acupofbritishearlgrey · 7 months
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Andrei Mironov as Ostap Bender
'The Twelve Chairs' (1976), dir. Mark Zakharov
[eng. sub.: episode 1, episode 2, episode 3, episode 4]
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brainanalyse · 4 months
AA Daily Meditation
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Daily meditation can be a game-changer for those on the journey of recovery with Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). This practice not only supports mental and emotional stability but also fosters a deeper connection with a higher power, a key component of AA’s philosophy. Let’s dive into the world of AA daily meditation and explore how it can enhance your recovery process.
Understanding AA and Its Core Principles
Brief History of Alcoholics Anonymous Alcoholics Anonymous, founded in 1935 by Bill Wilson and Dr. Bob Smith, is a fellowship of individuals dedicated to helping each other achieve and maintain sobriety. It operates on the foundation of mutual support and accountability, using the 12 Steps program as a guiding framework.
The 12 Steps Program The 12 Steps are a set of principles that offer a path to recovery. They include admitting powerlessness over alcohol, seeking help from a higher power, and making amends for past wrongs, among other spiritual and practical steps. These steps are designed to help individuals build a new life free from addiction.
The Role of Meditation in AA
Why Meditation is Crucial in Recovery Meditation helps calm the mind, reduce stress, and increase self-awareness, which are essential for those recovering from addiction. It allows individuals to pause and reflect, providing a space to process emotions and thoughts without the influence of substances.
Connecting with a Higher Power In AA, connecting with a higher power is a pivotal part of the recovery journey. Meditation facilitates this connection by creating a quiet, reflective space where individuals can seek spiritual guidance and support.
Benefits of Daily Meditation for AA Members
Physical Health Benefits Meditation has been shown to reduce blood pressure, improve heart health, and enhance overall physical well-being. For those in recovery, maintaining good physical health is crucial to rebuilding their lives.
Mental Health Benefits Daily meditation can significantly reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression, common challenges for those in recovery. It promotes mental clarity and emotional resilience, helping individuals stay focused on their recovery goals.
Emotional Stability Meditation fosters emotional stability by helping individuals manage stress and negative emotions more effectively. It encourages a balanced, calm state of mind, which is vital for long-term sobriety.
How to Start a Daily Meditation Practice
Setting Up a Meditation Space Create a quiet, comfortable space free from distractions. This could be a corner of a room with a cushion or chair, some calming decor, and perhaps some incense or a candle.
Choosing a Time for Meditation Pick a time that fits your daily schedule, whether it’s first thing in the morning or before bed. Consistency is key, so try to meditate at the same time each day.
Types of Meditation Suitable for AA Members
Guided Meditation Guided meditations involve listening to a recorded voice that leads you through the process. This can be particularly helpful for beginners.
Mindfulness Meditation Mindfulness meditation involves paying attention to your breath and being present in the moment. This practice helps cultivate awareness and acceptance of your thoughts and feelings.
Breathing Exercises Simple breathing exercises can be a powerful form of meditation. Focusing on your breath can help calm your mind and reduce stress.
Incorporating the 12 Steps in Meditation Step-by-Step Guide to Meditative Reflection on Each Step Use meditation to reflect on each of the 12 Steps. For instance, when focusing on Step 1, meditate on the concept of powerlessness and acceptance. For Step 4, reflect on your moral inventory with compassion and honesty.
Personal Growth and Spiritual Awakening Meditating on the 12 Steps can lead to profound personal growth and spiritual awakening. It allows for deep introspection and a greater understanding of oneself and one’s journey.
Tips for Maintaining Consistency in Meditation
Creating a Routine Establish a daily routine that includes meditation. This could involve setting a regular time and place, and maybe even a pre-meditation ritual like lighting a candle.
Using Meditation Apps There are many apps available that offer guided meditations, timers, and reminders to help keep you on track.
Joining a Meditation Group Joining a meditation group can provide support and accountability. It also offers a sense of community, which is beneficial for those in recovery.
Common Challenges and How to Overcome Them
Dealing with Restlessness Restlessness is common, especially for beginners. If you find it hard to sit still, start with short sessions and gradually increase the time as you become more comfortable.
Managing Time Constraints Busy schedules can make it hard to find time for meditation. Try to carve out just a few minutes each day, even if it’s only five minutes. The important thing is consistency.
Staying Motivated Stay motivated by reminding yourself of the benefits of meditation and how it supports your recovery. Reflect on your progress and celebrate small milestones.
Success Stories: Real-Life Examples
Testimonials from AA Members Many AA members have found meditation to be a crucial part of their recovery. For instance, John, a long-time AA member, credits his daily meditation practice with helping him stay sober for over ten years.
Inspirational Journeys Stories of recovery often highlight the role of meditation in overcoming addiction. These journeys can inspire and motivate others to incorporate meditation into their own recovery process.
