#like yea they are also dating and married and also soul mates
pixiesnooze · 2 years
question for haikyuu fanfic writers specifically hinata or kageyama rare pairs why do y’all refuse to make them best friends ?
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gale-gentlepenguin · 5 years
ML Fic: Soulmate Survey Part 1
(Link to the idea) that made me want to write it instead of working on my OTHER FICS.
(Master post)
“Soulmate Searcher?” Marinette questioned with intrigue and confusion.
“Its an app that just got a global release!” Alya answered. “At first it was only released in America, but it became a huge hit and now it has international servers.”
The designer looked at her friend with even more confusion.
“So why is it so popular? And why did you want me to install it on my phone?” Marinette inquired.
“Its an app that lets you find the special someone who is your significant other. Alya explained. “Its a tried and true compatibility tester.”
Marinette’s intrigue dissipated, in her mind it was just like those cheesy magazine quizzes they put in magazines to see which celebrity  you would marry. Marinette had long outgrown that phase, especially when last time she took one it did not say she would be paired with Adrien but XY! Gross. 
“Oh. Well count me out. Those quizzes are just a load of...”
“No way lady dude.” Nino chimed in. “This thing is legit. It has the highest matchmaking app back in the States and it is like down to a science and stuff.”
Marinette looked at the DJ skeptically.
Alya placed her hand on her shoulder.
“ It is more then just a personality quiz. You put in your name, your age, dating age range, preference, and so on, and then you answer a bunch of questions that allows the app to gage your personality, mentality and emotional impulse. Then after thats done, it will match you with the top 10 people who have the highest compatibility with you in a 50 mile radius. You can see percentage rates and everything. Then you can decide if you want to message any of the people on the list or block them. They can only see your name, photo and the percentage.” Alya detailed.
“So then all a person needs to do is know what your answers are and copy them.”
“An interesting Hypothesis but sadly incorrect.” Max answered from behind the group.
“Sorry to intrude, but I too had my doubts about the app until I learned about how the app’s algorithm worked. All questions given are randomized and answering the questions the exact same way even if someone did get the same questions does not guarantee 100% compatibility. I made several dummy accounts and rigged them in order to make them both have identical questions and answers, but they did not achieve 100% compatibility.” The class egghead began to explain. 
“Having run the test numerous times with numerous accounts, the algorithm matches people with similar beliefs but not identical,  as having too much in common does not mean soul mate, it can be seen as suffocating. I have not yet cracked the theorem of how to get 100%. The highest I have been able to get is 93%.  It is as if it is a perfect formula for compatibility.” Max concluded.
Marinette had to admit her interest was peeked.
“So its a one time questionnaire and then done?” Marinette pressed with more interest.
“Well the first questionnaire takes an hour or two so it has enough data for a base compatibility profile. Then you answer 10 questions every day for 2 weeks to reaffirm any errors it might have made. Thats how the App is so successful. After about 2 weeks, your profile will be established. It was able to cut the margin of error down to 1.9%” Max exclaimed. “Its the pinnacle of mathematical perfection.”
“Thanks dude, couldn't have explained it better... really.” Nino thanked the robot enthusiast.
“Anytime, now I must head off. Markov and I have more tests to run.” Max head out and left the three teens to their own devices.
Marinette thought about it, she really didn't have much to lose trying it out.
“I even got Adrien to install it. He said he will fill it out after fencing.” Alya Whispered.
Marinette realized she had to do it. What if Adrien was on the app and some other girl had a high compatibility with him before she had a chance to try it. What if he fell in love with that mystery girl, got married and then bought a hamster!?
“Okay, I will take the quiz.” Marinette exclaimed with Confidence.
“Atta girl!”
Marinette had gone with Alya back to the Dupain Bakery in order to answer the questions in peace.
In Marinette’s room, Alya was relaxing as she watched the Designer answer the questions as honestly as possible.
“Now Girl, odds are the percentage maybe around the 70% mark, But Knowing you and Adrien, I bet you two will make it into the 80′s.” Alya answered.
Marinette nodded, half listening as she focused on answering.
“Nino and I got an 85%, which was pretty high. Ivan and Myléne only got a 79%. So no worries even if its in the 70′s”
“DONE!” Marinette exclaimed as she fell back. She was mentally exhausted. The questions were surprisingly more in depth then she expected.
She pressed submit and waited. Staring at her phone as it ‘processed her answers’
Alya stood up walking over to the bluish-black haired designer.
The list popped up.
Marinette scrolled through from 10 to 1. No Adrien. She felt herself sigh deeply.
“He isn't on it...” Marinette spoke defeated.
Alya took a look.
“Sorry girl, It might be he hasn't uploaded his profile yet.” Alya tried to encourage her friend who was burying her head in her pillow. 
“You think?”
“He is a busy guy, but also, you need to see who is number one on the list. A certain guitarist you happen to be fond off.” Alya said with a smile.
Marinette pulled her head up and took her phone. Sure enough, it was Luka who was number one on the list. He had an 80% compatibility rating with her, which was at least 20% higher then the guy in second place. Maybe this was a sign that she should move on from Adrien and ask Luka out.
“Maybe I should message Luka, If he believes in this sort of thing.” Marinette spoke with a blush on her face.
Alya nodded.
“Do what you think is right girl, Adrien or not, you deserve a guy that will make you happy.” 
“Thanks Alya, you are the best.” Marinette smiled sweetly at her best friend.
She clicked on the profile. The pop up asked if she would like to message the user Luka Couffaine.
Marinette paused, she was nervous about doing this. It was as if this was her crossroads. Would she go for it?
“DONE!” Adrien exclaimed as he fell back on his bed. He was mentally exhausted as well as physically. He told Alya he would try out the app as soon as he was free from fencing.
“I don't get why you even bothered with those dumb questions.” A grouchy floating cat creature commented.
“Its an in depth Compatibility test Plagg. This could be the best way of finding My lady.”
Plagg looked at the model with skepticism.
“What makes you think that you would be matched up with Ladybug? You don't even know who she is.” 
“We are soulmates, so obviously we will have the highest compatibility.” Adrien answered with confidence as he sat up.
Plagg rolled his eyes.
“You do know just because you were picked to be the cat miraculous wielder doesn't mean your soulmate is ladybug. There have been Ladybug’s and Chat noir’s that haven't gotten together.”
“It isn't because we were chosen together. I can just feel it Plagg. I know we are meant to be. And if for some reason the girl with the highest compatibility with me isn't Ladybug, I will still likely find someone that I can find myself liking. But knowing my Lady, she and I will have a compatibility of 85 maybe even 90%” Adrien answered with a loving sigh. “Oh, its ready.”
Adrien smiles at his phone before looking at the list.
“Oh Kagami is on here. 79% Thats pretty good. But she is only number two? Huh, so then who is number one?” Adrien spoke aloud as he scrolled. As he saw the name that was number one his face turned beet red and and he fell back on the bed.
“Adrien!?” Plagg exclaimed as he flew to the frozen blond. “What happen.... oh no Fucking way.”
Marinette was about to press the button when another pop up appeared.
“List updated?”
Marinette clicked out of Luka’s profile and noticed he was now at second place.
“Luka got moved to second.” Marinette spoke with surprise.
“What? Then whose first?”
Marinette scrolled up. Her eyes went Wide.
“ADRIEN!?!?” Marinette shouted.
Alya smiled.
“I knew it! I told you he would be on your list! And Number one to boot. So what  is the percentage. 82? 85% Like Nino and I?”
“100...” Marinette spoke hardly audible.
Alya couldn't hear.
“How much?”
Marinette turned her phone to Alya.
Alya’s jaw dropped.
“1.... 100%!!!!!!!!!!”
Plagg could not contain his laugher. The blond was still frozen staring at his screen. Adrien had no idea how right he was. His Lady and him were perfect for each other. Plagg was absolutely loving every second of this. 
The black cat managed to calm down.
“Ye Ha HA! Yea Adrien?” Plagg responded between laughing fits.
“Marinette is Ladybug.”
Plagg sobered up quick.
“What... What makes you say that?” Plagg spoke, trying his best and failing at hiding the fact that Adrien was right. Thankfully Adrien was too out of it to notice.
Plagg pauses.
“Ladybug is my soulmate, Marinette scored perfect compatibility with me  on the soulmate app. Even with error included, the chances of that happening are…”
“It’s a silly quiz.” Plagg shouted. Tikki would kill him if Adrien found out at the wrong time. He had to play dumb.
Adrien thought about it, maybe he was overthinking it, plus Alya and Nino scored around 85%. Maybe the system was glitching out? 100% was unheard off according to what he found about the app, even with people who tried it and have been married for decades.
“I guess you are right… Besides, you answer questions each day, the percentages will shift. Maybe the system will correct itself, though I should ask Marinette what her thoughts are about the match up tomorrow. Though... even if it isn't Ladybug... Marinette is a pretty nice person to have good compatibility with.”
Adrien felt himself entertaining the thought of him and Marinette together. It seemed really, really nice. He found himself blushing at the thought. He quickly shook the thought off. He was getting ahead of himself. What if Marinette didn't feel the same way he did? What if Luka saw the compatibility score that Marinette got with him and decided not to date Marinette because of it. Marinette does really like that musician, what if Marinette hates him for ruining her chance at happiness!?
Adrien took a calming breath. He won't say anything, the app still needs to fine tune his profile. he is sure it will correct itself if it needs to within the two weeks, after that, he will look into it.
“I am sure that things will fix themselves.” Adrien said as he turned away from the cat Kwami, though part of him really hoped that the 100% would stay.
If you want part two, please let me know. I love hearing feedback and it feeds my impulsive need to write.
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amazonianbeauty · 5 years
It Happened-Chapter 4: Huh?
Word Count: 2039
You turned around, eyes glued to the floor, you couldn’t will yourself to look Steve in the face. You tried to walk around him, but he stopped you before you could make it out of his reach.
“Y/N, don’t walk away from me. I’m not going to ask you again…are you pregnant?” His eyes were willing you to look at him.
You sighed, you weren’t in the mood to talk about this right now, you just wanted to shut yourself off from the world. “Yea, Steve, I am.”
His head dropped as he ran a hand down his face, like all the stress of the world had fallen on him. “Please tell me the baby isn’t Bucky’s?” His voice falters for a second, “It’s mines, right?”
Your head snapped up, you couldn’t believe he would think you’d hurt him on that kind of level. What kind of person did he think you were? Probably the type that Sharon said you were. Before you could reply, Bucky spoke up.
“For Christ's sake Steve, after all the crap that ditzy ass dame just spewed out of her mouth, that’s what the fuck you want to talk about?”
Steve turned and stared angrily at Bucky, “I wouldn’t have to ask my wife any of this if you would have kept your fucking paws off her.”
“She shouldn’t have been your wife in the first fucking place.” Bucky roared back.
They started to walk towards each other, both men amped up and ready to strike. Wanda, bless the darling, had enough initiative to use her powers to stop them in place before they reached each other.
Sam held his hands out on either side to both men, “Okay, you four…” he briefly eyed the two couples, “…need to have a sit-down and talk to each other, before someone gets hurt any further or worse. Do you need me to mediate?”
“No, I think we all can agree to be civil, for the baby’s sake at least.” Natasha had spoken out of nowhere, she’d been silent the whole time, save for her comment to Sharon.
Your thought to leave still nagged at you, but you knew this talk had to happen or it was never going to. You also had your own questions that you needed answered. You proceeded to walk towards your bedroom, Steve grabbed your hand as you made your way. You snatched it back, being all lovey-dovey was the furthest thing from your mind at the moment.
You sat on the bed, as Steve made his way to the chair nearest you, you watched as Bucky came and took a seat on the couch. Natasha shut the door behind her and went to sit near Bucky, but he pulled her into his lap.
Your eyebrows shot up and you snorted lightly at the gesture. These men and their possessiveness, you thought to yourself.
No one spoke for what felt like an eternity and you were getting antsy. “So, are we just going to sit here brooding, or are we going to actually talk?” you said to no one in particular.
Steve looked at you, “Is the baby mines Y/N?”
“We didn’t make love until after you knocked her up,” Bucky emphasized, contempt laced his voice.
Steve looked at him with a fire lit in his eyes, then back to you. “So, you had sex with him, even though you knew you were pregnant?”
