#lion takeover
Raven Crowley Platinum Jacket Doodles + Interview
It's that time of year again! Cat and bird double birthday, wahoo :v
First comes the vignettes (this time featuring Silver~), then at the end I’ll go over the details of Miss Raven’s Platinum Jacket design. I’ll also go into some of my thoughts when picking the paintings. And once again, I was too lazy to do digital artwork for this—
Let’s be off to the Land of Dawning’s National Museum of Art now!!
Happy Birthday 100th Anniversary!
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Raven: Waaah~ This is amazing! So many works of art, each piece entrenched in rich history and lore… There’s much to spark inspiration here. It’s a writer’s dream come true!
Raven: Let’s see the next one is… Oof!
*Dull thud sfx*
Raven: ?!
???: Zzzz… ?!
Raven: Wh-Who erected this brick wall in the middle of the museum?!
???: Hm? You’re…
Raven: Eh, i-it’s Silver-senpai?
Raven: I apologize for bumping into you. I hadn’t realized you were also around to glimpse this part of the exhibit.
Silver: It’s fine. I apologize as well for obscuring your path. I should have been more vigilant of my surroundings. Instead, I dozed off while standing up.
Raven: What is it that you were looking at before you lost yourself? I was meaning to get a glimpse of it.
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Raven, smiling: It’s the famous hornbill from Sunset Savanna!
Silver: You’re familiar with him?
Raven: Of course I am. I’ve looked up to him for a long time. He’s an exemplary avian!
Raven: He served as an advisor, chamberlain, and even chaperone to the royal family, including the King of Beasts himself. There were several attempts to usurp the throne, and it is said that the hornbill remained dedicated to the King of Beasts through each of those fierce struggles. Quite the resume on him.
Silver: Yes, he is very influential and accomplished. Malleus-sama has an entourage of nobles in the capital city who serve a similar role as the hornbill.
Raven: Insider knowledge on the ins and outs of court life… I envy you. I’d love to be a fly on the wall and absorb all that intrigue.
Silver: Actually, I’ve never actually been in that that environment myself.
Raven: You haven’t? That’s a surprise. I’d imagine you would have to be physically by your liege to protect him.
Silver: I’ve spoken at length with my father about this, but he is stubborn. He says the capital city is no place for me.
Silver: “It will take your light, chew it well, and swallow it up.” He never explained more than that.
Raven: Hehe, it sounds like your father really cares about you.
Silver: He does. I just wish he would let me do more for Malleus-sama and for him.
Raven, more serious: I understand your frustration. When you feel like you’re ready for more, but the world denies you of it… It leaves a tight feeling in your chest.
Silver: Like shortness of breath when you’re in an intense workout?
Raven: Er, sure. Let’s go with that.
Raven: There’s also a kernel of truth to what your father said. The world of bureaucracy and politics isn’t for everyone, even if one is only present as an observer.
Raven: Lies, flattery, personal gain, manipulation, deals, backstabbing and double crossing. Such things are commonplace when policy and governance are involved—at least, that’s what I gather from my writing research.
Raven: It can be so oppressive and isolating. One has to steel their wills for these things. It must have been difficult to do, even for the hornbill.
Raven: I think your father wanted to protect your eyes from clouding over from the darkness of that world. He probably still does.
Silver: !!
Raven: Wanting to protect the people you hold dear is a natural instinct, just as wanting to grow up fast and fill in that role as the protector is.
Raven: One day, you’ll be ready to leave the nest and be a part of that world. And when you are, your father will see you off with a smile and tears in his eyes.
Silver: … Yes, one day.
Silver, closing his eyes: …
Silver, opening them: Raven, I’m sure your guardian, the headmaster, feels the same way about you.
Raven, to herself: (Is this Silver-senpai’s way of returning the advice…?)
Raven, to herself: (Thinking about it though, Uncle is more of the type to chuck someone out of the pan and into the fire than to keep them from the stove altogether. Ah, but Silver-senpai is staring at me with such hopeful, expectant eyes. I-It’s fine to play a little into it, surely?)
Raven: A-Ahahaha… Yup, that sounds like Uncle alright…
Raven, to herself: (LIKE HELL IT IS!!)
Silver: You refer to him as “Uncle”, so is the headmaster related to your parents?
Raven: Oh, no. We are not related by blood. “Uncle” is a term of endearment. It would be more accurate to say that he is my guardian, not father or uncle. Still, I recognize him as a father all the same.
Silver: I see. I apologize for my misunderstanding. So you are also adopted…
Silver, smiling: It sounds like we’re kindred spirits.
Raven: Eh, are we…?
Raven, to herself: (WE’RE NOTHING ALIKE THOUGH?!)
Silver: Yes. I also know you are a kind and hardworking person, just like the headmaster.
Raven: (How is it that the longer he talks, the more strays from the truth?!)
Silver: So I think… one day, you’ll be just as revered as the hornbill advisor you look up to, or the advisors in Briar Valley’s court. I believe in you, so please believe in yourself.
Raven: O-Of course I will.
Raven: (How can I say I don’t believe you when you’re looking at me like a baby deer?!)
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Raven: I’ve never seen creatures like this before. They’re depicted with the Lord of the Underworld, so I assume they must be his servants.
Silver. They are his retainers.
Raven: Oh, that makes sense. You put two and two together so fast. I guess it must be that retainers recognize other retainers.
Raven: I had trouble coming to that conclusion. When I think of a retainer, a very different image comes to mind.
Raven: Someone tall, muscular, and intimidating! With a mean glare! One look at them kicks your body into fight or flight mode! … Something like that.
Raven: In other words… JUST LIKE SEBEK-SAN!
Silver: …? Is Sebek like that? I know he can look scary, but really he’s a good person.
Silver: But in any case, he is also good at what he does.
Silver: There are other kinds of security personnel too. Ones that serve more covert roles.
Raven, eyes sparkling: Like spies and assassins?! They specialize in sneaking around and collecting information or getting kills in quietly.
Silver: Those are some. You’re surprisingly knowledgeable on this matter.
Raven: I-It’s something I’m interested in. Intelligence and the element of surprise, if wielded correctly, can be their own weapon.
Raven: Hmm… Unfortunately, these two do not strike me as spies or assassins either. They look more like children’s mascots—but I know that looks can be deceiving.
Silver: You’d be right. They say the Lord of the Underworld’s retainers had the ability to change their forms at will. They used that power to make quick work of those who posed threats to his rule.
Raven: Change their forms at will! Such a thing would be highly regulated these days.
Raven: For fair reason, I suppose. It would be easy for anyone to deceive and to commit fraud if they could borrow others’ faces on a whim.
Silver: Do you really think people do that, just going around pretending to be someone else and spreading lies?
Silver: The Lord of the Underworld’s retainers only ever used that power to enact justice and to right wrongs.
Raven, to herself: (S-So pure!!)
Raven: Wh-Who knows? That magic has also been used to do a lot of good.
Raven: Merpeople are able to vacation, work, and study on land thanks to the transformation potions the government distributes. It’s a wonderful system.
Raven: And Jack-san has a unique magic that lets him transform into a wolf. He used it to stop a scuffle at shortly before the interdorm tournament.
Raven: So I think it depends a lot on individual intention.
Silver: I remember that. I appreciate his help with that.
Silver: Raven, you can shapeshift into an animal too, can't you?
Raven: Well, yes. I was originally a real raven, after all. Right now I am a "human" girl though.
Silver: Do you ever have times when you return to your original form?
Raven: I don't do it often. I've found it's not as suitable for my current environment at school.
Raven, sighing: Sadly, it happens involuntarily when I'm experiencing periods of high stress. It becomes bothersome at times.
Silver: That sounds difficult.
Raven: You wouldn’t believe!! S-Some of the students are quite crude and make a game of provoking me and seeing who can make me turn the fastest.
Raven: And then when I turn around and scold them for their poor attitudes, they mock me and tell me to ‘fly away and go cry to uncle’!
Raven, angry: What nerve!! I swear to the Seven, I can’t have a moment’s rest around here!
Raven, under her breath: I may just peck at them one of these days to punish them for their behavior…!
Silver: That’s not nice of them.
Silver: If you ever shift and you need help, come to me. I can speak with the students who were rude to you. You can also rest at Diasomnia until you feel better. I’ll do whatever I can to keep you safe.
Raven, panicked: You’ll do WHAT?!
Silver: …? Keep you safe, you mean?
Raven: D-Do you even realize what you’re saying, Silver-senpai?! (H-He’s sounding like a knight directly lifted from a fairy tale!!)
Silver: Don’t worry. I know many wild birds on campus. I can ask them for advice on how to best care for a raven.
Raven: S-Stop talking! Just please STOP TALKING!!
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Silver: There is another bird here.
Raven: This one is the parrot belonging to the Sorcerer of the Sands. It's a scarlet macaw, a bird that is skilled in the art of imitating human speech. A highly intelligent being worthy of being the familiar to one of the Great Seven!
Silver: I didn’t know there were so many kinds of birds. Each of them so different than the last.
Raven: The variety among birds is also seen in humans, beastmen, merpeople, and fae. I was very surprised by the revelation when I first came to Night Raven College.
Raven: Truly, this is a place that brings together people from all walks of life. I don’t regret coming here. There’s something new and interesting to see every day.
Raven: … For better or for worse.
Silver: What do you mean?
Raven: When a flock grows, aggression happens. It’s true of both birds and of us.
Raven: There doesn’t seem to be a day that passes where a fight doesn’t break out or someone has to step in to diffuse rising tensions.
Raven: One bird—one person—is manageable. 800? Not so much.
Silver, thoughtfully: I wonder what it would take to help everyone get along better. What do birds do to repair relations after a fight?
Raven: They don’t.
Silver: … They don’t?
Raven: They keep fighting until one gives up and leaves the other alone. Then the victor claims whatever it was they were fighting for—food, nests, territory, a mate.
Raven: But obviously, that doesn’t work for us. The school would never sponsor battles outside of what is necessary for classes.
Silver: That’s…
Silver: … a great idea!
Raven: It is?!?!
Silver: There’s no better way to bond than through training and trading blows. Sebek and I have formed a strong friendship thanks to our own experiences.
Raven: Er, I’m glad that worked for you and Sebek-san but don’t know if that’s such a good idea for everyone to follow…!!
Silver: We can talk to Vargas-sensei about implementing a new P.E. event with a focus on combat. Maybe it could be tournament style with lots of activities. Sprinting, biking, swimming, jousting—
Raven: JOUSTING? In this day and age?!
Silver: Or make it a big game like Beans Day. Would it work better as a new course? That way, it’s longer. Even a club. A Fight Club.
Raven, looking tired: (I forgot how big of a musclehead Silver-senpai is!!)
Raven: How did you even come to this conclusion based on birds fighting for limited resources in the wild…
Raven: Your mind works in mysterious ways.
Silver: Please consider my proposal. I think it would be a golden opportunity to unite everyone.
Raven: Sure, I’ll pass along the idea to the headmaster… (No way, not happening!!)
Raven: In any case, I’m off to see the rest of the exhibit. I’ll see you later.
Silver: Yes, see you then. Take care.
*Walking sfx*
Raven: Let’s see what else the museum has to offer 🎵
Raven: …!
Raven: This is…
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Raven: Oh, how interesting. This painting is stylized to resemble a stained glass window.
Raven: According to a placard, this is meant to depict the moment when a beggar woman revealed herself to be the almighty Enchantress. Seeing that there was no love in a selfish prince’s heart, she cursed him to become a beast most frightening.
Raven: An enchantress and a curse, hmm?
Raven: …
Raven, turning away from the painting and leaning against it: … Hah.
Raven: I hope he eventually made peace and found his happily ever after.
