#like. listen hear me out. i do NOT think Macaque expected MK to remember the Warrior thing.
lunar-wandering · 13 days
do y'all think Macaque is falling back into the role that Azure and the others put on him by remaining on the outskirts of the group because he thinks his input/presence is unwanted (and yeah his presence isn't really wanted by MK and the others BUT. something about the fact Macaque is placing himself at the edge of the group, the edge that Azure and the others pushed him to, doesn't really sit well)
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#Monkie Kid#lego monkie kid#monkie kid spoilers#lmk spoilers#im gonna be completely honest: i think the only reason Mac HASN'T apologized is cause he thinks they wont listen to it#so he's trying to do things WAY more subtly and it's NOT working out#and when i say ''he thinks they won't listen'' i dont mean he thinks they won't forgive him#honestly the group would be split 50/50 between ''forgives him'' and ''suspicious but willing to let him try''#i FULL OUT mean he thinks they won't listen. that they won't even hear his apology and will just talk over/ignore him#or completely misinterpret what he's saying#THAT'S what he thinks#when he was being the villain he was putting on a show. it's HILARIOUS how obvious his actions are a front when you rewatch s1 and s2#but like?? being actually him?? he does NOT expect them to listen to him when he's just himself#sort of like a. ''if you want people to listen you have to anger/frighten them into paying attention'' kind of mentality#not a good mentality to have#it DOES explain why he reacts Like That whenever someone does something that indicates they DID pay attention though#like. listen hear me out. i do NOT think Macaque expected MK to remember the Warrior thing.#so when MK brought it up it hit him like a truck#also why he reacts like that when Wukong somewhat seriously answers his ''you know this is just the calm before the storm'' question#+ when Wukong says ''we''#cause he does not consider himself part of the group. hence staying on the outskirts#GOD this guy is such a delicious pack of trauma to dissect. thank you lego for giving me not one#not two#but THREE traumatized monkeys to analyze
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gh0st-t0wn3 · 10 months
Lmk ss edits + Headcanons, Part 2 (Pigsy, Tang, Sandy, Sun Wukong, Macaque)
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- He/Him
- Bisexual
- Huge environmentalist, if you put any garbage or recycling in the wrong bin expect to get at least a three hour lecture, no you can not escape this, yes MK and Mei have tried, no they did not succeed
- ONLY shops from farmers markets/family businesses, you will never catch this man supporting a corporation
- Use to steal Tang's college hoodies
- Took him the longest to get used to having Redson around and a part of the group , but eventually warmed up to him (is still kinda salty about Redson burning MK's room though)
- Grows his own herbs
- Gets incredibly frustrated when he gets the hiccups (writing this as I'm fighting off hiccups)
- Loves watching true crime shows and listening to true crime podcasts while he does household chores or while he's setting up/closing the shop
- Got his ears pierced with Tang
- MK and Mei call him mom when he's being overbearing, Tang calls him mom now too to tease him
- Once caught Mei and MK sneaking food out of the kitchen at 3am and beat them with a broom for a solid minute because he was too drowsy to recognize them and assumed they were intruders (they were fine)
- Is the type of person to call his husband (Tang) "bro", "dude" etc
- Got drunk in college once and talked about nothing but how much he loved Tang, didn't remember any of it the next day but Tang asked him out pretty quickly after that
- Exchanged a few recipes with DBK while they were at the beach, they still do exchange more recipes once in a while but they don't talk much outside of cooking related topics
- Learned how to play dnd in college because Tang liked the game and ended up liking it a lot more than he expected to so they wound up playing together all the time (they still play it once in a while if they have time)
- Him and Sandy get together every other weekend to try and help Pigsy with his anger management issues
- Never called MK his son while he was growing up because he was scared that MK's real family would show up one day to take him back home, finally realized that no one was gonna show up a short while after MK turned 10 and started acting like an actual parent (MK always saw Pigsy as his dad though)
- Always says "this is the last time" when giving Tang free noodles (it is never gonna be the last time, and Tang knows it)
- Once bumped into a mannequin at the mall and apologized to it, Tang still makes fun of him
- Use to take Mei and MK to conventions all the time until Mei learned how to drive and could take them herself
- Won't care for people getting hurt in movies but will be absolutely crushed if something happens to an animal (sobbed when he watched "A Dog's Purpose")
- Smells like noodles
- Love language is acts of service
- Keeps trying to convince Tang to come with him to family events, has yet to succeed
- Carries around an extra pair of headphones in case Tang or MK needs them
- Almost threw hands with DBK and PiF after hearing about how they treated Redson (seriously guys, I need Redson to have a good parental figure in the next season, please), this man is a father to everyone
- Snores loud as fuck, it's a wonder how Tang gets any sleep
- No fashion sense what's so ever
- Insomnia
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- He/Him
- Gay
- Once zoned out and stared at a wall for six hours straight
- Desk is covered in pencil shavings and pen ink
- Constantly bruised from always falling (weak ankles)
- Fluent in Polish, don't ask why, it just feels right
- Doodled all over his books in school (they made him pay for new ones)
- Never up before sunrise
- Got in some random dudes car once thinking it was a taxi and almost got himself kidnapped
- Will make the most annoying, smart-ass remark to anything anyone says
- I'm not actually sure if it's ever mentioned in the show what Tang does for a living but it doesn't matter, he's a college history professor now
- Has grandma floral bedsheets (we've all seen his sleepwear, you cannot tell me that man doesn't have grandma floral bedsheets)
- Somehow always cold
- Constanly napping, he can and will fall asleep if he's left alone for too long (his students once caught him asleep at his desk after lunch break and dipped class)
- Used to have hexagon glasses cause he thought they looked cool but found out Pigsy liked circular ones better so he got new ones
- Still has a septum piercing he got while he was in college but keeps it flipped up, he also has ear gauges
- When he met Pigsy's parents he was super nervous and ended up passing out half way through the night because of anxiety, he has not lived it down and refuses to go to any events with Pigsy if his family is gonna be there (they actually really liked him and are disappointed when he doesn't show up)
- Doesn't own a bookshelf for some reason, everything is just piled on the floor
- Very faint freckles
- Needs a daily 'to do' list, his whole day gets thrown off if he doesn't have some kind of schedule
- Maladaptive daydreamer
- Never showers, only takes baths
- Needs headphones on crowded transportation otherwise he'll get stressed at all the noises and talking overlapping eachother
- Severe rsd (rejection sensitivity dysphoria,  "benched" was an especially bad time for him)