The Science Behind Meditation and Recovery
Research Studies on Meditation and Addiction Recovery Numerous studies have shown that meditation can be an effective tool in addiction recovery. It helps reduce cravings, improve mental health, and support long-term sobriety.
Neuroscience of Meditation Meditation has been found to change brain structures associated with self-control, decision-making, and emotional regulation, all of which are crucial for recovery.
Combining Meditation with Other AA Tools
Integration with Meetings and Sponsorship Meditation can complement AA meetings and sponsorship by providing additional emotional and spiritual support. It enhances the principles discussed in meetings and the guidance provided by sponsors.
Use of AA Literature in Meditation Incorporating readings from AA literature, such as the Big Book, into your meditation practice can deepen your understanding and connection to the program.
Guided Meditation Example for AA Members
A Step-by-Step Guided Session Find a Quiet Space: Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Focus on Your Breath: Take slow, deep breaths. Reflect on a Step: Choose one of the 12 Steps to focus on. Use Affirmations: Repeat a positive affirmation related to your recovery. Conclude with Gratitude: End your session by expressing gratitude for your progress.
Focus Points and Affirmations
Step 1: “I am powerless over alcohol, but I am taking steps to reclaim my life.” Step 2: “I believe in a power greater than myself that can restore me to sanity.” Step 3: “I turn my will and my life over to the care of my higher power.”
Daily meditation is a powerful tool for those in AA, offering numerous benefits for physical, mental, and emotional health. By incorporating meditation into your recovery process, you can enhance your connection to a higher power, gain greater self-awareness, and build a more stable, fulfilling life in sobriety. Start small, stay consistent, and remember that every moment spent in meditation is a step towards a healthier, more centered you.
Can Meditation Replace AA Meetings? No, meditation is a complementary practice. AA meetings provide essential support and community, while meditation offers personal reflection and spiritual growth.
How Long Should I Meditate Each Day? Start with just a few minutes and gradually increase the time as you become more comfortable. Aim for at least 10–20 minutes daily.
What if I Can’t Sit Still? If sitting still is challenging, try shorter sessions or a different form of meditation like walking meditation or gentle yoga.
Is Group Meditation Better Than Solo? Both have benefits. Group meditation offers community and support, while solo meditation allows for deeper personal reflection.
Can I Use Meditation to Cope with Cravings? Yes, meditation can help manage cravings by increasing mindfulness and emotional regulation, reducing the urge to act on cravings.
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rhynehoward · 3 years
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© adam hagy
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katbarrell · 5 years
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hedaswarrior · 5 years
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Maca and Barbara in the TVyNovelas interview [video]
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luthor-s · 6 years
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A not-enough-appreciated look™
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acupofbritishearlgrey · 7 months
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Andrei Mironov (07.03.1941 – 16.08.1987)
Tatyana Klevantseva: 'He was thought an ideal actor possessing power over all genres of cinema and theater. He was so tremendously popular during his lifetime, that even years after his death his birthdays remained a major event of Moscow's cultural life.' 'Many actors frankly confess that Andrei Mironov was simply the best. As time goes his legend continues to grow.'
A minor planet 3624 Mironov, discovered by Soviet astronomers Lyudmila Karachkina and Lyudmila Zhuravleva in 1982 is named after him.
movies in the post:
'The Twelve Chairs' (1976), dir. Mark Zakharov
'Heavenly Swallows' (1976), dir. Leonid Kvinikhidze
'The Straw Hat' (1974), dir. Leonid Kvinikhidze
'The Diamond Arm' (1969), dir. Leonid Gaidai
'My Friend Ivan Lapshin' (1985), dir. Aleksei German
'An Ordinary Miracle' (1978), dir. Mark Zakharov
'Property of the Republic' (1971), dir. Vladimir Bychkov
'Three Plus Two' (1963), dir. Genrikh Oganesyan
'The Story of Voyages' (1983), dir. by Alexander Mitta 
'Three Men in a Boat' (1979), dir. Naum Birman 
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lenakluthor · 6 years
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“One coffee.”
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svperhero · 6 years
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“I’d also like to congratulate you for your good taste, that is an upgrade from Lucho to Juliana."
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atomicse · 5 years
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luthor-s · 6 years
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#Juliantina forever y nadie más. Punto final!
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luthor-s · 6 years
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luthor-s · 6 years
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svperhero · 6 years
I think your Juliantina's gifset doesnt show up because you tagged as aamedit or aam. Try only with their characters name and ship name and full show name
hhhhhmmm idk cus the very first set i posted i also tagged it with aamedit and that one is showing up in the tags, the other two aren’t but i’ll keep that in mind if i make anymore gifsets i’ll just leave that tag out 
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