pixiesnooze · 2 years
question for haikyuu fanfic writers specifically hinata or kageyama rare pairs why do y’all refuse to make them best friends ?
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greynoceur · 1 month
Jealous Hinata Shoyo you're so real to me
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thepersialionheart · 6 days
My first and (probably) only headcanon for haikyuu is that no one can tell if Kageyama and Hinata are dating or not.
This is something which has most likely been said before but I still want to add onto it.
Are they Flirting or fighting? No one knows. There have definitely been fists involved and one time Ennoshita may have hallucinated when he heard Kageyama whisper that he was going to have his way with Hinata once they were alone. Maybe it just meant that they were going to fight more, that Kageyama was furious with Hinata and wanted to give him a piece of his mind, so the team were now all on watch duty until the end of the day, always making sure Hinata and Kageyama were never alone.
At the end of the day, before anyone could say anything, the two bolted out of the door and ran off without more than a quick "bye".
(They ignored the frustrated glares both Kageyama and Hinata gave them during the day. They definitely ignored the suspiciously placed bruises on each of their necks the next day. They must have fought a bit too much.)
A bet has been going round the Volleyball teams about whether or not they are together. A bet which Yachi and Kiyoko started amongst the Karasuno players and then the managers of other teams. Except, the players of their teams caught onto it and it has been going strong, even after Hinata went to Brazil. Especially after the Adlers vs Jackals match where most people decided against it.
(It is suspected that Yachi actually knows whether or not they are dating, but no one has gotten her to crack just yet. From the way she smirks whenever someone asks, no one will anytime soon.)
Oikawa is firmly against it, not because he doesn't believe they could ever be together, but because they are both idiots who don't know anything more than volleyball (and each other). Some agree with him.
Kenma is one of the ones who have put his money (and a lot of it) on them being together. There is too much chemistry between the two idiots that even they couldn't ignore.
There's another bet amongst the ones who bet for them being together. When they got together. Kenma says since the end of first year. He seems to know something the orhers don't know. Bokuto likes to think that they confessed just before Hinata went to Brazil and became long distance star crossed lovers. (Akaashi told him to stop being stupid (and then bet alongside Kenma)).
Surprisingly Tsukki is the one to bet on them being together since after the first training camp.
Yachi stayed out of this one. (She knew. She definitely knew.)
Yet even when Hinata and Kageyama become aware of the bets (actually they have been aware of them for years but they won't mention that just yet) they just shrug their shoulders and tells whoever is asking, "We're partners. Even when we're not on the same team."
Oikawa decided to shift his money to the other side, betting that they got together after the Adlers vs Jackals match.
But it was still unclear.
Even when Kageyama and Hinata moved in together, when people stayed over they thought it was just courtesy that one of them would give up their room and bunk with the other. Even when they touched or fought playfully, the others couldn't tell if that was actual affection or just Kageyama and Hinata being Kageyama and Hinata.
It took winning an olympic gold medal together for the truth to finally come out. After the Japan team won, everyone was on a high. In the heat of the moment, Hinata and Kageyama drew each other in for a bone crushing hug, whispering sweet nothings to each other as tears of joy spilt out of both of their eyes.
Their foreheads touched. Suddenly, it was like the entire court was quiet. It wasn't long before lips met and cheers erupted around them.
In an interview later, the both of them would be asked about their relationship.
"We've always been partners. We just thought it was time the rest of the world knew."
The only problem now was, when asked about when or how they got together, both Kageyama and Hinata would be vague. Perhaps they would mention a detail about how they confessed to each other. Yet, no one could tell when exactly it happened.
What they did let people know was that Oikawa was most definitely wrong about his guess and he could go suck it for thinking they were idiots who would take so long to realise their feelings for each other.
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touchlikethesun · 6 months
how i think different hq couples get engaged
kageyama and hinata are dating and living together for over a decade before they get engaged. there's just always something more pressing going on - usually their pro-volleyball careers - and they're both just so content with how their relationship is, marriage just seems kind of like an unnecessary hassle and a logistical nightmare that neither of them want to deal with. once they reach their 30s though, and they've both settled a bit more into their careers, i can see one of them casually proposing one day - they don't even have rings - because at this point, they both know they are going to spend the rest of their lives together, why not make mrs. hinata happy and make it official. plus, a wedding is an excuse to get together with all their friends again. when they buy their rings, they buy chains at the same time so they can still wear their rings on the court.