You could hear the anger in his voice, but you had to take your medicine no matter how bitter. “Yes”, was all you could meekly get out.
Steve huffed and cracked his knuckles, “How can you say love me, and do all of this to me, to our child?”
You shook your head, willing yourself not to cry, “Steve I made a mistake, I’m sorry.”
Bucky sighed, “It wasn’t a mistake Y/N, I know you still love me. If you didn’t, you wouldn’t have let it happen.” Your eyes turned to fire at his words, heat coursing through your veins, you charged up toward him.
“Why do you insist on ruining my life, you left me to be with her.” You pointed to Natasha, “What is it, huh, do you hate me that much that you can’t stand the sight of me being happy with someone else?”
Bucky’s face fell at your comment, “You think I hate you, after all of this, after what I told you that night?” He tried to reach for your hand but you stepped back.
Steve spoke up from where he was, “So, why?” Steve walked over to Bucky, stepping in front of you, his body shielding you from Bucky. “Bucky you’re my God damn best friend, why would you do this to me?”
Bucky huffed as his eyes shifted towards the ground, unable to look Steve in the face. “You think it was easy for me to watch you take my gal and marry her?” Steve looked at you from over his shoulder then back at Bucky. “You didn’t even hesitate, did you? Steve, you sit here acting like I betrayed you, but you betrayed me first. I would never date one of your girls.”
“So, because it’s me and not some guy you don’t know, that’s why you did this. You don’t hate me or her, you just don’t want us together?” Steve spoke, trying to get an understanding of what was going through Bucky’s head.
“That’s not fair, to me or Steve. Bucky, you’re making it like we were still together when Steve and I started dating. You let me go, I was free to date who I wanted.” You shifted to Steve’s side, your hand trembling, you slowly grabbed a hold of his hand to show Bucky. You feared Steve would move away from your touch.
Bucky eyes darted to your hands interlocked with Steve’s, then to Steve’s face and finally to yours, staring into your eyes like he was trying to touch your soul. “Once mine, always mine. I thought after you saw everything that happened between Natalia and me, since our finding each other again, that you’d understand that doll.” Steve’s grip tightened on your hand, it isn’t painful, but it's uncomfortable.
“Then, I overhear that she’s carrying your baby, instead of mines, Steve you had to have known that would fuck with me on the inside.”
You looked weirdly at him, you hadn’t told him until after you two had, had sex. Seeing the confused look on your face, he explained. “I heard your conversation with Dr. Cho when I was near the labs the day you found out. I knew I had to do something then, before you told Steve about the baby or I was never going to get my Y/N back.”
Hesitation showed in his demeanor, while Natasha had, had enough. “Just tell them already James, you sound like a villain laying out their master plan, before killing their enemy.”
Your eyes darted to Natasha and back to him, she was being weirdly calm about the whole situation. It irked your whole entire being. Bucky sighed, “Y/N I had planned to ask you to become my…” he looked at Natasha and then back to you. “Our girlfriend.” He gestured to him and Natasha, “I was trying to give you some time to deal with everything and let your feelings settle down, but before I could get the chance to ask you, Steve and you had started dating. I tried to wait until you two fell apart on your own, but then you,” he pointed at Steve “just had to go and marry her.”
You and Steve stood there wide-eyed and temporarily flabbergasted, though you recovered quicker than Steve. “So, hold up, let me get this straight, you thought you’d just ask me to become a threesome with you and your wife, who you cheated on me with and that I’d say yes and pop out however many babies you wanted and that it would all be fine and hunky-dory???”
Natasha came to Bucky’s side and held his hand, she rallied in his defense. “No, he loves you Y/N, we would all be equal partners, an actual polyamorous relationship, not just sex and mating.”
You couldn’t believe what you were hearing and from her of all people. Steve apparently had heard enough. “Natasha, you can’t be seriously condoning this?” Suddenly you remembered your questions from earlier and snatched your hand back from Steve.
“You’re worried about her condoning this, but you have yet to explain why the fuck you were at Sharon’s all week, and discussing fucking Natasha, with her.” You huffed at the end, suddenly winded from getting all that out. You stepped away and turned to face Steve, staring into his eyes. “Did you sleep with her?”
Steve scoffed, “No, God how could you think I’d do something like that to you?”
You walk up to him slowly, “You disappear for a week, without telling a soul where you’re at, turns out you’re staying at your ex’s…”
“She’s NOT my ex!” Steve yells, throwing his hands up in the air in frustration.
Your eyebrows shot up, “Oh, I’m sorry, I mean your “flunky". You roll your eyes, “Turns out you’re at her home this whole time, sharing deep secrets with her like you’re at summer camp.” You began to pace the floor, “Like the fact that you have a past with your best friend’s wife, that you didn’t feel obligated to share with him or me, and let’s not forget the cherry on top of this fucked up sundae-you still want to fuck her.”
“It wasn’t like that Y/N, I was just blowing off some steam.” Steve stepped back and fell into the couch.
You scoffed, crossing the short distance between you two, you looked him dead in the eyes. “Do you want to fuck Natasha?”
He stared at you silently, you didn’t have to search his eyes long to get the answer, his silence didn’t help either. You turned away shaking your head, with a small laugh. Steve was always easy to read, and it seemed to have gotten impossible for him to lie to you at all since you two had gotten married.
You muttered, “Go ahead.”
“What?” was everyone’s response, you’d forgotten that Bucky and Natasha were even in the room.
You turned to face Steve, so he wouldn’t miss hearing you a second time. “I said go ahead, fuck her. I won’t stop you.” Steve looked at you in shock, Bucky sat with his mouth gaped open like a fish and Natasha’s face held her usual look of indifference. Steve tried to speak, but you held up your hand to stop him, you softened your demeanor.
“It’s ok Steve, really, it’s only fair.” You walked up to him and touched the side of his face gently, “It seems like we both were just trying to replace someone we lost, and that isn’t love, Steve. I think we need some time apart, it would help us figure out if that’s all this is, or if our relationship is more than just that.”
Steve stood up, shaking his head in disagreement, “No Y/N, I just found out your pregnant, you can’t just leave.”
“Steve, I’m pregnant, not handicap. I’m not leaving forever, I just need to clear my head, there’s a lot going on that I’m trying to process.” You squeezed his hand to reassure him.
Natasha chimed in, “Y/N my 2 cents may not be worth much here, but being pregnant and alone doesn’t seem like the greatest idea.”
You looked at her with a smirk on your face, “Thanks Nat, but I’ll manage.” You turned to walk past Bucky to get to your room to collect your things. Bucky reached out and held onto your hand. “Doll, please don’t go.”
You snatched away from him. “STOP!” You saw him step back, sadness shown in his blue eyes. You wriggled & twisted your hands in one another, “You’ve done…” You shook your head, “We’ve done enough already.” You continued to your bedroom and locked the door behind you.
Bucky fell into the seat across from Steve, they both sat still, with looks of defeat across their faces, so Nat cleared her throat to get their attention. “So…what now fellas?”
Tags: @iheartsebastianstan
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🌷 do you want a boyfriend or girlfriend?: any but im already taken and im happy where i am
🌷 when did your last hug take place?: i can’t even remember
🌷 are you a jealous person?: yes
🌷 are you tired right now?: yes
🌷 do you chew your straws?: yes
🌷 have you ever been called a tease?: no
🌷have you ever been awake for 48 hours straight?: yes
🌷 do you cry easily?: yes
🌷 what should you be doing right now?: a lot of things but i live to disappoint
🌷 are you a heavy sleeper?: yes
🌷 do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months?: yes
🌷 are you mad at someone right now?: yes
🌷 do you believe in love?: yes
🌷 what makes you laugh no matter what?: it’s hard to explain
🌷 who was the last person you talked to?: i don’t know
🌷 do you get butterflies around the person you like?: yes
🌷 will you get married?: idk but i wish
🌷 you see your ex kissing another person what would you do?: i’ll be happy for her because she’s my best friend and im not gonna hate her just because of the fact that we used to date and now we do not. i don’t even consider her my ex like i said she’s my best friend.
🌷 does anyone like you?: yes
🌷 do you secretly like someone?: no
⭐️ who was the first person you talked to today?: my friend
⭐️ who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything?: my friend
⭐️ what are you NOT looking forward to?: the person i thought was my best friend but hates me now and wants nothing to do with me
⭐what ARE you looking forward to?: my boyfriend
⭐️has someone of the opposite sex ever told you they loved you, and meant it?: yea
⭐️ if you saw your crush/gf/bf kissing another person what would you do?: id stand there and cry and i wouldn’t be able to move no matter what i did.
⭐️ do you plan on moving out within the next year?: no
⭐️ are you a forgiving person?: yes
⭐️ how many TRUE friends do you have?: three
⭐️ do you fall for people easily?: no
⭐️ have you ever fallen for your ex's best friend?: no
⭐️ what was the last thing you put your mouth?: food duh what else👀
⭐️ who was the last person you drove with?: my dad
⭐️ how late did you stay up last night and why?: all night i couldn’t stop thinking about how i always mess things up and everyone knows it
⭐️ if you could move somewhere else, would you?: yes
⭐️ who was the last person you took a picture of?: me
⭐️ can you live a day without TV?: yes
⭐️ when was the last time you were extremely disappointed?: everytime i look in a mirror
⭐️ three names you go by:
-lucy goosey
🌼 are you currently in a relationship?: yes
🌼 what is your all-time favorite romance movie?: not sure I’ll have to answer this one later
🌼 do you believe that everyone has a soul-mate?: yes but i also believe that the people who end up alone also had a soul mate just like everyone else but unfortunately that soul mate died before they got to meet
🌼 what's your current problem?: im losing a bunch of friends
🌼 have you ever had your heart broken?: yes
🌼 your thoughts of long distance relationships?: not for everyone especially impatient people
🌼 how many kids do you want to have?: maybe like three to five i don’t want a hella boring house
🌼 have you ever found it hard to tell someone you like them?: yes absolutely but it was so worth it
🌷 do you want a boyfriend or girlfriend?:
🌷 when did your last hug take place?:
🌷 are you a jealous person?:
🌷 are you tired right now?:
🌷 do you chew your straws?:
🌷 have you ever been called a tease?:
🌷have you ever been awake for 48 hours straight?:
🌷 do you cry easily?:
🌷 what should you be doing right now?:
🌷 are you a heavy sleeper?:
🌷 do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months?:
🌷 are you mad at someone right now?:
🌷 do you believe in love?:
🌷 what makes you laugh no matter what?:
🌷 who was the last person you talked to?:
🌷 do you get butterflies around the person you like?:
🌷 will you get married?:
🌷 you see your ex kissing another person what would you do?:
�� does anyone like you?:
🌷 do you secretly like someone?:
⭐️ who was the first person you talked to today?:
⭐️ who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything?:
⭐️ what are you NOT looking forward to?:
⭐what ARE you looking forward to?:
⭐️has someone of the opposite sex ever told you they loved you, and meant it?:
⭐️ if you saw your crush/gf/bf kissing another person what would you do?:
⭐️ do you plan on moving out within the next year?:
⭐️ are you a forgiving person?:
⭐️ how many TRUE friends do you have?:
⭐️ do you fall for people easily?:
⭐️ have you ever fallen for your ex's best friend?:
⭐️ what was the last thing you put your mouth?:
⭐️ who was the last person you drove with?:
⭐️ how late did you stay up last night and why?:
⭐️ if you could move somewhere else, would you?:
⭐️ who was the last person you took a picture of?:
⭐️ can you live a day without TV?:
⭐️ when was the last time you were extremely disappointed?:
⭐️ three names you go by:
🌼 are you currently in a relationship?:
🌼 what is your all-time favorite romance movie?:
🌼 do you believe that everyone has a soul-mate?:
🌼 what's your current problem?:
🌼 have you ever had your heart broken?:
🌼 your thoughts of long distance relationships?:
🌼 how many kids do you want to have?:
🌼 have you ever found it hard to tell someone you like them?:
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potionsmasters · 6 years
Maya daddy please share your favourite fics (doesn't have to be just Snarry). You shared that Spirk fic long ago and I want more
Ohh baby you’re in for it now ;)
Severus Snape/Harry Potter (Harry Potter)
This Time of Ours by emynn (complete; 35k+)Severus Snape wasn’t supposed to die. Neither was Harry Potter. 
