entrance and you clamp a hand over your mouth, stopping the noise that’s about to slip past your lips. 
“Of course you didn’t, sweetheart,” Dean groans, finally starting to enter you slowly, the burning stretch of your pussy around his thickness makes your eyes roll back, “you just wanted to be my dirty little cock slut, didn’t you? So tight and fuckin’ wet.” Dean growls against the back of your neck when he finally bottoms out.
Dean unzips the sleeping bag, pulling your leg up just a little higher on his elbow and you can feel your pussy clamping around his cock all over again. Gasping you nod, feeling his fingers tight around your thigh.
“Yeah I did, just for you, Dean.” You whine when he pulls his hips back almost all of the way, there’s a pause and you can feel the tip of his cock pulse inside you. 
He roughly snaps his hips forward, causing your hand to tighten over your mouth, only just managing to muffle your scream enough. His deep chuckle vibrates against your shoulder where his throat is pressed, his lips press against your ear and you wait on baited breath for him to speak. Your hand falls away from your mouth when his free hand wraps around your throat and you grip his wrist when he starts to thrust into you, deep and slow. 
“See that sweetheart, fuckin’ made for me. You’re gonna be walking around tomorrow full of your big brother’s come.” Just the idea of it, paired with his deep voice sends a shiver up your spine.
“Fuck Dean, please I need more. Faster please,” you practically croak when his fingers tighten around your throat.
“Look at you begging for your brother’s cock. Fuck sweetheart, you really are a desperate little whore ain’t you?”
His voice is so deep and rough, you allow yourself to get lost in it, every degrading word only sends more arousal flooding between your legs.
“I love being a whore for my big brother’s cock.” You whine rolling your hips down onto him harder. Dean growls behind you, teeth sinking into your shoulder, hand squeezing around your throat tighter as his hips start to snap against your ass, “God, f-fuck. Dean, gonna come,” you croak out the best you can under his grip. He’s fucking into your dripping hole with such force and speed you feel like every thrust punches the air from your lungs.
“There it is,” Dean chuckles hotly against your ear, releasing your throat from his grip, you suck in a breath of air when he starts roughly rubbing your clit in fast circles. His voice is much quieter this time when he speaks.
“Good girl, you gonna come all over my cock? You know Sammy is awake right? He can hear you moaning like a bitch in heat for me.” 
That’s all it takes for your entire body to cease up, as Dean forces a second orgasm from you. Every pulse of your orgasm sends shivers throughout your entire body, but he barely gives you time to recover before he rolls you onto your back. Dean roughly pushes the sleeping bag down your bodies and you look up at him, flushed freckled cheeks and dark eyes and plump pink lips from where he had been biting at them.
You’re so far past caring who hears you or sees you and Dean’s words about Sam watching still echo around your mind. Surely you would know though, right?
You aren’t given much time to think about it, because before you know it, Dean’s pressing your legs back against your chest, the rough grip of his fingers digging into your thighs as he spreads them a little wider.
“Fuck, your tight cunt was made for my cock, little sister,” Dean growls as his cock effortlessly slides back inside you.
“So fucking deep,” you gasp, locking eyes with Dean as he smirks down at you. His thrusts are slow and deep and your pussy clamps down around his cock with every thrust. You wrap your arms around Dean’s neck, dragging your nails over his back as soon as he lowers over you enough, his forehead rests against yours, breath hot against your lips. “I-I can’t Dean,” you gasp trying to squirm away from him, the sensitivity becoming a little too much and you swear your entire body is on fire.
Dean crushes his lips against yours, changing the angle of his hips and you try to arch your back beneath him, no doubt leaving red marks all over his back from the way you’re clinging to him. Your lungs are burning when he finally releases your lips, your head rolls to the side as Dean buries his face in your neck, sucking purple marks into your skin. 
You can feel yet another orgasm approaching and squeeze your eyes shut with the intensity of it, your entire body feels like it’s on fire. Dean’s lips move back to your ear, breathing hot and ragged, “fuck i’m close baby girl, I know you’ve got one more for me.” 
Your eyes snap open when you hear a second groan and you lock eyes with Sam, his eyes are darker than usual, teeth digging into his bottom lip. You glance down, clearly seeing his hand moving beneath the sleeping bag. Your muscles clamp down harder around Dean’s cock and you all but scream his name as your release hits you.
“Nice of you to join us, little brother,” Dean groans as the pulses of your orgasm make your pussy repeatedly flutter around his cock. He turns his attention to you as your eyes just barely flutter open, and your legs shake against him. You turn your head back to fully focus on your oldest brother.
“You want it sweetheart? Want your big brother’s come inside your tight little cunt?” Dean growls down at you, sweat coating both of your bodies now.
“Yes, please Dean,” you moan out, fluttering your eye lashes up at him as innocently as you can manage while your brother is fucking you.
Just another three powerful thrusts of Dean’s hips has him coming hard, groaning your name against your neck. There’s a moment of silence in the tent, only the sounds of all of you breathing heavily. Dean pushes up on his arms and you whimper as he gently eases his cock free and rolls onto his back. 
“Fuck that was hot,” Sam chuckles from nowhere and you turn to look at him as Dean’s arm wraps around your stomach, fingers gently tracing against your skin.
“Such a fucking perv, Sammy. Take it you enjoyed the show?” Dean laughs, pressing a kiss to your cheek. 
“Well I guess my invite got lost, huh baby sister?” Sam asks, locking eyes with you once more.
You know you’re blushing hard, you can feel the heat in your cheeks but the way he’s looking at you is so similar to the way Dean had been watching you the last few days.
“It wasn’t really planned.” You try and defend the situation, not really sure why.
“Guess you need to make it up to him really soon, sweetheart. Would you like that? You wanna fuck Sammy too?” Dean asks huskily, lips pressed against your ear. You swallow hard, your throat really dry when you realise you really do want that. “Of course you do baby, such a little whore for your big brothers’ cocks.” 
You clamp your thighs together hearing Dean’s words, watching the smirk pulling at Sam’s lips when you lick your own. You feel a surge of confidence rush through you. “I guess it’s only fair.” 
Tags: @chewie-redbird @julzdec @lettersofwrittencollective @stiles-o-dylan24 @mogaruke @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone @dylanholyhellobrien @desireepow-1986 @emichelle @lilulo-12 @ne-gans​ @22sarah08 @deanwanddamons @simsadventures  @charmed-asylum @nicole-lynne @hazel-eye-coffee-shop-girl-blog @defenderrosetyler @emilyshurley @emoryhemsworth @foxyjwls007 @mylovelydame21 @sunshineandwings86 @akshi8278 @peaches009​ @fandom-princess-forevermore​ @hobby27​ @akshi8278​ @littlelonewolfgirl @ladywinchester1967​ @screechingartisancashbailiff​ @maddiepants​ @spnfanfic-reblogs​ @holylulusworld​ @mrswhozeewhatsis​ @sonofabringmesomepie​ @mrsjenniferwinchester​ @hhiggs​ @pisces-cutie​ @trina44sb @heartsaved​ @matsumama​ @adoptdontshoppets​
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mrsalwayswrite · 4 years
These Hands Were Made For You (Bill Guarnere x Reader)
Based on this post by @problematicfavesareproblematic​ because its amazing!
This is my first time writing Wild Bill. Lemme know what y’all think!
Warnings: swearing, sexual tension, palming (is that a warning?)
Tag List: @happyveday​ @sydney-m​ @saritanotserena​
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  As soon as you stepped into the barn-converted-to-mess-hall in Albourne, you knew what was coming. 
 "There she is, fuckin' goddess of war herself! Come to see how the toughest, most handsome sonofabitch in the 506 is doin' this morning?" 
 You just chuckled and shook your head at his exaggerated smug look. "Yeah, Bill. Something like that."
 Guarnere winked at you and you could not figure out how it was possible for such a simple action to be so dirty. The way he tilted his head just slightly, the corner of his mouth lifted in a half smirk followed by a quick wink...you could feel heat pooling in your belly and your breath catch. 
 The cocky grin on his face grew as he saw the hint of pink on your cheeks. He knew what that wink did to you and he LOVED using it against you. 
 "Something you need, Y/L/N?" Martin asked from the table closest to the door.  
 "Yeah, any of you seen Lip?"
 Luz answered from the table, cigarette dangling from between his lips. "Think he went back to the house to grab something. Why?"
 You waved Luz off as you could see him start to stand, stepping further into the barn. "Just need to ask him something. Winters is in a meeting otherwise I'd ask him."
 "Why don't you take a seat, he should be back soon."
 "Perfect spot saved right here for the Valkyrie of Easy!" Bill announced, patting the open spot on the bench next to him. 
 You rolled your eyes but relented, moving past the other table to drop next to Guarnere. On his other side sat Heffron, still looking a bit wide-eyed and nervous that he somehow won the coveted spot with the Toccoa men. Toye sat across, giving you a brief nod when you sat down. Perconte, Christianson, Skinny, and Grant also took up residence around the table. Perco seemed to have been in the middle of telling some overly, exaggerated story. 
 Most of Easy relaxed in the barn. The Toccoa men were grateful for the break from the front-line and hot food instead of K rations. All the replacements were eager for the next jump, ready to soil their ODs, not truly understanding that war would only take from them, never give. The division between Toccoa men and replacements was painfully obvious. 
 Heffron leaned around Guarnere to meet your eyes. "Hey, sorry again about the fellas yesterday. They've been like that since training."
 "Not your fault, Babe." You shrugged, running a hand through your hair. 
 "What's he talkin' about?" Guarnere narrowed his eyes at you. Even Toye across the table was staring at you in concern. 
 "Nothing, Bill. It's fine."
 "If you're sayin' its fine then it ain't fuckin' fine." He growled. When he realized you were not going to elaborate, he turned on Babe. "What the fuck happened?"
