#listen classpect theory is still a special interest
kawaiijohn · 3 years
Danny: heir of time
Sam: rogue of space
Tuck: page of heart
Jazz: sylph of hope
Val: knight of life
Dani: witch of breath
I do not take criticism but I will answer questions thank u.
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magespuddle · 4 years
The Classes comparison while classpecting (part 2: Maid, Page, Knight, Prince, Heir, Sylph, Seer, Mage, Rogue, Bard)
*this post is a translation of my work on VK. Other translations will be tagged appropriately*
Part 1
The Mage of Blood is here with the follow-up of the Classes' comparisons. In case someone has wondered if there is a specific pattern I am following when comparing the Classes, it indeed exists. The Classes are united into groups with the biggest similarities between units, akin to the purple illustration I did for the Aspects' comparison post. But after some talking to people I've realized these pics only confuse the readers (pardon my profile Prince of Void), thus I'll simply list the groups, the adjacent (but secondary in characteristics) roles are put in "<>":
<Seer> Maid, <Sylph> Page <Prince>, Rogue <Bard>
<Maid> Seer, <Thief> Sylph <Page>, Mage <Heir>
<Witch> Knight, <Page> Prince <Thief>, Bard <Rogue>
<Mage> Heir, <Prince> Thief <Sylph>, Witch <Knight>
Also, I am describing Classes via specific traits, some terms for which may be hard to understand. In this case, you can see the full list of them with explanations in my first post of the Classes' comparison. And now, let us continue the differentiation.
5. Heir-Page-Maid
Shared: all Classes are Increasing the Aspect and posess the qualities of the Innovators. They get mixed up because of more dense interaction with other people.
Different: contrary to the Page and the Heir, the Maid is a more Dependant and Interaction-oriented, less Egoistic Creator Class. She posesses the qualities of the Effector. Usually there is some mentor or authoritative figure in her life, the Maid is generally more susceptible to the advices of others at the start of her gourney, while the Page and the Heir can be doing any crazy or useful stuff just out of their own will and desires, and don't even try to tell them to stop. But it is hard to say the Maid thinks of herself as incompetent in the matter of her Aspect (like decompensated desperate Pages do occasionally); it's just she is OK with listening to others for a while. In addition, the Maid is more Disharmonious with the inverted Aspect, to the point of extreme unacceptance and fear, than the other two Classes. The Maid's Aspect source is External.
Compared to the Page, the Heir is a Deficient, more Basically skilled Manipulator Class, that is Harmonious with his own Aspect and Disharmonious with the inverted one. His Overall weight is smaller and his system function is Slightly increasing the Aspect. What is more, while the Maid and the Page can be quite childlike in their behaviour, naive even, the Heir is not as simple. Still, he is not as manipulative (in terms of using people to do stuff for him) as the Page is (he is so cute, it is irresistable, and he knows it), the Heir prefers to get things done himself than finding a vassal. The Heir is less interested in mastering his skills, usually he hardly even pays attention to using the Aspect — it all comes so natural and easy to him. The Page, on the other hand, concentrates on every of his attempts, at the same time (and it is a huge advantage of this Class) being less inclined to put his hands down in case of failure; his stubborness and childish confidence are big helpers in unraveling the potential. Where the Heir would be balancing in doubts, having failed before, the Page would jump into action without even thinking twice.
Unlike the Maid, the Page is a more Independant, Egoistic, Action-oriented Passive Class with Abundance of the Aspect. Also he is a Class of Changing type and Yielding category. Unfortunately, the Page is Disharmonious with his own Aspect, while Harmonious with the inverted one. He posesses the qualities of the Ace. The Page seems more naive than the Maid, although in reality he is a more successful manipulator and his mechanism of "inspiring others" to use the Aspect differs significantly: while the Maid emits some kind of inspirational aura and the people around get caught in this flow, it is a game of pride with the Page. His mistakes in the Aspect make others strive for mastering their skills out of the fear of accepting their own failures and his strong devotion to the Aspect stuff inspires to keep going forward against all the odds. The Page's Aspect source is Internal and his Overall weight is bigger.
6. Heir-Prince
Shared: both Classes are of Changing type, highy Egoistic and Deficient. The realized Prince can be mixed up with the Heir.