- Number one art appreciator and constantly drags Pigsy to museums
- Smells like a library (please tell me you know what smell I mean)
- Love language is gift giving ( and you KNOW he loves you when he shares his food with you willingly)
- 76% of the clothes he owns are thrifted
- Blind as a fucking bat, if he looses his glasses he's on the floor feeling around for them like Velma,  I swear they could be two feet in front of him but he won't even notice
- Hypersomnia
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- He/Him
- Bisexual
- Huge conspiracy theorist, ask him anything and he'll have some in depth explanation on how it relates to cryptids or something (I'm talking Matpat level conspiracy theorist, seriously, someone get him help)
- Slowest typer on the planet (mainly because the screen is too small for his hands), will respond to something 3-5 minutes after they changed topics
- Made seed bombs and threw them everywhere at random around the city and now there's a bunch of flowers and vines growing everywhere
- Was the first one (Aside from Mei and MK) to welcome Redson into the group with open arms, everyone else was still kinda cautious
- Would literally die for any of his friends, no questions asked, no hesitation, just jumps in the line of danger as soon as he sees one of his friends about to get hurt
- Didn't have a lot of friends growing up until he met Pigsy in his last year of high school because everyone was afraid of him
- He and Pigsy were in a band together in college, Sandy discusses it with pride, Pigsy gets embarrassed and denies ever being in a band at all
- Since he also has scales he's the one who teaches and helps Mei look after her scales and keep them from drying or getting damaged
- Yoga master, wakes up super early to do it during sunrise
- Has the best taste in music, he can find the most amazing, tear jerking, heart wrenching, underground music ever effortlessly
- Hasn't met a single person he wasn't able to get along with
- Firmly believes in all the little wishing rituals (11:11, shooting stars, birthday candles, blowing dandelions etc)
- Learned how to whistle so he could sing along with birds
- *gets robbed* "oh, i bet he needed the money, it's ok"  "I really don't think he did." "...maybe he's gonna donate it!"
- Favourite kind of tea is earl grey
- Named one of his cats Maquack after Macaque
- Sometimes cat sits for Bai He when she goes to doctor appointments, family visits out of the city, etc
- Got his piercing while he was still in a band but kept them in because his band mates were some of his first friends and they all got pierced together
- Has a tail to help him swim better (unfortunately I could not add it in the edit above but just I imagine he has the same kind of tail as the water Na'vi in Avatar ig)
- Skin has a faint ombre to it (his hands and feet are lighter and fade around his forearms/knees to a slightly darker blue (i did add this one in my edit but unfortunately I don't think it's as visible as I wanted it to be, my bad)
- Webbed hands and feet to help him swim better
- Has adipose eyelids like a fish to protect his eyes from the water, block exposure of harmful ultraviolet light into his eyes and act as protection against impact to the eye in aquatic environments. Since his eyelids are transparent though, he has to wear a sleeping mask at night
- Smells like a mix of ocean air and tea
- Love language is quality time and physical touch (will pick up and hug his friends all the time no matter the place)
- His hair and beard always have something in them, sand, seaweed etc
- Shoes are actually really uncomfortable for him to wear because his body is evolved for an aquatic environment, but he doesn't want to be rude so he wears them anyway (Mei found out and got him a customized pair of shoes so he could be comfortable without feeling like he's being rude)
- Uses Kaomojis
- If he's not busy, or doesn't have anything planned for the next few hours, he'll spend his free time cleaning up the ocean and beaches from any garbage
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- He/Him
- Pansexual
- Everything he has ever done has been an impulse decision
- Is the type of mf to kick the inside of someone knee while they're walking to make them fold (Tang is the primary victim)
- Chews his nails
- Made up his own constellations as a "fuck you" to the universe (somehow managed to convince some mortals they were real constellations too)
- Mk and Co constantly forget how ancient swk is until he says some old person shit
- Naturally has curly and untamable hair, uses glamor to avoid getting called out about not taking care of it
- Horrifically optimistic
- Always has leaves and dirt and sticks etc in his hair
- Will sit out in the rain for hours on end
- Follow up on the last hc, he's been struck by lightning.. twice
- Actually has really heavy eyebags but uses glamor to cover them up
- Gets bored super easily
- Has naturally long lashes, Mei is still convinced he's wearing makeup though
- Cannot cook for the life of him
- His memories are always in shades of gold, no ones sure if it hasn't something to do with his gold vision or not, even himself, he just can't remember things in normal colour
- Stress induced migraines from the circlet
- Not a fan of big cities but loves how the lights look at night
- Stacks of notebooks and loose paper, cannot keep anything organized
- Takes a nap everyday at exactly 2:38 without fail
- Freezes in the winter, man's house has no insulation whatsoever
- Doesn't like big crowds but also can't stand not being the center of attention
- Once picked fleas out of both MK's and his own hair and ate them, MK was and still is disgusted, he will never look at Monkey King the same way again
- Smells like Peaches (it's like the only fucking thing he eats)
- Love language is physical touch
- Kinda chubby (mostly around his stomach and thighs) but still has muscles
- Always teasing Redson about the fact that he's technically his uncle since he and DBK are sworn brothers, he finds Redson's overreactions to it funny but is secretly kinda hurt that Redson doesn't think of him as family anymore (He use to when he was a little kid but stopped seeing Wukong as family after he sealed DBK away. They've started to try and mend their relationship after the events of season 4, it's slow but it's progress)
- Sometimes the monkey's on FFM will come into his house through the windows at night to sleep with him for comfort
- Really bad with technology but pretends he's just too good for the internet so he can avoid using it without looking old
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- He/Him
- Bisexual
- Says his "S"'s really sharply
- If you ask him anything about himself he'll give you a different answer to the exact same question everytime (he thinks it makes him mysterious,  it does not)
- Lower lid eyeliner >>>
- If you say something stupid or weird he'll just stare judgingly until you take it back
- Actually lost his mind when he found out what blowing bubbles were
- Drinks tea with an ungodly amount of sugar
- Chronic eye pain + headaches. It's gotten significantly better over the years but.. yk, eye gouged out
- Has a deeply relaxing voice, strangely enough
- Has tried to compliment people before but it always ends up coming off as an insult
- Classical music or heavy rock, no in-between
- It is literally impossible to take a bad picture of him
- Puts his hair up in a bun whe he doesn't wanna deal with it
- Has patches of freeze burns from LBD, along his right side (mostly just his arm).