 The redheaded replacement looked like he would rather be anywhere else in the world in that moment than being interrogated by Wild Bill. "Some of the men were...ah, tryin' to...um… proposition her." He finished with a wince. 
 A long beat of silence.
 Then Guarnere exploded. 
 He pounded the table with a tight fist, the table shaking at the impact.  A snarl on his lips, he started to rise from his seat, eyeing the tables further away full of replacements. "Who the fuck was it? Someone from our platoon? Imma fuckin' kill 'em. Who was it?"
 "No," you cut in, grabbing his arm and restraining him, hoping to stop him before he worked himself up into a frenzy, "some replacements from third."
 He growled but let you pull him back down. "Goddamn replacements. They touch you?"
 "No, Bill. I handled it."
 Toye spoke up, eyeing his friend carefully as if to see if he was going to have to prevent a replacement's murder or help hide the body. "What you do?"
 You smirked, squeezing Guarnere's arm for good measure then pulled your hand back into your lap. "Told them if they tried to pull that shit again, I'd rip their cocks off and mail them to their mothers."
 All the men at the table either winced or shifted uncomfortably at the mental image. 
 "Hey, don't you be touchin' no one's cocks." Bill said, fury still on his face but also amusement. 
 You raised an eyebrow, "what would you rather I have done? Swung at them? Give Sink a reason to send me packing?"
 "Nah, you swing at 'em, they might fall in love." He winked at you again, telling you he knew exactly what he was talking about. Underneath the table, hidden from view, his knuckles skimmed the outside of your thigh. You attempted to hide the shiver that caused but knew you failed when Guarnere chuckled quietly.
 "Why would that matter?" Babe asked innocently. 
 "Oh, here we go." Toye sighed. 
 "Shut up Joe, the kid asked alright." Guarnere started his story, pleased to have a new, rapt audience. "So here we are, back in Toccoa, right? Most of us have already arrived and started trainin' with goddamn Sobel. Then one day this beautiful broad shows up and we're told she's joinin' the paratroopers. None of us believe it. Why would a broad be joinin'? Don't make no fuckin' sense. So the next day we're supposed to be startin' to learn self-defense and guess who I get paired up with? Huh? Lovely Y/L/N over here. Right, so I'm fuckin' pissed cause I don't wanna be fightin' no broad but Sobel is watchin' like a hawk. I tell her I'll pretend to swing at her and she should just fall down. Play fightin', ya know? Like when youse a kid. I take a swing at her, thinkin' she knew the plan. She easily dodges my swing and before I can right myself, she lands a punch on me. Knocked me flat on my ass and seein' stars. I look up to see this goddess standin' over me, bloody knuckles and all, and she says 'you better get up and fight me like a man before I knock you on your ass again'."
 "So, what you do?" Heffron asked, surprise clearly written all over his face. 
 Guarnere tapped the table with his finger. "What did I do? Well, I got up and told her that when this war is over, I'm gonna fuckin' marry her, that's what I was gonna do."
 Those who had heard the story before chuckled while Heffron sat there, head tilted and eyes bouncing between you and Guarnere like he was waiting for the punchline still. 
 "Why? No offense, Y/L/N." 
 Guarnere threw his arm around your shoulders, pulling you into his side. "Cause she hits harder than any fella I've ever known, includin' me brother Henry. Boxin' champion that one was. Now if that ain't a reason to marry someone, I don't know what is."
 "And she puts up with your bullshit." Toye deadpanned. 
 You rolled your eyes, sliding out from underneath Guarnere's arm. "That's just words unless there's a ring and I don't plan on marrying for a while yet. Still gotta win a war first." You stood up, smoothing down your ODs. "'Sides, maybe by then I'll find someone who doesn't annoy me so much."
 "Nah, you'd miss my handsome face too much."
 "You keep telling yourself that, Bill."
 "One day you'll come around." He winked, making your insides warm. You would never understand how that was possible. The Philadelphian pointed a finger at you. "You lemme know if any of those replacements bother you again. Can't have those bastards propositionin' my future wife."
 "See you later, boys." You said, not even bothering to answer him. You headed towards the door, intent on finding Lipton; but also to get away from the man who gave you such feels without even saying a word. Then when he did speak, complimenting and claiming you in front of the others…. it was becoming harder and harder to keep your hands and your lips to yourself. 
 You leaned against the doorframe, admiring the man who was too caught up in writing a letter home to have noticed you yet. He twirled the pencil between his fingers as he thought about his words. The chair creaked under him as he shifted, leaning forward against the wooden desk to continue writing. The small bedroom only consisted of the desk, chair and bed. Guarnere's duffle bag was thrown in a corner with things haphazardly pulled out. The NCOs had been billeted in a house together, everyone able to have their own rooms unlike the enlisted men who were forced to share a converted barn.
 When you had first met him, and your first real encounter resulted in you punching him, you had thought he was the most unhelpful, condescending, little shit; and you had no problems telling him that for weeks after. When he had bounced back to his feet and proposed...you had laughed so uncontrollably, it had taken a sharp bark from Lipton to get you to focus again. 
 Over the following weeks, the bastard would openly flirt with you and practically pummel anyone else who tried to. Sometime around Fort Benning, your own feelings toward him started to change. No longer was he a man you loathed. You found yourself happy he was in your platoon, that he hovered around you keeping assholes from other companies away, that you enjoyed his flirting and when you two were alone... you reciprocated. 
 Actually, the first time you flirted back, he almost choked on his tongue he was so surprised. After that, things shifted between you two. 
 He continued openly flirting but understood you could not since you were under far more scrutiny and Sobel was looking for ANY reason to get rid of you. 
 For two years Guarnere had been in your life...and you hoped for the rest of it too. 
 "Enjoyin' the view, sweetheart?"
 You smiled at him as he leaned back in the chair, legs still under the desk. "Should I be?"
 He scoffed. "You know you like what you see...I'll tell you though," his eyes raked over you, "you're a fuckin' goddess with a body to drive a man crazy."
 You laughed, covering your mouth with your hand to minimize the sound, as he winked at you before turning back to his letter. 
 "The other NCOs said you were going out tonight for drinks."
 "Yeah, yeah. Told 'em if I didn't finish this letter for my ma, she'd jump on a boat and come find me. Got three letters from her already. Last one she threatened to come find me. So, I told the fellas I'd meet them there."
 The muffled sounds of the other NCOs drifted up the stairs; they were gathered in the common room getting ready to head out. With that in mind, you moved silently across the room to where he sat at the chair. Coming up behind him, you dragged your hands over his broad shoulders then down his firm chest, stilled his motions. 
 You loved touching him, could not get enough of it when you were able to. What you also loved doing was paying him back for teasing you. 
 One of your hands continued to travel downward until you palmed his cock. He froze, pencil hovering just about his letter. Without a word, you slowly, torturously, stroked him over his trousers. 
 "Fuck, sweetheart." He groaned, tipping his head back slightly. 
 "You said earlier I wasn't supposed to be touching anyone's cocks...does that include yours?"
 Turning his head, he looked at you out of the corner of his eye but before he could speak, you took the tip of his earlobe between your teeth. 
 "Hands on the desk, Sergeant." You growled in his ear. 
 Immediately, his hands slammed on the wooden desk, palms down. The pencil fell to the floor. Letter now forgotten on the desk. 
 "Mmm, yes, sir… you keep them there." You continued slowly stroking his cock over his trousers. "You have no idea how bad I wanted to kiss you earlier when we were at the mess hall." You licked up the curve of his ear, feeling him shudder under your touch. Your hand gave him a gentle squeeze as you continued whispering in his ear. "Think I should punish you for teasing me earlier? That wink you gave me...all the dirty images it put in my head. Want me to tell you about them?"
 "Fuck, sweetheart, yes."
 "I thought about you bending me over one of those tables. Notice how they are at the perfect height? How good you would feel inside me. How deep you would be."
 One of his hands started to move off the table, drifting towards where your hand played with him. 
 You nipped his earlobe sharply, making him hiss. "Hands up, Sergeant, or no reward later."
 "You're gonna kill me, darlin'." His hand slammed back on the desk. 
 You licked a line up his neck before pressing your lips against his ear again. The pace of your hand increased, his chest rising and falling to match. "Remember that time in Mackall where we snuck into the parachute packing building and fucked on the silks. You couldn't wait to get inside of me and almost tore my new ODs. So I made you wait and watch as I started touching myself. After someone came in and we almost got caught."
 His hips were now rutting against your hand, the chair shaking with his movements.  His hands were in white-knuckled fists on the desks, trembling with his desire to get them on you. 
 Unable to help yourself, you grabbed his face with your free hand, turning it to press a bruising, messy kiss to his lips. He greedily took ownership of your mouth and deepened the kiss. He plundered your mouth with his tongue, reminding you how his mouth and skillful tongue alone could drive you wild. 
 Finally you broke away, pressing your forehead against his temple as you attempted to refill your lungs with the oxygen he had stolen. "God, I wish I could kiss you out there. Let everyone know I am yours. Maybe share quarters with you instead of sneaking around like teenagers. Fuck whenever we want."
 "I'd be the luckiest, fuckin' bastard in all of Easy. You're mine. My goddess."
 "There is one thing I need right now. I need the toughest, most handsome sonofabitch above me. I need my man inside me." You squeezed your hand, making him tip his head back and loudly groan. "Now the other NCOs are just downstairs. Think you can keep quiet?"
 He pressed a hard and fast kiss to your lips. "Oh darlin', it ain't me whose gonna have to keep from screamin'."
 "Mmm, think you can help me out?"
 "I'd do anythin' for ya…." He turned in his seat, hands now stroking your waist with a completely wicked and sinful smirk on his face. "Go lock the door."
 You stepped back, admiring the disheveled look on Guarnere, how his eyes blazed with passion and desire. For you. Without tearing your gaze from his, you shut the door and locked it behind you. 
 "Jesus Christ, you're a dream."
 "Only for you. Come on, Sergeant, show me how good you are with your...arsenal."
