kawareo · 1 year
Favorite part to draw (besides the flag thing) from the Megan animatic, posted separately because.
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cuppajj · 1 year
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I wonder what put me in the mood
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This week- Pete is an absolute saint and Star has been blacklisted from further sputniks
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nicktropolis · 5 months
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bogor-o · 1 year
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rp stuff between mine n @peachiebeans ocs from the loz rp we're in and her zora keve is a teacher and we decided she taught my awful awful man while he was still tiny and good
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eosofspades · 2 years
actually i'm just gonna rant now rim of the world FUCKS and you can't change my mind
like, look. this is a bad movie in a lot of ways, i agree completely. there are a lot of aspects that should have been different or could have been better. but it's a FUN movie! it's not TRYING to be world-changing and dominate the industry with its spectacularity!! it is a silly fun wild alien invasion movie about teenagers and found family!!!! but all of the parts that get criticized are so not the actual problems this movie has??
like. to start with, i understand why some people might be uncomfortable with the sex jokes and humor but it's not BAD?? the jokes are not being made by adults toward the teens, they are being made BY teens. which is LITERALLY how teens are. i have been 13. you have been 13. i'd go so far as to say this is one of the ONLY movies i have EVER seen that does not infantilize or make a mockery of being in your early teens and it was so REFRESHING to see! this is one of the most accurate representations of a group of wildly different teenagers put together i have ever seen outside of real life.
ZhenZhen isn't reduced to a hapless love interest, she's a brilliant and capable character the whole time and Alex does NOTHING but respect her for the entirety of the movie. Dariush has an entire movie-long growth arc about opening up to people, learning what REAL friends are (yes, he's a stereotypical rich kid, NO that doesn't make him inaccurate; i think he's actually INCREDIBLY accurate for a rich kid in the way he carries himself and treats other people and expects others to treat him), and being selfless. Gabriel similarly gets to open up to his new friends and he's never ever mocked by the narrative or made the butt of jokes for his disability (a mental disability i haven't ever actually seen represented before in movies, especially not about teens and kids). Alex has anxiety and PTSD gets to overcome it, and it doesn't instantly fix itself once he faces his fear - he's still awkward and nervous, because healing is a PROCESS, and anxiety isn't inherently something that needs to be 'cured.'
do i wish Dariush and Gabriel's (INCREDIBLY) queer-coded thing going on had been explicitly shown/confirmed? YES. but that doesn't mean it was bad or homophobic. there is a DIFFERENCE between depicting something (especially queer relationships) in a negative way vs. simply depicting it in a subtextual way.
likewise, not all M/F relationships MEAN that the girl is reduced to a love interest by default! YES, even when (maybe especially when) the boy needs reassurance/support from her and/or she is shown to actively desire a relationship with him. these two are MUTUALLY pining! these two have a clear and strong MUTUAL respect for one another! M/F RELATIONSHIPS WITH A 'WEAKER' MALE CHARACTER DO NOT MAKE THE FEMALE CHARACTER HAPLESS OR BADLY WRITTEN.
on the topic of writing!! YES i do think a lot of the writing could be improved upon and there were definitely points that felt unbelievable (even for an alien movie) like the timing of the alien's appearances, or the fact that a solider asked a teenage boy to save the world, or a lot of things! but at the end of the day it is FICTION, and the characters have NUANCE to them, and having flaws does not make a movie BAD. it's a silly wacky found family story about teenagers saving the world from aliens. it doesn't have to be flawless and puritan.
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steeleyelinda · 4 years
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Goodbye, Ostaros.
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clairmonte · 1 year
This is cannon.
Im being honest but I think Gabriel x Alex from Rim of The World is a cannon ship.
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wilde-writing · 2 years
Find the word tag
Thank you @unfocused-overwriter for tagging me. It’s been such a long time. Maybe this is what will get me back working on my wip after all this horrible university stuff I had to do. 
