#like yeah sorry theyre all frenched now in my mind
reneeub · 4 months
I'm fine (I'm already rereading The Sunshine Court even though I finished reading it only a month ago)
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pnw-branch · 3 years
Hey Harrison, it's Keith again. I'm okay.. I'm back to just hearing whispers from lesser spirits like usual. If you've ever played the game OFF it just sounds like the track that plays when you're in the nothingness but in English (and sometimes Spanish) instead of French. Who knew there was so many dead people heh...
I had a weird dream last night. I was standing on the top floor of reunion tower with the others, but we were wearing beige flight suits instead of our navy ones. Our packs were a lot heavier too. Cassidy had a perm... And we were all around the same age it looked like. Anyways that's not the important part. What is important is that we were there to fight Gozer. The weirdest part was that were acting like they'd never come before. Cassidy chose their destructor form (it was still the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man).
At some point we were all huddled together and that's when I offered the idea that we cross the streams to send Gozer back. Obviously I know that worked because that's what the original team did back in '84, but in my dream I was talking like it'd never been done before.
Do you ever get dreams like that? Where it feels more like you're seeing a different time than an actual dream? Sorry if this doesn't make much sense. I've been staying up reading through every piece of literature we have on Tiamat while we wait for PCOC to get back to us. I'm on my fifth can of Monster now.
hey Keith! glad to hear from you and glad you're doing alright :] also, ergh, yeah. the whispering you do get used to, don't worry.
and... yeah, ive had a few dreams like what youre describing. not many, though. when id get them as a kid I always thought they were dreams from a past life, but im pretty sure theyre more like... pk energy seeping through from other dimensions and giving us glimpses of alternate universes. (for example, your team taking the place of the OGBS, or, frog forbid, the dream ive had where Madigan... never mind.)
in my experience, theyre not super common, but with all this dimensional crossover, it makes sense that theyd start popping up. i wouldn't be surprised if I get one in a bit.
also, hey, maybe take a break. even if you just go for a little walk around the block, it'll help. remember to take care of yourself, dude (i say, as i drink my third can of Coke 🙄)
thanks for reaching out. We're always happy to help, and i- we enjoy hearing from you :3
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t4tcecilos · 3 years
"Don't get me started" no we're getting you started, ramble about some music you're really liking at the mo <3
tumblr user loudly--unladylike my beloved .,.. be warned this is rlly long n also just a lot of me going !!!!!! link to the album here
big tw for like. deep topics like death n panicking n such also this is such a long post im so sorry
ok :D background knowledge about the band n the album im gonna b talking about:
miracle musical itself was like... a music project started by one of the tally hall members !! it involves alot of other music artists too !!! they made an album n a single song!! both of those released in 2012 :]
the album is called Hawaii: Part II. there's not a part one and the band has even said theyr not making a part one.!! so that kinda sets the vibe ig. the songs don't have much correlation from first glance, even after taking a closer look they don't tell a story or anything that much !!! the thing the have in common is a mystical, often spooky, feeling (at least 2 me.) most of them have a nautical, sealife theme.
first note!!! both the first and last songs of the album start with the lyrics "alone at the edge of a universe, humming a tune-" which is like!!! continuity my beloved :]] it's also just a good lyric yknow
the first song is called Introduction to the Snow !! kinda a play on words of introduction to the show :]] it doesn't hav many lyrics but it sets the tone for the rest of the album!!! which is like... vaguely mysterious and dealing with the universe n how ppl feel kinda!
ok here's where i mention how the songs like. flow together!!! theres a variety, from the songs merging together with the same rhythms n such or a very sudden change !!!! its rlly cool n i like how there's both :)))
the second song is called Isle Unto Thyself! some of the first bits of this song rlly just ...,,., sets the vibe for the rest of the album!! the lyrics "know what cant be shown, feel what cant be known" is very releant as alot of the songs r abou tfeeling things n knowing things!! even if u cant see them !!! also banger ending transistion to the next song, tehres a buildup that transitions nicely !!!
the third song is Black Rainbows :D this ones one of my favorites!! there r two languages being sung in this one, hawaiian and english. both are singing about rainbows, which represents their love for eachother in the way of the colors and the feelings!! :D
- ok im realizing i forgot to talk about the uhhh album cover!!! it is in mostly greyscale, except for the rainbow text of the band name under the album name!!! it is an ocean with a full mon above, with overlaying images of palm trees, stairs, and a fish/monster with alot of teeth!!!! there is also what appears to be a whale or maybe plane in the backgrounf, sumberged inthe water!! to me it rll y just summarizes the mystery n like. wackyness of the album :DD
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ok um back 2 the songs !!!! the forth song is called White Ball!! it tackles dealing with death in like... terms of a dance!! like a ballroom dance, at a ball! the most repeated lyric is "such impossible bliss" which. yeah. death yknow,,,.. it shows the beuaty of whatever the afterlife is. it also makes comparisons to space!!!
the fith song is called Murders! which to me feels like,, runnning away and the fear that causes? or someone gettin lost in a forest!! definetly feels like.. fear. espeacially the lines "tree falling no one would hear, shadow of nobody there" like. dude thats FEAR n yknow what i get it!!! forests can b fucking scary dude.
the sixth song is 宇宙ステーションのレベル7, which roughly translates to Space Station Level 7! this song is mostly japanese n french, neither of which i speak! so uh.,,., yeha!! bu t i do fukcign love the intruments-
oh ym gosh i forgot to talk abou tthe bacground intruments and music!!!!!!! its so good!! each song has its own little flairs and they all r just... wonderfulyl composed!!!!
now,,, the seventh song is The Mind Electric,.,. (tw for just like. idk dude its super grim the guy gets electrocuted) this one is like.. rlly haunting but its super good!! so the first half of the song is all in reverse, which sets up this like.. rlly eerie tone for the song. bc. u dont know whats going on at first! bc its all reveresd n u know the like... idk its creepy hearing ppl talking/singing backwards. from the halfway point, the song isnt in reverse any longer. dude,,, like the lyrics themselves? ouchies.... basically this guy goes to court for... somethin its not told- but uh basicallly he gets sent to an infirmary and ends up gettinf electrocuted bc his minds not in a good place. its super grim n honestly just... man,,,,,, i could explain more on this but itd probably b better as its own post tbh !!!
,,,the eighth song is Labyrinth! this one seems to b mostly about someone whos in this big.. personal struggle with love + relationships n feels trapped inhis own mind, hence the labyrinth.
the ninth song is Time Machine !! this ones pretty straightforward i think!!! kinda. this person feels like the wasted thier past and is sad and regretful. so they use a time machine!!! it feels like they are living the dream, right? but its lonely!! they begin to regret it. they realize they shouldnt waste their present.
the tenth song is Stranded Lullaby! lots of boat references n terminology here, the singer is looking for someone who they once lost, but cant seem to find them in the vast oceans of existence.
the eleventh and final song is called Dream Suite in Sea Major!!! this ones also one of my favorites !!!! this one rlly just wraps up the album. it tells the story of a sailor who gets lured in by sirens. it ends with a subtle nod to the album not being super easy to find with the lyrics "invisible to some until its time."
OK i probably did this way too much uhhh woo post finished im tired!!!!! i will explain more into some of these if ppl r interested :]]
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springfieldblues · 4 years
my long ass review for S32E03 Now Museum, Now You Don’t
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warning: LONG because i rambled about history more than i thought i would
id been looking forward to this one because i like art history, especially after seeing how they tried their best to stick to historical accuracy in the previous episode I, Carumbus. this time however….they didnt try that hard. i dont know why i thought theyd go through that sort of trouble again LMAO
but its okay, i dont really expect the simpsons to be the paragon of historical accuracy or anything. especially in anthology episodes told through a particular character's lens (in this case, lisa, whos already feverish so whatever)
first i just wanna say that this is, i guess, less of a review and more of an accidental list of history fun facts. so im just gonna get my general thoughts out of the way first.
the episode was fun! to me at least haha. i mean it got me to think and do a lot of research on my own so that must count for something. besides a couple of really weird ones, the jokes were good. anthology episodes tend to be….not that good but i thought this one was one of the better ones so far. idk.
anyway on to lisanardo da vinky its the renaissance! jesus christ the italian accents in the beginning of this segment were annoying as hell but i also feel like that was the joke lmao. ill be real i kind of tuned out for a second there when grampa started rambling so idk what he said.
i told myself i wouldnt get nitpicky with historical accuracy if the jokes were funny (final edit: so that was a lie) but this meh bit with the pizza guys and mascots was really not worth ignoring the fact that its impossible for italy to have any tomato-based food in the 15th century (tomatoes were brought to europe from the americas in the 16th century, and pizza as we know it today—flatbread, cheese, tomato—originated in the late 18th century)
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oh this next part was kind of legit tho. lisanardo, like the real leonardo, became andrea del verrochio's apprentice at his workshop. i loved this next bit:
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"Whoever paints the sweetest cherub will have the honor of having MY name signed on their work. That's what great artists do!"
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SO YEAH as it turns out, lisanardo painted the sweetest cherubs. the painting here is called The Baptism of Christ, and the real leonardo assisted verrochio in finishing it. specifically, he painted the cherubs in the corner.
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this causes verrochio to quit and go someplace with less talented people: a music school (yes, verrochio did quit painting after getting owned by young leo and his mad angel painting skills. he never did anything with music tho, he was more of a sculptor)
alongside lisanardo, in mr largo-verrochio's workshop we have barticelli (botticelli bart), dolphatello (donatello dolph), ralphael (raphael...ralph) and mediocrito (no one that i know of. sorry milhouse) (and kearney i guess but they dont refer to him by name). botticelli and donatello are said to have also been apprentices at verrochio's workshop, but raphael came a couple of decades later so he couldnt have been there. and donatello was too old so that claim is a bit questionable. but anyway
it IS true that leonardo's peers envied him, to the point where he was anonymously and purposefully accused of being gay (a major crime punishable by death in 15th century florence) while he was still working at verrochio's workshop
we are then treated by what im pretty sure is the fourth time the show has used 'at seventeen' by janis ian, this time sung by a dejected lisanardo (man they really do keep making yeardley sing these days huh) who only wishes to be appreciated and not envied.
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"I'll show them all! I'll show them all in a secret diary that no one will decipher for 400 years!"
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some of lisanardo's future inventions. who wouldve known
so after barticelli, for some reason (revenge??? or something?? what was his plan here idgi) steals lisanardo's diaries full of blueprints of her inventions and takes them to mr burns who i have to assume is pope alexander VI here, they decide to use her inventions for war.
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"With these, we can kill the most evil people in the world!! ....Slightly different Christians."
leo actually did this of his own accord. im surprised this is what they decided to do with lisanardo instead of talking about leo's love of nature and vegetarianism (not a single mention of that in this episode? come on...) then again, trying to do good only to end up indirectly making things worse is a very standard lisa storyline. i guess they didnt want to miss the chance to have evil pope burns (very fitting, especially for that era since they were all about money and controlling the people)
so lisanardo decides to leave for france, unlike the real leonardo who was more or less persuaded by his ultimate fanboy king francis I to move to france.
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"Lisanardo, I have many questions. Why are you hitting yourself? A nerd says 'what'? And how is it possible that I am rubber and you are glue? Et cetera, et cetera."
that line may seem a little random, like hes just nelson saying nelson things (and i mean, obviously he is) but the real francis also "had an unquenchable thirst for learning, and Leonardo was the world’s best source of experimental knowledge. He could teach the king about almost any subject there was to know, from how the eye works to why the moon shines." so yeah, he did have many questions and lisanardo, finally being appreciated for her intellect, was happy to answer them all. its very interesting how lisa assigned this role to nelson in her retelling of da vinci’s life :^)
and so she lived the rest of her days in france, nat king cole's 'mona lisa' plays because duh, and they make a da vinci code reference because duh. and the segment ends. and not a single time did they show the actual mona lisa painting. the fuck?
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(ngl i was fully expecting bart to say 'leonardo da vinky' for a second here)
so this next segment is about french impressionist painters, most likely the batignolles group, a name adopted by the early representatives of impressionism. its much more vague than the lisanardo segment since no one here is referred to by name (except moe, more on him in a sec) but i dont feel like it really matters in this case. bart is prrrrooobably claude monet but its hard to say, this segment is kind of a mish-mash of a lot of things. also i gotta say i really liked how lisa introduced the story to bart with an 'if you hate the formal study of art' and not 'if you hate art' because thats exactly my headcanon. i LOVE the concept of artist bart and whenever its referenced it just makes perfect sense to me.
anyway the segment opens in 1863 at the école des beaux-arts (back then it was actually known as the académie des beaux-arts), preserver of traditional french art styles. skinner reviews his students’ paintings one by one. praises the plain, unimaginative paintings depicting your typical european countryside landscapes. very run-of-the-mill (haha get it...cuz theres….a windmill) (although the real académie didnt approve of such basic stuff, they wanted artists to draw epic historical and mythological scenes) then he gets to barts painting and he gives him an F- because the painting made him think.
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(the paintings in this scene arent real famous paintings as far as i know but they are inspired by real paintings enough to get the point across)
in comes barney dressed as bacchus as a model for the students to sketch, which i just loved:
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barney: “You prefer robe open or robe off?” skinner: “Just cover your privates with this walnut shell.” barney: “Whoa!!! So roomy!”
skinner gasps in horror at bart’s sketch, which “looks nothing like him” and bart explains that “it shouldn’t; we’re making the art that we feel because we can’t compete with a camera.” damn, you go bart. take that, realism. draw what you feel!!
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(also no, you didnt need to hold still for 17 hours for a daguerreotype. 30 min tops.)
nelson haw-haw of the week: FOIE-gras!
so here they are at the moulin rouge (“enjoy it before baz luhrmann ruins it” hey shut up. i love that movie), which wouldnt be built for another 26 years, but it is the most widely known gathering place for bohemians in the public consciousness so i can understand why they went with the moulin. nelson delivers this anachronistic line:
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“This époque keeps getting beller and beller!”
which alludes to la belle époque, the golden age of france usually dated from 1880 to 1914. made me snort so ill let that slide
and heres moe! as henri de toulouse-lautrec, who was actually born a year after the year this segment is set in. yo moe szyslak he was just 1
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toulouse-moetrec introduces himself as the chronicler of the demimonde (not an actual job). an iconic figure associated with the moulin rouge (largely due to his affinity for alcohol and prostitutes), toulouse-lautrec was also a painter, having illustrated a series of posters for the moulin himself. he simply had to be in this segment, anachronisms be damned, just because they decided to include the moulin. cant have one without the other.
and yes he did have a walking cane where he kept his liquor.
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i love how everyone drinks absinthe in this place. theyre bohemians what else would they drink
toulouse-moetrec points out that barts paintings are the greatest thing hes ever seen (and hes seen like five things!) and that hes a genius. milhouse realizes that they should stop doing what the teacher says and use their own minds to instead...start doing what bart says lmao. to the easels!
next we have skinner hyping up chalmers about the art his students made for the salon de paris, an art exhibition that the emperor of france will attend. he assures him that none of these paintings will encourage debate, provoke thought or be out of place at a dentist’s office. when they unveil the art, theyre both SHOCKED at how scandalous the paintings actually are.
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this reaction was kind of accurate. impressionism was severely rejected at the salon de paris, due to paintings not looking finished enough to them, they thought they were ugly and vulgar for depicting nudity in a contemporary setting (historical and mythological nudity was fine). these impressionist paintings were sent to the salon de refusés, which is. yeah. the place where they sent the rejects. the salon de refusés does not make an appearance but this scene makes a reference to it when the artists get expelled from the royal salon. also:
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“What about our student loans?” “Oh they’ll be refunded. We are not barbarians, I mean, come on.”
(god if only)
so the painters are down because they want the emperor to actually see their paintings. toulouse-moetrec pipes in once again with an idea.
“There is one thing the emperor loves more than anything.” “France?” “No, he hates France.”
apparently the emperor really loves cheese, which makes sense since its napoleon III (who loved cheese) and homer (who loves cheese.) so the painters roll into the salon inside a giant wheel of cheese (obviously.) as lenny said, “Eh, you know French cheese. Very runny.” napoleon III chases after the wheel into a room, where the wheel falls apart after getting chomped on by the emperor. now that they got his attention, the painters proudly show the emperor their impressionist art, which he couldnt be more indifferent about because he just wants to eat his cheese dammit, and he awards them with the royal medallion just to kind of get them out of his way. skinner immediately starts kissing ass (as he does) until marge’s like ‘hey wait a minute. you expelled these students from the royal salon’ and an executioner immediately starts ominously measuring skinners neck.
