#lily and mikaila orchard
opinated-user · 4 months
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"mess"? mess. that is the word you want to use for what happened in that house? no, LO. a mess is what happens when you leave a hyperactive puppy unattended for one hour. mess is what you have when you didn't clean the dishes last night after a party. mess is leaving some pieces of clothing in the floor in the morning before going to work. those are messes. what your wife was living on that house was a health hazard, LO. what MO went through is the stuff that destroys people's lives, sometimes it kills them. there were used needles on some of the pictures you posted, LO! on the floor! where your wife walks in and out everyday of her life!
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if i'm wrong and that is a pen full with blood or something else entirely, then i'm wrong. but if i'm not and MO's father was just leaving around the needles of his auto injectors on the floor, then i hope to god that you're paying for staying in a hotel right now and aren't just posting from MO's room because this should be completely unacceptable for any person to live in. some other relative of MO, anywhere else but there. because if you aren't doing that, if you're posting about sucking her off and how your back is injured and how this is about you actually and how people who dislike you are using this to be mean, all while you're both still there? you have no place to talk about love or care. you don't get to brag about how you're "bailing her out" as if you were the knight in shinning armor while you do nothing to actually take out that woman from that place. especially because you never said anything about this before. especially because it must have been years of MO living on that hell and you only taking it out the second it actually affect you directly. especially when you posted those pictures of it online for everyone to see. you don't love that woman. you showed me that the moment you started going about it like it was a major inconvenience for you, like everything to do about it was about you, and not about a very real danger to your wife's health that she must have endured for a very long time.
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essenceofthought · 1 year
Lily Orchard Promoted A Nazi
Gotta say, I did not have "Lily Orchard buddies up to and promotes an open Nazi" on the list of things I expected her to do on the final day of 2022, yet here we are. One glance at this person's account tells you exactly what they are. Lily is really desperate.
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Like, how do you see an account with "enjoyer of white skin" and not go 'now hold on a second!'?
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freezingclimber · 1 year
How Everyone Misunderstood “Bismuth” reupload
It’s time to tackle one of the strongest, instances of bad faith discourse in the show (This time with less copyrightable material). Often labelled Bis-course, there’s gonna be a lot to cover in “How Everyone Misunderstood "Bismuth”   I’ll be honest, this took a lot out of me to make and I hope that it was all worth it in the end! (If you can, spare some time to rewatch it if you’ve seen the original!) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rDI6R_OP5Z0
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Star Wars TLJ Rewrite: Final
Author’s Note:
This rewrite is completely fan-made. I am not the creator of these characters. They belong to George Lucas, Lucasfilm Entertainment, Lily and Mikaila Orchard, and Disney+ Entertainment. I am not claiming any of these properties of my own. In the event that I do otherwise, I will take full legal responsibility for the misuse of these characters. Please support the official creators and there content. Thank You
Chapter 29: Calm Before The Storm
After a few months of gathering allies around the Outer Rim, Varax lets out a sigh of relief to be back on Naboo. As he steps off the ship, Poe and Finn run up to him to await their new plan. “Are we gonna terminate their fleet?!” Finn asks, almost giddy at the concept of destroying the First Order “Yeah, we gonna blow the Supremacy into a fiery wreck?” Poe asks, not as giddy, but equally enjoyable in the concept. Varax gives his friends a smile as he points to the nearby ships below Theed as an army of soldiers from every corner of the galaxy line atop their respected ships to await their orders. “Gentlemen, I’m done sitting by, the First Order wants a war… we’ll give ‘em a damn war” he says before stepping up to a podium, overlooking his new army alongside Aliana, Rey, and the other high command officers of the Resistance. 
