#liquidity risk
dayofbanks · 10 months
Risks Inherent in Financial Institutions.
The major risks faced by banks and related financial institutions include credit risks, interest rate risks, market risk, and operating and liquidity risks. The other risks include residual, dilution, settlement, compliance, concentration, country, foreign exchange, strategic, and reputational risks. The major tools of a risk management system used by banks are stress testing and asset and liability management. The different forms of interest rate risk are gap or mismatch risk, basis risk, embedded-option risk, yield curve risk, price risk reinvestment risk, and others. The instruments for credit risk management consist of estimating expected loan losses, multitiered credit-approving systems, prudential limits, risk ratings, risk pricing, portfolio models, loan review mechanisms, and the like. The instruments for measurement of interest rate risk are maturity gap analysis, duration gap analysis, and simulation analysis. The basic model for measurement of market risk is value at risk. Liquidity risks are measured through various ratios. The risks in major non-banking financial institutions such as insurance includes underwriting and investment risks along with market, credit, and provisioning risks. Pension fund risks consist of firm specific risks, funding risks, investment risks, plan termination risks, and compliance risks. Mutual fund risks consist of market risks, liquidity risks, call risks, and currency risks.
Learn more about Risks Inherent in Financial Institutions related to the publication - Strategies of Banks and Other Financial Institutions: Theories and Cases.
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allinhalf-store-blog · 11 months
Arbitrage Trading Strategies - A Comprehensive Guide
Arbitrage trading is a strategy that involves taking advantage of price differences between different markets or exchanges. It is a low-risk strategy, but it can be difficult to execute profitably due to the competitive nature of the market and the need for quick execution. There are two main types of arbitrage: forex arbitrage and crypto arbitrage. Forex arbitrage involves exploiting price…
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why-the-heck-not · 9 months
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20.12.23, wednesday
My main hobby is just procrastinating in any way I can. The plan was to make a cup of coffee and then start working. What actually happened is that I watched a 3 part video series (by james hoffmann ofc) on Aeropress coffee and made a few cups with different variables. Still not sure if I found The Recipe for me, but it’s getting better (tho I don’t love the coffee beans I have)
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i know in my heart that asuna and rika take the time to show kaz how to do cute little winged eyeliner and then the next time they see her she’s got 2009 scene queen panda eyes and she’s so excited about being the goth girl of her dreams 😭😭
Showing her how to do a very simple, graceful like that accents the shape of her eye only for her to come out the next day guns blazing eyelids fully blacked out and the biggest smile on her face. Lizbeth questions why they even bothered trying to show her the normal way while Asuna is looking lovingly at her over the top edgy girlfriend. Honestly Lizbeth wonders why she even tries with either of them.
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mejomonster · 9 months
Goodbye 2023. Wrote 30,000 words of my Danny story, 20,000 words of my Freyna story, 25,000 words of my Khan story, 13,000 words of my Celest story, 48,000 words of fanfiction, and including notes and scraps I wrote 211,007 words in 2023! >o<)/ a lot of fucking words!!!
(Also future me, now you can find this next year to find out how much more u wrote)
I did not hit last years goal of finishing one of my original stories. But on the bright side, I did write over one novel's Worth of words. So here's to hoping this new year I focus more on One story at a time so I can start finishing things. I'll count this as a kind of win. (I'd still like to finish at least one of my original stories before January ends just so I can say I've finally finished one asap lol)
In other news. This past year, sunday, I had italian bread with butter. I had lemon cake this year. I had pizza, the last two days in a row. I have had a waffle almost every day of the week. I still have to take benedryl if I overdo it, or more gi medicine if I really screw up. But this time last year I couldn't touch bread, pasta, waffles, any wheat. This time last year I was dreaming and hoping miserably I'd get to have toast and pizza again. That I'd be able to risk any dairy. Any wheat. My only severe allergy left now is potato. I'm still a ways away from being able to stop needing my gi meds to eat. But rhe fact I simply CAN eat, most days, relaibly without worrying I won't be able to the next day? Awesome. I had a bad flare in August and was on a liquid diet and feared I'd never eat yummy food again. And all of 2022 was awful mush. I'm so so grateful I can eat a waffle, and will probably still be able to eat the next day. I'm going to sincerely hope now this is the year I'll be able to transition off of needing gi meds.
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drowzyscatterbrain · 2 months
I have many fears.
but currently, one of my greatest fears is having the most wonderful and sweet dreams of being lovey dovey with sans...
and forgetting it upon waking up.
