#it used to be 1 risk of eating bread like a small piece of toast and i had nausea 4 days puking and couldnt use bathroom
mejomonster · 9 months
Goodbye 2023. Wrote 30,000 words of my Danny story, 20,000 words of my Freyna story, 25,000 words of my Khan story, 13,000 words of my Celest story, 48,000 words of fanfiction, and including notes and scraps I wrote 211,007 words in 2023! >o<)/ a lot of fucking words!!!
(Also future me, now you can find this next year to find out how much more u wrote)
I did not hit last years goal of finishing one of my original stories. But on the bright side, I did write over one novel's Worth of words. So here's to hoping this new year I focus more on One story at a time so I can start finishing things. I'll count this as a kind of win. (I'd still like to finish at least one of my original stories before January ends just so I can say I've finally finished one asap lol)
In other news. This past year, sunday, I had italian bread with butter. I had lemon cake this year. I had pizza, the last two days in a row. I have had a waffle almost every day of the week. I still have to take benedryl if I overdo it, or more gi medicine if I really screw up. But this time last year I couldn't touch bread, pasta, waffles, any wheat. This time last year I was dreaming and hoping miserably I'd get to have toast and pizza again. That I'd be able to risk any dairy. Any wheat. My only severe allergy left now is potato. I'm still a ways away from being able to stop needing my gi meds to eat. But rhe fact I simply CAN eat, most days, relaibly without worrying I won't be able to the next day? Awesome. I had a bad flare in August and was on a liquid diet and feared I'd never eat yummy food again. And all of 2022 was awful mush. I'm so so grateful I can eat a waffle, and will probably still be able to eat the next day. I'm going to sincerely hope now this is the year I'll be able to transition off of needing gi meds.
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Follow You Anywhere 1
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No tag lists. Do not send asks or DMs about updates. Review my pinned post for guidelines, masterlist, etc.
Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as dubcon/noncon, obsession, controlling behavoiour, and other possible triggers. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: You're online existence threatens to leak into your real life.
Characters: Captain Syverson
Note: I couldn't help myself.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me <3
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!)
Love you all. You are appreciated and your are worthy. Treat yourself with care. 💖
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"So... this is what it looks like today?" You aim your camera at the sky outside your window, "sorry, the screen is kinda in the way."
You let out a nervous chuckle and flip the camera to yourself. You make a silly face. You were never overly fond of your image on the screen but the vlogs help. Like a little diary, mostly for yourself. You and your seven followers on Insta.
You bat your lashes and fix the clip in your hair, "oh, I got this free. Yeah, I bought a new hair oil and they threw this in the bag." You let your thoughts run wild from your tongue. You found a journal too daunting, the blank lines leaving you just as empty. This is easier. "Anyway, I shouldn't have spent the money to begin with."
You give another splintered laugh. The one you let out when you're anxious, or scared, or happy, or even mad.  You bite your lip and catch yourself in your digitized reflection. You stop and turn your camera to your bedroom.
"Today, I'm gonna clean this mess. Me and you guys together."
You scour the room with the lens. Your laundry is piled on the floor and you have a stack of books you need to put on the shelf. It isn't the worst it's been but it's getting cluttered.
"But first, we'll have breakfast, can't start the stream on an empty stomach," you chirp and nearly drop the phone, "oops, uh..." You fix your grip and check the number in the corner. You have one viewer; on a good day, it's three, most days, it's just you talking to the void.
You go into the kitchen, just down the short hall from your bedroom, opening into your living room. You go to the counter and prop up the phone so the camera is on you again. You tap your fingers and hum.
"What should we have for breakfast?" You ask. You don't feel as crazy talking to yourself even if there's really no one watching. "Oo, French toast. Gotta use up the eggs."
You go to the fridge and pull out the eggs and the milk. You bring them back to the counter, shuffling around for a bowl, a whisk, and the cinnamon.
You mix up your ingredients and dip the bread, one piece at a time. You put on a skillet and fry up the slices, presenting a stack of three to the camera. You smile and dust some icing sugar over the top.
“Probably shouldn't have all this sugar for breakfast,” you shrug at the camera, “alright, quick break…” 
You put the stream onto the ‘back soon’ page and take your plate to the small foldout table against the wall. You're not a fan of eating on camera. You finish and rinse up before snatching your phone up again.
You return to your bedroom and put the phone on a middle shelf and flip the stream back to live. Still that one viewer…
“Anyway, I'm back,” you wave at the lens.
You hesitate, looking around as you stand straight and spin. Cleaning, right. Before you can set to work, the phone dings.
A message?
You go back to your phone and squint at the chat bubble floating up.
‘Looked delicious too.’
“It was,” you agree with a grin, “thanks.”
‘Don't mean the toast.’
The next message has you blinking. Your nape burns. They can't mean… you clear your throat and giggle.
“Well, let's get started,” you back up and clap your hands, “you know, I've been so carried away with work. This place is a pigsty.”
You sit on the floor and sort through the clothes. You toss them into the basket as you sit in silence. You stop yourself and glance at the phone.
“How about some tunes?” 
You walk on your knees to your bedside and turn on your bluetooth speaker. You go to your phone and find a playlist before pulling the stream back to full screen. As you do, you hear a noise you've never heard before.
‘BourbonBear has tipped.’ Huh? Really?
“Oh, thanks, er, BourbonBear,” you giggle around the name, “how nice. Maybe one day I can afford a proper camera for this, huh?”
You smile and go back to the dirty clothes. You quickly ball up a pair of panties and shove them in the basket. You carry on until they're all untangled.
You move on and tidy your desk, bending underneath to gather up a few loose pens. You make your way around the bedroom, putting away books, fixing the blankets on the bed, and straightening the little figurines on the shelf above the bed.
You grab the stick vacuum and suck up the dirt and proclaim your task done. It took a lot longer than you thought. It's after eleven. The one viewer is still there.
“Whew, okay, I'm gonna get myself washed up and go to the park. Maybe I'll post that later,” you give a thumbs up next to your head as you talk to the phone, “thank you.”
You end the stream and let out a sigh. Your videos aren't much and you doubt they're very interesting but it's like venting for you. Almost like having an invisible friend. You think you will take some pictures of the flowers to share.
You take your usual path through the park. The walks help you unwind your worries. You try to come after work at least a couple days during the week and both days on the weekend. You find the mindlessness of the routine to be calming.
The deeper you get into the wooded length of the path, you slow to admire the birds in the branches and the critters crawling in the brush. You take out your phone and snap a few photos of a blue jay before it wings away shyly. You smile and flip the cam, smiling as you take a goofy selfie. You can add that to your post.
The path winds ahead and you follow it in the din, listening to the river just down the incline to your left and the tweeting from the sky. You lift your face and inhale the woodsy scent. The sudden crack of a twig startles you and you spin to face the noise. There's no one there. Sometimes you forget other people are free to just walk on through.
You chuckle at yourself and continue on. The path leads out to a suburban street where you like to look at the houses. They're much more spacious and pretty than your grimy brick apartment building.
You come out from the shade of the trees and wander along the avenue. There's a mailbox painted to look like the house it stands before and a little nook for second hand children's books to be borrowed through the neighbourhood. Sometimes you picture yourself living in one of those houses though you don't think it could ever truly be.
As you crane your head, you sense a shadow in your peripheral. You're walking a bit slow. You sidle to the side to get out of the way of the other pedestrian. When no one passes, you look back. No one.
You must be imagining things. You shrug and plod along. You're already thinking of what kind of tea you'll have when you get in.
You sit down with your mug of ginger citrus tea and set to editing your post. You add a light filter to the photos as you shuffle through them on your laptop. The process is slow as the computer is nearly five years old now and chuffing on its 4GB drive. You get to the selfie you snapped, a stop.
You lean in to get a better glimpse of the background. It's fuzzy but there's a figure just over your shoulder. How could that be? You looked and there was no one there. That's so strange.
You stare as a chill courses through you. You're thankful you hadn't put your earphones in. You wouldn't have heard whoever it was and they may have even snuck up on you. Or maybe it's just a trick of the light.
You hit ‘post’ and try to shake off the foreboding. It's nothing. You're being silly. Besides, you're home and safe now. Next time, you'll be more alert.
A message pops up. You stare at the dot over the chat bubble. You tap with your thumb and bring up the DMs.
'Stream tonight?' BourbonBear asks.
You tilt your head. You already did some today. You're tired and want to lie down and enjoy your time off. You type back 'sorry, not tonight. tomorrow <3' and another notification vibrates. A comment on your latest post.
'Pretty sweater', also from BourbonBear. You heart their comment and leave a thanks below.
You flip back to the selfie. You can't really see your sweater in the picture, just the scalloped knitting of the collar. Well, you suppose it does look cute. You put your phone down and leave it on your desk. That's enough Insta for today.
You time your shopping trip for the least busy hour. It's early and the store is almost empty except for employees stacking bread on shelves or wandering listlessly around the deli. You have your phone in the basket of the cart, aimed at you as you roll it along slowly and check your list.
The stream is just as empty. It's only just started but you don't expect too many people to be up at this hour. You stop and grab a loaf of sourdough, checking the date before showing it to the lens and putting it in the cart. You smile and announce the next item.
"Strawberries... you know I was thinking I might get raspberries instead," you say, catching the eye of one of the yawning employees. You must seem like a weirdo. It's why you typically don't film in public.
As you roll around to the fruit, you notice the count change. One viewer. You choose a basket of raspberries and show those. You see a message float up; morning.
You smile and return the greeting softly and place the berries down carefully beside your phone. You need yogurt to go with the berries.
You work down the list, making some substitutes as you tick off each item. You linger in the ice cream section a bit too long and talk yourself out of a gallon of rocky road. You lean on the handle of the cart and smile down at the lens.
"Going to check out," you say, "see you all later."
All? There's still just the one. You end the stream and take your phone out of the basket.
You wheel around to checkout and line up at the only open till. You put your items up as you greet the cashier with a smile. She seems tired as she gives a dull response.
As you put the yogurt on the belt, you sense someone join the queue behind you. You glance over as a large man stands only feet away. He's tall and burly and staring at you. Maybe he heard you talking to your audience, or he would think, yourself. You continue to unload your groceries.
"Never tried those," he comments as you take out a box of strawberry Pocky.
You pause and hold them up, chuckling nervously, as you do.
"Pretty good," you answer, "I eat way too many."
You notice the man doesn't have a basket or a cart. That realisation needles under your skin. Maybe he's just getting lotto or smokes?
"You like sweet stuff."
"Too much," you squeak even though it doesn't sound like a question.
He just stares, not saying a word. You swallow tightly and pull the last few items out of the cart and get behind it to wheel it through the lane. As you do, he looms closely, adding to the sweat gathering on your lower back.
You roll along and wait for the cashier to ring through the rest of your things. She bags them up neatly in two large paper bags. You pay with your card and thank her as you lift the first into your cart. The man behind you moves forward and grabs the second, startling you.
"Got it," he says as he places it with the other, squeezing by you, crowding you.
"Oh, excuse me, sir," you stammer, "oh," you lean on the cart to roll it to the end of the lane as you make space between you and the stranger. "Thanks, er, uh... thanks."
You turn and grab the handle, jittering. He's really weirding you out. Especially as you realise he's walked right by the cashier. He's following you.
"I can help get ‘em in your car," he offers in a drawl.
"Oh, that's alright, I... bus," you cringe as you realise you've said too much.
"I could drive you. I have a truck."
"No thank you," you walk faster, the cart rattling with your pace.
"Why not?"
"I don't know you, erm, sorry--"
"You don't?" He catches up and shoves his phone in your face, your Insta profile glaring back at you, "I paid for the milk, maybe the berries..."
"What?" You stop, just by the door and turn to him. "I don't--"
"You haven't eaten, have you? I'll take you for French toast. That's your favourite."
"Um," you blink at him as your eyes tinge, "I don't..."
"You got me through a hard campaign, just wanna say thank you," he adjusts his cap and you notice the pin on it. He's a veteran. Oh, 'campaign'. 
“Just got back home," he shifts on his feet, a meek gesture for such a large man, "and... your videos helped me remember it. Helped me hold onto it in the sh-- in the stuff."
"I... wow, okay, that's... I'm glad I could do that."
"I really don't mind giving you a ride. Lots of weirdos on the bus," he insists.
"That's nice but--"
"Please," he softens his tone, "been a while since I sat down and had breakfast without worrying about the sky falling."
You shudder and grip the cart tight. You don't know how to say no. You didn't think about who was watching. You always just assumed they were bots. Then you think of the chaching noise and the amount flashing on the screen.
"BourbonBear?" You ask.
"Yeah," he cracks a crooked smile and smooths his hand over his thick beard. "Everyone calls me Syv.”
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tg-headcanons · 3 years
This may sound dumb but I’m curious about ghoul eating habits...
Not dumb at all I was just thinking about this!
So of course, their diet is VERY limited. The only things they can digest being Human meat and coffee, one of which they can’t survive on. Predictably they’ll also have bodies geared to handle it differently
They’re like snakes, eating one massive meal every 1-3 weeks, then little to nothing else. Some will try to mimic humans by eating a plate sized amount of meat once or twice a day, but it’s unsustainable since it keeps their rc levels low. For some this is better, such as the Tsukiyama’s with their Sweet Home Alabama Family genes that make it hard to process rc, but for most its unadvisable at best
Big muscles and organs are “meal” foods, while small things like digits, noses, eyes, ears, and tongues are snack foods and are usually saved as treats for the days they don’t really need to eat
Some ghouls are born with a rare ability to create goose-like tongue serrations from small kagune growths when eating in order to get marrow out of bones more effectively. The mutation originated in Australia and is not yet well known, but more and more ghouls are being born with them. The others will boil or break bones into small pieces in order to reach it
Technically they can live off of 1 body a month, but that’s like living off of a loaf of bread a day. For them to not just survive but be healthy, they need closer to 1.7
Most ghouls don’t actually hunt, instead relying on one or two group mates who are the strongest to provide bodies in exchange for the tastiest parts such as the heart and deltoids
Unless a ghoul is very close to a group mate or family member, they simply can’t share a meal with them. They’re built to be territorial over food and until they’re so used to another person they need to eat in different rooms or they’ll start fighting. For other ghouls and even humans, it’s a massive sign of trust to eat while being close to a ghoul who’s eating
Almost everyone avoids cannibalism if they can. Ghoul meat tastes bad and the consumer runs the risk of becoming a kakuja. It’s a painful process and can lead to getting ostracized so plenty would rather starve
Unfortunately, disordered eating isn’t uncommon, and there are plenty of ghouls like Rize or Touka who either binge or try to eat as little as possible, sometimes trying to make themselves digest human food
So long as they’ve eaten recently, they can digest very small amounts of human food without getting sick, think a single grape or one bite of toast. Anything as long as the portion is small and diluted, except avocado which is lethal in anything amount above a teaspoon
Brains are edible, but only if they’re boiled first. This has nothing to do with cooking it and everything to do with prions. Thanks to their increased healing ability, they usually aren’t fatal or even debilitating, but don’t want to run the risk of being down for the count for awhile. It’s pretty much accepted that you’re going to get Kuru from time to time but it still sucks. It’s not as rare as humans think it is, the cases are just mostly limited to ghouls who treat it like the common cold
Some people, those with the money and resources, try to make the meat better while still being digestable. There are some places that provide human jerky or corned human if you know the right people
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So, I decided to maybe do a multi-chapter fic of what Talbott and Alexus were up to during the Second Wizarding War (but it could end up being a one-shot). I don't have too many plans, so I'm hoping I can keep it up. It may get a little more mature than what I've written before, never anything explicit, so far it's a T rating. Lots of romantical language, some dueling, writing the first bit felt a lot like writing quarantine, so take with that what you will.