 Before you could move, he leapt out of his chair, making it clatter on the floor as it tipped over in his enthusiasm. He picked you up easily and tossed you on the bed. You laughed only to be immediately silenced by his mouth slamming against yours, a moan drawn from you as his talented fingers rid you of your clothing with an almost inhuman speed. 
 Later that night Guarnere was quite late for getting to the pub but he did not mind one bit. Especially since his bed now smelled like you…. And he had been able to remind you how much he loved you. 
 Quite vigorously. 
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floof-reppu · 5 years
Winner Takes it All (Camie Edition)
This is my part of the BNHArem server collab! I’m sure none of you are surprised that I wrote for Camie, although I am surprised that I ended up being the only one who wrote for a girl! I ended up procrastinating a lot on this fic but I’m proud of it nonetheless! Gotta give my girl some justice, fam.
Full Masterlist of Characters!
Word Count: 2.2k
“I won?”
Camie Utsushimi stared at the screen in front of her, holding her controller in one hand while the other had let go to point at the screen. “I can’t believe I actually won!” 
She only wanted to enter for a bit of fun. It was a weekend night, after all, and she had absolutely nothing better to do with her time… well, other than sleep. She was usually seen on the streets as the pro hero Maboromicamie, but she didn’t mind that the media was going to know that she entered a contest just to get a stranger to sit on her face. 
“Congratulations!” The announcer recited Camie’s chosen anonymous username. By this time, Camie was already standing up, posing for pictures and the like as she started walking over to retrieve the key to the hotel room. When one finger had been placed on the key, the screen had changed over to a picture of the girl she was going to be intimate with… Y/N.
I’m totes excited to see her in person. She’s so hot… I can’t wait to eat her up.
“The Maboromicamie won? I would have never guessed!” 
“I can see it for sure. She seems like the type to be into girls like Y/N.”
“I wonder why she entered, though?”
They don’t need to know that, she thought. 
Tonight was going to be a lot of fun.
You had been watching the stream for a few hours, watching each name carefully and seeing exactly which username was in which spot of the game. You honestly didn’t have a specific preference for men or women, but you really did wonder who the faces were behind all of the usernames cycling through. 
After what seemed like forever, however, the television in front of you displayed the username of the winner. It was mostly just a string of random characters, so you didn’t really have a clue as to whom this mysterious winner was. As soon as you heard the buzz of your phone, you looked at the text message you received from the lovely host.
They are coming up to your room now. 
Internally, you panicked. The anonymity of the entire situation was starting to get to your nerves, but you had to keep a brave face on for whoever the person was, boy or girl. All you knew was that tonight, you were going to get up close and personal with the winner. 
As soon as you heard the doorknob click, your head turned to see who exactly it could be. The door opened fully to reveal an attractive woman wearing a crop top sweater with a pair of high waisted jeans in two inch heels. Her fawn colored hair reached just below her shoulders, and she possessed the most full, plump lips that you had ever seen in person. Was this supposed to be her?
“I hope this is the right room. It would be a total bummer if I accidentally ended up in the wrong place.” Closing the door behind her, the woman turned around and locked it, having finally locked eyes with you. “Bingo. Looks like I am in the right spot.” 
You recognize her immediately as Maboromicamie, the pro hero who could create visual and auditory illusions with her breath. She’s the one who won? There’s no way...
“Are you here for the-”
“Yeah, I won that game. You know, you’re just as hot in person as you are on the big screen.” Her eyes lit up when she spoke, approaching you on the bed as she continued. “It would be totes rude of me to not introduce myself properly, sooo… you probably know me by my hero name, but cause we’re gonna be doin’ the nasty in a bit, my real name is Camie Utsushimi!”
You raised an eyebrow at her questionably when she sat down beside you, kicking off her heels and laying back on the bed. There was just something about her that made you want to get to know her more, whether it was her utterly carefree attitude or the way she was… playing on her phone? Was she really blowing you off like this?
“What are you doing?” 
Camie looked up from her phone for just a second before returning her attention back to the screen. 
“Gotta let my fam know I won in case I’m not back at my apartment tonight, ya feel?” The lingo and slang was making it pretty hard for you to understand exactly what she was saying, but you knew that she was texting someone. This was not how you expected this to go. She seemed completely uninterested in you in every way, as if she only won just for the hell of it and not because she actually wanted you to sit on her face. “Gimme a sec.”
Before you could even turn around to fully face her, a single hand was placed on your cheek, your lips captured in an affectionate kiss. You weren’t prepared for Camie to come onto you so soon, yet alone at all. She had her phone placed aside in a matter of milliseconds after she spoke, her other hand reaching to grab tufts of your hair and her teeth lightly tugging at your bottom lip. This girl clearly knew what she was doing.
You couldn’t just let her affections go unnoticed though, so you pushed her back into the mattress and took charge. Your right hand went to grab her clothed breast, your left hand trailing down her waist and stopping right at her ass. If this woman- Camie Utsushimi- wanted you to sit on her face and leave without your own bit of fun, she was sorely mistaken. Knowing that you were going to be both pleasuring and getting pleasured by one of the most attractive women you’ve ever come face-to-face with made your mind go in all different directions, but one thing was for certain: you wanted the room to be filled with only the combined noises the two of you would be making.
Separating from each other, a thin trail of saliva still kept you connected to her lips. 
“Betcha didn’t expect that one, did you?” Camie grinned, licking her lips and breaking the string that kept you together. She kept her hand planted on your cheek as she moved her head over to whisper seductively in your ear, something that seemed so characteristic of her,  “I’m eager to start, if you couldn’t tell.”
“I’m glad you feel the same way that I do.” Your hands slid under her sweater, pulling it up and over her head and tossing it to the side. Clearly her sweater was hiding how well-endowed Camie was, as her breasts were something to marvel at. Her black, lacy bra was holding them in place, but not for long, Instead of going straight for her bra, however, you chose to unbutton and unzip her jeans, pulling them down to reveal a matching set of underwear. 
From the way that she huffed, Camie was a bit irritated at how slow you seemed to be going, at least for her liking. Was she really that excited about this? 
“Well? Aren’t you gonna like… take the rest of my clothes off?”
“As far as I remember, the only thing that I’m supposed to be doing is sitting on your face, so I don’t even know why I’m taking off your clothes.” Her lips were pursed now, clearly unamused by your statement. Good. You wanted her to get riled up, mad even, to the point that she couldn’t take it anymore.
“As the winner of that little game, I think that you’re the one supposed to be listening to me, yeah?” Camie gripped at the oversized shirt you were wearing, pulling you back down into another kiss while simultaneously pulling it over your head. This was exactly what you wanted her to do; you didn’t want to be the one to undress yourself, after all. As soon as your naked form was finally exposed to the chilly air in the room, she pushed you away and had your back against the mattress. 
“I don’t know if you’re supposed to be-”
“I don’t care if this isn’t want I’m supposed to be doing. Did you really expect me to control myself around you? You’re such a delicious woman, and I’d hate to not have a taste of all of you.” 
Camie’s mouth latched on to one of your nipples, sucking the bud and running her tongue over the tip. Involuntarily, a moan sat at the back of your throat. A small bite from her end was all it took for you to finally relax and release it, although it only lasted for a second. The expression on her face changed drastically, showing her enthusiasm after her accomplishment of making you moan. 
Then you felt it. 
Her hand had been creeping its way down your side the entire time and you had just now noticed, her hand slipping down to rub your clit. Was she going to make you orgasm before you had even sat on her face? You were utterly helpless in this scenario, Camie having full control over you and your emotions. 
“You know what? I’ll do you dirty just like you did me,” Not even a minute after touching your most sensitive parts, she backed away. “I tried my best just for you to sit on my face, and we still haven’t done that yet… so you’re gonna come here, sit on my face, and we go from there, m’kay?”
You nodded, not really able to argue with that. After all, she was technically your priority since she was the one who won the tournament in the first place. The company would not be happy if they got a complaint from her later. When she finally laid back on the bed, you positioned yourself over her face, juices from earlier teasing dripping out of you. 
To Camie Utsushimi, you looked like an entire meal, and she was ready to eat you up. 
“Just as you won and requested… one order of face-sitting goodness coming right up.”
As soon as you began lowering yourself, she had already met you halfway, tongue gliding over your labia and stopping right at your clit, collecting your juices and swallowing them. You visibly shook, the sensation feeling absolutely amazing; she definitely knew how to use her tongue. Before you knew it, she pushed your thighs away from one another and spread your legs apart as far as she could before delving straight into your pussy. Each time she moved her mouth, her nose would graze over your clit, causing extra stimulation.
You couldn’t quit making noise. Moaning, small screams, and yelps continually poured out of your mouth and into the open room. Giving Camie no attention probably wasn’t giving her any pleasure, and since you figured that she deserved to come as well, you bent over and pulled the fabric of her soaked panties down her legs enough so that her womanhood was on full display. Your index finger rubbed at her clit as she continued to pleasure you, but now she was moaning into your walls. 
You never thought in a million years that you would find pleasure from letting a complete stranger eat you out, but yet here you were, coming completely undone at the seams. You were extremely close to breaking. Usually it was never this quick. But this was Camie Utsushimi- Maboromicamie- you were talking about, someone that you yourself found extremely attractive, even before today.
That's when your overwhelming desire for her to orgasm at the same time as you took over your senses, and your hands were now lifting up Camie’s ass in order to position her entrance in the best position you could manage to get her in. Your tongue delved deep into her pussy, tasting her most intimate parts as you gripped on to her for dear life. 
To you, this was truly what bliss should feel like. 
Just a few more seconds and you would be utterly broken.
At least, that’s what you said right before releasing your grip and gasping, grabbing instead for the bed sheets. Your fresh juices flew out of you like a waterfall, hitting your partner’s lips instantly. In no time flat she slurped it all up, down to the last drop. It wasn't long before Camie herself came as well, but you had no energy to return the favor. 