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“Uh, sir...is your tongue sticking out because you’re dead or because you’re mad at me?”
and thats the end of that lmao (gore in this episode, gore in the last episode, and next week we’re getting gore too cuz its THOH, what the hell is goin on)
we get a short intermission with maggie, who wants a story for her too! lisa tells her that renaissance artists loved to put babies in their paintings, especially baby angels.
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here she is showing her The Triumph Of Galatea by raphael:
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King David Playing The Harp by peter paul reubens:
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and a very simplified version of pretty much any depiction of hell by hyeronimus bosch lmao:
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not much else to say about this one, really. but i really liked that sky!
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the last segment is about frida kahlo and diego rivera. or as bart puts it ‘the one about a fat guy whos wife is too good for him.’ i was REALLY looking forward to this one because i love frida and i thought itd be a cool opportunity for animators to go bonkers and do really cool shit with her art as inspiration…..but the segment is not about frida, its about diego and his selling out to capitalism. and its also yet another story with homer and marge drama. no funky cool animation here. sigh i guess i’ll take it
the story begins in 1929 at la casa azul, frida’s home (now museum dedicated to her life and work.) frida and diego are getting married. this courtyard definitely did not look this way yet back in 1929. also theres something very cringy yet funny about lovejoy saying spanish words the way he does, i honestly cant decide how i feel about that one
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the writers know theyre being cringy with their gringoness so they go along with it.
moe: “Spanish for ‘best wishes’!” mel: “Spanish for ‘congratulations’!” bumblebee man: “Spanish for ‘muy bueno’!”
OH YEAH BUMBLEBEE MAN this is his new voice actor, eric lopez! hes not mexican but its still great to finally have a latino actor voicing a latino character and hes very excited to be part of the show so i hope to hear more of him!! im rooting for him
el barto/zorro makes an appearance which i am very confused about. he has jack shit to do with frida and diego and mexico in the 20s-30s. el zorro was set in the spanish california of the early 19th century. their use of the original theme song makes me think they just wanted to flex their disney privileges tbh
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lets not talk about that that whole scene was bad
anyway diego announces he and frida are going to new york, without even asking her first. frida is obviously pissed.
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“Don’t worry, as a woman, you’ll be treated with much more respect in America.”
so in new york, diego is having a bit of a business meeting with mr burns as one of the members of the rockefellers, who is commissioning him to draw a mural for the rockefeller center. its kinda funny how he refers to him and frida as socialists even though they were very much communists lmao its okay you can say it. ok so far, but then frida says ‘yes, we hate the capitalists! right now, a young socialist is being born who will take them down! mr. bernie sanders. i hope hes quick about it’ and that was a simple enough joke and couldve been left at that but then its immediately followed by this weird as fuck family guy-esque cutaway gag to bernie as a baby:
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“Getting a cootie shot should not cost your lunch money. And if you don’t listen to me, listen to the Bernie Babies! What? Everybody’s got goons.” *larger babies start beating up this other baby* “I disavow that, and welcome it.”
this confused me so much that i had to ask one of my american friends to help me understand, but even she was like ‘uhhh yeah thats a weird joke,’ especially now that hes been out of the race for months (then again these episodes take almost a year to produce. i guess they couldnt be bothered to replace it with something more relevant.) whatever that was weird and confusing and unfunny moving on
frida is pretty irked that diego is going through with this deal. after all, it goes against everything they believe in. im not sure how the real frida felt about diego doing the mural, but she did feel a bit of rage during her visit to the united states, especially the obvious disparity between rich and poor. she hated having to interact with capitalists and found americans very boring. in this segment, frida seems to be acting more like the american communist party, which diego got kicked out of for accepting commissions from wealthy patrons. in any case, frida is pretty upset about this whole thing.
and finally we get the first and only kind of surreal frida moment. kinda. maybe. its more cartoonish than anything but im desperate ok
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interesting how they felt like they had to add a “don’t smoke” in big letters after showing patty and selma flying away on their giant cigarettes. i wonder if this is something theyre making them do now? i remember hearing something about them toning down patty and selma’s smoking
diego comes home to frida, drunk as hell, followed by the marx brothers. i cant believe they didnt make a marxism joke come on it was RIGHT THERE. THE MARX BROTHERS. KARL MARX. COME ON
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frida paints her feelings.
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this makes diego realize that frida is a genius and he is not half the artist she is. he proclaims he will now show his awe of her by sleeping with other women, starting “an hour ago.” to which frida replies, “and i will start sleeping with other women, starting two hours ago.” yes this was pretty much their relationship. though im just wondering how the hell did diego not know frida was this kind of artist until now? i know homers an idiot but jeez. art was how frida and diego met, diego knew from the get-go that frida was an incredible artist. i guess the fame got to his head or something. again, homer just being stupid.
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“well enough already, while the art is still deco, okay?”
its time for the mural diego painted, Man At The Crossroads, to be unveiled:
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rockefeller examines it. good and great so far, and then...uh oh
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“Who’s that fellow…? With the beard, and the bolshevik smile…” “That’s the founder of Soviet Russia, Lenin!”
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“B-b-but he’s a communist!” “Oh he just attended a couple of meetings.”
rockefeller will not have this communist in the temple to capitalism that is the rockefeller center, so he orders diego to paint over it. diego stands his ground and refuses. despite rockefeller’s threats, diego says that theres only one person he wants to be proud of him no matter what and in true homer & marge fashion, frida is touched by this. they happily leave the rockefeller center.
now, the real story of Man At The Crossroads and the rockefeller center was actually not that different. as soon as the rockefellers found out diego had snuck in a portrait of lenin into the mural, they ordered him to paint over it, to which he refused. diego even offered to include abraham lincoln and even american abolitionists in the mural as a compromise, but the rockefellers simply did not want any references to communism whatsoever. they did not complain about the hammer and sickle, though. yes, they did know diego was a communist and hired him anyway. what did they expect? lmao. diego said:
"Rather than mutilate the conception [of the mural], I shall prefer the physical destruction of the conception in its entirety, but preserving, at least, its integrity."
so they decided to destroy the mural before it was even finished and they never talked to each other again.
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diego then repainted the mural at the palacio de bellas artes back in mexico, this time known as Man, Controller of the Universe. this new version included even more communist leaders and a depiction of john d. rockefeller jr. drinking at a nightclub, right underneath a depiction of syphilis bacteria. cue nelson haw-haw:
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this was the version they used in the episode also, since the original was, well, never finished and also destroyed. only a black and white photograph of it exists, taken by diego before it was destroyed so he could remake it.
right so, homer!diego then pulls a Barthood and finishes the episode with a large mural summarizing the entire episode. he says some rick and morty thing i didnt get because i dont watch the show idk idc
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the end
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alexanderpusheen · 4 years
what frustrates me the most abt this china narrative is that the US created al qaeda and ISIS, those groups are recruiting and causing terrorism in xinjiang, china has been trying to handle the situation with re-education programs often suggested by westerners, and its still being treated as this major human rights violation. there are actually dozens of countries with several robust anti radicalization programs that are just as strict, like singapore, colombia, yemen, bangladesh, saudi arabia, and indonesia. this paper ive linked to was even funded by the DHS so like...why has detaining someone and basically reverse brainwashing them out of being a terrorist been so acceptable for so long but now its an issue? 
if you take issue with chinas program, you have to prove its somehow exceptional to these other programs. since we really dont have any way of knowing what is truth or reality thanks to the enormous disinformation campaign going on, you fucking cant. we dont even know what the programs entail because even googling it gets you exclusively hyperbolic concentration camp accusations. 
what i will say is that relations between the han majority and the uyghur minority have been strained since at least the 80s. link is the notoriously conservative and pro US intervention human rights watch, so dont say im using pro commie sources or anything. every time i do any bit of research on this i seem to find an attempt from major news outlets in the early to mid 2000s or late 20-teens to prove this all started or became dramatically worse now, but things have always been tense. and its not really a surprise that things really got bad after the collapse of the soviet union, an event that was geographically close to china and the xinjiang region and also just like, a fucking major global event in general.
what i find to be very odd is just how dramatically the narrative has changed. the diplomat, one of my favorite periodicals, went from taking very nuanced and balanced positions on xinjiang that i almost completely agreed with to being just as aggressive as outlets like the BBC and CNN in the span of five years. they have eleven pages worth of articles on xinjiang, mostly covering the terrorism and beijings response (which i agree is too harsh) and xinjiang muslims’ relationships to the greater muslim world. 
an example is how this article talks about the conflict at the time which warns of escalating violence as a result of han chauvinism and beijing being unable to deal with the extremism holistically. it points out how there were uyghurs captured among taliban ranks in afghanistan and how many might have even been working with ISIL.
The threat will not be an existential one to the Chinese state, as most Uighurs would prefer a peaceful accommodation. But even if only 1 percent of Uighurs hold extreme views, there are 10 million in Xinjiang and even for a state security apparatus as formidable as China’s, 100,000 or more angry people present a tough challenge.
i think its totally right that china does not allow people in that area to have cars, woodcutting tools, and amonium nitrate (which is used in bombs) is very strictly regulated. i completely agree that this is not how you combat terrorism. most people do not want war and broadly punishing these people is itself a human rights violation that went unnoticed until now.
however, in that same year, the diplomat also published this article about the infamous turkestan islamic party. members of TIP are like, literal jihadists lmfao.
TIP fighters call on the world’s Muslims to join the jihad against Western countries in internet videos. Perhaps most worringly for China, the TIP believes that Muslims may fight locally using various means instead of coming to Syria and Iraq to conduct a “holy war” against the “infidel” Western regimes.  
yeah i definitely want to hear more about what these guys have to say. the article is really good because i think it highly illustrates just how dangerous these people are. theyve killed hundreds of people across china and want to establish a fascist religious state in xinjiang. while the article speaks for itself, i believe the last paragraph really highlights why china is being singled out whereas countries like france and canada are considered allies to muslims for whatever reason:
However, as experience has shown, China takes a passive position in the struggle against global Islamic jihad in Syria and Iraq. Beijing has not sent its troops to the Middle East to fight ISIS and has instead confined itself to diplomatic support for Russia and the United States. The Chinese government uses the attacks of Islamic jihadists to persuade Western countries to support Beijing’s position on Xinjiang and turn a blind eye when the freedom and rights of Uyghurs are harshly suppressed by Chinese security forces. Therefore, China is not perceived by the West as a reliable partner in the fight against terrorism. [emphasis mine]
im just a little surprised to see that a lot of these violent attacks from extremists throughout the years have targeted not just han chinese but also other uyghurs. in the west people do not typically sympathize with terrorists as freedom fighters, even on the left, because we know that no matter how angry or how seemingly justified the violence might seem, terrorism is unacceptable and it grossly misrepresents islam. it is a fascist act because those terrorists often follow an extremely right wing version of islam. also, we know that those who carry out terrorist attacks even outside of the west are middle class and professionals in some way, not poor and marginalized people. the level of nuance afforded to terrorists outside of xinjiang is pretty staggering. 
yet in china, there seems to be this excitement than they are killing chinese people, even if some of those chinese are other uyghers or otherwise muslims. those who carry out attacks in xinjiang dont get any nuance or analysis because theyre justified.
ive referenced the diplomat earlier but this article from 2013 says it perfectly: Call Tiananmen Attack What It Was: Terrorism. except terrorism is bad. and the west wants you to support the uyghurs. and make no mistake, they do not want you to support the millions of uyghurs who want to live peacefully, free of any repression, american or chinese. they want you to support the jihadists randomly blowing up chinese and tourists alike because you are meant to sympathize with their plight.
terrorism isnt something to be romantacized or cheered on. it is something someone or someones do when they feel they have no other option. people do not want to kill even those they feel they have every right to because thats a line you cant uncross. murder changes you, justified or not. see the last chapter of wretched of the earth for this.
terrorism is great, however, for destabilizing a region or a country, and xinjiang is resource-rich. establishing a US-friendly regime, no matter how good they are on human rights, is the goal. the US does not care about muslims. they do not care about human rights. china, also, does not really seem to care about muslims or human rights either. but we’ve seen this since vietnam, and the US has learned since vietnam. the vietnamese were sympathetic. they were minding their business. 
after vietnam, merely being communist isnt enough to warrant invasion. theyre killing their own people. nevermind that bolsonaro kills his own people and no one wants to invade (yet--biden has mention sanctions wrt us which is scary but again, thats got everything to do with making sure latin america is loyal to the west, not HR offenses). korea, although it was before vietnam, was less publicized and learning from vietnam gave the US a valuable lesson: always blame the victim. and thus, the US blames the victims of its violence. even if its ‘justified’, even if its ‘true,’ as was the case with saddam hussein, invading and occupying was the nightmare no one but the imperialists anticipated. because they dont broadcast what occupying forces do to the occupied. i am old enough to remember abu ghraib. have it seared in my memory forever. you perhaps are also old enough to remember, but also think millions of abu ghraibs and guantanamo bays are always worth it, always justified. 
i know people arent going to read this and remind me really rudely that they didnt read it but i want to really emphasize how one of imperialism and colonialisms features is ethnic and racial separatism. how the rwandan genocide couldnt have happened without previous belgian and french rule. how yugoslavia wouldve remained a single country had it not been for NATO. i think its easy to diminish the role of the colonizer in all of this, but it is actually one of its goals: divide and conquer. exacerbate the existing conflicts to the point of genocide. 
and if the west succeeds in balkanizing china, you will get more racism rather than less. you will see more violence against muslim minorities rather than less. they will feel less empowered rather than more. china has to learn that they are also to blame in a way that will be catastrophic for over a billion people. han chauvinism and outright racism must be addressed beyond window dressing.
wrapping up, china is in the wrong here. what theyre doing is racist and humiliating a population that has to be empowered. and the one child rule, even for the han majority, is imo fucking evil lol like sorry tankie tumblr im tankie too but i cannot for the life of me accept that as a good thing.... but i also dont buy the accusations of genocide, because even tho a lot of these articles are kind of glossing over it, china is trying to handle the terrorism in the region. imo theyre feeding into it by getting more han in the area, but also having more han but forcing them to take worse jobs would be a show of good will. idk, this situation is extremely complex and frankly, most uyghers do not want secession. 
i also take extreme issue with people saying that adrian zenz is somehow reliable. not only is he a nazi crackpot, hes also literally the only source for almost all of what we know about this in the west. that is not how you do journalism. i dont understand how people are saying ‘yeah hes an extremely fascist grifter but also i believe him because hes anti communist and also anti china’. thats also not really the point? the point is that hes also the ONLY SOURCE on almost all of this, which is alarming. 
i also find it very startling that in order to keep interest in the story, every few weeks the US has to remind people that the chinese are also doing what the US is doing to women in its own camps. forget that the US is separating minors from parents (since 2008). forget that the US is sterilizing women en masse (since 2017). forget that the US is raping women at the border (since there was a border). forget the US even has camps because now they arent even called that anymore. this is not that ‘you can be angry at two things at once’ but a clearly cynical attempt to get its citizens to forget that the US is detaining, deporting, sterilizing, and raping, and gassing non US nationals. 
they are not ‘your own people.’ they are me. the other. i am an immigrant to the US, currently in my country of birth, so i am the other to you, the american. the chinese are doing the evil crime of killing their own. but the americans could never kill their own because they dont consider black americans to be their own. latin american nationals are not their own. bombing millions globally is not their own. thats always justifiable. there is clearly an element of racism in how these crimes are perceived as more or less evil.
the way immigrants and black americans are brutalized in the US is almost naturalized. like its the way things are supposed to be. you can live with that. its upsetting that you have to hear about antiblackness and the like but you know thats just how life is. you dont necessarily call for the US to be sanctioned or bombed by other countries because you believe in the inherent goodness of white america. but countries like china and iran and north korea deserve to be starved and killed for their crimes. and you can never say ‘maybe bombing and starving a country isnt the answer’ because it means you agree with it. you can never say ‘this is clearly propaganda to make me hate another race so much’ because it means youre a genocide denier. im sorry, but again, i remember iraq in 2003, i remember libya in 2011. i dont buy it.
finally, theres been a lot of attacks on asian people in the US lately and if you cannot see the violent way the US talks about china the country and how that influences people to harm asians within the US then idk what else to tell you. people will really believe this shit and say the chinese are all blood thirsty islamaphobes and thus need to be harmed. ‘im not like that! i defend my asian friends from racism!’ thats nice and all but idk how spreading some sinophobic propaganda designed by the US to make you support some kind of violence against one billion chinese people isnt inherently racist. also its unhelpful because sanctions dont really solve problems. but ive spoken too much.