Snape: The Home Fries Nazi by pir8fancier (complete; 27k+)When Harry defeats Voldemort, all those marked by Voldemort lose their magic. Snape decamps to the United States, where he becomes a fry cook in a diner. Five years after Voldemort’s defeat, Harry comes to him for advice.
Rapture by mia_ugly (complete; 48k+)Snape sees the man, for the first time, on his twenty-fifth birthday.
A Nick in Time + the sequel Growing Pains by tiranog  (complete; 52k+ & 120k+)After a strange dream on Christmas night, Harry Potter awakes to find his world strangely altered.
Painted in the Worst Light by asecretchord (complete; 98k+)Severus survived Nagini’s bite and is now on trial before the Wizengamot. Due to a weird loophole in the law books, he has the right to choose any Ministry employee to defend him, and he chooses Auror-trainee, Harry Potter. 
Hints From Severus by cruisedirector, Dementordelta (complete; 27k+)When Rita Skeeter seeks Snape’s help with a household advice column, Snape reads a letter from a correspondent with a familiar problem.
Unregistered by htdcd (complete; 72k+)Harry gets a unique opportunity to get to know Severus Snape. Who knew Snape would turn out to be a cat person?
The Courtship of Harry Potter by dkwilliams (complete; 27k+) Another teacher’s interest in Harry Potter forces a reluctant Snape to compete for the young man affections.
Sam Winchester/Dean Winchester*** (Supernatural) ( i can’t believe i wrote Dead Winchester in the original post what a fkin typo amiright)
Courting Death by theproblematique (complete; 50k+)Sam Winchester lived the first six months of his life in a happy family; the next twelve years as John Winchester’s only son, and the last decade as an orphan. He’s supposed to die at twenty-two trying to save the woman he loves from a fire, because he doesn’t have a brother to pull him back. But the night Sam meets his Reaper he discovers that Death is overly fond of pop-culture references, too beautiful to be real, and reluctant to kill him.(I love this fic more than words can describe tbh)
The Truth in the Lie by flawedamythyst (complete; 62k+)Sam and Dean pretend to be gay lovers while they hunt a monster on a bus tour of Nova Scotia. (I love a good fake dating fic like hell yea bruh)
Fumbling in the Dark: Love Advice For the Romantically Impaired by leonidaslion (complete; 72k+)True Love really is blind…
Harvey Specter/Mike Ross (Suits)
Not the Worst Step-Dad in the History of Everything by Pookaseraph (complete; 15k+)When the son he never knew he had is deposited on his doorstep by Child Protective Services, Harvey does the kindest thing he knows how to do: put Mike Ross on the case. Mike responds by doing what he does best: get emotionally attached to the client.
Wear My Name by LunarFlare14 (complete; 55k+)Harvey has always put on a good show at work. He has put a lot of effort into the smoke and mirrors act, and it had worked to his advantage- until now. Backed into a corner by a law he can’t side-step, he decides Mike is his only way out. They’re getting married, and Mike really has no say in it. (Based off “The Proposal” which is one of my fave romcoms)
Sebastian Michaelis/Ciel Phantomhive (Kuroshitsuji)
Under These City Streets by DisgruntledMinion (complete; 90k+)The city held many secrets: hidden pathways that led to a hole in the wall restaurant boasting the best pizza in town or that the dinky looking building off Hickory Ave. was an upscale club. That creatures of the night existed among humans was not one of them. Ciel only wished he remembered that those same beings kept secrets of their own.(hands down the best vampire!AU I’ve ever read. I’m not kidding) 
Erik Lehnsherr/Charles Xavier (X-Men)
The House Spouse by Butterynutjob (complete; 78k+)Erik Lehnsherr is an out-and-proud gay author, columnist, and television personality (a la Dan Savage). Charles Xavier is a straight widower with two children who hosts a radio show dispensing (somewhat conservative) advice about sex and love to teenagers (a la Drew Pinsky). Their mutual attraction is undeniable, and yet, frustratingly, Charles still denies it. Erik figures with the right opportunity, Charles will act on his feelings, and when the opportunity to ‘bid’ on Charles to be his ‘spouse’ for the week comes up, Erik wins the auction.
Hank Anderson/Connor (Detroit:Become Human)
Sweet Dreams Are Made of This by MorganOfTheFey (complete; 66k+)Connor has a three year seduction plan to make Hank love him back, and it starts with getting the lieutenant into his bed.(hilarious fic, made me laugh so fkin hard, also sweet&kinky)
Autodidact by yohan (complete; 11k+)After installing new sensory upgrades, Connor’s life begins to change.(this fic is short but it makes me feel A Lot)
A Tourist in a Dream by Octobig (wip; 164k+)(there’s a reason everyone is screaming about this fic and that’s because it’s amazing thanks for coming to my TED talk)
Skin Deep by bughnrahk (complete; 53k+)Hank is 53 years old. He’s never had a soul mark, doesn’t have a soul mate. And he’s fine with that. He cheated the system once and it cost him everything he had. Never again.When August 2038 rolls around and the number ‘313 248 317 - 51’ appears on his arm in perfect Cyberlife Sans font, exactly where a soul mark should be, Hank wants nothing to do with it.
eighteen wheels on an uphill climb by blackeyedblonde (wip; 73k+)Hank is going to die. He’s going to die right here in Kentucky, 53 years old, halfway to broke, and tragically sober. Survived only by a nine-year-old St. Bernard and the 31-year-old twink who delivered the fatal blow.(this fic is my current obsession. I’m not kidding. I reread the WHOLE FIC every time a new chapter comes out. this will put me in an early grave)
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squirrelly831 · 5 years
Proposal [Hakyeon, Taekwoon, and Jaehwan]
I apologize now… Jaehwan’s just got so fluffy and I couldn’t help it. 
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Hakyeon was a nervous wreck as he talked to his members on how he could go about proposing to his girlfriend, Sojin. Some of them said to do something breath-taking and worthwhile. Others said something intimate and just the two of them.
Hakyeon decided to go for a mix of the two to surprise her. Or at least that’s what he hoped would happen. However, his nervousness ruined it all. Hakyeon reserved the same restaurant he took Sojin on their first anniversary together. He planned to propose on their fourth anniversary.
Sojin suspected it was going to be a proposal. Hakyeon didn’t make it hard to figure out. He was nervous, played with her ring finger, and was constantly on the phone checking on things. For her, it was obvious what was going on.
When the night arrived, Hakyeon escorted her into the restaurant and the two carried on and celebrated their anniversary. The entire time, Hakyeon would reach into his pocket again and again to check if the ring was there. He planned to propose after the meal and before dessert, but he clammed up. His nerves were relentless and he couldn’t bring himself to propose.
Disappointed, the two turned in to their hotel for the night. Sojin had gone to take a shower as Hakyeon paced the room. He was dressed in one of his light white sweaters as he had already showered. His eyes continued to focus from the ring to the wall. He didn’t want the night to end like this. Not after all the time he planned.
After changing into her pajamas, Sojin walked out of the bathroom with the towel wrapped around her wet hair. “Hey babe, I kind of want so–” Her jaw dropped when she saw Hakyeon kneeling on the ground with fake white flowers from the vase. “What’s going on?”
He flashed her an awkward smile as he held out the flowers, “I love you and I meant to make this more memorable, but I got cold feet.” His eyes lingered on hers and she could see him waver. “We’ve been together for four incredible years and I can’t see myself with anyone as supportive and loving as you. I wish that I could come up with the words that could illustrate how much I care for you. Love is not enough to show you how much you mean to me. I love you more than you could ever know. So Seung Sojin, will you do me the honor of being my wife?”
Sojin sniffled as she wiped the stray tears, “What the heck…” She cried. “I thought you weren’t going to ask me and then you go doing this–and I look like shit.”
Hakyeon stood as he put the flowers on the table and exchanged them for the ring box. “You could never look like shit to me.” He opened the ring box and with his free hand he wiped her cheek. “Will you marry me?” He asked softer than the first time. Another cry left her lips as she frantically nodded in reply. Hakyeon grinned as he took out the ring and slid it on her finger. “Perfect fit.” He kissed the ring and looked down at her.
“I feel like Cinderella” she weakly laughed. “Just a ring instead of a shoe.”
“You’re my Cinderella. You’re the only one who could match with me.” He replied before he took her face in his hands and planted a loving kiss on her lips.  
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Proposing to his girlfriend, Imani, of two years sounded easier than Taekwoon knew it would be. Trying to let himself into her life was hard enough. Imani  was a single mom who was burned by her ex and when Taekwoon entered the picture she wanted nothing to do with men or dating. However, Taekwoon wormed his way near her and her son, David.
David looked up to Taekwoon as a father figure as his real dad wiped his hands clean of David and Imani. Taekwoon loved that David looked up to him and made sure to be a good father figure to him.
Imani  loved watching her two boys in her life get along so well, but the idea of a commitment scared her. Taekwoon had been nothing but loving and patient with her. He stuck around when she lost her confidence as a mother and he helped rebuild her. He was there when she overwhelmed herself to the point she broke and he worked with her to lessen the stress. He took an active part to calm her when she blew in anger. Taekwoon had see all her bad sides, but he also been there for all her good sides. Iman couldn’t believe a perfect man like him would stick around with a simple single mom like her.  
When Taekwoon first told his members about his plans to propose to Iman, they were ecstatic and they came up with cute ways to proposal. However, Taekwoon shut them down. He was thankful for the support, but he didn’t want to make the proposal a big deal and he knew Imani  wouldn’t like the idea of being overwhelmed with something like a proposal.
His plan was to propose casually while at Imani’s home. He held David’s sleeping self in his arms as Imani was on the couch scrolling through her Snapchat. “Hey Imani?” She hummed out a reply not looking from her screen. “What do you think about marrying me?” Imani’s phone slipped out of her phones and in her lap as she sat in shock. Taekwoon’s heart sped up when he watched her react. “Of course, if you aren’t rea–”
“I’d like that” Imani cut him off. Taekwoon looked at her as if she spoke a language he didn’t know. She gave him a soft smile. “I’m surprised you’d want to marry someone like me is all…”
“You mean an angel?” Imani laughed as she stood up and approached Taekwoon. He leaned down and pecked her lips. He broke the kiss as not to wake up David, “Let me go put him in bed real fast.”
He walked out of the room and Imani couldn’t help the light laugh that left her lips. She ran her hand through her hair in disbelief. Had she really just said yes to him? Was that his proposal? Or was it a suggestion? Would David take his last name? What if it wasn’t a real proposal? What if he went and did it in public? The questions began to pile in her head.
Taekwoon returned and noticed how overwhelmed Imani looked. Her brow creased as she rubbed her nose, a sign of her frustrations. He approached her and pulled her into his arms. “Relax, okay?” He ran his hand through her hair. He pulled back to slip the engagement ring on her finger. “I won’t try to do something crazy in means of proposing. That’s all you get.” He kissed the ring and looked into her eyes, “This ring is a promise. It’s my promise to you that I won’t rest until you understand how much I love you. “
Imani’s face relaxed as she stared at the ring that glistened in the light. Her eyes blurred as she stared down at the ring before looking up at Taekwoon. “You’re perfect” she whispered as she threw her arms around him.
Taekwoon chuckled as he held her tightly and his head nuzzled on the side of her neck. He wanted to say she was perfect, but he was too wrapped up in the idea of making her his wife and David his son to reply.
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Jaehwan was one of those people that was too spontaneous for his girlfriend, Jasmine, to deal with some days. She thought after two and a half years together, she would be able to crack the code that made Jaehwan… well Jaehwan. Due to her being one of the only people who could handle and love his extra self, the members often voiced how the two should marry. Jasmine was the best thing to happen in Jaehwan’s life. She accepted him full-heartedly.
Jaehwan knew Jasmine was his soul mate. He told her since day one that he could only see himself with her. Of course, at that time, Jasmine only thought he was just being dramatic and trying to get her attention. Not that he failed in that sense.
One day, while heading home from a date with Jaehwan, Jasmine noticed how quiet he got as they approached her apartment. “What’s up with you?” She nudged him with her shoulder not breaking their intertwined hands as she did.
