#like you don't see david acting like he's not in it for the money and yet he's humble and generous
bearw-me · 5 months
This is kinda dark so if you don't wanna do it it's cool. Can I request Carmilla running into a son reader? [Years before she had her daughters she had a son but she was too strict/serious on her boy which led to him...taking his own life. The experience made Carmilla realize she mightve been too hard on him so when hid sisters come around she showers them with love] The reader thinks carmilla is going to scold him, scream at him or anything but she just hugs him hard and tells him she's sorry and that she loves him
i'd like to put my author's note up here before you guys read what i wrote/make a little disclaimer!
TW: mentions of harm
I wouldn't write the act, per-se, but i had absolutely no problem with your request because it doesn't really involve those details (fic wise) this one is mostly about comfort and a nice reunion!
just before you go, know your best-friend mal is always here for you <3 this and every other fic i write is my silent love-letter to you
𝐍𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐋𝐞𝐭 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐆𝐨 — 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐚 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐞
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𐐒 includes : carmilla carmine x son!reader, odette, clara 𐐒 cw : angst, hugs, kisses, comfort 𐐒 summary : after a few decades in hell, you decide it's time to stop putting it aside and visit your mother for the first time since you've appeared in hell. as anxious as you are, she receives your visit with open arms. 𐐒 word count : 1.1 k
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The metal body of the cab rattled against the broken highway, the sights of Pentagon city flashing past you in a pink florescent blur. You sighed, slumping into the leather seats.
Were you really doing this?
The thought made your stomach bubble with new found nerves. Rolling and wrenching the muscles in your stomach so hard you suddenly had to lean forward in your seat. Forced to stare at all the dust and garbage littered about the floor.
"Oh god I'm gonna be sick," you mumbled to yourself.
"Don't throw up in my car kid," the driver growled at you, suddenly adjusting his rearview mirror so that he could keep an eye on you.
You tried not to roll your eyes, taking a quick glance out of the window just in time to witness the change in districts.
"Might wanna keep your head down kid! We're in Carmine's district now," he laughed, a hoarse sound filled with cigarette smoke.
You had never actually been in this part of hell. After all these years you've been here, watching as the districts had shifted between hands in the great soul exchange. . .
All those years until you realized she had fallen here just like you.
And you didn't really know how to process that thought just yet.
The once chaotic district was now more silent.
Shadows skulking between buildings and alleyways, making deals to sell weapons and bartering for money.
You grimaced, opting to let those images blur in your mind and let your head fall against the rattling window.
What possessed you to see your mother after all these year? Who knows. . .
It just felt like it had to be done.
Soon, the tall white building had come into view, a place you heard the overlords of hell met up.
And today, Carmilla would be here, same with your-. . .
Odette and Clara.
You stepped out of the cab, soles hitting the pavement with a tap. You paid what you owed to the driver and waved a quick thanks as he sped off, the devil on his heels.
That left you alone, standing like David against Goliath with the empire she had built.
She's. . . kept herself busy.
It's all you could think about. Staring at the gleaming tiles of the building with hesitance.
What would she say to you? Should you have told her you were coming? That you were here?
The sickness that seemed to be plaguing you had come back in waves.
The last time you had remembered seeing her, you were both alive on Earth, screaming at each others faces.
"One day, mi hijo, you will have to do everything for yourself! You will have to take over the business! YOU have to carry all that burdens us and I NEED you to be ready for that! Why can't you just see that! I won't always be here for you! YOU NEED TO STEP UP TO THIS!"
But. . .
You just couldn't do everything she had wanted of you. The standards, the rules, the burden. . . it was all too heavy for one person to carry.
And now here you were, on the white-waiting room couch unannounced.
To sayy. . . what exactly?
You bit at your nails in thought, leg bouncing up and down as you waited for your name to be called.
It was pretty empty today.
No one was really sitting in here with you.
That was a great thought.
A deep, strung-out exhale shook its way out of your lungs.
Nerves, you figured.
You didn't even know what to do with your hands, running them through your hair and rocking back and forth in your seat, wondering if it was too late to just stand up and leave-
"Um. . ." You stopped completely, turning your head towards the sound of your voice.
Just before the office doors, two small sinners stood side by side, holding a clipboard up to their faces as they eyed you with surprise.
Odette and Clara.
There was no mistaking them.
"That's. . . me?" You rose from your seat like a ghost, not really feeling anything but utter surprise.
It was the first time you've ever seen them. The same cream colored hair, the same eyes, they even stood en pointe like her.
Odette and Clara.
"Come with us," Clara beckoned, her curly hair and grey skin. . . did she look like that too? Now that she was a sinner?
Thank goodness the girls turned away from you quickly, giving you just enough time to wipe a stray tear from your eye. Estranged siblings that you've never even met. . . and you were so full of emotion at just the sight of them.
Did they know who you were?
You watched them wearily, the two exchanging quick glances at each other and occasionally, at you.
"She's right in here," Clara trailed off.
Odette glanced at you through her round glasses, a hint of worry lifting her eyebrows up "She wasn't expecting you today."
"Alright," you shrugged. I mean, it was a fact you already knew, but to hear the two of them say it to you was the final slap of reality you weren't sure you entirely needed.
The two of them opened the doors for you, watching intently as you shuffled into the room, and back at each other incredulously.
"Ay dios mio, I said I didn't have time for meetings. . ." you heard her mumble, face covered by a laptop screen, hunched over and lost in her work.
It was how you remembered her.
"Mamá," you called out, finally taking a seat in front of her desk, unsure of who or what you'd find on the other side of that screen.
With that one word, she froze still, a pair of demonic red eyes peering over the top of that silver screen.
"Mamá," you said again, a choked sound now that you realized it was her.
It was actually her.
A sinner, your mother, an overlord, who was finally before you.
It was like all the things you had planned on telling her had thrown themselves together and crumbled beneath the sight of her.
"Mi hijo."
"Mamá, I know you're mad at me," the tears came without warning, and you shuffled uncomfortably in your seat, unable to keep looking at her as the sobs wracked through your body, pleading for her forgiveness "I tried my best! I tried! I-"
"Mi hijo, I'm so sorry," your mother flew into your arms, the familiarity of her love so striking that you became undone in her arms.
She cried into your neck, a sound you've never heard before "Oh mi hijo, no heavens could ever keep me away from you, never, and I and never letting you go again,"
"I love you mi hijo."
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penny-anna · 6 months
@snaitf recommended i check out this production of JSC on youtube so i gave it a watch & had a really good time!!
i found Judas a little underwhelming (sadly) but every else very on point. really great vocal performances. will probably listen to this one through again.
soo let's rank it:
How do they style Simon Zealotes?
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costuming very minimal throughout so taking that into account yeah this is a good look ✔️
How camp do they play Herod?
ok uh. due to the above mentioned minimal costuming i wasn't expecting much from this but uh
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the fuck?
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this is where the entire costuming budget went huh dghfdkjghjk
anyway. she was a delight & the whole number was mesmerisingly weird & jarring in a way i've only seen before in the 2000 production. no notes 10/10 ✔️✔️✔️
How’s the high note?
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ok this production as a whole has a very heavy emphasis on vocal performances BUT he actually acted the hell out of this number. big tick. ✔️
How do they stage Judas taking the money?
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boo 👎i realise this is a very minimal production but they couldn't spring for 1 prop for this scene. c'mon. nothing wrong w the performances we just don't actually see him take the money!! ❌
How’s Judas’s Superstar outfit?
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ok i don't actually love this as a look but in keeping w the rest of the production i think it's appropriate so i'll give that a ✔️
How gay is the betrayal with a kiss?
so at first i was like boooo bcos Jesus said the line but they didn't actually kiss??
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but no turns out they'd just made the intriguing decision to switch the order on the line & the kiss. anyway this whole production is pretty firmly platonic (which is fine) but the kiss is very soft & tender so i'm giving it a pass ✔️
anyway some other things i enjoyed:
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this is a tiny detail but one i don't recall seeing before, they had the line 'come on god, this is not like you' in the arrest scene delivered by Simon?? i love that actually.
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Mary Magdalene is so so beautiful & has the voice of an angel im in love with her
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Pilate played by a woman is a new one on me. im VERY into it. took me a little while to click w her bcos she started out playing it very villainous but by the end im like actually that was all pitch-perfect. loved it.
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Mary fully scream-crying through the crucifixion was another choice i haven't seen before and honestly. harrowing to watch.
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Honestly though, it must be so weird to work with some people for a few years of your life and for years, decades, later people are shipping you with your co worker.
I'm obviously all for shipping fictional characters, but this is the actors job. Where they get a paycheck. They are literally being paid to act like found family.
Like imagine you worked in an office with some people for 3 years in 2004-2007 and in 2030 people are making clips of you and how in love you look while eating lunch with Carol or saying hi as you both arrived in the parking lot.
I've seen this in pretty much every fandom I've been in. Star Trek, good omens, X men, Marvel. I do not think RDJ has any emotional attachment to Chris Evens or that Shanter really cared about and enjoyed spending time with Nimoy. I'm positive for David Tennant, Good Omens is just his next job and Michael Sheen only likes it because it made him much more well known in the acting world and it'll be easier to get his next gig. Yes Pine and Quinto look like they are actual friends outside of the movies but that is an exception.
