#listen - this is beautiful ok?
bumblingbabooshka · 2 years
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Just received a stunning commission from @leifor of everyone’s favorite star trek couple: Tuvok and T’Pel!
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formulaonedirection · 2 years
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🧡 All I wanna do is get into your head 💙
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stealthily · 2 years
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@ whoever was in charge of designing Vi’s nose/side profile: i hope both sides of your pillow stay cool for eternity. bless u.
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glitteratti · 3 years
ok like actually musical theatre. art form of all time. sorry if you think they’re stupid or just like plays with singing but you are wrong apologies for your bad taste & get well soon!
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Thinking of Viren maybe meeting Harrow on the other side before he got resurrected I know it doesn't make sense ok just let me have this :')
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vianbarnes · 3 years
do you ever think about the fact that we’ve seen mac write letters to people he cares about so he probably wrote to dennis when he was away but could never send the letters because dennis didn’t leave an address…
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drabsyo · 3 years
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I'll always remember It was late afternoon It lasted forever And ended so soon You were all by yourself Staring up at a dark gray sky I was changed
bellamione time travel au in which young Bella is totally in the know but she’s messing with the time traveler before spilling the beans just because 
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curestardust · 2 years
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Cure Beauty vs Joker (part 4)
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maiagaru · 2 years
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#a missed opportunity
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uminoiru · 2 years
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“thank you, sweetheart.” 
“he does that sometimes. they dated before he died, so try not to hold it against him.” 
connor and devon as that one ponyo scene <3
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lesbianjodie · 3 years
Personally I think it would be a lot of fun if Ran came out as bisexual to her mom and had to explain bisexuality to her and the next week Eri just came out as bi and started very openly flirting with women and getting mad hoes....... like beating Kogoro at his own game. I think it would drive him insane and I’d like to see that
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lilacandladybugs · 3 years
lets be honest krtzyy is what mcytblr wishes gamer boys were like. he has the eyebrow slit, he has the fashion sense, the artsy tattoos, the gay , he can go fast in block game sometimes. what more can you ask for
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holified · 2 years
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This pairing is very controversial, some people love it with their whole hearts, while others absolutely hate it; however, I am going to talk about MY take on their relationship and what it means to my Kikyo.
We must keep in mind that when Kikyo met him she was alive, in possession of her soul and all her emotions. It was mentioned quite a couple of times —by Urasue even— that she was kind and pure when she was alive, very different from the cold-hearted shell of a woman she was turned into. She mentions in chapter 78 that she wanted to melt his heart, to make for him what Kagome was doing. Ultimately, what she truly wanted was to mend his broken heart, and the only way she thought such thing was possible was for him to become human so that they could live together —she wouldn’t have the jewel and he would be fully accepted by her village. While some may say that she was selfish, I believe that she was rather desperate by that point. She thought she knew everything about the jewel, and thus saw no flaws in her plan (although we later discover that such wish would have been most likely twisted in order to keep the jewel “alive”). 
She cared for him a great deal, that much is obvious, she says upon being resurrected that she wanted to live with him and spend the rest of their lives together –no one would plan such thing without having feelings for someone. But Kikyo was proud, we see this aspect of her character heightened after she’s resurrected, she believes that only SHE can purify the jewel completely; her pride and confidence sometimes clouded her better judgement, and surely such confidence in her knowledge was what made her believe Inuyasha could become human with no problems whatsoever.
However, contrary to what I sometimes read about them, InuKik’s relationship should not be diminished or discarded simply because it was not like what InuKag had. They were each other’s first love, they once wanted to spend the rest of their lives together, and they somehow loved each other until her final death. Now, what Inuyasha and Kagome have is something much deeper and stronger than what Inuyasha and Kikyo had, but that’s also because they had time to develop such feelings. InuKik’s relationship was severed when it was in the beginning, they didn’t completely trust each other yet, didn’t really know each other that well. After she was resurrected, Inuyasha was already falling for Kagome, and Kikyo was frozen in time, forever stuck in the moment of her death --soulless. She had only her contempt and anger to keep her moving, only memories of what she once had, and thoughts of what could have been while she watches Kagome —her reincarnation— have everything she ever wished for.
Many times when Kikyo was severely injured and was found by Inuyasha (her final death included) she remembered their days together, when they wanted to spend the rest of their lives together, because those were probably her happiest memories —when she planned her future without worrying about fighting, when she thought she could finally find the love she had longed for. She was with someone who would protect her, who would care for her and whom she knew she could love with all her heart. 
Inuyasha was the only person who swore to protect her, the only one who checked on her to make sure she was safe after she was revived. He was her only connection to the woman she had once been. When she was with him her expressions were softer, not filled with hatred or anger, she was only sad. 
Kikyo was only an eighteen-year-old woman to whom love and affection were denied, who lived –and died– to protect others and fulfill her duties. She always put others before herself, even after she was resurrected against her will (”dragged back to life” in her own words). And having Inuyasha check on her and care for her were the only moments of relief and happiness she was allowed after forcefully coming back to life. He became the most important person to her, and dying in his arms —being loved by him— was the best outcome she could have imagined, it was more than she thought she would get.
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lggy · 3 years
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Though my days are over, You know where I'll be, Swim that lost river to me...
Though my days are done, The waters will always run, Find that lost river... find me!
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leafywillow · 3 years
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Halloween Lookbook #3: Fairie
top+skirt+wings | necklace+earrings | hair | feet | tattoos
Thank you to the amazing cc creators @daisy-pixels, @renorasims, @clumsyalienn, @necrodogmtsands4s, and @fernpots!!
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waitingonavision · 2 years
“Tío Bruno” is an absolutely gorgeous and bittersweet track.
[edit] The vision/flashback part?? *weird flailing*
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