#like yes they changed A LOT and some aspects were a lot weaker because of it but I think it's fine
pk-heart · 2 years
The School for Good and Evil movie being just mid is its best case scenario sorry
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idakyrie · 1 year
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(This is part of an AU and a LOT OF TEXT asdfg) WHAT IF.... That weird deformed shape of Fake Peppino (AKA Bruno) is actually that way because of a brain problem (known as TBI)? That would explain that peculiar way of behaving (Silly? Goofy? Childish? Doesn't think straight? Doesn't know what he's doing? Almost 0 common sense, that almost permanent expression on his face, that strange way of moving... He is doing his best to stay on his feet and not melt completely (even if it shows a bit), he can barely speak coherently, among many things (WE MUST PROTECT HIM).
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I'd like to think that the brain is the only organ he has, because the rest is just... Mmh, slime? amalgam? xD, it could be a HUMAN brain that Pizzahead (his creator) got (I like to think he is actually someone insane in a bad way and too different when it comes to his lab, just pretending to smile, hints of psychopath), that brain belonged to another chef, here I clarify about getting 2 adns: Peppino and Bruno (this last I mean the one from the abandoned pizzeria and yes, he is dead, where the hell Pizzahead was going to get that brain from? Actually dead for trusting a humanoid pizza)
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So Fake Peppino has 2 adns? Yeah, that makes sense... Although Peppino and him don't look quite the same (Although Pizzahead's goal was that, to be the perfect impersonator), except for the clothes BUT here comes my favorite part, his stable form. 
Actually, his brain problem can be treated, he would still have 2 forms: stable and unstable, this unstable form is the one we all know, it would be present whenever he feels threatened, in danger or any other negative emotion (although he can take any form whenever he wants and be a mix of both forms).
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Some history: Bruno is the first "clone" to be created, it went well, everything was perfect and one more minion... UNTIL... Pizzahead has a complicated, abusive, stupid, manipulative and ignorant attitude, basically he never treated him well, it started with scolding and even abuse (And yup! it was Pizzahead himself who caused him great injury) Why? He is a demanding and perfectionist guy, the clone had to come out EQUAL to Peppino (the irony is that he hates him and only does it to fuck up his life, to be able to replace him with some of the SO MANY clones out there) at the time he thought it was a GOOD IDEA to mix both adns and come out the same as the original, I repeat that this guy is an idiot?
Something funny is that after that he made other prototypes of clones (Classified as second generation idk) but these... None came out well, they are aberrations and can be found in a frozen chamber, he doesn't want to relive that moment and kept trying until he finally succeeded, the famous Peppino clones that can be found everywhere in the lab, inferior versions, weaker and more animal behavior than the first "clone".
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Here comes another problem, Pizzahead paid more attention and was nicer to those clones, making Bruno jealous and annoyed, he never received a good treatment from him (Still he was loyal) and he had to fix and clean up all the atrocities the clones did, that means ALL the time, he could not defend himself and lived in silence, developing a great hatred towards them, precisely his behavior changes drastically to the most aggressive, just hearing a "croak" makes him angry (MODO BERSEK GOES BRR)
Many years enduring physical and emotional pain until he ends up in what? In an abandoned pizza restaurant? Just him being abandoned being very bad in all aspects? Completely alone for years, the only contact he had with others were those clones that invaded his "new home" (explaining why there are so many peppino corpses in that pizzeria).
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(that girl in the image is an oc of mine hshs)
Bruno still has that silly and innocent personality, sensitive but at the same time disturbing if something bothers him. Paternal sense, playful and a big fan of Peppino, sometimes he annoys him by imitating him HAHA. Does he keep that frog behavior? YES! It's not as obvious as the clones because he knows how to control it. 
At the beginning he doesn't like to be touched, after all the problems he went through he doesn't even know if there are good people in this world, so gaining Bruno's trust is a bit complicated but if you talk nice to him (as you would do with your pet XD) the interaction will be effective. 
Does he have traumas? Besides he doesn't want to see Pizzahead and the clones again, or there will be a massacre, it's the first time someone is nice to him, he's afraid of abandonment and losing the little progress he has made... AND NEVER EVER SEE OR HEAR ANYTHING RELATED TO ANY LABORATORY AGAIN, his life was hell there, anything related either scares or angers him.
If you have any questions, you can ask and also, sorry if there are errors in my English, it is not my native language, I hope you can understand ;w;
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dandylion240 · 1 year
For the Psychology asks, all the evens for whichever next-gen kid of your choosing or that you haven't already gotten asks for!
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2: Does your OC adapt easily to changes in life or do they have a hard time getting accustomed?
It depends upon the type of change. She'll change if she see's it as advantageous to her ultimate goals or good for those she cares about but if she perceives it as something not good for herself or family than she'll fight the change with everything she has.
4: How does your OC behave typically under severe stress?
She's prone to acting on impulse. She'll give in to emotional outbursts that will leave behind lasting impressions and deflated egos as she steamrolls over anyone standing in her way.
6: Does your OC have an unrealistic view of some area of their life or worldview?
She has people categorized into strong and weak. The weak are either to be protected or walked over. She of course is the strong protector even though she often wishes she had a protector of her own but since she doesn't she has to protect herself and those weaker than herself.
8: What does your OC hate and appreciate on others?
Anyone who can go head to head with her in an argument is something she both appreciates and hates. She's very competive and something inconsequential can become serious if she feels challenged.
10: What type of people does your OC idolize the most?
She absolutely idolizes her cousin, Josie even though she doesn't understand how Josie isn't more guarded and distrustful of people. She allows herself to be vulnerable. Jolene doesn't understand it. Being vulnerable is weakness and Jolene decided a long time ago to never be vulnerable and if she is then she'll act like she's not.
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12: Is your OC mature or immature for their age?
She'll tell you she's mature for her age but she's not. She's prone to emotional outbursts like a four year old when somene doesn't listen to her.
14: Where and what from does your OC seek most typically comfort from?
She knows she can go to her parents but Ethan just buys her stuff and Jonah will ask her things she doesn't want to talk about. So she'll either seek out her older brother Eli or her cousinn Josie. Even then she's liable to leave in a huff when they offer her advice she doesn't want or thinks she needs.
16: How openly does your OC show their emotions?
She's prone to emotional outbursts. Sometimes when she's the maddest is when she's feeling the most vulnerable and it takes someone a lot more in touch with the emotions to know the difference.
18: What aspect of your OC’s personality or essence do other people usually have a problem with?
She's always on the go and pushing herself to the limit and she tends to do the same with the people around her.
20: Do other people have misconceptions about some parts of your OC’s personality?
Because she's very demanding and pushy she often comes across as uncaring and intimidating.
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22: Does your OC believe in something supernatural or not scientifically proven?
Yes she does. Her ultimate goal in life is finding the source of her families magical roots and why they were suppressed.
24: Does your OC have any sexual deviances or kinks?
She's a sex addict or close to it. She has a hard time forming close intimate relationships and prefers to have one night stands.
26: Does your OC live in self-denial about anything?
That she's not Wonder Woman and she doesn't have protect everyone.
28: Is your OC loyal or more prone of take advantage of people close to them?
This is a loaded question. She'll say she's extremely loyal but that's debatable as she's been knonw to manipulate situations that's very much advanteous to her. I think both Eli and Josie have received talks from their SO's on how they let Jolene take advantage of them.
30: What could make your OC cry?
When she hits rock bottom and realizes it's ok to be vulnerable and weak and to trust someone.
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i-am-beckyu · 2 years
Does tubbo have a role in this au? If so, in what chapter will we see him? Since Tommy has no idea how big the world actually is, and then he sees it on a map, does he think the world is flat? What about his backstory? Did he get bullied back at the colony? If he did, maybe he flinches whenever someone raises their hand. Do the crafts ask where he came from? If so, what's his excuse? Do they believe his lie, or are they suspicious? How do colony's work in this world? Is the reason he was so small to begin something to do with his size shifting ability? What if he meets one of the old borrowers from the colony? What would his relationship have been with Tommy? Nice to him, pitying him, or bullying him. What would their reaction be to him size shifting? I want to know everything.
sorry if I'm asking too much, you don't have too answer everything. Have some cookies as an apology 🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪
So for now the main characters are just sbi. I may add other characters if I can think of how it ties in with the story but for now just them. (Although Tubbo and Ranboo are mentioned in this somewhere so you never know)
This is canon. Yep definitely canon. Im going to say in a previous house he saw a map on a table once and heard it was the world. But doesn’t realise it’s obviously not to scale but def thinks the world is flat. He has a very heated argument about this with the twins and refuse to think otherwise without proof.
Constantly. As I said he’s different. The borrowers of this colony really did not like that he was different and they made sure to remind him of that. They’d either outright ignore him or deliberately make him do the worst jobs possible. Some borrowers (especially the ones around his age at the time) would deliberately go out of their way and hurt him for fun. So yes. Tommy in the beginning flinches a lot when he thinks he’s about to get hurt or someone moves to fast. Takes a long time for him to not be so tense about it but everyone is very patient about it and understanding when he semi outlines the abuse. The trauma of it all still a bit too fresh in his mid for detail
Yep of course they ask where he comes from! The Crafts wanna know who they need to go beat up. But I’m not gonna say if Tommy does or doesn’t say yet. Mainly because I’m not sure. But if he hadn’t yet, he’d tell them after the reveal properly.
Colonies in this world work a lot like the one in the 1997 The Borrowers movie in terms of how they have civilisation set up. There’s traders and stores and all sorts of things but they’re spaced out heavily and more built in underground caves then sewers. It’s more common for borrowers to live in forests and such then towns, but they have tunnels connecting places everywhere. This is how Tommy went from living in the smack bang middle of nowhere in the forest to living as an innie borrower in a house. Most borrowers know of the tunnels so a lot of innie borrowers are actually traders in a sorts that they’ll live in houses and bring back the ‘exotic human Bean’ things to trade in the colonies. Tommys parents however we’re not born in a colony, tho they knew of them, and lived mainly outside. But they were not very kind people and when Tommy was born, it just became more obvious to them that their child was different and so rather than waste supplies on a child they now didn’t want, they abandoned him.
Yes. Tommy being smaller than everyone else is because of his sizeshifter abilities. Sizeshifters born are kind of stunted in height. It’s part of how you can identify them. They’re also just a lot thinner and more lanky in appearance because they have the ability to change size and this somewhat allows them to do that. (Or I think it’s just funny to describe Tommy as lanky) but yeah even as they get older, they’re just a lot weaker physically too which would be fine because their shifting sort of makes up for that aspect. So while Tommy is an inch shorter then everyone else his age in the colony, if he knew he could size shift, he wouldn’t have been hindered as much.
If Tommy ever met someone from the old colony again, I think he’d probably just run out of the walls to find Wil, Phil or Techno. I think itd probably be one of his bullies that hurt him the most and Tommy would just go into panic attack mode and run for his life while probably being chased by them. He’d then run screaming into the room for someone while the bully still pursues them, and then of course he shifts. They’d be terrified and book it back to the walls and get away as fast as possible, while Tommy receives comfort cuddles.
Tommy is just scared child that runs from danger. He needs therapy.
You can never ask too many questions. Ask me more! I need the distraction. Thank you for the cookies ✨anon✨! Have some more lollipops 🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭
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thekatea · 1 year
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Till the End of the Moon
Watched: 09.05.2023
Top level of entertainment. Can’t say the same about the quality of writing.
I want to start by saying - I did enjoy the show a lot, almost till the end. I watched the episodes as soon as they dropped. That said, I’m not gonna pretend like it’s some writing masterpiece - it’s not. It often hits the “teen’s first fanfic” level. Did I mind? Not really. I went into it for the Dear Daddy Devil and Bai Lu’s acting, and these two aspects were easily 10/10.
What did the drama do great? Tantai Jin’s arc. The questions of predestined path, freedom and choice, the importance of having the supportive community and people that trust and love. How much of where we end is on us, and how much can be explained by how others treat us? At which point we should take responsibility? Is revenge and justice the same? What’s more important - trust or perceived truth? Surprisingly a lot of depth in his story. Sadly, the writers had some issues with keeping Tantai Jin's wits and cunning nature and also progressing the plot - which led to quite a few moments when his brain must have been turned off to make such dumb choices.
Luo Yun Xi in the role? Pure perfection. The emo angst fits him so well, I was in awe. Whatever you ask from him - he will deliver it and more, in the most beautiful and heartbreaking way. I never knew an actor who presents suffering in such a stunning way.