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desiree-harding-fic · 5 years
Write the thing where taako is showing krav the house and calls it "our" house lowkey asking him to live with him and then they start talking about furniture or smth but really theyre like .5 seconds from just making out right there in the living room (and then they DO) ,,,,,,,im soft
(This is so long here have some boys)
Taako moves into a villa on the Stillwater Sea.
It’s a little way from Neverwinter, and it’s beautiful, when Kravitz finally gets a chance to see it. All lovely creamy stone on the outsides and there’s a wide open plaza in the back and a sort of terraced garden before a grassy hill slopes down to the shore, the very smallest of waves lapping against the soft white sand. It’s so bright, more large French doors than traditional windows, that you can prop open and let the breeze from the sea whirl through the place in the summer –  
Kravitz marvels at it when Taako invites him over one day, gives him a full tour of the place. It fits him so well, the sunshine and the light-colored stone. And Taako hadn’t said anything about moving, when Kravitz last dropped in, he was staying in an apartment in Neverwinter. This is… something else entirely. Kravitz doesn’t know when Taako filled the terraces with flowering plants, or dedicated one to herbs and vegetables, or put in the lemon and orange and peach trees, but they’re there. Probably with a little divine assistance from their good friend Pan.
The outside of the house is manicured, perfect and lovely. The inside is completely bare.
“It doesn’t look quite so lived in, yet,” Kravitz comments as they wind up back in one of the central rooms, because he doesn’t know what else to say, the sight of the house and how utterly in love with it Kravitz is stealing the words from his lips.
He says it, and Taako shifts, a bit awkward, where he’s hanging onto Kravitz’s arm.
“Well,” he says, “Lup and Barry are going to be in the… you know, the other house that we saw” (connected by a covered walkway, Kravitz remembers, separate and just as beautiful, almost an extension of the first, but still its own space) “but uh,” Taako seems to suddenly lose words.
“I was kind of thinking you might want to pick out a few things with me,” Taako says, and Kravitz’s heart just about falls right out of his chest.
“You’re uh… you’re going a bit skelly there, Krav,” Taako says, and Kravitz realizes his hands have abruptly lost all construct flesh.
“Sorry,” he says, knitting the flesh back over his knuckles, his fingers. His hands are shaking. His mind is filled with the bright sunlight on the stone and shining on Taako’s hair, and of picking things out for Taako’s house. “I just thought – maybe it sounded like –” why can’t he talk – “you want me to –”
“Live here?” Taako says, “yeah.”
By the queen.
“That is, if you’re not already like… bound to the astral plane or whatever,” Taako says hurriedly. “I mean, you might already have a like… a cushy pad in Ghostytown or whatever, and I don’t wanna like… cramp your style or something, I just thought –”
“I usually just discorporate when I’m not working,” Kravitz interrupts. Taako blinks at him.
“That’s depressing as hell, Krav,” he says.
“Well it’s not like – I mean I don’t have any reason to be sticking around the Prime Material when I’m not working, and anyway I – I was always kind of working before I met –” He’s rambling. They both are. Taako’s eyes are enormous, and he’s so close and he’s – “I like this house,” he says
“You do?” Taako whispers, turning toward him, worming his way into Kravitz’s space, his arms. So pleasant and real and – Kravitz needs to form words.
“It’s… warm. And I – it reminds me of you.”
He’s just a breath away.
“Do you want to…?” Taako says.
“I think so. You don’t think it’s too soon?” He asks, because it is soon. It’s barely the end of summer. Not two months after story and song. And yet –
“I mean… look,” Taako says, rushed, “I’ve – I’ve been around a long time, for an elf my age, and I –” he licks his lips, takes a breath – “I love you. I know I don’t say it a lot, and I’m getting used to it, but it’s not because I don’t feel it. And I um – I’d like to have you around more when you’re not busy. And I thought, you know, I’ve been travelling a lot and you don’t sound much like you’ve had a sort of home base for a while, and it might be nice to have a – a sort of a – permanent? Place? It’s not like it’s going to be hard for y’all to get to work –”
“No, I suppose that’s a fair point.” Kravitz chuckles.
“We can go somewhere else if you don’t like it.”
“Taako, I – I love it. Really.”
“You might have to make some aesthetic decisions without me,” he says, wrapping his arms around Taako, bringing him close. He feels like he can never get close enough. “Things are still… messy, after the end of the world. I’m going to … stay busy for a bit.” He strokes a hand through Taako’s hair and Taako’s eyes go a little unfocused. It’s a second before he nods, another before he speaks.
“I was thinking Magnus could make us a dining table.” He murmurs. His eyes are positively luminous in the afternoon sun. For a moment he forgets Taako said anything at all. The response is quiet and strange.
“I think that’s a good idea.” He says.
“Should be a good thing to keep him busy, you know, since it’s like… well, he’s got all this time now, and – it’ll be… it’ll have to be a big one, to fit everybody.”
“Of course,” Kravitz agrees.
“It just makes sense for us to host for holidays and everything, you know, we’re the most… the most centrally located in Neverwinter and all.”
We’re the most centrally located. We. The two of them. Together. Their house. His and Taako’s. Kravitz is going to die again.
“It makes perfect sense.” Taako’s so close, they’re breathing he same air.
“Fuck, I love you.”
 (And then they make out but I don’t have the energy to write that right now and also this is already longer than a snippet and im bad at kisses)
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bittysvalentines · 6 years
Love in the Morning
From: @ivecarvedawoodenheart
To: @amessnamedwidogast
Rating: Teen & Up
Word Count: 2461
I hope you like it!! I had a really good time with this :) Happy Valentine’s Day!!
“Don’t you dare, you had better not, I’ll call your dad and the press, I’ll tell ‘em—” “I think ‘Jack Zimmermann helps out teammate with checking drills’ would be a good headline, actually. I give you my blessing.” “Not when you’re threatening to pour water all over me you big ole—” “‘Big ole’ what, exactly?” ___________________________
Zimbits, from Bitty’s POV. Focusing primarily on waking up in the morning.
Someone throws a pillow at his face. Bitty jolts upright, looking around wildly, almost falling out of bed. It better not be — oh Lord, he’s gonna murder him —
“Bon matin, Bittle.”
Bitty check his watch and screams internally.
“Jack, were you dropped as a child? Is that why you feel the need to force me out of bed at four in the morning?”
He thinks Jack raises his eyebrows. It’s hard to be sure when it’s so dark in here, but the vaguely Jack-sized blob in the doorway gives off a distinctly amused vibe.
“My uncle Wayne did, actually,” Jack says. “My parents forbade him from holding me until I could do backwards crossovers.”
“Mmph.” Bitty closes his eyes and pulls his blankets up under his chin. “Go bother Shitty, Mr. I’m-Friends-With-NHL-All-Stars. I have a test today.”
Jack says, “That was yesterday, Bittle.”
“I could have another one today, Zimmermann.”
“You, having a test and not tweeting about it? Impossible.”
Bitty cracks open an eye at that. “It’s too early for you to be chirpin’ this much,” he says, but he swings his legs out of bed and lets Jack bundle him off to the bathroom to brush his teeth and wake up somewhat. They’re on their way to the rink, Bitty in an oversized Pens sweatshirt because he couldn’t find one of his in the dark, before he realizes that means Jack reads his tweets.
“I’m asleep, my eyes are closed, go away Jack, can’t you see I’m sleeping—”
“You’d be much more convincing if you weren’t talking, Bittle. You’ll have time after to take a nap, let’s get at it—”
“Oh my god . ‘Let’s get at it’? Are you actually eighty years old—”
“Yes, okay, Old Man Zimmermann, ha ha, that hasn’t been played out. If you really want to make fun of me you’ll get your butt to the rink, that’ll really show me.”
Bitty scowls at him when they get to the locker room. Jack laughs, just once, and it’s so surprised and quick a sound that Bitty almost misses it. He wants to hear it again.
Midnight, and there’s a knock at his door. Bitty presses Señor Bun tighter to his chest and wipes his eyes hastily, catching his French book before it slides to the floor. “Yeah?”
“Can I … can I come in?”
The door makes it difficult to hear, but he thinks it’s Jack. He squeezes his eyes shut, biting his lip. Then he forces himself to perk up as best he can.
“Of course! Why’re you up? It’s so late.”
Jack eases the door open and shut behind him. Bitty watches him scan the room, taking in the flashcards strewn across his bedspread and his laptop. He wishes he hadn’t left it open on Google Translate.
Jack rubs the back of his neck. A little sliver of his shirt rides up, and Bitty knows this shouldn’t be anything — they’ve all seen too much of each other in the locker room — but it’s almost too much on top of everything. His hair sticks up in all directions. Bitty holds Señor Bun tighter to keep from crossing the room and making his hair even wilder.
“Your light’s still on,” Jack says. He looks so unsure of himself here. Bitty’s not sure he’s ever been in his room outside of waking him at godforsaken times in the morning. “I wanted to, euh. Make sure everything’s okay.”
“I’m fine,” Bitty says quickly. Jack shoots him an unimpressed look, first nodding to Bitty’s flashcards, then raising his eyebrows at the clock. “Well. Not quite okay, but. I will be fine, which is what matters.”
Jack still doesn’t look like he believes him, but when he crosses the room to sit on the bed, his face softens. He picks up a flashcard with le fromage written on it. “You’re learning food words?”
“Oui,” Bitty says. Even that has such a pronounced twang to it. He sighs. “I’ll be honest, it’s not going great.”
He’s fiddling with the card now, flipping it back and forth, playing with the corners. Bitty watches him gather the rest of the flashcards in a neat stack and shuffle them.
Jack says, “I can quiz you,” and Bitty’s about to cry again.
He wipes his eyes. “You don’t have to.”
It must catch in his voice, because Jack looks up then. His eyebrows crease. “I mean — I don’t want to overstep, but. I do speak French, so.”
“Oh do you?” Bitty asks, and Jack rolls his eyes. He tosses a card at him and le jus hits him in the Adam’s apple. Bitty swallows reflexively.
He doesn’t think he imagines how Jack watches him.
Jack bumps their knees together. “If you want,” Jack says softly. “I don’t mind.”
“Okay,” Bitty whispers. He clears his throat. “If you’re fine with how badly I’m going to pronounce these words, that is.”
“I’ll live,” Jack says.
Bitty smacks him with his pillow, and he laughs quietly. A little thrill runs through Bitty at the sound.
“Okay, Bittle,” Jack says. “Let’s do this.”
In the morning, Jack yawns loudly in the faint morning light and says, “Up and at ‘em, let’s go—”
“You can’t be serious,” Bitty says, grumpy. “We were up the whole night doing flashcards and you took up the whole bed, I didn’t get to sleep for a second.”
“That’s a lie, you snored the whole time, I didn’t—”
“You and your big ass stole all the blankets, I couldn’t’ve snored because I have to be asleep for that—”
“Couldn’t’ve? Are you joking—”
Jack goes on a rant about how difficult it is to understand him, and then how hard it must be to understand either of them, and then segues into a scheme to confuse everyone next time they come back from a break and their accents are stronger. Bitty chimes in now and then. Mostly, though, he drinks in how this feels: Jack in his bed, flashcards still everywhere — there’s one stuck to Jack’s cheek now, he thinks it’s les fraises — and his eyes still sleep heavy.
Bitty wants this so badly he outright gasps in the middle of Jack’s sentence.
“You okay, Bitty?”
“Fine,” he says, trying to push the feeling aside. “You’re kidding though, right? About checking practice today?”
Jack holds out a hand in a may I? gesture that Bitty doesn’t understand until he pouts, glancing at Señor Bun. Bitty hands him over tentatively. Jack tucks Señor Bun neatly under his chin, cuddling him with his eyes closed, and this all but knocks the air out of Bitty.
“‘M joking,” Jack says. Beneath the covers, Bitty feels him gently nudge his side with an elbow. “‘M tired. Bonne nuit.”
“No French when I’m trying to sleep, Mr. Zimmermann,” he says softly. Jack nudges him again.
He drifts off. In his dreams, he sees Jack holding Señor Bun like he’s something precious.
Bitty has Canadian bacon on the stove when Jack stumbles downstairs. He quietly pours himself some orange juice, then Bitty feels rather than sees him join him at the stove.
“There’re some eggs in the fridge,” Bitty says, “if you wanna do somethin’ with them.”
He bumps his shoulder against Jack’s chest just to touch him and prove to himself that they’re standing here, together. Jack’s golden in the dewy morning sun.
“Your checks are getting better,” he says then, and Bitty says, “Oh, shush, you.”
Jack scrambles some eggs and fries some, and it’s peaceful between them.
“Don’t you dare, you had better not, I’ll call your dad and the press, I’ll tell ‘em—”
“I think ‘Jack Zimmermann helps out teammate with checking drills’ would be a good headline, actually. I give you my blessing.”
“Not when you’re threatening to pour water all over me you big ole—”
“‘Big ole’ what, exactly?”
“I — it’s early, okay? My mouth hasn’t woken up yet.”
“Seems like it has to me.”
Bitty crawls out of his blankets at that, cheeks burning. “You tryin’ to tell me I talk too much?”
Jack takes a sip of water. “No, I’m trying to tell you to get your ass out of bed so we can go to Faber before the early skate. Do you think I enjoy being up at four?”
“Well.” He tilts his head to the side. “Look, it’s prime running time—”
Bitty narrows his eyes. “Jack Laurent Zimmermann, you could get mugged—”
“—not if I’m running faster than my mugger, which is what I was about to say when I was so rudely interrupted, and how else am I to outrun a mugger than to practice running?”
He looks so pleased with his logic. Bitty says, “People like you are what’s wrong with this country,” and he grins broadly.
“I’m Canadian, remember?”
Bitty beats him for the first time in their end of practice race.
Bitty’s alarm wakes him for the first time in ages, which of course means Jack died or something because no way in hell would he miss an opportunity to push him into the boards for an hour and a half.
Lord. He wouldn’t mind being pushed against the boards.
He’s had enough dreams that end up against the boards, for various reasons, and … he shouldn’t be thinking this, now, but.
He checks the weather and his school email and then, shivering, pads across the hall.
“Jack?” An answering mmph gives him the okay to open the door, so he does. He blinks to adjust to the darkness. Jack peeks blearily out from his blankets. “They’ve called classes for the day, it’s too cold out.”
Jack says, “Mmph,” and Bitty connects the dots. “You knew that already, I’m sorry! I’ll just—”
Bitty stops midway to the door.
Jack jerks his head toward the bed, peeling back his blankets. “It’s cold,” he mumbles, “c’mon.”
Bitty’s heart about stops. His mouth moves wordlessly for a few seconds before his mind catches up from where it stopped on Jack’s asking me to get in bed with him .
“Are you sure?” he asks, and Jack nods.
“No point losing more body heat,” he says sleepily. “Besides. My bed’s bigger than yours, we’ll fit fine.”
“Chirp chirp.”
So Bitty does. He climbs into his bed carefully, trying not to jostle Jack too much. Jack clumsily tucks the blankets around them and when Bitty tugs on the covers himself, their hands brush. Jack squeezes his briefly, then lets go. Bitty shivers again, but not from the cold.
“Oh — here —” Jack shifts his pillow and then presses a balled up sweatshirt into Bitty’s hands. “If you want.”
It’s the Pens sweatshirt he’d borrowed months ago. It still smells like him. The fact of Jack, sleeping with this so close to his face, breaks so sweetly in Bitty’s chest. He pulls it on.
“Thanks,” he whispers.
Jack says, “Mmph,” but Bitty can see him smiling slightly.
Bitty wakes up after graduation to two texts. They’re timestamped 4:02 AM.
They say,
I’m sorry if it’s too early to say this , but I’ve been wanting to tell you for awhile now
I think I fell in love with you in the morning
He touches his lips with his fingertips and wonders when it was he got so stupid lucky.
A pillow lands on his face, yanking him out of a stress dream about playoffs.
Something in their bedroom smells delicious. He opens his eyes and blinks to be sure he isn’t dreaming.
