#lil pocket rocket <3
rhynehoward · 1 year
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macgyvermedical · 2 years
A $100ish 30-Day Box
When I think about the word prepper, I tend to think about individuals who store guns, ammo, and freeze-dried food for a singular Event(TM) that they will have to survive, probably involving roving bands of marauders coming for their wives and guns.
I personally think the risk of this exact type of scenario is low. But given recent events (It's 2022 and I don't think we're ever seeing 2019 again, etc...), I do think a stepwise semi-collapse- one that could most heavily impact low wage workers and minorities- is currently happening and will continue over the course of our lives.
And if you feel you may be vulnerable to some of these steps (another pandemic, say, or unchecked inflation, or a housing crisis, or a series of major natural disasters, or a period of civil unrest in your area, or a combination that adds up to you living in a van with no usable monetary resources), you may want to consider having a box with everything you need to live for 30 days in a bad situation.
This is not a bug-out bag. It will have 30 days worth of food and supplies in it. You are not going to be able to carry it. This is the bargain version where you will need to either shelter in place (like non-essential workers in 2020) or leave in a vehicle (say you get evicted suddenly, or need to evacuate because of a disaster).
And listen, you can get some of these things used or at salvage if that is an option near you. Sometimes that will be cheaper, sometimes not. Use your best judgement. I recommend a mix of new, used, and salvage based on your needs and access.
18-gal tote ($8-10 new, you'll need one for every 2 people, but easy to find used or you may already have some)
Gallon freezer bags or other smaller containers ($3-5 depending on number) these are to help organize the rest of the stuff
Supplies: Note that most of these are the cheapest of the cheap- you're looking for things you'll be fine with putting in a box and forgetting about and not actually wanting to take out and use unless you have to. Don't put cool stuff in here.
Metal mug or other food-safe container (pick one you already have)
Microwave-safe mug or other food-safe container (pick one you already have)
Cutlery (recommend fork and spoon, assuming you can pick some you already have)
Pocket knife or multitool (you can get weird keychain versions for like $3, but if you already have one or want to invest in something slightly better this is a good place to do so, but again, nothing cool)
Matches ($1)
A flashlight and batteries or rechargeable with charger ($5 online or at a grocery store checkout line. does not have to be fancy)
Phone charger cord and block ($2-5)
A large tin/aluminum can (to make a crappy lil rocket stove with if you need to- here's a slightly more elegant 3-can version). If you're smart put one in that still has something tasty in it.
Car cigarette lighter USB charger if your car has a cigarette lighter (these used to be given away with brand names on them so they're surprisingly not hard to find used for less than a$1, but if you can't find one used you'll spend about $5)
Fuel- put some wax in the box (maybe like a big-ish old candle you got as a gift but don't really like). If you can melt it over some tightly packed cardboard and put it under a 30oz can with some holes punched in it, bam you have a stove. When you run out of that cut a bigger hole in the base of the can and build a lil fire under it. Free rocket stove baby.
Permanent marker (assuming you have one of these)
Pencil and paper (assuming you have some of these)
Food: This will be about $50 more per additional person, maybe less for young children.
20lb/person White Rice- this is a cheap filler that takes up relatively little space. (about $10/person)
10lb/person Brown Rice- this is a slightly less cheap filler that takes up little space but has fiber and other nutrients please don't skimp on this (about $8/person)
10lb/person Dry beans- get a variety here. Protein and fiber. You can eat these or sprout these for variety and more nutrition in very little time (About $10/per person if mostly pintos)
1 gal/person Vegetable Oil- this is your fat. You need fat. Get something you're not allergic to and if you can splurge this is where to do it- get something like olive, coconut, grapeseed, or canola ($8 for canola, the cheapest I could find this in pure olive was about $21)
NOTE: You may have done the math and thought (Gee, that's like twice the number of calories I need in a month! Yeah, but now you're cold and scared and eating your feelings. You'll want plenty of something, and it might as well be beans).
Multivitamin- get enough for everyone to have one every other day or so, since you're living on rice and beans. Does not have to be a good one. Whatever the cheapest one they have at whatever pharmacy or supermarket you're in is, even if it's for kids or whatever. You're not going to get serious deficiencies without it over the course of 30 days, but it may help you feel better and dampen food cravings).
Flavor- garlic, chili, and onion flakes, spices, herbs, soup mix packets, dip mix packets, hot sauce, vinegar powder, lime or lemon granules/concentrate, you really want this and it takes up so little space, trust me. (Put in what you've got or this can get pricey ...but it's kind of worth it)
Get a cheap filter (like a replacement filter that fits on a standard disposable water bottle) for sediment only and boil if unsure of water quality on your stove (see supplies)/in a microwave ($3). You can also just pour through a piece of old tee-shirt and boil.
OR get a nice filter like a sawyer or lifestraw, though these will easily put you over budget ($20)
OTC Meds: I recommend acetaminophen, ibuprofen (can be taken with acetaminophen if needed), diphenhydramine, docusate sodium, loperamide, and anything else you use regularly (about $2 each ($10 total) generic)
Prescription Meds: if you take prescription meds, ask your doc for an extra 30-day supply of each for an emergency. You may have to pay out of pocket for this as insurance may not cover it. If you cannot afford that ask for a paper script with a year-long fill window (or however long they can give you for a particular med). Note that this will probably not work for controlled substances like testosterone or narcotics.
First aid supplies like band aids, cortisone cream, petroleum jelly (use instead of neosporin, seriously it works better, has far more uses, and no one is allergic to it), tape, and an ace wrap (spend about $10 total on this).
Caffeine if you consume it or get headaches frequently- tea is usually cheapest and easiest to prepare but instant coffee works here too (100 pack of the cheapest tea bags at aldi is like $2)
Nicotine if you consume it. Get lozenges instead of patches. I don't have a price on this but crises are not historically the most successful time to quit and you're probs going to need to be functional. If you have something to use instead you're less likely to buy crazy expensive cigs. Consider quitting or decreasing use in prep if you can, but, you know, keep these in your kit.
Bar soap 2-4 bars. Get like two of the cheapest bars possible and one fels naptha. This sounds like a lot but you're probably going to be using it for everything- clothing, body, hands, dishes, etc... ($2-3)
Toothbrush (1 per person) and a full-size tube of toothpaste ($3)
Bug spray (you can get 2oz of 100% DEET for like $3 and mix with a carrier liquid)
Sunscreen ($5, though you can get it cheaper at expiration, it will only last about a year after)
You want me to say toilet paper but I'm not going to. Get a small plastic cup or a squeezy water bottle and boom you have a bidet. Wipe the water off with a wash cloth and hang to dry. Everyone should have their own and wash their hands after with soap.
Throw some masks in here. N95s if you have them but at the very least cloth ones and I know you have some you may not be using right now.
Put some books or small games or something in here if you have extra space. And learn some games and recipes for the beans.
Put the rice and beans at the bottom. Sort everything and put it in bags, then layer those bags up to the top. Done.
Also, make a list of everything in the box and tape it to the top, possibly sorted by what bag each thing is in, which will help keep it organized. Next to anything with an expiration date, write the expiration date. Check the list yearly 2 months prior to your normal disaster season. That should give you time to update and replace things if needed.
You're also going to want to get some knoweldge- think about what you'll need to know to use this stuff. Do you know how to use a cup of water as a bidet? How to stretch DEET? How to use bar soap to wash dishes? All 4-6 uses for diphenhydramine? How to sprout beans and/or brown rice?
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shychick-52 · 1 year
Gyro's tech
From The Art of DuckTales:
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I like how Frank summed that up, very interesting! So, the three major brands of Gyro's tech seen in the show are BulbTech, GoldTech, and TimeTech. But the order in which he created them gets a little tricky, which I'll try to uncover.
As for "TimeTech is his new thing"... I'll get to that further down...
As we see in season 2's 'What Ever Happened To Della Duck?', Gyro invented GoldTech- presumably his earliest brand of tech, or at least one of his earliest- sometime before Della took off in the Spear of Selene years ago (he presumably designed the rocket to run on GoldTech; and I love the page in the Spear of Selene’s manual that talks about the benefits to it XD):
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In Gyro's debut episode 'The Great Dime Chase' early in season 1, he first introduced BulbTech to Scrooge and the Board with his prototype Lil Bulb...
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...which, in season 3's 'Astro B.O.Y.D.', was hinted to be from an old idea he actually had during his intern years (the working name at that time being 'Lil Helper', which was a cool reference to its name from the comics and 80s show):
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And in season 2, his TimeTech was introduced (although it was never actually called that in the show). There was the Time Tub ('The Outlaw Scrooge McDuck' and 'Timephoon') and the Time Teaser ('The 87 Cent Solution'), the latter which Glomgold found/stole just as Manny was on his way to dispose of it along with a bunch of other apparently discarded inventions of Gyro's:
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The strange thing is... according to 'The Great Dime Chase', Gyro had already invented his Time Tub prior to that episode (prior to creating BulbTech). It was listed among his failed experiments (and what's also interesting is that it wasn't shown gaining sentience and turning evil in either of its only appearances 'The Outlaw Scrooge McDuck' or 'Timephoon'):
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What's also interesting is that in a blink-and-miss-it moment toward the end of 'The Outlaw Scrooge McDuck', Gyro was seen powering his Time Tub with GoldTech right before he left the Old West period (look very carefully at the gif in this post by @kats-randomology; what Gyro pulls out of his pocket is a tiny nugget of gold, which he inserts into his time machine). So... his Time Tub was a form of TimeTech that ran on GoldTech (if anything, I'd thought it was a hybrid of TimeTech and BulbTech because of the lightbulbs adorning the mechanism as shown in the above screenshots of it)??? So, he was still using his old GoldTech and he designed his time machine to run on it? Did he ever stop using GoldTech at any point after Della went missing?
