#not a whole separate monster/being lmao
fridakahloblvd · 8 months
the one time I trust an old white woman, I lose an eye…
I mean, sURE, there were some red flags. her potions didn’t work, and she talked with innuendo. her smile was kinda creepy, and she seemed a little too eager to talk to me.
I’m just humoring her at this point because she’s just a frail old woman lmao. I’m a sorcerer, I can tell she’s a little loopy.
but she was harmless! I find her and she’s surrounded by two young men who are threatening her. she had no weapons! they’re calling her a hag! 🙄 I get it, she’s a weird old lady, but that’s not a crime.
and I’m not buying this story about their sister! who’s to say she didn’t run off on her own volition? I know the genre we’re in! we meet so many star crossed lovers in act 1! maybe she didn’t like her home life! maybe her brothers are abusive!! Idk!!
so what was i supposed to do?! i met her first, and she was nice to me! she’s Auntie!! i tell them to leave her alone and they point their swords at me! and at this point I’m like lvl 2 or 3, so we easily kill them.
and it’s mostly just because I find her funny, Idk. I find Volo annoying, but I think Auntie’s great so maybe I’m just dumb. I role played the Volo surgery and save scummed back before that because I KNEW he was a bumbling idiot.
The letter the sister left behind doesn’t help either. I don’t know what to think of this situation, I just hope that the sister is safe and sound wherever she is.
Anyway, I go off. Auntie tells me to meet up with her as thanks, I go and fight the goblins and gnolls. the game tells me that I’m not ready to go after the Gith, so I decide that I’m ready to meet back up with Auntie.
I’m following the quest marker, when I step onto the sunlit wetlands. something happens, like a weird blast that changes the area into a stinky bog. ok. whatever. there’s some sheep and they’re highlighted so I grab Wyll to go talk to them.
but they turn into…gnomes? ok. whatever. there’s an illusion going on and these gnomes are trying to pass off as sheep. so I humor them. I “baa” at them. the only other options are to confront or attack them. I don’t feel like starting shit, so I let them be. maybe it’s a kink or they’re being method? I don’t judge.
so I bound up the stairs in this dispelled illusion bog-turned-wetland and there’s Auntie!
…with a young woman. and she’s forcing homegirl to overeat, telling her that she’s eating for two. and again…I’m not stupid. I clock the weird vibes. that’s Marcy what’s her name. the little sister. And Auntie’s being really cruel to her, threatening Marcy to finish her food.
I’ve read Hansel and Gretel, I know a thing or two about child eating witches. so I say something to Auntie, like “hmm. Marcy. ain’t that the name of the little sister of the two guys I killed for you?” like what’s up with that?
and she just tells me to shut it, that she doesn’t like busybodies. Astarion tells me to leave well enough alone, and not worry about strangers. Wyll and Lae’zel stay silent and just stand behind me with their arms crossed. and I suddenly wish I had brought Gale along because I’m romancing him. and he’s a wizard so he’s gotta have some expertise with all this.
but he’s not here. and then Auntie’s telling me that I gotta give up my eye in exchange for getting the worm out. and I’m just letting shit happen at this point because I wanna see where this leads.
so I say ok. but then she says she’s gotta get her long nails for this job. and I’m like, “huh?”
and she transforms into a big gnomish monster. a hag. and I’m just looking at her not knowing what to think. because just because she’s a hag, doesn’t mean she’s evil! right?
(I’d just listened to NADDPOD’s Twilight Santorum four shot and there was a nice hag there so I might’ve been biased. it’s a really funny and surprisingly heartbreaking story. the ending is so good)
Long story short, she pulls my eye out and then freaks out when she sees the worm. apparently it’s been tampered with. duh. we know. but she’s mad at ME, and says the deals off. and kicks me out.
WHAT. like…how rude. she’s like “oh I COULD do it. but I won’t. you’re not getting your eye back, but here’s a lil gift. piss off” and I just had to laugh! because what??
anyway, I’m tempted to save scum and go back and try to kill her I guess.
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musical-chick-13 · 11 months
Can somebody please explain to me what the appeal of vampires is.
#I'm genuinely curious#people seem to go absolutely feral over this concept and I want to KNOW I want to UNDERSTAND#and there are some really excellent vampire aus that I love and I want to love them MORE because I want to GET IT™#because all I see are like...societally conventionally attractive people with fangs. who maybe (depending on The Lore™)#can't go out in the sun. and that just...doesn't resonate with me?#like I understand metaphors for 'othering' and the concept of monstrosity but I feel like that gets a little lost if there isn't anything#actually UNPALATABLE about them. like if they just look like what we culturally have idealized in human appearance then how can#they serve as a metaphor for ostracization or being misunderstood?#is it primarily an aesthetic thing? is it a *danger is sexy* thing?#but ordinary humans can be plenty dangerous too (see: 90% of the female characters I'm obsessed with)#so is it in the sense of you can vicariously experience that danger and heightened emotion in a situation that's removed from reality#so it feels less overwhelming when you're watching/reading the piece of fiction???#like I have seen this used effectively as a metaphor for marginalization (undead murder farce) and an exploration of how society#defines a 'monster' (shiki) but that doesn't seem to be the way most people or works engage with this concept#is it just that people like when characters are covered in blood because I DO understand that one lmao#I just feel like vampires have been branded as a Key Aspect of Bisexual/Gay Culture and I feel like I am on a separate plane of existence#because It Is Not Clicking For Me#(tbh I feel like there are a lot of Quintessential Queer Experiences™ that don't apply to me but. that's a whole separate thing.)#ANYWAY would love to hear people's thoughts!#I am cooking up a Meta Post™ about fandom reaction to the concept of monstrosity and I want to gather as much information as possible
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powdermelonkeg · 1 year
so, it’s confirmed that Zelda’s “Time” powers came from Sonia, and her “Light” powers from Rauru, but we know from other games that only the women of the royal family can use the “sealing” power inherited from SkSw Zelda. do you think this means that throughout history, the “Light” powers associated w the sealing are actually separate from the sealing ability? I just remember being really lost after that cutscene, cause even if Rauru somehow was a descendant of Hylia, he wouldn’t be able to use those powers, and the sealing of whatever evil is causing trouble always has a fancy light show with it lmao
So, this is a very complicated question with a very complicated theory to answer it.
We know that Sonia's primary, and, in terms of usablity, only power is Recall.
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However, I do believe she's Hylia's descendant, not Rauru, despite Rauru being the one with the light/sealing power. Evidence on that here.
Being Hylia's descendant would make Sonia's birthright be a whole host of other powers, possibly latent, but more probably something that Sonia's never actually been in the right situation to use. Let's take a look at what Skyward Sword Zelda can do.
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She can seal the Demon King-
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-but only at the expense of her own life force being rendered inert while she does.
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She can bless the Master Sword-
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-but it's already as strong as it can get.
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She has strong connections to time...
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...but we knew that already.
Of these three powers, only one would be relevant to Sonia's skill set. The Master Sword can hardly be doubly-blessed, and the Demon King has yet to show his face.
More importantly, however, Skyward Zel's sealing power works MUCH differently to Wild Zel's.
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Wild Zel's sealing is instantaneous, fueled by emotion, with seemingly no draining effect on her person.
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When fully unleashed, her seal is as total as it is inescapable. It doesn't require her to put herself to sleep until Link can deal the final blow with the Master Sword. The closest thing to Skyward Zel's seal that Wild Zel did was in keeping the Calamity at bay for 100 years while Link slept. During which, it's heavily implied that she was conscious, given that she spoke to Link the instant he woke.
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With Rauru, his sealing ability seems much more similar to our princess's, with only some key differences visually.
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His right hand gathers light around it, and needs to be extended to fully function.
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When the seal first activates, it forms a spherical shape, which is inescapable, albeit on a much smaller scale than Zelda's.
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It's a little hard to see, due to the magnitude of Zelda's power, but it IS a sphere.
