#lissen he misses his wife
yallemagne · 2 years
Jack: where have you guys been... Quincey: hey jack, I was doing stuff. Arthur: it's okay... I am stuff. Quincey: Art?? Van Helsing: haha friend Quincey you are banging my adopted son
They fucking would.
Jonathan: "Okay, did we really need to vacate Mina from the room just for you to say you fucked around? That's the sensitive information we are working with?"
Arthur: *thrown off bc holy shit Harker swore* "I- well- I would not expose such a pure woman to such... um... inappropriate subjects--"
Jonathan: *looks into the nonexistent camera*
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anne-white-star · 3 years
Brian may x reader : finding real love
Notes: reader is a dress maker for people of high status in London she even makes dresses for queen Victoria herself. one day brian may and his fiance come in to get her a dress for a upcoming ball. Unfortanetly brian isnt in a very loving relationship with his soon to be wife for she's very controling and some times straight up mean and abusive. They are in an aranged mariage. Reader and brian fall in love.       
(Late) Victorian au (1880s no exact year). Catherine Green is a random name i chose for the wife. I hope you guys enjoy reading.
Warnings : a bit of angst abuse
Words : 2829
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Late victorian era, London
In the center of London was a small shop but not just any shop, it was a dress shop called y/l/n Splendour Dress and co.
It wasn't a verry big establisment but it was really special, for even queen victoria herself had comissioned dresses here, only the people of high sosity could afort these dresses.
A carriage pulled up infront of the shop, a few seconds later the bell went of to sigal someone has entered, a man and a woman walked in.
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The man was pretty tall and had dark curly hair he also wore a suit (he doesn't wear a hat) the man was very handsome. The woman had blond hair and wore a elegant hat her green eyes were fierce and angry while the man his eyes were hazel and kind.
A woman came from the back about (your age) and stood behind the counter "good afternoon sir and madam how can i help you?"
"I would Like to comission a dress for my fiance"
"Alright any thing spesific, a tea gown, an walking suit, or a day dress
The woman cut her off with an angry tone "no nothing like that im here to comission a ball gown"
"Now calm down Catherine, im verry sorry about that"
"Oh don't worry its alright sir"
"May Brian may and Catherine Green"
"Ah alright mr may and missed Green" please do follow me so that i can sketch some ideas out and so that we could chose the fabric"
"Lead the way madam"
They came across an other woman in the hall "Oh Alice could you perhaps boil some water so that we can have some tea?"
"Yes of course y/n it be ready in a few"
"Thank you after you are done you can take a break" they walked further and came to a room "please do sit down , first we can chose the fabric then we can sketch a design"
"I want my dress to be red and black they are my favorite colors" she smirked
"My darling are you sure of that i mean its a ball after al you it would be beter if - " Brian was caught of
"No absolutly not i want my dress to be red and black" she folded her arms
"Alright darling as you wish"
"I want the black fabric to be made of embroyderd silk and the red fabric made of cotton."
"With or without a train madam"
"alright, anything els?"
"Yes i want black lace on the sleeves and red little bows made of silk there as wel"
"Alright madam, is it good that we decide up on a design of the dress now?"
"Yes go ahead"
"About the bodice and the sleeves what lengt would you like them?"
"Im sorry to interupt but here is the tea"
"Ah thank you Alice, you may go take a break now" Alice walked out the room again and closed the door "where were we? Ah yes the bodice and sleeves"
"I want the sleeves at elbow lenght and the bodice low so that it shows off my figure"
"Ah Alright, what about the skirt?"
"I want the under skirt to be a flounced underskirt and the under side of the dress to be made of the red fabric with silk ribons, at the front of the dress i want black lace going down. And the over skirt i want that to be the same fabric as the bodice."
"Alright madam" y/n looked at the sketch in front of her "is this what you have in mind?"
"Yes a hundred precent "
"Alright madam i wil ask my employees to look for the fabrics we would need"
Mr may who had been listening and drinking his tea the whole time spoke up "how long will it take to make?"
About 3 months sir if everything goes as planned"
"Wonderfull you hear that darling"
"Oh yes fantastic, make sure the dress is done by then because in 3 months there will be a ball at Buckingham palace and i want to look absolutly perfect"
"Yes of course miss we will try to get it finished by then"
"Good, thil next time" Catherine stood up And walked out the room
Brian did as well and held out his hand to y/n "Thank you so mutch for your time miss y/n, please you must excuse my fiance for being so rude"
"Its alright mr may no problem at al, tell me is your relationship a aranged one?"
"Unfortanetly yes, within a year we are to get Married unless i find somone i love"
"I hope you find the right person mr may"
"I hope so to, again thank you very mutch" he grabed y/n her hand and kissed it
"My plesure mr may, i hope you have a wonderfull afternoon"
"May we meet again" he smiled and
walked out the room
*little time skip*
Y/n was looking For the fabrics she Would need " Um Alice do you have any idea where the black embroyderd silk is?"
"Yes its on the top shelf next to the purple silks "
"Thanks, oh could you grab te maroon/red coton and a flounced underskirt/petticoat as wel"
"Yeah sure who is this oder for?"
