#like yeah ppl call old women hags
fridakahloblvd · 8 months
the one time I trust an old white woman, I lose an eye…
I mean, sURE, there were some red flags. her potions didn’t work, and she talked with innuendo. her smile was kinda creepy, and she seemed a little too eager to talk to me.
I’m just humoring her at this point because she’s just a frail old woman lmao. I’m a sorcerer, I can tell she’s a little loopy.
but she was harmless! I find her and she’s surrounded by two young men who are threatening her. she had no weapons! they’re calling her a hag! 🙄 I get it, she’s a weird old lady, but that’s not a crime.
and I’m not buying this story about their sister! who’s to say she didn’t run off on her own volition? I know the genre we’re in! we meet so many star crossed lovers in act 1! maybe she didn’t like her home life! maybe her brothers are abusive!! Idk!!
so what was i supposed to do?! i met her first, and she was nice to me! she’s Auntie!! i tell them to leave her alone and they point their swords at me! and at this point I’m like lvl 2 or 3, so we easily kill them.
and it’s mostly just because I find her funny, Idk. I find Volo annoying, but I think Auntie’s great so maybe I’m just dumb. I role played the Volo surgery and save scummed back before that because I KNEW he was a bumbling idiot.
The letter the sister left behind doesn’t help either. I don’t know what to think of this situation, I just hope that the sister is safe and sound wherever she is.
Anyway, I go off. Auntie tells me to meet up with her as thanks, I go and fight the goblins and gnolls. the game tells me that I’m not ready to go after the Gith, so I decide that I’m ready to meet back up with Auntie.
I’m following the quest marker, when I step onto the sunlit wetlands. something happens, like a weird blast that changes the area into a stinky bog. ok. whatever. there’s some sheep and they’re highlighted so I grab Wyll to go talk to them.
but they turn into…gnomes? ok. whatever. there’s an illusion going on and these gnomes are trying to pass off as sheep. so I humor them. I “baa” at them. the only other options are to confront or attack them. I don’t feel like starting shit, so I let them be. maybe it’s a kink or they’re being method? I don’t judge.
so I bound up the stairs in this dispelled illusion bog-turned-wetland and there’s Auntie!
…with a young woman. and she’s forcing homegirl to overeat, telling her that she’s eating for two. and again…I’m not stupid. I clock the weird vibes. that’s Marcy what’s her name. the little sister. And Auntie’s being really cruel to her, threatening Marcy to finish her food.
I’ve read Hansel and Gretel, I know a thing or two about child eating witches. so I say something to Auntie, like “hmm. Marcy. ain’t that the name of the little sister of the two guys I killed for you?” like what’s up with that?
and she just tells me to shut it, that she doesn’t like busybodies. Astarion tells me to leave well enough alone, and not worry about strangers. Wyll and Lae’zel stay silent and just stand behind me with their arms crossed. and I suddenly wish I had brought Gale along because I’m romancing him. and he’s a wizard so he’s gotta have some expertise with all this.
but he’s not here. and then Auntie’s telling me that I gotta give up my eye in exchange for getting the worm out. and I’m just letting shit happen at this point because I wanna see where this leads.
so I say ok. but then she says she’s gotta get her long nails for this job. and I’m like, “huh?”
and she transforms into a big gnomish monster. a hag. and I’m just looking at her not knowing what to think. because just because she’s a hag, doesn’t mean she’s evil! right?
(I’d just listened to NADDPOD’s Twilight Santorum four shot and there was a nice hag there so I might’ve been biased. it’s a really funny and surprisingly heartbreaking story. the ending is so good)
Long story short, she pulls my eye out and then freaks out when she sees the worm. apparently it’s been tampered with. duh. we know. but she’s mad at ME, and says the deals off. and kicks me out.
WHAT. like…how rude. she’s like “oh I COULD do it. but I won’t. you’re not getting your eye back, but here’s a lil gift. piss off” and I just had to laugh! because what??
anyway, I’m tempted to save scum and go back and try to kill her I guess.
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ok so first off. I’m white so anyone who wants to come tell me to Delete This Post or just get angry @ me in my notes or dms I 100% understand and will take any and all criticism bc this is NOT my space to speak.
....I’ve seen a lot of VERY VALID TAKES around tumblr abt the Massive Juggernaut Of Violent Racist Culture that is ao3 and white fandom (esp Old White Fans) at large. I hade some thoughts, from the white side of things.
first off:
I, again, as a white person, dont need to stamp my validation on it, but im stating this loudly up front so that hopefully a few ppl might read further:
I’ve been aware for a long time of phrases like “cancel culture”, “censorship”, “puritanism”, “Fandom Is Free!!!” etc etc etc used by, to be honest, 90% or more of white fans to justify VIOLENTLY RACIST WORK and gaslight, and more often than not threaten, fans of color who speak up. White Women Tears, it’s an old ass trick.
and here’s the However:
The fans who do this, while absolutely racist scum.... had this “argument” handed to them on a silver platter.