- Theater kid
- Rose tea enjoyer
- Likes to bake sometimes and frequently exchanges recipes with Pigsy and DBK
- Like to watch the sunrise and sunset
- Hates being out in the sun too long, not having a shaded area nearby for an easy escape stresses him
- Will stare out the window while it rains, Mei once said he looked like he was pretending to be in a cringey early 2010 music video
- Hard of hearing, his six ears are very sensitive and all the fighting and screaming has definitely done some damage to them by now
- Follow up on the last HC, despite being hard of hearing he will either absolutely refuse to wear hearing aids, or will wear them (albeit begrudgingly) but cover them with glamor
- Septum and snake bite piercings he got during his emo phase
- Smells like grapes, don't ask
- Love language is quality time, he doesn't care to actually have a conversation, though, he's fine just sitting in comfortable silence
- Will use his shadow transport for the dumbest things when he's lazy, like teleporting the TV remote to him if it's on the other side of the couch, teleport a bag of chips from the pantry to him in his bedroom,  etc
- Room is covered in scented candles
- Sandy has invited him over to work out some of his problems multiple times, he doesn't really care to open up though, he just goes for the cats (Sandy let's him)
- His hair is always soft and he refuses to tell anyone what he washes with, MK has asked multiple times and he gets a different, vague answer everytime
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inkweaver22-blr · 3 years
Phew! This one gave me a bit of trouble to get out! Here we have our second big reveal of the story! Let’s see what happens.
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Scattered Cicadas - Chapter Five: Timely Assumptions
Tang gets more than he expects at the start of one cycle. This leads to a few startling realizations.
Tang looked up into the frightened expressions of the much younger Sun Wukong and Macaque as his body continued to disappear.
“I-” Being erased scared him. Would he wake up in a new cycle or simply cease to be?
Tang weakly lifted his hand, desperate to do something, grab something to ground him. Anything. Anyone!
“I don't w-want to go-”
He faded out of existence, not hearing anything else they might have said after. The last thing he saw were their horrified faces.
The cave. The voices. The light.
Tang woke with a gasp, his heart racing.
He had died before, but accidentally erasing yourself using a time-traveling peanut cactus was a new and terrifying experience.
The scholar took a few deep breaths, grounding himself with the fact that he was still here and hadn’t been deleted entirely. He had never been so relieved to be stuck jumping between timelines before now.
Tang winced as he remembered the anguish on the faces of the two monkeys he had befriended. He hoped his vanishing hadn’t traumatized them too much. If they were lucky they wouldn’t even remember anything now that the version of himself that had gone back in time had never existed in the first place.
God, time travel was confusing.
He glanced around his room and noticed a book on his nightstand. Picking it up, he was slightly disappointed to find it wasn’t the one on constellations he had used to teach the younger Macaque how to read.
With a sigh, Tang got up and prepared for the day. There was no point dwelling too much on what couldn’t be changed. Once dressed he stood in front of the mirror and began his little remembering ritual.
He first checked the date on his phone. It was still a few days before MK would get the staff so nothing of real consequence should be too different yet.
Taking a deep breath the scholar began reciting what he remembered about himself this time.
“I am the immortal monk Tang Sanzang-”
Tang choked as he doubled over in pain.
Hundreds of years of memories flooded through him. He collapsed to the ground and clutched at his head as it pounded in agony from the onslaught of innumerable experiences.
Tang crawled over to his bed and leaned back against it, his eyes shut tight and hands over his ears in a vain attempt to block out the rushing thoughts.
Living humbly as a monk. Being chosen by Guanyin. The journey. Sun Wukong. Bai Long Ma. Zhu Bajie. Sha Wujing. The many, many demons they encountered.
(How had he ever been so naive?)
Completing the journey. Becoming immortal. He, Bajie, and Wujing choosing to live on Earth instead of in Heaven.
(Pigsy was Zhu Bajie and Sandy was Sha Wujing!)
Wukong sealing away the Demon Bull King and vanishing. The three of them searching for him tirelessly. Never finding him. Giving up and living the next five hundred years without him.
(He should have never given up. He should have kept looking until he found his beloved disciple.)
It was all too much to handle. Tang needed time to process everything.
He called in sick to work, which with his short breath and trembling voice wasn’t questioned too closely. After sending a text to Pigsy (Zhu Bajie!) so he wouldn’t wonder about his absence at the shop, Tang pulled himself onto the bed and pressed his face into the pillows.
The headache and whirling memories prevented him from falling asleep, so he tried to focus on one thing at a time.
In this cycle he was the immortal monk Tang Sanzang, sometimes also referred to as Tripitaka.
There was still just so much to unpack in that single thought it made him a bit dizzy.
Tang had never been anyone other than himself in all the timelines he’d been in. His roles may sometimes be a bit different but he had always been Tang. He had theorized once that it had something to do with how every soul was unique so he literally couldn’t be anyone else.
His breath caught as he realized the implication that brought.
Tang’s soul was unique and thus he couldn’t be anyone other than himself in the various timelines.
In this timeline, he was the monk Sanzang.
