#michael lore
arielle-nova · 4 months
The Root of Michael’s Insecurity
•Michael hasn’t been revealed in game, and we don’t even know if every time we’ve met him, it’s actually been him.
•We learned a little bit about the Celestial Realm through one of the latest moments in game. Which deals with “Father”
I honestly doubt there is an antagonist in this game. This game isn’t surrounded by the “hero vs. villain” concept. It’s mainly about broken characters trying their best to improve themselves. I feel like it’s obvious that Michael is also a broken character. From when we’ve met him (the moments we believe we did, at least) he’s always hid himself. Even when we did meet him in person (not in his own skin) he didn’t give off much confidence to me. To me, Michael seems like a very insecure person.
•However, I believe that ties into “Father” who I assume is Obey Me’s version of God.
I believe Michael’s insecurities didn’t stem from Lucifer simply existing. It might be a far stretch with pretty much zero evidence, but it’s a belief.
I think Father has a role in Michael’s insecure behavior, a major role at that. Clearly Lucifer was the pride of the Celestial Realm, which makes me wonder if he was what Father took pride in. I know it’s far fetched, but hear me out:
Favoritism Between Siblings:
•Lucifer was given the Ring of Light and Michael was given the Ring of Wisdom. While the Ring of Light was made from gold/silver, the Ring of Wisdom was made of brass/iron. That’s a big difference. (Like, c‘mon, at least give Michael silver.) If these were given to each by Father, which I assume they are, that’s clear favoritism. The sheer difference in material alone shows who was the clear favorite.
If I’m being honest, that’s really all the evidence I have of clear favoritism as we don’t know a lot about the Celestial Realm and Father. Hell, we know almost nothing about Michael and other Angels. However, this small, vague amount of evidence still leads me to believe Father has some role to play in the way Michael turned out.
•Michael’s insecure, I feel like that should be a given. He hides himself every time we meet him. Whether it be from a ray of light or even someone else’s body, we never see Michael. This is a man who is hiding himself, it’s a part of his character. Again, insecurity doesn’t stem from someone simply existing. I say, Father’s favoritism is the root of the problem.
•I say Father has favorites between all his children, and Michael is not one of them. Michael being the one Father looks past could be the root of his insecure behavior. It could be why he doesn’t show his face: he is the opposite of Lucifer. Michael is the opposite of Father’s favorite, looks wise at least. It’s been said that Michael and Lucifer are opposites, and Lucifer seems to be Father’s favorite. Michael being very loyal to Father, yet not being his favorite had to take a toll of what he thought of himself. His own creator chose another over him, instead of being fair to each. To add, this might also be the root of Michael’s obsession with Lucifer.
An Obsession Caused By Insecurity:
•It’s been said that Michael was a bit of a creep and has an obsession with Lucifer. He would sneak into Lucifer’s room and even had a shrine with his things. This isn’t even an attachment, it’s a major obsession. I’d say, Michael is obsessed with Lucifer because he’s Father’s vision of perfection. Michael is not the favorite, probably not even after the war. Michael probably found flaw after flaw in himself because of the favoritism Father (shamelessly?) displayed. He doesn’t look like Lucifer, he doesn’t look like Father’s favorite. He probably thought that Lucifer must’ve been what everyone thought was perfection. He must have thought that he was completely flawed because he wasn’t Lucifer.
•If anything, the shrine could be to showcase to Michael what he wished he could be. The thing he desired most, his ideal way of showing himself. Sneaking into the room is creepy in itself. I can’t defend that in any way. But, I’d say Michael did it because he wished to be close to what he wanted for himself.
•Michael most likely found himself pointing out every little thing about his personality and visuals. That’s probably why he hides himself. He looks nothing like Lucifer and is so insecure about it he doesn’t want to be seen. The favoritism got to his head and he sees himself as imperfect.
The Final Statement:
•Michael’s insecure behavior didn’t come from nowhere. I haven’t seen anyone dive into why Michael would be insecure, and I see why: There’s little to zero evidence about the reason. We know nothing about him, and I think that’s the point.