Different: the Heir is more Independant, Action-oriented Passive Manipulator Class, whose system function is Slightly increasing the Aspect. He is more Basically skilled, but also has lesser Overall weight. While the Prince is Disharmonious with his own Aspect and Harmonious with the inverted one, it is opposite for the Heir (which makes sense since the latter is the Prince's son according to the inheritance of the Classpects, but the inheritance theory is a talk for another day). The second Class is much lighter with the character, rarely brags about his achievements and meddles with others, he is less tense and perfectionistic with his Aspect. The Heir's self-esteem is usually higher, than the Prince's one, but it is not an overcompensation, in addition, his views on the Aspect are not as firm (in the worst case, the Prince may even be narrow-minded towards the Aspect. The Prince's Aspect source is External.
7. Heir-Sylph
Shared: both Classes are Passive, posess the qualities of the Innovators and are Harmonious with their own Aspect, their system function is Increasing the Aspect and the Aspect's source is Internal. It is not very common, but the Sylphs can Classpect themselves as Heirs due to the love for the Aspect.
Different: the Sylph is a more Dependant, Basically skilled, Interaction-oriented, Abundant, less Egoistic Creator Class, whose system function is Greatly increasing the Aspect. He is of Saving type and posesses the qualities of the Strategist. This Class doesn't just mind their own thing, like the Aspect-led Heir, but often pokes their head inside other people's business, viewing the Aspect as some highest good, not accepting different opinions. What is more, the Sylph is more Disharmonious with his inverted Aspect, than the Heir. Just like in the case of the Prince, there is a place for low self-esteem overcompensation, but instead of diminishing others' achievements, the Sylph takes up a habit of doing "useful" actibities and services to earn the much wanted appreciation. While the Heir is rarely in the race for the public opinion before his own self-image.
8. Sylph-Seer-Mage
Shared: all Classes are Abundant, of Saving type and posess the qualities of the Strategists. The Sylph is here, because this Class often self-Classpects into Knowing Classes, since Sylphs usually are quite knowledgeable (truly or not) about the Aspect and are eager to share the info.
Different: contrary to the Sylph and the Seer, the Mage is a more Independant, Action-oriented, less Egoistic Active Class, whose system function is Slightly decreasing the Aspect. His Overall weight is bigger and the Mage is Disharmonious with his own Aspect, while Harmonious with the inverted Aspect. The Mage is less sociable, spending a lot of time outside the big group and usually is not initiative in sharing his knowledge unless asked directly or provoked into action via seeing someone doing something absurd with the Aspect. Because of the difficulties with the Aspect, the Mages are often grouchy and have a hard-to-deal-with personality (mudak). Unlike the Seer, this Class usually is pretty sure about what they need to do in the Aspect to solve their personal problem, it's just… the Mage will be delaying the action till the deadline, cause this gives them the reason to be grouchy and get full of themselves and the experience they earn tough way from the Aspect! In addition, this Class gets knowledge directly and not from books/dreams/other people's experiences, is more oriented at own views instead of others' opinions. The Mage's Aspect source is External.
Compared to the Sylph, the Seer is a less Basically skilled Knowing Class, who posesses the qualities of the Ace and Slightly increases the Aspect. He is more accepting to other points of view, while his own is quite fluid and changeable after their influence. The Seer shares the knowledge generously not for the appreciation, but out of genuine interest in the subject, thus is not too pushy with his talks, though doesn't like to be proven wrong anyways. Just like Mage's, the Seer's discoveries and insights are usually working well. On the other hand, the Sylph's knowledge is quite often based on the one-sided view of the Aspect, at times even fully subjective and non-applicable to the reality, therefore many people claim them to have "special opinions". The Overall weight of the Seer is bigger, than the Sylph's. Unlike the Mage, the Seer is a more Dependant, Egoistic and Interaction-oriented, less Basically skilled and Abundant Passive Class, Harmonious with his own Aspect and Disharmonious with the inverted one, not to mention that the Mage posesses qualities of the Innovator, not Ace. The Seer is also capable of intuitive knowledge of the Aspect, through the insights and visions, symbolical incarnations of it, though it often raises the question of "Where do I even get this from??". He is more communicative and less "complicated". The Seer's Aspect source is Internal.