“My fellow citizens of the Galactic Republic and beyond, For too long have our homes been sacked, raided, and pillaged by fascist empires over the decades. And for too long have we sat idly by while they do so… Well I say no more!” He says through the valley, his voice booming through the hologram like thunder. “I have gathered you all here, not only to fight, but to crush, burn, and eradicate the tyrannical First Order that has terrorized the Galaxy we call home!” Varax bellows as the crowds cheer in glory. “For today, this will be marked, as either the Galaxy’s final stand against tyranny, or the end of the first order. But regardless of if we win or lose WE WILL NOT GO DOWN WITHOUT A FIGHT!!!” He yells as the crowds cheer before the entirety of the First Order’s fleet, including both the Supremacy and Finalizer warships appear out of hyperspace. “FOR GLORY, FOR FREEDOM, FOR LIBERTY, AND FOR THE ETERNAL ALLIANCE!!!!!” Varax yells, igniting his lightsaber and pointing it straight at the fleet, officially declaring war against the First Order as his army flies into the atmosphere, cheering as they lift off into battle.
Rey and Aliana look at each other and give one more good kiss as the battle begins.
“Hey Aliana?” Rey asks
“Yeah love?” Aliana asks
“If we survive this, we’re getting married” Rey says with a smirk
“I’ll take you up on that offer hun, just don’t die okay?” Aliana says with a soft laugh. “I’ll try hun” Rey says as they depart for the fight.
Chapter 30: To Ben, Or Not to Ben?
Varax sat aboard the Rattus with an almost maddening stare as the First Order fleet burned around him as Lord K’un enters the bridge. “Quite the speech my friend, I’m surprised you’re not fighting alongside the troops or the starfighters” he says as his serpent staff coils around his arm. Varax gives the warlord a chuckle “The wisest leaders know when to and to not sit upon the front lines” he said as he looked upon the chaos. 
Meanwhile, Snoke is almost foaming at the mouth as the fleet he spent almost 3 decades building and financing burns around him. “KYLO!!! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING OUT THERE!!! I WANT THOSE SHIPS ERADICATED” He yelled through the holomessage of Ben as he flew through the chaos. “The fleet outnumbers us 12 to 1, even if we were as great as Sidious’s empire, we’d still lose” he explains before Snoke gives him a glare “Bring me Varax Koslov and his apprentice, or you will be replaced boy!” he barks before hanging up.
Kylo thought for a moment as he dodged the enemy fire. Was he wrong? Did he screw up? Was his mother, father, and uncle right? Questions riddled Kylo’s mind as he flew through the chaos before noticing Varax’s presence through the force, he sensed he was aboard his mother’s old warship the Raddus. “Alright Snoke, you want Varax, you’ll get him” he says as he charges at the warship.
Varax feels Kylo’s anger through the battlefield, he outstretched his hand as the TIE Interceptor charges at the war room before slamming the ship into the hull of the Raddus.
Kylo ejects from his ship's cockpit, luckily landing in a transport tunnel rather than a hangar, he climbs out as a hover deck flies beneath him. He kills the guards with minimal effort as he makes his way to the central hangar, sensing Varax’s presence inside.
Varax stares at the HoloDeck gates as he hears Kylo yell through the barrier and blast through, igniting his red crossguard as he points it at his old master “You should’ve killed me, now you’re gonna suffer” he says under his mask, almost snarling with his words.
Varax lets out a deep laugh as he takes off his exterior robes and cloak, “Let's end this, Padawan” he says with a smirk as the two engage in a furious duel.
Meanwhile, Rey and Aliana sneak aboard the Supremacy with Finn and Poe…
Chapter 31: Duels Of Fate
Rey plants the charges aboard the hyperdrive with Poe as Finn and Alie keep watch, “You know, it would be a shame if you don’t make it out of this Finn, you’d make a great Jedi” she says, trying to lighten the mood a little. “Nah, Jedi stuff is your guy’s thing, and besides, I’ve always been better with a blaster anyhow” he says as he holds up a blaster pistol ironically. Rey giggles a little “Alright doofus, but if you change your mind just ask, I’ll always be ready to take on a student” she says as she arms the last of the bombs “ALRIGHT THATS ALL OF THEM” she yells down to the others as she and Finn hop down.