Chapter 1
Sometimes, on quiet rainy nights, while laying in bed, Talbott Winger would reflect fondly upon the last few years of his life. He was still a young man, only twenty-four-years-old. Some would say the prime of life. He looked down at the woman laying down with him, and kissed her forehead, remembering the last few years, remembering how he was lucky enough to be living with her.
He had graduated from Hogwarts with her in 1991, and he wasted no time moving into a flat in London with his girlfriend of three years: Alexus Johnson. He continued his auror career while she had set up a private investigative office, occasionally working as a hit-witch for his department.
Working young kids, that’s what they were, tripping over themselves in the bliss of freedom, no teachers or dark cabals constantly looming over their heads. Just them, in their space, with their combined book collection.
They continued dating for another couple years until 1995, a year that Talbott reflected upon fondly as he noticed her eyes fluttering from a dream.
That was the year he had proposed to her. In a wheat field, under a large shady tree, when they were on a picnic together, he pulled her favorite book out of the basket and told her to find a story for him to read.
She turned to a marked page, a custom bookmark pressed between the pages of her favorite romantic poem. Embossed in blue lettering was the question he wanted to ask her.
“Will you marry me?”
By the time she processed the bookmark and looked at him for answers, he was already on one knee, an open box with his ring in his hands, held up to her.
They had a small ceremony, a few months later, only their closest friends and her mother and brother were in attendance. They didn’t need or want a big spectacle. All he wanted was to dance with his wife, and he did, for the whole night.
It was 1997 now, and he considered himself the luckiest wizard in the world. He loved her, he didn’t want to lose her.
He loved her, and there was a war right outside their door.
Instead of being stable and safe at their London flat, they were in a safe house.
He loved his wife, but she was rather prone to being targeted by large groups of dark wizards.
Granted, this time, as with his work serving under Alastor “Mad-Eye” Moody in the auror department, Talbott himself had been targeted as the Death Eaters took over the Ministry.
Mad-Eye had been killed just over two months ago, during a big confrontation involving Harry Potter and a bunch of Death Eaters, and a few weeks after, there was a wedding for Bill Weasley.
Alexus, still being a good friend with her the eldest Weasley, had attended with Talbott.
They were attacked while there, and that was when they went into hiding, apparating to their flat to grab the bags they had packed in advance before leaving, on a muggle bus, to a train station.
From that station, they made their way to some distant station before apparating again.
Somewhere in Ireland, Talbott didn’t know the exact location. An old villa in the countryside with rolling hills to the right, as far as they could see, and a thick forest to the left of the home, her father’s childhood home, apparently. She and Jacob inherited it when he died.
It was modest, with a lush flower garden in the front, and a greenhouse in the back, a small village within a bike ride’s distance for when they needed groceries.
Most importantly, it had a library, a record player, and a radio.
The days passed slowly, the sun rose over the hills and set behind the trees.
To pass the time, they read, they danced, they cooked, they tended to the garden and greenhouse. Only sparingly did they venture to the village together, for being in sight of other people increased their risk of being sighted.
Today had included a trip to the village. It started off a sunny day, brilliant blue skies as they walked the markets in the center of the place. By the time they were leaving, fresh groceries in their arms, the dark clouds were rolling through the skys.
They had rushed home, just barely avoiding getting caught in the downpour. Alexus found the whole scenario hilarious. Rainy weather always made her feel better, and after dinner, she played music on the muggle device that she called a record player, some relic that belonged to her grandparents.
Talbott hadn’t really heard music like this before, but it was fascinating nonetheless. So, they danced that night, for a long time.
It was enough to leave Alexus properly tired by the time they were heading to bed, so she had fallen asleep in minutes, laying her head on his chest instead of the pillows.
He read his book with one hand, keeping his other arm around her. It was an old one, a collection of an author’s favorites that Alexus had gotten him for his 16th birthday.
The pages were well preserved, some passages underlined, the ink from their own pens fading.
He traced his thumb over a neat line, knowing it was Alexus who had marked it. He sighed and marked his spot before setting the book on his nightstand.
He turned off his light and gently moved, just slow enough so that he didn’t disturb his wife. He laid down and closed his eyes, letting the lullaby of the raindrops tapping on the window sooth him to sleep.
When the sun filtered in from the bedroom window, Talbott threw the blankets over his head.
“You have to get up eventually,” his wife’s chiding voice came from outside the covers.
“No I don’t,” he called back, a smile creeping onto his lips.
“We’re going to the forest, remember? To explore beyond the yard?”
He felt the weight of the bed shift, the springs in the mattress squeaking as she sat down at the foot.
He relented and sat up, pulling the covers off of his face.
She looked at him, with her big round eyes, misleadingly innocent, a soft smile on her lips. She was already dressed, wearing simple blue jeans and a long-sleeved blue shirt, her hair tied back into a bun, two strands of hair framing either side of her face.
“There you are,” she said, a glint of mischief taking its place in her eyes.
“Here I am,” he repeated before lifting his arms into a powerful stretch, extending his entire upper torso, a yawn accenting his movements.
“Get ready, I’ll be downstairs,” she said, leaning over the bed to peck his cheek before sliding off the bed and walking out.
Now, he really had no choice. He couldn’t keep his wife waiting.
He reflected on their predicament as he got ready for the day. They were treating it like a second honeymoon. If any bystander that they met asked, they were on vacation from two demanding jobs.
Vacation, he mentally repeated as he examined his face in the mirror. A small beard was developing, he hadn’t shaved in a few weeks. Everyone I know could be killed by now, and I’m on vacation. He shook his head to rapidly clear those thoughts. He couldn’t let his mind go down that direction. They were just as safe as he and Alexus.
He ran his hands through his hair, letting it fall where it may before he exited the bathroom, fully dressed. He wore khakis and a grey t-shirt, simple enough, but durable for a walk in the woods. Lastly, from his closet, he grabbed a dark jacket and threw it over his shoulder before making his way downstairs.
Alexus was in the kitchen, reaching through one of the cupboards to grab plates.
Talbott took the opportunity to look over what she was preparing. Bacon on one burner, scrambled eggs on another. He looked at the counter, to see bread in the toaster.
He turned the eggs before kissing the back of her head, reaching above her to grab the plates that were just at the brush of her fingertips.
“What would you do without me?” he said, almost teasingly.
“Get a step-ladder.”
He laughed as two pieces of toast popped up. She quickly took them out and added another slice. He started to prep their coffee.
It wasn’t too long before they sat down at the little table in a dining nook.
While they ate, Alexus was looking through a book of botany, one hand balancing the spine on the table and flicking through the pages, the other holding her fork and messing with eggs that she kept forgetting to actually eat.
He watched her read, her brow furrowing in concentration, her emerald eyes blocked only slightly by her reading glasses, lips slightly parted and occasionally mouthing words, eggs hovering an inch off her plate, occasionally dropping off the fork balanced between her two fingers.
“I thought we banned reading at the breakfast table for this reason,” Talbott remarked casually, snapping her out of her trance.
“Sorry,” she muttered, quickly marking her spot and setting it to the side before she started eating.
“Find anything interesting in the book?” he asked, trying to keep a conversation.
“Well, nothing in particular,” she started, stirring her coffee slightly. Talbott waited for her to finish drinking, knowing that she was about to dump a niche patch of information on him.
“But I just think,” she continued, setting her mug down, “It’s interesting, there’s botany, the study of non-magical plants, but there’s also herbology, which is for magical plants, but there’s also a certain overlap in their medicinal and magical uses.”
He nodded slightly, watching her ramble. The topic she was discussing was rather interesting, but he always found her info-dumping made it more compelling.
“Like, dittany,” she said after a breath. “In herbology and potion making, it’s very powerful for healing purposes, but muggles know about dittany, it’s not just a magical plant. For them, it’s medicinal, ornamental, symbolic of love, used for culinary and perfumery purposes.”
“And?” he asked, encouraging her to state her real point, knowing that her tangent was merely a method of building context to set up her point.
“Why doesn’t someone publish a book containing both muggle and magical herbs?” she asked.
He frowned, biting the inside of his cheek as he thought. “That’s an excellent proposal,” he said, “I suppose we could.”
She tilted her head. “We?” she repeated.
“Well, yes. We’re both talented at Herbology, plus with all the books we read on gardening and other botanical research, we’d both be qualified enough.” He shrugged before taking the last bite of his toast.
She nodded before she continued eating. He could see the gears turning in her head.
She remained deep in thought even when they both finished breakfast and were walking out the door, heading left to enter the forest. There was a fog rolling over the hills and the forest floor, Talbott knew, was caused by the hot October sun evaporating the cold, wet air leftover from last night’s rain. It created a certain ambience as they walked along the natural pathway, the light of the sun breaking through the red and orange canopy and catching on the omnipresent mist.
The forest was cold, almost a biting chill, the shade of the trees only adding to that cold.
Talbott reached for her hand, and they walked together, keeping close for warmth.
There was a natural pathway to the forest, nothing paved, no stepping stones. Just a clearing of trees.
“What do you think we’ll find out here?” Talbott asked after a second of walking, the villa no longer visible behind them.
“Other than memories?” Alexus contemplated his answer, “My father, he wrote some poetry about this place. He called it Sunset Forest. I remember he described finding groves of berry bushes, small streams flowing into ponds, rabbits.”
“I didn’t know he was a poet,” Talbott said.
“Only in his spare time. That’s what my mum would tell me. He kept journals and filled them with poetry, ever since he was young. She gave me a box full of them for my 13th birthday.”
She let go of his hand to jump over a large branch that had fallen in the path. Talbott stepped over it and looked up, hearing a persistent little hammering on a tree trunk, knowing it was a woodpecker.
“Do you still have his journals?” he asked, looking back at her.
“Most of them,” she replied, reaching for his hand. “Jacob took some of his more… contemporary and political stuff. Apparently, he went through a phase, from what I could tell.”
Talbott laughed. “How so?”
“Well, in the journals from his early adult years, they were mostly about society and war.”
“Ah,” he nodded in understanding. He knew Alexus had a small dislike for contemporary poetry, especially when they were about war.
She believed that every good story deserved a love, whether it be a tragedy or a happy ending.
“I also brought a few journals with me, to the villa,” she muttered. “I know we were only supposed to pack essential things, but I just wanted-”
“You don’t have to make excuses to please me,” he quickly assured her. “I understand, it’s important to you.”
She stopped in her path, making him stop with her. “Would you like to hear some? I memorized a couple about this forest.”
“I would love to,” he assured her.
She hummed a bit, leaning against his arm as she thought, mentally searching her internal catalog of poetry. For a second, it was quiet, with just her humming and the sound of yellow leaves and twigs being crushed under foot.
“Okay,” she said finally, “This one is called La Bruja de Rosa. He wrote it after my mum told him she was a witch. His response was to propose to her.”
Talbott laughed again as she cleared her throat.
“Smoothed down by the steps Of the many men that have taken this road Before my first breath This forestry path with the stories untold
My story is mine My head is mine My heart is yours La bruja de rosa
Mi bruja de rosa, I walk this path Guided by your spell From my childhood villa To a love meant to last Oh, the story this ground could tell
Magical in the way you take my breath Oh, enchantress of my soul! Meet me at Gaia’s archway, for apart for me, is living death but together, I am whole
You are my other half On the Sunset Forest path, A compliment to me my flying rose, I offer you my prose and the villa To build our own castillo To last for years But only if You’ll say “yes” My dear”
Talbott let out a breath as she finished. “That was nice,” he muttered.
“My mother’s maiden name was Espartero-Rosales. Espartero was her mother’s last name, the one tied with my magical side of the family. But Rosales, it means “rose bush,” so there was a lot of rose symbolism in his poetry after he met her,” she explained.
“Espartero,” he repeated, humming a bit before a thought struck him. This time, he froze in his path, causing her to look back at him.
“Wait,” he looked at her, “Like, the Espartero family in Mexico?”
“Did I not mention that before? I mean, you know my mom was in both the European and Mexican Quidditch Hall of Fa-”
“You told me she played for Spain!”
“Yeah, she played for the Leona Madrid team after playing for the Mexican World Cup team!”
“You never told me you came from the most influential family in developing Herbology research!”
She started laughing as she turned to him. He wasn’t angry, it was more than likely shock manifesting in him.
She placed her hands on his chest and smoothed out his jacket. “Yes, that is my close family, yes, I keep in touch with them, and yes, we can visit them.”
She stood on her toes and kissed his cheek. “Satisfied?”
He gently wrapped his arms around her waist. “Very.”
She cupped his face into her hands and brushed his cheek with her right thumb before standing on her toes to kiss him on the lips, just for a second.
He moved one hand, placing it over hers to hold it in place as he turned his head to kiss her palm.
She smiled, staring up at him. “I love you, and we will get through this. Both of us. I promise,” she assured him.
“I will never let anything happen to us,” he murmured.
She looked into his eyes, that brilliant crimson, the sharpness of his intellect just as alluring as the day she met him, even now, after everything.
They had been married for a good two years, and it all passed like a dream for her. From the moment he got down on one knee, to when they were running home to grab their pre-packed luggage to escape Death Eaters.
He made life a dream for her, still, even in hiding, where they were the only two people in the world. He gave poems and stories she had memorized for years a new life. He gave her motivation when she had none. Hope when she was hopeless. Love when she needed it.
He was a dream for her, still, even after knowing each other for ten years. She loved him as easily as she did when they were younger, it was breathing to her.
But she was being greedy and she knew it. Neither two years nor ten was not enough for her.
She wanted so much more, she wanted what she vowed to: life. After all the danger she ran into headfirst as a youth, she knew life was not promised to her. Not when there was danger still chasing her, when she was awake, and in the dark nights where her dreams left her gasping in a cold sweat, reaching for him, depending on him to be the rock to anchor her back to reality.
Those were terrible nights, when she would sit up, in tears, trying to understand, trying to make sense of why everything she held dear was so fragile. Everyone she loved, they could be gone in a flash, and she didn’t understand it, she couldn’t understand why.
Why did so many things threaten to rip her friends and family from her hands? Why could she never escape the mysteries, the curses? She never wanted any of it, never wanted a reputation for breaking curses, defeating evil. She never wanted the things that threatened to rip Talbott from her hands. She just wanted him. She wanted to be there for him so much, it physically hurt. It was an ache in her chest, a lack of breath in her lungs.
She loved him too much, and she was being greedy because of it.
She loved him and just wanted a life with him. But the war outside the villa was just another thing that threatened to steal him from her.
She was going to spend her whole life with him; she was certain of that fact. What terrified her was how little time that could be. Three minutes, three days, three months. None of it was certain.
Nothing was promised to Alexus, except Talbott.
She stood back up on her toes and kissed him again, he leaned down so she didn’t have to strain so much.
She was so warmed by him, by his hands exploring her, by his lips moving against her own, until a bitter chill swept through a forest, a rustling wind shaking the trees.
Alexus pulled away, shivering, pulling her jean jacket closer around her.
She would have passed it off as a simple October breeze, until everything quieted, the sounds of the forest, the rustling of the leaves, the sounds of animals in the distance, it all went mute. The shadows of the trees grew longer, the sunlight disappearing, the fog taking a much more sinister presence now, heralding a threat, just lurking outside their field of vision. The only thing she heard was Talbott’s own shuddering breath, which puffed out like white smoke from his mouth.