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And although this act does cost Rauru his life, it usually doesn't. He's done this before, multiple times, as stated in Messages from an Ancient Era tablet A Pilgrimage of Light:
"The kyng was late y-come this aven, so maked the quene to sharen tales of hir lond, of shirines al grene yglouen. "Of erli daies sinnes Hyrules funding have diverse monstres hir reaume biseged ond assaylled. "Uncesinge in striffe, thei broughte to despeir folkes lyfen. Kyng ond quen ysete thamselue to bringen scurge to ende. "With might of light ond pouere, driven abak ybeen, ond the roial couple made thes shirines to selen him awei. "Thes holi selen ben yclept Shirines of Light. "Gret kyng, grete quen, y thank ye. Ye foughte whan y wer maiden-child, that y kude pes toknouen."
The translation, to the best of my efforts:
"The king was late to come this evening, so made the queen to share tales of her land, of shrines all green glowing. "Of early days since Hyrule's founding have diverse monsters her realm besieged and assailed. "Unceasing in strife, they brought to despair folks' lives. King and queen set themselves to bringing scourge to end. "With might of light and power, driven aback they been, and the royal couple made these shrines to seal him away. "These holy seals been called Shrines of Light. "Great king, great queen, I thank you. You fought when you were maiden-child, that I could peace to know."
Sonia and Rauru went around making the Shrines of Light that we find in present day and receive blessing from:
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So, with the exception of the Demon King, who was so powerful that he could resurrect thousands of years later, Rauru's seal behaved like Zelda's—instant, fueled by emotion, inescapable, projected by the right hand, with no immediate toll on the user.
But what does this mean for Zelda's sealing ability? Despite behaving similarly, it doesn't look similar at all.
Let's look back at what happens when Sonia and Rauru combine their powers.
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Rauru brings his hands together in a triangle shape, possibly invoking the same Triforce motif Zelda gives when she unleashes her power. The Secret Stone, which magnifies his light abilities, glows in a similar shade to Zelda's seal.
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Sonia extends her right hand as her own tear glows. Despite it only amplifying her time power, her hand shows the same color Rauru's light gives off—as well as being in a spherical form.
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Rauru draws in her power (and Zelda's, whose is a combination of both already and therefore adds no new properties) and forms a bright yellow light with a sphere around it.
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It's better seen from this angle, where we can also see what looks like an inverted Triforce in the middle.
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They're nowhere near the level of focus Zelda's Triforce has, but the triangles are definitely there.
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And then it becomes a catastrophic force of power, able to wipe out an entire swarm of Molduga in a single hit.
Zelda's lineage's sealing ability is a culmination of all of this. It's Sonia and Rauru's powers combined, taking Hylia's seal, the Goddess's full power-
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-and attaching that strength to something instantaneous and geared specifically to lock away darkness-
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-by combining the power of time with the power of light.
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Hylia's sealing power isn't Rauru's, but Zelda's is Hylia's AND Rauru's combined.
As a side note, this is also why I think, despite Rauru contributing his power, the magic remains only matrilineal. Hylia's descendants—meaning in this case, Sonia—are the only ones that carry her abilities. Rauru's power attached itself to Sonia's to create Zelda's, but Sonia's abilities—with or without Rauru's boost to them—can only be accessed by her daughters and granddaughters.
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Strong enough to rival any magic in the world in sheer might, this later became known as the Light Force.
TLDR: Hylia's seal = Slow, nonlethal, exhausting toll, powerful, golden lightshow Rauru's seal = Fast, potentially lethal, concentrated, opposes Ganon, spherical lightshow Zelda's seal = Fast, concentrated, opposes Ganon, spherical (from Rauru), nonlethal, powerful, golden (from Hylia); a hybridization of both seals, the best of both worlds
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fumifooms · 8 months
so glad you posted that compilation cus i literally can't stop thinking about chilchuck's succubi... everyone else's have so much to be said about them and are so much less straightforward than just classically sexual, but then chilchuck's Truly goes straight for the jugular. when i saw that one panel i could not stop jawdropping at how explicit they went with that implication like it's actually insane to me. i feel like it says a lot about him, what you said about him enjoying the simple pleasures of life like alcohol and sex, and he's really such... a guy. but if this is the most alluring form to him he really should get that divorce even if he still loves his wife i have to be honest LOL poor thing
YEAH literally it’s insane 💀I feel like due to the tension and action of the scene and the way the page is paneled it’s soo easy to brush over it and focus on other things without our eyes actually processing THAT. I have no clue how they’ll make it in the anime without just making it straight up obscene lmao, a friend joked that the sucking sound effect should be like a straw and I’d die laughing if Trigger does that. Maybe like slurping noodles instead. No clue what they’ll do genuinely.
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I do believe Chilchuck is just Like That™️, but yes I also like to think that it reflects how deeper connections have hurt him in the past so he prefers relationships where he’s just there to do his job or just there to have fun without thinking and not have to worry about betrayal etc etc. He’s not there to think and have emotions he just wants to feel good for a while and be seduced and those things (succubi, sex alcohol etc) sure do that.
I wouldn’t say that this is the line crossed for why he shouldn’t get back with his wife though!! I do get the feeling that he and his wife just aren’t compatible and that they don’t communicate well, and with Chilchuck saying "I don’t know if it’ll go as well as in the stories, but I’ll try" about reaching out to her, and with idealization vs the actual person/thing being a big theme in Dungeon Meshi where we don’t know just how much he loves her or if he loves the ideal/memories of her, I do feel like they should reconcile but not get back together. BUT! I think the whole "most alluring form" thing shouldn’t be treated as the ultimatum that people often treat it as, the succubus chapters really reflect a bunch of themes that are present in the whole series, like ‘irrational instinctive desire vs what you actually want and need’ and such.
Again I’ll be spoiling a future analysis I want to make but… If the characters were to have their full minds in those chapters, what they rationally want most is very different than the succubus they got, something can be alluring but you’d still refuse it, like idk a cigar, hence why the succubi need to freeze their victims by reading their irrational desires so well. Chilchuck has gone 4 years since his separation with his wife still being faithful to her!!! FOUR!!! Had he his capacities he would not be cheating on her no sir. He’s marriage man have some faith. Had they their minds Laios and Marcille would be imagining Falin safe and welcoming instead. It’s much like with the Winged Lion, where the desires it twists the characters into aren’t the one they actually pursue (well, in Laios’ case at least. It emphases on them a ton even when it is a desire they show in everyday life), the monster twists the desires to have the outcome they want, it’s manipulation.
If your point is that the succubi don’t look like his wife though like come onnn you can’t either be asexual or think your partner is the literal prettiest person on Earth supermodel-like level to be with them and truly love them and be devoted come on… If that new blackhaired half-foot woman is her, then we saw with the succubi that he does favor her kind of eye shape, and idk that’s so much more romantic to me than hair color 🥺 Come onn he’s just a lil birthday guy he wants pleasure but he can’t fantasize about his wife bc it’d make him sad come onnn come on don’t hold it against him come onnn… Oh although I do read his "All your succubi are blonde, is your wife too?" "Shut up, don’t bring her up now!!" as guilt, bc he has a hard time thinking of himself as virtuous so I imagine in that moment he’s like "Man maybe this is why she left me… Maybe I really am not a virtuous husband…" and it’s like BUDDY a monster is playing you like a fiddle don’t make yourself feel bad over it 😭😭 I did write a fic around that concept though hehe 👈 But yes just defending my guy’s VIRTUES a bit out there. I do agree his wife had it rough, it must be so lonely and a lil devaluating to be his wife and always waiting on him and he can’t even work up the emotional maturity to voice that he loves you regularly when he is home 💀 Man is NOT a storybook prince charming
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wolvertooth · 1 month
can you plz hate rant about the deadpool & wolverine movie… saw it last week and i didn’t like it all… very refreshing to see that someone shares my opinion lmao
i got u man👍 most of this was in my drafts from after the movie came out, but i just never got around to posting it. i added some other opinions ive had since then, tho theres still a lot ive said over the past month that ive totally forgotten about lol
the intro sequence was fucking HYPE‼️ but then, part way thru the movie, u realize....it doesnt ever hit that same mark again. WHERE TF WAS THE HUGH JACKMAN SONG THEY PROMISED? the trailers showed 95% xmen origins clips. the movie didnt mention it once. no the brothers line doesnt count. false fucking advertising. deadpools sexuality has been confirmed since 2014. and now, 10 years later, its still being reduced to gay jokes. and people still eat it up like its genuine rep.
