#like. I LITERALLY only went into this show bc it just seemed like a chilled out show AND THEN THESE 2 HAPPENED AND I WAS LIKE. OKAY YEAH
usertoxicyaoi · 2 years
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Anything else? Miss me? No, I came to ask you what you’d like to eat. We’re ordering food. Hmmm ... same as you. Do you know what I’m ordering? I don’t, but we’ve got the same preferences. What if you hate it this time? I’ll ... keep an open mind. We’ll be together for a long time. Well, if I make you like me, we’ll be together for a long time. WHY YOU ... Y ME? (2022).
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outro-jo · 1 year
nct 127 and their black cat partner
pairing: nct members x (gn) reader
type: headcanon?
warnings: none really
request: yes?
notes: i got an interesting request and i wasn’t sure how to go about it until i saw this svt reaction and so i went more this route
how i personally define a black cat personality: dark energy/vibe usually accompanied by a dark aesthetic but doesn’t always have to. not super fond of affection or prefers affection on their own terms. sassy with good quips and comebacks. has an interest in “darker” topics such as horror, the occult, “dark” psychology, etc. chronically unbothered. FIERCELY protective once you gain their love/loyalty. occasionally unhinged and feral (gets the zoomies whether physical or mental/verbal). big scorpio energy tbh
UPDATE: T*eil has been removed
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taeyong- god he’s in love with you. like simp doesn’t even begin to cover it. you eventually become his protector since he’s so sweet and pure, you must fight anyone that hurts him. the best thing in the world is when you’re in your head and to everyone else it just seems like your brooding or annoyed or something, but taeyong sees right through that. he just comes over, kisses your face and hands you a switch like, “let’s play some animal crossing” 🥰
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johnny- he’s lowkey your golden retriever bf. he’s like bouncing around and has all this energy and you’re sitting there like 😐. he makes you do more things than you really wanna do bc he’s an adventurer and you’re an indoor cat fr. “fine i’ll go but i’m not gonna be happy about it.” “yes!!!” he’s just happy to have you around and eventually you do kinda like wherever it is he’s brought you to. he brings you out of your comfort zone and you ground him.
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yuta- my god does he love you. you’re the only one that can keep up with him. he’s mean but it’s in a flirty way and you’re mean in a “jokey” way but he loves it sm. sarcasm is y’all’s love language fr. he would quite literally d!3 for you if necessary but a big ol’ uno reverse card on that one. you’re just as fiercely protective of him and god, does he love it. one time you nearly got into blows with a “fan” who was harassing him. the smirk on her face when she went running, PLEASE!
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doyoung- you’re his angel… fallen angel but an angel nonetheless. he LOVES teasing you in a playful way just to have you stare at him like 😒. he’s also super affectionate with you which you’re mostly indifferent about but he’s amused by your lack of amusement. his favorite thing is the way you show love bc it’s v cat like. you find little things to gift him like his favorite snack you picked up while you were out or a crystal you think he needs or something he said in passing that he needs or wants. you’re also great a quality time. just sitting with him reading a book or playing your switch while he’s doing something for work or himself. you’re just his favorite person to be around.
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jaehyun- he just has this permanent smirk on his face watching you. like you’re 1000% in full gremlin mode, eating peanut butter from the jar, messy hair, in a hoodie that hasn’t been washed in a while, but he’s just like obsessed with you. he LOVES how sassy you are with people and the comebacks you have are god-tier. he loves to spoil you bc you kinda sit there and just stare at the thing for a few mins trying to process why he would spend money on you but 1) you’re his whole world and 2) he likes your reactions. it’s funny and cute to him.
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jungwoo- so this man is so baby girl it hurts. some days you don’t even know how or why you’re with him or why he likes you but you learn just not to question it. but you’ve gotten attached to him and anyone that hurts him 😈👹 must d!3 👹😈. you’re the only one that can “be mean” to him but he has a degradation k!nk so he loves it. he’s pretty respectful of your space but every once in a while he needs a cuddle.
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mark- another beast boy and raven duo (see my skz one) but y’all are so chill with each other but mark is chill… in a doofus (lovingly) way. i can also see kinda april and andy vibes. “someone will d!3…” “of fun?!” he’s a little scared of you but also a little turned on by you. but he’s always down to invoke the powers of darkness with you as long as you go get food together.
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haechan- he’s intimidated by you in like a simp way. normally with everyone else he’s a little shit but you’re so hot and intimidating that he can’t help but 🧎🏻‍♂️🧎🏻‍♂️🧎🏻‍♂️ sometimes all you have to do is give him a look and he 😐. but he loves you so fucking much. if you aren’t a cuddly or affectionate person, you will be by the time he’s done with you. he gets real excited when your feral streak kicks in and y’all are lowkey manic together. the way this man hypes you up in a fight, if you ever get that far 😂
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skazoo · 1 year
still do.
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↳ choi jongho x f!reader
he couldn't stop loving you, even if he tried. and he did try for some time. it just didn't work.
length. 3.7k
genre. exes (and friends) to lovers, fluff, crack and a sprinkle of inevitable angst (i'm sorry).
warnings/tags. language, mention of death, mention of illness of a loved one, implied depression, .
networks. @kflixnet k-labels
notes. hello with another "this was supposed to be just teeth rotting fluff but somehow turned a little depressing and angsty on its own, i swear i didn't touch anything" do we see a pattern here? bc i do. i offer this lil jongho fic after sm time of absolutely nothing but i've finished my exams literally the other day, (DURING PRIDE MONTH!?!?? unacceptable) hope you like it!!
i'm desperate for feedback and i love comments with your opinion!
(cross-posted on ao3 only)
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it’s a well-known fact —to your friend group, to the employees of the cafè on the way to your apartment, to the old lady that sells flowers at the corner of the big building you work at— that choi jongho not only likes you but he’s irremediably and unequivocally in love with you.
and that is still not right because jongho doesn’t just love you, no, that would be too obvious, too easy. he still loves you. 
if he goes back enough in his memories, jongho could say he’s always loved you.
he’s never been one to believe in love at first sight so when wooyoung drunkenly introduced the two of you at his birthday party, and he found himself unable to breathe let alone speak a coherent sentence to you, he immediately panicked. was he having a heart attack? a stroke? he was healthy, an athlete! how could this be happening to him!? he even made his own doctor hate him with all the panicked questions he asked the poor man on the phone but apparently, all he needed to relatively calm down was wooyoung’s loud laugh as he told him that he simply had a crush on you.
did he have a crush on you? 
you, with your beautiful smile and melodic laugh and sparkling eyes and– okay, yeah. he did have a crush on you but who wouldn’t!?
strong argument indeed, he thought.
that fateful night was only the start of a happiness he didn’t know he was able to experience.
you became friends, then best friends, then something more and then you were kissing, sleeping, and cuddling in bed together, going on cute little dates, and showing more PDA jongho ever imagined doing. 
he thought you were happy with him. navigating life with the same confused curiosity all young adults seem to innately possess.
then something happened that he couldn’t have ever predicted. and not because he wasn’t paying attention to you or because he was slacking off with his boyfriend duties, no. it came as a complete shock to everyone —you included, in a sense— because the signs just weren’t there. 
out of the blue, without notice, you broke up with him. after a year and for reasons that are still beyond his comprehension.
questions thundered into his mind asking why you had come to the heartbreaking decision, why you had sent him a ‘we need to talk’ text at 2am in the morning, and why he’d later found you at the front door of his apartment with tear-stained cheeks and puffy eyes, soft whimpers vaguely sounding like ‘sorry’ and ‘it’s not your fault’. 
if he thinks back to that night, jongho gets chills from how scared he was; holding your body to his chest, not knowing what to do or what to say, not knowing who hurt you or why you were hurting.
when he thinks back to that night —something he finds himself doing more often than his heart can take— jongho clearly remembers the silent promise he repeated in his head at least a thousand times after you went back to your apartment. a promise he’s set on keeping.
and it’s for that very promise that he now sits in the crowded cafe downtown, drinking an overrated caramel macchiato and hiding behind a book he has no interest in.
at least it’s what he tells himself. that he came to the same coffee shop you told him you’d be meeting your date at because that’s what friends do. he tells himself he’s wearing a mask and sunglasses inside because he can and will love you platonically if that’s what you need or want. jongho tells himself a lot of things and he hopes he’s strong enough to believe in them in a way that will make them reality sooner or later.
but it’s not like two booths away from him you’re faring any better.
are people outside your friend group really this boring and uninteresting? have men always been this arrogant and full of themselves? was your current ex-boyfriend the exception that proves the incredibly unfair rule? 
when you met jongho you knew you were lucky. hot college athlete with sarcasm to match yours and a badly concealed heart of pure gold? you knew you hit the jackpot. but you weren’t ready to realize that he really was one in a million men that actually put in the effort to go beyond the bare minimum.
why is it, though? 
the question threatens to break loose all the pent-up frustration this date is generously providing you with and you opt to ignore it and hide it in the back of your mind for another occasion. one that includes cheap wine, pizza, and an equally bewildered yunjin sitting on your couch with funny socks and mouth full.
for now, you only limit yourself to throwing a fake smile at the obnoxious man sitting in front of you who’s spent the entirety of this heinous date talking exclusively about himself and his crypto-currency business. 
he’s finishing what you think is a long rant about the stock market when he moves to get up.
you think you’re finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel but he just lets out an annoying chuckle and looks at you with his small and pig-like patronizing eyes. “don’t worry, love. i’m not leaving you i’m just going to ‘powder my nose’, how you girlies say.” he winks and you resist the urge to gag at how… slimy he looks and feels.
as soon as he’s out of sight you let yourself slump on the small table, groaning a bit as you do so.
what were you even thinking? you tell yourself that today is going to be a well-suffered lesson for your future self: no dates with people that quote elon musk as if he’s some kind of greek philosopher.
your hands reach for the phone in your bag on their own. the last message you received was a sarcastic ‘have fun’ from wooyoung in the group chat but other than that everything is quiet, seemingly wanting to punish you for going against your friends’ advice to bail on the guy as soon as you saw him treat the barista like shit.
under the group chat, jongho’s name glares at you. 
you would be lying if you said out loud that this date didn’t have the sole purpose of distracting you from the claustrophobic guilt you’re feeling lately. 
jongho had never really cried in front of you but you swear if you could you’d erase the image of his damp eyes looking at you with confusion on that ugly night. and if you have to be honest you’d erase the encouraging but strained smiles he gives you now that you’re back at being friends too, because they don’t do anything but make you feel a shittier person than you already think you are. but maybe you deserve it. maybe this is finally going to be the occasion in which you understand that your actions have consequences.
your fingers work quicker than your brain can catch up, and before you realize it, you open again the conversation with jongho that ended before you went out and start typing.