Suddenly, Rey feels a sickeningly cold feeling through the Force, “It’s him” she says as Snoke enters the chamber with his knights at his side. “You know, I half suspected you’d step out of the war business Rey, but I guess if you want something done right…” he says as a pair of lightsabers slide out of his sleeves, igniting into a deep red color “...You do it yourself” he says as he charges the group, roaring as he flips through the air as Rey and Aliana prepare to fight the Supreme Leader.
Back on the Raddus Varax is holding his own against Kylo, using a new lightsaber form he developed by studying the Nightbrothers of Dathomir, the Mandalorian Death Watch, and the Yusong Vong of Exegol. Kylo is struggling to keep up the defensive as Varax targets his weak point: His cybernetic arm. And after a heavy barrage of swings and slashes, Varax gleans both of Kylo’s arms as he falls to his knees. Varax grabs the red crossguard and holds it to his neck, “Do it, let the past die, kill it if you have to” he snarls under his broken mask. 
Varax just lets out a disappointed sigh, “I sensed a glimpse of light inside you Ben, before you snuffed it out” he says as he backs off his blades and deactivates them. “You will stand trial for what you’ve done, and I’ll make sure your death is quick and painless” Varax says as Resistance troops take Kylo to the brig, the Dark Jedi screaming in rage as they grab him “DAMN YOU VARAX!!! KILL ME!!!! END MY TORMENT!!!! YOU WILL ALL BURN!!!” Kylo yells through the halls as the troops take him away.
Varax heads to the Obsidian Blade and notices a familiar presence through the Force…
“Son of a bitch, he actually came back!” he says as he heads to the Supremacy
Chapter 32: Epilogue (Part One)
Rey and Aliana hold their own against Snoke, managing to lead him to the ships hangar as the duo do their best to fight the old tyrant, “Where’s Finn and Poe?!?!” Rey asks in between strikes as Snoke flips back and starts hurling TIE Fighters at them. Aliana tries to answer in between dodges “Last I saw of them, they were running to the barracks. I don’t know what for though” she says as she uses Force Lightning to overcharge a fighter as Snoke leaps above them before being stopped mid air.
Rey and Aliana stare and see Luke, Varax, and Gungi holding the Supreme Leader above them with the Force, throwing him into a wall as the trio of masters ignite their blades “FOR THE ALLIANCE!!!” Varax roars as he charges the old tyrant, Luke and Gungi following suit as the five of them overwhelm Snoke before he pushes them back and holds Aliana in the air. 
“So little girl, you think you’re powerful, let’s test that theory…” he says before pulling Aliana in with the Force and slicing her left leg clean off. Aliana cries out from the pain, Varax lets out a roar as he charges the Dark Lord before getting hit with a torrent of Force Lightning.
“What? Did you think you won? Foolish brat!!” He says as Varax writhes in agony as the lightning burns his back and shoulders before Luke jumps in front of him and impales Snoke in the stomach “This is for Ben you wrinkly fucker” he says before absorbing the lightning and releasing it into a massive explosion of Force energy.
“The Light Bomb….” Varax says in awe as he and Gungi help Rey and Aliana get up. As they do that Poe and Finn come running out “GET ON THE SHIP THEY DIDN’T WANNA CONVERT WE GOTTA GO!!!” Poe screams as the group head for the Fury and fly out of the Supremacy as Finn activates the bombs planted on the ship’s hyperdrive. The warship slowly falls into Naboo’s atmosphere in a fiery demise. “Holy kriff, WE MADE IT!!! YEAH BABY!!!” Poe says as he jumps into Finn's arms and hugs him before looking at Rey. Rey holds Aliana in her arms, her lips are curled and tears roll down her face as 2V enters the living hall. “Oh I’m so glad we ca- HOLY MOTHER OF THE FORCE WHAT HAPPENED TO LADY AMOROSA!?!?!” he screams as the others look to Rey for an answer. Before she can give one however, Varax steps up and explains what happened. 2V Gives the Sith, the closest thing he had to a daughter, a look of sadness as he carries her to the medical room. 