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More about her Platinum Jacket design + author’s notes on writing the vignettes!
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Here is a more detailed look at Raven’s design and full body pose for the initial Platinum Jacket artwork! Her top and shoes are basically the same as any other student's Platinum Jacket; the devil is in the details!
Starting with her hat, it's inspired by a combination of elements from Minnie Mouse. The general shape is borrowed from an old design of Minnie, which features a daisy sticking out of it. Including a flower might have looked out of place here, so I substituted tails with pearl-like beading. The big bow is inspired by a modern design. You'll also notice that Miss Raven's skirt sort of flares out like Minnie's. I figured if there was any design to pull inspiration from Minnie, it should be the one celebrating Disney's centennial.
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ashdbudbpfqb I'll be honest, I hate the design of the neckties they went with so I changed Raven's to a cravat. Her sash is a style unique to her and it closely resembles the look of the sashes from the Birthday Boy series of cards. It's secured at her waist by another big bow.
Instead of pants, Miss Raven has some greyish stockings. She tends to prefer skirts and dresses to pants since she's used to her legs being "bare" in her old life as a bird. I think the most unique part of this look is her skirt. In addition to having the shape resemble Minnie's, the skirt is also supposed to resemble a cake with frosting "drapes". The dots along the skirt are meant to look like sugar pearls. You know, because you'd usually have cake for a celebration!
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Now let's talk about the Disney images I picked for the card + vignettes www
I chose Silver to be the "interviewer" this year. (It may or may not be because of my recent fondness for the guy/j) Their dynamic is ironic because usually Miss Raven is the "good" person (9 times out of 10 she is dealing with someone way "worse" than her)... but in the presence of the shining beacon that is Silver, she suddenly seems like the snarky and sarcastic one by comparison. They're such a strange mix of grounded and yet also sort of spaced out. I feel like they're totally missing what the other person is saying every other exchange.
At first, I had no idea what to really include for Raven's initial card art frames. I was just going to leave them empty so you could project whatever you wanted onto them, but ultimately I slapped Diablo and the Evil Queen's bird onto there (because I found funny images) and called it a day. Diablo looks like he's about to steal some cupcakes, and the Evil Queen's raven/crow looks hilariously terrified of an apple.
For the vignettes, I chose two bird characters (Iago and Zazu) because I felt Raven could have some insight on them. Pain and Panic were also included because I felt like they needed more attention 🤣 Besides, I can't make ALL of the paintings Just Birds... I tried to stick with movies featuring the Great Seven, but decided to be unconventional for the Groovy artwork. The painting you see there is, in fact, from the opening to Beauty and the Beast. I thought it was very fitting for Miss Raven to see it, given her own background. Like the light trio, she has a unique expression as opposed to the rest of the cast (who look devious in their Groovies). Her look is more resigned and a little bit sad. Sketching her Groovy made me really appreciate just how much work must have gone into each of the official Platinum Jackey Groovies... Those angles and perspectives are so complicated!!
Anyways~ Another year, another Miss Raven birthday done and over with...! Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed!
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Some of my Lisanna Fan Takeovers I came up with! I commissioned all this art! Click for better quality
Ox & Bumblebee done by @lordichamo
Lioness done by @revlischarm
Moth done by @phoenix-before-the-flame
Lynx done by @zai-doodles
Ox Lisanna stands at 8ft tall and wields a labrys. This form gives her super strength as well
Bee Lisanna is at her natural height, plus her antenna. She can fly and uses a stinger-lance in this form
Lion Lisanna was unlocked after a unison raid with Lucy, which is why she also resembles Lucy’s star dress in this form. She can channel regulus in this form, but she also has claws and enhanced speed and strength.
Moth Lisanna can fly and she can use her wings for a bit of camouflage.
Lynx Lisanna has claws and enhanced speed in this form.
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iclout · 3 months
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groovetrill · 3 months
Something magic happens
When we look in each other's eyes, oh, baby
Something magic happens
I don't wanna ever, I don't wanna ever let it go
Something magic happens
When we look in each other's eyes, oh, baby
Something magic happens
I don't wanna ever, I don't wanna ever let it go
Everyday I'm feelin' the beat
And I just can't wait for the heat of
The moment when the time is right
Our love is burning bright like a firе
Every night we're still on our feet
So comе in close and feel the heat of
The love that's deep inside
I've been waiting for this all of my life
Something magic happens
When we look in each other's eyes, oh, baby
Something magic happens
I don't wanna ever, I don't wanna ever let it go
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jgroffdaily · 2 months
A few things we learned about Jonathan during the promotion of ‘Merrily We Roll Along’:
1. He’s in therapy. He told Daniel Radcliffe and Lindsay Mendez during a Tonys Instagram takeover that he had therapy that morning, and was feeling “very processed”. Video below.
2. In the ‘Out’ Magazine interview Jonathan said he wants to buy the first bar where Barbra Streisand reportedly first sang publicly, which is now an occupied restaurant.
The actor wants to one day buy a Village restaurant called & Son Steakeasy, which used to be the site of the Lion, a gay bar where Streisand first sang publicly during a singing contest (according to a plaque there, at least). His goal is “turning it back into a gay bar and calling it BARbra.” A neon “BARbra” sign even hangs in his Merrily dressing room as a reminder of this dream.
3. In the same interview, he says he's happy to remain single or be in a relationship:
“I’ve been single now for a couple of years and I’m feeling…ready and open for anything. If that’s continuing with that, if that’s a relationship, I’m cool with that.”
4. At the Out Magazine Pride Cover Party he said:
“I’m single. I’m feeling full of pride. And PrEP.”
Bonus quote from the Buzzfeed puppies interview:
"I’m clearly the single one of the three of because the puppies know. I need love.”
5. In the New Yorker interview, he discussed moving to New York at 19:
The first month that I was here, feeling so lost and confused, I pulled the Bible that my Mennonite grandmother gave me off the bookshelf. She gave me that Bible before I left town. I was alone in the apartment thinking, What the fuck am I doing in New York? Or not even “what the fuck”—I didn’t swear until “Spring Awakening,” and when I would sing “Totally Fucked” I would get beet red. And I remember putting the Bible down and thinking, This is not the answer. This is not making me feel good. And then running to Central Park and standing in front of the Bethesda Fountain. I was nineteen, and I was, like, This feels better—but, like, What? Who am I? What am I doing here? I know I want to act, but I’m so scared. And gay. But it was something—some voice, some passion, some inspiration. Some something brought me here.
6. He's very competitive: asked how ambitious he was on a scale from 1 to 10 he says a 10 (to Broadwaycom at the Tonys junket).
7. He says he's “not really a dog person” in the Buzzfeed interview.
8. He talked more about his relationship with Gavin Creel in interviews with Out and Interview than he has previously, including this quote to Interview:
GROFF: I froze. I hadn’t even thought about coming out as a public person. She [interviewer] was like, “Oh my god, never mind. I’m so sorry.” And then she moved along. And I really remember this moment of looking over to the right and seeing Gavin. He had also just recently come out a year or two before, and seeing him with a bullhorn corralling the people, god, I was so in love with him. I was like, “Oh my god, I am coming out. I’m coming out. I’m coming out.” So I went back over to her and I was like, “Hi, please excuse my hesitation, I’m gay.” And that was how I came out publicly at the March on Washington for Marriage Equality.
9. His 30th birthday alone was a happy birthday (in the New Yorker):
I remember it vividly. We were at the Public Theatre. There was a fire in the East Village, and the show was cancelled that night. I got a cupcake at the deli around the corner from my apartment, on Sixteenth Street, and ate it by myself. I can be a bit of a loner, so that was a happy birthday for me.
10. He said in the Buzzfeed interview the best present he has received from a fan was a signature of King George III, and he hung it in his apartment.
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torveiglyart · 2 months
Okay so remember my Voltron Lion Takeover post? Yeah, I lied. I brought my ipad with me and since we only had one parks day, I had a LOT of time to just chill in the hotel room, meaning drawing time. So I ended up drawing the burn marks anyways. I imagine the whole fiasco going something like this:
Lance woke up to the blue walls of the pod, blurry vision, and an ache throughout his body. He collapsed forward into Hunk’s waiting arms, knees weak. There were cries of surprise, concern, and reprimand around him, but Lance heard none of it, instead focused on the arms supporting him and the itchy feeling that was starting to spread up his arms and legs. Once he had cleared his head and vision, he gave Hunk a pointed look, hoping his best friend would get the message and shut everyone up.
“Um, guys, I think Lance would like some food and quiet before we bombard him with questions.”
The commotion died at Hunk’s announcement. Carefully, Hunk and Allura led Lance to the dining hall, setting a bowl of food goo at his place. Lance ate in silence while Hunk and Allura chatted quietly next to him, catching him up to speed on what had happened while he was in the pod. The itching had since gone away by the time Lance had finished his food. Lance was about to go change into his regular clothes from the pod suit when Allura called to him.
“Lance, before you go change, there is something you should be aware of.”
Lance paused and turned back around to Allura with a questioning look, waiting for her to continue.
“Whatever happened back there, it left some… permanent scarring. I know not how they came to be but Pidge, Coran, and I are looking into it.”
With a hesitant nod and a frown, Lance went to his room. Peeling off the pod suit, he gasped at the patterns now etched into his skin. Geometric veins and circled ends filled his arms, legs, and torso, reaching all the way to his neck and ending at his nape hairline. They were everywhere. And permanent.
Tracing the lines with his hand, Lance could feel himself tearing up. It was one thing to be mentally changed from a war away from home, but to have such a large reminder burned onto his skin? To be altered in such a big way? It stung more than any homesickness ever would. At least he hadn’t lost a limb like Shiro had. Lance doesn’t think he’d be able to handle losing an arm or leg, losing a piece of himself like that. Looking into his bathroom mirror, he breathed out in relief at finding no marks on his face. That would have been a real heartbreaker.
With a heavy sigh, Lance shrugged on his usual attire and headed back to the bridge for a full rundown of what happened, and to maybe share his side of the mission report. The others were already there awaiting his arrival. Upon seeing Lance, Pidge hopped up and ran over, tackling him in a hug then slapping his shoulder.
“You idiot! What the quiznak were you thinking? Taking on a Galra commander alone? With your broadsword? Were you trying to die?”
Lance put his hands on her shoulders, looking her in the eye. “I wasn’t trying to die, Pidge. I was trying to protect Allura. She was down and I was stuck with close-range fighting. I’m sorry I scared you all, but I won’t apologize for what I did. Which, by the way, what exactly happened? One minute I’m fighting the dual sworded guy, the next I’m waking up in a pod. And what’s up with the scars?”
There was a silence amongst the group before Allura spoke up.
“While I was down for a while, I was awake when you brought me back to the castle in Red. You… you did not look entirely yourself. You had this red and blue cast to your hair, with solid yellow eyes and fangs. It was strange. And your armor, well, you can see for yourself.”
Pidge butted in at Allura’s pause. “When I found the surveillance video, per Coran’s request, your armor was solid black with star-like dots in the coloured sections. And you were fighting strangely. Like, been a solider for 20 plus years strange. And your bayard…”
There were nervous glances passed between the crew, all avoiding Lance’s gaze. It was irritating.
“And what about my bayard?”
There was an awkward pause before Shiro broke it.
“You were switching bayard forms with a fluency none of us have ever seen, as well as using forms you’ve never had, including our forms.”
Oh, so it was way more than just some weird scarring. Lance had done the impossible, and woke up with no memory of it. Not to mention the eye thing sounded like possession. The security feed must have freaked them out quite a bit. Lance could only hope Lotor was kept out of this.
"Does Lotor know?"