"For miss Catherine Green"
"Oh i reconise her she has come in a few times to comission dresses her sizes are noted in our book, she's truly terrible she had 3 husbands already and now she's going to get Married to that poor sir may"
"Yeah i don't think they are a good couple eiter, both are from high socity what is sir may his feeld?"
"Hes an astrophysicist of the royal court of queen victoria"
"Oh wow so hes one of the highest in that feeld how extraordinary"
"Hes smart and not looking bad eiter"
"Yeah , i really feel sorry for him.... we need to get started the dress needs to be done in 3 months"
"Are you going to the ball to y/n?"
"I don't know i mean"
"You are also of high status because you make dresses for her royal highness, you deserve to go"
"You think so?"
"I know so, but first lets get started with making misses Green her dress first"
*time skip to 3 months later because im lazy*
The day for the fitting came y/n and Alice hoped everything went as planned.
"Good morning sir may and miss Green"
"Good morning miss y/l/n" he took her hand and kissed it
Miss green sighed "Is my dress ready?"
"Yes its ready please do follow me to the fitting room"
"I know where it is"
"Alright miss, i'll be there in a minute"
Mr may stood next to y/n "Im so sorry about the way she acts i talked with her about it but she won't lissen"
"Its fine mr may"
"Please call me Brian its my name after all"
"Alright wel then you can call me y/n.... tell me do you love her?"
"Who? Catherine? If i could be honest with you y/n then no absolutly not"
"Are you considering breaking off the arrangement?"
"If i find the right person then yes of course"
"I really hope you do you deserve better brian"
"Thanks you y/n"
"Y/n?" Came the voice of Alice
"Yes comming!, follow me brian" both of them walked in to the fitting room "miss Green how does it fit?"
"I want the corset to be tighter"
Y/n walked behind the curtains"Are you sure miss it already looks tight enough"
"No i want it tighter"
"As you wish miss" y/n undid the lace of the corset and tugged as hard as she could "i hope this is better"
"Perfect now is Brian here?"
"Good, oh Brian dear what do you think" Catherine stept from behind the curtain snowing her ball gown
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"what do you think?"
"I think it fits you perfectly dear"
"I take it" she went back behind the curtain to get changed again
"How mutch does it cost?"
"About a 150 pounds"
Brian grabed his wallet and drew the right amount "here you go"
"Thank you" y/n stuffed the money in her apron.
"Will you also go to the ball?"
"I would love to but unfortanetly i have work there are many dresses that have to be made"
"I can take over for you with Mary, y/n" said Alice as she was sewing some beads on to a evening coat
"Alright i will try and see, when is it?"
"About 2 weeks from now"
"I will try to make it" she smiled softly
Brian grabed her hand softly and kissed it "thill then my lady"
"Thill then"
*skip to the day of the ball*
"Have you decided what to wear?"
"No, i simply din't have the time to make anything" she sat down and sadly siged
"Oh cheer up, wait i remember something, we have some dresses that wern't colected mabey there is something in there for you"
"oh yeah thats true lets look" she stood up And walked in to the far back where a closet stood with the said dresses, she opend it up And looked at them , "i don't remember making these"
"I think your parents had been working on these last year they are pretty mutch still up to date"
"For who were these?"
"If i remember corectly these were ment for a baroness, but she and her
husband got killed before they could collect them"
"These are absolutly wonderfull "
"It should be about your size lets fit them"
So y/n did that and grabed al the dresses and tried them on, everything was exactly her size
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She decided to go with dress number (insert number here) "i see that some things got lose we still have time"
Yes we do now come on we need to prepare"
About a few hours later the dress has been looked at, Alice had put y/n her hair up in a fancy evening style and added some hair accessoires.
"so how do i look?"
"Like a real princes oh before you forget these come with the dress" she held out a box y/n opend it inside were a pair of earings a necklace and tiara and a fancy hand fan
"Oh these are wonderfull" she put the necklace around her neck and put the earings in
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"These were also met for the baroness" Alice placed the tiara on her head "you have to leave now a carriage is waiting"
"Alright, are you sure you can manage?"
"Don't worry to mutch it be alright me and Mary can manage just fine
"Alright" y/n put her evening coat on and picked up the train of her dress "its going to be late"
"I know dear now go and have a lovely evening"
"I will thank you for the help"y/n walked out of the back door trought the garden out of the gate, she climed in the cariage and sat down. The cariage went on its way to the palace. About 30 minuts later she arived and stept out die left her coat in the carriage. Y/n walked inside the palace up to the grand staircase to the ball room.
Music could already be heared when she walked up the staircase and once she arived the music was mutch louder.
Once y/n stept in to the ballroom a lot of people looked at her wondering who this beautyfull woman was dressed in fine fabrics and jewels.
"Miss y/l/n is that you oh how wonderfull to see you here you look extraordinary"
Y/n turned around at the mention of her name "sir Mercury its so great to see you, wearing my wonderfull suit i see" she smiled
"Oh yes its absolutly wonderfull my dear " he kissed her on the cheek "tell me why are you here?"