> you: wyd?
> jjong: you’re on a date
> jjong: focus
> you: what is this an exam?
> you: nevermind this was a bad idea…
> jjong: texting me or the date?
> you: shut up
> you: the date 
> jjong: aw i’m sorry i could have told you that like,, an hour ago
> jjong: oh wait 
> jjong: i did!
another groan leaves your lips, only this time laced with a small chuckle at his antics. you mark the message as seen and throw your phone back into the bag. 
you hope other people can't see how much you miss him.
while you’re too focused on burning holes in the bathroom door from how hard you’re staring at it, dreading the moment it will open to reveal your current problem, in the loud noise of the cafe you don’t hear the heavy stomps of someone approaching you from behind. 
only when you feel two warm hands plant themselves on your shoulders and you hear a familiar voice muttering to itself something that sounds like ‘found you’, you’re forced out of your angry trance state and you’re asked to quickly choose between either your fight or flight instincts. you throw a blind punch and the person creeping up on you folds into two.
but that’s on him because who creeps on someone sitting alone at a table and touches them without making themselves known? what happened to ‘hello, what a coincidence to see you here’? what happened to manners?
you snap your head to the figure behind you and you let your panic subside but your annoyance rises.
“how– what are you doing here!?” your words come out in a hiss that makes the old couple sitting in the booth behind you turn around and look at you with judgy eyes but that doesn’t affect jongho in the slightest.
“saving you? duh.”
“who asked you that?!”
“what– Y/N, you texted me even before you met the guy, may i add. and the message said: ‘please end my suffering.’ in my book that’s a cry for help!”
he’s right but you let out an affronted huff anyway. arms crossed and lips in a pout you know is childish. “whatever.”
you feel him staring at you with a raised eyebrow and a smug smirk that you, oh so badly want to wipe off his face. 
“what?” you spat. your tone more embarrassed than you’d like to let on.
“what, what?”
“what the fuck are you smiling for?”
he throws his arms in the air exasperatedly. “am i not allowed to be happy now?”
“of course you are, it’s just… you being happy,” you air-quote to punctuate your suspicions on his current joyous disposition. “usually means wooyoung fell or someone got hurt.”
he laughs. “do you think so lowly of me, Y/N?”
“shut up.” the napkin you’ve been fidgeting with because of the irrational panic rising in your guts is now messily crumpled on the table and you groan at the whole situation. head in your hands and eyes closed. you’re so bad at this.
what happened to moving on? what happened to leaving jongho alone because he doesn’t deserve someone treating him like shit? you broke up with him supposedly to save him, but, not even three months in, and now that your mind is clearer you think it’s okay to want him back? to feel full again every time you talk about the things you did together and bask in the silence that follows with a warm knowing smile? you think it’s good to let your eyes wander to his face when you know he’s not looking, falling in love all over again? to feel your face involuntary stretch into a smile every time you spot him waiting for you outside work?
whatever your fucking problem is, you’re scared that you’ll come to find out its only solution is the person you fought so hard to push away. because what if you managed to scare away the last source of happiness you had? it’s selfish, you know, but it’s also the only thing you can think about as he looms over you; body so dangerously close to yours that you can catch the flowery perfume he always wears.
you think he’s speaking to you because his big hand is outstretched in your direction and his eyes are looking at you expectantly, with a veiled urgency.
“sorry, what?”
“i said get up and let’s go.”
“go where exactly?”
he rolls his eyes and you keep to yourself the striking resemblance he has with a spoiled child right at this moment.
“c’mon, we’re living this tinder nightmare here.”
“oh, are we?” you ask equal parts amused and curious of where this little skit of his is going.
when his deadpan expression doesn’t shift into one of his gummy smiles at your slightly annoying antics you know something impulsive and possibly embarrassing is about to happen and you know you will be the only person who will have any sort of unnecessary remorse out of the two of you.
your hands fly to your parted mouth and you hiss at him again. “are you serious!?”
he smiles.
“jongho, no.”
jongho yes, the mischievous look he throws you seems to proudly announce. 
he checks the toilet door one last time before gently grabbing your arm and not-so-gently yanking you out of the booth. a surprised squeal leaves your mouth but not a word of protest is heard from you.
“oh my god, i’m really doing this.”
his eyes are set on the door and he speaks without looking at you. “doing what?” 
“leaving someone like that while they’re in the bathroom! that’s so… i don’t know jjong, that’s so rude!”
you see his shoulder shake and you know if he were to face you right now you’d see one of his shit-eating grins. what you can’t imagine is the softness in his eyes as you call him with your nickname for him. he missed it. he misses you. painfully, completely, constantly.
his wide strides are followed by your frantic steps as he maneuvers the two of you out of the door and into the busy downtown street.
“so what? do you wanna go back in there and risk being bored to death by a guy that’s not even a quarter of what you deserve?”
“wha– no! i just–”
“then why should you feel sorry for that sad excuse of a date, uh? like, really, he took you to the most overrated place he could think of, Y/N. he didn’t even know you don’t like coffee!”
you chuckle at the frown of deep offense that blooms on his face. his lips in an affronted pout. “but that’s what the date is for, jjong. he couldn’t have possibly known.”
he stops in his tracks when he’s far away enough from the crowd in line waiting to be granted entrance to the place you just left. 
“i do, though.” an imperceptible strain to his voice as his eyes search yours in a way that’s almost desperate. “i know you don’t like coffee and that you like to sleep on the right side of the bed and that you just have to sing that ridiculous song to tie your shoes because otherwise, for some inexplicable reason i still have to understand, you can’t.”
has the world around you stopped? your ears are ringing from the deafening silence and you feel like everyone around you has stopped breathing and is waiting for you to say something to the boy in front of you who stares you down in determined distress.
“i know you, Y/N.”
you know he deserves an explanation. him more than anyone in your life. him more than yourself, even. jongho with his proverbial patience that let you cry and consoled you the whole night even after you’d told him you were breaking up with him. jongho that didn’t push or torment you with questions the days after. jongho who accepted —maybe in pure and raw self-preservation— to go back to being just friends, with tears in his eyes and a smile on his lips because that’s what you’d told him you needed at that moment. his kindness that, more often than not, you’re convinced you don’t deserve.
“i know.” you close on yourself, your arms coming to hug you tight so that he can’t see the cracks that constantly try to spread over your skin. “i know you do.” an imperceptible whisper that threatens to drown in the buzz of the busy city around you.
“then why?” his eyes are pleading and his voice is quiet when he speaks again. 
“i know i should give you time and i know you’ll tell me one day but please–” he gulps down a lump that you know he’s had for at least three months. one of worry, confusion, and guilt. one you know you gave him.
“–please, give me something. anything.”
“Y/N, please say someth–”
“my mother was sick, jongho. she still is.” the line you’ve dreaded crossing for so long is no longer a line. the wall that’s been standing in between you and everyone else now has a hole in it. 
“i was out of my mind just from the news of her condition, i– i wasn’t well mentally and physically just from that and i saw time slip through my fingers, felt every single second like a punch to the guts. i threw away all the clocks in my mother’s house, i started sleeping on the floor outside her bedroom, i– the week i told you i was busy with deadlines, we were still together, remember?” he nods, small but it’s there.
 “i spent those days obsessing over something that was not yet real. my brother had to slip me sleeping pills to let me close my eyes for even a second.” your voice cracks because the guilt you get from just looking at jongho always has to be added to the guilt you feel when seonghwa kindly asks you how you’re doing lately.
“i-i was a mess just from that and i didn’t want you to be with me when what i was scared of was going to finally become a reality. i didn’t want you to see me like that because i didn’t think it was what you deserved. and you may be unable to understand and yell at me that it had to be your choice and not mine but i still don’t think that what i did was wrong, i’m sorry.”
the apology floats in the air between you. it’s not articulate or rich but it’s the only one you can get out at the moment.
“my psychologist says– he says i’m doing better now. we agree that the worst is over but there’s this…  unknown that hangs over my head and every second that passes i don’t know if this guillotine will cut my head off or miss me by a hair.”
he just looks at you with that unreadable expression that scares you.
“i didn’t– i don’t want to go back to when the worst wasn’t over and i’m scared that if i give myself back to you i will take you down with me one way or the other.”
you don’t know what you expect him to say or do after you just vomited everything you’re constantly trying to keep hidden, on him, but his loud silence is starting to feel too heavy, unsettling.
he doesn’t feel present, his eyes unfocused and unblinking. 
he shakes his head as if to wake up from a trance and looks at you with eyes too full of love. no pity in them and you want to thank him for it.
“ba– Y/N why didn’t you tell me?”
the simple question throws you off. 
why did you do the things you did? 
why does anyone do things?
you want to cry and tell him that not everything has an explanation. not a logical one anyways.
“i don’t know, okay! i wasn’t sure how you felt! god, i didn’t know how i felt and–”
“how could i have ever felt!? we were together for more than a year, Y/N. i loved you. i still do.”
he lets out a chuckle that is not mocking or mean or condescending, not one you would’ve expected from anyone else. it’s kind and soft and a little bit amused, much to your irritation.  “do you find it surprising?” 
you open your mouth to say something but he beats you to it. 