Then again, we have no idea what year Gyro even came from when he got stuck in the Old West in 'Outlaw Scrooge McDuck'. I just always assumed it was present-day Gyro because he implied that Fenton's ancestor reminded him of his intern ("You are very frustratingly familiar to me"). But his Time Tub was in the lab in 'Timephoon' when Louie stole it (Louie presumably even knew about it, because he seemed to sneak into the lab specifically to take it for his get-rich-quick scheme), so I dunno. When exactly did he create the Time Tub?? If it turned evil at some point, I don't know why he would use it again, unless he was determined to perfect it for some reason...?
Here is part 2, of this post.
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rafasbiscuits · 1 year
five comfort characters, five tags
thanks for including me to be one of the special five tags @kingfisherprince and @yoellglia I'm so honoured omg🙈
ANYWAYS. Five characters only is IMPOSSIBLE. I have tons but..these are what pops up in my mind first.
1. Peter Quill!! Honestly idk if he's number 1. But this are not by rankings cause I'm picky about comfort characters and they're all number 1. I love Peter he's so funny, so charismatic and soooo baby, (and so traumatized wow) The first time I saw him I KNEW he was going to be my favourite Guardian along w Rocket and Groot.
2. Dean Winchester. Hello my traumatized baby, look at him. He's so sweet and cute, despite all that trauma and stuff going on in his life he's still so kind and he tries not to continue the trauma chain and I'm so proud of him. He's my fav SPN character along with Bobby Singer, Crowley, and Castiel <3
3. (omg suddenly there's too much characters in my head) UHHHH. OKAY MO GUAN SHAN!! MOMO FROM 19 DAYS MANHWA. yes. I mean the whole manhwa is my comfort manhwa, I'm always sooo excited for new chapters but momo is my fav lil kitten he's so agressive and cute and baby, always getting into fights and definitely has some sort of freaking PTSD or something but He Tian's there to love him. So it's fine. TianShan couple goals.
4. Charles Xavier. Again, all of this is not ranked and if it was, Charles will be up a little bit. Charles Xavier, fav telepath and a cutie pie. He has mommy issues, and daddy issues ig, and in the comics he probably traumatized his son I mean. Look at his son. But that's besides the point! He's the sweetest, in terms of characters I relate to Erik more, and I'm more of an Erik Lehnsherr mindset cause c'mon. Mutants are superior idc but Erik is more serious than Charles, not my thing nono. So I have to have my sweetheart Charles here. Him and that tree scene is so cute, him when he found out that girl has a husband was even MORE cute. He's the cutest I can't-
5. Sam Wilson. Fav buff guy, smol smol bean 🤏🤏 I want to keep him in my pocket. He's doing great, unlike all the other characters I don't think he is that traumatized despite almost dying in an explosion, got dusted by Thanos, his best friend growing old( like rotting old) and giving him the responsibility of being Captain America and the whole states in his hand, and he definitely had identity crisis for a while. But that's just common marvel trauma. anyways, he's the guy, he's the cutest, him and his lil wizards, aliens and stuff speech was so cute. His whole character is a comfort.
Honorable mention of Iruka, Shinya Hiragi, Gojo, Loki, Shuri, and more I can't think of rn (I just woke up guys)
Tagginggggg hmmmmm. I wish to tag as much as I want but it's 5 and I have to play by the rules so sorry other mutuals, yk I love you all so much. Tags: @thefrootloopman @swaggypsyduck @janesurlife @tam-is-blogging @ponderingrabbit-blog (if u guys liked this post and I didn't tag u, in my mind I did, in another universe I did, IM FEELING GUILTY RN U GUYS ARE SPECIAL TOO OKAY!!! I'll tag u guys in another ask game I PINKY PROMISE)
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bellewintersroe · 2 years
Howdy, this is for the BoB ship post you did earlier
I'm 5'3", really sarcastic, and portray myself as an asshole, but apparently I do really nice things like give up my seat or jacket for someone else, I suffer through my pain because I feel like I deserve it, and I have insomnia
Thank you in advance 💛
Heyyy thanks for the request, I’m honestly loving doing these so much 😩
I ship you with… Frank Perconte!!!
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Okay before I start yesss I know this man is short and 5”3 is petite as well. But I feel like aesthetically your heights would look really good together.
I feel like Frank would adore that you’re shorter than him, being fairly short for a man, he finds you absolutely adorable and likes that he can joke around with you about being even shorter than he is.
I feel like he’s the type of boyfriend to rest his head on yours and keep a protective arm around your front. Being fairly short especially in crowds I think he’d feel highly protective over you.
like say you’re in the crowd in Holland when easy had just jumped in and were surrounding with celebrating citizens. Frank would definitely keep a firm grip of your hand.
as you say the way you portray yourself as sarcastic and almost as an asshole I feel like Frank wouldn’t see this side of you? Like he’d be so entranced omg by the beauty of you, like he’d refer to you as a pocket rocket.
100000% values you ass a strong ass woman, literally would let you shred him to pieces with your badass attitude.
so when he first speaks to you I feel like this guy can give it back. Sometimes he has his dopey moments, but I feel like Perconte can be fiery himself.
You’re both an intense match, but Perconte is head over heels for you, his pocket rocket, he’d literally have the smuggest look whenever you put somebody in their place.
the intense proudness he’d feel when he gets to call you his as well? Like he would no doubt show you off.
omg he’d be deep down so excited, I feel like he’d have Cupids flying around his head constantly as he chases after you.
the closer you get the more he gets to see your sensitive side? Same to him? You know how he sorta snaps at O’Keefe and then ends up feeling awful for him, I feel like it’s that kinda situation.
if he’s in a bad mood he deffo gets a lil snappy but needs somebody like you to put him in his place. It allows him to open up and once he does that oh boy he spoils you.
all those watches? Well he sells them and buys only the best jewellery or clothing- or whatever the fuck you want. Always wants to spend money on you.
would deffo point out the small things you do for people. Like he’s soooo easy to keep happy. Steal him a new watch, buy him a new toothbrush and oh my god…
please, please let him motorboat u no matter what the boob size. Would literally send him out of this world.
deffo a boob guy. Kinda stares at urs in the worst moments.
when you confront him he’s all dopey and blushes a little.
one MILLION percent would tell you off for being so hard on yourself. Once he’s got his sadness out as frustration he’d deffo sit down with you and practically beg you not to feel that way.
wants you to feel worthy because oh my god you are his everything. He values you more than anything ever. I feel like deep down you’re both very empathetic, so when he sees you feeling not so good it affects him as well.
as for your insomnia Frank maybe doesn’t notice straight away as he’s obviously fast asleep.
but maybe when he realises it’s a reoccurring situation he’d wake up and try do his best to soothe you?
I feel like he’d deffo not know what to do, so he’d trace patterns on your arm or your back, anything to help you relax. He’d offer to run you a bath, get something to eat- even just talk? I think Perconte would love just being able to talk to you.
I ship you platonically with… Joe Liebgott!!
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Maybe you and Joe would get into a little spat in your first meeting?
like Joe’s not used to facing somebody just as fiery and strong as he is, so when he finds you he’s almost threatened????
I feel like he’d make a snappy little comment and you 100% wouldn’t tolerate it and give him it back (as you should)!
but when he hears you standing up for yourself he infamously smirks a little, giving you a quick ‘I like you kid’ cos he truly fucking respects you.
I feel like both of you can be quite soft underneath? Like when Joe see’s you doing things to help others he maybe feels confident enough to confide in you a little?
Or even just make small talk with you about comics or back home in San Fransisco or something fun.
would definitely take the piss out of your height, he’s kinda relentless so plsssss give it straight back to him and he’ll be humoured for days after.
after the trauma of war and especially of witnessing the concentration camps I feel like Joe could have suffered from a little insomnia himself?
Maybe the two of you find each other awake, walking around Austria or something and neither of you question it. You just kinda chill together and chat about the most random topics.
the two of you have an unspoken agreement about your friendship and loyalty to one another.
deffo fiercely loyal to each other.
