#i think its beautiful
murdrdocs · 1 year
i need cute domestic fluff w finnick and like him and reader like living a cute little life after the rebellion and like them just living together and being happy
this is like the only life i can associate with finnick.
slow days where you both take it easy. sometimes, there's this mental fog that takes place over your minds, especially finnick's, but you've gotten used to living in harmony together, especially in these moments.
these are the mornings when the bed is extra comfortable and inviting. there's nothing urging either of you to get out, so even when you wake up the first time, there's a second and third awakening before you're truly awake. you know finnick can't sleep like that, but he refuses to shower without you, and he doesn't want to take you awake from comfort, so each time you wake up he's sitting with his back against the headboard, a worn book in his hands and a concentrated look on his face.
the showers during these days are long, drawn out, filled with the excessive use of water and products that scent your skin and hair with aromas adored by both parties.
the breakfast is eaten late, bordering on lunch, and it's kept simple, too. sometimes pancakes, waffles, maybe a sandwich. it's usually eaten outside with the sound of waves crashing against the shore as a background. you tell him of your dreams, he silently envies how innocent and pure they are.
"we had a kid, named him mikey."
an excited nod from you as you sip your juice. "mhm! short for michel."
finnick's lips turn up as he lets your dream take the place of his nightmares. before, the thought of them would make a chill run down his body, but with the image of what mikey would look like in his head, he feels warm, even with the sea breeze blowing across his tanned skin.
afternoons are spent in each other's company. there's a walk sometimes, maybe a bike ride. sometimes you do garden work, planting flowers, taking up ones that've already grown to make a bouquet for the counter. usually, you're both on the beach, finnick fishing while you peacefully lounge on a large navy blue and white striped towel.
then you're back home, the TV softly playing an old sitcom that's bearable by your standards while you paint your nails and finnick cooks dinner, the new bouquet a perfect center peace on the island. the smell of your favorite dish is comforting, and you have the urge to go join him in the kitchen. the nail polish bottle is left half open on the coffee table and you're standing behind finnick with your arms wrapped around his torso, letting the heat of his body and the stove dry your probably-already-ruined nail art.
the nights are quiet. another shower shared, two bodies standing close in the large space. you're usually wrapped in one of finnick's shirts. he typically dons a pair of loose pants. you settle into bed, finnick with the same book from earlier, you finishing the episode from earlier, and you're curled into his side. you fall asleep before the episode ends, leaving it for another day, finnick finishes his chapter.
the lamp is flicked off, your breathing is soft, the window is cracked to let in a breeze and the same sound of the ocean. the mix of finnick's two favorite things –– you and the sea –– is what lulls him to sleep.
his arms around your body, your head against his chest, and a general stillness in your shared home.
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Please tell...
So lately I've been really overwhelmed about being human and humanity in general. Like. I tear up and even bawl my eyes out at times.
Because look at us. we're all here, being imperfect and stupid, making mistakes, creating art, getting high off plants and drunk on old fruit, laughing, crying, falling in love, waging wars, ruining things, making up faults, trying, failing, succeeding. living. they're things that make us so ineffably human. for example cooking. i think about the invention of cooking a lot. we discovered fire, realized that things tasted better at different temperatures. we've made it into an art form of sorts now. millions of years ago people were people just like today. the invention of the wheel, the engine, the computer, artificial intelligence. we've come so far. don't you ever think about all of it and get so overwhelmed. the people back then, just like now, would have families, love, talk, paint, eat, hold hands, kiss, hugs, cry, yell, laugh.
there's a cave painting discovered that has an imprint of a tiny hand on a tall cave wall. a child could not have reached there which meant someone had lifted their child up to put it's little hand against the wall. to say 'i was here'. and picturing that really gets me so emotional. we've been saying it for centuries. i was here i was here i was here don't forget me.
books and paintings, museums and galleries. humanity has committed a million crimes in it's history. yes we hurt and we ruin. we also create and fix. in this land weighed by blood and pain, we mustn't lose sight of kind strangers and children's smiles. places like soup kitchens, churches, hospitals, orphanages are where our humanity is spread all around.
maybe i tend to romanticize the mundane, but sometimes I feel like an alien sent here to study humans and I'm so stricken by it all, I'm falling in love with it despite all the flaws in this world.
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crow2222 · 5 months
a drabble of toxic Paul x darry before bed...
I'll re read this tomorrow and post it on ao3 after editing it. but yall get it first!@!!
WC; 1637
edit: i posted it on ao3 , it's edited and better edited imo
“Get in.”
It was a freezing evening, delivering a cold that would settle deep in your bones; it was even more true for the Curtis brothers. They had buried their parents earlier that week, completely overlooking Darry’s 20th birthday as the sudden deaths shocked them all. The dark sky matched the hollow ache the three felt, in their newly quiet house.