In order for him to be both himself and the famous monk simultaneously, their souls had to be exactly the same.
That meant he wasn’t the monk in just this timeline, but in all of them, including his original time.
Oh Heavens, he was the reincarnation of Tang Sanzang.
Tang gulped in several breaths of air as his mind blanked out. He needed to focus. One thing at a time.
Pigsy was Zhu Bajie and Sandy was Sha Wujing in this timeline.
After the previous revelation, this one was much less earth-shattering.
He had always known that his group of friends mirrored the original journey’s group closely. Pigsy and Sandy also being reincarnations of their historical counterparts in his own time wasn’t much of a stretch.
Tang’s breath slowed as he began to calm. What was next?
Wukong disappeared and the trio searched for him. They never found him and gave up, assuming the monkey to be dead.
This was upsetting in an entirely different way. Tang knew Wukong was still alive thanks to the events of the original timeline, and that made the guilt of giving up even worse. He’d have to fix that.
Tang sighed in relief as his thoughts finally slowed and the pain ebbed. He still had a lot to work through, but that could wait for later. Going back to sleep sounded heavenly at the moment.
He had just started to doze off when an errant fact suddenly popped into his head.
Wasn’t Tang Sanzang already a reincarnation of one of the Buddha’s original disciples, the Golden Cicada?
With a groan Tang shoved a pillow over his head and attempted to beat back the thoughts from whatever that implied about him.
He didn’t sleep very well.
“So what’s this all about Tang,” Pigsy asked grumpily as he accepted a mug of tea from Sandy. It was late at night, a few days after the release of the Demon Bull King, and the three of them were meeting privately at Sandy’s ship on the scholar’s request.
Tang took a sip from his own mug as he studied the two other immortals. Had it not been for his own memories on the matter, he would have never guessed that they were two of the five companions of the legendary Journey to the West.
Zhu Bajie had been, no pun intended, pigheaded, crass, and ornery. He seemed to be contrarian whenever he felt like it and relished in trying to get one over on Sun Wukong. Tang couldn’t deny the pig demon’s ability to rise to the occasion when the chips were down however. For as much trouble Zhu Bajie seemed to cause, he’d been invaluable a fair number of times as well.
Sha Wujing lived to fight. His rage and battle-lust had definitely caused their own share of problems. Other than that, the large river demon tended to be the quiet one of the group and didn’t open up until the latter half of their journey.
Tang wasn’t blind to his own faults though.
Tripitaka, (after some meditation, Tang had decided to refer to his past self as such to avoid confusion with the name Tang Sanzang), had not been ready for such a perilous adventure. He had been too trusting of strangers, too proud to believe Wukong’s warnings. It was his own incredible naivety and insistence that he knew better that had led to the vast majority of the dangers they had found themselves in.
It was hard to reconcile who the three of them had been with who they were today, but Tang supposed five hundred years would change most people.
Pigsy still had a gruff exterior, but his desire to start trouble had long since faded. His discovery of a love for cooking had unlocked a surprising work ethic within the pig demon as well as a silent form of affection that he treated any he cared for with.
Sandy had sought out a therapist and took anger management classes. His love for battle long since extinguished, the river demon now spent his time taking care of his cats, making tea, and being supportive of his friends.
Tang was certainly not naive to the ways of the world any longer. He still did his best to treat any strangers he met with kindness and respect, but he never fully believed anyone new to be trustworthy until they showed themselves to be. He always listened to the advice of his friends as well, knowing that he didn’t know everything and those around him might have insights he did not.
Tang placed his mug down and steepled his fingers together.
“We need to tell MK, Mei, and Wukong who we really are.”
“What?!” Pigsy's angry reaction hadn’t been unexpected. They had made an agreement some time back to not reveal themselves to anyone. It was less to do with having to deal with annoying fans and more with avoiding the painful memories their identities brought with them.
If it wasn’t for the fact he had been hopping through timelines and saw first hand how hiding things from people hurt them, Tang was certain he wouldn’t have been making this decision.
“I said we-”
“I heard what you said,” Pigsy interrupted. “No way! Nuh-uh! Not happening!”
“Now hold on brother,” Sandy soothed, placing a comforting hand on the chef’s shoulder. “Let’s hear him out first.”
“This better be good,” Pigsy grumbled and slouched back into his chair.
“Which do you think will go over better? Us being honest with them about our pasts, or them discovering the truth on their own?”
“They won’t find out if we’re careful about it,” Pigsy countered.
“They will find out,” Tang stated with absolute certainty. “Whether it’s the kids putting the pieces together themselves or Wukong recognizing us, there is no doubt that this isn’t going to stay a secret for long.”
Sandy seemed thoughtful but the pig demon simply huffed and crossed his arms stubbornly.
Tang stared directly into Pigsy’s defiant eyes. Looks like he’d have to pull out the big guns.
“How do you think MK will react once he finds out that we, that you, have been keeping something this important from him?”
With a sharp intake of air Pigsy froze, his expression changing from defiance to horror. He leaned over, placing his face in his hands and groaned.
“Oh god. He’d- he’d feel like I didn’t trust him. Like I didn’t care about him enough to tell him.” The chef seemed miserable at the thought as he looked up. “Okay, we can tell the kid. Mei too, I guess.”
Tang shared a glance with Sandy. Neither had missed the exclusion of Wukong from Pigsy’s concession.
(When did he stop being the Monkey King to Tang?)
“So, uh, will we tell big brother before or after we tell MK and Mei,” Sandy asked, eyeing the pig demon warily.
Like a switch had been flipped, Pigsy’s anger returned in full force, his face twisting into a hateful scowl.
“We ain’t telling that bastard nothing,” he snarled.
“Pigsy,” Tang scolded, shocked at the amount of venom in his voice.
“No! He doesn't deserve it! Not after letting us think he was dead-” Pigsy’s voice broke slightly as he continued his rant. “Not after avoiding us for five hundred years!”
Tang took a steadying breath and pushed down the irrational emotions and hurt that wanted to agree with Pigsy’s stance. He needed to be calm if he was to convince one of his oldest friends to go through with this.
