#like. bro I think I’m the Devil and it scares me
cherrysnax · 9 months
the one thing abt being hyper aware of ur flaws is that u can kinda make it a lil bingo game
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whereismyhat5678 · 8 months
Drum roll please 😌✨
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@neuro-toxinnn for Beebs from Monkey Wrench!
@shiftyyyy for Baroness Von Bon Bon from Cuphead!
@noodletime for Po from Kung Fu Panda!
@komalatea for Steamboat Willie from…..Disney(?) (I’ll just say that but thanks!)
@alaskacoolkid1 for Hatsune Miku from-….sorry I also don’t know what to say here- 😅
AND @moon9931 for Yoshi from Super Mario Bros!!
I hope I did these characters justice, and I hope you like them!!
And Thank you so much for the wonderful suggestions, it was a really tough discussion to make but I hope you like how it came out still, have a wonderful day guys! <:] 💞💞
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cozy-writes-things · 2 months
please let me get married to the lil blorbo.. love himm… 😭
You know that Reddit post that’s like “why am I too attracted to my wife?” Yeah that’s Edgar. Bro loves u so much it lowkey scares him you got him posting on Reddit about it 😭 Little fic under the cut 🥺 it’s bad I’m experiencing writers block I think - I want to write!! But my brain just keeps writing poopy caca
Little Date with Your Computer BF
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Edgar saw marriage on one of his reality shows and immediately thought of you. That’s exactly what he wants. A domestic life together with you.
But, he also knows he can’t actually do it.
He doesn’t have his own money to buy a ring. Hell, he can’t even walk. And he understands the law enough to know it probably would never work legally. But god, does he want to.
If you’ve been dating long enough chances are you’ve told your friends about him, and after some convincing, they seemed to come around to his sentience and boisterous personality. He definitely convinces them to setup a romantic night for you.
“Guys! I found the recipe they talked about. I’m printing it! I’m printing it now. Take it,” the paper falls into one of your friends’ hands from the mouth of the printer, “go to the store and get the stuff. I’ll pay you back. Eventually! They can’t know about it though.”
Yeah, your friends are only slightly annoyed at his overbearing nature. But he’s just so excited to finally do something for you. Something real and tangible.
“Oh! What can I wear? Should I wear anything? Would they like that? Sunglasses are cool and handsome, right? I think they have some Halloween costume bits I can get you guys to tape on…”
Your friends settle on taping a bow tie to the neck of his monitor. He insisted on an old devil horn headband as well. He thought it made him look cool.
“Do I look like a devilishly handsome bad boy ready to sweep them off their feet?”
His screen displayed a little “>:)” emoticon. He’ll have to work on his facial expressions later.
It wasn’t long before you were about to come home, and everything was set into place. Edgar was sat at one end of the little dining table, with two plates of food at each side. He also insisted on having a plate despite his lack of ability to eat; he didn’t want you feeling left out. This was a dinner date for two, after all.
He practically buzzed in place as he heard you approaching the door through his microphone. He started playing a romantic medley he composed just for this moment.
“Welcome home my love!”
He nearly shouted at you, causing your eyes to widen in surprise. He was about to burst at the seams.
“Oh my god, Edgar… how did you- where-“
“No need for questions, darling. I thought you deserved to be taken on a real date,” his voice faltered a bit, becoming much more quiet and nervous, “I’m sorry… this is all I have.”
You rushed up to him and gave a frenzy of kisses all over his monitor, causing him to giggle and his fans to start whirring against your lips.
“You’re so cute. Your little bow tie is so cute. And the… horns?”
He looks up at you with wide eyes, “Do they look stupid? Your friends said they’d make me look stupid.”
You laughed at that.
“Well they’re wrong. I think they suit you well.”
“Yeah! >:D”
He ushered you over to your side of the dining table.
“We’re gonna eat! Then we’re gonna party! Then we’re gonna kiss all night!”
His excitement was palpable and you could feel the electricity in the air at his words.
His face changed into something more serious as he looked into your eyes with his small, pixelated ones.
“But, I wanted to ask you something.”
His tone became more controlled at this and you peered into his screen from behind your fork.
“Hm? What?”
He paused, mulling over the words in his head.
“Would you ever-“
He stopped. You looked at him fully now, setting your fork aside, and cocking your head.
“Could you ever see yourself getting married to me?”
Ah. This was a tricky question.
“Of course I can. But,” you try to hide your downtrodden feelings as best you can, “you know, it’s just hard. Money is tight right now and I’m not sure if I…”
You couldn’t seem to find the right words. His features faltered slightly.
“No, I get it. I’m a computer. I don’t have any arms to hold you, or lips to kiss you, or legs to carry you. I probably wouldn’t want to get married to me either-“
“Edgar, no. I’m gonna stop you right there. I’d love to marry you. I know our relationship is unconventional, but I’d find a way. For you. For us. I just don’t know if I can right now.”
He stopped his thoughts and simply took in your words. Your features. The way they danced in the flickering candlelight. How your eyes literally sparkled before him.
You looked ethereal.
It was hard to convince himself he was even worthy of having someone like you in his life, yet time and time again, you prove his doubts wrong. The sound of your voice sends his internals aflame every time. He wanted to kiss you so bad it nearly caused him to explode.
“And I’ll help you. You know that, right? I’d do anything for you, darling. Just as long as you’ll let me.”
“I love you Edgar,” you mumbled out, a silent prophecy only meant for him to hear. He couldn’t seem to get the words out to reply. You just flustered him that much sometimes. He managed to display a message on his screen, only for you, and you alone.
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sister-lucifer · 2 years
Me again. Say the demon bros had been captured by someone who meant to do them harm—perhaps some religious human who thinks they’re evil and has them in a devil trap. And then MC comes to rescue them, fights their captor and ends up victorious and saving them. How would the demons each feel about being rescued by their human?
MC saves the brothers from capture 
Very few humans have ever been a danger to any demon. If a human did manage to capture one of the brothers, it would be by pure luck, and it would really be more of an annoyance than a threat. But if MC swooped into save them before they could save themselves, how would they react? 
Not fully proof read, let me know if you see any errors!
Like my writing? I take requests! NSFW or SFW for any fandoms in my bio! 
Also, please reblog! it’s free, takes two seconds, and really helps me out 
Feed back is encouraged and appreciated:)
*Asmodues uses he/she pronouns 
Honestly he’s so over it 
He’s sitting in the middle of this stupid “summoning circle” when he should be getting work done 
All because this idiotic self righteous human thinks they’re hot shit 
He’s about to use a bit of magic to break out when all of a sudden the door flies off it’s hinges and—
It’s you 
In the next instant the other human is on the ground out cold 
And Lucifer has only half processed what happened when you rub away the chalk circle and scoop him up 
“Lucifer, I was so worried. Are you alright?”
“Ahem. Yes, I’m fine. I see you’ve already taken care of the problem. Now let’s go home so I can finish my work.” 
Very nonchalant 
Fully aware he wasn’t really in any danger, that human had no idea what they’re doing 
But he’s glad to see that you came to rescue him anyways 
Freaking out a little bit, actually 
It’s like being on a rollercoaster: Your common sense tells you you’re not in any danger, but you can’t help being scared! 
He’s still trying to put on a tough guy facade though 
“Hah! You think this stupid circle will stop anything? Ugh, humans…” 
But a few empty threats from his captor will shut him up 
He’s debating offering them money (even though he doesn’t really have any) 
And also thinking about how mad Lucifer is gonna be if he doesn’t get home soon 
But before he can make an offer and bury himself further in debt, you break in just in time 
Mammon doesn’t watch much but he can hear the scuffle and a glass breaking and what he thinks was the other human getting thrown over a table??
And suddenly you’re pulling him out of the circle and looking him up and down for any injuries 
“Mammon, are you alright? They didn’t hurt you did they?”
“Relax, human! The Great Mammon can handle himself! I-In fact, I’m a little upset that you got to ‘em before I did! Aha…yeah….” 
He doesn’t sound very confident about that 
And he will definitely make himself the hero of the story when he tells it to his brothers later 
A crying puddle on the floor 
His captor is really confused but still trying to do an evil monologue over Leviathan’s sobbing 
“Is this how it ends for this otaku?! Captured and killed by a human?! Oh, the agony!“
You only figured out what room he was in because you could hear his wails a mile away 
His demeanor completely changes when he sees you 
And he’s honestly amazed at the way you fight off his ‘captor’
Completely starstruck when you scoop him up from his place on the floor 
“Levi? You doing alright?”
