#like. yes we all have phone addictions it comes with the territory of being a human being at this time in history
i despise the stereotype that teenagers and young adults are egregiously involved in their phones not because i dont think they arent but because middle aged people are a million times worse
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For the anon who requested : I was wondering if you'd be interested in doing a crossover thing with the reader's ex being either Sonny or Spencer and now she is starting to date the other? You can make it angsty or fluff or whatever you'd like. I love both of them so much.
You woke up with arms tightly wrapped around you and the sound of your alarm blaring next to you. The body behind you groaned and pulled you even closer. 
“Turn it off.” He begged and you rolled your eyes smiling as you reached out a hand from your cocoon of blankets, grabbing your phone and turning the alarm off. You tried to get out of the bed but the arms kept you from moving. 
“Hey.” You chuckled, patting Sonny’s arm, “We gotta go, love. If we’re both late. Again. People are gonna start noticing.” Sonny kissed the back of your neck a few times and sighed into the crook of your neck. 
“They already notice.” He murmured and you shook your head, finally succeeding in getting out of the bed. 
“I’ll shower first, then you can get in.” Sonny sat up in bed, blankets falling down to his waist so his bare chest was visible. 
“How about we shower together?” He asked, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. You pointed at him. 
“Shower. Just shower.” He leapt naked from the bed coming at you with his hands out. 
“Oh sure,” He reached you, hands gently tickling your sides as you pulled away from him, walking backwards towards the man’s bathroom. 
“I’m serious Sonny!” You laughed, “Showering! That’s it!” He nodded, continuing to devour you with his eyes. 
“Scouts honor!” He grinned and you giggled before turning to run from him towards the shower, the man a half a step behind you the entire way.
You were late. Again. 
“Y/L/N, Carisi.” Your boss, Benson greeted you. The squadroom was in a flurry. 
“Sarg.” You greeted with a smile, “Sorry we’re late Sonny didn’t text me when he got to my place.” You lied. She shook her head but didn’t press the issue. 
“FBI is on their way.” She informed and you raised both of your eyebrows as Sonny went to his desk. Rollins and Fin were nowhere to be seen. 
“Why?” You asked. You were only fifteen minutes late, what could you possibly have missed? 
“Five bodies. All the same M.O. Just dug up in a field on the lower East side. M.O. was already in the database for some cases out in Virginia. FBI thinks we have a serial killer on our hands, one who is escalating. They’re sending out the BAU.” You felt yourself pale. 
“BAU?” You questioned, following Olivia as she walked towards her office, “Don’t they think we can do our job? We don’t need the feds breathing down our necks.” You tried to argue, she stopped you once you were in her office, with a stern look. 
“This is out of my control. We all need to play nice, alright?” You stood there awkwardly before nodding your head and stepping back with your hands raised. 
“Alright.” Olivia looked at you for a minute. 
“Is there something I need to know?” She asked. 
“No. I’m fine. Where do you want me?” The BAU had multiple units, maybe they were sending another group of esteemed profilers. A girl could pray. 
You and Sonny got back from questioning witnesses sometime around dinner time, and the office was just as busy if not busier then when you left. 
“Holy crap,” Sonny breathed to you and you nodded in agreement. 
“Holly crap indeed, come on.” You walked into the flurry of people buzzing around the room, going straight to your desk. Sonny stopped at his desk directly next to yours, chatting with your about something. You were smiling, despite all the horror you had seen that day, Sonny always made you smile. 
“Y/N?” The smile fell, before you turned to face the source of the voice you managed a small one again. 
“Spencer, hi.” You greeted, he stood there in front of you for the first time since you had left D.C. He looked good, much better than the last night you had seen him. Since you broke up. “It’s good to see you.” He smiled at you and nodded eagerly. 
“It’s good to see you too. You look good.” You felt your cheeks redden slightly and involuntarily looked over at Sonny who was peering at you both, trying to figure out the situation. He never would, you barely did. 
“This is my partner, Sonny Carisi, this is Spencer Reid. BAU.” Spencer turned to the man, and they seemed to briefly size each other. You wanted to crawl under your desk and scream, you were feeling a lot of feelings currently but guilt was at the forefront. You and Spencer hadn’t left things on what you would have considered good terms. Your relationship had started good, close to perfect. Things had really fallen apart after Spencer’s kidnapping. He never really quite shook the habit, and you couldn’t handle loving someone else with an addiction, you learned your lesson from your parents. So you had left him. When things got to be too much, at his arguably lowest point you had left him. And that guilt you felt never truly subsided. And now he was here in front of you, looking healthy and you felt bad. You looked at Sonny again. But things had changed. Life had moved on, obviously for both of you. And now you had perfection with a man whom you loved to death. 
“Nice to meet you Sonny.” He greeted. Sonny nodded his head in return before gesturing. 
“Yous worked together in the FBI I assume?” You both nodded. Spencer looked at you, something was behind his eyes you couldn’t read. Maybe that’s why you hadn’t cut it as a profiler. 
“Are you still an expert at geological profiles? Maybe you can help us Y/N.” 
“I.. I don’t.” You floundered. Sonny walked past you, patting your elbow as you went with a smile. 
“Go help, I’ll fill Olivia in and grab ya if I need ya, doll.” He let the little sentiment fall from his lips with almost a smirk. You could have gaped at him but you managed not to, just merely smiled tensely. He was marking his territory and you knew it, he knew it. And most of all, Spencer knew it. Once Sonny was gone, Spencer looked at you with raised eyebrows. 
“New catchphrase of his.” You joked, “You should see him use it on defendants.” Spencer smiled slightly and nodded before gesturing towards the room BAU had commandeered for the case. 
The next morning Spencer was already there when you and Sonny got there, this time early. The case was in full swing and you had cut out sometime early that morning to try and catch some sleep. 
“Morning!” He greeted cheerfully, two coffees already in hand. “Still take yours black with two sugars?” He asked. Sonny cut him off, his own voice sickenly cheerful. 
“She takes it with almond milk now.” He informed the other man, and Spencer’s smile faltered slightly. 
“I can get you some almond milk,” He assured. Sonny glared slightly and you sent him a sharp look of your own before taking the coffee from Spencer. 
“Thank you, I got it.” You assured before turning to go to the little kitchenette. Sonny followed you closely and you could feel his presence behind you. “Yes detective?” You asked brushing past a few unis as they left. 
“What’s that guys deal?” Sonny asked, dropping his voice low. You shrugged your shoulders grabbing the almond milk from the fridge to pour into your coffee. 
“It’s not work talk.” You murmured back. Sonny huffed and crossed his arms leaning on the counter as he stared at you. 
“And why not?” He asked. 
“It’s personal.” 
“Like how we’re personal?” Sonny asked. You stopped and turned to the man, glancing around before leaning up for the world's quickest kiss. You pulled back and Sonny relaxed his face slightly. 
“Yes.” You admitted, turning back to stir the drink in front of you, making sure it was cool before taking a sip, “We... dated.” You admitted shrugging, “For a while. Things didn’t end perfectly. I think he’s just trying to be nice.” Sonny frowned again. 
“For how long?” He asked, “He’s trying to chat you up Y/N. He obviously still cares for you.” You shrugged again. 
“Does it matter how long?” You asked. “That part of my life was over before I even met you, I promise Sonny. Just let him be nice. If I feel like he’s going too far I’ll shut him down, you need to trust me.” Sonny nodded before turning to leave the room. He paused in the doorway.
“I trust you.” 
The case was over, but not without taking two more lives with it. The doer was in custody, and you were wrapping up some paperwork; looking forward to going home with Sonny to get some takeout and fall into bed. You were lost in your thoughts of Chinese food and cuddles when someone stopped next to your desk. 
“Good work this week.” You looked up and smiled. 
“You too, Spencer.” 
“The BAU misses you, you know.” From the corner of your eyes you could see Sonny was listening into the conversation. 
“The bureau doesn’t.” You smirked and Spencer laughed, before rubbing the back of his head awkwardly. You watched him, waiting for him to continue, hoping he didn’t ask you something you didn’t have the answer to. 
“We don’t leave until tomorrow.” Spencer glanced at Sonny who had the decency to at least try and pretend like he wasn’t eavesdropping. “Could we get a drink? Maybe talk?” You sighed. 
“Spencer...” You trailed off before standing up, you glanced at Sonny who smiled slightly at you. You nodded towards one of the interview rooms and the man followed behind you as you walked. Once inside you leaned on the table, crossing your arms and frowning. 
“I’m sorry. I overstepped.” You shook your head. 
“I should be the one apologizing, Spencer.” You informed him and he looked confused. “I’m... I’m sorry, for everything.” Briefly his eyes lit up and it killed you that you had to do this, but you were the happiest you had been... well, ever. “I’m sorry I left you how I did, there’s not a day that goes by where I don’t feel guilty about it. But that was a lifetime ago.” His face fell and your heart felt broken all over again. “I’ve moved on...” You finished, “I need you to too.” Spencer nodded slightly, hanging his head and turning from you before he turned back. 
“Is it Carisi?” He asked and you nodded, playing with the pendent on your necklace. 
“Yes.” Spencer nodded again and rubbed a hand over his face. 
“He loves you a lot, call it profiler intuition.” You smiled slightly and looked down. 
“I love him a lot too.” Spencer stepped towards you and patted your arm, making you look at him.
“For what it’s worth, I never blamed you. Not for one second. Okay, Y/N?” You patted the hand on your arm and smiled gently. 
“Thank you, Spence.”
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ordinaryschmuck · 3 years
What I Thought About The Mitchells vs. the Machines
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier is up there as one of the best installments of the MCU. Sure, the action and CGI sucks, and the season finale could use a bit more polish, but there is so much more of what it does right. It brings up an engaging discussion through Karli; the bromance between Bucky and Sam is incredible; Zemo's surprisingly a riot, and U.S. Agent is a character whose inner psychology is something I would like to study. Plus, the series really dives deep into the themes of race and the realistic hesitance that comes with making a black man Captain America. It's easily an 8/10 series that is worth an in-depth discussion.
But f**k that s**t, because I'm talking about The Mitchells vs. the Machines instead!
I know it might be questionable that reviewing a movie starring a predominantly white family of idiots saving the world instead of the TV series about the powerful journey of a black man taking the mantle of an American icon...but this movie is fun, alright? And yes, I'm going to spoil it to explain how. So if you still have a Netflix account, I highly suggest you check it out when you have time.
Because, random people on the internet who most likely won't read this, this Ordinary Schmuck who writes stories and reviews and draws comics and cartoons is going to explain why The Mitchells vs. the Machines might just be my favorite film of the year (steep contest, I know).
The Animation: Let's get this out of the way right here and right now: If a single person ever tells you that this movie has awful animation, or the worst animation they have ever seen, just go ahead and assume that person is an idiot. Because holy hot cheese sticks, does this movie look amazing!
Say what you want about most of Sony Pictures Animation's movies, but you have to admit that they nail making a CGI movie looking like it could be in 2D. And The Mitchells vs. The Machines is the peak of that style. Every character in nearly every frame looks like they could work well if the movie was hand-drawn, and I love it. I am addicted to seeing films that look 2D with a 3D makeover because there has to be ten times the amount of effort to get that look just right, what with modeling each character in unique ways to nail that style wherein a hand-drawn film, you could just, well, draw it. Not to mention that the cell-shading and certain hand-drawn elements also add to the aesthetic.
Plus, there is so much attention to details, such as most of Katie's character model being covered in sharpie, or how you can see a hint of Eric and Deborabot 3000's drawn on faces even though their black screens are showing something else. Seriously, you can listen to any criticism this movie gets, but don't you dare let someone get away with telling you that it looks awful. It doesn't. It's incredible, and I SO wish that I could have seen it all on the big screen.
The Comedy: On top of being incredibly well-animated, this movie is also incredibly funny. Like, really funny. I shouldn't be surprised since it's made by the same people responsible for Clone High and The Lego Movie, but yeah, I found myself laughing, chuckling, and snorting with nearly every joke in the film. Not every joke works, to be fair. But because of the fast-paced humor, the bad jokes are almost immediately followed up with better ones soon after. What's even better is that the writers know when to take a break with the humor and let some surprisingly compelling drama take over. And even then, when there are jokes during the dramatic moments, they add sincerity to the scene rather than take anything away. Looking at you, The Amazing World of Gumball...I mean, I love you, but sheesh, you need to learn to let a solemn moment play out.
Anyways, the comedy is hilarious. And while I won't spoil every joke, I will go over some bits that might have gotten to me the most.
Katie Mitchell: Let's just go ahead and add Katie Mitchell to the list of characters I highly relate to on a personal level (which is getting longer by the minute, hot damn). But jokes aside, I really like Katie. Her love and desire to make movies is something I identify with, and her goal to just go to a place where she feels like she belongs is easy to understand. Trust me, if I found out there was a group of weirdos who like the same things I do and enjoy the things I make, I’d be willing to pack everything I have and go to them as fast as possible too. Plus, I feel like a lot of us can relate to a character who lives in a household where people question if our career goal is something we can make a living with. I remember two years ago when I told my aunt that I wanted to make my own animated series, and her reaction is a little too similar to Rick's when Katie showed him her movie. They mean well, but sometimes it's for the best to have a cheerleader rather than a critic, especially if that person is family.
Now, Katie isn't perfect as her enthusiasm can get a little annoying at times, and her desire to leave can be conceived as a little too harsh as well. Still, she's pretty cool and serves her role as a protagonist pretty well...also, if the movie gets a sequel, let's hope she and Jude become cannon by then. GIVE KATIE A GIRLFRIEND, DAMN IT!
Aaron Mitchell: But as great as Katie is, it's this goober that earns the reward for my favorite character. At times it looks like Aaron is nothing more than a source of comedy, but he handles some dramatic moments really well. Partial credit goes to Michael Rianda for that one. Yeah, having a child actor would have made Aaron sound more like a kid, but no other voice could have fit him better than what Michael offers as he comes across as weird but never obnoxious.
Also, let's give the writer points for making a character who is clearly neurodivergent. Yet also refraining from having him be annoying or useless to the rest of the cast. No one ever really disrespects or belittles Aaron and instead chooses to work with him rather than against him. Especially Katie, who forms a solid sibling bond with Aaron as a fellow weirdo. It's genuinely sweet to see, and I loved every minute that the writers showed that just because someone acts on a different wavelength doesn't mean they shouldn't be treated any less because of it. You get that with Katie, a little bit, but I see it much more with Aaron, for some reason. And I love him every minute, so that’s a win.
(Plus, I may or may not have had a dinosaur phase when I was younger, so go ahead and add him to the list of relatable characters too.)
Rick Mitchell: This is probably a character you will either love or hate, and I can see both sides of that argument. Because on the one hand, I really like Rick Mitchell. His motivation is clear and understandable from the first set of home videos with him and Katie, both near the beginning and the end. Sure, he messes up a lot, but he is still a man who cares deeply about his daughter, as well as his entire family. He gets to the point where he would make great sacrifices for all of them, especially Katie. Plus, it's just pleasant seeing a cartoon dad who isn't a complete idiot or overprotective regarding his daughter's love life.
However, there are times when Rick comes across as an irresponsible d**k. When he does things like smash the family's phones without telling them or giving them screwdrivers for "presents," you're either gonna find that funny or you won't. Personally, I enjoy Rick and his antics, and I have no problem with irresponsible cartoon dads. As long as they don't cross the line toward Modern-Peter Griffin territory, I've got no problem with dads like Rick, who I believe has never even got that bad. Still, some people might think differently, and I can't blame them. Because after getting great cartoon dads like Greg Universe, I can understand if some people won't be interested in characters like Rick Mitchell.
Rick’s and Katie’s relationship: Alongside the top-notch animation and gut-busting comedy, Rick and Katie's relationship is what I consider the movie's most essential asset. These two are the main characters of the film, and as such, they develop through each other. And what's crazy is that they have very conflicting goals. Katie wants to escape and be with her people, where Rich just wants one last chance to have a good memory with Katie before she leaves. To do so, they first have to understand each other. Katie has to learn why Rick is so desperate to spend time with her, and Rick has to realize why Katie is, well, Katie. What I love most about it is that they try. These two don't spend the entire movie arguing and being at each other's throats until a sudden "Oh" moment in the end. No, there are actual moments when they genuinely try to understand one another and fix their relationship. It's nice to watch, and I especially love when it cuts to Linda and Aaron celebrating each time Katie and Rick get closer to each other. When recommending this movie, I'd say come for the animation and comedy, stay for the phenomenal relationship building.
Monchi: There are probably people already comparing Monchi to Mater or the Minions due to being a comic relief with nothing else to add...but gosh dangit, do I love this little gentleman. Maybe it's because I'm a dog person, but I find Monchie to be incredibly adorable, and I will fight anybody who disrespects this king of kings. Probably not physically, 'cause I'm a wuss, but I will verbally. So WATCH IT!
“HeLlO. i Am DoG.”: Have I mentioned that this movie is funny?
Rick’s videotapes of him and Katie: And right there. Rick's motivation for everything is set in stone through a solid case of visual storytelling.
PAL: The writers do almost everything they should have with this character. PAL might not have the most creative evil plan in the world, but to me, a villain can have a generic scheme as long as they're funny. Thankfully, PAL is funny. Not only is the idea of a smartphone ruling the planet hilarious in all the right ways, but Olivia Colman delivers such a great cynical energy that the character needs. The way PAL reacts to people explaining why humans are worth living is just the best, and her flopping around in a fit of rage successfully gets to me.
If I had to nitpick, I'd say that I wish PAL had more of a meaningful resolution to her character. The movie builds up that she makes a big deal about Mark dropping her, so it feels weird that neither of them really get any actual closure with each other. I'll get more into that in the dislikes, but I wish PAL had more of a fitting end than just dying after accidentally getting dropped in a glass of water. Other than that, she's a great comedic villain for a comedic movie.
PAL MAX Robots: These guys are the funniest characters in the movie. Half of it is the bits of visual humor, while the other half comes from the solid line delivery from Beck Bennett. Especially with Bennett's and Fred Armisen's Eric and Deborahbot 3000. These two are definitely the comedic highlights, as nearly every line they say is both hilarious and kind of adorable at times. And just like with Monchi, if you dare disrespect these characters, I will fight you. Because they are funny, and I will not hear otherwise.
PAL demonstrating what it’s like to be a phone: Have I mentioned that this movie is funny?
(Don't disrespect your phones, kids. Otherwise, they'll try to take over the world.)
PAL turning off the Wi-Fi: Again, have I mentioned this movie is funny?
“I love the dog. You love the dog. We all love the dog. But at some point, you’re gonna have to eat the dog.”: It's the sick jokes that get to me the most. Everyone booing Rick afterward is just the cherry on top.
Attack of the Furbies: Have I. Mentioned. That this movie. Is funny?
Seriously, if you haven't lost your s**t during every second of this scene, then you never had to deal with the demonic entity that is a Furby. In a way, I commend you. But you also don't get to appreciate the comedic genius of all of this. So I also weirdly feel bad for you.
The Mitchells deciding how to celebrate: You don't have a real family if you spend more time arguing about how to celebrate after saving the world than you do about how to save the world. I don't make the rules. I just abide by them.
The PAL MAX Primes: There's not much to say about them. The PAL MAX primes look and act pretty cool, are brilliantly animated, and raise the stakes while still being funny at times. I love 'em, but I don't have much to analyze with them either.
The origin of the moose: ...I'd make the "I didn't need my heart anyway" joke, but to be honest, it's still shattered after WandaVision.
