#linked universe first
weepingflowerbonkcop · 3 months
Here is me defending my thoughts and opinions once again. Enjoy my headcannons and feel free to use them if any likes!
Best to worse hygiene in the Chain:
1. Warriors
2. Calamity
3. Legend
4. First
5. Fierce Diety
6. Four
7. Koridai
8. Time
9. Courage
10. Sky
11. Twilight
12. Wind
13. Sage
14. Wild
15. Hyrule
Best to worse hygiene in the Chain:
Part 2
4. First
• Alright so he was kept in a dungeon and tortured for a bit so at that time bathing wasn't such a big thing for him. But once he got out and had a dip, he decided that water was the most glorious thing for Hylians to have.
• He likes to soak in a cold bath for a long while. It's therapeutic for him and it soothes the scars littering his body.
• He does search for a body of water when they make camp for the night just so that he can wash up. He doesn't care how far he has to walk to the water - he's going to have the next best thing to therapy for himself.
• I also see him going and making sure that the younger Link's take regular baths as well. He's not as bad as Legend and Time with it but he us very persistent with the subject.
• First doesn't really use too much products like Wars and Legend, but he has his own that he specifically uses with more calming scents or those of a Middle aged man like Old Spice.
• Of course he is a knight that we know, but I don't think he'd be all that with the idea of being over hygienic. The regular and simple hygiene is fine with him, taking baths regularly, washing your hands, etc.
5. Fierce Diety
• The reason why I scored him so high is because although he is a literal War God, he's not one to like the aftermath per say.
• He might not be bothered by the sight of blood and gore or it getting on himself. But I fairly believe he likes to keep himself neat and orderly - meaning he does do a thorough wash up after.
• He wouldn't like the iron smell on him from the blood and all.
• He might not bathe every single day, but he does every second or third day when he's not covered in blood. He also has a routine that he follows with how he showers/bathes. First a good shower and then a bath.
• He does keep up with hygiene like washing his hands regularly because of his title as a War God.
• He's not picky with the smell of the soap or shampoo but he does have a preference for the more earthy type smells like pine or something similar to the forest.
6. Four
• He's a smith my people, he does sweat alot and ends up smelling like he hasn't bathed in weeks. He doesn't like the smell of sweat and it makes him feel gross when it feels like the heat is making his clothes stick to him.
• He bathes everyday but he doesn't always wash his hair. He's got certain days that he deticates for doing his hair care routine. Can't argue with me, just LOOK at his silky hair.
• Not only with his occupation, his other selves (Red, Blue, Vio, Green) also have their own preferences on cleanliness. They are the main reason for Fours awareness about his hygiene.
•  Blue doesn't mind the smell of sweat as much as the other colours. But he does hate it when his face and hair get dirty/oily.
•  Red and Vio are both the clean freaks out of the colours. At first it won't bother them as much but after a good 30 minutes their both wanting nothing more than to take a nice bath and scrub the guck gone.
•  Green is the one to take action of going and washing up after he notices any dirt. He keeps his hands clean to the best of his ability even while working.
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legendofzoodles · 11 months
In a modern au, if the chain were to ever play DnD, First would be the role player. Going full on Shakespearean persona as he takes the game extremely seriously. The rest just have to put up with his antics because he’s the only one keeping their rogues at bay and the party alive. 
Dink (or Shadow) would be the Dungeon Master, constantly trying to lead the party into the most unfair and dangerous situations to hinder their progress. Or... to keep their sessions within the 2 hour limit of their Wild and Hyrule tolerance metre. 
Time sits in the corner supervising their ‘club activities’ while grading Sky’s overdue homework.
Dink: You come across a maroon coloured door that mysteriously opens and starts pulling your party into its boundary. Roll to see if you get trapped inside forever...or not. 
Sky: Why is this dungeon full of traps like that?
Wild: I wanna kickflip it.
Dink: What? It’s not even your turn-!
Wild: I want to kickflip the door.
Dink: ...Whatever, fine, you’ll need to roll high though.
Wild: [rolls nat 20]
Dink: ғғs. Alright you tear the door clean off its hinges and pull a sick kickflip.