“Assumptions, my dear friend, are very dangerous things,” Tang said.
“Huh?” Pigsy looked confused at the seeming change in subject. Good, that meant he was paying attention.
“We never found Wukong after he disappeared, so we assumed he was dead. We continued to assume such for five hundred years,” Tang began, speaking clearly and with emphasis to be sure he was understood. “We now know our assumptions were wrong. Now you are falling back into the same mistake.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?!”
“You are assuming that Wukong knew we were looking for him. You are assuming he hid from us intentionally. You are assuming that he knows we’re still alive.”
“Wait, what,” Sandy exclaimed. He had seemed to be following along with the conversation up until that point and now looked alarmed.
“How do we know Wukong didn’t fall into the same trap we have,” Tang explained. “That he didn’t just assume we were gone, either through death or reincarnation? With that assumption in mind, why would he ever think to go looking for us?”
There was a tense silence as Tang let his point sink in before finishing his argument.
“We can no longer assume things. That only leads to misunderstanding and hurt feelings. If we are to learn the truth we must actively look for it. To do that we must be honest with Wukong.”
Pigsy stared at him for a few moments before sagging and plopping down into his chair.
“I’m not drunk enough for this.”
Tang breathed a sigh of relief as Sandy chided their friend about drowning your feelings in alcohol. That was the first hurdle down.
Now for the hard part.
In the end they decided to tell all three of them at the same time. Just to rip the whole band-aid off in one go so to speak.
It hadn't been too hard to convince MK to get Wukong to invite them to his island. He hadn’t welcomed them into his sanctum however, so they had a picnic on the shore near the waterfall curtain instead.
The food had been quickly forgotten once they began their explanation.
MK was upset at first at having the truth withheld from him, but some heartfelt reassurances and a teary hug from Pigsy had earned them his forgiveness. He bounced back rather quickly and immediately began launching questions excitedly at the trio.
Mei had simply accepted the revelation with great enthusiasm. She had pulled her phone and began live streaming a “Q&A WITH THE JOURNEY TO THE WEST CREW!!!”. So much for anonymity.
Tang gave an amused chuckle as the young adults pestered Pigsy and Sandy as he glanced at the uncharacteristically silent Wukong.
The Monkey King could have been carved from stone with how still he was, his expression frighteningly blank.
“Wukong?” Tang swallowed nervously as his first disciple turned to him with that empty look. “Do you want to say something?”
That had apparently been the wrong thing to ask.
“Do I want to say something? Do I want to say something?!” The empty stillness was immediately replaced with restless agitation as Wukong leapt to his feet and began to pace back and forth angrily. “Oh there are a lot of somethings I want to say to you three!”
“Hey Mei? Stop streaming for a bit,” MK said quietly as he pulled her a little ways away from the group. Tang would have been extremely proud of the emotional maturity the kid was showing, but he currently had a very pissed off monkey taking up most of his attention.
“How could you do this to me?! How could you even think of leaving me to be alone for five hundred years,” Wukong shouted at them, confusion and anger and hurt pouring from every word.
“Big brother, we-” Sandy tried.
“Don’t you ‘Big Brother’ me, Sha Wujing!” The way he spat out the name like a curse made the river demon flinch. “You all abandoned me! I thought I was never going to see any of you again! Yet here you all are!” Wukong clenched his fists as he glared at the three immortals. “WHERE WERE YOU?!”
“Where were we? Where were you,” Pigsy threw the question right back angrily. “We looked for you! For a century we searched! That’s more than what you can say!”
“And then when you got tired of it you gave up! You gave up on me!”
The anger bled out from the air at that confession and Wukong seemed to crumble into himself. Pigsy looked stunned, Sandy was nervously wringing his hands, and Tang’s stomach was twisting itself into a painful knot.
“I was alone, Bajie. My brothers were gone and I was left by myself,” Wukong trembled as he hugged himself. Tang had never seen the proud warrior look so small before. “For centuries I had nothing but my memories and grief. Sometimes I wanted to be dead. Maybe then I’d see you again.” Wukong fell to his knees as he looked up at them with tears running down his face. “I missed you all so much.”
Tang felt his own tears falling as he rushed over to embrace Wukong who began to openly sob. Sandy and Pigsy soon joined in and the four of them simply held each other as they let their pain free.
“We’re so, so sorry Wukong,” Tang said. “I promise you we would have never hurt you like this intentionally.”
“I- I know,” Wukong hiccuped, clutching to the three of them tightly.
“We won’t ever leave you alone again big brother,” Sandy vowed.
“We’re stuck with each other from now on, no matter how much we may get on each other's nerves.” Pigsy’s joke earned a choked laugh from Wukong.
Two more pairs of arms entered into their group hug as MK and Mei joined them on the ground.
“Please don’t be sad Monkey King,” MK said. “You have Mei and I now too. You aren’t alone anymore.”
Wukong just began to cry a little harder and held on a bit tighter at that.
The six of them stayed like that for some time, holding each other up in silent support and comfort.
As they sat there, Tang was a little overwhelmed by how right it felt to be holding onto the others. Love burned in his chest as he enjoyed the warmth of being this close to his family.
They were his family, weren’t they?
That wasn’t just another assumption. These five, across any timeline, were family to him, and he would always care for them as such.
Any lingering doubts about being Tripitaka melted away. It didn’t really matter who he was or had been in the past. All that mattered was the real love he felt for these people that were precious to him.
As long as he had that, he could overcome anything else that came his way.
You didn’t think I would write a Tang-centric fic and NOT have him be Tripitaka did you? It was inevitable honestly.
I'm not sure if I characterized Sha Wujing correctly here, but Sandy canonically went to anger management so I made some (hehe) assumptions.
Speaking of! Count how many assumptions are made in this chapter! There might be more than you think~
The story referenced in this chapter is Tang’s Time Adventure by Poddlebud. It’s a fun little romp with a unique ship. It’s a shame we didn’t get to see the conclusion played out here…
Until next time!