Anyway, just my thoughts since I just saw a post of some Trek actors in I'm assuming the late 80s or 90s and people were saying 'how could he not be bi saying stuff like this'. Money, the answer is always money.
edit: OK let me address some of what is in the comments. Do actors say they are friends, sure, and if you want to take that at face value then you are right, they are friends. I personally don't think it counts if you are being paid to do so. And before anyone says anything, no not directly. But they have a whole 'image' to uphold that their income is tied to.
I don't know much about the entertainment industry and don't know why people would want that life but it's .... well, different, is the nice way to say it. My sister's career is considered part of the entertainment industry though she is behind the scenes. (And, side note, even being behind the scenes I've still found photoshopped images someone made of her in her in sexy lingerie ... )
TBF we don't talk that often but I've heard some stories (apparently Bill Nye is more then a bit of a jerk behind closed doors) She's lived in Hollywood 12 years now and there is the face people put out in the public and who they truly are. Yes, we all have a self that we hide (I'm autistic so I know all about masking) but it seems that is pushed to extremes.
I've seen her act like many people's best friends (house parties and giving favors and gifts that I question) and promoting their good name in public then she'll tell me in private some horrible things that person has done to others and how it's just how it works. She house/cat sat for a guy (and sent me views from his balcony, my god it was nice) who I think a lot of people would recognize from TV but their relationship was built on respect for each other careers.
Sure, you can tell me not to base the examples off my sisters stories and, ok fair. But I'd also want to point out - the part of RDJ buying evens a car, I did some math. He has 300 million net worth according to google. I have a salary, not net worth (or a negative one cause of student loans I guess), but it is the equivalent of me buying my co worker a $32 gift assuming the car was 150k. I met a guy who performed in Vegas shows and told me how they've had dinner with (I honestly don't remember if it was Penn or Teller) at their house with their spouses. And private chats ... doesn't really tell me much.
I'm currently seeing a bunch of clips of the main actors for the new Wicked movie saying how each other changed each others lives and it just comes off as more acting to promote the movie to me.
And even with Pine and Quinto , I only gave that one a pass because they said knew each other and got along before being in Trek and even then, eh..
Again, just how I interpret things. I know friend can mean different things to different people and a lot of what I see I don't interpret as friend, I see it as networking. I would absolutely be 'friends' with someone if it helped me make and maintain my multi millions .
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pedrostylez · 8 months
How The Crow Flies - pt. 7
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Javier Peña x fem!reader x Frankie Morales crossover
Word count: 3.8k
Chapter Summary: You stay an extra day in the jungle because your feelings about Frankie are too confusing, Javi is concerned and calls you a lot
Chapter Warnings and Disclaimers: 18+ only. I am not responsible for what you read on the internet. You have been warned! Locations and descriptions of places may be inaccurate in comparison to each story (Narcos and Triple Frontier). Timelines are obviously different between the two stories, so we are going to meet in the middle and say we are in the early 2000s. These are not necessarily canon characters in regard to how they act, how they treat people, and their current relationships. DUBCON mentions and references, SMUT!!!! p in v sex (not wrapped up, but obvs be safe irl), some violence and threatening with knives but maybe it's hot, BLOOD OKAY NOT A LOT AND ONLY A LITTLE FREAKY ABOUT IT, SUE ME. dirty talk, anxiety, feelings that are confusing and not expressed well (reader compartmentalizes she must be a Capricorn)
A/N: Hey ya'll! I don't know NOTHING about Miami; never been, and I don't plan on going, so don't judge me for how I scrolled in reallllllll close on google maps, okay? I did an edit in my document, but within tumblr I didn't so if you see mistakes no you don't. In all seriousness, if I have missed any tags for trigger warnings, please let me know and I will fix it. Thank you for reading!!!
Taglist: @thevoiceinyourheadx @suzdin @survivingandenduring @bariskaplans @inept-the-magnificent @casa-boiardi @paleidiot @darkheartgatita @missladym1981
The trilling ring pierces his ears, irritation growing with each passing second. The click of your voicemail, followed by silence as Javier hopes and waits that you’ve picked up. Javier growls into the speaker when it’s clear that you haven’t, anger clear on his face. “Fucking call me back, or at least answer your damn phone.” He slams his receiver down, sighing heavily. 
You hadn’t called him back or picked up the phone in over a week. He knew it was his fault; how he treated you, how he wouldn’t listen to you. How he was unable to tell you exactly what he was wanting and feeling made him angry all over again. 
And to top it off, Jason was up his ass. “Hey, boss.” Jason called, too cheery to be in his office. “Any word from the jungle?”
“No.” Javier grunted, leaning back in his chair. He had given up on trying to keep what you were doing under wraps from Jason and David. “But she’ll be back tomorrow.”
Jason sits hesitantly in the chair across from him, sliding him a coffee cup. “Based on her most recent information, I think we have enough to go in there.” He says, taking a sip from his own mug. “She’s confirmed there’s drugs out there, and that there is money in and out. We don’t have to know where the money is to–”
“Let’s see what she comes back with this time.” Peña says, popping the top of the disposable coffee cup off to let it cool down. “It’ll be soon though, I don’t want…I don’t want this leaving the four of us.”
“I know.” Jason sighs, looking behind him. Bill Stechner walks by, just as Jason looks back to Peña with raised eyebrows. “I assume because we don’t want him to know?”
Peña rolls his eyes, shooing Jason away. Jason of course was correct, Stechner was in fact the reason you were secretly in the jungle and not surveying the Cali Cartel. But Javier wanted to stand by his promise to keep you safe, and so he would. 
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Your cellphone beeps on the table, Peña’s name scrolling across the screen and flashing for what feels like the millionth time. You roll your eyes, legs shaking under the kitchen table of Yovanna’s crash house.
It’s your last night in this place, and while you won’t miss it, it makes you sad to see all of your stuff fit into one bag. You know you’ll have to do the same to the apartment that Peña had set up for you, but the jungle feels like a completely different world from what you go back to every other weekend. 
You feel a pang in your chest at the thought that Frankie may not show up, and that you’ve wasted your time just to spend one more night with him. Peña will be more furious than he already is and you’ve risked blowing your cover.
It’s easy to convince yourself that you are stringing Frankie along to gather more information’ it’s the easiest excuse for when Peña ultimately berates you. Something in the back of your mind nags you that it isn’t just for more information; that you are having feelings. 
You’re shaken out of your thoughts when your phone begins beeping again and a knock comes to the door. You shoot up out of your seat, silencing your phone and sliding it into your pocket before taking a deep breath and waiting. 
A knock comes again, and you race to the door, opening it to find Frankie leaning against the porch post opposite the door. He smirks, looking down at your body and back up again. “Changed your mind?” He drawls, arms crossed over his chest.
You shrug, turning to let him through the door. “Figured another day wouldn’t hurt.” He chuckles, boots heavy as he steps forward. 
When Frankie steps past, you smell something different–the cigarettes, the jungle seem to be no longer lingering on his skin. The smell of musk fills your senses, and your insides melt at the thought that he put on cologne for you. 
Frankie eyes your packed bags, looking back at you with his ears red. “Ready to bail though, I see.”
You nod, giving a half smile. “Yovanna said that the lease is up and that she’s not renewing so…sort of my last night close to the jungle.”
Frankie hums, looking around briefly before turning back to you. “You want to make it count?”
You can’t help the smile that creeps up your face, shutting the door behind you and leaning against it. “What did you have in mind?”
The look on Frankie’s face changes, determined as he steps toward you. His hands rest on your hips, gently pulling you away from the door and into his body. He’s warm, heat radiating from his skin and through his clothes to you. 
You sigh, hands naturally traveling up to his shoulders to support yourself. Their taunt, pulled tight in his shirt and you think that maybe he’s…nervous. 
Frankie turns with you in his arms, smirking when you gasp in surprise. “Thought I might bend you over the couch. Maybe…eat you out on the counter for breakfast.” His voice is low and trying to be intimidating, but you swear you hear it wobble with unease. 
“You want me all to yourself all night long, huh? What if I had other customers?” You tease, pushing him away enough to reach for the hem of your shirt, pulling it over your head. 
His eyes widen, pupils blown and mouth agape. “No need to lie; you’re not a whore.”
“Who says?” You question, reaching behind you to undo the clasp of your bra. He steps forward, stopping you in your tracks and runs his fingers up your spine. His fingers tangle with yours, popping the clasp open. 
“Me.” He sighs, letting the bra fall to the floor between you. He ghosts his hands to your front, pinching gently and watching you. “Tell me.”
“I’m not a whore.” Falls out of your mouth, unable to stop yourself from admitting the truth. His fingers glide down your abdomen, slowly undoing the button of your pants. 
He chuckles, shaking his head and smiling at you. Frankie’s eyes bore into you, keeping you frozen as his hand covers the front of your panties. He groans when the heat radiates from you to his palm, his fingers twitching. “No, but you’re my whore, aren’t you?”
You find yourself nodding, mouth open to breath deeper. “Yeah.”
“Say it.” He bites out, holding you secure and still in his grasp. 
Before you can speak he has you turning around, pushing you against the closest wall and grinding his center against yours. Still buttoned up pants restrain him, his cock hard and pushing against the fabric. 
It’s embarrassing, the way your underwear sticks uncomfortably to your center as he grinds. He’s quick as he pushes down his pants enough to let himself spring free, grasping himself to stroke just a couple times before leaning forward to let his mouth wander. 
