#linea E
bairesbaires · 6 months
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sublecturas · 1 year
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“Fortuna”, de Hernán Diaz
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kon-igi · 2 months
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Pulire il tetto con idropulitrice™
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buscandoelparaiso · 2 months
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buongiorno al povero thomas ceccon che dorme per terra in un prato e sicuramente meglio che nella sua stanza al villaggio olimpico💀
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pensieri-di-dea · 22 days
Inizio il sabato mattina con linea blu che adoro.
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keenma · 2 months
nothing more than a personal opinion but english dub for anime series? make me cringe so damn much.
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lucevioletta · 3 months
Benvenuti in questo mondo straordinario fatto di numero dove nessuno è indispensabile ma tutti siamo utili
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omarfor-orchestra · 10 months
Re il tuo anon sul finale etc. Hai fatto un discorso giustissimo che io condivido in tutto e per tutto, parlando però di delicatezza, quanto poco delicati sono stati nell’episodio di ieri nello sminuire l’aggressione ai danni di Samuel?
Tantissimo, ed è una cosa che non sopporto così come il discorso sul filosofo tedesco e l'importanza di dimenticare per superare il dolore. Quella cosa CHIAMAVA il riprendere il discorso su come Simone si sia sentito riguardo a Jacopo, su come abbia reagito (ricordiamo che Simone ha tentato il suicidio ad aprile e siamo a settembre/ottobre, perché a quanto pare se lo sono scordato) sminuendo di fatto ogni singola cosa che quel ragazzo ha affrontato e guarda caso è proprio il ragazzo gay. Allora qual è la morale? Stai zitto, abbassa la testa, subisci, perché tanto gli altri hanno sempre più valore di te? L'aggressione omofoba è "futili motivi", il tentato suicidio non merita nemmeno una menzione, ci fosse qualcuno che gli ha chiesto come si vive sta cosa di avere Manuel ogni giorno sotto gli occhi nonostante tutti sappiano di cosa è successo. Forse l'unica cosa che hanno preso dalla serie originale è la totale mancanza di rispetto per questo personaggio, ma almeno lì era perché l'attore aveva litigato pesantemente col regista/sceneggiatore
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mchiti · 3 months
molto contenta di entrambi i nostri francesi per come hanno risposto alle domande sulle elezioni 👑
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tortademaracuya · 4 months
trenendas ganas de pegarme un re tiro sertralina te quiero mucho nunca me dejes
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ragazzoarcano · 1 year
“La linea tra il giusto e lo sbagliato è larga come il filo di una ragnatela...”
— Katie Melua
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schismusic · 9 months
On abandonment, Lou X, the eternal recurrence of the same
Browsing through the people I follow (and my followers) I can't help but notice just how many of these blogs haven't been updated in literal years. That line Diane Venora has in Michael Mann's Heat comes to mind: "you live among the remains of dead people…".
The idea of neglect and disuse is a weird thing to me, in that I never registered it as an inherently negative thing - it's melancholic, sure, but not everything needs to keep being active and productive. In unrelated news I'm listening to Lou X as we speak, go figure. For my international followers, Lou X is a rapper from Pescara who made his last full record in 1998. It is called La Realtà, la Lealtà e lo Scontro and you could call it a conscious/gangsta rap record in Italian/Abruzzese dialect. Then he basically went off the radar except for maybe one feature or two on other people's songs and albums.
If you think about it Italy's greatest contributions to the culture of the past century mostly involve objects that either don't exist, are somehow crystallized into unserviceable forms, were abandoned years ago and have reached an absolutely dismal state that could only make them interesting as a work of art. Think about it: Neorealism in cinema (and maybe even the Realists' interest in decrepit/disadvantages rural realities, but that would be an overarching nineteenth-century European thing), Ennio Flaiano's Tempo di uccidere, the last writings of Cesare Pavese ("Tutto questo fa schifo. Non parole. Un gesto. Non scriverò più": what else here but the defeated realisation that nothing could ever change?), Italo Calvino's Le città invisibili, Luigi Ghirri's landscape photography work, CCCP and CSI even.
Europe is doomed to its binary division and therefore we are of course doomed to repeat stylings and "revolutionary" aesthetics in never-ending loops: Disciplinatha were smart enough to point it out, but like Whitehouse said: "grubbing job-hunting artists and art aficionados who prefer art that 'raises questions' are certainly as disgusting as those rubbered dilettantes who recognize that the answers are what you masturbate over". Whitehouse also had this to say, in the same context: "So better to just shut your fucking mouth".
Obviously mentioning a rapper from Abruzzo has implications for those of you who know anything about me. God knows there are very few places as left to their own devices as that region of Italy, and considering my violently antihumanist views regarding the Abruzzese people I'm inclined to say that the only reason this abandon should end is just so I can no longer hear these motherfuckers bitch and moan about nobody giving a shit about them or something. It's no big deal to be fair - people think Abruzzo is further down South than Rome is because it was added into the monetary help program for the South of Italy at the end of World War II. The Abruzzese people who have voted for Matteo Salvini in the past seem to have conveniently forgotten that if it didn't mean more votes to him, they would be seen as cannon fodder at best and shit under his feet at worst.
When the Amatrice earthquake hit in 2016 we knew that would be the end of the very little good things we had managed to get back after L'Aquila in 2009: the small towns in the province, which is unreasonably fucking big in L'Aquila's case but honestly what are we going to do, make Sulmona or Avezzano their own province like assholes?, anyway I'm getting distracted - my point being everything went even further to shit when that happened. A lot of the old people, some of whom not as old as you would expect, died in consequence to the quakes or went further down into some form of (if I had to guess) trauma-induced dementia. Happens even to the best of us - then, you can imagine how easily it happens to the average Abruzzese. I was setting up another band with some kids and if we had our way, honestly, I believe there would be no NUMBERS, simply because I had found people who really got me, in the typically effortless way that teens bonding through activities do, and I do believe I got them, too. When I meet them now, and I never meet them together because one of the two guys can no longer come to town now, it feels like I'm on a completely different wavelength. Yet I refuse to let go, because in true Abruzzese fashion I never fucking learn. We did manage to get a record out, though. Its only tangible effect was, likely, to stop NUMBERS and the Operators from playing the La Zona d'Ombra festival at Bronson, in Ravenna. Here in the future, everyone has their fifteen seconds of fame.
In relating to the theme of this post, I cannot seem to let go of this fucking post. I have been writing in circles for literal hours at this point because the idea of abandonment ultimately scares me, disproving what I said at the beginning. It's no surprise that the only things I can think of when they suggest to me the idea of abandonment are Burial, Forest Swords, Techno Animal, maybe some ambient music. No point in trying to prove at all costs that "I'm different" or that "I have something fundamental to say about it".
So better to just shut my fucking mouth.
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pietroleopoldo · 10 months
Se avessi un euro per ogni volta che questa settimana ho detto "prendo (treno per Monculi/autobus/risciò/triciclo) così almeno arrivo fino a (stazione di snodo a metà strada tra me e Firenze) e poi vediamo" avrei abbastanza soldi per compensare i 90 euro mensili che spendo per vedermi cancellare i treni ogni giorno
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deathshallbenomore · 10 months
“è champagne” / “c’era bisogno di far arrivare il vino dalla francia?” / “è champagne. lo fanno in francia” migliore scambio di battute dei leoni di sicilia
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girlscarpia · 1 year
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omarfor-orchestra · 1 year
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