In her stomach, a pit of dread was lodged, making her unsettled.
“T-Talbott,” she whispered through chattering teeth.
He pulled out his wand, she followed suit, and they moved to stand back-to-back.
She watched the fog, until she saw what she was looking for. A hooded figure, looming in the banks, gliding across the forest floor.
“Dementor!” she called before waving her wand, remembering her wedding night, the happiness she felt when Talbott slid the ring on her finger. A patronus of a coyote bounded from the tip and sprang in front of her, rushing at the dementor, sending it away before it could get closer.
“This way too!” Talbott called, another dementor appearing.
She turned on her heel, her and Talbott switching spots as the coyote ran, chasing away the second one.
Immediately, the air cleared, the soft October breeze rustled the canopy, the morning sun returned, even the fog seemed to fade now.
She expelled the patronus and looked at Talbott. “We have to leave, that wasn’t a coincidence,” she whispered, grabbing his hand and pulling him back down the forest path.
They ran to the villa, stumbling over tree trunks and branches, sliding on the golden leaves still wet with morning dew.
Alexus ran into the villa first, but the second she was through the door, a powerful blast sent her flying back, colliding into Talbott, sending him back as well, both of them rolling across the grassy lawn.
“Damn,” Alexus groaned, moving to stand up, clutching her stomach.
“Are you alright?” Talbott asked, sitting up,
“Fine,” she assured him, sliding her wand back into her hand. “But whoever just hit me with a jinx is going to be sorry.”
He pulled out his wand as well and stood up as a wizard, a snatcher, by the looks of his ratty robes, strolled out of the home.
“I wouldn’t try it, Johnson, we’ve got you surrounded,” he drawled casually.
There was a series of snaps as several other snatchers apparated in a circle around Talbott and Alexus.
“Johnson-Winger, I’m a married woman,” Alexus corrected, standing up. “And, I like my odds.”
She did a once-over, glancing over her shoulders, that was all she needed to do, Talbott was aware of that fact. All she needed was one look to gain an accurate account of where everyone was in relation to her own position.
Talbott dove for the ground as she waved her wand in a circle around her head, fire billowing out in a ring around them, pushing the Snatchers away from them.
Standing up, turning on his heel, Talbott fired hex after hex around him, nailing four of the seven snatchers in the chest, sending them down.
“Go inside, I got them!” Alexus called as she sent a particularly nasty hex at the most physically imposing thug.
Talbott ran inside, Alexus standing against two snatchers, both of them holding up their wands.
“Neat trick, Johnson,” the leader said, still standing.
“I’ve had a good amount of practice, didn’t they tell you my background?”
“Why do you think we brought so many?”
With that, they both snapped their wands forward, Alexus stepping to the side, dodging a glaring red jinx, but the second spell had her wand flying out of her hand, landing in the thick grass somewhere behind her.
“Damn,” she whispered before looking back at them.
“No wand, no magic,” the second one said.
Alexus planted one foot behind herself and aimed her hand forward.
She jerked her hand, red sparks shooting from her palm, colliding with the second-in-command, sending him flying back, unconscious.
“Ever heard of wandless magic?” Alexus asked as she turned to the last wizard. “Got any more tricks up your sleeve?”
He lowered his wand.
There was a shift behind Alexus, but before she could react, a pair of thick arms wrapped around her and lifted her up, pinning her arms to her sides.
She responded by slamming her head back as hard as she could into the person’s nose, prompting them to drop her. While they were occupied, she grabbed their wrist and arm, pulling it over her shoulder while hooking her foot behind his ankle, lifting him up enough to flip him over his shoulder.
She kept his arm in her hands, twisting it when he landed on his back, while placing her foot on his chest, keeping him pinned. There was a snapping noise, which was probably his shoulder, and he was yelling.
Alexus, satisfied, jumped back as the initial snatcher tried to hex her.
She quickly retreated, moving behind a snatcher who was slowly climbing to his feet. She grabbed this one by the front of his shirt and hoisted him up to his feet before turning around, using him as a shield, the lead snatcher’s hex hitting his back instead of her, forcing her to drop him as he went dead limp.
She grabbed his wand and ignored its hostile energy as she pointed it forward, right as the lead snatcher was about to hex her. They were at a draw, both ready to take each other out, but the question was, who would go first?
Alexus didn’t find out.
Before she could try, there was a small explosion at the wizard’s feet, sending him jumping back before Talbott sent another hex at him, pushing him back again.
Alexus, satisfied as her husband handled the last one, looked around the grass, running her hands through it before she found her hand.
She went around the other six snatchers and confounded them, casting obliviate on the conscious ones before taking all their wands and throwing them around the yard, some of them ending up in a pond. This would make it harder for them to find Talbott and Alexus again.
“Ready to go?” Talbott asked, holding their bags as she walked back to the house, the tent bundled at his feet.
She grabbed the tent and held it under one arm, placing her hand on his shoulder. “Ready,” she said before kissing his cheek.
With that, they disapparated away from the villa.
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etherealwaifgoddess · 5 years
What He Wants (Pt. 14)
Main Characters: Bucky Barnes x Enhanced Reader
Summary:  On going series of Bucky getting his shit together and falling in love with you.
Warnings/ Content: none, just domestic fluff
Word Count: 1831
Author’s Note: Hello lovelies! We are firmly into fluff territory now. Like serious, tooth rotting fluff. Ya’ll might want to see a dentist after this ;) 
If you missed the first few parts, you can read them here: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
What He Wants, Pt. 14
In the early morning light you wake to a heavy, hot weight over your waist. You’re overheated but extremely comfortable and it takes you a moment to realize the tickling on the back of your neck is from Bucky’s breath against your hair. At some point during the night you had both shifted to the center of the bed and became entwined. He has his right arm thrown around your waist and he’s lying partly on his stomach and partly around you. His head is pressed against your neck in your hair and you can’t understand how he doesn’t mind laying like that. You had your arms wrapped around his when you woke, and you are reluctant to let him go. You’re afraid to wake him and lose this perfect, warm moment but you know it’s inevitable and he will likely not be thrilled to wake up like this. You shift to roll away but his arm tightens his grasp on you. “Where ya goin’, mouse?” He asks, his Brooklyn accent thick in his semi-conscious state. 
You freeze, he is awake and not pulling away. “I have to pee.” You say honestly and pull yourself out from under him.
Your voice and movements wake him up fully and he jolts back. “I’m sorry, God, mouse, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to…”
You shake your head, “It’s okay. Apparently we’re both cuddlers. Who knew?”
Bucky’s eyes widen at your flippant comment and you hurry to the bathroom before you die of embarrassment. You scrub at your face with a cold wash cloth, staring at your reflection for a moment. You had lost your mind, clearly. You pile your hair on top of your head in your standard messy bun and steel your nerves to go back out and face the man in your bed. 
Bucky had already gotten up and dressed. When you enter the bedroom he takes off towards the bathroom without a word. He can’t be around you for the time being, you are too soft and too beautiful in the morning light. He had been having the most wonderful dream of dancing with you in a ballroom, both hands wrapped around your waist leading your movements to a slow song. You had worn a red carnation in your hair and smiled at him like he was your whole world. When he had started waking he thought it was part of the dream. He curses himself for his foolishness. He needs to get himself together before he does something stupid and scares you off. The memory of last night and the way you had touched him has him gripping the side of the sink trying to catch his bearings. 
It’s been almost 80 years since he wanted a woman the way he wants you. After HYDRA had gotten their claws in him he’d had the singular focus of the Winter Soldier, or was on ice. There was no time for attraction or desire for sex during that time, it was just rage and fear. After Steve had helped him get out, well, he wasn’t exactly boyfriend material anymore. If his scars didn’t scare people off the permanent scowl he wore surely would. He had become a pro at keeping people at a distance and it was a hard habit to break. Bucky thinks about your words in the hospital, what did he want the rest of his life to look like? He has to admit, until he saw Steve come back aged he wasn’t sure they were capable of growing old because of the serum. The damn serum that was forever mixed with his DNA, ruining his insides the same way the HYDRA surgeons had ruined his outside. Risking a glance in the mirror he shakes his head at his reflection. He will just need to keep himself in check better, just like he does with the winter bastard rolling around in his subconscious. 
Bucky’s resolve lasts all the way to the kitchen where he finds you dancing around to some upbeat song, still wearing your night shirt which rides up your thighs a little higher every time you shimmy. He leans back against the door jam and coughs lightly so as not to startle you. You are completely unphased by his presence and send him a wide smile across the little pink and white kitchen. 
“I’m making French Toast. Your favorite, right?” You ask as you continue your movements, swaying as you coat a piece of bread with the egg mixture. You plop the soaked piece of bread in a sizzling pan and Bucky forgets every harsh reminder he had given himself only minutes before in the bathroom. 
“Yeah, mouse, that’s my favorite.” He says roughly, trying to reign himself in. “You didn’t have to-“
You cut him off before he makes excuses you don’t need, “I like it too, so it works out. Can you grab the syrup from that cupboard?” You point to the one and Bucky is quick to respond.
“Yeah, what else can I get for you?” He asks shuffling around the small kitchen the best he can with his crutch. 
“Plates are in there” you point, “And silverware is in that drawer” you point again.
“Yes, ma’am.” Bucky replies with no trace of sarcasm. 
Bucky has the table set by the time you place the first piece of toast on a platter by the stove. He looks around, wanting to stay busy while you work. “Can I get a pot of coffee started?” He offers. 
“Sure, grounds and filters are in there.”
“Thanks. Where’s the salt?”
“The salt?” You look at him incredulously.
“Yeah, to throw in with the grounds.” 
“Um, Bucky, don’t take this wrong but salt doesn’t go in coffee grounds.”
“Just you wait and see. My ma taught me this trick. It does somethin’ with the grounds, makes ‘em taste better. Less bitter. Just trust me, okay, mouse?”
You shake your head and wave your hand at him, letting him have his way. You can just make a new batch if it tastes weird. Bucky gets the coffee machine going and hops up on your kitchen countertop, sitting happily next to your work area. You’re surprised it holds the super soldier, but it seems stable. He swings his legs a little, happily watching you work. His cheerfulness is unnerving and you feel the creeping of a blush starting in your chest and working its way up your cheeks. You wish Bucky could be like this all the time, but you know he can’t ignore his issues forever and you need to make the most of these carefree moments when they happen. 
Having him so close while you cook is comforting and you place a hand on his thigh before you realize what you’re doing. Bucky’s eyes widen and his lips part in surprise. You pull your hand away as if you had placed it on the stove instead of him, wrapping your arms around yourself. “I-I-I’m so sorry.” You stutter, wishing the floor would open up into a void that you could fling yourself into. 
Bucky ambles down from the countertop to go check on the coffee which is doing just fine on its own. He also needs to readjust things. Bucky feels like a teenager again, unable to control his body’s responses to a pretty girl. It’s difficult for him to hide his reaction behind his fitted black jeans but he does his best to think of every disgusting thing he can to wipe any remaining lust from his system. 
You almost burn the next piece of toast, turning it just in time before it goes from just really dark to charred. You can’t shake the feel of Bucky’s thigh beneath your hand from your mind. It was so wide, thickly muscled, and powerful. You force your wayward mind to stop conjuring up imaginings of those thighs against other parts of your body, trying to get a grip on yourself. You cool off while making the last few pieces and then join Bucky at the table with the giant pile of French Toast. He’s sipping his coffee with a satisfied smile, clearly ready to gloat. 
“Just like my ma used to make it.” He says with a flourish as he hands you the cup. 
You roll your eyes but accept the offered cup, taking a sip of the salted coffee. To your surprise there isn’t even a hint of salt in the brew. It’s strong and rich, definitely better than when you normally make it, and you want to smack the smug look off Bucky’s face. “Damnit.” You grumble as you take another long sip.
Bucky laughs and it’s a harsh, almost dorky sound, seeming to have burst out before he could control it. You try not to snort your coffee through your nose and hold back the laughter bubbling up in your throat. Bucky’s cheeks tinged red, embarrassed at his outburst. 
“Thank you, Bucky.” You concede, raising your cup to him.
“You’re very welcome, mouse. Thanks for cooking again.” He takes four pieces of toast and starts dousing them with syrup. You try not to make a face, still unable to believe the way he eats. You pick two pieces off the plate for yourself, giving them a slight drizzle of syrup and then dig in. The coffee is good enough to go back for seconds and you catch Bucky’s pleased grin out of the corner of your eye. He polishes off eight pieces before pushing himself back from the table with a sigh. “A man can get used to this.” He teases. 
“Oh really? Well, as soon as man is feeling better he can get used to doing dishes too.” You sass back.
“Oh come on, mouse. You know I’m gonna help you once I’m back on both feet. I’m gonna cook for you, I’ll do the dishes, take care of the laundry, whatever you need. Just gimme another day to rest up.” 
“I know you’re good for it, no worries.” You get up to take care of the dishes, trying to keep your mind busy before it goes to all the other places you would like Bucky’s help. 
Bucky places his hand over your wrist, stilling your movement, “Seriously, mouse. I can’t repay you for taking me in like this. I know I’m a pain in the ass, and I’m gonna triple your grocery bill, but I really appreciate it.” The genuine gratefulness in his eyes stops you in your tracks even more than the contact of his hand on your wrist. Your brain struggles to come up with an appropriate response but all you come up with is “Any time.” It’s trite and you hate the sound of your voice. You force yourself to break the contact before you do something stupid like pull him against your chest and kiss him senseless. It’s barely 9am and you already know it’s going to be a long day. 
Tag List Lovelies: @my-current-fandom-is @blacklightguidesnic @amazonianbeauty @ladyemofhousestark @abswritesfandoms
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yogipress · 5 years
A Full Guide to Inflammation: Foods that cause Inflammation and the anti-inflammatory diet
“the absolute worst piece of advice we have ever gotten, is to eat a low fat diet. Mother’s milk is 50% fat and nature makes no mistakes.” – Dr- Bill Seers
 Inflammation is the immune system’s response to specific stimuli such as joint injuries or allergic reactions. It is essential in small amounts, as it’s an indispensable part of our immune systems response to foreign invaders.
Once the invader has been dealt with and the system functions adequately, the immune system removes the inflammation. In chronic inflammation, the situation is different. Chronic inflammation is most commonly caused by the food we eat.
In fact, most chronic diseases are caused by continuous low-grade inflammation usually caused by food. In many cases, this level of inflammation is not easily perceptible, and goes unnoticed until serious pathologies such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, obesity, autoimmune disorders, etc. are developed.
Inflammatory foods, which many of us eat on a daily basis, cause the immune system to induce inflammation. Over time, this leads to weight gain, skin problems, digestive problems and with time can leads to severe chronic diseases.
Those who have sluggish digestion, low energy, are unable to lose weight will benefit from replacing all inflammatory foods with anti-inflammatory and wholesome foods.
 Taking care of our Mitochondria
Mitochondria are the powerhouses of our cells. They help turn the energy from food into energy we can use. Mitochondria may very well be the most important part of our biology and keeping them healthy is essential for health and wellness as all levels. Dr. Bill Seers, an internationally well-known paediatrician and author of over 45 books says “Inflammation is what matters more than anything else. What causes inflammation? Mitochondrial dysfunction. You cannot have inflammation unless you have mitochondrial dysfunction or at least damage or stress”.
 He continues to say, “the absolute worst piece of advice we have ever gotten, is to eat a low fat diet. Mother’s milk is 50% fat and nature makes no mistakes.” The human brain is 60% fat and our mitochondria thrive on good wholesome fats. So a diet high in good and wholesome fats is indispensable to enjoy good health.