(For real, though, this is a really effective scene that establishes why Rick makes a big deal with the moose and why he might feel hurt that Katie is willing to disregard it completely)
The Theme of Technology and Social Media: There's a theme about how family is important, and working hard on making things work is worth the effort. But that's a bit too generic for my tastes, so instead, I'm gonna talk about the equally important message this movie has about technology. Because as twisted as she is, PAL makes a great point. The technology we have today helps us in a variety of ways. It's especially useful with sites like YouTube, allowing content creators like Katie to reach out and share their voices. The only issue with technology is how people use it. Take note that the main reason why the Mitchells stand a chance against PAL is by using her own tech against her. Yes, over-relying on all the advancements around us can be dangerous, but if we're smart with how we use them, we can get by just fine. This movie isn't about purging all technology like most robot apocalypse stories are. Instead, it's about using it correctly and not being helpless sheep the second the Wi-Fi gets turned off. Which might just be the most unique thing this movie has going for it story-wise (more on that later).
The Climax: The Mitchells vs. The Machines has everything that I think I climax should have. First off, it utilizes callbacks and jokes that I wouldn't have thought twice on actually coming in handy for how the Mitchells win the day. But showing that Monchi causes the robots to malfunction turns a pretty "eh" joke into a solid case of foreshadowing.
Second, everyone does something. Some characters do more than others, sure, but the fact that every Mitchell, even Monchi, has a hand in beating PAL and her robots is a great sense of writing to me. It shows that you really can't cut anyone from the main cast, as they each add value to how they are essential to the plot. Even Aaron, who arguably does the least in the climax, still manages to be the catalyst to what is easily the best scene in the movie. Speaking of which...
Linda Kicks Ass: By the way, that's the actual name on the soundtrack. I'm not even kidding. Check it.
Anyways, for the most part, Linda seemed like a decent cartoon mom. She's insanely supportive but still has the common sense to keep her foot down, like agreeing with Rick to stay safe in the dino stop the second the apocalypse starts. A pretty fun character, for sure, but nothing too noteworthy...but the second she loses her s**t, Linda Mitchell frickin' SKYROCKETS to the best-cartoon-mom territory! Believe me when I tell you that seeing her slice and dice robots like a middle-aged female Samurai Jack is as awesome as it is hilarious. Does it make sense how she can suddenly do this? No, but at the same time, who gives a s**t about common sense?! Because this moment was epic, and I don't think I'll ever get tired of watching it over and over again.
Rick Learning How to Internet...Again: I consider this the funniest moment in the movie. Trust me, the Furby scene is a close, close, CLOSE, second...but I think this scene was funnier.
The final goodbye: This is what I'm talking about when I say humor adds to the dramatic moments. The Mitchells saying "I love you" in moose is pretty funny, but it's also a sweet moment given that this is absolutely how this family of weirdos would say goodbye to each other. And, yeah, I got a little misty-eyed during this scene. Especially when Rick saw Katie pocketing the moose. That s**t just cuts deep, man.
Alex Hirsch Voices a Character: ...That's it. I look up to Alex Hirsh as everything I want to be as a creator, and the fact that his name is on this movie fills me with joy. He's also a story consultant, so that can also explain why the movie turned out as great as it did...although there are some imperfections.
Katie-vision: What's Katie-vision? Well, throughout the movie, we get to see how Katie views the world as there are these hand-drawn elements that look like effects Katie would add if she was the one who made the movie. At times it can be subtle and cute, like when this little beating heart appears when Katie is talking with Jude and her other friends. It's when the movie is in your face with Katie-vision does it get annoying. Like showing how Katie is lying about being certain she can drive up a vertical ramp or signifying what is the Rick Mitchell Special. Even if you justify that this would be how Katie would edit the movie, it still doesn't change how obnoxious these moments can be. For instance, Monchi is justified to be essential for the plot, but that doesn't mean people won't hate him...I'll still fight them if they do, but that's beside the point.
I can totally accept this being a personal issue, as I'm sure some people enjoy it. As for me, I think Katie-vision works best when used subtly instead of crudely.
The Meme humor: It's something similar here. Because some people like meme humor...but I don't. To me, it just dates your story if you reference memes even once. Now, a show, movie, or book being partially dated is nothing new. We Bare Bears, a series that I love, reference memes, apps, and social media constantly. Yet, the show still has a timeless feel to it as it doesn't rely on those references too much. The Mitchells vs. the Machines doesn't rely on memes as much either. But even then, that doesn't make a difference about how annoying that gibbon monkey joke was. Seriously, what the f**k was that? And how is THAT the joke that gets used twice!?
Underutilizing Mark Bowman: It really bothers me how this guy barely does much. I mean, Mark Bowman is the main reason that anything happens in the movie. Because he mistreated PAL, Mark acts as the catalyst for events to come. So the fact that he could have been written out the second PAL takes control doesn't make sense to me. It's worse since I could see more potential with his character through his relationship with PAL. These two could be anti-Rick and Katie, as Mark and PAL show what happens when people disrespect their family. So separating them halfway through the story, and keeping them as such, is a huge mistake as it results in neither having a proper resolution to their arcs. Like I said, Rick and Katie develop through each other, and the same could have happened with Mark and PAL. It doesn't, making it something that I can't help but feel disappointed about.
The Poseys: These are characters I feel like work better with multiple appearances. Sure, they only have the one joke about being a perfect family, but at the same time, you can make a joke like that work. Look at Yvonne from Shaun of the Dead (Which might just be my favorite movie). That's a bit-character whose only purpose is showing how better she is than Shaun despite being in an eerily similar situation. But she works well as we constantly see how great she's doing in every instance we see her. The same could be done with the Poseys, as using a similar joke for one scene is underutilizing great potential to make an already good movie into a better one.
Plus, if you're gonna shoehorn in a romance between Aaron and Abby Posey, the least you could do is have more than one scene developing that...just saying.
Katie’s and Rick’s “Oh” Moments: I want to make it clear that I actually like these scenes. They're well written and effectively emotional. My problem is that they also happen two seconds apart. There's nothing wrong with having a character realize the error of their ways through a tear-jerking moment. It's a popular tactic for a reason. And given how both Rick and Katie are the protagonists, they both need their own "oh" moment. But you gotta space them out, as it makes things easier to see the emotional manipulation that you're clearly trying to pull on the audience. They work, but putting them back to back is an issue easily solved with at least two minutes of padding, not two seconds.
Katie’s Death Fakeout: This is one of the few instances that a joke doesn't work in the movie, made even more annoying with the fact that I could see the punchline a mile away and kept thinking, "Just get to it already." I'm pretty sure no one bought this, especially when Katie didn't look like she could have gotten killed in any way after throwing PAL. It's poorly handled and proof that even the funniest comedies have a stale joke every now and again.
Nothing New is really being done here: Keep in mind that in terms of style, this movie is incredibly innovative. And here's hoping future animated projects can take notes. But narratively speaking? Yeah, there's nothing really new that this movie is offering.
A story about how technology will be the death of us? Been there.
A story about a group of idiots miraculously saving the world? Done that.
A story about a father forcing their teenager on a road trip so they can spend quality time with each other, thus ruining the teen's chance of hanging out with their girlfriend? Believe it or not, I have seen A Goofy Movie...multiple times...both as a kid and as an adult.
Now, I have no issue with a movie's plot being a bit by-the-books, and in some cases, cliche. If done effectively, and if I still have a good time, I don't think there’s much to complain about. And there isn't with The Mitchells vs. The Machines. The problem lies with that I'll forget this movie along with the dozens of others like it in a couple years. Which might just be the biggest issue any film can have.
Overall, I'd give The Mitchells vs. the Machines a well-earned A-. It has nitpicks, sure, but it's still a blast to watch. It might not be innovative or groundbreaking as movies like the last Sony Pictures Animation movie, Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse. However, it is fun. And when the world is burning down around us, it's nice to have a fun movie that can distract us from all of it. So feel free to log in to Netflix the next time you're in the mood for a film that is great for the whole family. You won’t be disapointed
(And I will talk about The Falcon and the Winter Soldier pretty soon. I just needed to get this out of my system first.)
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jamespotterthefirst · 4 years
Ocean Eyes (Ethan x F!MC)
Pairing: Dr. Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Dr. Lilac Allende) Word count: 2,400 + Warning: Adult language, adult situations Premise: When Ethan posts a daring picture, she responds just how he hoped.  Part 2 of Lovely.  Tags: @openheart12​ | @ethandaddyramsey​ | @noboundariesplease​ | @silverlitskies​ | @the-soot-sprite | @infinitiestones |  @emotionalswift2 | @flyawayboo |  @paulfwesley | @hatescapsicum​| @myusualnerdyself​ | 
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Donahue's was far more crowded that night than its usual Friday night tally. The dance floor she had just inhabited with Bryce was brimming with twice the number of dancing couples, all drunker and louder than usual. Lilac didn't mind, though. Everyone in general seemed to be having a good time and the high spirits were almost contagious. 
Before she could stop herself, her eyes darted to the same spot at the bar where they had been wandering to all night. He was still there, completely disinterested in the revelry around him, his attention instead on the nearly empty glass of scotch in his hand. He seemed to sense she was looking at him because his piercing blue eyes locked on hers for the first time that night.
 Ethan's expression, as usual, was unreadable but the way he looked at her sent a spike of adrenaline through her body. It was almost painful, like looking directly at the sun. Lilac could not look away. 
“Hmm?” she said, finally breaking away from Ethan's spell to look up at Bryce. 
Bryce, seemed unfazed by her distraction. If he noticed her exchange with Ethan, he didn't comment on it. “I was saying my surgeon buddies want a game of darts. Want to come with?” 
Just then, a tiny figure dropped down next to Lilac in the booth, breathless and flushed. “Don't even think about stealing her away into enemy territory, Lahela,” teased Sienna. “You've been hogging her all night.”
Bryce put up his hands in defeat with his signature, dazzling laugh. “No arguments from me. I know better than to mess with you, Trinh.” Giving them both a mock salute and a wink, he strutted off to meet his friends. 
Sienna laughed. Once Bryce was out of earshot, she took a hold of Lilac's arm and leaned in to say in a lovely sing-song voice, “You have an admirer.”
Lilac didn't have to look to know she meant Ethan. “My goodness, he is giving you some serious bedroom eyes,” her friend commented with wonder. 
“That's how he always looks.”
“That's how he always looks at you,” Sienna corrected. “Any updates?”
Lilac gave her a noncommittal shrug. 
“Things are still…weird,” she allowed, even though “weird” was a poor descriptor. Things between them were downright tense and miserable since their phone call a few days ago. 
Lilac cringed inwardly at the memory. Leave it to her to get plastered enough to desperately throw herself at him. Where had she found the courage? Was she really that desperate for Ethan Ramsey? She knew the answer to that immediately. 
Sensing the shift in her mood, Sienna rubbed her forearm comfortingly. “This calls for a round. You can tell me all about it over mind numbing alcohol. What do you want? The usual?” 
But Lilac shook her head, already standing up. “If I'm going to burden you with my dreadful love life, then drinks are on me.” And before Sienna could protest, she was off to the bar. 
Ten minutes later, Lilac thanked Reggie for the drinks, left as generous a tip as her salary allowed, and turned back towards her booth. She only made it half a step when she almost collided into a solid, cable sweater clad chest. 
“Oh,” she yelped, ready to apologize. The words were struck dead when her eyes met bright blue ones. She froze, internally hating the fact that someone could paralyze her entirely with just a look. 
“Dr. Allende,” Ethan said with a brief nod. 
“Dr. Ramsey,” she returned. 
The music blared just as loudly as before, bodies moving and dancing all around them, yet all she could hear was the ringing silence between them. Lilac bit her bottom lip anxiously, struggling to find something, anything to say for neither made an effort to move away. 
Ethan was giving her that same indiscernible look from before. It was driving her to the brink of insanity. Just when she thought she could decode what it meant, he opened his mouth, as if to say something. He seemed to think better of it because he shook his head so imperceptibly that she might have missed it. 
“Enjoy your night, Doctor,” he said instead, before continuing his way. 
Lilac blinked, so stunned that she did not even turn to watch him walk away as she always did. 
“Oh my God,” Sienna squealed when Lilac rejoined her. “That was the most sexually-charged interaction I've ever seen in my life.”
“He barely said two words to me.”
“It gave me Pride and Prejudice vibes. That scene where Mr. Darcy visits Elizabeth at Charlotte's house and he doesn't know what to say."
Lilac gave her an unmoved glare that did nothing to quell her friend’s amusement. 
"What have you done to poor Dr. Ramsey?” Sienna cackled with unconstrained glee.  
“Very funny, Sienna.” 
“Okay, okay,” she said, sobering up. “No more Austen references, I promise.” She took the drink Lilac offered. “Is he still stalking your Pictagram?”
“Not sure. I stopped checking,” Lilac lied. The last time she looked for the username "ejramsey" in her notifications was the previous night. 
“Only one way to find out,” Sienna told her, already scrolling through Lilac’s Pictagram feed on her own phone.  It didn't take long for Sienna to freeze, grab Lilac's arm with a sense of urgency, and almost shout, “Lilac, go to your last post right now.”
She did as instructed with some reservation. Her last post had been that very morning, a selfie of her in bed, carefully constructed to appear casual and offhand when the reality was that she took several shots before she settled on one she liked. Lilac had captioned it "good morning" for no particular reason. But then again, was there any real purpose to posting on anything Pictagram? 
 And there, among the comments mostly from people she hadn't seen or spoken to in years was his. 
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“He liked it!” Sienna declared, victorious. “And he commented, too.” Her friend said this with a certain finality that suggested the deal was sealed. Lilac and Ethan could practically marry now. 
“Is this what made you almost late to work, Allende?”
She reread his comment, unsure what to make of it. In her mind's eye, she could see the small, carefully guarded smirk that would accompany such a comment in real life. A small indicative that he, regardless of what he might say, had a soft spot for her. 
“Call this wishful thinking but,” Sienna started, “he is totally flirting with you. In his own weird Ethan Ramsey way made even more bizarre by technology. But flirting nonetheless. ” 
Lilac would have immediately disagreed, dismissed the comment, and changed the subject, but her attention was robbed by a post on her Pictagram feed. It was from the man himself, time stamped only a few minutes after hers that morning.
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She almost choked on her drink. 
Ethan was weak-willed and a tad bit pathetic, he had to finally admit that. Nothing else could explain the uncontrollable grin spreading across his face when his phone pinged with the notification: "Pictagram: dr.allende commented on your post." 
“Unfair,” was all she had commented. 
His grin broadened. God, he knew then why people were so addicted to social media. The thrill of instant gratification he felt then could be sold profitably in doses if it could be bottled.
No, he had reached the ultimate low of weak when he decided he had had enough of being tormented by her posts. He wanted to turn the tables on her and hope he had the same effect on her. The thought that he might have made his stomach swoop. 
He took a swig of his drink. What was wrong with him? 
When Reggie kicked everyone out a few hours later, Ethan retreated to his favorite lounging area in the now deserted beer garden. 
It did not surprise him that she joined him a few minutes later. At her brief hesitation, he nodded, a silent invitation for her to join him. 
“You win,” she said by way of greeting, taking a seat next to him on the sofa. 
Their bodies were so close that her thigh almost skimmed his. As if that wasn’t enough to wreck his sanity, she was looking at him with a glint in her eye that was telling of the effect his picture had on her. 
“What did I win?” he asked, humoring her. In his state of absolute abandon where his defenses had been rendered useless by her mere presence, he could give her anything. 
“You win at Pictagram. I could never top that picture.” There was that look of longing again, unmistakable in the golden lights of the beer garden. 
She was going to be his demise. 
“You’ve already done so,” he said quietly. “Many times.”
Lilac looked up at him, a quirk in her brow. “The green dress?”
There was a moment of silence in which they both remembered that night. 
“Yes, but also the one this morning. It was…” again, he was at a loss for words. “Nice,” he finished flatly. 
He almost laughed at the inadequacy. The picture inspired this male brain to fantasize about waking up next to her, kissing her neck, making his way lower and lower until her body twisted in pleasure against his mouth. Ten years of higher education proved inefficient at the sight of green eyes, full lips, and bed sheets. He was reduced to the simplest of beings. 
“Yours was very... nice too,” she returned, allowing a small pause before the insufficient word. “I miss that sight,” she confessed with no filter. 
An all too familiar tug in his chest. 
“Earlier, at the bar, when we bumped into each other,” she started when he failed to respond. “You wanted to say something.”
It wasn't a question but an observation. 
She knew him so well. Ethan had been arrogant enough to believe he had concealed his intentions so masterfully. Yet, she always saw right through him with the same precision that made her a brilliant doctor. 
“What did you want to say?” she asked in the softest of whispers, eyes locked on his. 
Ethan himself was not sure what he meant to say. He had seen her, suddenly in front of him, and he wanted to desperately say something. Anything. There had been no point. No words would be sufficient aside from the three that tormented him everyday. 
They were fully facing one another now, bodies mere inches apart. Before he realized what he was doing, he raised his hand to brush a strand of hair away from her face. His thumb lingered, stroking a feather light touch on her cheek. 
Her eyes fluttered closed and when she opened them again, they dropped directly to his lips. 
That was all it took for the last bit of his resolve to break. 
“Ethan, I—” 
Fueled by weeks of yearning, Ethan interrupted, filling in the distance between them and pressing his lips to hers. 
The kiss started with a rough force that she matched at once, their pressed bodies swaying Lilac back and almost toppling him on top of her. She didn't seem to mind, too entranced by moving her lips against his, arms clasped securely around his neck. 
Ethan was a fool for ever thinking two months in Brazil would be escape enough when what he wanted the most was right there, on Lilac Allende’s lips. 
“How do you do this to me?” he whispered gruffly against her neck, where his lips had found refuge. 
Lilac’s response was a soft moan. The things he'd do to hear that sound repeatedly, preferably echoing every wall of his apartment. 
Not breaking his lips' ministrations on the ridge of her collarbone, his hands fiddled with the front of her dress. In his eagerness, he struggled with the damned contraption. 
“Need help?” she teased breathlessly. 
Ethan broke apart to give her a wolfish smirk. She was going to pay for that.
Without warning, he moved his hands to her hips and in one swift movement, he flipped her on top of him. Her skirt rode dangerously high as her thighs straddled him. Lilac's little yelp of surprise gave way to another maddening moan when his fingers lazily brushed the inside of her thigh. 
“I can manage, Rookie,” he whispered hotly against her ear. The old nickname had its desired effect for her legs quivered in response. 
His small triumph was short lived, however. Her small revenge was swiveling her hips against his entirely. The pulsing, straining front of his trousers came in full contact with her and Ethan groaned. 
“I'm not a rookie at this,” she whispered defiantly, moving against him again with agonizing steadiness. “Lucky for you, I know what I'm d—” she broke off, biting her lip in a futile effort to repress a small cry. Ethan had lifted his hips off the sofa with ease, suspending her entire weight against him. 
“I know a thing or two as well,” he growled. His fingers moved higher up her thigh. 
“I remember.” 
“Do you remember moaning my name?” 
 His hand roughly moved the lacy fabric of her underwear aside.
“Yes,” she gasped. 
His fingers teased her. 
“Make me scream it,” she begged in a whisper.
Ethan groaned again. 
“Lilac,” he muttered huskily, any other coherent thought interrupted by the way she took his lower lip between her teeth. 