tsukishima and yamaguchi get engaged a lot earlier than kghn, i think they get engaged a year after they both graduate from undergrad. tsukki bought yams' engagement ring in their second year at uni after saving up basically since they got together in high school, but he waited to propose until after they lived and worked "in the real world," just in case yamaguchi found someone better or if their relationship changed when they didn't have school as an excuse to see each other all the time (kei eventually admits this to tadashi years down the line and tadashi scolds him - the efficacy being undercut by the kisses he gives kei at the same time - for ever thinking their relationship was so fragile). obviously yamaguchi was over the moon when tsukki proposed, and takes to calling him "his fiance" at every chance he gets. they wait to actually have a wedding until after tsukki has finished his masters, and they've both started working, so that they can actually enjoy the event with as little stress as possible
iwaizumi and oikawa get engaged around their mid-20s as well. i think oikawa is the kind of person that has had their whole life planned out in a scrapbook since they were 10, and he knows exactly when and how he planned to propose to iwa, so when iwaizumi beat him to the punch - an evening complete with a romantic dinner in a jazz cafe that iwa scouted for the occasion, roses, and a walk to the playground where they first met where upon iwa finally got down on one knee - tooru was so shocked and generally overcome with emotion that he burst into tears and forgot to say yes until hours later, when iwaizumi asked him again after many kisses and sweet words. ofc, after the shock has worn off, Oikawa Tooru's Dream Wedding Plans are back on, and iwa lets him take over planning the most elaborate and expensive wedding japan has ever seen
(for my bkak headcanon see this post i made a few days ago lol)
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kimbapisnotsushi · 1 year
okay no see the thing that made me really, really sad about hinata and the thing that made me really, really root for him and love him and want to see him win it all was how, like, people kept DENYING him. and i'm not talking about spectators in the stands going "omg he's so short haha, can he really do anything?" i'm talking about how his own team and how everyone who knew them in some way - as much as i love them - could never really separate him from kageyama. they were the freak quick duo, karasuno's number nine and number ten. they were amazing! so brilliant, the two of them. and hinata thought it was a way out, at first. he thought it was a way over the summit. he thought it was the key to being someone better.
but a key goes both ways, you know. it can lock you up just as much as it can set you free.
and hinata had to be so, so frustrated. everyone was finding ways to move forward except him. everyone expected him to stay stuck. and you could argue that that's not entirely true, sure, that he was always training, always trying to catch up, and they encouraged that. but nobody ever expected him to be more. nobody ever expected him to go beyond what he had with kageyama - they all thought that was enough for hinata. they thought he was fine like that because it worked for the rest of them. they underestimated how much he wanted to be capable. they didn't get how much he wanted to stand on his own two feet.
and that wasn't fair to hinata! it wasn't fair that hinata, who loved to play and loved the game and loved volleyball so so much, was the only one being left behind! he wanted to change that but nobody was trying with him!!! so of course he got impatient!! of course he was reckless!!! of course he was carving his own opportunities!!! there was no way forward otherwise!!! because if we take a minute to think about how training would have gone while kageyama was at tokyo, let's be honest — it probably wouldn't have gone well. nobody else can do with hinata what kageyama could do with him. hinata would have been held back. he would have felt useless. practicing serves and receives was stuff he was already doing constantly before that, and it wasn't teaching him anything. yeah hinata was a little bit selfish and a little bit shameless but being so finally got him somewhere!!
all hinata ever wanted to do was fly, even if it meant straying from the flock to do so
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youwerethedefeated · 2 months
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Kagehina showcased right beside a pair of lovers and a pair of siblings... be it romantic or familial/platonic, you can't deny that they love each other
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atomicpinks · 3 months
kagehina was never the same after their fight in the training camp arc
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Anybody want some Haikyu!! party headcannons?
‘Course you do, here have these *shoves my Headcannons out of my notes app*
For context clues, anytime I say “idiots three” I’m referring to Tanaka, Noya, and Hinata.
• Daichi is just vibing honestly. He dances, he chats with people, he enjoys his punch, he keeps an eye on the idiots three but mostly leaves them alone. He and Suga sometimes have dance battles. He also keeps an eye on Asahi and makes sure he’s okay, and sometimes tag teams with Suga to try and get Asahi out of the corner to come dance. • Speaking of dance battles, sometimes they’re serious, sometimes it’s a competition to see who can goof off worse. They’re a staple of any parties for the Karasuno team, and they all take their responsibilities as judges very seriously. Tanaka and Noya stopped speaking for a day because they disagreed on who won until Coach Ukai yelled at them to get it together.