 What causes Decay
The second law of thermodynamics says that everything eventually decays. This is a universal law, which is applicable to everything from planets to our very own bodies. For this very reason, life itself causes decay within the body. For instance, when we inhale carbon monoxide from cars in traffic. The carbon monoxide creates a free radical within the body, which is basically just an oxygen atom which has lost its electron. Such atoms, stick to anything and then oxidise it. Just like steel gets rusted when oxidised, oxidative damage made by free radicals is the main cause of decay within the body. It is also the main cause of inflammation in the body, as the immune system actively tries to fight the free radical.
These are regular events, which the body is able to handle through the immune system and temporary inflammation provided the adequate nutrients are present within the body. However, if we eat inflammatory foods, then it becomes very difficult for the immune system to fight external invaders.
 Foods that cause Inflammation
 1.     Sugar  
Table sugar is 50% glucose and 50% fructose. It cannot be processed quickly enough by our digestive system, so it releases pro-inflammatory messengers called Cytokines. Also, sugar suppresses the effectiveness of white blood cells, which weakens our immune system making us vulnerable to infection. Remember sugar is not only in sodas and sweet foods, it is added to many foods such as cereal bars, pre-packaged fruit juices, some salad dressings, cooking sauces, white bread, etc.
Avoid: Table sugar, fructose syrup. Instead opt for low glycemic alternatives, such as whole grains and foods with healthy fats, proteins and fibers.  
 2.     Artificial Trans Fats
Artificial trans fats are created by adding hydrogen to unsaturated fats. Sometimes they’re referred to as hydrogenated fat. The unsaturated fats are liquid, so they’re hydrogenated to give them the stability of a solid fat. They aren’t natural so our body does not have the ability to metabolise and break them down adequately. Our immune system registers them as foreign invaders, stimulating an immune reaction which triggers systemic inflammation.
Most margarines contain trans fats, and they are often added to processed foods in order to extend shelf life. Trans fats cause inflammation, lower good (HDL) cholesterol and impair the functioning of the endothelial cells lining the arteries.
Avoid fries, microwave popcorn, margarines, packaged cakes, cookies, pastries, processed foods, soybean oil, palm oil, sunflower oil.
  3.      Saturated Fats
Fat cells secrete hormones which bind to themselves and are either pro-inflammatory or anti-inflammatory, which happens when they’re in balance. However high intake of saturated fats triggers white adipose or fat tissue inflammation. This tissue stores energy rather than burning it, which makes the fat cells get bigger and bigger. When fat cells grow too much, they release pro-inflammatory hormones which result in systemic inflammation.
Avoid: Pizza, cheese, full-fat dairy, grain-based desserts and red meat.
 4.     Vegetable and Seed Oils
Vegetable oils are highly concentrated in omega-6 (inflammatory fat), and low in the omega-3 (anti-inflammatory fat). Omega-6 is an essential fatty acid that the body needs for normal growth and development, however taking care of the Omega6-to-Omega3 ratio is of upmost importance when it comes to health. The ratio should be a 1:1 ratio, however people eating vegetable oils on a daily basis can sometimes have ratios of up to 20:1. When there are too many omega6’s, they eat up all the enzymes, preventing the Omega3s from getting into the cells, triggering the body to produce pro-inflammatory chemicals.
Avoid oils such as corn, sunflower, safflower, grape-seed, soy, peanut, vegetable and mayonnaise.
 5.     Cooking with oil
When oils are heated they get oxidised. Oils such as extra virgin olive oil should always be eaten raw. When used for cooking, it is best to use oils which are solid at room temperature such as coconut oil.
Avoid: Cooking with oil. Instead, cook with organic coconut oil, organic grass-fed butter or organic-grass fed ghee.  
 6.     Fried Foods
Vegetable-oil fried foods are high in AGEs, which are produced whenever food is fried.
AGEs are toxic compounds which are produced when proteins or fats combine with sugar in the bloodstream, a process also known as Glycation. AGEs also form in foods, especially in foods that have been fried, grilled, toasted or exposed to high temperatures. When too many AGEs are consumed, the body is unable to eliminate them and the immune system immediately responds with inflammation. 
Oil used in fried food is usually highly oxidised, which double up the resulting inflammation on the body. More importantly, fried foods block endothelial cells from normal functioning. 
Avoid: All fried foods. Try steaming, pressure cooking or low temperature baking.
 7.     Refined Flour
Refined wheat flours have their slow-digesting fibre and many of their nutrients removed. This means the body digests them too quickly, which makes blood sugar levels spike. This in turn triggers a spike in insulin levels which causes an inflammatory response. Refined Flour is one of the main drivers of escalating rates of obesity and other chronic conditions. It is also considered one of the biggest causes of cancer. These high-glycaemic index foods fuel the production AGEs and products that stimulate inflammation.
It is also important to note that fibre promotes fullness, improves blood sugar control and feeds the beneficial bacteria in the gut.
Avoid: Candy, bread, pasta, pastries, some cereals, cookies, cakes, sugary soft drinks and processed food that contains added sugar or flour.
 8.     Alcohol
Breaking down alcohol generates toxins that damage liver cells, promote inflammation and weaken the body’s immune system. Besides, alcohol increases all the inflammatory markers within the body. Consuming over one glass of wine can lead to bacterial toxins moving from the colon into the body, which can drive widespread inflammation within the body.
Avoid: Drinking over one glass of wine or beer a day. Avoid spirits and cocktails.
 9.     Grain-fed meat
Most cattle, chicken and other farm animals bred for human consumption are now grain-fed. However, this is an unnatural process, which means they have to be fed antibiotics to prevent them from getting diseases due to their artificial diet or the way they are confined in small spaces.  
Also, most farm animals are either fed corn or soy, which results in meats high in saturated inflammatory fats with greater levels of omega-6s, creating an imbalance in our omega6-to-omega3 ratio. Furthermore, the levels of antibiotics and growth hormones present in the meat, trigger an inflammatory immune response.
Avoid: grain-fed meat. Limit your meat consumption as much as possible, unless you are aware of the farm it comes from and know how the animal is treated. Organic meat is not necessarily good for you, as the animals could have still been fed antibiotics, growth-hormones and organic grain.
  10.  Processed Meat
Processed meats are even worse the grain-fed meats. They are usually grain-fed and contain high levels of AGEs which are created when the meats are processed – when they’re dried, smoked, pasteurised or cooked at high temperatures. Also, most processed meats have preservatives, colourings and other artificial additives which our immune systems also consider a foreign invader.
Processed meat is associated with an increased risk of heart disease, diabetes, stomach cancer and colon cancer.  
Avoid: All processed meats, sausages, cold meats, etc.
  11.  MSG and Artificial Additives
Artificial foods are not natural, so the body has no way to metabolise them. An immune response is triggered when artificial colourings, emulsifying agents and other additives are ingested, which activates an inflammatory reaction. 
Mono-sodium glutamate (MSG) is a flavour enhancing additive most commonly found in prepared Asian food, soy sauce, fast foods, prepared soups and soup mixes and salad dressings. It can trigger two important pathways of chronic inflammation.
Avoid: avoid fast food, prepared meals, dressings, sauces, foods with emulsifiers, etc.
 12.  Gluten and Casein
Many store-bought breads have very short periods of fermentation which reduces the amount of gluten the yeast can predigest for us. This makes digesting gluten in bread much harder, causing inflammation in the intestines. People who have joint pain and are sensitive to gluten – found in wheat, barley and rye – or casein – found in dairy products – may find relief by avoiding them. There may be an overlap in which some people with arthritis also have a gluten sensitivity or also have celiac disease.
Avoid: store-bought packaged breads, white breads and excessive gluten.
 13.  Aspartame and artificial sweeteners 
Aspartame is a non-nutritive, intense artificial sweetener found in over 4000 products worldwide. The body reacts to the foreign substance by attacking it, in turn triggering an inflammatory response.
This is also the case with many other artificial sweeteners, which are also one of the top five leading causes of cancer. When artificial sweeteners are ingested, the body releases cytokines.
Avoid: Artificial sweeteners. Instead try 100% natural stevia or raw honey.
 14.  Dairy products (sometimes)
Saturated fats in dairy are a common cause of inflammation if taken often. Dairy is also a common allergen; millions of people worldwide are intolerant to dairy. All allergens can cause inflammatory reactions by releasing histamines. 
Avoid: Dairy products if you’re intolerant or feel bloated after ingesting dairy products. (Except grass-fed organic butter and grass-fed organic ghee)
  15.  Packaging in fast foods and drinks
Phthalates – which are endocrine-disrupting toxins and are found in most plastic packaging – get filtered into the food covered by the packaging. Phthalates and BPAs in plastics cause immediate inflammation, as the toxin is considered a threat by our immune system.
Avoid: Vegetables, fruits and other foods pre-packaged in plastic
  Foods that are natural anti-inflammatory.
 1.     Berries 
Berries – mainly strawberries, blueberries, raspberries and blackberries – are high in anthocyanins, which have an overall anti-inflammatory effect on the body.
 2.     Cruciferous Vegetables: Broccoli, Cauliflower, Kale and Brussels sprouts.  
Cruciferous vegetables are high in antioxidants which lower cytokines.
3.     Avocado 
Avocados are loaded with potassium, magnesium, fibre and healthy monounsaturated fats. They offer many beneficial compounds, which protect against inflammation.
 4.     Green Tea
Green tea has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) is a substance which inhibits inflammation by reducing cytokine production and damage to the fatty acids in our cells.
 5.     Peppers
Bell peppers and chili peppers are rich in vitamin C and antioxidants which have powerful anti-inflammatory effects.
 6.     Grapes
Grapes contain anthocyanins, which reduce inflammation
 7.     Turmeric 
Turmeric is a spice which contains curcumin, a powerful anti-inflammatory. It is highly effective in reducing inflammation related to arthritis and diabetes.
 8.     Extra Virgin Olive Oil (Raw)
Extra-virgin olive oil is packed with monounsaturated fats and contains oleocanthal, an antioxidant sometimes compared to ibuprofen. However, when cooked, olive oil becomes oxidised and induces inflammation. It must always been eaten raw.
 9.     Dark Chocolate
Dark chocolate is rich in inflammation-fighting antioxidants called Flavanols. Make sure the chocolate is at least 75% cocoa.
 10.  Tomatoes
Tomatoes are high in vitamin C, potassium and a powerful antioxidant called lycopene.
11.  Cherries
Cherries are packed with anthocyanins and catechins which are strong anti-inflammatories.
 Vegetarians and inflammation 
People following a vegetarian diet have higher levels of plasma AA, a marker of overall health that is directly associated with lower levels of inflammation and heart disease.
 Inflammation and Stress 
One of the often overlooked causes of inflammation, is the communication between the immune system and the central nervous system. When under chronic stress, the nervous system can activate the pro-inflammatory pathways. Moreover, stress also promotes ingesting inflammatory and unhealthy foods, which over time further aggravates stress and creates adiposity.
It is therefore recommendable to practice regular meditation and deep breathing, in order to reduce stress levels and ensure effective communication between the immune system and the central nervous system.
Conditions that can be improved by an anti-inflammatory diet 
Arthritis, psoriasis, asthma, crohns disease, colitis, inflammatory bowel disease, diabetes, obesity, metabolic syndrome, heart disease, esophagitis, lupus and certain cancers.
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chrysaliseuro2019 · 5 years
Grecian (Ret)Urn
After much deliberation we had decided that 8 days back near the beach and in the sun was our preferred way to end the hols (apart from 3 days in London at the very end). We left the Helka at around 9.15 in the morning. It was close to the metro and our advice had been that metro (1 stop) to the railway station and then train to the airport was the way to go. Cost us the princely sum of 5 euros each vs taxi of 25. It went like clockwork. We were at the airport just after 10.00 for a 12.40 flight.
Next leg of around 3.5 hours to Istanbul also went to plan. A 3 hour wait in Istanbul though we found some reclining lounges so a nap was on if you chose. Another hour + to Thessaloniki. Liz had contacted the hotel and they said to call when we landed and they would send someone to pick us up. That went well too. A day of travel we got into our room at around 9.20pm ie 12 hours on but all went to plan. We are fans of Turkish airlines our experiences with them have been good.
The hotel Avalon was just a resting point for the night. We didn’t want to go into the big city of Thessaloniki with so few days left so had hired a car from the airport and needed to pick it up the next morning. Hotel did the job and sound breakfast thrown in. I was still getting everything together at checkout time and Liz went downstairs with her case to pay. When I arrived it was to the smirks of the receptionist. Liz had obviously informed her that I can dot the i’s and cross the t’s when packing up (and rumour has it more generally) so hence me bringing up the rear.
At 10.30 we were at Avis taking the keys of the car. A Fiat Panda. Small but a bit of grunt and importantly takes our two cases. These are soft bags quite large but also frustrating as they can be tough to zip up (as ever we have more gear than we need). Also their capacity is less than the lightweight American Tourister bags we used for several years. However you can compress them enough to fit into small boots like the Panda and Fiat Punto we hired. More rigid bags would have been no chance. Also a strong preference is not to have a bag on the back seat which might invite thieves.
We are heading for the Halkidiki area which is basically three peninsulas south of Thessaloniki. Our first stop is a place called Nea Moudania just shy of the Kassandra peninsula which is the westernmost one. Also being the closest to Thessaloniki it is the most built up and touristy. This has pros and cons but we are at the height of the tourist season so very booked out all over. Liz did her usual poring over travel info and booking.com and somehow plucked out N. Moudania. It’s 75% research and 25% intuition and her intuition has served us very well.
We seemed to get into the last room available (regularly) and the hotel Sokratis was another little gem. We parked up outside and Liz went in to investigate while I unloaded the bags. When I rolled up Liz was in animated discussion with the owner, the redoubtable Theodora. This lively, animated and friendly lady could not do too much to help you, had plenty of opinions and was effusive and basically all over you. And this was the impression after 2 mins. She had obviously asked Liz where her husband was and continuing her theme of the day Liz said that basically I was faffing about outside and buzzing around like a fly. She also mentioned that unlike most families I take more time in the bathroom than her (surely that’s normal?). Theodora was hugely amused by this and of course when I walked in said is this “The Fly”. Many guffaws all round.
Theodora advised us of which beach to head to and off we trundled. About a 15 minute walk but it was worth it. Relatively small area of umbrellas. Nothing to pay for them just buy a drink or snack from the local bar/cafe. Sandy beach. We settled straight in. Nothing much to report we just took it easy, had a toasted sandwich and ice cream, lazed, swam and read.
One slightly embarrassing moment was when I went looking for the loo. Direction at the cafe was its behind to the right. I missed the little outhouse and headed towards the apartments at the back where people seemed to be milling about in loo waiting style. Marched through a likely door only to hear the melodic tones of my countrymen as this lady shrieked something like “Oi Dave some bloke just walked into our room”. Turns out they were apartments though no number on the door. “Dave” was sitting outside at some tables and gave me a quizzical look. I apologised and said I was looking for the loo which he directed me towards. He seemed amused by the whole saga. I scurried off.
Stayed on the beach to around 7.00. Temperature about 30 so very easy. Then headed for home. Theodora had recommended some restaurants - 1 for fish the other for Gyros/souvlaki. We went for the fish. Got there around 8.30 and snagged a nice table at the front of the restaurant in the open air. We were close to the water though a small car park/road (with very few cars) in front of us with water behind. Just off the main drag so tranquil and pleasant. We each had a Dorada which was well cooked and tasty.
