dearmouse · 2 months
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crabeetle · 11 months
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yourcoffeeguru · 2 months
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NICI Lillebi Sheep Wollibo Plush Soft Toy 50cm Dangling GERMAN Design NEW || SWTradePost - ebay
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Mum found this Lillebi pencil case for me, Looking quickly changes the letters to Lullaby🩷
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Lilleby by Mammut.
It’s even smaller than previous one, but it has everything the world needs. There’s one lot (with blue shingles) which contain most community lots in it - swimming pool, library, gym, club, sculpture workshop and vineyard in cellar. In small town centre you can also find openair club, fire department, alchemist shop, big park in woods, and on the other side of the island - small houses and another beaches. I like how compact this world is.
More pictures, info and download link *here*. Empty version can be found *here*. 
[This time no many screenshots, cause they didn’t look well. In link above you can find better. Also check out others worlds by Mammut, cause he has talent for creating small worlds which are gentle for game. More worlds by him and other can be found *here*.]
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alla-manniskor · 4 years
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lilleby, 6E, noel
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capmanranger · 3 years
Ok so there was a Bucky x reader fic and I read 2 parts. The first she goes on a fake date with him to get him used to dating in modern time even tho Sam warns her she shouldn't because he knows she's in love with him. They go and have a great time but it ends with him making a date with another girl. The second part talks about how reader has to keep a photo album to remember her life and the people in it and she decides to burn it and run away. She says goodbye to Bucky on her motorcycle and tells him she loves him.
Don't know why I can't find ittttt!!!
EDIT: thanks to @jhiddles03 , it's Practice Makes Perfect and I Can't Make You Love Me by @lilleby . I even reblogged both of them and couldn't find them. Here's hoping my brain doesn't mush again!! My masochist self is eating up the angst and hoping for a fluffy conclusion.😬💜
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idastvik · 4 years
Min praksisplass
Geitmyra matkultursenter for barn åpnet i 2011 etter initiativ av Andreas Viestad. Det startet på Sagene i Oslo med blant annet høner på tunet, insektshotell og pedagogisk kjøkkenhage. Der ble det gjennomfør skoleundervisning for over 2000 barn i Oslo hvert år. Stiftelsen ble så utvidet med Geitmyra Ringsaker matkultursenter for barn i 2018, Geitmyra Kristiansand matkultursenter for barn høsten 2019 og Geitmyra Credo matkultursenter for barn i Trondheim høsten 2020.
Jeg har fått praksisplass på Geitmyra Credo som ligger på Lilleby i Trondheim og drives sammen med Heidi Bjerkan og restaurant Credo. Geitmyra er et matkultursenter med en visjon om å bidra til at så mange barn og unge som mulig blir glade i mat som gjør dem godt. Målet er å nå så mange som mulig med lav egenbetaling og/eller gratis kurs og undervisning, og at barn og familier skal bli inspirert til å lage sunn, bærekraftig og god mat. Dette gjøres via skoleundervisning, kurs for barnehager, hospitering for voksne som jobber med barn, kurs for spedbarnsforeldre, fritidskurs for barn og familier, åpne dager og en pedagogisk kjøkkenhage. Ikke bare vil det føre til økt kompetanse om liv og helse, men det vil også gi dem styrket forståelse for bærekraft , hvordan ta gode matvalg og hvordan ivareta livet på jorda. I undervisning benyttes ferske råvarer som primært er økologiske, i tillegg til gjennomtestede oppskrifter. Det er også et viktig poeng at barn og foreldre selv skal delta i matlagingen.
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Bilder fra Geitmyra.
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justuclover · 7 years
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| Great Stuff! Thx to @lille.beer | #craftbeer tasting |#craftbeerporn #craftbeers #craftbeerlover #germancraftbeer #oldenburg #heimathavenoldenburg @craftbeermagazin @craft.beer.market #beef #beefmagazin #beefbeer #beer #craftbeershop @craftbeer_shop #ratsherren #ratsherrenrot #ratsherrenpils #craftbeerdesign #lillebier #lille
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dyrsavnetfunnet · 5 years
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Svart hannkatt savnet i #Dakota, #Lilleby, #Trondheim, #Trøndelag siden 30.07.2019. Registrert 18:52 30.07.2019. https://dyrebar.no/85922/ #hannkatt #katt #savnet — view on Instagram https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/vp/7064571aa24f28d255fdcfcfad0d32f1/5DED1FE6/t51.2885-15/sh0.08/e35/s640x640/66352593_511645996314890_719146726678080076_n.jpg?_nc_ht=scontent.cdninstagram.com
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sonicboooom · 5 years
Strandkul, går att göra på Lilleby strand tror jag...bruh!:)))
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dearmouse · 2 months
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yourcoffeeguru · 6 months
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NICI Lillebi Sheep Wollibo Plush Soft Toy 50cm Dangling GERMAN Design || SWtradepost - ebay
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I was in two second hand stores today. Found this cool box with Lillebi. Looking quickly changes the letters to Lullaby💗
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european-royalties · 3 years
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11.20.2021 🇳🇴 The Detention Center's gift to Her Royal Highness Princess Ingrid Alexandra's confirmation was a visit to the Hunter Troop on Rena, and on Saturday the Princess visited the soldiers at the Armed Forces Special Command. The princess was received by the commander of the Armed Forces' special command, Colonel Lars W. Lilleby, when she arrived at Rena camp in Østerdalen, where the special forces have their base with their own training and exercise area. The first item on the program for the Princess was an orientation about the Armed Forces' special forces and the activities that the special forces carry out nationally and internationally. Then the Princess in full uniform was given a tour of the camp with demonstrations of full-fledged hunter-gatherers and the vehicle park. The princess also got to simulate a fall jump from a so-called jump tower. Princess Ingrid Alexandra ate lunch with the hunter-gatherers at the crew fair. After lunch, the Princess got to take part in planning a mission where she was part of a hunter patrol during an exercise this Saturday. The stay at Rena ended with a joint gathering around the campfire where the day was summed up. #NorwegianRoyalFamily #NorwegianRoyals #detnorskekongehus #kongehuset #PrincessIngridAlexandra #Monarchy #europeanroyalties https://www.instagram.com/p/CWf5Y5AvNk_/?utm_medium=tumblr
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idastvik · 4 years
Finnes Villa og Credo
Bygget Geitmyra Credo holder til i heter Finnes Villa og ble bygd i 1907 som et barnehjem for gutter. Bygget er en del av den verneverdige bebyggelsen på Lilleby i Trondheim. Senere har det blant annet vært nazikontor og yogastudio. Gjennom driften til Geitmyra er det igjen barna som er i fokus på Finnes Villa, akkurat som i 1907.
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Bilde fra Geitmyra, Finnes Villa på 1900-tallet
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Bilde fra Geitmyra, Finnes Villa i 2020
Geitmyra har et tett samarbeid med Credo restaurant. Dette er en av Norges fremste restauranter og drives av kokk og kjøkkensjef Heidi Bjerkan. Restauranten har profilert seg på bærekraft og et omfattende samarbeid med bønder og produsenter. I 2019 fikk Credo Michelins egen bærekraftpris i tillegg til den høythengende Michelins-stjernen.
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Bilde fra Geitmyra
Også på Geitmyra er bærekraft i fokus og det benyttes rene, sesongbaserte og lokale råvarer, som gjerne er økologisk produsert.
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Bilder fra Geitmyra
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