Jack’s filled their nightstands with plates and plates of food. There’s a heap of pancakes stacked high and half buried under blueberries and strawberries and what smells like 100% Canadian syrup on one of them, and toast shining beautifully with butter stacked next to eggs cooked every which way of the other. Jack himself is sitting at Bitty’s feet, wearing the Schooners shirt Bitty had gotten as a signing perk two years back. It still looks so, so good on him. Bitty’s never gotten over the thrill at seeing Jack in a shirt with his last name on it.
“Oh sweetheart,” Bitty says, yawning. “How did you—”
“I have my ways,” Jack says, handing him a plate and Bitty smiles.
“It all smells so good.”
“That’s only because you missed about an hour of me burning everything on the stove.”
Bitty throws up his hands in mock exasperation. “This boy.”
Jack crawls next to him and leans against the headboard. He rests his arm around Bitty, pulling him gently against his side, and presses a kiss to the side of his head. “Your boy, you mean,” he says, and Bitty about melts.
“For half a second there I thought you were wakin’ me up for checking practice again,” Bitty tells him, after they’ve kissed a little.
Jack says, “I still could,” and Bitty kisses him some more to distract him. From the way he huffs a laugh, he knows Jack knows what he’s doing. “Though you don’t really need it now.”
“Yeah, I had a really good, really strict captain for that.”
They’re quiet a moment while they eat. Bitty sneaks peeks at Jack now and then, liking the way the sun still loves him. Jack catches him a few times and chirps him softly.
“I don’t think I ever told you,” Bitty says, when they’ve stacked all their dishes out of the way. “It was when you said you read my tweets, for me. Or with Señor Bun that first night in my bed, when you looked at him like he was a new bucket of pucks.”
“When…” Jack starts, frowning a little. Bitty waits for him to puzzle it out, leaning fully against him now. He sees the realization before Jack says it. “Oh,” Jack says. “When you…”
“When I fell in love with you,” Bitty says simply. “That was when.”
Jack tips his chin up with two fingers and Bitty savors this kiss more than any other they’ve had, except for the one after that one, and the one after that.
“I love you,” Jack says afterward. He presses their foreheads together.
Bitty says, “I love you no matter how many eggs you burn,” and Jack laughs another quick, surprised laugh. Hearing now is even better than the first time.
Jack helps him out of bed and they wash the dishes together, stopping now and then to bump into each other and kiss softly and be at home here, together in their kitchen with the sun just coming up. Even after all this time, this feels like the start of something.
Bitty takes Jack’s hand as the radio plays. They stay like this, dancing their way through cleaning up, well past when the sun rises fully in the sky.
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dreammutual-remade · 6 years
high school!donghyuck
Tumblr media
request: idk if you’re taking reqs but i really like ur highscool aus so if u want to write one abt hyuck ill be :^))))))) - anonymous
word count: 5.1k
a/n: oof its been awhile unnies!!!! ive had exams for the past two weeks and I still have exams now so im sorry for not posting anything but reblogs with headassery in the tags!!! we are continuing the high school series n renjun is next!! since I got like 3 requests for him !!!!! hhehhehehheheh its gonna b cute <3 anyways hope u enjoy this I love my lil duckie baby
mark, renjun, jeno, donghyuck, jaemin, chenle, jisung
big oof i’m gonna cry while writing this
i’m running out of creative ways to say let’s dive in
let us take the plunge
okay!!!!!!!!!! so you’ve been an editor/writer for the school paper for pretty much all of your high school career
you’re not super well known though because you don’t try to take any credit for anything and always sign your pieces like “- the daily newspaper team” or smth 
anywhom you’ve always loved writing about the stuff around you or making up little short stories
one of your hobbies is just going people watching and trying to write down a brief description of people you see and what you think they’re on the way to do
you’ve befriended the baristas at your favorite spot, lucas and mark, and they always beg to read them but you never let them because mark is too nice to tell you it’s shit and lucas is too dumb to at least say it nicely
you’ve got at least 6 notebooks FULL of these little stories but you’ve never really ? showed anyone because wow showing others your work is Scary
criticism ???/$&/&:&:&:
it’s midway through the first semester of the school year and you’ve been super busy since it’s football season and you gotta write about all the games
and you haven’t had much time to write your cute little stories for yourself and you miss it a lot :/
this weekend though the chance of rain is SUPER high so the football game is cancelled and you have plenty of time to yourself !! :D
there is, a setback tho
u fckin softie
you decide to tough it out though and get suited up in some polka dot rain boots and a rain jacket and set off to find somewhere to chill
as you’re walking to the nearest lil greenhouse/cafe thing it starts raining ,, ,,, hARDER
when you started it wasn’t rlly raining it was just like that weird tension in the air right before the air pressure drops and it starts to rain and you were already on edge OOF
but then it’s raining so you clutch your notebook to your chest and dash
usain bolt had nothing on you girly you were ZOOM ZOOM
broom broom- doyoung
unfortunately you don’t make it though because with you head down to keep the rain out of your eyes you run RIGHT into someone’s CHEST !!!!!!
hehe u know i’m a sucker for these god damn TROPES
your notebook goes flying and and the arms attached to the Chest That Caused Your Grief come up to catch you by the arms
“oh gOD sorry are you okay ??? i wasn’t looking and i was trying to keep my journal dr- MY JOURNALSDJDDD”
you fling yourself out of this boys arms and pick up your soaking wet journal sadly
:((((((( you had so many stories in there wtf
“oh shit i’m sorry do you uh want me to buy you another one ???”
“no that’s okay it wasn’t your fault :( and it’s just a journal i’m only sad because all my stories are gone :(((((“
you finally look up from your Ruined journal to see , the prettiest boy
you can’t tell for sure cause his hair is soaking wet but it’s a bright red that looks a bit faded and his skin is tanned and golden like HONEY OOF
he meets your eyes and awkwardly smiles and he looks so GUILTY AW
“no really it’s fine don’t feel bad!!”
“okay but i feel bad what can i do to make it up to you?”
“hMMM you could come help me think of wacky stories about people who walk past”
“well if you INSIST m’lady”
“aw, never mind”
so in the pouring rain you both walk to cafe and find a little corner to people-watch in
on the way there he tells you his name is donghyuck but his friends call him hyuck
“dude that’s the sound goofy makes when he laughs your friends are terrible”
“oh my god i don’t even think they know what they’re saying HsjdjHEHHS”
after a couple minutes of bad goofy impressions you decide to call him duckie instead because ,,,, GARSH MICKEY 🤠🤠🤠
also because it’s cute
you didn’t hear this from me but he uwued so hard rip his street cred with the Boys
anyways right before you settle in you’re like hey uh did you have somewhere to be like weren’t you heading places
and he was like nah i like the rain it’s nice to just walk around feels GOOD
your eyes widen so big and he snorts because what’s so ridiculous about that
your dramatic ass tries to get up and LEAVE but he grabs your wrist and is like noooo we haven’t even written any stories yet why do you hate rain so much ??
you explain how thunder is the work of the devil and that lightning could strike you down where you stand at any moment and storms are EVIL
he chuckles and side eyes you
“aW you big wimp you’re afraid of thunderstorms aren’t you”
“yES. like any sane person would be”
“you know a lot of people actually like storms”
“like i said, SANE people do not”
and then you change the subject right quick because your face is getting RED with embarrassment
you n donghyuck spend like 2 hours just sitting in the corner and writing little scenarios on napkins
“oh shit that girl over there with the french braids is TOTALLY gonna marry hipster beanie guy in two years. mark my words”
“idk y/n she lowkey has the hots for the barista”
“ ew you mean mark??”
“yeah. now THAT man is a work of art”
“god what is wrong with you maybe you should buy me another book”
“too late now we’re FRIENDS and i don’t owe you ANYTHING”
“being friends doesn’t work like that at all but, okay”
at the end of the day you’ve got a stack of napkins with scribbled notes on them
(one of them has donghyuck’s number on it skdkkfjd)
he leaves you with a bright smile and you’re in awe this boy is so golden and lovely
oof and when you were still in the cafe his hair had dried to the unnatural red color that he ? somehow made look good ugh not fAIR
and it was a lil curly and fluffy and looked very soft :(((((
as you walk home you drift along the sidewalk with a stupid smile on your face wow please get a little less obvious hunty
when you get home the sun is setting and the rain has cleared and you are so Happy that was the best day !!!
you weren’t even scared of the thunder because whenever the sky would fckin CRACK OPEN hyuck would subtly try to keep your attention and distract you with questions
duckie: oH Hey uhhh so hOW do you even come up these stories ?):$:$ theyre so good
such a sweet boy uwu
when you get home your mom eyes you suspiciously as you drift down the hall towards your room but doesn’t comment
she didn’t need to though because you immediately return and tell her everything !!!
she encourages you to befriend him at school and see where it goes from there ;))) or just TEXT HIM
so you do
both of those things !!!
you: hey!! it’s y/n btw
duckie: hey! u make it home alive without the sky cracking open and killing u
you send him memes and he sends , even better ones back this boy is Husband Material
the next couple weeks you realize that hyuck is actually in like a lot of your classes
and he’s like yeah i don’t blame you for not noticing since your nose is always in one of those Damn Journals
can’t believe u smh
you start actually interacting with people in class
and by people i mean donghyuck and any of his friends who happen to be there
you literally get thrown into their friendgroup like one day you know donghyuck and have vaguely heard of jeno since he’s on the soccer team
and then the next you’re a part of the group message and jaemin begs for your math homework during lunch ????
“jaemin just dO YOUR OWN HOMEWORK FOR ONCE ???”
“ugh but i don’t know how”
“hey you know what maybe if you didn’t sleep in class you WOULD”
this is usually when duckie interjects with
“hey now girls, you’re both smart <3”
“i know im smart but , jaemin , i don’t know about him 😔😔”
poor jaemin leave him alone :(
jisung is , extREMELY awkward around you because he’s a Baby Freshman and you’re a Female Senior hsjdjf it’s so cute
and chenle is the complete opposite he IMMEDIATELY latches onto you and is always like
“y/n !!!! wanna watch this video of me singing and playing the piano when i was thirteen on live national television !!!!”
“y/N !!!!!!! can you drive me n jisung to get ice cream plEASE !!! we won’t even play PSY this time”
“okay,,,,, pinky promise?”
his pinky hooks around yours at an incredible speed as he jumps up and down with excitement
“pinky promise !!!!!!!!!!”
hyuck overhears and insists upon coming with for , unknown reasons
renjun and jeno keep snickering to each other across the lunch table too uGH
sneaky bastards !
after school you wait in the parking lot for the Babies with hyuck who looks rather flushed considering his skin is pretty tan and it takes a lot for him to visibly blush ??
“hey duckie boy you good?”
“haha yEAH uh just wondering where the boys are hhhh”
“oh yeah ! they should’ve been here like 10 mins ago”
your phone buzzes in your pocket and you go to check it to see a text in the group message
lele: hey y/n~ me n jisung can’t come we totally forgot we joined a frisbee team and there’s practice today !!!
blueberry: yeah ! have fun w/ hyuckie tho
moominluvr96: sjdjd i’m so proud of them
jenomunomunomu: absolute legends have fun at ur frisbee practice my sons
you: 🅱️ro i wanted to go home and SLEEP
blueberry: sorry ! xoxo :*
duckie: chenle my son ? how could you 🅱️etray me this way???
you: ur dead to me
you: literally what’s a chenle ?? sounds like a poisonous fruit
but tbh you’re just being Silly you don’t mind just going with Sunshine Boy
hyuck has only gotten redder as the texting went on though what’s his deal 0.0
you agree to take his car !
actually you insist because you don’t wanna drive but, let’s say you agreed
you find out that hyuck exclusively listens to hipster bands and the occasional troye sivan song because we love a gay legend
actually his music taste is ALL OVER THE PLACE but we r still boppin ladies
you roll the windows down even tho it’s Chilly and let your hand float in the breeze until your fingers start getting numb and you pull your hand back in and roll up the window
okay maybe that was a Bad Idea your fingers almost hurt they’re so cold and you’re rubbing the feeling back into them when hyuck clears his throat
you look up at him and he tilts his chin toward the hand he stretched toward you
you’re confused bc like ? i don’t have anything to give u duckie
he sighs anxiously
“just. give me your hand. mine are warm because i didn’t try to be cool and stick my hand out the window like this is a teen coming of age movie”
“have you ever just been nice and not followed it up with a weirdly specific insult”
“nope. now gimme”
you cautiously placed your hand in his and felt heat bloom all over your cheeks and trail up to your ears and down your neck
he gulps and interlocks your fingers and tucks them in the pocket of his hoodie
you have to lean against the console in between you a little so that your arm isn’t strained but it’s,,,,, Warm and Nice
you’re quick to continue the conversation like normal but your voice sometimes goes in and out since he is subconsciously rubbing his thumb over the back of your hand or tapping his fingers against yours
when you arrive you awkwardly pull your hand from his grip to get out of the car and he cringes a lil :(
you decide to be bold for once in your life and run around the car to catch up with him and shove your other hand into his
“this one’s cold too”
he ducks his head and smiles but gives your hand a lil squeeze :3 uwu
eventually though you do have to let go and enjoy your ice cream
you just make small talk with him about the newspaper and whatever homework is due the next day when a man walks in wearing BRIGHT RED CLOWN SHOES
the weirdest part though is the fact that other than the clown shoes the man is dressed like a body builder and has the hulking mass of one
and also there is a PARROT ON HIS SHOULDER ???
you and hyuck whip to face each other and then look back at the man
without looking away you slide your notebook to the middle of the table and flip open to where you’ve bookmarked the next available page
needless to say you both have a field day making up storylines for this man
“hey hyuckie i missed this it’s been forever since it’s been just the two of us and my journal”
“me too, sunshine”
“heY now you’re the sunshine in this relationship”
both of you choke at your use of the term “relationship” but continue with the conversation JSKSK
“alright but then you have to be the rain”
“aw you know i don’t like the rain”
“yes i know that’s why YOU are sunshine”
“kay but you are so much more like sunshine than i, an Emo”
“how bout i be sunshine since you like sunshine and me, and you be rain since i like rain and you”
OOF ????????
you blush for the Millionth Time and nod shyly and duckie is about to turn purple YIKES
you leave the ice cream shop and climb back in the car and the whole atmosphere is very Tense
you sigh because you miss holding his hand and then turn up the song on the radio which just happens to be, Walkin On Sunshine
THE !!! IRONY !!!
you giggle into your hand and he snorts and you both break into laughter
you plug your phone into the aux
“alright time for some Real Tunes”
“i swear to GOD if you play Bad Boy one more time i’m gonna LOSE IT”
“fuck you red velvet are LEGENDS”
“the only reason you know who they are is because mark tells everyone with a pulse that one of them is from canada just like him”
“okay and ??? i can still appreciate that they produce iconic songs only”
you playfully bicker the whole way back and when you get back to the school to pick up your car you realize you never even got to play your song
“for your information, i was in fact NOT going to play bad boy i was going to play the bop of the century, what is love by twice”
and then, with heavy sarcasm
“well gee why didn’t you just sAY SO”
then he giggles and grabs your hand to keep you from getting more than halfway out of the car
“okay okay you know i’m just messing with you”
“yes but leave my gorls out of it”
he releases your hand with fake disgust and wipes it on the passenger seat headrest
“ugh go home, gru”
“it’s a good meme and you can’t even deny it duckie boy”
you blow him a half serious half playful kiss as you bounce over to your car and climb in
you play bad boy and roll the windows down as you drive by his car just to spite him and he laughs good naturedly
it’s only when you get home that you’re like heyyyy nOW
you tell your mom about it and she’s like uHHH sounds like a DATE to me ???
but you’re Unsure so you don’t say anything to the others or hyuck just the usual goodnight texts and whatnot
although it could be argued ,, that goodnight texts are a little, relationship-y
it could also be argued , that you do have his contact name as , duckie☼♥
but those can be discussed another time
you continue to hang out with the boys although you refuse to allow them to sit with you at football games because they’re so DISTRACTING
jeno and jisung just fckin yell the whole time while you try to jot notes down to turn it into a story later for the paper
but you can’t concentrate or even figure out wtf is goin on because they’re scREAMING and jumping and messing you uP !
so you sent them elsewhere although,,, hyuck stayed with you
he always does “just in case you get cold or smth”
ur not fooling anyone hyuckie baby
and would you look at that time has FLOWN and it’s time for homecoming !!!!
you plan on going in a big group with hyuck and all The Boys and jaemin has even scored a date !!!
it was highkey through trickery but that’s okay
chenle and jisung are gonna wear matching shirts because they’re headass like that
you’ve already bought a dress and you haven’t ….. shown hyuckie……. just in case……… he asks you
since he…… hasn’t …… YET
renjun keeps assuring you that you don’t need to find a date and that everything is covered but ???? inch resting how duckie has done nOT ONE THING
alright the day of the dance you wake up feeling a little off but go through your normal saturday routine of eating a waffle and absentmindedly watching old gossip girl reruns
but later in the day you feel SHITTY
you’re flushed and your head hurts and it takes so much EFFORT just to get up and get a glass of water
you , comrade, are sick :-(
you text in the gm to let your boys know you can’t come
chenle thinks you’re faking until he calls and hears you sniffling and how rough your voice sounds
“chenle if it didn’t hurt to speak i would yell at u but my eyes are watering please just text me”
“oh,,,,sorry love u”
and then he hangs up real fast lmao
so you decide to just wallow in despair in your bed and rent overpriced movies on demand
there’s a half drank mug of tea that has long gone cold that contains the medicine you’re supposed to be taking but,, you can’t be bothered tbh lifting your hand is so hard
after a few movies and the sun setting there’s knock at the door ???
you barely hear it since you’re in your room with the door closed but /sigh/ you gotta go answer
you drag yourself out of bed and stumble to the front door and open it, immediately slumping against the frame
this whole time you have still not opened your eyes because light hurts a lil and you know your house well enough
in hindsight that was probably dumb considering you don’t know who’s at the door
you try to open your eyes but they only turn half lidded and droopy so you can just barely make out donghyuck looking Concerned on your front porch
“duckie? what are u doing here?”