All excerpts are from my Eskaron Wip, which I started under the name Ruins of the West, but that’s not appropriate anymore and I don’t have a better title yet. :D
How to kill a king?
Many answers came to Rija’s head. A king was just another human being, a meat sack full of blood and bones, just as easy to run through like a pig. And there was nothing Rija wanted more than to rip this king open. 
Eldan’s voice alarmingly rose in volume. “It is time to take responsibility. Time to think about an heir.“
“Maybe you should reconsider your choice of an heir,“ Arik mumbled quietly so his father couldn’t hear. He met Alys’ knowing glance.
“You are not getting younger, son. How many more years until you start thinking about your future?“
Bewildered he stared at his father. “I’m only 28.“
“When I was your age Alys was already born.“
Nothing changed since Rilan left for the shifter territory. Still he scanned the  walls if there was a hint that every single stone in the castle was built on a lie. The foundation of this kingdom, no, of all three kingdoms was blood. Why did it not spill out of the walls?
“You know“, Rilan sighed, “they are my family that I love, but when you always get pushed away it is hard to feel worried or even panicked.“
This confession fueled Sandar’s sense of justice. “It is unfair. You were born under the best conditions, you have the title and connections but are missing your family’s backing. I on the other hand only have the latter.“ Detached he observed a group of courtiers strolling around.  
Tagging @siarven, @kittensartswriting, @ellatholmes, @doro-writes. Your words are blue, trust, lie and shiver.
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sprouttrout · 1 year
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POV reviewbrah offers you his white sauce
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rosesapphire2323 · 4 months
Nothing beats the joy of waking up to comments from my readers. Be it emojies, essays, just a single word, or freaking out over the products of my imagination.
What a way to start a day.
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kawareo · 1 year
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Lost and Found, space edition: part 2
This took me way longer than i intended, i think i’m gonna stay with two pagers from now on (but my babygirl needed his magical girl moment, ykno?)
Next I’m going to skip to technical chapter one, where Strike meets the other main characters of this story, so enjoy Overlord while he’s here
Part 1 is here
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cuppajj · 10 months
Requiem of the Wreckers to me is like sam raimi spiderman 3 to so many people. It’s such a trainwreck it’s amazing and my mind will not shut up about it. Rotw gets better (worse) every reread, I get frustrated over what should’ve happened and how it should’ve ended, and then I’m like “here’s what character A should’ve done here and maybe if we had more pages (screen time) we could’ve gotten more buildup for character B.” I reread it again and it’s even more frustrating but it’s so bad it’s good and fun that I can’t look away. Tarantulas did that for some reason. Springer was like that somehow. They’re in a barn. Ok. Don’t even get me fucking started on whatever the hell Overlord was doing. Hey why don’t we question the implications of this specific plot point that exists only for there to be a shocking reveal of a returning character that also uses previous elements established in the narrative? Yeah but what if we really question it? Like a lot? Is this what it’s like to be obsessed. You make an AU to carry the weight of poorly explained story elements in a trilogy-ending comic book that only so many have read. And its obscurity and absurdity makes you love it so much it becomes self indulgent to the point you get shy when you share it. It is about a poorly explained plot element that you aren’t supposed to question but I did the opposite and made it a problem. Just like the comic itself. I do not understand the grapple it has on my mind and why these writing decisions were made, why did some of these things end like THAT, how did this shit escalate. The writing in this post is as unhinged as the writing of Requiem of the Wreckers because that is what it is. Unhinged. Please read it you will not be disappointed (by what I’m saying). Never before has a comic book driven me this mad
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This week- Peach can be your angle… or your devil.
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Rare appearance of shadowbrah in the bg
New dentalwork lore
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bogor-o · 1 year
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Blight Healing: 2/2 Keeta recalls an important lesson he thought he'd long forgotten
last half of the comic! it was one of the first times ive managed to turn thumbnails into real comics oriehgea
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