You couldn’t hold yourself up anymore, so you hopped off of Camie and laid beside her, breathing heavily.
“I-I had no idea someone like you could be so amazing at… this.” You stated, still trying to catch your breath.
“You’d be surprised…” She smiled, laughing a little. “I had a ton of fun with you… so I don’t think I’d mind doing this again with you, Y/N. You were totes amazing too.”
The two of you laid in silence for a few more seconds before Camie spoke up again.
“Wouldn’t mind giving me your number, would you? It’d be great if you did.”
“Well, since I’m technically done for the day… I’d love to give you my number. Tomorrow.”
“Oh, so you do want me to stay, huh?”
“I wouldn’t mind. I wouldn’t mind at all.”
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sugarbutterbroadway · 4 years
Walking mouth and the case of the littles
“This is killin me Davey!”Jack exclaimed, pacing the empty lodging house. “Racetrack been gone all night and he still ain’t back yet, that ain’t like him”
“He’s spent the night out before, what’s the difference?”He asked. Jack’s jaw almost fell from his face as he gaped at the boy. 
“The difference”He spat, “Is that he’s supposed to tell me where he’s going! Instead, he ran like someone lit a fire under his ass!”
Davey’s eyes fluttered towards the ceiling and he took a deep breath. “Lower your voice when you’re talking to me, Jack” He couldn’t see him but he could feel the gears shifting in Jack’s head.
“And what if I don’t?”Jack pressed, “Huh? What’re ya gonna do about it?”
He said nothing and counted back from ten in his head. Jack just wanted a fight, he didn’t have to give in. 
“Exactly, ain’t gonna do shit”
But boy was he good at pushing his buttons. He abandoned his countdown at five and instead pulled Jack in by the collar of his shirt. The boy stumbled forward and Davey would have felt bad if he wasn’t fuming.
“Shut. Up.”he said through clenched teeth. Jack squirmed in his grasp but he just held him tighter.
“The walkin mouth is tellin me to shut up?”Jack smirked, “That’s rich”
Any ounce of control Davey had snapped. His hand flew from the collar of Jack’s shirt to his jaw and he gripped it. His blunt nails dug into flesh and he pulled his chin up so the two were eye to eye. His body felt like it was on fire and his hands were trembling a bit but he was furious.
“What the hell Davey—!”
“Shut up!”he snapped. He hummed in satisfaction when Jack reluctantly closed his mouth.
“It’s my turn to speak”He said, chest heaving. “When I say lower your voice with me, you lower your voice. I’m here to help you, I could be at home or at the courtyard at school but I am here. I know you’re scared—hell i’m scared too, but you catching an attitude is not helping anyone. I know your first instinct is to lash out but I can promise you if you pull that shit again that you just did I will walk out that door and never come back. It didn’t feel good Jackie, it really didn’t”
At this point he had loosened his grip on the boys jaw to the point where he was just holding it. And Jack leaned into the touch, matter of fact his whole body leaned against Davey’s and went slack. Davey clicked his teeth and wrapped his arms around Jack’s frame, pulling him as close as their bodies would allow.
“Is this what you needed?”He asked. Jack pulled his face up into the crook of his neck and nodded. They were still for a few moments before Jack let out a quiet sound and his body began to tremble. Davey felt hot tears hit his neck and he frowned.
“Oh Jackie”He said in that soft tone, the one only Jack got to hear, the one he had taken for granted. In response Jack whimpered and balled up his fists in the material of Davey’s shirt.
“ ‘m so scared Davey”Jack whispered, Davey felt him hiccup, “ ‘m so fuckin scared, I just want him to come home”
“I know Jackie, I know”he hushed, “He’s gonna come back”
“I fucked up”Jack said after a few beats. He pulled away quickly and rubbed at his eyes.
“How?”He asked.
“I can’t keep doin this to you”Jack said, “Like you said I-I lash out and I treat you in a way that you shouldn’t be”
“How should I be treated then?”He said, raising a brow. “Humor me Kelly”
“Like you’s the king of New York”Jack said, “You should get flowers and chocolates an-and I should be nicer to you-”
“It sounds like you want me to be your beau”He teased. Jack’s face flushed scarlet and for once he looked bashful.
“I thought you already was”Jack said quietly. Now it was Davey’s turn to blush.
“Oh”He said eloquently.
“I like you Davey”Jack said. “You’s smart, got a good head on your shoulders. You don’t put up with my shit. I like that when I push you push back twice as hard, ya know? You put me in my place”
“Huh”He said, he wanted to say so much more but it was like he couldn’t move his mouth.
“Please say more than that”Jack begged.
“So you like me because I make you treat me with respect?”He said slowly.
“I mean yes but that’s not it!”Jack insisted. “Like you said, you’s here now. Not at the schoolyard,not at home with ya family. You coulda just soaked me earlier but you...you talked to me, you made me understand why i’m wrong. Not many people can do that”
“Okay”Davey said.
“Okay?”He echoed.
“Yeah, okay”He said. He could feel the tips of his ears burning but he wasn’t giving in that easily.
“Can I kiss you?”Jack said, although he looked very confused.
“What’s with the face?”He asked instead.
“I’m um...I’m kinda used to uh…”Jack said, gesturing vaguely.
“You’re used to people swooning for you?”He asked. Jack nodded helplessly.
“It takes a lot to make me swoon Kelly, you’re gonna have to work for it”He said with a wink.
“Y-yeah of course Davey”Jack said. “But um...are we on the same page here?”
Davey decided to take pity on him and grabbed his hand, “C’mere”
Jack shuffled a few steps forward and Davey leaned in. Every fiber in his body was telling him to stop, that he’d never done this before and to think. But to hear Jack gasp and feel his legs go weak was a power rush. He planted his hands firmly on Jack’s waist and tried to match what he was doing. And every teacher that Davey’s had will tell you that he’s a fast learner. Once they had a steady rhythm he pulled Jack’s hips closer and relished in the tiny squeak. Before things could go any further he pulled away and smirked as Jacks lips tried to follow his.
“Yer evil Davey”Jack panted, resting his head on Davey’s chest.
“I like you too you idiot”He said, hoping he didn’t look as rough as his voice sounded. “But you’re not off the hook”
“ ‘m not?”Jack whined. “Why not?”
“You gotta prove you’re gonna treat me with respect”He said, “None of that shit you pulled earlier”
“And how am I gonna do that?”Jack asked.
“Well we skipped a few steps but how about we start with a date?”He said.
“Or I can take you up to my penthouse and show you how sorry I am?”Jack said wiggling his brows.
“Or you can keep your pants on and rejoice in the fact that you’ve got an able left hand”He scoffed.
“A dirty joke from Davey?”Jack said, holding a hand to his chest “Well color me surprised”
“Shut up”He said rolling his eyes and pushing Jack’s shoulders. “Should’ve left after your mouth started going”
“You’s hot when yer angry”Jack said already moving closer.
“Incorrigible”He said shaking his head, but he didn’t push him away this time.
“I got a lot of lost time to make up for”Jack said and brought one of Davey’s hands up to kiss. “Now if you’ll have me we can still go up to my penthouse-”
“To talk”Jack said with a smirk, “That’s what people do ain’t it? I won’t touch you Davey, promise. I’m gonna romance you the Jack Kelly way sweetheart, you’ll never know what hit you”
“And he’s back”He said under his breath. “Don’t sweetheart me Kelly, we both know it doesn’t suit me” He wanted to be serious but he couldn’t help but smile at the look of determination on Jack’s face.
“Alright then”Jack said, “I’ll find something that suits then”
“Have fun with that”
“I’m gonna do it!”
“I don’t doubt you Jackie”He chuckled, “Just think of something original, yeah? Nothing that’s been used on your other beaus”
“Ain’t been no other beaus”Jack said, “Just one dame and you Davey, you’s the only one who got close enough, you’s the real deal”
He couldn’t help the gasp that slipped past his lips. Hearing those words made his body run warm and his heart skip a beat or maybe two, was he even breathing?
“I’ve got the walkin mouth speechless”Jack said with a smile, a genuine smile. Davey suddenly had the urge to kiss those smiling lips, but he controlled himself.
“But you...I’ve seen all those people falling at your feet”He said, “you’ve got dames busting out of their corsets for a chance with you”
“Doesn mean I want them Davey”Jack said shaking his head, “I just wanted you”
“You’re a romantic…”he said in awe.
“Took you long enough to find out”Jack said rolling his eyes, “I’m sweet on you Davey, I dunno how many other ways I can say this”
“No no, it’s not you”He said quickly, “it’s just...this is different...I-no one has ever been um… ‘sweet’ on me”
“Well that’s a damn shame because you are beautiful, so damn beautiful”Jack said. Davey wasn’t expecting it but hearing that shocked him to his core. His hands clenched at his side and his body went ridgid.
“Aha that’s the one”Jack said, Davey could hear him smirking. “You like being called beautiful.”
“Shut up”He said pathethically, he felt embarrassed. It was silly to get worked up over something so simple but here he was on the verge of tears because Jack Kelly called him beautiful.
“Hey”Jack said, placing a hand on his cheek. “You don’t gotta be so shy Davey, I’ll call you beautiful ‘til the day I die.”
“But i’m so plain”The words slipped out before he could think about them.
“Ain’t nothin wrong with bein plain”Jack said, “Flowers and birds and buildings and the sky is plain but they’s still beautiful. You got such pretty eyes and yer nose scrunches up when yer thinkin and you bite yer lip when you’s nervous and you look so beautiful when yer smilin-”
“Jack stop it before I cry and it gets awkward for both of us”He choked out.
“Ain’t nothin wrong with cryin”Jack said, “Just means I need to let you know you’s beautiful more often, maybe one day you’ll hear it and you’ll smile instead”
“For someone who’s not good with words you sure know what to say”He said with a sniffle.