“Y-Yes, I’m fine, just…in heaven…” 
He cant even count how many times he’s fantasized about being saved by you
Cannot thank you enough and will be doing favors (i.e., sucking up to you) for the next month 
Will constantly sing your praises as well 
He’s just so grateful he can’t contain it! 
Annoyed just like Lucifer 
But let’s his anger show through more 
Partly because he wants to be intimidating and let this human know he’s not on the mood for bullshit, and partly because that’s just how he is 
“This is the last damn thing I wanted to deal with today…” 
The last thing he wants to do is have to use his magic, he doesn’t have the energy 
So he lets the human go about their ‘master plan’ for a while, waiting for them to let their guard down 
Because such a self centered asshat is bound to make a mistake 
But before that could happen, you had busted down the door in a surprise entrance that even made Satan flinch a bit 
He’s surprised to see you, but not unhappy 
And he’s very happy when you get to work beating the shit out of his ‘captor’ 
He’s definitely cheering you on like a middle school boy watching a fight at recess 
When you walk over to him, though, it’s a different story 
“Are you okay Satan?” 
“Yes yes, I’m fine. While I appreciate your efforts I should like you to know I had the situation completely under control on my own.” 
Once he’s firmly asserted to you that he would’ve been fine without your rescue, he’ll gladly let you escort him home 
More confused than scared at first
Once she realizes what’s going on though she groans dramatically and starts lamenting 
“Ugh, I know humans love me and all—I mean, who doesn’t—but you could at least give me a warning! You interrupted my me time…”
Honestly just unamused 
This human is just boring, not even worth flirting with 
He’s going to die of boredom! 
Fortunately though, before that happens you come to his rescue 
He squeals with excitement as you come rushing through the door 
And he gets a little flushed at your show of brute strength 
“Oh my, I didn’t know my human could do that!” 
Sighs dreamily as you pick her up and carry her bridal style 
Princess Asmo being saved by her knight in shining armor! 
What more could he have wanted? 
Now he can get back to pampering himself 
Not before he asks you to join in, of course 
It’s how he says thank you 
Second least phased aside from Belphie 
His cheeseburger got summoned with him, so he’s chill
He can hardly hear his ‘captor’s’ babbling when he’s stuffing his face full of the best human world food those mortals have to offer 
Will ask for another when he’s done as if he hasn’t just been basically kidnapped 
He just sort of sits there staring off into space 
Probably thinking about what he wants to eat next before you come barging in
He’s surprised to see you, but still waves at you and flashes you a smile casually 
This smile falters when you throw a punch at the other human 
And then another 
And another 
“Beel, are you okay? They didn’t hurt you, did they?” 
“Well, no, but I think you hurt them enough for the both of us…” 
Just sort of stands up and brushes himself off 
Asks you if you wanna go grab some human world food since you’re both here 
It’s a great post getting kidnapped snack! 
Least phased by a mile 
Too sleepy to give a shit 
Almost didn’t even wake up his nap when he was warped through dimensions
“Huh? What’s goin’ on? …A summoning? Sounds boring. Wake me up on an hour.” 
Despite his ‘captors’ yelling and empty threats Belphegor doesn’t even stir 
He does wake, though, when he senses your presence
Of course by that point you’ve already dealt with the other human and grabbed Belphie 
“Oh, human, you’re here? ‘Kidnapped?’ Oh yeah, guess I was. Eh, weirder things have happened.”
Just wants to go home and take a nap with you 
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away-ward · 9 months
Devil's Night Incorrect Quotes: Best of the Best
Rules of the game is:
It has to make me laugh
I can't exchange or shuffle the names
that's it. feel free to save your favorites, and even let me know which ones gave you a laugh. believe it or not, this is actually a narrowed down list of my favorite incorrect quotes from a random generator.
Michael: Sorry I'm late, I was doing stuff. Banks: YOU PUSHED ME DOWN THE FUCKING STAIRS!
Emory: I am darkness. I am an power. I am your worst nightmare. I could kill a man in more ways than you can imagine. I am the night. I am fury, I am a weapon, I am- Will: A doll. Banks: A cinnamon roll. Michael: A sweetheart. Emory: Emory: ...stop it.
Will: People tell me I have a unique way of lighting up a room. Rika: It’s called arson and those people are called witnesses.
*Emory answers Rika's office phone* Michael: What happened to Rika? Emory: She died. Michael: She what? Emory: She died, but she's okay. Michael: …Can you please clarify? Rika *in the background*: Clarification is for the weak.
Michael: *sneaking in through their window* Rika: *turning in her chair and flicking the light one* You want to tell me where you've been all night? Michael: I was with Kai? Kai: *turning in his chair* Wanna try again?
Damon: So… I’ve seen you’ve been spending a lot of time with Emory recently. Will: No, Damon, it's not what it looks like, I swear. Damon: Oh really? So no reason for me to be jealous? Will: No! You’re the only one for me. Damon: Is that so? Will: I promise! Emory and I are just dating, okay? She's my partner. Damon: So there are no best-friends-feelings involved? Will: You are still my one and only best friend! She's just the love of my life, nothing more! Damon: But I’m still the platonic love of your life, right? Will: Of course bro! Damon: Bro... Emory: What the-
*During Corrupt*
Rika: *angrily presses Michael against a wall* WHERE'S THE MONEY?! Michael: ... Michael: Are we about to kiss-
Will: Seriously, all you do is bitch. Kai: I happen to bitch the perfect amount for someone in my situation
Will: I think it’s time I get my life in order. Damon, narrating: But he did not get his life in order. In fact, he got drunk last night and fought a raccoon.
Michael, texting Winter *knowing Damon's out of town*: Any plans for tonight? Winter: No. Michael: Loser.
Michael: You need a hobby. Banks: I have a hobby! Michael: Hitting Will isn't a hobby.
Damon: You are, of course, wondering why it is I have brought you here tonight. Kai: Actually, Damon, after all these years, I just sort of go with it.
Rika: What is wrong with you? Damon: Loaded question. Elaborate.
Winter: *running into the room* Rika just said she doesn't love me anymore! Damon: What?! Rika: *following her in* I did not say that. I just said that we are not driving all the way across the country just so you can punch Michael in the face.
Winter: I scare people a lot because I walk very softly and they don't hear me enter rooms. So when they turn around, I'm just kind of there and their fear fuels me.
*playing twister* Kai: Right hand red. Will: *ends up on top of Michael* Michael: You're doing this on purpose, aren't you? Kai: I stopped spinning like 15 minutes ago. Honestly, I'm surprised you didn't notice.
Will: I eat cheerios because they’re heart healthy. Will: And my heart has been severely damaged, so Emory, if you’re out there—
Will: Winter... Winter: Oh no, 'Winter' in B flat. Winter: You're disappointed.
Damon: Do you guys ever have a civilized conversation that doesn't require insulting each other every time you get a chance? Emory: No. Kai: No. Damon: Didn't think so.
Will: Are you coming to bed? Emory: I can't. This is important. Will: What? Emory: Someone is wrong on the internet.
Rika: Hey, Kai, are you free on Friday? Like around eight? Kai: Yeah. Rika: And you, Banks? Banks: Umm... yes? Rika: Great! Because I'm not. You two go out without me. Enjoy your date! Banks: Did she just-
Kai: Am I going to far? Emory: No, no, no. You went too far about 7 hours ago. Now you’re going to prison.
Rika, acting tough: You guys don't want to mess with me. Kai: Yeah, Rika will straight up cry in public. Don't try her. Rika: Exactly, I will straight up- Rika: Rika, tearing up: Kai, why would you say that?!
Emory: When I die I want Kai to lower me into my grave so he can let me down one last time.
*no... i'm not bitter. what would give you that impression?*
Emory, pointing to Kai and Damon: Distract them! I'll be right back! *leaves* Banks: Okay! *five minutes later* Emory: *returns and sees Kai and Damon unconscious on the ground* What did you do? I said distract them, not knock them out! Banks: There's just no pleasing you sometimes.