“I want— ” she started, but was far too distracted by his expert fingers. She buried her face against his shoulder, desperate to stifle her moan. 
“What do you want?” he asked, his voice a husky sound deep in his throat. 
Before she could answer, however, Reggie's voice called from inside the bar, “Ten minutes, Ethan.”
Thank God Reggie had not bothered to come outside. Otherwise, Ethan would have spent the next five minutes trying to find a sensible reason why his colleague straddled him shamelessly, his hand lost in the depths of her skirt. 
They looked at each other through hooded eyes, skin flushed bright. 
“Any chance that's enough time for you?” she joked. 
Ethan attempted to shoot her a look dripping of indignation, but the effect was ruined by his own chuckle winning out. “You insult me,” he said dryly. 
Lilac laughed out loud at that. When she sobered up, she regarded him with a very serious expression. Wordlessly, she pressed a tender kiss against his lips. 
“Lilac,” he said softly when they at last broke apart. 
“I know,” she said in a small, defeated voice. With that, she carefully climbed off him.
 She fixed her dress in thoughtful silence. “You know what this means, right?” she asked, a hint of a mischievous smile tugging at the corner of her mouth. “You posted a devastatingly hot picture on Pictagram to bait me. You won't be able to stop now.”
He raised an eyebrow. “Presumptuous of you to assume it was for your benefit.”
“I'm your only follower.”
Ethan rolled his eyes but he smiled regardless. 
“Don't worry. I'll post for you too,” she assured him. “Hope you're ready.”
He laughed despite himself. “Is that a challenge, Dr. Allende?”
Lilac matched his laughter. “Game's afoot, Dr. Ramsey.”
AN: THANK YOU for all your wonderful comments on my last one. I appreciate everyone who read, liked, and/or commented! 
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londonsquitebiggg · 4 years
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THE ONE - Part One
^^^ this is the town in which my story is based^^^
Krista's Pov,
"mmmmhhhmmmmm" I groan rolling over to turn off the horrid sound that is my alarm.
Today was the first day back at school after a very long summer break! I'm not excited to go back to campus today but I can't wait to see Sam, we have been the best of friends since we were born.
I start my day off with my normal routine, I wake up, reluctantly got out of my warm bed and walk into my in suite bathroom. I plugged my IPhone into my Ihome port and put my music on shuffle as I hopped into the shower. After I washed my hair with my strawberries and cream shampoo and conditioner, and washed my body with my strawberry body wash (Okay so I love the scent of strawberry don't judge me!). I washed the soapy suds off my body and shut off the water. I dried myself off with my big fluffy towel.
As I walked out of the bathroom and headed to my walk in closet trying to figure out what to wear today, I peaked out of my window to see what the weather was like, it was the same as always, hot and sunny! I decided on a tealy greenish cropped tank top, some ripped skinny jeans, and some white lace toms.
After I'm dressed I walk over to my vanity and plugged in my straightener to try and tame my mess of hair. While waiting for it to heat up I did my make-up which consisted of some concealer to mask my dark circles, a bit of powder to make my face look less oily,  some mascara, a little bit of blush, of course I did my eyebrows, and put on my chap stick. I'm not a huge fan of make up mainly because I honestly don't know how to do it but I also am too insecure to not where any at all so I do what I can.
Once deciding that this was as good as it was going to get I  ran my straightener through my hair till it was less of a mess and more of a wavy look. I walked to my bathroom to brush my teeth, and put on perfume and deodorant so I wouldn't smell ,  I pinned my hair back so I was out of my face and put a hair band on my wrist in case I needed to put it up later in the day. I grabbed my phone and backpack and headed downstairs to get some breakfast.
I guess it's about time that I introduced myself, my name is Krista Mayfield, I live in High Water, North Carolina, I'm currently 17 but my birthday is just three short days way. I am a Sophomore in college, I know that I'm technically "too young" but I worked my booty off and graduated high school early so it works. I still live at home with my family, we have our own house cause my Father is the Alpha of our pack.
Yes. I know what your thinking and it's true, I'm a werewolf. Well I will be you see, I'm 17 still and I haven't shifted yet so I don't have my wolf yet. That will all change soon though, just three days and I will shift and I'll be able to start looking for my mate.
"Krista get your breakfast before your father eats it all!" I heard my mom call me and walk into the kitchen, I grab some toast and a banana not feeling all that hungry and also running late to meet Sam at the school.
I kissed my mom on the cheek "Morning mom! I have to get to school early to meet Sam, I love you! Bye" I rushed as I grabbed my keys off the hook, almost out the door when my Father's voice stopped me in my tracks.
"Krista, there are some new wolves that are on our territory looking for their mates, they'll be attending your school so if you see them be nice please? I don't want them to feel unwelcome, they are from a neighboring pack and their families are old friends" I nod my head in response kiss my dad on the cheek, and rush off to school.
After a thirty minute drive I pull up to school and jump out, I saw Sam and I screamed as we ran to each other we crashed into a big bear hug, (yes we are those friends).
"Oh my gosh I missed you so much!" She said and we broke the hug. "I know I don't know how I survived without you!" Man was that the truth.
We saw each other over break, of course. Spent lots of time at the beach and just hanging out in general, I mean we practically lived at each others houses! However Sam's birthday was a month and a half ago, so she had to start her training and also her family went on a vacation for like three weeks so I haven't seen her as much as usual as of late.
We were out front of the English department when the we realized the time. We walked to our first lecture of the day and picked out our seats and put our stuff down, I went over to Sam and started to talk about her trip before the teacher got there, I wanted to know everything.
During the conversation I heard the door open but was too involved in my conversation with Sam and some of our other friends that had joined upon their arrival. Sam stopped talking and focused on something behind me, she was staring wide eyed, I wanted to know what had her so distracted. I turned around and there was four cute boys, well three cute boys and one extremely hot one, he had brown hair styled in this messy, effortless pushed back style, he was wearing all black and from the looks of his arms he had A LOT of tattoos... he is SO hot! I was basically drooling at how absolutely stunning the god like man.When suddenly I remembered that my birthday is in a couple of days and I will be able to find my mate and I know for a fact that the moon goddess would never me with someone as hot as him no matter how much I have prayed for basically a mate just like him I knew he was just too far out of my league. Plus he definitely is one of the wolves looking for his mate, not to mention that he's probably a lot older then me he has to be at least 25-26, I mean age doesn't really matter when mates and werewolves are involved but I could practically feel the power radiating off of him and I didn't even have my wolf yet! there is no way that I would be paired with such a strong Alpha!
Harry's Pov,
I'm not going to go into detail about my morning mainly because its not very interesting, I got up, got dressed, and drove to the new school I'm attending while one the BloodMoon Packs territory. Alpha Mayfield told me that a lot of the wolves from his pack go to this school which I could tell by the smell but I could also smell some humans, So it's a mixed school which is common considering it's a big city and it's not just a werewolf community.
I'm Harry, I'm here in High Water to try to find my mate, I'm 26 years old so I'm starting to get concerned that I don't have one. Which would be bloody terrible if you ask me but if that's what the Moon Goddess has planned for me then I guess I don't have much of a choice, but that sure as hell isn't going to stop me from looking for her.
I grew up in Holmes Chapel, Cheshire. You guessed it, I'm British. My family moved to the states when I was 16 after our Pack was attacked, my father was lost that night, my mother was lucky enough to be blessed with her second chance mate, Robin when we moved here. He was an Alpha of one of the biggest packs in America. My sister Gemma she found her mate last year, He took over Robins stop as Alpha and Gemma is now our Luna, I'm be an Alpha but I lost that opportunity from not having a mate yet. It didn't really bother me, I would be the Beta of our pack unless I don't find my mate, or unless she is to become the Luna of a pack, making me her Alpha... If she accepts me that is.
"Harry! my main man, nice of you to finally show up" one of my best mates Louis said knocking me out of my thoughts as I walked up to our group.
"Yeah, I figured if I'm here to find my mate I should get out of the house and start looking around shouldn't I?" I jokingly replied.
As he was about to say some smartass response when we noticed everyone rushing inside and we figured it was time to head to class, we didn't want to be late to class on our first day, well we didn't care about being late to class we just didn't want to miss an opportunity to find our mates. We were all just leisurely walking a when I suddenly got wind of this amazing, intoxicating, overwhelming, and addicting smell of Lavender, Cedar wood, and what I could only describe as sugar, my wolf Marcus was howling with glee, he kept chanting
"Mate, Mate, go to mate"
Over and over again, I started walking a little bit faster towards following her smell which lucky for me lead right to my first lecture I was so lost in her sweet smell, I could barely see straight. I opened the door and almost fainted at sight of my gorgeous mate. She was tall and tan, she had perfect long blond hair that was pulled back away from her face in a natural wavy style, She had the most stunning face that I had ever seen, she had very little make-up on which worked because she didn't need any she was so gorgeous, she was wearing very skinny ripped jeans that hugged her in all the right places and a green crop top that showed her skin which made me mad because I didn't want anyone else seeing what was mine!
I pulled my bottom lip between my teeth when I caught her checking me out, wondering if she was think about me in the same manner that I was thinking about her. Shit, it's taking every ounce of self control I have to not rush at her and claim her right here right now!
But just the she realized something and turned around, which made Marcus whimper because that means she didn't recognize me as her mate, or she did and didn't want me. I couldn't help the longing to walk up to her and say hello, to tell her how beautiful she was, how much I wanted her, how much I loved her eyes. So that is exactly what I did. I walked my way over to her and tapped on her shoulder.
"Hey, my names Harry, It's nice to meet you." I introduced myself to her once she turned around.
"Hi, I'm Krista, I don't mean to sound rude so if it comes across that way I'm sorry. But why are you talking to me? I mean your so hot and so much older then me...I.. uhhh.. umm I mean your like older and you don't want to embarrass yourself on the first day here talking to the awkward nerd when you could get in with the top of the food chain so easily with your looks.. I mean age...  I mean I'm, I'm going to shut up now " My little mate was rambling with nerves, making me chuckle at how adorable she looked all flustered, not to mention that she called me hot, but I didn't like the fact that she thought that she was embarrassing, a nerd, or saying that I was so old, Kind of hurt the ego a bit... I guess her hot comment could make up for that.
"What are you talking about? I'm only twenty-six??". I asked her confused.
"Yeah and I'm only sevente.." before she could finish her friend cut her off.
"Oh come on Krista you know your turning eighteen in like three days." my cute little mate was blushing at the reveal of her birthday being so close, especially it being such an important one.
It all made so much sense to me now, she wasn't rejecting me, she didn't recognize me as her mate because she hasn't shifted or got her wolf yet. Without her wolf senses she wouldn't be able to identify my smell, or feel our mate pull as intense, she would still feel it but she wouldn't be able to understand why she is feeling things towards me.
"Oh well, don't worry I just wanted to introduce myself to such a gorgeous girl as yourself, I'll see you around love" as I was walking away I winked at her and she blushed, bloody hell she looks so innocent when she blushes. It makes me want to do very unholy things to her! Which is okay because I am her mate but if anyone else was thinking these things about it I would rip their throat out.
I turn my head back as I walk back to the guys, because and can't stand not looking at her for longer than three seconds and I see her looking at me a bit flustered, her breathing is labored and her cheeks are tinted the most beautiful shade of pink. It's good to know that my words had there intended effect on her, 1 point Harry.
Krista's Pov
I can't believe that he just freakin' talked to me!!! Like the hottest guy that I have ever seen in my life just came and talked to me, he literally just called me love! Let's not  forget he called me gorgeous!! I think something is wrong with his eyes I mean has he seen me? I mean don't get me wrong I know I'm not ugly, I just don't think that I am pretty enough for the literal hottest guy to say I'm gorgeous!!!
Also how sweet is he to talk to me and not even care about my nerdy status! I mean the wolves here wouldn't dare disrespect me like that but the other students here find every excuse they can to pick on my age and my grades.. which doesn't make sense to me? like you come to college because you want to learn stuff so you can get a good job.. why would you want to have bad grades????
"what the heck just happened???" Sam said pulling me out of my thoughts.
"I have no stinkin' idea! like did you see that man? like holy smokes he is good looking" I said fanning myself trying to cool down, feeling like the temperature has risen like 20 degrees in here since him and his friends walked in.
"And let's not forget that incredibly sexy British accent!!" One of my best friends Ashlyn said. No matter how much I agree with that statement, it was makes me feel super annoyed that she just called him sexy, why am I feeling this way? Normally I would be blushing at her use of the word "sexy" but no I'm fuming with anger at the thought of someone else finding him attractive!
"Get a grip woman! You have no claim over him!" my subconscious screams at me. As much as this irritates me I know she is right. He isn't my mate and I don't have any sort of claim on him... he isn't mine.
"Do you think he is one of the wolves that's here looking for his mate?" Ashlyn questioned.
"I would assume so. I've never seen any of them before, heck I didn't even know we had wolves coming on our territory until my dad said something this morning. Why do you ask?" Was my reply to her, irritated that she was intrigued with him.
" Well I'm just wondering why he came over and was talking to you of all people".....OUCH! that was kind of harsh. I mean I'm as surprised as anyone that he was talking to me. I know that I'm not the prettiest girl around but I wouldn't expect one of my best friends to be so shocked that I could actually attract male attention.
As if sensing what I was thinking, probably because I wear my feelings on my face, she jumped into action to dig herself out of this hole.
"I didn't mean it in the way that you are thinking!! I just meant that his whole purpose here in High Water is to find his mate, so by him coming and talking to the most literally prettiest girl in school, I assume that means that he hasn't found his mate yet which means that talking to you could come across as him being a guy who doesn't put his mate first and flirts with other girls before he finds her... or he found her and he's a huge player..." Ashlyn nervously rambled, making some really good points.
" I don't know Ash, maybe we should consider the fact that maybe Krista is his mate??" Sam cut in. Both mine and Ash's heads snapped towards her staring in shock and confusion.
"I mean, she doesn't have her wolf yet so she wouldn't have been able to sense if she was. But he doesn't come off as the kind of guy to cheat on his mate, and he's twenty-six. Don't you think he is a little too old and mature to be flirting with girls that aren't his mate?" She said trying to explain her logic.
" I mean, yeah but like me? And him? I mean that's funny Sam I don't think the Moon Goddess would do him that disservice. I mean he is way out of my league! We aren't even playing the same game that's how far out of my league he is." Was my response to her outrageous theory.
"oh don't start this crap again! Krista you are the most gorgeous girl in the whole world! As much as you don't believe it, Sam's right. I mean his whole purpose of coming her is to find her, why would he jeopardize that by making her insecure and jealous of you?" Said Ash, They hate it when I talk bad about myself.
"And don't bring the Moon Goddess into this! You know just as much of the rest of us that, looks, age , and status have nothing to do with who she pairs you with! All that matters is that your mate is your other half. They complete you! Heck, your probably the best mate that guy could get!" Sam said being the best friend ever and boosting my confidence up a little.
I looked over my shoulder behind me at him, my mind jumbled with the possibilities of me and him being mates. As if sensing me staring his head turned at that exact moment. Gorgeous green eyes locked with mine, a stupidly attractive smirk on his face. It was that moment when Professor O'Neil walked in telling us to find our seats so we could start. It was like he knew how he was affecting me, my breathing labored, my cheeks flushed, and my heart pounding.
I couldn't tare my eyes away, he chuckled as he winked at me and faced the front to pay attention to what our Professor was saying. I rushed to my seat, trying to calm myself down and control my breathing. Trying to pay attention to my English lecture, but was struggling because my mind kept floating back to what Sam said.. could I really be his mate? Maybe.. but if I truly was, why didn't he say anything?
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let-it-raines · 4 years
your wonder under summer skies (5/?)
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Summer in Storybrooke, Maine means one thing for its residents: tourist season. This year, for Emma Swan and Killian Jones, it means relationships ending and friendships changing all the while they attempt to figure out just what their relationship is. It’s somewhere straddling the line between friends and lovers, and there’s no guarantee of a soft landing if they fall into new territory.
rating: mature
a/n: thanks to @resident-of-storybrooke for reading over these words ❤️
And to everyone else, happy Friday! You’ve made it through another week!
ao3: beginning | current
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“Where are you going?”
Emma twists her head to the side and tugs her comforter up to her chest. “To get some water.”
“I wore you out then, did I?”
Emma groans and tries to get out of bed before Killian’s hands wrap around her waist and tug her back. His lips press against the back of her neck, scruff scratching against skin, and she melts into the feeling of it.
“Wait, wait,” she interrupts, pulling away from him and twisting in the bed until she’s back on her side and facing him. He’s got red pillow creases all across his face, and he desperately needs to fix his hair. It’s a mess. They probably both are. “We need to talk.”
His eyes flutter closed before his lips spread into a smile. “I’ve found when a woman says that I’m rarely in for a pleasant conversation.”
Emma swallows and pulls the comforter up a little higher. She doesn’t know how well this is going to go, but it’s been on her mind pretty much every other minute for the past week. Well, besides when she wants to pull her hair out over the insane specificities that her boss is giving her for every event they’ve got on the books. A regular Tuesday night dinner with twenty people does not need to be the most well thought out dinner in the history of dinners, but no one seems to understand that.
A part of her almost misses waitressing, but then she remembers the pay and how shitty people are to waitstaff.
“We need to make rules,” Emma blurts out. She’s got to bite the bullet or else she’ll never do it.
Both of Killian’s brows raise at that. “Rules?”
“Yeah, about this.” She motions between the two of them. “I don’t – hell, Killian, we’ve kind of fallen into…”
“Bed?” he laughs, his lips ticking up into a broad smile.
“Shut up.”
“What? It’s the truth.”
“I know, but I – look, we’re friends, right?”
“Aye.” He nods and sits up as the sheets fall down to his waist and she’s only slightly distracted by the dip in his collarbone and the way the ink on his shoulder stretches across his skin. “To be quite frank, you’ve somehow wormed your way into being my closest mate.”
“Your closest mate who you’ve now been sleeping with for, like, a week, and not to be too emotionally aware since that is not my expertise, but I feel like that’s going to blow up in our faces at some point since we’re not really talking about it.”
Whew. She got that out. That was the hard part, right?
“Ah, so you want to make rules?”
Killian clicks his tongue and points between them. “If we make rules, Swan, it means we’re continuing this. Do you want to continue this?”
God, yes.
“I mean, I feel like it could be beneficial to both of us.”
“How so?”
He knows exactly what she’s trying to say, but the asshole is going to make her say it. Maybe she didn’t get the hard part over. “I’m not looking for a relationship,” Emma starts, “and I assume you’re not either.”
“I’m not,” he confirms.
“So why don’t we continue this? No strings attached. I don’t have to be some poor, heartbroken woman as my ex walks around with the woman he cheated on me with without a care in the world, and you don’t have to find one of your women for the summer. I can be that for you.”
Killian hums and scratches behind his ear before tilting his head to the side. The light from outside is hitting his eyes so that the blue is even brighter than usual, and a shiver runs down her spine as he stares at her.
This is weird but good.
“Rule one would have to be that we don’t let sleeping together get in the way of our friendship,” Killian starts, holding a finger up. “I can’t stay sane without having you to vent to about customers and Liam and also Will purposely not restocking my rum at the bar.”
Emma huffs. “I can’t stay sane without middle of the night slushie runs and runs with Skipper.”
“So, we agree on that then? Our friendship comes first.”
“And we’re both fully aware that the both of us are using each other for sex, correct?”
“Well, don’t put it like that.”
“Why?” he laughs. “That’s exactly what we’re doing.”