Jaehwan looked at her with nervous eyes. He chewed on his lip before he pulled her to a stop just a few feet from her complex. “You’d say yes to me if I asked you to marry me, yea?” His free hand went up to his head as he played with his hair.
Her head tilted to the side as she gave him a questioning glance, “Of course? We’ve talked about this before?”
He instantly fell to his knees, “Then will you marry me? I’ll feed you–well kind of… you’re a better cook than me, BUT—but… I can buy you a puppy– you know if you want a puppy. I know some people. I’ll even give you my voodoo doll so if I hurt you, you can get me back.”
Jasmine couldn’t help but laugh at how panicky he was and she took his hands. “Relax” she pulled him off the ground. “Of course I’ll marry you. I am expecting a puppy now too.”
Jaehwan let out a relieved sigh, “Now, I just need to buy you a ring.”
Her eyebrow rose, “Who proposes to someone without having a ring?”
“Shut up” he blushed. “I was nervous.” She laughed harder as she took him inside her apartment to spend the night together.
Jaehwan’s spontaneous ways showed again a year later. He didn’t like his first proposal and he wanted a do over, so he planned for something more public. Jaehwan already knew Jasmine would say yes as they were already engaged. With the help of the other members, they played and choreographed a dance for the big event.
The day of the proposal was the same day as VIXX’s concert. Jasmine was in the front cheering and fan chanting with the fans around her as she danced to their music. Unexpectedly, a guard approached her and asked her to follow him midway into the concert. Confused, she followed backstage where she was approached by Jaehwan’s makeup artist and stylist. “What’s going on?” The two giggled as they said nothing and ushered her to a dressing room to get her ready.
Jasmine couldn’t believe how good they made her look. She held the sides of the flowing dress and twirled side to side in it, “Wow… I look–”
“Like a princess.” She twirled to see Jaehwan in a suit. He looked over her lovingly and couldn’t help the smile that graced his lips. He approached her and knelt, “Princess Jasmine, if you will please allow me a dance?”
Jasmine gave him a curious look as she placed her hand in his, “I don’t know what you’re planning, but okay.” Jaehwan took her left hand and slipped off her ring. He slipped it in his pocket as he intertwined his fingers with hers and led her out. Jasmine’s eyes widened as she realized he was taking her on stage. She froze as she didn’t understand what was going on.
He gave her a knowing look, “Trust me.” He took her on stage where the other five were dressed in suits as well. He led her to a chair and sat her down. He kissed her hand and earned a loud cheer from the fans before the lights morphed. The screen behind them changed to a beautiful spring day as Jaehwan got into position with the others and Love, La La La played.
As they all danced about, Jaehwan approached her and pulled her from the chair and twirled her. His eyes communicated his unspoken words follow my lead. She had danced on several occasions with Jaehwan, so it wasn’t hard to follow him. Jasmine forgot everything around them. She only heard their, more so Jaehwan’s, lines as he sang. The fans… the other members… their location all blurred from her mind as she danced with the love of her life.
As the song came to an end, Jaehwan spun her once more as Hakyeon handed him a bouquet of roses and lilies. The others used their hands to silence the fans as a spotlight shined on Jaehwan and Jasmine. He handed her the bouquet and a tear slipped down her cheek. “Why are you crying? I haven’t even said anything yet.” He teased. His teasing smile fell as he adjusted his mic in his ear. He gave a more serious look as he looked at Jasmine, “Three and a half years ago when you ran into me and spilled your ice cold coffee on me, I told you that you were my soulmate. You blew it off and focused on the stains rather than the drop dead gorgeous man in front of you.” A laugh sounded from the crowd. “True to my word, you were my soulmate. You are my soul mate. I want to spend the rest of my life with you and only you as my wife.” He got down on his knee and Jasmine cupped her hands and the flower stems to her mouth as she cried harder. “ Jasmine Marie Brayson, I know I asked you this a year ago, but will you marry me.” He pulled out the engagement ring from his pocket.
Jasmine tried to catch her breath as she let out a weak laugh and sniffled, “Yes, I’d love to.” Jaehwan grinned up at her as he slid the ring on her finger and the fans screamed and clapped. He stood and held her close, “I love you” she whispered, though it echoed in the stadium due to his mic.
“I love you more…” He replied and kissed her.
Part II
Credit to gif owners
Written & revamped by Squirrelly831
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🐰✨🐝🍼🎂☕🍭💒🍦🎶🎁🔪💤 ((I don't play around (?) Also sent "🍭" just to be rude 😘))
pixistr said:🎁, 🍭 and 💬? OwO (i hope it's okay if i ask multiple ack)
emyasmina said:💘 Wink
🐰- do you believe in soul mates? 
Nope! I don’t think something like that should be set in stone or determined from the start, but it makes good AUs so I’m not complaining.
✨- which fictional character (book, show, or movie) do you relate to most?
I don’t think I have a character that I can really relate to(?) The closest I can think of rn is Kano, except that I can’t lie to save my life. 
🐝- describe your aesthetic in emojis
🤔🤦🤦‍♀️💩 (aesthetic? I’m an absolute disaster what are you talking about)
🍼- what is your favorite memory? 
The first time I cut my own hair! It was a feminine hairstyle and that was a little :(, but it was my first time and I didn’t dare to change it too much. It didn’t end up horrible and I was super proud of it! Also scared my grandmother with all the hair i swept and put in the trash. (I did try to cut it shorter after that. Ended up with 3 bald spots and everyone talking about it. I was dumb and thought I could cut my hair with scissors only)
Another favourite would be when I was younger, my dad and I would sit on the bed and doodle a bunch of characters and make up stories for hours. We had our own comics and everything in one sketchbook. There’s also a folder with more drawings and idk where it is but I still keep the sketchbook! It’s in a box somewhere and I can’t go through it without cringing at 4 (or 5?) year old me’s artwork but it makes me smile. 
And because I felt nostalgic and went through that sketchbook, you all have to cringe along with me(?) 
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noodle robin what was i thinkin g
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aaand here are some of my dad’s stuff. For some reason we drew a lot of spiderman? There’s also a page of me trying to draw batman’s symbol somewhere but its just scribbles
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wow this one is long im sorry
🎂- if you had 3 wishes, what would they be?
Infinite art supplies, top surgery and enough money 
☕- coffee or tea?
I’m a tea person, don’t like coffee. Except mocha because it’s sweet! I would choose that over tea any day.
🍭- how tall are you?
155cm (rude deta. very rude.)
💒- which show would you want to live in?
Can’t really think of one at the moment, but as a kid I’ve always wanted to live in any show with superpowers so I could fly away and not go to school. Yea. 
🍦- what scented candle is your favorite?
I have no idea. Never used a scented candle in my life. 
🎶- favorite song right now?
The Village and This is home , and literally everything by Lindsey Stirling
💘- 3 ways to win your heart?
Spicy food, a durian buffet and kano(?)
Jk if you’re someone I can talk to about anything you’ve pretty much won me over (wink)
💬- what your last text message says?
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🎁- when is your birthday?
January 13th (can you tell that 13 is my favourite number)
🔪- scariest/creepiest experience?
This might get a bit uncomfortable for some, a small warning just in case.
Once got catcalled while walking home in the dark. It was at an overhead bridge and there was only me and that other person started walking towards me. I ran, but the guy was still staring at me after I got off the bridge. He didn’t follow me and I never saw him again, but not fun. 
OH and another experience, I can’t remember the exact details but someone, let’s say A’s cousin said he wanted to marry me after,,,, one minute of talking over FaceTime. Literally the first few sentences he said to me were “are you married? Can I marry you?” He told me to visit him, otherwise he would come over to my country and find me(?) I don’t think he was serious but it was still super creepy. The next 10 minutes or so was just me telling him I wasn’t interested and trying to get him to stop asking for my number. I wanted to end the call but I also didn’t want to be rude to A, it was really awkward. Weird and uncomfy + dysphoria too :’)
💤- date someone younger, older, or same age as you?
Doesn’t really matter to me
Ask me something! 
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xxkellsvixen19xx · 5 years
Opposites Attract Colson Baker X Reader PT 1
Requested By @ateliefloresdaprimavera
Word Count: 1,838
A/N: Really playing with this concept so a part 2 is coming possibly doing multiple thoughts hmu and let me know guys! Hope you like it 😊
Song Lyrics: Young & Beautiful Lana Del Rey
People say opposites attract, that’s not only true for friends but also lovers. Colson can attest to that, he calls Y/N his lover his soul mate. One man and one woman, polar opposites but always at each other sides, through the good times and the bad.
Colson has been dating you for about 2 years they met at the record release party when his album Bloom came out. Y/N's  aesthetic flies in the face of modern sensibilities and embraces the carefree, the relaxed, and the unusual. With him no denying that he was handsome. His blonde hair, strong jaw and crystal blue eyes that seemed to make every girl melt right under his stare. Not to mention the fact that he always walked around in the latest designer clothes, all perfectly styled. He has the sex appeal of a god the tattoos adding to the bad boy mystique.
When they went public with their relationship surprisingly the fans took it well and have been very supportive. The comments on his IG posts showed so much love it is honestly sweet.
@Mystical Dimples: what a perfect couple @machinegunkelly & @YN
@FloatingHeart: Born to love each other!
@GirlOfNeptune: you two are so in love! Congratulations @machinegunkelly & @YN
Casie and you got along great she absolutely loved and adored you. And the two of you often had a girls day out lunch, shopping, it brought a smile to Colson's face knowing that Casie thought the word of you just like he did. The guys they thought of you like family and they were glad to see him so happy finally "It's about damn time!" Slim cheered out when you both broke the news to them. So many whoops of support, high fives, pats on the back and hugs it sort of felt like an episode of Full House. Y/N of course though may have a sweet quiet demeanor but don't let it fool you she loves smoking with Colson and the guys heck sometimes you could out smoke him like the best of them.
"Daddy are you going to ask Y/N to marry you?" Casie asking watching Colson look down at the elegant 7 carat diamond and gold engagement ring. "Yes special girl I am, I honestly believe we are meant to be together and I want to spend the rest of my life with her." Casie clapped and giggled jumping down off the bed bouncing out of the bedroom. "Daddy and Y/N sitting in a tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g…" Colson couldn't suppress a giggle hearing the phrase echo down the hallway. You were beginning to awaken as you turned to face Colson wrapping and arm around him your other free hand rubbing his bare chest. "My babygirl stirs." He murmured kissing your head. Your eyes opened staring straight into his icy blue ones, it might be first thing in the morning but god he looked sexy. "Morning baby." Colson was going to wait till tonight and pop the big question but he couldn't take it he was to anxious to hold off any longer.
He grabbed your hand in his the ring clasped tightly in his other. "Y/N you have managed to do something I had't thought possible, love again." Placing the delicate engagement ring on your finger he asks "I love you and want to spend the rest of my life with you, Y/N will you marry me?" Smiling you kiss him "Yes" you whispered a few tears of happiness sliding down your cheek. Pulling you tightly to him Colson broke out into a huge smile, "besides I need your sexy ass to keep my wild one in line." Colson couldn't imagine you not in his life, you balanced him out kept him anchored. The sex was absolutely incredible it managed to break out a side of you that drove him wild. There was no doubt in his mind that he had managed to snag the perfect woman and he wouldn't trade that for the world.
The party inside the club was going strong, you, Colson, Slim, Rook and others were in the VIP section. You had this planned in the back of your mind all day, you slipped away undetected by Colson and headed to the stage whispering something to the MC he nodded as he pressed a few buttons as you grabbed a mic.
//I've seen the world, lit it up, as my stage now. Channelling angels in a new age now. Hot summer days, rock and roll and all the way I got to know, your pretty face and electric soul...//
Colson recognized the first few bars of music instantly.
Somehow, as he watched your fingers curl around the mic, he knew you were thinking of him. From how your lips curled into that sly sexy smirk, to the rose of your cheeks, he knew. Colson felt like a voyeur now but found himself loving the buzzing and heavy feeling.
A mind hush took over the once-rowdy crowd as the tune and timbre of your voice matched and melted into the cords perfectly. The ballad poured from you with such emotion and flourish, as though singing in front of a hundred people was the easiest thing in the world for you to do. You clearly didn't need the prompter to know the words, so with your eyes closed you hit every single syllable and carried each note effortlessly. The gentle sway of your hips along with the music was magnetic and memorizing, not only to him but to nearly every other person in the club too.