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allaboutforexworld · 2 months
Volume Indicators: How to Use Them in Trading
Volume indicators are essential tools for traders seeking to understand market activity and potential price movements. These indicators provide insights into the strength and direction of trends by analyzing trading volume. This article explores how volume indicators work, their benefits, and how traders can effectively use them in their strategies. What Are Volume Indicators? Volume indicators…
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mirrorhouse · 2 years
hmmm thinking about how ocelot’s self-hypnosis works in mgsv (my interpretation of it anyway)
he tells snake to think of what he’s going to do to himself as “doublethink”, so to me it’s that he is always holding two conflicting and contradictory beliefs at the exact same time. depending on what’s going on, one belief is stronger than the other, and that becomes the “truth” to him.
so to him, there’s two truths: 1) i’m working with the real big boss and 2) this is just the phantom that i created.
for the majority of the time, he believes the first “truth”— although the other is always there, beneath the surface. in moments where he’s presented with information or situations that are inconsistent with what he believes to be reality (for example, snake “forgetting” russian), he’s able to subconsciously switch to the other “truth” in order to think up lies that keep the facade from faltering; to minimise the risk of the fabricated truth being splintered for himself, the phantom, and everyone around them.
then, as soon as he’s finished telling that lie, it’s no longer a lie; it’s the truth to him, incorporated into that first belief system, and that’s what he goes back to believing. so something like this:
from the mgsv script: Boss, you don’t understand what he said? Ahh… I guess that makes sense… (Ocelot is thinking of an appropriate lie) It looks like that “horn” stuck in your head has impacted the language center of your brain.
is something he’s telling himself too, a way to justify the phantom not acting like the real snake, and now it’s the real explanation. he knows he’s just a copy beneath the surface, but at the same time, he’s able to totally convince himself he’s not, and that he’s the real thing.
all throughout mgsv (or at least, until the time is right for him to completely abandon the “truth” he’s convinced himself of and understand that the real big boss is who he’s truly working with— whenever that is) i think he’s actively lying to and manipulating not just everyone else, but also himself, yet he doesn’t even fully realise it.
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beeapocalypse · 1 year
<-- it was forced to think about the honey sweet magic system
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caligulalotus · 2 years
the next non-league team fall is gonna be for a team called the plot gang that’s just fourteen plot heavy players who haven’t fallen out yet
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dayofbanks · 10 months
Islamic Influence.
Islamic finance is based on Islamic principles and jurisprudence. The payment and receipt of interest (riba) is prohibited under Islamic principles. Contracts that involve speculation (maysir) and uncertainty (gharar) are considered void in Islamic finance. Financing instruments in Islamic finance consist of equity-like and debt-like instruments.
Fixed claim instruments include murabaha, ijarah, salam, and istisna. Sukuk is an asset-backed trust certificate (bond) representing ownership of an asset or its usufruct (earnings) based on the principle of sharia. Equity instruments include mudarabah and musharakah. In mudarabah one partner provides the capital investment (rabb ul maal) to another partner (mudarib) who is responsible for operations and management of the business. Musharakah is a profit-and-loss sharing partnership contract.
Islamic financial institutions face various risks such as credit risk, benchmark risk, liquidity risk, operational risk, legal risk, and fiduciary risk. Takaful is commonly referred to as Islamic insurance. The two basic models of takaful insurance are the Al mudharabah and al wakala model.
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paulthepoke · 1 year
50% Potential Loss to the Great Triumvirate: Stocks, Bonds, and Real Estate
Proverbs 22:7 The rich rules over the poor, and the borrower is the slave of the lender. Proverbs 22:16 Whoever oppresses the poor to increase his own wealth, or gives to the rich, will only come to poverty. Michael Douville took the time to talk with President of Pento Portfolio Strategies, Michael Pento. For those who are interested in a deep discussion about bonds, debt, and lending. How…
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nari I would like you to kindly clarify for me which liquid of the human body is worse to be into than piss
fucking uhhhh... spinal fluid?
i would classify vomit as a liquid, honestly. i think it's worse than piss
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indvesting · 1 month
NFTs in India
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NFTs in India: Explore the evolving digital assets landscape with Indvesting's insights. Visit: https://www.indvesting.com/
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allaboutforexworld · 2 months
Trade Gaps in Forex Market
The forex market, known for its high volatility and liquidity, presents numerous opportunities for traders to capitalize on price movements. One such opportunity arises from trade gaps. Understanding and effectively trading these gaps can significantly enhance a trader’s profitability. This article delves into the concept of trade gaps, exploring their causes, types, and strategies for trading…
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blogie2705 · 2 months
The Importance of Emergency funds and how to Build one?
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What is it?