that guy at the tva who’s whole punchline was that he likes men. why. in 2024. why is that allowed. his whole character was a gay joke. i mean so was deadpool, but this guys whole thing was. That. can i say homophobia? can i say i felt that? is that reasonable? this movie felt like a fundraiser for the future avengers movies to make up for all the recent flops.
i watched this shit twice and yea. i was right. the plot was half assed. once u watch it once, thats it. thats the fun. its all just cameos. the jokes didnt even make me laugh again, since it was majority shock based humor. my second watch thru i was trying not to fall asleep in my chair. the way it lacks plot isnt in the Not Coherent kind of way, but rather 'this couldve been a 40 minute monster of the week episode'....or maybe even a 2 episodes if they wanted to get freaky with it it just felt so separate from the rest of the movies, like it wasnt even a sequel.
literally, the movie begins with them abandoning the previous timeline and wade moving to a new ‘better’ one.....almost like hes moving over to a more sacred timeline.........separate from fox.........which is dumb af cuz the movie couldve been him accepting that whatever happens in ur life u cant go back and change, and u have to make due with the good u already have. the previous movie ended with him having a family, he didnt need a new one. i mean, they did that for logans 'learning moment', why wouldnt that also apply to wade? paradox literally says ‘hey we brought u in cuz the mcu is dying, so u should come over to the sacred timeline’ and then after he changes into his costume THEY CHANGE THE PLOT. THEY THROW THAT OUT. WITHIN MINUTES. now paradox is like ‘actually just your timeline is dying, and i wont elaborate on how that works. and also u dont get to go to the sacred timeline. and i hate you.’ WHY BRING HIM THERE AT ALL THEN IF THATS THE PLOT U CHANGED IT TO? ITS DOESNT MAKE SENSE. even if the plot was that he had to go to the sacred timeline cuz his own was dying, WHY WOULDNT HE BE ABLE TO BRING HIS FRIENDS?
what was the vanessa plot? they never explain why she broke up with him? theres like a tiny flashback where she says hes been distracted ever since he got rejected, rejected from what? clearly not the avengers, since that happens after she leaves him. so wtf was the motive here????? the cameos felt like props. especially the deadpool corps, which i feel like they didnt even skim a wiki article for. they just went off google images. which hurt me. cuz i reallyyyyy like those guys....in the comics, theyre a group of deadpools(consisting of lady deadpool, kidpool, headpool, dogpool, and deadpool), who in their first series save the multiverse from being destroyed(sound familiar?). theyre the GOOD GUYS. why tf would they hear cassandra nova say ‘hey im gonna kill the entire multiverse’ and go ‘alright sure whatever’. why were they in the void to begin with? how’d they get there? isnt the void just for movie continuities anyway? why was cassandra also there? how does the void work? why does the void exist? will someone please explain literally anything in this movie? why not have them come in later to save the fucking day instead??
oh lady deadpool...how they massacred ur character... OH KIDPOOL.....HOW THEY MASSACRED UR CHARACTER...... god speaking of that. cassandra nova had literally so much potential and they watered her down to just Evil Villain. she hasnt done much in the comics, but one the things she did in one them was using her powers for therapy on the xmen(which deadpool also made a cameo in). she sort of does this briefly in that one scene, but it was just so.....basic. bland. why was there no b plot with the rest of the main cast. did they think the audience doesnt watch these movies for them? cuz i sure fucking do. i was waiting for the continuation of colossus and wades epic romance arc. side note, the gay jokes in the previous movies felt even less queerbaity then these ones. this movies queerbaiting was just....sad. marketing queerbaiting. this movie WISHES it couldve been deadpool 2 levels of queerbait(shoutout to the extended sex mimicking scene set to In Your Eyes by Peter Gabriel)
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did anyone catch at the end when deadpool was narrating and when he said ‘friends’ yukio and negasonic teenage warhead were on screen. did anyone see that. they disney gal paled them.
i know wade is supposed to be the Funny Guy but man. thats literally all he was this movie. the other ones has ANGST they had him be HUMAN while this one was like 'logan was mean to me one time ):' bro. what happened. where'd the writers go.
this wolverine was like. the wolverine 2014 wolverine. which is when fox wolverine started to lose character and just become grumpy and mean. hes also like that in Logan 2017, but the reason why this kinda attitude works in that one is bcuz hes old, hes fucked up, hes tired, and every fuck that comes outta his mouth he means it. and yet....still manages to experience other emotions. what a concept. ive read literal satire comics that understood his character more(shoutout to the What The--?! series). it just had me waiting for the 'gotcha! this wolverine is actually 3 dimensional!' but it never fucking got there. it was amusing in the beginning, but by like half way in, i did not give a single fuck about this guy. they tried to give him some emotional moment(like. the only emotional moment in the entire film) but it just...lacked the emotion. just 'heres my sad backstory. are u sad now?' and then they did the SAME THING AGAIN no we get it man u were at the bar instead of with ur friends and u went on a classic wolverine style berserker rage. why should we care tho?
i mean, sure, they could use the excuse of being in the type of depressive state where ur emotions numb out(speaking as a mfer with the came curse), and yea hes not the kinda guy to open up about his emotions unless he really trusts someone(which he would likely distance himself from forming connections with others after that kind of trauma), but with cassandra nova right there there was a missed opportunity for elaborating on that. for digging deep into his brain and telling why this fucked him up so bad. imo, if i were to write it, with everyone he gets close to he puts upon the expectation for himself that hes at fault for anything that happens to them. that he needs to be the savior, even in a friendship. to prove himself to be worth something. especially after a life of being convinced hes a burden by just existing as himself, he needs to have use in order to make up for the fact that hes Logan.
but whos going to save him? isnt he struggling too? whos gonna help you? looking at all the other logans across the multiverse, who is the wolverine? why do you keep falling for the same patterns no matter where you are and who you are? deadpool called sabretooth queen and she/her'd logan within like 5 seconds of eachother. that was pretty good ig
final verdict:
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yknow. i think i get now the way fans reacted the way they did tho.
the other night i was rewatching the movie Hackers with my mom, saying that it was obvious the creators mustve known a lot about hacking in order to do such a good parody of it, out of love for the craft….but my knowledge of hacking is pretty minimal, so i have no actual fucking clue if that assumption is accurate or not. im just going off of a ton of references to hacking. for all i know, real hackers couldve hated this movie.
and thats how the average non comic fan saw this movie. they saw a buncha characters and references and thought ‘damn, they must really love the source material’ without knowing how much of a kick in the face it felt like to watch them get used and butchered like that.