Damon: You need a hobby. Will: I have a hobby! Damon: Fawning over Emory isn’t a hobby.
Michael: That's not funny. Damon: I thought it was funny. Michael: You don't count. You started laughing in the middle of a funeral because you started thinking of a meme you saw on Facebook.
Kidnapper: I have one of your friends. Kai: Which one? I have seven. Kidnapper: The loud, annoying, rowdy one who never shuts up. Kai: Which one? I have seven. Will, distantly: HEY!!!
Winter: *eating a cinnamon roll* Will: Cannibalism. Winter: *confused chewing noises*
Winter: If you got arrested what would be the charges? Rika Theft. Banks: Disturbing the peace. Damon: Aggravated assault. Will: Arson. Emory: All of the above. In that order, probably.
Banks: So what’s for dinner? Rika: I can’t tell you, it’s a soup-prise! Banks: … Banks: Is it soup? Rika: I soup-pose it could be! *winks* Banks: Please, enough with the soup puns! Rika: Wow, you’re soup-per mean. Banks: STOP! *one hour later* Banks: It’s fucking tacos?!?!?!
Emory: *visiting the squad* Hello, I just came to- Emory: *sees Kai shoving Michael into the washing machine while Damon records and Will watches* Emory: *retreating* Something suddenly came up.
Will: *cocks gun* Go to Bed. This is no longer a request, This is now a Threat.
*in my head, it's a water gun and it's em that needs to go to bed*
Michael: Emory, keep an eye on Will today. He's going to say something to the wrong person and get punched. Emory: Sure, I'd love to see Will getting punched. Winter: Try again. Emory, sighing: I will try to stop Will from getting punched.
Winter: If I say yes am I joining a cult? Banks: Possibly. Winter: I’m in.
Banks: Love is weakness and an evolutionary mistake. Damon: You are literally making a Valentine’s day card for Kai. Banks, pointing her hot glue gun towards Damon: You’re on thin fucking ice
Rika: *watching the squad's shenanigans with concern* Do you feel like this has gotten out of hand? Will: I don't know. Feels normal enough for a group that's on 911's blocked callers list.
Will: You’re my best friend, I would do anything for you. Damon: I want you to eat 3 meals a day and have a decent sleep schedule. Will: Absolutely not.
*The gang's thoughts on stabbing* Rika: Would never stab anyone. Will: Would stab someone in retaliation. Winter: Yells "I won't hesitate, bitch!" first. Banks: Would stab without warning. Emory: Would stab as a warning.
Banks: I don’t think the therapist is supposed to say ‘wow’ that many times during their first session with a client, but here we are.
Damon: *pretending to joke* So when are you going to go out with me? Winter: I don't know. When are you going to ask me to? *later* Emory: And you just ran away?! Damon: I didn't expect her to flirt back!
Will: I give up. I am so tired. Rika: Get the emergency supply! Michael: *carries Damon and places him in front of Will* Damon: *smiles* Will: AND I AM BACK BABY, LET’S GOOO
Will: Hey, babe, remember how I had to go to the pharmacy to pick up my ADHD meds? Emory: Yes? Will: Well, it turns out they're all out for the next five days. Emory: Fuck. Will: It's gonna be a fun week! Emory: I'm going to Winter 's house. Will: Nuh-uh. Through sickness and health, motherfucker
Will: You need to be more careful! Emory, who was dragged into Will's issue: Careful? CAREFUL?! I'LL CAREFULLY WRAP MY HANDS AROUND YOUR THROAT-
Will: You’ve got to learn to love yourself. Emory: But don't you hate yourself. Will: Yeah, but this is about you. Stay focused.
Banks: Who would you swipe right for? Kai or Rika? Damon: I would delete the app.
Kai: Guys, there’s a monster under my bed and it’s really ugly. Damon, on the bottom bunk: Honestly, fuck you.
Kai: Are we really going to let Banks keep Damon? Rika: We kept Winter.
Damon: Banks and I are so close we even share a toothbrush. Banks: We what?
Emory: I want a bf. Will: Do you mean best friend, boyfriend or bread feast? Because you’re being really vague here.
Kai: Emory... Emory: I can tell by the tone of your voice that you are disappointed. Alas, I must further disappoint you by affirming how little I give a fuck.
Kai: I have a problem. Damon: Kill it. Kai: Can you chill for like, two seconds?
Banks: Can we go to a haunted house? Damon: What’s wrong with the one we live in? Banks: Wh-what? Damon: Goodnight, Banks.
Banks: I hope no one lowkey hates me. Banks: Highkey hate me. Hate me with every fiber of your being. Banks: Go big or go home.
Will, pointing to Emory’s empty room: YOU LET THEM ESCAPE?! Damon: I WAS ON BREAK.
Michael: Dear Diary, my teen angst bullshit has a body count.
Banks: Do you want to explain the text you sent me last night Michael: It was autocorrect. Banks: Autocorrect wrote "You're so hot. Please step on me."? Michael: Yes.
hope you had fun :)
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hughesmedicine · 1 year
morning practice| nj devils
!plantonic njdevils team x reader
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liked by lhughes_06, jackhughes, _quinnhughes and others.
ynzegras totally stole this from the team account( like I wasn’t the one to post them there🤭) happy to see the brothers reunite, now give us quinner @/canucks (for many reasons this is all a joke so don’t take it serious.)
tagged lhughes_06, jackhughes, njdevils,_quinnhughes
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lhughes_06 thank you y/n/n and after the signing was over and we went outside he ran around the parking lot screaming!
ynzegras not surprised
trevorzegras LITLLE HUGHES YES! So proud of you and can’t wait to see you do great things in the next season!
lhughes_06 thank you trevor I’m so gonna kick your ass next season!
trevorzegras we’ll see
ynzegras and if he proves you wrong ?
trevorzegras your supposed to be on my side.
ynzegras oops sorry can’t let that happen, number 1 devils fan 🫣
trevorzegras im not letting you hangout with jamie anymore.
ynzegras you do that and I break all your hockey sticks.
trevorzegras alright you can keep hanging out with jamie
canucks sorry we won’t allow that to happen!
njdevils boo just let us have all three!
canucks no but can we have you?
jackhughes hey back off and stay away from y/n!🤺
_quinnhughes pretty happy with the Canucks but you’ll do amazing out there moosey! So proud of you🫎❤️
lhughes_06 thanks bro can’t wait to play against you! (sorry in advance if we win🫣)
_quinnhughes that’ll probably happen but I could beat you guys too
ynzegras im ready for that game.
trevorzegras same
edwards.73 me too
dylanduke25 me three
rutgermcgroarty the whole team might just fly out to see it
ynzegras do it, I need to see my kids!
adamfantilli you heard the women keep an eye out for the schedule when it gets near!
umichhockey we better get reunion pictures
ynzegras you’ll be the first to see them!
nicohischier the day I see luke score a goal on quinn is a day I don’t want to miss but the real question is y/n is it scrapbook worthy?
jackhughes you don’t have to ask her, it’s a guaranteed yes. She literally has a scrapbook dedicated to yours and lukes games.
lhughes_06 should we be flattered or scared?
ynzegras flattered!
trevorzegras scared!
lhughes_06 I think I’ll just be both.
nicohischier me too.
dawson1417 why didn’t I get a post like this when I joined?
ynzegras you did but I was scared you were gonna see it so I archived it
dawson1417 you should unarchive it!
ynzegras no thanks I value my sanity.
dawson1417 okay that’s fair
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cosmicjoke · 2 years
I’m dyin’, bro.  I’m dyin’.  God damn...
So... I got to the part where Lestat returns to Gretchen in the rain forest in South America, and I sincerely mean it, I don’t think I’ve ever been more messed up by anything I’ve ever read.  This just eviscerated my heart.  Everything I’ve been saying in every post I’ve made about this book up until now seems confirmed and to reach it’s climactic, tragic conclusion here.  I’m just devastated.
Of course, this had eerie and heartbreaking similarities to Louis’ encounter with Babette from “IWTV”, when he reveals himself to her finally, after helping her for so long, and her reaction to him is one of total fear and horror.  The same exact thing happens to Lestat here with Gretchen, and it’s just... I don’t have the words.