Sodapop and Ponyboy were already settling into bed, which would only happen if they had the energy to get out of bed in the first place; the grief was slowly killing them, even if no one noticed.
Darry was going to get to bed soon too, he was just grabbing a glass of water until the undeniable rev of Paul’s car pulled up on their street. There was no mistaking why he was there; Paul was furious at Darry and wanted to fight him, no doubt. His parents’ death wouldn’t stop him either.
Water spilled down his fingers as he smashed the glass down on the coffee table, he had to bring this upcoming argument somewhere else, anywhere but outside his house; he couldn’t let his brothers wake up because his (used to be) boyfriend wanted him dead in the ground.
His shoes weren’t even tied as he stumbled down the icy front steps, the door already gently shut behind him. What really surprised Darry the most was the fact Paul stayed in his car, and that’s when he realised they were going to talk during a car ride; something Paul would only do when he was in a good mood and wanted to chase action, and not something he’d do when his partner calls him at early hours of the morning, breaking off their years long relationship.
The windows were rolled down, his blonde curls conveniently sticking out the open window as he moved his head towards Darry.
“Get in.”
Paul always talked, whether it was because he didn’t think twice before opening his mouth or because he had too many thoughts, Darry would never know.
He hesitated getting in, why would he have gone in the first place? It wasn’t until he was in the passenger's seat and the car drove off, that he realised that this might turn out to be a horrible situation that he got himself into.
Despite it being a Thursday evening, the roads were livelier than ever; it felt like a taunt towards Darry, like this city is laughing at his face, showing him that everyone else enjoys their time here, unlike him.
The windows were rolled back up at this point, it always gave Darry a headache whenever the fast wind would be in the car; and the fact that Paul remembered that, and pulled them up, made Darry feel a little more at ease.
As much at ease he could feel as he stayed still in his ex friend's leather seat; he broke out into a cold sweat, causing his skin to stick to the seat uncomfortably.
He wished Paul would say anything, the few minutes of driving to the highway seemed to stretch on forever- longer than any class Darry remembered being bored in. Instead of boredom fogging his brain, it was confusion; and more so fear, fear of what exactly Paul was going to say, and why they were on the road.
And little did he know, he got that answer in no time.
“So all you were gonna give me was a lousy phone call?” His tone was straightforward, and Darry couldn't help but wonder if the previous silence was because Paul was trying to find his words.
“It wasn't lousy..”
“It was, and you know it.”
Paul sighed, that deep sigh from the chest, that Darry vaguely associated with his late childhood dog; he always sighed like that, as if he was the only lugging up bundles of roofing and not his dad.
Paul would always sigh when he was frustrated, and Darry wished he had the ability to do that: instead he'd just erupt, his emotions being too much to hide away much longer.
“It was annoying, you know.” Darry didn't. He felt like it was perfectly reasonable; Paul was moving away for university and might never come back to this back ass end place like Darry wouldn't have. He explained it, the whole funeral bit and the custody battle the family went through; and yet, here he was taking Darry on a ride, still trying to make the situation about him.
“I just- We can still make this work you know, we can call, still meet up every once in a while..” He tripped over his words, finding it hard to believe his own words; as he knew as much as Darry that they were over.
“Paul, it’s more complicated than that, and you know it.”
“Complicated my ass.”
“Goddammit Paul-,” His hands met his face, they rubbed his face up and down as he felt like it was pulling teeth with this guy. “I just can't afford getting caught, we just can't do this anymore. I need to think about my brothers.
“Just seems to me like I'm not worth the effort, huh?” The rev was more noticeable than ever, and Darry noticed the hand on the speedometer go past the usual speed he'd use on these roads.
His foot was slowly settling down on the acceleration, the car going faster by each passing second.
Darry felt his heart drop, and before he knew it; he felt sick to the stomach. “Paul..” He was afraid of driving the moment his parents’ crash was announced to him; and Darry started to regret telling Paul how they were killed.
Paul was doing this to scare Darry, no doubt about it.
He wanted to grab his arm and snap some sense into his ex, but the likelihood of them crashing would skyrocket if he tried that. It's not like he could've done it either; he was completely frozen in the spot, his usual instinct of fight had shifted to freezing instead.
“Did you ever get that cake for your birthday?”
If Darry wasn't disgusted with him earlier, he was now.
He shouldn't have told him so many details, why did he have to open up? He decided at that moment that he'd never tell anyone his fears again, if he survived that is.
“Paul, slow down.” It came out as a mere whisper, but it was better than the silence he felt compelled to keep. His jaw was tight, as was the rest of his muscles as he stayed on high alert.