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[Intro: Yung Kage & 大橋純子] 振り向いて 気がついて 今でも, I love you so Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, so (AV with that drip, ho) Who that by the bar? (もう一度) I said lil' bae, why don't you come with me? (チャンスを与えて)
[Verse 1: Yung Kage] She the only one I'll bag, hit the bank and roll I got my stick up on the gas, never pullin' off You ready live it up like Florida keys then Dubai back and forth How we livin' turnt up 'til we can't no more She a baddie from Californ' A Katy Perry with the thighs, Snoopin' when she smoke I wanna treat her with exotic drinks up all across the globe Have her howlin', screamin', wantin' me for more Ravish, she rowdy Motherfucker wanna try me and my dime piece Oh shit, she'll get that tommy out the jacket, 'bout to blow Dragonzord, she put you in the dirt We that Bonnie and Clyde Livin' on wild shit, hit another bank we roll Livin' dumb and raw, skrrt off, Koenigsegg, we gone
[Verse 2: isaacwhy] She want that big ass bag, that Louie, I mean I'll cop it Got that big ass ass, that booty, pop lock and drop it 20K's up on my wrist, I'm gone Poppin' bottles 'til the break of dawn Goth lass, big ass We can stay up smokin' big gas Might crash Whippin', pimpin' 'round the city I'll be outside here at LAX, bitch Don't look for any foreigns, Honda fit over the S class Slide, slide with me, baby, if you really the one tonight You know I got money, all you do is just hop a flight I know you down, I know you with it, you don't gotta play pretend All these boys up in your city, you want more than just a friend So slide And we can be Bonnie and Clyde, bitch Don't think about it for a second, take you on ride I can see it in your eyes, bitch, don't sit there and deny it I just need you to slide, slide
[Pre-Chorus: Yung Kage & isaacwhy] Slide, slide with me baby if you really the one tonight This flight might be crazy, keep it swervin', we on the run Pocket rocket, flip a couple dubs I can show you lavish if you want Nice ass, goth biddie, drippin' crazy Where the time at? Let's see If you really want that time back, my pad movin' crazy Who can top dat, not Pack for sure
[Chorus: Yung Kage & isaacwhy] Who dat girl tonight? You the one for sure Oh, lets go, I'll show you glow Who dat girl tonight? You the one for sure Oh, lets go, I'll show you glow
[Verse 3: Yumi] Livin' life just like a zombie, a zombie Goin' through the motions, hardly, hardly alive anymore I know that I'm sinkin' with the flow Wanna show you how we like to roll Halfway out the door Headed to a show, twenty people drunk on the floor Can't trust anymore Can't trust no one, even though I love you so 2 A.M., I'm speedin' Wide awake, I'm wishin', dreamin' Bags of money on the ceiling I, I, I really want you back If you with me then we gonna get lit tonight This cash on me, fifties got me spendin' it out of sight The bad bitches in here, dance it up 'til we see the light, yeah I love you so
[Pre-Chorus: Yung Kage, isaacwhy, & Yumi] Slide, slide with me baby if you really the one tonight This flight might be crazy, keep it swervin', we on the run Pocket rocket, flip a couple dubs I can show you lavish if you want Nice ass, goth biddie, drippin' crazy Where the time at? Let's see If you really want that time back, my pad movin' crazy Who can top dat, not Pack for sure
[Chorus: Yung Kage, isaacwhy, & Yumi] Who dat girl tonight? You the one for sure Oh, lets go, I'll show you glow Who dat girl tonight? You the one for sure Oh, lets go, I love you so
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get-rammed · 3 years
Some were!Monty canon idea things
- While in both forms, Monty is warm blooded with poor circulation. He's usually pretty cold, and tried to argue for a jacket, but the creatives behind the band refused. So he's got a titty out look, that he likes, but he's cold all the time. He has hand warmers in his band pants pockets, so at the very least he can have warm hands while he plays.
- Monty sleeps with a heated blanket. He had a custom one made to cover both his forms. It is massive and a possible fire hazard. Don't worry about it too much.
- If he's away from home and unable to bring the heated blanket, he'll curl up to the warmest thing. If he's in a hotel room by himself, he'll curl up in the tub with blankets and shut the bathroom door to keep the warm air in.
- He's the kind of person who will stick his cold ass hands on your warm back to spook you a little bit. Minding your own business and he jams his hands in your pants because he's cold 😏
- Has tendencies to man handle on accident. He's big and strong, he genuinely doesn't mean to be an asshole about it. He'll just grab you and move you out of the way, or where he wants you to look. If you don't like it and tell him, he will try to stop himself from doing it in the future. If you tell him you like it, it's going to fluster him and it's all he's going to think about for the next 2 days.
- Montgomery owns a crotch rocket. He takes care of it like it's his baby. Yes, he will give you rides if you ask :) he even has a leather jacket and helmet for you if you don't have your own. No he hasn't had it for years waiting for the day you asked....no he hasn't been simping that hard....
- Speaking of babies. This man wants to be a dad so fucking bad. If given the chance, he would be an amazing dad. Maybe a bit overbearing due to his own experiences, but he would try his best.
- Needs a lot of calories to keep himself going, and tends to eat only when it's dark. He can eat in lit areas, but prefers darker areas. Catch him eating a steak at 2 am standing in the dark of your kitchen.
- Received his lip scar from Bonnie. The rabbit wasn't too happy to hear you and Monty had begun messing around after Bonnie dropped your ass. A bastard to his core. Even if he doesn't have control over you anymore, he doesn't like Monty having you either. Bonnie eventually gets over it.
- His chest and rib scars are from bar fights. His nose scar is from when a kid tried to kill him. They were both 10 at the time. So about that-
- Has had 3 sepeterate people try to kill him before he was 17. It's made him afraid of choking (either to him or him to someone else. Trust can be built for him to be okay with choking, but be patient with him), and touching his face without warning (he will panic and there's no guarantee he won't bite you. If he sees it coming he won't panic).
- He's pretty laid back on a normal basis, but if a chance for a fight arises, he usually takes it. Even if he'll lose. He doesn't know why he does this (trauma babyyyyy). Usually only starts fights when drunk, but will take on anyone that's challenges him, even if sober.
- A lil touch starved, but won't admit it. Plays it off to keep up his cool guy attitude. You're the only person he's soft around. When he knows you're alone with him, he'll lowkey beg for you to brush his hair and snuggle.
- Monty has a nictitating membrane in both forms. There's no signs he has it unless submerged. It wigs a lot of people out, so he doesn't show it off.
- Unfortunately he's unable to hold his breath underwater for as long as an actual alligator, but still longer than an average human. Sitting comfortably under the water with a slowed heartbeat for around 2 hours before he has to come up. He only ever really does this when he's stressed out and needs to be somewhere quiet for a bit.
- He does smoke cigarettes. A bad habit he picked up from his mom.
- Likes to shotgun when smoking weed. He'll do this in either form. It's a bit harder as a gator, but man he loves doing it.
- Misses the easier days of working at his moms mini golf course with you. But he never would have worked up to courage to ask more of you had he not gotten the confidence boost he needed from being in the band.
- Has a oral fixation and usually can be found chewing on pen caps or toothpicks if he doesn't have any gum.
- Had a crush on you since highschool. You told off edgy teen Monty and he's been smitten ever since.
🐏 This is all I got for now.
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whumperscorner · 3 years
"Chained to bed" for the bthb please
Here you go anon! Enjoy this lil one-shot in which Prompto has a bad time!
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BTHB#3- Chained to Bed
Fandom: Final Fantasy XV
Characters: Prompto Argentum, Cor Leonis
Whumpee: Prompto Argentum
Word count: 3260
Warnings: Stalker, Intimate whumper, creepy touching (though nothing sexual or nsfw)
Prompto groans and stirs awake. His room is still pretty dark, so it must still be night, and sure enough when Prompto reaches over to his nightstand and checks his phone it lights up with the time, 03:24. Slightly confused about what woke him up in the first place, Prompto switches the phone off and turns over to go back to sleep. He's meeting up with Noct and Gladio tomorrow for some training and should probably get all the sleep he can to really blow them away with his awesome moves. By habit he lets his eyes scan briefly over the room before laying down, and then his heart jumps. He thought he'd seen something. A shadow by the door. That's weird, Prompto thinks, he's kind of jumpy sometimes sure, but that's usually not when he's home. He knows the layout and shadows of his room well enough not to be scared, even when he's home alone like now, with Cor away on a days-long mission. That's why it takes him a second to notice why exactly his brain had lit up with warnings like that. That shadow was not one of the old well-known ones, it wasn't supposed to be there.
The realization sends eerie shivers up his spine and he bolts upright in the bed again to double check, expecting to find maybe a jacket or hoodie hanging weirdly and making the shadow. Then he freezes. That's not what he sees. What Prompto sees is the unmistakeable silhouette of a tall, broad shouldered man, now standing in the middle of his room facing him. Prompto's eyes widen, and he thinks he should scream, he wants to scream, but he doesn't. Instead, he sucks in a sharp breath, and freezes. Fear grips his chest tight. The kind of paralyzing fear that makes him feel like even breathing too suddenly will break the fragile standstill in the room and allow something terrifying to happen.