“uhhh i uh came to take you to homecoming ??”
he then holds up some flowers and smiles awkwardly
“duckie. baby. sunshine. did u not read the texts i sent ? also it is VERY late to be asking me to homecoming. also, i am a little high on cold medication”
“srry princess, can i come in? you look like you need company and soup and possibly some Sarcastic Banter”
“sounds good duck”
“okay duckie was already incorrect please don’t shorten it to duck”
“you know i didn’t have to let you in”
“so what kind of soup do you want? :-)”
he busies himself attempting to make soup while you have melted into a chair at the dining table with one eye cracked open to watch him
he is very obviously Struggling so you wobble to your feet to stand behind him at the stove and maybe lean a little too much into his back to prop your chin up on his shoulder and reach a hand around him to turn the heat down on the stove
you’ve reached the point of I Don’t Give A Shit and have given up on trying not to be affectionate with him you’re too tired and sickly to restrain yourself and his heart is just steadily beating faster and faster
after your soup you drag him into your bedroom to force him to provide you warmth while watching another movie
but he digs his heels into the floor and tugs on your hand to turn you around
“since you’re missing homecoming….. wanna dance?”
“in my bedroom. while i’m dying. with no music.”
“i’ll take care of the music. cmon don’t be difficult”
“i’m not being difficult i’m just-
you’re cut off by him pressing a finger to your lips and going shhhhhh
you open your mouth to curse him out bc hOW DARE HE
but then he gently pulls you by the waist into his chest and does his best to tuck you under his chin
you’re too comfortable like this so you don’t bother admonishing him for earlier and just settle into his embrace
you loop your arms around his neck as he starts to sway you back and forth
after a couple seconds he starts humming, quietly at first and then louder
and then he starts singing and it’s so sO SWEET AND SOFT
you can feel each breath he takes under your hands and the vibrating of his vocal chords against your forehead and you just close your eyes and press closer to him
you’ve literally never been this content in your whole life binch
he is so warm and ever so often smooths a hand up and down your spine whenever you shiver a little or shift in his arms
when the song finishes you keep swaying with him a little while longer
you’re leaning against him so hard that like the majority of your weight is on him yikes
“babe are you asleep”
“pretty close though?”
he chuckles and presses a barely there kiss to the top of your head and sort of waddles the two of you over to the bed
you don’t even have to ask him to climb in with you that was The Plan, Stan
(that’s a saying and also i’m calling u a stan wow queen of puns)
as soon as he settles in you tuck yourself under his arm and throw an arm over him to play with the fingers of his other hand
you’ve got the breakfast club on and it’s Real Nap Hours
hyuck’s arm falls asleep pretty soon tho so instead you switch to laying on your sides facing each other with your face pressed into his neck and your arms draped over each other
right before you fade into unconciousness, he tilts his chin down and nudges his nose against yours to get your attention
your eyes flutter open and you look up at him while he smiles gently down at your sleepy expression aWE ???
“hey wanna be my date when you’re not on your death bed?”
“god, what a romantic. is that a shakespeare quote?”
“shut up and say yes”
“alright fine”
“with more enthusiasm!”
he shakes his head but then leans down to press a lingering kiss against your cheek before tucking you back against him and evening out his breathing
you fall asleep and dream of boys with beautiful voices who love to dance in the rain
a couple hours later you wake up to a forehead smooch and your Boy whispering bye angel
you sit up and whine and he’s like bby i have to go it’s like midnight n my momma wants me home :(((
you pout and he giggles and taps your lips with his index finger
“go back to sleep and i’ll text you something nice to wake up to yeah?”
you nod and grab his hand to kiss it before flopping back down and passing The Fuck Out
the next morning you wake up still feeling a bit shitty but smiling anyways bc you’ve scored the cutest boy in the universe uwu
he even kept his promise and left you a cute message to wake up to ;((((
duckie☼♥: good morning bbg i hope ur feeling better today and that the sun shines all day for u !!!
you: 💗💗💗💕💌💞💞💗😤💖🤧😔💗😔🤧😔🌺💐🌺🌺🌸💐😔💛😔💛💐🤧💐💐💖💖
duckie☼♥: noooo ur gross
you: you ruined it :(((
duckie☼♥: i mean noooo u gotta get better
you: okay :)))
you finally get over your cold like 4 days later and insist you’re fine to be Taken Out And Treated Like A Princess
he tells you to dress warm except gloves bc he wants to hold youR HAND CAN YOU BELIEVE
you’re weirdly not nervous ? like you thought you would be but you’re just excited and very happy !!!! uwu
he picks you up about an hour after school and reveals that he’s gonna take you to all the cafes in town to people watch and write stories which is !!! your favorite activity !!!!!!
“is it lame??? oh god you think it’s lame i’m so sORRY”
“nO!!! no i love it you did good”
“are you sure?”
“yes duckie”
“okay good i mean i knew you’d like it”
“but you just-“
“,,,,, nevermind”
you both hike around town until it gets late and you’re tired and you end up on a bench in the local park with his head in your lap and your fingers in his hair
you lightly scratch his scalp and hum and he practically PURRS like a cat
(furry ????? it’s more likely than you think)
his eyes are closed and you trace your fingers over his features lightly until it tickles and he scrunches up his nose aw bABY !!!!!
then, without opening his eyes
“so when are you gonna man up and kiss me?”
“first of all, i will never man up i prefer being female thanks. sECOND WHY DO I GOTTA DO IT”
“i asked you on the date !!! you gotta do something!!!”
“i held your hand first!!”
“after i literally offered my hand to you”
“uGH fine come here”
“no i’m not gonna ‘come here’ you literally just made a disgusted noise at the thought of kissing me”
“it wasn’t at the thought of kissing you it was just at you”
“this isn’t helping at all”
you roll your eyes playfully and then yank him up by the collar of his shirt to press your forehead against his
“does this help?”
aND THEN YOU LAY ONE ON HIM ??????:$&:&;&;
he sighs against your lips and sits up a little more so he can reach you better, smoothing a hand up to cup the side of your jaw and neck
you pull away and his eyes are still closed
“hmmm,,, yeah”
you scoff and drop him back to half laying on your lap
“you’re such a dork”
“yeah but i’m your dork now so it’s embarrassing for both of us”
“aw i wouldn’t have it any other way <333”
“is it just me or was that sarcasm”
“just you <3333”
screams when you call him that night lol
literally SCREECHES
chenle happens to be with him and screeches eVEN LOUDER
basically the whole group screams simultaneously they’ve been shipping it since day one
hyuck is a bit prideful so when you guys are out in public he’s not super affectionate but ,, when you’re not out
he’s wrapped around you like a koala and will never let go
you have to go pee? hold it
you’re dehydrated and dying? you can live off of his Love
your favorite activity to do together is BAKING because it never goes well no matter how hard you try
and although it usually ends in DISASTER it’s also a good time and afterwards duckie lets you curl up between his legs on the couch and nap uwu !
dating really didn’t change the dynamic between you two other than affection you still read each other to DUST on the regular  lmao
no one gets too harsh tho bc you love each other and whatnot
ugh love ruins all the FUN doesnt it :/
donghyuck makes it his business to know exactly when it will rain and makes sure to be with you when it does
at the first sight of clouds he is in your house with board games and movies and snuggles to distract you !!! what a sweetheart
on days when it’s really bad you just climb into bed and bury your face in his chest while he talks about whatever comes to mind and distracts you
he also takes to slumping down and falling asleep on your shoulder whenever you have movie nights together and it’s so CUTE
his little heart shaped lips and his cheeks always end up smushed and he just looks adorable wow rip you
he’s obsessed with your cheeks he loves to cup your face while he talks to you and press gentle kisses to them during Sleepy Time or when you part ways in the school hallways
if he’s excited he’ll bound up behind you and wrap his arms around you and kiss your cheek real hard and then start babbling about whatever’s got him so worked up
basically, hyuckie is a boy full of sunshine and passion and sarcasm and he’s the best boyfriend you could ever ask for :’-)
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annak47hq · 6 years
for once in my life ‘ anam
Who: Adam Levine and Anna Kendrick @alcvinehf
What: Once Maroon 5 confirms that theyre preforming for the Superbowl, Anna goes to Adams to celebrate and they have a stay in date night in finally deciding which room is going to be the nursery. 
Where: Adams apartment in California (sometime at night) 
When: January 13th, 2019 
Trigger Warnings: (slight mature content) 
Anna started the chat 10 minutes ago
Anna: Today the news had finally confirmed that Maroon 5 was preforming at the Superbowl, and the brunette couldn’t of been more proud. She knew how badly Adam wanted this, not only for himself but for the band as well and once the women found out she couldn’t of been happier for him. After texting back and forth, and mostly relaxing today Anna decided to go over to his place tonight to celebrate. Changing into a pair of sweatpants, and one of his long sleeved shirts the brunette put her hair half up and half down. After arriving to Adam’s, she was laying in bed with him dipping her fries into her shake “So I’m going a little crazy without work right now, but my mom and I think that the room next to Dusty’s would be perfect for the nursery.” She said and continued with “I’m so proud of you.” She couldn’t stop saying it, and the actress meant it. Anna leaned in, and kissed his lips softly and pressed her forehead against his
Adam: It had been so incredibly hard for Adam to keep a secret like the Super Bowl to himself and between himself and the band. He couldn’t confirm anything until the band had finally gotten all that they needed regarding the half-time show as well as the green light, and today it had finally been confirmed. Everyone was being so supportive of him and the guys from what he had noticed, but Anna’s support is what meant the most to him right now. With Dusty sound asleep in bed at the moment, he had gone out a little while ago to grab food from In N Out for himself and Anna. Coming back, he had met his girlfriend at his place and got Dusty situated in bed before he and Anna got ready for bed themselves and were situated eating their food. “You always go stir-crazy without work. You were the same way before you started everything with A Simple Favor.” He teases, eating one of his own fries, “I love that room, so you’re onto something.” He grins, kissing her back gently. “I wanted to tell you so bad,” He says, letting out a laugh. “I found out and you were the first person I wanted to tell and we got sworn to secrecy.”
Anna: Anna was excited to be staying at his place tonight, it was a change and the fact that they were eating food in bed made her even more excited. She had been craving french fries and a shake since she began her cravings and wondered if it’ll change. Looking at him, the brunette realized that if they were going to be talking about the Super Bowl all night then she wouldn’t care, as long as Adam was happy and clearly since the news got out she was. Dipping her fires into her shake again, Anna wiped her hands off with a napkin and shrugged her shoulders “I’ve been working since I was 12, I can’ help it if I’m a workaholic.” Smiling softly, Anna now took a sip of her shake and then continued to dip her fries in “I.. Ive been looking at colors and wallpapers which is something I never envisioned myself doing, but there’s so many. My.., my mom thinks we should do elephant themed. We went to Buy Buy Baby today..” She admitted, and then looked at him, smiling within the kiss “Big projects are like big films, sworn to secrecy until you’re able to tell. I get it bub.” Anna said
Adam: “You’re a workaholic that needs a break whenever you can get one, babe. You can’t overwork yourself.” He laughed a little, taking a sip of his milkshake before setting it down on his bedside table and nodding his head when she had mentioned colors and wallpapers for the nursery. “Yeah?” He asks, quietly. “You know, I kind of like that idea. Especially because it’s twins, not just one. It could work for both.” He nods once more, his smile Mathis g hers now as he gently broke away from the kiss a little. “You have a good time?” He asks, kissing her lips gently once more. “I know, I know. I’m just…I’m so happy that it’s finally out there, and I’m…I love you, I love you so much for wanting to come with us and see it in person.”
Anna: “But I don’t need brakes! I need to work, constantly because if I take a brake then I go stir crazy like you just said.” Anna protested, and then watched as he took a sip of his milkshake. To say she wasn’t turned on right now by that little gesture, Anna would be lying. Taking a breath, the brunette took out her phone and scrolled to her photos. Reaching in her purse, she took out a paint color sample and laughed a little “I.., I was going through these colors and I like the yellow. I think, I think yellow would look good if we go with elephant themed. I was also thinking something along the lines like jungle themed, or something neutral since we don’t know what we’re having yet.” Anna said, chewing her lips and then handed him the paint samples. “I did have a good time, yeah. It.., it felt weird but I liked it.” Anna admitted, and then smiled big at him “I’m so excited for this. I mean I’ve seen you preform live babe, but this is going to be pretty amazing.”
Adam: “I know, but you go stir crazy because you don’t have a lot of breaks. Really, it’s nothing but a vicious cycle. I’ve been there.” He grins playfully, licking the access drops of liquid from his milkshake from the straw before he settled it back down on his bedside table. When he noticed Anna eying him, he grinned. “You watching me?” He teases, “Yellow is neutral, either way. I really like the jungle idea, babe.” Adam wipes his hands off with one of the towelettes before doing the same with a napkin and moving all of their things aside. “A good weird?” He whispers, leaning in to gently press his lips to her neck.
Anna: “At least one of my projects is fully coming together, I mean we’re still getting the finishing touches and everything but hopefully I’ll be able to announce it soon.” Anna said, and then noticed that he was probably teasing her and the brunette bit down hard onto her lips. Clearing her throat, Anna shook her head “No I.., I wasn’t watching you.” She lied, and then looked at him “Or maybe Neverland, or something like that. I don’t.., I don’t know. I was looking at ideas all day today but I’m.., I’m not even far along enough yet to start a nursery so maybe we should just wait.” Anna took a breath and pushed her hair out of the way and nodded “A good weird.” She moaned a little while she felt his lips press to her neck, closing her eyes she leaned her head back a little
Adam: “I’m proud of you too, baby. I hope you know that…” He whispers, letting out a laugh a moment or two later before shaking his head. “You’re a terrible liar, you were totally watching me.” He joked, “We can wait, we can keep looking and we can write down ideas and narrow them down later…it’s all up to you, babe. Whatever you want to do.” He hums out, keeping his lips pressed to her neck and he moves in closer and presses his body the best that he can up against her own, his hand gently moving toward the fabric of her shirt and slipping underneath it.
Anna: “I love you.” She whispered, and then smiled softly “Stop. It’s these damn hormones, I was craving pickles all day today and I have such a fucked up mind.. I don’t ….” Stopping herself, she buried her face into her hands and then swallowed hard “I just realized that once we start doing the nursery, we have to get two of everything.” She said, swallowing hard again and then moaned a little as he moves in closer and pressed his body against his while his hand was going up her shirt.