“i am in love with you, have been since the moment i saw you at that stupid party and when you told me you had to break up with me i just– Y/N, i couldn’t let you go or stop loving you, even if i tried. and believe me, i did try for some time, but it just didn’t work.” 
with tears clouding your vision you’re surprised you manage to find the time or strength to tease him. “you tried?”
and apparently, it is those two words that make him break out of the containment chamber he’s forcing himself to be trapped in. he smashes through the protective glass in true jongho fashion. a well-placed punch and the chains that kept him away from you thinking that’s what you needed, dissolve into thin air as he closes the distance, messily rushing to you and caging you in a desperate hug that steals the air from your lungs. 
you feel his hands claw at the back of your shirt and it’s the heartbreaking and deep affection that allows you to accept that you’re not difficult and you will not be. not to him, not to the people that love you.
he buries his nose in your hair, breathing you in like he wants to absorb you forever, then everything that happens next goes naturally, smoothly, following a line that was always supposed to be the one and only.
it fits perfectly. when you kiss and it's like the universe, your friend group, the employees of the cafè on the way to your apartment, the old lady that sells flowers at the corner of the big building you work at, knew it was meant to be.
you both stand with your eyes closed, embracing each other.
he wants to be a person who deserves you and whom you deserve. jongho loves you and he wants to be there, picking up your pieces, putting you together like a puzzle, taking his time. 
you sniff, looking up at him with what you hope looks like a soft expression and not some sort of a pained smile. “hi.”
“hey.” he smiles back, thumbs caressing away stray tears.
“you know that i saw you sitting there the second i stepped foot into the coffee shop. 
“you did not.”
“you were reading the book upside-down.”
he blushes but his arms tightens around you.
“i was not.”
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stargirlfeyre · 1 year
“Azriel may be boring as shit but at least he never went after someone who was actively treating Feyre like shit. At least the Archeron he’s going after is actually working to fix her relationship with Feyre. Cassian went for someone who was still treating his friend like dog shit and I just can’t respect that.” ALL OF THIS
i’m always hesitant to say this bc some ppl are super sensitive when it comes to cassian for some funny reason (all the other boys are able to be criticized but not him bc he can be funny?) but part of why i don’t like him as much as azriel is because of how he went for nesta too early on, it was super premature for him to come onto her so blatantly in front of everyone even when she was mortal and he’d literally just met her, knowing how feyre was treated etc…i adore cassian when i don’t look at his character too closely. as much as i prefer feyssian over feyzriel because of her and cassian having more sweet bestie moments than her and az do, whenever there’s a discussion i’ll always choose az first because of cassian and nesta. like anon said i can’t help but put myself in feyre’s shoes when i’m reading but i don’t like that he came onto nesta the way he did and how soon he did, and he had no shame about it in front of feyre and the rest.
i know some people are super chill or they have sisters or family members that cross these lines all the time, like your friend flirting with your sister, but in my family or friend groups we don’t do that especially if a sister is really mean to me, why would i approve of my friend going for her so blatantly in front of me? it’s not so much a harsh or possessive petty thing but just basic morale? cassian imo doesn’t get enough flack for how he came onto nesta so soon. it’s true too that at least az didn’t show any signs of having a crush until acowar and acofas, i prefer someone humbly and respectfully handling a crush on my sister than how in your face cassian was about it with nesta in only book two. idk sometimes it feels like his dick thinks for him and even acosf proved that.
i prefer acowar cassian! but i also skip the pages whenever he’s acting out over nesta or they’re both being angst ridden for one another, i just can’t take it seriously bc he was obv thinking with his dick or mating bond and she was still treating everyone like they were less than her despite her being a pos who has never done anything.
idk 😮‍💨 like i said it’s so easy to love cass as a character when you don’t look at his dynamic with nesta from feyre’s shoes in book two. i imagine mainly feyre stan’s struggle with him due to his attachment to nesta so early on. that bonus chapter anon mentioned where cassian put his body up against nesta’s asking whether she was a virgin or not? he’d only recently met her and was doing that, it being too soon aside, it was very inappropriate to do. even mor made it clear that he acts that way with women when they don’t want him and see’s it as “a challenge” just 10 reasons why az and rhysand will always come off as the most mature to me.
the other reasons i don’t favor him have to do with sjm having him refer to nesta as a queen in acosf, him always showing doubt with the ic’s decisions in acosf as if he’s not apart of the ic (why did he seem so against them in acosf at times? most of the time they were right too so it was just weird for sjm to do) saying nesta didn’t need to apologize to anyone supposedly (really sjm? 💀) having sex with nesta on a hike where she was supposed to own up to her wrongs and mature after she just told feyre she could die (inappropriate timing much..?) acting funny when rhysand felt the need to tell her to be nice to gwyn and emerie when he knows damn well rhysand isn’t at the house of wind like them to know nesta’s behavior had gotten better. how the hell would rhysand know that nesta’s not being mean to him when rhysand’s only ever seen her be rude af to everyone..? and then made it even worse when he petulantly wrapped his arm around nesta to make rhysand feel uncomfortable.
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hypergamiss · 6 months
I feel so drained all the time bc I’m living in my toxic parents home. Thanks to the economy, and my binge eating issue, it’s been a struggle to save money. I get in arguments all the time with my mom, especially regarding how chill she is with my troublemaker younger siblings versus how my sister and I were raised. I don��t know what to do anymore. I’m so full of rage on how unfair things are. I listened to her two years ago when I could’ve transferred colleges, but she (and dad by extent) guilt tripped me into staying home, and wasting my money on online classes that went nowhere. Due to depression I began binge eating, it’s the only thing that makes me feel better tbh. I’ve wasted sm money, and my teeth are messed up due to all the sugar.  /: I feel stuck. I know I should be trying to move forward but I feel so depressed, no $ for therapy tho of course. I know I’ll regret it but I can’t seem to move forward. The anger keeps me in place. Could go into detail about how I wasn’t allowed to do anything in hs or even make friends, even community college I went to a super small one w no opportunities. I had sm ambition, sm drive, all feels like it’s been argued out of me. I’m tired of my words being misconstrued, of always being seen as a selfish bad person. I’m just done with it all. I want to give up sometimes, just throw my hands up and say f it, and keep binging, keep wasting $, and not caring about anything. But a tiny part of me does want to improve which is why I’m messaging you. 
Toxic family dynamics mixed with a crappy economy is a recipe for burnout. But here's the thing: you're still here, and that tiny spark wanting to improve? That's your inner warrior, not ready to give up! Try looking at things through this lens:
Your Parents are NOT the Economy: Yes, things are tough, but focusing on how they guilt-tripped you won't open a savings account. Let's ditch the blame game (for now) and focus on what YOU can control.
Binge-Eating as Rebellion: I get it. When control is taken away, we sometimes find it in destructive ways. That sugar rush is a temporary middle finger to those unfair rules. But girl, your teeth and your temple(body) deserve better!
Channel the Rage: You want to give up? Fine! But instead of giving up on yourself, give up on caring what they think! Use that anger to fuel a job search, create a hustle, literally ANYTHING that screams, "Screw you, I'm taking my life back!"
Tiny Steps > No Steps: Therapy is out of reach for now, but there are free mental health resources online. Even just journaling out that rage is better than letting it consume you. You are much stronger than you think.
"Selfish" is the New Self-Care: Remember those ambitions? It's time to be ruthlessly selfish about reclaiming them. Not the kind that harms others, but the kind that says, "My dreams matter, and I refuse to let them die here."
It won't be easy, and there may be slip-ups. But even posting this shows you're not fully down for the count. Dust yourself off, get scrappy, and use that anger to prove everyone (including yourself) wrong. You deserve better, and sometimes, the only way out is through.
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TWST Ask Game!!
2. Who is on your homescreen?
8. Is there any character who seems to follow you (i.e. they always seem to pop up when you're trying to summon someone else)?
24. Which character(s) would you get along with the most?
oooohh thank you so much for the ask!!
2. who is on your homescreen?
it’s this stray cat that keeps showing up at my house
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(i was about to take a screenshot of my homescreen but today’s ortho’s birthday, so i had to use a slightly dated one but it’s still like this jshsh)
8. is there any character who seems to follow you (i.e. they always seem to pop up when you're trying to summon someone else)?
this one is completely out of character, but it’s vil!! i have three vil ssr cards and literally only pulled for one of them intentionally (not that i’m complaining ofc, i love him)
i pulled for his birthday bloom ofc but dorm uniform came home when i went for beans floyd (right after pulling beans rook… i see you) and when i was pulling for halloween jade he made me go to 97 pity i spent three more keys and got vampire vil for my 100 key guaranteed
this worked out really well for me though bc my earliest ssrs were dorm leona and beans floyd who both have duo magic with vil (and dorm vil has his duo with leona), and they’ve established themselves as my go-to-squad
24. which character(s) would you get along with the most?