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skellebonez · 3 years
Smoke, Flasks, and Unfinished Tasks: Chapter 11
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Summary: Things are coming to a head. Poor Red.
Warnings: descriptions of blood and injury, self depreciation, mentions of past abuse, mention of one character dismissing their own abuse in the past in passing
Chapter 11: Escalation and Benefaction
Jin was not expecting a celebratory parade when he managed to sneak his way out of his confinement, but he wasn’t expecting the dead silence that greeting him either.
“Hmn... maybe she can’t keep her attention divided up between the four of us as easily as I thought,” he muttered to himself. “Or maybe my extra tricks back there actually worked.”
There was only so much one person could pay attention to at any given moment, and Jin was looking to take advantage of that fact. That, and the fact Jade face didn’t know how easy it would be for him to set up a continuous loop of some of his past actions (pacing, laying down, pacing again, kicking the bed, etc) to distract her into thinking he had given up in frustration. Should she ask him something and he not answer, he hoped that she would be able to believe that he was giving her the silent treatment.
As for being on the outside... he needed to be careful. He had an extra cloak on him now, something that he knew would only fool the system for a short while and something that he couldn’t share with the others. If he had been able to, they all probably would have been out of here by now.
He needed to be quick, he needed to be silent, and he needed to use everything about the Calabash he and Yin had built from scratch deep in his own memory to his advantage.
... now if only he could remember the stupid shortcut key code so he wouldn’t have to wander around like a headless chicken...
Mei held back a wince as the blood on Pigsy’s back ceased flowing. It was much more than he should be able to survive losing, transparency to it allowing her to look at it without much more reaction. It worried her how the rest of it had started not to bother her, the sight of exposed bone quickly vanishing after that. Now, once she was able to properly ignore it, it was gone as quickly as it had appeared.
She tried to think back to what MK and Jin had told her about the Calabash. Jin knew the inner workings of the machine (for some reason he called it more of a  Lotus Eater than the original type of artifact the Calabash of old was, but she had no idea what that actually meant), but he had never actually been inside of one that was trying to work on him actively. Only test runs, and they weren’t a match for the real deal like MK had gone through.
The Monkie Kid had made one thing clear, smell in particular was dulled. And as long as the biting coppery smell of blood wasn’t there fully Mei knew she could handle this. None of it was real.
There were other things to look out for, little glitches that would showcase weaknesses in where the machine was trying to make things work but failed.
She’d seen a few of these so far, watching the monkey dancers she’d seen two of them buffer like on a live stream and then jump forward back into position. She watched as a cat seemed to teleport instead of jump from one food stand to another. The more she paid attention to them instead of her friends the more of them she began to notice.
The Calabash didn’t seem to be doing as good a job trying to keep four different people contained at once as Princess Jade Face seemed to think it was. Or maybe the fox spirit just didn’t care as long as the job was done.
“What’cha thinking about over there?” Tang voice called out from behind her. The parade was long since passed, faster than she thought it would have come to think of it, and the four of them were making their way back to Pigsy’s food stall. The festivities weren’t over with yet, they still had customers to feed and then they had to pack everything up, and-
When Mei turned to look at Tang they were all on the ground, a crowd surrounding all of them and half staring at the bodies while the rest stared at her sword. Brilliant and green and shining with freshly spilled blood.
“Bud?” The fake Wukong asked softly, stepping forward with a look of concern on his face. “Are you ok?”
“No,” MK answered honestly without even thinking, fighting the urge to take an immediate step back away from the sight of his mentor. Every time he looked his face seemed to flicker back to the one from not even a few minutes ago. Cold. Angry. Disappointed.
“No?” Fake Wukong repeated, looking at him for a second before scowling. MK did not fight the flinched step back this time as he shook his head, looking at his student with disdain. “Why did I ever pick someone like you to be my successor anyway? Damn, my brother was right, you are the worst possible choice for anything.”
“Wh-what?” MK asked, eyes widening in shock. “B-brother?”
Fake Wukong scoffed, looking more like Macaque in his motions than Wukong. MK didn’t know if this was making what was before his eyes better or worse.
“I knew you were dumb, Kid, but damn,” Wukong shook his head, and despite the fakeness of his words that still hurt. That hurt deeper down than he would ever admit to anyone out loud. “I didn’t know you were this much of an idiot. Your own boss is Zhu Bajie and you can’t even put the pieces together to realize that’s the brother I am talking about? Pathetic. I should have picked Mei, she would have been so much better at this than you. Or Red Son, even-”
MK didn’t pay attention to the rest of the Monkey King’s tirade. He couldn’t. He did what he was second best at. Not paying attention. He let his mind unfocus and wander and think about the only thing in this conversation that he latched on to.
Pigsy was Zhu Bajie's reincarnation. He knew that, he’d known that since he and Wukong had reunited and Pigsy got so angry at his mentor for not recognizing him even in his newest life. But he had forgotten just how important that was over time. He knew the stories, he knew who Sun Wukong’s enemies wore... and he knew who Zhu Bajie’s were. Pigsy was his father figure, the man next to Tang who had cared for him the longest and next to Wukong also cared about him the most. Pigsy was as close to Mei and Red Son as he was now. He’d called them both his kids before.
MK wasn’t the brightest crayon in the box, he would readily admit that both Mei and Red Son were smarter than him in multiple ways, but the fake Wukong was wrong. He wasn’t an idiot. And now he knew exactly what Princess Jade Face actually wanted, what she was trying to do. He’d had it happen before, long ago with other people. Unfortunately for him, he was also smart enough to know that whatever happened to the three of them now... she probably didn’t care. They weren’t the ones she was truly after at all.
“Are you even listening to me?” Fake Wukong snapped, glowering down at him with even more anger than before. But then he softened, sighing as his form glitched and his concerned visage took back over. “Bud? I’m sorry, I don’t know what came over me... can you forgive me?”