"Wel sir may had invited me to come along"
"Ah i see, if i remember corectly he was talking with sir taylor near the table overthere"
"Thank you"
"I have to go now my dear sir deacon needs my assistance"
Y/n smiled at him and walked to the table where sir may was indeed talking to sir taylor. Next to sir may stood miss Green, the was clinging to his arm. He looked a bit anoyed. "Sir may"
brian turned around "ah miss y/l/n so great to see you" he shook off Catherine and walked to her and softly grabed her hand "sir taylor this is y/n y/l/n the seamstress, she makes fabouls dresses, coats, shoes and suits"
"Nice to meet you miss" he said in a flirting tone, sir taylor grabed her gloved hand and put a kiss on it
"Like wise sir taylor" she smiled softly and put her hand to the side. Y/n could feel somone glaring at her when she turned around and came face to face with Catherine. " Is everything alright miss Green? "
"Yes everything is perfectly fine miss y/l/n" she said with an snarky tone.
Y/n looked down at the ground, sir taylor ofered her his hand "would you like to dance miss"
She looked up "Of course" she grabed his hand and they both walked on to the ball room floor
"You know i don't like her either"
"Miss green, sir may deserves better" said Roger while they both danced across the floor.
"Yes he does, they arnt the perfect fit for echoter Brian deserves somone who's kind"
"Someone like you"
"Why me?"
"The way you carry yourself very eligant yet kind and soft spoken, he really deserves you miss y/l/n". As the dance ended they both bowed to echoter and walked to the side where Brian stood alone drinking his wine
"Brian, you should dance with miss y/l/n I bet she will Enjoy your company while i go looking For my fiance"
"Alright Roger thank you," Brian held his arm out "care to dance?"
"Yes of course" she smiled and they both walked on to the ball room floor again. When they were done with the dance they walked to the doors "brian can we please go outside for a bit i need to talk to you"
"Yes of course" they walked in to the garden and dat down on a bench
"Look its probably not my place but you really should break of the arrangement Brian"
"She really doesn't deserve you brian she doesn't love you she will make you feel misereble"
"You are right but i can't break it off unles i found somone ells"
"Wel i know somone who would love you for ever and always"
"Who would that be?" He looked at her with a questionble look on his face
"What about me? Do you think we would be a good fit?"
"Perhaps if its really what you want"
"Im asking you brian, its important that you find somone who will help with continuing the family line"
"Yeah you are right" he sighed and put his face in his hands, his shoulders started to shake as he softly cried while you sat beside him
"Brian i really want to help you trough this"
"Y/n Im torn between an arrangement and real love" he looked up at her while the tears runed down his cheeks.
She softly whiped the tears away with her gloved hand and then placed it on his cheek "you have two choices Brian follow your heart"
"I choose real love" he leaned down and placed a soft kiss on her lips "i love you y/n y/l/n"
"BRIAN WHAT IS THIS!!??" They both turned around to an angry Catherine running at them, they both stood up And Brian stood in between y/n and Catherine.
"Im breaking off the arrangement"
"You can't do that you have no right"
"I do because i am the hire of the family titel and you are not this is oficialy over"
She looked from Brian to y/n " You did this you took him from me!"
"No she din't i simply took love instead of money thats all"
"You know what i never ever wanted to be yours Anyway you are not good enough for me i don't know what my father saw in you" she walked away with a big huff
"Im so sorry about that"
"Its alright im not blaming you"
"I ment what i said, i really love you" he huged her close and gave her a kiss on the forehead
"I love you to"
They both went back inside to tell sir Mercury, taylor and deacon the good news about their arangement
Brian and y/n found love in eatch other and lived a long and happy life together
The end
I hope you guys enjoyed reading please let me know what you think 😊 I put a lot of time and efort in to this plus a lot of late nights so please concider rebloging if you like the story
Have a Nice day everyone♥️
Greatings from Anne
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under my tree near my rock  - everybody moon  - wat exactly iz a flamingo dancer mr jones  - my murders fed at least some and im scared af - bleeding $ crazee  - mos maybe onna cusp of some kinda success tho  2 show upcome soon 1 of them major even if unbilled  -  hospital flashback like mf  - started w leg cramp panik attax sun eve  - teen called me og while coffee biz thang  - so young i fear for them  - 1 of the gigs a house party everyone underage and all that imply - no t aint gonna  - not a drive by even - literaly a couple hunnerd kidz thru most strangersz who wood freek the fuck out  lol   - it aint no place for me  - the dozen or so i interact w regular we mostly cool af  - mostly musicians a couple artists  a couple maybe as much awkward fucktard imma role model  -  my wife wonder wat tf we tawk about  - mostly i dont - i play guitar almost constantly at liams  - exchange greeting huglove  yah w the ones i know and love  -  liam an exception but he a changling we talk about the moon and wat it means to b an adult instead of a fucked up manbaby  - itza process yo imma try  - but mostly music and biz   - oh and PLEEEEEEZ can sum 1 help fix my tek  - cuz - with feeling y’all 
TEK HATEZ T   ( i wish i new how to bold on tumblr - no pleez dont msg me and tell me - it wont help and will only prolly confuse me  - the teenz know - i do not wann b shown how - i know how usually or did and then didnt use function for a while and forgot a step or - but then its 2 late - things fukked up and need a teenager  -   ffs 30 years ago i designed a web page from scratch using uh wats that co microsoft killed then bought out for a fortune  - today - just lol and sad  )
war and stevie wonder mostly see me thru the bad times  - im ok but have gone off deep end 1 too many lately -  ( just 1 t ? thats not -2 ba  - oh that many - nevermind )
acupuncture continuing to help  - everything - lol  - stressed the fuck out - third eye needle specially when to remind compassion - sciatica awmost a non event w minimal med  but aways treated - tendonitis - rotator cuff yah but those needles fucking hurt the whole time - i think they working on colitis copd and heart  as well  - usually give me extra time cuz i  tolerate needles as long as it take and i took advantage of unlimited for a year when offered  - i dont manage but try for daily cuz imma addict  - when i get xtra time i go somewhere i never been b4 - 1st time scary cuz left my body but that artifact i dont hafta  - peace not bliss and no place to stay nothing ever happens  - just a minnit soul vacation 
t how many x can u lissen to heaven iz 10 zillion - as many as it takes 
if u open up ur heart - u can feel it - feel his (her -the - i like her ) spirit ...