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deedala · 5 months
✨ weekly tag wednesday ✨
thanks for tagging me @heymacy @energievie and @mybrainismelted !! 💖
(disclaimer: there is presently a glitch with tumblr that only allows you to tag 5 people per line in your text posts. to remedy that, you can separate your tags into different lines as i have at the bottom of this post to ensure that everyone that's tagged knows they've been tagged!)
name: deanna
age: noel
your time zone: EST (or apparently EDT currently as its during daylight savings? when it goes from UTC-5 to UTC-4. Time is a construct.)
what do you do for work? i help color other peoples comics
do you have any pets? narp
what first drew you to this fandom? i had tried several times to watch shameless since it started but kept getting turned off by how gross frank was lmao. i really like cameron monaghan though and back in 2022 i was just in a good place (apparently) to finally push through (and skip!!) the gross frank shit and watch the show. i think i watched some of it. and then i went and just watched gallavich scenes on youtube? and then i went BACK and rewatched all of the actual show? over and over again lol. my love of cameron monaghan and shameless's vibe just finally clicked into place amen.
are you a morning person or a night owl? i guess moreso a night person since i suffer desperately from revenge bedtime procrastination. but also at the same time i dont like sleeping in very late either or itll feel like the whole day fucked. but also i wanna sleep for 9 hours.
what are your hobbies? tv and film enjoyer, drawing, reading, video games, being silly
how tall are you? 5'2" or 157cm (please help me reach the things on the top shelf)
if you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live? iceland? ireland? new zealand? ...really into lands ig
favorite color? mint green
favorite book? the masked empire by patrick weekes still holds this spot
favorite movie? the fall, the eagle, love and monsters, princess bride, the mummy, vampire academy
favorite fic? intro to quantum dating, cooperative gameplay, fine art of falling for you, love is a ballfield, none the wiser, two of your earth minutes, the menagerie, apotheosis, ma--*the microphone is forcibly removed from my hands*
favorite musical artist: chappell roan, cake, petey, dove cameron
what is your average screen time so far this week? thats none of my business
what's the first app you open in the morning? discord~
how long have you been on tumblr? 12.5 years
finally (and i know this one is hard) tell me a fun fact about yourself: i dunno if its a *fun* fact but i used to be a licensed cosmetologist. i know how to do all the things i just realized i hate interacting with customers and could not bear to carry on with that a career after about a year of it lol
and now i shall tag some precious nuggets who can play or simply accept this offering of a🫸 face squish 🫷😚 @darlingian @too-schoolforcool @michellemisfit @thepupperino @metalheadmickey @softmick @callivich @vintagelacerosette @squirrel-fund @creepkinginc @whatwouldmickeydo @gallawitchxx @mickeysgaymom @suzy-queued @crossmydna @gardenerian @mmmichyyy @tanktopgallavich @rereadanon @heymrspatel @the-rat-wins @iansw0rld @loftec @palepinkgoat @themarchg1rl @jrooc @thisdivorce @blue-disco-lights @sam-loves-seb @sickness-health-all-that-shit @samantitheos @lee-ow @sleepyfacetoughguy @transmickey @lingy910y @tsuga-of-mars @ardent-fox @purplemagpie @captainjowl @wehangout @mikhailoisbaby 💖💖💖
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yew-yew · 10 months
More Stardew valley au? 👉👈 (Could be art or rambles but I am INSANE about this concept and would love to hear/see more)
sure! here's a little bit, and both art and my verbal nonsense ahahah
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little sorry for the anatomical mistakes, but it was drawn like... in summer and i'm just too lazy to change something now
speaking of art, law collects stones. that says it all. (this is a bit of a self-projection, but i have my whole house in stardew in chests full of beautiful stones-)
now let's move on to the rest, and i hope you don't mind that it would be just a pile of thoughts
• ahem, from what i have is that instead of an archaeologist (i don't remember the names of characters very well, especially from stardew), we have Robin. it's logical, isn't it ahaha? Law, helps in the hospital, because this is the only way and nothing else! the saloon keeps a Makino, and wow, it's probably a place where you can really eat, so i think Sanji works here in the kitchen. and forgive me, i can't help but add stupid foster parents to au, so Zeff is here too. i really liked someone's fan idea that the Penguin is the cook of heart crew, so he probably does something like moonlighting there?
• Franky and Ikkaku (omg this gorgeous woman) both are something like a carpenter and a blacksmith, although i think Franky is more of a blacksmith?? anyway!!! had idea that Shachi was moonlighting for them??? Maybe???
• Usopp works in Pierre's store, and i think this is not only a store mainly garden, but literally a place where you can buy almost everything? it sounded funny, so why not. Usopp sells some of his little things too!! stupid little fireworks i think are also among them? shop literally everything, wonderful
• i removed the fisherman and his shop (i sorry??), as a result, Nami lives somewhere on the beach, she is their personal meteorologist and the most accurate weather guide, no TV forecast will be as accurate as she is!!!
• ASL trio is a personal periodic spontaneous catastrophe of the whole town. in short, Ace is an eternal visitor to the mine (although many of them are like that ... but he is especially ...) who brings stone mining things. And monster stuff? Luffy for some reason became an absolute fisherman, idk why, but I liked it, huh. Sabo helps Robin i think? Also Luffy and Sabo guys who basically bring Robin different collecting things (Ace does not understand they collecting thing : (( ) all three of them bring Robin some artifacts or minerals. Sabo really interested in discussing all this with Robin, as well as books and the history of all sorts of artifacts and so on?? i had idea about Law in this "nerd" club. Ace... is not interested in these "nerd" clubs and just brings them everything he finds in the mine. Luffy brings Robin something that sometimes comes across on a fishing trip (i like the thing with chests in the stardew itself so much)
• there are also Mihawk, Zoro and Perona who live in a winery/vineyards outside the city. Gothic family is my undisputed love
• something about Bepo: i remember that somewhere at the beginning of the game at some point an animal comes to our farm, which we are offered to keep for ourselves. ahah, i can't choose between being a polar bear(lmao, it’s fun) or a samoyed dog, but in any case, i think he's just like in stardew....came and its just....adopted too
separate huge thanks for the help with the ideas of my beautiful lady @liquidsao
and for the help with the organization of my thoughts to this wonderful person @cal-cium-the-nerd
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frostbitebakery · 6 months
I'm so in love with all of your art. My favorites have to be Codywan, Cody and Obi-Wan separately, and your cursed series art.
May I ask how you came up with the idea for the cursed commanders and Boba Fett series?
Ahhhh this message was the best way to wake up! Thank youuuu 💜💜💜
The Unlucky Ones, my beloveds! That one started like all the others: I went “lmao wouldn’t it be cool” and then it grew into a monster of a concept and venus flytrapping @adiduck in the process.
TUO started because for Halloween I had already Eldritched Obi-Wan so it was Cody���s turn.
I love character design. I like to play around with the given themes or throw them into the ocean and do my own thing. So every time for character designs it really does start out like, “I want to draw that character in these clothes”. There’s no plan. That always happens along the way.
For TUO!Cody I wanted him scary but still being Cody. I thought about typical Halloween things and went with skeletons. Mainly because of the white armor and I thought how cool it would look if the armor was shaped like bones. But I didn’t want the armor to look scary, I wanted him to look scary (and badass) (and like a sexy bastard). While looking for bone refs, I saw enough skulls in different positions. Some of them looked like they were screaming, howling. And I thought, duuuuuuuuude. Duuuuuuude. A skeleton projection rising out of Cody and growing taller and lifting its arms and rushing forward with a scream while Cody stands there like 😎??? YES. LET’S DO THAT.
So the concept of the Curse was born.
It always starts as a visually appealing concept. I try to make sense of my decisions later.
For the other Commanders I thought about how to apply the Cody concept art on them. I didn’t want to copy paste the armor design. But I also wanted them to visually belong together in the same verse.
The designs should be distinct and representative of each character. Even if some details seem questionable at first glance, I always want them to make sense in context. So I add snippets to basically explain myself.
Wolffe’s armor in canon went from red to grey in grief and is rather neat with stenciled designs. For TUO!Wolffe I wanted to up that grief given what Wolffe goes through in TUO. The grey canon design turned into rotten fabric and veils. Which turned Wolffe into a banshee-inspired design. The armor design is reminiscent of those fluttering torn fabrics that indicate a tragedy happened here and the grief is ever present. Going with the banshee and with how I deformed Cody’s face, Wolffe got a deformed jaw (think The Mummy when the corpse screams) which he hides behind a bandana.
Adi suggested beauty in decay for Bly. So he’s got flowers growing out of him. And I desperately needed a reason for him to tell Aayla “General, hold my flower”.
Fox has a deformed back which is only known so far to Adi and me. He started with the little white tufts of hair bc I love that on him and wanted it for TUO!Fox. By then it was already established that their hair goes white with each death. So that meant if I wanted the Fox ears, Fox had to have died twice already. Things like that were the reasons the backstory avalanched into a monster. And suddenly you go from “aww, the white hair looks like ears so cute!!” to “actually Cody killed his brother in training because how the Curse was genetically modified and added to the Commanders makes them go into a berserker state” to “the non-command class clones have instated containment protocols for when a command clone goes berserk”.