Allura spoke immediately. "No. We decided to keep him out of the know for this. While we trust him not to do anything currently with the information, we do not trust that he may use it if he betrays us."
That put Lance at a little more ease. At least prince L'oréal didn't know of his sudden mastery of being a paladin. But there were still questions to be answered.
"What forms did my bayard take?"
Hunk decided to answer this time.
"You had your regular blaster, your sniper rifle, broadsword, our bayard forms like Pidge's katar and Allura's whip, and completely new forms. Dual pistols, dual smaller swords, a lance, and a shield. It was really weird, but impressive."
That was far too many bayard forms for Lance. He was the weak link, a seventh wheel, not a proficient fighter like Zarkon, who could use multiple bayard forms. So why had he? He would have to look at the footage later, as he still needed to know about the scars.
"And the burns? Any working theory on those?"
Shiro looked alarmed at Lance's words, opening his mouth to say something before Allura cut in.
"Pidge claims they are like lichtenberg scars, but their shape and flow remind me of quintessence veins, both of which should be impossible given the footage we have. You were not struck by electricity again, and you would have to have been overflowed with quintessence for those veins to appear. It is quite a concerning conundrum."
With a gasp of surprise, Pidge turned to Allura.
"What do you mean /struck by electricity again/?!"
Shiro nodded at Pidge's question. Coran looked horrified. Hunk kept looking between Allura and Lance for an explanation. Lance decided this wasn't needed right now.
"I was hit at the Omega Shield and Allura healed me. All good now. Can I see the footage? I want to see what happened for myself."
I went wayyyy further with that than intended and wow I really hate how nonchalant everyone was with Lance's death but ANYWAYS here you guys go. What happens when you get possessed by a lion of Voltron? You get an overdose of quintessence and trauma. Hooray!
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Honest question, how is what Orys Baratheon did (claim a house and words changing the name) allowed? I guess that since it was a conquest nobody would question it, but yes
Allowed? It happened. Aegon, the king, approved of it. Where else does the law come from?
"From the people!" some might say, and indeed in a feudal society the ruler only remains ruling through the support of his lords. Evidently the lords of the Stormlands accepted Argilac's defeat by Orys as well as his and Argella's marriage, since we never hear anything about "overmighty vassals" in the Stormlands complaining afterwards (unlike in the Reach with the Tyrells or in the Riverlands with the Tullys). Acceptance = "allowed" as well.
And in main ASOIAF, we can look to the Darrys, whose male line died out in the War of the Five Kings, and Lancel Lannister married Amerei Frey, whose mother is a Darry. So we have House Lannister of Darry, whose sigil quarters the Darry plowman and the lion of Lannister. Again, perfectly "allowed", with the king's approval and the vassals not complaining (much). Mind you, since Lancel's annulling his marriage, this situation may change, so we may see a plum/plowman or boar/plowman sigil in the future. There's also the example of Tyrek Lannister and Ermesande Hayford; the fact that Tyrek is missing and Ermesande is a baby is probably the only reason we didn't get a "Lannister of Hayford" situation. Ditto Sansa's disappearance (and Tyrion's arrest) re Tywin's "Lannister of Winterfell" plans. And Genna Lannister is hoping that Roslin has a girl for her grandson Tywin Frey to marry, to cement the House Frey of Riverrun situation amongst their new vassals-- would that include a quartered sigil, castles and trout? Perhaps, though in the end it's unlikely to happen considering the Second Red Wedding and all.
And there's other examples where marriages and sigils takeovers must have been a thing in the past. Whether quartered or fully... Joffrey Lydden changed his name to Lannister when he married the Lannister king's only daughter, but presumably because this was not a conquest but arranged while Gerold III was alive. And as for Lannisters themselves, the Casterlys had a lion sigil before them, along with the Rock. Was it red-and-gold, did they also use "Hear Me Roar"? That we don't know.
But suffice it to say, Orys Baratheon's taking on the Durrandon sigil and words was meant to honor Argilac's valor. To promote the continuity of rule, to tell the people of the Stormlands that their noble traditions would not end with a new lord and new name. And that's all there is to it, really.
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stxrvel · 11 months
hate is a strong word pt. 3
summary: after a few bumps, you and Bucky finally have that long-awaited conversation.
pairing: bucky barnes x f!reader
words: +5k
warnings: bad words, mentions of kidnapping and trauma surrounding it, reader is still stubborn when it comes to ther safety, mention of thoughts regarding death or possible death, reader tries to play it cool in front of everyone but she has a big trauma inside, reader is finally taking her time to understand things, bucky barnes?
note: this took me a while but still i hope you guys like this! this is the final part for this mini series and it didn't end up being as long as i thought but im still really satisfied. just know that feedback is always appreciated and i love reading your comments! see you next time <3
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Things had become tense at the Complex. Not because of you, or Bucky. Black Lightning was attacking all of the Avengers' blind spots and was leaving them defenseless on the battlefield. It might seem like a joke that a single person with the power of lightning could defeat the planet's greatest defenders, but they couldn't underestimate a person with pain, a purpose and nothing to lose.
You had not been cleared to return to the field, yet Fury entrusted you with a special mission.
Find the infiltrator.
It was no surprise to anyone that lately it seemed Black Lightning was always three steps ahead of all your plans, any ambush or surprise takeover would be reversed and they would end up back at the starting point. Fury, very thoroughly, gave you a list of possible suspects that you were to intercept any communications from. Even though you couldn't go out in the field, you had a job that was almost as important, so you did it with great zeal.
But it was already ten days away. And, although the director didn't ask you to, you also kept an eye on the activity of the team members against Black Lightning, trying to spot any suspicious behavior through the cameras.
That's how you came to be in front of his desk, asking him to let you chase a man who went out every day at the same time and always came back two hours later, without fail. It would be too complicated for him to accept, for the same reason you weren't going on field missions yet, but you had to try. Besides, who else would he send if no one else on the team knew about it? He had to trust you.
He had to, and yet…
“No fucking way,” the director shook his head, taking with the air your precious opportunity to provide the team with a way out.
“This might be the only chance we have to get the upper hand on her,” you scowled at him, indignation bubbling in your chest.
“I'm not going to send you into the lion's den one more time,” his determined look left you speechless for a few seconds. It seemed you weren't the only one who kept thinking back to that ambush a few weeks ago.
Maybe the fear of being close to Black Lightning once again should be stronger than the desire to defeat her, but knowing the stakes gave you a little more courage to confront her. Still, you had to tense your jaw discreetly to keep Fury from noticing the fear that wanted to creep into your eyes. The very thought sent shivers down your spine, but… if not you, then who? If not now, when?
“In the position we're in, do you think that's what we should be focusing on now?”
The words burned in your throat, but you fought hard to keep your expression composed and furious. The fear in your chest was clashing with the discomfort of your rationality and you felt dizzy.
Fury shook his head once more.
“It's too risky a possibility, what are you supposed to do if she finds you?”
“I'm going to stay away from them. I don't need to hear what they talk about, just watch them together.”
The man wasn't going to budge, you knew that. Maybe, after all, you were just there to follow the regular conduit. So that, afterwards, you wouldn't have anyone wondering why you did it. You gave him the chance to go along with you on this, to be with you, because he had to know that a simple "no" couldn't stop you, and he wouldn't take it.
“There's no way she doesn't realize you're around her.”
“She doesn't carry a thermos sensor on her, Fury. And now we know she knows all our plans in advance because someone tells her, not because she has super mental powers or telekinesis.”
“I can't let you do that, Y/N.”
“And what were you planning to do with this information? If you're not going to send me and no one else on the team knows.”
Fury didn't respond.
There was nothing more you could say to him. If he didn't want to take that chance, then you would. It was a stupid, crazy, risky plan, probably the most dangerous you'd ever come up with, but it was also a great chance to get something when you'd only spent days losing.
You met Natasha when you arrived at the Complex common room. Bucky was there. You hadn't seen him since that last conversation you had in the intelligence room.
“How did it go?”
Natasha was the only one who half knew what you were planning, only because you couldn't contain the full truth to yourself without believing you were going to explode. A couple of days ago you had told her that you were going to ask Fury to let you go back to field missions, because it had been over a month. You left out some details, important and unnecessary details, but that was essentially what it was all about.
“Maybe it's for the best,” Natasha commented after pouting her lips. “It's still very fresh.”
“You guys are more traumatized by that incident than I am.”
“You could have died,” Natasha frowned at your words, looking at you as if she couldn't believe you would take so much credit for what happened. It looked like you had committed a crime.
“But I didn't die. And everyone treats me like I did,” you returned the gesture, crossing your arms over your chest.
“Don't blame us for worrying about you,” Natasha tried to move closer, raising her hand to put it on your shoulder, but you pulled away sharply with an annoyed expression. You didn't miss the flash of confusion that passed over her face.
“I've always done these missions, Natasha, what's different now?”
“That she almost killed you and you haven't given yourself time to process that like you should,” Natasha had always cared about your well being and having conversations like this from time to time wasn't that strange to you, but on this occasion it really had been too long and you hated that they think you were incapable of moving on with your life because of something that happened over a month ago that was no different than something that might have happened to you before.
“I risk my life on every mission, just like everyone else.”
“Don't downplay the importance of that. Worry more about your life.”
“Are you pulling a Bucky Barnes on me right now?”
Natasha let out an exasperated sigh. You watched as she run one of her hands through her reddish hair. You sure looked like you were going to explode, you felt your skin boiling.
Maybe you were having an overreaction, but who was determining that limit? There was no one in that Complex who knew you better than yourself. You hated to think that Fury had more reasons for not letting you back into the field, like you weren't as strong as the others with incredible powers and abilities. It was ridiculous.
And Natasha was saying ridiculous things too… but she cared anyway. You couldn't condemn her for that.
The big sigh you let out caught her attention.
“I'm sorry,” you told her, your voice a little more muffled and lower than before.
“I'm sorry too,” Natasha shook her head when she saw you were about to protest and took the floor again, “Sometimes I forget that you're one of the strongest and bravest members on the team. No one goes through everything you went through and still lives with strength like that.”
Did she just read your mind?
“Keep trying,” Natasha patted your arm. “With Fury, I mean. Maybe tomorrow you'll have better luck.”
You couldn't wait for tomorrow. He'd refuse again, that was for sure.
Natasha gave you a tight-lipped smile and you could barely return the gesture. You wanted to drag her back to your side to tell her what you really wanted to do, but you couldn't, nothing assured you that she would react differently to Fury, or worse, try to join you. Natasha was someone who would give her life to protect the team, but you were no slouch.
Besides, this was your kind of mission. Fury gave it to you because he knew you were the only one who would know how to handle it, even if he didn't want to accept it or want to let you execute it. Maybe only one person could come, but… No. You didn't have time to think about that.
You had to do it. And it had to be that night. You couldn't stand one more meeting with the team with no new news, having to endure their thinly disguised looks of disappointment. That was it, it was disappointing to not be able to get breakthroughs and keep losing at every attempt. Here was the opportunity and it could go very well or very badly. There was only one way to find out.
You had already learned the path by heart. It was the tenth day since you all had gone into crisis so you had time to draw lines on your mental map. Natasha, Sam and Tony had left the Complex and the rest of the remaining team were probably asleep or something. The point was that the coast was clear.
The person you were to follow would be leaving in fifteen minutes and that was your time to get ahead of them. You took one of the motorcycles from the parking lot and started your way to where the meeting point would be. You would leave the motorcycle at a great distance and walk the rest of the way in silence.
You were sure it was a good plan.
It had to be.
Several minutes passed when, in that building in front of the abandoned chapel, you saw the man with the glasses enter after looking both sides of the street. You were thankful that the shadows and darkness played in your favor that time. You tiptoed up to the chapel door after a few seconds. It was made of very old wood, old enough that the cracks inside it were large enough to get a good view of the inside of the building.