Adam: “I know. I know, baby. I’m sorry, I was just playing.” He whispers back, shaking his head in return. Having already been through this once before with Dusty, he knew exactly what Anna meant when she mentioned hormones and the cravings for something as simple as pickles. He keeps himself close to her for comfort, not only because he’s looking for it, but because he wants to be close to her in order to comfort her too. “I know. It’s gonna be weird, going shopping or putting together a baby registration, realizing that we’ll need two of everything.” He whispers against her skin, and he moves his hand further up her shirt. He’s moving his fingers toward one of her breasts and his breath is slightly increasing, becoming heavier. “Hmm…” He hums against her skin once more.
Anna: “It is pretty sexy when you’re drinking that milkshake.” Anna joked back, and then smiled softly to herself as he moves closer to her. The actress was three months and she still wasn’t used to these hormones, and cravings. She should be, but she wasn’t. Taking a breath, Anna looked at Adam while he was talking to her “We need two cribs, maybe one changing table and one rocking chair. I.., there was so much furniture. I mean, do we go with dark wood or light wood when we do a nursery? I don’t know.” Anna said, and chewed her lips. Sometimes the actress felt so clueless, and she hated it but Anna moaned as his warm breath whispered against her skin. Closing her eyes for a few moments, Anna’s head is leaned back and she swallows hard, her breath becoming heavier “Mm.., Adam…” She whispered
Adam: “I knew it.” He says playfully, nudging her shoulder gently in return. She was officially three months pregnant now and was almost out of the phase where her hormones and morning sickness would be this out of whack, so Adam just wanted to be the best support system that he could for her right now. He was understanding, this being her first pregnancy as well as the fact that she didn’t want kids for so long up u til they had started really talking about it. Now, it was a reality and he just wanted to help her and be there for her. “If we’re doing yellow for a zoo themed one, maybe we do dark wood. It might look better. You’re on the right track, babe.” As Adam continued to be touchy-feely with her, he’s gently biting his lower lip as her head leans back and his lips gently graze over her neck. Something catches his attention though, and he’s grinning as he pulls back. “Babe…” He whispers, letting out a small chuckle. “Your boobs are getting bigger.”
Anna: Laughing as he nudges her, she nudges him back and then takes a breath. Sometimes the brunette felt so clueless about this pregnancy, and when it came time talking about baby things but this was her first.. and Anna tried not to get into her head. Pushing her hair out of her face again, the actress looked at him and smiled softly “I like the zoo theme, I think yellow can go good with the elephant theme too . Maybe yellow and gray, or yellow and brown?” She questioned, shrugging her shoulders but as Adam continued to move his hands underneath her shirt she continued to moan and the brunette chewed her lips, and then saw him smirking at the corner of her eye. Laughing a little, Anna shook her head and kissed him deeply “Are they? Is that why you’ve been starring at them lately?” Getting ontop of him now, Anna pressed her forehead against his and kissed him deeply “Are you still going to think I’m sexy when I’m huge?” She asked
Adam: “Yellow and gray would be good if we’re gonna go with the elephants. See, babe? You have nothing to worry about, you’re already on the right track and everything is okay. It’s gonna be fine.” He assures her, whispering in her direction as he bites down a little harder on his own lip while she continues to moan. He hums gently against her skin and his hand gently presses against her breast, letting out a small laugh as he kisses her back. “Ooh, you caught me staring? That’s a little awkward.” He teases, watching her now as she moves on top of him. He rests his hands on both sides of her waist, on her hips and kisses her back once more. “Babe…” He says, letting out a small laugh. “Of /course/ I’m going to still think you’re sexy when you’re huge. You won’t even be huge, you’re carrying /two/ babies. It’s different. You know why? You’re carrying /my/ babies, and there’s nothing sexier in the world to me than that.”
Anna: “I really like the elephants, but I also feel like that’s so clechie. I want these babies to have the best nursery.” She said, and then took a breath but then nodded at what Adam was saying “I just.., this is so weird to me, but in a good way.” Anna kissed him softly, and moaned when his hands pressed against her breasts. The actress got chills all up and down her body when his hands were on her hips, and she looked at him, laughing a little “I did. You were starring at them when we were bowling, and when we were at lunch with my mom and your mom.” Anna laughed again, but then looks at him and pressed her forehead against hers “But, don’t you usually become more huge when you’re carrying twins? I don’t.., I’ve never been pregnant before so I don’t know.” Kissing him softly, she smiled “I love you.”
Adam: “They have us as parents, we’re going to give them the most kick-ass nursery ever.” He nods his head, “I know, babe. It’s okay to feel like that, sometimes mothers don’t feel attachments or start to feel them until later in their second trimester. It’s not out of the ordinary.” As he moves his hands from underneath her shirt and to her hips instead, he laughs once more. “Shut up. I can’t believe you noticed…both of those times you noticed and you let me ogle you?” He joked, “Even if you do, it doesn’t matter.” He whispers, kissing her back. “You’re going to look adorable, and you’re going to be the sexiest pregnant woman there is to me.”
Anna: She laughed, and then nodded her hed “I have a feeling that one of these babies is going to be just like you, a rock star but will have my sailor mouth. I mean, my parents cursed all the time when I was little so I don’t.. I don’t know how I’ll not be able to curse.” Anna said, and then looked at him “I know, I just.., sometimes I feel so clueless and I’m.., I’m still scared that I’m not going to feel that feeling.” Trying not to get choked up, the brunette laughed again and then chewed her lips “Yes. I did. You’re clearly turned on with how big they’re getting, I mean, they’re kind of big in general but I don’t know.. I guess they’re bigger.” She said, smirking but then smiled within the kiss and looked at him “Meryl said she’ll help me tie my shows when I can’t see my feet.”
Adam: “One will be just like me, and the /other/ will have your sailor mouth, babe. That’s how it’s gonna work, just watch.” Adam laughed a little, shaking his head before letting out a small sigh. It wasn’t as if he was upset or even had anything to be upset about, he was just happy in this moment. Content, even. From everything that had finally gotten to be out in the open today to right now where he and Anna were just enjoying each other’s company in bed, and talking about the Super Bowl as well as their currently and healthy growing twins, there was nothing else that Adam wanted because he seemed to have all that he could possibly have needed right here in this moment now. “I know, babe. Don’t get upset. It’s alright.” He frowns, but kisses Anna’s forehead in an attempt to comfort her before letting out another laugh. “Okay, fine, fine. You caught me. Don’t act like I can help it, because I can’t. It’s just not a possible thing.” He teases, “Oh yeah? Well, that’s sweet of her. I’m just…I’m glad that things are going well, babe, and that everyone seems to be happy for us. I’m happy.”
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stan-and-the-newbie · 6 years
A kpop newbie’s reaction to MAMAMOO
Alexa: bold
Alex: italic
today you’ll react to Mamamoo even though you technically already know them
i mean, i don't know all that much about them, really. so this should still be interesting
well, as before, first thing that comes to mind
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should i do the top one or
they’re in the same order. we love consistent queens.
hmm... wheein? then uhhh, s-solar..? then moonbyul and of course my queen.
did you guess them or. you got two of them right !!
i did in fact guess them. oh. fuck it, i'll take it
hwasa and solar, m-my baby. the first one is moonbyul and the third one is wheein
i figured
and apparently this is their formation in every group photo ever
oh, good to know
so, the first one is moonbyul. how old do you think she is and what’s her personality
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she's 23 or 24, and she's a lovable goofball
is she a singer or the rapper
f uc k uhhhuuhhhhh singer
smol baby child. yeah, she's born in 1992, so she's around that age in this photo i think. i’m not sure when it was released. she's the rapper in the group, so her image on stage is cool
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i knew it was either her or solar, smh.  i remember it distinctively from that height song.
but irl she's greasy and flirts with everyone, tomboy-ish and probably gay idk
alright, so she's the cool one
yeah, she's also the tallest, staying proud at 165 cm
that image was misleading smh. she looks like a silly nerd in it/ are you trying to sabotage my score, miss <-<
i mean, she Is a silly nerd. she usually makes lives with solar and flirts with her all the time and gets herself some slaps on the arm. and she gay panics on stage every time hwasa is in her close vicinity. and she's known for having heart eyes every time a girl talks and she's also the Girl Crush of the entire industry lmao
first we had heart smile now we have heart eyes soon enough you'll be describing a monster from soma. a walking blob made of exposed, beating hearts.
*then i showed him the Wonderful Confession Immortal Songs performance*
that middle aged lady fangirling after hwasa goes "look at me now" lmfao
sadfrghgfdsDFGHJK ME.
this is fokin great. i just got to the rap part. fam they're genuinely talented don't @ me
mamamoo are known for making every show their concert lmao
pff. it do be like that, and i wouldn't have it any other way. a bunch of girl dancers suddenly appeared and i thought my vision was going blurry and i was seeing double. anyway, the rap works surprisingly well, considering the general tone of the song.
moonbyul also has two tattoos. i don’t know what one of them says, i think its just her family portrait.
w h o l e s o m e
but the other one says “N'oublie pas de t'aimer”
alrighty my grill next up is your bias
give her an age
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i'll say 24. and she's a singer
she is 27 :)
oof, can you really blame me tho
i can’t. she has an actual baby face. what’s her personality?
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i imagine she's sweet and soft, but can be jokingly sassy and teases the others sometimes
oof, she wishes. she’s the oldest, and the leader, but the other members always bulli her. she’s the mom friend though, and the best at english, even tho her english isn’t all that good anyway sdfghds. and shes a complete goofball
awh ;; is she the short one, then?
nop, shes the second tallest
wait hold up how can the leader be the one who gets bullied this doesn't add up
*then i showed him this marvellous video*
2 seconds in and i've seen enough
*then i showed him the Passion Flower Immortal Songs performance*
solar doesn't have any tattoo but she's scared of bugs so there's that
wholesome. she's a quality idol i like her. this song is dope yo.
the one wearing a hat there is wheein
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the wheeout puns are overwhelming ngl
,,,,,,,,,,they fucking are. once u wheein u cant wheeout. she's the same age as hwasa, but a few months older, so hwasa is considered the actual "maknae" (which means youngest member
that much i know. mainly because i googled it a while ago
and here's wheein with short hair cuz fuck yeah
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whats her personality?
she's uhh the Short One (tm)
yes, that too. she is Evil
idk, she seems like a sassy singer, but that's just a shallow impression. does she tease the other members a lot, or..  <<
tbh, she is pretty sassy. she's also very carefree and a derp. but she does tease the other members a lot and laughs when something funny and unfortunate happens to them. she's been friends with hwasa since middle school, and they have a couple tattoo
ooh, noice
on their ankle, they both have "resonance"
i've seen a picture of that somewhere, if i recall..
she has two other tattoos. one she drew herself, and one that says "la vie est courte l'art est long"
what's with the french affiliation. should i be learning french instead of korean?
*i showed him that infamous “mamamoo sold their friendship for ice cream” video*
"hyejin-ah, you know your thighs are the size of your face, right?" i told you, wheein is evil
c r i t i c a l   h i t
hwasa :) what do you think her personality is like lmao
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she's the serious one (sarcastic humor <<3), the lead rapper but also sings (i noticed this by watching some performances)(edited)i also know that she cooks for them, so extra mom friend points there and she's very independent, but also warm 
omf u really are whipped for her
apparently she really likes beyonce, so some fans call her ahn-yance
yep, shes also a big rihanna fan, and work is her hoe anthem
that's dumb, on one hand because it kinda sounds like "annoyance", and on the other because bey-ahn-ce is a much better pun. i would perform umbrella for her like tom holland, don't @ me
oh, also, hwasa has four tattoos. the "resonance" one, one on the back of her neck, with "maria", her christian name, cuz she is Holy
oh shiet. that name fits her well actually ;;
one on her arm saying “Paradise is where you are”
if she's in your immediate vicinity, then obviously
and one right above that one, that’s a triquetra
mamamoo are well known in korea, and most of their fans are girls!! i think theyre the group that appeals the most to girls there actually
oh, that's interesting
and here are some songs
*i showed him “Words don’t come easy”*
this is what we call  s m o o t h   g u i t a r. and that sexy sax, oh boye (and here is where alex’s inner Shiverbert Creepstein came out, god bless, the only writer i stan) this one's really nice, i'd love to listen to it in a cafe. there's this really nice mental image that you'll never achieve, but it's nice to think of anyway. just sitting alone in the corner of a dimly-lit cafe, watching the performers on the stage sing as you down another shot, people taking quick glances in your direction and wondering what it is you're thinking about, when in fact you're just listening to the music mix in with the raindrops hitting against the windows. i got carried away, oof
o damn, mister shiverbert
<-< hey, nobody clapped
its a nice lil image, though
anyway, that was a great song
*and here i showed him “Decalcomanie”*
oh, this one's more i n t e n s e. the translated lyrics without any rhyme sound like some sort of strange poem
i know;;
noh-noh is apparently knock knock. the vocals are fokin great
:(((((( stop slandering them, theyre trying
i'm not roasting them, i just find it cute ;;that was a nice song. in fact- (he pinned it)
so, last thoughts on mamamoo?
god bless them best kpop idols out there hwasa please sit on my face
ayy, that was this week’s reaction!! alex was actually more excited this time because it’s his ultimate bias’ band
there are some things i (alexa, cuz alex never edits these posts) didn’t mention, im sorry if i missed anything important;; i decided to focus more on what alex thinks and says this time, rather than ramble about stuff y’all already know
i hope y’all enjoyed this reaction and if you want, you can leave suggestions!! buh-bye~ ^ω^
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honeyvoicehwang · 4 years
absolute random ramble about esl im so sorry /pos(?) /neutral
so im taking education courses at my college to become a teacher and we can’t go into the schools and observe the teachers at the local schools because of covid, so my professor gave us a bunch of videos to watch of various grade levels and classes and teaching styles so we can write reflections about what we did and didn’t like about the teaching styles (gflkjfl last week i got really passionate about how much this one teacher pissed me off because he was treating his 9th graders like 3rd graders or younger and i ranted about him for like a whole page) and the one video im watching rn is an esl class and english is my native language -- im from the united states -- and ?? ive never considered what it would be like in an esl class because ive never had to take one and it’s so strange because they just cover a variety of topics and we havent seen a class going over grammar so it’s just like stuff they’re covering and idk how to describe it and its so strange to watch but then i thought about it and ive been taking french in school since 6th grade and ive been learning it informally since 2 and i’m at low b2 level.  i was like “this has got to be what it’s like for someone who speaks a different language to watch something like this if they needed to.”  because i can think about it and be like “yeah this makes sense to me because im in this class and i know (for the most part) what’s happening” but then i understand english so its just so strange to watch it.
we had to watch another esl class last week as well and i didn’t see that it was an esl class when i clicked on it and the title gave nothing away about it being an esl class so i was like “wtf am i watching” because it was a bunch of adults and i went to the comments and like someone literally thought it was a special ed class.  like if you know the language and you aren’t given a ton to go off of (that last video was “who is xyz?”  “who is abc?” “how do xyz and abc know each other?” “repeat after me” and made them repeat several times and it was a smaller class so if you didn’t know it was an esl class when you clicked on it (which -- how would you there was nothing about it in the title?? and i forgot to check the descrip. so idk if anything was there but), i can see how they thought it was for a special ed class and i was just like “huh.  this must be what its like for someone fluent in another language to watch our language classes.  covering a mush mash of topics and sprinkle in some grammar and vocab while switching between said language and english” but like
the students are in the class im sure they mostly get whats going on and it makes sense to them but fnljfldfjsdlf
im not saying esl classes are bad idk how to word my thoughts im literally just typing im just saying its so weird to see it because ive never had to see it before so ive never consdiered what kind of stuff they go over.  especially since these are adults/likely college/night classes so its not even like theyre really covering grammar because the teacher is speaking in only english so they likely know a lot, if not most to all of the grammar, so it’s just like my current french class but less focused.  my speciific course right now is for francophone countries and their cultures and some history about them and stuff while these classes the best way i can describe them (the ones ive watched -- esp the current one) feels like 6th grade social studies -- which isn’t bad at all.  thats not what im saying.  it’s just the topic they covered (voting) and what they had to do and me aligning it with my memories of what/how/when i learned things.
its just so fascinating because as ive said several times, english is my first language so i know the language very very well so its just interested to watch an esl course because id never even considered what or how they would cover topics.
tbh i kinda wish my prof would include some other languages but we still have 10 weeks and like 3-5 videos a week so she might bc i just find that absolutely fascinating.
if not i might search them up myself lmaoooo.
