#like. Huh
rollercoasterwords · 1 year
"it was actually really clever of jkr to model lycanthropy after aids" um. yeah no super clever to write a disease where the vast majority who have it are evil dangerous monsters who cannot control their carnal beastly appetites and their figurehead is a child predator and the only sympathetic portrayal of a character with the disease is a deeply assimilationist story about a good guy who understands that his disease is horrible and disgusting and makes him a dangerous contemptible person such that his ostracization from society is inevitable and he is simply grateful for what crumbs he receives from those who see that he isn't like Those Bad Diseased Guys because he does everything in his power to suppress his carnal beastly appetites and denounces the monstrousness of the disease as a whole making him the rare exception to the rule as a Good Diseased Guy. and also we can feel bad for him because he only got the disease because of the aforementioned child predator. super clever to then say oh yeah btw i was thinking of aids when i wrote that <3
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ajdrawshq · 9 months
so like. ive played pmd sky dozens of times over a majority of my life right. i have never seen a map like this
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thats just a weird hallway. what is this
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kagoutiss · 2 years
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rya but dragon communion
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fleshdyke · 4 months
did anyone else think their boobs were way smaller than they actually were. for so fucking long i thougjt i had b cups but turns out i have dds
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propertyofkylar · 1 month
me: okay, time to dig through my ask box and find all the unanswered royalty au asks!
my ask box:
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fellowfights · 2 months
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Every so often, I think back to this photo- how it was airdropped to my brother one day at the mall from a complete stranger. So much is going on. So little is being said. Its just. A work of art.
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ducktollers · 7 months
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fascinated by the way people refuse to read the room
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asterdeer · 4 months
me writing a review of an old book 5 years ago: kinda racist. in general i don’t like what the author is doing whenever he’s not talking about his actual subject. which sucks, because when he actually stays on topic it’s pretty good
someone having a normal morning on goodreads today:
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remember back in 2016 where everyone was playing a game with csam on their channels that was. a thing.
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lofthousezzz · 1 year
hi gay people in my puter
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i beat rockman 2 and watched super adventure rockman my brain is so full of these robots enjoy these shitty doodles that took me like 5 minutes a pop
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magnetic-dogz · 24 days
Every now and then I still occasionally think about this one girl in 9th grade who told me I "couldn't be a lesbian" because "You're too good and nice. You always follow rules"... Like. Okay.
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planetsandthefates · 9 months
love story turns 15 years old tomorrow. you're telling me she'd be a SOPHOMORE IN HIGH SCHOOL????????? anyway love story quite genuinely changed and impacted my life and I can't believe she's 15 years old what the fuck
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graciebrina · 9 months
i’m so sorry …. joey king is MARRIED??????
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sweetzscore · 2 months
asexual sounds like someone wanting to play victim over something stupid yikes how pathetic
Anyway pal if you really mean this you can come off anon to convince me bc honestly you sound rlly stupid right now
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petergender · 4 months
I think it's weird how like. the avengers/other superheroes aren't comparable to anything in the real world, but the mcu is also constantly trying to compare them to something. like in phase one they're sort of military esque?? with the exception of tony and steve, people aren't like aware of them as people, they just kind of exist alongside the military as super weapons.
then in the cacw-endgame era they're all at a certain level of celebrity status. peter obviously knows who tony stark is and idolizes iron man to a certain extent, but the only sort of memorabilia he has is the mask from the stark expo, which given the everything about tony, makes sense, and in context is not a rlly weird thing to have.
and then now, a lot of them are treated fully as fictionalized/mythologized characters?? kamalas room is COVERED, not only in her own captain marvel fanart, but also in official posters and merch. she has captain marvel tshirts that have comic book covers on them, as if she exists in our world where captain marvel is a fictional superhero and not like. an asset of the US air force. she's writing fanfic about a woman who has not been seen publicly since the 90s?? which tbf, I guess people writing beatles rpf are in similar trenches.
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junkartie · 2 years
A week of forcing myself to recover from a 8 year ed by eating nothing but calorie rich healthy shit has changed me as a person. Apparently i was not evil and couldnt feel 8/10 human emotions i was just hungry. What the fuck
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