its taken her so long cuz we got so far to come...
later - maybe midnight when its frog friday and i already posted one a gift of
missing vita in college - bizzy scholastic period so text phone email for 2 weeks now counting - soon come  - im playing practice parts to recordings - some i never heard - early before we knew each other so like 8 months ago lol 
that wuz sposed to b in the middle - do i hafta say it 
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brooklynislandgirl · 5 years
Fig: Something my muse sees as forbidden but still desires Grapes: What would my muse want as a reward for hard work?Lemon: Something in my muses life that went sour Orange: What small things in life make my muse happy? Peach: If my muse was immortal what would they do with their time?Pear: Something my muse wouldn’t want to be separated from. Pineapple: How does my muse handle long-term relationships?Plum: What are five things that make my muse happy?
Fruit Basket || Accepting
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Fig: Something my muse sees as forbidden but still desires?“Wan my faddah in law’s head spitted on a pike an’ put on display at da foot of Zeus’s throne itself, an’ I’ll bloody well pu’i’ dere m’self.”
Her friend is a goddess in her own right, and must understand how she feels about these sorts of things. She feels Ares has earned every ounce of Beth’s spite, every ounce of her minimal blood-thirst. For every scar he allowed to be put on Zarek’s body, every one he inflicted himself. For every time he’d failed to be a father, just like her own. Some day she will find her way to Olympus or wherever it is that they all reside and she will find a way to burn it all down to the ground, those fires slaked only by rivers of divine blood…from everyone who has ever failed her husband.Zarek’s wife is a gentle soul, it’s true, but she would be nothing if not vengeful when she ascends.
Grapes: What would my muse want as a reward for hard work?
“Don’ need a reward, nevah been a materialistic person in my whole life…but mebbe…mebbe some day I’ll see sovereignty restore t’ my islands. By dat I mean put a Kanaka Maoli king or queen back in dere rightful place, give back da land dat was stolen from us, let da land an’ her people’s be free like she was only a few hun’red year ago. Same wi’ Ireland too, come t’ t’ink of it.”
Lemon: Something in my muses life that went sour?
“My relationship wi’ my braddah. We use’ t’ be so close, we migh’ as well have been twins. Aftah da acciden’ when he lost his leg, everyt’ing between us changed an…we went bittah wi’ each oddah. I miss dat. I miss him.”
Orange: What small things in life make my muse happy?
“Seein’ people be kind t’ demselves, t’ oddahs less fortunate. T’ see dem treat da earth an’ all of its creatures wi’ gentility, without fear or greed. Children laughin’ an’ playin’. Ocean waves against da shore. Sound of da gators callin’ across da bayou. Butterflies. Grill cheese san’wiches. Very sharp knives.”
Peach: If my muse was immortal what would they do with their time?
She laughs at this because, well… “Work as a doctah in any an’ alla places dat need medical care an’ don’ have adequate access t’ it. Like Africa, Sout’ America. Parts of Asia. Anywhere I was needed.It’s all about keepin’ balance, yeah? My husband is very good at da darker aspects of nature, an’ mine are about growth an’ life. So dere’s dat. But also get more time t’ read, an’ travel, an’ jus’ about any kine we wanna do.”
Pear: Something my muse wouldn’t want to be separated from?
 “Par’ of me…always t’ought if I no were Awakened…if I could go back t’ Sleep an’ nevah remembah wha’ it was like t’ have dis magick inside me, t’ jus’ be one normal person…dat I’d have been happier somehow. Different. But since dis lil shark came along…”Beth fondly lays a hand on the rounded swell of her growing son, and gave the bump an easy, gentle rub.“….I’m no gonna lie…bein’ cut off from certain aspects of dat magick…is like losing one of my senses. It’s really strange not to feel life all around me. Not bein’ able to look a’ someone an’ see what’s goin’ on inside dem. Not hearin’ da earth whisper t’ me. An’ I dunno if it’s evah gonna come back.”Pineapple: How does my muse handle long-term relationships?