A walk around the centre of town post that and a very ornate church there which looked middle eastern almost mosque like in style but closed of course at that time. Town was fair rocking with plenty of cafes, restaurants and bars with outside areas close to the water so quite atmospheric. We were glad we were in the quiet end for dinner but Liz has pulled it off again a nice blend of calm and a bit of action.
Breakfast at the Hotel Sokratis the next day was a copious affair. Stronger on the sweet than the savoury. Plenty there. Theodora was floating around and halfway through our breakfast she brought us a local delicacy a filo pastry filled with custard a bit like a vanilla slice. We are not huge eaters at the best of times and a re-calibration of selections was necessary to fit the latest offering in so as not to cause offence. It turned out to be no great hardship, though we did waddle away fairly full.
Liz headed for the beach straight after breakfast though did get a quick briefing from Theodora on other spots to visit in the Halkidiki region. I followed on and we returned to the same spot as the day before for another relaxed day of reading, blogging, swimming, eating and snoozing. It was manageable. I was hoping not to bump into Dave and family from the previous day (“not that geezer again”) which I think I did late in the day but I looked the other way and so did they. We headed home around 6.00. Liz stayed an extra half an hour while I cleared the shower (only just enough time).
We had managed to find a small bottle of vodka at the local supermarket so we sat on our balcony with Liz downing a vodka and tonic and me on a local ale. Very relaxed. No big plans for dinner as in where to go. Rain was threatening and there had been a few drops. We had enjoyed the previous night’s restaurant so headed for that. With rain threatening even a thunderstorm and plenty of black clouds around there were no uncovered outside tables set up. There was a quasi outside area with roof only where all tables were full or you had to eat inside. We didn’t want to sit inside and they wouldn’t let us risk outside even though we said we would cart our food in if it rained. They were nervous that others would want to do the same which could be a schmozzle of people and waiters ferrying food and drinks if it belted down. Chances were it would. They were not very proactive in terms of options but we said we would wait for a table to free up in the semi outside area and after about 15 mins one did. We just shared some grilled sardines with a Greek salad and bread. Not shoot the lights out stuff but did the job. They don’t spare the onions in the salad in this neck of the woods and a little less marinated than elsewhere which is not ideal. Liz won’t really touch a raw or near raw onion so I came to the party and duly reeked as I was advised thereafter. Another difference is they are using white not red onions so a bit harsher.
Again went for a little stroll around town, a bit quieter tonight as cooler. Headed for home after Liz had vainly tried to buy a new beach cap. Hers has had its ten year anniversary. Not an easy task to find one that works for her little head. Opposite to mine possibly in every sense.
Next morning it was time to move on from Nea Moudania. There was more peninsula to discover. After another hearty breakfast this time augmented by another Theodora specialty cake. This time a sort of chocolate cake. It did not seem to involve much sponge though Liz advises there was a base of it. Above that was chocolate mousse and on top of that about 2 cms (looked like 3) of whipped cream. My heart sank about the only thing that I found appetising about that was the sponge which was thin on. Cream and my digestive system are not a happy partnership. Liz had to pull her weight for two of us. She did admirably but was defeated about half way through.
I was beginning to understand why the sweet section of breakfast was more extensive than the savoury one. Clearly Theodora had a sweet tooth though the spanakopita was excellent, flaky and very tasty and she said was her favourite. Time for us to move on and Liz bade farewell to Theodora which apparently involved a big hug to her ample bosom. I did not know this at the time but as I separately went to say my farewells and thanks I stuck my hand out and was on the end of a Lathamesque fist pump (preferable). Apparently Theodora gave some last pieces of advice to Liz on destinations but finalised with “after a couple of days, if it’s not working you can come home” ie to the Sokratis as she had rooms coming free. It felt a bit like home too. She had set a new benchmark.
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sheepydraws · 7 years
I Think This is What Home Feels Like (1/10)
Part 2
Updates Mondays and Fridays!
Waking up with frozen boogers is probably a bad sign, but given that the space heater had given out sometime in the night, Okuyasu was relieved that he had woken up at all. There was another heater in the bathroom, which he crouched in front of, trying to get some feeling back into his fingers before he braved the icy carnival ride of taking his pajamas off so he could put his cold, stiff clothes on. It helped, but the bathroom heater was way too small to keep his bedroom warm on it’s own. Okuyasu made a mental note to buy a new one on the way home.
“I’m going to school!” Oku yelled from the top of the stairs before pulling his scarf up over his mouth. He was going to the Higashikata’s first, though. Mrs. Higashikata often found a burst of energy on Monday mornings and would make a big, hot breakfast for herself. To stave off incessant begging she usually made enough for Josuke and Okuyasu too.
“Good morning, Mrs. Higashikata,” Okuyasu said when she opened the door.
“You could smell french toast from your place, huh?” She looked Okuyasu up and down, “You wanted to borrow some of Josuke’s hair stuff?”
Okuyasu blinked, suddenly aware of the hair falling into his face. “Oh, no, I guess I ran out of the house without putting my hair up. It was really cold this morning.”
“In your house?” Mrs. Higashikata smirked as she led Okuyasu into the kitchen.
“Yeah, my heater gave out,” Okuyasu said as he slung his scarf over the back of a chair and started taking his coat off.
Mrs. Higashikata paused, her spatula hovering over a skillet of french toast.  “Are you okay?”
“It’s fine, I’ll just pick up another one on the way home.”
“Oh, so your heat still works.”
“No,” Okuyasu shrugged, “But it’s okay.”
There was a clatter and Okuyasu looked up to see that Mrs. Higashikata had dropped her spatula. The french toast on the stove burbled on, unperturbed by the expression on her face. “Okay?! It was twenty degrees last night!”
Okuyasu froze, unsure how to turn time back a few seconds and stuff the words back into his mouth. Or pause things so he would have the time he needed to think of a explanation for not turning his heat on that did not involve admitting that his home had the structural integrity of swiss cheese.
It was then that Josuke emerged from the bathroom, shiny eyed and enveloped in a cloud of minty steam.
“Morning,” He said to Okuyasu, before noticing that his mom looked like she’d just been told Okuyasu was a member of the Donner Party. “What’s going on?”
Mrs. Higashikata picked up her spatula and put two pieces of french toast on a plate. “Nothing. Okuyasu’s going to be staying with us for a few days.”
“What?” Josuke said, looking from Okuyasu to Mrs. Higashikata and back.
“I don’t have to,” Okuyasu began, before Mrs. Higashikata thrust his breakfast at him.
“Yes, you do,” She said, and the force of her glare was such that Josuke and Okuyasu had to sit at the kitchen table or risk their knees giving out from under them. “The heat’s broken in Okuyasu’s house,” She explained to Josuke.
Josuke shrugged and gave a weak attempt at humor, “So’s the windows. Never bothered him before.” Mrs. Higshikata whirled on Okuyasu, “All those windows are still broken? Does your father know about this?”
Okuyasu and Josuke exchanged a look. As far as Mrs. Higashikata was concerned, Okuyasu’s father was overseas for business, and the only reason he wouldn’t know about the rickety condition of the Nejimura Manor was an inability to keep track of time zones.
“It’s no big deal,” Okuyasu began.
“Maybe not in the summer,” Mrs. Higashikata snapped, “It’s December! You can not live in a house with broken windows.” She stalked off in the direction of the living room. “Where’s the phone book? I’m calling a contractor.”
“Dude,” Okuyasu hissed at Josuke, “You can’t let her do that! How am I supposed to explain the bullet holes in the walls? Or dad?”
Josuke picked up a fork and gently prodded the plate of toast Okuyasu had forgotten he was holding. He wouldn’t meet Okuyasu’s eyes.
Josuke gave Okuyasu a cheek splitting smile. “You want me to put your hair up for you?” He asked, even as he was leaving the table, headed for the bathroom.
“Josuke, seriously!”
A moment later Josuke returned with combs, gel, and hairspray, “Look, man,” He said as he began to brush Okuyasu’s hair into the proper configuration, “You had to get it fixed eventually. This way mom’ll take care of it.”
Okuyasu opened his mouth to remind Josuke that this was not a detached rain gutter they were talking about-there was still some of his brother’s blood on the third floor for chrissake-but Josuke cut him off before he could even start.
“You should eat that toast before it gets cold.”
“I can’t,” Okuyasu mumbled. Josuke was standing right in front of him, way too close for Okuyasu to get a plate to his mouth. He could hear Mrs. Higashikata in the other room, her voice gone flat and polite as she said, “Yes, I would like him to come see it as soon as possible. This morning would be good.”
Josuke continued to brush Okuyasu’s hair. He picked up his little tub of gel and Okuyasu wanted to tell him that he was doing it wrong, just to be spiteful, but then Josuke unscrewed the lid and the scent of wet roses wafted up to Okuyasu and he decided to just let this happen. Maybe it was strange, and probably about to get very complicated, but Okuyasu liked this. He liked getting up early and getting a hot breakfast. He liked that the whole house was warm and he could smell bread and syrup everywhere. He liked that he could hear Mrs. Higashikata already arguing with a contractor, and he liked Josuke’s hand resting on his temple as he carefully brushed Okuyasu’s hair back.
Hell, maybe things wouldn’t be strange and complicated at all. Maybe his life would continue like this, safe and comforting as a warm blanket. It never had before, but why not start now?
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ireviewuread · 4 years
Fulfilling my Pizza cravings with Pizza Delivery Singapore
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I crave for food often. From Sushi to Shepherds Pie, I enjoy filling my belly up with these comfort food. One of the most common comfort food is Pizza. Be it you’re feeling down or lonely, pizza will always be there for you when nobody is. In the recent study by Psychological Science, comfort food helps you improve your mood, a sense of well being and decreases loneliness. Thus, I ordered myself some friends from Pizza Delivery Singapore to brighten up my day.
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Pizza Delivery Singapore
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Pizza Delivery Singapore serves authentic Neapolitan pizzas that are fired up in 90 seconds. With the head chef trained in Italy, Pizza Delivery Singapore stays fiercely true to the Italian traditions. Their pizza dough is left for a 72 hour fermentation time before being hand-stretched. By doing that, it brings out the dough’s optimum flavours. Pizza Delivery Singapore uses a stone-oven to bake the pizzas. By using the stone-oven, the pizza could be cooked simultaneously from the top and the bottom. This speeds up the cooking time for a stone-oven have a higher cooking temperature. Additionally, this gives the pizzas a smokey flavour and a better crust. 
The company guaranteed that you’ll get your orders within the hour of your chosen time slot. If not, they’ll compensate you with a $10 discount voucher instantly. If you received a stale pizza, it can be replaced for free too.
I received my orders piping hot within the hour of my chosen time slot. Everything was packaged in such good quality containers that the Aunty in me has decided to wash them and reused them. I also love the cute graphics on the pizza box but I’ve forgotten to take a photo of because that same Aunty in me is very bad at remembering things.
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Photo taken by Owari Photography
Beef Salami Pizza
We’re starting the reviews with pizzas. The pizzas come in 3 sizes - Small, medium and large. The small pizza is 4 inches with 4 slices. The medium pizza is 9 inches with 6 slices and the large pizza is 12 inches with 8 slices. I got 2 medium pizzas of 2 different flavours. The pizzas come with 1 packet of chilli flakes and 1 packet of Parmesan cheese each. Interestingly, they gave fresh Parmesan cheese instead of the usual powdered Parmesan cheese.
Both pizzas have thin crusts which made the crust very crispy if you reheated the pizza for supper. You’re even able to hear the crunch when you bite into it. I chose pizzas with homemade tangy tomato sauce as the base. They’re also garnished with premium herbs to enhance the flavours of the pizza.
The beef salami pizza comes with huge beef salami slices and a generous amount of mozzarella cheese infused in the pizza. Sitting on top are briny olives topped with extra virgin olive oil and fresh basil. When I first bite into the pizza, I was able to taste the rich meaty flavour of the beef salami slices. They were savoury, pleasant to bite and goes well with the rich spread of tomato sauce. There’s also a perfect balance of toppings per bite. The thin crust gives a nice finish of crispiness to the pizza. Overall, this is a savoury pizza that leaves you craving for more.
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Photo taken by Owari Photography
Seafood Pizza
Similar to the beef salami pizza, the seafood pizza has a tangy tomato base and thin crust. It is topped with juicy prawns, tuna chunks, delicate squid and tasty scallops. These toppings were drenched with mozzarella cheese and extra virgin olive oil.
Upon the first bite, one was able to taste an abundance of different seafood being complimented by the savoury cheese and zesty tomato sauce. The tuna chunks were not overbearing while the scallops were chewy and flavorful. In the usual circumstances, I do not enjoy eating squid for they were chewy and flavourless to me. However, this bite-size calamari was a game-changer for me. They were sweet, aromatic and not hard to chew through. The prawns were also chopped into bite-sized pieces and scattered around the pizza slices. They compliment well with the appetizing tomato base for the prawns were slightly crunchy and sweet. All in all, this pizza would be an instant favourite for seafood lovers.
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Photo taken by Owari Photography
Chicken Alfredo Pasta
The Chicken Alfredo Pasta is a creamy pasta dish that would be a hit for those with a savoury palette. Toasted in Parmesan cheese, butter and white wine, the Chicken Alfredo Pasta is guaranteed to fill you up. Mixed with juicy chicken, various kinds of mushrooms and capsicum, this pasta dish came in a huge portion suitable for 2 or even 3 individuals. It’s lightly seasoned with grounded black pepper and finely chopped parsley. You’re able to choose between linguine and spaghetti as your pasta of choice for this dish. As a mushroom lover, the large number of mushrooms added in the dish gave me joy. There were so many different kinds of mushrooms to choose from. Accompanied with the creamy sauce, this dish is rich, flavorful and filling.
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Photo taken by Owari Photography
Mozzarella Cheese Stick (6pcs)
What is a pizza dinner without side dishes? For me, I like getting cheese sticks and chicken wings with my pizza. These 100% Mozzarella sticks are battered with golden breadcrumbs and grated Parmesan cheese. They come with a flavorful tomato dipping sauce. 1 order of this gives you 6 pieces of Mozzarella Cheese Sticks. 
By the time we finished taking the photos and videos for social media, the cheese stick is not as warm as it’s supposed to be. Thus, it did not give us the “pull cheese” effect. However, after warming the cheese sticks up, it did gave us the photogenic ‘pull cheese’ effect. I like how there’s a thin layer of bread crumbs covering the cheese stick instead of a thick batter. Although doing that puts the cheese sticks at risk of burning while they fry, this made the taste of the Mozzarella cheese stood out more. 
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Photo taken by Owari Photography
Honey Mustard Prawn (6pcs)
Before we move on to the chicken wings review, I threw in an order of honey mustard prawns in the mix to spice things up. The honey mustard prawns are made of battered fresh succulent prawns. These prawns are fried till golden brown with a special blend of honey mustard.
When I received the prawns, they are Japanese fried shrimps. From the photo, I had the impression that the prawns will be those from the Tze Char stall battered in breadcrumbs. Thus, I was a little taken aback when they looked like Ebis. This  might be a case of the blue and gold dress from 2015 where everyone sees a different colour of that dress and I am just seeing a different perspective of the prawns. On the other hand, prawns are still prawns to me. Regardless of where they come from, as long as they are plump and do not have a fishy smell, I’m happy.