9. Sylph-Maid-Rogue
Shared: all Classes are Saving and posess the qualities of the Innovators. The Rogues often Classpect themselves as Sylphs because of the sharing of the Aspect and the whole "altruism" motif, ignoring the actual personal reasons behind it.
Different: contrary to the Sylph and the Rogue, the Maid is a Deficient Active Class. She is Disharmonious with the inverted Aspect, just like Sylphs, but at the same time is more susceptible to the outside influence towards her own Aspect, just because it is not as important to her at the start. The Maid is also less meddlesome, than the Sylph, more childish, but more confident in herself and listens only to those who have authority in her eyes, than the Rogue and the Sylph; those ones will gather advices from each and every person in the room.
Compared to the Rogue, the Sylph is a more Dependant, Interaction-oriented, Egoistic and Basically skilled Creator Class, Harmonious with their own Aspect and highly Disharmonious with the inverted one. His Overall weight is smaller and the system function is Greatly increasing the Aspect. The Sylph posesses the qualities of the Strategist and gets on the self-scrificial path most often for the feeling of being valuable, useful, because of the appreciative goal and egocentrism. Whereas the Rogue indeed places other people above himself, as he is deeply insecure, so deeply, that at times others tend to sit on the Rogue's head. While the Sylph usually tries to spread his opinion on a group of people, influence them, the Rogue is mostly reactive to other people's views and tries to take them all into account. The Sylph's Aspect source is Internal.
Sylphs, contrary to the Maid and the Rogue, are more convinced that they are right and are sure they have the right to make others think alike. Usually the Sylph is less individualistic in the approach to his Aspect, using the same pattern and viewpoint about it over and over, being highly devoted to it. They are wary of other people's opinion about them, just as it is for the Rogue, but the difference is that when the Sylph follows the public recomendations/obligations he would make a pretty sour face and would always remind you about his "sacrifices" for the higher good afterwards; thus the Sylph is more manipulative.
Unlike the Maid, the Rogue is a more Independant, Action-oriented Passive Abundant Relocator Class. He is Disharmonious with his own Aspect and Harmonious with the inverted one, the system function is Slightly increasing the Aspect. While the Maid is not particulary bothered with sharing her Aspect, the Rogue can often feel exhausted after oversharing. Therefore, this Class is more sensitive to the balance of the Aspect in the group and is more anxious about using it. Not to mention that the Rogue is less childish and is more perfectionistic due to his inversion. His Overall weight is bigger.
10. Mage-Page-Knight
Shared: all Classes are Action-oriented. Realized Pages can be mixed up with the Knights, due to the skillness, and the Mages, because of the similar struggles in the Aspect.
Different: contrary to the Knight and the Mage, the Page is a less responsible, Basically skilled, more Egoistic Passive Class, that Greatly increases the Aspect. He seems more naive and sociable, than the Mage. Unlike the Knight, the Page is not as perfectionism-driven and takes all the failures easier (unless there is a "good advisor" nearby to bring him down every day), coming back every time against all the odds. Moreover, he is also more likely to risk in a way the Knight and the Mage couldn't even imagine (the first one — because of the insecurities, the second one — because after thinking through it is obviously some reckless avanturism). The Page is mainly in tune with his own desires and will, the advices of others come second; and if those bits of advice are worth it, the Page looks for a way to apply them...via other person's labour at first, which is unacceptable for Knights and, more rarely, Mages. Also this Class is Harmonious with the inverted Aspect, unlike the Knight.
Compared to the Knight, the Mage is a more Independant, Saving type, Abundant Knowing Class, whose system function is Slightly decreasing the Aspect. He is Disharmonious with his own Aspect and Harmonious or even indifferent to the inverted one. The Mage is the Innovator-Strategist and Theory-oriented. He is more distant from the group and can be bitter in communication, but at the same time more confident and doesn't strive to prove his competence to anyone. Unlike the Page, the Mage is more serious, Independant and almost never naive, being focused on the consequences of his actions and mindfulness rather than chance. It is different from conducting an experiment, since the latter assumes a certain outcome or a hypothesis, not an attempt for the sake of it. The Mage's Aspect source is External and his Overall weight is bigger.