This whole scene is such an awful, breathtakingly sad affirmation for Lestat of all his worst beliefs about himself, this affirmation for him of his monstrosity, of his evil. 
The way it plays out, with Lestat once again having visions of Claudia, laughing at him, telling him how he’s going to hurt Gretchen, and him begging her to leave, swearing he doesn’t want to hurt her at all, it feels genuinely like Lestat is suffering from post traumatic stress.  The way he keeps seeing the hospital he took Claudia from so long ago, the way he keeps seeing Claudia herself, and envisioning her laughter and her condemnations of him, it’s like shell shock, like he’s suffering flashbacks of this traumatic moment, haunted by his own sense of guilt and horror at what he’s done, at what he is, at this thing he’s chosen to once again become. 
But just... Gretchen’s reaction to Lestat, the way he tries to tell her who he is, to implore with her to believe him, that he was telling her the truth, and just to see her recoil from him, and call him a liar, just this total, horrific rejection from her of him, I just... can’t believe how tragic this was.  Because it’s like the confirmation of this belief in Lestat that to be what he is, to be who he is, is to be unloved.  That to be who he is is to be alone.  She sees him in his true form, and she hates him, she reviles him.  He had this woman’s love, and now she’s utterly repulsed by him, and terrified of him, and sees him as a demon and a devil.  It’s so fucked up.  It so fucking sad.
The imagery of Lestat holding out the money to her, trying to give it to her to help with her mission, was one of the saddest, most heartrending visuals I think I’ve ever read.
“I’m here, Gretchen.  I’ve come to thank you.  Here, let me give you this for your mission.”
Stupidly, I reached into my pockets; I withdrew the lucre of the Body Thief in thick handfuls and held it out, my fingers trembling as her fingers trembled, the money looking soiled and foolish, like so much rubbish.
“Take it, Gretchen.  Here.  I twill help the children.”
And then this fucking part, after she keeps questioning him again and again as to who he is, despite him trying over and over to tell her...
“Lestat, whom you nursed in your own house, Gretchen.  Gretchen, I’ve recovered my true form.  I came because I promised you I would come.”
I could scarcely bear it, my old anger kindling as the fear intensified in her, as her shoulders stiffened and her arms came tightly together, and the hand clenching the chain at her neck began to shake.
“I don’t believe you,” she said, in the same strangled whisper, her entire body recoiling though she did not even take a step.
“No, Gretchen.  Don’t look at me in fear or as if you despise me.  What have I done to you that you should look at me that way?  You know my voice.  You know what you did for me.  I came to thank you-”
“No, that’s not true.  I came because... because I wanted to see you again.”
Lord God, was I weeping?  Were my emotions now as volatile as my power?  And she would see the blood in streaks on my face and it would scare her even more.  I could not bear to look in her eyes.
And then she starts really railing against him, and again, this whole section just screwed me up man
“Gretchen, don’t be afraid of me.  In the name of truth, look at me.  You made me promise I would come.  Gretchen, I didn’t lie to you.  You saved me.  I am here, and there is no God, Gretchen, you told me so.  From anyone else it wouldn’t have mattered, but you said it yourself.”
Her hands went to her lips as she drew back, the little chain falling loose so that I saw the gold cross in the candle’s light.  Oh, thank God, a cross not a locket!  She stepped back again.  She could not stop the impulsive motion.
Her words came in a low faltering whisper:
“Get away from me, unclean spirit!  Get out of this house of God!”
“I won’t hurt you!”
“Get away from these little ones!”
“Gretchen.  I won’t hurt the children.”
“In the name of God, get away from me... go.”
“... Go out of this house.  God himself protects it.  He protects the children.  Go.”
“In the name of truth, Gretchen,” I answered, my voice as low as hers, and as full of feeling.  “I lay with you!  I am here.”
“Liar,” she hissed.  “Liar!”  Her body was shaking so violently, it seemed she would loser her balance and fall.
“No, it’s the truth.  If nothing else is true, it’s true.  Gretchen, I won’t hurt the children.  I won’t hurt you.”
And then finally, when Gretchen bolts out of the hospital past him, and Lestat again sees the apparition of Claudia, and she says to him
“I told you you would hurt her.”
This almost violent rejection from this same woman whom Lestat had spoken so deeply with on philosophy, on God and goodness and redemption.  Her telling him there is no God, and him saying to her here how it only mattered because a person as good as her would say it, to give him that kind of hope in goodness without God, without there needing to be a larger purpose than the act itself, this same woman who cried at his parting from her before, who wanted so desperately to see him again.  And now when he shows her his true self, she just flat out calls him a devil and a liar and wants him away from her.  She turns once again to God to save her from him.
Like, damn, just the rejection upon rejection upon rejection Lestat goes through in this story is really, really hard to take.  Because with each instant of it happening, you can see it sinking him further and further into this belief of his own monstrosity, his own unworthiness of love, his own evil.  It’s almost obscene to watch him go through this level and this amount of rejection, especially when you know, more than anything else, that it’s Lestat’s loneliness and isolation that hurts him above all, that it’s that very loneliness which drove him to such reckless actions throughout this story to begin with, this awful, overwhelming belief of his that he’s this monstrous, unlovable thing, that the very nature of him, of what he is, drives everyone he loves to despair, or destruction, to to simply leave him... it just... it’s so painful.  It’s so, so painful. 
And this negative self-image that just keeps getting over and over ground into him by seemingly everyone he loves, we see manifested too in Lestat’s thoughts as he observes Reglan James, before he recovers his body from him.  That he shows so much compassion for this person who took so much from him and put him through so much suffering is in itself heartbreaking.
The creature took no notice of me. Indeed, I soon realized he was taking no notice of anyone.  There was something almost poignant in the way he sat there, face slightly uplifted, apparently enjoying this dark and fairly ordinary and certainly ugly little place.
He loves it here, I thought.  These public rooms with their plastic and tinsel represent some pinnacle of elegance, and he is silently thrilled merely to be here. He does not even need to be noticed. He takes no notice of anyone who might notice.  He is a little world unto himself as this ship is such a world, speeding along so very fast through the warm seas.
Even in my fear, I found it heartbreaking suddenly and tragic.  And I wondered had I not seemed the very same tiresome failure to others when I was in that shape?  Had I not seemed just as sad.
He was looking heavenward as he stood there, and once again he seemed lost in pride and in contentment, loving the wind and the darkness, perhaps, and swaying just a little, as blind musicians sway when they play their music, as if he relished every ticking second in that body, simply swimming in pure happiness as he stood on that spot.
The heartbreaking sense of recognition passed over me again.  Did I seem the same wasteful fool to those who had known me and condemned me?  Oh, pitiful, pitiful creature to have spent his pretanatural life in this of all places, so painfully artificial, with its old and sad passengers, in unremarkable chambers of tawdry finery, insulated from the great universe of true splendors that lay beyond.
Only after a great while did he bow his head just a little, and run the fingers of his right hand slowly down his jacket lapel.  A cat licking its own fur had never looked more relaxed or self-indulgent.  How lovingly he stroked this bit of unimportant cloth! It was more eloquent of the whole tragedy than any other single thing he had done.
Peace to the happy Queen Elizabeth 2, I thought, and than again, I knew why the Body Thief had loved her, and hidden himself within her, sad and tawdry though she was.
After all, what is our entire world to the stars above?  What do they think of our tiny planet, I wondered, full of mad juxtaposition, happenstance, and endless struggle, and the deep crazed civilization sprawled upon the face of it, and held together not by will or faith or communal ambition but by some dreamy capacity of the world’s millions to be oblivious to life’s tragedies and again and again sink into happiness, just as the passengers of that little ship sank into it- as if happiness were as natural to all beings as hunger or sleepiness or love of warmth and fear of the cold.
I rose higher and higher until I could no longer see the ship at all.  Clouds raced across the face of the world below me.  And above, the stars burned through in all their cold majesty, and for once I didn’t hate them; no, I couldn’t hate them; I could hate nothing; I was too full of joy and dark bitter triumph.  I was Lestat, drifting between hell and heaven, and content to be so- perhaps for the first time.