These honey mustard prawns come with a generous serving of sweet honey mustard sauce. It has a mixture of spiciness, sweetness and slight bitterness to the honey mustard sauce. As compared to the usual mustard you get from the stores, this sauce is sweeter and creamier. The prawns are long and flavorful. Its batter and breadcrumbs are not too thick so you can enjoy the prawn fully.
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Photo taken by Owari Photography
Crispy Chicken Wings (6pcs)
Lastly, we have my most anticipated side dish, the crispy chicken wings. These juicy, tender chicken wings are fried in what tasted like a coat of prawn paste batter. They came with a sauce that tasted similar to the honey mustard sauce from the prawn dish.
The chicken wings are savoury, juicy and delicate. It has a slightly spicy tinge that tickles your tongue as you savour the succulent meat that makes you crave for more. It was not greasy on the outside as the meat was not dry on the inside. I find myself reaching for the wings over and over again and before I know it, all 6 pieces are gone.
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All in all, Pizza Delivery Singapore provides great quality dishes. I would strongly recommend the pizzas for they are generous with their premium ingredients, the crust is thin and crispy and the overall taste is great. If you’re looking for a high-quality flavorful pizza for your meal, Pizza Delivery Singapore is the way to go.
Currently, Pizza Delivery Singapore is having a 1 for 1 sale on Medium and Large Pizzas. Get yours now!
In partnership with:
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Owari Photography
Owari Photography is a new and professional photography service that specialise in product photography. Their clients include ORIGIN, Sushi delivery, Mosanco Enchanted Cafe and more. They have an in-house studio and uses state of the art equipment and they offer packages that include loan of props, professional editing and in-house assistant. Check Owari Photography out for your photography needs.
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Best in Singapore
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Featured in my Origin’s post, Best in Singapore is a website that features the best products, the best technology and the best of everything in Singapore. In their recent posts, they touch on the best ice cream delivery Services, best Nasi Lemak and even the best online snack subscription box in Singapore. Check out Best in Singapore for the best of everything. 
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advicetomoms-blog · 4 years
18-24 Months Baby Nutrition
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How can you make your meal times enjoyable for your very active baby? How can you offer him the food he doesn't want to eat? What should be the daily nutrition list for your 18-24 month old baby? What should be considered in feeding a 2 year old baby? What are sample diet lists and baby recipes? You can read them all on our 18-24 Months Baby Nutrition page.
18-24 Months Baby Development
The child, who is allowed to eat by himself from the age of 1, can start eating with a spoon in the 18th month.In the period of 18-24 months, his child's fine motor skills increase and he starts rolling the dough and stacking his hands. You like to do something with you in the kitchen.In the development of an 18-month-old baby , it is enough for the child to take 15 calories per day for every inch of height.The baby, whose height is 90 cm in the development of a 2-year-old child , should take 1350 calories per day. 18-24 Months Baby Weight Chart Girl (Average)Male (Average)18 month baby weight10.2 kg10.9 kg19 month baby weight10.4 kg11.1 kg20 month baby weight10,6 kg11.3 kg21 month baby weight10.9 kg11.5 kg22 month baby weight11.1 kg11.8 kg23 month baby weight11.3 kg12 kg24 month baby weight11.5 kg12 kg 18-24 Months Baby Boy Table Girl (Average)Male (Average)18 months old baby80.7 cm82.3 cm19 months old baby81.7 cm83.2 cm20 months old baby82.7 cm84.2 cm21 months old baby83.7 cm85.1 cm22 months old baby84,6 cm86 cm23 months old baby85,5 cm86.9 cm24 months old baby86.4 cm87.8 cm
How many hours should an 18-24 month old baby be fed?
Your 18-24 month old baby is now eating like an older child. Feeding should be such that 3 main meals a day and 2 healthy snacks are spaced every 3 hours.
How should 18-24 month old baby nutrition be?
Baby can not stand in the place of 1.5-2 years old, does not want to sit; because he wants to explore all the time and learns with great speed. So you may have trouble sitting in your baby chair at meal times. Now that your baby is 18 months old, you should stop feeding puree. Her miniature has many females to grind, chew and prepare food for swallowing. In this period, he can eat everything by plucking. The amount of food eaten by the 1.5-2 year old child changes a lot during the day. While having breakfast as much as 2 people a day, he may not eat anything the next day. During this period, children are usually rarely found by their families. So what can you do to feed your child in a balanced way? What can be done against the nutritional problems of 18-24 month old babies?
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You can prepare cheerful fruit plates for your baby who does not like to eat fruit. When he sees fish, turtles and ladybugs, he will even eat fruits that the baby does not like with pleasure. Look what we did to have your child eat: 10 Fun Food PresentationsLet's say you have a hard time feeding your baby vegetables. In this case, you can hide the vegetables hidden in other foods. Things like making meatballs with vegetables or making a pumpkin omelet can work. If You Say "I Can't Feed Vegetables To This Child" Read!As the baby is 18 months old , the little one may suddenly want to have a say in what, when and how much to eat. You can ask him to choose one of the two dishes you decide for. In addition to something delicious and new at every meal, it is also useful to put at least one of the foods he likes. Learn how to temper it: Ways to Conquer the Heart and Stomach of Appetite ChildrenYou can enter the kitchen with your baby trying to help you with simple tasks and prepare the meals together. He will eat a meal prepared by spending time together voluntarily. For example, you can start with these baby meals: 7 Meals That Will Pass Through the Stomachs of 18 Months-3 Years Old Kids and Conquer Their HeartsEntering a period that new tastes are of interest to you, you can offer her food that she has not liked before. Whenever possible, when he is very hungry! At some point he will surely love. Because the food options gradually increase and the taste continues to develop rapidly. 8 solutions to bring children who choose food on the roadThese months may be the times when stubbornness and anger attacks started or even peaked. It can make it easier for you to act consistently without stubbornness and maintaining your food order. In addition , in the feeding of a 2-year-old baby , the child can eat almost everything thanks to the very low risk of allergies. Preparing for this period in the best possible way will minimize the nutritional problems of your child in the future.
How should the nutrition list of the 18-24 month old baby be?
Your 18- to 24-month-old baby should eat about 1000 calories daily. During this period, the baby may start not eating the food he has previously eaten. However, do not remove the food he started to choose from anyway. For example, if you don't eat tomatoes, make a sauce for your pasta. If that is not the case, chop slices and eat yourself and see how you eat. So you can observe you and get his attention by eating a food he doesn't eat. Direct your baby to multi-choice nutrition without squeezing and creating pressure. For example; If he loves pilaf and refuses to eat anything other than pilaf, add a second food to eat with him. Such as meatballs-rice, chicken-rice, chickpeas or haricot beans-rice. But don't repeat these menus every day.When you are giving meat or fish, put some boiled little vegetables like carrots, broccoli, zucchini, cauliflower next to them. Even if you do not eat them, put them in your own plate, it is very important to get used to seeing. For your baby's ideal daily diet, be sure to give the following nutrients in the 18-24 month baby nutrition table in the following amounts. Dairy GroupMeat GroupVegetable GroupFruit GroupBread GroupOil Group3 servings a day3 servings a day200 g of vegetables per day3 servings a day4 servings a day3 servings a day1 cup of yogurt1 egg--2 slices of bread2 teaspoons of olive oil / butter1 glass of water Milk300 gr meat--3 tablespoons of cereal2 whole walnuts or 5-6 nuts or unsalted nuts1 matchbox cheese----- Sample nutrition list- 1: MorningMid-morningNoonafternoonEveningNightBaked omelet2 servings of seasonal fruit2 grilled meatballs1 tea glass of kefirWheat yogurt soup1 tea glass of milk / breast milk / follow-on milk1 whole walnutVegetable meal5 strawberries½ slices of whole wheat bread½ slices of whole wheat bread Sample nutrition list- 2: MorningMid-morningNoonafternoonEveningNight1 slice of low-salt white cheese2 servings of fruitVegetable soup with chickenBanana ice creamBoiled broccoli and cauliflower1 cup milk / breast milk / follow-on milk1 egg5-6 unsalted nuts1 slice of whole wheat bread1 teaspoon of yogurt on 2 tablespoons of sour wheat1 slice of whole wheat bread And there are foods that you shouldn't even put in your home: These are almost Boogie: 18 Foods You Should Keep Your Child Away If your baby's weight is low, we suggest you wait until the age of 2 for whole wheat bread. With 6 Bread Recipes, You Are Wondering About Baby Breads!Don't be careful when you give your baby dried nuts. You can give it in small pieces in a controlled manner, or you can beat it in the mortar and add it to the spoon meal.Most of the little ones love to walk around by gnawing their hands all day long. Set 2 or 3 snack times at the same time every day so that snacks don't overlap with the main meal. The best response to irregular eating habits in children is to offer him nutritious snacks.
Recipes for 18-24 Months Babies
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Recipes for 18-24 Months Babies Recipes for 18 Months Baby Nutrition Honey Creamy Breakfast The breakfasts have an important place in baby development. It is not possible for the day that starts with a healthy and nutritious breakfast to not be productive. So let's move on to breakfast that will feed your baby on honey! MaterialsFresh creamHoneySalt cheeseTomatoCucumberFresh bread Preparation ofYou can rub the honey and cream on the bread and feed it to your baby in small bites.Let your baby rub it on his own bread or taste it with a teaspoon.Peel the tomatoes and cucumbers, chop them to the size that your baby can dip in forks or eat by hand. Practice Period for Breakfast Increase your baby's breakfast alternatives towards the age of 2.Getting used to breakfast is very important in terms of gaining healthy eating habits in school life and adulthood.Offer different alternatives to your baby and take care to have breakfast with him on holidays and weekends. Breakfast Suggestions for 18-24 Months Babies
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Breakfast Suggestions for 18-24 Months Babies Classic Turkish breakfast (cheese, olive, butter, honey-cream, tomato, cucumber)Cheese omelette, scrambled eggs, scrambled eggs with cheese, menemenCheese toast or cheese bagelMuesli with fresh fruit, dried fruit and whole grainsMilk as a beverage (preferably plain and unsweetened), herbal teaWeekend surprise: egg bread, pancakes, pancakes One of the most delicious breakfast options you will offer to your baby in the morning and one of the stars of the baby breakfast menu is an omelet. You can include many different ingredients in whipped milk and eggs, from meat to vegetables, grains to cheese, tomatoes to fruits, pounded walnuts, hazelnuts, peanuts. You can make the omelette in the pan as well as you can see it in our recipe and bake it in the oven. Baked Omelet Soft, omelette, which is a taste according to the mouth of its mini, can be a great option for protein and iron needs. Materials½ tea glass curd cheese1 egg1 tablespoon of cereal1 glass of water Milk1 teaspoon butter1 pinch of parsley and dill1 slice of bread / whole wheat bread Preparation ofBeat the eggs and milk.Add cheese, parsley and dill and mix 1-2 times and apply on bread.Bake in a preheated oven for 5-10 minutes. Recipes for 19 Months Baby Nutrition Wheat Yogurt Soup A great recipe that you can serve cold in summer and hot in winter. Wheat yogurt is a nutritious soup thanks to its flavor and content of both cereal and dairy products. Materials1 tea cup of boiled wheat2 tablespoons of chickpeasMeat or chicken broth1 cup of yogurt1 egg yolk1 tablespoon of whole wheat flour½ lemon juice Preparation ofBoil the chickpeas and the boiled wheat that you soaked in the evening.Add chicken broth or broth on it.In a separate bowl, whisk egg yolk, lemon juice, yogurt and flour.Slowly add on the mixture of boiled wheat and broth / chicken broth and mix.Cook for 10-15 minutes and add 1 tablespoon of olive oil. Recipes for 20-Month Baby Nutrition Banana Ice Cream
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Recipes for 20-Month Baby Nutrition No child likes ice cream, right? You can prepare wonderful homemade ice creams with different fruits for him. If you want, you can try the banana first by using the recipe below. Materials1 banana1 tablespoon pomegranate125 g yogurt1 teaspoon of cinnamon Preparation ofPut banana in yogurt and pass it through the blender.Leave for 3-4 hours in the freezer.Garnish with cinnamon and pomegranate and serve. Recipes for 21 Month Baby Feeding Beans with Meat and Cacık Beans with a high content of protein help strengthen bone structure in children. You can sign a nutritious and delicious baby menu with meaty dried beans combined with zucchini. Materials1 small onion1 clove of garlic1 medium green pepper1 tablespoon of olive oil1 teaspoon tomato paste or sweet pepper paste50 gr. lean beef and lamb2 cups of boiled, peeled beans500 ml. That For Cacık1 cucumber4 tablespoons of yogurtDry mint1 teaspoon of olive oil Preparation ofChop the green pepper into the ring.Finely chop the onion and garlic. Saute with peppers in olive oil for 1-2 minutes.Add half the water on the meat and cook for 20-25 minutes on low heat.Then add the dried beans and the remaining water.Cook over low heat for a while. tzatzikiGrate the cucumber. Whisk the yoghurt in a separate place to make it a dark ayran. Add the grated cucumber. You can add 1 teaspoon of olive oil and dried mint on it.
22-month Baby Nutrition Recipes
Towards the age of 2, the baby can start eating easily by breaking the meat. You can prefer lamb prepared as tantuni at first because it is very small. When feeding your baby meat, choose to give vegetables or salads instead of rice or pasta. Tantuni Wrap
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Tantuni Wrap Materials1 kg. beef steak (or lamb sleeve)1 fish onion2 tomatoes1 bunch of parsley1 teaspoon ground red pepper1 teaspoon sumac1 teaspoon of cinnamon5 lavashSheet pan Preparation ofCut the meat into as small cubes as you can.Put the meat in a flat pot without oil and add 1 cup of water after releasing the water.Cook for about 20-25 minutes with the lid closed.Boil the sheet pan and enclose the meat.Add the olive oil. Turn to start cooking.Chop the onion, rub it with salt and sumac.Finely chop the parsley.Cut the tomato into cubes.Add red pepper, cinnamon and salt to the meat.Put longitudinal meat in a row in the lavas.Put cube tomatoes, sumac onions and minced parsley in the same way.Wrap and serve the wrap.You can feed it with a cold cut tomato, cucumber or carrot salad on a grater. Tantuni can become a protein store with 1 glass of buttermilk. From which yogurt will you make buttermilk? Of course, with homemade baby yogurt! Recipes for 23 Months Baby Nutrition Olive Oil Kidney Beans Instead of giving your baby meat and minced meat every day on the very hot days of summer, you can try alternatives with light and olive oil. Kidney beans are one of the healthiest olive oil for your baby. Materials250 gr. fresh kidney beans1 large tomato1 medium carrot1 small onion1 clove of garlic4 tablespoons of olive oil1 pinch of parsley500 ml. That Preparation ofBoil the kidney beans in a separate pot for 15 minutes and strain.Peel and grate the peel of the tomatoes.Wash the carrot, peel it and chop it for half a month.Finely chop the onions and garlic, pink with carrots in olive oil.Add the kidney beans, tomato and water.Cook over low heat until the kidney beans soften completely.After cooking, add chopped parsley and take it out of the stove. 24-month Baby Nutrition Recipes Vegetable Oven Pasta Pasta, which is cooked quickly and can be prepared with all kinds of sauces, condiments, vegetables and meat, is one of the favorite foods of children. You can create your own combinations with various vegetables and meats. Materials1 medium carrot1 cup peas2 cloves of garlic½ packet bow or penne pasta or home noodles2 tablespoons of olive oil1 can of corn1 pinch of chives1 pinch of parsley For bechamel sauce1 tablespoon butter1 tablespoon flour2.5 cups of milkA mixture of cheddar cheese and grated cheese Preparation ofWash the carrot, chop it into a small cube. Finely chop the garlic.Sauté the carrots, peas and garlic in olive oil. Add a little water and cook for 15 minutes.In a saucepan, it is roasted with butter. Add milk, mix and get béchamel sauce.Boil the pasta for 7-8 minutes and blend it nicely with sauteed vegetables, drained corn, chives, parsley and bechamel sauce.Pour the mixture into a baking dish and put it in a 180 degree heated oven. Cook for 20 minutes.Pour the cheese mixture on it, close to cooking. Resources: Nutrition Book of My Baby-Sibel Güngör & Dr. Gülnihal Şarman Feed Your Child Right-Dr. M. Ender Saraç Baby and Kids Meals-Karen Ansel & Charity Ferreira Read the full article
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healthfoodbeauty · 4 years
5 Days of Medical Diet for Weight Loss
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Medical diet for weight loss fast and with great results. Someone will lose more weight, depending on the body and other factors that affect the diet. There are thousands of diets in modern times, some with excellent results and some with lesser results. However, each diet is different and different for everyone. In today's article, we will look at and present a medical diet. The medical diet for weight loss is a low-calorie diet that has gained a lot of popularity because it promises fast weight loss in a relatively short period of time. There are more than a few variants of the medical diet. However, all variants of this diet are mainly based on the same method, ie. consuming few calories, which undoubtedly leads to weight loss. The medical diet promises quick results in a relatively short period of time when you use it.