//Will you still love me when I'm no longer young and beautiful? Will you still love me when I've got nothing but my aching soul? I know you will, I know you will, I know that you will...//
With a final smirk, Y/N ended her song and the crowd burst out into a boisterous ovation. Their whole table stood and cheered loudly, joining with the other patrons in their own enthusiastic applause.
You bowed graciously, grabbed your drink from the barstool next to the mic and exited stage right. You then walked towards their table, towards Colson, with a subtle purpose and a sultry look in your eye.
Your gaze landed on Colson's lean frame, sunk casually into the bend of the booth, his  leather jacket off, his white button down shirt his tattooed chest on full display. You contemplated jumping him right then and there but realized that no one really needed to see that.
Besides, you could keep your hands to yourself for one night, surely...
A drunk fleeting thought dared question how deliciously torturous it would be to spend all night next to him and not touch or kiss him. You imagined how cathartic it would be when you finally allowed yourself the pleasure. It was almost a challenge made silently unto one's self.
'How long could I really go?'
Because, God, he just looked so goddamn sexy. Colson's cool laid-back demeanour added to his enticing aesthetic, and you wondered, idly, how many others  in the club had noticed his effortless allure and charisma.
Pleasantly, his posture straightened as he saw you approach and that wicked side smirk tugged at his knowingly soft lips, making your knees weak.
'I won't last the night.' You thought to yourself.
Your beaming smile was sloppy and your limbs seemed extra loose as you approached, but judging by the empty champagne, shot and highball glasses that scattered the table your swagger was just.
Y/N then slipped into the booth next to Colson, settling in close, really close, a heavy hand falling on to his thigh under the table. She planted a firm kiss to his cheek with a wide grin.
'See? I can't even last 5 seconds...I won't last the night…
As the group chatted loudly about the day's activities, Colson found himself lost within warmth radiating off her, the smell of her perfume and sweet sweat invading his senses. His eyes drifted over her exposed neck, shoulders and ample cleavage. You looked like sin personified in that dress, the fit and cut leaving nothing but filthy desires to cloud his brain as he subtly adjusted himself in his seat.
You were amazing up there, by the way." Colson said.
You spin around to face him fully, the thin strap of your dress shifting down your shoulder with the movement, "Thanks, baby."
Without thought he reached up to put the fabric back in place, cool fingertips gliding over your warm skin. The action warmed you but you tried your best to recover quickly.
'...Girl... Focus up.'
"You had them hook, line and sinker,"
"I'm just a pretty H/C  up there in hot pink." You said with a flip of your wrist.
"Yea, you are, with the voice of a fucking angel."
A warm blush crept over your cheeks and chest, "Colson..."
"What? I'm serious."
"They reacted the same to Ashleigh,"
"I doubt that."
"And Kali."
"I doubt that even more."
"It's true!"
"Prove it." He challenged.
"What would you have me sing?" You asked sweetly.
Colson smirked, "Literally anything."
His lowered tone had his desired effect and as the words fell off his tongue a visible shiver rolled over you. You smirked back and sipped at your drink again, your eyes on his through thick blonde lashes.
After singing a few favourites including a cover of 'Chandelier ', then a duet with him to 'Bad Things', followed by a ballad rendition of 'Crazy', nearly consecutively, Y/N flopped back into their booth with a heavy sigh.
"Entertaining is hard work!"
"Yet another amazing performance," Colson topped up your water glass as you settled in, "-You wowed the crowd,"
A realization, if anything, it was a green light to engage in some sort of unspoken game of seducing you,
The thought alone drove him wild.
So, he kept up the silent charade, the rouse serving as an effective aphrodisiac, and was also, clearly, convincing.
"I'm not flirting." He offered gently.
"I know. You're just being your polite and charming shelf." You cooed at him.
A small smile pulled at his lips now, "What should I do?" He asked.
Turning to face him more, you smirked again and cocked an eyebrow, "Well, that's not true."
As you spoke the hairs on the back of his neck stood up for the second time that night, "Oh?"
"You could find us an excuse to leave, and take me back home." You said with such a deadpan seriousness that he nearly choked on his beer.
"Bail on our engagement party?"
Y/N nodded, eyes dark and suggestive, "Just let me use the ladies room first,"
Colson didn't need to be told twice and agreed quickly as you slid out of the booth. He then stood just as you came out of the bathroom moments to grab your jacket and small purse.
"Ready?" He asked, sweeping his arm out in front of you and towards the doors.
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teeejboo2 · 6 years
All the "My muse in a relationship ?'s" for Mak!
🤗Are they physically affectionate?  yes. she is sooo lovey.  she loves cuddles and giving little kisses on their cheeks.  🎶Do they have a type? not really?? 😡What are their deal breakers? ignoring her.  she hates it and it makes her insecure, as if she weren’t already.  also like... wanting to cut her ?? ↕️Are they sub, dom or switch?  sub for sure⏰How long do their relationships tend to last? uhm... not long.. she’s dated once so 💍Would they ever get married?  probably🏷️Do they give their partners cute nicknames? yes. 💋Are they more sensual or sexual?  sensual📖What is their favorite outside of the bedroom activity to do with their partner? walks, dancing, she loves amusement parks so that kind of stuff🛏What is their favorite bedroom activity to do with their partner?  beyond sexy time? just playing, play wrestling, watching tv. smoking.💚Are they prone to jealousy?  a little just😘Does their demeanor change when in a relationship?  not rlly👫Do they display affection in public? What about in private?  yes. just like hand holding and stuff.  YES>💕Are they open to threesomes or a polyamorous relationship? she’d consider it, but not really💔Do they have a certain type of person they will not enter into a relationship with? well.. anyone who is similar to Heath. 💝How long until they feel secure and comfortable in a relationship? she’s a very easy going person, so it probably wouldn’t take long.  she is always going to be insecure though.🤐Would they ever confess their feelings first? yes.❌Would they ever cheat on their partner? no, probably not.  it’d depend on her state of mind, but it’d take ALOT.👨‍👩‍👧‍👦Do they want children? yea sometime.  she isn’t interested in more now🐶Are they a cuddler? Very much so🔮Do they believe in soul mates?  yes.⚔️ Are they protective of their partner? for the most part🚀 How far are they willing to go for the person they love? she would do about anything, as long as it didn’t change who she was as a person ❤️ Do they fall in love easily?  no.📺 Do they share information about their relationships freely with friends and family? no♦️Are they concerned with the social status of their partner?  no.💭 Do they tend to sleep better when in bed with their partner?  yes.  
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Answer all the questions
Wow, thats a-lot to wanna know.. But Lucky for you i’m trying to procrastinate atm. So here we gooooo.
Ask Me:
Kill your curiosity 
1. Last kiss- Sometime in December, not sure of an exact date. I don’t kiss, and tell, so thats all the info you get about that.
 2. Last phone call- My sister.
3. Last text message- Also with my sister, just her telling me she hates her new hair.
 4. Last song you listened to- Space Bound, By Eminem 
 5. Last time you cried- Like 3 days ago, but they were actually happy tears. Found out some really cool news.
 6. Dated someone twice- Yes, big mistake.
7. Been cheated on- Literally haven’t been in a relationship where I wasn’t.
 8. Self harmed- Yes, I used to cut stupid bad on my thigh. Also have some burn scars, from putting out cigarettes on myself. Thankfully thats not something i’ve done in years, and i’ve learned better ways to handle stuff like that. 
 9. Lost someone special- I’ve lost a few: My dad, my grandpa, and my childhood best friend.
10. Been depressed- Yea, but it’s a work in progress. I was on the worst medication I could’ve been on, which made it so much worse. Got admitted, now I’m on different meds for PTSD, and mood stabilizers. It’s helped A TON.
 11. Been drunk and threw up- I have been drunk, but rarely throw up.
12. Had sex- No, and don’t really expect that to change. Lol, it was a miracle I did last year..
13. How many people have you had sex with this year? 0 
14, and 16 are missing.. so we’re just gonna continue.
15. Made a new friend- Yes, i’ve made a couple.
17. Laughed until you cried- Yes!
 18. Met someone who changed you- Not this year, not yet.
19. Found out who your true friends were- It’s my sister, thats been every year. She’s the ONLY person I could ever trust.
20. Found out someone was talking about you- No, but it wouldn’t be anything new. I just don’t care what anyone has to say about me. 
26. What did you do for your last Birthday- Cried like a little bitch because my niece was hospitalized, I have never had a good birthday. 
 27. What time did you wake up today- 7am.
29. Name something you CANNOT wait for- To start my new job!
 30. Last time you saw your all of your siblings at the same time- Well since I only have one sister, last night when me, and her went for drinks.
31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life- How other treat me, and get so tired of me so quickly.
32. What are you listening to right now- Crime Junkie!!!! If you haven’t hear their podcast, you’re missing out.
33. When is the last time you had sex? Sometime in December. 
 34. Who’s getting on your nerves right now- Myself.
35. Most visited webpage- Usually Tumblr, but lately i’ve been wildin out on FB.
36. Favorite color- Red 
37. Nicknames- My absolute favorite one is Moll’s, but i’ve also been called hot rod, hot tamale, and fight club.
38. Relationship Status- A joke.
39. Zodiac sign- I’m a Libra, can’t make my mind up for shit.
40. Male or female- Female 
 41. Primary school- Pinson Elementary 
42. Secondary School- Rudd 
43. High school/college- Pinson
44. Eye color- Hazel, they change weird ass colors.
 46. Height- 5′4
47. Do you have a crush on someone- Yeah, and they mf HATE me. So no new, news.
 48. What do you like about yourself- My eyes, and humor. 
 49. Piercings- 3 in each ear, 2 in my nose, belly button, and nipples.  
50. Tattoos- I have a pretty big piece on my right side of my ribs.
51. Righty or lefty- Righty. 
53. First piercing- I don’t remember getting my ear pierced, so belly button.
 54. First best friend- Literally an angel, I miss him more than I can ever really say. He was killed by a drunk driver, and it’s someone I still talk to daily. I literally just talk out loud, so he can hear me... even if I don’t get a response.
 55. First hookup- I’ve never been the type to “hookup”, but my first kiss ever was in a church if that say’s anything about me lol.
56. First Bestfriend- PLW
59. Eating- Nothing
 60. Drinking- A redbull.
 61. I’m about to- Finish this up, and then start sending out emails.
62. Listening to- This was already asked, and still listening to crime junkie. 
 63. Waiting for- Not a damn thing.
64. Want kids? Only way I would want a kid is if i’m 100% financially stable, and also found a good partner to have one with. I don’t want to bring a kid in this world, if both parents won’t be in the kid’s life.
 65. Get married? I honestly think marriage is a whole scam, and don’t even et me started on the bullshit of an engagement ring... However if I found someone that’s my bestfriend, and soul mate I would.
 66. Career- Oof I thought I knew, but now i’m kinda lost.
67. Lips or eyes- Eyes. I’m a sucker for brown eyes, not a fan of blue eyes.
68. Hugs or kisses- Either honestly.
69. Shorter or taller- Same height, or taller.
70. Older or Younger- Preferably older. 
71. Romantic or spontaneous- Romantic.
72. Nice stomach or nice arms- Nice arms.
73. Sensitive or loud- BOTH.
74. Hook-up or relationship- Relationship.
 76. Kissed a stranger- Yes, Halloween party like 4 years ago. That’s the only time i’ve ever really kissed a stranger that I can remember.
 77. Drank hard liquor- Yes, I was bartending before I was 21, so i took full advantage of that, and drank like a fish when I would get off.
78. Lost glasses/contacts- I constantly don’t know where my glasses are.
79. Had sex- Yea, but not with many. I don’t let a lot of people have that part of me.
80. Broken someone’s heart- No, it’s always me to have my heart broken.
 82. Been arrested- Never been arrested, I have however been in the back of a cop car 6 different times.  
 83. Turned someone down- Everyone who has ever tried to shoot their shot. I’m picky, so i’ll wait forever till I find someone who I think is right.