Now Ponds. Ponds had to survive. I’m not spoiling his whole story but his character design was inspired by “rising like a phoenix out of the ashes”. So his armor has bird bones and wing bone structures. And with how he looks, his backstory makes perfect sense and is heartbreaking.
Boba was a request by a dear friend. He’s not cursed in TUO canon but my friend loves the design so much she asked if I couldn’t do a Boba design. So I did.
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apiscircensis · 4 months
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dunmeshi au for my twst ocs bc I fell head first in the dungeon and got brain damage
[edit: a whole wall of text under the cut]
ok so this is set in the dunmeshi world but it's a separate story, unrelated to the main plot and characters
Shipwreck Cove is a dungeon on a cliff by the sea, near a coastal town. it's impossible to reach it by sea, as it's surrounded by constant whirlpools, the only way to get in is by climbing to the highest point of the cliff
great part of it's inner structure is submerged or surrounded by water, but it's still frequented by many adventurers bc the water that flows to the upper levels seems to have slight curative properties. legend says the water at the heart of the dungeon can heal incurable illnesses or even grant eternal life
🦑 Morgan (gnome) has been lord of the dungeon for something around ten years. his original wish is a secret
he was once an adventurer. he's an experienced mage both at healing magic and offensive spells (and has also studied the darks in secret), but his weak legs slowed down the party, who had no qualms in letting him know so, either by reproaching him or straight up letting him fall behind
one day, angry and frustrated, Morgan abandoned his party and ventured deeper into the dungeon by himself. by the time he noticed, he had reached the deepest level and, well, things happened
Morgan has severe abandonment issues. he created the quaintest little dungeon to lock himself in with his close circle. it was a beautiful and safe place, so that people could come and go at their leisure
soon enough, Morgan started feeling like people went more than they came back, so he started tweaking the dungeon bit by bit to discourage people from roaming. changing pathways, setting traps, creating more monsters. generally making it increasingly harder to navigate, until it became practically inhabitable except for the designated safe area, which was still pretty much a little eden
his resentment was such that he would find a way to make people part of the dungeon itself
at some point, tired of his body and of his lack of power over others, he turned himself into a kraken chimera, sealed his demon in a chest immediately afterwards, and has since then lived locked up with the few people he could trap in a wrecked ship at the deepest point of the dungeon, guarded by an ever larger kraken (that's his pet that he feeds other monsters and hapless adventurers to lol)
[only one person was ever able to escape Morgan's dungeon, an elf that used to be his closest confidant. however, just as they were about to step out, Morgan stole and sealed their magic in a locket that he keeps somewhere in his ship-home
this elf lives in a secluded area further than the outskirts of town, where they welcome adventurers to whom they offer incredible things in exchange of them traveling and conquering the dungeon, with the intention of getting back their powers that way]
🐒 Blake (tallman) and 🎇 Jacob (dwarf) are a pair of adventurers that hate each other yet have been working together for years lmao
they're quite successful in their expeditions but they're insufferable, so they're always looking for new members for their party bc the previous ones got fed up and left sksksk
they arrived at Shipwreck Cove following the legend of the water of life, each of them for their own reasons
(I still haven't decided if monkey Jacob exists in this au)
⚫ Avon and ⚪ Alba are a pair of walking mushrooms that are always together. they're funny to look at from afar, but they have a nasty vibe when you get close so adventurers prefer avoiding them
Morgan enjoys watching them tussle, so when more people started going in the dungeon he made them an area where they can still be seen while being out of reach enough from strangers. they've become some sort of a local attraction
(I originally thought to make them half foot florists, but a friend came up with this idea and I thought it was so funny that I adopted it lol)
🕰️ Eri (elf) is an historian. he feels a fascination for the short lived races, so he moves to different towns for periods at a time to document the daily lives of those who live and pass through there
🌻Lucas (kobold) is more of an explorer than an adventurer. he and 🛰️ Xander (dwarf), an inventor, travel the world together looking for strange materials and objects for Xander's experiments
🐻 Björn (tallman, bear beastkin) is an adventurer from the north that likes showing off his strength. he travels from one place to another looking for new challenges and creatures to beat
⏳ Noya (gnome) a scholar with an expertise in magical artifacts, who also studies the development of magic. since he's not allowed to study the origins of magic, he has had to settle for observing and studying how it evolves in every day contexts. he occasionally crosses paths with Eri
💋 Philly (elf) is a criminal enlisted by the Canaries against his will. his crimes include theft and selling of magical artifacts, arson, and murder, but true cause of his conviction was attempting to use the dark arts to extend his tallman lover's lifespan
(he's a die hard fan of the Daltan Clan novels and all the other prisoners hate him bc it's all he ever talks about sksbsk)
🎶 Aedon (tallman) kabru without the trauma is barkeep by day and singer by night. they like watching people and trying to guess their stories
and that's it, that's all I have for now✌️😋
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Aight so this is fantastical and unserious as hell so you can ignore this if u want, but like what if one day reader just *poofs* and turns into a child, like they just de-ages and turns into their 7 year old self.
Lmao the reason why I ask this is bc I wanna see how deep his hatred of children goes, like would he extend this to a child version of reader?
You would be surprised to know, no. His patience is endless with you, although he is on the stricter side, he is loving and wouldn't dream to use the tactics he used for his child.
Yves would give you kisses, cuddle, and accompany you as long as you asked for his presence. The love he provides wouldn't be much different from the love you receive as an adult, except it's platonic, more handholding through life, more protective, and mildly overbearing. But you're a 7-year-old, you're fine with him being around you 24/7.
It's fun to be with him. He will talk to you, and encourage the development of your speech by conversing about random things. Even things that a 7-year-old probably won't understand, if you're a bit older, you would realize Yves is using you as his diary. But whatever he told you about himself is so boring, so it was wiped out from your mind.
You could just raise your arms to him and he will automatically pick you up, carrying you to wherever you want to go. Or simply having you on his hip while he runs some errands.
Yves utilizes timeouts, calmly explaining what you did was wrong and describing possible consequences if you continue. He will also hear you out, letting you defend yourself and give him your reasoning. The interaction will go smoothly and both parties will have plenty of communication. Once the whole ordeal is over and you sincerely apologize, he will hug you and let you stay in his arms for as long as you want. You could cry, you could smile and laugh. He allows it.
His praises will be genuine, happy that you are showing your best behavior for Yves. He doesn't have a narrow path for you to follow, he allows you to choose your interests, your passion, and will. Unlike his actual child, he would let you try playing the harp or piano, but he wouldn't force you to be a master in it. Yves believes that you should try everything, but it is ultimately up to you to decide what to do.
The two of you would bond by cooking and baking. You could make a mess and he wouldn't lock you in a sensory deprivation chamber. He will make you understand that for every mess you make, you have to clean it up. Yves will teach you valuable skills while strengthening your relationship with him, producing a lot of precious core memories in your life.
He will help you through your emotions. Sometimes you can't express yourself as well, but he will help you recognize if you are angry, sad, excited, or hurt. Yves will talk you through and ease the pain your soul is feeling, helping to regulate your emotions for you. Nothing will seem confusing, as long as Yves is here, you know you will be safe. And everything will be okay.
He coddles you a lot. Cooing when you get hurt, giving kisses to your bandaged wound, wiping the tears off your face. Sleeping in the same bed as you because you're scared of the monsters in the dark, never leaving your sights because you have crippling separation anxiety. Yves lets you learn everything at your own pace, even if you haven't hit a milestone that you were supposed to years ago, he is fine with it. He will continue to care for you, teach you with gentle words and touches, and love you to the fullest.
Yves lets you be a normal kid without any of the horrifying consequences. You will feel valued and loved unconditionally. You will be heard and you will be seen.
His actual child would be furiously punching in the air watching how he treats de-aged you.