“I only know what to say when there’s something worth sayin”Jack said with a shrug. “You make my brain work”
“Your brain works all on its own”He said rolling his eyes. He brought his hand up to cover Jacks and pulled him close until they were nose to nose.
“I think I wanna stay the night”He whispered, “I already brought Les home, my parents’ll just assume i’m here” 
“I think I want you to stay too”Jack whispered back, “I’ll be a perfect gentleman Davey, I’ll treat you how you deserve”
“I just wanted to test you”He chuckled. “You treat me fine already”
“But I don’t treat you fine”Jack said, “you told me that, don’t take it back.”
“I won’t then”He said, “I also won’t object to seeing Mr. Jack Kelly act like a gentleman”
“I’ll start right now”Jack said with a cheeky grin. He pulled away and cleared his throat. “Mr. Jacobs, would you do me the absolute honor of letting me hold your hand?”
“Impressive”He said taking his hand, “You used correct grammar and everything”
“I learned that from bein around Medda”Jack said bumping his hip. “I can talk fancy too if that’s what you like”
“I don’t”He said. He took the initiative to continue when Jack raised a brow. “I’m around people who talk fancy all day, I like the way you speak, it’s charming”
“Charming?”Jack said, wiggling his brows, “For sure?”
“For sure”he mimicked and laughed at the surprise on Jacks face. “What, you think I just talk like this? I got an accent too Jackie, ‘m just better a hiding it”
“Dear lord if I wasn’ tryin to be a gentleman we would be up on that penthouse right now”Jack said with wide eyes. “I think that’s the most attractive thing that’s ever come out of your mouth”
“You like it when I talk like you?”He giggled.
“Hell yeah I do Davey”Jack said, “Where’ve you been keepin that?”
“In my back pocket”He said with a wink, “My ma doesn’t like it when we talk like this,neither does the school but it just feels…”
“Right?”Jack said.
“Yeah”He said, “Feels right, just like bein here with you”
“And i’m the romantic”Jack said rolling his eyes.
“It’s not me bein romantic”He said, “Just telling the truth, I like spending time with you”
“And I like spending time with you”Jack said, “Which means, you should be my beau”
“Nope, still gotta earn that”
“Damn it!”Jack said, “really thought I had ya this time”
“Of course you did”he said squeezing his hand, “We really gotta thank Race” “Thank Race?”Jack said, “For what? ‘m gonna kick his ass when he shows up”
“If I didn’t almost hit you for worrying we would have never gotten to this point!”He laughed, “Look at Race being a matchmaker even when he’s not physically here”
“Wait wait, almost hit me?”Jack said, “you were gonna hit me!”
“I was thinking about it”He said, “I was only going to do it if you hit me first”
“I would never hit you!”
“You pushed me into a streetlight yesterday!”
“Well it ain’t my fault you tripped over the curb!”
“Unbelievable”He said, “We just argued and made up and now we’re arguing again, does it ever end?”
“I think that might just be a part of our charm, beautiful”Jack said with a goofy grin.
“Also I was meaning to tell you this earlier but someone had an attitude and wasn’t thinking straight”He said pointedly. “You said our boys have been all over, right?”
Jack nodded. 
“But have they been to Brooklyn yet?”
“No”Jack said quickly, “Ain’t no one allowed in Brooklyn except Race-oh”
“Ya see?”He said, “Racetrack is fine. If he’s not here then the only logical place he would be is Brooklyn”
“I still don’t see how him and that Spot is friends”Jack muttered, “ain’t a good bone in that kids body”
“I bet people say that about you too”He said with a smile, “It’s all about perspective Jackie. Who knows? Spot may be sweet to him”
“Spot Conlon?”Jack blanched, “Sweet? I bet he kicks puppies for fun”
“Perspective Jackie, Perspective”
Race couldn’t help but giggle at the sight in front of him. The big bad King of Brooklyn holding a tiny boy’s hand as they walked back to the lodging. They apparently called him Shadow, he was tiny and quiet and stuck close to Spot from the first moment he got there. He wondered why the Brooklyn lodging took in so many children, it didn’t seem practical. Back in Manhattan the youngest in the lodging was Les—who was now ten—and he only stayed there once a month. This little boy had to about five, it made his heart ache. Far too young to be selling papes, it looked like he still sucks his thumb.
As the day progressed it seems not only Shadow, but all the littles were drawn to Spot. The minute they walked in it felt like he was wading in a sea of children. Instead of brushing them off Spot laughed and hugged each and every one of them individually, there had to be at least ten of them. Race watched in awe as he lowered himself to the floor and the kids did the same. He met Blanco’s eye and he walked over.
“They’re always like this” addressing a question Race hadn’t even asked.
“It’s like an orphanage in here”Race joked, Blanco simply shook his head with a smile.
“Boss has a soft spot for children”He said, “Any kid who needs a place to go usually ends up here. He breaks his back for them honestly, and most of them don’ even know it. He wan’s to keep it that way, ya know? Give ‘em the chance to be kids”
Race felt his heart swell and he couldn’t even doubt the love he felt right now. He waited until the children eventually dispersed and made his way over to Spot.
“Racer! ‘m sorry that took so long-”
“My god i’m so in love with you”he said. Without a word he had pulled Spot down the hallway and pinned him to a wall.
“Wanna marry you Spot”He said, planting a kiss on his neck. “Don know how we’s gonna do it but ‘m gonna marry you. Gonna get us a nice house where no one can bother us and we can adopt all the littles you want-”
“We’s gonna have a nice yard—tilt yer head—gonna give you life you want even if i ain’t a dame-”
“Tony!”Spot gasped, pushing at his shoulders. “I ain’t mad about what just happened, but where the hell did that come from?”
Race felt his cheeks heat up and took a deep breath trying to slow his breathing. “You’s just so good with the littles it made me feel funny”
“Funny enough to almost nail me against the wall?”Spot said incredulously.
“Shit”He winced, “I didn’ mean to do that it just...I dunno, I guess it made me realize how much I love you”
“You’s a funny one for sure Racer”Spot said, “remind me not to play patty cake with ‘em or nothin before you do somethin indecent”
“I said I was sorry”He whined, “I ain’t gonna kiss you in front of the kids or nothin”
“You’s strong too”Spot commented, “Didn know you had it in you”
“What?”he asked, tilting his head.
“You dragged me down the hall and pinned me to the wall”Spot said, “Angel, my feet wasn touchin the ground”
“Oh shit!”He cursed. “ ‘m sorry, I just-”
“I ain’t never said I didn’ like it”Spot smirked. “Just be careful and don do it too often. I’m still gone for you but my kids come first, they get jealous when I ain’t payin attention to them”
“Wouldn’ have it any other way”He said nodding dopily, “but I should be gettin back soon, Jack’s probably havin a fit an makin Davey lose his mind”
“I got respect for him”Spot said, “Can’t no one make Jack Kelly shut up like he can”
“Believe me, they both know it”He said, rolling his eyes. “I just wished they get their heads outta their asses and get together all ready”
“You,me and all of New York”Spot said, “I’ll walk back with you, lemme just let Hotshot know that i’m leavin”
Race nodded and waited by the front door. It took Spot a little longer than expected but he emerged with an apple and Shadow trailing behind him.
“Alright let’s go”Spot said. Shadow immediately grabbed onto his hand and they were out the door. A few minutes into the walk Race felt a tiny hand grab onto his, his heart melted as he looked down to see shadow smiling at him. Spot was smiling too.
“He’s the toughest one to crack but, he approves”He said. Race smiled and gently swung his hands urging Spot to do the same. Soon enough shadow was giggling between them as he was lifted and swung back and forth. Race wanted to paint this image in his head forever, it was a sight he could definitely see himself getting used to.
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the-awkward-outlaw · 4 years
Red Dead Cupid: Friends in Arms
Hello @katerix I’m your Red Dead cupid! I chose your request for Landon Ricketts x f!Reader being best friends, passing time\chilling together, when not busy maintaining an order around. I hope you like it! @rdr-secret-cupid​
I also chose a bit of a different writing POV, just trying something a little different. 
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I lean back in my chair, the heat washing over me. It isn’t really much of a bother anymore, I’m long used to the unforgiving sun. It’s a requirement when you live down in Mexico. I take one last drag from my cigarette and then throw it down, pressing it out with my boot. On my left is the small table with my shot glass of whiskey, the chair on the other side empty but expectant for its usual occupant. 
After a moment of watching a hawk lazily circle on the air currents, the chair creaks. I look over and see my most trusted companion and lifelong friend. Landon Ricketts. Yeah, I know what you’re thinking, and yes it is the famed Landon Ricketts, the fastest draw in the West and famed gunslinger. 
He sighs heavily and drinks his shot of whiskey, grimacing at the burn. He looks worn out, but he always looks that way. After all, he hasn’t had a quiet life until recently, if you can really call his life now quiet. I do though, but that may be because I was with him a decent amount of the time he was living wild in the deserts of America. 
“Them Gutierrez boys giving you trouble again?” I ask as he leans back, pulling out a cigarette. 
“When aren’t they?” he says in his gruff voice. 
“I’m surprised you’ve been as patient with them as you have been,” I comment. 
“I’m tired of those days, y/n. And I’ve told you, I wanna give that nonsense up, try for something different. But, guess even in a different country, I can’t escape my past.” 
I sigh, knowing what he means. As a teenager, Landon found me as a wild orphan, threatening anyone and challenging absolutely everyone to a gunfight. It was a dark time for me. I’d lost my family and through the anger that rose from my grief, I tried taking it out on everyone around me. Landon came through town, and how could I not challenge him? The most famous gunslinger. 
I still remember the way he looked at me when I threatened him. He just laughed and turned his back to me, so I shot him. Or tried to. I was a real bad shot and my bullet whizzed right past him. But he turned back to me. Guess I made some kind of impression on him, because after that, he took me in. Taught me how to shoot and fight. 
