#like wtf they're so cute
vendriin · 11 months
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Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (2001)
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pcktknife · 11 months
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mydemonsdrivealimo · 4 months
mj go to a baseball game without coming up w a baseball au challenge level impossible
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arviyya · 5 months
Thanks @imsiriuslyreading for the tag :)
This is a snippet from my ongoing WIP I just started posting on ao3.
Regulus and James brewing Amortentia in class as forced partners.
James short circuits.  Regulus isn’t even standing close anymore. He's at least a pace away. James takes another whiff from the cauldron. Yeah, the smell he thought he smelled is definitely coming from the potion. Maybe it's because it’s not finished yet; maybe they messed it up. He clenches his jaw. He knows it's perfect. It always is when they brew potions together. So–what? "Potter?" Regulus prompts again.  "What–oh right," and just like that James adjusts his expression so that he’s wearing a casual grin. A grin that isn’t reaching his eyes, no matter how hard he tries. He chances a glance at Regulus, who’s eyes are narrowed. "I think we only need one more drop of liquid gold after this stir and then it should be done."  James can tell that his voice is shaky and his heart hurts with how hard it’s hitting his ribcage. The irrational part of his brain hopes that Regulus can’t hear it. James is fine. He really is, but it's amazing how hard it is to act fine when you’re paranoid that someone else can tell that you aren’t. But he is, though. He’s fine. He’s just fine.   Regulus sends the drop into the cauldron at the exact right moment, and as the drop hits the liquid, the whole potion becomes a brilliant pink color.  James chews on the inside of his cheek, happy that Regulus is distracted looking over the notes and ingredients and doesn’t notice him staring. There’s something in the way that Regulus’ eyes tighten at the corners, something in the way his brows furrow above them. James doesn’t know how anyone would be able to miss what’s so obvious. It’s all in his eyes, just how perturbed Regulus is. Before that day in the woods, James was sure that Regulus was made of stone. Now, he can see right through him as though he’s made of water. James can’t help but wonder, if Regulus were to look at him right now, would he be able to see James just as clearly? Is it bad that James hopes he can?  “Potter, would you stop staring at me?” Regulus’ eyes sink shut as he leans over the table. “What’s the matter with you anyway–you look like you tried to eat a live dragon...”
No pressure of course but feel free to share a snippet :) @honeybcj @multiimoments @galaxostars @hues-of-words @thatmoonspell
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bitchy hairdressers can pry my $3 scissors out of my cold dead hands
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Comte Drama CD Translations, Track Seven: "To You Who Are So Lovely" - Ending
I'm not a professional yada yada yada, these are just my rough transcriptions of each track in the CD because I need fodder for my simping.
This one reads a bit like a love letter left for MC, it's another sweet one:
…Indeed, the sand in the hourglass has fallen. It appears my day with you is over. (I'M DISTRAUGHT TOO DW BEAUTIFUL) In this way, every moment trickles into another ceaselessly…yes, forever. Even now as I say it, the word “forever” drives a painful wedge in my heart. I often wonder at the essence, the weight that word carries--so often spoken with admiration and yearning by humankind.
I think this is the first time in my life I ever went "philosopher (affectionate)" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I could listen to him all day [contented sigh]
I know very well…just how heartbreaking it is. I was shaken by that never-ending, pathless darkness…until you gave me the hope of “now.” A vampire who lives forever, and a woman who lives a finite life, hoping for a better tomorrow. I’m not sure what will become of my love for you that sprouted at the boundary between “forever” and “now.” …But I promise you this. I will never let you go. When I give you eternal love… Let’s spend that time together.
Man the way I act up when I hear fictional man say "I will never let you go" [INSERT LOUD BARKING] it's a promise, Abel 🥺💜
It may turn out to be a bumpy road…but, don’t worry. We’ll take every step of the way hand-in-hand. When I get lost…you’re so kind and strong It makes me sure that if we do ever get lost, we’ll worry about it together, and find answers together. Like a waltz, let’s take each other’s hands…and live together.
Okay all my usual court jester energy aside, I really am so fond of this motif throughout his stories. This idea that being in a relationship is about being there for each other, about promising the other will never be alone. I guess they really just embody what marriage is at its best, for me? Like not necessarily that there's only one way to be married, but that it should be about helping each other and caring about each other? Building a life and sharing that happiness, an enduring love that grows the more two people are together.
Holding hands and dancing, I'm so...