Chapter 33: Epilogue (Part 2)
Several Weeks After the Battle Of Naboo
Rey walks into Aliana's room, her Sith fiance lying outstretched on the red mattress like a Corellian Spice Hound. “Well don’t you look radiant love, sleep well?” she asks Aliana, who tosses and turns in response, “yeah, just give me five more minutes hun, this bed is soooooooo much better than the ones on the Raddus” she says underneath a pillow. Rey crosses her arms as she looks down at the prosthetic leg Aliana had been wearing for the past month or so, which was on the ground and not on her leg as ordered by 2V. 
“C’mon, get up, we’re meeting up with Varax to open the new Eternal Academy Today, and YOU are the head of Sith studies my little sleepyhead” she says as she sits on the mattress next to Aliana. The Sith lets out a groan “Fine, only if I get to pick our takeout meal after the ceremony, I’m sick of Mon Cala seafood” she says as she gets up and fixes her hair.
After getting ready, the duo reach the Eternal Academy, located on Kashyyyk, and land on the personal landing pad set up by Chieftain Lowbacca and Master Gungi. 
As they step out they see hundreds of thousands of people lined up from across the galaxy. From the Core Planets to the Farthest Reaches of the Outer Rim, all citizens of the New Republic gathered to witness the rise of a new academy of Force Users…
Varax, the newly elected Headmaster, steps up to give his speech…
“Citizens of the New Galactic Republic, It gives me great pleasure to announce the official opening of the Eternal Academy. No longer will the ancient rivalries of the Jedi and Sith plague the galaxy we call home” he says as the crowd roars with laughter, cheers, and rejoice as Varax ignites his saber and points it to the sky, as if raising a torch to a new era…
“MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU, AND MAY IT SERVE YOU WELL!!!” He cheers as fireworks paint the night sky with a barrage of colors…
Thus bringing a new age of adventure, in a galaxy far, far, away…
The End.
PS:  As Always, please check out the original creators of both the original Star Wars property and the Sith Resurgence Rewrite of the Sequel Trilogy. And remember that this work is credited to all owners of both of these properties -Stone CL W.
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thetimelordbatgirl · 2 years
Out of curiosity, how do you feel about Mikaila? Obviously, I think Lily is super abusive towards her, and I'm positive you feel the same way, but is there stuff regarding her behavior online or her political/media takes that you agree/disagree with? I'm asking this to a couple of Lily criticizers to gain some different perspectives.
Yeah, on one hand: I do think Lily is definitely abusive to Mikaila. Lily pretty much uses her for free art and for some reason, got upset she has to share Mikaila with capitalism cause....Mikaila got a job like most people have to get when they need money cause lord knows Lily isn't paying her enough. And then you got the recent stuff that's been happening where....Lily doesn't seem to suddenly give a shit to hide how she acts with Mikaila, including obviously the whole Lily getting all shitty with Mikaila just because Mikaila asked if she could go to sleep because it was early in the morning and she has to get up early in the morning....like...Lily just makes it about how she's going to get anons and its just...gee Lily, maybe try to prevent that and treat your wife nicely??? And like, from a video done by Mikaila, she really seems to always blame herself and insult herself if she's done something wrong by Lily standards which is just....obviously not healthy. Like, no relationship should make you feel like you have to insult yourself and such.
But on the other hand....I'm mixed on Mikaila. She does seem more willing to listen to critics sometimes, aka being the one to stop using the 'just say you hate black women and go' thing when told to during the time she and Lily were using that as a defense against Aliana critics, and she does seem to have the more chill opinions on stuff a-lot. But at the same time....she still partakes in stuff Lily does. Aka she partook in basically trashing Lizzie when it happened. And she seems to be mimicking Lily's opinions a-lot, even when its stuff Mikaila was fine with personally prior. Like, she seems to hate Hunter just like Lily does DESPITE having liked Hunter in a prior video, and despite having liked Anduin....she now hates him, just like Lily does. And....you also got the fact that uh...Mikaila has stolen art before. Aka in her lego monkie kid video. And she acted pretty shitty about it, too. Like...you'd think as an artist Mikaila would understand how the artist felt and why they copy-right striked the video, but....no.