There, in the middle of the night and the shadows, you saw her. Once again you were close to her. And in front of her was that mysterious man who seemed to be the infiltrator in the team. You felt sorry for that poor devil.
That is until you felt movements around you and, just when it seemed that Black Lightning's head was turning in your direction, a pair of arms wrapped around you and pulled you away at incredible speed from the wooden door.
It had all happened so fast that you didn't even react until that person pulled you both into the building next to the chapel. There, hidden, it didn't even occur to you to raise your voice. You could see out of the corner of your eye through the window on your left side that Black Lightning came out of the chapel roughly, her head moving in every possible direction, surely looking for the source of the sense of surveillance she must have had.
You watched her until the person behind you gave you a tug in the opposite direction and you could do nothing but frown at him.
It was amazing how you could recognize him even without hearing or seeing him. It was as if your unconscious knew Bucky Barnes in essence.
Neither of you moved until you stopped hearing the voices a short distance away and until Black Lightning's distinctive whirring sound echoed as she flew off.
Your chest rose in sync with your accelerated breathing, increasing as the seconds passed in silence.
You had an internal dilemma thinking that night could have possibly ended very badly.
“You know what, I know how you get away with those crazy plans you always have,” you heard his voice low against your ear, his breath moving the unbound strands of your hair and sending electric currents throughout your body. “You've got all the fucking luck in the world on your side.”
His arms finally pulled away from your body. The hand covering your mouth left a cold trace on its path away from you. Everything seemed to move a little slower.
“Are you okay?”
Bucky grabbed your shoulders to turn you around. His chest was the first thing you saw, your head tilted slightly to the ground in a kind of shock. It was the adrenaline of the moment clearly, the possibility that she had found you and you hadn't returned that night to the Complex, the endless situations of suffering you could have gone through far away, no one knowing where you were or how to find you, all falling at once on top of your head.
You had been so close to death before on several occasions, but the feeling never became less tolerable. Sometimes it was easier to process it, with too much outside stimuli allowing you to escape the density of the situation. But at that moment, as at some others, the feeling of fear was overwhelming. Maybe you could walk over it, as you planned to do, but it would be whispering behind your ear at every turn, furrowing through your nerves and your bones as if it was born for that sole purpose.
Bucky moved you at some point, as you kept thinking about how you should process that not-so-close-to-death experience. Fury was quite right not to have allowed you to do this in the first place and you hated to think that maybe you should have listened to him. But you really hadn't counted on seeing her again to paralyze you so much. The idea hadn't scared you as much as it did at that moment.
Suddenly you were in a car that was parked in front of the Complex and it made you wonder how the hell Bucky had gotten to that place that no one knew about, when you had never told anyone where you were going.
You had probably fallen asleep because the next thing you knew you were in your room in complete silence with Bucky sitting on the edge of your bed. You barely looked at him not knowing what to say. How had you moved so fast? Did you really get so deep in your thoughts?
Well, enough was enough. Nothing had happened. You were fine. Just your luck. You didn't have to face Black Lightning again with the lowest chance of winning. Bucky had gotten you out of there. You were fine.
“How did you know where I was?”
“You took my bike,” Bucky shook his shoulders slightly, his serious face scanning yours for some kind of clue. “I got an alarm on my cell phone and when I saw that it had been you... I don't know, something told me you were going to do something stupid.”
Bucky rested his hands on the mattress and your eyes followed the movement as if it was the only thing you could see, the only thing you could focus on. Maybe you did, you didn't want to see him. Besides the fact that you felt ashamed because you really had been reckless, you still didn't want to be that close to him after what had happened.
But that wasn't the time to think about that. You had found the insider. You were right. Now, how were you going to tell Fury without him freaking out? He'd probably take away your license and ban you from the Complex.
“I got some great information thanks to that stupid plan,” you tried to lash out in a more cheerful tone, but it felt bittersweet between your lips. If Bucky felt it false, he didn't comment on it.
“What were you were doing anyway?”
“Fury had a suspicion that there was an infiltrator on the team. He asked me to trace calls, but… that wasn't getting me anywhere. I had been following one particular person who I noticed was always going out and coming back at the same time by watching the security cameras…”
When you ventured to raise your head, Bucky had a raised eyebrow.
“Sometimes I got bored of being there all day and checked the cameras, it's not a crime.”
“I didn't say it was.”
“You're judging me with that look.”
Bucky smiled, a short laugh flooding in.
“So you saw that person and decided they were the insider.”
“They had to be. I had to check it out.”
“And Fury wouldn't let you so you stole my bike and went to find out on your own in one of the worst ideas you've ever had.”
You twisted your lips. “Yeah, basically.”
“At least you're not contradicting me that it was a terrible plan.”
“No, I knew it was a horrible plan, but what else could I do? I was tired of not being able to get anything out of the reports and I had a great chance in the palm of my hand. Tell me if you wouldn't have done it.”
Bucky pursed his lips, but didn't deny your words. And that's because yes, it would have been even more stupid of you to listen to Fury and ignore everything after he had denied you a clearance.
Now you had a big advantage over Black Lightning. You had to tell Fury.
“You could have told me,” Bucky suddenly commented, his gaze wandering along the wall to the side of the bed.
You arched an eyebrow at him, even though he wasn't looking at you and snorted in disbelief.
“And for what, so you could charge me with Fury?”
“Ouch,” the man in front of you pretended his chest hurt and his right hand went to hover over his heart. “I would've gone along with you, of course.”
“Are you kidding me?” you let out a laugh.
“Of course I'm not. You're right about one thing and that's that it's a big advantage, but yes I would've preferred it if you hadn't gone alone. What would have happened if it hadn't been my bike you took? I don't even want to…”
A dense silence followed Bucky's words. That had been a possibility you had considered indirectly, in the back of your head, where reason didn't enter. It followed you like a blur, something you didn't know exactly what it was, but it made your hair stand on end to remember it was there.
And you had thought about telling him, you almost succumbed to the idea, but you were afraid it would go badly for both of you. For him.
“Very convenient, but thank you for following me.”
Bucky shrugged.
“We were right to follow our instinct.”
Things with Fury had become tense and you hadn't come out of one punishment and into another. Still, the information you provided was just what the team needed to get back three steps ahead of Black Lightning. She was a powerful woman, yes, but they could prepare much better.
The team was busy for days, almost weeks. You had too much time for yourself and office work, so much so that you already knew that by the time you could get back to field missions, nothing would get you out of there.
You would run into some of the team members from time to time and chat about anything. Sometimes you could almost say you missed the company of some of them. Even Bucky, at times, made himself missed.
Everything returned to a bit more of a normal rhythm when Black Lightning was defeated and locked. That day the team had a huge dinner. You spent almost the entire night with Natasha and Clint; Steve showed up from time to time and Tony moved from table to table. It was a very peaceful evening with nothing new to interrupt it. The next day you would return to the ordinary trot, but that night you all enjoyed it quite a bit.
You'd like to say you'd talked to Bucky, but…
You went several weeks without seeing him, as the team struggled to stop Black Lightning, and just as you continued with your office work and no longer had as much pressure on your shoulders having ripped that woman's Achilles heel, you used a lot of that time to do a lot of self-reflection. Weeks went by, so you had plenty of time. Also with some advice from Natasha, of course.
It had been so long since you'd last seen him that meeting him in the hallway of the rooms felt strange.
“Hello,” he was the first to speak, as you held tightly the container with the coffee you had half-drunk that morning.
It was barely dawn. You had gone to the kitchen to make your morning coffee and were on your way back to your room when you found him coming out of his. There was no way you could run away, he was literally right in front of you. But you weren't sure that was what you wanted to do, you were just too nervous. You had thought about a lot of things during all that time without seeing him, but not what to say to him when you saw him again.
“Hi,” you replied almost in a whisper, and you wanted to slap yourself at how embarrassed you sounded. You felt your face heat up.
“How are you doing?”
“Fine. All good,” you pursed your lips, swaying on your feet. You felt like you were on unfamiliar ground. “What about you?”
“Same, all good,” Bucky shook his head in assent, mimicking your gesture. He still had his white pajamas on and his right hand on the doorknob.
“I'm glad,” you tore the words from your throat, wanting to fill the silence that wanted to envelop you tightly.
Bucky continued to shake his head in slight movements, as he averted his gaze to the hallway. You had no idea what to do now, you never thought seeing him again would be so awkward.
“This is… weird,” Bucky spoke again after a few seconds, looking unsure and confused.
“Yeah, too much.”
“No,” you shook your head quickly and moved closer unconsciously. “It's not your fault. It's nothing. We must have become unaccustomed to each other's presence.”
You saw him tilt his head.
“It's just that it's been too long,” with his comment he agreed with you, suddenly looking a little less uncomfortable. “Speaking of which, how did it go? Because of what happened with Black Lightning, I mean.”
“Oh,” you took the container with your coffee in your hands, lowering your gaze. “I've been fine. It was a rough few days after that, but I'm better now. I'm not sure why that happened.”
“Really? I'd be stranger if it hadn't happened,” Bucky admitted, and at your frown, he elaborated, “She had kidnapped you a month before, we had no idea where you were. Even if it had been a short time, you must have felt desperate. She out-powered you.”
“But I've had near-death experiences before,” you shook your head. You'd had that debate in your head several times before, and it seemed Bucky had come to the same conclusion you had.
“When you've dealt with that kind of situation, it's been very easy for you to get through it because you were in control. Chance was up to you. But not that time, you were at the mercy of someone else, their power or their pity. There was nothing you could do.”
His eyes sparkled in the sunlight filtering through the window and you realized that you had missed his sympathetic, condescending gaze from time to time. You hadn't seen him many times before, especially not before that talk you'd had a couple of months ago that changed everything.
One such day, in the rain and thunder, you thought that a lot of what Bucky had to offer scared you. Maybe you hated him because imagining wanting him was so much harder when that decision was up to him and not you. Hate could be controlled unilaterally, love could not.
In conclusion, you were a very controlling person.
“You are very wise,” you smiled through your reply.
Bucky smiled too, a small gesture that triggered something in your chest, in your heart or to the side. You weren't sure where it was.
“I hope this time has served you well in many ways,” he commented as he stepped fully out of his darkened room and closed the door. “I'm going to the kitchen,” he gave a glance at your container, “I guess I'll see you later.”
You nodded absently. “Yeah, see you later.”
Bucky gave you a tight-lipped smile before he started walking back the way you had come. Watching him walk away left you with a sense of anticipation, because there was still so much you wanted to tell him but had no idea how to go about it. You still struggled a bit with the words, but you were already sure of what you wanted. And one of those things was for him to know as soon as possible.
You also struggled with the possible outcomes. There weren't many, but you didn't like one of them and you thought it might make you sad. You were trying to make peace with not controlling others and stop being a lone wolf about it, but it was still a little difficult.
You didn't see Bucky until a couple of days later.
It was Steve's birthday and Tony of course threw an amazing party as a celebration. The whole team was there and many other people close to them. You all had become a bit secretive since the issue with the insider, especially Tony with how he handled meetings and in this case, reunions. So it was crowded, but not overly so as it used to be.
You had had a good time, you chatted with everyone and drank what you wanted. You spent time sitting, on the dance floor and near the games. You enjoyed everything until finally your legs gave out. It was past midnight when you stepped out onto the balcony to finally get some air. The drink made you somewhat cheerful and social, but you continued to keep your sanity and reason. Enough so that seeing Bucky Barnes in a suit leaning against the railing caused a twist in your heart and an emptiness in the pit of your stomach.
“Did you come for air too?”