Down your spine Frankie trails wet lips, hot air puffing out onto your raised skin. He’s quick as he strips your underwear from you, biting briefly into the meat of your ass to hear you gasp before sinking himself into you. You close your eyes, pleasure coursing through your veins at the feeling of him fully seated inside you. It’s a whisper, barely audible as you say. “I’m your whore.”
Frankie doesn’t stop, thrusting harder and laughing. His hand planted on your hip comes up to your face, gently pushing it away from your cheek to get a better look at you. “That’s right baby. My whore.”
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Agent Peña calling
The flash on the tiny screen of your cell phone is bright in the dark room that Frankie lays in, waking him enough to glance over to your spot in the bed to see you’re not there. 
Agent  Peña calling
This time he picks up the vibrating device, furrowing his brow at the name and racking his brain to see if Santiago had said it before. He does not know this man, but you do. 
Agent Peña calling
The shower is running, and Frankie doesn’t know what time it is but he’s itching to pick up the damn phone. Why would an agent be calling you? How many clients–
Frankie’s blood runs hot as the phone finally stops and he’s able to open it up into the most recent calls.
Agent Peña incoming
Agent Peña incoming
Agent Peña incoming
Agent Peña incoming
Agent  Peña outgoing
Agent  Peña incoming
Agent Peña incoming
The one outgoing call from just a couple weeks ago stands out to him. The date makes him think of when he brought you to the motel for the first time. Frankie reads it once, twice, three times before he sets the phone back down in the same position he found it in, sitting up to reach for his jeans on the ground. 
He shakes as he pulls his switchblade out; cold in his hand, the click of the blade flipping out and stepping out of your bed. He moves silently into the dark corner behind the bathroom door, adrenaline pumping through him. The shower shuts off, your soft hum as you move around the bathroom filters through the door before it opens, you tiptoeing your way out; you probably think he is asleep. 
Frankie thinks that maybe this is a mistake, but his gut is telling him otherwise. Either he scares you and never sees you again, or he finds out the truth; right now. 
When you step out fully he surprises you, circling one arm around your middle and the other holding the knife to your neck. He hears your inhale, feels you stiffen in his grasp, but you don’t scream. 
“What the fuck do you do for a job?” He growls in your ear, pulling you tight to him to prove that you can’t escape. You won’t. 
“I fuck men for a living, Frankie. You know that.” You’re too calm, too monotone for his liking. 
“Fuck that.” He spits, spinning you around and bringing the knife into your vision. “We both know that you’re not a whore, and I’ve let you play your little games to get my dick sucked. So tell me, who is Agent Peña?”
He watches your eyes jump back and forth from his knife to his face, trying to remain neutral but looking for options; you’re too calm. 
“Tell me right now, or I’ll let you bleed out and have him find you here.” Frankie says darkly, pressing the blade into your naked collarbone. You wince, a drop of blood dripping down. 
“He doesn’t know where here is.” You’re caving, towel loose under your arms and ready to fall. Frankie watches you reach up to hold it secure, your fingers nervously adjusting. “I’m DEA.” You whisper, swallowing as the blood drips down your chest, between your breasts and into the towel. Frankie watches it drip, slow and methodical but you don’t seem to notice. 
Frankie waits, but when you don’t come forward with more information, he prompts you. “Who’s Agent Peña?”
“My boss.” He presses the knife further into your skin, stepping toward the bed so you are forced to sit in front of him. Perched on the bed, clutching the towel to your front, looking up at him defiantly with blood smeared on your chest. You wince at the bite of the blade, sighing heavily. “Fuck–we’re after Lorea, okay?”
“Prove to me that you’re telling me the truth.” He pushes, moving the knife lower. You glance down to where the tip of the blade rests just below your collarbone, swallowing roughly. You close your eyes, taking a deep breath into what he assumes is calming yourself. 
He can’t help but feel angry. Frankie rages inside at himself for not knowing better, not connecting the dots. Not telling Santiago so he could look into you further than what Yovanna had convinced him of. 
In a way he feels played, that itch to have you growing inside of him into one of disgust. Frankie knows that this can’t last now; it was different if you were doing a job and got caught up in his circle, but to focus your attention on what he wanted? To go after what he was after too? He lied to you too, but your lie feels more and more like a betrayal. 
“I don’t have my badge here.” Your voice snaps him out of his thoughts, looking down to see that he’s drawn more blood, prompting your response. He pulls away slightly, looking up to your face. You tell him your name, voice shaking and he realizes, terrified. “I worked in Miami for a few years, b-before I was reassigned to Colombia. I s-stopped most of the boats coming into the harbor.”
Frankie mulls over the information, brushing the knife away from your collarbone and down your arm. A chill runs over you, obvious to him in the dark. “Where did you live, in Miami?”
“Little Havana.” You gasp, looking up at him and trying to harden your features. Your hand tightens around the edge of the towel again, but Frankie doesn’t want that. 
He leans forward, tisking at you and pulling your hand away. The towel follows, leaving you bare in front of him. He can’t help the groan that bubbles out of his throat. “That’s far away from the DEA office in Weston.”
You lean your hands back, letting yourself be exposed to him and staring him down. “Closer to the docks to stop the boats. I didn’t mind the drive.”
He stops his movements, keeping his pocket knife out but looking back up to your eyes. Will’s voice rings in his ears from years ago, a discussion about a DEA agent that patrolled the docks. 
“This girl came down from up north, stopping those dogs in their tracks. They are maybe a few feet away from making their deliveries, I’m telling you!” Beer flows over the side of his cup at Will’s excitement, tapping Frankie on the shoulder. “She calls to them like a fucking siren, that’s what they’re calling her, gets them to admit who they are in 10 minutes flat, and then fucking arrests them. On the spot.”
“That’s badass.” Benny widens his eyes, looking to Frankie to see if he agrees. 
Frankie sips on his drink, shaking his head. “Long trips overseas with just your buddies would have me caving to a pretty girl too.”
“You’re the Siren, aren’t you?” He questions, tilting his head to watch your reaction. The widening of your eyes, the shuttered sigh as you nod, has his heart soften. He flips the knife back into its holster, holding it in his closed fist. “I live in Westwood Lakes.” When you don’t respond, just staring at him and waiting, he pulls away. He hears your sigh, shaking his head. “You could have said–”
“No, I couldn’t have.” You say quietly, blinking roughly as if holding back tears before moving from the bed. When you stand, pushing past him and towel forgotten, you shakily walk over to your disheveled bag in the corner. He waits, knife still in his hand and watching. “You’re fucking ex-military, you know I couldn’t have blown my cover like that.” 
The bite in your tone is new to Frankie, his frown appearing suddenly as he whips his head over to look at you. You’re bent over, ass on display to him and he can’t help how his cock stirs at the sight. “You could have said what you were so we could have helped each other out.” He sighs, tossing the knife on to the pile of his clothes. 
“We did help each other.” You scoff, shaking your head and angrily putting on your shirt. “And you got your dick sucked and I got the information I needed to go tell my boss. Win-win.”
He laughs, surprised by your dismissal. “Why are you angry?”
He can see your face harden and then collapse, tears overflowing and down your cheeks. He notices briefly how your shirt is staining with small amounts of blood. “Because you! You weren’t supposed to fucking know who I was! You went through my phone.”
He shrugs. “It was ringing.”
The initial anger he had felt had dissipated as soon as he learned who you were; it changed everything for him. But somehow, that anger transferred to you at the inability to keep everything under the radar. This see-saw effect between the two of you was addicting for Frankie; one losing control, one calm. Then switch, all within the same conversation. Frankie can’t help but think that this is exactly what you need, to let your anger out on someone, even if it's him.  
His thoughts are confirmed when you spit out, “So what? That fucker has been up my ass for week since I kicked him out–”
“You’re together?”
“No.” You’re firm, pulling pants up your legs and buttoning them more calmly. It’s like you caught yourself losing control. 
“He’s fucking you too?” He questions. Your calmness sets a fire under him, a small voice in the depths of his mind poking him to get angry again. Instead, he focuses on what he thinks is the right question. “Your boss is taking advantage of you?”
“No. I’m taking advantage of him.” You scoff, crossing your arms over your chest before wincing, looking down at the blood stains left from his knife.
Frankie shakes his head, standing up and approaching you. “No, he’s taking advantage of you.” 
You stare at him, dumbfounded and shaking your head. Frankie reaches for you–out of habit, and you bat his hand away before pointing at him accusatory. “What, like you aren’t? You’re a fucking hypocrite!”
He points right back at you, careful to not touch you but wanting to get his point across. “I told you exactly what I was doing. Has he?”
Quietly, you say, “He’s protecting me.” 
“How? By blowing up your phone so some guy can hold a knife to your neck?” Frankie feels disgusted, learning that Peña is your boss, and is putting you in harm's way. He should know better. “Did any of your bosses back in Miami do something like that before? Put you in a difficult position where you had to give up who you were, just to stay alive?”
You pause, steaming, head barely shaking back and forth as you stare at him. You crack your neck, closing your eyes for a few breaths before opening them for him to see tears streaming down your face again. His heart hurts at the sight. “You’re not…some guy.”