hmm that’s an interesting question and i don’t have a definitive answer for it, since i think it really depends on how i’d meet them; i think i’m the kind of person that can easily bounce off other people’s energy, even if i’m more introverted by nature, so i can be totally chill or super unhinged depending on what the other person is giving (they just have to approach me first though i’m getting better at going up to people)
ace & deuce are like your typical friend duo, they’d bully you to hell and back but if someone else would talk negatively about you or you’d find yourself in a bind they’d have your back. i can vibe with that, though when they’re about to do sth dumb, i’m wishing them good luck getting expelled while i stay home and drink coffee
trey would probably see more of me when i ask to use heartslabyul’s kitchen and i think he’s easy to get along with. sure he has a mischievous side but i can handle and reciprocate that
everyone gets along with kalim right? like in general the pop music club seem like so much fun, though they might burn through my social battery very fast
i’d try to learn as much from vil as i can and i think (or i hope) he can respect that. my personal hc is that, when whisked away from my life here without any hair and skin care products, i’d immediately turn to him and he’d help bc he sees someone who genuinely wants to improve (“pls help, i don’t know any of these ingredients and our skincare doesn’t have magic in it and also my phone is dead” energy)
ortho is cheery and outgoing enough to strike up a conversation, which immediately increases the chances of befriending each other + he’s just so cute, i’d get along with him well (especially when talking about video games)
i think silver is easy enough to get along with too, sure he nods off and has a resting bitch face but he’s a gentleman at heart and his personality doesn’t have too many edges to get cut on
honourable mention for jade bc i’d tag along on his hikes once to have some feeling of normality and i suddenly find myself in the graces of an unlikely friendship
me, a writer: hypothetically speaking, how long would it take someone to bleed out from a bite wound like that?
jade, smiling as usual: well that entirely depends on where the wound is and what organs or veins it punctures
(floyd, popping his head in: i can find out an exact time for you)
i want to befriend all of them ofc since my days would never be boring again but i understand that realistically i would not walk up to leona to start a conversation and i know that ruggie would only be interested in stealing my wallet (that only has money he can’t use). i’d develop a crush on jamil and the chances of us talking to each other drop below 0
twst ask game
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barbatos-sama · 2 months
i had a dream that was really weird and probably boring but since it was so odd in a different way than my dreams usually are i'm gonna write about it anyway lol
basically it started out as me being on. i don't wanna say it was a train, maybe like a bus but without a roof, like not closed in. but in my dream i was calling it a train. there were two or three people per seat row, and it was going really slow. we couldn't see anyone driving it, but knew we were being watched by whoever was in power. we were going through some kind of big building that was mostly grays and whites and it was understood that it was easy to get lost if you weren't on the train. it was also understood without being told that if you were to somehow fall off or leave the train something bad could happen to you, but actually we had two "lives" in a way so you could fall off the train once and be fine but if you did a second time you were out. also, the dream kinda started like in the middle of everything. kinda like tuning into a tv show in the middle, the me in the dream knew what was happening but the me witnessing this dream didn't know, if that makes sense? like i didn't question why i was there basically and already knew mostly what was going on.
i was with people that i think i knew and were my friends, but were nondescript blurry faces, not actually any irl friends. i was a weird combination of being content with being on a fun bus ride, but also anxious about the possibility of falling off (there were only small safety bars, not much protection.) at one point some unrest happened aboard and some guy started trying to harass me, and i tried switching seats and he literally got off the train and walked on the side next to it in an attempt to harass me further. everyone on the bus understood what a horrible stupid move that was, and nobody actually tried to get him back on because it was a "if hes this stupid he deserves it" moment. he could feel something approaching though and quickly tried to get back on the train super panicked, nobody could see whatever it was but we could feel it. the train actually started speeding up though making it harder for him to get back on, and he tried to actually pull someone out of their seat to take their place and i think it was a boy i liked so i was panicked, but everyone protected him from being pulled out, so the train started going so fast that we was behind us so far and eventually went out of view, so we didn't see what happened to him. the train slowed down again after that, and everything seemed more chill. the building around kind of opened up and you could see white stairways n stuff, and i understood that people were actually probably walking around this particular area, but they weren't Okay. the train stopped but we knew not to get out. a girl came up to us and sat in the empty spot the one guy had left behind. you could tell she wasn't all there though, almost like she had gone a little loopy from whatever she experienced in the building. she talked a while and made us all uncomfortable, and we came to the conclusion that the train wouldn't start moving again until she left. so some of the stronger guys on the train tried to kick her out, it was harder than we thought it would be though because she seemed to have like, that crazy cocaine strength or something. anyway we got her off and the train started going again.
it cut to us entering our rooms. it was maybe six people per room, and once again they were very white and sterilized looking. "sterilized" though isn't exactly right cause it was kinda dirty in places, i just mean sterilized in like the "it kinda looks like a hospital" way. i wasn't super stoked about our rooms but it was one of those where you just accept it because it's all you have. we had little bunks and the beds couldn't really be called beds bc they were like, bathtub material. we had tiny cabinets for our stuff, kinda like medicine cabinet sized so you couldn't fit much of anything in it. then a bunch of hangers of clothes were put in front of us and it was a first come first serve thing where we had to rush to find clothes in our size. it was stressful and i think i didn't find many clothes. there was a room attached to ours that looked like a classroom, with desks to sit at, but no teacher or real direction. i think we did some shit in the classroom but i can't remember it.
then it cut to us walking around the place, we were chaperoned there by a faceless white entity that i think was in a labcoat. we were directed to a super long hallway (so long you couldn't see the end of it) and it looked a lot more homey than the rest of the facility, the hall was still white but the doorframes were wooden which was very different. each window had shades on it and it looked like a dorms hall. we understood our job was to enter each room and take certain items for whoever was directing us, and certain things we could take for ourselves which was exciting because we had like no possessions of our own. the catch though was that it wasn't safe. we didn't See anything, but we were told there was a chance there were entities in each room and we had to get in and out quickly, and that at least two people needed to be in a room at a time. these dorms were So different than the rest of the place, they seemed like normal, homey rooms. lots of stuff, normal bedrooms with things like nicknacks and stuffed animals, things i hadn't seen in a really long time. i get the feeling these used to be the normal rooms in the facility but something bad happened and everyone who lived there had to suddenly vacate or worse. it was exciting because i yearned for stuff that reminded me of home, frustrating because i had so little time, and stressful because of the possibility of there being ghosts. we couldn't see anything that would be considered paranormal, there was just this Feeling in some rooms that felt scary. so you had to be careful not to take certain objects because it may make the ghosts mad, even though you don't know Which items those would be. the people i was saddled with to do this with weren't my friends from earlier, they were randos that weren't very considerate and kept almost leaving me, they'd be heading towards the door when i wasn't ready yet and i'd have to run after them to not be alone. some rooms we wouldn't dare go in because the energy radiating from them was just rancid, or we could see something weird through the slats in the windows like red lighting or something. some doors were scary because they had signs on them that were like "absolutely do not enter after 7pm" and there a disclaimer in tiny letters that said "in the event you do, you must stay until 7am, do not leave the room." so we didn't dare enter those. while we were doing it every now and again a guy would go into a room with rancid vibes despite us warning them not to, and they'd either never come out or if they did come out they'd be acting loopy like that one lady who had left the train.
anyway we took the train back to our rooms and it became about navigating this room despite how uncomfortable it made me, stuff like showering, shaving, and eating food i didn't like (it was mush). i interacted with my roommates more but i can't really remember a lot of it. they were mostly nice and i think we all understood that we needed to be nice if we were gonna be sharing a room for the rest of our lives. despite seemingly knowing where i was and why i was there, the rational part of my brain sometimes was kind of making theories on what must be going on, trying to understand, as if i were watching it happen rather than experiencing it. my theory was that we were prisoners who were doing tasks that were too dangerous for the instructors to do, but in a way it was also like we were in the best case scenario, like i got the feeling the outside world was destroyed or something and this was the only way we could live life, even if we were being used to perform dangerous tasks or psychological behaviorable experiments.
i can't remember what happened after that but i think the dream switched to a completely different scenario, where i was going to a school and having normal school dream problems, but then i opened the door to a hallway and the train was there, and i had to get back on again
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webslingingslasher · 2 months
last time i updated you was at the party, I think. HE INVITED ME TO A PARTY after walking me home (a longer route) AND THE BOTTLE AND STUFF BHT DIDNT SAY A WORD TO ME. He didn’t flirt at ALL, barely even spoke to me. he said hi and that was it. literally. i was SO UPSET
but turns out i have mutual friends with two of his housemates and i was PISSED so i spent all my time talking to them and didn’t let myself be alone for even a second (bc i didn’t wanna seem boring idk i was doing the most in my tipsy petty moment) and we actually bonded over a lot. ANYWAYS.
SO you know how me and hat hoodie met bc we would study for our summer exams from opening till closing? WE FINALLY FINISHED OUR EXAMS and campus was SO FUN. literally everyone was at patties etc and guess what. still. NO FLIRTING. i was sad but accepted it bc he’s very hot and things don’t usually go my way 😭
anyways so fast forward like another week and we’re at this field on campus. im gonna send you a pic privately but it’s this HUGE field. i just googled a lacrosse field and it looks similar? like it’s HUGE. a HUGEEE piece of land that looks onto our campus (it’s so pretty) and it opens up during summer and people basically camp out 24/7 once classes end. it’s rhe BESTTT vibe durint the summer like there are 837383 speakers and there’s a diff game going on in every corner of the field. and different music from each speaker but it’s somehow never overwhelming. like one corner will be playing football and the next will be playing netball and everyone always brings ice cream and stuff and you just move around to different spots all day. there’s no “friendship” groups, like everyone just mixes. it’s so fun.
anyways i went to the rap corner bc i wanted their ice lollies (my friend said they had the strawberry ones) and I didn’t see HE WAS THERE but he was and he handed me the ice lolly and our hands touched and girlll there was a SIZZLE. but I was still mad so I acted nonchalant but he started talking and i was fed up like I don’t wanna go in circles of him flirting with me then giving me absolutely nothing for a week, and then talking to me again? but I was tipsy and the ice lolly (i just realised u guys say popsicle) (omg my adhd is really showing in this ask sorry im usually more contained) anyways the ice lolly was nice and I was buzzed so my anger fizzled and we started talking. he never gave me an excuse or a reason but I was drunk so I didn’t really care. but we like cleared the air kinda
all of my friends went home a few days later but I wanted to stay until our lease ended bc i don’t like going home and if im paying rent for the whole year (until mid august) i wanna use it yk? but all of my friends are gone and campus is kinda lonely (apart from the field) without them so his friend group/housemates kinda adopted me and I hung out with them EVERY DAY. their fifth housemate went home for the summer and I stayed in his room one night (clean sheets and his room has a lock so I felt chill) (off campus houses in the uk usually don’t have locks unless u add them in) omg j i almost died knowing he was next door.