“Yeah, but if you put it that way, it makes it sound absolutely dirty.”
“Dirty, huh?” Killian shifts in the bed and moves over toward her. Emma falls back onto the mattress while Killian climbs over her until he’s caging her in and staring down at her with those blue, blue eyes. This shouldn’t feel so damn good, but it does. “I can show you dirty, darling.”
“I think you’re changing the subject.”
“We were talking about sex.” He leans down and nestles his chin into her neck until his teeth tug at her skin, quickly soothing the spot with his tongue. “I’m simply changing it from talk to the act.”
“We have to finish our conversation,” she protests, falsely, as her nails scratch down his back. He groans, and Emma can’t say she minds the sound.
“There will be plenty of time for your lovely little rules later. I can assure you I will listen to them and follow them and do every little thing you ask of me. That’s the benefit of sleeping with a friend who is accustomed to listening to you.”
Emma’s hips arch up into his, and she gulps down as heat licks along her skin and curls between her thighs. He’s more addicting than he has any right to be, and she could definitely get used to a no strings attached kind of situation like this.
Friends with benefits.
She never thought she’d be the type of girl to do that, but it was probably because the situation hadn’t presented itself yet. It obviously has now.
She didn’t have the right friends, apparently.
“You’re a bad influence.”
“I never claimed to be otherwise,” he whispers into her ear, his voice soft before becoming gritty, almost in a blink of an eye. “Now wrap your legs around me. I prefer to do more enjoyable activities with a woman on her back than spending my time talking.”
“I feel like nothing has ever stopped you from talking before.” “Well, if my mouth is otherwise occupied, it does become a challenge. But, you know, I do love a challenge.”
Killian Jones: Rule #2. We don’t tell any of our friends.
Emma Swan: Agreed. They would lose their shit.
Killian Jones: Liam and David would join forces to keep us both locked in our apartments.
Emma Swan: David would at least give me food and water. Liam might leave you hanging.
Killian Jones: I’d somehow find a way to get Skipper to bring me food. Or you could find a way to send me something.
Emma Swan: It’d be the least I could do.
“What are you doing?”
Emma hits the button on the side of her phone and stuffs it in her back pocket. “I was checking our schedule for today.”
Mary Margaret tilts her head. “We’ve got the Silver Club’s luncheon at noon, a group information session at three, and then we have the Welcome Dinner tonight. How did you forget that? We’ve been planning this for months.”
“I didn’t forget,” Emma lies as she stands from the chair. “I was double-checking the times.”
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine. I just want everything to go well, you know?”
“Emma.” Mary Margaret walks closer and leans against the wall next to Emma. “You just ended a long, serious relationship. It’s okay to not be okay. You’ve been frazzled, and I don’t mind picking up any of the slack that you need me to pick up.”
“I’m fine,” Emma lies. “I am not at all upset about Neal. I just want to, you know…”
“You want to what?”
Emma puts her hands in front of her chest and pushes forward. “I want to push past it, shove it away.” “Of course, of course.” Mary Margaret’s ballet flat scuffs against the hardwood. “I always thought you two were good together. There’s not a chance that – ”
“Fuck no,” Emma laughs even as she wishes she could be anywhere but here. “I mean, we had our good moments, but I’ve been through too much shit to stay with him. I think for the first time I – you know what, never mind, it’s not important. Let’s get back to the dinner. Do you think it’s going to go well?” Super smooth subject change there, Emma. Mary Margaret definitely didn’t notice it at all.
Mary Margaret sighs and wraps her arm around Emma’s shoulder. “It always goes well. You’re good at this. You’ve got to know that by now.”
“I pretty much live in constant fear that Regina is going to fire me because someone is unhappy with a color scheme or because a kid is going to tell their parent we didn’t have the right kind of lemonade and then the parent decides to take rare interest in their kid for once just to make my life miserable.”
“Yeah, I live in constant fear of that, too. Those parents are scary.”
“How many are coming to the information session?”
“Ten new couples, three returning who want an update, and then we’ve got forty kids already signed up to stay in the kids’ club all summer.”
Emma lets out a low whistle. “Ashley and Aurora are going to lose their minds if we don’t get the part-time hires on board.”
“Or if we don’t help them out more than on the excursions.”
She hums and opens up the door out of her office. “I’m too busy dealing with whiny, privileged adults complaining about how the pool isn’t the right temperature.”
“You’re right. It’s such a hard life.”
Emma snickers. “Maybe we’re not meant for this job.”
“Probably not, but you prefer this to waitressing, right?”
“Oh hell yes. I will not go back to that and sleeping on your couch. You were the best for taking me in since I was pretty much a walking human disaster, but there will be no more sleeping on your couch. I like having my own bed and being able to eat food other than kitchen leftovers.”
“I do miss you on my couch, though. Lots of good talks. And my hair was long then, and you were the best at braiding it.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Emma laughs. She takes a deep breath, letting a little bit of the heaviness on her chest evaporate. Mary Margaret pushes her a hell of a lot, but sometimes she does know when to step back. “I know you do. Now come on, let’s go make sure that there are no pink linens or Mrs. Rose will absolutely lose her shit.” “And we wouldn’t want that, would we?”
“Oh, I would, but like I said, I also like my job.”
“Then no pink linens it is.”
“How did I know I’d find you here?”
Emma’s heartbeat picks up at the familiar voice, and she looks up from her spot to see Killian walking down the beach toward her.
“Because Mary Margaret probably told you.”
“Damn, I’ve been found out.” He takes a few more steps until he’s sliding down onto the lounge chair next to her and handing her a slushie. “Because they melted the other night.”
Her cheeks heat at the thought, and she’s got to stop doing that. They are adults sleeping together, and there’s no need for her to feel weird about that. It’s a little weird talking about it somewhere other than a bedroom or over text, though. Yeah, that’s why his reference made her cheeks flush. That’s the only reason.
“Thank you.” She takes quick sip. “Is there tequila in this?”
“I thought you could use it after your Welcome Dinner. I know that’s hell every year.”
“Oh my God, yes,” Emma groans. “It was the worst. I swear it’s more people every year, and they all show up thinking this is going to be like that episode of Mrs. Maisel where they show up at the summer camp and never have to lift a finger. I mean, to the point where I would be putting their food in their mouths, which I am not going to do.”
“Isn’t that kind of what this is?”
Emma glares at him, but Killian not-so-slyly takes a sip of his drink and avoids her stare.
That was smart of him because she’s just exhausted enough to want to slap him for being a smart ass.
“No. We’re not a resort. They just come to the club for meals and parties and leave their kids with us all day. They ask us where they can rent or keep their boats, and I obviously only recommend you, and then they have to go home to their own homes or rentals at the end of the day where I have nothing to do with them or what they ear.”
“Oh, yeah, totally different than it being a resort.”
“Shut up,” Emma chuckles as she drinks her slushie. She’s going to have to run in the morning to work off all of the food she’s been eating today. She had so many of the cookies before they went out to the tables. “It is different. I’m just at their beck and call for half of the day. I would lose my mind if I had to do more.”
“A job’s a job.”
“And when you’re not qualified to do much else…”
Killian kicks his leg out in the sand toward her. “If things don’t work out for you, you can come work for me.”
Emma sputters out a laugh. “Liam would never in a million years let me work with you guys.”
“Oh, come on. He definitely would…at some point…maybe two million years.”
She rolls her eyes and twists on the lounge chair until she’s facing Killian again. A breeze from the ocean wafts toward her, and chills pop up on her arms. Killian silently shrugs off his sweatshirt before handing it over to her. He’s got on a Henley underneath it, and he obviously is more prepared for the late-night chill than she is.
“Liam isn’t my biggest fan. It’s okay. I’ll just have to go back to waitressing when I lose my mind on a member and throw a drink in their face.”
“Hey, now, he does like you a little bit. Let’s not immediately jump to throwing drinks in someone’s face.”
“You don’t have to placate me, KJ. Your brother is a stubborn ass to me. It runs in the family, but one of you at least makes up for it by providing drinks and mediocre conversation.”
Killian scoffs before leaning back up against the chair and running his hands through his hair. The scars on his hand look almost silver in the moonlight. She’s never noticed that before.
“Mediocre conversation? Is that what this is? I happened to think I was a brilliant conversationalist.”
“Occasionally. Did you know they want me to start wearing a uniform?”
“Yeah, Regina is losing her shit. She wants me to wear khaki shorts and a different pastel colored polo for different days of the week, but that’s only for the afternoons. At night, she still wants me to get dressed up so I can ‘look like a member and not an employee.’”
“You’re not serious.”
“I am.”
“Damn,” Killian whistles. “I am going to love giving you shit about that.”
“Ha, I’m not going to wear the polos. I already have to wear the damn khaki shorts when we do events on the beach, but I am not wearing the polos. I’ll get fired first.”
“It’s a good thing you’ll have a job with me in a million years.”
“Two, I thought.”
“Possibly three.”
Emma laughs and settles back down onto the chair as she keeps drinking. Killian got a little too much cherry in this. Or maybe that’s just the tequila. It’s good, though, and she needed it tonight.
God, the people at the club are all so obnoxious, and she’s desperately going to miss fall and winter when she didn’t have people hounding her with questions every day all day. She deserves hazard pay for every person that makes a snide remark about the linens or someone who they think doesn’t fit the type of person they want at the club.
They don’t know she’s the exact type of person they wouldn’t want to associate with.
Foster kid, no money, little education, run ins with the law…the list goes on and on.
But she’s not that person anymore. She’s not. She’s at least got her life together in that she has money and isn’t having to steal Pop-Tarts from convenience stores.
Now she just drinks slushies from them that have tequila mixed in.
At least these were paid for.
She hopes. No, she knows. Killian definitely paid for them.
“Oh,” Emma says, “I thought of another rule. It’s kind of a big one.”
“Is it now?”
“If you want to start sleeping with other people, you can. Just say the word if you meet someone like, you know, you usually do, and we can stop. There’s no need to do it if you’re sleeping with someone else.”
Killian’s brows furrow, and he scratches his chin. “I thought we had already decided I didn’t need to find someone? I don’t purposefully look for someone, by the way. It just happens.”
“Oh, yes, I’m so beautiful too that people just line up to sleep with me.”
“I mean, you are. You’d have to be blind not to know that.”
Emma swallows and tugs down the sleeves on the sweatshirt before crossing her arms over her chest, hugging her stomach tightly. She is not going to give herself enough time to process what he just said. “Anyway, I mean that if you meet someone and want to give it a shot, go for it. Give me the word, and we can start pretending I’ve never seen your dick before.”
“Well, I mean, you already did that one time at – ”
“That was an accident,” she giggles, “and totally your fault for leaving the door unlocked while you were changing.”
“There wasn’t a lock on the door.”
“Rule four,” Killian sighs, holding his fingers up, “is that I do not have to cook you breakfast if you spend the night.”
“No. That’s a shitty rule, KJ, and you know it! You cook me breakfast now. You can’t go back on it.”
“Alright, alright, if you insist,” he laughs as his hand reaches over toward her and curls her hair around his fingers. They’re warm and rough, and she has to admit that it’s comfortable to have him hold her hand like that. “You know, Liam is staying over at Elsa’s tonight?”
“Is he?” she asks. Emma swallows and shifts a little closer to Killian, the ocean breeze suddenly much warmer.
“He is, and he won’t be back until we open at ten.”
“So, enough time for breakfast then?”
Killian’s eyes crinkle with his laugh. “Is that going to be the only reason you come over?”
“Nah,” Emma sighs as she stands from her chair, “I also really like your dog.”
@qualitycoffeethings​ @mrtinski​ @klynn-stormz​ @scarletslippers​ @jonirobinson64​ @snowbellewells​ @therealstartraveller776​ @thejollyroger-writer​ @sherifemma​ @shardminds​ @captainsjedi​ @galaxyzxstark​ @galadriel26​ @idristardis​ @karenfrommisthaven​ @teamhook​ @spartanguard​ @searchingwardrobes​ @itsfabianadocarmo​ @jamif​ @shireness-says​ @ultimiflos​ @nikkiemms​ @resident-of-storybrooke​ @onepunintendid​ @bluewildcatfanatic​ @superchocovian​ @killianswannn​ @carpedzem​ @captainkillianswanjones​ @mayquita​ @jennjenn615​ @onceuponaprincessworld​ @a-faekindagirl​ @scientificapricot​ @xellewoods​ @ultraluckycatnd​ @stahlop​ @kmomof4​ @tiganasummertree​ @singersdd​ @tornadoamy​ @cluttermind​ @lfh1226-linda​ @andiirivera​ @cluttermind​
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stardancerluv · 4 years
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Puzzle Piece
Part Two
Summary: Ford learns some interesting thing about about Reader.
Note: I must state...over the years, I’ve lost my mom...a best friend, and then because of this virus..let’s just say the last month...things got steadily worse. So I decided I may touch on it here and there. This will never be purely angst or is it a device to drive a plot. Its some of me working through those feelings and decided to do it productively.
—-and since I don’t have my new phone can’t upload or make a collage...I’m using gifs that I feel will kind of portray what I’ve written.
Song lyrics in italics. The Doors - The End of the Night
Warning: Reader has lost someone
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Sometime later you giggled.
He looked over at you and smiled. “What’s so funny?”
“The bubbles, they tickled my nose!” Being this close to you, he could tell you were getting tipsy and it was actually kind of cute. “I’m not used to drinking, it’s been awhile.”
He nodded knowing. “It can certainly tickle one.”
As he looked at you he relished the flush of life you were. He was used to being around the dead that he had forgotten what it was like to be around the living.
“Yes.” You sighed contently. Your eyes met his there was something behind them he couldn’t read. Perhaps it was because you were human. “I had an idea.”
He rose his eyebrows. “Yes?”
“I am going to freshen up. While I’m gone pick a song for us to dance to for when I return.”
“Oh, so you’ve warmed up to me? I’m no longer a stranger?” He playfully teased. At the coffee shop, he realized how out of the ordinary this entire situation was for the two of them.
Him especially since he was actually dead but at the moment, he wasn’t going to tell you that.
He growing very fond of you and didn’t really want to see you running off screaming. It had been some lifetimes since he had companionship so this with you, was very nice.
You laid a hand over his, he felt you flinch since he was so cool to the touch but this time you didn’t pull back. He could feel himself growing addicted to buzz of energy that poured from you, even with the slightest of touches.
He smirked, “I think I would like that very much.”
He watched you walk away.
“Ford, I didn’t know you had started to play with your food.”
He rolled his eyes before turning to the petite werewolf. “Hi Tammy.”
She smiled brightly, her canines gleamed in the lights of the bar. “Hi Ford.”
He slid off his stool and making past her on his way to the Jukebox. Nancy beat him to it, leaning against it, she took a leisurely yet sexy pose. “Gonna dance with her too?” She pursed her ruby lips.
“Yes,” Sighing, running his fingers through his hair he looked at the choices. “Don’t you have territory to mark or an alpha to answer to?” Turning he gave her a sardonic look.
She scrunched up her face before exhaling. “I wanted you to be my alpha.” She laid a hand on his arm.
He flinched the difference was sharp. What was it that made you different. “I don’t like to lay among fleas.”
“But a rotting corpse is better?” She removed her hand. “No reason to be rude. But you really should cloak those thoughts the wrong person will read them one day.” A bitter chuckle poured from her, as she cocked an eyebrow.
He pressed his lips together before speaking again. “Why must you always read mine?”
“Because I still care Ford.” She tugged on his ear. “Listen, since apparently don’t know you silly ghoul.”
“Will fucking hush she will hear you!” He snarled.
She took a step back, he could tell she was listening. “Nah, she’s just washing her hands.” Stepping back, closer to him as she smiled brightly. “Want to know why you are so drawn to her?”
He looked down at her, he smiled. “Because she is not you?”
“Very funny. Ford, she is walking that invisible line that humans walk when death gets too close.”
He looked to the darkened hallway that led to the toilets and back at Nancy. “What the fuck are you talking about?”
“It’s the closest they get to being like us, without actually being one of us.” She shrugged. “Someone, close to her died. The ghost is lingering and or well I don’t know.” She sighed in a huff. “The memory of them or shards of what used to be are still in her heart.“
He didn’t say anything but it was beginning to make sense.
Tammy’s stabbed a finger over his heart which had recently started coming back to life. “So don’t be an asshole. She doesn’t deserve it.”
“You are encouraging me to be nice to a human? I’m amazed.” He chuckled.
“I have my moments. Alright, remember what I said.” She fluttered off.
“Who was that?” Your sweet voice came from behind him.
Turning on a heal, he smiled down at you. His stomach lurched. “A friend.”
You nodded and smiled. “So did you pick a song or two?”
“No, help me.”
“Alright.” You said brightly.
First, as the music started there was space between the two of you. You don’t know why but you had this urge to get closer. You barely knew him. You were aware of this, you thought this out. Yet, you had this ever growing need to be close.
Take the highway to the end of the night
End of the night, end of the night
Take a journey to the bright midnight
Despite all of this, you wanted to touch him. He was incredibly cool to the touch, something was certainly wrong with him; perhaps poor circulation. Though the urge caused your fingertips to tingle.
You wanted to run your fingers over that impeccable marble white skin, he was like a breathing sculpture. His dark hair in the lightning of this bar reminded you of the feathers of a raven, his eyes were still as choppy as the ocean as they never left yours as the two of you danced.
Realms of bliss, realms of light
Some are born to sweet delight
He drew close. You didn’t step back. “Y/N?”
“I thought we were going to be dancing together?”
“We are..”
You gasped which you were certain he heard since he pulled you right up against him. You finally felt he was firm as you had expected. Your hands in their surprise rested on his chest.
You felt as his hands moved so they could hold you closer against him. There was no space between the two of you.
“Much better.” He whispered close to your ear.
“Yes.” You nodded and you met his eyes again.
Some are born to sweet delight
Some are born to the endless night
Finally, you let your hand drift up. You grazed his cheek before your finger were finally nestled in his ebony strands.
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He drew close as he continued to gaze down at you. Your lips met.
@fandomgirl800 @shantellorraine @mac-n-cheesie @vcat55
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mochikeiji · 4 years
[Sir. S] Tendou Satori
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Pairing: Tendou Satori x Reader
Genre: Kinda Abusive, Mafia!(+ Joker&Harley relationship)
GIF is not mine!
a/n: really love the idea how twisted and crazy Tendou could be “ψ(`∇´)ψ so why not?
Was it because of the toxic waste that made you insane? Was it because of the excruciating abuse you have gone through to think this monster loves you? What was to be blamed. When you desired this ever since you got hypnotized by his own lies.
"Such an angel."
His fingers would trace your hair locks slowly, you would grin at everything he would do to you. Even if it was suppose to make you cry in pain.
"My angel."
His hand would curl on top of your head, gripping, and pulling on the roots of your hair. He'd force your head up to meet with his face, you'd be giggling like a mad woman, wanting nothing more than to have his bloodstained lips against yours. Wanting his abnormally sharp teeth bite your lower lips, your tongue. It wasn't a surprise that soon you'd become addicted to the metallic scent and taste of eachothers blood. Not when you seem to have a crack on your brain that will forever be damaged in complete sanity.
No one dared to mess with him. If there was, they have his consent. Guys like Ushijima, the guy who he admired, and followed in his footsteps. Except he was more dangerous, and menacing than the rest of the members in Shiratorizawa. Some say he's been like that since he was shut a child. Always enjoying people who get hurt. Even the way he sings his song, the meaning behind was much more deadly according to Semi. Having to experience killing someone with him as he sang that song.