“Surprisinly…it’s a struggle, ya know? It was terrible a’ first. I didn’ know how t’ be wi’ him. I didn’ know how t’ lissen t’ not wha’ he was sayin’ but more wha’ he meant. I dunno how f’ explain it, but it was very rough startin’. But once I came to a certain understandin’…da kine start t’ smooth out. Bein’ able t’ show him I’m faithful. Dat I’m loyal. Dat I always wan’ what’s best f’ him, even when sometimes dat’s not me or my involvement. I do know dat I’m a damn sight mo’ beddah for him dan any of his previous women.” 
Plum: What are five things that make my muse happy?
“My husband. My son. Surfin’. Music. Dancin’. I’m a real easy person t’ get along wi’ an’ my pleasures are simple.”
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simplyshelbs16xoxo · 5 years
‘Simple Romance’ Chapter 3: Tip-Toeing
these two are so stubborn!! grrr! they’ve taken control of the story now. read what they wanted me to write.
In a cosy corner booth in a fish and chip shoppe on Marylebone road, sat Sherlock Holmes and Molly Hooper. It was just the way he had intended when he asked her the first time. Yes, things were looking up. He was sure he’d woo her back into his arms in no time—not that she had ever been officially his before, but it felt as such.
               “Amazing chips and good conversation,” Molly remarked. “A perfect lunch if you ask me.”
               “I did tell you it was fantastic here,” Sherlock pointed out, popping another chip in his mouth. Pupils dilated, he noted. The desire is still there.
               “It’s despicable what that man did; murdering his wife, and all because he was unfaithful.” Molly scrunched her face in disgust. “I’d never do such a thing.”
               “Murder or infidelity?” Sherlock asked. His mouth quirked into a crooked smile.
               “Neither,” she answered, laughing, “Though with murder, I have been tempted.”
               “Haven’t we all?” Sherlock chuckled. “I would never commit adultery. It is disgustingly common in this age.” So, what exactly was he encouraging her to do? Realising the error of his ways, he pinched the bridge of his nose. He should’ve just told her from the beginning instead of attempting to make her stray.
               Molly nervously ate at her chips, trying to figure out the sickening feeling growing in the pit of her stomach. It wasn’t rocket science by any means, but she didn’t want to admit it either. Wasn’t she doing what she had just said she’d never do? Instead of having lunch with her fiancé, she was having lunch with Sherlock, a man she had been in love with for so long. She had given up the ghost when he left London, so why now? Why when she’s got a wedding to plan? A wedding she had been trying to put off for some time now.
               Her breathing felt shallow, the air thinning around her—or maybe she was just imagining it. The room suddenly felt hot, and the gnawing feeling in her stomach grew into nausea. Quickly, she slid out of the booth, a look of panic on her face.
               Sherlock stood, high on alert. “Molly? What’s wrong?”
               “What are we doing, Sherlock?” she found herself asking. He may view her as just a friend, but she kept pretending it was more than that. “This isn’t right. I have a fiancé who I was supposed to have lunch with today; not you.” Her eyes scanned the room, her hand covering her mouth in disbelief. “I can’t do this with you.”
               “I don’t understand; Molly, we’re just friends having lunch,” Sherlock told her. “It’s not unusual for you to have lunch with John or Mary.”
               “This is different,” she argued.
               “How?” He knew how, but he wanted to hear her say the words he was too afraid speak.
               “It just is, Sherlock. I can’t, okay? This was a mistake. Thank you for lunch though; it was nice of you to pay.” With that said, Molly turned and left the shoppe. That cosy corner booth now felt dark and lonely as Sherlock observed the mess he had made. He saw her climb into a cab, tears blurring his vision. Sherlock Holmes watched as his whole world slipped through his fingers.
               He had been at it for days; composing the most haunting melody on his violin. John knew the signs of Sherlock being heartbroken.
               “Sherlock, what happened?” John asked him. Mary sat on the arm of the chair he sat in.
               “The game is over, John.” Sherlock set his violin down before plopping down on the sofa. “Not that it was a game, but I missed my chance. It’s time I accept it.”
               “I don’t understand,” Mary piped up. “I thought it was going well.”
               “It was, but I should respectfully step aside. The last thing I want is for this to end in a mess, so I’m no longer putting my cards on the table.” Sherlock turned away, ignoring the whispers of his friends. From here on out, he would keep things strictly professional. Molly Hooper was going to be Mrs. Tom what’s-his-name. Sometimes, he realised, love isn’t enough.
               “Murder scenes?” she turned towards Sherlock. “Locations of…murders?” It had been a couple of months since she last saw him, and her heart still pounded furiously in her chest when he was near. She had missed him terribly.
               “Mmm, pub crawl-themed,” he explained, leaning back on his feet a bit.
               “Yeah, but why can’t you just do Underground stations?”
               Wrinkling his nose in distaste, he replied, “Lacks the personal touch. We’re going to go for a drink in every street where we—“
               “—every street where you found a corpse. Delightful! Where do I come in?” She was finishing his sentences now. His heart ached knowing that the one person who understood him the most would never choose him. Perhaps it was the best path for her to take. Tom wasn’t all that bad in retrospect, though a bit boring. If Molly wanted a simple, mundane life, then she’d get exactly that with her betrothed.