An emergency fund stands as an essential element within a robust financial strategy, acting as a vital safeguard against unforeseen circumstances. This specialized reserve of funds is meticulously allocated to address unexpected financial needs or emergencies that may emerge abruptly, such as significant vehicle repairs, roof leaks, medical emergencies, or even the sudden loss of employment. In contrast to the everyday spending accounts or savings accounts designated for routine expenses, an emergency fund remains untouched and reserved solely for the resolution of genuine crises that interrupt your customary cash flow. The availability of this financial resource can significantly influence your ability to navigate through a financial downturn without resorting to debt, depleting retirement savings, or engaging in other detrimental financial decisions. The recommended benchmark for establishing an emergency fund is to accumulate enough to sustain three to six months' worth of essential living expenses, although the precise amount may vary depending on your personal circumstances and risk tolerance. Although the process of building this critical financial safety net may require patience and discipline, the peace of mind and financial security it affords are immeasurable when faced with unexpected expenses or hardships. An emergency fund can be likened to an airbag - while its necessity is seldom acknowledged, its presence is profoundly appreciated when it is needed.
Liquidity funds are characterized by
There is no entry or exit loads. Since they are liquid, most of the portfolio’s aren’t loaded with either entry or exit loads’
Offer  variable minimum investment
Minimum interest rate risk’s: This category of fund’s comes with lower interest rate risks compared all the the categories, because fund manager’s invest in select portfolio’s, with manager’s investing in  fixed income asset’s with minimal security
Why do I require?
Having an emergency fund is a critical component of sound financial planning and personal security. The purpose of an emergency fund is to provide a cushion of readily available cash that can be tapped into in the event of an unexpected expense or financial setback. This could include anything from a medical emergency, a major home or auto repair, job loss, or other unforeseen circumstances that require immediate cash. Without an emergency fund, these types of events can quickly derail your financial stability and lead to taking on debt, dipping into retirement savings, or other measures that can have long-term negative impacts Experts typically recommend having 3-6 months' worth of living expenses set aside in an emergency fund. This ensures you have enough to cover essential bills and necessities should your regular income be disrupted. The money should be kept in a liquid, low-risk account like a savings account so it's available when you need it, rather than invested in the stock market or tied up elsewhere. Building up this reserve takes time and discipline, but it provides invaluable peace of mind knowing you have a safety net to fall back on. Rather than relying on credit cards or loans to handle emergencies, which can be costly, an emergency fund allows you to weather financial storms without derailing your long-term financial goals. Overall, an emergency fund is a cornerstone of responsible money management and financial resilience.
What does safety fund’s offer?
Having an emergency fund is crucial for dealing with unforeseen expenses. It acts as a financial cushion when life presents unexpected challenges. Here are some key elements to consider for your emergency fund:
Basic Living Expenses: This includes covering necessities such as food, housing, utilities, transportation, and medical care. It's generally advised to save at least three to six months' worth of these expenses.
Car Repairs: Unexpected car repairs can be expensive. Having money readily available allows you to address these issues without depending on credit cards.
Home Repairs: From minor leaks to major appliance failures, home repairs can catch you by surprise. An emergency fund can help cover these unexpected costs.
Medical Expenses: Health-related bills can appear suddenly. Having savings set aside can lighten the financial load.
Job Loss: Losing a job can be financially devastating. An emergency fund can provide a safety net until you secure new employment.
Fund’s are always volatile, hence begin with a minimum denomination, in case of managing consumer debts. . Once that's paid off, aim to build a fully funded emergency fund that covers three to six months of living expenses. Having this financial security can offer peace of mind.
How much do I need?
The amount you should aim to have in an emergency savings fund varies based on your circumstances. Consider the most frequent unexpected expenses you've encountered in the past and their associated costs. This reflection can guide you in establishing a savings goal. If you're living from pay check to pay check or receive inconsistent pay each week or month, saving money may seem challenging. However, even a small contribution can offer a degree of financial security.
How to Build an Emergency Fund:
1. Set a Goal: Determine how much you want to save in your emergency fund, typically three to six months' worth of living expenses.
2. Start Small: Begin by setting aside a small amount each month and gradually increase your savings over time.
3. Automate Savings: Set up automatic transfers from your checking account to your emergency fund to make saving easier and more consistent.
4. Cut Expenses: Look for ways to reduce your monthly expenses and redirect those savings into your emergency fund.
Building an emergency fund is a crucial step towards achieving financial security. Here are some steps to help you get started:
1. Set a Savings Goal: Aim to save enough to cover 3-6 months' worth of living expenses. This amount can help you manage unexpected costs like medical bills, car repairs, or job loss.
2. Open a Separate Savings Account: Keep your emergency fund separate from your regular checking account to avoid the temptation of spending it.
3. Start Small and Be Consistent: Begin with a manageable amount, such as saving ₹500 or ₹1000 per month. Gradually increase this amount as you become more comfortable.