“Yeah,” MK said softly, nodding his head down. Now he focused, taking in everything around him and deciding on what to pay attention to. The monkeys that were with them during training glitched. He couldn’t hear the wind the way it should have been. The incense that should have been burning at the memorial shrine was not there. “I’m sorry Monkey King, I promise I can do better.”
He gave his widest and most fake smile, the one he had used on so many time and time again.
“OK,” Fake Wukong smiled, and the world glitched around them.
Red Son knew that to a lot of people this wouldn’t have been as bad as it seemed to him. Red Son knew that to a lot of people this would seem like something he should have been able to move past and forget. Red Son was like most people at first. Berating himself for not being over it, for being hurt, for running what his father said to him over and over in his head as he told himself “it wasn’t that bad, he barely even did anything why are you upset?”
“What I said back then,” DBK growled out, placing Red Son down once they were far away from their food stall. He didn’t hurt him, but the tight feeling of being held that way lingered. “When the spirit possessed me? I didn’t like the idea of thinking I had thought those things myself.”
MK and Mei were not "a lot of people”. They were the only two that knew what had happened between himself and his father on the day of the Lunar New Year festival. Not even Sun Wukong knew why he had fled to Flower Fruit Mountain to seek him out that day.
“But now I know you truly are a disappointment,” he continued, just as he had that day. His voice was low, both in volume and in tone, but the words his Red’s ears like they were screamed at him. “To throw everything away for something as petty as... what? Fear? Pain? You are a demon! Our whole lives are fear and pain! You have grown soft, under that teaching or over time I do not know which, but I have no place for a weakness like you.”
Red Son said nothing. There were no glitches. He had said nothing before. He clenched his fists, bit his lip, remembered what Mei and MK had told him.
His father scoffed, reaching forward with a claw to rip the necklace hidden under his shirt off his neck. The phantom pain of his neck burning from the pull as the chain snapped lingered longer than anything else here had.
“You are a disgrace,” DBK bit out, sounding for all the world like he had just been insulted in the highest degree. “You’re barely even my son. No... No, if you’re going to fall down to this? After your mother and I fought so hard to get you back? After I was trapped for so long because of you? Then I don’t have one.”
The world glitched forward a bit. He remembered, he had tried to argue with his father. But he hadn’t listened. The glitch ended and he was backed into a corner, his father’s huge face in his own as he scowled. He was intimidating him. Never touching, never laying a hand on him.
“Then prove it, calf. If you are my son, if you aren’t the disappointment you have proven yourself to be time and time again, then show me,” he stood back to his full height, scowling and eyes glowing in energy. “Go to the Little Thief. Join him. And either defeat me in battle, prove to me by besting me that we should no longer fight... or bring me his head.”
And that was it. His father jumped, leaving him behind feet from the food stall.
Disowned. Abandoned. With two impossible tasks.
Red Son slipped to the ground, shaking as he remembered what Mei and MK had told him when he told them the truth. Of why he flew to Flower Fruit Mountain, the one place where his father could never follow. Why he had let Wukong take him to Pigsy’s Noodles when he found him on the beach, sad and alone and soaking in the ocean water he had crashed landed in. Why he had been so hesitant to get close to anyone but was so willing to offer then any information or tech they needed.
Mei and MK told him that he was hurt. That it was ok that he felt hurt. That what his father had done wasn’t something to just get over. What his mother had done was much the same. That he was hurting because they had hurt him.
The steam that was his tears that billowed out from the corners of his eyes told him that he thought they were right.
“Oh... my poor little cub,” a soft voice rang out from behind his ear, and Red Son didn’t even have the chance to jump before arms that only felt half there wrapped around his shoulders. “Had I known that my husband would treat you this way I would have come back sooner. You don’t have to go back to him, you know.” The soft chuckling in his ear was warped, glitched, but sounded too close to not be from her. Princess Jade Face was smiling in the corner of his eye, soft and warm and terrifying.
“I don’t plan on hurting you, Red Boy. I promise.”
Red Son did not believe her.
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lunar-wandering · 3 years
more Sel content!! this time it’s how Sel first met Macaque. (maybe i’ll do one about how he met Wukong soon too)
oh, also, i can’t remember if i mentioned this before, but Sel is genderfluid, which is why he’s using he/him pronouns in this fic when he used she/her in the other one. just so ya know.
Word Count: 1.6k
Sel hummed to himself as he walked through the market, a basket slung over one arm. He'd been actively trying to get Wukong to eat things that weren't peach based (or the monkey's own hair....) for a while now, and thus far he'd had the best luck with different types of fruit, specifically ones from the market. Plus, it also helped that there was one stall around here that made really good juice drinks, so Sel tended to frequent the place rather often.
He stepped to the side to avoid bumping into a small group of people, and subsequently found himself closer to a rather...dark alleyway. Sel eyed the alleyway nervously as he walked past it, he wasn't entirely immune to horror stories and the anxious idea of getting attacked after all.
It was only after he passed the alleyway the he paused, turning back around to stand in front of the alley again, double checking what he had seen.
A monkey demon's tail, laying on the ground on the other side of a dumpster, presumably with a monkey demon attached to it.
Sel, honestly, only knew of three monkey demons.
The first of which being Wukong, Monkey King and all. He'd known him for a little over two years, ever since he'd hit his head on that boat and ended up on Flower Fruit Mountain by accident.
The second monkey was MK. Albeit, he was just a human with Wukong's powers, but Sel considered him a monkey in spirit, so he definitely counted.
The third, Sel had never actually had the pleasure of meeting.
...Well. Sel's market-shopping could wait a day.
As he took a step into the alley, he could see the fur on the tail bristle, before it was pulled back to hide behind the dumpster.
So. The other could hear him. Not surprising really, from what little he knew, the Six Eared Macaque does have excellent hearing after all.
Which was why Sel was slightly amused when Macaque startled as Sel walked to stand in front of him.
With just one look at the shadow monkey, Sel immediately became concerned.