And then there was you.
His Queen.
No woman was as broken in the head as you were. You were more terrifying than your boyfriend was. Ushijima pitied you deep inside, but he didn't utter a question on how the used to be sweet, and loving classmate of theirs grew up to be the only woman in Tokyo to be the deadliest. Kiyoko couldn't match your abilities, your risks. You were the embodiment of ride or die. The perfect match for Tendou.
And no one messes with his Queen. Until now.
"You know you're fucked."
They hated your face. Hated how you taunted them with your smiles. They hated the way you didn't show any cooperation despite having multiple death threats, and your skin being cut deeply with a knife as you were cuffed on a chair.
"Sugawara, quiet her down."
He was kneeling beside you, cringing at the sound of your laughter getting louder as the knife neared your arm.
"Come on, pumpkin. Do it!"
Able to atleast lift the chair a little, you jolted your own arm up, letting the knife stab in before he could even try. You bit your lip at the sight of your blood oozing out of your skin. Sugawara felt a sweat slide from his forehead witnessing your reactions.
"She's more messed up than he was indeed."
You can hear the two rival members talk with eachother. You were excited to hear that Ushijima found some new rivals to play with, but didn't expect them to capture one of Shiratorizawa's defense. Which was you. But that didn't mean you weren't anticipating the next scene to be unfold soon enough.
"You are soooo screwed once Sir S comes here."
"Sir S?"
"What the hell—"
Laughing loudly with your head thrown behind. Weren't they warned? Didn't they just have two of their members, the orange and blue hatred male spy on your territory one time?
Weren't they aware of the death threat they've played upon themselves?
"So gullible. You two are adorable, birdies."
Giggling, the two shared a look at eachother before nodding. Daichi fishes his phone out of his pocket, dialing Hinata's number. Leaving Sugawara to interrogate you on who the person you were talking about. All details must be taken seriously if they wanted to get out of this alive.
"Are you talking about Ushijima?"
"What? Big Wakachan? Hell no. I'm talking about my sweeeeeet victory boy!"
Sighing dreamily. This always happens at the sheer mention of Tendou, you'd find yourself wetting your own panties or gushing over your man. It was like he's God, and you're a follower. He's the vodka you're willing to get drunk, and never get tired of drinking.
"You're so stupid to think you've captured Shiratorizawa's greatest defense!"
"GET OUT OF THERE, DAICHI! IT WAS A MISTAKE! WE DIDN'T KNOW—" Hinata's voice was booming against his phone, Sugawara can feel himself shaking a little. He never yelled like that. He's never heard his members feel so scared before. His wide eyes find your features, almost looking like a bloodlust creature.
"When you haven't even captured their monster yet~"
The roof above your heads came crashing down. A big hole can be seen as if someone had landed in front of you. The two males coughed the dust away, waiting for the smoke to clear out to get a better look a what has came. It was a matter of seconds before that happened, Daichi had managed to pull Sugawara to his side. Otherwise he would've been crushed by the weight of the concrete, and that person.
"Ara ara, lookie what I found."
For other people, they would be frozen as they stood on thin ice whenever they hear his voice. But for you, you were giggling in excitement, hands balling into a fist. You couldn't wait to be freed.
"I see you've got yourself in a tight situation, (Y/n)."
You tried to look innocent for him. In a way, it was working. He just grins behind him. "What kind of foreplay is this? You didn't tell me you were slutting around, and oh—"
Pretending to be surprised, he raises his hands in defense, looking baffled at Daichi and Sugawara crouching on the floor boards.
"And two?" he gasps exasperatingly, "Why, angel, I am offended. You didn't invite me to your threesome party." The tension was building up. Daichi couldn't think straight of a plan to escape when Tendou had this strange are editing from him. If he makes a moves, he can almost feel his body being pierced into a big hole by a knife or a gun.
"No no no! It's not what it seems Sir! They captured me! They think I'm a monster. See, they even scarred me."
Trying to push the chair slightly into the light, Tendou can make out the slashes of the knife, and the fresh wound on your arm. His eyes darkened before facing the two males again.
"Oh? So I see you've had your fun with my Queen. That must've been very enjoyable, don't you think, Daichi chan?"
No one answers.
Daichi remembers the last thing Hinata had yelled at him before everything went into a mess, "Don't ever get close to him! Just get out of there!" and the last being,
"Once he starts singing, make a run for it! He's got a machete!"
"Hey, (Y/n). Let's sing our little friends a song, hm? The tension is killing me."
Oh this was the part you were waiting for. It was even more fun to be singing a song, and watch him slowly grab the weapon behind this back. Secretly you had managed to uncuffed yourself earlier before this was about to happen. You could've escaped, but.
You weren't going to miss out another one of Tendou's play dates.
"Baki baki—"
Immediately, they draw their guns out, firing aimlessly around you and Tendou. Yelling out a curse, you covered yourself by the table as Tendou ran on the other side. Clearing a path, the two Karasuno members sprinted out. Not daring to look back at the room. Outside was Asahi, Tanaka and Nishinoya, waiting for them in their vehicle on guard.
Meanwhile back in the war looking room, Tendou got out of his hiding spot, and went over to you. Hissing at the stinging that was now kicking in all over your scarred limbs, he kneels down and examines you. Tracing has fingers softly on your arms with sadness in his eyes.
"Oh, my poor angel." cooing, he places a small kiss on each scar. Shivering at his addicting affections, you let out a whimper. "You must've been so scared, huh? Letting some scoundrels take you, and hurt you." his face was getting closer to yours, when his forehead was leaned against yours, the hand that was cradling your scarred arm suddenly grips onto your fresh wound. Biting your tongue from the pain, and holding back your tears.
"Only I am the person you are allowed to be scared." You can see his knuckles turn white. He was seething in rage, possessiveness.
"And only I—" biting on your lips, giving you one of his mouth sucking kiss. One where you have to push yourself away in order to breathe, "Only I can do this to you."
Instead of screaming when his nails found their way on your scar and digging them in. You giggled madly, tears falling from you eyes in which you call them your happy tears. Because he was here, Tendou was here. He came to save you.
And it was out of love.
It was out of love, you think.
"Yes, Sir S."
No sane person could handle what you were going through. To those who once did, has died gruesomely before. But you, oh you were a treat for Tendou. Being a sick freak he was, he was still being loved by a freakier person. And hearing you submit yourself to him, just drives him even more mad as the building was being set on fire, with both of your sinister laughter echoing.
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Once Bitten, Twice Stupid prt 111
Lance had Keith tucked up in his lap, Coran way ahead of him by sending through the ultrasound video. Technology was scary, he’d recorded it, yet in the time it took for them to get home, he’d already received the photos with the measurements and a copy of the video like it was nothing. Keith want to hold him, but Lance was happy with the three blankets over his shoulders between him and the sofa, plus he was doubly happy having Keith there kind of as a protector between him, their baby, and the rest of the world. Pidge and Hunk wanted to make plans for the camping trip, more like snoop if they asked him for the truth, Lance banning them from driving over to see them in this weather, he’d head down tomorrow if things cleared up. Yeah. He was paranoid. Keith hadn’t pried into his paranoia, Lance holding back telling him that stemmed from a nightmare he’d had over losing his two best friends to the snow. He’d tell Keith, but only if he asked.
Watching the ultrasound on repeat, Lance couldn’t get used to the background noises. There was something not quite there, his heart telling him it was the racing heart of their baby. He felt the same as Keith did, that fear that lingered like the fear that lingered after that near miss. With his chin on Keith’s shoulder, he could watch the scan all day now that he was needing to pee
“You okay?”
Keith hadn’t said much, watching the screen as intently as Lance
“Yeah... I still... it’s... wow”
His boyfriend was so eloquent
“You know, we need a name for them so we stop calling them “it””
“People name them? Like before they come out?”
“Some people even have names picked out before they fall pregnant. I suppose “squirt” is the obvious one”
Keith hummed, mind more on the video than the conversation
“Not squirt. That’s how we got them in the first place”
Okay, maybe he was paying more attention than Lance was giving him credit for
“Lots of people go with “bean”. I don’t know...”
“Let me think about it”
“Yeah. That’s probably the smartest idea... ultrasounds look so weird. Like what’s all the grey? I mean, obviously is like inside me and all, but it looks like we’re watching a bad fish film”
“I was thinking the same thing but thought I must be stupid”
Lance melted, nuzzling into Keith
“You are not stupid. This is new territory for both of us. If anything I’m the stupid one for not realising I was pregnant”
Keith leaned his head back against Lance’s shoulder, looking to him with a soft smile
“You’re not stupid. Maybe... we could name it something like “Macaroon”? I mean... if I’m an anger loaf and you’re an idiot crumpet... I don’t know what a crumpet and a loaf make together”
Lance didn’t know why he found Keith saying “Macaroon” so funny. His big bag boyfriend definitely had a hidden sweet tooth
“You’re laughing at me”
“I’m laughing at the word “Macaroon”. There’s a macaroon floating around in my stomach”
His boyfriend snorted
“Okay, point taken. Not “Macaroon””
“Noooo. Let me have this... it’ll be like the longest I’ve kept down food in 37 years”
“You are pretty bad at keeping food down”
“Don’t blame me. I have no control over this body. Sometimes even water gets thrown back up, other times it doesn’t... it’s weird”
“It’s fine. You should eat though”
“But the baby”
“The Macaroon needs food... the idiot crumpet needs food to feed the Macaroon”
Lance snorted at his boyfriend
“If I’m feeding something, then shouldn’t it be like an animal. Like a guppy in all those fish?”
“You’ve been spending too much time on the internet”
“I can’t deny that... alright, I know you’re going to be bossy until I eat. I’ll have a shake now then a nap with my macaroon maker”
“Do you want to try blood in the shake? See if that keeps it down longer?”
Lance tensed. Keith was trying to be sweet, but he didn’t want him going out his way, or making him uncomfortable with his dietary requirements
“I... uh...”
“It’s okay... I’ve been thinking about it a lot. I’m not going to be grossed out”
“It’s blood”
“Babe, you drink blood all the time. I might not like the taste, but it’s something you need”
“I never really... I’m still getting used to being able to feed without hiding it”
He’d drank a few times in front of Pidge and Hunk, before overthinking about how they’d be uncomfortable watching him eat. Keith, Shiro, Curtis, Matt, and Rieva, were all different because they were used to this world
“Let me make you a shake. I’ll use a little of my blood...”
Not this again
“Babe. No”
“Not a lot...”
“You can’t”
“Lance, I want to. You’re scared over my blood, so I think maybe we can try just a bit in your shakes and see if that helps them stay down longer”
Keith broke his heart bringing up his jealousy over a strangers blood in his system. To Lance it was food now. He’d fed for so long on blood bags. Nameless blood bags. Sources responsibly, without the donor being harmed. They were of course compensated well too... He honestly feared too much fresh blood in his system would make him an arrogant arsehole. Yeah. He’d fed on Keith... when he’d had to. Keith’s blood was... easily very addictive. He didn’t taste like blood bag blood. He wanted Keith to feel connected with their baby. Not feeling inferior, like Lance was cheating on him repeatedly. He didn’t want to say yes, but for Keith... he couldn’t deny him. He couldn’t deny him anything... the words stuck in his throat... He wasn’t that kind of vampire...
“Lance, let yourself rely on me”
“I do. I need you understand who hard it is still to accept blood from you. Bags are like eating a well seasoned steak that’s cooled enough to lose its tenderness. Humans are like eating that steak while it’s still part of the cow... and knowing you can have the whole thing if you really want it. My teeth cut your lips when we kiss to much... so it’s not I haven’t tasted your blood a lot. Your blood tastes good... You are good. Good not food”
“You sound like you’re deflecting”
“I’m not trying to deflect. Fine. Think of it as having too much coffee”
“You can never have too much coffee. I don’t mean like a lot of blood, just a little bit, and just to see if it helps keep food down for you and the baby. I’ll use some from a bag if you’re going to be this upset”
“I’m not upset. You being hurt would upset... and we don’t know how I’ll react to the scent of blood... If you’re so set on trying this, then wait until Shiro is home”
Keith’s safety was his priority. As the pregnancy progressed he feared he’d need more blood to keep up...
“Fine. But you’re having your shake”
“Only if you finally show me what this secret thing is”
Well fuck. Keith agreed far too readily.
Keith secret turned out to be a letter from Krolia. Though Lance liked to keep things neat and tidy, he respected that there were certain things he shouldn’t be touching or moving, the things on Keith’s desk being one of those cases. He also never touched his boyfriend’s phone or laptop with Keith’s nagging, respecting his boyfriend’s privacy. He knew Keith sometimes messaged their friends privately, and Lance like Keith feeling comfortable doing so. He wasn’t going to be that kind of controlling partner who had to know everything and didn’t trust their partner enough to let them have their own secrets.
Keith forced him into his lap this time. Sitting on the sofa again, Lance sipped his shake slowly, trying to do draw out eating in the hopes if he kept eating it’d take longer to come back up. The blood with the vanilla wasn’t the best flavour combination, Lance didn’t really know how to describe it. Blood lasted like blood to him, but it wasn’t gross tasting like it was to humans. It was only gross tasting now thanks to the vanilla flavour in the shake powder. Opening the envelope, Keith’s hands were shaking
“Babe, it’s okay. We don’t have to rush”
“I’ve had this for like a month now... I need to face it... before Krolia finds out we’re having a baby”
Honestly, if Krolia told him she knew, Lance wouldn’t be surprised. Allura had probably noticed the change in his quintessence... Though Krolia didn’t have fae powers, she was at VOLTRON a lot. Like a whole lot. She easily could have snuck into Coran’s office and found out, or intercepted lab results. Heck, the Blades had 4 werewolves who were probably smarter about this than Matt and Rieva
“We can still take it slow”
“I’ve been thinking about it for weeks... She... I don’t know...”
“Maybe you don’t dislike her as much as you thought?”
“She’s not the same here as she was in Rome”
“That’s good. Noticing that, that’s okay. I’m not trying to pressure you, but if you’ve been thinking it’s time for a while now, maybe it’s time to read this letter?”
Krolia usually tried to say hello to Keith, or to him if she saw them. She wasn’t shooting him, a good sign that he was still in the clear with her, although it could be thanks to the Blade’s being busy. Lance had tried to forget the briefing room board and all the scraps of information on it, trying not to cross the lines or belittle their work... even if it solving the question of where Sendak was would be great. He’d loved to be able to rub in their face as revenge for not telling them about Antok.
Dropping the envelope into his lap, Keith separated the pages, photos falling out. The letter from Krolia was roughly two pages long, Lance noticing immediately that Krolia had enclosed a copy of the photo she’d shown him on his birthday
The letter was no longer important. Lance taking them from Keith as Keith tried to hold both the letter and the photo at once resulting in the page crumpling. Turning the photo over, Krolia had written on the back
“Keith aged 5 months”. She’d stayed longer than Lance thought. Keith seemed to think it was more a “pop and run” kind of deal. Turning the photo back over, his boyfriend’s tears started soaking into Lance’s borrowed long sleeve shirt
“I think that’s my dad... and my mum”
Lance stared at the photo. Keith’s parents couldn’t have been much older than Keith when the photo was taken. Damn if Keith didn’t have some good looking genes in his family tree. Lance nearly pointing out that Keith’s dad was as hot as his son, then stopping himself him short thanks to thinking of how Keith had lost his father in a fire
“I... I forgot his face... I had a photo at some point but... God. What kind of a son forgets his dad’s face?”
“The kind of son who loses him far too soon. What are the other ones?”
Keith sniffled loudly, his hands shaking harder as he took three attempts to pick up the the other two photos
“God... is that me?”
Young Keith was holding his hippo, the photo older and taken from a distance... Hanging off his dad’s arm, Keith was wearing the biggest smile Lance had ever seen. Both hands holding around the arm in the photo, with his hippo barely gripped as he hung in the air. Lance wasn’t sure for sure it was his dad’s arm, but an educated guess would say it was
“Yeah, that’s you. I’d recognise those knobbly knees anywhere”
“I don’t remember this at all”
“Check the back”
The back read “Keith aged 5”. One of Krolia’s friends must have taken it, or one of the Blades, or even of one Lance’s father’s friends.
The third photo was a photo of a photo. The photo used when Keith’s father had died in the house fire. Keith’s dad really was very good looking, especially in his fancy firefighter uniform
“How did she have these?”
“She said she never stopped wanting to know you. She probably had hunters or friends take photos... I know you’re probably not going to be happy, but she showed me that one of you guys together. She says it’s her good luck charm. She’s proud of you... I’m not trying to interfere here, but I don’t think there was a time that you weren’t in her thoughts”
Keith sniffled hard, Lance moving to kiss his cheek
“Hey, I’m here for you”
“I... what do I tell her? I didn’t get it. She and Shiro tried to tell me and I didn’t get how you could leave your baby behind... and now you’re pregnant, I finally fucking get it. I wasn’t brave enough to read this sooner... she... she’s been respecting my boundaries more and more...”
“You kind of wanted to talk to her before you found about the baby and now you’re worried maybe she’ll only be concerned with listening to what you have to say about it?”
“I couldn’t have faced her if I hadn’t come here. You helped me so much... and she... she walks all over everything. She butts into my life. She shot you. She gets on with everyone else... but she’s... at the Blade of Marmora Headquarters she was terrifying. Like... a walking statue made of gold. Something you shouldn’t be approaching. I felt like she was always looking down at me... I hated it. I fought so hard to carve out my own space but that didn’t matter with her there. She didn’t even come when I nearly got killed. I was pretty desperate, hitchhiking and trying to get to the cabin. Caught a lift and it turned out someone let slip Krolia had a son. No idea who or how they know me. They tracked me down, assuming I was running back to dad’s shack. They were so nice that I thought I was being careful. Shiro was tracking them tracking me. I nearly became dinner. He shot out the windows, flooded the place with light and took me away... I didn’t even know I was in danger until they showed their faces and fangs...”
“You’re both lucky”
Keith would have been lunch. There was clearly more to the story, which Keith had left out
“He knew what he was doing. I had no idea. I thought I was a freak of nature that maybe deserved it. I can’t believe... dad...”
He got what Keith was saying. He tried so hard to find a way back to his dad and now he had part of him returned
“He looks so much like you... You even have that same crease in the corner of your eyes when you smile”
“Do you think so?”
“Babe, yeah. You two against each other photo wise, people would think you’re brothers”
“I can’t believe she had these”
Lance wasn’t sure Krolia had had them. He was secretly sure that out there there would be a file on Keith filled with photos and reports on Keith growing up
“I think she probably always wanted to show you... but that’s okay. Because you weren’t ready before. You made to feel worthless by worthless people instead of being confident enough to see how much you are truly loved. I know it’s hard. When so many people are mean to you, you feel like people complimenting you are only doing so because they’re either lying or laughing behind your back at how dumb you are for believing them. I get paranoid like that too”
“I don’t know what to tell her. You saw me today. I panicked at the idea of Kolivan knowing. I panicked at the idea of be treated differently... I don’t want to be given special treatment...”