Then we have Li Su Su played by Bai Lu. What a performance. She did great as a more idealistic and naive Su Su, desperate and driven Xi Wu, and the duality of Sang Jiu. Each character/persona was easily distinguishable with the portrayal. The angst and pain Bai Lu can deliver - be it extreme or subtle - was just phenomenal and truly breaking one’s heart. I don’t think the character herself has much to offer though. Any weaker performance than the perfection Bai Lu presented, would make Li Su Su either boring or insufferable. I just feel bad for the girl, because the writers obviously did not give a fuck about this character… She was this great thanks to the actress and the chemistry she had with Luo Yun Xi.
And that chemistry should be illegal. How can such a questionable and build on a toxic fundamentals relationship still seem so amazing, beautiful and perfect? Love, hate, hope, trust, doubt, protection, resentment, fear - what a mix of conflicting emotions and motivations. And that complexity was what made this duo so entertaining and such a blast to watch.
Beside the main characters, I want to give big props to Chen Du Ling who played Ye Bing Chang. How much I hated this character, how much I loved the performance. It’s also impossible not to appreciate Pian Ran - stunning arc as a side plot, amazing conclusion fitting the plot, great performance by Sun Zhen Ni.
Talking about the characters, it’s time to talk about the biggest sin this show and the writer committed - they made everyone so dumb, I did not even care who will win and who will lose, because I did not see a bright future no matter which side gets the victory.
So many things did not make any sense, but you cannot really call them plot holes, because they kind of had an explanation - lack of working brain cells. At first I found it amusing, but at some point it just frustrated me on a whole new level. You don’t know how to write a proper conflict and the origin of it, so you just make your character dumb for a few scenes to set it up.
That also led to repetitive scenes and arcs - just rewriting the same moments we have seen a few episodes ago, with small changes here and there. Refusing to give your characters’ proper character development can only lead to them making the same mistakes over and over and over again. This is one man show, and all the other characters are just a background for his story.
I have to say though, I’m quite impressed with the directing and editing taking into consideration how much of the plot and scenes had to be cut down to fit the 40 episodes format. Yes, there were many moments that the pacing seemed like a car chase, but the overall story was still relatively easy to follow and understand. On the other hand, the make-up artists need to change their careers, because the thing these actors had on their faces should be illegal to present to the public. Loved the costumes, liked the set and magical objects designs. Loved how they Sailor Moon changed their clothes when they reached new powers.
The soundtrack had some good moments, but there were also “oops” bits like them playing a pop royalty free facebook ads like music in the background in the last episode.
Overall, I had a lot of fun, later I had less fun, by the end I had a lot of fun ranting. One could say it’s a full on personal journey I had with this drama, and they would not be wrong.
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thejojolands-moved · 11 months
I'm not big into Demon Slayer, I always watch a new season but I'm not hardcore. It's a very fun thing just to turn on, especially when I'm sick. But every single time I watch it I just get so taken back by the Shounen misogyny.
Like Season 1, honestly not that bad all things considered. There's a lot of women that all have their own interesting things going on, from swordswomen like Shinobu, to the nurses, and to the many demonesses (? Is that the proper term? No clue lol). They were interesting and got a lot of screen time. Women's roles were very much skewed to being nurses, which isn't the best, but it's a historical fantasy so I can understand there being more in that area with less in combat roles. Still, many had their own inner world and aspects outside of men in their lives. They are heavily involved yes, and Kano changing her whole life because of a man was good, but it's definitely had a stronger start than many anime. It is also fun to see some men have the same writing as a lot of stereotypical Shounen ladies and not have it shoved in the audience's face the irony. Zenitsu is unbelievably annoying, so it's not the best execution on a character so prominent, but shrug.
I don't have much on the movie, it wasn't the best either but far from the worst. There's more ladies here who are interesting but the combat focus isn't on them which is fine, not great but fine, for a movie, honestly. They need to hone in and it did a good job on that.
Season 3 is where it starts to get iffier. The focus is on geisha, shinobi, and a demon geisha. The male main cast even had to disguise as women to help investigate, fun stuff! The issues come in how those women are depicted. Most are pretty one note, with some that are moreso 2 note then fully developed. All stuff that made me want more clarification. It didn't help that all the women were notably weaker compared to the men. I get that the protagonists are mostly dudes, so that's the cost of them women, but most women on their side couldn't hold their own in the slightest. The main villainess being revealed to have a stronger villain brother who needs to be defeated is hypothetically fun but just makes it worse that all the women got their shit rocked so early on.
Then we get to season 4 and Kanroji who is very much billed as a main character but gets largely shafted. It doesn't help that she's very blatantly a "x trope but better and more ironic" character. It's played too genuine to be effective and it's wear all the previous issues really boil over. They do improve her combat, she's not getting obliterated immediately but shows up very late in the battle side of things to be effective. It really stings in a season that has less of the main cast to they could absolutely focus on her more. Plus the whole trope subversion that's too obvious. It was subtle, but annoying, earlier on. But with Kanroji it's all so tongue and cheek and could be very funny (being a waifu that horrifies everyone? Turning hair colors because she's a shrimp? Hilarious ideas!) It's all just played too straight to where it falls into the trope instead of subverting it.
Then there's Nezuko across all seasons. Man is Nezuko a ton of missed potential, especially since there is a character very much like her already in Shounen (what is Alphonse Elric?). Frankly, outside of moments with tanjiro (mostly in backstory and the end of season 4) and all the time with guys sleeving on her, she could just be replaced with a sick, super powered puppy and not much would change. It's always her and that damn box, where she's forced out of the story to hibernate until it's time to battle and get her ass kicked. It's just disappointing, honestly. Especially compared to other women in Shounen who are leaps ahead and especially characters like Alphonse who she has so much in common with. There's a struggle there and while yes it is of course difficult for Tanjiro, it's gotta be GNARLY for Nezuko. But it's barely explored. Hoping it gets better after Season 4, because there's so much there to be explored and to make her shine but so far, it's nada.
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juliemolinaz · 2 years
Just finished the episode and aside from balling my eyes out, this was such an amazing season finale.
As much as we loved the happy scenes in 19 and 20, Jang Uk and Mu-deok/Naksu were never going to be happy as long as Naksu was stuck in Bu-yeon’s body. And as amazing as So Min’s acting was during these 20 episodes, we shouldn’t want Uk to be with Naksu while she’s in Bu-yeon’s body. Despite the wrongness of Bu-yeon being alive even though she should have stayed dead in the womb, it still Bu-yeon’s body and she should be able and she should be able to ultimately live her own life. Naksu returning to her body was something that was always going to happen, especially for there to be a happy ending between Uk and Naksu.
I know that people are upset that Bu-yeon couldn’t stop Jin Mu from making Naksu run wild, but I’m honestly glad that he was able to. Like, Bu-yeon has a lot of power, yes, but she’s not invincible. It would make sense that there would be some things that could overpower her, especially if it came from Shaman Choi, who’s family originally perfected the Alchemy of Souls. It would make sense that family would have things to control people who shifted souls. Also, since the Ice Stone is in Uk now, Bu-yeon may not have been able to access it in the way she did in the past and became weaker, thus allowing Jin Mu to have Naksu run wild.
I’m also not upset that the Crowned Prince was letting Jin Mu’s words affect him. As great as he is, the show has made a point to show that the Crowned Prince has always been separate from the rest of the gang, despite their positive interactions with one another. He knows that the people who he’s come to respect have been lying to him and keeping him in the dark, so he’s allowed to be angry at that. His last scene where Jin Mu was talking to the Royal family about what happened does give me hope that he’ll continue to be on the gang’s side because you did see his facial expressions which indicated that he was having doubts about Jin Mu.
I really can’t wait for the last 10 episodes in December. There are so many questions to be answered. Like, who saved Naksu? It seemed like it was 2 women, so I’m going to guess it was Jinyowon. I do think that we will get some scenes of So Min in season 2, whether she’s secretly filming now or if she filmed some scenes before she moved on to other projects. How does Naksu return to her original body? I am excited to see more of Go Yoon Jung and how she makes Naksu her own while also keeping aspects of So Min’s acting choices. How is Uk changed by coming back from the dead? The teaser definitely makes him seem darker/edgier, so I wonder how that whole process changed him. Since Uk made the choice to not use the Ice Stone to protect everyone and Naksu still went wild, I do wonder if he’ll use the Ice Stone in the second season differently so he can save her. I do hope that he and Naksu remember each other and that they aren’t kept apart from each other for long, especially considering we have only 10 episodes. Since we got the tragic ending this time, I do hope the second season ends with Uk and Naksu being able to be happy with one another. I also can’t wait for Jin Mu to die a painful and slow death because he’s the worst.
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eosofspades · 2 years
actually i'm just gonna rant now rim of the world FUCKS and you can't change my mind
like, look. this is a bad movie in a lot of ways, i agree completely. there are a lot of aspects that should have been different or could have been better. but it's a FUN movie! it's not TRYING to be world-changing and dominate the industry with its spectacularity!! it is a silly fun wild alien invasion movie about teenagers and found family!!!! but all of the parts that get criticized are so not the actual problems this movie has??
like. to start with, i understand why some people might be uncomfortable with the sex jokes and humor but it's not BAD?? the jokes are not being made by adults toward the teens, they are being made BY teens. which is LITERALLY how teens are. i have been 13. you have been 13. i'd go so far as to say this is one of the ONLY movies i have EVER seen that does not infantilize or make a mockery of being in your early teens and it was so REFRESHING to see! this is one of the most accurate representations of a group of wildly different teenagers put together i have ever seen outside of real life.
ZhenZhen isn't reduced to a hapless love interest, she's a brilliant and capable character the whole time and Alex does NOTHING but respect her for the entirety of the movie. Dariush has an entire movie-long growth arc about opening up to people, learning what REAL friends are (yes, he's a stereotypical rich kid, NO that doesn't make him inaccurate; i think he's actually INCREDIBLY accurate for a rich kid in the way he carries himself and treats other people and expects others to treat him), and being selfless. Gabriel similarly gets to open up to his new friends and he's never ever mocked by the narrative or made the butt of jokes for his disability (a mental disability i haven't ever actually seen represented before in movies, especially not about teens and kids). Alex has anxiety and PTSD gets to overcome it, and it doesn't instantly fix itself once he faces his fear - he's still awkward and nervous, because healing is a PROCESS, and anxiety isn't inherently something that needs to be 'cured.'
do i wish Dariush and Gabriel's (INCREDIBLY) queer-coded thing going on had been explicitly shown/confirmed? YES. but that doesn't mean it was bad or homophobic. there is a DIFFERENCE between depicting something (especially queer relationships) in a negative way vs. simply depicting it in a subtextual way.
likewise, not all M/F relationships MEAN that the girl is reduced to a love interest by default! YES, even when (maybe especially when) the boy needs reassurance/support from her and/or she is shown to actively desire a relationship with him. these two are MUTUALLY pining! these two have a clear and strong MUTUAL respect for one another! M/F RELATIONSHIPS WITH A 'WEAKER' MALE CHARACTER DO NOT MAKE THE FEMALE CHARACTER HAPLESS OR BADLY WRITTEN.
on the topic of writing!! YES i do think a lot of the writing could be improved upon and there were definitely points that felt unbelievable (even for an alien movie) like the timing of the alien's appearances, or the fact that a solider asked a teenage boy to save the world, or a lot of things! but at the end of the day it is FICTION, and the characters have NUANCE to them, and having flaws does not make a movie BAD. it's a silly wacky found family story about teenagers saving the world from aliens. it doesn't have to be flawless and puritan.
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darthmaulification · 3 years
How would Maul react to a force sensitive jedi or Grey Jedi reader briefly having sith eyes? Like maybe they’ve been falling from the light for a while and have a moment of complete dark side rage and look up at Maul with the telltale eyes?? I kinda think he’d be into that image but I’m curious what you think!
A/N: anon, i’m so sorry, but if you were expecting anything even remotely fluffy this is... Not That.
this also has two inspos: first, IFHY by tyler, the creator and stockholm: a love story in three parts by daniel. (both of which i pulled lines from, for emphasis)
ALSO, if you can spot the spider-man:nwh line reference, you’re a bonifide sexy bitch. and if you can spot the greek myth i mention, and know who i’m talking about, you win my ssn. 💗 
(also does anyone remember when people were like “omg IFHY is such a romantic song 😍😍” when it’s like... clearly about abuse? like you can read certain aspects of “love” from it (i guess???), but it’s overarching theme, especially accompanied by the visuals in the music video, is supposed to portray a toxic relationship. girl, anyways... 🙄)
hope you enjoy! 💗 (and please keep in mind this fic is not a happy one)
content: angst, gn!reader, 🚨EXPLICIT toxic/abusive relationship🚨, obsession (kinda both ways, but maul is explicitly in the wrong), stalking, manipulation, mental spiraling, overall general unhealthiness, savage stars as maul’s complacent enabler 😬, pov changes that are purposely a bit chaotic, lots of implied death and destruction, 🚨 mention of a deceased child 🚨
word count: 2,934
If held to the light, I guess obsession holds water better than love
It’s not long after Lotho Minor, when the wounds on his psyche are still fresh, still susceptible to reopen and split further. Tender areas in his mind where it feels as though neurons have misfired and have caught others in the process. He’s... fractured, needs to be tiptoed around because any wrong move, any wrong word, can set off an episode. Casualty would be the result.