Medical diet for weight loss menu
Breakfast is a very important meal - it can either make or break your day. 1 fruit without distinction (it can be orange, apple, peach, pear, but care must be taken not to be a banana or a grape) 1 slice of bread at a meal a cup of coffee or maybe a cup of tea (no sugar and no artificial sweeteners) First day of lunch with the medical diet Lunch: 1 orange 1 boiled egg 250-300g yogurt Dinner: 2 tomatoes 1 cucumber 2 pieces of toast The second day of the diet Lunch: 1 orange 1 boiled egg 250-300g yogurt Dinner: 125g well-cooked veal tomato one piece 1 orange 1 slice of toast coffee or a cup of tea without sugar Third day Lunch: 1 orange 1 boiled egg 250-300g yogurt lettuce salad or a cucumber Dinner: boiled beef 125g 1 orange 1 slice of toast coffee or tea without sugar Fourth day Lunch: cow's cheese125g 1 tomato 1 slice of toast Dinner: 125g boiled beef 2 tomatoes 1 apple 1 slice of toast Fifth day Lunch: 200g boiled meat or fish 1 tomato baked bread one piece Dinner: 300g boiled carrots, peas or broccoli 1 boiled egg 1 slice of toast
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Basic rules of the medical diet
The first rule is that all the listed foods should be consumed, without skipping and in the order in which they are given. Food should be eaten one after the other and should never be mixed, otherwise, the effect will not be the same, of course, the result itself. Alcohol should not be consumed in any amount during the diet. Meat and vegetables should always be consumed boiled in water seasoned with a cube of soup.
Time of use and results of the medical diet for weight loss
The first cycle of the medical diet lasts exactly five days. The sixth and seventh days are a break from the use of the medical diet. Depending on the outcome of the diet, a new five-day cycle is started as needed. With the help of this medical diet, the promises are to lose 2-5 kilograms during the first five days. For weight loss, it is recommended to keep the diet for 15 days, ie. 3 cycles. This means that the same cycle should be followed: five days of the diet, two free, five days of the diet, two free, five days of the diet. Such a medical diet should not be used for more than three cycles, ie no longer than 15 days! In 15 days, a medical diet will help you lose 10-15 pounds. As you can conclude the results are really impressive.
Diet after completing the medical diet
In the period after the end of the diet, it is recommended to avoid consuming fatty foods, white pastries, and sugar. In addition, the body should be cleaned once a week (for example, on Mondays). The menu for that day of purification is as follows: for breakfast: a glass of water with freshly squeezed juice of one lemon Lunch: 1 apple baked bread one piece Dinner: 1 boiled egg 1 tomato baked bread one piece
Side effects of using the medical diet for weight loss
It provides for the consumption of a very small amount of calories. During the diet, much less than the recommended 1,200 calories are consumed each day. For anyone who may not be familiar (1,200 is the minimum number of calories women should eat each day) in their daily diet. As a result, signs of fatigue, lack of energy, and nervousness may occur. Therefore, it is recommended that foods be consumed one after the other, in the prescribed order, so as not to confuse the products.
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Simply put, what is for lunch should not be replaced by a dinner party and vice versa. This causes many people to give up certain foods and not eat them. Because many of us, for example, find it difficult to eat only tomatoes, they skip it, which is wrong. There are no restrictions on the two free days, so some people eat more during that time to make up for it. The cycle of starvation during the working week, overeating during the weekend is not good. This way of eating and then starving again is a shock to the body, so be careful. The diet carries a risk of yo-yo effect, namely the possibility of regaining weight and old weight. Rapid weight loss can lead to even more obesity after dieting, known as the yo-yo effect. After completing the diet you should not return to the old diet if you want to not be in the vain diet. It is best to increase your intake of vegetables and fruits. Eat more fruits and vegetables, and try to minimize the consumption of fast fatty foods so that you do not regain the lost weight. Physical activity is not recommended during the use of the medical diet.
Benefits of using a medical diet for weight loss
The main benefit is really losing a lot of weight in a short period of time. Also during the diet, you have two days a week, which are free days when you can rest. You can take a break, both physically and mentally, to prepare for the next cycle, of course, if you need to. Positive in this medical diet is the rapid preparation of meals. It is also important to emphasize that dieting is not expensive at all, which means that anyone can afford it. Although the diet is called "medical", it should not be automatically assumed that it is recommended and approved by doctors! The diet does not meet the requirements of what a healthy and balanced diet means for the average active person, primarily due to the small number of calories consumed. The diet has been hailed as "medical" most likely because it is said to be used in patients with heart disease. It is more commonly used in pre-operative patients, and they need to lose weight.
Final word
Each diet is usually associated with a reduction in calorie intake in the daily diet. Diets are a quick way to lose weight. It comes with diet and rules that if we follow them we will have better results which is the main goal. At first, it is more difficult but then the body gets used to the diet. Today's diet significantly reduces weight. After completing the diet, you should pay attention to your diet, so that you do not lose weight. Good luck to everyone who wants to try today's diet and lose weight. Read the full article
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go365now · 6 years
4 smart ways to protect your heart
By Shannon Spence
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Keeping your heart in tiptop shape requires more than just staying active and maintaining a nutritious diet (though doing those things can only help). These preventive steps don’t require much additional effort on your part but they can make a big difference in helping you maintain a healthy, strong heart.
Learn to be mindful
Turns out calming the mind can be good for your heart, too. According to the Journal of the American Heart Association, starting a meditation practice may play a role in reducing your risk of heart disease.1 Go365® can help you get started! Earn up to 10 Points per week for starting a weekly mindfulness log using Stop, Breath & Think or Five Minute Journal.
Start your morning off right
If you’re one of those people who don’t like to eat in the morning, you may want to reconsider. A 16-year study found that men who reported skipping breakfast regularly had a higher risk of having a heart attack or fatal coronary heart disease.2 If you’re just not hungry, opt for something small like a piece of toast with peanut butter and half a banana. Keep track of your morning meals by keeping a weekly food log. If you use MyFitnessPal, you can earn up to 10 Points per week when it’s connected to Go365.
Fit in folic acid (folate)
One of the primary causes of cardiovascular disease is loss of elasticity in the lining of the arteries that supply blood to the heart. Folic acid, one of the B vitamins, has shown particular promise in reducing the hardening of the arteries.3 You can get your recommended daily intake (400 micrograms*) by taking a supplement or eating foods with naturally occurring folic acid, including leafy green vegetables, beans, lemons, bananas, and fortified or enriched breads, juices and cereals.
Schedule a flu shot
A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association Internal Medicine showed that getting a flu vaccine may very well reduce your risk of having a heart attack or stroke.5 This is especially true for individuals who are more vulnerable to heart-related health problems. As a Go365 member, you can earn up to 200 Points and Bucks for getting a flu shot once per program year.
*Adult women who are planning pregnancy or could become pregnant should be advised to get 400 to 800 mcg of folic acid a day.4
1 https://www.health.harvard.edu/heart-health/mindfulness-can-improve-heart-health
2 https://www.goredforwomen.org/about-heart-disease/heart_disease_research-subcategory/skipping-breakfast-increases-heart-risk/
3 http://americannutritionassociation.org/newsletter/folic-acid-heart-health
4 https://www.mayoclinic.org/drugs-supplements-folate/art-20364625
5 https://www.goredforwomen.org/about-heart-disease/heart_disease_research-subcategory/flu-vaccine-may-cut-heart-attack-risk/
Go365 is not an insurance product. This material is provided for informational use only and should not be construed as medical advice or used in place of consulting a licensed medical professional. Consult with your doctor to determine what is right for you.
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How to Make 100% Whole Wheat Bread
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[Photographs: Vicky Wasik]
Tips and tricks for making the best sandwiches at home.
I adore everything about whole wheat bread, from its hearty texture and graham-like flavor to the general aura of virtue that comes with making anything from whole grains.
When ordering out, it's my favorite side for sopping up runny yolks on a breakfast plate, my ultimate sandwich bread. And assuming there's plenty of butter and jam, the perfect accompaniment to a simple mug of coffee.
Whole wheat bread has an unfortunate reputation for turning out heavy and dense at home. It can have a texture that's prone to tearing or crumbling apart, especially when sliced thin for sandwiches.
These attributes are often identified as an inescapable reality of 100 percent whole wheat formulas, as the inclusion of wheat bran and germ can interfere with proper gluten development, resulting in a poorly risen, too-tender loaf that lacks the structure and chewiness of a classic white bread.
As a result, an overwhelming number of recipes for "whole wheat" bread will actually include a good deal of white bread flour, often 50 percent. This improves a standard loaf's chewiness and rise, but it also dilutes the characteristic flavor and nutrition of whole wheat.
That doesn't mean it's impossible to make a fluffy, well-structured whole wheat loaf that's high-rising and chewy. It just means you'll need a slightly different approach than the one you see in run-of-the-mill recipes—one that involves a bit more time, power, and water.
Step 1: Start With an Autolyse
The first key step for my whole wheat bread is to start with an autolyse. With this technique, bakers combine the flour and water up front and then allow the mixture to rest for some length of time before kneading.
This waiting period kicks off the enzymatic breakdown of starch, while giving the gliadin and glutenin proteins in the flour time to hydrate and mingle, forming gluten.
It's not an exciting process to behold, but it does some amazing things for the dough by fostering gluten formation prior to the gluten development achieved through kneading.
An autolyse can be helpful for many types of bread, especially in a commercial setting, but it's particularly useful at home for doughs that struggle to achieve sufficient gluten development in the first place, like whole wheat bread.
What's more, this hydration period softens the bran and germ in the dough, leading to a lighter, softer loaf.
The timing of an autolyse will vary from recipe to recipe, with some as short as a few minutes and others lasting overnight, but after testing a dozen or more intervals for this loaf, I was happiest with a two-and-a-half-hour autolyse (you can see some of my testing shots on Instagram). There's definitely some wiggle room if you need a buy a bit of time or move things along, but substantial deviations can lead to suboptimal results.
Step 2: Intensive Gluten Development
Even with an autolyse, gluten development can be difficult in a 100 percent whole wheat dough. Whenever I'm faced with a challenging dough that needs a lot of structure (like superchewy bagels, for example), I break out my food processor.
When it comes to intensive gluten development, food processors can do near miraculous work. After adding some brown sugar, salt, and yeast, the food processor is able to take my 100 percent whole wheat dough from a gnarly blob to a strong and satiny dough in just 75 seconds, without any risk of oxidation or overheating of the dough and with little risk of overheating or burning out the machine’s motor (which is more common with certain brands of small but colorful stand mixers with plastic gears).
After processing, the dough will have enough gluten development to pull a small piece into a translucent sheet or, in baker-speak, a windowpane. With a 100 percent whole wheat dough, this level of gluten development can be very difficult to achieve by hand or even in a stand mixer.
Which is to say the food processor isn't an optional shortcut for this dough but a vital tool. For this recipe, I used both the 14-cup Cuisinart at our test kitchen and my 16-cup Breville Sous Chef without incident, but for smaller machines, it will be necessary to process the dough in stages (see our food processor equipment review for more info on our recommended models).
Step 3: Divide and Conquer
Whole wheat dough typically requires more hydration than white bread due to the wheat bran's absorbency. But when I gave the dough all the water it needed up-front with the autolyse, it was too sticky and wet for my food processor.
I was able to sidestep the problem by reserving a small portion of water to incorporate after developing the gluten. Adding the water in two stages allowed for ample hydration during the autolyse, producing a dough with enough structure for the food processor to handle, while creating a soft and elastic dough that bakes up chewy, moist, and light.
Along with this second addition of water, I also add a splash of oil. This likewise keeps the dough from turning sticky early on, but its inclusion improves the flavor, texture, and shelf life of the finished loaf. Clear, neutral oils like safflower work well, or you can add another layer of nutty flavor with options like toasted pumpkin seed oil or toasted pecan oil.
After adding the water and oil, the dough is processed until smooth and then transferred to a lightly greased bowl for the first rise. At this stage, it should feel sticky, wet, and elastic, very unlike a typical whole wheat dough.
As with any bread, timing the first rise will depend on the dough and environment, as "room temperature" can range from well below 65°F (18°C) to above 85°F (29°C), depending on the season. But in an approximately 70°F (21°C) environment, expect things to take about two hours. Or, if desired, the dough can be refrigerated to substantially slow things down.
However the timing works out, when the dough has roughly doubled in volume, turn it out onto a clean surface that's been lightly dusted with whole wheat flour.
I form the loaf by folding the dough in thirds, using the heel of my hand to seal the dough against itself to form a tight roll. From there, I transfer it to a well-greased one-pound loaf pan (this tapered style will measure nine-by-five inches at the top and eight-by-four inches at the bottom).
I loosely cover the dough with plastic and proof until it's well risen and light but resilient, able to slowly spring back from a gentle poke. If the dough feels dense and firm and resists taking an impression when poked with a finger, I let it continue to rise.
As with the first rise, this process will move faster or slower depending on environmental conditions, but expect about 75 minutes at 70°F. Keep a close eye on the dough at this stage, checking it frequently to avoid overproofing (letting it puff up so much that it starts to lose structure).
After the second rise, bake the loaf until it's well risen and golden brown, giving up a hollow sound when thumped. This should take about 45 minutes at 350°F (177°C) or until the loaf reaches an internal temperature just over 200°F (93°C).
Immediately de-pan the loaf, and let it cool completely on a wire rack. While warm, the loaf will be fragile and easily compressed, with a gummy texture.
Once cool, however, it will be sturdy and light, chewy and soft, crisp around the edges and moist in middle. Because it's so well structured, it can be thinly sliced for sandwiches so long as you have a thin, serrated knife with sharp teeth (a thick, dull blade will only smoosh the loaf).
Daniel has done an extensive review of the best serrated knives in the past; his favorite (and mine!) is the 10-inch Tojiro Bread Slicer, which makes beautiful slices of any loaf.
Thanks to an autolyse, a food processor, and a two-pronged approach for adding the water and oil, this 100 percent whole wheat bread bakes up chewy, moist, and light, with a soft crumb and marvelous staying power (it'll keep for a week at room temperature in a paper bag or bread box).