“You’re not as weak as you believe you are. If they still see you as weak, then they’re morons. You were in a fucking accident and still cared more about your bike than you”
“I think that just makes me slightly stupid”
Keith bike was still at VOLTRON. Lance assumed it was being fixed, but Keith seemed pretty down about it still. His boyfriend would probably be working on it more if he didn’t have him to worry about
“Nah. I’m shitting myself over you getting back on that death trap, but that’s what you want to do. Your brave. The world hurt you, and lately you’ve showing your face more. I really like it. You keep moving forward and that makes you strong. Your father was so proud of you. I can see it in his eyes. He loved you so much babe. He’d be even prouder if he’d got to see who you grew into. That stuff in the middle, that doesn’t make you a bad person... in his last moments I’m sure all he was hoping for was your safety and your happiness”
“I’m sorry... I think maybe I... I think I need to talk to Krolia”
“You don’t have to be sorry for anything at all. You talking with her is what you need. Again, I’m not pushing, but when we talked... she’s desperate to know you. She loves you. You’re loved very much”
“I want to see the others too...”
Lance nodded
“Tomorrow. If the snow let’s up we’ll head there tomorrow. I miss them too”
“I didn’t think I’d ever miss a bunch of people”
Lance chuckled at his boyfriend
“That’s because we know the coolest and weirdest bunch of people. You’re in with the cool kids, babe”
“And you’re sounding like Shiro”
“Hey, it’s not my fault. I’m totally allowed to be lame when I feel like it”
“You feel like an ice block again”
“I’m thinking of taking a trip to the fridge just to warm up”
“Or we could go to bed”
Lance blinked half a dozen times. Keith didn’t mean that... like that...
“Yeah. More blankets and snuggles sound good”
“Who said anything about snuggles?”
“Me, right now”
“I suppose that can be arranged. I want to make copies of these photos. I don’t ever want to lose them”
“We’ll work that out... like we work everything else out”
Keith kissed his hair
“We make a good team”
“That we do”
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luci-cunt · 4 years
On this episode of “I’m-nostalgic-and-wouldn’t-rec-anyone-read-my-book-but-some-bits-of-it-are-actually-kind-of-funny-to me-and-I’m-addicted-to-validation” JSoC addition!
[the only context u need is that Ash = mc, she’s depressed but coping barely. Cal = incognito rich kid looking for his “girlfriend.” Aatami = softboy/ Ash’s love interest. Mia = Cal’s “girlfriend.”]
“The world wasn’t much different now that it had an expiration date.”
*in an abandoned house* “Uh… you got a name?” I asked, opening the fridge and peeking inside. It was empty, except for a rotting rat. I sighed and closed the fridge.
“So, where are you from?” I asked, he made a face at me but let it drop to an exhausted one. He’d given up being suspicious when he realized the only reason I was pressuring him about his past was because I was a nosy bitch. 
“Aye Bee, good to see you again,” he said, I turned and pulled on Cal’s sleeve so he’d follow me. Uncle B gave him a wary once over and Cal just crossed his arms and glared. Uncle B looked back at me and pursed his lips. “That was way too quick for food Ash, and I’m not selling you drugs.” he said, I sighed.
“Fine, Cal, no meth today sorry,” I said, acting disappointed. Uncle B rolled his eyes. 
I rolled my eyes as I threw another handful of nuts in my mouth and then screwed up my face as I bit into a raisin and spit the whole mouthful out. Cal made a face at me. “You’re so gross,” he muttered.
Thinking about my mom made me want to do something illegal.
Cal was too busy making his ‘there-is-one-single-fiber-keeping-the-impulse-to-punch-you-from-happening’ face at me to notice my sudden tenseness.
“Whatever, I’m hungry, let’s get food,” I said. He narrowed his eyes at me. “You just ate an entire bag of trail mix,” he said, I nodded. “Yeah, but Cal, food is literally the only good thing about the world, you can never have enough,” I said, he rolled his eyes.
“Chill man, it’s not even three yet, you’ve still got six days to find your Juliet,” I said, he pursed his lips.
“Romeo and Juliet die at the end of that play,” he said, I grinned.
“I’ll be Mercutio and we’ll have almost the full cast, complete with tragically young deaths for all of us.” 
“So? What’s the verdict Mr. Grinch?” He spared me a glare and leaned back in his seat so he could cross his arms over his chest. “Salad.” “But that’s so boring.” “You’re ordering tamales.” “That’s because they taste good.” “Salad tastes good.” “Yeah, maybe to giraffes.” “Are you calling me a giraffe?” “If you think salads are good then yes.”
Angry dude was hot.
“Do you have a deathwish?” “Yes, don’t know how it took you that long to–hello,” I said, seeing Aatami suddenly standing in front of our table.
Cal had given up glaring at either of us and was now stabbing the vinyl booth seats with a butter knife. He looked at me pointedly between stabs and I pretended not to get the message he was sending.
“You do? Oh thank god, we’ve been hopping busses for forever,” I said, Cal rolled his eyes. “One bus,” he muttered under his breath. I ignored him.
“Yeah, she’s a cheerleader and they’re the next Romeo and Juliet,” I said, Cal rolled his eyes, still tapping something on the phone. “Don’t Romeo and Juliet die?” Aatami asked, glancing between me and the road, I smiled brightly. “Tragically,” I said. “Oh.”
“Good afternoon! How can I help you?” the lady said, she sounded way too peppy, and I heard Cal growl into my shoulder. I think I was the only one who heard it though, it made me smile.
*about the hotel room Cal paid for* “That’s a lot, Cal,” I whispered. He groaned, dropped his hand, and turned his head back so his forehead was on my shoulder. “I’m not sleeping in a regular cramped stupid room. And I want a big bed, so you better fuck in the bathroom if you’re going to,” he whispered back.
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuckfuckfuckfuck fuck. Fuckkkkk.
*Cal talking while there’s a gun in his face* “Nope, you’ve got the wrong guy,” Cal said again. “You’re really not fooling anyone,” Hans said, anger creeping into his voice. “I’m not trying to, you’ve just got the wrong guy.” “You look exactly like him.” “I get that a lot.” “So you’re saying if I don’t reach into your pocket and pull out your wallet–” “No, no I wouldn’t do that.” “Why?” “I... don’t even have my wallet on me.” “Really?” “Yeah–hey, hey hey hey, no don’t do that–fuck,” I made a mental note to punch Cal in his stupid rich boy face.
“It’s Robert,” Hans said, and I scrunched up my face. What kind of name was Robert? That’s not even evil sounding at all.
*Aatami, high on pain meds after being shot* “Are you guys ok–? Stupid question, don’t answer that. I mean, what happened–? No wait, stupider question. Hey, Ash can you drive? I don’t think I can right now. Or should, oh my god you guys were both so badass. Wow my head's spinning, I’m going to go sit in the car now–” Aatami rambled as he patted both Cal and I down. “Are you guys ok? No wait, I already asked that, ok I’m going to lie down now,” Aatami said.
“You’re going to need to lose the pants so I can see whatever’s bleeding,” the nurse said. She glanced between us, Cal jumped off the table and pried his arm out of my hand. “Nope! Not happening, I don’t want to see your ass, I’m out,” Cal said, he rushed out.
“You’re the stupidest person I’ve ever met,” Cal said, I smiled. “I think you’re pretty cool too,” I said.
“Ash?” Cal asked, looking over at me. “Where the fuck are we?” he asked. “I don’t know, where’s Aatami?” I answered and he gave me a look. “How the fuck would I know that?” he growled and I glared at him. “Fuck you, I was just asking.” “I just woke up!” “So did I!”
I was balancing so precariously on the edge of whatever self control I had, and one more word from Rose-Count was going to send me flying into de-dicking territory.
“You can cook? I thought that was just something for the poor and needy,” I said, Cal glared at me. “You would know.”
“Morning,” Aatami said, I laughed again and he laughed with me. “I drooled on your shirt,” I said, my voice sounded muffled by Aatami, and he laughed again. “I know I can feel it,” he said. “Gross,” Cal muttered.
*Cal handing Ash a plate of pancakes* It was stacked with pancakes covered in blueberries and syrup with a huge commercial looking pad of butter on top. I started drooling. “You’re losing your edge,” I said, Cal glared and stabbed a fork into the top of my stack and then a knife through the butter pad. I raised a brow and he walked out of the kitchen. “Fuck off,” he said, bumping Aatami’s shoulder on the way out
“But this is Hotel-Holdup Chique,” I said, he rolled his eyes. “It’s Homicidal-Vagrant Mystic,” Cal said, “And someone’s going to call the cops on you.”
The shower in this house was fancy. It had one of those waterfall shower heads I’d only ever seen rich people fuck under on TV.
“I need chocolate,” I said, and took another stabilizing breath, “and maybe some alcohol,” I added after a moment. “Koda’s coming,” Cal reminded me, I nodded and walked into the kitchen. “Exactly.”
“I’m glad we met,” I said quietly, Cal’s expression didn’t change, and he held my stare. “Don’t expect me to suck your face, I’m not that good of a friend and not nearly straight enough,” Cal said. I laughed and he took a step forward and we hugged. Cal was a lot shorter than Aatami, and I didn’t have to stand on my toes to hug him. “But I’m glad we met too,” he said in my ear. I smiled and squeezed him again. “The idea of making out with you makes me want to throw up,” I said, we both laughed. “I’m glad,” he said as we pulled apart.
Waking up in a trunk is the worst way to wake up.
“23% chance the world ends in ten minutes,” I said with a laugh. “It’s like the worst New Year’s party ever,” Uncle B said with a smile. “Meh,” Cal said with a noncommittal shrug.
“Michelangelo who?” Cal said sarcastically, and Mia cocked his head to try and tell what it was, before blushing furiously as he realized. “Look Mia, we have fan art,” Cal said, holding the picture up to a completely red Mia. “Why?” Mia managed, and Cal laughed.
laksdjflaksdjf;j sorry this is so long
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dvoz-alternate · 5 years
Run to You pt. 3
werewolf! Joshua x reader
Warnings: fluff, language, slow burning relationship
AN: OC used in fic only appears a few times, (—–) time lapses and pov changes, italics are thoughts/bonded communication
Summary: Graduating from college you moved to a small forest locked town. You aren’t sure why you decide to come here all you know is that you felt pulled to this place. You have heard rumors about the forest, but your need for adventure carries you deeper.
Slowly you pulled yourself away and smiled at what you could assume to be a stunned expression on the gentle beast. Standing you brushed off your pants, “C’mon, I want to see what other interesting things are out here.”
Joshua watched in a daze slightly as you started to wander off. Your touch was addicting and he wanted more of it. Trotting to catch up to you he nudged a hand under his head and onto his back. You only smiled as the two of you walked further into the forest.
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Pulling out your phone as you walked back to the tree bridge you noted that it was almost noon. Turning to look at the sandy colored wolf next to you you smiled. “Thank you for keeping me entertained for the morning, but I need to head into town and look for a job,” you sighed out patting the wolf on the head. Climbing up onto the old tree you started to make your way across before you heard whining. Turning you saw your golden friend giving you what you assumed to be a puppy dog face. You cooed at the face. “I’ll see you soon, okay?” you smiled and gave the wolf a small wave before making your way across the bridge.
Oh, dude... you have it bad. Hansol came to sit beside the sandy wolf as two sets of amber eyes watched you disappear into the woods. Huffing Joshua looked over at the russet colored wolf, but his eyes gave him away. Joshua thought for a moment before slowly turning his head to look at his brother. She said she was looking for a job... Joshua’s thoughts came out slowly as he was putting it together. Mingyu is still looking for someone to work at the bar right? There was a small pause before Hansol replied to the eager wolf. I- I think so? Why? Standing Joshua started to walk back to the house. I think I might have a way to finally meet her in person. Hansol’s ears twitched hearing the smile in Joshua’s voice but followed him home.
Entering their home, Hansol went to his room to and Joshua saw a familiar head of dark hair in the kitchen. Leaning against the wall he looked up at the taller wolf. “Hey Mingyu.” The male hummed in response not looking up from his cooking. “Could you do me a favor?” Joshua asked a hint of a pleading tone underneath. Stopping what he was doing Mingyu wiped his hands on a towel before looking at Joshua. “What do you need help with?” “You’re still looking for someone to help at the bar right?” “Are you offering to help?” Mingyu asked raising an eyebrow. “No, no. I was with my mate earlier, and I was maybe sort of hoping you would hire her if she asked for a job?” Joshua played with his fingers before looking up at Mingyu. There was a small pause and it made Joshua slightly nervous. “So, what I’m hearing is you need my help to get your girl in person. Yes?” Mingyu wore a smug grin as he crossed his arms having figured out Joshua. “Yeah something sort of like that...” Joshua trailed off rubbing the back of his neck. “I’ll hire her if she comes in, but how are you going to make her want to apply when she doesn’t even know you?” “Well... I’m hoping that if I’m in your bar that the bond will help. I know that she feels it already,” Joshua sighed. Mingyu nodded his head slightly before turning back to the food cooking on the stove. “Don’t worry Josh I’ll help set your mate up at the bar.” “Thanks Mingyu,” Joshua felt his chest lighten slightly at the thought. “Just be ready to head out in an hour.”
Sitting at the kitchen counter you read over some of the ad-listings while munching on a sandwich hoping to find something in this small town. So far only two jobs really stood out to you. One being the small grocery store where you met Mr. Creepy, and two being a bar a few blocks from where you lived. Truthfully neither of them seemed that appealing. Shoving the last piece of your sandwich you wiped your hands on your jeans. “No time like the present,” you mutter to yourself as you grab the newspaper and your car keys. 
Opening up the door to your pickup you slid into the driver’s seat and tossed the newspaper into the passenger seat. Shifting into drive you pulled out of the gravel drive and headed into town.
Pulling into the small strip mall parking lot you spotted the mini mart from before. It’s only been a few days since you last saw the oddly attractive yet intimidating man, Kitae. You still had yet to move from your spot and actually go into stores to ask for applications. Why were you stalling? It’s not like someone is going to just offer you a job on the streets right? Pulling the keys from the ignition you finally decided to get this job searching over with. Opening the door you slid out onto the pavement and locked the door behind you. After sliding your keys into your pocket you got the distinct feeling that you were being watched. Lifting your head you looked toward the small bar at the end of the strip. In the window there was already someone drinking, and it’s... you looked at the time on your phone, two pm. Alright then... well you do you I guess. The person in the window seemed oddly familiar, but you were far enough away that the sun cast a glare over the window. Tearing your gaze from the window, glared person you lifted a foot to move in the direction of the mini mart only to stop mid-step. You felt a small tug at the base of your head to turn and walk into the bar. The tug freaked you out slightly, and your first reaction was to slap the base of your head. “Damn, that was hard than I thought,” you winced removing your hand. Shaking your head you forced your lead-like feet to move away from the bar. 
Your eyes stayed on the ground as you walked trying to avoid eye contact with the few people on the sidewalk. Remembering the last time you made eye contact with a stranger you were always left baffled at the fact that they were very attractive. You only stopped looking at the ground when you saw a pair of hiking boots fill your vision.
The man sitting at the window took a sip from the mug in front of him to hide the smirk that was starting to form on his lips. The good thing about being in town is that it was considered neutral territory for the surrounding packs. Kitae knew this and used it to his advantage multiple times. Dark eyes followed the girls form as she retreated further from the bar.
“Hey Josh,” Mingyu called from the back room. Joshua hummed a response as he walked to the back to see what Mingyu needed. “Will you run down to the store? I called and made an order since we were running low on things, and they have it ready. Could you go and pick it up?” Mingyu asked wiping his hands on a towel as he stood up to look at his friend. “Yeah, I can do that. You are helping me anyway,” Joshua shrugged. “Thanks man,” Mingyu walked out to the front with Joshua. Moving to the till behind the bar Mingyu took out a couple of bills before handing them to Joshua. Folding them Joshua slid them into his pocket while he headed to the exit. “See you in a few,” Joshua called with a wave over his shoulder. 
It didn’t take long to get the items Mingyu needed. Handing over the bills to the cashier Joshua waited patiently to get the change back before heading back to the bar. Although the wolf inside Joshua was pacing back and forth remembering the one-sided conversation he shared with his mate earlier had him looking out windows all day hoping to get a glimpse of familiarity again. “Have a good day sir,” the cashier smiled at him handing him his items. Joshua gave a small thank you and headed to the exit.
 Opening the door Joshua’s eyes widened in alarm as he almost hit a person with the door. The alarm in his eyes shifted to recognition when peach and vanilla hit his nose. Joshua finally watched as the female lifted her head, and it was you. Joshua smiled down softly at you before he realized that this was probably super awkward. “I, um sorry. Were you going in?” Joshua fumbled moving to hold the door open for you. Mentally he was kicking himself for how stupid he sounded in front of his mate.
Raising your head you sucked in a short, sharp breath. It was that beautiful man that you unintentionally had a staring contest with from inside your truck. Your brain seemed to short circuit in the close proximity to the man who was holding the door open for you. The only reasonable reaction your mind could form was to giggle at the stutter from nervous looking male. “I don’t remember what I was going into the store for now,” you told him. You couldn’t help but think that these eyes were so familiar to you, and this is your first time having a conversation with this man. 
“You seem familiar,” you mumbled not realizing that you said this out loud until you heard the beautiful sound of the man’s chuckle. “I get that sometimes. I’m Joshua Hong,” he held out the hand that wasn’t holding a bag to you. You gave him a nervous smile but shook his hand nonetheless. “(Y/N) (L/N).” You felt electricity run up your arm as you held the hand of the beautiful stranger.
Joshua smiled down at your joined hands. He had now figured out not only your name, but also how sparks seemed to fly when you both connected. The wolf that was inside Joshua was purring rather loudly. Joshua covered up the purr with a cough and gave you a sheepish smile, and reluctantly removed his hand from yours. “Well (Y/N), if you have nothing to do today would you allow me to get to know you better?” Giving him a small smile you stepped away from the door, “Lead the way Joshua.”
previously I next
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Mad Phoenix Rising (1)
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Summary: Life in crime is never easy, especially when you’re a woman. But Riley, along with her fellow triplet sisters, Michelle and Jordan, managed to hold down their own territory in the state of Michigan in the heart of Detroit to establish the group known as The Carter Cartel. A few years later after leaving the cartel, Riley’s now caught in the heart of a civil war between humans and androids. What happens when She is forced to choose between the badge she swore to wield to protect her own kind or the oath made between her sisters to protect those the government deems dangerous to their order?
A/N: Hey, guys. It’s Riley here. I am back from the dead once again as I will be posting this story on my ao3 as well under QueenLegacyProductions. Here’s hoping that I can remain active as I was. But I hope you enjoy!
February 10, 2036
I never asked for this. I never wanted to be a part of a mob, let alone control one, but when circumstances and situations called for it, here I am. Here I am, bum rushing the hideout of Maxwell Two Face, the current boss of the Barthel Mafia. You know, the group that formed and ran Detroit back in the 1920s alongside Chicago. Yeah, that one. I think it’s safe to say that the faction has made a great deal of history here in the great city of Detroit.
History that I’m about to rewrite.
I chased down Maxwell to the rooftop of the building. He popped a few shots at me which caused me to duck behind the metal air duct. I smirked when I heard the gun click empty and him swear. I come out of my hiding spot, TEC-9 in my hand as I point it at him.
“Nowhere to run now, Maxwell.” I said , gun locked on him. “It’s over. I’m taking over Detroit and everything in it.”
“You won’t get far in your success, Carter.” Maxwell spat at me. “The mafia will come back for revenge.”
“Only way that happens is someone found a way to revive the dead.” I stopped to think. “Speakin’ of which, thanks for reminding me.”