We ran together for a few years after that, became just as close as two gunslingers could. It wasn’t unusual for people back then to confuse him as my father, which sometimes we played along with if we were robbing someone. But the truth was it bothered me. Landon was never a father figure to me, but he was my friend. He was the only person who recognized my anger in my youth as a plea for help. I trusted him more than anyone. 
In my late twenties, I ended up drifting off from Landon. Not on purpose, but he was always on the move. He had to be with his notoriety. At one point, I didn’t see him for so long I just sort of made my own way and fell into a gang of outlaws. Having a dirty history myself, I fit right in. The leader, Dutch, was a good man at first, but he ended up going crazy when the gang fell apart through a series of tragedies. By that point though, I’d already fallen in love and married his right hand man Arthur Morgan. 
I loved Arthur, more than anything. He was one of the few members in that gang who knew my past with Landon, but he kept my secret. I didn’t tell anyone about Landon because I didn’t always appreciate his fame. Whenever anyone found out I ran with him, they’d bombard me with questions about him. It was always about him. Arthur understood, and he didn’t talk or ask about him much.
But then, Arthur died in 1899 of tuberculosis. His death crushed me. Dutch was so far gone in his madness that I just ended up leaving. Besides, the gang was finished by that point anyways, sometimes I’m amazed I didn’t end up getting killed in the process. I was so lost though when Arthur passed, I don’t remember much from after that period. I buried him and then I remember I stayed near his grave for a long time. 
A couple of months passed after Arthur’s passing. I was still lost in my grief, living near his grave. One day, Landon showed up in the cabin I was living in. He said nothing but he threw down a newspaper at my feet. The top article was about my gang that fell apart. 
“How did you know?” I asked. 
“Because I know you,” Landon said. “I may not have been around much, but I know you. You think I didn’t know about your marriage to Arthur? When I read about him, I knew I needed to find you. I’m very sorry for your loss, y/n.” 
Landon was the first person to comfort you about Arthur. I didn’t want to live like this anymore, in my solitude and kept company by nothing aside from my grief. Although I was still shattered, I considered going with Landon, but I told him I didn’t want to live the wild life of an outlaw anymore. 
“I’ve done that already,” I said, “I don’t wanna do it anymore. It leads to nothing but pain.” 
Landon agreed and said he wanted to do the same. He was also tired of the life, of any man who had even a sliver of confidence challenging him to a duel. He wanted to help people, to make some peace out of the violence he’d sewn. 
So after that, I went with him down southwest. At first, we tried settling in places like Armadillo and Tumbleweed. But Landon’s fame followed him and he couldn’t escape the life he was trying to leave behind. That was when I decided that maybe it would be better to go down to Mexico. After all, everywhere I went reminded me of my husband. I just wanted to escape the memories, not because I regretted my marriage, but because I just wanted relief from my pain. 
Landon agreed to the idea of Mexico, so a few years ago we settled down in the town of Chuparosa. It was a fairly wild town, overrun with gangs and troublemakers. It took some time, but we got it tamed. It was Landon’s idea to sort of make ourselves the equivalent of sheriffs, as the town lacked any real form of law. I half-heartedly agreed, even though being a peacekeeper was the opposite of what I used to do and the kind of person I used to run from. 
But even down here, Landon was chased by his past. Sometimes a vigilante would come, having heard of Landon’s presence and would try to take him on. Luckily those types of men were few and far between.  Every once in a while, one of the gangs we’d chased out would come back and try to cause trouble. But we were more than a match for them. The Gutierrez brothers were the last to not get the hint, until today. 
Landon puts out his cigarette. Just as I’m about to say something, a young woman comes running up to him. I recognize her of course, Luisa Fortuna. A fiery member, and an enthusiastic member of the rebellion going on in Mexico. She’s breathing excitedly. 
“Ricketts! The Guiterrez brothers. They’re back!” 
Landon sighs and leans forward. He checks his pistol before reholstering it. “How long before I end up having to shoot these fools?” he says and stands up. I follow him, telling myself I can help if things get out of hand. Truth is though I just want to see these idiots get what they're owed. They’ve been a problem for too long and getting far too confident.
Just as we’re rounding the corner to the main street, I hear a familiar voice, taunting someone. That voice… it brings the dull pain I’ve sat on for ten years. I jog past Landon and find on the main street one of the Gutierrez brothers facing someone I haven’t seen since my gang fell apart. He’s grown older and he looks far more serious than I’ve ever seen him, but there’s no denying who he is: John Marston. 
As Landon joins your side, John and the Gutierrez brother suddenly draw their weapons and shoot. John’s bullet finds its mark, but the other Gutierrez brothers pull out their guns to avenge their fallen brother. However they’re no match for John. Not that I’m surprised. He learned from some of the best gunslingers. I think the only person who had a better education in shooting is myself thanks to Landon. 
When the last brother falls, Landon saunters forward as John holsters his gun. “I must admit, I’m impressed. Not many men would take on all the Gutierrez brothers and even fewer who could have taken them all down.” 
“Who are you?” John asks, his eyes mean. It’s a bit strange, he always had a light in his eyes. Then again, I haven’t seen him since Arthur died after he sacrificed himself to the Pinkertons to save me and John. I guess it’s really no surprise that he’s changed too since then. 
“Landon Ricketts. This is my town, I been trying to keep these boys under control, obviously not well. But now I’m curious. A fella like you who can take all of them down without hardly blinking an eye, I gotta ask. What you doin’ all the way down here?” 
“I’m lookin’ for… some old friends of mine. One of ‘em came running down here and I think he’s met up with the other.” 
This strikes me. He must be looking for me, but how did he hear I was down here? I walk out of the shadows of the building and look hard at him. John’s eyes widen. 
“Y/n? What you doin’ down here?” 
“Thought you said you was lookin’ for some old friends. I assumed you meant me.” 
He shuffles his feet a bit. “No, I wasn’t. I didn’t even know you were down here.” 
Landon turns to me. “You know this man?” 
I nod. “Yes. He was my husband’s brother. I thought you were dead, John.” 
Over the next few hours, the three of us sit at the saloon and talk. I tell John about my relationship to Landon and why I came down here with him after that whole mess with the gang. John then discloses his past, how he tried to come clean of his outlaw days. He and Abigail ran a ranch outside of Blackwater, but then the Pinkertons, in their determination to get Dutch, took his family hostage in order to get John to hunt down his former gang members. 
When John tells me this, I feel a plummet in my stomach. I lean forward and look at him, daring him. “So these Pinkertons want you to kill your old gang members. That mean you’re gonna kill me?” 
John looks at you, his brows furrowed. “I don’t know, y/n. I’m not sure the Pinkertons even know you’re down here. I assumed you died shortly after Arthur…”
Landon looks between the two of us but doesn’t interrupt. He knows I need to settle this myself. Landon has never been a man to fight my battles for me. It’s proven a frustration in the past, but at this moment, it’s appreciated. 
“Then John, I don’t know how much I can be of help to you. I ain’t giving those bastards a reason to kill me. If they’re going after Javier and Bill just for their associations with Dutch, they’ll definitely want me dead too. I was married to Dutch’s right hand man, after all.” 
Landon turns to me. “I think you’re making a mistake, y/n.” 
I turn to refute him, but he cuts me off. “You’ve been wasting away with me these past ten years. I haven’t wanted to say it, but whatever happened with that gang broke you. I don’t know what this Arthur Morgan was like, but I’m guessing he didn’t give his life up for you and his brother to see you live like this.” 
“He also hated revenge. Always said it was a fool’s game. I’m not killing Bill and Javier.” 
“You don’t have to,” John says. “I’ll do the killing, but it would sure be helpful if I had you by my side.”
I sigh. Landon’s right, Arthur wouldn’t want me to let John go alone. Not after everything he gave up for us both to live. However I’m sure that the end of this journey will end in one way: my death. Perhaps it wouldn’t be so bad though. After all, Landon’s right. I’ve been wasting away in liquor and grief down here. I stopped living a long time ago. 
I throw back my shot of tequila. “Alright, John. I’ll help you find Javier and Bill.”
I glance over at Landon and see he’s smiling. Now that I think about it, he’s never wanted this life for me. He used to say I had a fire that could not be doused. He must have known that this life, sitting in this hot, boring town and watching my life go on without me was never for me. That’s why he never searched for me while I was with the gang. I was doing what made me happy.
As I think about it, I realize now how much I’ve missed that life. Running wild and free. No it was never easy, but it was me. Living in this town as a sheriff is not what I want to do. I’m not cut out for it. I realize that John is giving me an opportunity to do what I’m meant to do. Sure, it won’t bring back the glory days from the gang, but it’s the next best thing. And if I die doing it, it’d be better than dying here, old and wishing I could have done things differently. 
Finally resolved, I stand up. “Okay, John. Let’s go find these bastards and get your family back.”
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prettybuckybaby · 3 years
we lay here for years or for hours, so long we become the flowers; chapter five
The avengers babysit, part two
part seven of single parent peter parker
read on ao3 here
“You know we can’t keep doing this.”
“I know. We’ll tell them soon.”
“Yeah. Just one more date before we do?”
“Okay. Yeah, of course,”
“Thank you. I’ll call you later?”
He doesn’t really remember when it happened, but at some point, May and Tony came to the agreement that Peter would spend one week in Queens and the next at the tower, instead of him staying at the tower every other weekend. He loves it, he loves spending time with Tony and the other avengers, and he knows Leia enjoys getting to see them for longer periods of time more often. He calls May every night that he’s at the tower, and it means that May can spend a week doing longer shifts without worrying about coming home to look after Leia so Peter can go patrolling, which means that the weeks where Peter and Leia are in Queens, she can spend most of her time with them.
This arrangement is how he finds himself in the living area of Sam’s floor at the tower at four in the afternoon. It’s a Wednesday, and he’s spent most of the day in the same position: sprawled over the couch with a history textbook and notebook in front of him. Most of the team have just come back from a mission early in the morning, meaning Sam has spent most of the day baking to relax. Leia is helping him (although Peter’s not sure how much she’s actually helping and how much she’s really just eating what he’s making out of the bowl) and every so often she toddles over to him and hands him something fresh out the oven.