You’re leaning toward him, hand falling toward his chest and resting lightly on his bare skin. Frankie doesn’t know what to say, eyes searching your face for any type of answer. When he doesn’t find one, he shakes his head and covers your hand with his over his heart. “You’re…distracting for me. And you keep secrets.”
He lets his other hand come up to rest on your cheek. You lean in, and Frankie can’t help but let his heart crumble a little more.“I had to. I’m sorry if I ruined what you were trying to accomplish.” You whisper, trailing your hand down his chest, his hand following yours. 
“You didn’t ruin it.” He admits, moving his eyes to your wandering hand. He holds his breath, his cock twitching in his boxers and pressing against the fabric. You’re warm, stepping closer to him and snapping at the waistband of his underwear. Frankie briefly thinks about how this might look to Santiago and the rest of the guys if they find out that he’s been sleeping with you. He’ll be sent home instantly, even with the plan going through in just a day. “You can’t get in my way.”
“I won’t. We want different things.” You nod, letting your hand wrap around his now hardened member and give him a couple strokes. He closes his eyes trying to keep his breath steady. 
Frankie doesn’t know what this means, doesn’t know how to proceed beyond what he’s longing to do right now. He clasps his hand around your wrist, stopping you in your tracks. You look up to him, waiting to see if you can continue when he leans in and presses his lips to yours. 
He’s hesitant, waiting for you to tell him to stop. He pulls back, flicking his eyes between yours briefly before you surge forward, desperate to have your mouth back on his. 
Suddenly it’s frantic, his hands ripping at your clothes to take them back off, how you jump onto the bed and pull him to you by the back of his neck. He groans when you pull his hair, you sigh as he sinks into you again. 
The sound of his thighs hitting yours over and over again fills the room. You gasp as he trails his mouth down away from yours, sucking harshly into your neck before going further down. Frankie continues to thrust, his tongue sticking out and lapping at where his knife had cut you. 
“I know baby. Just one more time for me, huh? I want to see you one more time.” He gasps, leaning back to watch you take him over and over again. 
Your walls tighten around him, nails digging into his arms as he pushes through. Your head thrown back, neck and new hickey exposed, skin shining in the light still coming from the bathroom. 
On the bedside table, your phone lights up again, vibrating loudly enough that both of your heads turn to watch it ring. Frankie pauses for only a moment, returning to thrusting and grabbing your face to turn back to him. “Mine. Do you get it? Mine.”
Your nod and the gasp of a “yes” is all Frankie needs to finish. 
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Javier’s blood boils, dialing your number again from his Jeep. He's sitting outside the apartment he paid for, anger roiling through him without another care in the world. Where are you?
He gets out of the car, stepping up on to the stoop and pounding on the door to listen. Maybe you were avoiding him, leaving the lights off and pretending you weren’t there to scare him. He dials another time, the windows dark in front of him, listening for the ringing of your phone. When nothing can be heard, he swears. 
The beep of your voicemail dings in his ear, a sound he has gotten used to tonight. He sighs, looking around as if you might appear out of thin air. “Hermosa, please. Where are you?” He asks, shutting his phone and getting back into his driver’s seat. 
He sets his phone on the dash, tapping on the steering wheel anxiously. After thinking for only a moment, he reclines the seat back, planning to camp in front of your apartment until the morning.
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yooo-gehn · 4 months
I have a tendency to idealize people and ideas, which is hard for me to admit. But I think it's not just me. Most of us tend to idealize. Don't we? It was Henry David Thoreau who said that rather than love, than money, than fame, give me truth. But I've come to believe that being able to handle the truth is a privilege. Almost like being able to travel and see the world. I think even the bravest people who claim they only care about the truth, eventually try to find an illusion they can live with, instead of facing a truth they cannot stand, or aren't prepared yet to acknowledge. Truths are just unbearable sometimes.
But I idealize what is already worth idealizing, it's like I'm looking at a gorgeous beautiful woman, then I call her a goddess. And I don't stop there, I believe she's a goddess, when she's just a human like us, a beautiful good one, but still, nowhere near being a goddess. Idealism makes life bigger than life, but I imagine if we took that out, we may lose half of our poetry, our literature, our art. Art sometimes doesn't recognize things exactly as they are, but it rather envisions them as better or worse, depends on what story the artist is telling.
It's as if the truth is not impressive enough, not appealing enough. It's like art is reality wearing make up.
I remember what Omar Alsherif once said, that in the 1950s he remembers that actors were among the most handsome, charming and beautiful people on earth, but they mostly couldn't act for shit. Which, by the way, why did we collectively think that those pretty people in the movies represent us, all of us?
But then, Omar continues, as the years went by, as the medium matured, as people evolved, superstars slowly and steadily started to welcome real everyday people. People who do look like us. Think Mohammed Farrag. Think Ahmed Zaki. Hell, think Meryl Streep. They're not super handsome, but you look at them and you relate to them, not because of how they look, but because you see your humanity in them, and perhaps that's what I've been trying to tell myself all along: Art idealizes, it taught me to idealize as a part of love, but I should abandon idealizing people, to honoring the humanity in them.
When the person you love most is not this star in the sky, and walks on earth along side you, it's a step closer to the person, it's a step closer to the truth, it's a step closer to yourself.
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murfpersonalblog · 3 months
IWTV S2 Ep8 Musings - Loustat (Spoilers) Pt1: Breakup
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Trust me, Lestat wasn't thinking about your stupid suit, Louis. Yes, Carol Cutshall said the gold symbolized Louis as the sun that drew Lestat to him; but the main thing was him pulling that sword-cane on Paul. THAT is what might've changed things: PAUL. Most importantly, the what-if about Paul not having died, and what that might've changed or not (IMO, not much--Lestat would've just kept "hunting" Louis longer, till he found his chance).
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At 50? Would Lestat have WANTED Lou? Doubtful. Louis would've been married with kids by then, desperately holding on to what little money he'd've gotten as a failed farmer & pimp (cuz he wouldn't've had the Azalea or Lestat's money); probably in debt just to keep the DPDL estate; even as his mom resented him, and Grace probably wouldn't've been able to marry Levi without a dowry, so who knows how she'd've acted. What SPARK would old!Lou have that would've even made Les interested in him? These questions are MOOT.
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"Doomed by the narrative."
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I'm still confused about Claudia's diaries, and where they were in 1973--I'm assuming this was just a lie fed by Armand that they were scattered b/t Paris & NOLA.
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SKILL ISSUE. Louis ALWAYS has a contingency plan!
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I'm so bummed we didn't get the Tower Scene, or get to physically SEE Lestat being tortured by Armand. But oh well, at least we get to see Magnus' Tower, and hear what Magnus told Lestat b4 Les was Turned.
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And this is a crazy accurate line, considering Armand said that ordering the humans to say "Banishment" took all of his strength which I KNEW was a freaking lie! XD
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You should see them in Dubai when Danwrecks Armand's whole set!
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Les calling himself a disappointment--YOU ARE. (Nordic blondes, dirty blondes, and the worst one: a FRENCH blonde.) Chile, no one knows why you do what you do.
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That's right, don't let him up for effing oxygen!
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Lestat was turned on the whole time (who said that!?).
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No one cares.
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TRUE! That's the most honest thing Armand said all season, wow.
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Marius never told Armand about TWMBK for a reason--hed've spilled the beans quicker than Louis about "Bruce" being Lestat. XD But Lestat's bragging a little too much though--even MARIUS burned with Akasha's blood in him, so.... 🙄 They won't DIE, but it WILL eff them up.
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CRAZY important line--strong(er) vampires have to be WILLING to die in the fire for it to stick? Like Lestat said in QotD: he will ALWAYS "fight for life."
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That doesn't actually count for much when you've been regularly starving yourself since 1910. 🙄
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What a way to go, lbh, these vamps are effing gorgeous.
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Yeah, about that--but FLEX!
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Louis said REPLACEMENTS!!! ALL the Antoine(tte)s and Davids and Quinns and whoever TF that bum was in NOLA--PALE PROXIES! And yes I AM taking that racially, too! The blacker the berry the sweeter the juice! 😜
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Water in a sieve; don't worry. It's the PRINCIPLE of the thing--go sit in the corner for 70+ years and keep having "a think!"
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YOU would know better than anyone!
Imma save the big reveal and the reunion for Pt2; I think I'm gonna hit the image limit soon.
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pinesource · 5 months
Early Chris Pine is a trip to watch. You played a hard partier in an episode of "E.R." You cried in front of David Caruso in "CSI: Miami." At that time in your life, were you just going after anything?
Fuck yeah! Don't be a waiter. Actually, I was a host at a restaurant and just hated it. Could not have hated it anymore. I was not a people person. It was all about just getting work.
You started getting noticed thanks to romantic comedies — "Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement," "Just My Luck," "Blind Dating" — would you watch any of those titles now? Like, if you're in a hotel room flipping through the channels and it comes on.
I mean, not a chance. And that's for most of my films. It's too difficult because then you're thinking, "God, why did I fucking do that?" Or "Why did they pick that take?"
What I will say, though, is I get more people coming up to me about "Princess Diaries 2," and I think that's because it's played for so many generations of young girls now. So that's a trip.
Playing Captain Kirk in the "Star Trek" movies must have been daunting — not only were you taking on an iconic IP, but the actor who originated the character, William Shatner, is still so synonymous with Kirk. Were you ever comfortable in that role?