Michael is very insecure, I’ve said that many times. His insecure attitude towards himself probably came from Father and his favoritism. The whole Ring of Light and Wisdom situation, Lucifer being the pride of the Celestial Realm, all of it must’ve come to a head. It most likely broke Michael knowing he would never be Father’s favorite. He is Lucifer’s polar opposite by looks, and most likely personality. They have different interests, styles of punishment, and completely different personalities from the way Michael has acted in the past.
•Not only has Michael hid himself behind someone else’s body, but when in his true body, his first instinct was to run. When Raphael confronted him about his actions, he ran. He physically ran away from his problem. That’s insecurity in its finest form. Again, coming from favoritism. He isn’t Lucifer. He isn’t confident and prideful like him. He doesn’t seem to exert confidence, not the way Lucifer does, at least.
This may or may not be true. It’s a speculation and I had to read far between the lines for this idea.
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angel-bubbles · 2 years
ok a while ago you and I think angelnoodlesoup were theorizing about angel and michael (which is a fave past time of mine) and how that relationship impacted angel and how they act in their early relationship with David (also I adore your snippet of the angel michael relationship).
so anyway I was relistening to the jealous boyfriend audio and thinking... hmm. Michael couldn't take care of their cat when it was super sick. now let's say for the sake of theory that he DOES have the time and money to care for the cat (because to be fair that can be very expensive and time consuming). So this means he simply does not want to deal with the cat when it's sick, even though we can assume he does care about the cat.
How would this attitude of only giving time and care when something is at its best transfer to a relationship? (Lots of headcanoning and speculation, there's only a little to point to in the audios. this is where I start sounding crazy but I'm sure you'll pick up what I put down)
Angel being hesitant to accept being taken care of or being seen when feeling low. Feeling the need to fix everything themself so it doesn't get to a point where their partner might decide angel isn't worth the hassle. Very independent and not always open to asking for help or doing things they feel might burden their partner (ie not telling David about the cat being sick). etc etc
(And just saying, David would definitely take care of that Cat and love it no matter the state or situation. the cat, of course, being angel (but also the real cat probably). David's love of and insistence in taking care of his partner is one of his most endearing traits)
ok sorry for the long ask, I needed to get this out of my head and I don't have a redacted blog lmao. Michael theorizing is so fun
ANONNNN jsakldfjksl this was such a gift to find in my inbox pls feel free to theorize about michael with me any time you need (i want to hear all the thoughts, even if it may sound crazy at least we can sound crazy <3 together <3)
first and foremost that fic about comparing the two of their relationships is such a doozy and i want to do it justice hence why its been foreverrr since i posted any updates. michael lore that is purely based on tinfoil hat thoughts must be done with justice >:3 but i promise you it will be more than just a lil snip Eventually
that being said, there may or may not be a scene that exists in it that is essentially exactly what you're talking about here ajsdfkl. in my michael lore i think that whole cat situation is like... a crucial peek into how he handled their relationship. the lack of wanting to try and resolve problems so he just.... gets rid of them (cough cough)
add that with the little reminders in david's monologues since day one that he wants to be there for them is such a tell tale sign to me. having to reassure them that he will be there for them and that he wants to be able to be there for them. even if it's just when they have trouble falling asleep. i mean even in his peak grumpy stage, he still took time to reassure them that he cared and that they were his partner, which meant that he wanted to help. that their problems weren't a burden to him, that he valued them which means he VALUES helping them (god i love that man)
idk i could go on and on and on about michael lore and the little mannerisms we see in angel and i know the michael lore simply isn't real but in my soul i think their relationship with michael taught them that their problems didn't matter and their relationship with david is still working at undoing that damage (present tense. that shit is hard to work through and david's grace with it means the world to me)
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Vanny can’t explain everything in the FNAF pizzaplex..