You didn't know if it was his super-soldier serum or something similar to yours, but it always amazed you that he knew when you were around. It also made your nerves calm a bit as you approached the railing.
“Yeah, they had me without a break today.”
Bucky let out a laugh, openly, and amidst your glassy-eyed stare from drinking, you couldn't take your eyes off him. You couldn't when he was regaling you with such an exquisite sight and such a harmonious sound. You didn't know how you had been able to spend so much time hating him. Or pretending you did. Hate is such a strong word, it shouldn't be used so casually.
“I'm glad you're enjoying yourself, really. You look more radiant,” he kept his gaze on yours, not wiping the smile from his face.
“How long have you been here?”
“I was just about to leave. I guess I was lucky I decided to stay a little longer.”
You arched an eyebrow at him with a half smile, which was answered with one of his own.
“I couldn't blame you,” you commented, averting your gaze to take in the incredible panoramic view you had of much of the city from where you stood. You had both worlds, the vast wilderness and the concrete jungle, “It's a beautiful view.”
“Indeed,” you heard him so close you didn't have to move much to know he was still looking at you.
With a hot face, you shook your head.
“You're very flirtatious, Barnes, I don't think I would've guessed.”
“You have no idea what I'm like, doll, you've got a long way to go,” his voice sounded a little deeper than usual and you blamed the cold for the shiver that ran through your body.
“Are you assuming I want to walk it?” you turned to see him with a falsely confused, playful look.
“I'll take my chances,” he gave you a beautiful cocked smile without taking his light eyes away from yours.
“Careful with that. You could end up walking alone,” you looked back out over the city, being all too aware of his gaze roaming the silhouette of your face.
“I have a good feeling. The wind is on my side.”
You let out a laugh inevitably, it was probably because of nerves or because he was building something around both of you that you couldn't control. And maybe that didn't bother you too much. It would be nice to let someone else carry the rope once in a while… wouldn't it?
“Are you implying something?”
You heard him sigh before taking the same position you had, facing the city.
“I guess I can't hide my curiosity,” he took a moment before speaking again. “You know we have a pending conversation.”
“Mhm,” you hummed, feeling the thrill of anticipation course through your body from head to toe. It seemed you weren't the only one who had waited too long for that.
“Do you have something to tell me?”
You turned your head, meeting his profile. The way the city shone in his eyes was magical and you didn't want to focus on anything else but that. Or on the way his eyebrows moved almost imperceptibly under your watchful gaze. Or the relief of his red lips that were almost…
“I think we should start slow.”
Bucky turned his head, taking you almost by surprise. His blue eyes looked amused.
“So you agree that we should start?”
“Yes,” you shook your head in sync, his gaze causing you to be as unsettled as possible. “But we'll have to start from scratch.”
“I don't think I can control myself for that long,” Bucky almost whispered, his voice as low as you'd ever heard it before. He wasn't going to let you have it any easier.
“You'll have to learn to do it.”
But you wouldn't give up your arm so easily either. He could continue to provoke you all he wanted, but you'd take things at your own pace.
“You can bet on it,” his face was closer than before, you could almost touch his nose if you moved a little, “but I don't think it would be that easy for you.”
“Do you think I have no self-control? Me?” you frowned at him, but kept your expression warm. The man in front of you only laughed, creating distance between the two of you. A cold air swept over you from where he had been.
“I guess time will tell who will give up first.”
“And it won't be me.”
“Mmm,” Bucky hummed in reproach, shaking his head. “You're very stubborn.”
“There's still a lot you have to learn from me, darling.”
The nickname left your lips unconsciously, but that only made the corners of his lips lift even more. His face looked brighter than before if that was possible. You wanted to take it back, but you'd better think twice. A different, more pleasant and comfortable feeling settled in your chest and your heart seemed to beat to a different rhythm.
“Well, now that we've finally come to an agreement…”
“Halfway,” you interrupted him, rolling your eyes.
“We can start now.”
His eyes on yours felt too meticulous at that moment.
“Yes,” Bucky shrugged. “I can take you dancing right now, shouldn't I take the opportunity?”
You almost choked on your own words. You wanted to deny yourself for a moment, maybe it wasn't true that you were ready and able to safely embrace these new feelings he was generating in you. Maybe you really didn't feel as safe as you thought you did…
But when Bucky extended his hand towards you, with that lopsided smile and sparkling eyes, any negative thoughts disappeared from your head in the blink of an eye. You were afraid of what you two might turn out to be, yes, it was true, but you couldn't spend the rest of your life living like this. Not when already, without even having started, you knew that there would be no other place in the world you wanted to be, nor where you felt as safe as that moment.
When you took his hand securely, you never wanted to let go again, much less if you could continue to see that expression of happiness on Bucky's face. You moved beside him as if you had done it all your life before that moment, and in the life before that.
His fingers intertwined with yours and you felt like you closed a promise in that moment.
“You know, I'm not much of a dancer,” you commented to him as you approached the stairs.
“Don't worry. We have plenty of time for you to learn,” Bucky gave you a reassuring squeeze to accompany his words. “We're just getting started.”
You hoped to enjoy that night as much as you hoped to enjoy all the time you had with him, whatever it was. Despite the fear, you would take him with open arms. It was better that than nothing at all.
Anyway, you were already realizing that that wasn't something you were going to think about very often. Bucky said it himself, you were just getting started.
Taglist: @rabbitrabbit12321 @funkybarnes @pono-pura-vida @unaxv @buckybarnessimpp @madi-is-kinda-lame @saint-marvel @trixiekaulitz @ziawbarnes @immortalfangirl @dnovastark
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howlsofbloodhounds · 21 days
i remember that core is everywhere and nowhere, and sees everything and nothing. that doesn't mean they know everything, per se. i assume they can see through their multiple shattered pieces across the multiverse, so it's still somewhat limited. i think they won't be aware it's stage 4 - core will think it's an anomaly of sorts, or a genocide end, or simply it's error doing his thing.
and speaking of error, he would get his ass whooped so bad because he's just so unprepared when it comes to surprises (error vs fatal error, for example). i'm not sure about ink intervening in stage 4's rampage (also see fatal error - not exactly canon to ink but still). maybe it's the way the story should go? ink's more of an artist than a fighter imo, so i guess he will just sit it out if he learns about stage 4. there are more people who have more legitimate reason to beef with stage 4 (error, nightmare, dream, core, etc.).
a stage 4 and color spectrum duo scenario hnghhhhhh i headcanon all killers are connected and semi-aware of each other in a way. like, they're still their own contained entities with their own stories and lives, but they're aware of that there are other killers out there. in that way, stage 4 is more like a singular entity capable of hopping from one killer to another (idk if that makes sense? killers are stage 4 sleeper agents lol). imagine one day color's killer gets infiltrated by stage 4 and now color has to get his killer back somehow. ooohhh the angst.
~ crowshipping anon
Killers being sleeper agents for what’s essentially a programmed Multiversal destroyer could go so hard though. I would love to see fight between it and error, especially if st4 doesn’t even acknowledge error as much of anything; just something to be destroyed. Not even something in its way.
I wonder if Stage 4 infiltrating other Killer is an immediate thing or something that has to gradually happen, perhaps depending on how much this Killer is resisting Stage 4.
For example, killers in good endings or with color are avoiding going into higher Stages or are otherwise working to deprogram, so infiltrating them might be a covert process.
Perhaps starting as vivid dreams and nightmares of both real things this killer experienced and of alternate timelines of other killers. Perhaps vivid, long lasting flashbacks of trauma memories and the process of stage 4’s more, graphic torture that led to the programming/conditioning. It’s like stage 4 is running programs in alternate killers to be able to infiltrate them.
And to outsiders, it looks like this killer is going through something like a relapse. Waking up screaming and fighting at nothing, often too caught up in flashbacks and lashing out at seemingly nothing; too easily triggered into Stage 3, falling back into old habits in Stage 2 without being able to explain or understand why. Feeling stronger and stronger compulsions to be more and more destructive. Experiencing triggers into Stage 4 more and more, especially when waking up from nightmares.
Until finally, one day, a killer is triggered into Stage 4 and doesn’t revert back. Perhaps by that point killer has already abandoned color and the omega timeline, not trusting himself to be around anymore. Or perhaps he was driven out by a mob or council vote.
(Chat play One of Us from Lion King 2.) (And also Everybody Knows by Sigrid when the takeover finally happens.)
I don’t know, I just wonder what the process of an infiltration could look like for killers, and outsiders. And how st4 understands and views the entire thing. And maybe st4 just avoids or otherwise ignores Color and color variants, due to not registering as something to destroy, perhaps?
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eretzyisrael · 9 months
The October 7 attack and its aftermath have finally brought the disparate elements of this struggle against Jews to the surface, its participants surging into the streets and onto social media—suggesting that Hamas knew something important about the world that many of us didn’t see, or didn’t want to. 
When I was a reporter for an international news agency at the time of the Hamas takeover in Gaza in 2007,  I discovered that it was impolitic to mention what Hamas clearly announced in its founding charter from 1988: Namely, that “our struggle against the Jews is very great and very serious,” and the Jews were “behind the French Revolution, the Communist revolution and most of the revolutions we heard and hear about, here and there. With their money they formed secret societies, such as Freemasons, Rotary Clubs, the Lions, and others in different parts of the world for the purpose of sabotaging societies and achieving Zionist interests.” 
This didn’t sound like “Free Palestine.” But as a rule, on the rare occasions that Western news organizations felt compelled to mention the document, they left those parts out. 
The historical examples from the charter suggest that in the war against Judaism, the ideologues of Hamas understand themselves to be operating in a broad coalition and carrying on a long tradition. This is true. “Islam and National Socialism are close to each other in the struggle against Judaism,” Hajj Amin al-Husseini, the mufti of Jerusalem and one of the fathers of the Palestinian national movement, said in 1944. This was in a speech to members of an SS division he helped raise, made up of Bosnian Muslims. “Nearly a third of the Qur’an deals with the Jews. It has demanded that all Muslims watch the Jews and fight them wherever they find them,” he said, an idea that would reappear four decades later in the Hamas charter. When the mufti testified before a British commission of inquiry in 1936, he quoted The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, the Tsarist forgery describing a global Jewish conspiracy, which is also the source for parts of the Hamas charter and remains popular across the Middle East. (I once found the book for sale at a good shop near the American University of Beirut.) The Hamas army, known as the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, is named for one of the mufti’s most famous proteges.
The movement became savvy enough to water down its charter a few years ago, but its leaders have remained honest about their intent. “You have Jews everywhere,” one former Hamas minister, Fathi Hammad, shouted to a crowd in 2019, “and we must attack every Jew on the globe by way of slaughter and killing, with God’s will.” 
In the liberal West, no sane person would own up to believing The Protocols. (At least not yet; things are moving fast.) But an Italian can hold a prominent U.N. job, for example, after saying she believes a “Jewish lobby” controls America, and you can hold a tenured position at the best universities in the West if you believe that the only country on earth that must be eliminated is the Jewish one. 
My experience in the Western press corps was that sympathy for Hamas was not just real but often more substantial than sympathy for Jews. In Europe and North America, as we’ve now seen on the streets and on campuses, many on the progressive left have arrived at an ideology positing that one of the world’s most pressing problems is the State of Israel—a country that has come to be seen as the embodiment of the evils of the racist, capitalist West, if not as the world’s only “apartheid” state, that being a modern synonym for evil. 
Jews could no longer officially be hated because of their ethnicity or religion, but can legitimately be hated as supporters of “apartheid” and as the embodiment of “privilege.” The pretense that this is a critique of Israel’s military tactics, or sincere desire for a two-state solution, has now largely been dropped. 