Maul is volatile, a pulsating minefield that tempts to be ignited. It severely hampers his judgment, his impulse. His self control.
Savage tries his best to keep Maul level, but he can only do so much when the Force sings in Maul’s head like a siren to a sailor at sea. It whispers and coos, shows him all that it is tied to and then some. Maul can’t focus on anything but it, and this exacerbates his instability. He basks in the Dark, succumbing too deeply to the shadows.
One day, the Force introduces him to something new. Someone new.
A signature, sickly sweet, the type of aura that is so entrenched in Light that if he had a weaker stomach, he’d be nauseated by it’s potency. Instead, Maul’s annoyed, blanching at the pathetic nature of whoever’s aura it is. 
Yet there’s something... captivating about it. The more Maul tries to force himself to forget it and move on, the more it draws him in. It tempts him with its siren-song, so beautiful and bright, and all Maul thinks when he hears it is “I want to ruin you” and “I want you to be mine.”
His judgment is failing.
Like a rare bird, Maul wants to keep it in a cage, prune its feathers, and keep it singing for him, for eternity. Oh yes, Maul wants it to sing.
He hunts you down with ease and loses his control at the same time.
You’re... hesitant, to say the least— somewhat fearful and far too soft— but that’s nothing Maul hasn’t seen before. It doesn’t dissuade him in the slightest, instead he sweet-talks you a little more, smirks when your cheeks warm, because he knows he’s sunk a hook into you. When you agree to come with him, that’s when he starts reeling in the line.
It’ll take a certain type of patience to pull you all the way in— the slow, steady type that Maul wasn’t gifted with and had to learn— but that’s only part of the obstacle, the journey, as they say. He’ll be able to change you, to push you over the edge, to open your eyes to new, better possibilities. He has before.
Maul walks you to his ship with a hand splayed on the low of your back. He’s never this physical with someone, this personal, but the Force sings at the connection of your touch. It buzzes and hums, quivering in the air and Maul relishes the feeling like an addict would their high.
Though, he’ll admit, it isn’t perfect. Your connection to the Force is... loose. It holds onto the potential power with a weak-wristed grip, one that’s prone to being wrenched from your hand at the slightest provocation. Your grasp is fleeting, flighty like a startled bird, one that flies away at signs of change, of danger. 
Interestingly enough, the direct danger Maul poses to you doesn’t shake that bird from it’s nest...  
Maul decides the first step is to gain your trust so that he can learn each and every one of your secrets and desires, all to keep you tethered to what he wants most. He’ll treat you better than he’s ever treated anyone before, even his own brother, and play the role of a heartsick, hopeless romantic to both ease your nervousness and sink the hook in deeper.
It’ll be difficult, not to mention humiliating, but Maul will persevere because every time your tie to the Force tightens, he hears it whisper to him like voices carried on the summer breeze.
“My dear,” He purrs to you one day, reveling in those cooing voices, “Do you know that you are special to me?”
You dip your head, embarrassed and bashful, in the way that shows your weakness all too well. Flighty as you are, Maul’s tender little dove, he does too well to hide the fact he’s a grinning Nexu waiting to strike. A threat basking in the shadows.
A sign of danger in the Dark.
Maul is an enigma.
You find it curious how somedays he’s calculating, silver-tongued, and level-headed (relatively, he is still Maul). He speaks eloquently, so often has his hands clasped behind his back as a perfect image of a poised leader, and nearly has you trembling with how slickly his molten gaze will traverse you, hunger in his eyes. 
So often on these days you’re the center of his attention, the apple of his eye. Maul isn’t one for subtlety either, and he tells you this many times, either delighting you with fleeting touches or words that feel like sweet nothings. On these days, Maul feels more like a lover to you than your employer.
Briefly, you pondered the ethics of that type of arrangement, but the thought was washed away when Maul bade you to his side with a beckoning of his hand. How could you deny that?
Standing next to him, as he sat on the throne of Mandalore, exhilarated you like nothing else. It made you feel special, someone to be looked upon with importance. That feeling was almost as satisfying as simply being next to Maul, who you had to admit you were painfully heartsick for.
How could you not be? For someone as exotically attractive as Maul, that deep crimson skin and those inky tattoos, it surprised you that he didn’t have more suitors begging for his hand, or even his gaze. And those eyes... you can forgive their angry, bloodshot sclera in favor of the fiery embers of his irises. Maul is handsome, and he knows this, and the confidence radiates throughout him.
But then there are some days when he’s... mad. Not only the wrathful, flaring fury you’ve seen from him, but a type of wild in his eyes that reminds you of a story you heard in your youth. One about a king, one who was a thief and audacious, who crossed the gods and was cursed, alongside his closest men, to become a ferocious wolf after sundown. In the story, the king also had the propensity to ravage and destroy his own kingdom, to run with his men and slaughter his own subjects beneath the light of the moon.
You cotton on quite quickly to Maul’s tendency to act very much like that; prone to bouts of uncontrollable fury and vitriol, episodes of physical destruction, killing any poor soul that gets in his way...
Somedays, Maul reminds you of that king. Somedays. Mostly though, Maul is charming, intelligent, and attentive to you and only you. Stars... the way he’ll look at you with those eyes.
When you asked his brother, Savage, the towering yellow Zabrak got a strange look in his eyes, shrugged, and said “Maul is many things”.
(Gone unspoken were the words “Many of them bad”. After everything that happens, Savage regrets not saying them. You never learn this.)
How long is it before captivity sets in?
Like unassuming prey, you so unwittingly allowed Maul to get close.
In regards to that, that’ll be the only thing Maul ever praises your naïveté for. He found it very easy to convince you of most things— your trusting nature surely allowed for it— and so it didn’t really come as much of a surprise to him when you fell in love with him either. 
Love, such a fickle, malleable thing— such an easily hijacked emotion, one that bends to the will and want of its recipient. Your love for him made it easier for Maul to influence you to the Dark all the more simpler. Quicker too, and without much pushback. 
In most other instances, your propensity to blissful, delightful ignorance was such a hassle to deal with. You were always too kind, too caring— an unfortunate set of characteristics that Maul decided he needed to wheedle out of you like bloodletting. Love allowed for this to be near painless. Maul thanks the kindly goddess for this.
Sex also became another tool for Maul to utilize to sink his claws in deeper, both metaphorically with each “Stupid whore” or “Dirty, pathetic creature” and literally, as displayed by the crescent-shaped imprints on your hips, the bruises on your thighs, the knicks from horns on your neck. Such intimacy is compounded by sneers and condescending glares, and Maul gives you no relinquishment from the aches that linger. 
You’re driven to near-hysteria each time you find yourself weeping from the pleasure and pain in equal amounts. And you’re left confused and ashamed to admit that you love it. What is this?
Call it cruelty, call it inhumane, let it be any word equal to devastation. You yearn for Maul despite the pain— in spite of the pain. 
It comes to an unpleasant head one day. A day to far in that you can’t turn back from. Everything good ends.
“Not every problem has to be solved with death!” You cry, trying to reason with Maul, finally consumed with the depravity of the situation. You can’t remember exactly what sparked it— a sour look, a snide word, a meeting gone bad— but you certainly know how it’s going to end. Other Death Watch members, the ones who survived, will contact the relatives of the dead, and funerals will be had.
Maul with forbid you from going to any of them, and you’ll obey, even if deep down you know that’s horribly wrong. That Maul is horribly wrong. You don’t have the seconds to ponder.
“It is efficient! Swift!” Maul bellows, closing the space between you in three long paces. Molten eyes blazing with fury, he snarls, “Every soul I snuff is a message sent to the rest who may dare cross me.”
Hs tone dips low, the wrath simmering dangerously beneath the surface. His glower shifts into a smirk that bares his sharp canines, and it sends a shiver down your spine. You’ve seen him angry before, Maker knows you have, but you’ve never seen this.
“My dearest pet,” Maul coos, sickly sweet, and you stiffen as his hand travels up your arm, leaving goosebumps in its wake. His touch is feather-light until his hand reaches your neck, where he grabs your throat so suddenly it pulls a startled yelp from you. Immediately, your hands fly to his wrist, the muscle and tendons taut under your fingertips. The hold isn’t suffocating, but the pressure Maul holds firm on your windpipe threatens the air that flows through it.
“Maul—!” You gasp, tears stinging the backs of your eyes when his fingers start to close in around your neck, digging into your skin. The grip is bruising, too tight, and Maul isn’t letting up. He growls low in his throat, and to your horror, elevates you into the air until your feet no longer touch the floor.
“It is your morality that makes you weak!” Maul seethes through his teeth, fangs bared, all as the hand he has wrapped around your throat squeezes tighter. You make a strange gurgling sound in the back of your throat, like you’ve tried speaking and the words have been strangled. Desperately, your nails claw at Maul’s wrist and forearm, as your feet kick limply at the air.
“Can you feel it choking you?” Maul laughs boisterously, watching with cruel glee as you kick the air with more fervor. Eyes wide and ashen lips gaping, the lack of oxygen has started to form black dots at the edges of your vision, pulling you to oblivion. A single tear falls from your eyelashes. The laughter in Maul’s eyes disappears with a blink, leaving him stoic and unforgiving.
“We are not placed on this world to sit and watch,” Maul spits in that deadly hiss, eyes flaring, “We are here to take and take, until everything is ours.”
He drops you, and you crumple to the floor, landing with a rough thud. As you wheeze, gasping for breath, Maul stands above you with a disdainful look upon his face. Hands behind his back, Maul rolls his eyes at the tears rolling down your cheeks, and scoffs when they fall off your chin.
“Enough of this.” He states, tone apathetic, and Maul squats in front of you so that he’s level with you. Fingers rubbing at the raw, bruised skin of your throat, it takes everything to look up at him, your esophagus burning at the motion. Maul’s eyes lock with yours.
“Sith stop at nothing for power.” He starts, and you flinch when his hand rises, but are surprised to find that Maul only tucks your hair behind your ear. His hand goes to rest on your cheek, and his calloused palm is warm in the way that a burn is after a flame has scorched the skin. He tilts your head to the side, and hums. 
The bruises on your neck, swollen and purpling, are in the shape of his fingers, rows of swollen ovals that mar your skin and that bring the blood to the surface. A small, genuine, delighted smile curls Maul’s lips upwards, and even through the tears you realize with mounting disgust that you want him to smile like that more. 
“Beautiful.” Is the last word absentmindedly murmured past his lips before he stands, abruptly turns on his heel, and leaves the room.
Your left on the floor, dazed and hurting, and the sick thought that you wonder is why that single, stupid word meant so much to you.
You spend a day and a night spiraling. No one bothers you— not Maul, or Savage, or Saxon— and despite being so utterly alone, you feel an inkling below the surface. Something pokes at you, prods at your skin and it feels both sharp and dull. 
It comes from all directions, like being plunged into the icy depths of the seas on Kamino or frozen in the ice of Hoth. Either way its shadows that tug at your vision, inky black that robs you and pulls you in. You wonder if the light in the dark is a lure, and if the anglerfish awaits just beyond its rays. 
It doesn’t matter, why strive for the Light? The Dark is so abundant.
Good pet.
You hear Maul and want to laugh and cry. You do both in the loneliness of your bedroom. 
On a planet, in a burning village, you fall to your knees. Eyes fixed at the sight in front of you, bile rises in your throat when you spot the corpse of a child in your peripheral. They hold a stuffed Loth wolf.
Tears blur your vision, and when it clears Maul stands before you. You stare at the tops of his thighs, and they become blurry. Tears, again. Your face is wet, tears fall from your chin and land on your dirt and blood covered hands.
Maul places his thumb and forefinger beneath your chin, so tenderly it almost feels like compassion. He tilts your head up, and when your eyes meet his, a broad grin splits across his face. Toothy and bright, the type of smile that wipes away years off of Maul’s face and gives him a boyish charm. You love that smile.