               “Don’t want to get ill. It would spoil the mood.” This conversation is spoiling the mood, he thought.
               “You’re a graduate chemist; can’t you just work it out?” She knew he didn’t need her help. He could easily figure this out on his own. The wistful gleam in his eyes told her he had missed her too. Deep down, Molly knew the truth; she knew that he felt something for her. It was more than friendship. Something had changed between them ever since he put his life in her hands.
               “I lack the practical experience,” he smiled.
               “…meaning you think I like a drink.”
               “That I’m a drunk.” Okay, so, maybe she was wrong.
               Quickly, he protested, “No. No!”
               The room fell into a heavy silence. The tension in the air was so thick, Molly could cut it with her scalpel. She couldn’t think of anything to say, twisting the engagement ring on her finger, feeling heavier with each day that went by. Funny how silence could be louder than words, especially when there were so many things left unsaid that would never be spoken. I love you. God, she wanted to shout it from the very rooftop he jumped off of.
               Sherlock steadied his breathing before breaking the ice. “You look…well.” She was glowing; the most beautiful woman he had ever known, inside and out.
               “I am,” she fibbed, giving him a half smile to convince him.
               “How’s…”—looking off to the side, he pretended as if he couldn’t even recall the name of that thick fiancé of hers—“…Tom?”
               “Not a sociopath,” Molly quipped.
               “Still? Good.” Sherlock never thought he’d rue the day he decided to label himself as such.
               Curious about what his reaction would be, she added, “And we’re having quite a lot of sex.” She and Tom were not, in fact, having any sex at all. Molly found herself coming up with excuses to avoid it. There just wasn’t a spark between them. Sure, they got along just fine, but there was no fire. Where was the passion, the all-consuming love she always dreamt of having?
               He said nothing, looking from the floor, to the walls, then, “…okay.”
Molly smiled to herself, knowing from his reaction she may have hit a nerve. Then bloody do something about it.
John Watson sat on the floor of the holding cell, ready to pass out at any moment. Sherlock was pacing like a mad man muttering to himself. He eventually turned towards the bed, and plopped down, burying his head in his hands.
“Juss—jus call her, mate,” John slurred.
Sherlock’s head flew up so fast, he was lucky his neck didn’t snap. “That’s brilliant!” He began phoning her, getting antsy for her to pick up.
“Hullo?” her voice croaked. “Sherlock? Is everything alright?”
“Molly. Mol-leeee.” He loved saying her name. “Di-did you know I lurve to dance, Molleee?”
“Um, no, I-I can’t say I did,” Molly stifled a laugh. He was drunk off his arse, and she knew she probably had John Watson to thank for it.
“Could take you to a right proper—excuse me—a right proper ball.” His words were clumsy, unable to articulate a thorough thought. “You’ve got lovely legs.”
Molly’s raised her eyebrows in surprise. “Sherlock, I think you should sober up before we speak again.”
“I’m as sober as ‘m gonna get,” he told her. “Molly. Molly, lissen to me. I was juss wondering—“
“Sherlock, you need—“ she spoke in unison with him.
“Oh, you’re talking, never mind, sorry.” His cheeks puffed in reaction to the nausea he still felt from earlier. His voice went softer then. “Molls?”
“Yes, Sherlock?”
“He doesn’t love you like—“
Molly held the phone so tenderly, anticipating the rest of that sentence. “Like what, Sherlock?” Nothing. She could hear his steady breathing, followed by a clatter from the phone slipping out of his hand. When she was sure he had fallen asleep, she whispered the words Sherlock longed to hear, her voice breaking. “I love you too.”
FFN | Ao3
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anne-white-star · 4 years
Third doctor x princess!reader
Notes : reader is a princess from a difrent universe/world and wakes up to a letter she got from her parents to anouche her futer mariage with a suitor she doesn't even know
M/name- mothers name
F/name - father name
Warnings: non wel if you count manipilation
Words: 2,561
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Y/n woke up one morning and started to get dressed. When something out the cornor catches her eyes. " Whats this?" She turned the paper around and to her shock it was from her parents, y/n knew because it had the royal seal on she started to read it to herself.
"Dear y/n "
"We urge you to come home as quick as you can because we have news for you and we want to personaly tell it to you"
mom and dad.
Well i guese i should tell the doctor then. She stood up And went in search for him.
"Good morning doctor"
"Ah good morning y/n did you sleep wel?"
"Yes i did....... doctor i have to go home"
"Why? Is something wrong? "
"My parents want me home as soon as posseble, they have news for me"
"Do you want me to go with you?"
"That would be great" y/n looked down on her self "i need to get changed i'll be back in a few minuts"
"Do i also have to change?"
"You don't have to but if you want its always an option" she smiled softly. Y/n walked back to her room and opend the closet she grabed a big victorian dress with pink stripes on it, she undressed and put it on
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(The story is not period bound it can be any dress but its not later then the 1919 *throws glitter* because Magic and fantasy)
During the time y/n went to change the doctor sent the TARDIS on its way to y/n her parents their kingdom.