i got up to pee at 2am & at the same time he got up to get water and I swear TIL THE DAY I DIE ill believe he just heard me get up and made up an excuse but anyway. we were talking and it was so LATE AND HE LIDNDJSKSKKSSKS I WENT TO THE KITCHEN TO SEE HIM after I peed bc he looked good (shirtless and boxers) AHDBDSNS AND WE WERE TAKKINF DOR A LITTLE BIT AND ONE THING LED TO ANOTHER AND HE KISSED ME
and this was only my 3rd kiss so I was kinda shy BUT AHDHDHDSBSJS I WAS DYINGGGGG but it started getting deeper and i thought he wanted it to lead to sex and I didn’t so i pulled away and he didn’t complain or really say anything ab it and apparently it took me too long to open my eyes after so he’s been making fun of me since then bc apparently I was dazed DNDNS ANYWAYS
HE WAS SMILING SO MUCH. he ended up going home to see his sister before she goes on some camp thing so there was a break and we didn’t talk during it (kinda weird I was overthinking it sm) but he came back and we’ve been kissing & I’m still hanging out with the house (who are like my main friend group at this point) and it hasn’t led to anywhere else (we haven’t had sex) (we won’t be having sex) and IDK what he wants, if it’s just a summer thing or not. i don’t think he has feelings for me and I don’t think he’s catching them but I do think he likes me as a friend bc he rlly likes my company and is always laughing but I think he mainly just likes making out with me which im not complaining but yeah. maybe it’s just fwb for him but I am CRUSHINGGGGGG hard hard
the way i am gasped, gagged and gaping at this.
the kisses.... the SNEAKING OUT to kiss you... why is this giving secret lover..... i'm so seated.
i cannot wait for this to unfold more. AS FOR WHAT HE WANTS- idk but i'd keep feeling it out for more kissies 😚
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esta-elavaris · 1 year
hello!! i’m gonna speak plainly to you as a little friend in my phone bc a couple things happened this week and i immediately wanted to tell you so i guess that makes us friends now ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
first off! this link was shared with me and i quite literally needed to forward it to you bc i just thought it was so beautiful and made the scenes so much more personable somehow. seeing it from that vantage made it all feel that more real i suppose. but gotta be honest not sure i needed to “feel like i was there” for that last clip they used😭 (btw the link in question: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8jGnmgy/ )
secondly, after voraciously reading (and partially rereading) HWFG, i decided a rewatch of lotr was in order. so i started watching it. and i was with my mother at the time that i watched the ending of the fellowship of the ring and i began explaining all the facets of the story to her and ultimately veered into boromir as a character and we ended up having such a lengthy conversation about him bc i was trying so hard to stress his goodness!! that all he wants is the power to protect his city and his people!! and that the ring responds to this passion and tries to corrupt it and makes him seem weak to its power but it’s not weakness it’s love for something so much bigger than him and i just adore him ma’am. so after explaining this and unfortunately not turning off the film right before the orc attack . . . i then got to introduce my mother to the heartbreaking moment of boromir’s valiant death. bc obviously she had fallen for him at this point as well. now with every arrow in him i think she screamed out louder and louder but it really was a canon event in the lives of the audience of lotr so i could not interfere. anyways i think that’s it so farewell for now!! (and thanks for reigniting a passion for lotr!!)
HELLO FRIEND! Send your mum a link to the fic I will heal her 👀 I'm kidding, don't do that -- sorry, couldn't resist.
God, it's so weird how changing the orientation of the scenes makes it feel more "real", and how much of a recent phenomenon that must be - I've never seen anything like that before, or even really considered it. Thanks for the link (but also how dare you, because I also did not need to see that last clip, jeezo).
Also "and partially rereading HWFG" ma'am there are fourteen chapters I only started it two minutes ago and you are here rereading parts, I'm going to die you can't do this to my heart 😭💜
Honestly it's funny though because out of all of them, I've absolutely seen FOTR a hundred times more than the others (and I've seen the others a hell of a lot, too, so it says a lot) with the exception of the final half hour. I like to let myself that Boromir decided "nah it's not for me thanks" and just went back to chill in Rivendell or Lothlorien 'til it was all done. Is it in his character? No. Does it hurt less? Absolutely.
I really don't understand how people can hate him as a character. I know a few people who go on to me about how much they hate him every time I mention him, and I just really can't wrap my head around it. There are some characters that I adore but I can see why they're a controversial choice, but he's absolutely not one of them. A lot of the time they do it almost as a way to show their love of Faramir, without realising that like? A) Faramir would not want that, and B) Boromir was GOOD to Faramir and tried to intercede with Denethor on his behalf.
I won't write you a dissertation on this but maaaaaan. I'm glad I'm dragging you back into Boromir hell with me. It's like a different flavour of the same ice cream as Norrington hell. Bon appetit ✨
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I’m so jealous, the band didn’t stick around to meet fans on the first date in Baltimore but it seems like they’ve gone out at every single other show 😭 I’m so sad I didn’t get to meet him, there was only a couple of us waiting there but they went right to their hotel apparently!
omg, don't feel too bad - i'll give you the quick (edit: lol) rundown of my experience: NYC: I didn't know where the backstage entrance/exit was until after the show, and I was too anxious about it all/too excited to talk to some folks I met at Zorn@70 to scope out trying to meet them coming in...after the concert, Scott and Trey came over to say hi, Dave, Mike and Trevor went straight to the car.
Montclair: it fuckn rained most of the afternoon...I get the feeling they went in for soundcheck early and then never went out again before the show. I had a long, chill, lunch/dinner. I think bc the venue was smallish, and maybe security wasn't like....super serious with their briefing, AND the boys had the day off the next day, AND there was a jazz festival the same day so they had to like, walk of shame/fame over to the parking lot where the vehicles were...Mike felt comfortable enough to say hi to folks on the walk...at the place I was waiting there was literally just me and one other guy (the obvious fan) with his gf. There were also maybe a couple of people waiting on the parking lot end? But I bet not a crowd at all. (That night I was just like....laser focused on getting the belt to Mike....I think everybody in the band did some fan-greets)
Boston: I kid you not, it was just pure dumb-fuck luck that we ran into them coming into soundcheck. All I was actually doing was showing off where the tour bus was parked (that I saw on the way to the venue) and taking a walk around the block....and there they were! Security stopped us, but again, I dunno, maybe because they had the day off before, maybe because Mike was loopy as apparently he hadn't eaten all day, maybe he knew he was getting his Pig and Hip friends in a sec so he was in a good mood, but he said yes when I asked if we could come say 'hi', and security let us through. After the show, I definitely did not want to bother them again, but I was super curious what the band would do, so I hung out after the show, but back a ways - everybody except Trevor got into the car and booked it pretty soon after the show (they had to drive to Montreal). Trevor for some reason came out much later and straight up chatted with whoever was left, and no one seemed to take any selfies, so I kind of wonder if they knew him or were connected to him in some way??
So like, out of three shows, only at one of them did the band as a whole (and mike at all) come out and say hi to fans. And to be honest, if circumstances had been slightly different, it could have been 0/3. It feels a little shitty of me to have this perspective, since I did get to talk to him twice (also to be super honest, he definitely did not recognize me the second time, why would he?), but I dunno...if things were different, and I didn't get to meet him at all, I would like to think that would be ok...these old fucks have to live that tour life (asshole-tight schedules, sleeping on coffin-sized bunk beds on the bus), they really don't have to come over after the show. I will say, I was NOT lucky enough to get a whiff of that bastard, so like, can't have everything!!!
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annatazarctaz · 2 years
no one wanted him around, but here he is . . . around.
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♕ ( muse a / 26 / cis man / him/him) — did you see NOAH HAYES wandering around the island today? they kind of look like DYLAN O'BRIEN from certain angles? i heard around town that the SALES BRO is CHARISMATIC, and CONFIDENT, but also A DUMBASS, and SELFISH. people say that they remind them of A BLUE-STAINED TONGUE, A STRONG BASS THUMPING THROUGH YOUR CHEST, and THE SMELL DISGUSTINGLY EXPENSIVE COLOGNE, and BEJEWLED by TAYLOR SWIFT is definitely their theme song. they seem like a nice enough person, but we all know how hard it is to keep a pristine reputation in a small town. ( gia / 26 / est /  she/her ) 
𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕒𝕔𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕚𝕟𝕤𝕡𝕠 !!
schmidt ( new girl ), pimento ( b99 ), donkey ( shrek ), lumière ( beauty and the beast ), flynn rider ( tangled ), sokka ( atla )
𝕓𝕒𝕔𝕜𝕘𝕣𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕕 !!
so first things first, i guess we should start back at the beginning in a galaxy far, far away––except not really that far away because noah was born and raised in a shitty little trailer on kings haven island.
his parents were hippies who fell in love for one summer in mexico à la what a girl wants with amanda bynes. 
*sighs wistfully* but summer couldn’t last forever. his dad went back to california to take over the family wine grove, and his mom went crawling back to live with in with her parents on the island she so desperately wanted to escape from. 
he talked to his dad occasionally growing up, but honestly he was happy with the expensive gifts he sent him for his birthday and christmas. 
mostly, he spent his time with his grandma. she is ,,, a nut, but so much fun. she’s a sculptor, and she always let noah throw wet clay at the walls of her studio. 
he spent his entire educational career fucking around. he skipped class all the time to hook up or dick around with his friends. he managed to hide a lot of it bc his grandma isn’t exactly the type of parental figure to check his grades, but she did take his car away when he almost didn’t graduate lmao. 
he played soccer through a comp team bc they don’t have a gpa requirement. he didn’t really take it seriously, but he was pretty good at the state level. 
he had to go to summer school basically every summer, but the teachers usually didn’t mind bc he brought donuts and pizza all the time. 
he started at nyu with a soccer scholarship ( literally the only reason he got in was bc of test scores, pretty white boy priveledge, and his athleticism ), but he showed up hungover to practice too many times, so they cut him sophomore year. thankfully, lil bby boy had his estranged, guilty dad to pay his tuition. 
he graduated–barely, but he did it-and got a gig selling software, so he travels a lot and works from home.
sometimes he’s like maybe i should do something with my life and make my grandma proud, but mostly he’s like...or i can just keep visiting her and doing absolutely nothing with my life. 