“Oh, my dear.” He murmurs, his thumb swiping across the apple of your cheek to wipe away the tears that have rolled down it. When he’s gathered the wetness on the pad of his thumb, Maul pulls his hand from you and the absence aches. His gaze never parting from yours, he licks up the salty droplets with single swipe of his tongue.
Maul thinks you taste like desperation. He chuckles darkly, Like satisfaction.
He loves your eyes.
Gone are your irises, their once bright hues replaced by that familiar, sickly yellow ringed in fire. Your sclera are tainted, bloodshot and painful looking, your eyes’ normalcy and sunny disposition smothered by anguish. Raw, venomous fury and all-consuming sorrow in your eyes, like a potent poison, have whittled out the kindness and naïveté that once existed within them.
More tears roll down your cheeks along with the last of your inhibitions, emotions too sensitive for what Maul has trained you for. These tears, these special tears, leave you cold, stony— Enlightened. Finally, you can see.
“Rise, apprentice.” Maul commands and you can do nothing but obey, an unconscious reaction, movement without thought. Your knees shake under you, but the firm stare Maul has on you wills you to force them to stop. The breath in your lungs feel like smoke, and the tar chokes you from within.
“You are reborn.” Your Master says, and you nod, too overwhelmed and dumbed to do much else. He lifts his hand, and in it you find a hilt of a slim lightsaber. It doesn’t occur to you that you’ve taken it until it’s in your hand, and ignited to its bloody red with a hiss.
Maul is so proud of you. Secretly, Savage asks the gods for forgiveness.
This isn’t healthy, you know this to be true.
It doesn’t bother you.
(Spend the rest of my life, looking for air)
(So you can breathe, or we can die together, you and me)
I’m in love
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yama951 · 2 years
Site 204, Sinnoh Region, 2022 AC
It took a moment to process what Giratina has stated.
“What do you mean by that?” Cynthia asked.
Giratina sighed.
It was a throw away comment but I couldn’t help but return to it. There is no reality where the Original Dragon did not land in Unova. There is no reality where the meteor crash that brought the Original Dragon was weaker or stronger. There is no reality where the Original Dragon did not split apart into three aspects.
Giratina then glanced at Emmet.
There is no reality, in my memory, where the Original Dragon arrived before I was given the Shattered Shell. I can only guess, but what if I was given rule over the Shattered Shell and All That Is Not simply due to the original ruler abdicating, leaving an empty throne in need of being filled? Despite the separation, the two sides still need each other to exist, supporting each other. The Distortion World is where all the paradox that would have broken this world is sent to. Of course there’s also the great number of redundancies that the fractalization of the Sacred Reality gave as a consequence, can’t have a Grandfather’s Paradox if there’s two timelines than one, let alone an infinity of pasts, and infinity of presents, and an infinity of futures. Such events could transpire that a change in the past resulted in no change in the present even if it were nonsensical at a first glance, for when one rolled a set of dice infinite times, the likelihood for the exact order of numbers happening again is no longer a miniscule chance.
“So, statistically, there should have been realities where the Original Dragon of Unova ended up in Kalos, for example.” Director Dante of the ICRS’ Legendary Division said with a nod of agreement from Giratina.
The Missing Number called the Original Dragon, the Dragon of Self-Evident Will. Said being is the only thing that the Original One did not make by their own hands. Evidently, the Dragon type exists because of its strength of will, forcing itself to exist, and if their words are to be taken as truth, then that act inspired other things that shouldn’t exist to fight their way into existence. Though the pattern screamers are more likely to destroy the local reality than to go through the birth pains of coming into being…
“I am Emmet. I am dealing with my brother’s disappearance, the revelation that I am the progenitor Zekrom’s human incarnation, now you’re telling me that the progenitor Zekrom might have been part of some God-King of the Non-Existent?” Emmet said as he stood up from his seat to walk back and forth a bit to think. He then stopped and faced Giratina.
“I do not care.” he stated. “You can keep the Distortion World. I do not remember it, neither does the progenitor Zekrom. You can rule over the things that should not be and do what thou wilt. All I care for is my brother, my friends, my family, my pokemon, my job, my colleagues, MY trains and MY life.”
Elesa grabbed his arm and silently grounded him from the ripples of Will he was roaring out.
“Take a deep breath there Em. You’re starting to go all possessive again.”
Emmet simply nodded as he panted, forcing himself back from fully roaring at Giratina, at another Dragon. He soon began repeating his mantra to help refocus himself, that he was the human and not the dragon.
“Uh, should we get Drayden and I guess Kyurem as well?” Elesa suggested. “They seem to know a lot more about the Original Dragon than any of us.”
That made Director Dante cough, shifting everyone’s attention to him.
“Yes, well, the ICRS decided to look into Drayden and we noticed some incongruities with him, enough that we had to get our ontokinetic and ontokinetic immune agents to look into him. What we found is… anomalous to say the least.” he said as he placed a file on the desk. “Legally speaking, Drayden has no family name and has been the mayor of Opelucid City since the mid 1800’s. No one seemed to notice due to the Opelucid Distortion shifting things around, even we thought he was someone greatly affected by the distortion until we connect a painting from the 1750’s to him.” he then pulled out two photos, one of Drayden and another of an old painting of what looks like a younger version of Drayden without a beard and with light brown hair in what looked like old nobility wear before the Unovan Revolution. “It was posted on Commit‘s relative or reincarnation subcommit. The painting is of Ignatius Rex, the last member of the Lacunosa’s Noble House of Rex, said to have disappeared when he went off to slay a dragon that was terrorizing his town for centuries.”
Elesa blinked at that as the name seemed to feel ephemeral, as if she could forget it like it was a dream.
“Ignatius Rex…” Magister Verdant Expanse of the Prismatic Order interjected, rubbing his beard. “That Name feels weak.”
“It is a name nearly Devoured in its entirety.” Willroarer Red Claw of the Heralds of Pride nodded in agreement. “It is mostly dissolved into the Dragon that devoured him, be it Name, Form, Will, Memory, or Legacy.” she then glanced at Emmet. Emmet himself looked a bit ill at the concept. “Such is the power of a Dragon, that it could roar at reality to make it so that what they devoured will, shall, and must be devoured.”
“But, I had tea with Drayden ages ago. He was begging me to keep Emmet under control.” Elesa countered, to the Herald’s shock.
“The Ahamkara begged.” she muttered, face paling. “It prostrated itself before you?”
“Yeah… bowed his head before me and everything. Then again, given what Emmet did to the free will of Nimbasa City’s residents to keep up with an ideal world…”
“I am Emmet. I am sorry about that. Zekrom isn’t sorry though.” Emmet said with a wince. “The difference between my human and dragon sides hurt at times.”
“Be careful with the strain, oh Lord Zekrom.” the herald began. “To go against your ideal is painful to yourself and to reality. The power of the Self-Evident Will still exist within you on some level and to go against it has consequences.”
“Ingo doesn’t lie, doesn’t like to lie, him being Reshiram Incarnate would explain that, but he is also human and thus should be able to lie.”
“I’m pretty sure he lied when you accidentally used salt instead of sugar in cooking dinner once and said it was good.” Elesa added.
“As long as he doesn’t lie while having the progenitor Reshiram’s power flowing through him, perhaps.” the herald relented. “Or he could force the Truth onto reality instead…”
The door to the meeting room then opened as an agent gulped at the sight of everyone, particularly Giratina, before he walked to Director Chronos.
“Sir, the porygon found something unusual. We could only do basic online checks but it seems that Dawn’s online accounts pinged that she was online a couple times after her disappearance. We tried to trace it back but it took using the space-time analyzer to give us a result.” he then gulped. “She’s in 1804 Sinnoh, sir.”
Cynthia stood up and walked to the agent.
“She’s in the Hisui Era!?” she shouted as she grabbed the agent’s shoulders, shaking him. “Why is she in the Hisui Era!?”
“I don’t know ma’am! I’m just a messenger!”
“Thank you, Doctor Dorian. You can go back to your work.” Director Chronos said as Cynthia let go of the man and he quickly walked away.
Cynthia pulled out her phone and tried to call Lucas, even Barry.
“Come on… come on… pick up…” she muttered before sighing and stopping. “Great, the first time I got a lead on Dawn and they’re not even picking up their phones.”
“Is something the matter?” Director Dante asked.
“Dawn’s a friend to the Sinnoh champions Barry and Lucas. She vanished under mysterious circumstances in Alola during their vacation. Last I heard, Barry and Dawn’s mothers told me that Barry and Lucas might be going to call upon Palkia and Dialga to get Dawn back…” she then faced Giratina. “Nothing bad is going to happen once they call them right?”
Palkia would be open to help, though Dialga would only do things when they deemed it the right time to do it.
“So they won’t end up being tossed off Mount Coronet in still living shattered pieces or with a body with aged and de-aged areas to die during the Hisui Era and end up being excavated by the ICRS just to be shown off to their younger selves as a warning not to mess with things beyond human ken, unlike the ICRS?” Cynthia asked with dripping sarcasm.
Hmm, that brings back memories… This Dawn individual, what does she look like?
Cynthia went back on her phone.
“Oh right, I forgot that you never actually met Dawn face to face due to how busy I am.” she said as she soon showed a picture of Dawn, Barry, and Lucas after an event at Alamos Town. Giratina blinked, mouth open in shock.
That can not be a coincidence.
“I’m sorry, what?”
Back in my past, when I was recently given the Distortion World and thus saw the once singular Sacred Reality split apart fractally, I fell into a rage at the injustice of it all. I used that rage to look for the weakest point in the multiverse, Hisui Era Sinnoh, and convinced my acolyte to break reality, to enrage my siblings and thus prove to the Original One that I should return to my former position and prune the fractal chaos back into a perfect singular symmetry that was the Sacred Reality.
Giratina then glanced back at the picture.
She stopped us. She appeared in 1804 under mysterious circumstances and became a member of the original Galaxy Team. I assumed that she fell through the space-time distortions that rippled through the past and future from the initial shattering over Mount Coronet, the same with Ingo who appeared years earlier and was adopted into the Pearl Clan.
Emmet began to see red at the statement, only for Elesa to hold him back.
“Let him finish explaining, Em.” she whispered.
Of course, given my partly paradoxical status, I assumed that was a different Ingo but now the timelines are clearly looping upon itself rather than being spliced through. The complexities of time are not my domain, however.
Floating crystal screens formed around Giratina by an act of pure Will.
I don’t like calling forth my observation mirrors on this side but I feel like the situation warrants it.
Everyone watched various lines forming on the screens.
Let’s see… present time period with given universal laws, these elemental types…
Cynthia blinked at the mention of a Wood type on the screen before she wondered how she understood the words.
Sinnoh Region-Hisui Era Reality Break… Reshiram-Ingo pulled back into the Hisui Era…
“Reality Break?” the magister muttered out.
Giratina soon sighed as the screens were basically full of various lines.
Too many probabilities to shift through. I could use the Distortion World’s broken space-time to speed up the search but the disconnect would make it harder to return here, in this space-time.
“So what does that mean? That Ingo is lost in the infinite?” Emmet nearly growled out. Giratina glanced at Emmet for a moment before looking away.
It’s a bit worse than that. Ingo fell through Ultra Space so he lost his memories. Dawn helped him recover. I was watching through the eyes of my acolyte Volo and he managed to remember you and your friend through her divinely blessed smartphone, but…
Giratina then glanced at Emmet, who was struggling not to hyperventilate from the whiplash of terror and elation at the news. Elesa glanced at Ingo’s arceus themed smartphone still on the table.
If this timeline flows exactly like my past, which I doubt given my partly paradoxical nature and the nature of reality breaks but if he also has the effect of self-evidence… the contradictions might explain why the Sinnoh Region-Hisui Era Reality Break was a lot stronger compared to Team Galactic’s reality break…
“Reality break?” Director Dante asked.
Giratina simply moved a screen, clearing the lines until it showed lines entering a circle and lines exiting it.
A reality break is an area of broken space-time in the multiverse, where anything could happen, and I truly mean anything.
An entering line from the right future side was highlighted.
For example, this one was a timeline of an Emmet Tamadensha, completely human at that, that went back in time to find his Ingo, only to find him too late. Madden with grief and rage, he went to dethrone the Original One under the belief that he could save his brother and the timeline ended after his success. It’s debated where that timeline went among the celebi. I heard one celebi theorizing that the Rite of Amaranth happened and that the change to the very central being to All That Is meant that it resulted into a new and different multiverse set.
Giratina glanced back at Emmet. In fact, everyone else glanced at Emmet. Only Elesa, Looker, and Chronos didn’t look pale from that.