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And one day, I’m sure I will… …I’m sure that I’ll turn you into a vampire. At that time, let’s live together forever. From the moment I met you that day, in Paris of the 21st century…it felt like the frozen hands on the clock of my life began to move. I was determined that I would never fall in love with a human again. I was moved by your pure and single-minded thoughts, and I wanted your love. A year later, ten years later, one hundred years of accumulating this “now” I’ve received from you… In the far distant future, I want to see you beside me. I found you in eternity…I love you, and I will dedicate my pureblood life to your fate--
If y'all need me I will be wasting away, ty--
"In the far distant future, I want to see you beside me." I WANT THAT TOO, GORGEOUS
Man the way my brain is just so: the only kind of man I want is one that can go "I wanted your love 🥺👉👈" and "I wanted her blood to run down my mouth." AT THE SAME TIME
It's about the multi-faceted yearning 🤌🏼
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spencersliv · 2 years
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br1ghtestlight · 4 months
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stupid tiktok joke w/ object ocs that i spent waayy too much time on <3
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leafy-m · 5 months
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I got Witch Hat Atelier Kitchen volume 3 a little early and guys.... GUYS!! THIS is what Kitchen in English should be like! 💥💝💖
If you like Orufrey, you have got to get volume 3!
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Rereading TSOA.
There's a part where Achilles and Patroclus are like, u know when they're talking with Dio and Odi at the ship and Pat think something about their dinamic and Achilles just smiles.
Dude. I love Odi loving Penelope. But they know what u are boys.
At least we all know that Dio in some moment had a crush on Odi.
That's it, thank u. Now I'm gonna cry because they're arriving at Troy:')
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dwtdog · 3 months
i would give anything to interview dream about youtube like not bc i want to make videos i'm just so fascinated by it and everything to do with it
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banannabethchase · 1 year
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These two are causing me PAIN.
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aromanticasterisms · 9 months
ayaka and yoimiya hanging out. my god good for them
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pomfiores · 1 year
a coworker got me a gift. its a maleficent bowl that he found in the CM store. it's giving "ice cream bowl" and while I'm certain it can be used for anything, I felt what I think Malleus felt like when he received an ice cream bowl on his birthday. BUT ITS SO CUTE IM STILL KINDA OVERWHELMED.
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ashrifts · 1 year
Gets up in the middle of a meeting to pick up Ran and abduct him
𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞, 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐚 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐝𝐢𝐠 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐞.ㅤdespite his love for the dramatic and penchant for unnecessary flairs, ran likes to go back home at the end of the day with the satisfaction of a job well done; what his arrogance spoke, his actions could —and did— easily back up, and to summon him for a mission was synonymous of no traces being left behind at the scene of the crimeㅤ───ㅤusually.
the sound of koko's voice giving a report of the police raid at one of his illicit businesses from last week is almost drowned out by the tapping of ran's fingers against the mahogany of the table. it's a light rhythm, using the pads of his fingers rather than the nails, gentle enough it's imperceptible to most... but to ran it's drumming loudly against his ears, much like the frantic heartbeat of a hare about to be outran by a wolfㅤ───ㅤbut as far as his legs could take him, ran cannot outrun his thoughts.
rindou keeps sending him glances. ran does not look back at him.
it's a disposable facility, useful only for tax write-offs, and ultimately led the police back to square one in their never-ending journey to find one of bonten's headquarters, but it did weight on his mind. none of them knew what had gone wrong, but ran cares less for the reasons and more for the fact that he was the one who caused a mess. the talking is more buzz than conversation as he replays the scene in his head, remembering the littlest details, trying to decipher where he went wrong—
—and he gasps, eyes widening, when a pair of arms lifting him off his seat snap him out of his own mind. bewildered, he looks down at the culprit, surprised at being caught unaware and the audacity of the action itself ... but who else could it have been, if not the one living person who could do with ran haitani as he pleased? there's barely any time between being picked up and being carried away, but there's just enough to take one single look at the faces of the rest of the men at the meeting watching them part without a word.
ran laughs. it echoes pleasantly all around his chest.
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ㅤㅤㅤ‘ㅤyou know, mr. kidnapper,ㅤ’ㅤㅤhe drawls, index finger slowly sliding down the column of his captor's neck, past the curve of his adam's apple to the dip between his collarbones, suggestively hooking the collar of his black shirt on his nail and dragging it down slightly to reveal the swell of his chest.ㅤㅤ‘ㅤi happen to be married to a very powerful and scary, scary man... are you sure you want to take me? it will not end very well for you~ㅤ’
chuckling, he rests his head against mikey's, eyes slipping closed for a moment. the meeting is not forgotten, but it is neatly tucked away in the back of his mind for later inspection; truly, there was no space for boring things when mikey was around.
ran then bats his eyelashes playfully, leaning down to whisper next to his husband's ear, arms loosely wrapping around his neck. he kisses the space behind his ear, white strands of hair tickling his nose. he laughs again, even though he's trying to keep his voice sultry.
ㅤㅤㅤ‘ㅤbut... now that i'm taking a good look at youㅤ───ㅤyou're not half-bad. maybe i'll show you a good time, hm? oh, but maybe if i'm too good you'll never want to let me go. what to do, what to do?ㅤ’
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