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mercymermaid · 11 months
the one thing i want in season 5 is for nezha to get an episode to himself.
he has been a (very literal) punching bag throughout the last seasons (every episode he appears in, he gets his ass kicked one way or another) and someone needs to address it
and whether it's him having some sort of spiral about it or just him finally getting the therapy and help he needs (they all need it, but this man has gone unappreciated for too long), we need an angsty nezha-centric episode
probably something relating to the whole azure lion celestial realm takeover and either his inability to protect the jade emperor or the power he's containing getting too much for him
the closest we've gotten to him getting to suffer is the peng feather stabby situation, him struggling to stand during the entirety of that fight, and then him being bandaged and out of commission in the special
but lmk can do better
and also cmon ao3 authors step it up there have been no good nezha-centric fics at all, let alone angst, recently, fill in that hole (i say, hypocritically)
anyway guys let's start a petition to get this going /hj
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theregressionlibrary · 5 months
Thank you everyone!
Thank you everyone who as entered something or left a note on our entries :) Here's our list of entries you can vote for, in date order:
My Tiny Lion, masc lion pet regressor + caregiver by @tinykittycatsworld (written work)
Stardew Valley Sebastian, Abigail & Sam petre/animalre by @roseyposie-agere (headcanons)
Big Heros With Tiny Paws, Lego Ninjago kitten regressor Lloyd by anon on ao3 (written work)
Fox regressor Naruto by @dragon-queen21 (artwork)
Cg Chuuya/Kitten Dazai, Bungo No Stray Dogs by @babyminty (written work)
Little Bells On Kitten Collars, Lego Ninjago kitten regressor Lloyd by anon on ao3 (written work)
Cat regression outfit board by @sleepy-lil-kit-kat (moodboard)
Stardew Valley Sebastian, Abigail & Sam petre by @chickpea0 (moodboard + headcanons)
Puppy regressor Jesse Pinkman by @chickpea0 (moodboard + headcanons)
Cats Out Of The Bag by @ar9o (written work, nonfandom)
Ten whole entries! Woo! Well done everyone (including those who were too anxious to enter) You can also view these posts by browsing trl pet takeover 2024: entries.
Polls will close on May 3rd 23:30, GMT time. Winners will be announced May 4th
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mask-of-prime · 1 year
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VG: Controlled Burn
Many years ago, during Mufasa and Scar's respective reigns... Vague pictures were coming back. There was a slash across the face, a crash, a loud snap. Times changed. The cackling of hundreds of hyenas as they took more than their share of kill. Separated from his family. That dark era under an irresponsible lion's rule had changed the mind of the ungulate forever... ____
Present day, one quiet morning... At Ndefu Grove, a certain fierce lioness stood atop a knoll as she conversed with her brother's summoned spirit. She summoned him not for advice from him, but an important lesson for both of them. Something she recently came around to learning.
Vitani looked on at the hazy air that continued to creep up the trees. Not a single galago in sight, as they'd evacuated from the inhospitable air quality.
"I think I see what you meant about being careful about the Roar, Nuka."
The fire-ghost surveyed the area along with his living sister. He saw the damage done to Ndefu Grove. Not all of it was ash, but the burned area still stuck out, telling a story.
"But... I don't think I need to be careful for the reason you think. I had to defend myself. Kiume was a threat."
"But, you still --"
"The Lions of the Past aren't displeased with me for using the Roar on another lion. I get that we're biased about our own kind, Nuka, I really do. But I learned, here, that the other animals matter just as much..."
Nuka looked skyward in deep thought. He must have misunderstood the voices of the past. They never really did tell him what exactly Vitani did wrong with the Roar, he just filled it in with whatever made the most sense.
"I need to approach things with more thought. I can't keep relying on the Fire Roar." she looked up at him, "No offense."
The spirit listened to an influx of whispers. He eventually looked down at Vitani, and smiled.
"None taken. You're really growing, Vitani. Those lion heads up there really like that."
Vitani softly smiled back, it vanished as her ears picked up on a voice that called to her from a distance.
"Think our time's up." Nuka rose, "Till ya need me again!"
"Vitani!" the dark lion bounded through the knolls.
"...Kovu?" Vitani turned around, "What is it?"
When Kovu arrived, he had just missed Vitani talking to Nuka. One brother came so close to meeting the other for the first time in well over a year...
"Prey takeover at Pride Rock..." he panted, "Lion Guard trapped... Rogues are back..."
"The prey animals and the Rogue Trio?"
Vitani looked grim. No wonder things had gotten so quiet. Less prey animals than usual, no occasional complaints from the Pridelanders, and no recent plots from the Rogue Trio. Until now... They'd all had something to do with each other this whole time, and they chose Kupatana as their big day... ____
Near Pride Rock...
The royal pride had heard the army of herbivores approaching from miles away as hooved animals stomped the ground to sound the drums of war. The lions had spent the time they had bracing for battle, protecting themselves and each other as much as they could before more reinforcements could arrive.
"We're almost there, my bretheren!" shouted Ngurumo, "Sharpen your horns! Ready your hooves! Get your torches!"
The select army of ungulates and all other kinds of loyal followers did as told. Antelopes and buffalos stuck their horns out like spears, equines kicked and stomped their hooves, and other animals capable of holding objects -- including Karani the secretary bird -- ignited their torches.
"What's this, I see? A band of traitors?" Ngurumo chuckled, "Led by some of my favorite animals, of course! The biggest traitors of all; my former friend, my lifelong rival, and the local predator-lover, Ma Tembo! Funny, how all the enemies in my life have come together to conspire against me!"
"My friend, this senseless violence must stop." Nyumbu bleated.
"We're not friends anymore, you frail geezer!" the rhino smacked the elderly wildebeest away.
The elephant matriarch stepped in front of the antelope to protect him.
"Your extremist ways are unnaceptable!" she held up her trunk, "You are hurting your brothers and sisters in the Circle of Life on the day of Kupatana!"
Ngurumo smiled disgustingly, "You know, Ma Tembo, I almost considered you as a more fit leader of the Pridelands -- until you brought that stupid, woke lion-and-elephant-reenactment play back to Mizimu Grove!"
"It's called. The Ukumbusho." the matriarch's voice grew deep and firm, "It's a generations-long tradition, and if you know where us elephants' traditions come from, it's from impeccable memory of every moment of our lives since we arrived in this world. The elephants were there, that fateful day, when Askari's Lion Guard made peace with us all."
Zito spoke up, "Don't you remember what happened a few months ago? The Lion Guard ruined this year's Ukumbusho! Lions have no respect for our tradition!"
"Wow..." Ngurumo gawked, "Of course Zira's old faction of lions would do something like that! You're a real poor judge of character, telling me about that 'Circle of Life', which I'm sure is made up by these lions! So, don't you, of all animals, tell me what I can't do on a holiday!"
He then pointed to his blinded eye and broken horn, "Is this what you call the Circle of Life?! I've told everyone time and time again how predators ruined my face!"
"You got that from me."
Everyone gasped. Ngurumo swiftly turned to the voice. He saw Mbeya wearing an uncharacteristic glare.
"Don't you remember? Our faceoff at the Tamasha? You challenged me for leadership over the crash." Mbeya then chuckled and hooted, "...and boy, did you bring a whole new meaning to 'crash'! Heh-heh... I was so agile in my day, and my eyesight was pretty good for a rhino, too! Hoh, you smacked right into a big tree after I cut your eye!"
Several confused herd animals echanged looks. Ngurumo turned red with rage and humiliation, but he quickly simmered down and regained his composure. His face returned to a pale grey as a konniving smile formed. He eased the crowd with deceitful charisma.
"Now, we have this old fart spreading lies about me." the scarred rhino chuckled, "Typical of a predator-lover to be so willing to twist the words of a pure herbivore to silence the truth. I'm surprised none of you have been eaten, yet."
His calm demeanor switched back to zealous rage.
"If you want to die for your lion friends, then, so be it! Let's see how well you fight in fire!" he rose his hoof, "NOW!"
The animals wielding torches dropped said burning sticks onto the dry ground, setting it ablaze.
"CHAAARRRGE!" Whinnies, bleats, and the trumpeting of elephant trunks filled the sky.
The coup had officially begun, and the royal pride had nowhere to safely escape it. ____
Kovu led his sister to where the rest of the Guard members were. Vitani had to reunite with them to overpower the Rogues with their combined strength.
Happening upon where the other members had been, the siblings took on fighting stances. Kovu was ready to tear them apart for terrorizing the Pridelands and for personally threatening Kiara and her family, meanwhile, Vitani just wanted to tear them apart because she hated everything about them the moment she'd first seen them.
Speaking of which, Vitani almost didn't recognize Kiume. His mane -- something he'd taken much manly pride in -- had been completely singed off my Vitani's last attack. All that was left was fuzzy hairs that were burnt and melted at the tips. The short hair on his neck almost looked like Vitani's very own, in a way.
Stopping in her tracks, Vitani's paws skidded across the dirt, creating a cloud of dust. The Lion Guard turned to the sound.
"Guys!" the Fiercest called to them, "They're working with Ngurumo!"
Kasi gasped, "What?"
"They're here as a distraction! Ngurumo is leading a coup to Pride Rock right now!
"Well, this 'distraction' will be the only level you reach before you get to them, little girl." Kiume spoke up, ready to pounce.
Vitani stared daggers into Kiume. Her tail twitched.
"Kovu, get back." she said, not even glancing behind her.
The dark lion did as told. Vitani really didn't feel like risking abusing the Roar, but she took a deep breath, anyway. Locked and loaded.
WOOOOOOOO! The ground shook all around the lions. The Rogues in particular had collapsed, holding their heads and groaning.
Vitani blinked. She, along with Kovu and the Guard, slowly glanced way up at the source of the noise. Lo and behold, it was Kelele, standing atop the rock formation. After a moment of awkward silence, the wolf shrugged.
"Well, they were bothering me too." she said, recalling her own misogyny and unwanted verbal harassment she'd faced sharing the lands with these same rogues.
Kasi smiled at Kelele. She was astounded to find that she really could trust Kelele and find an ally in her. Vitani caught the Fastest's smile, and the two lions exchanged looks.
"There's something you haven't told me, isn't there?" Vitani arched a brow. She wasn't at all angry, just somewhat amused.
Before Kasi could think to respond, Kelele leapt down from the rock.
"Vitani, please... I'm not a threat to the Pridelands. I just wanted to meet the Roar-Wielder, and learn everything I could about you, so I've observed from afar. That's why I stayed in these lands. Because I knew our journey wasn't over, yet. I'm an ally..."
The Fiercest glanced back. The rogues were still down, disoriented and perplexed by the strange power they'd encountered in that moment. The lioness then approached the wolf closer.
"Alright, Kelele, if you're really the ally you claim to be," a smile creeped up Vitani's face, "then I need you to do this one thing for us..."
With a flick of an ear from Vitani, a command universally understood by all former Outsiders since Zira's leadership, the two biggest brutes of the Lion Guard, Imara and Shabaha, obeyed the order and approached the Ethiopian Wolf.
Moments Later... "ARE YOU LIONS CRAZY?! PUT ME DOWN!" Kelele screamed.
"That wouldn't be a very good idea." Vitani deadpanned.
Kelele was being dangled over a Lake Matope full of crocodiles, held by the scruff by Imara's jaws. She was getting what was hers after her attempt to kidnap and alternatively threaten the life of a certain wild dog pup.
Imara lowered Kelele closer to the water. Eager reptilian eyes watched her every move. Some couldn't wait any longer, and gave a few threatening snaps of their jaws at her. That sadistic Bravest Lion Guard member's cackles added to the terrifying symphony.
The wolf curled her lower body up as much as she could, tail tucked between her legs. She made a high-pitched whine characteristic of the canine family. What more did these lions want?