Prompto doesn't know how long the two of them stay like that. Tension rises and hangs heavy in the air between them until it's almost unbearable. Then the man takes a few steps forward, slow and calm in his movements, and the spell is seemingly broken. Prompto can move again. The breath he'd been holding in comes out in the form of a choked gasp, and without thinking he scrambles off of the bed. He needs to get away from this man. So it's purely on instinct and fear-fuelled adrenaline that he then moves forward, ducking around the man and making a dash towards the hallway. Prompto is nearly by the door when the man catches up with him and tackles him hard to the floor. The impact knocks the wind out of him. Strong arms twist him around, so he lays on his back looking directly up at the face leering over him. There's something weirdly familiar about it, but Prompto can't put his finger on exactly what and there's no time to wonder about it now. A wordless scuffle ensues on the floor. Prompto flails and pushes against the man, hoping to regain some semblance of control over the situation. The man is muttering to himself through it all, and his face twists angrily the more Prompto squirms. Coming to a head when he in a stroke of good luck manages to connect a hit to the man's chin.
The man looks taken back for one short moment, then he gathers himself and lashes out with an enraged snarl. Grabbing the front of Prompto's t-shirt and hoisting him up from the floor, then slamming him back down. The back of Prompto's head hits the floor and he cries out as stars explode in front of his eyes. Using the time as Prompto struggles to recover from the blow to his advantage, the man yanks him up from the floor and walks him back to the bed. Prompto is dropped down, and just barely manages to brace himself against the covers before the man is on him again and something cold snaps around his right wrist. He jerks the hand back on instinct, but the man holds it tight, and he gets nowhere. The handcuffs glint in the dim light from the window in his room, and a new wave of panic washes over Prompto when the man snaps them shut around the far-right bedpost. He strains against the cuffs, using his left hand to try to push against the man when he leans over him again. "Nono, WAIT-" he begins, but the man clamps a big hand over his mouth, silencing him.
"I didn't want to do this. I wasn't going to hurt you. But you keep struggling." He mumbles. Whether it's more to himself or more to Prompto is unclear, but he leans in closer and keeps going. "The Marshal is finally gone, and I have you all to myself and you keep fighting it. Don't! Don't ruin this." Prompto closes his eyes tight, wincing in pain when the man tightens the grip over his mouth. His body is tense, and every inch of his being wants him to fight back, to grab the arm covering his mouth and get it away. But there's no telling what the man would do then, and with his right hand restrained Prompto doesn't want to risk being lashed out at again. In a position where he can't properly defend himself. "You'll stay quiet now, won't you love?" The man's voice is calmer now, but no less intense or pressing and Prompto shivers. He does not like this new pet name. "You won't cause problems anymore, and I won't have to hurt you. Cause I don't want that, and I know you don't want that either." He lets his thumb slide gently over Prompto's freckled cheek, and an involuntary whimper escapes into the hand. "I'll take my hand away if you promise to behave, love. Can you do that?"
For a second Prompto weighs his options, albeit there not being a whole lot of them in this situation, and then he nods. He's hoping that by playing along he can placate the man long enough for some other solution to eventually reveal itself. In any case something has to happen in the morning, he reasons with himself in an attempt to calm down, if he doesn't show then Noct and Gladio have to notice something's up. Upon his agreeing, the man flashes a wide smile that stands in stark contrast to the chilling horror Prompto is feeling. The hand covering his mouth is pulled back, and the tension in his body eases slightly, though it rockets back up again when the man then grabs a firm hold of his free left hand. The man's eyes hold Prompto's in a cold stare, warning him against resisting as he lifts the hand and places a soft kiss on it. Warm breath against his skin is enough to send shivers up Prompto's spine, and his breath hitches uncomfortably. Seemingly pleased with this, the man hums as he pulls out a second pair of handcuffs and snaps one part around Prompto's left wrist. Prompto's breathing picks up pace at the sight and the feeling of the cold metal, he only has time to vaguely wonder through the fear where the man has gotten these cuffs before they are snapped shut around the far-left bedpost. Now forcibly sprawled out on the bed, Prompto feels more open and vulnerable than ever before.
"Good boy." The man says, extending his hand towards Prompto and pushing a few strands of blond hair carefully to the side and out of his face. He's smiling, but Prompto wishes intently that he could be anywhere other than here. The man is still running his hand through Prompto's hair, and his touch makes Prompto's skin crawl. His eyes intently scan Prompto's face, like an artist admiring his work, and then he fishes out an old, worn phone from his pocket. Prompto wonders at first what he's planning to do with that, but not for long, as the sudden flash of a photo being taken makes him wince and shut his eyes. When he opens them back up again and they readjust to the dark he sees the man standing a few steps back, looking at his phone, presumably the picture just taken. "This one might be my favourite." he mutters, and the words make Prompto's stomach churn.
Against his better judgement Prompto opens his mouth to ask about it, but finds it and his throat too dry for any sound to come out and swallows hard before trying again. He just has to know, needs to find out why this man is doing what he's doing. "I- I think I've seen you before?" He poses it like a question, and his voice is shaky. Prompto wishes it wasn't, wishes that he could at least feign confidence despite how astronomically not okay the situation is. The man laughs in response.
"Oh, you have? Happy to hear it love, but you probably haven't seen me nearly as much as I've seen you." There's that pet name again, and Prompto squirms uncomfortably. The word stalker lights up in bright letters in his brain, but he's not going to be saying that out loud.
"But-" Prompto tries, voice meek enough to barely be more than a whisper, so he tries again. "Why all this then? Why not just approach?" he asks. To which the man's expression drops. He approaches and sits down on the bed next to Prompto. The mattress shifts and creaks from his weight.
"They wouldn't let me if I tried, so I watched from afar." He says nonchalantly, but there's something cold in his eyes now that wasn't there before. It scares Prompto, this change in demeanor. He seems somehow angrier now that he leans in closer to Prompto, again bringing his hands up to play with his hair. Prompto squirms under the touch, wishing the cuffs would allow even just a little more leeway to get away from the man. "Someone like me would never be let close to the Prince, and since you're always with him- ah, that reminds me actually." The man interrupts himself and sits back up. First and foremost, Prompto is relieved not to have his hands on him anymore, and then his brain starts chewing on what was just said. Someone like him, does he have a record then maybe? Prompto knows there are strict rules for who are and who aren't allowed near Noct, and known offenders are definitely not. Then he's distracted from his thoughts by what exactly the man is doing now that his focus isn't on Prompto. He has a phone in hand, and with a slight jolt of surprise Prompto realizes that it is his own, having been taken from the nightstand.
"Can't have your charming friends interrupting tomorrow when you don't show up for training, can we love?" He unlocks the phone and Prompto's heart sinks. How did the man know the code for his phone? But there isn't really any time to worry about it, as the man types something quick on his phone, and then turns to face Prompto. "You have now told both the Prince and his Shield not to worry that you're not coming tomorrow, as you regrettably have to leave for a bit to do an errand for the Marshal before he returns." Prompto's heart sinks further, if that is even possible. The sudden show of just how much of Prompto's life the man knows about leaves a sour taste in his mouth, but that isn't the worst part. This whole time Prompto has been counting on Noctis and Gladio to check up on him tomorrow and figure out that something's wrong, without that there is nothing he can think of that could help him.
"No!" Prompto exclaims, slightly louder than he had intended to. It just burst out of him, and he's already regretting it, with the way the man's brows are now furrowing angrily. His face twists and he surges forward. Prompto gasps, straining the cuffs in an instinctual attempt to brace himself.
"Didn't I say not to yell?" The man hisses, his right hand curls around Prompto's throat threateningly. "Why are you protesting now? This if for you, love. For us." Prompto whimpers and attempts to shake his head, but the man tightens the grip and he gasps, eyes going wide with fear. "I won't kill you, love," the man says, and he lets up the pressure, though he doesn't remove the hand. "But if someone hears you and comes running, I can't promise the same for them. They can't get in our way. And you don't want that do you?" Prompto whimpers out a tiny 'no' and the man nods intently. He opens his mouth to say something more, but a sound from downstairs catches both his and Prompto's attention. It's the sound of the front door being opened and then closed again as someone enters the house.
In the next few seconds, Prompto's mind races. Cor isn't supposed to be home for another few days. Could it be a neighbour? No, they wouldn't just let themselves in, they'd ring the doorbell first. Is it possible he could have gotten lucky, and his dad really is home early? Regardless of how small the chance of that actually is, Prompto has to try.
"Dad!" He yells, it's a weird, choked sound that comes out and he hopes to the gods that Cor really is there to respond to it. The man over him curses under his breath and slams his free hand over Prompto's mouth.
"Prom? You up?" It's Cor's voice from downstairs, Prompto has never before been so happy to hear his dad's voice. The man curses again, and Prompto's newfound relief from hearing Cor's voice is lessened somewhat. The hand still around his throat tightens, and then tightens further, so Prompto's vision blurs and he arches his back desperate to get some air.
"Shouldn't have done that, love." The man says, in a low and breathy voice. He removes the hand covering Prompto's mouth, but before Prompto can regain his breath enough to yell again, something soft is roughly stuffed into his mouth. It's something made of leather, Prompto finds, and it tastes really bad. Gloves maybe? He doesn't know. "It wasn't supposed to come to this, but I promise you," the man presses on. "I will get rid of Cor the fucking Immortal if I have to." Then he stands up, finally releasing the grip around Prompto's throat, and begins rummaging for something one the floor just out of Prompto's line of sight. Downstairs, Cor yells for Prompto again, confusion and worry laced in his voice and the man gets up. He walks towards the door, and light from the window glints in a blade in the man's hand.