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mrmoonytoonie · 2 months
Alright so Vile city is still getting worked on and I have been working on it for 8 years, almost half my life lmao. This is gonna be long!
Ok so VileCity is a kinda hidden city that's west of America. In the city monsters, demons, entities, and humans live. The city is surrounded by very dangerous forest and ocean, the forest is of course called VileForest and that's how the town got its name. ( P.s Vile mean bad and wicked :] )
History of VileCity
The land used to only have monsters but then humans came along and started making villages and killed and drove the monsters back and back until around 1907 some of the monsters rebel and demanded that they wanted to live in the town as well and claiming they have a right since it used to be their home, this lasted until 1946 when the humans got tired of the monsters destroying stuff and the slaughter and finally decided that they could live there if they don't murder and eat people and respected their laws, of course some live there and don't follow the rules. Now even in today erra not all monsters and humans get along but it's way better than when it first started out.
The sections
VileCity is separated in many sections for different life styles. Both humans and monsters can live in these sections and like I started before nothing is sunshine in rainbows and it's more like actual life. The names for these sections are still being worked on and will change over time!
The middle:
The middle is of course the middle of the whole city, basically like New York and Tokyo blended into one for everyone to live, this section of the city is ruled by the mob boss named Rufus, Rufus is the strongest out of the mob bosses and even Ben is scared of him. Mark works and lives here too!
1900's section:
Basically what happened is that the city was still under upgrading the whole city but Ben stopped them and kept killing off instruction workers who kept trying to upgrade anything in his territory. Ben has no idea why he like his part of town like this he just knows he doesn't want it changed. Also Ben is the second strongest mob boss. This part of town is also by the ocean so it's prone to having more romantic spots and mostly older monsters or demons like to live there but some humans who enjoy and appreciate the section live here as well, you are allowed to live there as long as you don't make anything modern there.
The farm land:
This is where Samuel came from! Basically this area is on the outskirts of VileCity, tougher monsters and people live there and are the main people who grow crops and own farms. They keep driving mob bosses away due to not wanting any of that drama and danger in their area, they are however very welcoming and neighborly. They love to host events and Samuel always has Ben take him there when the harvest festival is happening. Even though it's on the outskirts it's very important to the town and people who work in the farms are greatly appreciated.
End for now
This is just a little bit of Vile city that is important for now! There is so much more stuff about this city that it could be a book lol. Thank you all for reading and hope you have a wonderful day!
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aerodaltonimperial · 2 months
you have a lot of fics 😭 as someone new, what are your 5 fave junglecorpse fics (that you wrote)?
I DO HAVE A LOT OF FICS LMAOOOOOOOOO. that's... an understatement, probably. it's worth noting that probably 75% of the time, i was writing with canon. so my fics slot alongside whatever was happening AND, perhaps more importantly, whatever jack's current characterization was (in theory - I'm obviously not perfect with that haha). this means the earliest fics are gonna be pillars-related, the ones after that use jack's hollywood heel turn, and while he was out, most of the canon was referencing darby's feud with christian cage. that being said, the early ones are shaky, because i was finding my footing with both of them. full transparency, they are shaky lol.
in terms of favorites, i'm gonna be a real dick about this and use some 'verses/series, but only because i don't think you can really separate them lol:
💚🖤 - monsters [series]: i don't do a lot of full AUs (even most of my horror fics are canon compliant), and this is one of the few i did, and it's one of my most favorite things i've ever written, across all my fandoms. fandom does not agree, lol, but you asked for my faves and not fandom's faves, so it's on here first. if anyone asked me what fic showcased what i thought i can do as a writer, it's this series.
💚🖤 - we're coming out strong: aka the kayfabe fic! i pretty much never use jack's full jungle boy kayfabe, but i did it with this, and ended up really, really loving it! there's an unofficial official sequel and a redux jack's version (which is a whole different fic but is still using the JB kayfabe), but this was the first, and it holds a special place for me.
💚🖤 - a clear violation of the company code of ethics [series]: these started as a joke and got progressively more unhinged, but i think they are hilarious and have a great time writing them, plus i got to write corporate bucks, which was awesome.
💚🖤 - i may be bad (but i'm perfectly good at it) [series]: aka kink!verse. THIS MAY SURPRISE PEOPLE but i'm actually??? really proud??? of these??? i tackled some stuff i am already not confident about (smut) and combined it with things i am even less confident about (kink), and actually, i sort of love them lol.
💚🖤 -you could be all i've got (what's the difference): this one comes with HEAVY warnings on it. please pay attention to them!! this is a PTSD trauma fic, and it's heavy as shit. it's a lot. it's absolutely not for everyone. but i really fucking love this fic, and it means a lot to me. but seriously. watch the warnings.
and as a bonus, fandom's favorite fic of mine:
💚🖤 -[1] unread message: aka THE FUCKING ROM-COM. why are there so many hits on this???? why are there so many bookmarks??? WHY DID YOU ALL LOVE THE ROM-COM SO MUCH WHEN I DO NOT KNOW HOW TO WRITE ROM-COMS???? i cannot explain this, but this is like, one of my highest bookmarked fics lmao. this is by and away the clear favorite of my works, which i will never understand loooooool but that's fine, we'll go with it.
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jollyinha · 8 months
I have brought... My YuuriVoice listeners.
...On The Sims, because I can't draw for shit. I spent pretty much the whole day redesigning (except Rookie, who already got a glow up bc he's my favorite child) and dressing them up like Barbie dolls lol
DISCLAIMER: I'm being a lil' poser because I have never watched Bittersweet nor the Faust audios (and yet I still have Sugarboo and Star done, go figure), and am catching up on Lost and Found as I type this. ANYWAY HERE ARE MY BABIES, MORE INFO ON THEM UNDER THE CUT YIPPEEEEEEEE
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- As previously mentioned, he's my favorite child, sorry not sorry, I adore this boy so much
- Dumb of ass and home of sexual (out of the closet to everyone except his mom, oof), pulled a millionaire CEO with his ADHD swag. Also canonically a cheeky horny bastard
- An artist (draws/paints and crafts all sorts of stuff) at heart, but had to pursue a more lucrative career in order to support his family. So, Law school it is. Viva le capitalism
- Is an ENFP and his birthday is on February 16th
- His mother is Brazilian and his dad was Colombian. They have been living in the USA since Félix was a young child. He also has a little sister (not so little, she's in college by the time Shattered begins) whom he loves very much and basically raised her, to the point where she sees him as his dad more than their actual dad (whom passed away when she was a toddler)
- Has an excellent relationship with his uncle (and his wife), aunt and cousins. Him and Joy/Sunflower don't meet that often bc she lives a bit far away, but when they do, they share the same braincell
- Appears to be suave and chill when he's at work, but he's actually a SOFTIE. The biggest golden retriever... Well, not literally the biggest. He's 5'7ft/1m69cm. Compared to Auron, he's pocket-sized. But anyway-
- He loves Trish. They bully Auron together. Incredible dynamic
- Has pyrophobia bc ✨ PAST TRAUMA ✨. Began cooking as a hobby to try to work through it
- Likes: Arts, cooking, biking, peacocks, sun imageries (long story), sea monsters and plaid jackets
- Félix has SO MUCH LORE and tidbits (like his tattoos!) about him, I would need an entire separate post to tell it all. And I might do it bc I need that sweet infodump dopamine...