𝕡𝕖𝕣𝕤𝕠𝕟𝕒𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕪 !!
he’s uuuuuuuuuhhhhhhh a big ho because hard work ?? relationships ?? rejection ?? we don’t know her here in this house.
a chronic flirt. hate him.  
but !! he’s v upfront about his intentions, or actually i guess his lack of intentions, bc his grandma would kick his ass if he played a girl just to get in her pants.
he’s really chill. it takes a lot to get under his skin bc he doesn’t give a shit about literally anything. it’s his biggest problem, honestly. 
his life motto is you can’t fail if you don’t try lmao. the apathy is strong in this one. 
he is always down to get into shenanigans of any kind, especially during work hours. 
𝕨𝕒𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕟𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟𝕤 !!
best friends: ( m, f, nb ), childhood friends: ( m, f, nb ), messy ex: ( f, nb ), fwb: ( f, nb), casual hookup ( f, nb), enemies: ( m, f, nb )
hmu OR like this and get ready to catch these loving hands.
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khodorkovskaya · 1 year
storytime: i caused a divorce
the story starts in 2019... i used to give language lessons when i was in highschool to make some pocket money and found students through facebook groups or specialised websites. when i started uni however i stopped because not only did i not have the time, but i also kinda grew out of it. i had about a dozen students and ive been teaching for 4 years, it was time to move on. so i told my students that i'll no longer be available and stopped looking for new ones. until i got a very peculiar message... little did i know, it was the start of a new friendship.
let's call him lucien for the sake of the story. now how do i even describe him to you guys?
the first time i met him was at his office for a language lesson. and he was devastated because his wife (let's call her sarah) had just left him after 10 years of marriage. she left him for another woman... (and later had a gf who had hpv??? but idk if that's the woman she left him for?) anyway, he was very sad and heartbroken.
lucien is very neurodivergent (huuuge adhd and idk if it's a joke or not but he said he's been diagnosed with schizophrenia?? but again he says random shit all the time so idk). he's somewhere on the ace spectrum and never had sex with sarah. bc (1) he's not interested in sex and (2) she's like 20 years younger than him and he felt uneasy about it. and he's also weirdly rich. i say weirdly because he's not a standard kind of rich person. he has periods where he is literally broke and has to beg sarah for money to buy instant noodles. and he has periods where he makes 6 figures in a week. and when he does have money, he doesn't keep it for very long bc he spends it all on expensive hobbies.
now let me explain his expensive hobbies to you. because he doesn't drink and doesn't do drugs (he used to do lots of drugs back in the 90s, has tried everything and a lot of his friends died from overdose yikes). but he is very passionate about his life. he spends tens of thousands on professional diving school and diving equipment, jumps out of planes for fun (with a custom parachute transported to him from lichtenstein ofc), he has all kinds of gadgets that cost more that tuition at elite american colleges, he used to spend 2k a month just to learn how to ice skate, the list goes on... it's insane. id love to tell you guys more about the guy but i can't reveal too much. but if we're chill and you follow me on insta hmu and i'll show you his profile.
so anyway, over the years we've been thru a lot together. we went to russia together, he paid for shooting lessons for me, he gave me an ak-74 once as a present and uhh yeah that was uh an experience.... when my cousin came over last summer we went for a plane ride together. and this year we've been obsessed with ice skating.
every sunday lucien, sarah, my bestie and i would go to the rink. it was my favourite part of the week! the four of us would have a blast! my bestie and lucien would skate in a pair and sarah would show me different techniques and stuff bc im a beginner skater. it was great! sarah struggles with mental health issues and she's been on and off medication, so she's been depressed and tired all this time and now she was finally looking happier and she'd come ice skating with us every time and we'd chat after skating and get coffee together, me and my bestie loved it!
then when the season came to an end lucien offered to buy me and my bestie ice skates! we couldn't be more excited! he often buys his friends presents and judging by the obscene amounts of money he spends on his hobbies and gadgets, it didn't stand out of the ordinary. the four of us went to a professional shop in lausanne and got ice skates and then we went to a museum and had so much fun, it was great! i was so happy that sarah came too bc lucien was telling me how it was a struggle for her to be on her feet all day bc she usually takes lots of naps bc of medication withdrawal. but she seemed fine and we had lots of fun together!
during the trip i briefly mentioned that i wanted to go to skating summer camp and said to my bestie that i was probably gonna save up some money and go bc it's a lot of fun.
the next day
lucien sent me 1000chf to my account with a note saying that it's for the skating camp
i was shocked ofc but decided not to say anything over messages but talk to him about it in person the following day bc we were going skating together (my bestie couldn't come cos she was working and sarah didn't come either). he said that he feels the need to support young people's willingness to do things and it's a great initiative that would be a shame for me to miss if i didn't have the money. and i was like okay that's fair and i asked him if he was coming too. and he said he wanted to make sure with me whether it was okay for him to come too bc he didn't want to be creepy. and we agreed that we'll all go together, me, lucien, sarah, and if my bestie isn't working that week we could maybe get her to come along too. he said that if it's only young people and women there, he will sleep at a hotel or at his parents' place (bc his parents have a villa in that region) to not make everyone uncomfortable. we were v excited and i was looking forward to going skating with the usual crew!
and this morning guess what! i receive a message from sarah on our family business email address (so my parents received it too), reading the following:
"id like to inform you that i find lucien's sponsoring of you unhealthy and it's turning into financial domination.
because of that, starting today i have launched a definitive divorce procedure because i don't want to be part of this triangle anymore.
kind regards,
ooooo the drama! who could've expected that!!?? and to my parents' email too? good lord!
disclaimer, im not a fake mental health advocate at all and i support all mentally ill women, especially those who display mental illness symptoms! whether you're an alcoholic and it's not a pretty sight or whether your mental health is causing you to act out messy or whatever, i will always be on your side and i will never call you "crazy" or blame you no matter what! i will defend mentally ill women till the end!
so im on sarah's side on this 100%! idk what lucien has told her and she knows him better than i (or my bestie) do. but for me it was clear that we were ALL going to skating camp. if it was for me only i wouldn't have accepted bc yeah that's weird. and lucien, no matter his neurodivergence, has full responsibility of how he spends his money. so idk what went down behind the scenes. maybe he didn't tell her and she just saw that he sent me 1k from his bank account?? whatever it is, lucien better figure shit out bc sarah has been dealing with too much already. she's sacrificed so much for him! and she can do so much better, no offence to lucien ofc, but she's drop dead gorgeous and an amazing person! im rooting for her!
and do i think she will go thru with the divorce? probably not. she's been "threatening" with divorce for a while now and i think that possibly she was having an episode or something when she sent the email. my stepmum does these kind of things. like she'll be normal and then she'll be manic and write weird emails to my mum and call her a whore and stuff. so receiving this email gave me flashbacks and tbh i can't take it seriously.
but i hope our skating group will make it out of this incident just fine. and i still really want to go to skating camp with everyone :(((
im seeing lucien tomorrow so i'll keep you guys updated!
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theinconveniencing · 1 year
forgot to tell you guys about game night friday btw. hope somebody was interested bc I’ll tell you man it was actually quite fun.
sarah suitemate and I were the only women there which was kind of weird and I was the only sober person there which was also weird but it did make it very entertaining. somebody announced that it was officially the next day (april 15) and I was like “yo it’s the anniversary of the titanic sinking” then these four guys started asking me a bunch of questions about the titanic so I spent like fifteen minutes answering all these guys’ burning questions about the titanic and how it sank etc etc and they seemed genuinely interested and it was a good time. that goes hand and hand with the time when sarah suitemate, the guy who’s definitely into me, and the bisexual guy were all organizing cards and I was explaining the chuck e cheese podcast I had just listened to to them while we cleaned up. I told this guy there that he looks like Jeff from yellowjackets and I showed him a picture and everybody was like “yeah he does” because he does and he asked me what the show was about so I said it’s about a girls soccer team who’s plane crashes in the canadian wilderness and they have to cannibalize each other. and I think he only heard the word “soccer” because he goes “oh so like ted lasso?” this same guy also spilled an entire bag of cheese it’s on the floor. we were listening to like rap music or whatever and the guy who was on aux was upstairs and fucking viva la vida by coldplay came on and we were all like “what the fuck is this man” and my friend stole aux then the music guy came back downstairs eight shots deep and was like “who the FUCK is on aux” meanwhile guy who’s definitely into me is queuing reggaeton songs. then music guy starts asking me what I listen to and I was like “probably not stuff you like” and he was like “okay bet I like everything” so I said “fall out boy” and he went “FUCK YEAH” then tried to dap me up. and when I tell you literally every single person sitting around that table was looking at him like “dude what the hell are you doing.” later in the night that same guy was giving me the fucking third degree asking me why I don’t drink like dude just ask me more about the titanic. at some point I went upstairs to put my jacket in my room and I tripped over our very inconveniently placed recycle bin and I was like “man this recycle bin, amiright?” to my roommate and she was like “yeah…….” and she absolutely thought I was drunk since it was so late for me to be out (11:30pm lol) and I’m with sarah suitemate who, if you’ll recall, my roommate reported to the school for having alcohol. anyways I talked to this guy who went to the same high school as all my friends about how his aunt was on american idol and all the toys we played with growing up and he was so chill but jeff yellowjackets kept trying to join the conversation like cmon man I’m chatting with buddha. yes his name was buddha. I also talked to guy who’s definitely into me and two other guys about the chess renaissance and guy who’s into me started talking to me about how there needs to be more women in his chess club bc feminism and I feel like that was blatant pandering since one of the jokes I’d been saying all night was just accusing the guys of being misogynists whenever they said anything even slightly rude or competitive so sarah or I. anyways yeah the night was fun and I learned how to play bs and I wasn’t even the worst player there. also there were two times when I tried to leave (bc I didn’t know how to play bs and I didn’t wanna play charades) and everybody was like “no carmen don’t go we love having you here!” and I felt very appreciated. afterwards when I was leaving for real (they were gonna play beer pong and the last thing I needed was to be around these guys while they got more drunk” sarah suitemate pulled me aside to make sure I have fun and I told her I did and she was so excited that I did since she’s been trying to get me to go for months and then she went “I’m pretty tipsy rn but I just want to tell you that I know you think that people don’t like you because you’re weird, but they do. we all really like you” and just. waugh.