Prompto's eyes widen and he yells, but it's muffled by the gag. He has to warn Cor in some way. Prompto knows his dad is a good fighter, one of the very best in fact, but worry still clenches his chest hard. What if the man catches him off guard and he ends up hurt? He can hear yelling form downstairs now, both the stalker's enraged voice and Cor's own. Something breaks, and the sounds of the fight continue, getting more and more distant as the two presumably move to a different room. Wanting nothing more than to go check on his dad, Prompto struggles against the handcuffs. He twists and squirms and strains until his wrists are rubbed raw, but gets nowhere. Then he stops. It's gotten quiet downstairs. No sounds of a fight, nothing. He yells again for Cor, not caring about the gag muffling his yells, Cor has to hear them. Then the staircase starts creaking as someone walks up to the second floor, and Prompto's heart beats faster. He can already envision the man from before coming up the stairs, having done something horrible to Cor and coming to take him away. Tears are prickling in his eyes, and when a silhouetted man finally enters his field of vision, he chokes out a terrified sob.
It's Cor. It's his dad running through the hall towards him, yelling his name, and relief floods through him. The first few tears start to fall just as Cor reaches the bed and kneels down next to it. The gag goes first, Cor removes it carefully and tosses it on the floor while Prompto coughs involuntarily in the absence of it. "Are you hurt?" Is the first question he has, eyes scanning over Prompto intently, searching for any pressingly dangerous injuries. Prompto shakes his head. He doesn't try to speak, knowing he would probably just cry. Cor's brows furrow worriedly, but he moves on to the handcuffs without further questions. The one around Prompto's right wrist first, and he curses under his breath at how the metal has rubbed his son's skin raw, and at certain places drawn blood. He makes swift work of the first pair of cuffs, and moves on to the ones chaining Prompto's left wrist.
When both his hands are properly released Prompto moves to sit upright on the bed, and winces when the movement jostles sore joints and muscles. Cor is quick to help, placing a secure hand on his shoulder and supporting him as he sits up. And suddenly it's all too much for Prompto, it's like a breath of tension leaving his body and everything comes crashing down. Cor seems to have seen it coming just ahead of time and drags Prompto against his chest for a tight hug as the rest of the tears run unhindered down freckled cheeks. "Shh, shh, you're okay kid. You're okay now." Cor whispers in a soft tone of voice uncharacteristic of the man, rubbing soothing circles on Prompto's back.
Gradually, the trembling stops and the tears slow down. Prompto's breath hitches as he looks back up at Cor. His expression, previously one of worry and tension, has softened considerably as well. Cor poses the idea of going to the bathroom for something to treat his wrists with, and Prompto agrees, sniffling and drying the remaining tears on the way through the hallway. Seated on the toilet as Cor finds a potion to use, Prom asks about the man. His throat is stuffy and tight from crying, so it takes him a few tries to get the words properly out. Cor smiles bitterly, breaking the potion over Prompto's extended hands, and tells him he doesn't need to worry about it.
"He's out cold downstairs, I've called Monica to come get him and lock him up. We'll deal with the rest tomorrow." He explains, and Prompto nods, it sounds like a reasonable plan. However, when the doorbell rings, signalling Monica's arrival, Prompto hesitates. He doesn't want to go downstairs. Doesn't want to have to see the man any more times than necessary. Cor gets it, Prompto doesn't even need to say anything, his dad just gets it. Prompto waits upstairs until the man has been taken away, and knowing he's out of the house helps, admittedly not a lot, but it helps. Then Cor yawns, and suggests for them to go to bed, but truth be told Prompto isn't exactly keen on going back to his room tonight. Cor gets that too, and they both end up sleeping on the couch in the living room.
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NOW That’s What I Call Music!, the world’s bestselling multiple-artist album series, showcases today's biggest hits across chart-topping numbered volumes and themed releases. NOW’s latest numbered volume, NOW That's What I Call Music!, Vol. 81 will be released on CD and Digital on January 28th.  NOW That’s What I Call Music!, 2000’s Hip-Hop will also be released on CD, Digital and as a Target exclusive vinyl on January 28th. 
‘NOW 81’ features 18 major current hits from today's hottest artists, including Coldpay X BTS, Doja Cat, Elton John & Dua Lipa, Ed Sheeran, GIVÉON, Jonas Brothers, Kane Brown & blackbear, The Kid Laroi & Justin Bieber, Lil Nas X & Jack Harlow, Olivia Rodrigo, The Weeknd and more. 
‘NOW 81’ also includes five up-and-coming "NOW Presents What’s Next" New Music Preview bonus tracks from Cochise, Conan Gray, LONR, mazie, and Wolf Alice. Previewing tomorrow's biggest hits, "NOW Presents What’s Next" has introduced major developing artists to NOW’s enthusiastic, highly engaged audience, including Billie Eilish, Walk The Moon, Hot Chelle Rae, Hunter Hayes, Capitol Cities, A Great Big World, George Ezra, and Shawn Mendes, among others. 
Check out the album trailer here: https://NOW.lnk.to/NOWVol81PR/YouTube
NOW That's What I Call Music! debuted in the U.S. in 1998, following 15 years of multi-platinum international triumph. The series has sold more than 250 million albums worldwide, topping 104 million in the U.S. alone. 68 previous releases in NOW's numeric U.S. series have reached Billboard’s Top 10, and 19 volumes have reached Number One.
NOW That's What I Call Music! is a joint venture from Universal Music Group and Sony Music Entertainment. NOW and NOW That's What I Call Music! are registered trademarks of Universal Music Group and its affiliates.
NOW That’s What I Call Music! is the soundtrack to your life, available everywhere you are.
NOW That’s What I Call Music!, Vol. 81
1. Lil Nas X & Jack Harlow - Industry Baby
2. Doja Cat - Need To Know
3. Ed Sheeran - Bad Habits
4. The Kid Laroi & Justin Bieber - Stay
5. Coldplay X BTS - My Universe
6. The Weeknd - Take My Breath
7. Elton John & Dua Lipa - Cold Heart (PNAU Remix)
8. Justin Bieber - Ghost
9. Olivia Rodrigo - traitor
10. GIVEON - For Tonight
11. Monsta X - One Day
12. Jonas Brothers - Who’s In Your Head
13. Swedish House Mafia & The Weeknd - Moth to a Flame
14. NEIKED, Mae Muller & Polo - Better Days
15. THE ANXIETY, WILLOW & Tyler Cole - Meet Me at Our Spot
16. Kane Brown & blackbear - Memory
 NOW Presents What’s Next 
17.  Conan Gray - Telepath
18.  mazie - no friends
19.  Cochise - Pocket Rocket
21.  Wolf Alice - The Last Man On Earth
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rhynehoward · 3 years
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© adam hagy
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Would You Care to Dance?
So @marshmallow--3​ and I were talking the other day, and this came out. I loved it so much that I had to polish it up and post it because *swoons very very hard* -- so here’s a nice lil’ drabble for ya 
EDIT (post writing): I... don’t know what came over me. The fluff, I couldn’t control it, it was too much! /j lmao enjoy the sudden fluff fic.
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Not requested, hehe... (requested by my brain)
“Remember, get in and get out as fast as you can.”
That’s what Evie told you both, and you left her with Jacob’s confident dismissal. 
Inside, the ballroom was enormous. The ceiling seemed worlds away, glass chandeliers gleaming in the candlelight. Cream walls housed hundreds of people in gowns and suits, stepping in time to the violin and piano. Chauffeurs floated around, champagne flutes aplenty on their trays. 
This was not a party of your calibre. 
Still, you and Jacob flaunted yourselves in, the air around you both announcing that you belonged there, whether people liked it or not.  He was dressed in a black tuxedo, coattails fluttering behind him as he walked. He folded his top hat away as you both stepped inside, threading his fingers through his hair. 
He’d never seen you in formal wear before, and once he did, he couldn’t take his eyes off of you. Your outfit was accentuating you perfectly, and you could feel the tingle in your cheeks as his mouth parted in shock. It wasn’t your preferred choice of clothing, but you had to wear it for the sake of staying undercover. 
Once inside, you and Jacob blended seamlessly into the crows of social superiors and supposed Templars. The job? Get the intel, and find the targets. Both of you weaved to the other end of the hall beside tall columns (not without Jacob taking two champagne flutes); you needed to survey the area from a different angle. As Jacob leaned against one of the columns and sipped his drink, you scanned the faces of the crowd. “Champagne?” he offered.
You smiled nervously. “No, thanks.”
Jacob shrugged, disposing it by putting it on another moving tray. “Suit yourself.”
You tapped him on the shoulder a few moments later, discretely pointing at a dancing couple who were firstly wearing Templar crosses, and secondly, were talking in hushed whispers. “How are we supposed to hear what they’re saying from here?” The thought of dancing hadn’t made it anywhere near the forefront of your mind.