Like, overall I guess I'm unsure on Mikaila? Since I do 101% think her relationship with Lily is toxic, but outside of that, its hard to make a conclusion on her.
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trappedinthewalls · 4 months
I'm starting to realize either the fixer or the fixee can be abusive in a relationship.
My sibling: My boyfriend isn't abusive/a leech. I'm just fixing him! (Not their actual words but the general idea)
Mikaila Orchard: Lily's not abusive, she's just fixing me! (Not her exact words but pretty close)
I didn't think that could be the case but here we are.
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xain-russell · 24 days
So the vultures took down Lily’s Tumblr again. If you guys have 5$ to spare every month for the foreseeable future, I would really appreciate it if everyone could help her out and subscribe to her Patreon.
She and her wife are legit some of the best content creators I have had the pleasure of knowing. A lot of really good critical analysis of narrative media.
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Y'all remember that comic Mikaila drew for Lily where her badass self-insert oc murdered Steven and it was supposed to be a cool moment?
She did that shit again with Hunter.
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The guy on the left being choked out by the woman. He's named "Golden Boy", pretty fucking similar to golden guard, same hair color and yellow color palette.
Now, who does this
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Remind you of? Hmm...
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Oh yeah, Lily herself. (the brownfaced puppet, of course.)
Pretty on the nose.
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Hating a character this much should be consodered parasocial. Lily's vendetta against Hunter becomes very clear here.
And that's not the worst of it.
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Ah yes, humiliating the (underaged!) character you despise by imagining them as a selfish sexual partner who doesn't have stamina in bed.
That's totally normal and healthy.
Lily knew she couldn't get away with comissioning another piece where her oc beat up and humiliated a character because people were taking note and Hunter is a. a minor, and b. a victim of physical and emotional abuse.
So she did the next best thing.
@opinated-user @britts-galaxy-brain
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lily-v-orchard · 27 days
I need to share something I told other people regarding Lily and Mikalia:
Just a heads up that not only did Lily befriend a literal Neo-Nazi over her hatred of LGBTQ+ creators like Rebecca Sugar, ND Stevenson and others...
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but that Mikalia befriended that same Neo-Nazi as well.
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And when their pal said truly disgusting stuff like this:
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Their response?
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Oh yeah I think I've seen this before. Was debating on if I wanted to post this ask or not since I'm pretty sure I saw at least one other copy before. Decided to do so both in case something happens to the post I saw & it pushes this to the top of the tag for those who haven't seen it before lol
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lillian-v-orchard · 14 days
if it's okay to ask what did lily do to lizzie?? i'm not doubti8ng it and i'm one of many people who hates lily. and believes the sexual abuse claims about her. i just feel like i'm out of the loop with the lizzie situation. i'm just curoius if you have links i could read about to learn more about that.
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Lizzy's story. Lizzy should be left alone, Lily's found a new target. Her sister who totaly SA'd her too. Here's the thing and why most people are so jaded. Stick around long enough and you'll see the end of Lily's story turn back in on itself and repeat. Lizzy broke up with Lily and then Lily, after a tantrum and a few months, decided to tell people Lizzy SA'd her.
It's always the same. Lily can't help but lie. She wants obedience, she wants novelty. That's why Mikaila is still in Rochester NY in that hoarder apartment that totally won't relapse again because they cleaned it once.
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opinated-user · 2 months
“having literally no resource whatsoever to take her own wife out of a house where she walks on used needles everyday” is that really her living situation? Thats so unfortunate
the saddest part is that the only reason we know that is MO's living situation is because LO published the pictures of MO's house to try to own some random user, not because she was actually concerned and doing anything to actually help. on some of the pictures published you could see multiple used autoinjectors on the floor among the trash. after she got understandable backlash for uploading those, LO deleted them and instead made the whole situation about how it affected her, how bad it was for her. she got a stomach infection for sleeping on that house for a week, don't you feel sorry for her? don't think about MO and how that was her living situation for probably years, all that matters is how LO was inconvenienced by it.