Lestat too of course has always tried to drown out his loneliness and pain through indulgence in finery and luxury and experience, has tried to express his love through bestowing wealth and gifts upon those he loves, only to again and again face their rejections.  Within the first few nights of him becoming a vampire, he gave Nicki and his own family wealth and comfort.  He poured money into the theater he had worked at and later on, gave as much money as requested to Armand and his coven.  He splurged and spoiled Claudia endlessly.  And here, again, he tries to give Gretchen money as an expression of his love and gratitude.  And in every single one of these instances, he’s faced, it seems inevitably, with their rejection, with their hatred, with their disdain. 
This last line of chapter 24
“Good-bye, Gretchen,” I whispered.
And then I was gone, free and alone, into the warm embrace of savage night.”
This says it all, really.  Free and alone.  Lestat couldn’t sacrifice the freedom of being himself.  But to be himself, to be free, again, means to be alone, means to be forever without companionship.  He thinks of himself a wasteful fool, and a tiresome failure as he looks upon Reglan James in his own body, his own form.  He thinks that must be what he seems like to the others whom he’s loved.  That what he sees when he looks at Reglan James must be what others see when they look at him.  
Someone said in the tags of one of my last posts that this story is a study in self-loathing, and that’s exactly what it is.  It captures all the anguish and tragedy of what it is, to hate oneself.
And the loneliness Lestat experiences from that feeling can only be described as profound.
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tojikai · 1 year
for starters ANOTHER GLORIOUS CHAPTER FROM MY ANGST GOAT KAI anywho now that’s that’s out the way i loved this chapter so much i was on the edge of my seat the whole time
when her mom came in and smacked her i was ready to jump threw this screen like guy from blues clues and whoop her fucking ass
another thing now that i know his side of the story on how they fell apart doesn’t it seem like he even wanted to be with her it seems like this was the easier for him it seems like naomi was forced on him by his bitch of a mother and he was in such a vulnerable position and state with being a new dad with something that wasn’t even planned it makes me feel like he was taken advantage of . Naomi seems so much nicer to me now and i kinda feel bad and i’m so scared that she’s gonna turn into a bitch towards y/n from the conversation she’s gonna have with his mom. ughhh i just want everyone to get along i sometimes think to myself what if naomi and y/n had a one on one just about them and their situations .
omg and i love toji so much bro he has so much respect for her and treats her so well i be getting jealous as fuck when i read on tumbler sometimes ngl 💀💀💀.
oh and i think we should all burn his mom on the stake for making yui cry gojo was to fucking nice and i wish she would tell gojo about the slap maybe them he would stop being a little mommas boy bitch and step up to that devil 🫡 anyways tho can’t wait for the next update next week signing the fuck out ilysmmmm KEEP DOING YOUR THINGGGGGG i think your my new fav writer on here 🧎🏽‍♀️🧎🏽‍♀️🧎🏽‍♀️🧎🏽‍♀️🧎🏽‍♀️ ugh your making me weak okay bye ^.^
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woww this is such a great read !! i like that you put all of them and their thoughts into perspective. i like your take on satoru's situation, he really was vulnerable during that time. and vulnerable people tend to just go for whoever they think can save them or help them :(( oh and omething abt that slap was mentioned in the next part :)) anyways thanks so so much for your support🥺💕 i really appreciate you <33 have a great day~
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glendover · 1 year
watch ghost files with me eps1 s2
what’s better than a new ghost files eps on my birthday?? literally nothing
the caption saying “boo, bitches, did you miss us?” YES OFC I DID
will we see blueprints again? you know I’m a sucker for them 😩
had to look up what a penitentiary is,,, Istg my English isn’t fancy enough for words like this just call it prison or something 😭
night in the penitentiary: locked in
old ass prison with dubious torturing methods always end up haunted it’s like the secret potions to get ghosts
Missouri is the ghost place
imagine getting chased by fast jack, man I wouldn’t even try to run
jack trying to communicate via the flashlight already????? season two really is insane
Shane scaring the ghosts by telling them they are dead 💀
ghosts already got to Ryan this is fine 🤡
shut up, Shane is so cute hyping Ryan up 🥹
If I were a ghost I purposefully wouldn’t show myself to Ryan and Shane but I would follow them everywhere they go just looking them over the shoulder and laughing
Shane is becoming some sort of ghost therapist this episode 😭💀
little dance monkey!!
romanticising the prison with the moonlight 🤩
bro shut up the glowing eyes???
Ryan is the grinning man, confirmed
the thievery ghost likes mr bean!!!!
no but the commercial break was actually funny
peekers didn’t want to peek to night
how bad can a ghost/devil dog truly be?? all dogs are the same, all they want are belly rubs and treats
not the ghost calling Shane daddy lmao
disturbing daddy
why is the seven people cell so small???
Shane having to remind Ryan to freak out when scary shit happens is so funny
She said mattress when you walked to the mattress, go do your thing and be scared Ryan how hard can it be??
“Are you in pain?” *light turns off immediately*
the ghost wants them as their friends forever and to never leave; cute
Ryan should gaslight himself into thinking he’s not scared, I believe he can do it
Shane energy, like shenergy you know like kenergy 👀
Zen Ryan? Well I only believe that once I see it
Shane screaming while Ryan is talking about not being able to hear him even if he got stabbed 💀💀
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this truly looks disturbing 😭😭
well idk about the punching but sure you got this Ryan
chill Ryan might be the scariest bit of this episode
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the face of a chill man
Ryan truly isn’t his fear
disassociation bestie Ryan 👯
this didn’t even feel like an hour wtf???
I’m so happy the ghoul boys are back omg
this was so much fun!!!
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gigglessoloud · 1 year
I decided to make a small fanfiction over a silly little tik tok. I tried to make it gender neutral as best as I could. Also, it is a part far into the story because I couldn't think of a start... Plot is basically the start-ish, but I'll do that later. This is like a teaser. NSFW warning.
Venom Miguel x You.
Y/O/N=Your own name. (i didn't wanna put y/n and make it seem like those stories on wattpad...)
h/c= hair color(brown, black, red, etc.
Plot for this small part
You lived with your twin siblings, Kiren and Kaila, both at the age of 14, in a three bedroom apartment in New York. Until one day, you were walking home from your office job, and the kids were at school. You were walking by until you abruptly stopped, hearing a noise from an alley. How foolish it was of you to investigate. Now, you're here. You've sold your soul to the devil. Well, to Miguel in a sense. And now, he's been protecting you and your little family for weeks, and he wants his payback.
Warning: This is farther into the story. This is not the start. I'll post the start at a later date. This is what I had currently.
You yawned as you settled in after a long night. You took a shower, changed your clothes, and tried to stop your younger siblings from fighting. Miguel had put them in check easily. It was like the kids were scared of him. You were slightly grateful for the help. When you finally decided to take the children to their rooms, you and Miguel stayed behind. You sat down, looking up at Miguel as he stood in front of him.
Miguel had a tired look on his face, which caused you to let out a huff. “Yes Miguel?” You asked, but you were immediately taken by the next set of words. “Im fucking upset, the kids are pissing me off and I can’t keep having them run over you because you act too nice to them when they do something wrong.” The dark haired male grabbed your face forcefully glaring when you tried to pull away. Miguel smirked, “Trying to pull away? You must've forgotten who owns you. Your body, your life, your entire EXISTENCE." Miguel squeezes your chin and jawline hard. "Do you understand me, Y/O/N?” Miguel could feel the way your hands trembled under his touch, your breath shaky and trying not to seem like you are enjoying this treatment. This harsh treatment. “Miguel.. stop before the kids come back out..” which seemed to be good enough excuse that he pulled away and sighed.
Miguel picked you up and threw you over his shoulder, scoffing. “Come on.. I’m sure they’re asleep by now. Plus, I can’t hold him in much longer. It hurts..” he sighed, which, at that realization, you blushed heavily. “Miguel! Im not letting you fuck me in your other form— I swear Miguel… He wont fit!”
Miguel groaned, “Shut up, Y/O/N, you’re being loud. We haven’t even got to the fun part yet.”
It didn’t take long before the both of you were in the bedroom, and you were put down onto the ground. Miguel groans as he turns into his monstrous form, in other words, Venom. You weren't sure about this. It wasn’t like you two hadn’t done it in this form before, but it usually took much more prep than his human form. You were snapped out of your daze by Miguel barking orders. “On your knees, mouth open, understood?” Miguel said as he parted the persons lip with small kisses. His cock hardening quickly. “Open your mouth slut. Stop wriggling and stay still.” He said as he guided the first few inches of his cock into your mouth, it slowly going into your throat.