“I am Emmet. That is a completely understandable choice by that Emmet to do.” he said, sparks jumping around him as he made a rage filled grin. “Fortunately, I have a fraction of the Original Dragon’s power. I will Proclaim my Ideal upon reality should anything happen to my brother.” Emmet’s eyes then narrowed at Giratina. “You and your acolyte Volo are on thin ice if your actions in the past have resulted in the situation my brother is in.”
“Emmet, please don’t fight a god in a pokemon battle.”
“I make no promises, Elesa, and who said anything about a pokemon battle?” Emmet said as he clenched and unclenched his draconic hand.
“Emmet, don’t go fist fight a god!”
“I am Emmet. I am technically sorta a god. Giratina might have caused Ingo’s disappearance.” he then gave a mischievous grin at Elesa. “Can I have one fist to Giratina’s face for good luck?”
Fortunately, Director Chronos cleared his throat.
“We are currently in a meeting. Though I suggest a break so we can contact Drayden and perhaps Kyurem as well. If you wish to punch Giratina in the face, you can do that outside.”
“Honestly, a break is something everyone needs. Meanwhile, I have a relative to contact.” Cynthia said as she headed out, passing by the herald who seemed to be star struck at either the notion of two primordial and primeval Dragons fighting it out or the coming of the progenitor Kyurem.
Once she’s far enough away, she pulled out her phone and tried calling Volus.
“Come on… come on… pick up…”
“Hey! It’s Volus! Sorry I can’t pick up right now but I’ll try to call back as soon as I can! Leave a message after the beep!”
“Volo Caligulus! You have a lot of explaining to do once I find and get you!” she shouted at her phone before stopping herself as she noticed Doctor Dorian carrying a giant oran berry with both arms walking nearby. “Oh, sorry about that. That’s a huge oran berry.”
“Thanks. My spacial resizing research is bearing fruit.” Doctor Dorian joked. “Hopefully the finicky details are solved this time. The first try resulted in the atoms collapsing in on themselves. Too bad growing and shrinking stuff doesn’t work entirely like the shows and cartoons do.”
“I see, galar particles?”
“Oh no. Galar particles was the second attempt. Too temporary and ultimately unfeasible to work with. Let’s just say this oran berry got through a special rind.” he chuckled to himself.
“I am so sorry about before.”
“It’s alright. Good luck with what you’re doing at least.” he said as he seemingly entered a broom closet.
“Uh, sir, that’s not-” the broom closet was empty of people when she opened up the door. She blinked a few times and shrugged. “More ICRS secrets I guess.” she said to herself as she saw Emmet and Elesa exiting the meeting room.
“Ah, Cynthia, please help me convince Emmet not to fight Giratina.”
“I am Emmet. I need some way to discharge somehow.”
“I mean, you could just have a pokemon battle with me.”
Emmet paused and glanced at her.
“That sounds fun. Sure. A pokemon battle against you, and a battle against Giratina.”
“Emmet, punching the only guide we have to Ingo is counterproductive.” Cynthia reasoned out.
“... Fine… I’ll punch Giratina after we get Ingo back.”
“Honestly, I might as well watch that.”
“Thank you.” Elesa groaned out. “Ugh, we should get something to eat and process everything properly.”
Cynthia and Emmet ultimately agreed and headed to the cafeteria to eat, after Cynthia recalled Giratina.
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gh0st-patr0l · 3 years
So about a week back, I made a post about Karl Jacobs (a bit of a passive aggressive one, I’ll admit, but I think it was justified), complaining that a lot of the ‘criticism’ I see about Karl is actually rather insensitive towards his ADHD. I got a lot of responses to that post, and the most common sources of confusion I saw were:
People not understanding what I was saying they should avoid being judgmental of, or-
People who didn’t know that Karl had ADHD or didn’t understand which behaviors were caused by it.
First of all, Karl has confirmed that he has ADHD.
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(NOTE: Yes, I know he said ADD. ADD and ADHD used to be categorized as separate disorders, but in the most recent edition of the DSM, it was decided that they are both simply subtypes of the same disorder- ADHD is the correct technical term. ADD is still sometimes used as shorthand by some practitioners to diagnose primarily-inattentive ADHD, but it's a bit outdated.)
Secondly, that original post made me realize that a lot of people who may be well-meaning may genuinely not fully understand ADHD and its symptoms as well as they want to or think they might. If you aren’t aware, Karl isn’t the only one in the DSMP with ADHD- to my understanding, both Technoblade and Dream have confirmed that they have it as well. So, I thought it would be helpful to put together a comprehensive crash-course on ADHD symptoms and how they effect people’s behavior!
Now, before we go further, I want to address something- as I said earlier, I saw some people unsure of whether certain behaviors are ADHD or “just his personality”. I feel the need to point this out above the read more so people will see it. To answer this question, as someone with ADHD;
A lot of times, it’s both. ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder, meaning that it’s caused by the way your brain developed from birth. A lot of the symptoms and effects of ADHD are extremely influential towards the way we think, act, and behave, to the point where “symptoms” and “normal behavior” really don’t have a clean differentiation. This is why it’s technically classified as a ‘disorder’, instead of an illness. While certain aspects of it can require treatment, the condition itself as a whole is not something to be mitigated or eliminated- it’s a part of who we are as a person. This is also why sometimes, even if you don’t have ADHD, you’ll look at certain specific behaviors or experiences and go “Oh, but I do that too!”. A lot of ADHD ‘symptoms’ are just a bunch of normal traits or behaviors, but in combination with each other and some actually problematic aspects, form the appearance of the disorder.
So, what are you allowed to nitpick about it? Well, there’s no real ‘authority’ on this, and even if there was it certainly wouldn’t be me. But if you want my opinion? Nothing.
See, here’s the thing- what I was trying to say when I made that post was not that you can’t be critical of Karl. If you want to say something about his Actions, his Ideals, or the content he creates- sure, go for it, that’s fair. I will agree that there are some very valid and constructive points to be made. But when you post ‘criticism’ about the way he speaks, his interests or preoccupations, his personal behaviors? That’s not criticism. That’s just judging someone.
And you’re allowed to think that stuff! Nobody can control what annoys or bothers them. It doesn’t necessarily make you a bad person. But you don’t need to be vocal about it. You can keep your mean thoughts to yourself. And if you do make posts or communities or whatever about judging someone for things they can’t change about themselves, don’t call it “criticism” or try to morally justify it. It’s not productive or righteous, it’s just rude. Nothing else.
Anyway. Back to Education!
The following will be a descriptive list of visible ADHD behaviors, using Karl’s behavior as examples.
I feel the need to add a disclaimer here- I am not a mental health professional. However! I have ADHD myself, I have taken some psychology courses and done a Lot of research into this stuff, and I’m the daughter of a therapist with access to a DSM. While I’m not an expert, I’d like to think I’m fairly well versed and knowledgeable on at least ADHD. (That being said, if by chance anyone who Is a professional sees this post and notices mistakes, by all means let me know and I’ll fix it!!)
You’re here for the behaviors more than the science, so I’ll keep this short and sweet. ADHD is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (Known in the past as Attention Deficit Disorder). Despite its name, the root problem of ADHD is not in the person’s ability to pay attention, but their brain’s capability to manage itself. In simple terms, people with ADHD have a lot less control over what their brain does and wants. This results in some behavioral differences along with some personal challenges, namely a difficulty with attentiveness and self-discipline.
Now, onto the symptoms!
This is perhaps the most visible and pervasive of the ADHD symptoms, hence why it’s the namesake. Inattention is a lack of focus and an inability to stay present and occupied with certain tasks or thoughts.
Because ADHD impairs self-management of the brain, people with it have an extremely hard time directing themselves anywhere but where their brain instinctively wants to go. This results in inattentiveness and the easiness of distraction that is often mocked or stereotyped for people with ADHD.
Here are some examples of how Karl can sometimes display his inattentiveness;
When he has an idea that he seems passionate about, only to drop it or switch to something totally different without warning soon after (either forgetting or getting bored of his original idea).
When he sets out to do something like a build, works on it for a short amount of time, and then immediately gives up or gets someone else to do it.
When someone else is talking and he totally zones out. (NOTE: While I wont make a whole section for it because it’s not easily observable, maladaptive (constant and intrusive) daydreaming is a common ADHD symptom as well!)
It’s important to remember that the whole problem with ADHD is that we can’t control when or what we focus on. When someone with ADHD zones out during a conversation or activity, it doesn’t mean they’re doing it on purpose, and they likely don’t mean any offense! We often are trying our best to listen or participate, but our brain just wont cooperate.
However, inattention is not the only way ADHD effects our focus. There’s also what’s called hyperfocus or hyperfixation, which is when we are so absorbed into a single subject, task, or idea that it is extremely difficult to get us to think about or do anything else. This is usually because our brains have found something that is getting those satisfaction chemicals flowing, and it’s clinging to that with everything it’s got.
People with ADHD will often experience brief periods of hyperfocus. Think of how Karl talks about spending hours straight working on a build or project without eating or drinking, or how he’ll sit down to play a game with someone and end up going six hours without even noticing.
There are also hyperfixations, where someone with ADHD becomes extremely preoccupied with a certain subject, topic, etc. for a period of time. These can be short term- personally, my hyperfixation can sometimes change as quickly as a couple weeks at a time. However, it can also be long term. Karl has been obsessed with Survivor since the second grade- not to mention his memorabilia, rambling, and constant references to Kingdom Hearts.
This is a BIG one for Karl. I should clarify; ‘stimming’ is not a technical term, and in professional situations these behaviors are just referred to as Hyperactivity. However, I personally like the term stimming much more and find it far more accurate to what the behaviors actually are, so I’ll be using that instead for this post.
If you’re not already familiar, ‘stimming’ (derived from ‘stimulation’) is an unofficial term used to describe consistent and abnormal patterns of physical and vocal behavior typically expressed by people with ADHD and ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder). This includes things that people usually call fidgets or tics.
(NOTE: There are differences in how people with those two disorders stim. This post will explain stimming specifically from an ADHD perspective! ASD stimming is caused by very different factors and presents itself in much different ways. Do your own research if you’re curious!) 
There are two major observable forms of stimming- physical and vocal. Karl expresses both VERY often! I’ll use examples for each type;
Physical Stims: Flapping his hands/arms, jumping up and down when he’s excited, twisting around into odd positions in his chair, throwing, hitting, or tapping things, standing up and pacing around when he’s hyped up or laughing, twisting his rings, etc.
Vocal Stims: When he gets excited and repeats a certain phrase incessantly (Think any variation of “I’m popping off”), making certain repetitive noises while he’s focused on something or bored (”la la la”, the meow-noises, the weird heart-beat noise, etc.), singing or humming, tongue clicking.
It should be noted here that it’s pretty common for people with ADHD to get “stuck” on certain phrases or noises, and be unable to stop repeating them (reminiscent of echolalia, a symptom of ASD, but not the same thing). Think of how Karl might sometimes keep making a weird noise for an extended period of time even though it’s not that funny, or that one time he was physically struggling to keep himself from singing the Bakugan theme. These repetitions are completely impulsive and trust me, we usually know how annoying it is while we’re doing it, but we physically cannot stop.
ADHD stims are caused by the fact that the barrier between our brain and body is much weaker than a normal person’s. Because of this, most ADHD stims are actually very positive expressions of joy, excitement, or enthusiasm! Y’know how when you get excited, you feel like you wanna jump or dance? The ‘hyperactivity’ of ADHD is basically just that, but we don’t have the self-control to Not do it.
Stims can be caused by negative feelings like overstimulation, but in ADHD this is not nearly as common. Usually, the most negative reason we’ll stim is when we’re bored- in that case, our brain isn’t getting the Constant Stimulation that it naturally wants, so stimming is a way to make our own.
Whatever the cause, stimming is natural and impulsive. While different people experience it to varying degrees, those who regularly stim typically have little to no control over it. Suppressing stims is very hard and very frustrating to do.
Besides that, like I said- ADHD stims are often an expression of joy, excitement, or enthusiasm. They’re a beautiful thing that shouldn’t be seen as shameful or annoying!
ADHD is a disorder which causes a lack of self-control. Naturally, this means that people with ADHD are inherently reckless, impulsive, and struggle with a lack of self-discipline that they cannot fix.
Of course, people with ADHD do still have some level of self-control, and they are still responsible for conscious, long-term behavioral patterns and decisions. However, in regards to most things, they are much, much less capable of controlling themselves than an average neurotypical person is.
These are some examples of how this will often present itself in Karl;
Excessive rambling, dragging on a joke or conversation when it could and should probably have been dropped, etc.