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essenceofthought · 1 year
The fact that Lily Orchard has taken to sexually harassing her critics in response to mounting evidence against her is something that should be setting off alarm bells. If she's willing to do this in public, what is she doing behind closed doors?
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freezingclimber · 1 year
Update on my Bismuth Video
As much as it pains me to do this, I am re-editing the video and am planning to reupload it soon. This was a hard decision to make, but I have been dealing with a week of non-stop blurring and Youtube has been A) Dripfeeding everywhere that my content violates copyright in 10-second intervals instead of telling me all the problems at once B) Giving me copyright strikes for using the episode Bismuth in my video when, instead, I just reposted Lily's videos and Diregentleman's video (THEIR videos aren't taken down but MINE are for some reason) and finally, C) Now deciding that instead of my video editing being done in 1-2 hours, it gets done in 1-2 DAYS (FOR BLURRING 10 SECONDS OF VIDEO EACH TIME)  Because of these reasons, I'm biting the bullet and am going through with this.  As for the original video, I'll blur everything and leave it unlisted just in case you want to see any comments you've made.  If you can, please check out the edited re-release when it comes out! - Stay Cool, Freezing Climber
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Star Wars TLJ Rewrite: Part 6
Author’s Note:
This rewrite is completely fan-made. I am not the creator of these characters. They belong to George Lucas, Lucasfilm Entertainment, Lily and Mikaila Orchard, and Disney+ Entertainment. I am not claiming any of these properties of my own. In the event that I do otherwise, I will take full legal responsibility for the misuse of these characters. Please support the official creators and there content. Thank You
Chapter 25: Talking About What Happened
Varax lands the shuttle outside Theed, laying back on the pilot’s seat as he sighs with relief. “Goddamnit Varax, you just had to be a hero” he says to himself, wincing in pain due to his scarred back and shoulders. He gets up and grabs Rey, who’s awake but almost lifeless. Almost as if her spirit has left her body, leaving only a husk of her old self “C’mon Rey, let's get out of here and head back to HQ. Hopefully 2V can patch us up” he says as he walks out of the control room. Rey doesn’t even respond, she just gets up and walks out, not even saying a word. 
Aliana sees Ren’s dropship, almost reaching her arm out to crush the bastard's shuttle before seeing Rey and Varax walk out of it. “Rey! Varax! What happened?! Are you hurt?! I’ll get 2V and the medical squa-” she says before Rey hugs her, burying her face into the Sith’s shoulder as she cries softly. Varax limps over, a look of pity and sadness on his face “We got captured by Ren and his Knights, they…” he says before stopping himself, almost getting sick at the thought of what happened to Rey aboard Snoke’s warship “They tortured us, Rey got the worst of it” he says, still wincing in pain from his burns as 2V and a medical team come to walk Varax to the medical tent.
Aliana walks Rey over to the Fury, her girlfriend was pale, almost as if she was  a ghost, which scared Aliana more than anything. The two sat down as Aliana clears her throat “Hun, I don’t know what went on when I was gone, but I’ll tell you this: Did Kylo hurt you, even in the slightest?” she asks as she puts her hands on Rey’s shoulder. Rey still is shaking from the experience “H-he entered my mind, he… tried to find Luke” she says, almost in a whisper. Aliana was shocked, she knew Luke was powerful, but she didn’t see him as a threat to anyone, even the First Order.
Aliana hugs Rey gently, “It’s okay love, as long as I’m here, nothing bad will happen to you, I swear on my life” she says as she kisses her forehead. Rey wipes away her tears “Thanks hun, Is it alright if I stay here for a while? I just wanna sleep, hopefully I can forget that whole fucking ordeal…” Rey says.
Aliana kisses Rey’s forehead “Sure thing, I’ll be in the living room if you need anything, if not 2V should be close by” she says as she gets up, Porg-Racing jumping onto the bed next to Rey, nuzzling her thigh. 
Rey smiles at the creature as she drifts into slumber. Hoping to never see Kylo Ren again…
Chapter 26: A Jedi’s Crusade
Varax leaves the medical tent, still sore from his injuries aboard the Supremacy. “Thanks guys! I’ll see if I can pay you all back someday!” he says as he waves farewell to the medics inside. He walks around the new compound, which Ackbar Named Leia’s Rest, after the fallen founder of the Resistance. 