“Reminding yo-?” Maxwell was unable to finish his question due to the huge amounts of bullets currently riddling him as I emptied the clip into his chest. I hear footsteps rush up the stairs as I tucked the TEC into my side when my baby sister, Jordan busted through the door with her M16 assault rifle in her hands, aiming it.
“Oh.” She said as she relaxed her stance, holding her gun by her side when she noticed Maxwell’s dead body by my feet. “You didn’t need my help at all.”
“Yes, I do. Call clean up crew and have them sweep up the area for evidence before the cops show. I don’t want anything to trail back to us.” I said as I took the rifle from her.
Jordan nodded her head. “All right. I’ll call Michelle while I’m at it. Tell her to round up the troops to spread the news of the city’s newest boss.”
“Tell her to be easy.” I told her. “I don’t want the people to think I’m another Maxwell. After all, that’s the reason why we’re doing this.”
“You got it, boss.” She responded as she walked away downstairs. I looked out towards the view of the downtown area, the Cyberlife tower standing out over the buildings like the big gem of a royal crown before I heard a thud near me. I drew the rifle, aiming towards the noise.
“Please, don’t shoot!” I see someone kneeling down with their hands together, pleading with me. I take notice of his clothing.
That jacket. With the blue triangle and armband.
An android? Here?
“State your model.” I commanded it.
“LM100.” The android trembled. I relax my stance a little with the gun still trained on him.
“What is an android doing here, an anti-android facility?” I questioned with a quirked eyebrow.
“I was taken from my original owner. She was killed by that man there.” He points to Maxwell’s dead body. “ Said I would be destroyed if I didn’t cooperate.”
I let his story process in my head for a few moments before I asked, “Do you have a name?” I lowered the gun.
The android lowered his hands when I put the gun on my back. “Austin.” I saw his LED go from yellow to a calm blue.
“Ok, Austin. You’re free to go.” I gestured to the rooftop door. He doesn’t move. “Go on. Get out of here.”
“Ma’am, I don’t have anywhere to go. And- And if I go to Cyberlife, I’d be destroyed.” Austin panicked.
“Well, what do you want me to do?” I shrugged.
“Let me work for you. I can do anything you want. Cook, clean,-.”
“Be my liaison.” I cut him off.
“Be my liaison.” I said. I approached him when I noticed his head tilt to the side, LED yellow again in confusion. “See, I realize that I’m gonna be taking over Detroit’s criminal underworld and I won’t be able to be at two places at once.”
“So you need me to act on your behalf.” Austin buts in which makes me click my tongue in agreement before I go downstairs. “Excuse me, miss?” He asked me when he followed me. “What is your name?” I stopped on the stairs, pausing before I took at him.
“Riley. Riley Carter.”
Get Familiar with that name too, Ladies and Gentlemen, for I am Queen Shit of Detroit’s crime underworld.
…for now,at least.
August 17, 2036…..Six Months Later
“And it seems like the temperature in Detroit is looking to warm up…” Riley hears the weatherman on the T.V. drone on as she looked over the weekly income schedule that Jordan dropped off when she came to give her the week’s pay and that week’s finance log. She noticed that this week’s income was about $50 million as she predicted since she knew that nothing moves without her knowledge.
After Riley and the team disposed of Maxwell and the last of his mob, they managed to not only take over the drug distribution and supply that Barthel had but Riley took it a step further and expanded the business to some parts of Illinois, mainly Chicago, her hometown. As of right now, everything from gunrunning to even drug trafficking of weed and cocaine and every other drug in between moves under the Carters’ control. Riley thought it’d be better this way. The crew could keep an eye out to make sure it doesn’t give into the wrong hands.
Last thing she wanted is for some poor soul to OD on her product.
‘A mobster with mortals.’ Michelle, her younger sister, called her. Couldn’t really call her a liar. After all, Riley has been proving it true. While she and Michelle were getting the criminal aspect of the business together, Austin and Jordan believed that the girls could really establish dominance of the city if they had their hand in community related investments. Investments like city construction, so Austin managed to not only get Riley’s hands on potential construction blueprints but she also has some construction workers on her payroll as well. The team had this set up in motion because one of the city’s problems - or rather the nation’s problems - was homelessness due to high rent and low minimum wage.
‘There’s evidence of a trend where most humans that develop an drug or alcohol addiction are those that are in poverty and without a home.’ Austin stated in one family meeting.
‘That’s because drugs are cheaper and easier to obtain.’ Michelle said. ‘With it being in the streets because of small timers.’
‘And those bastards don’t give a damn who they hurt or strongarm as long as they’re getting paid.’ Riley stated. ‘Thankfully, that’s changing but what isn’t these broken families that are still on the streets. They need a place to go.’
Which led the team to make plans for better, affordable housing to the working class who struggled to make ends meet. They also made donations to the schools so the kids can properly learn.
‘Kids shouldn’t be in an environment, let alone a learning one, without the proper tools.’ Riley were the words she spoke that day on the subject of one of the team’s many city side projects. Yes, Riley was truly becoming a woman for the people.
“And the biggest threat of Detroit, The Mad Phoenix, Riley Carter is still at large within the city even though DPD has been cracking down on the sex trafficking ring within the state of Michigan.”
“If only they knew that it was actually you that was leaving them an anonymous care package about the trafficking ring.” Austin said as he stood in the doorway with her iced coffee in his hand. Riley gestures for him to step further into her office as she closed the folder she was viewing before muting the TV.
“We know the truth. The news and the police department want to paint me as the bad guy, despite the fact that the only reason they even knew about the ring was because everyone kept blowing up the office’s phones with information.” She gestures to the phones. “Because the people trust me to protect their identities more than the ones swore to protect and serve. But it’s fine.” She puts her hands up in surrender. “It has a bit of merit but let’s be honest here, the streets have never been safer.”
“I’m sensing that there’s a ‘but’ in that statement.” Austin put the coffee on her desk. Riley takes it, sipping out of it.
“Because there is one.” She sighed. “I’m worried.”
“Yeah, worried.” Riley stood up, taking the file she was reading and handed it to him. “Read that.”
Austin looks over the file, LED yellow and blinking before it turns red. “Riley, these are-.”
“Yeah.” She nodded.
“And what do the girls think about this?”
“I think it’s suicidal.” Michelle said when they joined together during the meeting Riley called that afternoon. “Granted with the plan we have laid out, This could work but it just seems a bit much for just a hobby.”
“This coming from the woman that broke into a military base because she wanted the half-track truck that was there.” Jordan said with a sassy look towards her older sister.
“That was different.”
“You almost got blown up by a tank.”
“Ladies, argue about that later. Right now, let’s focus on this.” Riley called for their attention.
“Which is?” Michelle asked.
“Cyberlife warehouses. I willingly to bet that in a year, there are gonna be more androids made available to the public and those parts don’t come cheap.”
“So what? We’re hijacking parts from Cyberlife to feel that need?”
“Only enough until we can make the parts ourselves.” Riley said, which made Michelle raise an eyebrow.
“Why do I feel like there’s something that you’re not telling me?”
“Because there’s something you’re not asking.” Riley sassed her before she sighed deeply. “Listen, if we do this right, we all can benefit from this, not just me. Times are changing. Society is slowly but surely accepting androids. Machines that are faster and stronger, as well as highly expensive. We’re trying to make it easier on the working class, remember? Or have y’all forgotten the oath?”
“No.” Both Jordan and Michelle answered her.
“Ok, then. So what do you think?” There was a pregnant pause after Riley’s question. Michelle leans back in her chair, putting her feet up on the table.
“So….When do we start?”
A/N:  Hey, you made it to the end! Thanks so much for reading. I appreciate it. Leave some comments. Let me know how I’m doing. Thanks!
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This shit that has been going on for months now has finally been solved. For the longest time I’ve been following Spider-Man oh so very closely, eager to find out his identity—not to expose it to the media vultures, oh no, our hero deserves more than that. But… to satisfy my own curiosity. He’s the only Avenger hiding his identity, you know? You’d think they’d be okay with it after all these other superheroes get to run around freely…
As you all know, countless names have been linked to Spider-Man. He seems close with Tony Stark, but that’s hardly relevant. There’ve been links to JD Slinger, the American Pop Singer, in a very poor attempt to sell records—you’re not Hannah Montana JD fucking Slinger! Stick to your trash music!!!
However untrue and disappointing Slinger’s attempt at fame is, he’s not the only one with musical elements that is linked to Spider-Man.
A few months ago, a viral video entering adorable and kind of pedos-get-the-fuck-out-of-here-territory circulated around the internet and into our nightly news, as does every baby goes viral video does. You can check it out on the link below for a good dose of endorphins.
[Link: Baby boy wants to be Taylor Swift, re-uploaded by djflash]
[Description: A six-year old boy is standing in the shower with a towel draped over his body like a makeshift cloak, he is clutching his tooth brush on and seems to be furiously lip syncing. The camera shakes as the person behind the camera stifles laughter.
May Parker, the original uploader and aunt of the then-toddler Peter, asks: Aren’t you tired Peter? From all the singing? You’ve been singing for two hours. Aren’t you cold?
Peter is intensely staring at the mirror as he lip-syncs but pauses to look at May. He says in a tired and raspy voice: Yeah, but, but my fans! I need to sing, Auntie May, for the fa— [looking harried] DROP EVERYTHING NOW, MEET ME IN THE POURING RAIN—
The sound of Peter singing is drowned by May’s scream as Peter falls on his butt, having jumped with his passion for the song, and tripping.
It cuts off with May laughing while taking Peter in her arms, phone capturing her picking him up and hearing Peter crying as he tries to get back to the mirror: It—doesn’t hurt May. Need to get back—my! My concert!
Video ends]
Now how does a viral video of a baby Taylor Swift fan connect to Spider-Man?
Well, May Parker posted it on Facebook when Flash Thompson, who claims to be a good friend of Peter Parker (although I highly doubt this, he’s only in it for the clout and Spider-Man’s love, click here for more on Flash), decided to share it to everyone. One of his reposts on Twitter propelled it to viral success.
Weeks later, May Parker decided to bless us again with more content by taking a video of her now teenage (17 years old—PEDO’S STAY AWAY) nephew singing, once again, a Taylor Swift song.
[Link: I’m so glad im seventeen and can properly thirst upon this wonderful hooman]
[Description: They are in the kitchen this time and May Parker is being discreet with her video-taking. A Taylor Swift song ends softly from his phone’s tiny speakers. A Spotify ad interrupts but the video cuts it off two seconds later for another Taylor Swift song to filter in.
We take in the scenario. Peter is in his pyjamas, shaking his booty while singing Stay Stay Stay. He flourishes his hands a few times, dramatizing, “That’s when you came in wearing a football helmet, and I said, [he changes voices] “Okay, let’s talk” [he finishes one pancake and pours a new batter in before using the ladle as a microphone, as if in anticipation for the moment, and, back bent, face scrunched up, belts: STAYSTAYSTAY I’ve b EEN LUH-VING YOU FOR QUITE SOME TIME- TI-HIME! YOU THINK THAT ITS FUNNEH WHEN I’M—OH MAN, I spilled batter on my shirt!”
The camera shakes with May’s silent laughter. Peter does not seem to notice. He looks side to side, almost as if he is looking for something to wipe the batter with, but there are no paper towels in sight and his shirt is dripping with the excess batter the size of his fist.
In the most compelling, and understandable, moment of decision making, Peter has chosen not to be responsible and strips instead, to the utter delight of seventeen-year old’s in the world (and ONLY those younger than that! Pedos, I swear to god, if I see you, I kill you, that last blog was the last time you make me burn my eyes!)—a wonderful set of abs and toned muscles you would not expect from a seventeen year old boy singing to Taylor Swift with the squeakiest voice in the world.  Adorable. Ten points for my good boy ranks.
The video ends with Peter staring further at the shirt and licking at the batter before it violently cuts off to the roaring laughter of one May Parker]
It is peculiar, to watch May navigate the wonders of technology, too, because the first video was on her Facebook years unnoticed before Flash Thompson unearthed it for the world to see (Mr. Thompson, what exactly were your intentions going through a beautiful May Parker’s Facebook pictures?). But this time, she also apparently intended to send it to Peter’s friend’s Instagram account. However, the fluke came when she posted it and tagged them instead.
People who have followed her upon the first viral video have now decided it to be God’s work to distribute the video, making it viral within days. The very same people were the ones who noticed that Peter Parker’s singing style is the very same as Spider-Man’s.
I hear you gasp. Well, of course. I spit my tea as well, when I realized it too.
See, unless you were living under a rock, about a year ago, Spider-Man was exposed as a Taylor Swift fan when he saved a ten year old girl and began teaching her about the History and Influence of Swift’s discography and career, before proceeding to sing with her the hit song Speak Now. All of it was caught on camera, of course.
The people who spread this new video started a conspiracy theory that Spider-Man and Peter Parker are very similar people. One user @finn-man-the-aquaman pointed out that Spider-Man and Peter Parker’s voice are very similar. Another user @maxine_and_spider-man compared the dance moves from the two videos, putting frames of each steps beside each other, and found that it was so uncannily similar that it couldn’t have been a coincidence. It was an interesting point to make, because both Peter and Spider-Man had particular steps, all seemingly on a whim, but also matching each other perfectly. They are by no means good dancers, God no, but their whimsical dancing looks like two bad dancers following one choreography, couldn’t follow it technically but committed to it emotionally.
Twitter user @emiliar summarized it the best: the chest pump, the feet extension, the little jig, and the butt shake, before leaning backward and singing at the height of their emotions— apparently this is a common dance choreography?
To which @pissshitcry responded with a video that would bring us the wonderful breakthrough that I’ve been walking you all through.
[VIDEO uploaded by spidermansavedmetwice]
[Caption by @pissshitcry: No. Apparently: ]
[Video Description: Spider-Man is swinging through the buildings before stopping by Midtown High School, in front of a harried looking student, screaming frantically, and this is it folks: CAN YOU GIVE THIS TO NED LEEDS, TELL HIM SPIDER-MAN THANKS HIS FRIEND PETER! tHANKS! Before zipping away
Video ended]
Now. Okay. I know, calm down guys, I’m trying so hard not to run up the hills and do an Irish Jig, because I am so, so, so excited about all these new revelations! Nobody has quite documented this, too, so people, watch out for more of my content in a few weeks.
SO! Implication one: Spider-Man knows Ned Leeds.
Implication two: Peter Parker helped Spider-Man somehow.
Implication three: Spider-Man knows Peter Parker.
Cut, do it again, but with more emotions: SPIDER-MAN KNOWS PETER PARKER.
Let’s zoom back to a few weeks after the viral hits and Taylor Swift posts a video of her watching the video and then saying into the camera, with that iconic red lipstick and perfectly sculpted eyebrows: I have never thought this would be something that will happen to me in my career ever, but seeing a super-hero sing praises about me and teaching my [and she quotes from Spider-Man’s erratic explanation about her history] “unattainable song-writing prowess equal to that of the rock singing legends of ye old—” really does bring a smile to my face! More than that, Peter Parker is an absolute cutie too! He looks like such a sweetheart, baking those pancakes, apparently, for her aunt? Be sweet to your aunts guys! But also. I came here to cordially invite both Spider-Man and Peter Parker to come out to my concert in New York in two weeks! I’ll be there May 25th at the Lincoln Center, and maybe we can all sing together!”
She ends the video with the iconic Spider-Man wrist flip. The video has been circulated and has now gained over an estimated 100 million views.
It sparked a buzz of interest among the people, Peter Parker having received much of the spotlight. He hasn’t said anything in relation to Spider-Man but had reluctantly agreed to go to Swift’s invite. And I cannot emphasize the reluctant part. Kid looked so uncomfortable, but maybe he’s just shy!
Okay. Now, this thing is the most glaring indicator of what I will be telling you. The night of the concert. Everyone is there for Swift, but everyone is also there waiting for the much-awaited Spider-Man and Peter Parker saga. Halfway into her song list, Taylor Swift stopped to talk. The time has come.
Peter Parker walks into the stage, and the crowd welcomes him with adoring cheers, similar to Swift’s entrance herself. She introduces him, even though she absolutely does not need to, and the people scream their approval.
When Swift gives him his own mic, he almost drops it before catching it with his incredible reflexes. Swift calls for Spider-Man to reveal himself, much to the delight of the crowd, chanting his name as if it was a concert for him, which, in many ways, it kind of was. However, Spider-Man didn’t appear after that and the duo had to continue on.
It was a cute performance, with Parker stumbling a few times before getting the groove with Swift and belting it out as well. Everyone joins in on them singing and enjoying her old songs, Swift smiling and laughing the whole time.
Peter leaves the stage Spider-Man plushies and roses thrown for him, to which he received with a graceful bow. Swift resumes her concert after a few hearty jokes thrown in—but wait! What’s that?!
A screaming insect crashes at one of the large LED walls at the stage and the camera [and the collective crowd] is surprised to see the superhero—SPIDER-MAN!
“Ehehehe, hello Miss Taylor Swift, Ma’am!” He says, in a particularly deeper voice. Autotune? Before they sing it out, as they would—Swift laughing, and Spider-Man trying—Spider-Man explains that he was nervous meeting Peter Parker, before scrambling to correct that it was Swift he was nervous about meeting.
Swift then teases Spider-Man about a potential crush, which.
Okay, alright, I hate pedos, and we don’t exactly know Spider-Man’s age but we do know that he’s very young, what with all the pop culture references he’s been dropping with the intuition of an internet native. So, he’s young, alright? Possibly Gen-Z, even. Here’s a post you can see about his age analysis.
[Insert hand chopping movements]
We’ve established that Spider-Man knows Peter Parker. They’ve met. Peter has possibly helped, or even saved Spider-Man himself. Now, saving a superhero is something that not just anybody does. And Parker himself is a student at Midtown Science High—he’s a smart kid! And seeing as these events just happened months apart, it wouldn’t be too far-fetched to imagine them meeting again, perhaps, with Parker making pancakes in dewy mornings, and a tired (and yearning) Spider-Man is watching from the windows as Peter dances along to Swift’s songs.
The watching from the windows theory and thus getting to know the choreography might not be so creepy if you factor in the fact that Spider-Man might be hiding his crush for Parker’s safety!
It is like the modern incarnation of Super-Hero romance, only now, its more inclusive! To exist in such a beautiful world, and to watch such an innocent tale bloom in this cruel, cruel world. We could only hope to see more of them together, maybe as something... more?
reblogged by thunderstrike: this is like someone trying to overanalyze twilight for some depth—THERE ISN’T ONE!
thunderstrike reblogged by spidahmanna: come on, give them some credit at least for recounting the most batshit insane crossover in the universe as we know it so far
reblogged by skdfas: this person needs help, but very entertaining to read
reblogged by nedleads: oH MY GOD 
reblogged by kliyon: new ship, age appropriate Spider-Man x Peter Parker
reblogged by ekeke: um yes, i need a dash of meet-cute with one cup of flavored angst—soda please, I like it to hurt— large fluff, a BFF serving of some of them yearning, and a happy sad-meal for one please.
reblogged by unaunann: im done with this site, who wants to burn the internet with me?
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 Tony, reading the blog: Hmmm…
Tony: Okay so I read this blog and I have remedied it.
Peter: Oh my god thankyoumisterstark I swear I didn’t mean to—
Tony: You are now the biggest shareholder for Spotify because I know you don’t want me to pay for a premium account, but if you’re gonna listen to those damn ads while singing to Taylor Swift, at least earn from it, you know?
Peter: …that’s what you took from the whole thing?