4. Automate Your Savings: Set up automatic transfers from your checking account to your emergency fund. This ensures you save regularly without having to think about it.
5. Save Windfalls: Whenever you receive unexpected money, like a bonus or tax refund, add it to your emergency fund.
6. Cut Unnecessary Expenses: Review your monthly expenses and identify areas where you can cut back. Direct these savings to your emergency fund.
7. Replenish When Used: If you need to dip into your emergency fund, make it a priority to replenish it as soon as possible.
Tips for Managing Your Emergency Fund:
1. Keep it Separate: It's important to keep your emergency fund separate from your regular savings account to avoid temptation to dip into it for non-emergencies.
2. Replenish Promptly: If you do use your emergency fund, make it a priority to replenish it as soon as possible to ensure you're prepared for the next unexpected expense.
3. Review Regularly: Regularly review your emergency fund and adjust your savings goal as needed based on changes in your financial situation.
Risk’s and mitigation of emergency funds
1. Inflation Risk: One of the main risks of keeping a large amount of money in a savings account is that it may not keep pace with inflation. Over time, the purchasing power of your emergency fund may erode, leaving you with less money to cover expenses in times of need.
2. Opportunity Cost: By earmarking a portion of your savings for an emergency fund, you may miss out on potential investment opportunities that could generate higher returns. This trade-off between liquidity and potential returns is a key consideration when building your emergency fund.
3. Security Risks: Storing cash at home or in a low-yield savings account exposes you to the risk of theft or loss. Without proper safeguards in place, your emergency fund may not be readily available when you need it most.
How to mitigate?
1. Invest Strategically: Consider investing a portion of your emergency fund in low-risk, liquid investments such as money market funds or short-term bonds. This can help mitigate the risk of inflation and optimize your returns while maintaining liquidity.
2. Diversify Your Savings: Instead of relying solely on a traditional savings account, consider diversifying your emergency fund across different assets such as high-yield savings accounts, certificates of deposit, and even precious metals. This can help reduce your exposure to a single financial institution or asset class.
3. Establish Clear Guidelines: Set clear criteria for when and how to access your emergency fund. Define what constitutes an emergency and establish a plan for replenishing your reserves once they have been tapped. By outlining these guidelines in advance, you can avoid impulsive decisions and ensure the long-term viability of your emergency fund.
How to build?  Develop a saving pattern
There are various strategies to kickstart your savings journey, tailored to different scenarios. Whether you're facing a limited ability to save or your income fluctuates, there's a solution for everyone. While it's possible to employ all these strategies, starting with managing your cash flow or setting aside a portion of your tax refund is a straightforward approach for those with limited saving capabilities.
Building savings, no matter how big, becomes easier and more rewarding when you can consistently set aside money. It's one of the quickest ways to witness it grow. If you haven't been maintaining a regular saving practice, here are a few essential principles for creating and adhering to a savings habit.
Set a goal. Having a specific goal for your savings can help you stay motivated. Establishing your emergency fund may be that achievable goal that helps you stay on track, especially when you’re initially getting started. Use our savings planning tool to calculate how long it’ll take you to reach your goal, based on how much and how often you’re able to put money away.
Create a system for consistent contributions. There are numerous ways to save, and as you'll discover below, setting up automatic recurring transfers is often one of the simplest methods. Alternatively, you might choose to set aside a specific amount of money each day, week, or payday. The key is to make it a specific amount, and if possible, to occasionally increase your contributions, you'll see your savings grow even more rapidly. Regularly monitor your progress by finding a method to consistently check your savings. Whether this involves automatic notifications of your account balance or keeping a running total of your contributions in a journal, staying aware of your progress can provide both satisfaction and motivation to continue.
Liquidity of the Emergency Fund:
Upon recognizing the significance of establishing an emergency fund, the subsequent imperative is to guarantee its accessibility. Nevertheless, the formulation of the emergency fund necessitates a meticulous and gradual approach. This process demands extensive contemplation and investigation. It is essential to consider various elements, including income, expenditure, and the interest rates provided. Ideally, the emergency fund ought to equate to a minimum of three to six months' worth of one's salary, accounting for monthly income.
In conclusion, having an emergency fund is an essential part of financial planning. By following the tips for crating, managing a personalized emergency portfolio, the investor can be assured that this fund provides a SafetyNet, in times of unexpected twists and turns. Begin to create a fund as soon as possible to effectively manage  finance’s for future.
In conclusion, while such funds play a crucial role in financial planning, it is important to be mindful of the risks and challenges associated. By implementing the right straggles and safeguards, organizations can derive optimum effectiveness of the fund, protecting financial well-being in times of crisis.
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