Apart from the Page, the Knight is a more Dependant, Basically skilled, Deficient, less Egoistic Active Class. He is Harmonious with his own Aspect and Slightly increases it, while Disharmonious with the inverted one. The Knight posesses the qualities of the Effector. He "has to do everything perfectly" to reach the unreachable peak of his ambitions. In addition, usually the Knights consider their business to be quite important, thus are serious in attitude, can't fool around like the Pages.
11. Mage-Prince-Bard
Shared: all Classes are decreasing the Aspect, Disharmonious with it and posess the qualities of the Strategist. Sometimes the Princes and Bards mistake the Aspect acceptance struggles for the Mages' problems, getting Classpected as such.
Different: contrary to the Prince and the Mage, the Bard is a less Basically skilled Passive Class, his Aspect source is Internal. He rarely spills his hate towards the Aspect onto others, thus it eats him up inside and lets other people to corrode him from the outside, while the invited destruction of/via Aspect around the Class is the result of complexes/weaknesses/struggles of the surrounding people themselves. It is tightly connected to the Bard being the scapegoat of the family system, but also because he is not particularly tender with others, making it easy to hit the right painful spots with careless words. Whereas if you were hurt by a Mage or a Prince, it was most probably on purpose. Unlike the Prince, the Bard is Abundant in Aspect, more cowardly when it comes to dealing with the Aspect, thus he hides and runs away much more instead of solving the problems. And prefers not to act in plain sight. Instead of the Prince's egocentrism and narcissism the Bard is at times "nasty" in behaviour, because of all the pain and unacceptance of himself during the crisis.
Compared to the Mage, the Prince is a more Dependant, Egoistic, Interaction-oriented, less Basically skilled, Deficient Destructor Class, whose system function is Greatly decresing the Aspect. He posesses the qualities of the Effector and is Practice-oriented. The Prince is firmer in his ways, often forceful in trying to convince you take his side, if needed. He is more full of himself, though in reality the self-esteem is quite low. The Prince sees more bad sides of the Aspect, than the Mage, sometimes only the bad ones. What is more, such Prince would absolutely brag about his "knowledge" of the Aspect, so that no one forgets he is an expert in it.
Unlike the Prince and the Bard, the Mage is a more Independant, Action-oriented, less Egoistic Saving type Knowing Class, Slightly decreasing the Aspect. He posesses the qualities of the Innovator and is more balanced in his attitude towards the Aspect: surely, there are some downs, but also the ups, and this Class almost never comes to think "Oh, this Aspect STINKS! I HATE IT WITH MY WHOLE HEART, IT IS USELESS!". Because if you truly need to get to know something in-and-out, be ready to experience the darkest sides as well as the brightest ones; and this is something Princes and Bards rarely do. The Mage is not so keen on sharing his knowledge left and right.
12. Seer-Rogue
Shared: both Classes are Abundant, Saving type, Passive. They get mixed up more often when the Aspect is similar to the Seer's functions, linked to learning and knowledge.
Different: contrary to the Seer, the Rogue is a more Independant, Action-oriented, less Egoistic and Basically skilled Relocator Class, whose system function is Slightly decreasing the Aspect. He is the Innovator-Effector and is Disharmonious with his own Aspect, while Harmonious with the inverted one. The Rogue is not as confident in his position and opinion, thus prefers to take up the views of others and avoids giving advice without the absolute need in it. He is easier to confuse and manipulate, doesn't have typical Seer-like insights about the Aspect. The Rogue's Aspect source is External.
13. Rogue-Page-Prince
Shared: all Classes are not highly Basically skilled and are Disharmonious with their own Aspect.
Different: contrary to the Page and the Rogue, the Prince is a more Dependant and Interaction-oriented Deficient Active Destroyer Class. He posesses the qualities of the Strategist and his system function is Greatly decreasing the Aspect. The Prince can be not very good at the Aspect at first, but regardless of the actual level he would likely brag about his mastery, often regarding the inverted Aspect. He is more full of himself and more meddlesome, while the low self-esteem is not as evident, hidden. The Prince usually gives himself no place for mistakes and often refuses to acknowledge such situations. Unlike the Page, his Aspect source is External and this Class is far less naive, especially from the external point of view, more eager to share the inverted Aspect (sometimes even when it is not needed). And when manipulating the Prince always leaves the last blow to himself, while the Page can stay away from the whole scheme of getting people do stuff for him, if everything goes smoothly anyway. The Prince's Overall weight is bigger.