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mooneggtarts · 20 days
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Mike will tellthe kid once he's a little older, or once Mike has the mental capacity to explain it
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i-give-u--art · 10 months
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thorsonoflesbians · 1 month
for the monaco gp next year instead of the regular commentators can we have like ten retired drivers on a yacht with copious amounts of alcohol instead? like imagine jenson feeding nico multiple rounds of tequila shots and convincing him to drop brocedes lore so fucking insane it makes lewis' spidey senses tingle live on air. meanwhile, seb is trying to stop kimi from falling off said yacht every five seconds and mahk webbah is trying to either rope everyone into karaoke or is gushing about his adoptive son oscar. david is calling every driver who fucks their car into a wall a cunt and mika is on facetime with his husband and sipping a mai-tai in the hot tub and a least one of them is puking off the side of the boat in the end
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theflashjaygarrick · 2 months
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miiilowo · 2 months
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mom said it's my turn on the ponynatural (+rambling about their cutiemarks in the tags)
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hilitrivia · 1 year
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Michael Afton, 1983.
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gert-the-disaster · 2 months
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what’s the matter is he stupid?? (haha did this fnaf challenge cause it looked real funny)
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og image 🤘
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arielle-nova · 1 month
Michael and God
Something I’ll bring up in a future post is: Michael being God’s most loyal angel, yet not being the favorite. This isn’t proven, but it really just begs the question of: “Why?” I get it, the most loyal don’t always have to be the favorite, but still. Lucifer was (most likely) made in God’s image of perfection. Yet, most believe that Michael is the eldest.
So, why not make Michael the definition of perfection? Why not make him the most beautiful thing to exist? Why make him the most loyal, if loyalty isn’t included in your definition of perfection? It just continues to bring up the same question: “Why?” If Michael is the eldest, why not start out with making him perfect? If he’s supposed to be your most loyal angel, why isn’t loyalty included in your image of perfection? Why is it that the one that fell from your grace, is the one you consider to be prefect? Lucifer fell. Say all you want about him, but he fell from God’s grace. Yet, it’s still mentioned that he’s the Morningstar. What about Michael? The one who stood by God’s side, the one who still obeys him, doesn’t make the cut when it comes to perfection. It shouldn’t be that the one who fell from God’s is still the Morningstar. Yeah, sure, Lucifer’s name means “bearer of light”, but Michael’s name means, “who is like god?” To me, Michael’s name should mean more to God. But, it doesn’t seem that way. Only the Morningstar matters to everyone. But again,“Why? Why is Lucifer the one everyone talks about? Why not Michael? Why doesn’t Michael have a nickname like Lucifer? Why did Michael have to take on the burden of casting out his own siblings? Why couldn’t God do it? He’s literally God. Why did his children have to fight a battle for rebelling against rules he made? Why couldn’t God step in? Why did it have to be Michael?
It continues to bring up the same question over and over again. Yet, there are no answers. Michael took the burden of casting out his family, not God. The war was most likely caused by God not wanting Lilith’s actions to go unpunished. So why not have him handle the situation? Why let a full fledged war break out when he could’ve easily stepped in? What did God do? Did he sit back on his throne and watch everything play out? Did he expect something terrible to come out of it? Did he know? He’s God, he made everything. Does that mean he knew what would happen because it’s how he created it? If God has made any actions at all; were they intentional?
This just makes me ask more questions.
Lucifer fell from God’s grace, yet he’s God’s definition and image of perfection. Michael stood by his side, he stood loyal; yet he isn’t included in God’s image of perfection. If loyalty isn’t included in what makes one perfect in God’s eyes, then what is? Sin? Falling from Heaven? There’s no way. I get it, it was for his sister. But is that version of loyalty and love more important to God? So much more important that Lucifer is still praised for being the Morningstar while his most loyal angel and soldier sits on the sidelines; him too, believing that Lucifer is absolutely perfect. It doesn’t make sense.
The unexplained lore about the CR is scratching my brain in all the bad yet good ways.
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vitamimesea · 11 months
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Michael Afton (personal hc design)
I hc him to be around 19-20 in SL, and He has William's piercing silver eyes, which intimidates a lot of people. He's also an avid fan of the game Midnight Motorist, and wears an official MM jacket.