• Suga is always dancing. Always. He might be talking to someone, but he’s still swaying to the music and bopping his head. And he’s really good at dancing! He divides his time between vibing with the idiots three, hanging out with Daichi, and trying to coax Asahi into joining the fun. • Addition: The first time someone new (first years, other teams they’re hanging out with, etc.) get to see Suga dance they’re usually surprised, and he just gives them the most smug chesire cat smile ever and continues on his merry little way, happily lost in the next song as soon as he turns around.
• Asahi stands in the corner with a drink and talks to people. He hangs with Tsukki a lot, so it’s usually a lot of talking at Tsukki tbh, but sometimes other team memebers will come chat with him. He always tries to hide when Suga and Daichi get that look on their faces and start coming his way, because he does not want to dance. They might get him for one, and then he goes right back to hanging with Tsukki, who thinks it’s funny.
• Noya is alternating between actually dancing, goofing off with Tanaka, and jumping around with Hinata while screaming lyrics at the top of his lungs. • Noya strikes me as someone who would have learned bits and pieces of hip-hop and breakdancing but only pulls his knowledge out at a legit party, so then people forget until the next party.
• Tanaka bothered Kiyoko for a bit and then gave in and went to hang out with Noya and Hinata. He also can dance, but only knows a few moves, so he spends more time goofing off or keeping an eye on Kiyoko. • Really wants a slow (re: breather) song to come on so he can go get Kiyoko to dance with him.
• Ennoshita is also keeping an eye on the idiots three because he’s prepared to step in if he thinks he needs to. He’s for the most part pretty relaxed and just kinda hanging out in the “tall, dark, and introverted” corner with Kageyama and Kiyoko. He’s also keeping tabs on Kinoshita and Narita as they record the party.
• Kinoshita and Narita are just chilling and running around with a phone so they can record their friends. They take breaks in between to kinda bop around for a song or two, and then they go back to recording. They especially like to record the idiots three, who have the tendency to do ridiculous things like attempt the lift from Dirty Dancing. • Narita likes dancing and is happy to just vibe, but recording the party is also fun and it seems more Kinoshita’s speed, so he’s going along with it. • Kinoshita would rather record the party and make fun of Tanaka and Noya than dance, but he can dance, and will as long as Narita dances too so he doesn’t “look stupid alone”
• Kageyama is watching the idiots three and wishing he actually knew how to dance so he could join them because they look like they’re having fun. Instead he settles for being on guard duty with Kiyoko and Ennoshita because he’s too awkward to ask someone to teach him and everybody else just kinda assumes he isn’t interested. • Suga does eventually start teaching him after Kiyoko says something to him, and he apologizes for not stepping in earlier saying if he knew Kageyama wanted to learn he’d have been thrilled to teach him. Kageyama is just happing he’s getting to learn now tbh.
• Hinata is jumping around shouting lyrics, admiring the others’ dancing, or he’s watching Tanaka and Noya do the Dirty Dancing lift. • He can’t dance. Noya’s working on it.
• When Tsukki isn’t acting as DJ, he stands in the corner with a cup of punch and judges everyone. He does not dance other than the occasional subtle head bop. He tends to keep an eye on Yams just to make sure he’s doing alright, and he lets Asahi talk at him, but that’s about it. He snickered every time Daichi and Suga come to drag Asahi out of the corner, until he narrowly dodged Noya’s attempt to do the same to him. Now he’s slightly more sympathetic and only snickers on the inside.
• Yamaguchi is vibing with a drink and talking with Yachi. They kinda dance together (but not together together) off to the side where they won’t be noticed. He’s actually enjoying himself!
• Kiyoko is hanging out with Kageyama and Ennoshita, just standing off to the side by the drink table together. She doesn’t feel comfortable with the idea of dancing in front of the others, so she’s just people watching. It’s nice that Ennoshita and Kageyama aren’t talking, so she doesn’t either. • Kiyoko suspects Kageyama wants to learn to dance and eventually pulls Suga aside and says something to him. • Also she actively avoids Tanaka when slower songs come on by mysteriously disappearing to go refill the punch bowl.
And last but not least!
• Yachi is vibing with Yamaguchi and dancing a little. She’s shy, but so is he, so they’re off to the side somewhere people won’t really notice them. She’s also keeping tabs on both the idiots three and Kiyoko.