It's interesting. Karl Urban decided to go head first into McCoy because Karl loved "Star Trek." With Spock, you have to do Spock-like things, plus Zach [Quinto] kind of looked like Leonard [Nimoy]. And then Kirk is a tricky one. You are the lead of the band of characters, so you don't want to occupy too much space. It's fine if they are doing a thing, but you don't want to. And J.J. [Abrams] never asked me to do a thing, though I did do little nods to Shatner because it was fun.
But I would say I felt most in his shoes in the third movie. By that point, I think I mellowed into it and didn't feel like I was trying too hard.
Has the ship sailed to do Kirk again?
I honestly don't know. There was something in the news of a new writer coming on board. I thought there was already a script, but I guess I was wrong, or they decided to pivot. As it's always been with "Trek," I just wait and see.
"Unstoppable" is the moment, I feel, where you're not fucking around anymore. Tony Scott, working across from Denzel Washington —
Youth really is wasted on the young [laughs]. It's such an awesome moment. It's one of the biggest films of the year; all the lights are shining on you, all the possibility of you being able to do whatever you want. I really wish I took more effort to enjoy that moment.
I was reading a lot of scripts at the time, and I was on a plane when I read this one. And I didn't want to like it because it's a train. It's like, what is my job in this fucking film? The train is going to explode and then it's not. You know exactly what is going to happen.
But Mark Bomback wrote this incredible script, and I was on the plane, and I couldn't stop reading it. I would push it away — No. Buuut. No, nope. Buuut. I just could not turn away from it. Plus, Tony Scott was a god to me. He'd done "Days of Thunder" and "Top Gun," and then you add into that mix Denzel, plus that it's a two-hander that takes place in one location. From an acting class standpoint, I'm getting paid a lot of money to learn at the feet of one of the best who has ever done it. It was out of control cool. I learned more from that set about what it means to be a movie star than probably anything else.
Before "Hell or High Water," you'd worked with Ben Foster in "The Finest Hours." How much of the praise you received for that movie do you attribute to the comfort you two had in working together?
I think it's more than that. Taylor [Sheridan] wrote a banger script. That script is one of the five best scripts I've ever read in my entire life. So you have the writing. Then you have David [Mackenzie] coming off of making "Starred Up," which is an incredible film, and then you have the Jeff Bridges of it all.
I think I held my own there, but you have these two incredibly dynamic actors: Jeff is the legend, and Ben is a caged animal of an actor. I had a lot of fun because up until that point, I hadn't played a closed-off, non-talkative, non-charming leading man. So I was really stoked to take that on. I think it was all the pieces coming together, not just one thing.
By the time you did the "Wonder Woman" franchise, you had done your fair share of blockbusters. Was there a moment in filming the first movie when you realized this one was different than the others?
I got pitched the film and didn't want to do it. Patty came on board and I still didn't want to do it. I had no interest in playing the boyfriend, and it sounded like second fiddle. Then, in talking to Patty, the way she described it was, "Forget the superhero of it all, this is a romance, this is "Casablanca," that's the movie I want to make." And I was like, oh, now that is very cool, because when had you seen a superhero film that was a love story, ultimately? That had nothing to do with blowing shit up.
For me, the pivotal moment is the scene on the tarmac; it's "Casablanca" by a different name. So when I saw that film, man. Film is not an actor's medium, it's a director's and editor's medium, and shit can go wrong really fast, and that was a movie where you're in the theater and you get lost in it. You forget you're in it. That's when you know it's gold.
Do you or Gal Gadot or Patty feel that there's unfinished business with the franchise not doing a third movie?
Me? No. Homie is dead. Steve is gonzo. It would be ridiculous to try to bring me back.
I'm stunned that they said no to a billion-dollar franchise and decided to pivot elsewhere. I don't know what the reasoning was behind that; it's above my pay grade, but Wonder Woman is an incredible character, and Patty is such a thoughtful director. Even think of "Wonder Woman 1984" — that's a blockbuster movie that is a hero's journey not about revenge. I mean, wow. People poo-pooed it, but wow!
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effeminatenightmare · 4 months
I finally was Willkommen'ed into The Kit Kat Club yesterday and took as many notes as possible... so here they are in no particular order.
Space / Atmosphere + Prologue:
From the moment I walked in it was chaos and it felt like a movie. The energy and music were very reminiscent of David Lynch. The dancers were perfectly marvelous, and the musicians were so jovial. The general transformation of the August Wilson was UNREAL.
Eddie Redmayne's Emcee -
Eddie's performance was UNBELIEVABLE. His interactions with the cast were brilliant and he brought a surrealist monster almost Pennywise The Clown meets The Child Catcher quality to the Emcee. So gleefully evil. He was so mesmerizing on the stage. No Alan Cumming, but I definitely felt some Joel Grey echoes in his performance.
Gayle Rankin's Sally Bowles -
Gayle's Sally is far more vulnerable and feels almost like a young adult trying to figure herself out. She's got an incredible voice, too. I laughed a lot at some of her quips.
Ato Blankson-Wood as Clifford Bradshaw -
Ato's Cliff seemed a little sidelined, which I don't know was a directorial choice or what. His Cliff seemed more anxious and confused. It's not a role you can really do much with. He had some really touching moments with Sally.
Bebe Neuwirth's Fraulein Schneider -
Give this woman a Tony. Jesus Christ. I loved the chemistry between her and Steven Skybell's Herr Schultz, very sexy, funny, and reminded me of my aunt. She gave such a beautiful performance with such complexity.
Steven Skybell's Herr Schultz -
He gave such a heartbreaking performance. He was funny, honest, and had such authenticity. It was remarkable. He also deserves a Tony Award.
The Kit Kats Girls and Boys -
I had a couple of interactions with the Kit Kats one being Mimi Scardulla as Texas who enjoyed my outfit. All of them were exquisite, and the costumes were deliciously colorful, and the makeup was amazing!!! 😍
Their choreography was energetic and lively until the very end when it became more controlled like strings were being pulled which was very jarring. The lighting also showed this.
Favorite Moments:
Before the show even started I had a couple fantastic interactions with the prologue dancers and musicians one being Sun Kim who grabbed my Playbill and introduced themselves through it to us.
A few songs into the first act Eddie Redmayne was in within feet of us and walked by us I think before or after "Don't Tell Mama" waved and creepily smirked at me, whilst giving me direct eye contact. I was thinking to myself "Dude, get the hell away from me!" 😂😳
Eddie Redmayne's rendition of "Money" was pure nightmare fuel and reminded me of "Be Prepared" from The Lion King. Especially, when he was risen up to the top. Then, the use of the same costume later on during the reprise of "Tomorrow Belongs To Me" was horrifying and brilliant.
Bebe Neuwirth's "What Would You Do?" destroyed me. The staging and lighting of this song was so impactful and altered me and left me feeling feelings on still having trouble describing.
Gayle Rankin's "Cabaret" reminded me a lot of Jane Horrocks's in her vicious delivery of "Cabaret" which will forever be seared into my brain.
THE. ENDING. It was haunting to see The Emcee go back into the same physicality as in the beginning during "Willkommen" but with a twist it and from where I was sitting it looked like he was trying to form the shape of a swastika with his arms.
Experience Overall -
I'm still trying to process everything and the performances. This blew my mind and I hope to go again!!! This was literally the best thing I've seen on Broadway in a very long time!!! The reviews don't seem to know what they're talking about!!!
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David Stanley shares, "Here's a memory, it takes place in 1973... It's shows how much Elvis really cares for others, even strangers... I was sitting in the den, at Graceland one day... Elvis walked in, and said, let's take a ride Billy... I said, okay, let me grab your wallet and I'll be right back... I jumped up and ran upstairs to Elvis' room and got his wallet, then followed Elvis to the car... We drove around Memphis... As we were passing Sun Studios, Elvis said... I wonder what would have happened if I had listened to my mother... I looked at him, then asked... What do you mean??? Elvis said, Mom didn't want to sign with Col. Parker, she never trusted him... I said, it didn't matter who you signed with, you would have become the King, anyway... Elvis looked at me and smiled, then said, you know my feelings, there's only one true king, Billy... I said, I know... But, you are the King of rock, boss... No one comes even close to you... Elvis smiled again, has we drove along... Has drove down Beale St. Elvis showed me a church, where he use sneak into and listen the gospel singers... Just we passed the church, we saw a homeless man walking in the opposite direction... Elvis looked at me, he said, get my wallet Billy, which I had put in my briefcase... Elvis then made a U turn... And we drove up to the homeless man... Just before we got to him, Elvis said... Give me the money, Billy.... I asked, how much boss??? He said, all of it... Now, before I go any further, I have to say this... Elvis' wallet had so much money in it, that you couldn't fold it, there was about 5 thousand dollars in... I handed Elvis the money, and he placed it between his legs... When we pulled up to the homeless man, Elvis honked the horn... The man turned around... Elvis rolled his window down, and waved the man over, with his hand... The man looked at us a little funny, then walked over to Elvis' side of the car... When the man got to the car, he recognized Elvis... The first thing he said was, Mr.Presley!!! I've been a fan of yours every since you started... I've bought all your records, and seen all your movies... Elvis said, thank you sir... The man cut him off, saying... You are the greatest, sir!!! Elvis, said, thank you sir... Then asked, where are you going... The man said, oh, down to the unemployment office, see if they have any work for me... I'm a little down on my luck right now... Elvis said, well, your luck has changed, sir... Elvis then handed him the money... The man looked at the money... He said, I can't take that sir... Elvis said, please don't call me sir, call me Elvis... The man said, okay Elvis... But, I can't take your money... Elvis said, this is my way of repaying you for listening to all those records and watching all those an silly movies... The man said, Mr. I mean Elvis, if I do take I promise I'll repay you... Then he took the money... Elvis said, you don't owe me a thing sir, it is me who owes you... The man said, God bless you Elvis... Elvis, said, sir he already has... As we drove off, there were tears in Elvis' eyes, and mine... I said, I've NEVER seen anything like this Elvis, that's the kindest act I've ever seen... Elvis said, remember this lesson, Billy... I did..."