"...I forgive ya." Vitani smiled, "Alright, that's a wrap, everyone!"
Kelele blinked, "W-Wait, what --"
The wolf felt herself being gently put down, away from the crocodiles. Speaking of which, she watched Vitani thank the leader, Makuu, for being in on the act.
"I don't understand..." the canine was stunned.
"We were never really gonna kill you." Vitani smiled, "Not our way. Not anymore..."
The Lion Guard chuckled at the dark humor of totally psyching Kelele out. Now, that never left the way of the former Outsiders.
Their brief moment of making light of the situation was interrupted when a heavily-beaten Kiume limped his way behind the Lion Guard's backs.
"Um, excuse me? Don't we have a fight to fini --"
WHACK! With quick reflexes, Kovu knocked Kiume out cold with a backhand. ____
In the meantime, as Ma Tembo's extended herd pushed Ngurumo's army back from raiding Pride Rock, the lions sought refuge in an area of the said landmark that had been unaffected by fire. They were all huddled together.
"Where's Kovu? Shouldn't he be back with the Lion Guard by now?"
Kiara was not easily prone to panicking, but Kovu was the love of her life, and the two were practically inseparable since their engagement.
"I'm sure he's okay, sweetie..." Nala gently headbutted her daughter, "They'll make it."
"How are they gonna get through the firewall?!" Tiifu cried, equally anxious.
"Shhh, they'll find a way..." Nala brought Tiifu close.
A burning tree trunk fell in front of them. They had no time to wait for the Lion Guard any longer. They had to move.
"We've got to find a way out of here!" Simba used a commanding voice, "We can put as much fire out as we can, ourselves! Come on!"
With feline agility, the pride dodged burning objects as they prepared to swipe moist dirt over the fire.
Just then, Kovu and the Lion Guard made it to Pride Rock. They were devastated to see the lands glowing hot with fire.
Vitani's eyes followed the height of the smoke clouds until she could see daylight peeking through. There, she saw a lone, white cloud.
Suddenly... a voice she heard from the past echoed in her mind...
"You see that little cloud? Try roaring at it..."
Vitani's predecessor, Kion, did as told, and he'd turned the innocent, small cloud into a large, thundering raincloud. It had been the first time she'd seen the Roar up close. She'd herd it many times from a distance from her termite mound home far back of the Outlands. But, now, she knew what it was. However, the discovery of this power, and her mother's knowledge of what it was capable of, had raised many questions from the young lioness for years to come...
Vitani was not going to fight fire with fire. She would not blindly charge head-first into battle like that of Ngurumo, but instead show that she and the other predators were capable of civil negotiation. Her eyes gleamed as she felt power rise within her...
In the midst of the calamity of the battling herd animals, Ngurumo spotted the royals making their getaway. The rhino crouched low and slowly approached, grinning wide as his plan to attack formed in his head. He felt the hunted becoming the hunter, and the hunter becoming the hunted. He chuckled. Such an ironic twist...
ROOOOAAAAARRR!! Everyone turned to the loud cry of the Leader of the Lion Guard. Above them was a growing, darkening cloud that poured rain over the selected area. The firewall had been extinguished, allowing the Guard's entry into the battlegrounds.
As Ngurumo was distracted in his astoundment over Vitani's newly-discovered power, the pride cornered by the rhino slipped away, with Kovu reuniting with Kiara.
The rhino watched Vitani emerge from the smoke. A furious glare from under her drooping, wet tuft.
"Ah, Vitani. What a surprise." Ngurumo looked around, "Are you here to attack me and claim more land as yours, as lions do?"
“No. No we’re not. We’re just here to repair a strained relationship between us Pridelanders,” Vitani smiled, “As lions do.”
“LIES!” Ngurumo roared, “You just wanna keep these lands under a dictatorship! All of you lions are born evil, none of you deserve ANY place to live in this world!”
The rhino shoved Vitani hoof-to-chest with full force. Her Guard quickly gathered around her and prepared to fight, if things needed to get that way.
The rhino chuckled, "How quick to react your little friends are. If it's not about your tyranny you're known for, you lions are also known for following every little order someone gives you, even if it doesn't benefit you in the end..."
Everyone turned to the voice and gasped. It was Kiume. He and the rest of the Rogue Trio caught up with the Lion Guard after following their trail.
"Your plans were never really about us getting the Pridelands to ourselves, were they? For a long time, I had a hunch it wasn't about us anymore. I was right!" the maneless lion growled, "and now we all know why..."
The crowd of herd animals muttered amongst themselves, shocked beyond belief.
Prodded with piercing questions from his fellow herbivore followers, Ngurumo became overwhelmed.
"No... T-That lion doesn't know what he's talking about!" he sputtered, "He's crazy! I-I don't know him!"
"How long have you been making deals with them?!" yelled a gazelle buck.
"What else are you keeping from us?!" whinnied a zebra mare.
On cue, as always, Uongo swooped in, and promptly answered the latter question:
"Such easy animals to please. Anything works on them!" sampled the bird, in the rhino's voice.
Appalled cries filled the savannah.
"NO! He totally took that out of context! He's cherrypicking what I said!" Ngurumo stomped a hoof.
"Well, how long has he been doing that?!" sneered Zito.
Furious cries escaped the herbivores' mouths. They wondered how much information from this rhino had been skewed from reality for the sake of his own personal gain. 
"Excuse me..."
Everyone went quiet as they turned to Thurston, one of many indoctrinated ungulates.
"Since tickbirds eat bugs, does that make them predators, too?"
The herbivores yelled more grievances about their tickbirds.
"Wha -- No!" Ngurumo sputtered again, "Ticks aren't animals! They're BUGS!"
"My tickbird cut me all over!" a heavily-scarred buffalo bull cried.
"Mine took milk from my calf!" bleated a springbok doe.
"You ingrates and your COMPLAINTS!" the rhino stomped again, "I saved all these nice tickbirds for you, led a battle for your freedom, and THIS is how you repay me?! You ALL belong to the lions! I hope every last one of you is EATEN by those monsters! Especially YOU, Uongo!"
The crowd backed Ngurumo to the edge of the cliff behind Pride Rock. The once dry ravine he stood on the edge of couldn't hold the rainwater that suddenly filled it.
Helpless, the rhino turned to the remaining lions of the Trio, Mrembo and Jeuri.
"You two! Help me! DO SOMETHING!"
The two lions hesitated, torn on who they felt led by, and if they even needed a leader anymore. They didn't like how Kiume had treated them lately, but now, they felt double-crossed by their bigger boss. They looked at each other before scowling at the rhino. They promptly sent a hollow, burned tree falling towards the direction of Ngurumo's head.
CRASH! The rhino rose to his feet. Everyone gasped.
A branch on the fallen tree had impaled his only usable eye. He was now fully blind.
Taking advantage of the rhino's blindness, an enraged Kiume charged, and pushed the rhino over the cliff. The lion quickly found himself being blocked by none other than his own fellow coalition. The two lions stopped him before he could go anywhere near the Lion Guardas they rushed over to the edge of the cliff.
They could see that the pachyderm had landed in a curved ledge on the cliffside that safely cupped him from falling down the ravine. But time was ticking...
"Ngurumo!" Vitani called.
Ngurumo tried to climb back up, but the motion made him slip back. There was luckily sloped ground under the ledge that he could put his hindlegs on, but his forelegs just barely held him up onto the ledge.
He knew he was teetering on the brink of life and death at that moment.
The rain fell hard. Gambling with the idea of giving Ngurumo one last chance, the Lion Guard rushed to help. The Strongest was the first to reach down, having the best chance at pulling the gargantuan pachyderm up -- eventually with combined strength of the rest of the Guard, of course.
The rhino hollered and roared in distress. He found himself once again at the mercy of the Lion Guard, like how they'd all first met. He was not going to face that humilitation again...
"Ngurumo, take Imara's paw! NOW!" Vitani roared through the pouring rain.
"Why should I trust you? You KILLER!" the rhino blindly swung his hoof in protest, "GET AWAY FROM ME!"
"A hoofed animal wouldn't be able to help you with something like this. Predator and prey need each other in the Circle of Life, Ngurumo!" Vitani tried desperately to persuade him.
"NO!! I don't trust a single one of you monsters! ANY of you monsters! Paw or hoof!" he slammed his own hooves down, "'Circle of Life', NOTHIN'! It's just a corrupt belief -- You're all CORRUPTED! ALL OF -- H-Huuhh?!" "NO!" Imara grunted.
The ground that the rhino barely held onto became slick from the rain. That last slam sent him slipping down the soil-turned-mud.
"NOOOOOOO!!!" Landing hard at the bottom of the ravine, the heavy pachyderm had taken mortal damage falling from the great height.
"The Pridelands will fall... no matter what... but it won't be from me..." he croaked as he gave a weak smile, for the last time.
Ngurumo's grinning mug was abruptly masked by the gush of water that overtook the once empty ravine. He would be carried off by the powerful water, his eventual whereabouts ever-changing for the rest of time...
Imara backed away from the ledge, feeling the mud run from under her paws. It didn't take her focus away from how perturbed she was.
"At least he didn't get eaten like he always feared..." Shabaha remarked absentmindedly.
"Yeah..." Vitani's voice trailed, still staring down at the rapidly rushing water.
"Let me help you!" "No... never!" Vitani shut her eyes. Whether the predator-prey civil war be handled with compassion or murderous rampage, Ngurumo needed to die. He was too far gone, and therefore nothing but a threat to the Circle of Life. This wasn't the first time circumstances had to be this exact same way, and the Fiercest knew it too well...
Suddenly, Fukiza the cobra emerged from the crowd from under their hooves. She'd been hiding underground for a majority of the time until the commotion brought her outside. Only until now could she safely track down her friends.
"Lion Guard! Are you okay?" she slithered their direction, slipping between the paws of the Rogues.
Tazama smiled at the sight of her old friend. It was the first time she'd truly seen her with healed eyes. She was such a beautiful monocled cobra. However, the Keenest of Sight wasn't the only one seeing Fukiza for the first time...
"SNAAAAAAKE!" screamed Kiume, "Guys, run! Get it away from me!"
Mrembo and Jeuri didn't budge, instead opting for an exchange of disappointed looks at each other. This was it, this was the tipping point for them. They officially found Kiume to be a pathetic boss all around.
"Wow, I am so glad I'm over that whole cobra superstition." grumbled Vitani as she rolled her eyes. She couldn't be more disappointed in this lion.
Kiume pushed Jeuri and Mrembo away with full force, fueled by fear. However, before the maneless lion could make his escape, he was suddenly subdued by a pair of lance-like horns. Quickly turning the other way, he tried to run through Mrembo and Jeuri again, but they'd once again caught him mid-run.
"HeyheyHEY! What are you DOING?!" he yelled, furious at the sudden mutiny.
"Kiume..." said a voice. It was the King.
The herds of prey animals backed away to make room for their much more respected leader. The antelopes trapping the lions with their horns stood still, making sure said felines were contained.
Simba gave a stern scowl, "As punishment for your repeated attempts to overthrow my pride, you will remain where someone can keep an eye on you..."
Suddenly, the other two lions felt their own shoulders being grabbed by the Lion Guard. All three male lions were under arrest.
"...The same goes for you two." Simba continued, "Unless any of you can prove to me that you are no threat to my family, or the Pridelands, you will be watched closely, and punished harshly."
As the former Rogue Trio was being escorted away by the Guard and the pair of loyal antelopes, Vitani scampered over to Simba's side. She still wasn't quite over the shock of Ngurumo's demise. She had a violent upbringing and a tough nature, but she still couldn't handle death well.