by who???
by younger white fans.
because none of these Older White Fan fuckbags or their opinions could have kept the amount of respect, credibility, and loyal puppy-dog followers they have without the new growth of Younger White Fan fuckbags who don’t just go out of their way to equate their NOTP being canon with Actual Racism/ Homphobia/Pedophilia/ ACTUAL HATE CRIMES ON THE LEVEL OF KILLING REAL HUMAN PEOPLE, but ALSO
1) ignoring the role of the CREATORS of bigoted/harmful work and going after fans, who, while absolutely complacent in a fandom by participating in it... did not MAKE it
2) deliberately refuse all attempts by others outside their cults to find common ground
and 3) actively campaign for censorship of huuuuuge swaths of fan content that centers queer themes, kink, or is made by older fans, EXPLICITLY BY EQUATING THIS CONTENT TO ACTUAL PHYSICAL ACTS OF VIOLENCE
....all while having blm banners, ACAB in their bios, rt-ing fundraisers and absolutely not donating to them, donating to joke kickstarters to kill random fans, and not so jokingly calling the cops, fbi and swat teams, and sending death threats, doxxing, attempting (laughable dumb) acts of terror, and arguing for vigilante and STATE BACKED VIOLENCE against those same fans.... who, guess what, are ALSO VERY LIKEY TO BE BIPOC.
I can NOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH. saying “white fans, as a whole, and ESPECIALLY the ao3-supportive community, are active in maintaining a racist community and defend themselves by crying ‘Censorship Puritans & Death Threats Oh My’” is true. but it ignores the growing community of Im-Not-Racist-I-Have-ACAB-In-My-Bio YOUNGER white fans who are more than happy to hand that argument to the “Olds” ready to use by lumping Deeply Set Systemic Racism in with “My Fav Is OOC In This One Fic :(...”
because two groups of white people who claim to hate each other, are actually, consciously or not, working in perfect tandem to prevent any change to fandom’s racial bigotry.
you want to call out the “Olds” for their shit? they all say “Oh LOOK AN ANTI DEATH THREAT CULTIST PURITAN 1984 BIG BROTHER SPOILED BABY!!! ohhhh gonna tell me to Do My Taxes???” and send death threats after u.
want to call out younger whites for Not Exactly Helping? if you’re younger than * insert current Maximum Age Of Being A Good Person here * your post will b co opted by dingbats who argue that the masses of fic killing off bipoc characters in horrific ways is morally and practically the same as a 3 yr age gap between fictional adults...
...and if you’re older it��s “wowwww lmaooo look at this Crusty Old Hag I bet they * do whatever the Bad Thing of the week is * go do ur taaaaxessss arent your 3+ kids hungryyyy while you neglect them to HARASS ME, a MINOR..... oh no mODS HELP HELP IM A POOR WITTLE KID THIS BIG SCAWY ADULT IS ATTACKING MEEEEE”
I am not going to pretend I know how to solve this. All I can say is that anyone saying “well of COURSE The Olds are Racist they support The Bad Ships(tm)”.... shut the fuck up you’re doing the same shit from a different blog theme.
...And, in my opinion??? Outside of some VERY specific scenarios that make themselves VERY obvious, the combination of Shipping and Race into a singular “Fandom Discourse” is an obviously white supremacist idea that equates real human suffering with cartoons having sex. so like. if I have any advice?
Keep Actual Racial Issues out of shipping wars, and keep shipping wars out of Race Based Criticism. YES this also includes the anti/proship BS too. If you consider a ship so tied to race/bigotry/racial caricature that the two cant be mentioned separately? mayyyybe thats not the best ship to use as ammo for P3d0 accusations and death threats agains That One Community You Dont Like.... unless.
you know.
you never cared about BIPOC fans in the first place and just wanted to sound like a Cool And Right Good Person while you sent gore pics to ppl u think Ship Wrong.
...yeeeesh that was a longer rant than I expected to write...