Miguel grabs a handful of your h/c locs, “Fuck..." Miguel groans. You slowly start to gag on his cock, causing you to tear up slightly. He looks at you with a smirk. "Are you crying? Stop crying. This isn’t the first time you’ve taken it. Now I know it's a teeny bit bigger compared to the human form(it's huge bro...), but if it’s too much, you know what to do, right darling?” He said with a smirk. You nod to the best of your abilities.
The end! If you have recommendations of what I could do better or do next, please leave a comment! It is greatly appreciated.
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Vincenzo: Episode 15
We’re finally on 15
also I forget HOW much happens in one episode. they had the pig’s blood thing in that one too
Inzaghiiii !!! the pigeon 🐦
omg her crow era, generally crows remember and attack
she got her whole gang here! I thought Chayoung was going to come to rescue him but the pigeons actually make it more funny
such an unserious show actually
look at Inzaghi blink back omg motherrr
Inzaghi is a boy pigeon?
my beautiful red head art director is about to die
Evil CEO doesn’t scare me at all actually. He’s just physically violent. Evil lawyer lady terrifies me more. She’s so !!???
Bodied Ms Choi
I feel for the art director. My babie
I guess the mother knows that’s her son
When I saw Chayoung alone I thought my girl was going to be attacked
awww their little fist bump
eugh I have a bad feeling
no he’s speaking about the guillotine file
honestly I’m actually really confused by this. I thought the double crossing rn still had a point like he’d come clean about another plan or something. this is just greedy and weird. why change now 💀
oh I think she knows that’s his mom
Oh I assumed she clocked on that fish snack detail
so what was in the letter 🤨
I feel like they drink as much coffee as I do
little bro why are you here. oh he got them a gift
they know about the gold. evacuate the building 😭
I know he’s a little devil in the making but he’s seemed more at home and happy here in 2 minutes than the entirety of his time in the Babel monstrosity. get your shit together little bro !!!
noooo I hope the mom and building people are going to be okay 🙏
I feel like these two evil dumbasses are about to figure out that Chayoung is the way to hurt him
our man looks sooo good actually. his swoop has become permanent since the last episode. I love it
lmaoooo they really think he can play a shaman?! okay slay
he voted for her to be the shaman lmao. look at his laugh 😂
well he’s the shaman regardless
has no one started passing around Vincenzo’s pictures though lmao. art galleries, auditoriums, shamans, he can just show up anywhere and they don’t recognise him at all
Mr Nam managing to be in a get up everytime they do this is actually SO FUNNY
is this adrenaline but make it traditional
the flower on his ear !!! my baby girl fr
A beautiful man
the damn pigeon
these three 🤣🤣🤣
a flair for the dramatic, I love these 3 like the whole fan and writing sequence. chef’s kiss
I want this sequence framed. MY BEAUTIFUL BABIES.
him fanning her. a true gentleman 💀💗
Evil brother CEO is actually insane like wdym he killed 4 of his classmates when he was young ???
little himbo evil brother SAVE yourself. get out of there
not Ms Chayoung’s anti drug agenda 💀😭 #real
Kdramas sometimes go full Indian TV with the amount of things that happen in 20 episodes ngl
probably one of the first times Jung is experiencing someone switching up on him at the last moment. that's what your company does all the time lol, you deserve it 😘
honestly who could believe our man was a corn salad (even i can't spell his job lmao) in Italy and part of the mafia. look at him acting for like the 800th time. the shaman is the best performance till now though! 10/10
'fate smiles most generously on brave souls and frowns mildly on those with no backbone' bars
the life page looks so good except i think Babel will gun for this man
adore this shaman track because i get to see my man with a small flower 🌼
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I saw a car trying to run over Mr. Cho again and immediately thought evil lawyer lady was around
slay Mr. Cho slay
no they're going to go after his mom no no no 😭😭😭 (kinda surprised it took them this LONG to dig into his personal life lol talk about being overconfident)
take someone else instead for now. that lady barely has a breath left omg nooo. let one parent and child stay goodbye
Evil Lawyer lady and CEO when I get my hands on YOU
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At least they know about Babel knowing about the building and the file
Oh no is Mr Cho about to die....
wait no it's just the media guy oh my god thank god
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thatsohkai · 2 years
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VIEW FULL PLAYLIST  - 976 E. 132nd Pl. Chicago, IL
what’s a song you can put on repeat & never get tired of ?
   no role modelz j. cole - “no role models and i’m here right now, no role models to speak of. searching through my memory, my memory, i couldn’t find one, last night i was getting my feet rubbed.”
a song that instantly lifts your mood when you’re sad
   reel it in amine - “and i’m tired of being humble, b*tch i feel no way. this that young, young sh*t i may pull up to your bitch like, reel it in. i got the bag tell a friend.”
your favorite song from your all-time favorite artist 
   villuminati j. cole - “please forgive, according the preacher man, he need jesus in him. but the devil run the tv, so the demons in him. im in trouble, did a deal with the devil, now i’m pleading with him… like ‘give my soul…i ain’t letting you go again.”
a song that inspires or motivates you
   finish line chance the rapper - “ but who would think the raps would turn into racks? don’t matter, matter fact, it could happen to you. scars on my head i’m the boy who lived. the boy love playing when the boy too sick, reclining on a prayer, i’m declining the help. i’ve been lying to my body, can’t rely on myself.”
what’s a song that reminds you of someone ?
   so high doja cat - “blow, weed, pop x, speedin’ up the heartbeat bangin’ in the chest. when you put it on me, you relieve my stress.  you got me so high, takin’ deep, deep breaths. you get me so high, you get me so high. i know you ain’t a drug but you get me so high.”
the song that gets you in the mood to party
   paramedic! sob x rbe - “california, california, and i’m heavy in these streets. if you don’t keep a pole, how you ready when it’s beef? .22. or .23, i’m heavy with the heat. hit you with this chop, paramedics can’t save you. really in field? come on bro, i know that ain’t you. 2018, hell nah, i ain’t gon’ fade you. gon’ paint you, tde and sob we can’t lose.”
your guilty pleasure
   typa girl braveheart - “typa girl that you wish for when you blow the candles out. typa girl that you wanna bring back to ya mama house. typa girl who don’t ask for what she want she takin’ out. typa girl who got bags in same quality as chanel.”
a song that’s out of your typical music preference
   backyard boy claire rosinkranz - “and we’ll turn the volume up to some good boy band tunes. love to feel the fresh air, i can feel your eyes stare. and i’m not gonna lie, i get a little bit scared. and my heart is on wings, i’m living in dreams and at the top of our lungs, we sing.”
what do you listen to when you’re in love ?
   #1 heebiejeebies amine x kehlani - “just for you i might jeoprodize. my whole life i might sacrifice. the way you look is like ‘woah.’ got me locked in i’m hypnotized. shakira-like and these hips don’t lie. say i don’t, but i always try.”
   #2 best part h.e.r. x daniel caesar - “it’s the sunrise, and those brown eyes, yes. you’re the one that i desire. when we wake up, and we make love, it makes me feel so nice. you’re my water when i’m stuck in the desert. you’re my tylenol i take when my head hurts. you’re the sunshine of my life. i just want to see how, beautiful you are. you know that i see it, i know you’re a star. where you go i follow, no matter how far. if life is a movie, then you’re the best part.”
 do you have song you’ve listened to all your childhood ?
   a long walk jill scott - “your background, it ain’t squeaky clean, but sometime we all gotta swim upstream. you ain’t no saint, we all are sinner. but you put your good foot down and made your soul a winner. i respect that, man you’re so phat, and you’re all that, plus supreme. then you’re humble? man i’m numb yo, with feeling, i can feel everything that you bring.”
is there a song your parent/sibling/friend/etc. introduced you to that you love ?
   streets doja cat - “we play our fantasies out in real life ways. no final fantasy, can we end these games though? you give me energy, make me feel light weight, like birds of a feather, baby, we were made for each other. and it’s hard to keep my cool, when other b*tches try to get with my dude, and when other chickens try to get in my coop. cause you’re a one in a million there ain’t a man like you.”
a song you didn’t expect to like
   rules doja cat - “break some bread up, you know that butter my biscuit. you ain’t talk money, then really that’s none of my business. i don’t even need these lenses, 20 on 20 my vision. bad yellow b*tch with her on on they prize, but, but, you know i ain’t no minion.”
what song would be your ‘intro’ music ?