Wild: Nice.
Hyrule: So we can continue exploring this dungeon? 
First: Come now brave adventurers, we are but 2 hours into this magical endeavour and hath barely passed the halfway point. Onward men!
Dink: [forehead to the desk] ғғs.
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luckywolfsbane · 6 months
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*Slides this across the table* (I might have added the necklace to my design of him because I adore his design in a certain comic)
I totally just have brainrot. Also... for Requiem and the fics I'm using adjacent headcanons in, I'll be calling First "Lionheart." Why? Because I like it and I can. I will be tagging this as both to make him just as visible.
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crazylittlejester · 2 months
let’s say… let’s say someone accidentally gave me an idea for a fic-
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trippygalaxy · 1 year
The Chain meeting the First Hero and getting into a heated conversation
Legend, irritated and stepping up to First: “You think you’re better than us?!”
First leans forward and into Legend’s space, unphased by him: “I was the first. I have seen EVERYTHING”
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sonicasura · 11 months
In regards to A Hero’s Stand, how would (Unknown Soldier/Starfall/Righteous Vendetta) feel if their user were a seven-or-eight-year old child? A Joestar and half-demon (long story involving an AU of mine), but still a child.
Context for anyone confused.
Protective big brother no matter the species their user is. The most protective would be Starfall considering how old Time was when he went off on his first adventure. No child deserves to have their childhood cut short or so brutally. You are most likely to see Starfall's gremlin side with a kid user than an adult.
Righteous Vendetta is the tough older brother whose only nice to his younger sibling. He may look bored hearing them ramble but First is attentively listening to every word. Any smile from him feels genuine instead of promising pain when it comes to his user. It's very rare to see such a softness as Righteous Vendetta hides the little bit he has left.
Unknown Soldier is the older brother who watches out for his little sibling even if it drifts a bit towards killjoy. Warrior is still adjusting to this new situation so any kid user has their more gremlin ideas put on hold. At least for the moment since every Link got a penchant for mischief. He does teach his little sibling cool tips or tricks whenever he can.
Overall three different flavors of older brother. Take your pick.
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sraksha · 7 months
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Ravio finally meets Fluffle
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ovegakart · 8 months
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<<Previous // next>>
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dragondawdles · 1 month
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did a piece in the LU server's gift exchange ! something of survival and reunions and smug little shadowguys
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nell0-0 · 2 months
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Based on a fic called A Wild Time at Calamity Ganon
This was a gift fic from @musical-chan about Mask ending up at the end of another hero's journey (Wild). Yeah, I'm still thinking about this fic aksgfshdn
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ryssbelle · 5 months
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Made this for the lu prompt, a joke that's a little late but nonetheless funny to me XD also the features are flipped cuz I worked on this mirrored and forgor until I was finished lmao
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legendofzoodles · 2 years
[The chain meeting Hylia’s chosen hero]
First: A pleasure to meet thee. Wherefore art thou here? Thou’dst be warriors of mine kind, no? Speaketh, for thy account is high sort after.
The Chain: [looking expectantly at Sky]
Sky: [finger guns] Incomprehensible. Have a nice day. 
Rough translation (hopefully I did this kinda right):
Nice to meet you. Why are you here? You would be Hylian warriors, right? Do speak, because I really want to know about you all. 
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siddyarts · 2 months
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Why is it that posting on anything for the first time feels so awkward? Is it just me? Probably.
Anyway, tumblr introduced me to Linked Universe and now it’s all I think about
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sweeteastart · 2 months
It's you ! :)
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Despite everything it's still you.
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Despite everything....
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it's still you...
My attempt at the Undertale template with my dear Legend ! Took the highway and decided to destroy him. It was based on a talk about how Lege and the Chain meeting his younger self would go I had with @lennsart ! All of that based on a fic idea they had and from there it went downhill for Lege.
Illustrations without the text box under the cut
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kikker-oma · 1 year
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Sky Fall
Part Two
This isn't from a fic, just a prompt I was given by @skyloftian-nutcase a while back that I finally decided to get done
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fizzfog0 · 7 months
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this is from @linkeduniverse-incorrect's quote!
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