84. Cried when someone died- Well duh.
 85. Fallen for a friend- Yes. 
86. Yourself- Fully, I can get through anything
 87. Miracles- Yes, they just don’t happen for me.
88. Love at first sight- No.
89. Heaven- Ehhh, hard to say. 
90. Santa Clause- Wait, what?
 91. Kiss on the first date- No.
92. Angels- Yes.
93. How would you label yourself? Stupid, besides that I wouldn’t.
 94. Someone You Pray Everyday For- The people i’ve lost, the people I have, and the friends i have. I’m also a hopeless romantic, so I pray for the person I am mean’t to be with. I just want those people to have success, health, and happiness.
95. Did you sing today- I can’t sing, but that doesn’t stop me from singing everyday.
96. Who From All Your Ex’s have You Cared The Most About- I haven’t.
 97. If you could go back in time, how far would you go?- 7 years ago so I could tell him don’t get in the car. 
98. Out Of Everything In The World What Do You Wish For- My own happiness.
99. Are you afraid of falling in love? Im scared of bridges, and falling in love. My two biggest fears in life.
100. Do you like the way you look? I’ve started to, after years of an eating disorder i’ve learned to live with my body. But I hate that it only will ever attract lust, and never anything more. I’ll ever only be liked for my looks, not personality. So in turn, i’ve started to hate my looks again.
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bruceedickinson · 6 years
Do them all if you're as bored as me lol
1. Do you want a boyfriend or girlfriend?Not in the way I did when I was an insecure teenager; I’m actually quite happy being single (even if I do have off days but doesn’t everyone?) but I would never turn down a relationship with someone I liked and who liked me
2. When did your last hug take place?Friday when I got home from Oklahoma
3. Are you a jealous person?I once was, can’t be bothered nowadays
4. Are you tired right now?A little bit
5. Do you chew on your straws?No
6. Have you ever been called a tease?I don’t think I have
7. Have you ever been awake for 48 hours straight?The longest I’ve ever been awake is 34 hours give or take
8. Do you cry easily?Depends
9. What should you be doing right now?Sending Priest videos from Tulsa to my friend
10. Are you a heavy sleeper?Yes
11. Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months?With the right person yes
12. Are you mad at someone right now?Nah
13. Do you believe in love?Yes
14. What makes you laugh no matter what?Dorky ass NWoBHM bands, Always Sunny, Futurama, any iconic vine really
15. Who was the last person you talked to?My boi Nat
16. Do you get butterflies around the person you like?YES
17. Will you get married?I hope to someday
18. When was the last time you smiled?An hour ago I wanna say
19. Does anyone like you?Yep
20. Do you secretly like someone?No
21. Who was the first person you talked to today?Either Danni or Nat, can’t remember
22. Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything?My squad
23. What are you NOT looking forward to?Adulting in general I guess
24. What ARE you looking forward to?Seeing my first headlining Ghost show this weekend
25. Has someone of the opposite sex ever told you they loved you and meant it?Family, yes
26. Suppose you see your ex kissing another person what would you do?I have no exes
27. Do you plan on moving out within the next year?I moved out over a year and a half ago so no need to now
28. Are you a forgiving person?Yes
29. How many TRUE friends do you have?A handful ❤️
30. Do you fall for people easily?Regular people: noBand members who dote on me: yes
31. Have you ever fallen for your ex’s best friend?See answer to #26
32. What’s the last thing you put in your mouth?Orange juice
33. Who was the last person you drove with?My brother
34. How late did you stay up last night and why?Like 2am lmao I crashed for a couple hours when I got home from work, and then I stanned over Saxon all evening and I couldn’t fall asleep until I bought Biff’s autobiography and sent pics from Tulsa to my friend
35. If you could move somewhere else, would you?Sure, why not?
36. Who was the last person you took a picture of?Myself, my friend and Richie Faulkner
37. Can you live a day without TV?I haven’t watched legit TV in like a decade so yea
38. When was the last time you were extremely disappointed?Probably when Jess and I weren’t able to meet any of Priest in Phoenix bc we ran out of time (we did meet David Ellefson tho so it wasn’t a complete loss)
39. Three names you go by…Suzanne, Suzie, Suz (last one is really only used by a couple of my sisters)
40. Are you currently in a relationship?Nope
41. What is your all-time favorite romance movie?Don’t have a clue my guy
42. Do you believe that everyone has a soul-mate?Yes, but I also believe everyone has several people they are compatible with
43. What’s your current problem?Not having any Maiden/Priest/Saxon dates to look forward to
44. Have you ever had your heart broken?Yes, by bands
45. Your thoughts on long distance relationships?They’re just like regular ones tbh, sure both parties might have to put more effort into them but they can be done
46. How many kids do you want to have?Two
47. Have you ever found it hard to tell someone you like them?Yes
Thank you!!
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qtaro-qujo · 7 years
i dare you to do all of them
Your wish is my command buddy pal homeslice breadslice dawg friend
1.Do you want a boyfriend or girlfriend? 
Yes and no?? I’m questioning rn 
2.When did your last hug take place? 
3.Are you a jealous person? 
Yes but I’m working on it 
4.Are you tired right now? 
Hell yea 😎
 5.Do you chew on your straws?
 All the time
 6.Have you ever been called a tease?
 …ye s and I was NOT pleased
7.Have you ever been awake for 48 hours straight? 
8.Do you cry easily?
9.What should you be doing right now? 
Writing an interview and working on my speech 
10.Are you a heavy sleeper? 
Hell yes I have slept for nearly 30 hours in one weekend
11.Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months? 
Yea probably
12.Are you mad at someone right now? 
I really had to think abt this one and I’m not genuinely pissed at anyone, just like…miffed
13.Do you believe in love? 
Yes, but not necessarily in my ability 
14.What makes you laugh no matter what? 
My friends, memes, shitposts, and my own bad decisions 
15.Who was the last person you talked to? My trainer and my roommate
16.Do you get butterflies around the person you like?
17.Will you get married?
 I want to so I hope so 
18.When was the last time you smiled? 
Like 5 min ago 
19.Does anyone like you? 
Yea this guy from my writing class it’s rlly awk
 20.Do you secretly like someone? 
Y es and no??? I’m dying 
21.Who was the first person you talked to today? 
My snap streaks 
22.Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything?
My friend Bry ce (I have told that boy shit I have never told a soul living or dead) 
23.What are you NOT looking forward to? 
Fitness test for hockey 
24.What ARE you looking forward to? 
25.Has someone of the opposite sex ever told you they loved you, and meant it? 
Yea. One was platonic one was romantic 
26.Suppose you see your ex kissing another person what would you do? 
Be happy for him bc hes one of my best friends and I’m glad he found someone?? Also I’m not an asshole??? 
27.Do you plan on moving out within the next year? 
I’m in college does that count 
28.Are you a forgiving person? 
I am very forgiving, but if you abuse my trust multiple times I will not forgive you ever
29.How many TRUE friends do you have? 
Honestly like 2 or 4 it depends on how I feel that day 
30.Do you fall for people easily?
 Absolutely not. See 13, 16, and 20
31.Have you ever fallen for your ex’s best friend? 
No, but I dated for my former best friend’s ex ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (I swear on my life it is not as bad as it sounds you can ask me for the story)
32.What’s the last thing you put in your mouth? 
33.Who was the last person you drove with? 
My friend Jo 
34.How late did you stay up last night and why? 
2 am. I was reading a book 
35.If you could move somewhere else, would you? 
Yea I would probably move to another part of MD 
36.Who was the last person you took a picture of? 
Some guy that superliked me on tinder lmao
37.Can you live a day without TV? 
38.When was the last time you were extremely disappointed? 
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ im always disappointed in myself tbfh 
39.Three names you go by. 
40.Are you currently in a relationship? 
no pe ?
41.What is your all-time favorite romance movie? 
FUCK romance movies
 42.Do you believe that everyone has a soul-mate? 
Ye a I’m dumb and cheesy
43.What’s your current problem? 
Do you want a list?? Or like 
 44.Have you ever had your heart broken?
 Ye p 
45.Your thoughts of long distance relationships?
 I like the idea. I’m very low maintenance so I’m here for it 
46.How many kids do you want to have? 
I want to adopt like 1 or 2 
47.Have you ever found it hard to tell someone you like them? 
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chaosbisexual · 7 years
1-92 mofo
(lov u)
i took off the ones abt sex except for 1 bc i can 
1. Would you have sex with the last person you text messaged?
on tumblr…. it was u babe so take that how u like 
on imessage… no my dude 
2. You talked to an ex today, correct?
4. Is trust a big issue for you?
ehhhhh idk possibly 
5. Did you hang out with the person you like recently?
no but like he’s in my classes?
6. What are you excited for?
yr 10 formal and finished for the year 
7. What happened tonight?
i made fajitas watched youtube and read fic,,, but it’s only 7pm 
8. Do you think it’s disgusting when girls get really wasted?
no do what u want… i just get annoyed when straight girls are suddenly making out with every other girl in sight BC BITCH Y CAN’T THE GAY GIRL GET SOME
9. Is confidence cute?
y e s self love is super hot 
10. What is the last beverage you had?
tea11. How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust?
like one or two? 
12. Do you own a pair of skinny jeans?
13. What are you gonna do Saturday night?
refer to 7 
14. What are you going to spend money on next?
bus fare 
15. Are you going out with the last person you kissed?
what kiss 
16. Do you think you’ll change in the next 3 months?
yes what the hell 
17. Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything?
uhhhhhhhh like leah, the space gals, and my pal steph 
18. The last time you felt broken?
probs yesterday 
20. Are you starting to realize anything?
i can’t study and i hate having feelings for people 
21. Are you in a good mood?
eh im in neutral u made it better tho lmao 
22. Would you ever want to swim with sharks?
yea y not 
23. Are your eyes the same color as your dad’s?
no i am harry potter in which i have my Mother’s eyes
24. What do you want right this second?
more fajitas 
25. What would you say if the person you love/like kissed another girl/boy?
26. Is your current hair color your natural hair color?
yes but i think due to the sun it’s a bit lighter than usual 
27. Would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh?
no omg humour is important
28. What was the last thing that made you laugh?
the vid u sent me 
29. Do you really, truly miss someone right now?
yep my mother 
30. Does everyone deserve a second chance?
i think so but there’s a line between 2 chances and 50 and if you have to give someone more than like 2 extra chances drop them lol 
31. Honestly, do you hate the last boy you were talking to?
no he’s a butt but he’s ok and he helped me make fajitas 
32. Does the person you have feelings for right now, know you do?
look i honestly don’t know but if he doesn’t then H O W 
33. Are you one of those people who never drinks soda?
lmao no i wish 
34. Listening to?
africa by toto, next in the queue is paint by the paper kites
35. Do you ever write in pencil anymore?
yes my last test was in pencil 
36. Do you know where the last person you kissed is?
again w the whole NO ONE HAS KISSED ME THING 
37. Do you believe in love at first sight?
no love is not purely based on appearance lol 
38. Who did you last call?
the guy who i’m doing my psych pres with
39. Who was the last person you danced with?
my pal nat in a stationary shop 
40. Why did you kiss the last person you kissed?
41. When was the last time you ate a cupcake?
props like the last time my history teacher brought them to class
42. Did you hug/kiss one of your parents today?
nope lol 
43. Ever embarrass yourself in front of a crush?
44. Do you tan in the nude?
whats tanning dont know her 
45. If you could, would you take back your last kiss?
46. Did you talk to someone until you fell asleep last night?
nope i wish tho 
47. Who was the last person to call you?
my dad
48. Do you sing in the shower?
hell yea i do 
49. Do you dance in the car?
hell yea i do 
50. Ever used a bow and arrow?
yea twice 
51. Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer?
like 3 weeks ago for a school thing but the angle was gross 
52. Do you think musicals are cheesy?
53. Is Christmas stressful?
ok i can’t be bothered to do the the format like that anymore rip nice structure
54. Ever eat a pierogi?
a wot
55. Favorite type of fruit pie?
apple and blueberry 
56. Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?
vet or journalist, still wanna write to some degree lol 
57. Do you believe in ghosts?
i think there is something beyond what we see but idk 
58. Ever have a Deja-vu feeling?
yes omg sometimes before i travel to somewhere new i dream abt the place and then i get there and im LIKE I HAVENT BEEN HERE BEFORE WHY DO I KNOW IT and it’s bc i dreamt abt it
59. Take a vitamin daily?
60. Wear slippers?
61. Wear a bath robe?
nah dressing gown tho 
62. What do you wear to bed?
t shirt dress or men’s shirt 
63. First concert?
taylor swift im sorry 
64. Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart?