anyways if u read this im so sorry my mind is a jumbled mess -- this reflection is due in 3hrs and instead of watching the videos i spent 15 minutes writing this hggjrgj but nothing im saying is trying to imply that english is a better language than others or that if you aren’t on the same level as an english native at the same age you’re less than for whatever reason, im just saying its strange to watch an esl class because im so used to being able to put classes into boxes in terms of topics and i just cant do that with an esl class because it doesnt fi into those topics and oh my g-d i didnt even realize i thought that way :0 but once again esl classes are not a bad thing and this has a generally positive/neutral tone to it nfjdljfl
thanks for reading if u did im so sorry
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jensungf · 4 years
(1/?) okayy so this is gonna be a long one as I was just informed that the reveal is tomorrow as I forgot what day it was - quarantine has really ruined my perception of time 😳(this is also why you turn on notifs for the main page eek!) We usually bake separately because we'd argue over how to do it otherwise... my french is limited to telling you that i'm listening to music in the bakery or my weekend plans, useful in some cases and complete nonsense in others... (🍉)
o(2/3) It would be so nice if they could rest, they deserve it, but also selfishly i'm kind of excited 👉👈I think it could be any unit, they're really confusing us, also this thought came to me but might be impossible, do we think Hendery dyed his hair just for bad alive or maybe... its a bit far fetched but... a U unit? I'm wishful thinking at this point. Ok so I had a look at the main page because I'm a bit of an idiot and hadn't checked for tasks, but I have some questions for you 👀 (🍉)
(3/3) What was your favourite hairstyle in 7th sense era and what is your favourite NCT hairstyle since? rank your top three Kpop songs, and why? what about your bias makes you happy? and finally if you could have one wish, what would you wish with that one wish? - sorry this is so rushed my perception of time and space have completely gone out the window (but i'm excited for the big reveal tomorrow 👀I am not sure how you'll react) - 🍉
omg ima respond under the tag SORRY IM SO LATE I JUST GOT ON DESKTOP
dont worry bub bc tbh I HAD NO IDEA THAT THE REVEAL WAS TMRW HAHAHA so ty for telling me (and same!!! omg dont worry i cant believe its alr august hhh ଯ( ॢᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ॢഒ ) and omg that sounds like smth that would happen w me and my sis HAHA except i dont allow them in the kitchen or else theyll fr burn everything down (the feel when theyre like 10) but nonetheless thats so cute! and ur french is still interesting nonetheless liek having teh ability to even comprehend another lang in the slightest is a major feat and sometimes i surprise myself when i understand like slivers of spanish so dw bub! its all just for u <3 
omg bub ur not being selfish at all bc ur still supporting them but unfortunately rest is not a word that sm can read e.e but its good to be excited! i am as well!! and omg yeah its so confusing i lich rally have no idea what to expect so in order to ease my anticipation ive decided not to expect anything at all HAHAHAH but omg.. nct u w hendery? thats unheard of but u never know!! and asdfghjkl i feel like a debbie downer for bringing this up but i feel so bad that sm sort of forced him to dye his hair blonde :((( like they asked but he didnt seem too happy when he said he dyed his hair ugh but wtv sm is booty wbk lets just appreciate how good he looks!! and OMG NO ITS OKAY i think the tasks are optional bc tbh i havent checked the main page and done any of them either! its okay bub dont worry!! 
i honestly... umm... dont remember the 7th sense era LOLLL lemme google it rq — ok ima be so honest rn. i looked and i dont like any of them 😭😭😭 ITS OKAY THO CUS THEYRE ALL KINGS! 
my fav nct hairstyle... i honestly have to give it to jaemin like i CANNOT get over how fkn good he looked with long blonde hair and the blue bangs in boom. thats my fav look on him hands down and im in love w that style!! 
my top 3 kpop songs,, honestly the ones that came to my head were my boy - secret, moonlight - got7, and love is not over - bts, which is funny cus i never rly talk ab these songs but theyre soooo good idk i can listen to them on repeat. 
okay so ima talk ab both jeno and jisung hehe so jeno!! honestly i just love him bc hes so fkn talented and hardworking but also his presence is so calming and just how much he rly cares and thinks ab the ppl around him. like hes funny in his own way but the way how he said once when he filled out this questionnaire thingy that he’d prefer to follow than lead, but now all of the members look to him as the unofficial leader. he comforts them all whenever they need sum and check up on them and he took initiative even tho it was difficult for him and there are things that he sets goals to improve in and he does so well bc he works so hard. like he wasnt comfy talking but hes literally a spokesperson and well-known emcee now and he tries his best! and not only that but also how hes very talented in everything and how soft and caring his personality is. not to mention his duality. i could go on forever but if u read all of this, ily 🥺
for jisung, he makes me happy bc of how he interacts with everyone! like hes so young but hes super talented and still super humble and just seeing him be a kid makes me forget about my worries and it reminds me to just let myself be sometimes cus yk he had to grow up rly quickly and his success came from hard work and it makes me happy to know he got what he deserved!
and if i had one wish.. ig this is cliche but i truly wish for world peace. like the peace of mind for everyone in the world bc we all deserve to be happy and altho the future seems obsolete, we all need a sliver of happiness and hope to make life worth living
AND PLEASE BUB DONT WORRY AT ALL ABOUT ANYTHING i cannot wait until tmrw and i dont mind that this is rushed!!!! <333 i appreciate u sm and i seriously cant wait until the reveal! <3 im so lucky to have u as my anon ur the sweetest! also pls feel free to answer all the questions u just asked me bc id love to know!!!!!!
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thegeminisage · 7 years
teen wolf anon here!!! sorry it took so long for me to watch the episode, this week has been crazy. so sorry to hear about all the bad times with your car :/ but you fixed it!! and now hopefully derek hale will return tonight in a not shitty way. brett is gonna die right? thats his name right the werewolf that the guidance counselor shot? maybe I’m just bitter but like i don’t care about these characters?? i just want the mains to have more airtime??? ahh theres gerard! I think Id enjoy him more
if they didn’t have this guidance counselor with him. just because its too late to introduce new characters you know? just have gerard be the big bad on his own i know you like the dynamic of him teaching her the ropes but like this isnt a “there are 10 episodes left” storyline ahh mason is he gonna be something too? or is he just traumatized? if he is its about time they deal with these kids seeing all these horrible things. ok scott asking how she knows its bretts blood is dumb bc SCENT
melissa continues to be the best and bravest loml. man theyre really pushing the gross out factor arent they? between this and the spiders just blargh LYDIA MY DARLING is she going to be in more than two minutes this episode? this season does not have enough lydia or scott and i am so sad about it scott making decisions & getting ignored :/ lol @ this product placement im still sad that melissa isnt getting with the sheriff but there is something poetic about allison and scott's parents 2gether
who are these kids in the library i dont care about them?? wheres danny why are there so many randos and danny is gone. where is kira. why does jeff davis hate me personally. also im sorry but brett's sister is not a good actress? also why isnt scott doing his alpha howl why is liam doing his? MELISSA MCALL, THE LEGEND THE HERO. wtf why is scott getting hurt why are they going to leave him there why is bretts sister so dumb LISTEN TO THE ALPHA IT IS SCOTT this is infuriating.
im glad to see gerard is as extra as ever his delivery is hilarious. i DONT CARE ABOUT THESE KIDS IN THE LIBRARY? cant they just mind their own business why cant they have brought danny and kira back instead of these random white boys what thE FUCK. alpha scott mccall figuring things out with malia is giving me emotions tbh. this dude not drooling over lydia talking to him is the most unrealistic thing. liam buddy what r u doing. lol to hunt. them. ALL.
FUCK OFF THIS CALL BACK TO ALLISONS DEATH? NO? ITS OKAY?? GOOD GOD WHAT THE FUCK. yeah i think its time to call stiles back malia, ok this is really cute im getting on board with malia and scott even tho its getting shoehorned in and KIRA SHOULD BE BACK AND MALIA SHOULD BE GOING TO FRANCE TO KISS SOME FRENCH DUDES AND ALSO MAYBE ISAAC? melissa mcall still the love of my life this is also growing on me they are so awkward its endearing is it just bc she has chemistry with everyone is that it
laurie is dumb and causes brett to die was predictable. is liam gonna get murdered too!? why arent they killing him i dont get it theyre right there? or are the people in the car just randos? oh i see gerard is turning beacon hills against the supernatural kids and stuff. ok. idk liam maybe dont keep howling at these people? idk how i feel about this.
tbh i was sad about brett and lori like out of the new characters i liked them the most - i tend to attach myself to dumb bg characters, see @cambionverse for proof - but it's weird because when they show up too much they become like the new kids, and i don't care as much, i like the VERY background characters if that makes sense? and yeah liam's not being very subtle this season lol
also i know im frankly so glad that they're finally addressing the like...fucking trauma these poor kids go through i hope it plays in to them fighting their own demons bc that would be ABSOLUTELY sick
my feelings re: melissa and argent is like...i prefer her with the sheriff, and i didn't like that they dumbed her character down at first to make it happen, but i like to see him happy, and her happy, and it IS kind of poetic, it works well with him being one of scott's like father figures now, so i'm ok with it. teen wolf is one of those shows where i can easily ship 1000000 different things yk?
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sadrien · 8 years
Ok so YES I love the long distance internet friends au but consider! Long distance wrong number au
honestly anon, thank you so much for this tonight. 
i took long distance and made it loooooong distance to the point where it probably doesn’t make sense, but ~~suspension of disbelief~~
texts between adrien and the mystery person (wow i wonder who) are in italics because theyre in french. also i didnt want to bother anyone so ‘numéro inconnu’ is from google translate so im sorry for….that
finally i tried to streamline how i do texts for this just because the way i do texts is usually a lot clunkier? so it looks more like wanna chat but isnt in like….the contact names are still what the other person would see? like when it says pretty boy thats ninos contact name for adrien and—
frick just tell me if its too confusing and tell me how to fix it im really tired
[on ao3 in case the read more is a butt and wont open]
2:51 PM unknown number: Did this work????? unknown number: a;slkdfjadj its me btw unknown number: I mean duh its me who else would it be unknown number: If you screenshot this conversation al I swear to go d Ill kill you
Adrien squints at his phone. Not only does he not know this number, but the text are in French. That’s…unusual. He thinks that it’s a lucky coincidence that his father is from France and insisted he learned the language before replying.
2:52 PM numéro inconnu: I think you might have the wrong number. numéro inconnu: Sorry if my French is bad I don’t speak it often and I write it even less
unknown number: Ohmogd unknown number: IM SOSO RRY  IDNT MEAN OT unknown number: AHHHHH I MUSTCE TYPED IT IN WRONG???????? unknown number: Im sorry IM osrry Im sorry Im s orry Im sorry!!!!!!!!!! ; ^ ;
It takes Adrien a minute to translate the texts with the typos. He’s not nearly as fluent as he thought he was. His dad will be thrilled about that. Maybe he needs to mention to Nathalie that starting Chinese has left him a little rusty with his French…
Not that this is going to be a thing. Because it’s not. He’s not going to keep texting some random stranger from— Wait a minute.
2:54 PM numéro inconnu: On the off chance of sounding really stalkery numéro inconnu: (I’m not sure if that’s the right word, I had to use Google Translate) numéro inconnu: Do you live in France?
Yup. That question is just as creepy as it sounded in his head. Adrien spins slowly in his chair as he waits for a response, completely disregarding the homework he needs to have done before he leaves for fencing.
2:57 PM unknown number: Ummm unknown number: I dont know if i should be telling you this random stranger I texted by accident unknown number: But seeing that its a big country unknown number: ANd idk how youd find me to like murder me or something unknown number: Yes. Im from France unknown number: Why??
3:01 PM numéro inconnu: It’s just that numéro inconnu: I live in the United States so… numéro inconnu: I’m trying to figure out how you got a wrong number that…wrong numéro inconnu: That sounded mean I’m sorry!!!!!!!
Adrien puts down his phone and groans. Scaring people off from literally an ocean away. He’s always known he’s not the greatest at socializing but this is some next level shit. He stares at his darkened phone screen for a minute before deciding that whoever he’s been texting is probably extremely weirded out and won’t be replying.
He’s strangely disappointed by that.
And while he could go back to doing physics work, he’s not going to. Because now he’s distracted and he doesn’t really want to be thinking about sound waves right now. Maybe in like fifteen minute, because sound waves are cool and add a whole new layer to music that he kind of loves, but not right this second.
The next time his chair spins past the desk, he grabs his phone and pulls up his conversation with Nino.
3:09 PM pretty boy: Have you ever been texted by someone who has the wrong number before?
duuuude: yup duuuude: it was weird af duuuude: didnt turn into a full convo cause they never responded
pretty boy: What did they send?
duuuude: a rad horse painting and the message ‘jen painted another horse’
pretty boy: Ok wow yeah that is kind of weird
duuuude: yeah i didnt respond duuuude: but then the next day they asked about florida?? and flooding??? and were like yo have you seen or called anyone and i was like oh shit i should probably respond because this seems important incase theyre looking for someone
pretty boy: Yeah that sounds like a smart move pretty boy: Did you ever hear back from them
duuuude: nah duuuude: unfortunate too i wouldve loved to see more horse drawings duuuude: anyway that was kinda a random question any reason why you ask?
pretty boy: I got a text from a wrong number pretty boy: From France
duuuude: what the fuck duuuude: bruh international texting fees duuuude: good thing youre rich my dude
pretty boy: Nah it’s ok it was all iMessage
duuuude: bless duuuude: so was it like duuuude: in french
pretty boy: Yup
duuuude: aw man you lucked out duuuude: is it like a full conversaiton??
pretty boy: Idk they haven’t responded in like 15 minutes pretty boy: It was nice while it lasted
duuuude: :/ rip
Adrien blinks in surprise when a notification from the unknown number pops up at the top of the screen. He clicks it immediately, not even reading any of the text before he does.
3:27 PM unknown number: I dont?????? KNow???????????? unknown number: My friend got a new phone and wrote her number on my arm but her writing is always kinda a mess and also I smudged the numbers because IM a mess and I unknown number: Somehow???? unknown number: PLUS I managed to add the us country code????
numéro inconnu: Well I’m pretty sure that’s just a 1 so that’s understandable
unknown number: And any other numbers I needed??? Hwo did I?? unknown number: I don t know how I did it D: unknown number: Ohmy god and I just realized you probably dont want a million texts from a total stranger in a language you barely speak?? unknown number: IM SO SORRY ILL STOP NOW unknown number: YOU SEEM REALLY NICE SORRY FOR WASTING YORU TIME unknown number: OK BYE
3:36 PM numéro inconnu: It’s fine! numéro inconnu: My dad is actually from Paris so I do know French numéro inconnu: I can’t really say I’m totally fluent in it but I spoke it a lot when I was little numéro inconnu: This is good practice! numéro inconnu: And you’re weren’t wasting my time at all, I promise
Good going, Agreste, he thinks to himself. Over enthusiastic and weird. He tries not to think about it too much and goes back to physics. Physics with its constant equations and complex numbers and waves and waves and waves and waves. It gets a little easier when he’s able to connect it to something he knows. He can hear frequency in his music and beats when he tries to tune instruments. He finds his fingers itching to spread across the black and white piano keys and lose themselves in the music.
By the time Nathalie is calling him for fencing, he’s mostly forgotten about the conversation he had with the stranger across the sea. Not entirely, it’s still in the back of his mind, but he’s moved past the disappointment of likely never speaking to them again. While he’s fencing, his mind has no room for those thoughts and he throws them away. He won’t be needing them again.
When Adrien checks his phone after practice for schedule updates from Nathalie or texts about the weekend from Nino, he finds a single text in French at the bottom of his pile of notifications.
He can’t stop himself from smiling as he opens it. He’s not exactly sure what time it is in France right now, he assumes it’s fairly late and doesn’t expect a response anytime soon, but he replies quickly anyway. His reply is short and simple, but he doesn’t know what else to say, so it’ll have to be enough for now.
Maybe this is a one time thing. Maybe it isn’t. He’d like it to be the latter, but right now, he’s just winging it.
4:02 PM unknown number: Well if youre really really sure… I mean I wouldnt be talking to you often obviously!!! But it might be cool to know more about America? Ive always wanted to visit and wow this probably is super weird and Im so sorry for that like this conversation hasnt been weird enough already ahahahhhhhhhhh but um. I just mean to say that if you wanted to maybe keep talking I wouldnt mind?