“Isn’t it obvious?” Jacob smirked, straightening and disposing his drink on another tray. He adjusted his cuffs and moved to stand in front of you before bowing dramatically. “Would you care for a dance?”
You scoffed. “Not a chance.”
Gently, he grasped your hands, coaxing you onto the dance floor. You tried to protest while pretending to be keen at the same time. You slowly resigned yourself to your fate as you grew closer to your current targets, the risk of exposure too great. Jacob came to a stop in the middle of the room, surrounded by other dancing couples who were gracefully sweeping around the pair of you. Before he could begin to drag you across the tiles, you managed to speak through gritted teeth. “Jacob, I can’t dance.”
How you thought you could get away with not knowing how to dance on a mission that took place in a ballroom, you’d never know.
For a moment, he furrowed his brows; the face he makes when he has a problem in front of him he needs to solve -- you know it well. Then, he smiled reassuringly. “Then, I suppose I’ll have to teach you.” He pulled you closer towards him and moved one hand to his shoulder, holding the other. His hand resting on your waist was both surprising, but also comforting, but you hyper-aware of its position. 
Both of you noticed the sudden lack of distance between you. 
Both of you decided not to mention it; perhaps that was due to the simultaneous short circuiting of your brains.
“When I say ‘one’, move your left foot forward. 
“When I say ‘two’, step to the side.
“When I say ‘three’, bring your feet together. Then, repeat with the right.
“Are you ready?”
You nodded, nerves too obvious to hide.
“We’ll go slowly; One...” His arms raise slightly and his uses his momentum to persuade you to move, your foot tentatively stepping backwards. His eyebrows raise, concentrating on moving slowly. “Two...” His torso nudged you sideways, and you made a conscious effort to move smoothly and quickly. “Three...” He straightened slightly, an inconspicuous cue to return to the original position. “That’s it. One, two, three... one, two, three...” Slowly, you grew in confidence, although your hands were holding Jacob tightly, white knuckling his tailcoat. He whispered encouragement in your ear, and alongside the security of being in his arms, you slowly began to trust him a bit more as he pulled you along. A few times you wobbled, and Jacob was watching your face closely enough to right you before it was noticeable, calling out the timings in your ear.
As you fell into a stride, you began to enjoy yourself even more, and could now focus on gathering the information you were set out to retrieve. But, you couldn’t focus on what was being said. 
You were too busy focusing on Jacob. 
His eyes wandered to the side of the room, eyeing the dancing Templars, but you couldn’t help but observe the creases in his eyebrows as he concentrated, his serious expression rooting your eyes to the spot. 
He looked at you momentarily, before performing a double take, face breaking into bashfulness and modesty. “What?” His lips upturned slightly as he looked down at you. 
“Oh, uh...” You flushed hot, embarrassed that he caught you. 
“You weren’t listening to them, were you?”
You shrugged, composing yourself. “Is there anything worth listening to?”
A knowing grin worked its way onto his face. “As a matter of fact...” He made a motion of moving across the floor and towards the targets. Once his standards deemed it close enough, he did something you were nowhere near ready for:
He twirled you. 
Your breath hitched as you rolled with the movement, no one ever having doing it to you before. You felt your dress brush against a few people as you spun, and once you faced Jacob again, you clutched onto his shoulder tightly. “Don’t do that again!” 
“Relax, love.” He looked into your eyes, a sparkle of adoration prominent. “You’re doing brilliantly.” He danced you away from the Templars, and the song sung its closing lines. You both detached yourselves from each other to politely bow or curtsy. As you both walked to the outskirts of people, you heard a commotion. “Where is it? Where has it gone?!” 
Jacob pulled you to the side and against a column, the heat of the crowd on your right, and the cool breeze from the open doors on your left. He leaned over you, pulling you close and grasping your waist.
“You have to kiss me.”
“Yes, but-- wait, what?”
“Kiss me.” He looked over his shoulder to see a crowd parting, and a very enraged man parting it. He pulled you around the column even more, shielding you both with more moonlight than candlelight, and more column than air. “Now.”
You had almost no time to react as he brought his lips to yours. He was gentle, but loving; this wasn’t how friends fake-kissed. Multiple times, he would break the kiss and return in a mere moment. As you brought your hand up to his cheek, he caught it, slipping something into your palm. 
It was a piece of paper. 
You improvised, withdrawing your arm to slip under his coat. You ran your hand over his shirt, looking for a pocket. Finally, you managed to find one on the inside of his coat and tucked the intel away just as Jacob broke apart, scanning the crowd. Once the coast was clear, he pulled back, another smirk on his slightly swollen lips. 
He motioned his head behind him, to suggest leaving. As a response, you threaded his arm through yours and while acting natural, you both made a flawless exit. 
You were breathless, the fresh air of the night refreshing your clammy skin. As endorphins rocketed through your nerves, you confidently said something which could end very positively, or it could derail your entire self esteem. 
Here we go...
“Hey, about what happened back there?”
“What about it?”
“I... hope it wasn’t just a one time thing.”
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lordacne · 3 years
Just random questions lol 1-5 15-18 24-27 35-39
1. First kiss?
Ummm I think I was like 12 at a sleepover
2. First time masturbating?
Oh I’ve been touching myself for as long as my memory serves
3. First sex toy?
Lil pocket rocket clit vibrator, she died a long time ago rip
4. First kink tried?
Probably just a bit of light submission, I can’t remember what I actually tried first I’ve always been interested in bdsm and kink
5. First time doing oral?
I’m really racking my brain for the first time I sucked a dick, first time I ate a girl out would have been about six years ago 😂
15. Sex or masturbation?
Sex of course, nothing can beat the feeling of someone else’s skin against my own
16. Spit or swallow?
Swallow :)
17. Cut or uncut dicks?
Uncut, don’t think I’ve ever had sex with someone that was circumcised. Not that I wouldn’t want to but I love foreskins <3
18. Rough or sensual sex?
Rough all the way baby, love me a good sensual fucking from time to time
24. Do you do hook ups or only sleep with a partner?
Well I only used to do hook ups until I met James
25. How much kissing do you like during sex?
Can’t kiss me if I’m gagged, I don’t like kissing during sex all that much
26. What’s the most attractive part of the body?
That’s a hard one, I got a quite a few physical fixations
27. Would you have sex in public?
I already have and I will again
35. Do you prefer to tie someone up or get tied up?
I’ve never tied anyone else before but it would be lots of fun
36. Do you like denial/ forced orgasm?
37. Do you like over stimulation?
38. Do you like having pain involved?
Big fuck off YESSSSS
39. Do you like biting/ being bitten?
Don’t bite the hand that feeds you, but what about the one that fingers you? (yes I love to bite and be bitten)
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captainsourwolf · 4 years
I am mega ultra fan of the vibrating wand. Preferably regular size. I really recommend it, I've been discovering all kinds of orgasms with it (now I can have as many as I want, as opposed to the 3 or 4 I could manage with other toys). It's pricey but it's so worth it, way more than the womanizer clit stimulator, that was such a disappointment to me, it didn't get me anywhere on low settings but the medium was way too much and the high was an overstimulation horror fest :/ Ps: I could talk about sex toys for days lol I love them!
Yyessss I have that one! It’s a fav. But I’ll always really enjoy the pocket rocket. It’s a fun lil buddy, especially when you just need to get off real quick??? Gosh. In my free sex box for my birthday, they sent me a sample size of the Make Me Cum gel and my goodness combined with a couple of favorites?? Oof OOF. I’m recently discovering all sorts of different dildos on Etsy and oh man is that fun to look at. I don’t know if I’d ever make the leap and get one though; some of them are scary looking. Just gimme a good ole fashioned one please 😂
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ladygootgoot · 4 years
Do the next five prime numbers from my last ask for the Spotify thing when you get bored again.
okay so the prime numbers are  2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97
I already did 2, 3, 5, 7, 11 and 13.
Love that I can just google the prime numbers.
17.  “Why you still talking 'bout me like we together?, I moved on for the better, You moved on to whoever”
Broken Clocks by SZA
19.  “Or would you love me more?, If you knew the person that I was, yeah yeah”
Love Me Less (feat. Quinn XCII) by MAX
23. “You the one, I wanna see you when I wake up”
Acid Dreams by MAX and Felly
29.  “I drive circles under street lights, Nothing seems to clear my mind, I can't forget”
Malibu Nights by LANY
31.  “She liked petty crimes, she had green eyes, like mountain dew, And where she go, I'll never know, Her friends bounced too”
Hell N Back by Bakar. I just really like the rhythm in this one. Plus I love the whistling.
37.  “Plans were drawn, and concrete poured, And nail by nail and board by board, Daddy gave life to mama's dream.” or “Out here it's like I'm someone else, I thought that maybe I could find myself.”
The House That Built Me by Miranda Lambert. This song is only in the top bc it’s in my sleep playlist, but it is a great song that I recommend to everyone.
41.  “How do you know someone so well and then it changes?, All of a sudden you're strangers, Thinkin' back on us dancing, When you put your feet on top of mine on the living room floor, Well, tell me what was it for? Oh”
Remember by Liam Payne This is really the only song from Liam’s new album that I listened to more than once, but I love it. 