Bonus thought: When Tanaka and Noya do the Dirty Dancing lift (they pull it off flawlessly by the way) Daichi is torn between scolding them and running over to try the same thing with Hinata. Suga eggs him on and he gives in and sprints over, much to the chagrin of Ennoshita, who was going to yell at Tanaka and Noya until he saw the look on Daichi’s face. (Daichi and Hinata also pull it off, albeit a little sketchily, after multiple tries and zero help from Noya and Tanaka.)
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marcelineuntitled · 3 months
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i like this one a lot :)))
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frobby · 10 months
Lets all name fanfics that formulatively changed our lives
Ill go first: there's this haikyuu kenhina fanfic where Kenma works at CVS and every time I see a CVS I think 'Kenma work there'
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theheightofdishonor · 7 months
I love reading your kagehina posts!! Sometimes I see stuff like they aren't even friends 😭 and probably drifted apart and partner in sports is different from actual friendship lmao
Thank you!
dfghhjkl yeah i've seen those claims and I firmly believe that anyone who's saying any of that needs to take reading comprehension 101. I've talked about this claim a little bit here but to reiterate, kageyama and hinata's bond- their unique connection, the meaningfulness of it, the way that they support and teach and learn from each other- is one of the core aspects of the series. Like, there were so many instances of people commenting about how special their relationship was that I made a list. This post here I think are also relevant to addressing this. (if you couldn't tell, i talk about this a lot lol. But I don't mind talking about it some more)
Point is, they mean a lot to each other. And yes, haikyuu does make a point of showing how volleyball isn't always a 1 v 1 comparison to irl and how volleyball doesn't have to mean everything to be meaningful but at the same time, that's inapplicable to hinata and kageyama because the other side of that coin is that sometimes, volleyball is everything. It could not possibly be more in your face that Kageyama and Hinata formed an instantaneous connection and became a duo to be feared like overnight because they recognized that the other person is exactly like them- someone who will give everything for volleyball, who will never give up, a person who complements them. and understands them. Kageyama's little backstory moment that changed everything (and fucked me up permanently) is that he's been waiting for (someone like) Hinata his entire life. So what if they're not be hanging out 24/7 outside of volleyball? (which they do hang out outside of matches btw later on in life, kageyama asked hinata to play beach vb with kunimi and kindaichi) They already have a mutual understanding about the importance of volleyball in their lives. Also like, even in the last chapter/panel of haikyuu literally just reiterates that for the two of them, volleyball and each other and intrinsically intertwined elements and that they intend on revolving around each other as partner/rivals for the rest of their lives.
If we're looking only at the anime, that list i linked above is entirely taken from season. Like, the the sheer weight of kageyama "i can spike, toss, etc by myself" tobio saying the words "as long as you're with me, you're invincible" like 1-2 episodes later?? This bullshit where kageyama extracts a promise from hinata to follow him to the top of the world still happens in the anime too. That bit in the first Seijoh match where Kageyama says that Oikawa's going to set to Iwaizumi, not because it's the most logical move but because he trusts him so innately that it's the most natural move to make and then going on to make the exact same set to Hinata in the same match?? The extra animated linger on Kageyama and Hinata's fingers touching as they stop the Miya's quick? Oikawa and Atsumu both saying that Kageyama's "wrapped around Hinata's finger"?
Like come on now, does this look like two people who are going to drift apart? Be for real. They're too obsessed with each other to do that.
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thawthebeez · 5 months
saw someone on hq tiktok finally (FINALLY) agree that hinata and kageyama should be on separate teams post time skip and that it isn't actually as devastating some 'shobio fans' think it is AND THERE ARE STILL PEOPLE IN THE COMMENTS GETTING IT WRONG. "i'm sad that they're on separate teams" if you wanted to tell me that you only see hinata and kageyama as ""Shobio"" as opposed to individuals who happen to have some queer undertones you could have just said that y'know..
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suckishima · 25 days
love when im writing a fic that isn't set in the us and i realize i've written a line/plot point that is probably a very culturally english-speaking country thing and i get to google fun things like 'do they have shotgun in japan'
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monstrsball · 2 years
anyway its important to me that we always talk about and think about how much karasuno loves suga... like wow.
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touchlikethesun · 7 months
he's such a bitch.
i love him.
also yachi is the most adorable person to ever exist she basically just met kags and hinata a couple weeks ago and she's willing to put in this much effort for them...
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merijuana15 · 8 months
so i've been thinking... hinata and kageyama have a similar dynamic to geordi and data, but just like aggressive and stupid instead of chill and smart
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