#send me numbers
What’s your go-to nude pic to send to someone. Describe the angle, lighting, body part etc.
Describe a typical masturbation session.
Have you ever been so turned on that someone noticed?
If you had 5 mins alone to get yourself off with porn right now, what would you type in the search bar?
I don’t know the number of these, so I’ll just answer them in levels.
As of most recent, I usually go for post shower selfies. Not amazing lighting but the best I can get in my house. Either head on angle or the camera down and pointed upward (think Batman angles)
Hard dick in hand, and maybe leaning on something to put a little pressure on my body. Since I don’t have an actual person in front of me 😤
That’s a good question! Idk. If I have, no one has called me out
Tbh I don’t ever really search by genre. Just if something looks hot to me, I’ll watch it. But heavy making out porn does something to me 🥴😵‍💫🤤
Send me numbers
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23, 43, 50 =)
23: Describe your ideal significant other.
Since I ended my last relationship, my therapist asked this same question and I hadn’t been able to answer it until now, so thank you anon 🙈 is time to declare to the universe what I want and deserve.
Someone that is romantic, with their feet on the ground, with masculine energy (not a man, hello I’m a lesbian, I’m talking about energy) because I need balance since I’m very feminine, I want someone who shows power but doesn’t make me feel less (I’m veeeery attracted to people that have power or know how to control things and situations, doesn’t hesitate to make decisions and also power when it comes to intimacy) someone that is very intelligent, their conversation is very interesting and engaging, loves adventures and spontaneous trips and activities but also likes to relax and doesn’t mind staying at home, likes to go out with friends, understands that there are some activities or things that we will do separately because not everything has to be done as a couple, older than me (much older), mature, funny, independent, shows their emotions and talks about what they feel, caring, honest, loving, loves to give without reason, generous, hardworking, supportive, nonjudgmental, listener, passionate, sweet. This person has to connect with my soul and mind more than with my body (I’m more about that)
43: Who are some tumblr users you'd like to meet in person?
50: Do you like hugs?
I loooove hugs but from people that are close to me or feel comfortable with. I don’t like to hug strangers.
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hawkins-losers · 1 year
I can't wait for what you're writing!!!! 6, 7, 15
6. Death predictions for season 5?
I don't want it, but I feel like Steve or Eleven (or Will?) are gonna die. Steve for the heartbreak and talk it's gonna cause after the show. And Eleven because she said she opened the Upside Down and I feel like she might need to close it to end everything. I know she's done it before, but it wasn't the only door to the upside down
7. Favorite couple? (canon or non-canon)
Joyce and Hopper
15. Favorite Duo?
Robin and Steve. That's the only right answer. I love Eddie/Dustin and Steve/Dustin, but Robin and Steve are just iconic chaotic besties
keep sending numbers
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chelleztjs18 · 1 year
9: A song that makes you happy
10: A song that makes you sad
11: A song that you never get tired of
Hi M! Thank you for the ask, n sorry for the delayed answer. 😊
9. A song that makes you happy
I think i'm gonna give more than one songs on this one n these two that came up in my mind.
- This girl by Kung, Cooking' on 3 burners
- Wasted by Tiesto, Matthew Koma
10. A song that makes you sad
Goodbye's (The Saddest Word) by Celine Dion (because it reminds me the day my mom passed away)
11. A song that you never get tired of
Gooey Rework by Glass Animals, Chester Watson
Send me number(s) for music ask game
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sambuchinaaa · 1 year
14. Quale ambito del sesso conosci di più e quale conosci di meno?
Credo di non conoscere quasi nulla del mondo del sesso in realtà. Anche perché nessuno mi ha mai insegnato nulla, non ho mai avuto qualcuno che mi parlasse di sesso. E forse anche per questo sono sempre curiosa di scoprire cose nuove sia sul sesso in generale (e in questo pagine come quella di mysecretcase e simili sono un grandissimo aiuto, fondamentali direi) sia su me stessa (e guardare porno e masturbarmi mi aiuta a capire cosa mi può o non può piacere). Ci sono una marea di ambiti che non conosco, magari perché non si neanche della loro esistenza. Sicuramente quello che conosco meglio è ciò che riguarda me stessa e i pompini perché mi piacciono ahah
23. Cosa ne pensi del BDSM? 
È un mondo che mi affascina, mi piacerebbe saperne di più. Questa estate sono uscita con un uomo a cui piacciono alcune pratiche legate al BDSM e mi affascinava ascoltare tutto cio che aveva da raccontarmi in merito
✨Mandatemi altri numerini pls✨
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pencilofawesomeness · 2 years
Sketchbook Ask Game
So I finished a sketchbook, and to commemorate such a rare occasion, I’ve decided to do something fun. 