65. Nike or Adidas?
nike but i dont wear either 
66. Cheetos Or Fritos?
67. Peanuts or Sunflower seeds?
peanuts dude
68. Favorite Taylor Swift song?
currently sparks fly or the live back to december 
69. Ever take dance lessons?
70. Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing?
lowkey want to marry a painter or a designer 71. Can you curl your tongue?
yeee boii 72. Ever won a spelling bee?
nahh 73. Have you ever cried because you were so happy?
YE at my sister’s wedding and at the disco last year lmao 
74. What is your favorite book?
hp, trc, or i’ll give you the sun 
75. Do you study better with or without music?
76. Regularly burn incense?
nah got a wax burner
77. Ever been in love?
ppffft i wish 
78. Who would you like to see in concert?
hozier, arctic monkeys, the lumineers, dua lipa, lorde, hippo campus, the weeknd
79. What was the last concert you saw?
taylor swift but i’ve been to like festivals since then? 
80. Hot tea or cold tea?
hot but since summer is a comin 
81. Tea or coffee?
82. Favorite type of cookie?
white choc macadamia 
83. Can you swim well?
i could before i got boobs
84. Can you hold your breath without holding your nose?
85. Are you patient?
86. DJ or band, at a wedding?
baND (mostly bc last time i went to a wedding w band the singer was HOT and she could sing like beyonce) 
87. Ever won a contest?
uhhh i think so?
88. Ever have plastic surgery?
nope lol 
89. Which are better black or green olives?
don’t eat either!
91. Best room for a fireplace?
92. Do you want to get married? 
i think so but also i cannot understand why anyone would want to marry me 
ok i lov u more than i love steve harrington have a good night lad ! this was v long i hope ur happy 
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wambsgansroy · 7 years
1-97 ;^)
i hate that i did this
1. What’s your middle name?
porterfield it’s my moms last name
2. What are you listening to right now?
“the thrill of first love” from falsettos lmao
3. What was the last thing you ate?
a banana
4. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
my mom
5. Do you drink?
not a lot
6. Do you smoke?
7. What is the first thing you noticed in someone?
if they’re friendly
8. What is your hair color?
9. What is your eye color?
10. Do you wear contacts/glasses?
11. Dogs or cats?
both i legitimately can’t choose
12. What’s your favorite animal?
whales !
13. What’s your favorite television show?
breaking bad 
14. What’s your favorite movie?
titanic or love actually
15. What’s your favorite band/singer?
1d :/ also ed sheeran, hayley, fob
16. How old are you?
17. Do you have a crush on anyone?
ye i’m dating them :’)
18. What’s your sexual orientation?
19. What’s your favorite color?
20. What was your most embarrassing moment?
uh last week i tried to order coffee and the guy said “how’s your day” and i heard “what are you studying” and i was like im still in high school skjfhdjkghdfgf thats my most recent one
21. Do you ever wish you were someone else?
do i ever not
22. What were you like when you were a kid?
probably rlly annoying and full of myself
23. What would your dream house be like?
a big apartment in the penthouse of a building in columbus circle with a big window overlooking central park
24. What last made you laugh?
my sister making fun of katy perry 10 minutes ago
25. What is your favorite word?
idk lmao
26. What is your least favorite word?
27. What turns you on?
neck kissing, s*xting, :’)
28. What turns you off?
weird shit like foot fetishes
29. What is your star sign?
30. What are your favorite books?
tana french’s books, harry potter, milk and honey
31. Do you have any siblings?
2 lil sisters !
32. Do you like to dance?
33. What is your definition of cheating?
going behind your s/os back and breaking the trust they have with you
34. Have you ever cheated on someone?
35. Do you regret anything?
36. Do you have any phobias?
37. Ever broken any bones?
38. Ever come close to death?
not rlly
39. What is your religion, if any?
40. Have you ever been to a psychiatrist/therapist?
yep both lmao
41. Are looks important in a relationship?
?? idk it depends on who you are lmao
42. Are you more like your mom or your dad?
my dad definitely lmao
43. What is your favorite season?
spring !
44. Do you have any tattoos?
not yet :/
45. Do you have any piercings?
nose, ears
46. How many boyfriends/girlfriends have you had?
one official gf
47. Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character?
quinn fabray was my lesbian awakening
48. Who is your celebrity crush?
hayley kiyoko and ben platt
49. Are you a virgin?
50. Do you get jealous easily?
yes lmao
51. What is your favorite type of food?
mexican food !
52. Do you ever want to get married?
heck yea
53. Who was your first kiss with?
alexis my gf
54. Have you ever been cheated on?
55. What is your idea of the perfect date?
um honestly my absolute favorite types of dates are when we just go out and we don’t have like a set plan we just kinda find our way i think if you love the person it doesn’t matter what you’re doing bc it’s fun to j be with them
56. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
it depends
57. Do you believe in aliens or life on other planets?
yea also i just saw alien covenant and i’m fucked up lmao
58. What talent do you wish you’d been born with?
one of those ppl who can sing effortlessly
59. What is your saddest memory?
my grandma dying
60. Do you believe in love at first sight?
not exactly but i believe in attraction for sure
61. Do you believe in soul mates?
62. Have you ever dyed your hair?
no lol
63. Has someone ever spread a nasty rumor about you?
dbshjkagfdbkgf yes
64. Would you go against your moral code for money?
it depends on how much and what moral codes
65. What are three things most people don’t know about you?
i have anxiety and take zoloft, i rlly love theater and would like to potentially have a career in it, i lost my virginity in the back of a car :”))
66. Who are you jealous of?
rich people and people who are out of high school
67. Do you sleep with a stuffed toy?
yes a giant pug named pugsley and alexis’s stuffed bunny
68. How long was your longest relationship?
almost 10 months n counting !
69. Is the glass half empty or half full?
half empty and draining
70. What is the sexiest thing someone could ever do for/to you?
literally everything alexis does is so hot kjsahfkjdsgfd
71. Who is your most loyal friend?
idk i have a lot of good friends
72. Are you in a relationship?
73. If you have a boyfriend/girlfriend, what is your favorite thing about him/her?
she always makes me smile no matter what and i feel so safe and comfortable wiht her
74. Are you a bad person?
75. Are you a lover or a fighter?
lover !
76. What did you do on your last birthday?
went to dinner with my family ha
77. What is your favorite quote and why?
umm i dont really have one
78. If your best friend died, what would you do?
honestly that might destroy me
79. If you had to go back in time and change one thing, what would it be?
this dumbass thing i did the summer before high school
80. If you only had 24 hours to live, what would you do?
go visit my gf and cuddle and h*ve s*x with her
81. What is the strangest dream you’ve ever had?
recently i had a dream where i had to be in deh and i kept stopping the show bc i didn’t know the lines and it was bizarre
82. Are you happier single or in a relationship?
in my current relationship
83. Who were you in a past life?
i dont believe in that fam
84. What is your happiest childhood memory?
85. Have you ever experienced unrequited love?
unrequited infatuation for sure
86. Have you ever had an imaginary friend?
87. If you were the president, what would you do?
undo all this dumb shit trump did, affordable health care and college tuition, lax border laws
88. What is your ideal career?
actress but highly unrealistic ik
89. What is your political affiliation?
90. Are you conservative or liberal?
91. Is the male or female body closest to perfection?
i’m into female bodies but i don’t wanna make ppl feel bad about their bodies so neither
92. Do you like kissing in public?
yea man
93. If you could change one thing in the world, what would you change?
stop global warming
94. Where would you like to live?
back in ny
95. Where would you go on your dream vacation?
paris even tho i’ve been
96. Describe yourself in one word.
97. Describe yourself in one sentence.
she’s gay and annoying
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ilvsyzj · 4 years
Chapter Twenty-Five: Researching Yin Yang Dragon and Yin Yang Royal Couple.
Week #3: Day 2, Tuesday, 12/15/2020
      When I woke up the bombing has stopped, and Sky was still in bed with me. I grabbed my phone to see what time it was. It was 10 am. Sky was hugging me so I got out of bed to go to the bathroom. When I came back from the bathroom, Sky was up. 
Sky: Morning. -smiling- 
Jazzy: Morning. -smiling- 
Sky: How are you feeling?
Jazzy: A bit better. 
Sky: It takes time. Also, don’t give yourself so much stress. You are doing very well as Co-Captain. Don’t let Brandy’s personality get to you. She’s always whine and complain when she doesn’t want to do something, or someone is making her do something that she doesn’t like. Just focus the job at hand. If you let people’s personality get to you, you’re going to go crazy and you’re going to quit before you accomplish your mission. -getting out of bed- 
    While Sky was in the bathroom, I fed Toothless and Snow. After feeding the cats, I thought about what Sky said. I was so deep in thought that I didn’t realize that Toothless was on my lap, until Toothless bob me in the nose with his paw. 
Jazzy: Mhm? -looking down at Toothless- 
Toothless: You’re still look stress. 
Jazzy: I am. 
Toothless: -rubbing his head underneath my chin- Believe in yourself. You can do it. 
Jazzy: -smiling- Thanks. 
Toothless: -purring- 
    Toothless continue to purr as I was back into my thoughts. Toothless purring is making me feel very comfortable and safe. Snow was also purring at my feet. When Sky came out of the bathroom, he and I went to the Common Room for breakfast. Since today we didn’t have any training, until I get my promise ring next month. So, everyone got up late to eat breakfast. I sat down and I was about to eat when Brandy popped out of no where and sat next to me. 
Jazzy: Eek! -jumping out of my skin- 
Brandy: Sorry. Didn’t mean to scare you. I just want to tell you that I’m sorry for my attitude yesterday at the training grounds. Please don’t be mad at me. 
Jazzy: -taking a deep breath- It’s fine. I’m just stress. I know that everyone wants to move on. I do my best. 
Brandy: So I’m forgiven?
Jazzy: Mhm. 
Brandy: -screaming in excitement- Thank you! Oh, I was so worry that you won’t forgive me. That I didn’t sleep very well last night. Now, I get to put on a mask and relax. -jumping out of her chair- I’m not going to eat breakfast. I’m on a diet. 
    Then in a blink of eye. Brandy ran up to her room and slam the door. All of us was shaking our heads. I was eating my toasts when Sky handed me a cup of coffee. 
Jazzy: Thanks. 
Sky: You’re welcome. -smiling- 
    After breakfast we cleaned up. Most of my teammates were staying in the Common Room, and I went back to my room with Sky behind me. I went to my desk and turned on my iPad. I was going to find as much information on Yin Yang Dragon and Yin Yang Royal Couple. I already know that I need two Special Pets, a true soul mate, a promise ring, and perform a promise ceremony. I also know that the Yin Yang Royal Couple is very powerful. Also that King Eric is after it. But as I search for more information on Yin Yang Royal Couple and Yin Yang Dragon, I come up empty. I was about to scream out of frustration. But I received an message from the Oracle, “The answer to these questions will come to you very soon. You can’t find any more on this subject. You and Sky have all the things that you need. Just believe in yourself and your partner.” 
Jazzy: Great. What am I suppose to do now?
Sky: Mediate. Then we will spar. 
Jazzy: Deal. 
      I sat on the floor of the our room and began to mediate. During my mediation I start to feel better, and my mind began to become clear. Then strange images began to form in my head, I had no idea what these images were and I was confused. I saw the Yin Yang Dragons Training Grounds, and I saw the Promise Ceremony. These images that I see in my head was cold, wintery scenery, and my teammates were there. I was wearing a simple white dress with a little V-neck. Sky was there, and he was wearing a simple black suit. The Oracle was there saying something that I couldn’t understand. Toothless and Snow was there too. They were standing between Sky and I.  Then there was a flash of bright light blinded everyone for a few seconds and then a Yin Yang Dragon spirit appeared above us. The Yin Yang Dragon spirit said something that I couldn’t understand. But there was a voice that said to me that was loud and clear, “Christmas is the best time of the year for wonderful celebrations.” Then everything went black. I opened my eyes. 
Jazzy: -confused- What the fuck?
Sky: Mhm?
Jazzy: -confused- I saw some kind of vision. It was our Promise Ceremony. It took place from yesterday, and it was during Christmas time. This Christmas. Why?