Compared to the Rogue, the Page is a more Egoistic, Changing type Yielding Class, whose system function is Greatly increasing the Aspect. He posesses the qualities of the Ace and his Aspect source is Internal. The Page seems more naive, is less afraid of making mistakes in the Aspect. Some kind of childishness in the behaviour helps him to keep going towards the goal without dwelling on the bad thoughts too much, unlike the Rogue who is quite sensitive to any kind of critique and is easier to manipulate. The Page's opinion and views about the Aspect are firmer, than the Rogue's, he doesn't let others to step on his head easily. And on the whole the Page loves his own Aspect a lot more.
Apart from the Prince and the Page, the Rogue is a less Egoistic Saving type Relocator Class. He gives up a lot of stuff in favour of other people's benefit because of the low self-esteem, avoids unnecessary expressing the Aspect, even though he is pretty good in it. And the Rogue rarely pushes people around, mainly being the victim of it himself, he is not very manipulative. It is essential for the Rogue to get better and better in the inverted Aspect and, unlike the Prince, he actually likes his own, the Rogue is just scared of demonstrating this or thinks it is "not his thing".
14. Rogue-Bard
Shared: both Classes are Abundant, Passive, Disharmonious with their own Aspect, posess the qualities of the Effectors and decrease the Aspect. The Rohues get mixed up with Bards because of their false "bad" skills with the Aspect.
Different: contrary to the Bard, the Rogue is a more Independant, Action-oriented, less Basically skilled and less Egoistic Saving type Relocator Class, whose system function is Slightly decreasing the Aspect. He posesses the qualities of the Innovator and his dislike for the Aspect is quite smaller in comparison, it is possible to say that the Rogue even likes it, but lakes the confidence to express it. He views the Aspect from different angles, but the opinion about it is highly unstable and the achievements in the inverted Aspect are more prominent. The Rogue finds it easier to get better in the Aspect, due to being less afraid of it, than the Bard. Moreover, the Rogue is more susceptible to other people's influence and is more noble in demeanor. The Overall weight of the Rogue is smaller and his Aspect source is External.
15. Rogue-Knight
Shared: both Classes are Action-oriented, have a low Egoism and posess the qualities of the Effector. They get mixed up because they are inversions of each other, so the traits of the both Classes are visible in their owners. What makes it harder, the Rogue-Knight pair of roles, as well as the Mage-Heir and the Witch-Seer, often has a matching level of realization. Also the confidence is pretty similar in both, though the Knight appears to be more competent due to the facade and skillness (but he will, of course, deny everything and tell he is bad at the Aspect).
Different: contrary to the Knight, the Rogue is a more Independant, Abundant, Passive, less Basically skilled Saving type Relocator Class, whose system function is Slightly decreasing the Aspect. He posesses the qualities of the Innovator and is Disharmonious with his own Aspect. The Rogue's views on the Aspect are softer and he often relies on others for that matter. All in all, the Aspect is "not his thing". He doesn't brag about his achievements in the Aspect as much as he generally prefers not to act openly. In addition, the Rogue loves the inverted Aspect and is objectively good in it. In the own Aspect he tends to help each and every person around, while the Knight is very selective and usually divides the masses into "his pals" and "others". The Rogue's Aspect source is External.
All in all, classpecting is heavily reliant on practice, thus, if you want to master it, the best way of learning is to go out in the field and meet as many people as you can. Talk to them, make friends, make observations and make mistakes… And benefit from the experience!
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fantroll-purgatory · 6 years
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This is my Athena Troll! Hope you like her ^u^
YES with the 80′s businesswoman vibe! Love her!
FIRST: Alternia or Beforus or some type of AU?