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littlemisstfc · 11 months
We All Owe Jake Foushee An Apology: Why I Don't Like VA Fanbases
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Hello, Hola, こんにちは。
Welcome back to this side of the Hundred Acre Woods and I wanna ruin lunch today. You can thank Harriyanna Hook for that last bit akskskskksks. 
If you know me by now, you know that I have the utmost respect for voice actors, especially those who embrace their roles in various Transformers media. They were the voices of our childhoods for a reason, and they deserve much better from the film and tv industry. I don’t have the generous feeling towards their hardcore stans. 
Unfortunately, like everyone who has achieved a level of fame and success, their fanbases has a mix of good, sane fans and fans that make Misery look like a Disney movie. For some reason, when it comes to voice actors and Transformers, a good chunk of the fanbase has an overzealous mentality of, “there could only be ONE voice actor for one character.” If you know where this is going, you are correct. I am calling out the Peter Cullen stans today. 
3, 2, 1, Pingu.
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Bad Voice Direction Was The Problem, Not The Voice Actor
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Before y’all ask, no, nothing happened to either Peter or the subject of today’s blog post today. This is just something I have been thinking about for a while now.
Do not get me wrong: Peter Cullen is a very kind and caring man who deserves all the accolades and praise for his work in Transformers for the past 39 years. Having met him in person earlier this year felt like meeting Santa Claus. He was genuinely that amazing. However…his fanbase is something else. The best comparison I could think of at the top of my head is the Beyhive, aka Beyonce’s fanbase. Like, at the same time, I’ve seen the best and very worst of this fanbase. The good is that I have made friends and acquaintances that share the same appreciation and adoration I have for PeePaw. The bad is that I have seen people who legitimately worship the ground this man stands on and will do anything to maintain him as the one and only Optimus Prime. Like, within a couple of new years, every time there’s a new Transformers show, take a good guess which part of the fandom shows up the most in the comments section, specifically when there’s an Optimus Prime.
“That’s not Peter Cullen, wtf.”
“I want Peter Cullen as this Optimus.”
“This new Optimus’ voice sucks, I want Peter Cullen back.”
These are the best summaries I can come up with when it comes to how y’all react whenever there is a new voice actor for Optimus Prime. Y’all did it with David Kaye when Animated came around, y’all did it with Alan Tudyk when Earthspark came around, but these pale in comparisons to truly the most crazy, awful moment when shit hits the fan: Jake Foushee, when Cybeverse and the WFC Trilogy came around.
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For those who do not know who Jake Foushee is, he was the voice actor of Optimus Prime in Transformers Cyberverse and the War for Cybertron Trilogy. Before he was casted, he gained a fanbase due to his Optimus Prime impression and work as a Vine creator. In fact, it was an interview on the Ellen show that got him casted as Prime in the first place. The only off thing about his casting is that John Hasbro didn’t want to hire union voice actors for these two Transformers shows. Like…they damn well have the money to pay their voice actors, that’s something I’ll still hold John Hasbro accountable for to this day. Anyways, back to the main topic. I remember back when Cyberverse and the WFC Trilogy were airing, I see a surprising amount of people who harbor extreme reactions towards Jake Tillman’s voice acting as Optimus in these shows. 
“The voice actor sucks as Optimus.”
“Ewww, wtf. This is just a bad impersonation.”
“Why won’t Hasbro bring back the REAL voice of Optimus Prime?”
Again, these are simply paraphrases of genuinely nasty ass comments about Jake that basically screams They Changed It, Now It Sucks. Notice that last paraphrase here. What does this remind you of? I’ll give you three seconds.
If you guess correctly, you are correct. A good chunk of the hate towards this voice actor is from the hardcore Peter Cullen purists, aka the #BringBackPeterCullen crowd. Like…did y’all forget the basic value of, “if you can’t say something nice, then don’t say anything at all”? It’s not that fucking hard to say gross shit like this, like you’d be surprised at how many people often forget that these voice actors are real people. They’re real people who will read your hate comments, who will be hurt by your hate comments, and who will be discouraged from doing what they love because of your hate comments. When it comes to moments like this, it seems like y’all forgot the elephant in the room: the voice direction and script.
Cyberverse and the WFC Trilogy are a great way to show how much potential Jake Foushe has and how it will go wrong if it’s in the hands of a bad voice director and script. Cyberverse showed how utterly phenomenal Jake is as Optimus. In the first season, yeah, it was a bit rough around the edges. However, as the show goes on, he was given the direction to be himself rather than be a hardcore impression. His voice as Optimus has improved and it felt natural by the time we get to, “The Perfect Decepticon.” Compare his vocal performance in the third episode of Season One and the finale. It’s like day and night in the best ways.
However…then there’s the WFC Trilogy. For some reason, the voice direction and script set out to undermine Jake Foushee and the other voice actors of these shows as much as they can. As a result, it became the impression that y’all were quick to condemn Jake for. It felt like whoever was in charge of the voice acting for these three shows did not care about the implications of what they were doing with the voice direction. As a result, the nasty ass comments came and it eventually boiled to a point where after these shows ended, he doesn’t bring up his roles in them. I don’t blame him if it has something to do with the huge fan backlash to his casting as Optimus Prime.
Think Before You Speak: Fandom Brain Rot is A Curse
At this point, y’all just need to give up the whole #BringBackPeterCullen thing. It’s fine to feel upset over John Hasbro not giving him the respect he deserves around the hiring non union era. It’s fine to feel upset over John Hasbro not even bothering to ask him if he would like to come back as Optimus. However, it does not give you the excuse to be a shitty person towards whoever’s voicing Optimus in a new Transformers show. Sometimes, a new voice actor is necessary depending on the characterization and age a show is going with Optimus. Don’t worry about Peter. He still got the movies under his belt and there will be another show with him soon. I guarantee it. There’s no way that John Hasbro is gonna miss out on bringing him back.
In the meantime, we need to be better when it comes to whoever will be the next Optimus Prime. A part of the reason why I dreaded the announcement of the voice cast for Transformers: One is because of fans like these ones. Like, some of y'all forgot how to be decent human beings when your fav is not voiced by your fav voice actor. It has gotten to the point of being genuinely irritating. 
You may be asking what is the point of this entire blog post. The point is that time and time again, we have forgotten that voice actors are human beings too. This type of fan dumb needs to stop. Y’all did it before and y’all are doing it now with annoying shit like change.org petitions and angry fan letters. At this point, Imma about to say this:
We all owe Jake Foushee an apology big time.
Even if you don’t like his voice acting, you have to at least see something with the points I’ve made here. It will continue to rinse and repeat unless we put our feet down and stop it. We need to be more welcoming and encouraging to new talent who have big shoes to fill in. Having respect and adoration towards the veterans of Transformers while also respecting and being open to new talent who have the potential to co-exist. These are not two mutually exclusive things.
We all owe Jake Foushee an apology. 
Till All Are One: A Lesson To Be Learned
As Cyberverse Week is coming in a few days, I need to make my point very clear as one of the biggest Cyberverse fans out here. Sometimes, the new may be just as good as the old. I always have the hope of seeing Jake one day at a convention such as TFCon, especially since he voiced my second favorite Optimus ever. 
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I'm glad that more people are starting to realize that the backlash against whoever voices Optimus Prime in a new show is just plain dumb. Imagine my relief when I Tweeted a bit about this topic the other way on Twitter and saw a lot of people agreeing with how awful the backlash against Jake Foushee is.
We need to do better as a fandom. It starts with unpacking our biases and be open to change. Transformers is a franchise that revolves around robotical organisms that change, yet ironically the fandom doesn't like change.
Still, I won't let that affect my perception of voice actors in the franchise. I encourage you all to not send any hate messages to any voice actor and be open to change. I may not change everyone's minds, but I hope it gave you all something to think about.
Anyways, Pingu.