He’s like this, pretending to focus on his work while he’s really listening to Sam and Leia bicker lovingly, when his phone rings.
“Hey, sweetheart,” He breathes down the line, soft smile on his face. He is vaguely aware that Sam lifts his head to look at him. “We’re with Sam. They’re baking…Yeah, there’s flour everywhere. It’s pretty funny,”
“Hey,” Sam whispers, nudging Leia with his elbow. “You know who Daddy’s talking to?” He asks, voice still low. He frowns when Leia shakes her head.
“Number twenty five?” Peter asks, flipping a few pages of his notes. “I got…I wasn’t sure between December 7th and December 10th1941…Oh, I didn’t find it in the textbook, I just asked Steve…Yeah, I’ve done most of it, but I’ve asked him for help with some of them,”
“Do you think Daddy’s got a girlfriend?” Sam’s voice is still low as he speaks to Leia, glancing over at Peter from the bowl he’s stirring. Leia just shrugs. “He’s not told you about anyone?”
“No, Sammy,”
“I don’t know,” Peter sighs, sounding apologetic. “Dad looked pretty tired this morning; I don’t really think he’d be up for babysitting. Unless there’s something Leia could watch with us?”
“Hey, kid?” Sam raises his voice.
“Hey, hang on a sec,” Peter says into his phone before turning his head towards Sam. “Yeah?”
“If you wanna go out, I can keep Leia for a bit longer,”
“Sam, you’ve just got back from a mission. Do you have the energy to watch a toddler?”
“Yeah,” Sam shrugs glancing over at Leia. “I mean, I might conk out when she does, but it’ll be fine,” He smiles when Peter frowns at him. “Really, Pete.”
“Are you sure? I don’t mind taking her with us,”
“Of course I’m sure. You go on your date, have fun,” He smirks when Peter’s cheeks flush.
“Thank you,” He smiles before turning back to his phone. “Babe? Okay, Sam offered to watch Leia for me,” Sam smiles when he sees the soft look on Peter’s face. “Yeah. I’ll meet you there in an hour? Alright, I love you…Oh, my God. Shut up! I can just go to bed instead- that is blackmail! I’m going. Goodbye. Bye bye bye bye-” He ends the call and turns straight back to his work. He writes for thirty seconds before he scowls up at Sam. “Why are you staring at me?”
“I’m not staring,” Sam defends, handing the spoon in his hand to Leia and holding the bowl steady as she stirs. “So…you got a girlfriend?” He smirks when Peter blushes again.
“Is it scary MJ?” He asks, laughing as Peter’s face flushes deeper.
“I don’t have a girlfriend,” He mutters, turning back to his work.
“What about…Cindy. You went to her place the other week, didn’t you? After that competition?”
“I don’t have a girlfriend. Plus, the whole team went to Cindy’s. We were celebrating.”
“Betty?” This time Peter looks up at him, an eyebrow raised.
“You think I’m going on a date with…Ned’s girlfriend?” Sam shrugs one of his shoulders.
“No judgement here, man. I don’t know how Betty feels about all that stuff.” Pete smiles lightly. “Is it Betty?”
“No, it’s not Betty,” Peter shakes his head, and then groans as Sam laughs.
“So, there is someone?”
“You know what, Sam? I’d love to stay and chat, but I’ve gotta get ready,” He says quickly, gathering all his books up. “Such a shame,”
“Uh huh,” Sam laughs as Peter comes over to them, kissing Leia on the head.
“Love you, sweetie. Be good,” Peter turns to Sam again. “Thank you for this. I’ll be back-”
“Don’t worry about it, kid. Just get back when you do.” He smirks as Peter steps into the lift. “Go have a good night with your girl, man.” He laughs loudly when he sees Peter scowling before the doors shut.
“Peter was right, you are covered in flour,” Sam muses once he’s put the tray of brownies into the oven, wiping his hands on a towel. “You gonna get messy again if I give you a bath now?” Leia looks up at him where she’s licking the wooden spoon, brownie mixture getting on her nose. Sam laughs softly. “Yeah, okay. We’ll save a bath for later, yeah?”
“When will they be ready?” Leia asks when she’s finished cleaning the mixture off the spoon.
“About thirty minutes. But the others will be cool soon. Was the batter good?” He takes the spoon off her and uses it to scrape the bowl, handing it back over when the sides of the bowl are clear.
“Uh huh,”
“Good,” He smiles as he starts to wash the bowl. “It’s a new recipe. Wanted you to be the first to try it,”
“Me?” Leia looks up at him, grinning around the spoon.
“Yeah. I trust you to be honest, Bug,” He dries his hand on the towel before he pinches her cheek softly. “I would have asked your Daddy, but he’s too polite to tell me if they’re not nice. And Steve and Bucky will eat anything I give them. Plus,” He lowers his voice, and looks around as if checking there was no one listening. “You’re my favourite,” Leia grins up at him again, holding out the spoon. Sam smiles as he takes it off her. “Finished?” When she nods, he smiles at her, licking the last of the mixture off before putting the spoon into the sink.
“Mr Wilson,” FRIDAY’s voice makes Leia jump slightly, which causes her to giggle. “Sergeant Barnes and Captain Rogers are requesting access to your floor.” Sam glances at Leia for a second before replying to the AI.
“How is Barnes doing after this morning. Has he…calmed down?”
“I will check, Mr Wilson.” The AI is silent for a few moments before she replies. “Sergeant Barnes is in peak condition. He says he could smell your baking.”
“Alright. Let them up then,” Sam laughs. One of the timers he set goes off at the same time as he hears the lift doors open.
“Oi, Wilson!” Leia grins when she hears Bucky’s voice. “What’s with asking FRIDAY how I’m doin’? I just wanted brownies and I’m getting interrogated? Jerk.” Sam doesn’t turn around when the two super soldiers come into the kitchen. “Oh. Hey, ptichka. Wilson, you’re forgiven.”
“Oh, thank you, Barnes. Not sure how I would have coped without your forgiveness.” Sam rolls his eyes as he turns around just in time to see each of them kiss one of Leia’s cheeks at the same time. He smiles when Leia giggles.
“Where’s Peter?” Steve asks as he takes a seat, reaching out to take one of the brownies that Sam places on a tray in the middle of the table. He frowns, pulling his hand back when Sam slaps him. “Ow.”
“Nu uh, Leia gets the first taste.”
“Why?” Steve whines, reaching out again. Leia laughs when Sam hits him again. When Sam is distracted, Bucky manages to take two of the brownie squares, handing one of them to Leia.
“Because I like her more than I like you,”
“The feeling is mutual,” Steve smiles sweetly at him. “So, where’s Peter?”
“Spider boy’s on a date, isn’t he, Bug?” Sam smirks as he sits down. He laughs when Bucky and Steve both turn to him.
“He’s on a date?”
“With who?”
“He wouldn’t tell me,” Sam sighs, smiling as he goes to hand Leia one of the brownies. “Hey, where’d you get that one?”
“Buck gave it to me,” Leia responds happily, taking another bite of the bake in her hand.
“Uh huh,” Sam looks over to Bucky with an unimpressed look on his face. “They good?”
“Yeah,” Leia grins up at him.
“Good.” Sam smiles, taking his own brownie and turning back to Steve. “He wouldn’t tell me who it was. Sounded pretty serious, though. Called her ‘sweetheart’ and everything,”
“Scary MJ?” Bucky asks, taking another brownie.
“What about Betty?”
“What?” Steve asks, frowning. “Ned’s girlfriend?”
“People are into all sorts of things these days, punk. Not everyone is monogamous, you know,” Bucky says with a shrug. “Why are we assuming it’s a girl he’s seeing?”
Leia starts yawning at about half past eight, after she’s helped Sam make a few more batches of brownies and a batch of cupcakes. Steve and Bucky have stayed with them in the kitchen, mostly talking quietly between themselves while Sam and Leia bake. When Leia starts yawning, it sets Sam off as well.
“Steve?” He asks as he puts the last of the dirty dishes into the sink and begins to clean them. “Could you go and grab the wet wipes for me?” Steve stands up and he’s back in the room by the time that Sam’s finished cleaning and put what’s left of the cupcakes into the fridge. He manages a small smile as he takes the packet off Steve, pulling a few of them out and using them to wipe the buttercream where Leia has managed to get it all over her face. “You staying to watch a film?” He turns to the other two men when he picks Leia up. They follow him into the living area, where FRIDAY has already queued up one of Leia’s films on the TV.
He’s not entirely sure when he falls asleep.
It’s quiet when Peter gets back to Sam’s floor at ten to ten, which he was half expecting. He knew Leia would be asleep, would have been for the better part of an hour at least. If he’s being honest, he would not have been surprised to see Sam moments away from sleep himself, but he’s not sure he was expecting this.
There’s one of Leia’s favourite films on the screen, around ten minutes from the end by Peter’s estimate, and four sleeping bodies sprawled out on the seats. Well, three sleeping soldiers and one toddler blinking up at him sleepily from Sam’s chest.
“Hey, tesoro,” Peter whispers and smiles at Leia when she reaches out for him. He picks her up gently, taking care to be quiet with the two super soldiers sleeping only feet away. “Let’s get you into some pyjamas yeah? And then you can come and sleep with us,”
“Per favore,” She yawns, burying her face into Peter’s shoulder. “Stanca, Papà,”
“You’re really sleepy, huh?” Peter asks quietly with a smile when his daughter slips into Italian muttering. “Hang on a second, I’m just going to leave Sam a note.”