43.  “What if I had one more night for goodbye?, If you're not here to turn the lights off I can't sleep,These four walls and me”
These Four Walls by Little Mix. This song is also on my sleep playlist, but it is an underrated Little Mix song.
47. “I've got no money in my hands or my coat or my pocket, Wont get to space cos I haven't got a rocket” or “Yeah the boat may sink but I'm not gonna rock it, Cos the sea doesn't know my name” or “Not a lot to show but this book full of sonnets, And my liver may be fucked but my heart is honest”
Things That Stop You Dreaming by Passenger. Again, sleep playlist. It seems that every other song in this area is, and you decided to hit all of them.
53.  “I wanna be young and party”
Forever by FLETCHER
59.  “Now I'm a fat house cat, Cursing my sore blunt tongue”
Flightless Bird, American Mouth by Iron & Wine. LMAOOOOO this song is again on my sleep playlist. This is the only song so far that I am a little ashamed of.
61. “I'll never forget the news I got that morning, Wished that I could turn back but the plane was boarding”
Where Am I At by MAX
67.  “And if I have to choose, My heart or you, I'm gonna lose”
Hard Place by H.E.R.
I’m so shocked this song isn’t higher up in this playlist. The only reason I can think of is that I must have gotten into this song last year. I just know that this song was on repeat for awhile. I’ve introduced multiple people to this song.
71. “I want your number tattooed on my arm in ink, I swear”
 Nice To Meet Ya by Niall Horan
73.  “I'll be good all by myself, Yeah, I'll find a way to dance without you”
Break Up Song by Little Mix. This song is solely for the melody and the dance that they made for it.
 79.  “We'll hit the drive-thru, like Lil' Wayne, We ain't got no platinum chains, But hand-me-downs are all the rage (aye), So let me spend this pocket change”
Summer On You by PRETTYMUCH. This is teaching me i listen to a lot of artists that have their name in all caps.
 83. “Let's focus on communicatin'”
Location by Khalid
 89.  “Ooga-chaka Ooga-Ooga” and  “Lips are sweet as candy, It's taste stays on my mind” plus the chorus.
Hooked on a Feeling by  Björn Skifs, Blue Swede lol didn’t mean to add links, but i’m leaving them. this song is in multiple of my playlists, so it is a little surprising it’s not higher.
 97. “But everybody wants to put me down, They say I'm going crazy” or  “Got no feel, I got no rhythm, I just keep losing my beat” or  “One day (someday) I'm gonna be free, Lord! Find me somebody to love”
Somebody to Love by Queen
This has saved me so much boredom, so thank you.
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weeb-alcove · 4 years
2020 English Playlist
In English:
100 Ways - Jackson Wang
21 - Gracie Abrams
88rising ♪ from their album Head in the Clouds ♬ History La Cienega
♪ from their album Head in the Clouds II ♬ 2 the Face  La La Lost You Need Is Your Love 
Aliso - Dylan Jordan
A Little Messed Up - June
All the Stars - Kendrick Lamar & SZA
All You Need to Know - Gryffin & Slander & Calle Lehmann
Are You Bored Yet? - Wallows & Clairo
Ariana Grande Goodnight n Go  Stuck with U
♪ from her album Positions ♬ Just Like Magic Motive  Positions
At Least I Look Cool - Sasha Sloan
Au/ra Broken Ideas
Ava Max Kings & Queens  Slow Dance
BØRNS American Money Faded Heart Past Lives
Baby I’m Yours - Arctic Monkeys
Backyard Boy - Claire Rosinkranz
Bad - Lennon Stella
Bad Idea - pxzvc & Shiloh Dynasty
Bad Ideas - Tessa Violet
Bedsheets - Tia
Be Okay - Jordan Fisher
Blackbear ♪ from his album everything means nothing ♬ Half Alive If I Were U  me & ur ghost Queen of Broken Hearts
Boy Pablo Beach House Dance, Baby!  Hey Girl
Breaking Me - Topic & A7S
Breathe Again - Corbyn
Bright Side of the Moon - Christian French
Broken Hearts - Davai & Lovespeake
Broken Record - Golden
Busy - Axel Mansoor
Call - Ocean Heights
Cancer - Twenty One Pilots
Candy Choppa - Warrenisyellow & Chasu
Cardiac Arrest - Bad Suns
Carsick - Maro
Cheat Codes Between Our Hearts  Stay
Cigarettes - Carlie Hanson
Clean - Hey Violet
Cologne - Alec Wigdahl
Come Through - Eric Nam
Conan Gray ♪ from his album Kid Krow ♬ Affluenza  Checkmate  Comfort Crowd  Fight or Flight  Little League Wish You Were Sober 
Cool Out - Imagine Dragons
Cutepink - Lukey & Raphael
Daddy Issues - The Neighbourhood
Daydreamer - Kidsnot$aints
dhruv Double Take  Moonlight
Doin’ Time - Lana Del Rey
Do You Love Me - Stephanie Poetri
Dreams Where Ur Murdered - X Lovers
Drunk Me - Davin Kingston
Dua Lipa Un Dia (One Day) 
♪ from her album Future Nostalgia ♬ Break My Heart  Love Again 
Far Away - Qaayel, Cnebce
Far Away - Utah & Kyl
Fletcher ♪ from her album The S(ex) Tapes ♬ If I Hated You Shh… Don’t Say It Silence  The One
Free Love - Honne
Gallant ♪ from his album Sweet Insomnia ♬ Compromise Sweet Insomnia
Get You - Daniel Caesar & Kali Uchis
Golden Dandelions - Barns Courtney
Halsey Be Kind  Graveyard
Harry Styles ♪ from his album Fine Line ♬ Sunflower, Vol. 6  Watermelon Sugar
Heat Waves - Glass Animals
Hell and High Water - Major Lazer & Diplo & Alessia Cara
Holiday - Lil Nas X
Homage - Mild High Club
Honey - Tyler Sellers
Hot Tub Dream Machine - Tobi Lou
Hummingbird - Mark Diamond
Hush - Ricky Himself & Kailee Morgue
I Don’t Know Why (Ellis Remix) - NOTD & Astrid S & Ellis
I Don’t Want No Champagne - Chimmi
i go high, you go low - Matt Sato
ily (I Love You Baby) - Surf Mesa & Emilee
Intentions - Justin Bieber & Quavo
Isaac Dunbar God, This Feels Good Intimate Moments Miss America Woman On the Hills 
♪ from his album Isaac’s Insects ♬ Comme Des Garcons Makeup Drawer Scorton’s Creek 
Jaden ♪ from his album CTV3: Cool Tape Vol. 3 ♬  Everything  Falling for You LUCY! 