Poe and Finn meet up with him, walking alongside the fallen Jedi. “So what's the plan? Do we bomb the bastards? assassinate Snoke and the Knights? Give us something man!!!” Poe exclaims as he and Finn follow Varax to his new personal shuttle The Obsidian Blade, Varax stops as he opens the shuttle. “I need to gather an army, one that can compete with the First Order, but I may not come back…” he says as he enters the ship. 
Poe and Finn look at each other as Finn stops him “We’ll go with” he says as Varax brushes his arm. “No, this is my task, not yours… besides, we need all the troops we can get, I’ll be fine” he says as he gets into The Obsidian Blade and takes off.
“Alright Snoke, you and your Dark Jedi wanna war, I’ll give you a damn war” he says to himself as he jumps the ship to hyperspeed to the homeworld of the most savage beasts in the galaxy… the Yusong Vong.
Varax lands the ship outside the massive walled village of the creatures as the guards block the gate “HALT, STATE YOUR BUSINESS OR DIE JEDI SCUM!!!” the soldier barks as Varax looks up. “I seek a quarry with your Chief, the galaxy needs an army” Varax says as he reveals his blade to the guard, who stares for a moment before the gate opens.
Varax was impressed by the Yuson Vong’s recovery after their fight with the Old Republic, Varax eventually reached the palace, home to the Chief of The Yusong Vong. “Oh mighty chieftain, I seek your aid in the fight against a new empire, one that threatens all alien and human life in the galaxy” he says, respectfully bowing before the warrior chief in honor.
The Chief laughs as Varax bows “You come to our home, demand our aid, and expect us to follow you? Who do you think you are?” he says 
Varax smiles as he ignites his lightsaber and unveils his hood, “I’m a peacekeeper your highness” he says with an smirk.
Chapter 27: The Warrior Tribe Of Exegol
“You are a Jedi? I thought your kind we’re extinct” the Chieftain says as he stands up from his throne. Varax gives the warrior a chuckle “The feeling’s mutual friend” he says, still holding the blade as the chief steps closer. “What are you called, Jedi?” he asks as Varax straightens his poster “Varax Koslov. Jedi Master and bounty hunter” he says, outstretching his hand for a handshake, which insights a laugh from the shake “You’re a funny little man, but we do things differently here on Exegol…” the Chief says as he signals his guards to stand down.
“My name is Lord Ku’n, I am the leader of these people, and we choose our allies not by their words…” he says as a red serpent coils around his leg and into his hand, transforming into a staff as he slams it to the ground, “But by their strength, fight me in mortal combat. If you win, you’ll have our allegiance, if you lose… you’ll become a slave” he says with a deep and menacing laugh.
Varax gives the warrior a look before chuckling to himself, “Deal” he says as the two warriors exit the throne room and prepare for a fight.
Varax wasn’t against the Yusong Vong, he understood their culture to a sense, a race of aliens who believed machines were the enemy of life and should be destroyed. And although they were essentially savage barbarians, Varax was low on both time and options. He grabbed a large broadsword with a serrated blade as he entered the coliseum. It wasn’t as big as the one at Cato Neimoidia, but for a desert world it was impressive.
Varax saw his opponent, sure he was big, but Varax was stronger.
A horn suddenly blew off as the Chief charged Varax, unleashing a flurry of attacks as Varax tried to block the blows. He countered the blows fairly well, staggering the Ku’n once or twice before pulling a fast one and disarming the warrior of his axe and tripping him, the warrior’s body echoing the arena as Varax held the blade to his throat. “Your choice K’un, surrender or die, I’m good either way” he says as the warrior gives him a snarl.
K’un looks at the Jedi, “As much as I’d like to die honorably…” he says as he gets up “I’d rather die fighting a common enemy than an ally” he adds, outstretching his hand. Varax laughs “Welcome to the Resistance Lord K’un, I’ll contact my allies and get some ships here as soon as possible” he says as he tosses the blade, K’un laughing as the two leave the arena.