Ok, this is a WIP AU where twelve trolls (based off of Greek Gods) play sgrub, and their planet is pretty similar to Alternia in terms of enforcing the hemospectrum and the like. This troll is based off of Athena, the goddess of wisdom and war (the tactical side of it)
Name (preferably include how you came up with it and why): Athine Pallas (Athine from the goddes’s name, Athena. Pallas is from the extra title that some address Athena, as some call her Athena Pallas.)
Hmmmm I worry that this name tips its hand a little too readily? Athena’s got a lot of epithets besides “Pallas,” many of which serve an actual function of her role as a goddess. Based on your description, I think the best ones to use for her are Atrytone, “The Unweariying,” and Promachos, “She Who Fights in Front.”
So maybe…Atryon Pachos? Also keeps her initials the same.
Age: 7 sweeps (almost 8)
Strife Specibus: shieldKind (Can be throwable, and its quite high-tech, like Captain America’s. It has retractable razors on the rim of the shield, and circles back after thrown like a boomerang.)
God I love this! As CD pointed out, Athena from borderlands has a rad shield that might be fun to use as a visual anchor!
Fetch Modus: Not really great with these, but puzzlemodus seems to fit her, as she likes solving problems.
I kinda like giving her Jade’s Pictionary Modus since Athena is a also a goddess of handicrafts.
Blood color: Teal
Symbol and meaning: It’s an astrology sign of Minerva, Athena’s roman counterpart.
Love it! It already fits tealblood sign language pretty well! I may add a line and open up the upper loop a little but I think it’s good to go!
Trolltag: adroitExarch
You’ll see below that I’ve offered suggestions to modify her ancestor’s title, but I still like this trolltag since it sets up a desire to rise above her station.
Quirk: She doesn’t use any other punctuation other than a period. It’s to show her monotone voice. (If you have any suggestions I’m glad to hear some!)
Nah, I think this works! Troll quirks don’t have to be super complicated. If you wanna add a fun one, maybe she extends her “oo” sounds into “ooo” when she’s over-excited, sort of like an owl hoot!
ex: “Whooo the fuck do yooou think yooou are?”
Special Abilities (if any):
Lusus: An owl, which is sacred to Athena. She was a mentor to Athine, and raised her without much fighting, as Athine was a pretty composed grub. However as Athine gets older, she spends less time with Owlmom, and doesn’t really listen to her advice as much due to believing she’s smart enough to not need it, becoming absorbed into studying due to wanting to be a general, like her ancestor. Owlmom loved Athine, and felt pretty sad about being ignored. She grew a bit mischievious, and would frequently cause trouble to get Athine to pay attention to her.
Personality: The first thing to describe Athine: logical to a fault. She is a pretty unemotional person, and responds to questions with the most logical answer she can think of. Athine is an ambitious person, and a go-getter. She doesn’t want to settle with being a legislacerator, even though she assumes she’d be a pretty good one. She has her sight on being the general of the emperor’s army. With her perception and intelligence, she gained a decently sized ego, though it’s much more subtle than others in her session (*cough cough* the Aphrodite troll *cough*).
I wanna MEET the Aphrodite troll!
Athine is also a pretty irritable person, but most of her frustration is directed at her lusus’s mischief, and tries not to lose her cool in front of her group if she can help it. She is a pretty professional person, and almost always reacts to situations with an apathetic demeanor. This doesn’t mean she’s emotionless, but she prefers to not have her feelings cloud her judgement on others.
God yeah she’s a Dersite.
Athine is confident in herself as a leader, and is good at ordering others to work in order to achieve a goal. She’s definitely not a personable troll, nor is she very friendly, but is able to quickly make decisions in the heat of the moment. She is very no nonsense, and has no sense of humor most of the time. While she thinks herself as a good leader, if a friend were to be harmed by her own judgement or decisions unintentionally, she would be quite remorseful and critical of herself for a long time.
Interests: She loves to play chess, and has played it since she was a grub. Athine is also pretty studious, and likes to gain knowledge that will benefit her or her group, though she doesn’t really like trivial knowledge, or information that isn’t useful to her.
Athine likes to play FLARP with the Ares troll of their session, being a pretty formidable duo (him being the one that does most of the actual fighting, and her giving him orders. This is symbolic of the fact that Ares and Athena are two sides of war; Ares is the brutal fighting, and Athena is the tactical planning.)