god, remember when Supernatural AND Voltron killed off their single WOC in the final 3 episodes but it was only ever brought up as, like, SuPpOrTiNg EvIdEnCe in the 4+ yrs of fandom outrage over 1-2 gay couples???? but yeah sure “only The Olds (cough-proshipperpedonastykinkyadultwomen-cough) are nasty stinky uglee racists” 🙃🙃🙃
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girlrry · 5 years
Anonymous said: genuinely god help me if i’m 40 and still care about what some 20 year olds say about me on tumblr or twitter
also the fact that i literally don’t care about there being 40yo ppl on here its just the creepy ones
Anonymous said: lmao one of narcissa followers went to your blog and told them your anon age shames older fans in the fandom and said you should do taxes and watch over children and its like that piss on the poor post where like they cant even comprehend what was said on the blog and nobody cares if your 40 and on this site or in the fandom its how you choose to engage in the fandom which most of these older harries spend time in petty drama or caring deeply about a 26 year old sex life which is…yikes
i saw lmao….. embarrassing 
Anonymous said: narcssiatramaine followers are taking bits of your blogs convo and then going to them saying your agesist and saying how you were discussing that women in their 30s need to cater to their husbands and be good housewives like?? are these people okay do they not know how to read
yeah i did not expect them to respond with anything even remotely logical since the only thing they took from my anons is that i’m ageist
Anonymous said: You just said it’s weird that older woman are OBSESSING over someones romantic/sexual life whos way younger than them and all of a sudden everyone acting like they were personally told they are old hags like damn take your insecurities back to school and learn how to read! IF YOU DON’T DO THAT, THEN IT WASN’T MEANT @ YOU
me: old obsessive harries are creepy
i  was only ever referring to the people everyone knows about i literally do not care what age you are as long as you’re respectful and not weird about it
Anonymous said: lmaoooo i cant with these 40 year olds coming into your inbox crying that a blog doesnt like them and also we were discussing gross 40 year old on this site and if you found offensive with that then maybe you just revaluate yourself
i blocked an anon that was camped out in my inbox going on and on about how i am young and stupid bc i called people out. they proceeded to say how they were not offended and they weren’t trying to insult me by calling me young and underdeveloped. like if you’re not bothered then why are you in my inbox??
Anonymous said: all offense to that anon but those older harries that were mentioned everyone knows who they are and most people find them annoying the fact that nobody has to specify them by name and yet everyone still knows who theyre talking about means it aint just one sided or something a blog came up with
right like i was talking about a very specific group of harries on here i wasn’t hating on every single 40 year old ever i don’t have problems with yall its just the people i mentioned specifically but they had to take that and twist it to discredit me calling them out
Anonymous said: dude where all these anons coming from and have they not been reading your messages like who the fuck is talking about 28 year olds on this site like its specifically people in their 40s on this site who are obsessed with harry’s sex life and are underlying homophobes but dont want to admit it
yeah apparently i think everyone here over 20 is old
Anonymous said: im just going to say it im 24 and i hope to god im not on this site past the age of 35 let alone 30 and going to blogs to yell about people in their 40s in a fandom even though aint nobody specifically talking about you just the type of behavior that is exhibited by some blogs
haven’t you heard that i hate anybody slightly older than me and i said they’re not allowed to like harry :-(
Anonymous said: some of these people are stoopid like honest to god. read it thoroughly digest the words then come up with a response not skim it over and pick few words then get mad
they don’t have enough time left in their life to completely read anything and formulate an opinion i guess. they just gotta read like three words, get offended, and send me hate anons
Anonymous said:why is there so much boomer behavior on this blog tonight ,,,, lit rally no one is saying that older woman cannot like younger musicians or whatever we r just saying it’s extremely weird when grown ass women sexualize Harry specifically when he was a teenager and obsess over his dating life. If it was a man doing this to a young female musician u would call it creepy and uncomfortable so why is it different for an older woman? also don’t say we r being ageist and then say we r stupid like girl,,
I KNOW like how are you gonna say you’re taking the high ground and then pull that shit eye-
Anonymous said: Full stop these anons need to go outside or get a hobby, half the asks they’re sending you don’t make any logical sense.
TRULY. like idc if you disagree with me and you want to voice that i think that’s fine but you have to come to me with a logical argument just sending an angry rant followed with an insult about how my brain is underdeveloped is just wasting my time tbh
Anonymous said: for people who are trying to insult you because you’re young and your brain is supposedly is underdeveloped these older harries sure lack reading comprehension
let us say a prayer for them. i guess we all have underdeveloped brains
Anonymous said: At least harry is 26. I’m also in the shawn side of tumblr & the amount of middle aged moms sexualizing him and writing smutty fanfics when he was UNDERAGE was 🤢 but it was always “fine & completely different because they would never actually act on it so it’s okay”. I’m so glad I wasn’t around back then with harry. Caroline was probably their queen
oh ew nasty. and yeah there’s people who still don’t think there was anything wrong with that (and we all know what age group they belong to)
Anonymous said:“You don’t get to 40 and suddenly love balding men” you’re saying this as if attractive men in their 40s don’t exist…
attractive men outside of harry actually do not exist
Anonymous said:some 40 year old is really coming into your inbox and making you feel bad about being young. like maam go to bed so you can take your kids to school tomorrow morning instead of worrying about what people say on tumblr. embarrassing
i don’t care if they have kids i just hope they have self respect this is genuinely embarrassing
Anonymous said:are these people okay like seriously are they okay
they have normally developed brains but apparently not
Anonymous said: Y'all being so rude on anon? Like I can tell op is super tired of your shit. So stop, take a sec and think “am I being a polite and caring person” before you send an ask. It’s significantly more wrong for a 50 year old to share sexual fantasies online about a 26 year old than it is for a 20 year old lmao. But neither are wrong entirely. In either case can we let this go now?
i don’t completely agree but i’m so tired of this subject i wanna Stop
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