- Actually my first YV OC! I met the channel through the infamous Finn compilation
- Bisexual! Finn is her first serious boyfriend, though, up until she met him, she only had girlfriends... And she had the worst luck with all of them. Oof
- Colombian, just like Félix
- Huge animal lover, especially the aquatic critters and reptiles. Has a Bull Terrier named Cow (yes, that's her name.) that has her entire heart. Currently trying to get a job in the veterinarian field! Just... Don't put bugs near her. Please
- Is an ESFP and her birthday is on July 27th... The day the Finn compilation premiered
- Her mother had her pretty young. She doesn't know who her father is, and her mom refuses to talk about it... But tbh, Joy doesn't care that much. She loves her mama, and that's all that matters
- (also her mother loves Finn dearly. everytime they meet, he leaves with a piece of cake or some other home made food bc she loves to spoil her "son-in-law" lmao)
- Surfs on her spare time! Queen shit! Also plays a bit of soccer
- Had pretty severe acne as a teen and still has its marks
- Golden retriever energy runs in the Torres family, because she has it too
- Likes: Snakes, whales, surfing, soccer (as stressful as it is to watch it lol), jogging, her dog Cow, hoodies, fun scrunchies
- Like I previously stated, I haven't watched Bittersweet, so, I may not have much to say about Sugarboo except for the (few) misc audios from Al and Seth I have heard... BUT GODDAMNIT SHE'S SO BEAUTIFUL OH GOD
- Straight, but poly
- Japanese, but was born and raised in the USA and, sadly, doesn't has much connection to her roots... Mostly bc she's not super close to her family :(
- (Canonically) Likes to bake! Also cooking, but still has a preference for pastries. Works in a bakery... Which isn't a very healthy workplace, but, oh well
- Is an ESFJ, and her birthday is on January 20th (it's coming!!!!! happy early birthday, queen!!!!!)
- Pulled TWO bitches by having ADHD
- Has A SHIT LOAD of tattoos because she's best friends with a tattoo artist... Who may or may not be Star 👀
- Used to have long hair when she met Alphonse
- She may be Al's impulse control, but Seth is her impulse control 💀
- Calls Alphonse "bug". Earlier on their relationship it was ironically ("so you and me together can be bugaboo!"), but the pet name has stuck
- But in reality, she does have a passion for bugs! Especially butterflies and moths ("NOT Mothman, Seth. Normal, regular moths.")
- Also love cats
- She bullies Seth for believing in cryptids... But believes in aliens
- Again, I haven't watched Bittersweet, so feel free to discard this part if it's contradicting canon events, but... She kind of likes Charlie. She thinks he's cute, even with all the shit that happened
- Likes: Baking, collecting jewelry like some kind of dragon, bugs, cats, tattoos, aliens
- The coolest mf to ever walk on this earth. I don't make the rules, it's the truth
- FtM trans of gender, also home of sexual
- Just american. F
- Yes, his last name is a Life Is Strange reference, sue me
- I... I have no idea what he works with? Because gotta wait for more Charlie videos to find out wtf canon!Casper is up to he's such a mysterious guy,,,,,
- (I really hope that the "Casper works for Auron" theory is true tho, the Auron/Félix & Charlie/Asher shenanigans would be so funny to imagine)
- What I do know is that he's kind of a gym bro, except if said bro was fruity
- Seriously though, he's a sporty guy. Likes to go jogging, (he and Joy/Sunflower would be good workout buddies!), climbing, hiking, good ol' fashioned working out and, of course, skating! But after Charlie left, he got into roller skating as well, and he's pretty damn good at it
- He's an ISFP, and his birthday is on April 22nd (Earth Day, get it, bc his favorite color is green,,,,,,)
- Disowned by his parents, but was taken in by his uncle and aunt, whom really support him <3
- Has a tooth gap! Cute shit
- Braided his hair as a kid, still does it nowadays. Certain things never change
- He WANTS to get SO MANY TATTOOS AND PIERCINGS... But he has a pretty bad case of trypanophobia (his ears are pierced bc his parents had him pierce it as a baby). Having his top surgery was challenging enough! He just wanted to get some tattoos... :(
- Always carries an extra hair tie on his arm, like a bracelet. Mostly for himself, but sometimes he gives it to Charlie too
- Has dyslexia! Fucking hated school bc of that
- Likes: Skating, roller skating, climbing, collecting sick ass knives, bad horror movies, hair styling (he wanted to be a hairstylist as a kid even!)
- I don't have thaaaaat much to say about him as of right now since I'm still finishing Lost and Found, but he's growing a lot on me, I love him
- Their relationship with gender is... Confusing. Doesn't like any labels, really. Just go with she/them and you'll be fine. Considers themselves to be pansexual, though
- British ("sadly, stupid ass country"), still has a strong accent even if they have been living in the USA for quite a while
- ...They like tea though
- She works on the IT department of a big company. Boring office job. But she doesn't mind it that much. Everyone is nice enough and it pays the bills. That's more than enough for her
- But besides programming and gaming, her big passion in life is... Sewing! 80% of the plushies in her collection are handmade, including Sir Gengar himself
- Also a huge cinephile
- Is an INTP, and their birthday is on September 4th (it may or may not be a reference to Gengar's pokedex number)
- Pulled a LITERAL DEMON FROM HELL with her autism swag
- Has chronic pain on her left knee due to a past accident
- Obviously, huge Pokémon fan
- Ironically enough, doesn't really like cooking, which explains why their house didn't had shit when it comes to ingredients lol At least now they have a demon boy to cook for them
- Awful relationship with her family. All of it. Ran away for the USA to escape from them
- Doesn't have many friends irl, most of them are virtual friends
- Considers themselves to be "plain and boring". Normally they don't give a damn about it, but got kind of insecure when they and Lucien got officially together... But in their most confident days, they think it's hilarious how the most normal-looking human ever managed to pull a demon
- Deep, deep down, Paige is a sweet and caring person. Heck, that's why her soul was so enticing. She just has trouble demonstrating it (Autistic Struggle™)
- Likes four leaf clovers. No idea why. She just does
- ...I feel like she would watch Faust's streams ironically. She thinks the cat boy is hilarious
- Likes: Cinema, games, programming, plushies making, clovers, tea
- ...I haven't watched a single Faust audio in my life, but Enid just... Popped up in my head. Their design came to me and they were yelling at me to bring them to existence. So here they are?????? I really gotta hear the twink's audios any of these days...
- I don't even know much about them tbh lol But here's what I do have:
- Non-binary (AFAB), bisexual
- A tattoo artist! They're Sugarboo's friend that I mentioned all the way up there
- Likes to write and read in their spare time (IMAGINE THEM AND AURON WRITING FANFICTION ABOUT THEIR S/Os! Beautiful)
- Likes to watch sports (don't look like the type, do they?)
- Likes questionable shirts with 80s/90s aesthetics
- I can see them being friends with Paige/Angel, ngl :D
- ...That's all about Enid for now, maybe I'll develop them if I get around to hear more of Faust eventually lol
Idk if there's someone reading all of this, but if there is, tysm for reading this HUGE infodump 🥺 If you have any YV OCs, I would LOVE to hear about them too! My DMs are open!
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moronic-validity · 11 months
*tucks hair behind ear* hey totally unprompted but what would happen if Simon tried to leave Winter
*cracks knuckles* I’m so very glad you asked. In fact, some would argue you just asked the perfect question. So perfect in fact, that it gets its own mini-series; Stockholm Syndrome.
Consider this an au of the au I already created for the DWU lmao
this one is going to be 18+ and it will earn it. Not only that, but this one is going to have a lot of dark themes and really play into Winter's possessiveness and need for control by any means necessary. I will add warnings to the beginning of each chapter so PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE read them before diving in.
With that, please enjoy the first 600ish words of what will inevitably be a very long ride
The relationship wasn’t working. 
He didn’t even know how he could think it would. They were too similar, and he didn’t even like himself.
Every single annoying trait he had, Winter seemed to turn into a defining personality trait. 
The final straw was when he got home from a night out with Doctor Princess.
“Where have you been?” Winter called from atop his throne. 
Simon rolled his eyes, not having to deal with a lecture on breaking curfew since he was in high school, an entire lifetime ago.
“Winter, I was out with Doctor Princess, you knew we were going out drinking tonight,” he removed his jacket and draped it over his arm, preparing to go to bed with the man who had somehow become less his lover and more his roommate. 
“I think you owe me an apology, you are rather late,” Winter mindlessly twirled a hair around his finger, not noticing or caring that the other man was getting annoyed. 