"Im back, so what do you think" she did a twirl
"You look wonderfull"
"Wel thank you kind sir" she grinned
The doctor decided to just keep his normal clothes on it was classy enough.
Once y/n opend the TARDIS door they were greated by a big garden full of flowers and green things you have never seen, to the sides stood status big and small and a big fountain stood in the middel of it al (hey that rimes hehehe)
"Oh wow its magnifiek" said the doctor while looking around
"We have the best caretakes in the whole kingdom" she smiled "you see that tree over there" she pointed at a large tree "thats where i build my treehouse"
"A treehouse for a princess? I never thought" he smirked
"There are a lot of things you don't know about me, but now it belongs to the cats that are in our garden"
"Hmm i see, its good it doesn't go to waste"
When they stoped talking they had reached the end of the Path and they both stood at the door "comeone lets get in i bet they have been waiting for long" . They both stepped trough the door in to a large coridor "this way" y/n grabed his hand and they both walked to an other big door when they stepped before it the door opend on his own. At the end of the royal hall were two people seated on two thrones.
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(In this picture its only one but imagine there are two)
"Mother, father" y/n ran up And hugged them
"Y/n sweetheart we missed you" said her mother
"And who's this?" Asked her father
"Mother, father this the doctor the man that i have been travelling with, doctor these are my parents M/name and
"Its a honnor to meet you your majesties" the doctor bowed to them
"Oh please call us by our first names"
"Mother why did i have to come home?"
"Oh sweetheart we have news for you"
"What news?"
"We found you a suitor"
Y/n blinked a few times "a.. a suitor w... why?"
"Oh dear you are old enough now and we need to pass our kingdom on to you one day" said her father
"But i don't want a suitor we talked about this before i left to travel"
"Oh sweetheart we know but 3 years after you left he came and had dinner with is that he prepared himself and told us why he was here"
"Hmm yes?"
"Is it alright if i let a servant escort you to my bed chamber?"
"Its fine if You want to talk alone"
"Merda?" A young girl with blond bob hair in a black dress with white apron walked up to them
"Please escort the doctor to my bed chamber i'll be there in 30 minuts "
"Of course your highness"
Once the doctor was gone y/n let go of a sigh "look i don't want to get forced i want to find real love "
" But dear this could be real love"
Then the royal horn sounded
"Oh that must be him" her mother smiled, y/n meet your suitor lord Russell Becker"
A tall man walked in with shoulder lenght black hair and yellow eyes he wore a red blouse with black waist coat, dark grey pants black polished shoes and a long coat it was a dark red almost black, he gave off bad vibes y/n could feel it
"Its so good to be back and meet my futer wife" he grind
" ah lord Russell its so good to see you again" F/name
"Lord Russell may i introduse you to our daughter princess y/n"
"Ah the lovely princess its a honour to meet you" he bowed down before her and kissed her hand
Y/n pulled her hand back in disgust and anger "ah yes it lovley to meet you my lord" y/n paused "i have to go im sorry" she turned around and ran away to the big doors
"Y/n come back!!! *sigh* im so sorry our daughter isnt to happy about the news "
"Its alright I understand" *damn it this women is smarther than i thought she was*
Meanwhile in y/n her bed chamber the doctor was looking around when he heared the doors open and then lock
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"Y/n?" The doctor turned around and looked at her and saw her crying "oh dear whats wrong?"
She walked to the fainting chair " the man that im suposed to marry *hickup* hes, hes evil i can feel it something is not right"
"Oh dear" he rubbed her back "i bet they understand"
*hickup* "i already explained to them before i left.... doctor i don't want to marry somone who i don't love"
"It can be hard i understand everything will be alright"
"We should be getting ready for dinner i bet they want to talk"
Y/n put on an other pink victorian gown with frills and the doctor Changed in to a suit, both of them walked to the dining room
"Doctor i really don't want to get angry again"
"I understand that but its ok if you arn't happy about it"
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The doctor opend the door for her and let them selfs in, y/n her parents were already seated the doctor sat next to her at the table
"Ah there you are my dear your fiance is a bit later"
"I don't have a fiance mother im not condoning this" she placed her hands in her lab
"Y/n We want the best for you dear please"
Y/n siged and looked away, the doctor on the other hand was thinking about all of this he was shaken out of his trance when the big doors of the dining room opend and lord Russell walked in his yellow eyes piercing y/n her e/c once
"Ah lord Russell great for you to finaly join us please do sit down" y/n her father gestured to an empty seat
"Thank you your highnes" he sat down acros from y/n "may i say you look very lovely this evening"
"Thank you but flatery will not get you anywere lord Russell" y/n glared at him but y/n her mom glared at y/n for making sutch a remark
"Please do excuse our daughter... Ah diner is ready just in time" everybody got a plate and they started to eat
M/name wiped her mouth with a handcechief "so hows the wedding preperations going for the end of this week?"
Y/n chocked on her food and the doctor was quick to react and patted her on the back "THE WHAT!!!!????"