Joji ♪ from his album Nectar ♬ Daylight Gimme Love  Pretty Boy Run 
July on Film - Zeauxi
Just Buried! - iamnotshane
Justice Carradine Limbo  Necessary Evil 
K/DA ♪ from their album All Out ♬ More  Villain
Keshi Don’t Leave 
♪ from his album always ♬ Always Drunk
Khalid Be Like That  Off the Grid  Suncity 
Lauv Mine (You Can’t Find Love in Mollywood) Slow Grenade Who
Little Mix ♪ from their album Confetti ♬ Not a Pop Song  Sweet Melody
Loneliness for Love - lovelytheband
Lonely - Finding Hope
Lostboycrow Candy Wine Devil’s in the Backseat  The World’s Always Been Ending
Lotus Inn - Why Don’t We
Love Birds - wimp
Love in My Pocket - Rich Brian & Eaj
Love Lost - Harbour
Love Me Like a Friend - Fly By Midnight
Mad at Disney - Salem Ilese
Madison Beer All Day and Night  Hurts Like Hell Selfish
Magic in the Hamptons - Lil Yachty & Social House
MAX Naked Take Over 
♪ from his album Colour Vision ♬ Blueberry Eyes New Life Working for the Weekend 
Medicine - Shawn Wasabi & Tia Scola
Monsta X ♪ from their album All About Luv ♬ Got My Number Happy Without Me Love U 
Moonmap - Meego
My Favourite Clothes - Rini
Natalie Don’t - Raye
Neon Trees ♪ from their album I Can Feel You Forgetting Me ♬ New Best Friend  Nights 
New Hope Club Paycheck Worse
♪ from their album New Hope Club ♬ Flight Away Just to Find Love Know Me Too Well Remember We Broke Up in a Dream
Next to You - Becky G & Digital Farm Animals & Rvssian
Nico Collins Happy?  Our Way Out We’ll Never Make It 
Niki Dancing with the Devil I Like U  Spell Sugarplum Elegy Vintage
♪ from her album Moonchild ♬ Nightcrawlers Plot Twist Tide 
Ok On Your Own - mxmtoon & Carly Rae Jepsen
Older - Shallou & Daya & Felix Cartal
On the Low - Justin Park
Paradise - Lil Uzi Vert
Paragraphs - Luke Chiang
Peach Tree Rascals Mariposa  Not Ok 
Pink Sweat$ At My Worst Icy
Play Date - Melanie Martinez
Post Malone (GATTUSO Remix) - Sam Feldt & RANI
Pure Imagination - Unclenathannn & Shiloh Dynasty
Quinn XCII ♪ from his album A Letter To My Younger Self ♬ Coffee  Sleep While I Drive 
R3HAB Am I the Only One Dream of You  Make Friends One More Dance Whiplash
Rabbit Hole - AViVA
Real Love - Rei Brown
Rockets - Waki
Ruel Empty Love Up to Something 
Runaway - Tiffany Young & Babyface
San Francisco - Galantis & Sofia Carson
Scrambled - Havelock
Selena Gomez Boyfriend It Ain’t Me 
Shawn Mendes ♪ from his album Wonder ♬ 305 Teach Me How to Love 
Someone Else - Duncan Laurence
Space Makes Me Sad - Fiji Blue
Splash - Public
Star City Cafe - Hevel & Evito
Stay with Me - ayokay & Jeremy Zucker
Sunlight - Maty Noyes
Surf. - Wave to Earth
Take Yourself Home - Troye Sivan
Tell Me U Luv Me - Juice WRLD & Trippie Red
Therefore I Am - Billie Eilish
The Vamps Burn  Hair Too Long  Part of Me
Tiffany Day Clout Chaser  Commitment Issues Gonna Be Okay
Time Flies - Drake
Tomorrow Tonight - Loote
Up All Night - Clevt
ur just a fan - Suggi
Watching You Walk Away - Stephen Puth
Will Jay ♪ from his album Perfectionist ♬ Must Be Nice  Talking to Myself  Writing a Song Pt. 1
Yellow Roses - Charlie Powers
Young Heart - Kara Marni & Russ
Zayn Rumors Scripted
In Spanish: 
Clandestina - FILV & Edmofo & Emma Petersz
Howls Moving Castle - Theodor Ellefsen
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katsujiiccfinds · 5 years
Skyrise Highrise
Tumblr media
by luvalphvle
Ever wanted to bean somebody from your rooftop driving range? That's only ONE of the activities you'll enjoy as a tenant of the amazing Skyrise Highrise. The available unit is two stories, four bed, 2.5 baths, and includes office space. But you're not moving in for the apartment, are you? If you don't mind HOA fees as long as you're getting sweet stuff in return, this is the building for you! In the basement, tenants have access to a workout room and sauna, game room, and laundry facilities, as well as your own storage room in the sub-basement if you have extra stuff you can't fit into your unit. Got cars? We got off-street parking! The rooftop boasts two levels of awesome! Our pool has an overhang so you can spy on the people below you. Come sit in the hot tub and gaze at the stars. And enjoy a meal with a view! On the top level, accessible by ladder, you can nap in a comfy lounge chair or grow some excellent produce. And yes, bean somebody with a golf ball. Seriously, why are you still reading this? You should be moving in!
Built w/ patch 1.69
Expansion Packs: World Adventures, Ambitions, Late Night, Generations, Pets, Showtime, Supernatural, Seasons, University Life, Island Paradise & Into The Future
Download at ModTheSims
The custom walls are non-recolorable. They may create duplicates in your paint folder and this is annoying but harmless (but if anybody knows how to fix it let me know). The custom walls are strictly for looks, to make the exterior of the building look like there are more floors, and not necessary for game play. All appliances have been upgraded. Building includes one player unit and three NPC units. The one-bedroom unit is currently classified as NPC, but you can remove the lot markers if you want to move in Grandma and Grandpa. There is one visible storage unit in the lowest basement level, but you can remove the lot markers and open the others if you want more space. To look like the photos you have to have the items listed below. If not, the game will replace them with comparable items. (Check out the list to see what was used where. You still may be able to download even if you're missing some things.) To adjust lot markers on an apartment: ● Type control+shift+C ● Type "restrictbuildbuyinbuildings false" (without quotation marks) and hit enter ● Delete/move the hidden room markers in the apartment you'd like to make the player unit (DO NOT MOVE/DELETE THE COMMON ROOM MARKERS IN THE HALLWAYS) ● Add hidden room marker to apartment you don't want to live in ● Shift+click on the empty apartment door and select "Make NPC Door" ● Type control+shift+C ● Type "restrictbuildbuyinbuildings true" (without quotation marks) and hit enter ITEMS USED: "WORLD ADVENTURES" EXPANSION PACK Box Tree Le Grand Amour Park Bench Umbrella Sculpture "AMBITIONS" EXPANSION PACK A Simple Door Cleanesque Brand Detergent Cleanesque Detergent Bottle Cozy Counter Le Dryer du Clunk Picture Parfait Pizazz Laundry Detergent and Softener Sparkling Clean Solutions Sword Holster - Home Edition The Clothing Bouquet The Clothing Hamper by Full Load, Inc. The Swashbuckler Washing Machine Violetta's Drum "LATE NIGHT" EXPANSION PACK Barney's Trash Chute Beautiful Bevels Hanging Light Callbox Classy Dining Chair Club SoVino Patio Lounger Criss Cut Diamonds Darwin's Revenge Deco Elevator Freezer Bunny Adventures Fridge of the Future Industrial Sink Modernosity Counter Modernosity Counter Island Modernosity Overhead Cabinet Perennial Heather Squares with Border Streamlined Stove Synesthesia Toothbrushimus Maximus Wall Mailbox Z Light by Ice Lightning "GENERATIONS" EXPANSION PACK All Aflutter Flies Beacon of Freedom Poster Set Bedside Hideaway Benny's Tennies Bent Color Spectrum Bulleteen Board Bunny in the Rain Dr. Tinner's Olde-Fashioned Toy Robot Dream of the Windrunner Dreamer's Costume Chest Eco Friendly Terra Tile (3 Styles) Framed Scout Badge Framed Sports Jersey Frilly Framed Picture Great Haven Bunk Bed Hewnsman Spiral Staircase Incomparable Idol Poster Lil' Rebel Clothing Chucker Little Rawr Plush Dragon My Uni-Pal Eunice Retro-Tastic TV Scouting Trophy Shrunken Retro Rocket Signed Movie Poster Spooky Graveyard Poster Sweet Cupcake Painting Wall Walking Animals "PETS" EXPANSION PACK Bird Tree Slippery Elm "SHOWTIME" EXPANSION PACK Aloe Thera Plant Conquistador XS Patio Loveseat Kingdomino Table PowerMax 50x120 Robots vs. Monsters Arcade Table Satellite Speaker by NuSound Side Pocket Pool Table Simply Stylish Wall Slice of Life Golf Driving Range Super Skee Ball "SUPERNATURAL" EXPANSION PACK Cottonwood Tree Diatrode Crackler Giddy-Up Rocker Relax-O-Rocker Shadow Men Smack-a-Gnome! Spectrum Mood Lamp Sunnytime Antique Rocking Chair The Claaaaw The Head and the Shoulders Timeless Memories "SEASONS" EXPANSION PACK Boulder Built Patio Table Mirror of the Meadow Perfect Fit Dresser Spring Serenity Shower The Permachair Tower Path Lights Very Symmetrical Table "UNIVERSITY LIFE" EXPANSION PACK Arthropode Arcade Table Big Stomper Rug by GoTeamGo Bumper Buffer Parking Stripe (Double Line) Bumper Buffer Parking Stripe (Single Line) Choosy Choices Vending Machine Fire in the Skies Arcade Machine Fizzy Festival Vending Machine Flippity Flop Foosball Table by GoTeamGo Longhorns and Laser Beams Arcade Machine Mastodon Television by Stardard Issue MyPuter by PeachySoft Systems Night of the Shambling Shades IV Arcade Machine Parked Car Coupe B Parked Car Hatchback B Parked Car Pickup Parked Car Sedan A Parked Car Sport Utility Plink Plonk Tennis Table Sugar Slide Vending Machine "ISLAND PARADISE" EXPANSION PACK Hydroglide Waterslide by DeLuge Inc. The All-in-One Bathroom Wet-Side Hot Tub "INTO THE FUTURE" EXPANSION PACK "Music Moves" Arcade Console by Korben Computing Just a Square Window by Hill Gulch Furnishings Nature's Soil Rug (2X2) Nature's Soil Rug (2X4) Straight and Narrow Window by Hill Gulch Furnishings "FAST LANE" STUFF PACK Lulu's Loveseat The Wynndale Estate Sofa "MASTER SUITE" STUFF PACK Cherished Delight From the world of Lucky Palms Contemporary Curtains by Dave From the world of Roaring Heights The Up and Up Window Buzzer Beater Free Throw Machine Solace Snugabunny Deluxe Baby Swing Steam-It-Up Sauna Athena's Olive Tree Bed Barthelme Comprende Lamp Elegant Swirls Deluxe Forte Loveseat Forte Sofa Galactic Simball Arcade Leaftastic Mirror Study #4 Murano Retro and Ripe Fruit Bowl Rocket Johnny's Retro Ride Secrecy Curtain Shrub of Tranquility Study in Shattering Super Sim Television DLX Terra The Modernist's Dresser Topper Tuco Table Lot Size: 40x30 Lot Price (furnished): §95,580 Lot Price (unfurnished): §42,836 Custom Content by Me: - Wallpaper for Skyrise Highrise
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