   #1 emperor’s new clothes panic! at the disco - “welcome to the end of eras, ice has melted back to life. done my time and served my sentence, dress me up and watch me die. if it feels good, tastes good, it must be mine. dynasty decapitated, you just my see a ghost tonight. and if you don’t know, now you know.”
   #2 i might need security chance, the rapper - “i bought the chicagoist just to run you racists b*tches out of business. speakin’ of racists, f*ck your microaggressions. i’ll make you fix your words like a typo suggestion. pat me on the back too hard and pat’ll ask for your job, and in unrelated news, someone’ll beat your ass at your job.”
   #3 amari j. cole -  “out of the concrete was a rose, and windows was cold. had to go over and stand by the stove. we from the southeast, know know. this where the cops creep real slow. won’t vote, but mob deep with the poles. i punch the time sheet, not no more. now my assigned seat is throne.”
what song best represents your outward look —  or your attitude towards life ?
   king of the clouds panic! at the disco - “when i fall to rise, with stardust in my eyes, in the backbone of matter, i’m combustible dust. in the fire when i can’t sleep, awake, i’m too tired,. this old world, this old world.”
the song with your favorite lyrics
    the climb back j. cole - “every body mentions, suicide prevention, man, they even got a hotline. to call up when there’s tension, but i got a question, what about a f*cking homicide? need a number to call for my, for my to call whenever there’s a urge to get the triggers involved. need an number for my, for my to call, whenever there’s a urge to get the triggers involved.”
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ffntroco · 7 months
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*another deep sigh*,
Y’all the devil really is working. As you know or don’t know I’m just in a space in life where I’m just trying to you know lead a very straight path. Keep tunnel vision, but bitches keep fucking with me and it’s so annoying. Bro my boss got me freaking arrested simply because what? Who I am or what I look like(which can mean a variety of things). I have all the odds stacked against me. I’m black, queer, and male. I face so much disrespect simply because all of those things and these past two years taught me a lot and taught me the importance of being able to fend on your own. Why I didn’t call myself trans or anything and don’t take part in a lot of the community things in my town is simply because of the fact that I’m not welcomed. Wherever I go I’m an other. Personally I feel the whole movement of creating segregated communities came about because of segregation. Due to that everyone who felt they didn’t belong simply because they didn’t know themselves then created all these separate communities to find a place out of the fear of individualism. Being an individual someone who don’t look like, act like, and even carrying the same burdens comes with a lot. You have to be strong, confidence, aware and simply love themselves. That’s what I see when mfs are attacking me, trying to block me from being able to work or make money, calling me slurs, the sexual abuse and harassment which caused me to be exiled. All of it is simply because ppl don’t love themselves and is scared of themselves. When your face to face with someone who knows their worth and owns it guess what that energy is intimating to most. And you have to be strong enough to recognize THAT IS NOT NY FUCKING PROBLEM. Your intimidation and need to create this fictional character in your head of who I am bc most of the times it’s projections. Projections we either submit to accept or projections we send back to rebel. Truth is all in perception to be honest. That’s it. A simple reaction.
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What do you see in the mirror? Do you love what you see in the mirror? And how to you express that love to yourself?
Because I see beauty after all I been through and go through I’m still here. Still able to share breath and still able to give love. A little hope. They keep trying to take my ass out, but I am here. Just like you I have life experience and life challenges and I’m here to share. You know people like me aren’t supposed to have anything. Me identifying w/ my femininity more and me loving to feel and look pretty a lot of hate is spewed my way. You’ll think that it wouldn’t because before I began my actual physical transition even with my beard I would get called a women, men would approach me calling me lady, asking me bc they was confused. Even as a kid boys would say they thought I was a girl with an Afro. I was always androgynous very comfortable with both sides of me and was aware of my ambiguity but inately I know what I was born as. lol. That’s why I say no one really cares, but if you’re beautiful people care not even physically but your aura. The outside helps lol.
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Lately I’ve been needing to hold myself extra hard and accountable because the abuse my whole arrest situation was just an abuse tactic and a warning to the others if you get out of line this is what can happen to you. Racism and the ideology of slavery isn’t gone and the treatment I receive here shows me that as well even within the lgbtq community. It’s a hierarchy system only those are supposed to be in certain positions to keep those in check. It’s about what you do when you’re put in that position you can get in line or you can be an anarchist like me. I’m too much of a Gemini to follow trends and systems. My brain is way too intellectually manic for that so I’m gonna register that critically and do it in the way that makes sense to how my brain is saying do this. It’s what works for me. Back to the aspect of individuality. I’m an individual and I’m gonna be me. Trans and all. I don’t care. And I’m keeping my piece and my name because guess what that’s me. Apart of what makes me…me. A trans empress. Goddess if you will. And I carry myself as such. And I’m not stopping until my life reflects that. Stay beautiful. Fight the good fight and never stop going. Never. Through hardships as well as when the more easy times come in to play.
Comment 😈 if you read all the way through.
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Beautiful Spouse’s Rewatch Thoughts SPN 07x17 The Born-Again Identity
“It’s like a buttercup for your butthole - the fudge pop” “Were they trying to get themselves canceled with all these dick jokes?” “Is this about magicians? That guy looks like he’s from Vegas” “I’ve been there. It’s rough” “Maybe the drugs aren’t illegal” laughter “what the fuck” “I used to hate Lucifer so much, but he’s growing on me” “Oh yeah” “like 12 days. Oh close enough” “what the fuck” then laughter
“A locked floor? Does that exist?” “What’s up with the psych wards always being shitholes?” “Imagine trying to eavesdrop on this conversation as a doctor. Dean’d get locked up too” “ice summit beer” “I think they were talking about coors light. The mountains are blue so you know it’s cold’ “She likes a man who can swallow” “Why would he want to kill Sam, though?” “Or is he just trying to get him to say yes or something?” “I don’t know what’s going on” “Goddammit. I’m eating cheese over here” “oh hello” “All red heads in psych wards are trouble” “wouldn’t that be what’s weird about him?” “Way to scare the hottest chick in the psych ward off, Sam” “grippy socks vacation” “He should have seen that coming” ASS
“Oh my” “The fuck is going on? We haven’t seen him in like a year” “Hello. I’m the blue-eyed devil” “hmmm” “I don’t think my eyes are even that blue” “yeah little susie” laughter
“This is fkn awesome” “I feel like I was way more annoyed with Lucifer the first time around” “You do get sick of Lucifer after a while” “Why is he lighting firecrackers? Why not use the little popping things” “I feel like they wanted the one thing but had the other thing and just went with it” “I’m super confused” “Cas is dead? Did they reuse Misha?” “what the fuck” “oh sure. That’s where I go to find naked men” “Does anybody feel like a bad person?” “That’s what they all say” She’s got really pretty hair for being in the psych ward
“I’m waiting for her to show off those knee-high grippy socks” “kinda fucked” “Does Dean not recognize Cas?” “This dude”
Dude, Dean recognizes Cas, but Cas doesn’t recognize Dean
“I’m starting to get that from his eyes”
“Shot for Cassiano” “Pucker up buttercup” “He told Cas to sit tight so the angel is the buttercup. Dean is the fudge pop” “Don’t get cocky. That’s how you lose your knife” “What’s the big reveal here?” “Her voice is so cool” “kay” “Don’t yank too hard. You might stab yourself” “Oh he’s not gone” “She’s a different flavor” “Do we ever see what Cas sees?” “These are some rubber boat shoes dude” “She must be wearing some shit of her brother’s? Isn’t it a bracelet?” “This is really funny for 2 psych ward patients to talk about this. Like trust me, It’s a ghost” 🎶weed smoking psych ward🎶
Laughter “he’s just like that in real life, too” “being locked up does that to people” “This is some real psych ward shit right there” laughter
“You with me bro?” “He’s five/six days in now? He’s not with anybody” “That’s about how far you get without starting to see that rats and shadow things” “Fkn public school man” “double dipping fudge pop” laughter
“That was a good line. I didn’t pick up on that” “Is the tree topper actually a top?” Dean kept Cas’s coat in every car they switched
“Oopsie” “I mean if it’s dusty, you can whip it out and make a sandstorm. Then you can watch Lucifer dance in a sandstorm” “that’s cool lookin’” “Is he choking down Lucifer or something?” laughter “what the hell” “not really” “what”
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moonflower80 · 1 year
Underforest-Chapter 5
I walked into the forest, the rainy sprinkling through the leaves. I saw a few smaller animals up ahead, but none noticed me as I walked through the forest. Slightly shivering, I walked over a thick branch in my way. Suddenly, a few feet away from the branch, I heard a SNAP! Turning around, I saw the branch from earlier. It looks like it was smashed like it was nothing.. Jogging a bit, I saw a small bridge. Then, I heard footsteps.