Speaking over or interrupting other people (NOTE: As someone with ADHD- THIS IS ALMOST ALWAYS UNINTENTIONAL. I know it can seem rude or annoying but I promise, 90% of the time if someone with ADHD talks over you, they either didn’t realize or physically couldn’t help it. Please try to be patient!)
Lack of awareness towards social cues (NOTE: Unlike ASD, in which the person is incapable of/has problems fully understanding social cues, ADHD results in a lack of awareness. For whatever reason, we’re often just not paying close enough attention to pick up on things like body language, tone of speech, and facial expression as well as we would normally.)
Indecisiveness and overthinking
Bluntness, lack of subtlety
Unintentional dismissiveness, accidentally ignoring things/people (NOTE: Again, this behavior is purely accidental. In this case, it’s usually just the person genuinely not hearing or processing things.)
Making noises, speaking, joking, etc. at inappropriate times
There’s probably more, but I think you get the idea by now. A lot of the time, behavior which results from ADHD can be seen as rude, lazy, dismissive, or otherwise intentionally harmful. In reality, we just aren’t wired to navigate common social interaction with grace.
In Karl’s case, he’s clearly an incredibly sweet, empathetic, and kind-hearted person, if the various close friends who have talked about him are to be believed. Just because he talks over people or makes a poorly timed joke, that doesn’t mean he meant any harm. 
I think that’s about it for how much I wanted to point out! You can do more research if you’re curious, but I feel like this post should be enough to tell you what to keep in mind and be understanding about when talking about/making judgements on Karl, and other people with ADHD.
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killianmesmalls · 3 years
On your comments about Jack: ye-es, in the sense that Jack is a character who definitely deserved better than he was treated by the characters. The way Dean especially treats him reflects very badly on Dean, no question. But, speaking as a viewer, I think the perspective needs to shift a little bit.
To me, Jack is Dawn from Buffy, or Scrappy Doo. He’s an (in my opinion) irritating kid who is introduced out of nowhere to be both super vulnerable and super OP, and the jeopardy is centered around him in a way that has nothing to do with his actual character or relationships. He’s mostly around to be cute and to solve or create problems — he never has any firm character arcs or goals of his own, nor any deeper purpose in the meta narrative. In this way, he’s a miss for SPN, which focuses heavily on conflicts as metaphors for real life.
Mary fits so much better in that framework, and introducing her as a developed, flawed person works really well with the narrative. It is easy for us to care about Mary, both as the dead perfect mother on the pedestal and as the flawed, human woman who could not live up to her sons’ expectations. That connection is built into the core of SPN, and was developed over years, even before she was a character. When she was added, she was given depth and nuance organically, and treated as a flawed, complex character rather than as a plot device or a contrivance. She was given a voice and independence, and became a powerful metaphor for developing new understandings of our parents in adulthood, as well as an interesting and well-rounded character. You care that she’s dead, not just because Sam and Dean are sad, but for the loss of her development and the potential she offered. So, in that sense, I think a lot of people were frustrated that she died essentially fridged for a second time, and especially in service of the arc of a weaker character.
And like, you’re right, no one can figure out if Jack is a toddler or a teenager. He’s both and he’s neither, because he’s never anything consistently and his character arc is always “whatever the plot needs it to be.” Every episode is different. Is he Dean’s sunny opportunity to be a parent and make up for his dad’s shitty parenting? Yes! Is he also Dean’s worst failure and a reminder that he has done many horrible things, including to “innocent” children? Yes! Is he Cas’s child? Yes! Is he Dean’s child? Yes! But also, no! Is he Sam’s child? Yes! Is he a lonely teenager who does terrible things? Yes! Is he a totally innocent little lamb who doesn’t get why what he is doing is wrong? Yes! Is he the most powerful being in the universe? Yes! Does he need everyone to take care of him? Yes! Is he just along for the ride? Yes! Is he responsible for his actions? Kinda??? Sometimes??? What is he???
Mary as a character is narratively cohesive and fleshed-out. Jack is a mishmash of confusing whatever’s that all add up to a frustrating plot device with no consistent traits to latch on to. Everything that fans like about him (cute outfits, gender play, well-developed parental bonds with the characters) is fanon. So, yes, the narrative prioritizes Mary. Many fans prioritize Mary, at least enough that Dean’s most heinous acts barely register. To the narrative (not to Cas, which is a totally different situation), Jack is only barely more of a character than Emma Winchester, who Sam killed without uproar seasons earlier. He’s been around longer, but he’s equally not really real.
I debated on responding to this because, to tell the truth, I think we fundamentally disagree on a number of subjects and, as they say, true insanity is arguing with anyone on the internet. However, you spent a lot of time on the above and I feel it's only fair to say my thoughts, even if I don't believe it will sway you any more than what you said changed my opinions.
I'm assuming this was in response to this post regarding how Jack's accidental killing of Mary was treated so severely by the brothers, particularly Dean, because it was Mary and, had it been a random character like the security guard in 13x06, it would have been treated far differently. However, then the argument becomes less about the reaction of the Winchester brothers to this incident and more the value of Jack or Mary to the audience.
I believe we need to first admit that both characters are inherently archetypes—Mary as the Madonna character initially then, later, as a metaphor for how imperfect and truly human our parents are compared to the idol we have as children, and Jack as the overpowered child who is a Jesus allegory by the end. Both have a function within the story to serve the Winchester brothers, through whose lens and with whose biases we are meant to view the show's events. We also need to admit that the writers didn't think more than a season ahead for either character, especially since it wasn't initially supposed to be Mary that came back at the end of season 11 but John, and they only wrote enough for Jack in season 13 to gauge whether or not the audience would want him to continue on or if he needed to be killed off by the end of the season. Now, I know we curate our own experiences online which leads to us being in our own fandom echo chambers, however it is important to note that the character was immediately successful enough with the general audience that, after his first episode or two, he was basically guaranteed a longer future on the show.
I have to admit, I’m not entirely sure why the perspective of how his character is processed by some audience members versus others has any bearing on the argument that he deserved to be treated better overall by the other characters especially when taking their own previous actions in mind. I’m not going to tell you that your opinion is wrong regarding your feelings for Jack. It’s your opinion and you’re entitled to it, it harms no one to have it and express it. My feelings on Jack are clearly very different from your own, but this is really just two different people who processed a fictional person in different ways. I personally believe he has a purpose in the Winchesters’ story, including Castiel’s, as he reflects certain aspects of all of them, gives them a way to explore their own histories through a different perspective, and changes the overall dynamic of Team Free Will from “soldiers in arms” to a family (Misha’s words). In the beginning he allows Sam to work through his past as the “freak” and powerful, dangerous boy wonder destined to bring hell on earth. With Dean, his presence lets Dean work through his issues with John and asks whether he will let history repeat itself or if he’ll work to break the cycle. Regarding Cas, in my opinion he helps the angel reach his “final form” of a father, member of a family, lover and protector of humanity, rebellious son, and the true show of free will. 
From strictly the story, he has several arcs that work within themes explored in Supernatural, such as the argument of nature versus nurture, the question of what we’re willing to give up in order to protect something or someone else and how ends justify the means, and the struggle between feeling helpless and powerless versus the corruptive nature of having too much power and the dangerous lack of a moral compass. His goals are mentioned and on display throughout his stint on the show, ones that are truly relatable to some viewers: the strong desire to belong—the need for family and what you’ll do to find and keep it. 
With Mary, we first need to establish whether the two versions of her were a writing flaw due to the constant change in who was dictating her story and her relationship to the boys, which goes against the idea that her characterization was cohesive and fleshed-out but, rather, put together when needed for convenience, or if they both exist because, as stated above, we are seeing the show primarily through the biased lens of the Winchester brothers and come to face facts about the true Mary as they do. Like I said in my previous post, I don’t dislike Mary and I don’t blame her for her death (either one). However, I do have a hard time seeing her as a more nuanced, fleshed-out character than Jack. True, a lot of her problems are more adult in nature considering she has to struggle with losing her sons’ formative years and meeting them as whole adults she knows almost nothing about, all because of a choice she made before they were born. 
However, her personal struggles being more “mature” in nature (as they center primarily on parental battles) doesn’t necessarily mean her story has layers and Jack’s does not. They are entirely different but sometimes interconnected in a way that adds to both of their arcs, like Mary taking Jack on as an adoptive son which gives her the moments of parenting she lost with Sam and Dean, and Jack having Mary as a parental figure who understands and supports him gives him that sense of belonging he had just been struggling with to the point of running away while he is also given the chance to show “even monsters can do good”. 
I’d also argue that Jack being many ages at once isn’t poor writing so much as a metaphor for how, even if you’re forced to grow up fast, that doesn’t mean you’re a fully equipped adult. I don’t want to speak for anyone else, but I believe Jack simultaneously taking a lot of responsibility and constantly trying to prove to others he’s useful while having childish moments is relatable to some who were forced to play an adult role at a young age. He proves a number of times that he doesn’t need everyone to take care of him, but he also has limited life experience and, as such, will make some mistakes while he’s also being a valuable member of the group. Jack constantly exists on a fine line in multiple respects. Some may see that as a writing flaw but it is who the character was conceived to be: the balance between nature or nurture, between good and evil, between savior and devil. 
Now, I was also frustrated Mary was “fridged” for a second time. It really provided no other purpose than to give the brothers more man pain to further the plot along. However, this can exist while also acknowledging that the way it happened and the subsequent fallout for Jack was also unnecessary and a sign of blatant hypocrisy from Dean, primarily, and Sam. 
And, yes, Jack can be different things at once because, I mean, can’t we all? If Mary can be both the perfect mother and the flawed, independent, distant parent, can’t Jack be the sweet kid who helps his father-figures process their own feelings on fatherhood while also being a lost young-adult forcing them to face their failures? Both characters contain multitudes because, I mean, we all do. 
I can provide articles or posts on Jack’s characterization and popularity along with Mary’s if needed, but for now I think this is a long enough ramble on my thoughts and feelings. I’m happy to discuss more, my messenger is always open for (polite) discussion. Until then, I’m going to leave it at we maybe agree to disagree. 
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myonepiece · 4 years
can I ask what are your thoughts about people on tiktok cancelling oda for being "misogynistic"??? I'm a woman and misogyny is a huge word so I got shocked and see what they were talking about and its about this interview where female fans are complaining about the girls characters design and fanservice and he said he cares more about his male audience thats why. One piece is shounen and is male dominated, and you know how they like the non realistic big boobies and hips though I agree that there's too much fanservice and nami and robin's old design were better. But the fanservice criticism is understandable as a woman I would also like a diverse body image for women like how Isayama creates his fem characters which is chefs kiss. Oda draws them poorly (in my opinion) but I like how THEY ARE WELL WRITTEN. I love their mommy milkers but I agree the new fans or anime watchers who's gonna start watching it might feel uncomfy but setting aside their design THEIR BACKSTORIES ARE GOOD. And he writes Zoro as someone who sees women snd men equal so I don't see how he's misogynistic 😅 Misogynist hates women, Oda doesn't hate women he just said that his target audience are men bc op is shonen after all.
I literally love female characters in op they're well written comparing to other shonen that's the same age as one piece that has the same fan service but the girl is just quirky, submissive and has no personality at all. Like Naruto the women are so poorly written and could've had more potential.