After the scooping incident, his skin turned purple from the remnant inside him, and his eyes are now hollow, with only white dots in where his eyeballs used to be. Despite that, he mysteriously can still see like a normal person.
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devildomwriter · 11 months
Pact Mark — Bond Placement
What if pact marks appeared in specific areas based on the connection you had with the demon when you first made it? Like the heart is for love and faith, a shoulder means you can lean on them, a hand is someone you made a quick deal with or someone who very much wanted the deal, somewhere along the spine shows trust sense a broken spine can end it all, a hip or tailbone represents something more sexual, etc.
Lucifer’s pact was made out of trust, respect, and let’s be honest—serious sexual tension (you literally have the option to “spend the night” with him right after the pact is made). His pact mark appears on your tailbone, a sensitive place on your body.
Mammon’s pact was made manipulatively without a close bond between you two so his appears on the hand like a deal being made in a handshake. This bothers him nowadays.
Leviathan’s pact was made as a deal and following through on it despite the competition weighing heavily in your favor. His appears on your chest as a symbol a faith and good-will (though originally he was going to eat you—this is canon)
Satan’s pact was made from respect rather than his original intention to just annoy Lucifer. His pact appears on the back of your neck, a place people reach for comfort because you can take comfort in the fact he is genuinely on your side, it’s also a sensitive part on the body, showing you can trust him.
Asmodeus’s pact was made in complete awe of your strength, plus he thought you were cute and unique. His appears on the back of your hand like a kiss of respect.
Beelzebub’s was made with a promise to help someone he cared for and his trust you’d follow through. His appears over the heart for the care in which the promise and pact were made.
Belphegor’s was made as a gift and apology, a sign of loyalty. His appears on the back because he will always have yours for as long as he lives.
Possible Pacts
Mephistopheles has a developed bond with you at this point. Though he mostly scolds you for behaving improperly, he also helps when you need it or when interests align. He mostly only aids if he’s given something in return but when it counts he will be there. His pact mark appears on the back of your hand as he is a deal-maker through and through.
Barbatos did not develop close bonds with you as quickly as the others. It took a long time for him to completely trust you. His would appear on your shoulder as he is someone you can lean on and trust.
Diavolo cannot make a pact but if he did it would be on the small of your back. He cares and trusts you deeply. He has a very strong influence in your life, someone to guide you forward like a hand on your back.
Guardian Angel Pact
Much like demons who make pacts, an Angel can only become someone’s guardian once in the human’s life span. What if they had guardian symbols?
Luke may be a child but he’s smart, he learns and grows quickly and he helps you as he does this. He keeps your heart warm and guides you to do what’s right like a moral conscious. His would appear on your temple, displaying the wisdom he’ll bring to your life, especially as he grows.
Simeon cares for you very deeply, enough that he’d give up everything for you as we have seen in the game. Simeon’s guardian pact would be on the finger he placed the Ring of Light which saved your life and forever changed his.
Raphael is hard to get close to but you can tell that he cares. His pact would be on your temple above the ear as he is a voice to guide you even when you don’t want him to be.
Michael is pretty concerned about your safety and who you become. He’s simultaneously intrigued by you and protective of you, he’s saved your life multiple times. His guardian pact mark would be near your heart since time and again he’s been the only one who kept it beating.
Reaper Pact
What if Grim Reaper’s had a pact symbol with the humans whose souls they would reap or keep with them?
Since Thirteen has been promised your soul once you pass (unless you end up like Solomon) her reaper pact would appear on the sole of your foot, representing the steps you walk as your life moves forward.
Sorcerer Pact
What if Sorcerer’s closely bonded, or otherwise made pacts like promises to each other? A coven-symbol of sorts.
Solomon’s would appear on your forehead, much like a third eye of wisdom.
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FNAF movie Mike would fight game Michael if he knew
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rugwurm · 10 months
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why he ourple
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beausprouts · 3 months
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Compilation of the refs for my silly au 🫶🫶🫶
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The Afton family making me scream and cry and throw up for real.
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