Simba could see the somber fear in Vitani's eyes. He, too, has had to let animals die, particularly for any reason that they presented themselves as a threat to his life or his kingdom. Though, he still couldn't forget how he felt the very first time he did it.
"Vitani, sometimes... it's the best thing you could do in a situation like this." the King then smiled cordially, "You did good. Trust me."
The Fiercest cracked an uncertain smile. She was still very shaken, but greatly appreciated Simba.
Simba wasn't praising his daughter-in-law, but was actually comforting her as much as he could. He made a subtle gesture that commanded her to join the rest of her Guard in keeping the rogues restrained as they arrested them.
The crowd of herd animals muttered amongst themselves, some even bowed to their King and his pride before going their separate ways. Every animal retreated to their assigned place in the Pridelands.
As they all departed from the ravine, the rainclouds continued to break away, revealing a golden sky as the sun was on its way down. ____
Aftermath... Days passed. After a long process of easing leftover doubts from the herds and careful scrutiny of the disbanded Rogue Trio, the Pridelands felt as it once did before -- akin to the time before Vitani's predecessor Kion had left for the Tree of Life.
Some former followers of Ngurumo had been allowed back into divided herds. Some entire herds, such as Thurston's zeal, were quick to reform due to their naivete and tendency to go with the flow. Some solitary animals kept to themselves. They still had leftover beliefs and conspiracies, but they didn't have power like their deceased leader, so they were harmless.
Speaking of solitary animals, Kelele still remained near the Pridelands to further her friendship with the Guard, especially Kasi and Vitani. She would return to her homeland someday, but not until after she was ready.
As for the rogues, all three lions answered honestly as they'd been interrogated by the Lion Guard for several hours. Kiume's interrogation had earned him a lifetime of imprisonment deep in a heavily-guarded part of the Outlands, on account of premeditated attempts to overthrow the royal pride, and that any attempts to escape would be punishable by death -- which would be left at the discretion of the Outlanders, as part of Simba's decree.
Though Mrembo and Jeuri were accomplices in countless incidents with Kiume, they were found to be harmless without the influence of their former leader, Kiume. They chose not to be residents of the Pridelands, as they preferred to take a more nomadic life. Jeuri became a close friend of Tazama, and both aforementioned lions bonded over their similar interests, while Mrembo chilled with whoever was interested in his food snob-related ramblings, as Vitani could see from the hill she perched on.
The Fiercest breathed a deep, fresh breath of air. A huge weight had been taken off her shoulders. She and her Guard worked hard to earn the Pridelanders' trust, and outdid themselves by making a huge impact on everyone; the Pridelanders learned to trust in the former Outsiders to redeem themselves, and the Lion Guard learned that the non-lion animals were much more than they appeared.
Trust and balance had been restored in the Circle of Life... ____
That night... Rain poured heavily over the Pridelands, which carried on for the next few days. The rivers overflowing with rainwater rushed fairly rapidly for themselves. The sudden change of weather and strange behavior of the water had followed the day Vitani had controlled the sky with her Roar. Kion never used the clouds to put out fires, and for good reason. His successor to the Roar would soon find out why, among other things...
____ ((Author's Note: We've reached the Season 2 Finale! From the way I worded it, that's right, Vitani's Guard's adventures are not over yet. Ngurumo may have died, but that's only the beginning of the storm...
Also, it's been exactly one year and one day since I decided to start releasing Vitani's Guard art as a serialized, continuous story, which is why I chose today to release this season finale.
Fun Facts:
Since I've been basing the Rogue Trio off of alpha male dudebros, when trying to think of Kiume's defeat, I had to think of common fates that those influencers are met with. Alpha male influencers are often met with arrests/jail/prison and a subsequent loss of fans, so I decided imprisonment for life followed by a loss of respect from former followers was fitting for Kiume.
Vitani's "I forgive ya" at the Lake Matope hazing scene was a reference to Makuu's very same line during Ono's apology scene in the episode "Let Sleeping Crocs Lie". I'm still very much dying on that hill that Vitani idolizes tf out of Makuu and likes to unknowingly quote him word-for-word at times, like she did with the "Mashindano" line. (Also, though Shabaha's facing yet another situation where someone's being dangled over a float of crocodiles, she's fine, because one, it's not her, and two, this was actually partially her idea lol)
Ngurumo's "they're not animals, they're bugs!" line is total BS, like everything else he says. Bugs are part of the animal kingdom. Bugs are tiny, multiple-legged invertibrates, unlike the more "conventional" animals people think of, but that doesn't make them not animals. Certainly not plants or fungi lol.
After doing some research on differences between black rhinos and white rhinos, I realize now that I've been giving Ngurumo the back shape of a white rhino, and the hooked upper lip of a black rhino, which likely means he's a hybrid of the two. On a semi-relevant note, I noticed Kifaru, the rhino with the poorest eyesight in Mbeya's crash, is modeled after a white rhino, while the rest are modeled after black rhinos. I like to think that Kifaru was a newcomer to Mbeya's crash, blindly wandering there and not noticing they were a completely different species from him.
There was going to be panels depicting a maneless Kiume as well as Kelele fighting alongside Vitani's Guard, but the composition was hard to figure out and there were too many characters. I'll probably draw the maneless Kiume in some other non-story art so you could see what he looks like.
Can't wait to come back to VG and other art with a fresh start! School and possible work may interfere with my activity, just letting everyone know))
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writingsofwesteros · 15 days
King's Landing Daily- Sex, Drugs, and Rock n'Roll
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After the four eldest Targaryen siblings graduated from their prestigious boarding school, St. Baelor's Private, everyone speculated where we would see the young heirs and heiresses go next. But instead of stories of young brothers Aegon and Aemond stepping up to the family business, or to see Daenora and Helaena Targaryen enter into the socialistic pursuits of their mother, week after week the headlines are filled with nothing but the details of the newest Targaryen family drama.
Reliable sources tell us that Alicent Hightower staged a corporate takeover of Targaryen Incorporated on behalf of her son Aegon, but the young prospective CEO was far from King's Landing's business district, but rather, he was at the Golden Lion, a nightclub deep in Flea Bottom known best of all for the drug addled state its attendees are in. Pictured above, a leaked picture of his sister Daenora Targaryen, who was right there with him, blurry pictures leaked of Aegon snorting lines off coke off her 'chest'. It's become clear to the public that the death of Viserys Targaryen has deepened the once surface-level cracks in the Targaryen family. Just days ago headlines broke that there was an alleged brawl within the family's estate between Aemond Targaryen and Jaceaerys Velaryon, sources close to the family say that the young Velaryon fired words about the recent exploits of Daenora and Aegon, pushing Aemond into a defensive rage.
Rumours swirl that Rhaenyra Targaryen has enlisted the aid of her Uncle, the infamous Daemon Targaryen to help in regaining control of the family company, the once playboy returned quietly to King's Landing after the death of his second wife Laena Velaryon, and had been living with his two daughters Baela and Rhaena Targaryen down at one of the family's many residences. But who knows how this alliance will play out, since last week, rumours and accompanying incriminating images were anonymously sent to several news outlets, KLD included, about allegations that Rhaenyra and Daemon had reignited their steamy passions weeks after Laena died those years ago and had been meeting secretly for years. Allegedly, Daemon is the father of her two youngest sons, Aegon and Viserys, who bear a markedly different appearance to her first three, whose paternity have long been the subject of speculations as well.
Only time will tell if the Targaryens will do as they've done before and rise from the ashes, or if things are only about to get worse.
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kings0kc · 18 days
@dcsuperherogirls This is Part 2!
Apokolips Magnet - if constantly plotting over Earth counts as higher education, then they definitely count as a school rival!
Head Teacher- Granny goodness
The furies: Mad Harriet, Stompa, Lashina, Speed Queen, Artemiz
Korugar Academy:
Head Teacher: Sinestro (fucking weirdo for trying to go after supergirl those couple times)
Blackfire: she likes spending time with her sister
Bleez, Lobo,Maxima,Mongal
Giganta: currently doing community service to pay for her crimes
Croc: lurks in the sewers of Metropolis
King Shark
Belle Rev penitentiary and Juvenile Detention center: incarcerating SUPERVILLAINS for over 100 years!
Lion Mane
Solomon Grundy
METROPOLIS BANK: Proud supporter of Super Hero High School!
^^ come in for our SAVING THE DAY special and get a FREE smoothie blender when you open a savings account!
ECLIPSO JEWELS: Super Hero high students, you make us sparkle!
^^ as the finest jeweler in Metropolis we get robbed again and again and again, but you are always there to save us! THANK YOU!!
CAPES & COWLS CAFE is now serving:
Ramadan Gorka berry pie. Honey Smoothies. Apokoliptian fire Chili. Krypton Krispies. Superfood Cake (available in Quinoa, cauliflower, or spinach) Bean Burritos. Sodar Cola
(I’d like to thank the SuperHero High students for their efforts in saving the cafe from 52 robberies, 13 supervillain takeovers, 3 giant attacks, and one scary spider!!
And that’s it!
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ilhamiman · 9 months
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This is Diego, my Lego Monkie Kid OC, very first one. Here's his bio.
Name: Diego Age: Immortal Race: Lion Demon Personality:
Slightly arrogant
A bit snarky (probably)
Laid back
Can be hot headed but rarely
Can be a jerk but he's not that bad
Love to tease
Ladies man
Flirting with ladies
Causing mischief when needed
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Occupation:
Raider (formerly)
Night club boss (currently)
Skill: Martial arts Weapon(s): Twin blades History: Diego's born in Hell, 10 minutes later than Azure Lion. They're not blood related but they happened to be born in the same place. Diego took in and raised by a demon raider. As he growing so his personality, he was mischievous, rowdy and chaotic. One day, he, in adolescence age, was dared by a fellow demon to steal the demon raider's weapon, thinking he would fail but he managed to snatch his weapons with ease. The demon raider, impressed by his skill, taught him how to be even greater raider. He polished his skill as he grow till he reach demon adulthood, which he has been gifted double blades. Once the demon raider saw him deem ready, he let Diego join in his raid on a nearby human village. Little did they know, the village they're about to plunder was under the watch of Azure's troop. This is where the rivalry between Azure Lion and Diego begin as the demon raiders cause chaos on this unlucky village, humans ran for their lives while the Celestial troops fought them. Diego and Azure clashed blades as their battle shook the earth, Diego's wild chaotic energy against Azure's unshaken focus energy were a sight to behold with Diego's double blades against Azure's bronze sword. The raiders looted the village and retreat so the battle ended in tie but Diego will see Azure again next time. Diego was satisfied of both the raid and the fight he fought, he hope he'll fight with Azure again to see who's the fiercest warrior. Diego then heard through grapevine of Azure's dejected from Celestial court and forming the brotherhood with Sun Wukong, which excites him. He pick few of his fellow raiders to pick fight with them as they seek them. Once the raiders found them, fight ensured. The battle between 2 fractions was intense but in the end, the battle end in tie again, both sides are tired and bruised but Diego's side were satisfied with this exercise so they called it tie before fall back, Azure doesn't like that at all but Diego doesn't care. Diego learned plenty of Azure's fighting skill so he can improving his skill more. He soon heard of Wukong's failed takeover of Celestial Realm and the reforged brotherhood, Diego found the news funny because he knew it would fail because of they didn't think that through. His days of independence came near when he heard of the Brotherhood being captured by the pilgrims and Azure's imprison in the Underworld, which made Diego feel unsatisfied so he dejected from the demon raider's tribe so he can venture alone which the demon raider who raised him luck. Off he go to venture the human realm, cause a bit of chaos along the way but as years come by, he soon retire from the life of a raider and he settle down with adult entertainment like night club and he's the boss and owner of his own but that doesn't stop him from causing little mischief in his surrounding.
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