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m00n-pr1sm · 2 years
Okay listing my changes if I were to rewrite morgana, somewhat canon compliant bc I think abt her. A lot. I have not been around to menace on tumblr so have this rant I wrote up a week or so ago + I wrote some extra stuff
-explore her negative feelings more, her guilt and belief that she’s a monster and also her desire for acceptance, also interesting if they incorporated that into a conquering of the social sphere (like just making her so2 lol, I do think she’s actually so2 but like making her a more obvious one, jk I don’t think she is anymore). Like I just want to see her love need explored more,, I actually really like how the crystal cave episode explores this, she’s rejected by uther as his daughter and this is what breaks her (interestingly Katie McGrath said in an interview that this was morgana’s turning point and that she genuinely believed if she has accepted she wouldn’t have gone down the path she did). I’m also watching nge (neon genesis evangelion) and the character exploration on that show is top tier, like I love deep dives into a character’s psyche. honestly just wanted to mention it bc I love it
-don’t throw away the friendship established w gwen and Merlin (okay I can understand Merlin bc he literally poisoned her lol) ,, like not just bc I’m a loud morgwen shipper but just bc they genuinely loved and cared for each other but the show throws that all away, more doubt over her choices due to the ppl she cares abt. Or at least make her turn against them feel more personal than just seeing them as obstacles to get past (like if gwen is killed she will never be queen, like dawg she was ur best friend for years).
-don’t make the entire turn of her character off screen, like if ur going to make her evil,,, actually show a good progression,, than just unwillingly “evil” and clearly shaken by the unintentional consequences of her actions to just “yeah Camelot needs to burn I need to become queen and who cares about innocent ppl”. Like you can sorta infer what happens in her time with morgause, she manipulates morgana in her poor mental state, feeding on her feelings of betrayal, pushing the idea she’s the only one she can trust all that stuff, but from a viewer standpoint it seems too sudden, like she became so intensely ruthless?
-I honestly really would’ve loved to see her have a divide, where she realizes that what morgause pushed on her, this idea of becoming queen and realizing this is not what she wanted at all. I want more internal conflict and polarity. I would’ve loved morgana having a internal crisis lol, maybe even a proper redemption arc
-a shower thought but in the dark tower episode it would’ve been so chilling if she dresses up or emulates as what she looked like in earlier season to sell the idea of “we’re friends gwen” + bc she’s more desperate for her than I am for my perfect partner and I’m sx5,,, but there’s some logistical issues and I’ve decided to stop minding her hair (Okay this one fic actually addressed the metaphorical implications of her hair in s4/5 fuck it was so good) bc I love a 4F girlboss OR just have Gwen have a vision of her (which I’ve seen done in fics AND IT’S SO COOL)
-make her even more snarky in earlier seasons I love snarky morgana
-also her sibling hood w Arthur do more than just acknowledge it a few times,,, they really should’ve kept in that scene where he asked what went wrong (the deleted dark tower scene). I do think it’s justifiable for her to resent him because she sees him as an extension of uther.
-my typology rants abt her are a whole separate spiel, anyways the world resentment was there y’all could’ve just made her a sp1 OR sx6. I also wish fi-ni sx4 was real. VELF morgana always stays winning, passive volition morgana is weird. Also sorta wish she wasn’t so2 bc SEE would’ve been cool too, but I’ll take EIEL
LOLOL old ignore all that she’s sx4 ESI IF(S)
-I just really wish she had a better through-line, like some thing that kept her arc consistent bc evaluating it as a whole it’s sorta a mess, and her motivations just feel so reduced by s5, to just I want Arthur dead lol <3, like ofc she’s not exactly in the best mental state but it feels shallow. I do wish they kept her maybe more morally gray with genuine idealism for a better world; resentment towards Camelot but still an inner conflict regarding her loved ones, all that. SHE COULD’VE BEEN A REALLY COOL SO7!!
I love her though anyways, ty for infinite brainrot
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eddiesxangel · 7 months
I Don’t Think We Are In 1986 Anymore? | Eddie Munson x Reader
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Participating in the Stranger Prompts directly from the Twilight Zone. Created by @bettyfrommars @allthingsjoeq @somnambulic-thing 🖤
Choose a prompt from the list, add in your choice of Eddie or Steve, and spin the story however you like!
Combining two prompts bc why not ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
1.He shows up at your house covered in mud in the rain, but the problem is, he died two months ago
11. You find a man hiding in your house, and he says he’s from another dimension.
cw: Mentions of Eddie's death (dw he ain't dead) and his injuries from the upsidedown.
wc: 2.3k
It had been two months since the events of Vecna ensued. There was a memorial for the friends and families of the victims who suffered the gruesome death caused by the supernatural creature. Unfortunately, Eddie Munson was still considered to be the culprit and did not get the chance to defend himself against the wrath of the people of Hawkins.
Only those who knew Eddie in the end stood at his grave site, unable to retrieve his body; they mourned the loss of their friend at an empty grave.
Eventually, life moved on, and his friends kept his spirit alive by regularly talking about him and the stories of Eddie the Banished turning into Eddie the Brave. They never would let one another forget the events of that fatal night...
You were just getting out of the shower, walking into your bedroom to get ready for your work day. It was about 6:39am. Your usually morning routine as going to plan, you were about to pick out an outfit before sitting to dry your hair.
That was before you were almost frightened half to death. A blood-curdling scream left your throat when you saw a young man covered in dirt and filth crouched in your closet.
He screamed back in return, being more scared about what was happening to him that you seemed to understand.
Eddie had gone through literal hell, and back that had left him emotionally and physically drained. He found himself waking up back in the real world, unsure of how he'd gotten there. Looking around, he realized he was in a place resembling his hometown of Hawkins, but something was off.
He was in immense pain and covered with his own blood, demobat blood and dirt… lots of it. It was caked into his skin as he looked down at himself, it looked like he went through a mud slide. His fingers were a deep earth colour and he couldn’t tell where the blood started and the dirt stopped. He could feel the dried cracked mud covering his face. It made him think about how anyone could stand those mud masks if they made your skin feel this tight and dry.
Despite the confusion, Eddie recognized where he was. He was in the trailer park, or what used to be the trailer park. It was the same plot of land where he had lived for years. The street signs confirmed this, but there were houses instead of trailers.
As he looked around, he noticed that the tree to the west, which had always been a familiar sight, had aged considerably. Its branches were bent and twisted, and its leaves had turned a dull brown colour.
Eddie couldn't help but wonder how much time had passed since he had last been in this place. He felt uneasy, unsure of what to do next. What he did know was that he needed to get his wounds patched up, take a shower, and get some food. There was no way he was going to a hospital, so he tried his luck, and the house's back door, where his uncle's trailer use to be, was unlocked.
Eddie had no clue what time it was or what day. So he risked walking into the house, look around for any signs of life and decided to enter.
As he felt a parching thirst, he walked towards the refrigerator and opened it. Inside, he saw a clear and chilled water bottle that caught his eye and immediately reached for it. He twisted the cap open and took a few big gulps, feeling the water quench his thirst and refresh his body.
As he drank the water, his eyes wandered inside the fridge, and he spotted a shiny red apple lying on the shelf. He decided to take it, as he felt a sudden pang of hunger and knew that he needed some nutrients to boost his energy levels, not really having any since Chrissy's death a few weeks ago. It was a miracle, he didn’t starve to death let alone escape the Upsidedown.
He reached for the apple and turned it around in his hand, not bothering to wash it before he took a bite, feeling the crunch of the juicy flesh and the sweet taste of the fruit. After he ravaged the apple, Eddie spotted some packed cold cuts and some cheese. He swiped those and made his way to try and find a bathroom.
Eddie didn't have much luck on the first floor as he wandered your house, so he walked up the stairs and saw your bedroom door open. Before he could look elsewhere, he heard running water being shut off and a light hum coming from what he could only assume was the bathroom. So Eddie panicked and jumped into your closet to hide.
After a few more minutes of terrified screaming, as you stood there in nothing but your bath towel, you threatened to call the police.
"Please, no, I'm not going to hurt you, I swear! I'm innocent!"
"Innocent! You broke into my home."
"I'm sorry I was so hungry, and you have no idea the month I have had." He got up, and you flinched, stepping back and gripping your towel tighter.
As the man stood, you noticed he was limping; he had dried blood smeared on his clothes and face. He looked to be in a lot of pain.
Against your better judgment, you felt sorry for him. He looked scared and helpless, not to mention dressed peculiarly. He had a bandana wrapped around his head, covering his long hair. Guys don't have that kind of long of hair nowadays. He also wore a bulky green vest over a leather jacket—odd for the summer months? and his shoes, they were vintage.
"I should call you an ambulance or something." You mumble as you try to cover as much of your body as you can.