“I thought you greasers liked drag races?”
Darry bit his tongue, refusing to acknowledge how socs loved drag racing just as much, but Paul already knew all of that, he had gone to watch some races himself. No, Paul was trying to rile Darry up, get a reaction out of him; Yet it seemed like he refused.
Blurs of colour was all Darry could look at as they sped down the highway, surpassing cars left and right.
His breathing was as fast as his heart was going, and Darry wondered if he was gasping for breath.
His mind was spinning, or maybe it was more like a ripple from when a puddle was touched? Darry couldn't tell what was happening anymore, all he could think was how his parents’ bodies looked, the smell of the crash itself seemingly around him; even if he never was at the crash itself when it happened, he could still visibly imagine it all.
Died on impact, no suffering.
He'd hoped the same would happen if Paul were to crash, he'd hated to have his last moment be dragged out, knowing he's leaving behind two brothers who need him. That, and having to share his last breaths alongside his ex; the very man who had his life in his hands.
It took around a minute for Paul to get bored, or at least feel guilty enough to slow down. He took the next turn around, catching glances at Darry every once in a while.
Even if his face was turned away from Paul, he could clearly see how pale Darry had gotten, his nervous shaking hadn't gone unnoticed either.
Paul felt bad for a second, until it was replaced by anger. This meeting was for Paul to get concrete answers, not for his ex to act like a sissy.
His tongue swiped over his front teeth as he tried to find a way to ask Darry his question again, but before he could even think of something; Darry spoke up.
“Let me out.” His voice came out in a croak, as if he'd been crying; but he didn't, he didn't..
“Yeah I'll drop you at your house.” Paul replied with a huff, as if the directions he was currently going in weren't obviously going towards the other man's house.
“No. Drop me off here, I'll walk.” Darry couldn't stand being in the same car as him anymore, not after the stunt he pulled.
Paul wanted to argue, grinding his teeth as he pulled over instead; letting out his ex at the curb as the streetlamps were the only thing illuminating his face. It was cloudy that night.
In the light, Paul could clearly see the wet trails down Darry's face, and he wondered how he missed that.
“Fuck off Paul.” He spat in his face before slamming the door shut after him.
His steps were quick and deliberate, he never did like walking in the dark.
“Shit..” He hid his face in his arms, as he finally realised his actions. He was dead to Darry now, and so Darry had to be dead to him.
He was horrible to Darry, he could at least register that much.
Yet he couldn't let go.
He wanted Darry.
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dykesbat · 10 months
:)) seeing people find comfort and joy and love in religion is such a beautiful and happy sight
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scrollonso · 2 months
i hate people that make aging out to be some disgusting thing
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sugar-and-spite13 · 7 months
"My battery is low and it is getting dark"
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mythrilskirt · 8 months
One thing I love is how often people (I'm thinking of trans women for this example but it definitely happens a lot with gay guys and all sorts of others as well) will post stuff like "I keep thinking I'm a girl? Like I keep imagining being a girl and thinking of myself as a girl and wanting to dress up as a girl? What could this incredibly cryptic and indecipherable strange phenomenon mean????????" And it literally 100% of the time means they're a girl. It's so funny to me. Like the overpowering urge to be a girl is in fact a direct result of you being a girl, babes. If you can believe such a thing. Occam was looking for you btw.
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liv45no · 2 years
Ayo anyone else noticed this?
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i said “it’s been a long time, i miss you, come back soon” but i actually meant “dinn bane hafte re, hafte mahine / mahine bann gaye saal / aake zara tu dekh toh le / kya hua hai mera haal / deewani dar dar main phirti hoon / main jeeti hoon na main marti hoon / tanhayi ki raatein sehti hoon / aaja, aaja, aaja, aaja, aaja / aaja ke din ginti rehti hoon”
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muttmoxley · 5 months
sometimes im like "wow holy shit im being really fucking annoying. i should stop talking" and then i pull out my magic 8 ball and it says "youve always been annoying and your friends chose to talk you anyways. youll be fine" and im like wow thanks magic 8 ball. and then the ogre attacks me
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paranoidblue · 5 months
The outright bitchiness of AOS!Spock 🤝 The more covert bitchiness of TOS!Spock
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dapper-lil-arts · 29 days
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Can we talk about the kind of woman Applejack attracts.
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tooquirkytolose · 5 months
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~The Most Beautiful Woman in The World~
Download on itch.io for extra content!
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autumn-may · 9 months
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Mostly spoiler free summary of my viewing experience
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lacedwithkace · 10 months
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lunarsapphism · 1 year
rereading red white and royal blue and i forgot how good of a book it is :(( its just all very sweet and i love it very much
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