5:19 PM numéro inconnu: I’d love to keep talking if you want to! :)
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t33th1ng · 8 years
aborted nanowrimo attempt - november 2015
false bend sits on the coast and is quiet , and keeps to itself . its a town separated from the world by big high trees that pack together tight and leave no room for travelers .
toursits love it , you see . tourists love it . the people who live there wouldnt say they love it . but the people that live there arent overly emotive to begin with
everyones a little similar in this town and if youre passing through you arent going to notice that until you move on , you get to the next town and you remember the way people are Supposd to be. then it hits them , hits you , dawns on these tourists that hey something is a little weird over there , over there in false bend . somethings a little off
the people who live there know but they dont … acknowledge . that doesnt do much good . somethings fucked here , thats all they know .
somethings fucked and it reels in these tourists , who are on long scenic drives along the coast or are headed towards the national park up north , they are attracted to whatever this town carries they love the fresh ocean air and the clear crystal waters flowing down from the hills , the muddy streets , they love the towring trees the foggy beach and the cliffs above it (a witch lives in those cliffs) the tourists lap up the quirky locals and the weird way the light filters down from heaven , they love it , then thye move on . nobody moves into false bend , not really . like .. its been known to happen people Will move in but so slowly , it happens at at trickle . its like they come here . they love it , they want to Want to live here , then they leave again to take care of other affairs and in that time something Clicks in their minds like yeah , yeah false bend is nice , maybe we’ll drive through there again next summer or something but i guess .. now that i Really have time to mull it over .. i guess i dont particulrly want to live there . its nice but .. not for me
its not for anyone really . its a miracle the town even exists because no one fucking wants to live there Really . 
people live there . the same people , year after year . people dont really move away either they just . its Stagnant is what it is .
and then , in late summer , a full entire family moves in which is unprecedented entire Families dont move in if anybody comes into the town its a solitary being , maybe a couple , never a family . most parents have the good sense not to drag their children into something like this
but this family , the osmans , they move in regardless . theyre a weird lot , weird in just a way to fit in here and weird , water-damaged . the father is transferred here for work . hes a doctor . a … hes a pathologist okay , he works in a lab looking at germs . his wife is a mess , his two daughters are surviving. its a bad family .
they move into these apartments , known as being the nicer apartments in town. the building is low and either painted gray or weathered into that color who fucking knows . it has a courtyard which is pretty cute and well maintained , if you can imagine that . two stories , vacant feeling , nice apartments though . the stairwells are creepy . it feels a bit like a motel . the roof is flat .
these osman family move into the apartment that used to belong to gertrude stetson before her son sent her to an assisted living facility two towns over . the apartment was definitely too big for one old woman to manage on her own  but at the same time its far too small for a four person family to live in. theres a sense that this apartment will be temporary , hopefully , thats the plan , please .
but really .. Are There four people living here ? the father puts in long long days at the hospital and sometimes just sleeps there . he has sleep problems , takes drugs for those, so if he is home hes passed out . the mother is here and there , shes not a staple in the ‘family life’. the daughters are the only ones there with any regularity . so maybe this apartment is just the right size .  
theres two bedrooms , a bathroom , and reasonable space set aside for a conjoined kitchen+dining area and living room.
its some kind of arrangement
So , next door , across the hall from these osmans , is josef sokol , the younger daughter catches a glimpse of him and refers to him as the ‘tweaky looking fucker’ . its not a wrong assumption to make , josef doesnt look good . he doesnt feel good either , any time , at all , ever . he monitors his new neighbors move in just as he monitored old miss gertrudes move out . in fact , he helped , and his muscles ached for days after . so he doest help these new ones move in . he observes them through his doors peephole and gets a bad feel but he cant tell i if its just him or if its legitimate . guess he'll have to wait and see . he spies on them really , wonders if he should buy a coffee cake or whatever the fuck and give it to them as a housewarming gift . thats what ol miss gertrude did when he moved in here , years and years and years ago . but whatever . he ‘ll think on it . maybe .. he can get the coffee cake and give it to them and use it as an excuse to scope them out .. yes . yes sounds good . josef needs to keep tabs on people
he lurks around for days , observing simply. he doesnt work or anything , he doesnt have friends or hobbies , so hes free to watch these new folks movements to quiet his frantic mind . he Needs to get a feel on them . especially since theyre right next door to him . he sees a father and two daughters and a woman who stops by once who hes never seen before so he assumes shes with them , possibly the mother ? bad vibes , bad vibes . he sits on his barstool in front of his door , straining his eye thru the peephole , smoking a cigarette . he blinks , slowly
that evening he goes for a small walk to smoke some more . he runs into another neighbor , a man who lives down at the end of the hall fuck fuck oh fuck - a man who lives down at then end of the hall named terry . terry is out walking his shitty dachshund that josef wants to fucking punt across the street its peed in front of his door twice and barks in the middle of the night , soft far -off yaps that make him jolt awake . josef glares at this shit dog . shit dog is sniffing the bag of mcdonalds some lazy ass dumped on the gutter
‘so whatre the new neighbros like’ terry asks . josef shrugs , takes a deep inhale , tries to blow the smoke away from him but the winds being weird so the smoke ends up all going in terrys face anyways , but fuck that guy .
‘’nah, nah havent talked to them yet , figured id let them settle in first ‘ blatant lies : josef is in no frame of mind to speak with others right now . this includes you  terry, you fucking demon . ‘ seem a little unusual but whatever . nice enough i guess . theres a father n two daughrers and i guess a mother’
‘you guess ?’ terry does this shitty awkward laugh that he always does when josef says something mildly weird which, to be truthful , is Often . josef knows this laugh in his goddamn bones
‘yeah . some older woman is there like , once . no clue who she is . neither of the adults look like the kids tho ,’ josef exhales more smooke , it goes at terry again , terry backs up . the shit dogs chewing on an old french fry cup thing what they fuck are those called ?? called shit dog chew toy now
terry gravitates away after that . josef does too . time to walk around a three block area and then return to his apartment . see if anythings new with these neighbors . think some more about that coffee cake .
by the next afternoon josef musters up the courage , soothes his fucking brain , and buys this coffee cake . time to meet the neighbors . gotta prove hes a reasonable functioning adult . he puts on some relatively stain free clothes , and moves out . maybe he shouldve shaved too  oh well . he knocks on their door , its a sunday , late summer .
one of the daughters answers . shes shorter than the other and looks mildly fucked up . she looks like she gets in fights at school over shit that doesnt matter (this is very true) and like she doesnt get enough validation . she also looks suspicious .
‘hello ?’ she opens the door just enough to pop her head out . theyre the same height , both of them . roughly five foot six , five foot seven . theyre at eye level . and they both have brown eyes . go figure
‘im your neighbor . my names josef.’ he sticks out his hand . she reluctantly shakes it .
'im bea’
‘heres some … heres this coffee cake . welcome to false bend ‘ josefs ability to do this suddenly fucks out on him and he wants to run .
‘cool ‘
bea takes the cake , josef nods , they both vanish into their apartments . josef is getting a Really bad feeling from these people .
later that evening theres a knock on josefs door . oh fuck . he silently jumps out of his cherished recliner and lightfoots to the door . nobody can hear him. outside is bea and her sister . the sister is taller , shes definitely more attractive , she looks more wellrounded for sure but still kind of dead inside but josef isnt one to judge . he opens his door
the sister immediately smiles and sticks her hand out . ‘hello! sorry i missed you earlier , i was taking a nap. my names gloria. thanks for the cake!’
josef shakes her hand , studying her . he cant get a good read on her and its fucking him up .
‘josef .. josef sokol . nice to meet you’ hes forgotten to smile so far so he makes himself do it . he thinks thats the right facial expression for this . glorias smiling so …
bea isnt but hes not going to trust her for social cues .
‘its nice to meet you, sorry my parents arent here , im sure theyd love to meet you too ‘ gloria goes on for a bit about things that josef doesnt necessarily Care about but hes glad to know . family of four , her fathers a busy busy doctor man doing his medicine , they moved here from new mexico , its so beautiful here isnt it ? it sure is .
gloria thanks him again , promises to see him around ,  everyone retreats . josef knows more now but fuck that just making him more confused . he feels paranoid . he always paranoid but Especially now .
the osman apartment is a weird place to be . the grand dr norman osman has unpacked and situated all his earthly belongings . the larger of the two bedrooms is normal looking . the rest of the apartment , boxes and bubble wrap and the remains of several half assed unpacking attempts . the sisters are trying to make things nice but it isnt working like it should . theyve smashed their mattresses into their shared room , and have realized theres no room to put the bedframes in there , so now they have to figure out where to get rid of those .  bea puzzles out  how to get the wifi and cable set up , she figures it out , they spend an evening watching nature documentaries together instead of unpacking more because theyre tired . and then the next day they go on a walk instead because gloria wants to figure out whats where in the town  shes says its so pretty lets explore . they end up doing that all day and are so tired by the time they get back they pass out .
bea knows her mother is staying in a motel and she doesnt tell gloria . it wouldnt be anything new but she doesnt want to say it . gloria probably already knows anyways why should she bother . mom is gone gone gone
they seee  their father , their esteemed doctor , a few times .
he comes home almost every night , he takes his shoes off and immediately retreats to his room , he leaves early in the morning . the family does not communicate much .
but this is how things always are . life goes on .
josef observes , josef is confused . school is going to start soon , in a matter of days . gloria will be a senior , bea will be a junior . gloria wants to get everything unpacked before school starts . bea doesnt give a shit .
‘cmon . if it doesnt get done by school its Never getting done ‘
‘why cant we just go on another walk .. i want to look in the forest …. ‘
gloria wins , they unpack some . not all but some . they get the bathroom set up somewhat . bea finds her fuzzy sucks and puts them on . the apartment feels a little less shitty .
‘ isnt this so much nicer ?’ gloria feels like theres fresh air in her lungs . she likes things to be a certain way . bea doesnt care as much . they both clean up for bed and retreat . their bedroom has one tiny tiny window and they lay in bed awake , facing each other , eyes open . the moon is weak and the clouds are heavy , the light is cold and failing . they look at each other and think and remember
they arent related . bea was adopted by their parents when she was four years old and gloria is their godchild . gloria has seen a lot and it makes it hard for her to sleep sometimes . the first night they really truly met each other was a little like this , in the dark and staring at each other emptily . they are sisters in a weird ferocious way . they hurt together but theyre not dead 
that night , like most of the others , norman comes home . theyre both awake when he unlocks the front door .  they listen to him take off his shoes , take his sleeping pills down his throat ,  he strips his socks off , goes into the room , turns the tv on . the volume is low . light flashes under the door .
‘lets go to sleep ‘
bea and gloria go to the coffee shop down the street the day before school starts . the street is poorly taken care of and theres a bunch of weeds growing , theres plants bursting out of everywhere in this town its just the way . and the buildings around the street , just like all buildings , in town , are gray and beaten . the ocean weather gnaws them down into something gray and dirty .  
all the buildings are low . gloria looks straight ahead while she walks and bea looks all around them . a truck drives by them , maybe the passengers are somebody they will go to school with ? theres a bar with a shining neon sign across the street . crows sit on the telephone wires . bea watches it all .
in the cofffee shop bea gets a donut , gloria gets tea and a scone . gloria cares more about keeping up appearances.
they sit at the window to watch people inside , and outside , the coffee shop . as they sit it starts to rain a little .
okay i dont giiiive a fuck
wanted to tdo donuts , donuts was boring ,
after the coffee shop wihc was Boring And a Mistake Fuck U .. afterwards thy go towards the ocean , it is cold and lovely
the ocean rolls out forever . before coming here , neither sister has seen the ocean before . they watch it for a long time . gloria is smiling , she likes it . bea is mildly horrified . she doesnt know why . she watches it move in front of her and she has a hard time breathing . oh she hates it . or not hates it . it scares her . and her first kneejerk reaction to  being afraid of things is to hate them so its only natural
gloria wants to walk the beach forever , admire the nature and the shells and the gulls , admire the gulls and the clouds .   . bea just wants to go the fuck home but hey she isnt going to ditch her sister on the beach .
they stay out there an hour , more than an hour . fuck im gying im g=done goodNight
bea can only view her chemistry teacher with suspicion. marcus rydell , who has long braided hair and plays guitar and wont shut up about his beloved pet cockatoo and has a gigantic potted tree in his classroom that cant be removed without killing it , well this mr rydell is a weird guy . and bea can handle weird but theres just something so off about this guy . 
all the other students love him , hes a school favorite. but bea is creeped out by his pale pale blue eyes. something about his eyes . she doesnt know it by name doesnt know what it particularly is but its there she hates it , it drives her nuts 
(months later after shes established her weird , mildly shitty relationship with josef, she tells him about it . he looks thoughtful on it but doesnt offer much beyond 'have you noticed how others have that look? in this town?' and now that he mentions it she really does notice that . imagine that . much much later he tells her more and she realizes what it all means ) 
bea doesnt like this fisheyed hippie shit bastard and waching him an hour a day in class is a bad feeling. she stews on this in the back of class and is thoroughly unnerved by the time she leaves. she cant even whine about it to anyone - again , everyone loves him. also she doesnt have friends so like 
sol washington is the world famous darling of false bend, he has a huge home there on a cliff above the ocean with an all native species carefully maintained garden. hes there twice maybe three times a year . there is a live in staff of maids and yardworkers and one grouchy middle aged woman who takes care of his impressive 400 gallon fish tank. he loves those fish. she loves them too but not much else 
josef would be the eleventh edition to this household and sol wishes he would but but josef doubts he could handle it and anyways , living in large spaces freaks him out . hes an opposite claustrophobe. also a reguar claustrophobe . josef has some issues 
he goes to the grand washington house whenever sol visits , to keep him company and to be bathed in luxury. he also pays the house periodic visits to just to make sure its being kept to sols standards. and to send him pictures of his fish . he also kind of likes some of the staff there and likes to check up with them when hes feeling particularly sociable which is a relative term with him but is known to happen 
sol designed the house himself of course . just as he has a fair number of the buildings throughout false bend. its only natural - hes  a beloved renowned architect with a strong capability in interior design . he travels all over the world to build and lecture and entertain. sol is the light of whatever party hes sucked into . his passions are creation , and socializing (and the occult But ) in fact he met josef when he traveled to new mexico in the 80s to help create a spiritualists mountain retreat . a lovely complex integrated into the landscape and he picked up josef along the way . josef cant come to terms about how he feels on that - getting uprooted from the desert drug culture and transplanted into the northwest rainforest . he figures it was good in a way, not gong to complain about having a safe place to live and being somewhat sober is somewhat nice as well . he supposes . but going up north tossed open a whole new can of worms as well . thanks , sol . 
josefs life in the desert  was painful dangerous and something he will never properly recover from . hes killed a man and witnessed three other murders . hes wasted four solid years of his life on heroin , his body hurts and his scars stand out bright on his skin . and his brains never going to heal . but hes come to terms with that at the very least 
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sneakyscarab · 7 years
French Rose Quartz, Bittersweet Shimmer (That is not a color), Hwheat, Seafoam Green, Space Cadet (I'm sorry that is a job not a color), Eminence (I cannot stand these), Ecru, and finally the secret Clear color which is how do you feel about these bullshit fake colors
(French Rose) What’s your favourite flavour?: crunchy probably cherry flavour or the flavour of cola
(Bittersweet Shimmer) What is your favourite memory?: jeez man this is a tough question because 1 theres nothing that immediately sticks in my mind as a ‘favourite memory’ and 2 the ones i can think of on hand arent really that great so cop out answer but i cant think of one right now
(Titanium Wheat) Who can you trust the most?: trust nobody, not even yourself. to be honest I probably trust myself the most but after that it’d probably be you.
(Seafoam Green) Do you like water?: no i’m not a big fan of water. showers and baths are ok but as a food water is low quality and i dont like things like lakes and oceans and swimming.
(Eminence) What is your favourite sound?: i dont have like a concrete ‘favourite sound’ but theres a few contenders like “rain on my roof/window”, “the THX noise”, “Megaman X Guitar”, and all of Captain Falcon
(Ecru) How do you feel about the world today?: Overall i’d say its pretty good but more often than not i find that theres a lot of assholes out there especially when it comes to LGBT stuff and maybe its just me but its astounding how rude (or confused) these people can be about someone’s sexual orientation or gender identity
(Clear) How do you feel about these bullshit colours?: Yeah they’re pretty stupid and a lot of them sound made up and dont correlate with whatever colour they supposedly are and theyre most likely crayola colours cause crayola just makes shit up
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