It may not be the fastest recipe around, but it's one that can still be knocked out in less than eight hours, with very little hands-on attention—the perfect loaf for puttering around the kitchen on a lazy Sunday.
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wikitopx · 5 years
From coastal restaurants to rural areas, guests at 'Beaver State Come will have a wide selection of cuisines from European to Indian to American and more. Below is a list of some of the culinary highlights found in Oregon.
From a bustling Thai landscape to a myriad of craft coffee shops and microbreweries, one of the top things to do in the city, Portland is a breeding ground for diverse culinary experiences. While the chefs are taking risks in big cities, they still maintain the mentality in a small town to spend time passionately perfecting their craft. Without a unique culinary tradition, this community also creates a growing culinary landscape that opens up to unique ideas, causing the four quarters of this unique city to explode with outstanding choices. Here is top  10 best restaurants in Oregon.
1. C street bistro
C Street Bistro is a unique restaurant nestled inside a house serving delicious food inspired by the region's bonuses. Buying the freshest ingredients from local sources, owner Chef Paul Becking creates seasonal menus that will satisfy every craving. Open for dinner from Thursday to Saturday, the dishes to try include half of the herb smoked organic chicken served with grilled veggies, cumin, caramelized jus garlic and truffle mushroom oil and forest mushroom risotto. , with garlic, herbs and parmesan. They also have special dinners and serve brunch and lunch from Tuesday to Saturday.
2. Headwaters
Headwaters is Chef Vitaly Paley seafood restaurant in Portland. During the week, breakfast has more Americans, but on weekends at brunch, there is a typical French flair. Here you can enjoy a variety of breakfast foods such as French toast, oatmeal, pancakes, cookies and gravy. They have a unique omelette consisting of ratatouille and goat or Dunguity crab cheese, gruyere, spinach and potatoes. For dinner, enjoy fresh oysters, Dungility crab legs, Columbia river sturgeon steak, poke Ahi tuna, grilled octopus, fish and chips, and more. To accompany seafood, they have a divine custom cocktail menu.
3. Smokin fire fish
At Smokin Fire Fish, a new Hawaiian restaurant near Grant Park New Seasons, Korean-American chef Chris Cha explores the global effects of his old home through lunch menus and pokes in the daytime and work. Lady more - but still serves - dinner. The space, originally a Pieology, retains the bland appearance of the pizza chain, powered by Panda Express. But for those fans of sweet shoyu chicken, mac salad and two-spoon rice, food is enough invitation.
4. Akadi
As the only brick restaurant to focus on West African food in Portland, it deserves a place on this year's list. Come for poisson braisé, the signature Ivory Coast grilled fish, even a salted tilapia, pepper, garlic and more, grilled in deep and beautiful brown color and served with tapioca Fine fermentation, tomatoes and onions in a thin tank, fragrant dijon sauce. This mix reminds a chef in the backyard, even if you're sitting indoors in the dining room with yellow walls and a mural of giraffes and elephants walking at sunset.
5. Yonder
At the Yonder, chef Maya Lovelace weaves the same magic with southern chicken and the faces she made at her Appalachian pop-up store, in just a more casual setting. The menu is one or two steps on fast-casual, with fried chicken in animal fat and some impressive sides. Fried chicken comes in three ways here: covered with a dry spice mix, whisked into the Columbia-inspired heat and dipped in North Carolina-style tomato vinegar.
6. Lovely's fifty fifty
In a pizza cafe that feels casual but intimate, pizzaiola Sarah Minnick embraces paradoxes beautifully: She took something brimming with childhood nostalgia — pizza and ice cream — and gave it a high-end twist. Seasonally rotating pizzas arrive strewn with edible flowers and chanterelles atop an airy-but-sturdy pizza dough made with Oregon whole grains. Portland may not be known for its pies, but if someone is defining Portland’s distinct pizza style, it’s Minnick.
7. Fermenter
Although currently open only three days a week, the restaurant's invigorating dishes, including some really eye-catching tempeh and relatively low prices, with three courses for $ 23 include money. boa, enough to rank Fermenter among the coolest plant-based restaurants in the US right now. Fermented meals usually begin with salads mixed in olive oil grown in Oregon and lemons preserved perennial, and they often end with seasonal fruits. In the middle, a slice of homemade black bean tempeh sits on a roasted red chili sauce. For those of us who have closed our minds to tempeh after eating a bone-vegan piece of vegan at some half-hippie pizzas many years ago, Fermenter's incubation version is a fitting revelation. French, fleshy with earth fruit, neither juicy nor dry
8. Acadia
A taste of New Orleans in the Pacific Northwest. That is what you will find at this intimate pub located northeast of the city. From classic Cajun and Creole favorites like seafood gumbo jambalaya and Creole shrimp, the menu is sure to make you satisfied. You'll find a mix of meat, pasta and veggies as well as home desserts that seem to come from a cozy Southern kitchen, including pudding, butter pie and Creole pecans. Visit on Monday and enjoy a special discount from their Mardi Gras Meals on Monday Meals menu including 3-course dinner for only $ 20. Acadia a New Orleans Bistro created wonderfully using seasonal ingredients.
9. Bullard
A hotel restaurant in downtown Portland highlights the travel office's guide to Texas's most famous dishes, from Austin-style steaks to Whataburger-inspired burgers, which can fall into cartoon camps or worse. Beef ribs, smoked for 12 hours in the basement of the Woodlark hotel, accompanied by tomatillo sauce, jalapeños bread and butter rich in lard because he fell in love with tacos at the famous pub of Valentina Valentina Mex.
10. Matt's BBQ
Portland isn’t exactly a barbecue destination, but pitmaster Matt Vicedomini changed the game with his Texas-style food cart, which almost always attracts lines from its corner of Prost Marketplace. The payoff is down-home decadent: fall-apart brisket with black-and-peppery bark, ribs that slip off the bone like a silk glove, and gooey queso macaroni and cheese.
Above is top 10 best restaurants in Oregon. Wish you have a delicious dinner with relatives and family. Don't forget to share those moments with us.
From : https://wikitopx.com/travel/top-10-best-restaurants-in-oregon-701297.html
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jesseneufeld · 5 years
10 foods that may impact your risk of dying from heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes
Could just 10 foods substantially impact your risk of dying from a cardiometabolic disease (CMD) like type 2 diabetes, heart disease, or stroke? Maybe.
A study published in JAMA provides some insight into the degree to which 10 specific foods and nutrients affect the risk of dying from CMD. The study found that in 2012, eating suboptimal levels of 10 foods or nutrients — too much of some and not enough of others — was associated with more than 45% of deaths due to type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and stroke.
10 foods associated with nearly half of CMD deaths
The researchers developed a risk assessment model that combined and analyzed data from three sources. They estimated dietary intakes of foods and nutrients using self-reported data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES); they used studies and clinical trials to estimate associations of the 10 dietary factors with CMD; and they estimated deaths due to CMD in 2012 from the National Center for Health Statistics.
Optimal consumption levels for the dietary factors were consistent with the lowest disease risk in research trials and with major dietary guidelines.
In 2012, 702,308 CMD deaths occurred in the United States. The researchers estimated that 45.4% of these deaths were associated with suboptimal intakes of the 10 foods and nutrients they had studied.
Too much, not enough, or just right?
Not eating enough of the following foods and nutrients was estimated to contribute to the corresponding percentage of CMD deaths:
nuts and seeds (8.5%)
seafood-based omega-3 fats (7.8%)
vegetables (7.6%)
fruits (7.5%)
whole grains (5.9%)
polyunsaturated fats in place of saturated fat or carbohydrates (2.3%).
Eating too much of the following foods and nutrients was estimated to contribute to the corresponding percentage of CMD deaths:
sodium (9.5%)
processed meat (8.2%)
sugar sweetened beverages (7.4%)
unprocessed red meat (0.4%).
A word of caution
As with any study, there are some limitations. The comparative risk model is not a cause-and-effect model, and it does not prove that changing intakes of these foods and nutrients would reduce CMD disease risk.
In addition, the particular health effect of each food or nutrient on any individual could be affected by a number of factors including other dietary habits, age, sex, level of physical activity, and genetics.
Still, it’s safe to say that everyone has some room for improvement in their diet.
Eat more of these foods and nutrients
Nuts and seeds: Goal = 1 ounce (1/4 cup) per day. Add to oatmeal, whole grain cereal, or salads. Try 1/4 cup as an afternoon snack.
Seafood: Goal = 12 ounces per week. Make a sardine or tuna sandwich during the week. Grill or broil seafood kabobs for dinner. Order fish when you eat out.
Vegetables: Goal = 5 servings per day (1 serving = 1 cup raw or 1/2 cup cooked veggies). Steam, grill or stir-fry vegetables to preserve all their nutrients, or eat them raw. Fill at least half your plate with vegetables.
Fruits: Goal = 4 servings per day (1 serving = 1 medium fresh fruit). Try to have fruit at each meal or between meals. Frozen fruit is also a good option.
Whole grains: Goal = 4 servings per day (1 serving = 1 slice whole grain bread or 1/2 cup cooked whole grains). Try a variety of whole grains such as barley, millet, quinoa, bulgur, brown rice, or farro. Make ahead, keep refrigerated, and heat for a warm side or add cold to a salad.
Polyunsaturated fats in place of saturated fat or carbohydrates: Goal = replace at least 11% of calories from saturated fat or carbohydrates with calories from polyunsaturated fats (the equivalent of about two tablespoons of a healthy oil for someone consuming 1,800 calories per day). Try heathy oils such as canola or olive oil in place of butter. Eat a small spoonful of nut butter instead of a piece of white toast for a midmorning snack.
Eat less of these foods and nutrients
Sodium: Goal = less than 2,000 milligrams per day. Limit intake of processed, packaged, and fast foods, as well as condiments such as soy sauce, bottled salad dressings, and barbecue sauce. Cut back on the American Heart Association’s Salty Six: breads and rolls, pizza, sandwiches, cold cuts and cured meats, soups, and burritos and tacos.
Processed meats: Goal = 0 servings per day. Put chicken or tuna in your sandwiches instead of bologna, ham, salami, or hot dogs. Or try plant-based fillings like beans or nut butters.
Sugar sweetened beverages: Goal = 0 servings per day. Instead of sports drinks, sugar-sweetened coffees and teas, or soda, infuse a large pitcher of water with slices of oranges, lemon, lime, or berries. Plain tea, coffee, and seltzer water are also great substitutes.
Red meat: Goal = less than 4 ounces per week. Use red meat more as a side and not as the main attraction (a small amount of lean meat in a veggie-heavy stir fry, for example). Go meatless one night per week.
The post 10 foods that may impact your risk of dying from heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes appeared first on Harvard Health Blog.
10 foods that may impact your risk of dying from heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes published first on https://drugaddictionsrehab.tumblr.com/
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mhealthb007 · 5 years
Could just 10 foods substantially impact your risk of dying from a cardiometabolic disease (CMD) like type 2 diabetes, heart disease, or stroke? Maybe.
A study published in JAMA provides some insight into the degree to which 10 specific foods and nutrients affect the risk of dying from CMD. The study found that in 2012, eating suboptimal levels of 10 foods or nutrients — too much of some and not enough of others — was associated with more than 45% of deaths due to type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and stroke.
10 foods associated with nearly half of CMD deaths
The researchers developed a risk assessment model that combined and analyzed data from three sources. They estimated dietary intakes of foods and nutrients using self-reported data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES); they used studies and clinical trials to estimate associations of the 10 dietary factors with CMD; and they estimated deaths due to CMD in 2012 from the National Center for Health Statistics.
Optimal consumption levels for the dietary factors were consistent with the lowest disease risk in research trials and with major dietary guidelines.
In 2012, 702,308 CMD deaths occurred in the United States. The researchers estimated that 45.4% of these deaths were associated with suboptimal intakes of the 10 foods and nutrients they had studied.
Too much, not enough, or just right?
Not eating enough of the following foods and nutrients was estimated to contribute to the corresponding percentage of CMD deaths:
nuts and seeds (8.5%)
seafood-based omega-3 fats (7.8%)
vegetables (7.6%)
fruits (7.5%)
whole grains (5.9%)
polyunsaturated fats in place of saturated fat or carbohydrates (2.3%).
Eating too much of the following foods and nutrients was estimated to contribute to the corresponding percentage of CMD deaths:
sodium (9.5%)
processed meat (8.2%)
sugar sweetened beverages (7.4%)
unprocessed red meat (0.4%).
A word of caution
As with any study, there are some limitations. The comparative risk model is not a cause-and-effect model, and it does not prove that changing intakes of these foods and nutrients would reduce CMD disease risk.
In addition, the particular health effect of each food or nutrient on any individual could be affected by a number of factors including other dietary habits, age, sex, level of physical activity, and genetics.
Still, it’s safe to say that everyone has some room for improvement in their diet.
Eat more of these foods and nutrients
Nuts and seeds: Goal = 1 ounce (1/4 cup) per day. Add to oatmeal, whole grain cereal, or salads. Try 1/4 cup as an afternoon snack.
Seafood: Goal = 12 ounces per week. Make a sardine or tuna sandwich during the week. Grill or broil seafood kabobs for dinner. Order fish when you eat out.
Vegetables: Goal = 5 servings per day (1 serving = 1 cup raw or 1/2 cup cooked veggies). Steam, grill or stir-fry vegetables to preserve all their nutrients, or eat them raw. Fill at least half your plate with vegetables.
Fruits: Goal = 4 servings per day (1 serving = 1 medium fresh fruit). Try to have fruit at each meal or between meals. Frozen fruit is also a good option.
Whole grains: Goal = 4 servings per day (1 serving = 1 slice whole grain bread or 1/2 cup cooked whole grains). Try a variety of whole grains such as barley, millet, quinoa, bulgur, brown rice, or farro. Make ahead, keep refrigerated, and heat for a warm side or add cold to a salad.
Polyunsaturated fats in place of saturated fat or carbohydrates: Goal = replace at least 11% of calories from saturated fat or carbohydrates with calories from polyunsaturated fats (the equivalent of about two tablespoons of a healthy oil for someone consuming 1,800 calories per day). Try heathy oils such as canola or olive oil in place of butter. Eat a small spoonful of nut butter instead of a piece of white toast for a midmorning snack.
Eat less of these foods and nutrients
Sodium: Goal = less than 2,000 milligrams per day. Limit intake of processed, packaged, and fast foods, as well as condiments such as soy sauce, bottled salad dressings, and barbecue sauce. Cut back on the American Heart Association’s Salty Six: breads and rolls, pizza, sandwiches, cold cuts and cured meats, soups, and burritos and tacos.
Processed meats: Goal = 0 servings per day. Put chicken or tuna in your sandwiches instead of bologna, ham, salami, or hot dogs. Or try plant-based fillings like beans or nut butters.
Sugar sweetened beverages: Goal = 0 servings per day. Instead of sports drinks, sugar-sweetened coffees and teas, or soda, infuse a large pitcher of water with slices of oranges, lemon, lime, or berries. Plain tea, coffee, and seltzer water are also great substitutes.
Red meat: Goal = less than 4 ounces per week. Use red meat more as a side and not as the main attraction (a small amount of lean meat in a veggie-heavy stir fry, for example). Go meatless one night per week.
The post 10 foods that may impact your risk of dying from heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes appeared first on Harvard Health Blog.
from Harvard Health Blog https://ift.tt/31THtKl Original Content By : https://ift.tt/1UayBFY
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