Sky: Maybe it’s the Goddess way of letting us know that we should complete the first level sooner, rather than later. What else did you see in your vision?
Jazzy: After we completed our Promise Ceremony, the spirit of the Yin Yang Dragon appeared above our heads. Just before everything went dark, I heard voice telling me, “Christmas is the best time of the year for wonderful celebrations.” 
Sky: Then we should do our Promise Ceremony this Christmas. Which is next week. If you want. 
Jazzy: You don’t think we’re moving to fast?
Sky: No. I think we are moving in the right paste. A Promise Ceremony doesn’t mean we’re married. It just mean we will get married in the future. 
Jazzy: -confused- 
Sky: A Promise Ceremony is where we promise to each other that we are going to be there for one another, not to cheat on each other, and when we are ready we will get married. A lot of werewolves go through a Promise Ceremony. Because it’s a test for both partners. If we keep our promise to each other for a year, then that means we are going to be fine in our marriage. If anytime once of us break any promise that we made to each other during our Promise Ceremony, then our marriage isn’t going to work. It also means that there is a divorce in the horizon. 99.9% of Promise Ceremonies work. Only 1% of Promise Ceremonies doesn’t work. That 1% is very rare. 
Jazzy: I see. -still confuse- 
Sky: What else did you see in your vision?
Jazzy: I didn’t feel any pain. Why is that?
Sky: I don’t understand what you’re saying. 
Jazzy: I didn’t get marked. Why?
Sky: A Promise Ceremony doesn’t need a Mating Mark. The rings are the symbol of our promise to each other. We don’t need the Mating Mark. That’s why you didn’t feel any pain. Did you see a mark on me in your vision?
Jazzy: No. I was too busy looking into your eyes to notice anything else. 
Sky: -smiling- 
Jazzy: Ugh! I’m so stress.-burying my face into my hands- 
Sky: -coming over and sitting next to me- Why?
Jazzy: -breathing out- Because I don’t know if I’m making the right choices. My gut is telling me to do one thing, but my heart is telling me to another. Which do I follow?
Sky: It’s a hard decision. But which one is stronger. Your gut feeling or your heart?
Jazzy: To be honest. My gut feeling is stronger. You won’t be mad at me for not marrying right away. 
Sky: Of course not. We haven’t been dating for long. I’m not the type of person who likes to rush into things. I also like to take things slow. There’s nothing wrong with taking things slow. But we shouldn’t take too long, because my mother will start to nag. I’m not kidding. She will nag us if we take too long. She really does want me to take over as King. 
Jazzy: Does your parents have a time stamp on you being King?
Sky: No. But my gut feeling is telling me that my father will step down as King when this war is over. Because every time he comes home from the wars in the past. He ages 10x faster. 
Jazzy: I see. 
Sky: Also, my mother does have a requirement. 
Jazzy: Let me guess. She wants grandchildren. 
Sky: Yea. 
Jazzy: Ugh! How many does she wants me to have?
Sky: Maximum 2. -smiling- 
Jazzy: Liar. 
Sky: I’m being serious. My mother doesn’t want to take care of a soccer team. There’s already a bunch of little ones running around that calls her grandma. Her head is already exploding from those little ones. All my cousins are married. My sister is going to be married soon, and once she gets married she is no longer next in line to the throne. The person after me to take over the throne is my crazy uncle Steven. No body in the whole Mythical Kingdom likes my crazy uncle. If he was to rule everyone is going to riot. 
Jazzy: Why is my life so hard? If we do become the Yin Yang Royal Couple, how do you rule the kingdom?
Sky: I don’t know. But I hope I can decide. If I don’t become King. I can recommend my sister. But its in the future. I have time.
Jazzy: Being a leader or co-leader is hard. -sigh- 
Toothless: It is hard. But have you ever heard of taking it day by day?
Snow: Or take baby steps?
Sky: Mhm. I have. -smiling- 
Jazzy: Thank guys. -smiling- 
     Sky and I went to the gym to train and exercise. 45 minutes later we returned to our room. It was a very good work out and training sessions. I was feeling like my old self again. My mind has become more clear. As Sky was taking a shower and I was drinking water, and doing some stretching exercise I made an decision. When Sky came out of the bathroom I went in to take a shower. 30 minutes later I came out and I was about to tell Sky my decision. 
Jazzy: Is the Promise Ceremony permanent?
Sky: Yes. Unless one of us breaks the rules that the other one set up. 
Jazzy: I can set up any rules?
Sky: Mhm. 
Jazzy: No limits?
Sky: Mhm. 
Jazzy: I see. 
Sky: -confuse- 
Jazzy: -smiling- I’m not going to tell you what I’m up to. But you have a deadline. To be more specific, our deadline is 12/25/2020. Come up with 10 rules that you want me to follow, and I come up with 10 rules that I want you to follow. Also, wear a black suit. 
Sky: Oh. What would you be wearing on 12/25/2020?
Jazzy: A white dress. -smiling- 
Sky: Okay. I can’t see what your rules are and you can’t see what my rules are until 12/25/2020. Right?
Jazzy: Mhm.
Sky: Got it. 
      We both went downstairs for dinner. I told the rest of the team that something is happening on 12/25/2020, and that they are to meet us at the Yin Yang Dragons Training Grounds. In a formal setting. All girls must wear dresses and men are to wear suits. Brandy, got excited and she was about to ask me if Sky and I are finally getting married. I told her no. Brandy was about ask me more questions but I told her it’s not a wedding or a birthday. It is a ceremony and that she’ll know that when the time comes. Brandy tried again but I just gave her a commanding stare, and she immediately shut her mouth and ate her dinner. No one asked any more questions about 12/25/2020. After dinner I went back to my room. Because it has been a long day and I would like to get away from Brandy. People who are perky is bad for me. I don’t like perky people. I find them fake when they are too perky. But I didn’t want to say that to her face because I might hurt her feelings, and Jeff might think I’m being out of line. So I kept my mouth shut and I didn’t say anything rude. I crawl into bed and grabbed my book off my night stand. I was reading a new chapter when Sky came into the room. Sky crawled into bed and scrolled through his phone. 15 minutes later I put my book down, Sky put his phone down and turn off the lights. Sky kissed me good night, and we went to sleep. 
-End of Chapter Twenty-Five- 
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Jesus okay
1. What’s your middle name? Paige
2. What are you listening to right now? Gorgeous-Mansionz
3. What was the last thing you ate? a bagel
4. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? The girl I like 
5. Do you drink? yes
6. Do you smoke? yes
7. What is the first thing you noticed in someone? their eyes 
8. What is your hair color? strawberry blonde
9. What is your eye color? Blue/gray
10. Do you wear contacts/glasses? yep contacts 
11. Dogs or cats? DOGS
12. What’s your favorite animal? penguins 
13. What’s your favorite television show? Ahh IDK there's so many good shows. probably bobs burgers 
14. What’s your favorite movie? Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind 
15. What’s your favorite band/singer? It's always changing but right now either Mansionz or nothing nowhere 
16. How old are you? 17
17. Do you have a crush on anyone? definitely
18. What’s your sexual orientation? GAAAAAYYY
19. What’s your favorite color? blue 
20. What was your most embarrassing moment? One time I was at a lacrosse banquet and I sneezed with food in my mouth in front of everyone 
21. Do you ever wish you were someone else? Yea sometimes but at the same time, i don’t even know who I am anyway so how can I know I’m not wishing for something I already am ya know?
22. What were you like when you were a kid? I never shut the fuck up
23. What would your dream house be like? Honestly, just something small where I can have a dog and a yard
24. What last made you laugh? Myself 
25. What is your favorite word? Solare. It's used to describe a person who brightens a room
26. What is your least favorite word? moist
27. What turns you on? A good sense of humor, manners, being genuine but I also like to be choked ya know???
28. What turns you off? Being rude for no reason, acting better than others, being judgemental
29. What is your star sign? Leo
30. What are your favorite books? The book thief and whiskey words and a shovel
31. Do you have any siblings? 2 brothers 
32. Do you like to dance? Yes but only for the purpose of making people laugh
33. What is your definition of cheating? If you feel the need to hide things from someone or delete messages then that's cheating in my book 
34. Have you ever cheated on someone? No.
35. Do you regret anything? Tons of things 
36. Do you have any phobias? Falling 
37. Ever broken any bones? probably but I don’t like hospitals
38. Ever come close to death? Yes
39. What is your religion, if any? I’d call myself agnostic because I don’t believe in god but no one actually knows so IDK
40. Have you ever been to a psychiatrist/therapist? yep
41. Are looks important in a relationship? I mean I have to be attracted to you but they’re not nearly as important as a pretty personality
42. Are you more like your mom or your dad? Neither
43. What is your favorite season? Fall
44. Do you have any tattoos? Nope
45. Do you have any piercings? Yep 10
46. How many boyfriends/girlfriends have you had? 3 girlfriends 1 boyfriend 
47. Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character? YES
48. Who is your celebrity crush? Margot Robbie 
49. Are you a virgin? Nope
50. Do you get jealous easily? Hahahaha yes.
51. What is your favorite type of food? Pasta 
52. Do you ever want to get married? maybe one day but IDK. well see I guess
53. Who was your first kiss with? My first ex
54. Have you ever been cheated on? Yep
55. What is your idea of the perfect date? Getting food and then looking at the stars and talking but honestly, I’m not picky as long as you can make me laugh
56. Are you an introvert or an extrovert? introvert
57. Do you believe in aliens or life on other planets? Yes definitely
58. What talent do you wish you’d been born with? Being able to sing
59. What is your saddest memory? Ya gotta get to know me to get this one outta me 
60. Do you believe in love at first sight? Nope. You can’t love someone you don’t know 
61. Do you believe in soul mates? Kinda I guess. I think you can have many soul mates and they’re not always in a romantic way
62. Have you ever dyed your hair? nope
63. Has someone ever spread a nasty rumor about you? Yep
64. Would you go against your moral code for money? Lol probably 
65. What are three things most people don’t know about you? If I told you then everyone would know 
66. Who are you jealous of? Ali Krieger cuz she gets to bang Ashlyn Harris 
67. Do you sleep with a stuffed toy? Sometimes 
68. How long was your longest relationship? 2 years 
69. Is the glass half empty or half full? Depends on whether your on top of the world or under it 
70. What is the sexiest thing someone could ever do for/to you? Buy me a puppy
71. Who is your most loyal friend? Shayne
72. Are you in a relationship? Sorta kinda yes 
73. If you have a boyfriend/girlfriend, what is your favorite thing about him/her? The way her eyes have this brightness about them especially when she talks about something she loves 
74. Are you a bad person? Depends on who you ask
75. Are you a lover or a fighter? Both. If you insult someone I love I’ll kick the shit out of you 
76. What did you do on your last birthday? Went to dinner 
77. What is your favorite quote and why? “I can’t go back to yesterday because I was a different person then” It’s just comforting to know that I’m different then i used to be 
78. If your best friend died, what would you do? I’d be going right after we have a pact
79. If you had to go back in time and change one thing, what would it be? I wouldn’t have gone home when she asked me to stay. She might still be alive if I stayed 
80. If you only had 24 hours to live, what would you do? Eat a huge ass meal and disappear into the woods
81. What is the strangest dream you’ve ever had? One time I dreamt that I was sleeping 
82. Are you happier single or in a relationship? Depends on what the relationship is like
83. Who were you in a past life? Homie, I don’t even know who I am in this life 
84. What is your happiest childhood memory? When my parents took me to Niagra Falls 
85. Have you ever experienced unrequited love? Yep
86. Have you ever had an imaginary friend? Yes
87. If you were the president, what would you do? Have a panic attack
88. What is your ideal career? Honestly, just something that I don’t hate and lets me afford a small apartment comfortably
89. What is your political affiliation? I’d say fiscal conservative but social liberal
90. Are you conservative or liberal? Both
91. Is the male or female body closest to perfection? Female 100%
92. Do you like kissing in public? doesn’t bother me 
93. If you could change one thing in the world, what would you change? There's too much to decide 
94. Where would you like to live? I have no idea 
95. Where would you go on your dream vacation? Either Thailand or Brazil
96. Describe yourself in one word. Annoying 
97. Describe yourself in one sentence. “When is this bitch gonna shut up”
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