Sam wakes up the next morning sprawled out on his couch. He blinks his eyes a few times, smiling when he sees his two best friends cuddled together on a chair too small for them, limbs intertwined and fingers tangled together. He feels a moment of panic when he doesn’t feel the weight of a toddler he is sure fell asleep on top of him. His heart rate picks up as he frantically looks around the room. He notices a sheet of paper on his table, Peter’s scruffy writing on it.
I’ve got Leia upstairs. I didn’t want to wake you up. Thanks for watching her, love you Sammy.
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howdoyousleep3 · 5 years
but.. senator steve is friends with bucky’s dad that’s how he got the internship in the first place... and when steve comes over for diner one night him and bucky’s dad smokes a cigar on the other room while bucky watches them talking about politics and all that blushing when steve catches him staring.. then when he excuses himself to go to bed an hour later steve’s coming in a lil’ tipsy smelling like smoke and whisky and man and bucky lets steve fuck him in his room that is next to his parents
I am so fucked up over this idea still, keep them coming. To clarify, Bucky is in college and still lives at home and as the second request sent in said “idk i’m not rich LMAOOOOOO “. It’s long and I cut this down and it’s still long and I tried so hard to not make it a blown out story but oh well that’s me I guess. 😘😘😘
Edited to add in the OG first post. :))
Senator Steve and Intern Bucky OG Post
“Keep that door’a yours unlocked, sugar. Be good and tuck yourself in and wait for Daddy.”
Bucky’s fingers curl into fists at his sides, form trembling all over, wills his aching erection to go away. He shouldn’t be turned on, should be horrified an older man, a Senator, has promised to sneak into his room after having a nice dinner with his entire fucking family. That after drinks and dinner and conversation, laughs and compliments and small-talk, Senator Rogers pressed up tight against Bucky’s back and whispered those words into his ear, squeezing his hip and walking into the drawing room to smoke a cigar with Bucky’s own father.
This was the most scandalous thing Bucky’s ever heard of.
But it’s also something that has made him so fucking hot it’s downright embarrassing.
Bucky had thought he was having a heart attack when his mother told him they’d be having the Senator over just an hour before him showing up. He found himself excusing himself to go shower and primp, not even realizing why he was doing what he was doing, in total denial at his rising heartrate and his desire to look good for the older man. By the time Mr. Rogers had showed up, dressed in a casual black sweater and grey slacks and matching grey boots, Bucky was shaking from head to toe.
Aside from one instance of reassurance a week after that night, (a hot open-mouthed kiss pressed against the wall of Mr. Rogers’ office and a whisper of, “You gotta stop worryin’, sweetheart. Got nothin’ to fret over,” because Bucky’s anxieties were apparently transparent as fuck), Bucky hadn’t talked to Mr. Rogers or been physical with him in over two weeks. Between their schedules, the Senator traveling, and Bucky’s school, he had barely seen the older man. For him to show up for dinner, his mother saying they had invited him to thank him for helping Bucky get into this internship program, sent a shock through his system.
And immense amounts of excitement.
It had been almost an hour since they had all parted ways, Bucky to his room and Mr. Rogers to spend some quality time with Bucky’s father, and Bucky was growing impatient. He spent most of their meal unusually quiet, looking down at his food as he cut it into small pieces, ignoring Becca’s inquiring looks, trying his hardest not to blush openly and profusely when he caught eyes with the Senator from across the table.
With the lull of the television and only the light of his lamp sitting on his bedside table, it is easy for the mundane action of scrolling through social media to make him grow sleepy. Combine that with being warm and comfy on top of his blankets and only having his briefs on, it is easy for his eyelids to grow a little too heavy, for him to fall into a light slumber.
Until he hears a hand on his doorknob.
A jiggle, the door opening and closing, the lock clicking and there he is. Senator Rogers.
Standing in Bucky’s fucking bedroom.
It’s all wrong in his head, Mr. Rogers should never be here in his home, let alone his bedroom, yet here he is acting like it’s his as well. The glow from the television lights the older man’s large form up in his dimly lit room and Bucky can’t move, can barely breathe.
Mr. Rogers is such a man, muscly and burly, neatly trimmed beard, broad shoulders. Bucky has felt that strength, has felt it in the way the older man pulled him back on that cock, the way he spun him around, the way he gripped his hips. He suddenly realizes he is practically nude, he’s laying in his bed at home, and here is Steve Rogers, Senator, slipping off his shoes and crawling into Bucky’s bed.
He feels a hand curl around his ankle, feels the bed dip near his knee and Bucky gasps when he is pulled a little, yanked flat on his back as if he were as light as a feather. Whiskey and cigar smoke flood Bucky’s nostrils immediately and he acknowledges it should be a turn-off, should make him want to push Mr. Rogers away, but he loves it. It makes him think of older men and power and success and it makes him feel like a side-piece, a sugar baby, his secret fantasy.
And he loves it.
The erection he had willed away is back and throbbing, surely an angry color, and he gasps again when Mr. Rogers moves to settles between Bucky’s spread thighs, a hot pair of lips on his neck. Mr. Rogers rumbles, a deep noise, and Bucky can tell he may be a little inebriated by the way his lips sloppily yet effectively move from the hinge of his jaw, across his Adam’s apple, to the opposite earlobe, nipping and sucking as he goes.
“Hey, sugar,” the older man murmurs into his ear and Bucky mortifyingly whimpers in response immediately, not realizing how much he had both been affected by their first sexual encounter and alarmingly grown to miss this man. He doesn’t even have a chance to respond verbally, both of the Senator’s capable hands running through his hair, cradling his head in place as his lips come down on his in an immediate open-mouthed kiss.
And fuck that’s nice, more than nice, has Bucky’s movements crippled, just has him laying there trying to keep up. Mr. Rogers’ beard is soft against his jaw and chin, but Bucky knows it could easily leave marks on his sensitive skin over time. His tongue runs along Bucky’s bottom lip before dipping into his mouth, beating against the younger’s own tongue, and then the Senator is fucking his mouth. It’s hot and wet and has Bucky wiggling underneath and against Mr. Rogers pathetically.
“Missed you, baby. This sweet mouth and this sweet little body, those sweet eyes. You miss me, honey? You miss your Daddy?”
“Ohh,” is all Bucky can mewl, rolling his hips up into Mr. Rogers half on purpose, half in sheer reaction, but the older man is pushing a finger tight to Bucky’s lips, shushing him against the skin of his cheek.
“Shh shh shh, gotta be quiet, honey,” he murmurs into his skin, pressing Bucky bodily into the mattress, making him cry out a little more from behind Mr. Rogers’ finger. He’s just such a big man, warm all over, completely blankets Bucky in their size difference.
“Gotta be quiet so your family doesn’t hear, doesn’t wonder where all those pitiful noises are comin’ from. So loud already and I haven’t even put anything inside’a that greedy cunt oh, sugar.” Even though his voice is condescending and making Bucky’s cheeks turn red, Mr. Rogers’ voice is like warm honey, pools at the base of his neck and makes Bucky go a little more boneless into the mattress beneath him, makes his eyelids flutter.
The older man hums, kisses at Bucky’s lips over his finger, moves his other hand down to squeeze at Bucky’s hip, to slide down his thigh to his knee. It makes Bucky realize how compromised of a position he is in, thighs spread wide for a Senator who snuck into his bedroom, fuck.
“Talked to your father tonight,” Mr. Rogers starts and Bucky’s brow creases in a bit of confusion, but his thought process stops short when the hand on his lips moves down to curl around the front of his throat.
“Your father wanted to know what your Daddy thought of you, isn’t that somethin’?” And shit, Bucky can’t help it this time, makes a small sob of a noise, Mr. Rogers’ hand tightening around the column of his neck. “He wanted to know how I thought you were doin’, if there were any concerns. Told him how intelligent you are, how you’re one of my hardest-working interns, how tough you are,” Mr. Rogers speaks right into his lips, such sweet words, making Bucky flush all over even more.
It makes him whimper, but his whimper turns into a whine when the older man starts to roll his hips into Bucky, so slow and subtle he barely notices at first, thinks it’s just the throb of his own body. Mr. Rogers lets out a heavy exhale, arguably a soft groan, his lips blazing a hot path down Bucky’s jaw as his hips roll almost hypnotically into the younger man’s. Mr. Rogers feels so good between his legs, spread wide for him, and even clothed Bucky can feel his thick cock against his own, pressing and grinding. 
“Didn’t tell your pops that these fuckin’ lips keep me up at night,” Mr. Rogers leans forward to drag Bucky’s bottom lip between his teeth, squeezes the hand around his throat again, god, “Didn’t tell him that there’s nothin’ better than bein’ stuffed in this sweet little boy cunt.” Bucky makes such a loud noise, a hiccup of a sob that sounds somewhat like “Holy shit,”, his head arching back that Mr. Rogers has no apparent choice but to clamp the hand around his throat up and over his mouth. 
“Bucky, baby you hush now. Daddy wants to give you his cock, wants to feed this hungry cunt and you need to let him take what’s his.” 
What’s his. Yes. Yes, Bucky wants that, wants Daddy to take what is his. That means Bucky is his and Bucky doesn’t think he wants anything more than to be Daddy’s dirty little secret. 
“You want that? You want Daddy to fuck you in your bed while your family is home? Thinkin’ I walked out and left but instead I’m down here sneakin’ into your room to fuck you stupid?” 
Bucky is nodding his head frantically behind Mr. Rogers’ hand even though he should be entirely mortified but he can’t, he can’t say no, could never say no. He wants this, has thought about it every second of every day, is consumed with the thought as the older man presses and rolls and humps on Bucky here in his bed. 
“That’s good, sugar so good. ‘Cause I’ve been thinkin’ about fuckin’ you for weeks, didn’t hear a goddamn thing anybody said at dinner, and I’m gonna make you come on this cock at least two times before I tuck you in and leave.”
Yeah–that’s what Bucky wants. 
YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND HOW MUCH THIS HAS TAKEN OVER MY LIFE. Love you send me anything and everything love you love you. 😘😘😘
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