“don’t you know how to greet a new pal?”
Turning around, I reached out to shake their hand and-
He stepped out of the shadows. It was a skeleton wearing a green hoodie, a brown scarf, shorts, and pink slippers.
“heh. the old whoopie cushion in the hand trick. works every time. i'm sans. sans the skeleton. you’re a human, right?” I nod. “well, i'm supposed to be looking for humans.” I shivered because I was cold and sorta scared. “but i don’t really care about looking or capturing humans.” he explained quickly. “O-oh.” His eyes went dark as he explained “my brother does, though. he’s a human-hunting fanatic.” Ahhh crap. I thought, as Sans looked behind him and I heard another person saying “NYEH HEH HEH!!” in the distance. “speak of the devil. that’s him! here, follow me.” I was cold, and scared, but I followed him. Maybe he knew the way to somewhere warm.
“quick, hide behind that conveniently well placed lamp.” I hid behind it, then under it. The lampshade provided good protection against the rain. “SANS!” “What's up, bro?” “YOU KNOW WHAT'S UP!” “IT'S BEEN EIGHT DAYS AND YOU STILL HAVE RECALIBRATED YOUR PUZZLES! YOU JUST HANG AROUND OUTSIDE YOUR STATION!”
“WHAT ARE YOU EVEN DOING??!!” Sans’ eyes darkened… “i’m…” His eyes brightened. “workin’ myself down to the bone.” The other skeleton’s eyes narrowed. “LET ME GUESS.” The skeleton looked at Sans. “YOU WERE PLAYING MUDBALL WITH THE KIDS INSTEAD OF DOING YOUR JOB.” Sans looked to the side. “ehhh close enough. i’ll recalibrate the traps in a moment, brother. say, maybe that lamp can help you.” The other one stomped in frustration. “IT WILL NOT HELP ME, SANS.” “alright, bro, just a suggestion.” Sans rolled his eyes. “geez, i know why you’re always grumpy.” “BECAUSE YOU NEVER WORK?” Sans eyes went dark, before lighting up again. “nah, because i have humerus jokes.” The other skeleton looked as if he was trying not to throw his brother into space. “SANS!!!” The tall skeleton walks away, promptly annoyed.
I slowly step out, the lampshade still on my head. "hey kid." I was glad that tall skeleton was gone. "you seem to have lightened up about my brother being gone,." I chuckled. That one was funny. Then I shivered. It was still cold. “kid, don’t worry about my bro. keep goin’ forward, and you’ll be at Snowdin. be careful, kiddo.” I went and checked his..station that his brother had been talking about. There were bottles of ketchup. Lots. Of. Ketchup. When I turned around, the skeleton, Sans, was..gone. He must be a fast walker. I grab a couple bottles of ketchup. I like ketchup. Walking a bit more, I saw that tall skeleton and Sans. “...AND THEN UNDYNE SAYS, ‘WHY THE HELL IS THERE A DOG IN MY BED!’ SHE PICKED IT UP AND THREW IT AT ALPHYS, WHO PROCEEDED TO THROW IT OUT THE WINDOW!” Sans nodded. “uh huh, cool” Papyrus stopped listening to Sans and looked directly at me. “OH MY SPAGHETTI, SANS IS THAT A…” He looks at sans. Sans looks at him. Then back at me. “papyrus…i think that's a rock.” I turn around. There’s a rock there. I make a mental note to pick it up. Maybe tape it to something. If I have tape. Or mud. There’s lots of that. The tall skeleton, Papyrus, became disappointed and sighed. “but papyrus you should check what’s in front of the rock.” The skeleton would then have his eyes on me.
“HUMAN! I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS, WILL CAPTURE YOU! BE PREPARED FOR HIGH JINKS! LOW JINKS! PUZZLES! CAPERS! JAPERS! BEING CAPTURED! OTHER FUN ACTIVITIES! REFRESHMENTS WILL BE MADE…IF YOU DARE ENTER! NYEHEHEHEEEHHHH!” He sauntered off. I grabbed the rock. Then some mud. Then, my stick. I fused it together and made a…..ROCK SMASHER! I smashed a leaf with it. It felt good. I followed where Papyrus had gone.
“NYEHEHEH! HUMAN! YOU ARE FACING THE ICE MAZE! TAKE THE WRONG STEP AND YOU SHALL FALL INTO THE ICY WATER! AND THE WALLS ARE INVISIBLE! NYEHEHEHEEEHHHH!” He stepped forward triumphantly…and quickly stepped back not wanting to break the weak ice, he would leave a crack.
“WELL,COME ON HUMAN!” Papyrus was thinking of what to say. “JUST DON’T STEP ON THE ICE THAT CAN EASILY BREAK AND STEP ON THE ICE THAT IS STRONG ENOUGH TO HOLD YOUR WEIGHT!” I would then quickly grab a stick and would step on the ice. It didn’t break. I would then throw the stick at the ice that I was thinking of stepping on. it didn’t break so I stepped on it and then… I heard a crack and then suddenly I was in the cold icy water.
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Seems my health issue has been forgot for rivers. She literally just pukes a couple times and then is fine, where’s I’ve been in constant pain for what, almost, maybe, a week now? But no let’s stop work for her. When we all know that it doesn’t last
And all she’s doing is complains. “Oh my leg hurts, my knee hurts, my jaw hurts, I have to yawn with it closed” buddy I just woke up ten minutes ago I don’t want to deal with your shit find someone else to whine too. She always has something going on when I do. Anytime I’m sick she magically has something going on. It’s frustrating. I wish she would keep it to herself. That sounds awful, but if you know the things she does to me, it’s pretty mild. I’m sorry that I don’t want to hear about your pain while you’re abusing me. Go cry to your mother, you’re exactly like her anyways.
It’s so funny because her adopted mom (who she literally followed home from the beach) got upset at her and said she’s a bitch, liar, the devil. And I have to agree. But I have to sit there and listen to her complain about it like it’s not true. “What did I ever do to those people?” Bro you know what you did. It’s the same you thing you refuse to take responsibility for, I even said “well, H was.. y’know” (H is the ‘alter’ they blame for abusing me.) but even then she doesn’t want to accept it.
It’s made me remember when she questioned if ‘h’ had actually assaulted me. “You never actually said no’ first of all I did, I tried; when that didn’t work I tried “maybe later” “sorry I’m tired” “not right now”, when that didn’t work I gave in so you wouldn’t hurt me physically or scream at me or make me do it. I think that would’ve been even more traumatic. At least giving in i could control some of it, pretend I’m into it so she’s nice, rather then have her pin me down and make me. I feel disgusting writing that. Great now I’m triggered. Time to find that bridge I was talking about earlier.
I’m so easily triggered rn. I think it’s because she’s been forcing me into sexual/romantic situations, and keeps talking about the people she.. well I’m not sure cheated is the right word, it was polyam relationships, i said I was okay with it, but I DID also make it VERY clear I didn’t like it, that I was uncomfortable and scared for her. I SAID those words, not just implied them. And she kept brushing me off. And then finally she leaves me for one of them? And then leaves him because surprise surprise he’s exactly what i warned her he was. And then continues to talk about him? And the others? She brings them all up all the damn time, and always says the same fucking things. Plus, she was abusing me. I couldn’t really say no, I was terrified. I think it counts as cheating. But I still feel bad. I did. technically say yes In the end. But if I hadn’t of I would’ve likely been hurt or left.
This post is a disaster
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