Maybe its because I'm already used with the way he drew them but I really love their timeskip faces, they got more drip before I still love them especially Robin
ooo yes interesting, I hope I covered everything in this <3
TW- body image
I’m going to start by saying this is a touchy subject because my body/self-image issues are pretty bad and I don’t like talking about bodies, but I have a lot to say about this specific topic. I do not think Oda is a misogynist, as you said he does write Zoro as someone who views men and women as equal, and a mysoginst wouldn’t do that. he hasn’t done anything in the show that says he hates women, it’s simply his portrayal of them- and more specifically their bodies. that being said, I have a problem with the way he has his female characters look- of course the details and overall animation are amazing, and yes their bodies (especially boobs) are drool worthy, but he could definitely... tone it down a bit. in japan typically are skinny and have low body fat, but the more curvaceous aspect of Oda’s characters are pretty far-fetched. I get why he does it for the men watching, and while that does sound slightly misogynistic, mostly like a stereotypical misogynist, it isn’t- at most it’s sexist. I think that the way the characters look will cause a lot more body image issues in young girls (or just people in general) and that definitely isn’t his plan. it’s giving an unhealthy and unrealistic expectation of women, and maybe more specifically asian women. if he could simply make their boobs a little smaller and overall make their body shapes a little less “perfect” because seriously ALL of them have hourglass bodies except for a few of the villains. and honestly Oda, stop making the glow up so drastically!! Alvida, the large round women who Cody was sailing with when he met Luffy (the very first episodes for reference), was punched by Luffy and flew away, only to show up later and team up with Buggy but she had “glown up” because of Luffy’s punch- she lost all body fat and was left with an hourglass body shape and was then called one of the most beautiful woman in the sea. I mean COME ONE- a fucking punch, Oda?! more statistically speaking, Oda is making his characters follow the beauty standard, I realized this was accurate when Robin’s skin tone changed so drastically as well as Usopp’s, and really all of theirs did- we could have done without that. 
so back to the misogynistic aspect, Oda writes all of his character’s backstories the same, and they’re all awesome. also they typically all show power and fight, if he was a misogynist then I’m willing to bet we owuld get a lot more sorrow and weakness from the females, lots more battles fought exaggeratingly horrible and lost, or always being saved by the men (when in fact some of the men have been saved by the women). while we could do without so much “princess/female needs help saving kingdom/town/something” it’s not too bad. the fanservice is a bit extreme, I hate how they have to show so many bath scenes for the girls and how Nami usually has sideboob/boob in general showing, I find it kind of insulting myself but that’s only my self esteem issues- which I’m sure other people have and feel the same way, so you’re not alone if you do feel that way about it. and when Nami’s boobs tend to pop up from her top, I’m thinking of those scenes in the outfit she wore during the episodes she met Sanji’s brothers. and the fact that when she hugs people their faces go directly into her cleavage doesn’t need to be so drastically pointed out, we don’t need a close up or anything Oda but... thanks? 
one big thing that proves he’s not a misogynist is that a lot of high ranking characters are female; Portgas D. Rouge, Charlotte LinLin (Big Mom), Boa Hancock, Tashigi, Tsuru, Catarina Devon, Alvida, Jewelry Bonney, ect.
he also has a lot of powerful female characters that had large impacts on characters (ex. their mothers) such as: Kuina, Olvia Robin, Bell-mere, Nojiko, Toki, etc.
he also has a number of male characters that are extremely anti-misogynist like Sanji and Zoro as well as Luffy. while Sanji is slightly sexist, he shows no hate towards women, he literally worships them. Zoro and Luffy are much better example because they’re neither sexist or misogynist, neither have any problem fighting a woman. in fact Zoro hates that women are seen as weaker and his whole childhood ass well as life was impacted by Kuina who was trying to prove herself because she was a female and eveyone underestimated her and thought she couldn’t be/wasn’t a swordsman- Zoro expressed his anger at that because he doesn’t see why anyone would think that. and Luffy simply just couldn’t care less about what gender someone is.
so all in all, Oda is not a misogynist, his portrayal of female characters is sexist at most but he is no woman-hater.
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talkfantasytome · 3 years
This got a little long, forgive me if this is tormenting you, but I really love to talk about this and I also loved your answers and would love to know your point of view on other parts of the story.
So, here I will show you my thoughts about what might happen in the next book with Azriel and also how I believe more people will know about Lucien and Helion in the next book. Let's go.
This is a thought of mine, but I think that probably in the next book more characters will learn that Lucien is Helion's son. I remember that either Rhys or Feyre said that they hadn't told anyone yet because it wasn't the time. I think that maybe something happens and in one of the meetings they have, in the search to find a solution to something Feysand can tell the IC, or something happens and Lucien unintentionally releases some power that makes other people suspicious. I think SJM is taking too long with this issue and it will get too rushed if she adds this only in the last book. Making a small comparison with TOG we saw as the books went by more and more characters knowing until they had the reunion between father and son.
I just don't know how this will be added in the story, because I believe the next book (using logic and the end of the book), will be about the Ilyrians vs Valkyries conflict, Ilyrians vs NC and the autumn court conflicts. Maybe Eris will use this to make Helion want to kill his father, we know he is looking for someone to kill him. As we know that Cassian and Rhys deal with Eris, I believe we will see less of him in this book as we saw in ACOSF but he will still appear in the Nightmare Court, on another hand, who gives information to Azriel is Lucien, so I believe we will see some conversation between the two.
I believe that the Ilyrians will plan something to hit the girls for getting out of the bloond rite alive, I believe that some Ilyrians will be inspired by them, probably Emerie will suffer something since besides being Ilyrian, she had her wings cut off and works and lives there, I am not sure but I think they will want them to stay training in the Ilyrian training camp. As Rhys and Cassian said it will be hard to make Azriel want to defend the Ilyrians because to him they could all die, I believe that will be one of the points to work on, maybe working with the Ilyrians he will feel the need to protect them and the fact that the Valkyries are connected to that makes me 50% sure that will be one of the triggers for him to defend them. (Just like Nesta who wanted the women to train to defend themselves and why it helped her with her trauma, I think this Ilyrianas training will mess with her feelings for being connected to her mother and the way she was treated). I also believe that the Ilyrian who did not kill the girls in the blood rite will reappear, probably mediating the problem between the Valkyries and the Ilyrians, to show Azriel that not all Ilyrians are bad and so on.
(I think this will be the first plot of the book, as it was in ACOSF, making this one want to go train, then her liking to train and wanting the other women to train as well. I think something like that will happen at the beginning of the book with Azriel).
The other plot I am not sure but I think it will involve AC again and Gwyn. I don't know how it will happen but I am really excited to read the next book.
Do you agree with this thought?
Hi Nonnie! No, definitely not tormenting me. <3
So, first, I just want to say this seems totally possible! Admittedly, that's not saying much, as I'm very open-minded to the possibilities of the next books and, also, considering what "possible" means, you really can't say something isn't possible. So, you won't find me saying something isn't possible unless it's like "I think Nesta and Rhys are going to go on a Bryaxis hunt, and they're going to fall in love and end up cheating on their mates with each other while Cassian goes off to Autumn to f*ck Eris and Feyre decides to explore her sexuality with Emerie." Like, okay, no, that's not gonna happen. 😂
But, with anything that really does seem to be thought of based on what's happened in the books and being foreshadowed - totally possible!
As for me, personally - I agree with a good chunk of this, but not sure on all of it, so I'm going to dive in to help explain better.
Lucien & Helion: Honestly, yes. I do agree more people will find out in the next book. I do hope it's saved mostly for the full novels over the novellas, as it's such a big plot point, so I really don't want anyone finding out in a novella, except maybe characters that would be completely unaffected by this. Like, for example, say people find out in book 5, then the Emorie novella comes out (that's my hope), and Mor reveals to Emerie about Lucien...unless Emerie and Lucien become besties in book 5, it really has very little effect on her life, so that's okay. But other IC members, for example - it needs to come out in a full novel.
That is, unless, it becomes the main plot point of a novella. But, since we know Lucien's story is likely to be in a novel, I find that unlikely.
So I do believe we'll start to see more. I think Cassian starting to see something in Lucien was a bit of foreshadowing, and my guess is that for the next book we'll see more of Lucien and E\ain, just like we saw more of Az in ACOSF - as the way to build up their book.
In terms of how it'll be added, I've added thoughts on that in the next section.
As for Eris & Helion, I honestly don't think we'll see Eris "getting" Helion to kill his father. Whether or not something happens between Helion and Beron, who can say? It's possible. But I don't see Eris playing much of a role in that, just potentially benefiting from it. XD
Illyrians & Valkyries: I also agree the next book will have more focus on this. ACOSF was about the creation/establishment of the Valkyries, and I think book 5 will have a focus - though maybe smaller - on the building up of the Valkyries more. I also agree, believing that makes it harder to understand how Lucien's story will come into play.
BUT. With the knowledge that Gwyn's grandfather was an Autumn Court High Fae, and since we do believe there's likely to be a focus on the Valkyries, that's possibly where it could come in. If the book really is Az-Gwyn, we will see more of Gwyn's story and development, and if there is any relation to Lucien, then I think we'll get to see their relationship grow and develop. And that would be a prime spot to bring in the other aspect of the story and reveal it a bit more. Similarly, if it's more Eris and Gwyn getting to know each other, that could still be an opening for this plot point.
As for the Illyrians planning something to hit the Valkyries - I'm, honestly, not convinced. They already did that in bringing them into the Blood Rite, so it would be a rather similar plot point to once again have the Illyrians secretly plan to hurt the Valkyries.
I DO agree there will be conflict there, for sure. I think there's already growing conflict in Illyria, so that's where the main focus will be - the Illyrians are discontent, I think there was growing belief of a possible rebellion or something? So I think that's likely what will have a focus, and the Valkyries will come into play in a way that, I think, will act as a catalyst.
I could see the issue being that the Valkyries come round, proving how females can be trained, now with two Carynthians and an Oristian (sp? 👀), and they could become a beacon for Illyrian females. Especially with Emerie, proving what you can do even with clipped wings (what a badass). And maybe they start to get the females training more. They'll still have their training at the House, considering the priestesses, but Nesta, Emerie, and Gwyn (hopefully), I'm guessing, will do stuff in Illyria with Cassian and Az.
Az & Illyrians: I definitely agree. One of the biggest aspects of most characters' emotional arcs is accepting themselves, who they are, who they were born to be. And that's going to be a HUGE part of Az's emotional journey, because we know he doesn't accept himself. Just as I believe E\ain's will be revolving around accepting herself as being High Fae, Az's will likely revolve around accepting his heritage. He tries to pretend on so many levels that he's not an Illyrian, but he is. He can't hide it. That's part of who he is.
And I get it. The Illyrians can kinda suck. Az and Cassian are two opposite sides of the spectrum of having a hard time with their heritage. Cassian hates the way they are, and wants to change it, but also desperately wants their approval (bby boi <3). Az, on the other hand, literally wants to never deal with them and act as if he's not one of them.
So I agree about that part of Az's emotional journey. I think it'll involve more, with him finally understanding he is worthy of love and accepting every part of himself, but the Illyrian side is a big piece.
Overall, I'd say I agree with a lot of what you've said. I typically don't think too much about possible future plot points the way I do relationships and other things, mostly because I generally plan to be surprised. LOL But, in thinking about it, that's sort of where I end up on possibilities, especially when thinking about ways in which we might see certain things play out. I definitely have no idea what the big climax will be, nor am I sure how it'll tie to the overarching plot. Plot is, admittedly, one of my weaker links - I'm not good at big climaxes...👀 So no way can I guess what another author would do. But in terms of build up to major plot points, those are my thoughts.
Thanks for the question! :)
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bluemoonpunch · 3 years
HI! This is from a pretty old post but I was wondering, what did you mean when you said you used to "enter a trance state in three or four different sets"? Did you just repeat a certain technique over and over until you went under or did you mean something else?
A: Yeah, pretty much. It's sort of like dropping deeper and deeper into your unconscious mind layer by layer, similar to what they do in Inception, I think. Similar concept. Every layer would be something different like I would do something different in order to go down further as I was in a different state of mind or holding a different level of consciousness.
Q: Hey! I was re-reading the external alignment of min yoongi that you posted (because weirdly his readings which are very old now, give me comfort :| ) and read that incarnation cycle part and your mentioning 200-year cycle. Just realized that the great Jupiter Saturn mutation cycle is also 200 years long so maybe it's some dots that connect? Idk I almost had an epiphany moment and then felt dumb, sorry.
A: It is an interesting lineup for sure. I wouldn't be surprised if there is some connection there. Here's an article about it if anyone is interesting: link.
Q: me : vibin to the end credit music of bmp's videos
namjoon : sings
me: 👀
Bmp: slips in some numericals ( ͡°³ ͡°)
Me: 👁👄👁
seriously nam-vocals and them codes hit diff -@bursaat
A: This is a very old ask that I've had saved in my ask box for a while just because it always made me smile, lol.
Q: heyy just wanted to add a little info, Billie apparently shared her birth time back in the days on Twitter when she was talking about astrology and charts with her fans and it's 11.30 am. If you want you can look up to that too :) thanks for your work for the collective 🙏 -@bursaat
A: Thanks for letting me know. There's definitely some aspects in her chart that line up with her EA reading, a lot of interesting tension between planets that seems to be set up for public progression, kind of leading people through certain phases of life by publically displaying her own progression. It's very interesting for sure.
Q: what happens when two souls merge?
A: If souls merge while still occupying physical forms, as in they are still existing physically as two separate humans, there can be a lot of psychological issues between the two or a severe imbalance where one has more trouble than the other, which can lead to a very noticeable power imbalance, especially in romantic partnerships. This is also something that can happen with twins who either share a split soul or just have a close enough connection or are dependent enough on each other that their souls merge.