Chapter 28: The Birth Of The New Eternal Alliance
Rey gets up and stretches, exiting her and Aliana’s room as she sees her girlfriend reading an old holodoc on the couch with a plate of sandwiches next to her. “Whatcha reading Alie?” she asks as Aliana looks over her shoulder and smiles. “Just some old history, the Eternal Alliance to be specific” she says as she moves over to let Rey sit, “Eternal Alliance?” she asks as she sits down “Never heard of it”. Aliana laughs a little, “Most haven’t, it was formed over a millenia ago by my ancestors to fight against Emperor Arcann and Empress Vaylin” she explains, showing Rey the insignia of the old order.
“That looks like a mix between the Imperial mark and the mark of the Jedi order” Rey says as she points to the symbol. Aliana sighs “Yeah, before Sidious and his Empire that insignia was a mark for the original Sith Empire which was formed thousands of years ago” Aliana explains. Rey smiles as she pecks her girlfriends cheek “Well if you wanna stay in here, I’m gonna walk around Leia’s Rest and see how everyone’s holding up” she says as she gets up to leave. “Okay love, if you see anything weird-” she says before Rey cuts her off “I won’t leave the compound I promise” she says with a gentle smile.
Aliana gives her a look of concern before brushing it off, “Just be careful, I don’t want you getting hurt is all” she says as she gets up “And besides, Talon said her and CD-9 were gonna swing by with the Ryloth Pirate Order, figured we should stick around to say hi and all” she says as she kisses Rey’s cheek. “Actually.. I should get out of here too, I need to keep up my ‘Sithly glow’ after all” she says with a smirk as Rey blushes up “OH MY GOD I TOLD YOU THAT IN CONFIDENCE!!!” she said as her face turned bright red. Aliana laughs a little “Besides, it���ll be like a date, kind of” she says with a smile.
“Well I guess I can’t say no now can I” Rey says flirtingly with a smirk as the two walk out and see several cruisers missing. “That’s odd, where are the Mon Cala cruisers?” she asks. Aliana gives her a shrug as they walk to the control room, General Ackbar and Rose both talking to Varax over a holographic transmission. “ How can we trust these ‘Yusong Von’ Master Varax, last time they got involved in galactic affairs-” he says before Varax cuts him off. “General Ackbar, we need allies who are willing to fight the First Order, Lord K’un and his people are willing to set aside past differences and help us” Varax explains, a large alien warrior walking next to him.
“And besides, we need all the help we can get” he says as he ends the transmission.
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miblue · 7 months
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after months of not having it. I finally got my computer fixed, which means i can finally actually finish a piece of art!!!!
@lily-orchard @mikaila-orchard
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trappedinthewalls · 24 days
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I'd like to remind everyone that Courtney has not been on Tumblr during this whole thing of Lily's blog getting nuked and people making joke accounts to clog the tag up (which has been great, by the way). She's been dealing with the aftermath of losing her mother in law, with all the emotional and financial issues that come with that. She's basically been removed from this whole thing.
I know Lily and Mikaila call everyone taking Lily to task for her hideous behavior harassment, but no one has actually been doing that. An agreed upon code of conduct in this circle is that no one is to engage with Lily directly. People just make fun of her crappy media takes and talk about her sh*tty behavior in a public forum. She's a public figure with a following; people are allowed to do that (she's certainly done the same thing to other influencers and creators). Lily is a fully grown adult capable of deciding whether or not to check the tags with her name on it. No one is sending her hate mail, at least not here. And as far as accusing people of wanting her to kill herself, that's also not happening. Lily's the one constantly telling people to drink bleach and wishing for people to get their heads bashed in with a brick.
Tumblr probably took her account down for the same reason it likely got shut down the first time: her gross incest fics.
I know people have sympathy for Mikaila for having to be married to Lily, but it's times like this that remind me she can be just as nasty as her predator of a wife.
Here's Courtney's video on the go fund me, by the way. Send support if you can.
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