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stellaluna33 · 3 months
have you ever heard that song Bless the telephone by labi siffre? i was listening to it earlier and thought about jess and rory and their recurring thing with phone calls and how you mentioned they would never run out of things to talk abt on the phone after two weeks. and i think the act of the Phone Call in some way symbolizes the unique intimacy they have with each other that they can’t exactly find with anyone else. like with rory she tries to mimic her and jess’ phone calls (and relationship) w dean in s4 + gets tired of deans clingy 27 missed calls everyday in s2. and with logan. like you said. in s7 rory has to bring phone sex into the game because they… kinda got bored of talking to each other. and the only phone call jess and rory have in which they cant connect. is when she’s breaking up with him and cant even be 100% sure it’s him because he can’t make himself say anything at all. being on the phone is their thinggg hi hey is their thinggg n no matter what it will always be ^_^
Ooh! You know, I MIGHT have heard that song before, because my husband was going through his discography a few months ago, but if so I didn't really pay close attention to the lyrics at the time! But YES! 🥺. This is something I've been mulling over a lot recently, between that post and seeing a gifset of all the Literati phonecalls, and I think you're absolutely right. And it makes perfect sense for them because there's a certain intimacy that comes with telephone conversations, where it's just the two of you, and everyone else is, by necessity, excluded. Only YOU can hear their voice (I'm ignoring the existence of speaker phone here, haha, and I can't imagine Rory and Jess using it? It's not private or intimate enough), they are connected to YOU ALONE. You're alone together, even when you're not. Yeah. 🥺
And, apart from that last tragic call (where Jess can't even speak! 😩), don't you kind of get the impression that they could go on talking forever? Like, even when Jess calls Rory from NY, the call is only short because Jess ran out of money- they were already spiraling off in new directions (David Lee Roth etc. haha) and I get the feeling they could have rabbit-trailed indefinitely if they had the time! Even when Jess called about seeing Rory's name with Dean on the poster, after the "business" was concluded, they kept talking and talking about other things! For both that scene and their first phone conversation, the SCENE ends before the call does, and you're left with the feeling that they're still there, in their own little world. Yeah. 🥺
And even though Season 7 is... to be taken with a grain of salt imo, haha, I keep thinking about what Amy said about Rory and Logan... That their relationship isn't built on "deep talkin'," haha. So what happens to a relationship like that when Talking is the only thing LEFT? I don't know, sexting, I GUESS. 😅 Because is physical intimacy the only kind of intimacy they had? I suppose it helps if you have a private jet and a helicopter, haha. BUT I DIGRESS! I am DEFINITELY biased, I freely admit! But... I just can't help my preference! I love lovers who connect soul-to-soul.
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dalekofchaos · 8 months
Dark Chloe Price au
So after making my Dark!Max post last month. I came up with some scenarios of different timelines where Chloe goes to the dark side.
A universe where both William and Joyce die in a car crash. William picks up Joyce, but the truck still hits him and Joyce dies with him. With no one left to take care of Chloe, she ends up in foster care system. Awful families would mistreat and abuse her and while there would be good families, Chloe's bad experiences would shape her badly. Eventually she does return to Arcadia Bay with David as her new guardian. She acts out and eventually she's had enough of the abuse, takes out a gun and shoots him. Makes it look like a suicide and runs away with Rachel
She never meets and befriends Max or Rachel. Throughout her life Chloe becomes lonely and isolated and with her dad gone, she has no one. This unfortunately leads to the worst outcome that you've already guessed
Chloe is caught by the police instead of Eliot. When the backtalk fails, Eliot realizes what Chloe is doing, gives Chloe the money and leaves her in the office for the cops to catch redhanded. Chloe has the evidence that proves James was dirty and leads to a raid on Damon Merrick and the arrest of James Amber. But Chloe would do time for breaking and entering. Chloe gets out on good behavior and her one goal after getting free? Getting out of Arcadia Bay with Rachel and killing Eliot before she leaves
Chloe finds Nathan at the Vortex Club party. Nathan isn't killed by Jefferson and Max fails to find him first. Nathan is drugged out of his mind in the VIP section, Chloe sneaks in and has him where she wants him. "You...what the fuck are you doing here. Chloe aims her gun at him. "This is for Rachel, motherfucker. She was my angel" BANG. Chloe is arrested and in the commotion, Jefferson seizes the opportunity and abducts Max and takes her to the Dark Room. David saves Max, Max goes back in time and saves Chloe.
Chloe never meets Rachel and is in the Vortex Club. it was Victoria who helped Chloe through her grieving. Chloe joins the Vortex Club. She's a straight A preppy jock and is deeply in love with Victoria Chase. Victoria helps encourage Chloe's inner artist and they both just makes themselves better.
Chloe kills Damon. Instead of slicing him in the face. Chloe stabs Damon in the heart and kills him. This one act leads her down a bad path. Frank makes Chloe his new partner and eventually things turn out good. Chloe is making enough money to escape, but Frank tries to fuck her over and this leads to Chloe killing Frank. The unfortunate part of all this is that Chloe has gotten accustomed to a life of crime and the new drug kingpin of Arcadia Bay and Rachel is her partner in crime. At some point, Nathan is encroaching on her territory and she doesn't like that. Not. One. Bit. So, Chloe sends Rachel to entice Nathan and lure him in a trap. Chloe busts into Nathan's dorm and sees enough evidence that she could make it look like an accidental overdose. "Don't mess with the Prescotts? More like don't fuck with the Price" Chloe gets a reputation as the Raven and whatever the Raven says goes. "Quote the Raven, Nevermore"
Chloe finds Rachel's crumbled up letter and acts irrationally, broken hearted and this leads her in killing Rachel in a jealous rage. Chloe later finds out Rachel was involved with Nathan, Frank and Jefferson and pledges to kill them all. Then one day, Max comes back and tells Chloe about the storm and her powers. Chloe is gonna get her revenge and she'll have Max to herself(in a very yandere way) She'll first kill Frank when he threatens Max, then get back at Nathan for trying to daterape her, as Max gets the phone from Nathan's dorm, Chloe has her hide and when Nathan is in his dorm room. Chloe doses Nathan and then gives Nathan an overdose of pills. As they are getting to find Jefferson. Chloe suddenly vanishes and leaves Max to Jefferson's mercy and then bam, Chloe shoots him from behind. While Max is still out, Chloe takes her to the dark room. Max is relieved to see Chloe, but sees that she's tied up. Chloe explains everything. She saw an opportunity to get back at everyone who has turned her life into shit. Rachel for cheating on her and the men she cheated on her with and Max's doomsday gave Chloe an out on all the debt, the abuse from David and how Joyce ruined their lives. Chloe and Max can start fresh without Arcadia Bay. Max is horrified with everything she's hearing, asks what about her friends and Chloe uncaringly says "I just can't let anyone but me be in your life, sorry Max but they're going down with the storm" and Max calls her a monster and throws back all the gaslighting and abuse she's thrown her way and all Chloe can say is "you'll forgive me after the storm is over, don't worry, no matter what you're mine Max," When David comes to find them, Chloe knew he'd be there and hides and when David opens the door, Chloe blows his head off. Max has a choice. Stay with Chloe and hope she can make her better after the storm glasses Arcadia Bay or go back in time to never entering the bathroom that faithful day.
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the-lavender-lapin · 1 year
I hate you
A guilty confession. I don't want to, I didn't mean to, but now I do.
David stood in front of the circulation gate, having taken the position of leader since Jack left him the night before.
“Alright, remember, we’re hurtin them and they know it. No soakin’ or hittin’ anyone.” He reminded the newsies as the gates swung open. The wagons made their way out followed by the army of goons and scabbers.
“I’m seein t’ings tell me i seein t’ings!” Spot yelled angrily, pointing toward the scabbers. David turned around to see none other than Jack Kelly standing there, clad in new fancy clothes, a stack of papes in his hand.
David looked at him dumbfounded. He knew the other newsies were yelling things, but it all sounded muffled to him, as if he was underwater. It couldn’t be. Not his Jack. His Jack would never scab. Not the Jack that kissed him in the alleyway the night before.
“This is why you left last night isn’t it?!” He accused Jack, anger bubbling inside of him as the shock subsided.
“You’re a liar! You lied about everything!” He accused him, thinking back to the other night. Jack had confessed to him. Said that he felt things, things you’re not supposed to feel towards someone who is just a friend. They had kissed in that alleyway and now here he was, new clothes from Pulitzer of all people.
“So? What you wanna do about it Dave?” Jack responded with a shrug, acting like this wasn’t killing him inside. He had to be strong. He couldn’t afford anyone gettin locked up because of him, especially not David. The refuge was no place for someone like him. It would chew him up and spit him out and Jack wouldn’t be able to live with himself.
“I don’t understand you.” David replied, crossing his arms. He gave Jack a hard look, waiting for him to break and say it was all some sort of plan. That he wasn’t really giving up.
“Oh so let me spell it out for you. You see, I aint got nobody tuckin’ me in a niht, like you. It’s just me. I gotta look out fo’ myself, alrih?!” He spat back. David didn’t understand. He had folks and a place to call home. He had others to depend on for food and clothes and shelter. He was a good boy who went to school and would probably have a fancy job in some office some day. All Jack had was Santa Fe and until then it was his job to protect the younger newsies. Francis had left him in charge. It was his job.
“You had the newsies!” Dave protested, pointing at the angry crowd who had all showed up in support of Jack and the strike.
“Oh what did bein’ a newsie eva give me bu a dime a day n a few black eyes?” Jack asked with a scoff. “Ya know, I cant afford ta be a kid no mo Dave. Fo tha firs time in my life I got money in me pockets, real money. Money. You understan?!” He replied, shoving his shoulder to emphasize his point and also to put a little distance between him and Davey.
“I got mo on tha way n as soon as i collect ‘m gone, ‘m away, alrih?!” He said heatedly. Dave didn’t understand, he was too perfect. He was too good for Jack. He couldn’t have Dave, not when he could do so much better. He had to do this.