Send me a number from 1 to 160, and I will send you the sketchbook page, along with either the project it corresponds to, or a digital WIP of the project if it is still underway. If it is already a nice/completed doodle, I will send it as is. 
Now, some pages are duds, either blank to preserve an adjoining page, or they have some sort of proprietary content I do not particularly want to share. On the off-chance one of these numbers is sent, I will just post the closest page. The vast majority of this sketchbook, however—especially towards the end—is fandom doodles. (This is my travel sketchbook, and blorbos are easy to draw from memory, lol.)
Is this mostly an excuse to make me transfer some of these sketches to digital, like I told myself I would? Yes. But also I finish sketchbooks so rarely, and I thought this would be a neat lil’ game. Also feel free to take this ask game idea for yourself, repurposed to whatever page-count you have. 
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lilariesmoon · 1 year
8: Want any tattoos?
33: What words make me feel the best about myself
8- yes! getting my next one in february!
33- genuine compliments! anything about my art especially
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dissidiacloudstrife · 2 years
hey youtube is also doing a wrap/recap! send me a number between 1-100 and ill tell you what song is my top 100 :)
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clearlypositive · 2 years
Hey Alyssa, 24, 60 and 101 for the asks
hi em!!
favorite part of your daily routine?: catching up on my tv shows before bed while snuggling with my dog!
ever won a competition? for what?: i came in first in some radio disney singing contest when i was like 11 or 12 lol
do you type fast?: yes i do!
send me numbers // my inbox
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chelleztjs18 · 1 year
8, 15, 27 💗🪴🤍
Hello tally tal tal tally! 😅
How r u? Thank u for the ask. 😊
8. Whats' your favorite band/artist
My favorite band are The Cranberries and Maroon 5. My favorite artist (i take it as in singer) is Sarah Brightman.
15. What's your favorite season?
Fall season is the best! Then winter.. not a big fan of spring n summer. Hate the allergy n the heat 🤣
27 what's your favorite book or one that's you read many few times?
Hmm i dont read that often but i love this "I Can't Think Straight" by Shamim Sharif. 😊
Send me number(s)
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sambuchinaaa · 1 year
45. Racconta la storia di una tua relazione
In realtà non ho mai avuto relazioni, solo cose occasionali. Nulla di serio 😅
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lilariesmoon · 1 year
0: Height?
4’11! im tiny
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wifey-type · 2 years
I don’t tan at all 😂 but I like being naked 😏
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guccifloralsuits · 2 years
Top 5!!!
1. As It Was / Harry Styles
2. She Said He Said She Said / Joshua Bassett
3. Secret / Joshua Bassett
4. Maybe My Soulmate Died / iamnotshane
5. Fast Times / Sabrina Carpenter
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20, 24, and 38, please and thank you
20. Are you starting to realize anything? YES i’m starting to realize i might have adhd and/or autism lol
24. What do you want right this second? i’d kill for someone to cook me dinner rn. also a nap would be good
38. Who did you last call? a friend who needed to rant to me about boy problems lol
thank u for the q’s friend 💖
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wearenotjustnumbers2 · 7 months
These two kids are Hamza (the oldest) and Qusai (the youngest).
Their mother shares this video and bids them goodbye. They were both killed by Israeli bombardment 5 days ago. She says:
[Two days before Hamza and Qusai were killed, hamza asked me: "mom, when we die, where will I go?" And I told him: "you will be a bird in heaven, my love." He said: "and Qusai?" "Just like you inshallah."
And indeed, two days later, he left and took his brother with him. It's like he was preparing me for saying goodbye to both of them. Heaven is more beautiful than any place on this Earth, habibi. We will meet and be reunited one day, me, your dad and you two].
Our kids don't deserve to die already thinking about what will happen to them, they don't deserve to die already terrified, anticipating their death because the world failed them and decided their lives mean nothing. We are not numbers. Remember their names and their stories.
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