NEXT ARTICLE: The Avengers film a parody of Queen’s I Want To Break Free. Is Captain America is as beautiful as Rogerina, or is he too buff??? Tony Stark is an iconic drama queen, perfect for Freddie Mercury, and more!
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purplesurveys · 4 years
What do you do when you can't sleep? I pick something to watch. Usually the background noise works in making me feel sleepier. Have you ever been threatened before? Physically, verbally, emotionally... I’ve had the full package. Don't you hate being labeled? I hate if it’s done in a mocking way or to reinforce insulting stereotypes, like Catholic Filipino boomers saying all atheists are evil and in need of ‘saving.’ But there are some labels that can be a source of comfort and give me a sense of identity, like if my friends can correctly remember my sexual orientation. Are you one of those people who says sorry too much or doesn't say it often? I do say it a lot. I also get reprimanded for it a lot. Have you ever had a cute doctor/dentist/nurse? No, and I mostly don’t think of them in that way... if I’m at the doctor/dentist, that just means I want to be healed lol.
Do you swallow your gum even though it's bad for you? I’ve never done it on purpose. The few times I accidentally swallowed gum I was worried it’d fuck up my stomach, but nothing bad has ever happened. Don't you hate it when you go to the bathroom & there's no toilet paper? I mean my parents always buy tissues in bulk, so we’ve never run out of them. If I catch the roll being empty, it’s easy to replace. ^When that happens do you ever just sit there & read shampoo bottles? We have bidets in our bathrooms. For houses with no bidets, the pair of tabo/balde would do to wash ourselves, at least for Filipino culture. Going into TMI territory over here but the idea of some countries/people only using dry toilet paper to wipe their ass has always been so odd for Asians. Do you wear jelly bracelets? Do you believe in the sexual meanings of them? I wore them a few times during childhood but I wasn’t obsessed nor did I collect hundreds of them. I didn’t know they had sexual meanings – that would’ve been my last thought as a kid. Are you good at guessing things? Not guessing, but I’ve had a decent track record of picturing and predicting worst case scenarios that end up happening close to the way I imagine them. Have you ever gambled? I played Bingo when I was like 9. There was a period when my late grand-aunt’s friends would come over at her place (we lived in a duplex, so I knew whenever a game was starting and it was easy to walk over there) and play Bingo, and it lasted for a few months. When your stomach growls do you ignore it for awhile or immediately get food? I like waiting for a while before deciding I’m *really* hungry and looking for food. Have you ever thrown up on someone in front of you on a amusement park ride? OMG, never. Have you ever thought you were dreaming so you had someone actually pinch you? No. I only ever saw this in cartoons, too. When you get nervous, does your heart pound extra fast? Isn’t that kind of an important sign of being nervous though? If my heart wasn’t beating fast I’d think that everything was under control. Have you ever mowed your lawn? Do you find it fun or annoying? Our village has a staff member that’s in charge of mowing everyone’s front lawns, so we don’t really have to. Do you have a garden at your house? I wouldn’t call it a garden. We have a couple of tall trees but that’s it. Do you like making puppet figures with your shadow? I don’t hate it, but like I don’t actively seek this out. When you're on the internet does time go fast or slow? When I was 10 and the internet was still fairly new to me and there were still a billion sites to check out, time was definitely fast. I’d be on the laptop all day and suffice it to say I was addicted, which wasn’t the healthiest situation for a 10 year old. These days time just feels normally paced since we’ve grown used to the internet now... it’s literally a part of everyone’s lives and is everywhere from phones to TVs to fucking lightbulbs, so it’s all just part of everyday routine. When you're angry do you take it out on other people? I make it a point not to do this but sometimes I’ll crack under pressure and end up snapping at someone. What's the key to true happiness? Key’s different for everyone. Who do you look up to for your style? For the longest time it was Audrey Hepburn, which is why I have a ton of little black dresses piled up in my closet to this day. More recently though I’ve been wanting to dress up like Rachel Green from Friends. What was the longest phone conversation you've ever had? Ugh it’s so cringey now but when Gab and I were newly dating we once had an 8 hour Viber call. Never did it again.
How many pillows do you sleep with? Two big ones. What's your life philosophy? “You don’t have to be blood to be family” ngh I say this on surveys a lot. Soz, questions like this make me repeat it. Have you ever played strip poker or would you ever? I’ve never played it. I don’t even know how poker works and it’s so annoying cause my favorite shows tend to make at least one episode focused on a poker game, and I’m left not understanding any of the dialogue. Would you still go out with someone even if you thought they would cheat on you? These cheating questions can be so tricky but generally I wouldn’t consider dating someone who I know to be a past cheater. Would you date someone who didn't want to have sex until they were married? Yes. I mean I was already this kind of person with Gabie anyway when we started dating; she was just able to change my mind which I’m super ok with because I’ve never regretted it. How much cash do you have on you right now? I have a little over P2000 in my wallet. My school has since ordered to end the semester by April 30 so I had no idea that the P2000 my parents gave me last March was gonna be my last allowance from them ever :’( What's your favorite thing to order at a Mexican food restaurant? I haven’t really had Mexican food that’s purely Mexican, i.e. not Tex-Mex. Idk if it’s right to say fajitas and chimichangas since Google says they’re Tex-Mex, but they’re my usuals. If you got to magically make somebody disappear, who would it be and why? Can I make a virus disappear instead? Do you prefer to cook or eat out? Eat out. Because I can’t cook. Have you ever peed yourself while laughing? Never. When you don't like someone, do you let them know? I mean obviously I don’t confront them directly just to say I don’t like them, but I’ll make extra effort to avoid them and I just wouldn’t interact if we happen to be in the same room. How would you build your ultimate sundae? Not really a sundae girl so I wouldn’t know what combination works. McDo’s hot fudge sundae is satisfying enough for me. Would you date someone who went to church on a regular basis? If it came to that, and especially if I really like the person, I might give them a chance (that’s a billion plus points for my mom, anyway) on the condition that they don’t force me to attend with them, and they don’t try to convert me. What is your favorite curse word? Fuck. Would you rather see a movie at the theater or at home on DVD? Egh it depends. There are movies I can be excited enough about to wanna catch it in the cinema, and there are some that I’m not invested as much in and that I could wait for to show up at an illegal film website lol. If the police came to your door & said "you're under arrest!" what would it be for? The police in this country are the Devil and will arrest and kill anybody. That said, I can be attacked in my own home, arrested for absolutely nothing, and they will get away with it. Are you good at giving massages? Nope. What movie do you know just about every line from? Your basic white girl movies – Titanic, The Proposal, White Chicks. Oh and also my favorite Two for the Road, of course. Do you prefer cupcakes or muffins? Cupcakes. If I absolutely have to eat a muffin it has to be chocolate, otherwise I’m not touching it. I’m all about the sweet. What are the three "nevers" of your life? Doing hard drugs, drunk driving, eating fruits. What lifts your spirits when life gets you down? Good food, good movies, good friends. My dog. Is sometimes being silent more effective than having to say things? Yes. Do you smile a lot or not enough? I think I do it enough.
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planetsam · 5 years
Love your writing! Prompt/ask: Isabel & Alex friendship development post finale -- they'll both be processing a lot & maybe looking for a confidant who gets it. & I'd love to see their types of humor together!
Alex almost backs out.
Sharing his feelings isn’t his strong suit, especially not about this. He chooses a group a few towns over. He doesn’t need one that might get back to his dad. It’s an hour drive but he makes it and sits outside until it’s five minutes to starting. He forces himself to go in. He gets one of the paper cups of bad coffee and finds his seat among the handful of people. Most are women. He picked a coed group for a reason, one that focused on LGBTQ+. Which makes this even more difficult. But in for a penny, in for a pound and so he takes his seat as the person in charge comes in.
“Thank you all for coming,” she says, “being here is the first step so I commend you all. We have some new faces, would anyone like to share?”
They go around and share stories, stories that are familiar to Alex but he doesn’t feel more comforted by them. He feels like he doesn’t want to be here. Attention is slowly shifting to him and he’s prepared to just bolt. But then the door opens and everyone swings towards it. Alex stares too. Apparently his brilliant idea to go a few towns away was brilliant enough to have occurred to someone else. Standing in the doorway looking torn between fleeing and murdering someone is none other than Isobel Evans.
“Is this the abuse support group for LGBTQ+?” She asks.
“Yes,” the group leader says, “join us,” she motions her in.
Isobel crosses the room with quick precise steps. Alex feels like he’s about a foot tall. She doesn’t seem embarrassed or ashamed to be here and he wants the ground to open him up and swallow him whole. A flicker of surprise crosses her face when she looks at him, but she quickly pushes it away and deposits her purse next to her seat. When she clasps her hands together, Alex can see that her ring finger is bare.
“Would you like to share?” The leader offers.
Isobel pauses for a second but then she sets her face and looks directly at the woman.
“My name is Isobel,” she says, “I recently discovered my husband was grooming me since I was a teenager, married me and abused me the entire time,” she continues, “also I’m bisexual.”
He has no idea how she can say it like that.
Apparently neither does anyone else. Then again, Isobel is unique. God knows she was more popular in school than Max or Michael. And since school she’s the most successful every way you look at it. When she sets her mind to something, the world had better watch out. And it seems that she has set her mind to this. When the leader looks at him, Alex does his best to channel her before realizing that’s exactly what he doesn’t want to do. He has to be his own hero in this.
“I’m Alex,” he says, “my father was verbally and physically abusive to me because I was gay.”
The world doesn’t end when he says it aloud. It makes him slightly braver as he continues.
“I was blackmailed into going to war and I’m proud, to have served my country,” he says, “but I lost a lot,” he continues, “and I feel like when I look in the mirror, the only thing I see is him. I don’t know how to be myself.”
When he meets Isobel’s eyes, she gives him the saddest, most encouraging smile he’s ever gotten.
“I didn’t expect to see you here,” Isobel says.
“Great minds?” He offers as they get their paper cups of bad coffee during the break, “you got here fast. I couldn’t admit what happened for a long time.”
“Bull in a china shop,” she says with a shrug, “but I have to do this. I can’t be there for Michael while Max is—“ she shrugs.
Something cold slithers down Alex’s spine.
“While Max is what?” He asks.
Isobel’s perfect eyebrows draw together.
“Max is asleep,” she says, stressing the word so he knows she’s not talking about the natural kind, “did Michael not tell you?”
“I haven’t talked to him in weeks,” Alex says.
“What?!” Isobel bursts out. “Whose he spending all his time with?” Alex looks away, “oh.”
“Yeah,” he says.
He can’t be mad. Not after everything he’s put Michael through these past few years. He said that it was over so Michael found someone. Or acted on something that was already there. Alex knows he shouldn’t have left Michael behind. Just as equally, he knows that he did. Now he has to live with the consequences of it. Isobel looks devastated and even in the midst of what he feels, in the midst of trying to share, a part of him wants to shake the answers out of her.
“Let’s go back?”
“Yeah,” he says again.
They arrive separately for weeks.
Some days they talk, some days they don’t acknowledge the other past a quick nod. It’s mind blowing to hear Isobel talk though. She reworks everything seamlessly. He always chalked Michael’s hesitance to share up to his past. But Isobel reworks everything so that if he didn’t know the truth he would never have guessed she was lying. His own truth is hard to choke out. Sometimes he thinks he chokes on it when he speaks. But he gets the barbs out. Finally one day he can’t avoid it anymore.
“I hurt someone I love,” he says finally, “I was a coward and they moved on,” he looks down at his coffee, trying to put his words together in a way that makes sense, “which I know is my fault and I don’t blame him. But when I see him I just hear my dad’s voice.”
Afterwards Isobel walks over to him.
“Let’s get coffee,” she says, “real coffee,” she adds.
Alex doesn’t want to but he nods.
“Look, I love both of my brothers,” she says, “but Michael’s a physical person, he always has been,” she continues, “he’s either going to fight or fuck and since Max is asleep, it’s the latter.”
“Talking about this with you is weird,” Alex says.
“Weird’s my speciality,” Isobel says and points at him with her fork, “Michael likes you. More than anyone else. You’re his person. Or he wants you to be.”
“I doubt that,” Alex says.
“Stop being stubborn about this. You are,” she emphasizes, “he and Maria are cute but—“ she shakes her head, “cute just means you’ve got fucked up things no-one can see.”
“I thought your marriage was perfect,” Alex says.
“And I planned a parade in your honor,” Isobel replies, “things are never what they seem,” she sits back, “Michael needs this group,” she says. Alex shakes his head. Michael accepting help will be a cold day in hell, “he needs SAA first.”
“Sex Addicts Anonymous,” Isobel says, completely straight faced before she grins.
“I resent them for not seeing it,” Isobel says in a careful tone, “I shouldn’t but I do,” she looks down, “it feels like I can’t trust anyone. Like I have to put on an act.”
Murmurs of agreement go up. Isobel runs her thumb across her finger.
“I’m afraid of my ring imprint fading. I’m afraid of looking normal and not being normal.”
Afterwards he waits by her car. She comes out and looks at him. Alex knows that he shouldn’t say anything, that everything should stay in the room but he grasps her hand.
“You’re never going to be normal to me.”
She hugs him so tightly he thinks she might have broken a rib.
“I need a ride to group,” she says over the phone, “my car’s in the shop. It seems stupid to ride separately anyway.”
“Sure, I can give you a ride,” Alex says, though they both know it’s a good idea for them to come separately. Even though everyone knows they’re acquaintances at this point, “I’ll be by in twenty minutes.”
He gets there and walks up to her door, ringing the bell. He hears her shout and would recognize the timber of the voice through the door anywhere. Instead of pretending to be oblivious, he glares as she opens the door. She motions in him in and he wants to protest actually but she’s an alien and he knows better than to get in her way. Her house is beautiful inside. Naturally Alex thinks the most beautiful thing in there is the one currently fishing in the fridge of a beer.
“I said I’d take you,” Michael says, “I just said I wasn’t going. Besides are you sure the other kooks there should be driving?”
“I don’t know Michael, what does your second beer think about it?” Isobel snaps, “forgive my brother. Though I guess I don’t have to explain that to you.”
Michael’s entire body stiffens and the word ‘kooks’ hangs in the air. He straightens up and looks at Alex who gives the tightest smile he’s given in weeks. Being around Michael is always hard. Always. In a million different ways apparently. Michael really is a miserable liar as his jaw hangs open and he looks between the pair of them like his worst nightmare has come true.
“No,” he says.
“Yes,” Isobel replies.
“Can we go?” Alex asks, “if we’re late—“
“Ugh, you’re right,” Isobel grabs her house keys, “come on.”
Michael stares. For once he and Alex are silent at the same time.
“We’re not avoiding each other,” Alex says. Isobel raises her eyebrows, “we just have nothing to say to each other.”
“Come on Alex, of course you do,” she argues, “you two are in love with each other.”
“He’s dating my friend,” Alex points out.
“From high school,” Isobel says, “and we agreed he’s using her. Not dating her. The fact that it’s gone on for this long is insane.”
Alex has somehow become the driver to group. Isobel’s car is back but he shows up early at her door and she goes. Sometimes Michael is there, sometimes he’s not. They don’t say anything to each other though and even Alex can admit he’s steaming into petty territory. It’s right next to coward-land and borders passive aggressive republic. The mirror hurts and though they are careful to not always be talking about group or therapy or how broken they are, sometimes the car rides can feel more like an extension of it.
“Can you come in?” Isobel asks. Alex looks at her, “I need a second opinion on something.”
“Isobel, just because I’m gay—“ he starts.
“Your jacket costs triple digits,” she snaps and he closes his mouth, “please? It’s black?”
Alex sighs and gets out of the car.
It’s easier.
Isobel leads him through the house. He can hear Michael in the other room with the radio on but he doesn’t want to think what that sound might be masquerading. Isobel leads him into her room and puts him on the chair, vanishing into her wardrobe. Alex almost sags with relief as she closes the doors. He’s gay but he doesn’t really want to know what kind of lingerie Isobel favors. Michael shuffles in a moment later and they acknowledge each other with quick nods. He turns and doesn’t acknowledge the disappointment that comes over Michael’s face. A moment later Isobel comes out in a short black dress that is deceptively modest until she shows that a large swath of her back is visible.
“Looking good, Iz,” Michael says.
“You look great,” Alex echoes.
“Thank you,” she says to him and glares at Michael, “I don’t trust your fashion sense.”
“I look good!” Michael protests.
Isobel looks back at Alex.
“I’m going on a date,” she says.
Alex is surprised at how happy he feels to hear this. Who would have thought he’d actively cheer on Isobel Evans of all people. But here they are. Again her determination shoves her through anything that might stand in her way.  
“That’s great, I’m so happy for you,” he says./
Isobel beams.
“He or she?” Michael asks.
Isobel flushes a pretty rose color.
“We should go on a double date if this works out,” Isobel says.
Alex looks away. Michael shifts his weight and tries to look casual.
“Isobel,” he says.
“We should!” She says, “that way you can get into the dating pool and I’ll be there to wingman for you. I am the best wingman.”
Alex thinks he’s making some progress in therapy. He really does. So even though it hurts like hell he finds himself nodding.
“Good,” he says, “I’m going to need the help.”
The date doesn’t work out.
Neither does the next one.
It’s not until they’re at the Crashdown that Alex realizes why.
“Isobel,” he scolds, “you have to talk to her.”
Isobel looks crestfallen. It says a lot about the town that saying Liz’s cousin has decided to stay is just accepted. Or maybe it just says a lot about people in general. But if they’re facing everything then this is on the table. Isobel looks horribly unsure and Alex would let her get away with it, if Rosa didn’t keep looking in their direction like she wants to say something. Best wingman his ass. He signals her and she hesitates only a moment before running over.
“Hi,” Alex says, “you must be the cousin I’ve heard so much about. I’m Alex. This is Isobel.”
“Hi,” Isobel says. Rosa’s lips flicker.
“Hi,” she says.
“Isobel is the town event planner,” he says when they fall silent and just stare at each other, “she knows everywhere so if you need someone to show you around—“
“Liz is on it, I’m sure,” Isobel says, not taking her eyes off Rosa.
“Liz was gone for ten years,” Alex says, “I’m sure she doesn’t know all the spots you do.” Isobel’s foot collides with his prosthetic and she swears like that’s his fault, “she gives a great tour.”
“I’d love that,” Rosa says before Isobel can kill him.
“You would?” Isobel repeats. Rosa nods, already scribbling something, “here’s my number.”
“G-got it,” Isobel says taking the piece of paper before putting on her best smile. She types it into her phone and sends a text, “now you’ve got mine.”
“We’ll hook up sometime,” Rosa says.
“I’d like that.”
Alex has a feeling that this date will work out.
Thankfully Isobel doesn’t try to push him to date. Not like she threatened. Rosa doesn’t have any friends. And Isobel mysteriously drops the issue in a way Alex would harp on about but other things come up. Things like his dad. And Project Shepherd and deciding what to do with his life. He misses one group meeting and is late to the next. Even though he knows that the late arrival attention will make him probably be in the hot seat. He still goes because he needs to. He comes in as quietly as he can but no-one pays him any mind.
“We have a new member,” Dr. Delfino says, “would you like to introduce yourself?”
Michael forces his hands from twisting around his hat, clears his throat and looks at Dr. Delfino. At the last moment, when he reaches out Isobel grabs his hand and locks their fingers together. Whether that grounds him or physically keeps him from leaving, Alex isn’t sure. But he works his jaw with all the Michael Guerin stubbornness he knows.
“I’m Michael,” he says.
It’s a start.
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