I have seen before in some of my personal work and exploration that in some pretty severe cases one person will "vibrate out of the body" in order to merge with the other. In other words, the one who is "weaker" mentally or physically will die in order to merge with the other. On a higher level, the souls or the consciousnesses may remain separate, but they'll merge on lower levels. Such as merging on a 5D plane but remaining separate on 9D plane.
Q: Hi! This is not a reading request, but could you please add dates to the mini-readings on your website from now on? There's no date for them anywhere and I know I can find them here and see where they were done, but if it's not too hard please add them in the future! Thanks!!! <3
A: Yes, all of the mini-readings on the BMP website should now show the dates they were posted on the top center, just below the main title of the post. Just be aware that some of the posts put up in late 2018 were carried over from Tumblr, so there will be two dates, one under the title for when it was posted onto the website, and another date at the top of the entry marking when it was originally posted on Tumblr.
Q: Hey! Hope you are well. I have a general question about shifting timelines: How do we identify if we've shifted to a different timeline in a tangible sense? Is it based on how our interests change, how clear/hazy our memories become of fairly recent years, etc? I've been getting back to regular meditation again and I'm trying to figure out if what I'm going through is because of work+isolation+lockdowns messing up my perception or if it is something else.
A: Well, I assume it can be different for everyone, but for me, it's definitely a matter of memory and energetic ties to those memories that state out the most. Specifically around trauma and very heavy memories that used to really deeply trigger me even with the slightest mention of it now feel almost like something that I've only just heard about rather than experienced. Like, I still remember things very clearly, but they just don't feel heavy anymore, they don't come with negative feelings the way they used to, it's just kind of... there. Almost like a dream.
I've definitely experienced certain shifts before where, deadass, one day I was absolutely terrified of a specific concept, specifically involving aspects of communication with higher consciousness or beings of other dimensions and whatnot, and then suddenly the next day it was absolutely not a problem at all. It was really strange, but it was literally like flipping a switch. I've had a few moments like that in the past 4 years or so where "flipping a switch" could most accurately describe certain points of shifting timelines or shifting in levels of conscious awareness simply because of how fast it happened.
Shifting timelines can also come with remembering past lives, or being able to recall experiences you yourself didn't have, which can be really confusing and anxiety-inducing at times, but as long as you are conscious of it and you know what's going on, it's easy to ground yourself and settle into the present moment and just focus on the here and now.
Sudden inspiration or interests popping up out of nowhere along with very strong intuitive pulls toward new things can be a sign of shifting timelines but also signs of spiritual or conscious expansion and development within a singular timeline as well.
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bookworm-2692 · 3 years
For the ZE Ask Game: 1b, 1e, 2a, 3d, 5e, 5f and 5n!
Thank you for sending the asks! I love talking about Zero Escape so thank you for enabling me :D
Questions from here
1b: Favourite character design?
Okay, you know how hard it is for me to pick favourite characters because they’re all wonderful and that’s why you went with this question haha. Hmm. There are so many good designs (especially with the colour coding!!!). I prefer the designs in the first two games, since they’re really bright and colourful, and the third game is darker and dingier. I like that each character has a main colour that stands out and doesn’t really belong to anyone else (except for Dio and K who both have the red and gold aesthetics, but that’s valid because red and gold is a brilliant aesthetic). I think in 999, my favourite is actually Junpei’s - I love the blue colour of his vest, and the blue vest and red shirt just. Work super well together. It’s a fashion disaster but it’s also an aesthetic I vibe with so. (also love the red blue colour coding with Junpei specifically so). In VLR, much as I loathe him, I really like Dio’s design. The top hat and the braids and the red and gold work really well together and it’s fun. Dio is super frustrating though, but his design slaps!
1e: Favourite scene?
Oooo tricky. There’s so many good moments. I think I have to go with the classic though - the moment in 999 True End where Junpei gets the safe end code, and the narration goes “How did Junpei know? He knew because I knew”. It’s so chilling and also so satisfying to see everything suddenly click. I love it, and I love watching people experiencing that for the first time. It’s like. The best part of the game, I reckon.
2a: Least favourite character?
Okay I’m trying to not immediately say Delta but like.... Delta. I think he had a super interesting concept, but the way it was executed made it so much worse. I hated that they just.... hid him from view so then the twist was that this character you didn’t even know existed was Zero? It just felt cheap. Also ~complex motives~ got really annoying - I would have much preferred it if he had said “yeah I’m only doing this to ensure my birth (and the birth of my sister). soz lmao”. Because that motive feels more real? Rather than just adding a whole random “religious fanatic” in a vague sort of way. I do like the concept of him and Phi being twins and being separated in such a way that they’re very different ages now, but again the execution of Sigma and Diana’s romance was like. Not done well.
So yeah, Delta is my least favourite because he doesn’t significantly effect the plot, barely exists, and when he is present his motives don’t make sense and his abilities are not foreshadowed at all (morphogenetic fields in 999 were good, the entire game was spent explaining the concept. Mind Hack? Right outta left field and also if we’re trying to make it work based on how morphogenetic field theory was explained in 999, the “reading minds” part of it is “extremely strong receiver”, and the “forcing people to do actions” part of it is “extremely strong transmitter”, so he should have one of the abilities but not both. And if he is a really strong transmitter.... he’s gotta mime out the action in order to write it into the fields to encourage others to follow! And I reckon natural transmitters, who are worse at receiving, are naturally slightly resistant to this, natural receivers are more vulnerable to this, and normal people somewhere in between. But yes, if Delta is gonna Mind Hacc Eric, then we should see him in the corner miming holding a gun, pointing, and firing!! Bleugh!
Wow that turned into a bit of a rant. Whoops?
3d: Rank the endings
I have been given the choice to either rank the true ends across the three games, or all the endings within a particular game. I am so bad at choices ugh.
Anyway, the true ends:
999 - it really tied everything together and explained everything. The sequence in the incinerator, seeing 12 year old Akane and 21 year old Junpei talking to each other, Junpei saving young Akane, Clover’s absolute joy at finding out Light is alive, the “he knew because I knew” thing that I mentioned above, just everything. It was a self contained story, so everything was addressed and it was good.
VLR - this is more second by default, since I love 999′s true end and hate ZTD’s true end. But overall, this is fairly solid, and I like the concept of them doing this in 2074 to change an outcome in 2028, but it loses points because it relies on ZTD to “complete” it
ZTD - I hate this true end. The game has very enjoyable moments, but unfortunately the true end amounts to “oh let’s just... SHIFT to a timeline where we all survive” and that’s it? Which just feels sort of pointless tbh. And is so unsatisfactory
Within 999, I feel all six five endings are extremely solid, and all have a part to play an a story to tell. Knife End may be the most unsatisfactory, but it’s still okay. True, Safe, and Sub Ends are the ends with credits, and they’re all full of great dialogue and story. Axe End is also great, and I love the way you get to see the other side of Clover (and I really like the art of Clover holding an axe, I actually drew it on Saturday (when I started writing these answers, but it’s Wednesday now because I’ve been busy) for a friend’s birthday, which is technically my first ZE fanart and I’ll post it here at. Some point. Knife end is a bit quick, but honestly that’s okay? Especially when considering how many bad ends the other two games have that aren’t even named. Coffin End was my first end, and I wasn’t expecting the “to be continued” so I basically just collapsed and lay face down on the ground for a fair bit, but again given how many plot locks the other games have, coffin end is chill. So 999 has the most solid endings overall.
Within VLR, there are nine named endings, one for each character, and 13 ish unnamed bad ends. The unnamed bad ends are all like.... basically as soon as you make the decision you die or whatever, they don’t continue onwards like they do for Axe End etc in 999. I like that the named endings are designed for you to learn about each character, even though some of them are kinda weak. Like Quark’s ending, we didn’t really learn about him, and most of what we learnt about him was from Tenmyouji’s ending. I agree with what you said, Finch, about how it would have been nice to get some more Quark content/bonding/something, after he wakes up. Clover’s ending was also pretty disappointing, since she vaguely alluded to 999 and then everyone killed themselves. But there were some really good ones, like Luna’s and K’s and Dio’s (very fun that Phi was about to smash his head with a rock even if betraying Luna to get to that point is painful). Actually I really like the whole murder mystery aspect of everything behind the Magenta door. 
Within ZTD, I do appreciate that the endings all served their purposes, but I disliked the way there were sometimes multiple endings in the same timeline, while other timelines... had none. It just was a bit all over the shop. Most of the endings were informative for the characters, but the true end sucks.
5e: Rant about something you liked from the games
I adore all the red/blue symbolism in the games, especially in 999. The way every time the morphogenetic field is described, the transmitters are red people and the receivers are blue people. And then when you learn who the espers are, you can see how the colours align. Clover is a transmitter, and her colour scheme is a lot of dark pink, close to red, while Light, a receiver, has lots of blue in his design. Junpei and Akane can both transmit and receive (with each other), and this is shown by Junpei wearing both red and blue, and Akane wearing purple, a mix of red and blue. It’s really neat. Also, Junpei is new to the morphogenetic fields, so his blue and red is still separate, but Akane is so entwined within them, and uses them so easily, that her blue and red have mixed to become purple.
In VLR, Clover is still pink, and Junpei still has blue (even though he’s lost the red, but that could show he’s lost connection to Akane and now has no one to transmit to, although I think it’s hilarious if he was still unintentionally transmitting to Akane over the years, and that’s how she kept tabs on him and found him again for VLR.
In ZTD, Diana is red and Sigma is blue. I actually headcanon Diana as a receiver and Sigma as a transmitter (as in, he transmitted his memories to himself across timelines rather than a natural receiver ability), so I like that in ZTD they have opposite colours/each other’s colours. Phi is blue in both games and still a receiver imo.
So the colour symbolism is obviously strongest in 999, but I really like it.
5f: Rant about something you disliked from the games
In VLR, Clover says that stronger espers absorb the powers of weaker espers, and that’s why she can’t contact her brother. I hate this “fact” actually, because it directly contradicts the way the morphogenetic fields work in 999 and ZTD, and also in VLR itself. In 999, we have nine sets of esper siblings during the First Nonary Game, and since they all survived, we know that their esper powers must have worked correctly.... which means we can’t have had one Super Esper absorbing all the powers. The true end of ZTD has the powers of all the espers working together to create a resonant effect so that even Eric and Mira, non espers, can SHIFT. I also dislike SHIFTing (a rant for another day), but the idea of multiple espers in a vicinity resonating/boosting everyone’s powers makes way more sense than.... one person absorbing everyone else’s powers.
And even within VLR.... Tenmyouji does the ally/betray swapsies thing with Sigma and Phi, which means he is also remembering another timeline.... which means his powers are still working and not being absorbed by Phi and Sigma. Also.... both Phi and Sigma are using their powers and SHIFTing everywhere. Why doesn’t one of them absorb the other’s powers? Also also, we learn in the True End that Akane was in K’s armour the entire time during the timeline where Sigma and Phi most use their powers for all the bomb passwords and locations etc. You cannot try to tell me that Akane isn’t the strongest esper, ever. She simply is. If absorbing was true, then we would literally never see anyone else use their powers, because Akane is always there (FNG, 999, VLR, ZTD) and would have to be doing all the absorbing. Gah.
So I reckon, even though Clover said that, that she was simply wrong. That was the current theory SOIS had, but.... they don’t have to be right.
In any case, there are other reasons why Clover might not have been able to contact Light in VLR. The first is simply that he is dead. Another is the idea that minds linked by the morphogenetic fields have a sort of... shape. That fits perfectly with those they are esper partners with. And as the espers grow, so do their mind shapes. Clover was frozen on the 22nd of December 2028, and awoke on the 25th of January 2074. Her mind shape was not able to evolve and grow, so it is preserved. Light however has been living those 45 years, which means that’s been a lot of time for his mind shape to grow and change. Clover can’t find Light’s mind in the morphogenetic field, since it no longer looks the same, and their shapes no longer fit together. This is my personal headcanon, and it means that when Clover finds him, their minds can get used to each other again and their shapes can align, and they can be linked again.
5n: Do you have any fanart/fanfic/fangame recommendations?
Boy, do I ever? The First Nonary Game by @airdeari . What it says on the tin, folks! Airdeari has named all nine pairs of siblings, and created unique sibling relationships and unique experiences with the morphogenetic field for all of them, and woven a beautiful story together, and it’s just wonderful. It’s my favourite fic ever, to the point where I literally bound it and it now exists as a physical book in my life. Like, I cannot recommend this fic enough, it is the best.
AO3 Summary: A tale of nine children aboard a sinking ship, and the unbelievable story of how they survived.
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