He screamed, and you flinched again. You looked over to your dresser where your phone was sitting, wondering if you could get to it before this psycho kills you.
"I'm sorry, but no, no hospitals." He shakes his head; he looks like he might cry.
"But you're hurt!" you protest. Why? You don't know. You have an extreme empathy meter, and now you hate yourself for it.
"What day is it?" He changes the subject.
"No I mean… last I remember it was March?."
"It’s May 17th, 2024," you reiterate.
"Excuse me? I think I have dirt still in my ears. You said what now?" He chuckles uncomfortably.
"It's May."
"No, I heard that; what year is it?" He asks with a hard tone.
"Two-thousand-and-twenty-four," you sound out each syllable like it was an idiot.
"Jesus H Christ," He whispers as his doe eyes get even bigger than you thought possible.
You didn't know what to do, this guy clearly needed help and maybe a psych evaluation, but you wanted to help him. If he had wanted to murder you he would have done so already.
"What is your name?" You bravely ask.
"Eddie... uh.... Munson"
"WHAT" you scream, almost dropping your towel in shock.
"What? What's wrong? I'm innocent; I swear I didn't hurt that girl!"
"No, I know that! I know that name... But Eddie Munson died in the eighties?"
"Hate to break it to you, sweetheart, but I am, in fact, Eddie Munson and very much alive... unfortunately."
"What year were you born?" Maybe this was a coincidence? Maybe, there could be two Eddie Munsons from Hawkins, Indiana, who your father never shut the fuck up about.
"1965" He answered confidently.
"You sure about that?" you question."
"You want me to go back in time to get my birth certificate?" He still can't believe he is in the year 2024, but then again he just went through a lot of stuff he still cant wrap his head around.
"No, no, it’s just you’re very young for a 59-year-old," You giggle.
"I’m not crazy!"
He looked kinda crazy
"Ok, ok, I’m sorry." Why were you apologizing?
"What year were you born?" he asks.
"Woah." He walks over and plops himself on your vanity chair. This was too much. Eddie wanted to go home—to be clean, eat, and be with his uncle. Now, he was stuck in another dimension. The future?
You stood there and watched as the wheels in Eddie's head started to turn.
"Listen... I uh- fuck I'm absolutely insane," You mumbled to yourself. "I will let you use my shower... and I'll give you some clean clothes. I'll give you my phone to call whoever, okay?" That would be you and him sometime.
"Thank you." He signed. His shoulder dropped and he genuinely looked relieved.
You walked to your closet to get him a fresh towel and showed him to the bathroom. You also grabbed a fresh toothbrush for him. Who knows the last time he had access to a bathroom? As he stripped, you saw a very familiar, albeit ripped, logo plastered on his chest under the layers of grime.
You had to confirm with your dad what this Eddie Munson looked like. You felt like you were going crazy.
When Eddie was in the shower, you finally changed into clothes and immediately called your dad.
"Hey, Honey, what's going on?" He sounds like he was just waking up.
"I need your help!" you half scream in a whispered tone.
"Are you hurt has happened?" Your dad piped out of bed frantically.
"No, I'm okay, I need you to come here as soon as possible, its an emergency"
"Ok im coming. Do you need me to stay on the phone?"
"No, but I need you to get here as soon as possible." You bite your nail out of habit.
"Ok, ok, you're freaking me out-" You hear the jingle of keys and your mom yelling in the background "-you promise you're okay?"
"Yes, just please get here. Now," You hang up and collect Eddie's clothes and throw them into the washing machine.
Once you hang up with your dad, you call in sick to work because there is no way you're going in now. This had to be some weird fever dream. The wheels in your head were turning, and you saw Eddie emerge from the bathroom, cleaned up and no longer dark brown from being caked in blood and dirt.
Your eyes widen as you fully take in the man standing in your house. You finally recognized him; you had seen his picture plenty of times before.
"What? What is wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost?" He half smiles, and your heart swells. You can't believe what's happening, but you have to play it cool.
"Do-uh, do you need any help with uh-" You motioned to his middle; there was a nasty gash on his side; it looked irritated and swollen.
"Um, yeah, if you have any alcohol or something to clean it?"
"Ok, I should, um, you can go to my room; I left you some sweatpants that should fit and a t-shirt." You pass by him back into the bathroom to find your first aid kit.
"Uh, so I don't know if this is expired or not; let me just google how long rubbing alcohol can be opened for." you smile, picking up your phone and not giving it a second thought.
"What a Goolgle?"
This made you chuckle.
"An internet web browser," you smile, typing away.
“What’s that?” he points to your cell phone.
"A cellphone?" Maybe he was telling the truth about being from 1986?
"That’s not a cell phone." He scoffs.
"Yes it is" you giggle.
"You can call people from that thing?"
"And go online, FaceTime; it holds music, takes pictures, text, it has a flashlight, it even has a calculator." you wink.
"Face what?"
"Oh, uh. Video call… "
"Woah," Eddie was shocked.
"It can do a bunch of other stuff, but uh, let's stick to researching the life of opened-up rubbing alcohol, shall we?"
You find out that it should be safe to use, dab it on a cotton ball, and gently pat Eddie's wound, and he winces at the sting.
After a few minutes of silent concentration, you stand up with a satisfied smile.
"That should do it. Can I get you anything to eat or drink?" you motion for him to follow you, and he does as he pulls the only band shirt over his wet mop.
"Uh yeah, anything. I'll take anything." Eddie was still famished.
You get some eggs, bread, and bacon, a quick and hearty meal for him.
As the sizzle of the bacon fills the room, Eddie's stomach growls.
"It will be done soon" You smile from over your shoulder.
"Hey, um you never told me your name..."
"Oh, everyone calls me Birdie... Kinda named after my aunt." you smile.
"Nice to meet you, Birdie." He smiles, and your heart flutters a little.
Stop it right now. You scold yourself internally. What the fuck was wrong with you?
You shake off your thoughts about how attracted you are by the weird stranger sitting at your kitchen table and serve him his breakfast.
Eddie doesn't say much as he wolfs down the home-cooked meal.
"Oh god, this is so good," he moans just as you head a pounding at the door. Eddie freezes like a deer caught in headlights.
"It's not the cops, I promise." You reassure him, resting your hand on his forearm.
Before you can stand up, your dad unlocks your front door, running inside with your mom right on his tail.
"Birdie, honey!" He yells out.
"In the kitchen, Dad!"
"Dad?" Eddie looks to you.
You can no longer hold back your smile, and your dad comes running into the room, running to you, pulling you into a tight death grip of a hug, making sure you are, in fact, okay.
You lock eyes with the man sitting at your table. As your dad turns to see the not-so-stranger sitting at his daughter's kitchen table.
"Holly shit Eddie?!”
"I'm calling Uncle Steve."
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Pt. 2
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moonlightperseus · 10 months
I get that. I was kind of like "it won't be good, bit it WILL be babs" and that was almost enough for me. I tried. I just didn't succeed.
I am an hour away from finishing the Graceling audio book and I just? Cannot get myself to listen to it. I had to renew it just for AN HOUR. That's my biggest issue with audio books. But everyone's different. I understand you liking them for long drives.
I liked seeing Dinah have a mom lmao. That was literally my favorite part I don't even remember what else happened.
That's fine I haven't continued bombshells. We're in this together 💔 I'm glad you're enjoying the others though!! I forgot actually that I was going to look into buying my brother a zatanna comic for Christmas. So thank you for accidentally reminding me.
I went to them a lot when I was little because all of my big siblings were super into them but then I stopped for a while and only wanted to go this year for art I didn't buy. They ARE fun but also yeah I spent like a solid 4 hours too overwhelmed and just not wanting to be there.
And I DID draw her. I hate it, because I'm not good at what I do. But the cosplayer did lead to me drawing a Dinah and posting her on my silly little art account.
The delay is fine dw. We're equally bad at being timely it seems.
I will just add a quick note though: I was scrolling through Amazon and saw leverage and I ALMOST watched it because of you. (until I remembered that I am a disaster and cannot sit through a single episode of anything and it was a lost cause)
i would like to apologize because it has been basically 2 weeks since i received this ask. i apologize. i have been busy and tired 😔
oh yeah i def have a harder time remembering to read audiobooks when i’m just chilling at home. it’s like. yeah i could put my headphones on and listen while i do chore stuff but that requires me to motivate myself to do said chore stuff 😭 sometimes i’ll listen to audiobooks when i’m alone at work (sometimes it’s a little hard when dogs are barking) or when i go on a walk with my dog and that’s been helping me with reading outside of just long car rides.
i think i started the annual of injustice2 before i went on my unintentional comic break (had a friends wedding and just Life happening) but i need to actually commit to continuing my read. for a little bit before my break i had started on some of the old dc/marvel amalgam comic specials because i think the concept of mashing characters together, especially from different comic universes, is really fun.
oh!! so i was away at the beach for my friends wedding (wild that i am old enough that the friends my age are getting married.) but while we were there my family went to a flea market and i found some of the old guard tales through time comics for 2$ each and i bought three of them. i haven’t cracked any of them open or even taken them out of their plastic sleeves yet but i’m proud of myself for getting them bc they are used (though in pretty good condition) i’m not a fan of the traditional tog comic art but, at least for the one joenicky one, the art is a lot more my speed. and i got the andy and nile cover ones too because. women.
i think i would like to go to a comic con eventually. at some point. a smaller con though probably.
if you ever feel like sharing i would love to see ur art/art account!!
omg i love that you associate me w leverage. i do LOVE that show and heavily recommend it to anyone seeking out a new show but i completely understand you not seeking out a show rn! (if u ever do feel like checking it out i would love to hear ur thoughts but no pressure)
hope you have been doing well in these past two weeks and i promise i will try to not unintentionally ghost you again for two weeks i really kept meaning to reply to this ask but also kept forgetting 😔
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