"Your and lord Russell's wedding of course"
Y/n stood up "No absolutly not i will not Marry this man"
F/name stood up as wel "Y/n You will do as we say we are your parents and we want the best for you!"
"If you really want the best for me then you would lisen and don't force me in to something i don't want to do!"
"Alright go to your room young lady i wil not tolorate sutch behavoir!"
"Honestly i don't care you don't care about my feelings" y/n turned around and ran out of the dining room
The doctor stood up as wel " Honestly she has a point you know you should lissen to what she has to say " he also turned around and walked away
"Im so sorry for all this" y/n her mother said
*that blasted women how am i going to take over the kingdom.... Ah yes * "Its alright your highness i bet she will change her mind just prepare the wedding in a few days"
"We wil start right away" f/name smiled
Meanwhile in y/n her bed chamber the doctor was comforting his companion
"I just don't understand why?... why would they break my heart like this we talked about it a lot Before i left they promiced " she sobbed with her face in a pillow
"Calm down my dear it be alright"
"Doctor i noticed something weird about their eyes"
"What is it?"
"They arent their usual color they are mutch lighter"
"Of course" the doctor stood up And walked in circles"
"What is it doctor?"
"They had dinner the first time they met right? Wel i think he put something in their food or drink to get them under controle"
"But why?'
"So that he can become king and of he marries you that will be sure"
"I knew something was wrong with him"
"Doctor i don't want to be rude but im tired an would love to sleep"
"Alright go get dressed and then we call it a night i stay here with you mabey i go and read something" he softly stroked her head
"You can either sleep on the fainting chair or sleep with me in bed im not bothered if you sleep in bed with me its big enough"
"Alright but now get dressed chop chop"
" Thanks doctor you always know how to cheer me up" she smiled
Two days had gone by and day three had finaly arived the day of princess y/n and lord Russell's wedding. y/n was forced in to her wedding dress, the dress and everything was lovley but its not the same as it would be if she would Marry her actual love
"Mother what if i will not be happy?"
"Of course you will be happy"
"No i don't im sure i won't be happy.... The first time you and father met him he cooked food right? "
"Yes but why do you want to know? "
"Just curious i guese we should get going "
"Chin up dear its your special day"
"I know" a lonely tear trailed down her cheek y/n hadent seen the doctor sinds that morning but when she saw him she blushed. He looked really handsome in the royal suit he wore decorated with a red shash and medals he also had a sword at his side
People sat down and waited for the wedding to start everybody was chatting about and lord Russell stood at the altar waiting for his new wife
*a few more minuts and then i have the hand of this girl then im finaly king* he smiled to himself thinking about it.
Then the music started and people went quite. Y/n walked down the aisle that was coverd in flowers they also hung from the cealing. When she reached the end the music stoped
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"Dear family, friends and others today we have come together to tie the knot between these lovers, may we have the rings please?" Y/n's father stood up And gave them to the priest " Thank you, now, Russell Becker do you promice to protect and love y/f/n thil death do you part?"
"I do"
"Y/f/n do you promice to protect and love Russell Becker thil death do you part?"
"Umm " y/n looked down tears started to fall "I, i do" she started to shake
"Is anybody objecting against this mariage?"
"I am" gasps went around the doctor stood up And walked to the altar "i honestly don't understand why you all can't see that this poor girl is extremly scared" he turned to her "y/n Im stoping this mariage"
"You will absolutly not"
Everybody looked at lord Russell "you all don't understand how long i have waited for this day to finaly marry here and become king and now you wil not ruin that for me" lord Russell grabed his sword and pointed it at the doctor "i will battle for her hand if i must and kill you in the proces
"Thats what we shal see" the doctor grabed his own sword and they both started fighting
"Oh dear goodness" y/n gasped and went to hide but was stoped when lord Russell grabed her and put his sword to her throte
"No body move or the princess loses her head"
"Let her go" the doctor grinted his teeth
Lord russle grabed her even tighter and the sword started to draw blood "i said don't move"
The doctor did a sudden move and lord Russell fell backwards to the ground, y/n was let go and ran to her parents
"oh sweetheart we are so sorry" her mother huged her
"Its alright"
The doctor stood over lord Russell not moving away, some guards came and put him in shackles and took him away
Y/n turned away from her parents and walked up to the doctor and huged him "thank you for saving me" she kissed him on the cheek
"What do we do now the wedding is over" said y/n her father
"Wel not enterly" the doctor took something out his pocket and went down on his knee before y/n, "y/n we have known echoter for quite some years now we have been in a relation ship with echoter for the past year and that was absolutly amazing, but now i want to ask you do you want to become my wife?"
"Yes!! a milion times yes!!" She huged him and kissed him
"You both have our blessings"
the priest did his word again "doctor do you promice to protect and love y/f/n thil death do you part?"
"I do"
Y/f/n do you promice to protect and love the doctor thil death do you part?"
"I do"
"Then pronouns you to husband and wife, you may kiss the bride "
And so they did it started out as a wedding against her will but she ended up marrying her true love. also the potion lord russle gave to her parents had worn off and they were back to normal they gave their apologies to their daughter and everybody was happy. 
The end
I hope you enjoyed reading 😊
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