“Well that’s good because we don’t need you!” Davey replied, gesturing towards the other newsies. “We don’t need you! Because all those words you said, those were mine.” He added on, taking a step back from him. If Jack was going to give up he would lead the strike without him. He wasn’t afraid. He wasn’t a coward.
That stung Jack. It made his heart drop into his stomach and tears prick at the corners of his eyes. David was right. They didn’t need him. He was replaceable.
“Yeah, but you never had the guts to say em yaself, did ya?” He regretted the words as soon as they left his mouth as soon as he saw the hurt in Davey’s eyes.
David straightened up and Jack could almost physically see the walls that he had gotten past to start to rebuild.
“I hate you.” David said coldly, his stare just as icy as his words, monotonous with no feeling. No life. “I hate you.” He repeated, shoving Jack away from him before walking back to the newsies, taking the rest of Jack’s heart with him.
Thanks for the ask!
૮꒰ ˶• ༝ •˶꒱ა ♡
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anniflamma · 8 months
hello. I'm a fan of your david/jonathan. Your david/jonathan is one of my greatest joys these days. When I saw this video, I thought I was going to die because it was so cute. If you see an article about an unknown sudden death, think it's me. And I thought about it a few times, and it seems like the reason the author won't make a sequel is because David's story suddenly turned into a game of thrones after Jonathan died, and the author's beloved David disappeared from there after that. Let's see, making excuses to kill all the men in Saul's royal family except Mephibosheth and his son, separating the princess and her husband, watching Joab kill people because it was profitable, etc. Of course, before that, there were many times when David acted mercilessly, such as eliminating witnesses, but when he started plotting in earnest… wouldn't it be possible to also have a conspiracy theory that David broke Mephibosheth's leg? In the Bible, if we interpret the statement that David had his master's women as meaning that he inherited the prince's women, then the nurse who dropped the child may have received instructions from David. And the reason I did that was because I wanted to save Mephibosheth. So, the novel ended with the death of the two main characters, and since all the main characters died, I don't think there will be a sequel. Well, that was a depressing story. Changing the topic, this video was so cute! Saul must have done great harm to the welfare of the palace staff. Even if they received the same salary, the job satisfaction of palace employees would have been very different when David lived in the palace and when he left. Because it would no longer be fun to eavesdrop outside the door. A job where you can pay money and a job where you get paid are very different. LOL But the best scene was the belt…!
Thank you for liking my take on David/Jonathan! They are kind of a big mix of the different content I have consumed about them. And yeah, I think my favorite shot working on the opera animatic was when David pulled off his belt. We all know what he was about to do! 😏
Yeah, I could also give criticism of The Prince's Psalm that the author's obvious weak point when it comes to writing is how he writes fight scenes and political stuff. There is like only one fight scene, and that is David VS Goliath, and that scene was clunky. The other, what would be considered fight scenes, just fade to black or more like we only see the build-up to it. And when David is in the wilderness is the weaker part of the novel when he is gathering his army and doing political/military warfare. I think Eric Shaw Quinn's strongest traits are the character building and interactions.
Well, David didn't die at the end of the novel. He "died" at the tent when he heard the news of Jonathan's death and only left simply to continue the war. He is not the same person when he sang The Song of Bows even if it has been decades later. And it's pretty much the reason why I would love that the "what if" sequel had someone else as a main character. Like Mephibosheth or Absalom. Because it would introduce us to David as a new character that has changed, and it would make us, the reader, feel a type of longing for him to heal and return to the David we once knew from The Prince's Psalm.
And there are so many different takes you can do with the story of Mephibosheth or Absalom. Especially, there are so many topics you could tackle with Mephibosheth. Like his disability would be a key factor for many issues or themes. David made a rule in his palace that any disabled person would be executed if they entered. So we have Absalom growing up in a palace that was discriminating. And suddenly his own father brings in a disabled young man and says this is his brother, and if anyone hurts him, David will murder everyone. And that pretty much happens in the Bible! Everyone got thrown out of the loop.
It also brings up the question if Mephibosheth really loved David back or was his loyalty only based on him being thankful for David showing him mercy. Does Mephibosheth feel even comfortable that the only reason why he is alive is due to he is Jonathan's son?
I dunno, I love angst. I would eat it whole in one second if I ever got a The Prince's Psalm sequel!
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ladylooch · 8 months
B wake up we need to keep talking Mackdavid
What do you think is their conflict? I think technically a lot of misunderstandings snowball but here could be some things:
I wonder about like a rich/poor thing. If David didn’t get his scholarship to play hockey he wouldn’t have gone to school. And not like Mack is spoiled, she’s had to work but not like that, and no matter what she (kinda?) comes from money so she’s always been comfortable. She just doesn’t get it.
I also wonder if he’s too nice. Mack is bold and just says whatever for a reaction (strays) and he lets it roll off or doesn’t respond. So either she says something extremely mean on purpose to no response and she tries to confront him and he very calmly turns the tables back on her like, well you know what happens to girls with a big mouth and she 🫠 or David has his equivalent of Nasty Nico and he goes off on her 🫣
heheheheheheh I awake!!!!!! Although the queue started before I was awake cause I was up thinking about this AU until 1am my time.
These are all great ideas!! I love how thoughtful you are here! I do have some of my own thoughts to add too, if you don't mind:
Mack is not a sports girly. Although hockey created a lifestyle for her growing up that she was accustom to, she hates sports. Lucie has to BEG her to come to Rangers games when she is in NY. "Con is your brother too." Lucie grumbles. She will begrudgingly go but only to hang out with Lucie and Stella (and eventually Winnie).
Mack is very serious. David is a jokester. He is always tossing jokes her way and trying to get her to smile and she just finds the whole thing childish, even though David is 4 years older than her. He comes off to her as an immature athlete. This brings out an uncharacteristic side of sarcastic digs towards him that she doesn't particularly enjoy. Think "you bring out the worst in me".
Another problem, David sees right through Mack's tough exterior. He knows she is independent, a lone wolf, and quietly very wealthy. But her 'too cool to care' is an act. She loves her family and friends dearly and is very passionate about work. When David starts to see and wiggle into some of those faint cracks in her exterior, Mack is extremely put off by it. I think this is where the 'David is too nice' plays well!
David is ALWAYS Nasty Nico. That is the theme of their sex life. Nico Hischier would not like David if he knew the things that man does to his daughter. Mack is wound tight from resisting David for so long. She needs a MAN to unwind all that stress from her body. And that's all I'm gonna say about that for now.
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angel-bubbles · 2 years
ok a while ago you and I think angelnoodlesoup were theorizing about angel and michael (which is a fave past time of mine) and how that relationship impacted angel and how they act in their early relationship with David (also I adore your snippet of the angel michael relationship).
so anyway I was relistening to the jealous boyfriend audio and thinking... hmm. Michael couldn't take care of their cat when it was super sick. now let's say for the sake of theory that he DOES have the time and money to care for the cat (because to be fair that can be very expensive and time consuming). So this means he simply does not want to deal with the cat when it's sick, even though we can assume he does care about the cat.
How would this attitude of only giving time and care when something is at its best transfer to a relationship? (Lots of headcanoning and speculation, there's only a little to point to in the audios. this is where I start sounding crazy but I'm sure you'll pick up what I put down)
Angel being hesitant to accept being taken care of or being seen when feeling low. Feeling the need to fix everything themself so it doesn't get to a point where their partner might decide angel isn't worth the hassle. Very independent and not always open to asking for help or doing things they feel might burden their partner (ie not telling David about the cat being sick). etc etc
(And just saying, David would definitely take care of that Cat and love it no matter the state or situation. the cat, of course, being angel (but also the real cat probably). David's love of and insistence in taking care of his partner is one of his most endearing traits)
ok sorry for the long ask, I needed to get this out of my head and I don't have a redacted blog lmao. Michael theorizing is so fun
ANONNNN jsakldfjksl this was such a gift to find in my inbox pls feel free to theorize about michael with me any time you need (i want to hear all the thoughts, even if it may sound crazy at least we can sound crazy <3 together <3)
first and foremost that fic about comparing the two of their relationships is such a doozy and i want to do it justice hence why its been foreverrr since i posted any updates. michael lore that is purely based on tinfoil hat thoughts must be done with justice >:3 but i promise you it will be more than just a lil snip Eventually
that being said, there may or may not be a scene that exists in it that is essentially exactly what you're talking about here ajsdfkl. in my michael lore i think that whole cat situation is like... a crucial peek into how he handled their relationship. the lack of wanting to try and resolve problems so he just.... gets rid of them (cough cough)
add that with the little reminders in david's monologues since day one that he wants to be there for them is such a tell tale sign to me. having to reassure them that he will be there for them and that he wants to be able to be there for them. even if it's just when they have trouble falling asleep. i mean even in his peak grumpy stage, he still took time to reassure them that he cared and that they were his partner, which meant that he wanted to help. that their problems weren't a burden to him, that he valued them which means he VALUES helping them (god i love that man)
idk i could go on and on and on about michael lore and the little mannerisms we see in angel and i know the michael lore simply isn't real but in my soul i think their relationship with michael taught them that their problems didn't matter and their relationship with david is still working at undoing that damage (present tense. that shit is hard to work through and david's grace with it means the world to me)
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