“I’m a grown man, Winter, I don’t owe you an apology for being later than I had anticipated,” Simon placed a hand on the door that separated the throne room from the hallway, at this point deciding to spend the night in his own room. 
Winter flicked his wrist and the door sealed shut, becoming one with the wall.
Simon groaned.
“Are you really doing this right now?” He turned to face Winter, who was still sitting idly on his throne. 
“Simon, I don’t think you’re taking my concerns seriously and I don’t appreciate it,” he lowered his throne to the ground, walked to his Simon, and took one of his hands in his own.
Simon pulled his hand away.
“Winter, I don’t appreciate that every time I leave the castle, we go through this whole song and dance. If I’m early, then I lied about where I went, if I’m late, then I lied about what we were doing. I’m just…done.” Simon let every ounce of frustration over the new normal come out at once. 
Winter studied Simon’s expression, noting how things had changed. The face that was usually so full of love was now full of indifference, bordering on disgust. 
“I…I think it’s best if I stay at D’s house tonight, we can talk about this in the morning,” Simon sighed and turned around, beginning to walk to the exit. 
With another small flick of his wrist, the ice of the floor grew to encase Simon’s legs, holding him in place. 
“You’re not going anywhere,” His usually jovial voice had fallen flat, “If I can’t have you as my husband, I will have you as my prisoner.” 
Simon was at a loss for words, he didn’t think Winter would do something like this to him. 
He reopened the doors to the hall and began moving forward, and to Simon’s surprise, the ice that had grown to waist height pulled him along the same path. 
They stopped in the dungeon, Winter carefully walked to a cell along the furthest wall.
It took him a moment to open the cell; then the ice block slid in and rejoined the floor, delivering Simon to his new home. 
“You will stay here until you can either learn to love me or I can trust you, whichever happens first, I suppose,” he said it so calmly, almost as if he was bored of the one-sided conversation already, “You’ll find I’m not a complete monster, you still have a bed and your precious books.” 
“I could never love you after this,” Simon spat at the other version of himself.
“Oh my sweet Simon, you have such little faith!” He laughed as he turned on his heel and left the dungeon. 
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chibishortdeath · 11 months
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Simon derangement page number um I lost count!!! Time to explain things and transcribe my handwriting lol >:3
I put a photo of the whole page here because some things were hard to single out into separate images :)
A pose study! I was trying to work on foreshortening with that arm position. Just imagine that he’s talking to someone off screen and sweating cause he’s been working out or something d(^^ )
Two of these are based on some reaction image doodles I ran into on Pinterest that I’m pretty certain originated on tumblr lol. The bottom left one says “*realization*” and the top right one says “deranged —>” with the arrow pointing to our Mr. Deranged in question, Simon. The Simon and Richter one is kinda poking fun at the general Smash Bros fandom depiction of them and is also based on a doodle I saw on Pinterest.
Bottom left says “he has 97 mental illnesses and is banned from most public spaces” lol. Dw! He is your friend! I just forgot to write that part :). I hope the tbh creature doodle is appreciated, I’ve drawn him like that more times than I’d like to admit—
This one is based on a photo of this guy (gotta be a Snapchat one idk I’ve never had Snapchat) with a monster energy and caption “KILL”. I think it fits the vibe.
Bottom left says “monsert!”, a silly bastardizarion of “monster”, again the energy drink. I feel like Simon would be the kind of guy to have caffeine at like 6PM and then wonder why he can’t sleep later lmao. Or worse have caffeine to avoid sleeping 💀. The other two doodles I drew because I woke up one morning and immediately imagined Simon with raccoon stripe hair for no reason.
This one is based on a tumblr post, it says “(Simon) the psychiatrist diagnosed me with divine madness” “(Christopher) any other diagnosises you’d like to share?” “(Simon) Autism”. That ending panel of Simon saying autism ended up a sticker in a discord server I’m in lmaooooo. Also I need to have more Simon and Christopher interactions cause I think they’d be friends aaaaa
The top doodle is based on a Simon MMD model I found of him as a Vocaloid and I thought that was hilarious and banger, we need more people making fun crossover stuff like that in the world lol. The bottom one is just him vibin(?). Idk he seems pretty distressed, but that’s his usual state so uh—
Another little pose doodle. I think his preferred sitting position is like criss cross applesauce on the floor. I don’t think he’d sit normally in chairs at all. I am now picturing him leaning a chair back too far help 💀.
This one is based on this meme that’s kinda poking fun at the art styles commonly found in yaoi with the last one being left blank for putting whatever you like there and implying in a comedic way that it’s ‘straight man yaoi’, I’ve seen ones with things like football players or idk Breaking Bad put there lol. Basically I saw the meme and realized that all the different styles kinda lined up too well with some Simon designs and well yeah this happened 💀💀💀. So we got Ayami Kojima’s design as “straight woman yaoi”, the NES cover art/X68000 as “gay man yaoi”, Simon’s Quest as “lesbian yaoi”, and Captain N thrown into “straight man yaoi” lmaooo.
Okie that’s all for this one, I will make more inevitably lol
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hey uh dread, who are the crayon monster people from HatchetVerse (lords in black i think?) ? U keep rebloging stuff abt them and now im curious.
Oh boy oh son OH MAN OH NOOOOO
So, the lords in black are a family of eldritch beings from the HachetVerse (as you correctly said). They are made up of a group of 5 brothers. While you can also include they’re sister, she is her own separated thing
Each lord in black are associated with a particular “theme” and each have their own dolls. They are from a realm outside of all dimensions (or timelines) known as the Black and White. They can be summoned or you can use their powers through a spell book known as “The Black Book” (Ik so creative)
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Wiggly, or W’gog Y’Wrath is their leader; “The lord in black”. He has his own musical in the trilogy, with him being the main antagonist of Black Friday. He’s associated a lot with squids and octopuses with his whole tentacle motif. His powers mainly include driving people mad and space manipulation. He represents capitalism and wrath.
Pokey, or Poketho, “the one singular voice”. He’s the most … “unkempt” one. In the words of his sister “He hates every voice that isn’t his own”. He’s the first LiB we meet in the first musical of the trilogy, The Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals. Unlike Wiggly, he can out right take over people’s minds and he LOVES musicals! Although he’s very pretentious and petty. He’s supposed to represent envy and vanity I’m pretty sure.
Next is Tinky or T’Noy Karaxis! “The bastard of time and space”. While he has no musical, he does make his appearance in NPMD (where all of them show up). But he mainly shows up in Nightmare time, a side series of the Hatchetfeild trilogy. His title is pretty self explanatory, he can manipulate time and space. He’s the most sadistic of them all and like to torture one guy in particular for all of eternity.
Then we have Blinkey or Blinklotep. “The watcher with a thousand eyes”. Like Tinky he’s mainly in Nightmare time and shows up in NPMD. However there is a line in a COMPLETELY separate OTHER starkid show called trail to Oregon where a character refers to the audience as “the watchers with a thousand eyes” but WE DON’T HAVE TIME TO GET INTO THAT! He also drives people mad :) He’s just a little guy who like to look :)
Finally we have my personal favorite, Nibbly! Or Nibblenephim! “The insatiable”. He’s the super gender one that’s walk-in round she/her but is still him. Femme he/him swag!! He like to EAT. He CONSUMES. He’s uhm… he represents uhm… vore. Same situation as Blinky and Tinky with his appearances.
Then we have Webby! “The queen in white”. We have no idea what her doll looks like or her true name. She is limited to a mention in Black Friday and all her content is in Nightmare time. She is associated with a lot of spider imagery (Ik very similar to Wiggly and his octopuses with a strange, 8 legged creature). She is however, LUCKILY NOT EVIL! She has a strained relationship with her brothers but they are her or at least were mentors. Wiggly HATES her for some reason. She’s also a massive dork lmao. Here she is!!
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I could rant all day about my theories yeah that’s the basic basics
Fact check me if I’m wrong no beta we die like Maxwell Jäegerman
if you want to learn more WATCH THE MUSICALS AND NIGHTMARE TIME.
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