Honestly if I could add something? Include weaving. She’s the goddess of warfare and of handicrafts, and her weaving competition with Arachne is one of the more famous myths with which she’s associated. Also much like tactical warfare, weaving requires immense pre-planning and rapid adjustment if you mess up.
Ansestor: The Exarch. A supreme general that squashed rebellions, leaded fleets of soldiers to victory, and the Emperor’s right hand woman. Her story was a pretty well-known one, and it is from her ancestor that Athine aspired to become as brilliant as her, and wanted to become a general instead of a legislacerator. Athine greatly respects and admired her ancestor, and wishes to be just like her.
Man I like the concept but troll rules as far as we know still state that ancestor titles be eight letters long. If we go a rank above Exarch, we get Patriarch, which actually matches the correct number? Whether you wanna change it to Matriarch or not is up to you, but I like Patriarch since it lines up with Athena wanting to be on the level of her male contemporaries. As CD points out, a common feminist criticism is that Athena favors men in her stories but also like…men wrote those myths, so…
But the point stands. I especially feel like this fits her because you’d expect army generals to be purplebloods or violetbloods, both of which are apparently male-dominated castes.
Title: Thief of Mind (I think this suits her pretty well, but if you believe you found another one that suits her, I’m all ears.)
I…honestly think she might be a Space player? Tactical warfare and handicraft have a lot to do with manipulating space, and while I admit that I’m the one who included weaving, Space definitely has an association with fashion (Just look at Kanaya and Jade, the most fashionable characters in Homestuck).
Given her desire to be this flawless leader, I think Heir of Space is a fitting title? Especially since the inverse, Mage of Time, also lines up with the character you gave her.
Land: Any suggestions?
Yes! Land of Spiders and Frogs. Given the Arachne myth, I can’t imagine she’s a fan of ‘em. Also lets you design a very witchy-looking planet, which is fun since Athena is also worshiped as an aspect of the Goddess in Wicca. Go wild! Put some crystals on it! And Hoo BOY is frog breeding the perfect task for her! It’s literally all about pre-visualization and intense strategy.
Dream Planet: Derse
Yep yep. With her new classpect, that would make her Liga, sign of the Dogged. I think it suits her real well, and incorporating it into her original sign is as easy as adding just a couple lines. Let’s go to the redesign!
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My redesign was pretty heavy handed, partly because of how well-designed she is in the first place. Sometimes it’s like, I could just textually give you one suggestion or go absolutely crazy with it.
So CD and I have a running theory that tealbloods are all designed after college kids of some kind. But the lady on the left doesn’t look like she goes to my college! She looks like she’s mock-interviewing me and keeps scribbling way too many notes after each of my answers and never changes expression.
She’s 7 sweeps old. She should look like a teenager. So I wanted to design the girl that might eventually grow up to be the woman on the left. And who becomes an 80′s powersuited war general? A 70s college feminist, potentially. I based the design on the right on Gloria Steinem, who was really weirdly upfront about working for the CIA because it was “liberal, nonviolent, and honorable” lol. Let’s go top to bottom!
Hair - Original is heavily edited from Sollux’s hair, of all people (I admit to being very weak when it comes to spriting hair with limited volume), while the new version is from a naphal sprite sheet. Gloria Steinem had iconically highlighted hair and I wanted to nod to that.
Eyes - whenever we talk about a “wise owl” we usually see a cartoon owl with a graduation cap, a set of comically large glasses, and a pointer. I wanted to give her glasses to make her look more owlish while keeping the downcast condescending look from the original.
Lips(/Heels) - I wanted to add a little bit of college-y rebellion to her aesthetic and felt the best way to do that was to play on the trope of “lipstick as red as the blood of her enemies.” Instead, she’s sporting a seadweller-purple lip and a matching kitten heel, to make it clear she’s gonna chew ‘em up and stomp on ‘em.
Shirt - I was listening to Death By Glamour on loop when I sprited the left side to get in the mood for those shoulders. On the right I simplified a lot. Gloria Steinem usually wore plain shirts with high-waisted pants, which was easy enough to edit from your original.
Symbol - made it a little bigger and added two internal horizontal lines to reference Liga
So that’s my very indulgent review of your troll! I hope you like some of the suggestions I made!
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