There weren't any obvious injuries, but Macaque was curled up, not completely, but enough for it to be obvious that it was either a defensive position or a response to pain. It wasn't exactly surprising that he was probably hurt, he had fought MK and Wukong after all, not many people could exactly come out of that undamaged.
Still though, from what Sel knew, Macaque should've been fully healed by now.
The fact that he wasn't was incredibly concerning.
...And Macaque was still staring up at him in confusion.
Right, he hadn't said anything yet.
"...Hi there!" Sel said, before realizing that, as he was standing up and Macaque wasn't, he was kinda....towering over him.
Not wanting to accidentally threaten the other this early on, Sel knelt down in front of Macaque, pulling out a bag of cookies and holding it out as an offering. He'd been mostly planning on saving them for later, but, well...
Macaque looked at him bewildered, before scoffing, shoving the bag of cookies and Sel's outstretched hand away, grabbing hold of the edge of the dumpster and slowly picking himself up off the ground. He didn't look exactly steady- some injuries starting to show through the glamour Sel could tell he was wearing, and the slight shakiness in his legs didn't exactly lead Sel to trust that the shadow monkey wasn't about to collapse.
Sel stood back up, holding out the bag of cookies again.
"They're not poisoned, by the way." He said, "I haven't even opened the bag, if you're worried about that."
"I don't like sweets." Macaque muttered, the first words Sel had heard him say.
"Aw, c'mon, you don't look like you've eaten in weeks, you should at least eat something, even if you don't like it." Sel insisted, unphased as Macaque glared at him.
"Why do you care?" He asked, "You- You've literally never met me before, why are you concerned- really this is rather careless of you to talk to a stranger-"
"But I do know you, even if I haven't met you." Sel said, "I know who you are, Macaque. MK was quite detailed in talking about you. Wukong was a little more quiet about it, but he did mention you as well."
A look of fear passed through Macaque's eyes.
Sel immediately decided he didn't like it. He had been kind of planning on threatening Macaque about not attacking MK or Wukong again, but....something about his expression right now made that idea not quite sit right.
"Hey." He lowered his voice to as soft as it could go, trying his best to channel the sensation of a relaxing night on the seashore into his voice. "I'm not going to hurt you."
Macaque clearly still didn't trust him, but his shoulders relaxed slightly, so Sel took that as a win.
"...Who are you anyways?" Macaque asked, "I don't think I've seen you around the city before."
"I've never seen you around either, so it's probably more of us not frequenting the same places." Sel said, "But anyways, my name's Sel, currently the resident selkie of Flower Fruit Mountain. Well, I don't really live there, but I visit pretty often enough."
"So you're....friends with Wukong?" Macaque asked, his tail swishing back and forth.
"Yep! He really should have more though, I keep telling him that one friend and one successor isn't a really good social life, but does he listen, no-" Sel paused, registering the way Macaque was looking away, avoiding eye contact as he rubbed the back of his neck, seemingly vaguely uncomfortable. Hm. Wukong probably wasn't the best topic then. "Ah- anyways, you're injured, right? Do you need any help with that or-"
"I'm fine." Macaque hissed, and Sel noted for later how his eye flashed purple, the shadows in the alley condensing. "Shouldn't you be- I don't know, shopping or something?"
"Shopping can wait for later, injuries are a thing for now." Sel said, recognizing the defensive deflection for what it was. "Seriously, if you need help all you need to do is tell me and I'll-"
"And how should I know to trust you?" Macaque pressed his back closer to the wall behind him. Man, this seriously wasn't going well. "For all I know, Wukong could've sent you here to finally land the final blow."
At that, Sel pauses, assessing Macaque again, the look in his eyes, the way he looks ready to flee at any moment.
...He realizes he's seen this exact same thing before.
On himself, a few years ago. On Wukong, whenever he thinks Sel isn't looking. More recently, on MK, which was nothing if not concerning.
On a girl, standing at the top of a cliff, foot hovering over the edge.
"How do I keep running into the people who seriously need therapy..." He muttered, ignoring the fact that Macaque probably heard him, based on how his ear twitched. "Well, if you ever do decide to trust me, you can probably find me at Flower Fruit Mountain. If not, Wukong will probably help you if you actually show your injuries and don't immediately try to kill him."
"And what makes you think Wukong would do that?"
"I read his diary."
"You- wait what?" Macaque's righteous caution was suddenly fully replaced by confusion. "How did you get a hold of-"
"He kinda just... gave it to me?" Sel shrugged, "I made a comment about not believing that he could write good poems, and he just. Handed it over to prove me wrong. I think he forgot most of what he wrote in there honestly."
"I-you-" Macaque seemed to struggle to come up with a response to that for a moment. "...What was in his diary that makes you think he'd want to help me?"
"Hm... That's for me to know, and you to find out." Sel said, and, fully aware that this might be a step too far, but wanting to test and see where the boundaries lay, reached out and ruffled the fur on Macaque's head. Surprisingly, he didn't stop him from doing this, and if Sel wasn't imagining things, he actually leaned into the contact too.
...Probably touchstarved then. That was another check to the "I keep finding people who seriously need help, how does this keep happening" list.
"Well." Sel started, removing his hand and watching in semi-amusement as Macaque seemingly became aware of what just happened, the slightest hint of a pink blush making it's way through the shadow monkey's glamour over the fact he'd been taken off guard. Sel softly chuckled at his expression, before gently setting the bag of cookies on top of the dumpster. "I suppose I should be going, the juice stand is going to close soon after all, and I really do in fact want a strawberry juice. You're free to come along if you want."
"I- No. No, I'm fine." Macaque said, crossing his arms, his fur bristling. "Like I said, I don't like sweets."
"Hm, if you say so." Sel turned, ignoring the sensation of Macaque watching him as he left the alley.
He walked a few steps down the street, waiting for about a minute before turning back and looking down the alley again.
As he'd expected, Macaque was gone, as well as the bag of cookies.
Sel smirked to himself, remembering how Wukong had adamantly refused to eat the cookies after finding out Sel had put a healing potion into it, adamantly stating that he didn't need any healing. At least someone who needed it would use them.
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